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有一首英文歌(女声)好像叫take talk 不知道是不是,有些nobay的感觉,中间有喊one two three 的,快速急



  几乎能跟所有介词搭配 太他妈多了  be taken aback 大吃一惊, 惊得目瞪口呆, 吓了一跳 (船)突然遇到逆风  be taken back 大吃一惊, 惊得目瞪口呆, 吓了一跳 (船)突然遇到逆风  be taken with 对...很喜爱; 被...迷住, 被...吸引  be taken by 对...很喜爱; 被...迷住, 被...吸引  double take 先是不注意接着大吃一惊 先是怔着接着恍然大悟的反应  not taking any [口]谢绝, 不接受, 没有那种兴趣 去做  on the take [美俚]接受贿赂; 敲诈, 伺机损人利已  take after 象 学...的榜样, 仿效 追赶, 追捕  take against 反对; 不喜欢  take amiss 因...而见怪; 误会, 误解  take apart 使分开, 拆开 严厉批评; 猛烈抨击 严格剖析 粗暴对待; 严厉惩罚; 彻底打败  take as read 认为不必宣读(会议记录等); 认为不必谈论或听取(某事) 宣称对...满意; 声称对...没有意见  take away拿走; 夺走; 拆去 使离开; 带走 使消失, 消除(病痛等) 减去 把...买回家食用  take back 收回(前言), 承认说错了话; 取消(诺言) 同意退回, 收回(商品); 接回, 带回 使回到某一起点; 使回想起  take down拿下, 取下 记[录]下来 挫其气焰 拆掉 吞下, 咽下 病倒 [口]欺骗(某人)  take five [美口]休息五分钟[十分钟], 小憩  take ten [美口]休息五分钟[十分钟], 小憩  take ... for ... 以为(某人或某物)是...  take from 减去; 减损; 降低  take home to oneself 充分理解, 深刻领会  take in收进, 接受; 装入, 收容, 接待 领(活)到家里做 缩短; 改小; 收(帆), 卷(帆) 领会, 理解 观看, 参观, 游览 [口]轻信, 信以为真 [口]欺骗 订阅(报刊) 包括[含] 拘留  take it 猜想, 以为; 断定 [口][常与 can, be able to 连用]忍受得住(痛苦、批评、困难, 嘲笑等) 默然同意, 接受  take it all in 注意倾听; 全部听进  take it and like it [美俚]不太甘心 地 忍受批评(嘲笑等)  take it or leave it 要么接受, 要么拉倒; 要不要 随你的便  take it out in 接受...作为抵偿  take it out of sb. 使 某人虚弱, 使某人精疲力竭 (=takeit out on sb.)找某人出气[泄愤]  take me not up before I fall [苏口]在你回答我以前, 先听我说完  take off取[脱]下; 拆下; 切除 (=take oneself off)[口]走掉; 滚开 带往(某处); 移送(某处) 减(价) 取消, 夺去...的生命, 杀死 [口]摹仿, 学...的榜样; 取笑 (飞机)起飞 移开(目光, 注意力) 停止演出 去掉, 扣除 复制; 绘制  take off after (=take after) 追赶, 追捕  take on具有,呈现(某种性质、特征等) 担任(工作), 承担(责任) 雇用 接受...的挑战; 同...较量 [口]伤心; 激动 装出某种样子 [口]流行, 风行; 受欢迎 接受(乘客); 装载  take out取出, 拔 出; 除掉(污迹等), 擦去 邀(某人)出门, 带去 取得, 领 到(专利权, 执照等) 【律】发出(传票), 传讯 摧毁, 消除 把...买出食用 启程, 出发  take out of 取出, 除去; 要赔偿; 报仇  take out after [take after]追赶, 追 捕  take over 接收[管, 任] 把...载送到 仿效, 采用 把...移入下一行  take sb. unawares 使 某人出其不意, 攻其不备  take sb. up on 接受某人的(邀请, 挑战等) 要求某人兑现...  take sb. short 突然袭击某人; 使 某人大吃一惊 唐突地打断某人的话  take sb. up short 突然袭击某人; 使 某人大吃一惊 唐突地打断某人的话  take sb. wrong 误解[曲解]某人的意思  take sth. up with sb. (口头或书面)向某人反映某事; 就某事向某人提意见  take to 爱, 喜欢 嗜好, 沉迷于, 养成...的习惯 逃到..., 借助...逃 走 开始从事  take too much [口]喝过多(酒), 喝 醉  take up举[拿, 捡, 拔]起 占(地方); 费(时间); 占据 接纳(乘客); (船)承装(货物) 吸收(水 分); 溶解 打断某人的话; 责备, 申斥 开始; 着手处理 对...发生兴趣; 开始从事, 开始学 把(某人)置于自己的庇护之下; 收于(门下), 提携 继续, 接下去 说 逮捕 扎紧, 绕紧; 改短(衣服) 接受(建议, 挑战等) (学校)开学; 上课 定居, 安家 付清, 认购(公债); 募(捐) [口](天气)变晴, 变好  take up with 和...交往[鬼混] 一心一意想, 醉心于 信以为真; 采用, 接受 [常用被动态]对...很喜爱 甘受, 忍 受  take upon oneself 以...为己任; 主动承担(责任等); 把(过错)归咎自己 擅自; 毅然, 大胆  take on oneself 以...为己任; 主动承担(责任等); 把(过错)归咎自己 擅自; 毅然, 大胆  take us as you find us 我们就是 这样,  come about 发生  come across 遇见……  come after 跟随  come along 随同  come and go 来来去去  come apart 破碎  come around 来  come at 到达  come away 掉下  come back 回来  come before 优先于……  come between 介入……之间  come by 走过  come down 降下  come for 来迎接  come forward 挺身而出  come in 进来  come into 进入  come of 由……产生  come off 从……掉落  come on 上演  come out 出来  come out of 出自  come through 经过  come to 来,到  come together 和好  come under 归入……类别  come up 上升  come upon 发现……  come up with 想出,找出  go one step too far 多走了一步(做得太过分了)  go out on a limb 爬高枝(担风险)  go overboard 过火  go to hell in a hand basket  坐着吊篮下地狱(一坏不可收拾)  go to one"s head 上头上脸,冲昏头脑  go against违背;与……不符;对……不利  go without勉强维持,凑合  go in for爱好,参加;从事  go by过去;依据,按照  go on继续;发生  go over 复习 ;仔细审查;走近  go ahead 进行  go though 被通过;从头到尾地阅读;排练;经历  go away走开;外出度假;消失  go for去取来或接来;争取得到;  go out出去, 熄灭, 过时, 罢工, 向往, 辞职, 倒塌  1 bring around 或  bring round  To cause to adopt an opinion or take a certain course of action.  说服:使采用某项提议,使采取某种行动  To cause to recover consciousness.  使恢复知觉  2 bring down  To cause to fall or collapse.  使倒下,使崩溃  To kill.  杀死  3 bring forth  To give rise to; produce:  引起;产生:  plants bringing forth fruit.  结果的植物  To give birth to (young).  生(后代)  4 bring forward  To present; produce:  呈上;提出:  bring forward proof.  提交证据  Accounting To carry (a sum) from one page or column to another.  【会计学】 转入下页,转入下栏:把(数字)转入下页或下栏  5 bring in  Law To give or submit (a verdict) to a court.  【法律】 宣布(裁决)  To produce, yield, or earn (profits or income).  生出、产生或挣得(利润,收入)  6 bring off  To accomplish:  实现,完成:  bring off a successful advertising campaign.  赢得了一场广告战  7 bring on  To cause to appear:  使出现:  brought on the dessert.  端上甜点  8 bring out  To reveal or expose:  揭示,揭露:  brought out the facts.  揭露事实  To introduce (a debutante) to society.  把(初入社交界的少女)引荐给社交界  To produce or publish:  推出,出版:  bring out a new book.  出版一本新书  To nurture and develop (a quality, for example) to best advantage:  深植,教育:教育,培养(例如一种品质)使至最佳境界:  You bring out the best in me.  你使我把自己最好的方面都发挥出来了  10 bring to  To cause to recover consciousness.  使…恢复知觉  Nautical To cause (a ship) to turn into the wind or come to a stop.  【航海】 使(船)顺着风向,使(船)停驶  11 bring up  To take care of and educate (a child); rear.  照料,教育(小孩);抚养  To introduce into discussion; mention.  把…引进讨论;提到  To vomit.  呕吐  To cause to come to a sudden stop.  使…突然停下  1. get about [around]  (1) (能)到处走动,旅行。如:  He didn"t get about much after the operation. 手术后他不常外出去动。  It"s easy in this city to get about by bus. 在本市乘公共汽车去各处都很方便。  (2) (消息、谣言等)传播,流传。如:  I don"t mind you knowing, but I don"t really want it to get about. 我不是不让你知道,但我实在不想让它传出去。  2. get along  (1) 离开(某地)。如:  It"s time we were getting along. 我们该走了。  (2) 相处,过日子,合得来。如:  How are you getting along (with her)? 你(宋体>与她)过得怎样?  Do you get along with your boss? 你与老板合得来吗?  (3) 进展。如:  How are you getting along with your work? ">?  3. get away  (1) 离开,逃离,逃走。如:  I won"t be able to get away (from the office) before 7. 我七点以前离不开(我七点以前ce=宋体>办公室)。  The thieves got away with all our money. 那些贼偷了我们所有的钱逃走了。  (2) 逃避责罚,免受处罚,受较轻处罚。如:  If you cheat in the exam, you"ll never get away with it. 考试作弊必予追究。  For such a serious offence he was lucky to get away with a fine. 他犯了那么严重的过失,却侥幸只交罚款了事。(from www.nmet168.com)  4. get back  (1) 返回,回家。如:When did you get back from Paris? 你是什么时候从巴黎回来的?  (2) 取回,拿回,失而复得。如:  He got back the watch he lost. 他丢的表找回来了。  We decided to get the books back. 我们决定把书要回来。  5. get down 下来,取下,放下,弄下,写下,打下,吞下。如:  The boy climbed up the tree and couldn"t get down. 小男孩爬上树,却下不来了。  He spoke too fast and I couldn"t get down all he sai; TEXT-INDENT: 21pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 18pt; mso-char-indend. 他说得太快,我无法记下他所说的所有东西。  We managed to get down enemy planes. 我们设法打下了两架敌机。  The medicine was so horrible I could hardly get it down. 那药很难吃,我好不容易才咽下去。  6. get down to (6doing) sth 开始做某事,认真处理某事。如:  It"s time we got down to some serious work. 我们该认真干点正事了。  7. get in  (1) 进站,到达,回来。如:(1)"Times New Roman"">  The train (plane) got in late. 火车(飞机)晚点了。  I"ll phone him as soon as I get in. 我一到家就给他打电话。  (2) 请来。如:  They have got the doctor in to look at the child. 他们已请来大夫给孩子看病。  (3) 插话。如:  He talks so much that it"s impossible to get a word in. 他说个不停,别人休想插话。  (4) 收获,收割。如:  The villagers were busy getting the harvest in. 村民们在忙于收获庄稼。  8. get off  (1) 起飞,动身,出发。如:  The plane got off on time. 飞机准时起飞。  We got off immediately after breakfast. 我们吃完早餐就动身了。  (2) 下班,下车。如:  下班,下车。如:mso-char-indent-count: 2.0; mso-char-indent-size: 10.5pt; mso-line-height-rule: exactly">We get off at five. 我们五点下班。  I"ll get off at the next stop. 我在下一站下车。  (3) 从轻处罚,被放过。如:  He got off with a small fine. 他交了一小笔罚款了事。  9. get on  (1) 上车。如:  The bus came and we got on. 公共汽车来了,我们就上了车。  公共汽车来了,我们就上了车XT-INDENT: 21.1pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 18pt; mso-char-indent-count: 2.0; mso-char-indent-size: 10.55pt; mso-line-height-rule: exactly">(2) 进行,进展,过日子。如:  Let"s get on with our work. 我们继续干吧。  How are you getting on (at school)? 你(在学校)的情况如何?  (3) 相处。如:  He is not an easy man to get on with. 他不好相处。(from www.nmet168.com)  10. get out  10(1) 出来,出去,离开。如:  The door was locked and we couldn"t get out. 门被锁上了,我们无法出去。D(21)  The meeting went on late, so I got out as soon as I could. 会议开到很晚,所以一有机会我便离开了。  (2) 拿出,取出。如:  He got out a dictionary and looked up the word in it. 他拿出一本词典来查这个词。  (3) 出版,发表。如:  We hope to get the report out before the end of the month. 我们希望在这个月底发表这个报告。  (4) 泄漏,传出。如:  If the secret gets out, there will be trouble. 如果秘密泄漏出去,那就麻烦了。  11. get out of  . (1) 逃避,躲掉。如 :  He tried to get out of helping me. 他企图逃避给我帮助。  He will do anything to get out of work. 为了逃避工作,他什么事都干得出来。  为了逃避工作,IN-BOTTOM: 0pt; TEXT-INDENT: 21.1pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 18pt; mso-char-indent-count: 2.0; mso-char-indent-size: 10.55pt; mso-line-height-rule: exactly">(2) 使说出(拿出等)。如:  He tried to get money out of her. 他设法要她出钱。  The police got the truth out of him. 警察迫使他说出了真话。  (3) 放弃,戒除,停止。如:  You must get out of that bad habit. 你必须戒除那个坏习惯。  He told me to get out of smoking. 他叫我戒烟。  12. get over  (1) 走过,越过,渡过。如:  How can we get over the river? 我们怎样过河?  (2) 克服,战胜。如:  She can"t get over her shyness. 她克服不了羞怯感。  (3) 恢复,痊愈。如:  Have you got over your cold yet? 你的感冒好了没有?  He hasn"t got over her death. 他还在为她的死悲痛不已。  13. get through  (1) 做完,用完,吃完,看完。如:  There"s a lot of work to get through. 有很多工作要做。  He has got through all his money. 他的钱全用完了。  I must get through the book before Saturday. 我必须在星期六以前看完这本书。  (2) 通过(考试),接通(电话),度过(时间)。如:  Did you get through your driving test? 你的驾驶测验通过了吗?  I tried to telephone you but couldn"t get through. 我设法给你打电话,但打不通。  14. get together 聚会,联欢。如:  When can we get together? 我们什么时候可以聚一聚?  We"ll get together with him to discuss this problem. 我们要与他碰头讨论这个问题。  15. get up  (1) 起床,起身。如:  I get up at six every morning. 我每天早上六点钟起床。  The class got up when the teacher came in. 老师进来时,全班学生都站起来。  老师进来-BOTTOM: 0pt; TEXT-INDENT: 21.1pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 18pt; mso-char-indent-count: 2.0; mso-char-indent-size: 10.55pt; mso-line-height-rule: exactly">(2) 打扮。如:  She got herself up as a peasant girl. 她打扮成农家姑娘。  (3) 举办。如:  We are getting up a party for he; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0pt; TEXr birthday. 我们要给她开个生日庆祝会。(from www.nmet168.com)  16. get doing  (1) 继续做某事。如:  Get moving, please. (不要停下)请往前走。  (2) 开始做起某事来。如:  Soon I got talking to her. 很快我就同她谈起话来了。  We got chatting and discovered that we"d been at college together. 我们聊起天来才发现我们原来在大学是同学。  17. get done  (1) 被……。如:  He got caught for speeding. 他因超速而被抓住。  Some glasses got broken when we were moving. 我们在搬家时有些玻璃杯被打破了。  (2) 处于某种状态eight: normal">  Soon he got dressed and went out. 他很快穿好衣服出去了。  Don"t get excited about it. 不要为此事激动。  18. get sb sth / get sth for sb sth / 为某人弄到某物。如:  Let"s get them something to eat. 咱们先给他们弄点东西吃。  Will you get me a ticket? / Will you get a ticket for me? 你能为我弄张票吗?  19. get sb (sth) to . do sth 做某人(某事物)做某事。如:  You must get them to come over here. 你必须想法让他们到这儿来。  He couldn"t get the car to start and went by bus. 他因无法发动车子,所以就乘公共汽车去。  他ENT: 21.1pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 18pt; mso-char-indent-count: 2.0; mso-char-indent-size: 10.55pt; mso-line-height-rule: exactly">20. get sb (sth) doing sth 使某人(某事物)(开始)起来。如:  What he said got us thinking. 他说话使我们思考起来。  Can you get the clock going again? 你能让这钟重新走起来吗? (from www.nmet168.com)  21. get sth done 使某事被做。如:  Go and get your hair cut. 去把头发理了。  You must get the work done by Friday. 你必须最迟在星期五以前把工作做完。  注:有时表示遭遇。如:  He got his watch stolen. 他的表被偷了。  He got his fingers caught in the doorGIN-BOTTOM: 0pt; TEXT-INDENT: 21pt; LINE-HEIGHT:. 他的手指让门给夹住了。  22. get to do sth  (1) 开始做某事。如:  I got to know him in 1995. 我是1995年认识他的。  You"ll like her once you get to know her. 你一旦了解她你就喜欢她的。  (2) 有机会做某事,设法做成某事。如:  He never got to go to college. 他从无机会上大学。He never got to go tpt; COLOR: maroon; FONT-FAMILY: "Times New Roman"">  How did you get to be captain? 你是怎样当上船长的?

组合u kiss的歌take to me歌词

我知道:uc720ud0a4uc2a4(U-Kiss) - Talk To Me..........Baby talk talk talk to me Let me love love love tonightBaby talk Let me love ub098 uadf8ub300ub9ccuc744 yeahBaby talk talk talk to me Let me love love love tonightBaby talk Let me love uc0acub791ud560uaed8 Baby talk talk talk to meub098 uadf8ub300 ub55cuc5d0 uc7a0uc744 uc774ub8f0 uc218 uc5c6uc5b4ub098 uadf8ub300 ub55cuc5d0 uc228uc744 uc274 uc218uac00 uc5c6uc5b4uadf8ub300uc5d0uac8c ubd88ub7ecuc904 ub0b4 uc774 ub2ecucf64ud55c uba5cub85cub514 uc218 ub9ceuc740 uc774uc57cuae30uadf8ub300uc640 ub458uc774uc11c ubc24uc0c8ub3c4ub85d uc0acub791uc744 ud558uace0ud30cuc65c ub108ub9cc ubcf4uba74 uc790uafb8 ub0b4 ub9d8uc774 ub5a8ub824uc624ub294uc9c0 (ub09c ub9d0uc57c uc54c uc218uac00 uc5c6uc5b4)uc65c ub108ub9cc ubcf4uba74 uc790uafb8 ub0b4 uac00uc2b4uc774 uc544ud30cuc624ub2c8 (ub098uc5d0uac8c ub9d0ud574uc918 My baby)Baby talk talk talk to me Let me love love love tonightBaby talk Let me love ub098 uadf8ub300ub9ccuc744 yeahBaby talk talk talk to me Let me love love love tonightBaby talk Let me love uc0acub791ud560uaed8 Baby talk talk talk to meub0b4 ub9d0 uc880 ub4e4uc5b4 ub4e4uc5b4 ubd10 / ub0a0 ud754 ub4e4uc5b4 ub4e4uc5b4 ub194uae30ub2e4ub838ub358 uc624ub298 ubc24 / uc0acub791uc744 ub098ub204uc9c0 ub108uc640 ub09cub10c uc0acub791uc758 Melody / Girl, you are my favoriteub108ub85c uc778ud574 ub9ccuc871ud574 / ub098ub9cc ubc14ub77cubd10uc904ub798 My girl (ub09c ub108ub97c uc0acub791ud574)uc624uc9c1 ub108ub9ccuc744 uc0acub791ud574 / uc6b0ub9acuc758 uc0acub791uc740 ub2e8ub2e8ud574Hard as rock uac71uc815ub9d0uace0 ub0a0 ubbffuc5b4 / ub09c ub05duae4cuc9c0 uac04ub2e4ub124 (ub05duae4cuc9c0 uac04ub2e4ub124)ub10c ud558ub298uc774 uc8fcuc2e0 uc120ubb3c ub204uac00 ubd10ub3c4 ub0b4 uc804ubd80ub10c ub0b4uac00 uc0acub294 uc774uc720 I doIt"s all about you (I do it"s all about you)uc65c ub108ub9cc ubcf4uba74 uc790uafb8 ub0b4 ub9d8uc774 ub5a8ub824uc624ub294uc9c0 (ub09c ub9d0uc57c uc54c uc218uac00 uc5c6uc5b4)uc65c ub108ub9cc ubcf4uba74 uc790uafb8 ub0b4 uac00uc2b4uc774 uc544ud30cuc624ub2c8 (ub098uc5d0uac8c ub9d0ud574uc918 my baby)Baby talk talk talk to me Let me love love love tonightBaby talk Let me love ub098 uadf8ub300ub9ccuc744 yeahBaby talk talk talk to me Let me love love love tonightBaby talk Let me love uc0acub791ud560uaed8 Baby talk talk talk to meud55c uc21cuac04ub3c4 ub108ub97c ub0b4 uc548uc5d0uc11c uc9c0uc6ccub0b8 uc801 uc5c6uc5b4 uadf8ub7f4 uc218 uc5c6uc5b4ub108ub9ccuc744 ubc14ub77cubcfcub798 ub108ub9ccuc744 uc9c0ucf1cuc904ub798 ub0a0 uc0acub791ud55cub2e4 ub9d0ud574uc918 My babyBaby talk talk talk to me (woo yeah~)Let me love love love tonight (I love you baby girl)Baby talk (baby talk) Let me love (let me love)ub098 uadf8ub300ub9ccuc744 yeahBaby talk talk talk to me (baby talk to me)Let me love love love tonight (let me love you)Baby talk Let me love uc0acub791ud560uaed8 Baby talk talk talk to me

Take a N train,not the R.这句话啥意思?


take photos of sb和take photos for sb是一回事吗?

你好, "Take photos of sb" 和 "take photos for sb" 在用法上有一些差别。"Take photos of sb" 意为"给某人拍照",强调的是拍摄某人的照片。其中的 "of sb" 表示拍摄的对象是某个人。例如:Can you take photos of us?(你能给我们拍照吗?)The photographer is taking photos of the models.(摄影师正在给模特拍照。)"Take photos for sb" 意为"为某人拍照",强调的是代表某人进行拍摄。其中的 "for sb" 表示为某人拍照的目的或代表性。例如:The wedding photographer is taking photos for the couple.(婚礼摄影师正在为新婚夫妇拍照。)She asked her friend to take photos for her portfolio.(她请朋友为她的作品集拍照。)觉得答案有用的记得采纳哦


Camera照相机. 翻译为:不要忘记带照相机,我们要照一些照片.

speak come give hear send hurt see steal take sleep sit meet bring fly wake 的过去式和过去分词是?



《Take Me Home, Country Roads(中文译名<乡村路带我回家>)》是由约翰·丹佛(John Denver)创作并演唱的著名乡村歌曲。

hitfm前一阵很喜欢播的一首歌,应该是最近的,是女生的,歌词中有很多句Take Me Home,比较轻快。

country road

有一首歌,歌词是countryroad take me home,to the place i b


take me home,home状语还是宾补?


有没有像take me home,country road的这种英语浪漫老歌

listen to the falling rain,telling me that what a fool I"ve been.

请帮我翻译一下 《Take Me Home, Country Roads(中文译名)》是由约翰·丹佛(John Den

乡村路带我回家西弗吉尼亚,总如天堂一般 那儿有蓝岭山脉,谢南多亚河 生命比那树木年长 又比那山脉年轻 像清风一样飘逝 故乡的路,带我回家吧 去到属于我的地方 西弗吉尼亚,大山妈妈 带我回家吧,故乡的路 我所有的记忆都围绕着她 矿工的妻子,从未见过深邃的大海 她又脏又多尘,似画在天上,像月晕一样,泪水涌出我的眼睛 故乡的路,带我回家吧 回到我期盼已久的归宿 西弗吉尼亚,山峦妈妈 带我回家吧,故乡的路 清晨我听见一个声音在对我呼唤 收音机里的声音让我想起了遥远的家 沿着公路行驶,我心中产生这样的感觉 也许我昨天就该回到家中,就在昨天 故乡的路,带我回家吧 回到我期盼已久的归宿 西弗吉尼亚,山峦妈妈 带我回家吧,故乡的路 带我回家吧,故乡的路 带我回家吧,故乡的路

tookoo乐队take me home的歌词谁有

  手打的  i think everybody looking at me  will say:you it"s f**king grey  you know maybe i lost my way  so you"d better don"t touch me  my friends make litle of my mind  i think should make a response  i don"t wanna some other wise  just need some f**king courage  i don"t wanna be a kid  the whole day just mess around  i don"t wanna be like a kid  my life need a shot in the arm  who can give me a world that i want  i can"t carry on waste young  so i wanna be i wanna be  i just wanna be a dog  you take me home  i waste too many time change a pace  for this i"m very tired  i don"t wanna button up my mouth  i will try to leave the life of the past  do you want to stop me?oh,yeah  you don"t how to do so you wanna turn me off  so i will teach you give up  this is best lesson that you study up  i don"t wanna be a kid  the whole day just mess around  i don"t wanna be like a kid  my life need a shot in the arm  who can give me a world that i want  i can"t carry on waste young  so i wanna be i wanna be  i just wanna be a dog  you take me home  (i don"t wanna be a kid  i just wanna be a dog you take me home)  (i don"t wanna be a kid  i just wanna be a dog you take me home)

Home,oh take me home,oh to the people ,I left behind是哪首歌里的啊?

歌名:Take Me Home歌手:Celtic Thunder歌词:[Ryan]I sit here thinkingAs the sun is sinkingOver the mountainAnd the dry, dusty ground[Damian]As the night is fallingI start recallingThe nightsIn my own town[Keith]I see the facesIn familiar placesI hear the musicThat they played way back then[Paul]My heart rejoicesAs I hear the voicesCalling meHome again[Chorus - All]HomeOh take me homeOh to the peopleI left behindOh to the loveI know I"ll findOooh take me home[George]As the sky is burningMy mind is turningTo the cold winter eveningsBy my own fire side[All]So far away nowBut any day nowI"ll sailOn the morning tide[Chorus - All]HomeOh take me homeOh to the peopleI left behindOh to the loveI know I"ll findOooh take me home[Keith]Take me homeFar across the sea[All]Home is where I long to be[Chorus - All x2]Home(Da da da da)Oh take me home(Da da da da)Oh to the people(Da da da da da)I left behind(Da da da)Oh to the love(Da da da da)I know I"ll find(Da da da da)Oooh take me home

Take Me Home, Country Roads 歌词

歌曲名:Take Me Home, Country Roads歌手:John Denver专辑:The Essential John DenverTake Me Home,Country RoadsJohn DenverAlmost heaven west virginiaBlue ridge mountains shenandoah riverLife is old there older than the treesYounger than the mountainsGrowin like a breezeCountry roads take me homeTo the place I belongWest virginiaMountain mommaTake me home country roadsAll my memories gather round herMiners lady stranger to blue waterDark and dusty painted on the skyMisty taste of moon shineTear drops in my eyesCountry roads take me homeTo the place I belongWest virginiaMountain mommaTake me home country roadsI hear her voice in the morning hours she calls meRadio reminds me of my home far awayDriving down the road I get a feeling that I shoul"d have been homeYesterdayYesterdayCountry roads take me homeTo the place I belongWest virginiaMountain mommaTake me home country roadsCountry roads take me homeTo the place I belongWest virginiaMountain mommaTake me home country roadsTake me home country roadsTake me home country roadshttp://music.baidu.com/song/10538960

Take Me Home, Country Roads 歌词

歌曲名:Take Me Home, Country Roads歌手:John Denver专辑:Thank God I"M A Country Boy "The Best Of"Take Me Home,Country RoadsJohn DenverAlmost heaven west virginiaBlue ridge mountains shenandoah riverLife is old there older than the treesYounger than the mountainsGrowin like a breezeCountry roads take me homeTo the place I belongWest virginiaMountain mommaTake me home country roadsAll my memories gather round herMiners lady stranger to blue waterDark and dusty painted on the skyMisty taste of moon shineTear drops in my eyesCountry roads take me homeTo the place I belongWest virginiaMountain mommaTake me home country roadsI hear her voice in the morning hours she calls meRadio reminds me of my home far awayDriving down the road I get a feeling that I shoul"d have been homeYesterdayYesterdayCountry roads take me homeTo the place I belongWest virginiaMountain mommaTake me home country roadsCountry roads take me homeTo the place I belongWest virginiaMountain mommaTake me home country roadsTake me home country roadsTake me home country roadshttp://music.baidu.com/song/7489927


Country Road Takes Me Home Almost Heaven, West Virginia Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenangoah River Life is old there, older than the trees Younger than the mountains Growing like a breeze Country Roads, take me home, to the place I belong West Virginia, Mountain mama Take me home, Country Roads All my memories, gathered round her Miner"s a lady, stranger to blue water Dark and dusty, painted on the sky Misty taste the moonshine, teardrops in my eye Country Roads, take me home, to the place I belong West Virginia, Mountain mama Take me home, Country Roads I hear her voice in the morning hours she calls me The radio reminds me of my home far away And driving down the road I get a feeling that I should have been home yesterday, yesterday Country Roads, take me home, to the place I belong West Virginia, Mountain mama Take me home, Country Roads Country Roads, take me home, to the place I belong West Virginia, Mountain mama Take me home, Country Roads Take me home now, Country Roads Take me home now, Country Roads 乡村路,带我回家 西弗吉尼亚, 简直像天堂, 有蓝岭群山, 山纳多河流。 那里生活久远, 比树木要悠久; 比群山年轻, 像轻风般成长。 乡村路,带我回家, 去我属于的地方, 西弗吉尼亚, 大山妈妈, 乡村路,带我回家。 我所有的记忆, 全是关于她, 矿工的太太, 连海也没见过。 又黑又多尘, 似画在天上, 似月有薄雾色。 眼泪涌上我眼窝。 乡村路,带我回家, 去我属于的地方, 西弗吉尼亚, 大山妈妈, 乡村路,带我回家。 清晨我听见她的声音, 是她在呼唤我。 收音机使我想起 遥远的家, 开车沿着公路走, 我感觉到 我昨天就该回家, 该回家。 乡村路,带我回家, 去我属于的地方, 西弗吉尼亚, 大山妈妈, 乡村路,带我回家。 乡村路,带我回家, 去我属于的地方, 西弗吉尼亚, 大山妈妈, 乡村路,带我回家。 带我回家,乡村路 带我回家,乡村路。

Take Me Home 歌词

歌曲名:Take Me Home歌手:Julia Stone专辑:Let"s Forget All the Things That We SayJulia Stone - Take Me HomeTake me homeTo the place where I""m fromOh darling, you""ll understandWhen you come with meTake me thereWhere the desert meets the seaAnd all the things we areAre made for lovingTake me homeTake me homeTake me homeTo the place where I""m fromOh under the (?) We will goTake me thereWhere the desert children runOh darling, you""ll understandWhen you come alongTake me homeTake me homeTake me homeTo the place where I""m fromOh darling, you""ll understandWhen you come with mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/17287158

Take Me Home, Country Road 歌词

歌曲名:Take Me Home, Country Road歌手:Priscilla Ahn专辑:When You Grow Uphiding from the rain and snowtrying to forget but i won t let golooking at a crowded streetlistening to my own heart beatso many peopleall around the worldtell me where do i findsomeone like you girltake me to your hearttake me to your soulgive me your hand before i m oldshow me what love ishaven t got a clueshow me that wonders can be truethey say nothing lasts foreverwe re only here todaylove is now or neverbring me far awaytake me to your hearttake me to your soulgive me your hand and hold meshow me what love isbe my guiding starit s easy take me to your heartstanding on a mountain highlooking at the moon through a clear blue skyi should go and see some friendsbut they don t really comprehenddon t need too much talkingwithout saying anythingall i need is someonehttp://music.baidu.com/song/14426213

Take Me Home 歌词

歌曲名:Take Me Home歌手:Anita Pointer专辑:An All Star Tribute To CherTake Me Away(我走)I cannot find a wayTo describe itIts thereInsideAll I do is hideI wishThat itWould just go awayWhat wouldYou do?You do?If you knew...What would you do?All the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayI feelLike IAm aloneAll byMyselfI need to get around thisMy wordsAre coldI dont want them to hurt youIf IShow youI dont think youd understandCause no one understsandsAll the pain]I thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayIm going nowhereOn and on and...Im getting nowhereOn and on and...Take me awayIm going nowhereOn and on and...Up and on andUp and onAll the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayTake me awayTake me awayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/16430201

Take Me Home 歌词

歌曲名:Take Me Home歌手:Crystin专辑:The Best of… Wellness LoungeTake Me Away(我走)I cannot find a wayTo describe itIts thereInsideAll I do is hideI wishThat itWould just go awayWhat wouldYou do?You do?If you knew...What would you do?All the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayI feelLike IAm aloneAll byMyselfI need to get around thisMy wordsAre coldI dont want them to hurt youIf IShow youI dont think youd understandCause no one understsandsAll the pain]I thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayIm going nowhereOn and on and...Im getting nowhereOn and on and...Take me awayIm going nowhereOn and on and...Up and on andUp and onAll the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayTake me awayTake me awayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/59440284

Take Me Home 歌词

歌曲名:Take Me Home歌手:Midnight Red专辑:Take Me Home - SingleTake Me Away(我走)I cannot find a wayTo describe itIts thereInsideAll I do is hideI wishThat itWould just go awayWhat wouldYou do?You do?If you knew...What would you do?All the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayI feelLike IAm aloneAll byMyselfI need to get around thisMy wordsAre coldI dont want them to hurt youIf IShow youI dont think youd understandCause no one understsandsAll the pain]I thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayIm going nowhereOn and on and...Im getting nowhereOn and on and...Take me awayIm going nowhereOn and on and...Up and on andUp and onAll the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayTake me awayTake me awayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/65528714

Take Me Home (A Girl Like Me) 歌词

歌曲名:Take Me Home (A Girl Like Me)歌手:Sophie Ellis-Bextor专辑:Read My LipsAfter Midnight Project - Take Me HomeI"m walking in the shadowsOf my own tempted soulAs time is ticking by,I"m chatting with this bottle of wineI know that I"m not perfectI"ll admit that I"m a foolEverytime I"m lost,I"m always finding my way back to youThe one I need when I"m awakeTake me homeI wanna goAnd I"m sorry I can"t love youI"m sorry I can"tmake you see who I amDid he see it coming,Dying in a bath of shame?While all his hopes passed him by,And all his fears killed him dry?Now, I can see what he was thinkingIt"s so easy, if you tryKilling yourself with a silver daggerJust to show how muchHer love is worth the painThen hear her cry your nameTake me homeI wanna goAnd I"m sorry I can"t love youI"m sorry I can"tMake you see who I amAnd I can"t go on, I can"t live like thisAnd I can"t go on, I can"t live like thisAnd I can"t go on, I can"t live like thisNo, I can"t go on, I can"t live like thisTake me homeI wanna goAnd I"m sorry I can"t love youI"m sorry I can"tMake you see who I amhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8266335

Take Me Home 歌词

歌曲名:Take Me Home歌手:Triple 8专辑:Knock OutAfter Midnight Project - Take Me HomeI"m walking in the shadowsOf my own tempted soulAs time is ticking by,I"m chatting with this bottle of wineI know that I"m not perfectI"ll admit that I"m a foolEverytime I"m lost,I"m always finding my way back to youThe one I need when I"m awakeTake me homeI wanna goAnd I"m sorry I can"t love youI"m sorry I can"tmake you see who I amDid he see it coming,Dying in a bath of shame?While all his hopes passed him by,And all his fears killed him dry?Now, I can see what he was thinkingIt"s so easy, if you tryKilling yourself with a silver daggerJust to show how muchHer love is worth the painThen hear her cry your nameTake me homeI wanna goAnd I"m sorry I can"t love youI"m sorry I can"tMake you see who I amAnd I can"t go on, I can"t live like thisAnd I can"t go on, I can"t live like thisAnd I can"t go on, I can"t live like thisNo, I can"t go on, I can"t live like thisTake me homeI wanna goAnd I"m sorry I can"t love youI"m sorry I can"tMake you see who I amhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8516301

一首男歌手的英文歌,很熟,歌词好像是turn to road,take me home,turn to go, I be long

Take me home country road.http://jcb.zjtie.edu.cn/NEWS/uploadfile/200732720317537.mp3

Take Me Home 歌词

歌曲名:Take Me Home歌手:Brown Sugar remix&Nicole Tyler&Reza&Niko De Luka专辑:Party People (20 House Smashers)Take Me Away(我走)I cannot find a wayTo describe itIts thereInsideAll I do is hideI wishThat itWould just go awayWhat wouldYou do?You do?If you knew...What would you do?All the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayI feelLike IAm aloneAll byMyselfI need to get around thisMy wordsAre coldI dont want them to hurt youIf IShow youI dont think youd understandCause no one understsandsAll the pain]I thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayIm going nowhereOn and on and...Im getting nowhereOn and on and...Take me awayIm going nowhereOn and on and...Up and on andUp and onAll the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayTake me awayTake me awayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/59776626

Take Me Home 歌词

歌曲名:Take Me Home歌手:Cher专辑:GoldThe Showdown - Take Me HomeThe burning, the bleedingThe lifetime spent retreatingThe black eyes, the white lightsThe love that will not dieNow the dreams bring troubled sleep, so keep them awayStretched along the road too thin, by too many daysTake me homeSouthland"s calling my nameNeither love nor man nor law could keep me awayTake me homeSouthland"s calling my nameNeither love nor man nor law could keep me awayHe won"t give, he must liveHe cannot give into thisHis blood cold, he craves homeThe weary soldier crawlsNow the dreams bring troubled sleep, so keep them awayStretched along the road too thin, by too many daysTake me homeSouthland"s calling my nameNeither love nor man nor law could keep me awayTake me homeSouthland"s calling my nameNeither love nor man nor law won"t keep me awayTake me homeSouthland"s calling my nameNeither love nor man nor law would keep me awayTake me homeSouthland"s calling my nameNeither love nor man nor law won"t keep me awayNeither love nor man nor law won"t keep me awayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7558926

Take Me Home 歌词

歌曲名:Take Me Home歌手:Midge Ure专辑:Answers To NothingThe Showdown - Take Me HomeThe burning, the bleedingThe lifetime spent retreatingThe black eyes, the white lightsThe love that will not dieNow the dreams bring troubled sleep, so keep them awayStretched along the road too thin, by too many daysTake me homeSouthland"s calling my nameNeither love nor man nor law could keep me awayTake me homeSouthland"s calling my nameNeither love nor man nor law could keep me awayHe won"t give, he must liveHe cannot give into thisHis blood cold, he craves homeThe weary soldier crawlsNow the dreams bring troubled sleep, so keep them awayStretched along the road too thin, by too many daysTake me homeSouthland"s calling my nameNeither love nor man nor law could keep me awayTake me homeSouthland"s calling my nameNeither love nor man nor law won"t keep me awayTake me homeSouthland"s calling my nameNeither love nor man nor law would keep me awayTake me homeSouthland"s calling my nameNeither love nor man nor law won"t keep me awayNeither love nor man nor law won"t keep me awayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2628248

Take Me Home Country Road 是谁唱的

分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 音乐 解析: John Denver 是美国著名的乡村音乐歌手,有一次在酒吧里听到他的歌,特别是这首take me home,country roads.他的歌把我领进了乡村音乐,并被它深深吸引,乡村音乐节奏明快、流畅,有很强的感染力,希望你们也来认识一下John Denver,体验乡村音乐的魅力。 John Denver简介: 约翰.丹佛于1943年生于美国西南部的新墨西哥州,曾经学习建筑专业。1971年,他放弃学业,潜心从事乡村歌曲的创作与演唱。起初受到别人的嘲笑,但他始终不为所动。终于在1971年以一曲《Take Me Home, Country road》(《乡路送我回家》)一跃成名为著名乡村音乐歌星。丹佛演唱的歌曲大部分都是自己创作的,著名的曲目有《Take Me Home Country Road》、《Rocky Mountain High(高高洛基山)》、《Sunshine On My Shoulders(阳光照在我肩上)》、《A Wild Heart Looking For Home(浪子心渴望家园)》、《Trail Of Tears(泪痕)》 以及《African Sunrise(非洲的黎明)》都是美国乡村歌曲与摇滚风格相结合的典范。20年来,丹佛的创作屡屡不绝,他为美国帆船“星条旗”号获胜作歌,还为中国之行创作了歌曲《(Shanghai"s Breeze)上海的微风》。1979年元月,约翰.丹佛在华盛顿肯尼迪文化中心为当时访美的老邓演唱了他的拿手曲目。 和许多乡村歌手一样,丹佛也是经常一把吉它随身到处巡回演唱,歌曲多以吉它伴奏,演唱自如,常有即兴变化。丹佛的嗓音自然明快而无矫揉做作。他演唱的内容多为歌唱纯真的爱情、美好的理想、抒发怀乡之情或是带有哲理性的社会歌曲。约翰.丹佛至今已获得21次金唱片奖和4 次白金唱片奖,他也是中国观众最为熟悉的美国乡村歌手之一。不幸的是,在我们编辑此光盘即将完成时,丹佛已离我们而去,1997年10月他在一次飞行中不幸坠机遇难。 Take Me Home Country Road Almost heaven West Virginia Blue Ridge Mountain Shenandoah River Life is old there Older than the trees Younger than the mountains Growing like a breeze Country road. take me home To the place I belong West Virginia Mountain Mama Take me home, country roads All my memories Gather round her Miners Lady Stranger to blue water Dark and dusty Painted on the sky Misty taste of moonshine Teardrops in my eyes Country roads, take me home To the place I belong West Virginia Mountain Mama Take me home, country roads I hear her voice in the morning hours She calls me The radio reminds me of my home far away And driving down the road I get a feeling That I should have been home Yesterday,yesterday Country roads , take me home To the place I belong West Virginia Mountain Mama Take me home,country roads Country roads , take me home To the place I belong West Virginia Mountain Mama Take me home,country roads Take me home,country roads Take me home,country roads 就像是天堂,西维吉尼亚州 有蓝色山脊的群山和雪纳杜河 在那儿生命是古老的,比森林更古老 但比山脉年轻 像风一样自在的成长 乡村小路,带我回家 回到我属于的地方 就是西维吉尼亚州——山脉之母 带我回家,乡村小路 我所有的回忆都围绕着她——— 矿工的淑女、蓝色河流的陌生人、 涂满了黑与灰的天空 和朦胧的月光 泪水在我眼眶中打转 清晨时分,我听到她呼唤我的声音 广播节目提醒我家还很远 在开车的路上,我有一种感觉 我早该回到家的怀抱

一首英文歌,里面的歌词有一句什么 Take me home mamma… 这首歌叫什么名字?

take me home country road

country road take me home


求小野丽莎take me home country road中文歌词

Country Roads John Denver Almost heaven West Virginia, Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River. Life is old there older than the trees, younger than the mountains growin" like a breeze. Country roads take me home to the place I belong: West Virginia, mountain mom-ma, take me home country roads. All my mem"ries gather "round her, miner"s lady, stranger to blue water. Dark and dusty painted on the sky, misty taste of moon-shine, teardrop in my eye. Country roads take me home to the place I belong: West Virginia, mountain mom-ma, take me home country roads. I hear her voice in the morning hours she calls me. The radio reminds me of my home far away, and drivin" down the road I get a feeling that I should have been home yesterday yesterday. (Oh) Country roads take me home to the place I belong: West Virginia, mountain mom-ma, take me home country roads, take me home country roads. 乡 村 路 [美] 约翰·丹佛 演唱 简直是天堂啊!西弗吉尼亚,兰岭山,谢纳多阿河。那里的生命年代久远,比树木古老,比群山年轻,象和风一样慢慢生长。乡村路,带我回家,到我生长的地方—西弗吉尼亚,山峦妈妈,乡村路,带我回家。 我的全部记忆都围绕着她,矿工的情人,没见过大海的人儿。天空灰蒙蒙的昏暗一片,月光朦朦胧胧,我的眼泪汪汪。乡村路,带我回家,到我生长的地方—西弗吉尼亚,山峦妈妈,乡村路,带我回家。 早晨她把我呼唤,我听到了她的声音,无线电广播使我想起遥远的家乡,驱车沿路而下,我感到我本应昨天就回家,昨天就回家。 乡村路,带我回家,到我生长的地方—西弗吉尼亚,山峦妈妈,乡村路,带我回家。乡村路,带我回家。 Country Road Takes Me Home Almost Heaven, West Virginia 西州我家,人间天堂Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenangoah River 蓝山绵延,雪河流长Life is old there, older than the trees 生命古老,万古长青Younger than the mountains,Growing like a breeze 山之后代,如风生长Country Roads, take me home, 走我小路,回我家乡to the place I belong 去斯土地,生我一方West Virginia, Mountain mama 西州山母,日夜盼望Take me home, Country Roads 天涯游子,衣锦还乡 All my memories, gathered round her 西州家乡,日夜不忘 Miner"s a lady, stranger to blue water 碧水伊人,矿前女郎 Dark and dusty, painted on the sky 墨染天空,夜色灰黄Misty taste the moonshine, teardrops in my eye 思我家乡,月映泪光 Country Roads, take me home, 走我小路,回我家乡to the place I belong 去斯土地,生我一方West Virginia, Mountain mama 西州山母,日夜盼望Take me home, Country Roads 天涯游子,衣锦还乡I hear her voice in the morning hours she calls me 乡音回荡,天色已亮The radio reminds me of my home far away 漫漫长路,家在远方And driving down the road I get a feeling that 走我乡路,泪盈眼眶I should have been home yesterday, yesterday 征蓬游子,早日还乡Country Roads, take me home, 走我小路,回我家乡to the place I belong 去斯土地,生我一方West Virginia, Mountain mama 西州山母,日夜盼望Take me home, Country Roads 天涯游子,衣锦还乡Country Roads, take me home, 走我小路,回我家乡to the place I belong 去斯土地,生我一方West Virginia, Mountain mama 西州山母,日夜盼望Take me home, Country Roads 天涯游子,衣锦还乡Take me home now, Country Roads 走我小路,回我家乡Take me home now, Country Roads 家乡之水,游子泪光 Almost heaven west Virginia   Blue Ridge Mountains Shenandoah river   Life is old there older than the trees   Younger than the mountains blowin" like a breeze      Country roads take me home   To the place I belong   West Virginia mountain momma   Take me home country roads      All my memories gather round her   Miner"s lady stranger to blue water   Dark and dusty painted on the sky   Misty taste of moonshine teardrop in my eyes      Country roads take me home   To the place I belong   West Virginia mountain momma   Take me home country roads      I hear a voice in the morning how she calls me   The radio reminds me of my home far away   Drivin" down the road I get a feelin"   That I should been home yesterday yesterday         西弗吉尼亚,总如天堂一般,   那儿有蓝岭山脉,谢南多亚河   生命在那里比树木更长久,   又如同山脉那般年轻,   像清风一样飘逝。      故乡的路,带我回家吧,   回到我期盼已久的归宿,   西弗吉尼亚,大山母亲,   带我回家吧,故乡的路。      我所有的记忆都围绕着她   她是矿工的妻子,从未见过深邃的大海,   黑暗与灰尘在天空中绘出颜色,   在那朦胧的月光下,泪水涌出我的眼睛。      故乡的路,带我回家吧,   回到我期盼已久的归宿,   西弗吉尼亚,大山母亲,   带我回家吧,故乡的路。      清晨我听见一个声音在对我呼唤,   收音机里的声音让我想起了遥远的家,   沿着公路行驶,我心中产生这样的感觉:   也许我昨天就该回到家中,就在昨天!

Take Me Home 歌词

歌曲名:Take Me Home歌手:Phil Coulter专辑:Lake Of ShadowsThe Showdown - Take Me HomeThe burning, the bleedingThe lifetime spent retreatingThe black eyes, the white lightsThe love that will not dieNow the dreams bring troubled sleep, so keep them awayStretched along the road too thin, by too many daysTake me homeSouthland"s calling my nameNeither love nor man nor law could keep me awayTake me homeSouthland"s calling my nameNeither love nor man nor law could keep me awayHe won"t give, he must liveHe cannot give into thisHis blood cold, he craves homeThe weary soldier crawlsNow the dreams bring troubled sleep, so keep them awayStretched along the road too thin, by too many daysTake me homeSouthland"s calling my nameNeither love nor man nor law could keep me awayTake me homeSouthland"s calling my nameNeither love nor man nor law won"t keep me awayTake me homeSouthland"s calling my nameNeither love nor man nor law would keep me awayTake me homeSouthland"s calling my nameNeither love nor man nor law won"t keep me awayNeither love nor man nor law won"t keep me awayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/684517

Take Me Home 歌词

歌曲名:Take Me Home 歌手:Russian Red专辑:I Love Your GlassesRussian Red-Take Me Home★ lrc 编辑 妙一法师It"s your guitar that discovers you wildefor all I can see is the dark of a skyand the plumbs in a glass jar of wine.Take me home, take me home, take me home, don"t knowTake me home, take me home, take me home, don"t knowhow I got here, but now you?Take me home, take me home, take me home, don"t knowtake me home, take me home, take me home, don"t knowhow I subsist with candled up nights and pure spirit"s Idon"t know how you dragged me here.And it"s my guitar that discovers me blindfor all I can see is the clarity sideand the bones someone spaton the trash from the plumbs?Take me home, take me home, take me home, don"t knowTake me home, take me home, take me home, don"t knowhow I got here, but now you?Take me home, take me home, take me home, don"t knowhow I subsist with candled up nights and pure spirit"s Idon"t know how you dragged me here.If you can call the name of our hopethat probably means I"m not there.Take me home, take me home, take me home, don"t knowhow?http://music.baidu.com/song/23846502

take me home 歌词

歌曲名:take me home歌手:Johnny Cash专辑:everybody loves a nutWell I"ve been from Boston to LA seen Boulder Dam and Frisco BayI seen New York City and WashingtonSeen Montreal and Saskatchewan and Rhode IslandAnd I"ve worked in three all night service stations and I drove a truckTake me home my heart is heavy and my feet are soreTake me home I don"t wanna roam no moreWell I slept all night in a water troughHad the flu and the croup and the whoopin" coughHad the mumps and the measles and the seven years itchAnd I can"t count the times that I"ve had a cold and a sore throatNot to mention all the times that I cut my fingers on a sardine canTake me home my heart is heavy...Well I can just see "em all now just a gatherin" roundMama"s supper table when the sun goes downAnd my good old pappy when the blessing is saidFillin" up his plate with black eyed peas and all that stuff and side meatAnd a great big hunk of my dear sweet mama"s hot buttered cornbreadTake me home my heart is heavy...Take me home my heart is heavy...http://music.baidu.com/song/14083671

Take Me Home 歌词

歌曲名:Take Me Home歌手:The Showdown专辑:Blood In The GearsThe Showdown - Take Me HomeThe burning, the bleedingThe lifetime spent retreatingThe black eyes, the white lightsThe love that will not dieNow the dreams bring troubled sleep, so keep them awayStretched along the road too thin, by too many daysTake me homeSouthland"s calling my nameNeither love nor man nor law could keep me awayTake me homeSouthland"s calling my nameNeither love nor man nor law could keep me awayHe won"t give, he must liveHe cannot give into thisHis blood cold, he craves homeThe weary soldier crawlsNow the dreams bring troubled sleep, so keep them awayStretched along the road too thin, by too many daysTake me homeSouthland"s calling my nameNeither love nor man nor law could keep me awayTake me homeSouthland"s calling my nameNeither love nor man nor law won"t keep me awayTake me homeSouthland"s calling my nameNeither love nor man nor law would keep me awayTake me homeSouthland"s calling my nameNeither love nor man nor law won"t keep me awayNeither love nor man nor law won"t keep me awayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/3485606

Take Me Home 歌词

歌曲名:Take Me Home歌手:Jack Savoretti专辑:Before the StormTake me homeclub 8Take me homebring me back when I"m downTake me homebring me back when I"m downTake me homebring me back when I"m downTake me homebring me back when I"m downIt"s a mistake I will have to makeexpecting all from youthere"s no drug to replace youTake me homebring me back when I"m downTake me homebring me back when I"m downTake me homebring me back when I"m downTake me homebring me back when I"m downTake me home(It"s a mistake)bring me back when I"m down( I will have to make)Take me home(expecting all from you)bring me back when I"m down(there"s no drug to replace you)http://music.baidu.com/song/17267279

Take Me Home 歌词

歌曲名:Take Me Home歌手:Cher专辑:Prisoner/Take Me Home(Heaven, heaven, heaven)Take me homeTake me homeI know another place to beTake me homeTake me homeYou deserve a girl like meCome onI know somewhereYou can unwindWe can just disappearNow"s the timeTake me homeTake me homeOnly fair I get my wayTake me homeTake me homeOh, it"s gonna happen anywayI know what"s good for youDon"t pass me byI will look after youYou"ll be fineI"m in heavenI"ll show you heavenIt"s so much heavenLet"s make a moveLet"s leave this world behindI know you approveBy the look in your eyesI"m in heavenI"ll show you heavenIt"s so much heavenTake me homeTake me homeAnd I will show youWhere to walkTake me homeTake me homeBaby let the people talkWe"ll get away from hereI"m reading your mindWe can just disappearNow"s the timeI"m in heavenI"ll show you heavenTake me homeOh take me homeTake me homeIn this momentOne night with youAll aloneWith nothing to loseLet"s make a moveLet"s leave this world behindI know you approveBy the look in your eyesI"m in heavenI"ll show you heavenIt"s so much heavenTake me homeTake me homeNow"s the timeTo follow meTake me homeCome and letWhat ought to beTake me homeTake me homeTake me homeTake me homeTake me homehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8084361

哪位有take me home的歌词儿

Take Me Home - Jess GlynneWrecked up, so consumed by伤痛欲绝 仍是痴迷于All this hurt这所有的伤痛If you ask me, don"t如果你问我Know where to start是否知道该何处启程And love confusion爱的困惑Rolls the gold nowhere爱的希望 却无处安放I know that somewhere better我知道有个更好的去处Cause you always take me there因为你常常会带我去往那里Came to you with a broken faith怀揣着支离破碎的信念走向你Gave me more than a hand to hold请你给我不仅仅是紧握的双手Caught before I hit the ground在我崩溃之前我已沦陷Tell me I"m safe, you"ve got me now告诉我我很安全 此刻你会紧拥我Would you take the wheel如果我已失控If I lose control?你是否会掌控我的方向?If I"m lying here如果我倒在这里Will you take me home?你是否会带我回家?Could you take care你是否会在乎Of a broken soul?我这颗支离破碎的灵魂?Will you hold me now?你是否会紧拥我?Oh, will you take me home?噢 你是否会带我回家?Oh, will you take me home?噢 你是否会带我回家?Oh, will you take me home?噢 你是否会带我回家?Oh, will you take me home?噢 你是否会带我回家?Oh, will you take me home?噢 你是否会带我回家?Hold the gun to my head把枪对着我的脑袋Count 1, 2, 3数着一二三If it helps me walk away then it"s如果能让我得以远离What I need那这就是我要的解脱Every minute gets easier你向我倾诉的越多The more you talk to me每一刻也就不再难么煎熬You rationalise my darkest thoughts你为我最黑暗的想法找到合理的理由Yeah you, set them free你 释放它们自由Came to you with a broken faith怀揣着支离破碎的信念走向你Gave me more than a hand to hold请你给我不仅仅是紧握的双手Caught before I hit the ground在我崩溃之前我已沦陷Tell me I"m safe, you"ve got me now告诉我我很安全 此刻你会紧拥我Would you take the wheel如果我已失控If I lose control?你是否会掌控我的方向?If I"m lying here如果我倒在这里Will you take me home?你是否会带我回家?Could you take care你是否会在乎Of a broken soul?我这颗支离破碎的灵魂?Oh, will you hold me now?噢 你是否会紧拥我?Oh, will you take me home?噢 你是否会带我回家?Oh, will you take me home?噢 你是否会带我回家?Oh, will you take me home?噢 你是否会带我回家?Oh, will you take me home?噢 你是否会带我回家?You say space will make it better你说距离会让一切更加美好And time will make it heal时间会治愈一切I won"t be lost forever我也不会永远这般迷失And soon I wouldn"t feel很快 我不会再有Like I"m haunted, oh falling这种不安的感觉 陷落You say space will make it better你说距离会让一切更加美好And time will make it heal时间会治愈一切I won"t be lost forever我也不会永远这般迷失And soon I wouldn"t feel很快 我不会再有Like I"m haunted, oh falling这种不安的感觉 陷落You say space will make it better你说距离会让一切更加美好And time will make it heal时间会治愈一切I won"t be lost forever我也不会永远这般迷失And soon I wouldn"t feel很快 我不会再有Like I"m haunted, oh falling这种不安的感觉 陷落Would you take the wheel如果我已失控If I lose control?你是否会掌控我的方向?If I"m lying here如果我倒在这里Will you take me home?你是否会带我回家?Could you take care你是否会在乎Of a broken soul?我这颗支离破碎的灵魂?Oh, will you hold me now?噢 你是否会紧拥我?Oh, will you take me home?噢 你是否会带我回家?Oh, will you take me home?噢 你是否会带我回家?Oh, will you take me home?噢 你是否会带我回家?Oh, will you take me home?噢 你是否会带我回家?Oh, will you take me home?噢 你是否会带我回家?Home回家Oh, will you take me home?噢 你是否会带我回家?Oh, will you take me home?噢 你是否会带我回家?-

哪位有take me home的歌词儿

Don"t take me home, please don"t take me home. I just don"t want to go to work. I want to stay here, drinking all the beer. Please don"t, please don"t take me home.

Take me home country road的英文歌词(美国人的)

《乡村路带我回家》(Take Me Home, Country Road)是由约翰·丹佛(John Denver)于1971年创作并演唱的著名乡村歌曲。丹佛是美国最有名的乡村民谣歌手之一,这首脍炙人口的《乡村路带我回家》是他的成名招牌曲目,歌曲旋律轻快,给人描绘了一幅美丽的美国东部西弗吉尼亚山区风光。1997年10月12日,丹佛在加利福尼亚海湾因飞机失事不幸身亡,终年53岁。歌名:Take Me Home, Country Roads歌手:John Denver词曲:Bill Danoff, Taffy Nivert, John Denver制作:Milton Okun, Susan Ruskin所属专辑:Poems, Prayers & Promises发行时间:1971-04-06发行公司:RCA音乐风格:Folk, country pop中英歌词:Almost heaven west virginia西弗吉尼亚,总如天堂一般Blue ridge mountains shenandoah river那儿有蓝岭山脉,谢南多亚河Life is old there older than the trees生命在那里比树木更长久Younger than the mountains又如同山脉那般年轻Growin like a breeze像清风一样飘逝Country roads take me home故乡的路,带我回家吧To the place I belong回到我期盼已久的归宿West virginia西弗吉尼亚Mountain momma大山母亲Take me home country roads带我回家吧,故乡的路All my memories gather round her我所有的记忆都围绕着她Miners lady stranger to blue water她是矿工的妻子,从未见过深邃的大海Dark and dusty painted on the sky黑暗与灰尘在天空中绘出颜色Misty taste of moon shine在那朦胧的月光下Tear drops in my eyes泪水涌出我的眼睛Country roads take me home故乡的路,带我回家吧To the place I belong回到我期盼已久的归宿West virginia西弗吉尼亚Mountain momma大山母亲Take me home country roads带我回家吧,故乡的路I hear her voice in the morning hours she calls me清晨我听见一个声音在对我呼唤Radio reminds me of my home far away收音机里的声音让我想起了遥远的家Driving down the road I get a feeling沿着公路行驶,我心中产生这样的感觉that I shoul"d have been home也许我昨天就该回到家中Yesterday就在昨天Yesterday就在昨天Country roads take me home故乡的路,带我回家吧To the place I belong回到我期盼已久的归宿West virginia西弗吉尼亚Mountain momma大山母亲Take me home country roads带我回家吧,故乡的路Country roads take me home故乡的路,带我回家吧To the place I belong回到我期盼已久的归宿West virginia西弗吉尼亚Mountain momma大山母亲Take me home country roads带我回家吧,故乡的路Take me home country roads带我回家吧,故乡的路Take me home country roads带我回家吧,故乡的路

take me home -CASH CASH 中文歌词哪位亲有?

Take Me Home带我回家I"m falling to pieces我痛苦不已But I need this但也必须如此Yeah, I need this我必须如此You"re my fault你是我的错误My weakness我的软弱When did you turn so cold当你变得如此冷漠You cut me down to the bone你让我感受到刻骨之痛Now you"re dancing现在你却载歌载舞All over my soul我的灵魂I"m falling to pieces痛苦不已To pieces, to pieces碎裂不堪But I still stay cause you"re the only thing I know但我仍然坚持留下,因为你是我唯一了解的人So won"t you take, oh, won"t you take me home你会带我,你会带我回家吗Take me home, home, home带我回家Take me home, home, home带我回家Take me带我Take meTake meTake me带我Take me home (home, home, home)带我回家Round in circles兜兜风Here we go我们去走走With the highest highs经历过种种高潮And the lowest lows和种种低谷But no one shakes me like you do但我能像你一样吸引我My best mistake was you你是我最完美的错误You"re my sweet affliction最甜蜜的折磨Cause you hurt me right因为你很好地伤害了我But you do it nice堪称完美Round in circles兜兜风Here we go我们去走走Oh YeahBut I still stay cause you"re the only thing I know但我仍然坚持留下,因为你是我唯一了解的人So won"t you take, oh, won"t you take me home你会带我,你会带我回家吗Take me home, home, home带我回家Take me home, home, home带我回家Take me带我Take meTake meTake me带我Take me home, home, homeTake me home, home, home带我回家Take me带我Take me, I still stay, oh, won"t you take me home带我回家,我还在等你,你会带我回家么Take me home.带我回家诚挚为你翻译,希望你满意!望采纳,谢谢~

需要一首英文歌,开头是:coutry road take me home, to the place whare i be long

歌名:Take Me Home Country Roads歌手:John Denver所属专辑:Let"s Folk AgainAlmost heaven west virginia西弗吉尼亚,总如天堂一般Blue ridge mountains shenandoah river那儿有蓝岭山脉,谢南多亚河Life is old there older than the trees生命在那里比树木更长久Younger than the mountains又如同山脉那般年轻Growin like a breeze像清风一样飘逝Country roads take me home故乡的路,带我回家吧To the place I belong回到我期盼已久的归宿West virginia西弗吉尼亚Mountain momma大山母亲Take me home country roads带我回家吧,故乡的路All my memories gather round her我所有的记忆都围绕着她Miners lady stranger to blue water她是矿工的妻子,从未见过深邃的大海Dark and dusty painted on the sky黑暗与灰尘在天空中绘出颜色Misty taste of moon shine在那朦胧的月光下Tear drops in my eyes泪水涌出我的眼睛Country roads take me home故乡的路,带我回家吧To the place I belong回到我期盼已久的归宿West virginia西弗吉尼亚Mountain momma大山母亲Take me home country roads带我回家吧,故乡的路I hear her voice in the morning hours she calls me清晨我听见一个声音在对我呼唤Radio reminds me of my home far away收音机里的声音让我想起了遥远的家Driving down the road I get a feeling沿着公路行驶,我心中产生这样的感觉that I shoul"d have been home也许我昨天就该回到家中Yesterday就在昨天Yesterday就在昨天Country roads take me home故乡的路,带我回家吧To the place I belong回到我期盼已久的归宿West virginia西弗吉尼亚Mountain momma大山母亲Take me home country roads带我回家吧,故乡的路Country roads take me home故乡的路,带我回家吧To the place I belong回到我期盼已久的归宿West virginia西弗吉尼亚Mountain momma大山母亲Take me home country roads带我回家吧,故乡的路Take me home country roads带我回家吧,故乡的路Take me home country roads带我回家吧,故乡的路扩展资料:《乡村路带我回家》是由John Denver演唱的歌曲。歌曲背景1971年,他放弃学业,潜心从事乡村歌曲的创作与演唱。起初受到别人的嘲笑,但他始终不为所动。最终在1971年以一曲《Take Me Home, Country road》(《乡路送我回家》)一跃成名为著名乡村音乐歌星。这首脍炙人口的《乡村路带我回家》,歌曲旋律轻快,给人描绘了一幅美丽的美国东部西弗吉尼亚风光。

take me home和carry me home的区别


take me back home还是take me home?


take me home country road的中英文歌词

wo ding

take me home的拼音歌词

teik mi houmu

小野丽莎的《Take Me Home》是什么风格的歌曲?最好能再给我介绍几首这种风格的歌曲吗?谢谢!!

jazz风格,也就是中文说得爵士乐,小野丽莎的歌基本上都是这种风格的,一般在日本像这种海归女都喜欢这种唱这种风格的英文歌(嗯呐...谁叫人家是海归英文好,当然声线更好啦~~)不过要说jazz,那鼻祖还要算美国啦~在此强力推荐jazz小天后 ~~诺拉 琼斯~~下面就小小介绍下吧~Norah Jones出生于音乐世家,父亲是著名的印度席塔琴演奏家Ravi Shankar。在达拉斯的Booker T. Washington高中,学习钢琴和表演的时候,她沉醉到了爵士乐中,结束了在北德克萨斯的两年大学生活以后,Norah Jones来到了纽约,纽约的音乐氛围令Norah Jones激动不已。在这里Norah Jones开始热衷于一些出色的词曲作者的作品,也是在这里,她逐渐形成了目前爵士钢琴,创作型的风格,并开始尝试多种音乐风格的融合。后来Norah Jones和词曲作者Jesse Harris,以及贝斯手Lee Alexander组成了一支小乐队,Norah Jones在乐队中担任主唱并兼奏钢琴。2000年10月Blue Note Records为他们录制了一张试音专辑《First Sessions》,Norah在专辑中尽情展示了自己的才华,在创作中她在源于爵士乐的曲调中加入了自己的激情,并用自己圆润,柔美的嗓音打动了唱片公司,于是仅过了三个月Norah Jones正式签约Blue Note Records,并于2002年2月26日发布了第一张专辑《Come Away With Me》。 ★首辑即刷新全球900万张专辑销量! ★2003年全英音乐奖提名名单上再度放光彩,包下3项国际大奖:「最佳国际专辑」、「最佳国际女歌手」和「最佳国际新人」 ★诺拉琼斯耀获第45届葛莱美奖 [最佳流行女歌手] [ 最佳新人]等5项大奖提名 ★[年度唱片] [年度专辑] [年度单曲]等8项提名&获奖,100%得奖率: 最佳年度唱片RECORD OF THE YEAR (DON"T KNOW WHY) 最佳年度专辑ALBUM OF THE YEAR (COME AWAY WITH ME) 年度单曲SONG OF THE YEAR (DON"T KNOW WHY) 最佳新进艺人BEST NEW ARTIST 最佳流行女歌手BEST FEMALE POP VOCAL PERFORMANCE 最佳流行演唱专辑BEST POP VOCAL ALBUM(COME AWAY WITH ME) 最佳非古典专辑音乐工程BEST ENGINEERED ALBUM, NON-CLASSICAL) 最佳非古典年度制作人PRODUCER OF THE YEAR, NON-CLASSICAL)    ★葛莱美效应:得奖名单公布后[远走高飞]专辑再度跃上Billboard+英国金榜+日本Oricon公信榜西洋榜+台湾风云榜+加拿大 澳洲 荷兰 瑞典 纽西兰 爱尔兰 全球同步冠军 ★美国娱乐周刊年终榜 ★滚石杂志在2002年初将她列为<2002年最值得期待的10位艺人之一>,在年终时更肯定她为<2002年风云人物> ★滚石杂志年终遴选「2002年50张最佳首发专辑」 ★BILLBOARD杂志年终榜 之一 ★英国排行权威网站dotmusic年终遴选"don"t know why"为<2002年最佳单曲>之一 ★排名〈英国2002全年最畅销专辑〉第11名 ★英国金榜爵士蓝调专辑榜+BILLBOARD现代爵士榜双料冠军 ★BILLBOARD网络专辑销售榜冠军+流行专辑榜亚军专辑 ★日本HMV唱片行爵士榜冠军专辑 ★"don"t know why"获mp3.com网站票选2002年季军单曲 ★英国MOBO(music of black origin)音乐奖 得主 ★意大利音乐奖 其实我最最最喜欢的还是Norah的那首~~don"t know why~~Norah懒散又带有磁性的嗓音混合着爵士乐特有的曲风,特别是歌词~~don"t know why I didn"t com~~~~

country road,take me home 是那部电影插曲


求 :宫崎骏《侧耳倾听》里take me home(日文版)的歌词


take me home to your place 其中的一句歌词 这是什么歌呀?


Take me home和drive me home有什么区别?


有一首夜店经常放的歌 有一段是take me home

Take me home - Sophie Ellis-Bextor 不知道是不是。

Take Me Home

歌曲介绍:Take Me Home是海鸥乐团的发布的专辑[Red]中的一首歌曲.2007年7月16日,伦敦,海鸥乐团(Guillemots)举办演唱会。Guillemots(海鸥)乐队,是由来自英国的古典钢琴手Fyfe Dangerfield(主唱),巴西的吉他手MC Lord Magrao,苏格兰的鼓手Rican Caol,还有加拿大的双贝司手Aristazabal Hawkes组成。乐队因其到位的表现力和个人魅力,使得他们的歌曲让人着迷。在英国,他们的现场演出也帮助乐队招募了不少拥趸。2005年乐队作为开场嘉宾参加了Rufus Wainwright的英国巡演,同时发行了他们的EP专辑“I Saw Such Things in My Sleep”。2006年初乐队又发行了包括了他们所有早期的单曲还有EP中全部四首歌曲的专辑“From the Cliffs”。接着乐队发行了自己的正式专辑"Through the Windowpane"。 正当一只只新冒出的乐队忙着复古时,Guillemots给今年的英伦乐坛吹进了一股清新的海风。被复古风弄得对英伦新生乐队敬而远之的歌迷们应该庆幸Guillemots的出现,它让我们重新对英伦摇滚充满信心。不知道是不是 你要找的乐队!!!

Take me Home的介绍

趁著人气红居高不让的势头,One Direction推出第二张大碟《Take Me Home》,请到曾为Celine Dion、Britney、Usher、Justin Bieber等天王天后的制作班底联手合作。首波主打《Live While We"re Young》,抢先推出EP预购活动,不到24小时攻占全球逾50国冠军,成为史上预购速度最快的单曲,这是由《What Makes You Beautiful》黄金团队再次掌舵制作的新歌,满载充沛青春活力,同时空降英美两地排行季军。紧接著节奏轻快的《Kiss You》,是Party不可缺少的快乐元素。以简单Acoustic吉他伴奏的《Little Things》,散发清新的民谣味道。《C&#39;mon, C&#39;mon》则是整张专辑中最具跳跃感的快歌。其后有起伏有致的《Last First Kiss》、外加漂亮真假音转换的《Change My Mind》。让人怦然心动的《Heart Attack》,摇摆出Funky旋律。由Queen乐团《We Will Rock You》取得灵感的《Rock Me》,尝试挑战摇滚风格。摇滚和电子完美结合的《I Would》,弦乐柔美辅佐的《They Don`t Know About Us》。

找一首歌 歌词take me home

《Take Me Home, Country Roads(中文译名<乡村路带我回家>)》是由约翰·丹佛(John Denver)创作并演唱的著名乡村歌曲。 歌词及中文翻译Take Me Home, Country Roads   Almost heaven   West Virginia   Blue Ridge Mountains   Shenandoah River   Life is old there   Older than the trees   Younger than the mountains   Growing like a breeze   Country road take me home   To the place I belong   West Virginia   Mountain Mama   Take me home country roads   All my memories   Gather round her   Miners Lady   Stranger to blue water   Dark and dusty   Painted on the sky   Misty taste of moonshine   Teardrops in my eyes   Country roads take me home   To the place I belong   West Virginia   Mountain Mama   Take me home country roads   I hear her voice in the morning hours   She calls me   The radio reminds me of my home far away   And driving down the road   I get a feeling   That I should have been home   Yesterday yesterday   Country roads take me home   To the place I belong   West Virginia   Mountain Mama   Take me home country roads   Country roads take me home   To the place I belong   West Virginia   Mountain Mama   Take me home country roads   Take me home country roads   Take me home country roads 乡村路带我回家 所有的开始,西弗吉尼亚,总如天堂一般 那儿有蓝岭山脉,谢南多亚河 生命在那里比树木更长久 又如同山脉那般年轻 像清风一样飘逝 故乡的路,带我回家吧 去到属于我的地方 西弗吉尼亚,大山妈妈 带我回家吧,故乡的路 我所有的记忆都围绕着她 矿工的妻子,从未见过深邃的大海 她又脏又多尘,似画在天上,像月晕一样,泪水涌出我的眼睛 故乡的路,带我回家吧 回到我期盼已久的归宿 西弗吉尼亚,山峦妈妈 带我回家吧,故乡的路 清晨我听见一个声音在对我呼唤 收音机里的声音让我想起了遥远的家 沿着公路行驶,我心中产生这样的感觉 也许我昨天就该回到家中,就在昨天 故乡的路,带我回家吧 回到我期盼已久的归宿 西弗吉尼亚,山峦妈妈 带我回家吧,故乡的路 带我回家吧,故乡的路 带我回家吧,故乡的路

“take me home country road”翻译成中文是什么意思?

《乡村路带我回家》(Take Me Home, Country Road)是由约翰·丹佛(John Denver)于1971年创作并演唱的著名乡村歌曲。丹佛是在美国最有名的美国乡村歌手,他甚至超过了在美国比他名气大的多的乡村明星,就是因为这首脍炙人口的《乡村路带我回家》,歌曲旋律轻快,给人描绘了一幅美丽的美国东部西弗吉尼亚风光.

求一首歌,是乡村音乐,有点老了。 有句歌词是”coutry road, take me home


take me home country road 约翰丹弗创作这首歌的背景

  John Denver 是美国著名的乡村音乐歌手,有一次在酒吧里听到他的歌,特别是这首take me home,country roads.他的歌把我领进了乡村音乐,并被它深深吸引,乡村音乐节奏明快、流畅,有很强的感染力,希望你们也来认识一下John Denver,体验乡村音乐的魅力。  John Denver简介:  约翰.丹佛于1943年生于美国西南部的新墨西哥州,曾经学习建筑专业。1971年,他放弃学业,潜心从事乡村歌曲的创作与演唱。起初受到别人的嘲笑,但他始终不为所动。终于在1971年以一曲《Take Me Home, Country road》(《乡路送我回家》)一跃成名为著名乡村音乐歌星。丹佛演唱的歌曲大部分都是自己创作的,著名的曲目有《Take Me Home Country Road》、《Rocky Mountain High(高高洛基山)》、《Sunshine On My Shoulders(阳光照在我肩上)》、《A Wild Heart Looking For Home(浪子心渴望家园)》、《Trail Of Tears(泪痕)》 以及《African Sunrise(非洲的黎明)》都是美国乡村歌曲与摇滚风格相结合的典范。20年来,丹佛的创作屡屡不绝,他为美国帆船“星条旗”号获胜作歌,还为中国之行创作了歌曲《(Shanghai"s Breeze)上海的微风》。1979年元月,约翰.丹佛在华盛顿肯尼迪文化中心为当时访美的老邓演唱了他的拿手曲目。  和许多乡村歌手一样,丹佛也是经常一把吉它随身到处巡回演唱,歌曲多以吉它伴奏,演唱自如,常有即兴变化。丹佛的嗓音自然明快而无矫揉做作。他演唱的内容多为歌唱纯真的爱情、美好的理想、抒发怀乡之情或是带有哲理性的社会歌曲。约翰.丹佛至今已获得21次金唱片奖和4 次白金唱片奖,他也是中国观众最为熟悉的美国乡村歌手之一。不幸的是,在我们编辑此光盘即将完成时,丹佛已离我们而去,1997年10月他在一次飞行中不幸坠机遇难。  Take Me Home Country Road  Almost heaven  West Virginia  Blue Ridge Mountain  Shenandoah River  Life is old there  Older than the trees  Younger than the mountains  Growing like a breeze  Country road. take me home  To the place I belong  West Virginia  Mountain Mama  Take me home, country roads  All my memories  Gather round her  Miners Lady  Stranger to blue water  Dark and dusty  Painted on the sky  Misty taste of moonshine  Teardrops in my eyes  Country roads, take me home  To the place I belong  West Virginia  Mountain Mama  Take me home, country roads  I hear her voice in the morning hours  She calls me  The radio reminds me of my home far away  And driving down the road  I get a feeling  That I should have been home  Yesterday,yesterday  Country roads , take me home  To the place I belong  West Virginia  Mountain Mama  Take me home,country roads  Country roads , take me home  To the place I belong  West Virginia  Mountain Mama  Take me home,country roads  Take me home,country roads  Take me home,country roads  就像是天堂,西维吉尼亚州  有蓝色山脊的群山和雪纳杜河  在那儿生命是古老的,比森林更古老  但比山脉年轻  像风一样自在的成长  乡村小路,带我回家  回到我属於的地方  就是西维吉尼亚州——山脉之母  带我回家,乡村小路  我所有的回忆都围绕著她———  矿工的淑女、蓝色河流的陌生人、  涂满了黑与灰的天空  和朦胧的月光  泪水在我眼眶中打转  清晨时分,我听到她呼唤我的声音  广播节目提醒我家还很远  在开车的路上,我有一种感觉  我早该回到家的怀抱

Take Me Home Country Road 歌词

应该是blowing like a breeze如一阵微风吹过


take me home 意思是“带我回家”,着重 home(往家走);take me back home 意思是“带我回到家里”,着重 back(回到原处)。

"带我回家"是bring me home还是take me home?


take me home和take me to the home是不是一样的

不一样,take me home是带我回家,家可以是说话人的家,或者是对话人的家。take me to the home,的家是有特指的,the home,

关于take me home 与take me to go home!

跟home的语法性质一样,你觉得这逻辑哪里不通了?takes me to go home这种组合你读着不会难受吗?

电影(头文字D), 余文乐驾驶的车子GTR里面播放的是什么音乐? 歌词好像是: take it more

歌词是I can"t take any more吧?? 歌名是Intro AE 86这个是下载地址~~http://www.cococ.com/playalbum/6687.html

问take the fall中文版歌词

[ti:01 Take The Fall][ar:Soren Bregendal][al:Life is simple not easy][by:koala][00:01.03]01 Take The Fall[00:05.32]artist:Soren Bregendal[00:09.66]album:Life is simple not easy[00:13.68]by:koala[00:16.44]Don"t try to understand[00:21.66]When it doesn"t make no sense[00:25.31]Sometimes it"s just ain"t logical[00:30.66]Just go within and then[00:36.45]The story will unfold[00:40.50]Sometimes you"re just unstoppable[00:43.32][00:46.60]Don"t fight it when things they come undone[00:49.98]Don"t hide it you know it is what you want[00:53.88]It"s not wrong[00:55.99]No don"t be scared[00:58.71]Just take the fall[01:03.80][01:15.41]So, I know you got your doubt[01:19.97]And I know what"s on your mind[01:24.49]But don"t be scared[01:26.20]You"re not alone[01:30.91]No, no one can tell you now[01:32.16]What happens down the line[01:36.05]What happens[01:37.34]Cause here and now is all we know[01:40.97][01:46.31]Don"t fight it when things they come undone[01:49.27]Don"t hide it you know it is what you want[01:52.71]It"s not wrong[01:54.65]No don"t be scared[01:57.83]Just take the fall[02:00.27][02:00.95]Don"t run away[02:02.14]Life has just begun[02:03.81]Don"t lie to yourself[02:06.55]Just carry on[02:07.66]It"s not wrong[02:09.21]No don"t be scared[02:12.90]Just take the fall[02:15.51][02:16.71]Come with me now[02:25.38][02:26.72]Don"t turn[02:30.41]Don"t turn around[02:36.36]Oh no[02:40.44][02:48.60]Don"t fight it when things they come undone[02:52.08]Don"t hide it you know it is what you want[02:55.79]It"s not wrong[02:58.08]No don"t be scared[03:00.56]Just take the fall[03:03.25][03:04.11]Don"t run away[03:06.08]Life has just begun[03:07.00]Don"t lie to yourself[03:09.86]Just carry on[03:11.17]It"s not wrong[03:12.35]No don"t be scared[03:14.46]Just take the fall[03:18.69][03:22.76][03:24.52]

take leave to doubt 什么意思?

take leave to doubt 冒昧的怀疑

Set You Free (Outtake From Crack A Smile) (24-Bit Remastered 99) (2000 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Set You Free (Outtake From Crack A Smile) (24-Bit Remastered 99) (2000 Digital Remaster)歌手:Poison专辑:Crack A Smile...And More!爱内里菜 - SET YOU FREE作词:爱内里菜作曲:corin.信じぬく気持ちを力にし进んでゆこう信じるものだけが真実になるから SET YOU FREE心に响かせてファンファーレ “愿えば叶う”思い込みこそがまず最大のパワー振り返るたびにね失くしたもの眩しく见え都合のいい场面へと心钝らせないでいろんな空の下 缲り広がる悲剧よ信じるという光だけが闇を照らしてゆける自由を抱きともにStand up 热くHeat up 快感へRun up!谁もが胸に叶う梦持ってる恐れを解き希望Get up 梦をGrow up 胜ち取れHands up!谁のねものでもない未来をつかむためSET YOU FREE後悔となるのは失败することじゃなくて真剣に挑めずにいた心の方期待されてるとか あきらめられてるだとか谁かのね満足のために生きてるわけじゃない谁かが诱ってる 优しいね道だとか谁かが口にする真実さえ置いてくんだ自由を抱きともにStand up 热くHeat up 快感へRun up!梦はね 热い本音しか闻かない恐れを解き希望Get up 梦をGrow up 胜ち取れHands up!必要なものはすべて君が持っているSET YOU FREESET YOU FREESET YOU FREEともにStand up 热くHeat up 快感へRun up!希望Get up 梦をGrow up 胜ち取れHands up!SET YOU FREESET YOU FREEhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2935999

How long does it take us to go to your hometown from here?it takes us ( )hour or more to go to my


― It will be only 6 months before we take the college entrance examination.―Time flies! _______.

D 试题分析:本句考察的是谚语。A静以修身;B时间对我们有利;C人多力量大;D分秒必争;句义:—6个月后我们就要参加高考了。—时间过得真快啊!分秒必争!根据第二句义说明要珍惜时间。故D正确。

take place有没有被动语态如题 谢谢了

harbor the idea that,take the attitude that,的用法,请举例

The girl still harbors the idea of going abroad.那女孩依然抱着出国的念头.The girl still harbored the idea of going abroad.All the ships stayed in the harbor during the storm.那女孩依然抱着出国的念头.W...

英语to take extra care怎么翻译?

英语to take extra care翻译为中文:格外小心。

谁知道这首歌是什么歌?谁唱的?歌词:put it down on the shelf,take it one by one and you know it...

歌名:Don"t Take My Heart And Put It On a Shelf主唱:Jonas BrothersShe"s such a flirtAnd i"m a lonely heartGive it a chanceFor our love to startBut you"ll never seeIf you don"t give me a shotTo show you what I"ve gotYeah it"s too late to pretendYou know me better than I know myselfDon"t take my heart and put it on a shelfI always someone elseThe next guy who can make your cold heart meltI"m gonna give my love to someone elseI held your handIt felt like a movieI"d made some plansBut you were alreadyMoving on nowAnd I was stuck under a rainy cloudBut you don"t seem to careBut it"s alright causeIt"s too late to pretendYou know me better than I know myselfDon"t take my heart and put it on a shelfAlways someone elseThe next guy who can make your cold heart meltI"m gonna give my love to someone elseI"m tired of wasting all my timeMy heart is hanging on this lineIs it me, girl, or someone else?Don"t put it on a shelfIt"s too late to pretendYou know me better than I know myselfDon"t take my heart and put it on a shelfSomenday you will seeHow much it hurts to be alone like meSo go ahead and put your heart on a shelfLa la la la laLa la la la laAlways someone elseThe next guy who can make your cold heart meltI"m gonna give my love to someone elsegracias a LetrasyMusica.es

Take baby steps 是什么意思

Take baby steps采取婴儿步骤从小步开始不厌其烦要一步一个脚印的双语例句1You have to take baby steps to break out of your fear.要打破你的恐惧,你得从小步开始。2Studying those who have succeeded with similar ventures alsohelps.But above all, take baby steps.学习那些和你有同样经历的成功人士也许会有帮助。3Take baby steps to get through the difficult days.困难时期要一步一步度过。4But let"s take baby steps to get there.当时还是让我们不厌其烦地到达那一步吧。5But above all, take baby steps.最重要的是,要一步一个脚印地走。

I take a couple of hours off this afternoon? 这里的off是什么 词组?

off 副词So as to be away from work or duty:离开工作或职责:They took a day off.他们休息一天学习是一件愉快的事! (*^__^*) 请及时采纳,多谢!

请问本句中的 what it takes..的 it 代表什么?has的宾语是在哪?

这个句子比较复杂。。in which引导非限制性定语从句中包含了一个what引导的宾语从句其中,it是形式宾语,无任何意义,真正的宾语是takes to——paradigm这部分因为宾语太长,所以只能给它加一个形式宾语,也就是it。这个类似于it当形式主语时的原理

take a liberty是什么意思

自由(自己选择生活方式),擅自做某事liberty 英[u02c8lu026abu0259ti] 美[u02c8lu026abu0259rti] n. 自由; 许可权; 放肆,无礼; 解放,释放; [例句]Wit Wolzek claimed the legislation could impinge on privacy, self determination and respect for religious liberty威特·沃尔泽克声称这项法律可能会对隐私权和自主权造成侵犯,并破坏对宗教自由的尊重。[其他] 复数:liberties
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