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difficulty。difficult的名词形式是difficulty,复数形式是difficulties,意思是难的,指难以做到的、难以解决的。difficult的造句有 Ithink it difficult for him to do so.我想要他这样做是有困难的。


关于是否用作可数名词和是否用复数形式:(1) 表示抽象意义的“困难”,是不可数名词。如:Bad planning will lead to difficulty later. 计划不周会给以后带来困难。(2) 表示具体意义的“困难”(如难事、难点、难题等),是可数名词。如:He paused as if he found a difficulty. 他停下来,好像遇到了一个难点。He met with many difficulties when travelling. 他在旅行进遇到过不少伤脑筋的事。(3) 在某些词组中是不可数名词(只用单数)。如:with difficulty 困难地without difficulty 容易地而在某些词组中又是可数名词(且通常要用复数形式)。如:make difficulties 刁难under difficulties 在困难条件下(4) 在某些词组中可用作可数名词或不可数名词,有时意义相同:make no difficulty=make no difficulties 无异议,不反对有时意义不同:be in difficulty 有困难be in difficulties 手头拮据2. 关于句式have difficulty in doing sth:(1) difficulty 通常是不可数名词;(2) difficulty 前可用some, any, no, great, much, little等修饰; (3) 动词have 可用find, there be 等换之;(4) in doing sth 中的in 可以省略,但不能改为to do sth。There was no [little] difficulty in persuading her. 没费什么劲就说服她。I had [found] great difficulty (in) doing the work. 做这工作我觉得很吃力。若其后接名词或代词,也可用介词with。Do you have any difficulty with [in] English? 你对(学习)英语有困难吗?


difficulty是名词,意为:困难;难题;难事;困境;艰难;费劲;辛苦;困难程度;难度复数: difficulties(其复数为不规则变化,改y为i再加es)名词单复数变化规则速记口诀(1) 困难;难题;难事;困境(a problem; a thing or situation that causes problemsthe difficulties of English syntax)children with severe learning difficulties学习上有严重困难的孩子We"ve run into difficulties/difficulty with the new project.我们在这项新工程中遇到了难题。He got into difficulties while swimming and had to be rescued.他游泳时遇险,只好靠人营救。The bank is in difficulty/difficulties .这家银行处境困难。It was a time fraught with difficulties and frustration.这是一个充满困难和挫折的时期。(2)艰难;困难;费劲;辛苦the state or quality of being hard to do or to understand; the effort that sth involvesI had considerable difficulty (in) persuading her to leave.我费了好大的劲说服她离开。I had no difficulty (in) making myself understood.我毫不费力地表达了自己的意思。


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 请问difficulty既是可数又是不可数吗?在什么情况下用作可数,在什么情况下用作不可数? 解析: difficulty n. -ties困难;艰难 This question is full of difficulties. 这个问题困难很多。 Do you have any difficulty with English? 你英语上有困难吗? "At first, the government had great difficulty in persuading people to leave Rio and to settle in Brasilia." "开始时, *** 很难说服人们离开里约热内卢去巴西利亚落户。" 难处;麻烦;困境 money difficulties 经济拮据 difficulty Difficulty is a process of something being very difficult. For example: The opposite of easy is difficulty so if you learn English, you"ll never experience difficulty. 困难,难点。 (摘自金山词霸)

difficulty 到底有没有复数形式??





difficulties既是可数名词,又是不可数名词。 difficulties: n.困难;难题;难事;困境;艰难;费劲;辛苦;困难程度;难度; difficulty的复数 扩展资料   Cases of breathing difficulties increase in lockstep with air pollution.   呼吸困难的病例随空气污染的加剧而增加。   The difficulties in her way merely strengthened her resolve.   她所遇到的`困难只是让她更加坚定。   Several pupils were designated as having moderate or severe learning difficulties.   几名学生被认定有一定或严重学习困难。   Our jobs overlap slightly, which sometimes causes difficulties.   我们的工作略有重叠,所以有时引起一些困难。


difficulty是名词形式,意思是困难; 难题; 难事; 困境; 艰难; 费劲; 辛苦; 困难程度; 难度。单词的双语造句:1、They showed great perseverance in the face of difficulty. 他们面对困难表现了坚强的毅力。2、The tasks have been ranked in order of difficulty.按照困难程度对工作进行了分类。3、I think the problem can be got over without too much difficulty.我认为这个问题不太难解决。4、You soon get used to the little difficulties.你很快就会习惯这些小小的不便了。5、His increasing financial difficulties forced him to take desperate measures.不断增加的经济困难迫使他采取了挺而走险的办法。6、The company has got itself into difficulties.公司本身陷入了困境。7、The government had to bail the company out of financial difficulty.政府只得帮助该公司渡过财政难关。8、He found the place without difficulty.他毫不费力地找到了那地方。9、The changes were made with surprisingly little difficulty.这些变化几乎没有遇到阻力,简直不可思议。10、We found the house without difficulty.我们轻而易举就找到了这栋房子。


是可数名词,复数形式为difficulties 希望对你有帮助,如果满意请采纳吧,谢谢


造句:We can overcome difficulties we face.我们可以克服面临的困难。




In the process of starting a business, he encountered many difficulties.在创业过程中,他遇到了很多困难


1.All this taught them how to cope with difficulties. 所有这些都教育了他们应如何克服困难。2.Whenever we met with difficulties, they came to help us. 每当我们遇到困难时, 他们总来帮助我们。3.We should spurn at the difficulties but not look down upon them. 我们应该蔑视困难,但绝不应轻视它们。




difficulty英式读音:["du026afu026ak(u0259)ltu026a] 美式读音:["du026afu026aku0259lti]用中文代替念出来是:嘚飞扣忒"l"在里面发音[l]的音,谐音类似于“勒”。n. 难度;困难,麻烦,难事;异议,争论,纠葛;财政困难,(经济)拮据[例句]Thecountryisfacinggreateconomic difficulties.该国正面临巨大的经济困难。[其他] 复数:difficulties






因为,“have some difficulty” 表示“有某种困难”,“have some difficulties ”表示“有一些困难”,两者意思不同的 difficulty在做下面意思时是不可数的: 1.困难,艰难: I had no difficulty in getting in touch with him. 我和他取得联系没有什么困难. 在下面几种意思时是可数的: 2.难事,难处,难题 There are a lot of difficulties that have to be overcome. 有许多困难必须克服. 3.争论 Labor difficulties grew. 劳工纠纷加剧. 在以下意思时本身就是复数形式: 4.(尤指财务上的)困境;危难 The new government is in financial difficulties. 新政府财政困难. 5.异议,反对 He keeps raising difficulties over the new project. 他对这项新工程不断地横加阻挠.




即是可数也是不可数。 difficulty:n.困难;难题;难事;困境;艰难;费劲;辛苦;困难程度;难度 复数: difficulties 扩展资料   difficulty用法说明   1.关于是否用作可数名词和是否用复数形式:   (1)表示抽象意义的“困难”,是不可数名词。如:Bad planning will lead to difficulty later.计划不周会给以后带来困难。   (2)表示具体意义的“困难”(如难事、难点、难题等),是可数名词。如:He paused as if he found a difficulty.他停下来,好像遇到了一个难点。   He met with many difficulties when travelling.他在旅行进遇到过不少伤脑筋的"事。   (3)在某些词组中是不可数名词(只用单数)。如:with difficulty困难地without difficulty容易地   而在某些词组中又是可数名词(且通常要用复数形式)。如:make difficulties刁难under difficulties在困难条件下   (4)在某些词组中可用作可数名词或不可数名词,有时意义相同:make no difficulty=make no difficulties无异议,不反对   有时意义不同:   be in difficulty有困难be in difficulties手头拮据2.关于句式have difficulty in doingsth:   (1)difficulty通常是不可数名词;   (2)difficulty前可用some,any,no,great,much,little等修饰;   (3)动词have可用find,therebe等换之;   (4)in doing sth中的in可以省略,但不能改为todosth。There was no [little] difficulty in persuading her.没费什么劲就说服她。   I had [found] great difficulty (in) doing the work.做这工作我觉得很吃力。   若其后接名词或代词,也可用介词with。   Doyouhaveanydifficultywith[in]English?你对(学习)英语有困难吗?

difficulty 到底有没有复数形式??



i have difficulties waking up early for school

difficult 的名词形式是什么?

difficult的名词形式是difficulty,复数形式是difficulties。difficult的基本意思是“难的”,指难以做到的、难以解决的、难以理解的、难以承受的事物,多用于智力或情感方面,侧重需付出大量思考或运用技巧方能解决。difficult的用法:1、difficult可用作定语、表语或宾语补足语。例:English is a difficult language to learn.译文:英语是一门难学的语言。2、作表语时,后面可接介词of或to引起的短语,也可接动词不定式,句子的主语是动词不定式的逻辑宾语。例:We had hoped that we would be able to leave tomorrow, but it"s beginning to look difficult.译文:我们原希望明天可以出发,但是这事开始显得困难起来。3、用作宾语补足语例:I found English difficult at first.译文:起初我发觉英语难学。扩展资料:difficult是形容词,没有无可数和不可数的说法,difficult的名词difficulty,才有可数和不可数的说法。difficulty后常接“of+ n. / v -ing”或“in+ v -ing”作定语, in有时可省去,不用动词不定式。difficulty作“困难,麻烦”解时,指必须付出大量的思考和运用技巧才能解决的任何困难,当表示抽象的困难时,是不可数名词,既不能与不定冠词连用,也不能用于复数形式。表示具体的难处、难事、麻烦时,是可数名词,既可与不定冠词连用,也可用于复数形式。difficulty引申还可作“困境(尤指经济上的拮据)”解,这时常用复数形式。参考资料来源:百度百科-difficult




difficulties 英 ["du026afu0259,ku028cltiz] 美 ["du026afu0259,ku028cltu026az] n. 困难(difficulty的复数);磨难All this taught them how to cope with difficulties. 所有这些都教育了他们应如何克服困难。


  difficulties  n.难度; 困难; ( difficulty的名词复数 ) 难事; 麻烦;  [网络]难点; 教学难点; 克服困难;  [例句]You have to admit that you are, in fact, in difficulties.  你不得不承认,你事实上是陷入了困境。




  difficulty,英文单词,名词,作名词时意为“困难,困境”。  发音  英[u02c8du026afu026aku0259lti]美[u02c8du026afu026aku0259lti]  变化形式  复数: difficulties  短语搭配  in difficulty处境困难 ; 处境艰苦 ; 处境难题 ; 所处的境地坚苦  Acculturation difficulty与文化适应困难有关 ; 文化适应困难  with difficulty困难地 ; 吃力地 ; 费劲地 ; 艰难地  difficulty level难度水平 ; 难度等级 ; 难度级别 ; 困难程度  insurmountable difficulty不可克服的困难  have difficulty有困难  Difficulty breathing呼吸困难  双语例句  Another difficulty is managing a global workforce .  另一个困难是管理全球员工。  How is the difficulty level for each word determined ?  每个词汇是如何归入不同的难度等级的?  The difficulty with pylons is that they go everywhere .  架线塔所面临的问题是他们无处不在。


difficulty,音标为["du026afu0259,ku028cltu026a],一般做名词使用,困难, 难点,有复数形式difficulties。be in difficulty有困难find difficulty in对...有困难have difficulty in对...有困难make no difficulty[-ties]无异议, 不反对, 不阻挠


困难 名词





ultra elite是什么意思

ultra elite超精英

estimation result fe not found

“not found”中文意思是:未找到 例句: 1、If not found, it will return a message.如果没有找到,则将返回一条消息。 2、An antenna was not found inside, but a balloon with freon was there.但里面并未找到天线,而是一个气球以及氟利昂。 3、So many of my friends ask about “what do I really need in my life” as they have not found one yet.当然,我遇到了很多的朋友都还没有找到这一生的目标,回答不了“我一生到底想要什么?” 这样的问题。 4、If a destination was not found, the action sets an error message and rejects the request.如果目的地未找到,则该操作将设置一个错误消息并拒绝该请求。 5、If the method is not found in any parent, an error-trapping method is invoked.如果在任何父对象中都没找到该方法,会调用一个错误捕捉方法。 6、If it is not found, then the nearest matching combination present on the system is used.如果未找到,则使用系统上存在的最接近的匹配组合。

multiple definitions exist for class什么意思

multiple definitions exist for class多重定义存在类 multiple 英[u02c8mu028cltu026apl] 美[u02c8mu028cltu0259pu0259l] adj. 多重的; 多个的; 复杂的; 多功能的; n. <数>倍数; [电工学] 并联; 连锁商店; 下有多个分社的旅行社; [例句]He died of multiple injuries.他死于多处受伤。[其他] 复数:multiples 形近词: multiply multiped multipol



Culture and History of Greenland

格陵兰的文化和历史   大家听说过Greenland吗?与它的名字,绿色岛屿,恰恰相反,它实际上是个冰雪世界。它就是“格陵兰岛”,世界上的岛。格陵兰岛位于加拿大北部,大部分地区都在北极圈内,当然是终年冰封雪冻了。居住在那里的居民叫Inuit(因纽特人),就是我们常说的爱斯基摩人。他们在这冰天雪地中是如何生存呢?看完下文你就知道了。   Greenland is blessed with a peaceable people that has never waged war with anyone, and people generally show great openness to visitors.   * People:大家都知道people是“人”的意思,不过在这里我要提醒大家:people还有一个含义是“民族”,如本文第一句话就出现了两个people,第一个表示 “民族”,第二个才表示“人”。体会一下它们的区别!   * Wage:“工资”、“薪水”的意思,是名词用法,a living wage就是“能够维持生活的工资”。那么wage作动词是什么意思呢?表示“开展、进行”等,最常见的用法就是本文的wage war(进行战争)了。   The population of Greenland is predominantly Inuit, a people bearing an affinity and solidarity with the Inuits of Canada, Alaska and Siberia. It is only 130 years since the last immigration from Canada took place.   The Greenlandic people are few in number: 55,000 in an enormous country. Approx. 20 percent of the population was born outside Greenland.   * Inuit:“因纽特人”,就是我们现在常说的Eskimo爱斯基摩人。他们主要住在北美洲极地附近,以捕鱼、打猎为生。   * Affinity:“密切关系”、“姻亲”、“亲戚关系”等意思,如:The French and Italian languages have many affinities(法语与意大利语彼此有很多密切之关联)。另外,affinity还有一个意思,表示“强大的吸引力”,He feels a strong affinity for/to her(她对他很有吸引力)。   * Solidarity:“团结”、“一致”、“抱有共同工作目标”等,它是由 solid(固体、紧密)引申而来的。   Greenland is part of the Kingdom of Denmark, but since the introduction of Home Rule in 1979 Greenland has moved towards relative independence based on parliamentary democracy.   Today fishing is the all-dominating trade and accounts for 95 percent of total exports, but in the hunter districts of the outer areas, the seal and whale catch is of great importance. It actually forms the stable existence for one fifth of the Greenlandic population. For millennia the philosophy has been to live at one with nature. The hunters live with nature and follow the natural seasons.   In South Greenland ruins from the norse (viking) settlers 1,000 years ago are well preserved, including the ruins of the first Christian churches on the North America continent.   * Seal:是“海豹”的意思。   * Whale:“鲸鱼”的意思,whale是世界上的动物,由此,我们得到一个很有趣的词组,a whale of time(玩得很痛快)。   * For millennia the philosophy has been to live at one with nature.这是一个非常精彩的句子,它的意思是“几千年来,与大自然溶为一体——即依靠大自然——成为格陵兰人的生存哲学”。   * Norse:“古代斯堪的纳维亚人”、“古代挪威人”。   The symbols of the ancient culture are still alive even in the larger towns. Many people build and use their own kayak as you"ll see in every harbor. The old drum dance is performed by a growing number of artists. The musical and theatrical life is largely based on myths and sagas conveyed in a modern form.   Arts and crafts often express perceptions of ancient myths. The tupilaks - small grotesque figures carved in narwhal or walrus tooth or reindeer antler - were originally evil spirits. Today they are popular souvenirs, and many skilled artists carve the tupilaks - each and every with a unique character.   * Kayak:“爱斯基摩划子”、“小艇”。   * Sagas:“中世纪挪威、冰岛历史事件和传说”、“英雄传奇”等。   * grotesque:“风格奇异的”、“奇形怪状的”等意思。small grotesque figures就是“风格奇异的小人物像”。本文的tupilaks就是指这种small grotesque。   *narwhal:“一角鲸”、“独角鲸”。   *walrus:“海象”,在俚语里也表示“身材矮胖的人”。   *reindeer antler:reindeer是“驯鹿”的意思,antler是“鹿角”的意思。reindeer antler就是“驯鹿的角”。   * Souvenir:“纪念品”的意思。





on the host fault 什么意思



  the host culture的中文翻译  the host culture  主持人文化  双语例句  1  The World Cup football culture and the host culture is a kind of interaction.  世界杯足球文化与主办国文化是一种互动。  2  In our tradition of translation, the host culture has been playing an important role.  而在我国的翻译传统中,主体文化对翻译活动起着决定性作用。

有关face to the difficulties是正确与否

不正确哦!可以表达为:face difficultiesbe faced with difficultiesbe in the face of difficulties或状语形式:facing the difficultieswhen faced with difficultieswhen in the face of difficulties祝你开心如意!

center front zipper facing is multi stitched 什么意思?


hard you try, it is difficult to lose weight without...

A 本题考查的让步状语从句。句意:如果你不减少饮食的话,无论你多么努力尝试,也难减肥成功。此处的关键字眼是hard,hard既然被提到主语前,说明引导词应和hard一起来引导从句,而能够修饰hard的只有however一词,所以答案选A。另外,however还可用作连接性副词,表转折,“然而”之意。此处的however意为“无论多么”。

you get into a difficult situation.为什么用get into?

get into 是进入的意思 situation应用这种 这是语法规则 在语法书上这是有规则的.


对multipartfile,显示指定一下serialVersionUID试试private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

a number is added to 9 less than twice that number, if the result is 180, what is the number?

Let the number be x.Twice the number = 2xNine less than twice the number = Nine less than (2x) = 2x - 9A number is added to 9 less than twice the number = A number is added to (2x - 9) = x + (2x - 9)Result is 180So, x + (2x - 9) = 1803x - 9 = 1803x = 180 + 93x = 189x = 189/3 = 63.So, the number is 63.Check:Twice 63 = 126. 9 less than 126 is 117. The number (63) is added to 117. The result is 63 + 117 = 180.



What Is Corporate Culture?英语大侠们帮我翻译翻译,多谢了。。。


ultimate justice翻译中文是什么意思


the difficulties associated

译:由于这些困难与这个项目有关,所以我们会坚持到底. 其实这个题主要是三个词组: 1.Thanks to :由于,幸亏 2.associated with 与...有联系 3.go on with 继续. 快点采纳哟,不明还要以追问的,

Relations on my parents have become difficult结构短语

 Relations 主语; on my parents 介词短语做relations 的定语;have become现在完成时谓语; difficult 表语。全句意思是:我父母的关系变得很紧张(关系处的不好)。

new things always have to face difficulties______they grow



双固定戊二醛参考资料:图(1-3)A 对照组,双固定(戊二醛,锇酸)CPD干燥.Fig.(1-3)A These material were fixed with Glutaraldehyde and OsO4,dryed by critical point drying.This group is comparison group.

在方向盘传感器的说明中,“ Absolute Multi-turn signal from lock-to-lock ” 代表什么意思?



再找找 啊

result of methord of reduction在数学中是什么意思

在数学中,result of method of reduction就是“减法所得的差(结果)”。顺带,再列举一些基本的数学词汇:result —结果(加和,减差,乘积,除方)reduction -- minous, reduced by减法——减去,被相减addition -- plus, added to加法——加上,被相加multiple -- multiple乘法——乘以,division -- divide, devided by除法——除以,被除以上,希望满意。

Associate Consultant是什么职位




Managing Consultant是什么意思

Managing Consultant 管理顾问;咨询经理;资深顾问例句筛选1.Lloyd Brough, a managing consultant at NCC Group Secure Test, has beenin web security for about 10 years.劳埃德·布拉夫是英国计算教育中心安全测试小组的管理顾问,从事网络安全已经长达10年。2."It was pretty much in line with expectations, " said Philip Tomlinson,managing consultant at CRU Strategies, a metals consultancy.金属咨询机构CRUStrategies总顾问菲利普u2022汤姆林森(PhilipTomlinson)称:“谈判结果与预期非常一致。”


世行工作类别 STT/STC: 短期顾问职位,通常按天数或者小时数付工资;一年最多只能工作150-190天。

senior consultant是什么意思


SAP Consultant需要掌握哪些知识和技能

槭荈I/CO。SAP顾问分两类,一类是内部顾问,一类是外部顾问。外部顾问又分两类:技术支持顾问和实施顾问。对于无论哪一类顾问,SAP的操作和企业实务经验都是必要的(引用:“有SAP软件使用经验”),但实务经验比SAP的操作要更重要些(引用:“财务也有了4-5年经验”)。内部顾问重点在了解SAP的功能的操作,外部顾问重点在通过沟通来了解客户企业的实务流程。目前能够得到的SAP学习资料以英文资料为主;外部顾问所面对的客户,有很多是外国企业,沟通时英语是个通用的工具。因此不论内部顾问还是外部顾问,良好的英语能力,特别是读、听、说的能力很有必要。(引用:“我朋友英文完全没问题”)SAP软件系统分SAP B1,SAP A1(EEC 6.0),SAP R/3等版本,提供给不同规模的企业使用,其中SAP B1是中小企业的(亚太地区),SAP A1和SAP R/3适合大型企业(不分地域),特别是R/3,很多跨国集团都在用。由于企业规模不同,对SAP顾问的要求也就不同:SAP的模组有MM(采购和库存),PP(生产计划),SD(销售与分销),FI/CO(财务会计与成本会计)等核心模块,还有HR(人力资源)、CRM(客户关系管理)、LO(物流)等特殊功能模块。对于SAP B1,因为是中小企业使用,实务流程一般不是很复杂,因此顾问被要求熟悉所有模块的操作和企业实务流程。在用人方面,倾向于先会软件操作,再学实务流程。对于SAP R/3,因为的企业规模庞大,实务分支多而且杂,因此每个功能模块有专门的顾问负责。再用人方面,倾向于先会专业知识,再学软件操作(引用:“本行业是财务会计”)先说说现状:SAP行业的人员流动方向一直是从内部顾问至外部顾问。从职业发展来看,外部顾问在工作过程中获得的知识积累和职业技能提高程度都远高于内部顾问。打个比方,如果工作所能获得的知识和技能其来源是树的话,那内部顾问只能仅从一颗树上获取,而外部顾问可以从一片森林中获取。至于薪资问题,国内R/3顾问年薪10万到60万RMB不等,跟地域、企业规模和个人业务能力有关。虽然不知道你的朋友期望的工作地点在国内还是在国外,但SAP顾问这个职业在哪里都很有发展的,数据表示,SAP卖软件给企业挣1块钱,顾问就能从企业挣到4块钱,呵呵。预祝你的朋友找到理想的工作!

求助 合同翻译, Company是对方公司。CONSULTANT是代表我们公司。这一段完全不明白是什么意思?



consultant 常用词汇 英 [ku0259n"su028cltu0259nt]     美 [ku0259n"su028cltu0259nt]    n. 顾问;咨询者;<英>会诊医生counselling 英 ["kau028ansu0259lu026au014b]     美 ["kau028ansu0259lu026au014b]    n. 咨询;辅导

Associate Consultant是什么意思

Associate Consultant助理顾问双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 副调研员2. 副顾问例句:1.After graduating in may 2013, she accepted an associate consultant offer from a.t. kearney. 2013年5月毕业后,她接受了科尔尼公司提供的一个助理咨询师岗位。

什么是it consultant

IT (信息技术)顾问

consultant 与 comselor 区别

是counselor吧,没comselor这个词consultant顾问,英语解释:a person who gives specialist professional advice to otherscounselor顾问,咨询员,英语解释:an adviser

sales consultant是什么意思



counsellor n.顾问, 律师, 辅导员consultant n.咨询者; 查阅者会诊医生; 顾问医生(受咨询的)顾问; 专员一般会你用的地方而定的,后者比较常用些。希望对你有帮助。



advisory 和consultant的区别

advisory 和consultant的区别两个单词词义相近,前者还可以作为形容词.advisory adj. 顾问的; 劝告的,忠告的; 提供咨询的;n. 公告; 报告;consultant n. (受人咨询的) 顾问; 会诊医生,(顾问)医生; 求教者,(与人)商议者,征求意见者,查阅者,咨询者;



DB2 genereated always as和 by default as的区别

1、区别1)generated always as identity总是按照(START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1)的方式插入数据,并维护索引。即不允许用户向id列指定数据插入。2)generated by default as identity 则是在用户不指定id列值的情况下按照(START WITH 10 INCREMENT BY 10)方式插入数据,如果用户指定,则依然按照指定的值插入。2、用法1)generated always as identityCREATE TABLE CUSTOMERS (ID INT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY(START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1), NAME CHAR(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT "NO NAME" );2)generated by default as identityCREATE TABLE SYSINFO(ID INT NOT NULL GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY (START WITH 10 INCREMENT BY 10), NAME CHAR(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT "NO NAME" )

传承历史面向未来 专访EDHEC校友路易威登执行副总裁Delphine Arnault

  在LVMH Prize颁奖之际,我们采访了EDHEC校友、路易威登执行副总裁——Delphine Arnault女士,与其讨论如何在瞬息万变的国际商业环境中驾驭领导力,并了解是什么让她对未来充满信心。   (图片由投稿者提供)   Jean Arnault校区由你的家族捐赠、交与EDHEC与职业培训学院(Institut des Vocations pour l"Emploi)联合管理。你对此有何感想?   我对在EDHEC的学生时代有着非常美好的回忆,因此很高兴看到我的家人和母校之间的纽带越来越牢固。这个新校区以我祖父的名字命名,是他以前的办公室。我的家族在法国北方有着的深厚根基。我的曾祖父、祖父和父亲都在这里开始了他们的创业生涯。他们的创业精神像宝藏一样代代相传。今天,我很自豪地看到这种精神依然生机勃勃、存在于一座准备迎接年轻企业家并承载他们梦想历史建筑中。   企业家精神不仅是传家宝,也是LVMH集团的核心价值观之一。   企业家精神已经深深植根于我们集团的DNA中,这就是我在2013年创立LVMH Prize的原因。该奖项旨在庆祝时尚界的创造力和企业家精神,向来自世界各地的崭露头角的设计师开放。Marine Serre和Simon Jacquemus是我们过去的获奖者之一;路易威登现任男装艺术总监Virgil Abloh*入围决赛。今年,我们收到了来自110个国家的1900多名人才的申请。   *Virgil Abloh 于 2021 年 11 月去世   LVMH集团如何寻找、吸引和培养新人才?   LVMH集团制定了许多举措来激励、培养和赋能年轻人才。除了LVMH Prize,其中之一是 LVMH卓越职业学院(LVMH Institut des Métiers d"Excellence)——一项于2014年推出的职业培训计划,旨在将我们非凡的传统技艺传授给年轻一代。该培训计划既提高了学徒的就业能力,又同时传承了作为品牌吸引力核心的工艺和创造性技能。目前,已有1000多名人才完成了该培训计划。   另一个关键举措是Inside LVMH证书课程,面向高校学生开放,旨在帮助他们深入了解奢侈品行业的各种机遇和挑战,并为这些未来求职者增加额外竞争力。自2016年以来,许多学生深入了解了我们由75个品牌世家组成的生态系统,从内部了解了我们的集团。   (图片由投稿者提供)   你致力于提高女性在关键岗位上的数量。你如何实现这一目标的?   早在2007年,LVMH集团就推出了EllesVMH——一套旨在促进女性在各个职位和级别的专业发展的全面举措。自成立以来,担任关键职位的女性比例已从23%上升到42%。我们的目标是在2025年前实现高层管理职位的性别平等。我们已有16个品牌由女性领导。   我们还建立了在线社区Shero,集团的女性员工可以在这里分享她们的故事和经历。这是一个讨论、协作、获取指导和创新的地方。我们的Shero社区已经拥有46000名成员,并且还在不断壮大。当然,男性也可以加入Shero并参与其中,因为推动变革并无性别之分。   激励和赋予女性权力对于我们的成功至关重要:女性占我们员工的71%和80%的客户,她们是LVMH的驱动力。   你如何定义女性领导力?   以性别定义领导力是无效的。 伟大的企业领导具有许多相同的特征:战略远见、乐观的态度、开放的思想、关心员工并体贴客户的需求。   年复一年,LVMH集团重申其对各种形式的包容性和多样性的承诺。我们一直致力于营造一种文化:每个人——无论其性别、出身、信仰或性取向如何——都有平等的发展机会。时尚一直是关于赋权和颂扬个性的。现在是让我们企业结构反映这一承诺的时候了。   LVMH集团面临的主要企业社会责任(Corporate social responsibility)挑战有哪些?   LVMH集团的企业社会责任在于对社会和环境产生积极影响,同时延续我们祖传文化遗产和技艺。 作为全球时尚产业的领导者,我们的客户、员工和公众希望都我们站出来做正确的事。   从Covid19大流行开始,LVMH集团迅速将几家香水工厂改造成生产消毒洗手液的流水线,免费提供给法国当局和医院。此外,集团向里尔巴斯德研究所(Institut Pasteur de Lille)捐赠了500万欧元,以支持治疗Covid19的研究。   LVMH集团还资助由法国总统夫人Brigitte Macron担任院长的职业培训学院,在三个地点设立校区,帮助长期失业者规划职业道路并找到有意义的工作。   此外,我们近期启动了LVMH爱心基金(LVMH Heart Fund)。这是一项面向集团全球员工的紧急支持计划,初始捐赠为3000万欧元,致力于通过提供经济援助和心理支持来帮助他们应对个人危机。   LVMH集团如何面对环境问题?   LVMH集团及其75家品牌都致力于生产可持续奢侈品:可持续地采购原材料、生态设计、使用可回收材料、减少包装、转向更环保的能源使用和交通运输方式。   集团拥有许多创意人士,通过提出颠覆性解决方案,在我们产品的整个生命周期中提高可持续性。我们将这一过程称为“循环创意(circular creativity)”。因此,路易威登的产品不仅出类拔萃且经久耐用,还经得起的生态环境友好性的考验。   每一步,我们都会问自己如何才能更有效率,做得更好。LVMH集团需要传承的精神和技艺并不困于过去,而是我们用来塑造未来的工具。   Delphine Arnault   1998 u2022 毕业于EDHEC商学院   1998 u2022 毕业于伦敦经济学院   1998 u2022 加入麦肯锡   2001 u2022 加入Dior Couture   2003 u2022 加入LVMH董事会   2008 u2022 被任命为Dior Couture副总经理   2013 u2022 被任命为路易威登副总裁,负责所有与产品相关的活动   2014 u2022 发起设立LVMH Prize   2016 u2022 加入法拉利董事会   2019 u2022 加入LVMH执行委员会   (即刻关注EDHEC微信公众号EDHEC_official,获取更多新鲜资讯。)

怎么觉得星火记忆法中的词根前缀后缀有点牵强,比如:multiple 多重的: multi(=man


我要说“结果表明..”,应该用过去时态 results indicated... 还是现在时态 results indicate...呢?


Nemesis的《My Fault》 歌词

歌曲名:My Fault歌手:Nemesis专辑:The PianoI never meant to give you mushrooms girlI never meant to bring you to my worldNow you sitting in the corner cryingAnd now it"s my fault my faultI never meant to give you mushrooms girlI never meant to bring you to my worldNow you sitting in the corner cryingAnd now it"s my fault my faultI went to John"s rave with Ron and DaveAnd met a new wave blonde babe with half of her head shavedA nurse aid who came to get laid and tied upwith first aid tape and raped on the first dateSusan -- an ex-heroin addict who just stoped usin.was into bosse andalternative music. told me she was about to use it agzin. I said wiat firsttry this hallucionagin, its better than heroin and the the booze and the gin.come here lets go in here. Who"s in the den? (It"s me and Kelly) my bad! letstry another room "I don"t trust you" shut up slut chew up this mushroom. thiswill get you in touch with your roots. We"ll get bare-foot but naked and runin the woods. "oh hell might as well try "em this party is so drag." Oh dag Ididn"t mean for you to eat the whole bag! (huh)Chorus:I never meant to give you mushrooms girlI never meant to bring you to my worldNow you sitting in the corner cryingAnd now it"s my fault my fault i"m sorry2nd repeat same as original ChorusI never meant to give you mushrooms girlI never meant to bring you to my worldNow you sitting in the corner cryingAnd now it"s my fault my fault"Yo Sue!" Get away from me, I don"t know youOh shoot, she"s tripping.. I need to go puke!! (Bleahh!)I wasn"t tryin to turn this into somethin majorI just wanted to make you appreciate nature.Susan stop crying i don"t hate ya. the worlds not against you I"m sorry yourfather raped ya. So what, you had your poochie in your dad"s mouth. Thats noreason to start wiggin and spaz out.she said "Help me I think I"m having a seisure!"I said "I"m high too (bitch) Quit grabbin my T-shirt (let go!)Would you calm down you"re startin to scare me.she said " I"m twenty-six years old and I"m not married. I don"t have anykids and I can"t cook"I"m over here Sue, (hi) you"re talkin to the plant, look!We need to get to a hospital "fore it"s too lateCause I never seen no-one eat as many shrooms as you ate.I never meant to give you mushrooms girl whoops!I never meant to bring you to my worldNow you sitting in the corner cryingAnd now it"s my fault my faultit was an accident!I never meant to give you mushrooms girlI never meant to bring you to my worldNow you sitting in the corner cryingAnd now it"s my fault my faultSusan (wait!) Where you goin? You better be careful Leave me alone dad, I"m sick of gettin my hair pulledI"m not your dad, quit tryin to swallow your tongueWant some gum? Put down the scissors, "fore you do somethin dumbI"ll be right back just chill baby please?I gotta go find Dave he"s the one who gave me these."John, where"s Dave at before I bash you?" He"s in the bathroom; I think he"s takin a crap dude!"Dave! Pull up your pants, we need an ambulanceThere"s a girl upstairs talkin to plantschoppin her hair off, and there"s only two days leftof Spring Break, how long do these things take to wear off?" Well it depends on how many you had? I took three she ate the othertwenty-two caps Now she"s upstairs cryin out her eyeballs,drinking lysol."She"s gonna die dude." I know and it"s my fault!My god!I never meant to give you mushrooms girlI never meant to bring you to my world i"m sorryNow you sitting in the corner cryingAnd now it"s my fault my faultwhat do i do?I never meant to give you mushrooms girlI never meant to bring you to my worldNow you sitting in the corner cryingAnd now it"s my fault my faultMy God, I"m so sorry!I"m so sorry! Susan please wake up!Please! Please wake up!! What are you doing?!You"re not dead!! You"re NOT dead!I know you"re not dead!http://music.baidu.com/song/16585709


找我哦 怎么在我的世


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