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定语从句 When he was working there he caught a serious illness from ____efforts he still suffers

whose efforts 是这illness" efforts.是说他在那里工作的时候染上了严重的疾病,他现在还在受到这个疾病的困扰。

the investors who suffers the most是什么句型?

不是宾语从句而是定语从句who suffers the mos修饰名词 the investorsthe investors who sufferes the mostthe investors 名词who sufferes the most 定语从句the investors who sufferes the most它不是句子。没有主句。复合句的句子如下:They are the investors who suffers the most.主句是They are the investors定语从句是 who suffers the most 这个定语从句限定名词 the investors 。宾语从句的位置一般放在及物动词或介词之后。叫动宾结构或介宾结构。你给出的从句是放在名词之后,它不可能作宾语从句只能作定语从句,因为定语从句修饰名词。看看下面含有宾语从句的句子。注意它前面的词性。He said that he went to school yesterday.他说他昨天上学。 主语是 He 谓语是 said 动作的对象是宾语 that he went to school yesterday ( 宾语里有主语+谓语变成宾语从句)宾语从句放在动词said后面。

In 1980 he caught a serious illess from whose effect he still suffers

这句话如果写成这个样子,你就应该可以理解了:In 1980 he caught a serious illess whose effect he still suffers from.翻译为:1980年他患上了一种严重疾病,至今仍遭受其影响。首先,which后面是不能接effect的,这里需要的是一个能够充当定于的连词,指代疾病的(effect影响),根据句意只能用whose,与effect相搭配,而from只是与suffer连用的介词,在定于从句中习惯提到连词的前面去。

