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it takes two 怎么在switch上玩

it takes two不能在switch上玩。《双人成行》没有switch平台,官方也暂时未公布switch平台的发布计划。于 2021 年 3 月 26 日在 PlayStation 4、PlayStation 5、Xbox One、Xbox Series X/S 和 PC (ORIGIN、STEAM) 推出,没有switch平台,官方也暂时未公布switch平台的发布计划。游玩《双人成行》,踏上生命中最疯狂的旅程,这是一款别开生面的平台冒险游戏,完全为合作模式而设计。利用好友通行证邀请一位好友免费游玩,共同体验多种多样的乐趣,享受颠覆性的玩法挑战。it takes two游戏剧情扮演相互看不顺眼的科迪和小梅夫妇,这两个人被魔咒变成了玩偶。他们一起被困在一个奇幻世界里,每个角落都隐藏着意想不到的东西,他们不得不一起克服挑战,同时挽救他们破裂的关系。在每个新关卡中,掌握角色独特且与对方息息相关的能力。一定要互相帮助,克服大量出乎意料的障碍,共度搞笑欢乐的时刻。用力踢流氓松鼠毛茸茸的尾巴,绕过一条内裤,在热闹的夜店里开舞会,坐雪橇穿过神奇的雪花玻璃球。一个真挚又搞笑的故事在游戏中徐徐展开,交织成独特的隐喻体验。


It takes two to tango:一个巴掌拍不响   基本来说,这个短语很容易误导人。“It takes two to tango”的字面意思是“探戈舞需要两个人来跳”,照此推理,本应推出个鼓舞人心的“团结才是力量”,可它怎么竟成了贬义词“一个巴掌拍不响”?不急,咱们慢慢来解析。   先说tango(探戈)。探戈一般要男女对跳,男人粗犷、女人妖冶,构成了探戈舞的巨大张力。这种舞蹈源于18世纪的阿根廷,当时被认为是上流社会的色情面具,同时也是草根阶层释放欲望的方式。   Tango的这层“诱惑、情色”意,很容易让人联想到它的同音异形词tangle(纠缠、扭缠在一起)。如果看过奥斯卡影片“Scent of a woman”(《闻香识女人》),想必您还能记得老上校对tango的经典定义“If you make a mistake, get all tangled up, just tango on.” 如果(探戈)跳错了,那就让大家的舞步都混乱好了,这才是探戈。   说到这儿,想必您也明白了,(It takes two to)tango其实是取了tangle的谐音,而整个短语“It takes two to tango”实质上由英国俗语“It takes two to make a quarrel”(一个巴掌拍不响)发挥创造而来。   下次如果有朋友向您抱怨,女朋友又跟他闹矛盾了,您就可以这样回敬他:A conflict is not the fault of just one person or the other; they are often both to blame, because it takes two to tango.(矛盾不能只归咎于一方,你们两个人都有错,因为一个巴掌拍不响嘛。)

it takes two试玩和本体一样嘛


it takes two游戏意义


It Takes Two 歌词

歌曲名:It Takes Two歌手:ROD STEWART专辑:The Story So Far: The Very Best Of Rod StewartOne can have a dream babyTwo can make a dream so realOne can talk about being in loveTwo can see how it really feelsOne can wish upon a starTwo can make a wish come trueOne can stand alone in the darkTwo can make a light shine throughIt takes two babyIt takes two babyJust me and youYou know it takes twoOne can have a broken heart living in miseryTwo can really ease the pain like a perfect remedyOne can be alone in a bar like an island he"s all aloneTwo can make just any place seem just like bein" at homeIt takes two babyIt takes two babyJust me and youYou know it takes twoIt takes two babyIt takes two babyjust me and youYou know it takes twoIt takes two babyIt takes two babyJust me and youYou know it takes twoOne can go out to a movie looking for a special treatTwo can make that single movie something really kind of neatAnd one can take a walk in the moonlight thinking that it"s really niceBut two lovers walking hand in hand is like adding just a pinch of spiceIt takes two babyIt takes two babyJust me and youYou know it takes twoIt takes two babyIt takes two babyJust me and youYou know it takes twoIt takes two babyIt takes two babyJust me and youYou know it takes twohttp://music.baidu.com/song/54723788



为什么游泳和田径预备的英语不同,田径是on your mark而游泳是take your mark???

on the mark 估计来自于田赛,在地面之上, field游泳不是在之上,而是之中。

I swear to god that to take this city will be the end of you


帮忙告诉我 spend cost afford pay take和road street avenue highway的区别和用法

spend花费 i spend * cost 用了我多少钱 it cost me* afford 负担得起 i can afford * pay 付账 i pay sb money take 花费我多少钱,多少时间 it take me *road 乡间小路street 街道avenue **大道highway 公路

take considerable drilling什么意思

take considerable drilling以相当大的钻井considerable英[ku0259nu02c8su026adu0259ru0259bl]美[ku0259nu02c8su026adu0259ru0259bu0259l]adj. 相当大(或多)的; 该注意的,应考虑的;[网络] 相当的; 大量的; 可观的;[例句]To be without Pearce would be a considerable blow.失去皮尔斯将是一个巨大的打击。[其他] 比较级:more considerable 最高级:most considerable 形近词: considerably consideratio



take me for instance.是什么意思

take me for instance.把我作为例子。如有疑问,请追问!

为什么说:“take French leave"是擅自离开的意思?

18世纪的时候,法国社会上的宴会或晚宴是有流行这种不告而别的风气的,故有"take French leave"这一说法。只是现在的法国人不承认有此风俗,说始作俑者是英国人才对。看来每个国家或地区都乐于把某种糟糕和令人厌恶的行为方式归咎于其他的国家或地区求采纳

法国式的告别:Take French Leave

你到朋友家作过客吗?你有没有过不告诉主人就离开的经历呢?有?那你可不太礼貌啊。不管有什么事,总得和主人说一声吧。不过,你也不必烦恼,因为很多人也这么做,英语中我们把这种行为叫take French leave.这句短语直译是“法国式的告别”,但这不是赚人眼泪的a tearful leave-taking,也不是徐志摩“再别康桥”式的潇洒别离。曾经看过有作家把它美化成情人之间的不告而别,美虽美,其实是误用。因为这个成语是贬义,指的是“擅离职守、或宴会上不礼貌的不辞而别”,一点都没有我们想像的罗曼蒂克。   那French何罪之有呢?难道法国人习惯不告而别?许多人认为法国人是以礼貌和教养著称,有时甚至到了矫揉造作的地步(以前英文还贬称其为French fare)。因此法国人一听到这种没有礼貌的行径竟是挂他们的名字,自然感到奇耻大辱,咽不下这口气。于是他们也不甘示弱在法文中搞出一个同义词叫filer (s"en aller) a l"anglasie“ (亦即是 take English leave),说英国人才真正是”擅离职守“一词的元凶。不过在18世纪的时候,法国社会上的宴会或晚宴是有流行这种不告而别的风气的,只是现在的法国人不承认有此风俗,说始作俑者是英国人才对。看来每个国家或地区都乐于把某种糟糕和令人厌恶的行为方式归咎于其他的国家或地区。

to take french leave典故

18世纪的时候,法国社会上的宴会或晚宴是有流行这种不告而别的风气的,故有"take French leave"这一说法。只是现在的法国人不承认有此风俗,说始作俑者是英国人才对。看来每个国家或地区都乐于把某种糟糕和令人厌恶的行为方式归咎于其他的国家或地区。简介关于“爱尔兰式告别”这个表达的来源,没有一个明确的说法。有人说这个短语来源于1845-1852年爱尔兰大饥荒时期,很多爱尔兰人从家乡逃到美国。当时,两国的距离和科技手段意味着一旦去了美国,他们就是永远离开,不会再有机会跟家乡的亲人和朋友联络。这种告别是突然又决然的。

take an early lead是什么意思

take an early lead意思是取得领先。例句:The Finn was unchallenged in Melbourne last weekend, starting his Ferrari careerin perfect style from pole position to take an early lead in the world championship.上周末在墨尔本,芬兰人没有遇到任何挑战,他从杆位出发直到在车手积分榜上取得领先,用一种完美的方式开始了他在法拉利的生涯。词汇解释:take 英[teu026ak] 美[tek] vt. 采取; 拿,取; 接受(礼物等); 耗费(时间等); vi. 拿; 获得; n. 镜头; 看法; 收入额; 场景; [例句]She was too tired to take a shower.她累得连澡都懒得冲。early 英[u02c8u025c:li] 美[u02c8u025c:rli] adj. 早期的; 早的; 早日的; (果实等) 早熟的; adv. 早; 提早; 在初期; 先前; [例句]I knew I had to get up early.我知道我得早起。lead 英[li:d] 美[li:d] vt. 领导; 引导; 指挥; vi. 导致; 领导; 用水砣测深; n. 铅; 领导; 榜样; 枪弹; [例句]John Major and the Duke of Edinburgh led the mourners.约翰·梅杰和爱丁堡公爵走在送葬队伍前面。

critical thinking takes practice什么意思?


no offense taken 什么意思

no offense taken没有冒犯了

求take that 的Reach Out 的歌词..

Reach out reach out for the medal Reach out reach out for the gold. Come play to win never give in The time is right for you to come and make your stand. Reach out reach out You now hold the future in your hand You have come from everywhere across the land. The stars are shining bright make it yours tonight You know every wish you have"s at your command. Reach out reach out for the medal . . . Reach out reach out. Now"s the time to take hold of your dream You are standing on the edge of history. So let the games begin may the best man win Give your all for all the world to see. Reach out reach out for the medal . . . Reach out reach out for the medal reach out reach out for the gold. Reach out reach out for the medal reach out reach out for the gold.

you cannot take me 的歌词

you can"t take megot to fight another fight - i gotta run another night get it out - check it out i"m on my way and i don"t feel right i gotta get me back - i can"t be beat and that"s a fact it"s ok - i"ll find a way you ain"t gonna take me down no way don"t judge a thing until you know what"s inside it dont" push me - i"ll fight it never gonna give in - never gonna give it up no if you can"t catch a wave then your"e never gonna ride you can"t come uninvited never gonna give in - never gonna give up no you can"t take me i"m free why did it all go wrong?- i wanna know what"s going on and what"s this holding me?i"m not where i supposed to be i gotta fight another fight i gotta fight will all my might i"m getting out , so check it out you"re in my way ya,so you better watch outdon"t judge a thing until you know what"s inside it dont" push me - i"ll fight it never gonna give in - never gonna give it up noif you can"t catch a wave then your"e never gonna ride you can"t come uninvited never gonna give in - never gonna give up no you can"t take me i"m free

改病句 :1.I did not watch TV on last Sunday 2.We hope to take exercise and keep health

1,去掉on 2 health变healthy 3. standing

take time to indulg 什么意思

尽情享受吧indulge:v.纵情于,迁就,放任; 沉溺

我很矛盾 用地道的英语怎么说 还有take their toll是什么意思啊

楼主,你说的我很矛盾,是不是不是指处于两难境地.若是的话,可以说I am in dilemma. take their tollThe thunder storm took its tolls on human lives. 暴风雨造成了人命的损失.Toll 就是指收费的意思, 像是高速公路上的收费站就是叫 Toll station. Take its toll 是一个片语, 在电视新闻上常听到. 字面上是说对某样东西收费, 其实指的就是造成某些东西的损失, on 后面接的名词就是指损失的东西. 最近美国是龙卷风跟暴风雨的季节, 所以新闻上常可以听到播报员这麽说, "The thunder strom took its tolls on human lives."

take their toll是什么意思

  take their toll中文:遭报应,付出代价。  例句:  In the early weeks,the lack of sleep and extra domestic chores also  take theirtoll,say mental health experts.  心理健康专家说,在最初的几周内,睡眠不足以及新增的家务活也会产生一定的影响。  The two women traditionally are fighting for the affections of the same  man,andyears of arguments finally take their toll.  这两个女人向来都在跟同一个男人争宠,数年的争执终于要她们付出代价。  Frustrations,worry,depression and disappointment ultimately take their  tolland low self-esteem is often the individual result.  挫折、忧虑、抑郁和失望最终会消失,而到最后每个人往往看低自己。  But I knew the terror of those shellings and the pressure we"d been  under sincewe got to Bastogne could take their toll in other way.  但我知道这些炮击以及自巴斯通以来累计的压力可能会以别的方式爆发。

take its toll是什么意思

take its toll 英[teik its tu0259ul] 美[tek u026ats tol] [词典] 造成损失(如伤亡等); [例句]Being the boss can take its toll on health: study.研究表明,当老板通常是以牺牲健康为代价的。

take its toll和take their toll分别怎么用啊,他们区别是什么

用法一致,主要就是take的主语不同而已。主语是it或者相当于it的名词,必然是take its toll;如果主语是they或者相当于they的名词,选择后一种take their toll 即可。

take its toll是什么意思

take its toll释义 造成损失(如伤亡等)例句The bureau can take its toll on your family.局里给您的家庭带来了伤害。Another limitation on the size of breasts would be that the larger they get, the sooner that gravity will take its toll over time.还有一个限制则是一对东西长得越大,就越是难以让它们保持对称。

take the toll 是什么意思

take the toll采取收费重点词汇toll通行费; 伤亡人数; 钟声; 长途电话费; 鸣钟; 敲钟

我很矛盾 用地道的英语怎么说 还有take their toll是什么意思啊


time takes toll on beauty 什么意思

Longman词典中对toll的其中一个解释是(后面一般跟介词on):a very bad effect that something has on something or someone over a long period of time, 可以理解为“损耗”,“耗去”或“耗尽”。其他例子:1. Years of smoking have taken their toll on his health.2. a heavy toll on the environment 你的这句如果套用中国的一句成语不知合不合适:人无千日好,花无百日红

take a toll on sb.是什么意思

take a toll on sb给某人造成重大伤亡(或损失)、对某人产生消极影短语出处:take a toll on 给…造成重大伤亡(或损失)双语例句:1.If you drink too much of it, it will take a toll on your budget. 如果你喝太多的话,它可能会占你预算开支的一大比。2.But they acknowledged that budget cuts were possible, and would ultimately take a toll on launching capabilities. 但他们承认,削减预算是可能的,并且最终可以对发射能力收费。

join和take part in的区别

join是指加入一个组织,例如党派、机构等take part in是指参加某项活动。

join与take part in ,participate in的区别

join和 take part in 二者都有“参加”的意思,但用法有所不同. join多指参加某组织,成为其中的一个成员.而take part in指参加活动. join指加入某党派、某组织或某社会团体,以及参军等,还可表示参与某种活动.例句: ①I will never forget the day when I joined the Party.我永远也忘不了入党的那一天. ②Will you join us for dinner?请你和我们一起吃饭好吗? take part in指参加群众性活动、会议、劳动、游行等,往往指参加者持有积极的态度,起一份作用,有时与join in可互换.例句: ①Will you take part in the English evening?同我们一起参加英语晚会好吗? ②All the students took an active part in the thorough cleaning.所有的学生都积极参加了大扫除. ③We should take an active part in school activities.我们应该积极参加学校的活动. join in通常指参加某种活动,尤其指和其他人一起参加某项活动.例句: ①May I join in the game?我可以参加这个比赛吗? ②I hope you”ll all join in the discussion.我希望你们大家都参加讨论. 如果说"与某人一起做某事"、"和……在一起"则用join sb.in sth./doing sth..例句: ①Would you join me in a walk?和我一起去散步好吗? ②Will you join us in a game of cards?你愿意和我们一起玩牌吗? ③I”ll join you in a few minutes.我过几分钟将和你在一起.

join和join in和take part in的区别

区别是:join指加入某个党派,团体组织等,成为其成员之一,意为:“参军、入团、入党”等。和某人一道做某事,其结构为:join sb. in (doing) sth.join in多指参加小规模的活动如“球赛、游戏”等,常用于日常口语。take part in 指参加会议或群众性活动等,着重说明句子主语参加该项活动并在活动中发挥作用。attend是正式用语,及物动词,指参加会议,婚礼,葬礼,典礼;去上课,上学,听报告等。句子的主语只是去听,去看,自己不一定起积极作用。例句辨析:join1、His wife and children moved to join him in their new home.他的妻子和孩子们搬进了他们的新家,和他一起生活。2、He joined the Army five years ago. 他5年前参军了。join in1、I hope that everyone will be able to join in the fun.我希望每个人都能够加入进来,玩得开心。2、He started to sing and I joined in. 他开始唱起歌来,然后我也跟着唱起来。take part in1、They returned to take part in the season"s opening game. 他们回来参加本赛季的开幕赛。2、You don"t need strength to take part in this sport.参加这项运动不需要太多体力。attend1、There are more pressing matters to be attended to today. 今天有更紧急的事情要处理。2、The main thing is to attend to the injured. 首要任务是照顾伤者。


用have是现在完成时,它是主语+take place,这样用的,举个例子伟大的变化已经发生,Great changes have taken place.

take place 在牛津字典中的例句写

take place[英][teik pleis]读音 [美][tek ples]1. 发生; 举行;(尤指根据安排或计划)发生,进行The threatening strike did not take place after all.可能来临的罢工终究没有发生。The evening party will take place on New Year"s Eve.晚会将在除夕那天举行。



take place 是不及物动词短语吗?

短语不分是否及物,只能说,这个短语后面可以不跟名词词组. 例句:It will take place within 5 minutes.

happen和take place的区别


take place 和happen有什么区别

take place和happen都可以表示“发生”,但它们是不一样的。当happen表示“发生”时,只表示一件事情发生,而不表示某个具体的事物,而take place可以表示某个具体的事物“发生”。happen可以跟不定式,表示“碰巧”的意思,而take place后面不接不定式。希望我能帮助你解疑释惑。

take place的用法

很高兴为你解答:take place 后可放置两种词(1)后可接某个地方 example:This accident took place in Beijing. (2) 后可接某个时间 example:This story took place three years前面加变化和事情

take place 造句


take place to 什么意思求大神帮助


happen与take place的区别

take place 有计划地发生/举行/进行happen 突然发生一般情况下可换用但都没有被动语态的

take place有完成时吗


take place能用于特殊疑问句吗?

能,如:When did it take place?


这个英语词组没有这方面的意思。take place 表示“发生、举行、举办”,一般指非偶然性事件的“发生”,即这种事件的发生一定有某种原因或事先的安排。

take place和happen的区别是什么

1).take place 表示“发生、举行、举办”,一般指非偶然性事件的“发生”,即这种事件的发生一定有某种原因或事先的安排,例如:Great changes have taken place in our hometown during the past ten years.The Olympic Games of 2008 will take place in Beijing.(2) .happen作“发生、碰巧”解,一般用于偶然或突发性事件,例如:What happened to you?(一般不说:What did you happen?) Maybe something unexpected happened.I happened to see him on my way home.= It happened that I saw him on my way home.详情 http://wenku.baidu.com/link?url=F-7LZYPE9zNFZFJEYEHP43zFQA55gW7DuKI7VAq949e1-z3eLqNHr-IgktEbJccdrue4QiIzUnHN5AaxuzTd7muPI5wVN6hsIfjjx8Ytpsu

happen和take place的区别

take place与 happen的用法与区别 固定词组take place意为发生,举行,多指举行活动,发生某事(可指发生好事或不好的事),happen多指发生意外事故,不幸的事。如: (1)The opening of the play will take place tomorrow night. 剧的首演式将于明晚举行。(take place不能用happen代换) (2)The accident took place only a block from my home. 事故发生地离我家只一个街区。(took place 可以用happened代换) 动词happen以及词组take place, break out 等只能用作不及物动词,不能用被动语态形式。如: (1)The car accident happened last week. 交通事故发生在上星期。(不能说:The car accident was happened last week.) (2) The war broke out in October. 战争于10月份爆发。(不能说:The war was broken out in October.) happen to do 意思是:碰巧。 It happened to be a fine one that day. 那天碰巧天气好。 I happened to see him this morning. 今天早上我碰巧看见他。 It happens that...后接从句,意思也是碰巧。 It happens that his sister is a closed friend of mine. 碰巧她姐姐是我的一个好朋友。 It so happened that both of them were there. 正好他们两人都在那儿。

take place和hold的区别

take place 表示“发生、举行、举办”,一般指非偶然性事件的“发生”,即这种事件的发生一定有某种原因或事先的安排,例如:Great changes have taken place in our hometown during the past ten years.The Olympic Games of 2008 will take place in Beijing.hold :举行,一般指举办,如hold a meeting 等,是主观上的,一般主语都是人.hold 是举行一个什么会议,向上举起一个什么东西,比如,hold a meeting,hold a game而meeting ,game 是不会和take place 放在一块用的.hold 可以用被动态,而take place是没有的.

take part和take place的区别


用take place 造句怎么造


关于take place 用法,谢谢

take place通常指“(某事)按计划进行或按计划发生.”比如:Great changes have taken place in China since.中国发生了翻天覆地的变化.此外take place还有“举行”之意.如:The meeting will take place next Friday.会议将在下周五举行.

take place和happen的区别

happen / take place它们都可以表示“发生”, 但是在用法上有区别.1)happen常指具体事件的发生,特别指偶然的或未能预见的事情.例如:A storm happened across the river in another country.2)如要指事先安排或有准备的事情或活动发生时,通常要用take place.例如:Great changes have taken place in our hometown during the past ten years.

take place 后面是加什么介词?

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: 一般常识: take place: 发生 take the place of:代替,记住一定要有the哈. 从你所给的句子来看,由于没有上下文,很难回答,但是一定不是填of,因为那就成了"...代替学校"了,而且place前面也没有the啊!!!如果你的句子打印没有错误,那么本题中最好的答案应该是in,表示"发生在学校",那么这里的take place 和介词就没有任何关系,它们属于两个不同的短语,只是碰巧遇到一起了而已.


区别:1、take place通常指“(某事)按计划进行或按计划发生。”例如:Great changes have taken place in China since. 中国发生了翻天覆地的变化。 此外take place还有“举行”之意。(本课即是如此)例如:The meeting will take place next Friday. 会议将在下周五举行。2、happen常指具体事件的发生,特别指那些偶然的或未能预见的“发生”。例如:New things are happening all around us. 我们身边总有新事发生。

用take place造句

take place 表示发生.比如: Great changes have taken place in China since 1978. 自从1978年以来,中国发生了很大的变化.

take place 跟happen的区别

happen与take place的区别

1、发生的性质不同happen往往表示事情的发生带有偶然性, happen是一般用语, take place常指按计划“发生”。2、主语的条件不同如果不是表示具体事情的词则多用happen。3、搭配不同take place表示“发生”,可与 happen 换用,但其后面一般不接 to sb./sth.结构。扩展资料固定词组take place,意为发生,举行,多指举行活动,发生某事(可指发生好事或不好的事);happen多指发生意外事故,不幸的事。(1)The opening of the play will take place tomorrow night. 首映将于明晚举行。(take place不能用happen换)(2)The accident took place only a block from my home. 事故发生地离我家只一个街区。(took place可用happened换)动词happen和take place只用作不及物,不能用被动语态。(1)The car accident happened last week. 交通事故发生在上星期。不能说:The car accident was happened last week.(2) The war broke out in October. 战争于10月份爆发。不能说:The war was broken out in October.其他用法:1、happen to do 意思是:碰巧It happened to be a fine one that day.那天碰巧天气好。2、It happens that...后接从句,意思也是碰巧。It happens that his sister is a closed friend of mine.碰巧她姐姐是我的一个好朋友。

take place时态

take place发生。可用于不同的时态,但是不能用于被动语态。

take place和happen的区别

  happen / take place它们都可以表示“发生”, 但是在用法上有区别。1)happen常指具体事件的发生,特别指偶然的或未能预见的事情。例如:A storm happened across the river in another country.2)如要指事先安排或有准备的事情或活动发生时,通常要用take place。例如:Great changes have taken place in our hometown during the past ten years.

take place与hold的区别,急!!!!!

take place 是发生,产生的意思。hold是1.保持 2握住 3召开等等的意思不知道你要住到哪方面的区别?

take place和happen的区别是什么


take place和happen的区别是什么

take place 表示“发生、举行、举办”,一般指非偶然性事件的“发生”,即这种事件的发生一定有某种原因或事先的安排,例如: Great changes have taken place in our hometown during the past ten years. The Olympic Games of 2008 will take place in Beijing. happen作“发生、碰巧”解,一般用于偶然或突发性事件,例如: What happened to you? (一般不说:What did you happen?) Maybe something unexpected happened. I happened to see him on my way home. = It happened that I saw him on my way home.take place与 happen的用法 固定词组take place意为发生,举行,多指举行活动,发生某事(可指发生好事或不好的事),happen多指发生意外事故,不幸的事。如:(1)The opening of the play will take place tomorrow night. 剧的首演式将于明晚举行。(take place不能用happen代换)(2)The accident took place only a block from my home. 事故发生地离我家只一个街区。(took place 可以用happened代换)▲动词happen以及词组take place, break out 等只能用作不及物动词,不能用被动语态形式。如: (1)The car accident happened last week. 交通事故发生在上星期。(不能说:The car accident was happened last week.) (2) The war broke out in October. 战争于10月份爆发。(不能说:The war was broken out in October.) 注意:词组take sb."s place 或take the place of sb. / sth. 意为代替某人,某物,不可与take place混淆。如: (1)My brother is ill, and I"ve come to take his place.我兄弟生病了,所以我来代替他。 (2)Plastics have taken the place of many old materials.塑料已经取代许多旧材料。

happen与take place的区别和用法,详细一点!

happen / take place它们都表“发生”的意思, 但是在用法上有区别.1)happen常指具体事件的发生,特别指偶然的或未能预见的事情.例如:A storm happened across the river in another country.2)如要指事先安排或有准备的事情或活动发生时,通常要用take place.例如:Great changes have taken place in our hometown during the past ten years.

take place是延续性动词吗

take place不是延续性动词,表示发生,如果变为持续性动词,就是表示一直持续,可以用 be on 表示一直在进行.take place通常指“(某事)按计划进行或按计划发生。”比如:Great changes have taken place in China 发生了翻天覆地的变化。此外take place还有“举行”之意.

take place和happen的区别


take place什么意思

take place意思是发生双语例句:1、External recovery refers to actions that take place outside of work — e.g. in the free time between the work days, and during weekends, holidays or vacations.外在恢复指的是工作之外发生的行为——例如,工作日之间的空闲时间以及周末、公共假期或其他假期。2、It has been confirmed that the meeting will take place next week.A total solar eclipse is due to take place some time tomorrow.明天某个时刻会发生日全食。已经确定会议将于下个星期召开。3、The next Rugby World Cup will take place in three years" time.下一届橄榄球世界杯赛将于三年后举行。4、No official permission has been given for the event to take place.这项活动未得到正式批准,不能进行。5、Activities all take place under the guidance of an experienced tutor.所有活动都在经验丰富的导师指导下进行。

take place和happen有什么区别?

take place和happen在意思上很相似,通常都表示某个事件或情况的发生。但是它们的用法有些不同。happen通常指不可控的事情自然地发生,较为中性。例如:It happened to rain on the day of the picnic.(野餐的日子恰巧下雨了。)take place强调有计划地、有组织地、可控地发生。例如:The meeting will take place at 2 p.m.(会议将在下午 2 点进行。)总的来说,happen和take place的区别在于是否强调事件的可控性和有序性。举例说明:happen:Did anything interesting happen at the party last night?(昨晚的派对上有什么有趣的事情发生了吗?)take place:The concert is scheduled to take place on June 15th.(音乐会定于 6 月 15 日举行。)个人总结:虽然它们都表示某种事件或情况的发生,但是 take place 和 happen 在语义上有细微的区别。如果想要表达一件有序、计划好的事件,可以使用 take place,如果想要表达一件自然发生的事件,则可以使用 happen。


有,现在完成时是have/has taken place,过去完成时是had taken place,但是take place没有被动

Take place的同义词组


如何用take place造句

take place v.发生 例句: Lengthy negotiations must take place before any agreement can be reached. 要进行多次长时间谈判才能达成协议. The fete will take place on Sunday, rain or shine. 游园义卖会定于星期日举行,风雨无阻. The meeting will take place soon. 会议即将举行.

take place是什么意思?


happen和take place的区别

happen一般是碰巧,意料之外的发生,突发事件take place 是计划好的,事先安排的

take place是什么意思

发生 的意思 happen

happen to和take place的区别


take place过去式咋变

took place

take place、replace、take the place、take place of 有什么区别?

1.take place 发生 replace把...放回原处[原位];使恢复(原职);代替, 取代(by, with); 接替, 替换;归还; 赔偿;【化】置换。replace 指“代替某人”或“取代已经失去的、毁坏的或用坏的东西take the place of 代替 2.take care of 照顾 3.break in 训练, 使合用, 闯入, 打断, 开始工作break out 突发, 爆发, 叫嚷, 使作准备, 取出, 倒空, <口>把...备好待用break up 打碎, 破碎, 分裂, 结束, 衰落, 分解, 变坏, 驱散break down 毁掉, 制服, 压倒, 倒塌, 垮掉, 分解 【化】 发生故障 3. pick out 挑选pick off 摘掉pick up 掘地, 捡起, 获得, 学会, 看到, 中途带, 搭乘, 重新找到, 振作, 加快, 好转, 整理 [美俚] 偶然地结识异性,通常预期会发生性关系,可以理解为“泡马子”“钓凯子”等。 【篮球】开始盯人pick on 作弄, 惹恼, 找...的岔子, 选中, 总是挑剔 ;【法】 挑剔, 作弄人, 选择

take part和take place的区别



无.take place相当于一个不及物动词,所以这个词组没有相应的被动用法,但是与take place 意义相同的happen可以使用被动。
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