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if i take real slowly if i try real hard什么歌

这首歌是美剧《复仇》的插曲《For You 》,中英文歌词歌名:For You演唱:Angus & Julia StoneIf I talk real slowly, if I try real hard 如果我慢慢的述说 将一路的艰难娓娓道来To make my point dear, that you have my heart 亲爱的 当我将这些重点说完後 我的真心就是你的 Here I go, I"ll tell you what you already know Here I go, I"ll tell you what you already know我要说了 这些就是我要告诉你的If you love me with all of your heart 如果你的内心也一样爱我If you love me, I"ll make you a star in my universe 如果你爱我 我会将你当成我宇宙里的星光You"ll never have to go to work 你将不用再为俗事烦恼You"ll spend every day 你只需要花点时间Shining your light my way 将你的星光撒在我将前往的路上If I talk real slowly, if I hold your hand 如果我慢慢的述说 将一路的艰难娓娓道来If you look real closely my love 如果你是这麼的靠近我的爱You might understand 那麼你就会完全的明白Here I go, I"ll tell you what you already know Here I go, I"ll tell you what you already know我要说了 这些就是我要告诉你的If you love me with all that you are如果你以所有面目来爱我If you love me, I"ll make you a star in my universe如果你这样的爱我,我会把你当做我宇宙中的星星You"ll never have to go to work你再也不用去工作You"ll spend everyday shining your light my way你将每天照亮我前进的路Here I goI"ll tell you what you already knowHere I goI"ll tell you what you already know我要说了 这些就是我要告诉你的If you love me with all that you are如果你以所有面目来爱我If you love me, I"ll make you a star in my universe如果你这样的爱我,我会把你当做我宇宙中的星星You"ll never have to go to work你再也不用去工作You"ll spend everyday shining your light my way你将每天照亮我前进的路

take it on board是什么意思

take it on board列入议事日程;纳入考虑范围例句1.If the advice is good, I take it on board.如果是好建议我就会接受。2.He took it in a great manner and said he would take it on board.他非常有礼貌地接受了并说他将把这些话记住。3.I listen to them all. If the advice is good, I take it on board. If it"s not, I put it to the side.我会听他们的。如果是好建议我就会接受。如果不是,我就会放在一边。

take on board什么意思,能不能给个例句?

转载、乘上、带上等意思They loaded( or take on board) oil a moji.他们在门司港装上石油。 We went on board Athens yesterday morning.我们昨天早晨登上雅典号。 You"ll have to take your luggage on board.你得把你的行李拿到车上。 They have installed wireless apparatus on board.他们已在船上安装了无线电设备。 Many of the tourists on board had begun bargaining with the tradesman.船上的很多旅客开始与商人讨价还价了。 The unions could not take on board the idea of a pay freeze.工会不能接纳冻结工资的意见。 I"m too busy to take this new job on board at the moment.我太忙,目前不能接受这项新工作。 The hijackers kept the pilot on board the plane as (a) hostage.劫机者把飞机驾驶员扣留在飞机上作为人质。 They waved farewell to their friends on board the ship.他们对船上的朋友挥手告别。 That ship and all hands on board were lost on the reef.那条船连同全体船员都触礁遇难了。 I told her what I thought, but she didn"t take my advice on board.我把我的想法告诉了她,可她没有听取我的建议。 The school refused to take any of the parents"criticisms on board.学校拒绝接受家长们提出的任何批评。 One feels cooped up in a cabin on board a ship.在船的舱房中使人有受拘禁之感。 The time is approaching when we must be on board.我们上船的时间快到了。 They piped the captain on board.他们以笛声欢迎船长登船。 Delivery can be made free on board and your order dispatched within24 hours.贵方如能在二十四小时内寄出订单,本公司就以船上交货价条件交货。 Here is a tentative free on board price list.这是暂时的船上交货价目表。 The ship set sail after all the crew came on board.全体船员上船后,船就开了。 There are 100 tons of wheat on board the ship.船上装有100吨小麦。 Welcome on board the 94 through train to Guangzhou.欢迎乘坐开往广州去的94次直达列车。


词组 take sb."s arm 挽住某人的胳膊 take sb. in one"s arms 拥抱某人 take hold of sth. 抓住某物 take sb. in the act 当场逮捕某人 take a town 攻占一座城市 take cold 着凉 take sb."s fancy 占有某人的心 take (the) first place 居首位, 得第一 take sb.at a disadvantage 乘人不备; 乘人之危 be taken ill 患病 take sb. by surprise 冷不防出现; 突然接近 take letters to the post 寄信 take the luggage upstairs 把行李搬上楼 take a friend home in one"s car 用汽车把朋友送回家 take a holiday 休假 take a day off 请一天假 take a chair 坐下 take 100 dollars a month 每月工资100美元 take medical advice 听取医生意见 take driving lessons 学习驾驶 take the air 呼吸新鲜空气 take a wife [古]娶妻 take one"s chance 碰运气 take a chance on sth 冒险试做某事 take it from me (=take my word for it) 相信我; 我保证; 我这话你可以相信 be able to take it 能忍受得住(痛苦, 惩罚, 攻击等) take a newspaper 订阅报纸 take a cottage course [美](大学生)毕业前结婚 take sth down in shorthand 用速记记下某事 take photographs 拍照 take one"s time 不匆忙, 不急于, 慢慢来; 浪费时间, 拖延, 磨洋工 take a lot of doing 费事, 费力; 需要努力[技巧]等 take one"s temperature 测量体温 take sb."s measure 测量某人身长; [喻]看穿某人 take things coolly [calmly] 处之泰然, 不激动 take sth. ill [amiss] 对某事表示不高兴 take the blame 担负过失[责任] take the throne 接受王位 take steps 采取步骤 take socialist road 走社会主义道路 take office 就职 take a train 坐火车 Get on:进行 "Tom is sluggish. I wonder how he is getting on in his new work." ue80bue80b Get through:完成 "There isn"t much time left. How can one get through all this work before the office closes? " Get over:恢复过来 "The rich woman was so upset at the loss of her beloved puppy that it was hard for her to get over the shock." Get...down:使……消沉 "Miss Lim told me that his poor academic performance got her down. Get down to:认真做 "It is sometimes difficult to get down to serious work after a long holiday ." Get round/around:回避 "What will happen will happen. I see no way of getting round the imponderables." Get on for:(常以进行时态出现)将近 "No one knows about that film star"s actual age, but it must be getting on for 50 years old." Get away/off with:逃避处罚 "The police have not let anyone get away with his or her illegal act." Get...across:把(讯息等)传达给 "The minister tried to get his ideas across to the masses of people. " Get back at:向……报仇 "I notice that people often get back at whoever is unkind to them." Get back to:再与……联络 "Sorry , I am busy at the moment. Let me get back to you later" Get in with:与……保持良好关系 "James joined a high-class club to get in with influential people there." Get...off:寄出 "The manager asked his secretary to get all the letters off before 5p.m." Get...out:推出产品、出版 "As a rule, manufacturers will get their new products out before Christmas. / Jason will get another book out soon ." Get on with:继续进行 "It is time to turn off the TV and get on with your unfinished home work." Get at:(常以进行式出现)批评、暗示 "Henry"s wife is getting at him for not helping with the household chores . / I don"t know what Peter was getting at when he said that his secretary could be more successful as a fashion model." Get by:应付 "In Singapore, some people cannot get by on only one source of income." Get in:被选 "Which party will get in this time, the Republican Party or the Democratic Party?" Get along:继续过话、相处 "I think all can get along quite well without being rich. / Do you get along well with your new colleagues?" Get out of:摆脱、获利 "You should get out of your smoking habit, the sooner the better. / Michael organised the holiday trip, but I don"t know what will he get out of it. get even with...:向……报复 “Mike accused Peggy of costing him the job and said that he would get even with her one day.” get a grip on oneself:控制自己的情绪 “Stop being hysterical and get a grip on yourself.” get...nowhere:使……不会有进展 “What is the use of such nonsense? It gets us nowhere.” get...off the ground:使……开始进行 “Janet has a great idea of publishing something for her students, but I wonder if she will ever get the plan off the ground.” get on someone"s nerves:使人厌烦 “She is used to complaining some other people in my presence; this really gets on my nerves.” get...straight:把……弄清楚 “Let us get this straight: David needs a car and I lend it to him, not you.” get the better of...:胜过…… “David is a bilingual. No wonder he got the better of Kate in handling some tricky problems.” get a feel of...:尝试 “In this country, it is good for you to get a feel of living among various races.” get the hang of...:懂得……的窍门 “You have to have some practical experience before you get the hang of managing this kind of office work.” get the picture clear:准确地了解情况 “To get the picture clear, you must read the annual report in detail.” get the message:了解人家所说的 “As no one asked any question, I assume all got the message.” get to grips with...:努力对付…… “One has to get to grips with new technology, the sooner the better.” get to the bottom of...:弄清……的真相 “Something seems to have gone wrong with Nancy; let"s get to the bottom of it.” get wind of:得到密报 “Please keep the plan secret; no one is supposed to get wind of it prematurely.” get...wrong:误解…… “I don"t object to your idea, but I doubt it is practicable. This is my position, so don"t get me wrong./ The newspaper apologised that it had got the fact wrong.” get down to business:认真办事 “Time is running short; let"s get down to business now. ” get a move on:赶快 “We ought to get a move on or we will be late for the musical concert.” get one"s head down:静静地工作 “His naughty son promised to get his head down before the final exam.” get one"s hands on...:要得到…… “They all want to get their hands on the old man"s money.” get someone"s back up:使……讨厌 “You will just get your friend"s back up if you keep on being nasty.”turn awayTo send away; dismiss:把…打发走;解雇:turned away the salesperson.解雇了推销员To repel:驱逐:The poor location of the condominium turned away many prospective buyers.公寓房偏僻的位置赶跑了许多很有希望的买主To avert; deflect:挡开;使转向:turned away all criticism.挡开了所有的批评turn backTo reverse one"s direction of motion:折回,往回走:掉转某人的运动方向:stopped on the road and had to turn back.在公路上停了下来,只好往回走To drive back and away:使折回,赶回去:turned back the uninvited comers.把不速之客赶了回去To halt the advance of:使停止前进,挡住:managed to turn back the advancing army.设法挡住了向前推进的军队To fold down:翻起,折转:Turn back the corner of the page to save your place in the book.在书角上折一下来作读到哪里的记号turn downTo diminish the speed, volume, intensity, or flow of:降低,减弱:调低速度、音量、强度或流量:Turn down the radio, please.请把收音机的音量调低To reject or refuse, as a person, advice, or a suggestion:拒绝:拒绝某人、建议或忠告:We politely turned down the invitation.我们有礼貌地拒绝了邀请To fold or be capable of folding down:翻下:折转或能够被翻下:turn a collar down; a collar that turns down.翻下衣领;能翻下的衣领turn inTo hand in; give over:交还;上交:turned in the final exam.上交期末考试试卷To inform on or deliver:检举,陈述:The criminal turned herself in.罪犯自首了To produce:完成:turns in a consistent performance every day.每天的表现都很一致Informal To go to bed:【非正式用语】 上床睡觉:I turned in early last night.我昨晚很早就上床睡觉了turn offTo stop the operation, activity, or flow of; shut off:关闭,停止:终止运转、行为或流动;关掉:turned off the television.关掉电视Slang 【俚语】 To affect with dislike, displeasure, or revulsion:讨厌,厌恶:使不喜欢,讨厌或厌恶:That song really turns me off.我一点也不喜欢那首歌To affect with boredom:使厌烦:The play turned the audience off.这出戏让观众很倒味To lose or cause to lose interest; withdraw:失去或使失去兴趣;撤回:turning off to materialism.沦为实利主义To cease paying attention to:不注意:Unable to leave my seat, I turned off the boring speaker and thought about vacation.不能离开我的座位,我对那个令人厌烦的讲演者置之不理,开始考虑假期To divert; deflect.分散;转移Chiefly British To dismiss (an employee).【多用于英国】 解雇(员工)turn onTo cause to begin the operation, activity, or flow of:打开,开启:使开始运作、活动或流动:Turn on the light bulb.打开电灯To begin to display, employ, or exude:开始展示,显露出,流露出:turn on the charm.显露出魅力全部是粘贴、复制的。如果你要记,劝你还是不要了。基本单词的短语记住费事费力,不划算,记住常考的和常用的就够了,要记住全部还不如去牛津里面背单词的基本意思,这比记短语要实用得多,而且短语看似杂乱无章,实际上还是有迹可循的。

false和mistake 有什么区别?


Take Me for a Ride 歌词

歌曲名:Take Me for a Ride歌手:Melodie Nelson专辑:To the Dollhousehiding from the rain and snowtrying to forget but i won t let golooking at a crowded streetlistening to my own heart beatso many peopleall around the worldtell me where do i findsomeone like you girltake me to your hearttake me to your soulgive me your hand before i m oldshow me what love ishaven t got a clueshow me that wonders can be truethey say nothing lasts foreverwe re only here todaylove is now or neverbring me far awaytake me to your hearttake me to your soulgive me your hand and hold meshow me what love isbe my guiding starit s easy take me to your heartstanding on a mountain highlooking at the moon through a clear blue skyi should go and see some friendsbut they don t really comprehenddon t need too much talkingwithout saying anythingall i need is someonehttp://music.baidu.com/song/58312425

Every night we black out just to take it all in翻译

英语原句:Every night we black out just to take it all in Every day we wake up just to do it all again中文翻译:我们昏昏沉沉地把一切都带走,每一天我们醒来只是为了重新做一遍.词汇释义Every night夜夜black out熄灯; 灯火管制; 停止; 中断just正好; 刚才; 仅仅,只是; 刚要; 公正的,合理的; 恰当的; 合法的; 正确的take it all in注意倾听,全部听进Every day每天; 天天; 日; 逐日wake up醒来; 活跃起来; 引起注意; 认识到do it all服无期徒刑again再一次; 再说; 此外; 不过

take it easy,even if not什么意思?有语病吗?

省略了两个词。应该是:Take it easy, even if (it is) not (easy).就算事情不算简单,你也不要着急。

哪个品牌的服装广告标语是 "take it easy"?




take it easy和take very seriously


take it easy to you 还是for you?

to you

don,t wrry可以和take it eazy 互换吗


makes it easy, take it easy 的区别是什么?

make it easy 使某事变得简单take it easy 放轻松,慢慢来

do not worry和take it easy区别

take it easy[口语]别紧张,沉住气;别着急;不慌不忙,从容不迫;小心,仔细悠着点,稳着点干,不拼命工作,放松,轻松一点,松懈;懒散;休息不烦恼,不发怒,不放在心上[有时用于告别] 保重!再见! don"t worry意为“不用担心”,“别担忧”eg:Oh. Don"t worry. Cheer up. You can do better next time哦,别担心。振作起来。下一次你会考得更好的。

take it easy 中的 easy 为什么不用 easily 动词后面不是用副词修饰吗


Take it eas是什么意思

大概是写错了应该是Take it easy.放轻松。

祝考试中好好表现 怎么说 书面语用Take it easy行吗 合理分配时间 合理地 那个词?尽量抽时间检查 尽量

祝考试中好好表现 怎么说 书面语用Take it easy行吗 合理分配时间 合理地 那个词?尽量抽时间检查 尽量春雨丝丝润万物 红梅点点绣千山 春意盎然 一年好运随春到 四季彩云滚滚来 万事如意

为什么是take it easy 不是easily



Well, I"ve been running down the road我已行到路的尽头 tryin" to loosen my load.努力想卸掉心头重负 I"ve got seven women on my mind:我的心里有七位女人 four that wanna" hold me,四位想把我留在她们身边 two that wanna" stone me,两位恨得要扔我石头 and one says she"s a friend of mine.还有一位说她是我的朋友 Take it easy....放轻松 Take it easy....放轻松 Don"t let the sound of your own wheels不要让你心里回响的声音之轮 drive you crazy.使你疯狂 make you crazy.使你疯狂 Lighten up while you still can在你还可以的时候轻松应对一切吧 don"t even try to understand.甚至不要去穷究追问 Just find a place to make your stand, and只需找到你的立足之地,然后 Take it easy....放轻松 Well, I was standin" on a corner我站在一个角落里 in Winslow, Arizona,在Arizona的Winslow such a fine sight to see....在看一幅美景 It"s a girl, my Lord是一个女孩,我的上帝啊 in a flatbed Ford,在一辆敞篷福特里 slowin" down to take a look at me.缓速经过看了我一眼 Come on, baby...过来呀,亲爱的 Don"t say maybe...不要说也许 I gotta" know if your sweet love is gonna" save me.我知道你甜蜜的爱情可以拯救我 We may lose and we may win,我们或聚或离 but we"ll never be here again.但是永不能再邂逅此地 So, open up by climbin" in, so所以敞开心灵接受我 Take it easy....放轻松 Well, I"ve been running down the road,我已行到路的尽头 tryin" to loosen my load.努力想卸掉心头重负 Got a world of trouble on my mind.烦乱的世界缠绕在我的心头 I"m lookin" for a lover,我在寻找一个爱人 who won"t blow my cover.她不会揭去我的遮掩 She"s so hard to find.她是如此难以寻找 Oooo.....Oooo.....Oooo.....Oooo..... Oooo.....Oooo.....Oooo.....Oooo..... Oooo.....Oooo.... Oh, we"ve got it easy我们轻松应对 We ought to take it easy.我们必须放轻松

Take It Easy 歌词

Mika - Take It Easy专辑《Life In Cartoon Motion》演唱/MikaTook a rightto the end of the lineWhere no one ever goesEnded up on a broken trainwith nobody I knowBut the painand the longings the sameWhere the dyingNow I"m lostand I"m screaming for helpRelax, take it easyFor there is nothingthat we can doBlame it on meor blame it on youIt"s as if I"m scaredIt"s as if I"m terrifiedIt"s as if I scaredIt"s as if I"m playing with fireScaredAre you scaredAre we playing with fireRelaxThere is an answerto the darkest timesIt"s clear we don"t understandbut the last thing on my mindIs to leave youI believethat we"re in this togetherDon"t screamthere are so many roads leftIt"s as if I"m scared(Relax)Relaxhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14491098

Take It Easy 歌词

歌名:Take It Easy歌手:谭咏麟作曲:谭咏麟 填词:陈少琪知不知你搅乜 世界有赏兼有罚你咪太过心急 方能扎实今天当有损失 当发奋的好礼物时运到理想必得Take it easy 点会有事难事变轻易学这三个字Take it easy 点会有事铁变金 等闲事好想讲句你知 切记有一先有二循序去揭开新奇事世事变化定时 看上帝意思咪掉以轻心做尽蠢事快乐也要及时你乱了拍子 就出事知不知你搅乜 着裤着衫先着袜凡事要种因 先行信佛今天经过损失 你要去珍惜每日无谓照镜都不诚实成就靠众多 昨日take it easy take it easyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1006225

Take It Easy 歌词

歌曲名:Take It Easy歌手:老鹰乐队专辑:The Very Best Of The Eagles作词:于光中/毛毛 作曲:陈志远 编曲:Martin TangCome on take it easy,try to take it easy随别人去说也影响不了我Come on take it easy,babe take it easy一阵风吹过你就感觉到我你的背包装满梦想满溢在我只手我的心中有一个念头你笑我就不说我们过着简单的生活却有别人不懂的快乐The sun rises for you and me没有人担心偶尔我会觉得委屈你比我更着急你猜不透的我的谜题我准你都放弃我们过着快乐的生活却有别人不懂的简单Peace and love for you and me没有人担心Come on take it easy,try to take it easy爱太难形容快握紧我的手Come on take it easy,babe take it easy看我的表情你就会相信我http://music.baidu.com/song/16042794

take it easy和no hurry的区别 这两个词我总是分不清楚,希望能得到指导,

easy:有简单 轻松的意味.因此take it easy表示别把事情想得太难,叫你放松一点 从容点 别急。No hurry 纯粹就是不忙;不必着急的意思。

Take It Easy 歌词

歌曲:take it easy歌手:EagelsWell, I"ve been running down the roadtryin" to loosen my load.I"ve got seven women on my mind:four that wanna" hold me,two that wanna" stone me,and one says she"s a friend of mine.Take it easy....Take it easy....Don"t let the sound of your own wheelsdrive you crazy.make you crazy.Lighten up while you still candon"t even try to understand.Just find a place to make your stand, andTake it easy....Well, I was standin" on a cornerin Winslow, Arizona,such a fine sight to see....It"s a girl, my Lordin a flatbed Ford,slowin" down to take a look at me.Come on, baby...Don"t say maybe...I gotta" know if your sweet loveis gonna" save me.We may lose and we may win,but we"ll never be here again.So, open up by climbin" in, soTake it easy....Well, I"ve been running down the road,tryin" to loosen my load.Got a world of trouble on my mind.I"m lookin" for a lover,who won"t blow my cover.She"s so hard to find.Oooo.....Oooo.....Oooo.....Oooo.....Oooo.....Oooo.....Oooo.....Oooo.....Oooo.....Oooo....Oh, we"ve got it easyWe ought to take it easy.http://music.baidu.com/song/15249710

Take It Easy 歌词

歌曲名:Take It Easy歌手:Craig Duncan专辑:Country Mountain Tributes: The Eagles「TAKE IT EASY」作词∶大田绅一郎作曲∶徳永暁人歌∶doaハイプレッシャーな毎日につぶされそう货物列车に乗ったりして旅に出たいAh 仆は谁なの? 见えるものも见えてない?冷蔵库あけてもマヨネーズとしょうゆばんそこう贴っても治りが遅いAh 年々増えるのは悩みと体重Ah 全然食えるのは悩んでない证拠!?ちょっと待ってよ すべてが叶わなかった梦じゃないやるときゃやったし 世间に流されっぱなしって訳でもないI"m on my way あの风をうけてもう一度走ってみようよTAKE IT EASYおはよう さようなら また会いましょう早いよう1年2年また过ぎて行くAh 刺激と軽いハプニングが欲しいAh 现金と広いダイニングも欲しいちょっと待ってよ すべてが叶わない梦じゃないでしょうやることやって顽张れば この时代(よ) も舍てたもんじゃないYou are the one 咲かせよう あの娘の笑颜に会えるSomebody call my name 谁かが笑颜をくれるI"m on my way この风をうけてもう一度走ってみようよTAKE IT EASY【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/2847991



take it easy 与take your time 什么区别

take it easy从容;不急;松懈,别着急If you are sick, really, truly, terribly sick, you need to take it easy. 如果你病了的确是病了,很糟糕,你需要休息一天这个简单。take your time别着急;从容做Take your time with each resume, as it is the first impression you make on the hiring manager. 花时间去打造每一封简历,因为它将决定招聘经理对你的第一印象。

take it easy什么意思中文

take it easy的中文释义为从容;不急;松懈,[例句:The doctor told me to take it easy for a few weeks.医生叫我休息几周。 扩展资料   例句:   1.The doctor told me to take it easy for a few weeks.   医生叫我休息几周。   2.Take it easy. You"re great.   放轻松一点,你很棒。   3.Come on. You should take it easy.   嘿,你应该放轻松。   4.I try to help him take it easy.   我要想办法让他轻松一些。   5.Take it easy. It will be OK soon.   放轻松点,一会儿就会好的`。   6.Daniel: Take it easy, Dad!   丹尼尔:爸爸,看开点!   7.Oh.I"m just going to take it easy.   哦,我只打算放松一下自己。   8.You should take it easy.   你应该轻松一些。   9.Put your foot on here. Take it easy.   把你的脚放上去,放轻松。   10.Doctor: Take it easy!   医生:放轻松!   11.Take it easy and be polite to criticism.   放轻松,礼貌地评论。   12.Well, take it easy!   这个嘛,放轻松吧!

take it easy是什么意思


take it easy是什么意思

take it easy 英[teik it u02c8i:zi] 美[tek u026at u02c8izi] 不紧张; 松懈; 不生气; 不激动等; [例句]Take it easy. Don"t be so sensitive.放松点,别这么敏感。

take your time和take it easy分别是什么意思

take your time慢慢来,别急take it easy别着急,别紧张,放松点

寻找eagles take it easy的中文歌词。

take it easy Well, I"ve been running down the road我已行到路的尽头 tryin" to loosen my load.努力想卸掉心头重负 I"ve got seven women on my mind:我的心里有七位女人 four that wanna" hold me,四位想把我留在她们身边 two that wanna" stone me,两位恨得要扔我石头 and one says she"s a friend of mine.还有一位说她是我的朋友 Take it easy....放轻松 Take it easy....放轻松 Don"t let the sound of your own wheels不要让你心里回响的声音之轮 drive you crazy.使你疯狂 make you crazy.使你疯狂 Lighten up while you still can在你还可以的时候轻松应对一切吧 don"t even try to understand.甚至不要去穷究追问 Just find a place to make your stand, and只需找到你的立足之地,然后 Take it easy....放轻松 Well, I was standin" on a corner我站在一个角落里 in Winslow, Arizona,在Arizona的Winslow such a fine sight to see....在看一幅美景 It"s a girl, my Lord是一个女孩,我的上帝啊 in a flatbed Ford,在一辆敞篷福特里 slowin" down to take a look at me.缓速经过看了我一眼 Come on, baby...过来呀,亲爱的 Don"t say maybe...不要说也许 I gotta" know if your sweet love is gonna" save me.我知道你甜蜜的爱情可以拯救我 We may lose and we may win,我们或聚或离 but we"ll never be here again.但是永不能再邂逅此地 So, open up by climbin" in, so所以敞开心灵接受我 Take it easy....放轻松 Well, I"ve been running down the road,我已行到路的尽头 tryin" to loosen my load.努力想卸掉心头重负 Got a world of trouble on my mind.烦乱的世界缠绕在我的心头 I"m lookin" for a lover,我在寻找一个爱人 who won"t blow my cover.她不会揭去我的遮掩 She"s so hard to find.她是如此难以寻找 Oooo.....Oooo.....Oooo.....Oooo..... Oooo.....Oooo.....Oooo.....Oooo..... Oooo.....Oooo.... Oh, we"ve got it easy我们轻松应对 We ought to take it easy.我们必须放轻松

take it easy可以翻译成放宽心吗


take it easy是什么意思


哪个品牌的服装广告标语是 "take it easy"?


请翻译下面的句子,并解释在句中take it easy是什么意思

A:你又回来工作太好了,你走的两周很长啊.B:我真的喜欢我的旅行.当然了,没有什么事能像这样一年放松一次了.take it easy意为 放松点

take it easy什么意思

take it easy放轻松双语对照词典结果:take it easy[英][teik it u02c8i:zi][美][tek u026at u02c8izi]不紧张; 松懈; 不生气; 不激动等; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Will you take it easy? 你可不可以放轻松点?


overtake英[u02ccu0259u028avu0259u02c8teu026ak]美[u02ccou028avu0259ru02c8teu026ak]vt.压倒; 追上,赶上; (不愉快的事)突然降临网络突然袭击; 超车; 从后面超越,超车第三人称单数:overtakes现在分词:overtaking过去式:overtook过去分词: 1Rest, rest, for evermore Upon a mossy shore; Rest, rest at the heart"s core Till time shall cease: Sleep that no pain shall wake; Night that no morn shall break Till joy shall overtake Her perfect peace.休息,休息,休息,永远休息在长满青苔的岸上;休息,在心中休息直到时间停止:不会有黎明破黑夜;不会有痛苦惊梦境,直到喜悦压倒她完美的宁静。

Take your shirt off歌词

T-Pain - Take Your Shirt OffTaste The ShitTasteYeahBrush em off .. Brush em off .. HEYBrush em off .. Brush em off .. HEYBrush em off .. Brush em off .. HEYTwist it in the air like a mother fucking helicopterYeahLadies and gentlemenBoys and girlsChildren of all agesThis is nappy boy man..This is what we doIntroducing!!!Teddy pain teddy penderazzdown ..Better be known when I roll around townIf a girl lost she"s about to be foundWhen I rock & roll I make that boy fall outTeddy cares so my feet all aroundI"m back again wchya gon do nowGet out of this party girl and come back to my houseI"m about to show you how we do it down townTake your shirt offA aaa a a .. Take your shirt offA aaa a a .. Take your shirt offA aaa a a .. Take your shirt offTwist it in the air like a mother fucking helicopterA aaa a a .. Take your shirt offA aaa a a .. Take your shirt offBrush em off.. brush em off .. do the danceTwist it in the air like a mother fucking helicopterI know you don"t care when your tiddys there were home girlTake your mother fucking shirt off..HEYTake your mother fucking shirt off..HEYTake your mother fucking shirt off..HEYAnd if you don"t care put your hons in the air home girlTake your mother fucking shirt off..HEYTake your mother fucking shirt off..HEYHey ..Twist it in the air like a mother fucking helicopterWhat it is what is gon beI see you in the crowd and your lookin" at meBut you aint doin nothin like u gettin it for freeI don"t wanna see no nuts in the pretty YTTake it all for me baby girl wchya gon doYour lookin" like who this mother fuckin" talkin" to?I wanna see that baby fire wrapped around your headNow answer this is auto-tune really dead?Take your shirt offA aaa a a .. Take your shirt offA aaa a a .. Take your shirt offA aaa a a .. Take your shirt offTwist it in the air like a mother fucking helicopterA aaa a a .. Take your shirt offA aaa a a .. Take your shirt offbrush em off.. brush em off .. do the danceTwist it in the air like a mother fucking helicopterI know you don"t care when your tiddys there were home girlTake your mother fucking shirt off..HEYTake your mother fucking shirt off..HEYTake your mother fucking shirt off..HEYAnd if you don"t care put your hons in the air home girlTake your mother fucking shirt off..HEYTake your mother fucking shirt off..HEYHey ..Twist it in the air like a mother fucking helicopterHey girl what it is..shoulda take back to my crib andTake your mother fucking shirt off ..shirt offTake your mother fucking shirt off ..shirt offHey girl what"s goin onI noticed this is your favorite songSo take your mother fucking shirt off ..shirt offTake your mother fucking shirt ..shirt..shirt..shirt..shirtTake your shirt offA aaa a a .. Take your shirt offA aaa a a .. Take your shirt offA aaa a a .. Take your shirt offTwist it in the air like a mother fucking helicopterA aaa a a .. Take your shirt offA aaa a a .. Take your shirt offBrush em off.. brush em off .. do the danceTwist it in the air like a mother fucking helicopterI know you don"t care when your tiddys there were home girlTake your mother fucking shirt off..HEYTake your mother fucking shirt off..HEYTake your mother fucking shirt off..HEYAnd if you don"t care put your hons in the air home girlTake your mother fucking shirt off..HEYTake your mother fucking shirt off..HEYHey ..Twist it in the air like a mother fucking helicopterTeddy teddyPain painTeddy teddyPain painTeddy teddyPainTeddy teddyPain painTeddyPain painTeddy painPain painTeddy teddyTeddy painPain teddyTeddy pain

take a draw of XXX 在数学中的翻译是什么?或者draw的数学含义是啥啊?

参考答案 你是你的敌人,只有你能力打倒你;你是你的上帝,只有你才干拯救你。

---Have you finished your work yet? ---No, not yet. I think itu2019ll take ____ ten minutes.


求这段《The road not taken》的鉴赏翻译,最好是原创

未走过的路》“未走过的路”是一种Robert Frost作,发表在1916年在收集山区间,它是第一部诗歌在体积,是用斜体字印刷的。书名是经常错误地给出了“道路”,从人迹罕至的倒数第二一句:“我选择了人迹较少的”。这首诗有两个,一个是公认的解释更字面解释,而其他更有讽刺意味。读者经常看到这首诗从字面上看,作为一种个人主义。评论家通常将诗为讽刺意味。[1]," " "未走过的路,”也许是最著名的例子霜的声称有意识的讽刺和“最好的例子在所有的美国诗歌的披着羊皮的狼clothing."”[2]-和霜冻自己警告说:“你必须小心那首诗;它是一种棘手的诗歌,非常棘手。”[3]霜预期的这首诗以一颗平和的刺拳在他的伟大的朋友和同诗人爱德华托马斯和他一起曾采取走过森林(托马斯·总是抱怨结束,他们应该有采取的是一种不同的路径),似乎很好玩的某种解释这首诗作为灵感。字面解释根据字面解释(而且更常见),这首诗的灵感,黄健翔对于个人主义和non-conformism。这首诗由四节。在第一节,说话的人描述了自己的位置。他已经缺席了在树林中散步,来这儿两条道路,和他站)看着远在楼下每一个都能看见。他想尝试都是,但怀疑他能这么做的,所以他继续看下去的道路很长一段时间,努力让自己去决定走哪一条路。讽刺的解释反讽的解释,被广泛持有的批评家,[1][5]的批评是,这首诗是关于后悔,而不是个人的创造神话、理顺我们的决定。在这种解释,最后两行:我选择了人迹较少的一条,,这就导致了所有的不同。讽刺:选择是很少或根本没有区别,说话者的誓约相反的情况。演讲者承认在第二和第三节,这两个路径可能是一样,同样的leaf-covered磨损,只有在他未来的回忆,他会打电话给一个道路”较少人迹”。听到一声叹息,广泛理解为一声叹息的遗憾,也可能被解释成具有讽刺意味的是:在1925年的一封信给Cristine戴国煇、田纳西州、耶茨的叹息,询问有关霜回答说:“这是我而不是以牺牲私人笑话的人也许会认为我仍活到抱歉我用过的方式生活。”

locality和area在“区域”时的区别? have 和 take 在表示“获得”时它们的区

词义辨析 area,region,belt,zone,district,localityarea,region,belt,zone,district,localityThese nouns all denote extents of space, especially on a surface, that can be differentiated from others by particular qualities or characteristics. 这些名词都意指空间的范围,尤指表面,由其特有的性质或特征而与其它词相区别。Area and Area region are the most inclusive: region 是最总括的:a dialect spoken over a large area; 在很大区域中说的方言;a blighted urban area; 被破坏的城区;a recreation area; 重新改建的地区;tropical regions of South America; 南美的热带地区;polar regions; 极地;pain in the abdominal region. A 腹部疼痛。 belt is a tract, frequently but not always longer than it is wide, that is distinguished from others in a single stated respect: belt 是指区域,常常但非总是用于广阔情况,它单独表达的方面区别于其它词:the Corn Belt; 玉米地带;a snow belt. A 积雪地带。 zone may be an area that encircles, as on a map (zone 可能是一个环绕区域,如在地图上(the Torrid Zone); it may also be an area with strictly defined, often arbitrarily set boundaries (热带); 它也可是一个严格定义的区域,常常随意设制边界(a residential zone; 居住区;a demilitarized zone; 非军事区;a nuclear-free zone). If the area is a subdivision for administrative purposes, it is called a 无核区)。 如果区域为行政目的而细分,它叫做district: district: a congressional district. 国会区。District can also refer to a less specific area with respect to such features as its use: District 也可指更少专指的区域,如具有如下这些特征的:the financial district. A 财政区。 locality is an area with vague or undefined limits: locality 则是具有模糊或不确定边界的区域:The turnout of voters was low in many localities. 在许多地区选民投票率很低。have和take 一个是拥有了,一个是得到了

老师请问:怎样区分一个短语是及物动词加介词还是不及物动词加介词?如give up, take off......谢谢

一般及物介词的话及物动词后面可以加sth ,例如give和take 都是及物动词,所以有give sth up 和take sth off

mistake,error,fault 和 wrong的区别

mistake(make a mistake)n. 错误;误会;过失vt. 弄错;误解vi. 弄错;误解errorn. 误差;错误;过失fault (find fault with找茬)n. 故障;[地质] 断层;错误;缺点;毛病;(网球等)发球失误vi. 弄错;产生断层vt. (通常用于疑问句或否定句)挑剔wrongadv. 错误地;邪恶地,不正当地n. 坏事;不公正adj. 错误的;失常的;不适当的vt. 委屈;无理地对待;诽谤


error与mistake 这两词均指错误过失,一般可以通用,但以下两种情况中不可混用: 在道德方面犯过失用error,而不用mistake;在一些固定用法中,如 by mistake,an error of judgement等.faultn.缺点,毛病;错误,过失;障碍vt.找……缺点,挑剔 语境记忆No one could fault his performance. 他的演出无懈可击. A friend without faults will never be found. 没有缺点的朋友是永远找不到的. 搭 配find fault with 抱怨,挑剔 without fault 确定





辨析英文单词 fault ,mistake ,wrong ,error 的用法,含义和不同点

mistake、error 、fault 和wrong 四个词都可表示“错误”,但侧重点不同 1、mistake强调日常生活中判断和看法的错误 如:It was a mistake buying that house.买那套房子是个错误. 2、error强调违反某一标准做的错事,包括道德上的错误. He can"t forget the errors of his youth.他忘不了他年轻时犯的错误. 3、wrong 坏事、冤屈、犯罪 4、fault强调责任或性格上的弱点 It "s my fault that we are late.我们迟到是我的错.

辨析英文单词 fault ,mistake ,wrong ,error 的用法,含义和不同点

mistake、error 、fault 和wrong 四个词都可表示“错误”,但侧重点不同 1、mistake强调日常生活中判断和看法的错误 如:It was a mistake buying that house.买那套房子是个错误. 2、error强调违反某一标准做的错事,包括道德上的错误. He can"t forget the errors of his youth.他忘不了他年轻时犯的错误. 3、wrong 坏事、冤屈、犯罪 4、fault强调责任或性格上的弱点 It "s my fault that we are late.我们迟到是我的错.




有错误,本句话改为强调句如下:It is the ship that take you to England.

it___(get) very hot,I think we should ___(take)off our coats. 需要解释

gets / take


If you can take it, you can make it. 能忍方能有所成。如有疑问,请追问!

Has a doctor ever given you a note to take to the…… 你能告诉我关于这句话的文章的中文意思吗


take my phone


she take my phone怎么变一般疑问句?

Does she take my phone?

一首歌里有take my phone 这三个单词,歌名叫什么呀?

The Coldcut <<My telephone>>Telephone, got me hanging on the lineTelephone, wasting all my timeI can live without my telephoneTelephone, got me hanging on the lineTelephone, wasting all my timeI can live without my telephoneI can live without my telephoneTelephone, got me hanging on the lineTelephone, wasting all my timeI can live without my telephoneTelephone, can"t you leave it till I"m throughTelephone, we"ve got better things to doI can live without my telephoneMy telephoneIt don"t matter where I amTelephones are in a jamCan"t finish anythingThe telephone is always ringin"Got no job, got no payDon"t let them take my phone awayIn my car or in my homeEverybody"s gettin" it on the phoneEverybody"s gettin" it on the telephoneEverybody"s gettin" it on the phoneEverybody"s gettin" it on the telephoneTelephone, got me hanging on the lineTelephone, wasting all my timeI can live without my telephoneTelephone, always ringing in my headTelephone, always get me out of bedI can live without my telephoneI can live without my telephoneTelephone, got me hanging on the lineTelephone, wasting all my timeI can live without my telephoneTelephone, now I"m seeing redTelephone, can"t make out what you saidI can live without my telephoneI can live without my telephone

我没带手机 英语 i am mot take my phone 和i do not take my phone 有啥区别 哪个对

后面那个对前面的那个am和take都是谓语,就算是I am not taking my phone改成这个样子,“我没带手机”一般都是表示瞬间动作的状态,也感觉不太对。

摇滚组合take four简介

美国五人摇滚组合"伊凡塞斯" 美国摇滚组合—Paramore(paramore,是一支来自美国的年轻乐队,风格是典型的EMO-PUNK,音乐自然而紧凑,散发着浓厚的流行摇滚元素,乐队目前已发行3张专辑。 Paramore也为一些比较知名的好莱坞影片演唱过歌曲,比如大家熟知的《暮光之城》 ) 美国摇滚组合One Republic 美国当红摇滚组合Maroon 5 美国摇滚组合 Signal the Escape


bring, take和carry这三个词都和“拿、取”有关,但要注意三者之间的区别:bring意为“带来,拿来”,指把某物或某人从另一个地方带到说话的地方来,也可以说是“由远及近”。例如: Bring me your dictionary tomorrow.明天把你的词典给我拿来。take(带走)意为把某物或某人从说话的地方带到另一个地方去,也可以说是“由近及远”,常和介词to构成搭配。例如:Can you help me take the books to the classroom?你能帮我把这些书带到教室去吗?carry意思是“提、扛、搬、携带”,意思较多,但没有方向性。例如:(1)Will you please carry the box for me? 你替我扛那个箱子好吗?(2) Li Dong is carrying water.李东在提水

take away和take away from有什么区别


How do you get to school? I_my bike A ride B take C by D on


account for意为占据时的近义词 用take……of 应该填什么

take possession of


One Direction(单向组合)是一个英国五人男子组合,成员包括:Liam Payne,Louis Tomlinson,Niall Horan,Harry Styles和Zayn Malik。他们的平均年龄在19岁。 基本介绍 外文名称 :Taken 所属专辑 :Up All Night 歌曲原唱 :one direction 歌曲语言 :英语 公司 :Sony Syco 歌曲信息,歌手简介,中英对照歌词, 歌曲信息 歌曲:Taken 歌手:one direction 语种:英语 Up All Night 唱片公司:Sony Syco 所属专辑:Up All Night 歌手简介 他们作为个人选手通过了The X Factor(英国偶像——一档英国选秀节目,由Simon Cowell创办)第七季(2010)的选拔赛,进入了训练营,却没有成功进入男生组评审之家。在评审Nicole Scherzinger的提议下,这五个青少年被组成了一个组合,从而晋级,One Direction成立于2010年7月23日。最终,One Direction进入了决赛,并且成为了当季比赛的季军。之后签约唱片公司Syco Music。 中英对照歌词 Nowthatyoucan"thaveme现在你已经不再拥有我Yousuddenlywantme你却突然想起我Nowthati"mwithsomebodyelse现在我和别人在一起了Youtellmeyouloveme你却告诉你爱我Isleptonyourdoorstep我曾睡在你家门前的台阶Beggingforonechance求你给次机会NowthatIfinallymovedon现在我终于走了Yousaythatyou"vemissedmeallalong你却说你一直想着我Whodoyouthinkyouare你以为你是谁WhodoyouthinkIam你以为我是谁Youonlylovedtoseemebreaking你只喜欢看我心碎YouonlywantmecauseI"mtaken因为我被别人占有你才想到我Youdon"treallywantmyheart你并不是真的想得到我的心No,youjustliketoknowyoucan不,你只是想确认Stillbetheonewhogetsitbreaking自己仍是我内心的第一位Youonlywantmewheni"mtaken当我离开你才想起我You"remessingwithmyhead你正扰乱我的思绪Girlthat"swhatyoudobest女孩这是你做得最好的一件事Sayingthere"snothingyouwon"tdo口口声说你什么都不会去做Togetmetosayit来迫使我就范You"reimpossibletoresist我不会排斥你ButIwouldn"tbetyourheartonit但我不会为你的心意赌一把It"slikei"mfinallyawake我幡然醒悟Andyou"rejustabeautifulmistake你只不过是个美丽的错误Whodoyouthinkyouare你以为你是谁WhodoyouthinkIam你以为我是谁Youonlylovedtoseemebreaking你只喜欢看我心碎YouonlywantmecauseI"mtaken因为我被别人占有你才想到我Youdon"treallywantmyheart你并不是真的想得到我的心No,youjustliketoknowyoucan不,你只是想确认Stillbetheonewhogetsitbreaking自己仍是我内心的第一位Youonlywantmewheni"mtaken当我离开你才想起我ThankyouforshowingmeWhoyouareunderneathThankyouIdon"tneedAnotherheartles *** iseryYouthinki"mdoingthistomakeyoujealousAndIknowthatyouhatetohearthisButthisisnotaboutyouanymoreWhodoyouthinkyouare你以为你是谁WhodoyouthinkIam你以为我是谁Youonlylovedtoseemebreaking你只喜欢看我心碎YouonlywantmecauseI"mtaken因为我被别人占有你才想到我Youdon"treallywantmyheart你并不是真的想得到我的心No,youjustliketoknowyoucan不,你只是想确认Stillbetheonewhogetsitbreaking自己仍是我内心的第一位Youonlywantmewheni"mtaken当我离开你才想起我Nowthatyoucan"thaveme现在你已经不再拥有我Yousuddenlywantme你却突然想起我

请问“take up” 与“account for ” 作为“占”意思时的区别

take up占得是有型的东西,如座位等account for 是无形的东西


take+account+for考虑到双语对照例句:1."They never take account for what they"ve done," she said in a short telephone interview.

it takes about five days.对five days进行提问.

How long will it takes?

一个成熟的人勇于迎接挑战。 (take on)

He is always ready to help others, in return, everybody likes him. We can"t take on more work. That is the only thing they could count on. He put his only little strength all make out. I am 72 years old, can adjust to the life in China?

Bob will _____ Japan to take part in a contest. A. come back for B leave for C. returnD. leave off


get on/off 、get into/out of 、ride 、drive、 take off/land 分别可以接哪些交通工具?

get on /off bicycle ,bus ferry train tram get into /out of taxi /ride bicycle motorbike drive bus ferry helicopter plane train tram take off /land helicopter plane

be proud of与take pride in有什么区别

be proud of和take pride in的区别:一、指代不同1、be proud of:以…自豪。2、take pride in:对…感到满意。二、侧重点不同1、be proud of:可接baisomeone。2、take pride in:take pride in多接something。be proud of用法1、That"s a beautiful piece of work. You should be proud of it.那件作品非常漂亮,你应当为之自豪。2、Every right-thinking American would be proud of them.每一个有正义感的美国人都会为他们感到自豪。3、The interior is planned with a precision the military would be proud of.内部设计一丝不苟,足以让军方引以为豪。4、If I were you, I would be proud of him, too.如果我是你,我也会为他自豪的。

the road not taken中的两条路指什么

美国诗人罗伯特u2022弗罗斯特曾写过一首诗The Road Not Taken《未选择的路》,描写了现实生话中人们处在十字路口时难以抉择的心情。鱼和熊掌不可兼得,选择一条路的同时,也就意味着放弃了另外一种可能性。不一样的抉择造就了不尽相同的人生,学会勇敢地坚定自我,只要是自己的选择,便也无怨无悔。望采纳

the road not taken的诗歌原文

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,And sorry I could not travel bothAnd be one traveler, long I stoodAnd looked down one as far as I couldTo where it bent in the undergrowth;Then took the other, as just as fair,And having perhaps the better claim,Because it was grassy and wanted wear;Though as for that the passing thereHad worn them really about the same,And both that morning equally layIn leaves no step had trodden black.Oh, I kept the first for another day!Yet knowing how way leads on to way,I doubted if I should ever come back.I shall be telling this with a sighSomewhere ages and ages hence:Two roads diverged in a wood,and I—I took the one less traveled by,And that has made all the difference. 黄色的树林里分出两条路可惜我不能同时去涉足我在那路口久久伫立我向着一条路极目望去直到它消失在丛林深处但我却选择了另外一条路它荒草萋萋,十分幽寂显得更诱人,更美丽虽然在这条小路上很少留下旅人的足迹那天清晨落叶满地两条路都未经脚印污染呵,留下一条路等改日再见但我知道路径延绵无尽头恐怕我难以再回返也许多少年后在某个地方,我将轻声叹息将往事回顾:一片树林里分出两条路——而我选择了人迹更少的一条,从此决定了我一生的道路。

the road not taken 两条路象征什么

回答和翻译如下:没有采取这条路。The road not taken.

Helen has got _____ it takes to be a great tennis player. In other words, she has the potential...

试题分析:Got后连接的是宾语从句,what充当take的宾语,故用B。句意:Helen 已经成为了一个著名的网球运动员。换句话说,他有潜力成为世界著名的网球运动员。点评:本题较难,首先句意理解在先。其次,理解会判断名词性从句的连接词。本题中宾语从句缺少连词,并且连词在句中要充当成分,而that引导宾语从句时不能充当成分可以省略。

Take A Chance 歌词

这首歌歌词为:one more chanceUh huh alrightThis time gonna do my best to make it rightCant go on without you by my sideHold onShelter come and rescue me out of this stormAnd out of this cold I need someoneOh why oh why why whyIf you see hertell her this from meAll I need isOne more chance at loveOne more chance at love(One more)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(See)(One more)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(One more)One more chance at love(Alright)One more chance at loveSearching for that one who is going to make me wholeHelp me make these mysteries unfoldHold onLightning about to strike in rain only on meHurt so bad sometimes its hard to breatheOh why whyIf you see herTell her this from meAll I need isOne more chance at loveOne more chance at love(One more)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(One more chance for love)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(One more)One more chance at loveOne more chance at loveAnd I would walk around this world to find herAnd I dont care what it takes noWhyId sail the seven seas to be near herAnd if you happen to see herSee tell her this from meOne more chance at love(Yeah, Yeah)One more chance at love(Tell her this from me)One more chance at love(Yeah, Yeah)One more chance at loveOne more chance at loveOne more chance at love(Lovin you)One more chance at love(I cant find)One more chance at love(Lovin you)One more chance at love(Yeah one more)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(For love)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(Yeah I cant stop)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(Lovin you)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(I cant stop)One more chance at love(Lovin you)(Aaow)One more chance at love(I cant stop)

take in 与catch on 有什么区别?

前者是接受 后者是理解

take friends为什么不用make friends??

make friends 固定短语,交朋友,没有 take friends 的说法。如果是带朋友去某地,用 take my friends to ...... 单独没有take friends 的说法。
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