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"带我回家"是bring me home还是take me home?

2023-07-21 08:24:50

































关于take me home 与take me to go home!

跟home的语法性质一样,你觉得这逻辑哪里不通了?takes me to go home这种组合你读着不会难受吗?
2023-07-21 01:04:504

take me home和take me to the home是不是一样的

不一样,take me home是带我回家,家可以是说话人的家,或者是对话人的家。take me to the home,的家是有特指的,the home,
2023-07-21 01:05:062


take me home 意思是“带我回家”,着重 home(往家走);take me back home 意思是“带我回到家里”,着重 back(回到原处)。
2023-07-21 01:05:231

Take Me Home Country Road 歌词

应该是blowing like a breeze如一阵微风吹过
2023-07-21 01:05:313

take me home country road 约翰丹弗创作这首歌的背景

  John Denver 是美国著名的乡村音乐歌手,有一次在酒吧里听到他的歌,特别是这首take me home,country roads.他的歌把我领进了乡村音乐,并被它深深吸引,乡村音乐节奏明快、流畅,有很强的感染力,希望你们也来认识一下John Denver,体验乡村音乐的魅力。  John Denver简介:  约翰.丹佛于1943年生于美国西南部的新墨西哥州,曾经学习建筑专业。1971年,他放弃学业,潜心从事乡村歌曲的创作与演唱。起初受到别人的嘲笑,但他始终不为所动。终于在1971年以一曲《Take Me Home, Country road》(《乡路送我回家》)一跃成名为著名乡村音乐歌星。丹佛演唱的歌曲大部分都是自己创作的,著名的曲目有《Take Me Home Country Road》、《Rocky Mountain High(高高洛基山)》、《Sunshine On My Shoulders(阳光照在我肩上)》、《A Wild Heart Looking For Home(浪子心渴望家园)》、《Trail Of Tears(泪痕)》 以及《African Sunrise(非洲的黎明)》都是美国乡村歌曲与摇滚风格相结合的典范。20年来,丹佛的创作屡屡不绝,他为美国帆船“星条旗”号获胜作歌,还为中国之行创作了歌曲《(Shanghai"s Breeze)上海的微风》。1979年元月,约翰.丹佛在华盛顿肯尼迪文化中心为当时访美的老邓演唱了他的拿手曲目。  和许多乡村歌手一样,丹佛也是经常一把吉它随身到处巡回演唱,歌曲多以吉它伴奏,演唱自如,常有即兴变化。丹佛的嗓音自然明快而无矫揉做作。他演唱的内容多为歌唱纯真的爱情、美好的理想、抒发怀乡之情或是带有哲理性的社会歌曲。约翰.丹佛至今已获得21次金唱片奖和4 次白金唱片奖,他也是中国观众最为熟悉的美国乡村歌手之一。不幸的是,在我们编辑此光盘即将完成时,丹佛已离我们而去,1997年10月他在一次飞行中不幸坠机遇难。  Take Me Home Country Road  Almost heaven  West Virginia  Blue Ridge Mountain  Shenandoah River  Life is old there  Older than the trees  Younger than the mountains  Growing like a breeze  Country road. take me home  To the place I belong  West Virginia  Mountain Mama  Take me home, country roads  All my memories  Gather round her  Miners Lady  Stranger to blue water  Dark and dusty  Painted on the sky  Misty taste of moonshine  Teardrops in my eyes  Country roads, take me home  To the place I belong  West Virginia  Mountain Mama  Take me home, country roads  I hear her voice in the morning hours  She calls me  The radio reminds me of my home far away  And driving down the road  I get a feeling  That I should have been home  Yesterday,yesterday  Country roads , take me home  To the place I belong  West Virginia  Mountain Mama  Take me home,country roads  Country roads , take me home  To the place I belong  West Virginia  Mountain Mama  Take me home,country roads  Take me home,country roads  Take me home,country roads  就像是天堂,西维吉尼亚州  有蓝色山脊的群山和雪纳杜河  在那儿生命是古老的,比森林更古老  但比山脉年轻  像风一样自在的成长  乡村小路,带我回家  回到我属於的地方  就是西维吉尼亚州——山脉之母  带我回家,乡村小路  我所有的回忆都围绕著她———  矿工的淑女、蓝色河流的陌生人、  涂满了黑与灰的天空  和朦胧的月光  泪水在我眼眶中打转  清晨时分,我听到她呼唤我的声音  广播节目提醒我家还很远  在开车的路上,我有一种感觉  我早该回到家的怀抱
2023-07-21 01:05:481

country road 歌词是什么

英、中文歌词如下:Almost heavenWest VirginiaBlue Ridge MountainsShenandoah RiverLife is old thereOlder than the treesYounger than the mountainsGrowing like a breezeCountry road(s) take me homeTo the place I belongWest VirginiaMountain Momma Take me home country road(s)All my memories gather round herMiner"s LadyStranger to blue waterDark and dustyPainted on the skyMisty taste of moon shineTear drops in my eyesCountry roads take me homeTo the place I belongWest VirginiaMountain MommaTake me home country road(s)I hear her voice in the morning hoursShe calls meThe radio reminds me of my homeFar awayAnd driving down the roadI get a feeling that I should have been home yesterdayYesterdayCountry road(s) take me homeTo the place I belongWest VirginiaMountain MommaTake me home country road(s)Take me home country road(s)乡村路带我回家天堂般的西弗吉尼亚州 高高的蓝岭山脉滚滚流淌的谢南多亚河 生命古老犹如森林,比群山年轻 犹如吹来的一阵清风 乡村路带我回家吧 到我生长的地方 西弗吉尼亚,大山妈妈 带我回家吧,乡村的路 我所有的思念,都萦绕着她 矿山女人,久别了故乡的河川 黑雾浓云,涂抹在空中月色暗淡,两眼饱含泪水 乡村路带我回家吧 到我生长的地方 西弗吉尼亚,大山妈妈 带我回家吧,乡村的路 早晨我听见她的声音,在呼唤着我 收音机让我想起了家乡在遥远的地方 沿着公路急驶,我有一个感觉 就像昨天刚刚回到家里一样 乡村路带我回家吧 到我生长的地方 西弗吉尼亚,大山妈妈 带我回家吧,乡村的路带我回家吧,乡村的路 
2023-07-21 01:06:073

求一首歌,是乡村音乐,有点老了。 有句歌词是”coutry road, take me home

2023-07-21 01:06:265

“take me home country road”翻译成中文是什么意思?

《乡村路带我回家》(Take Me Home, Country Road)是由约翰·丹佛(John Denver)于1971年创作并演唱的著名乡村歌曲。丹佛是在美国最有名的美国乡村歌手,他甚至超过了在美国比他名气大的多的乡村明星,就是因为这首脍炙人口的《乡村路带我回家》,歌曲旋律轻快,给人描绘了一幅美丽的美国东部西弗吉尼亚风光.
2023-07-21 01:06:401

找一首歌 歌词take me home

《Take Me Home, Country Roads(中文译名<乡村路带我回家>)》是由约翰·丹佛(John Denver)创作并演唱的著名乡村歌曲。 歌词及中文翻译Take Me Home, Country Roads   Almost heaven   West Virginia   Blue Ridge Mountains   Shenandoah River   Life is old there   Older than the trees   Younger than the mountains   Growing like a breeze   Country road take me home   To the place I belong   West Virginia   Mountain Mama   Take me home country roads   All my memories   Gather round her   Miners Lady   Stranger to blue water   Dark and dusty   Painted on the sky   Misty taste of moonshine   Teardrops in my eyes   Country roads take me home   To the place I belong   West Virginia   Mountain Mama   Take me home country roads   I hear her voice in the morning hours   She calls me   The radio reminds me of my home far away   And driving down the road   I get a feeling   That I should have been home   Yesterday yesterday   Country roads take me home   To the place I belong   West Virginia   Mountain Mama   Take me home country roads   Country roads take me home   To the place I belong   West Virginia   Mountain Mama   Take me home country roads   Take me home country roads   Take me home country roads 乡村路带我回家 所有的开始,西弗吉尼亚,总如天堂一般 那儿有蓝岭山脉,谢南多亚河 生命在那里比树木更长久 又如同山脉那般年轻 像清风一样飘逝 故乡的路,带我回家吧 去到属于我的地方 西弗吉尼亚,大山妈妈 带我回家吧,故乡的路 我所有的记忆都围绕着她 矿工的妻子,从未见过深邃的大海 她又脏又多尘,似画在天上,像月晕一样,泪水涌出我的眼睛 故乡的路,带我回家吧 回到我期盼已久的归宿 西弗吉尼亚,山峦妈妈 带我回家吧,故乡的路 清晨我听见一个声音在对我呼唤 收音机里的声音让我想起了遥远的家 沿着公路行驶,我心中产生这样的感觉 也许我昨天就该回到家中,就在昨天 故乡的路,带我回家吧 回到我期盼已久的归宿 西弗吉尼亚,山峦妈妈 带我回家吧,故乡的路 带我回家吧,故乡的路 带我回家吧,故乡的路
2023-07-21 01:06:481

take me home country road 是什么歌曲

Shenandoah 来源于印第安语,意为“Daughter of the Stars” (星星之女),中文译为“山南度”或“山纳多”等,而我更喜欢它的另一个译名——“情人渡”。 这首歌九世纪初起源于密西西比河和密苏里河流域。歌曲讲述了一位商人爱上了印第安族长Shenandoah的女儿。歌曲深受水手们喜欢,于是随着他们的航程传唱开来。十九世纪四十年代前,第一次在美国广为流传。 Shenandoah现在是一条小河的名称,全长40英里,在美国滨州和乔治亚州的阿帕拉契山脉间。因为Shenandoah太有名,整个区域的国家公园也是以“Shenandoah”命名。 Shenandoah那朴实、清晰、情真意切的歌词,把人们带入对田园风光的无限暇想之中…… Shenandoah有多个版本,挪威女歌手Sissel(西赛尔)那舒缓、悠扬、自然的声调,就好象缓缓流淌的河水,在平缓中显出激越,又在抑缓中把眷恋故土、热爱祖国的赤子之心的深沉情感表现的那么深刻。 大自然版的Shenandoah,乐曲从鸟鸣与淙淙的溪水声中开始的,几声小鸟轻啼瞬间便营造出宽阔的音域空间,流水潺潺、鸟叫蛙鸣、钢琴、吉他和大小提琴的美妙弦乐和自然乐韵融合在一起,宛如置身于Shenandoah mountain清晨仙境般的奇景当中。 Shenandoah还有特里萨演奏的大提琴版、四兄弟组合版、男声无伴奏合唱版等等,每个版本都有各自的魅力
2023-07-21 01:06:561

Take me Home的介绍

趁著人气红居高不让的势头,One Direction推出第二张大碟《Take Me Home》,请到曾为Celine Dion、Britney、Usher、Justin Bieber等天王天后的制作班底联手合作。首波主打《Live While We"re Young》,抢先推出EP预购活动,不到24小时攻占全球逾50国冠军,成为史上预购速度最快的单曲,这是由《What Makes You Beautiful》黄金团队再次掌舵制作的新歌,满载充沛青春活力,同时空降英美两地排行季军。紧接著节奏轻快的《Kiss You》,是Party不可缺少的快乐元素。以简单Acoustic吉他伴奏的《Little Things》,散发清新的民谣味道。《C&#39;mon, C&#39;mon》则是整张专辑中最具跳跃感的快歌。其后有起伏有致的《Last First Kiss》、外加漂亮真假音转换的《Change My Mind》。让人怦然心动的《Heart Attack》,摇摆出Funky旋律。由Queen乐团《We Will Rock You》取得灵感的《Rock Me》,尝试挑战摇滚风格。摇滚和电子完美结合的《I Would》,弦乐柔美辅佐的《They Don`t Know About Us》。
2023-07-21 01:07:031

谁能告诉我歌曲country road的歌词?

Take me home country road 歌手:John Denver Take me home country roadWords,Music and Vocals by John DenverAlmost heavenWest VirginiaBlue Ridge MountainShenandoah RiverLife is old thereOlder than the treesYounger than the mountainsGrowing like a breezeCountry road. take me homeTo the place I belongWest VirginiaMountain MamaTake me home, country roadsAll my memoriesGather round herMiners LadyStranger to blue waterDark and dustyPainted on the skyMisty taste of moonshineTeardrops in my eyesCountry roads, take me homeTo the place I belongWest VirginiaMountain MamaTake me home, country roadsI hear her voice in the morning hoursShe calls meThe radio reminds me of my home far awayAnd driving down the roadI get a feelingThat I should have been homeYesterday,yesterdayCountry roads , take me homeTo the place I belongWest VirginiaMountain MamaTake me home,country roadsCountry roads , take me homeTo the place I belongWest VirginiaMountain MamaTake me home,country roadsTake me home,country roadsTake me home,country roads
2023-07-21 01:07:174

Take Me Home

歌曲介绍:Take Me Home是海鸥乐团的发布的专辑[Red]中的一首歌曲.2007年7月16日,伦敦,海鸥乐团(Guillemots)举办演唱会。Guillemots(海鸥)乐队,是由来自英国的古典钢琴手Fyfe Dangerfield(主唱),巴西的吉他手MC Lord Magrao,苏格兰的鼓手Rican Caol,还有加拿大的双贝司手Aristazabal Hawkes组成。乐队因其到位的表现力和个人魅力,使得他们的歌曲让人着迷。在英国,他们的现场演出也帮助乐队招募了不少拥趸。2005年乐队作为开场嘉宾参加了Rufus Wainwright的英国巡演,同时发行了他们的EP专辑“I Saw Such Things in My Sleep”。2006年初乐队又发行了包括了他们所有早期的单曲还有EP中全部四首歌曲的专辑“From the Cliffs”。接着乐队发行了自己的正式专辑"Through the Windowpane"。 正当一只只新冒出的乐队忙着复古时,Guillemots给今年的英伦乐坛吹进了一股清新的海风。被复古风弄得对英伦新生乐队敬而远之的歌迷们应该庆幸Guillemots的出现,它让我们重新对英伦摇滚充满信心。不知道是不是 你要找的乐队!!!
2023-07-21 01:07:251

有一首夜店经常放的歌 有一段是take me home

Take me home - Sophie Ellis-Bextor 不知道是不是。
2023-07-21 01:07:452

Take me home和drive me home有什么区别?

2023-07-21 01:07:543

tske me home 是什么意思?

2023-07-21 01:08:038

take me home to your place 其中的一句歌词 这是什么歌呀?

2023-07-21 01:08:193

求 :宫崎骏《侧耳倾听》里take me home(日文版)的歌词
2023-07-21 01:08:292

country road,take me home 是那部电影插曲

2023-07-21 01:08:363

小野丽莎的《Take Me Home》是什么风格的歌曲?最好能再给我介绍几首这种风格的歌曲吗?谢谢!!

jazz风格,也就是中文说得爵士乐,小野丽莎的歌基本上都是这种风格的,一般在日本像这种海归女都喜欢这种唱这种风格的英文歌(嗯呐...谁叫人家是海归英文好,当然声线更好啦~~)不过要说jazz,那鼻祖还要算美国啦~在此强力推荐jazz小天后 ~~诺拉 琼斯~~下面就小小介绍下吧~Norah Jones出生于音乐世家,父亲是著名的印度席塔琴演奏家Ravi Shankar。在达拉斯的Booker T. Washington高中,学习钢琴和表演的时候,她沉醉到了爵士乐中,结束了在北德克萨斯的两年大学生活以后,Norah Jones来到了纽约,纽约的音乐氛围令Norah Jones激动不已。在这里Norah Jones开始热衷于一些出色的词曲作者的作品,也是在这里,她逐渐形成了目前爵士钢琴,创作型的风格,并开始尝试多种音乐风格的融合。后来Norah Jones和词曲作者Jesse Harris,以及贝斯手Lee Alexander组成了一支小乐队,Norah Jones在乐队中担任主唱并兼奏钢琴。2000年10月Blue Note Records为他们录制了一张试音专辑《First Sessions》,Norah在专辑中尽情展示了自己的才华,在创作中她在源于爵士乐的曲调中加入了自己的激情,并用自己圆润,柔美的嗓音打动了唱片公司,于是仅过了三个月Norah Jones正式签约Blue Note Records,并于2002年2月26日发布了第一张专辑《Come Away With Me》。 ★首辑即刷新全球900万张专辑销量! ★2003年全英音乐奖提名名单上再度放光彩,包下3项国际大奖:「最佳国际专辑」、「最佳国际女歌手」和「最佳国际新人」 ★诺拉琼斯耀获第45届葛莱美奖 [最佳流行女歌手] [ 最佳新人]等5项大奖提名 ★[年度唱片] [年度专辑] [年度单曲]等8项提名&获奖,100%得奖率: 最佳年度唱片RECORD OF THE YEAR (DON"T KNOW WHY) 最佳年度专辑ALBUM OF THE YEAR (COME AWAY WITH ME) 年度单曲SONG OF THE YEAR (DON"T KNOW WHY) 最佳新进艺人BEST NEW ARTIST 最佳流行女歌手BEST FEMALE POP VOCAL PERFORMANCE 最佳流行演唱专辑BEST POP VOCAL ALBUM(COME AWAY WITH ME) 最佳非古典专辑音乐工程BEST ENGINEERED ALBUM, NON-CLASSICAL) 最佳非古典年度制作人PRODUCER OF THE YEAR, NON-CLASSICAL)    ★葛莱美效应:得奖名单公布后[远走高飞]专辑再度跃上Billboard+英国金榜+日本Oricon公信榜西洋榜+台湾风云榜+加拿大 澳洲 荷兰 瑞典 纽西兰 爱尔兰 全球同步冠军 ★美国娱乐周刊年终榜 ★滚石杂志在2002年初将她列为<2002年最值得期待的10位艺人之一>,在年终时更肯定她为<2002年风云人物> ★滚石杂志年终遴选「2002年50张最佳首发专辑」 ★BILLBOARD杂志年终榜 之一 ★英国排行权威网站dotmusic年终遴选"don"t know why"为<2002年最佳单曲>之一 ★排名〈英国2002全年最畅销专辑〉第11名 ★英国金榜爵士蓝调专辑榜+BILLBOARD现代爵士榜双料冠军 ★BILLBOARD网络专辑销售榜冠军+流行专辑榜亚军专辑 ★日本HMV唱片行爵士榜冠军专辑 ★"don"t know why"获mp3.com网站票选2002年季军单曲 ★英国MOBO(music of black origin)音乐奖 得主 ★意大利音乐奖 其实我最最最喜欢的还是Norah的那首~~don"t know why~~Norah懒散又带有磁性的嗓音混合着爵士乐特有的曲风,特别是歌词~~don"t know why I didn"t com~~~~
2023-07-21 01:08:451

take me home的拼音歌词

teik mi houmu
2023-07-21 01:08:532

take me home country road的中英文歌词

wo ding
2023-07-21 01:09:124

take me back home还是take me home?

2023-07-21 01:09:212

take me home和carry me home的区别

2023-07-21 01:09:281

country road take me home 英文翻译拼音

康吹 肉的 忒克 咪 红(用第四声)
2023-07-21 01:09:494


take me home country road, 乡村路带我回家
2023-07-21 01:09:574

需要一首英文歌,开头是:coutry road take me home, to the place whare i be long

歌名:Take Me Home Country Roads歌手:John Denver所属专辑:Let"s Folk AgainAlmost heaven west virginia西弗吉尼亚,总如天堂一般Blue ridge mountains shenandoah river那儿有蓝岭山脉,谢南多亚河Life is old there older than the trees生命在那里比树木更长久Younger than the mountains又如同山脉那般年轻Growin like a breeze像清风一样飘逝Country roads take me home故乡的路,带我回家吧To the place I belong回到我期盼已久的归宿West virginia西弗吉尼亚Mountain momma大山母亲Take me home country roads带我回家吧,故乡的路All my memories gather round her我所有的记忆都围绕着她Miners lady stranger to blue water她是矿工的妻子,从未见过深邃的大海Dark and dusty painted on the sky黑暗与灰尘在天空中绘出颜色Misty taste of moon shine在那朦胧的月光下Tear drops in my eyes泪水涌出我的眼睛Country roads take me home故乡的路,带我回家吧To the place I belong回到我期盼已久的归宿West virginia西弗吉尼亚Mountain momma大山母亲Take me home country roads带我回家吧,故乡的路I hear her voice in the morning hours she calls me清晨我听见一个声音在对我呼唤Radio reminds me of my home far away收音机里的声音让我想起了遥远的家Driving down the road I get a feeling沿着公路行驶,我心中产生这样的感觉that I shoul"d have been home也许我昨天就该回到家中Yesterday就在昨天Yesterday就在昨天Country roads take me home故乡的路,带我回家吧To the place I belong回到我期盼已久的归宿West virginia西弗吉尼亚Mountain momma大山母亲Take me home country roads带我回家吧,故乡的路Country roads take me home故乡的路,带我回家吧To the place I belong回到我期盼已久的归宿West virginia西弗吉尼亚Mountain momma大山母亲Take me home country roads带我回家吧,故乡的路Take me home country roads带我回家吧,故乡的路Take me home country roads带我回家吧,故乡的路扩展资料:《乡村路带我回家》是由John Denver演唱的歌曲。歌曲背景1971年,他放弃学业,潜心从事乡村歌曲的创作与演唱。起初受到别人的嘲笑,但他始终不为所动。最终在1971年以一曲《Take Me Home, Country road》(《乡路送我回家》)一跃成名为著名乡村音乐歌星。这首脍炙人口的《乡村路带我回家》,歌曲旋律轻快,给人描绘了一幅美丽的美国东部西弗吉尼亚风光。
2023-07-21 01:10:053


是home原唱Bebe Rexha/Machine Gun Kelly
2023-07-21 01:10:194

take me home -CASH CASH 中文歌词哪位亲有?

Take Me Home带我回家I"m falling to pieces我痛苦不已But I need this但也必须如此Yeah, I need this我必须如此You"re my fault你是我的错误My weakness我的软弱When did you turn so cold当你变得如此冷漠You cut me down to the bone你让我感受到刻骨之痛Now you"re dancing现在你却载歌载舞All over my soul我的灵魂I"m falling to pieces痛苦不已To pieces, to pieces碎裂不堪But I still stay cause you"re the only thing I know但我仍然坚持留下,因为你是我唯一了解的人So won"t you take, oh, won"t you take me home你会带我,你会带我回家吗Take me home, home, home带我回家Take me home, home, home带我回家Take me带我Take meTake meTake me带我Take me home (home, home, home)带我回家Round in circles兜兜风Here we go我们去走走With the highest highs经历过种种高潮And the lowest lows和种种低谷But no one shakes me like you do但我能像你一样吸引我My best mistake was you你是我最完美的错误You"re my sweet affliction最甜蜜的折磨Cause you hurt me right因为你很好地伤害了我But you do it nice堪称完美Round in circles兜兜风Here we go我们去走走Oh YeahBut I still stay cause you"re the only thing I know但我仍然坚持留下,因为你是我唯一了解的人So won"t you take, oh, won"t you take me home你会带我,你会带我回家吗Take me home, home, home带我回家Take me home, home, home带我回家Take me带我Take meTake meTake me带我Take me home, home, homeTake me home, home, home带我回家Take me带我Take me, I still stay, oh, won"t you take me home带我回家,我还在等你,你会带我回家么Take me home.带我回家诚挚为你翻译,希望你满意!望采纳,谢谢~
2023-07-21 01:10:261

Take me home country road的英文歌词(美国人的)

《乡村路带我回家》(Take Me Home, Country Road)是由约翰·丹佛(John Denver)于1971年创作并演唱的著名乡村歌曲。丹佛是美国最有名的乡村民谣歌手之一,这首脍炙人口的《乡村路带我回家》是他的成名招牌曲目,歌曲旋律轻快,给人描绘了一幅美丽的美国东部西弗吉尼亚山区风光。1997年10月12日,丹佛在加利福尼亚海湾因飞机失事不幸身亡,终年53岁。歌名:Take Me Home, Country Roads歌手:John Denver词曲:Bill Danoff, Taffy Nivert, John Denver制作:Milton Okun, Susan Ruskin所属专辑:Poems, Prayers & Promises发行时间:1971-04-06发行公司:RCA音乐风格:Folk, country pop中英歌词:Almost heaven west virginia西弗吉尼亚,总如天堂一般Blue ridge mountains shenandoah river那儿有蓝岭山脉,谢南多亚河Life is old there older than the trees生命在那里比树木更长久Younger than the mountains又如同山脉那般年轻Growin like a breeze像清风一样飘逝Country roads take me home故乡的路,带我回家吧To the place I belong回到我期盼已久的归宿West virginia西弗吉尼亚Mountain momma大山母亲Take me home country roads带我回家吧,故乡的路All my memories gather round her我所有的记忆都围绕着她Miners lady stranger to blue water她是矿工的妻子,从未见过深邃的大海Dark and dusty painted on the sky黑暗与灰尘在天空中绘出颜色Misty taste of moon shine在那朦胧的月光下Tear drops in my eyes泪水涌出我的眼睛Country roads take me home故乡的路,带我回家吧To the place I belong回到我期盼已久的归宿West virginia西弗吉尼亚Mountain momma大山母亲Take me home country roads带我回家吧,故乡的路I hear her voice in the morning hours she calls me清晨我听见一个声音在对我呼唤Radio reminds me of my home far away收音机里的声音让我想起了遥远的家Driving down the road I get a feeling沿着公路行驶,我心中产生这样的感觉that I shoul"d have been home也许我昨天就该回到家中Yesterday就在昨天Yesterday就在昨天Country roads take me home故乡的路,带我回家吧To the place I belong回到我期盼已久的归宿West virginia西弗吉尼亚Mountain momma大山母亲Take me home country roads带我回家吧,故乡的路Country roads take me home故乡的路,带我回家吧To the place I belong回到我期盼已久的归宿West virginia西弗吉尼亚Mountain momma大山母亲Take me home country roads带我回家吧,故乡的路Take me home country roads带我回家吧,故乡的路Take me home country roads带我回家吧,故乡的路
2023-07-21 01:10:464

哪位有take me home的歌词儿

Don"t take me home, please don"t take me home. I just don"t want to go to work. I want to stay here, drinking all the beer. Please don"t, please don"t take me home.
2023-07-21 01:11:262

哪位有take me home的歌词儿

Take Me Home - Jess GlynneWrecked up, so consumed by伤痛欲绝 仍是痴迷于All this hurt这所有的伤痛If you ask me, don"t如果你问我Know where to start是否知道该何处启程And love confusion爱的困惑Rolls the gold nowhere爱的希望 却无处安放I know that somewhere better我知道有个更好的去处Cause you always take me there因为你常常会带我去往那里Came to you with a broken faith怀揣着支离破碎的信念走向你Gave me more than a hand to hold请你给我不仅仅是紧握的双手Caught before I hit the ground在我崩溃之前我已沦陷Tell me I"m safe, you"ve got me now告诉我我很安全 此刻你会紧拥我Would you take the wheel如果我已失控If I lose control?你是否会掌控我的方向?If I"m lying here如果我倒在这里Will you take me home?你是否会带我回家?Could you take care你是否会在乎Of a broken soul?我这颗支离破碎的灵魂?Will you hold me now?你是否会紧拥我?Oh, will you take me home?噢 你是否会带我回家?Oh, will you take me home?噢 你是否会带我回家?Oh, will you take me home?噢 你是否会带我回家?Oh, will you take me home?噢 你是否会带我回家?Oh, will you take me home?噢 你是否会带我回家?Hold the gun to my head把枪对着我的脑袋Count 1, 2, 3数着一二三If it helps me walk away then it"s如果能让我得以远离What I need那这就是我要的解脱Every minute gets easier你向我倾诉的越多The more you talk to me每一刻也就不再难么煎熬You rationalise my darkest thoughts你为我最黑暗的想法找到合理的理由Yeah you, set them free你 释放它们自由Came to you with a broken faith怀揣着支离破碎的信念走向你Gave me more than a hand to hold请你给我不仅仅是紧握的双手Caught before I hit the ground在我崩溃之前我已沦陷Tell me I"m safe, you"ve got me now告诉我我很安全 此刻你会紧拥我Would you take the wheel如果我已失控If I lose control?你是否会掌控我的方向?If I"m lying here如果我倒在这里Will you take me home?你是否会带我回家?Could you take care你是否会在乎Of a broken soul?我这颗支离破碎的灵魂?Oh, will you hold me now?噢 你是否会紧拥我?Oh, will you take me home?噢 你是否会带我回家?Oh, will you take me home?噢 你是否会带我回家?Oh, will you take me home?噢 你是否会带我回家?Oh, will you take me home?噢 你是否会带我回家?You say space will make it better你说距离会让一切更加美好And time will make it heal时间会治愈一切I won"t be lost forever我也不会永远这般迷失And soon I wouldn"t feel很快 我不会再有Like I"m haunted, oh falling这种不安的感觉 陷落You say space will make it better你说距离会让一切更加美好And time will make it heal时间会治愈一切I won"t be lost forever我也不会永远这般迷失And soon I wouldn"t feel很快 我不会再有Like I"m haunted, oh falling这种不安的感觉 陷落You say space will make it better你说距离会让一切更加美好And time will make it heal时间会治愈一切I won"t be lost forever我也不会永远这般迷失And soon I wouldn"t feel很快 我不会再有Like I"m haunted, oh falling这种不安的感觉 陷落Would you take the wheel如果我已失控If I lose control?你是否会掌控我的方向?If I"m lying here如果我倒在这里Will you take me home?你是否会带我回家?Could you take care你是否会在乎Of a broken soul?我这颗支离破碎的灵魂?Oh, will you hold me now?噢 你是否会紧拥我?Oh, will you take me home?噢 你是否会带我回家?Oh, will you take me home?噢 你是否会带我回家?Oh, will you take me home?噢 你是否会带我回家?Oh, will you take me home?噢 你是否会带我回家?Oh, will you take me home?噢 你是否会带我回家?Home回家Oh, will you take me home?噢 你是否会带我回家?Oh, will you take me home?噢 你是否会带我回家?-
2023-07-21 01:11:341

Take Me Home 歌词

歌曲名:Take Me Home歌手:Cher专辑:Prisoner/Take Me Home(Heaven, heaven, heaven)Take me homeTake me homeI know another place to beTake me homeTake me homeYou deserve a girl like meCome onI know somewhereYou can unwindWe can just disappearNow"s the timeTake me homeTake me homeOnly fair I get my wayTake me homeTake me homeOh, it"s gonna happen anywayI know what"s good for youDon"t pass me byI will look after youYou"ll be fineI"m in heavenI"ll show you heavenIt"s so much heavenLet"s make a moveLet"s leave this world behindI know you approveBy the look in your eyesI"m in heavenI"ll show you heavenIt"s so much heavenTake me homeTake me homeAnd I will show youWhere to walkTake me homeTake me homeBaby let the people talkWe"ll get away from hereI"m reading your mindWe can just disappearNow"s the timeI"m in heavenI"ll show you heavenTake me homeOh take me homeTake me homeIn this momentOne night with youAll aloneWith nothing to loseLet"s make a moveLet"s leave this world behindI know you approveBy the look in your eyesI"m in heavenI"ll show you heavenIt"s so much heavenTake me homeTake me homeNow"s the timeTo follow meTake me homeCome and letWhat ought to beTake me homeTake me homeTake me homeTake me homeTake me home
2023-07-21 01:11:431

Take Me Home 歌词

歌曲名:Take Me Home歌手:Jack Savoretti专辑:Before the StormTake me homeclub 8Take me homebring me back when I"m downTake me homebring me back when I"m downTake me homebring me back when I"m downTake me homebring me back when I"m downIt"s a mistake I will have to makeexpecting all from youthere"s no drug to replace youTake me homebring me back when I"m downTake me homebring me back when I"m downTake me homebring me back when I"m downTake me homebring me back when I"m downTake me home(It"s a mistake)bring me back when I"m down( I will have to make)Take me home(expecting all from you)bring me back when I"m down(there"s no drug to replace you)
2023-07-21 01:11:521

Take Me Home 歌词

歌曲名:Take Me Home歌手:The Showdown专辑:Blood In The GearsThe Showdown - Take Me HomeThe burning, the bleedingThe lifetime spent retreatingThe black eyes, the white lightsThe love that will not dieNow the dreams bring troubled sleep, so keep them awayStretched along the road too thin, by too many daysTake me homeSouthland"s calling my nameNeither love nor man nor law could keep me awayTake me homeSouthland"s calling my nameNeither love nor man nor law could keep me awayHe won"t give, he must liveHe cannot give into thisHis blood cold, he craves homeThe weary soldier crawlsNow the dreams bring troubled sleep, so keep them awayStretched along the road too thin, by too many daysTake me homeSouthland"s calling my nameNeither love nor man nor law could keep me awayTake me homeSouthland"s calling my nameNeither love nor man nor law won"t keep me awayTake me homeSouthland"s calling my nameNeither love nor man nor law would keep me awayTake me homeSouthland"s calling my nameNeither love nor man nor law won"t keep me awayNeither love nor man nor law won"t keep me away
2023-07-21 01:12:011

take me home 歌词

歌曲名:take me home歌手:Johnny Cash专辑:everybody loves a nutWell I"ve been from Boston to LA seen Boulder Dam and Frisco BayI seen New York City and WashingtonSeen Montreal and Saskatchewan and Rhode IslandAnd I"ve worked in three all night service stations and I drove a truckTake me home my heart is heavy and my feet are soreTake me home I don"t wanna roam no moreWell I slept all night in a water troughHad the flu and the croup and the whoopin" coughHad the mumps and the measles and the seven years itchAnd I can"t count the times that I"ve had a cold and a sore throatNot to mention all the times that I cut my fingers on a sardine canTake me home my heart is heavy...Well I can just see "em all now just a gatherin" roundMama"s supper table when the sun goes downAnd my good old pappy when the blessing is saidFillin" up his plate with black eyed peas and all that stuff and side meatAnd a great big hunk of my dear sweet mama"s hot buttered cornbreadTake me home my heart is heavy...Take me home my heart is heavy...
2023-07-21 01:12:081

Take Me Home 歌词

歌曲名:Take Me Home 歌手:Russian Red专辑:I Love Your GlassesRussian Red-Take Me Home★ lrc 编辑 妙一法师It"s your guitar that discovers you wildefor all I can see is the dark of a skyand the plumbs in a glass jar of wine.Take me home, take me home, take me home, don"t knowTake me home, take me home, take me home, don"t knowhow I got here, but now you?Take me home, take me home, take me home, don"t knowtake me home, take me home, take me home, don"t knowhow I subsist with candled up nights and pure spirit"s Idon"t know how you dragged me here.And it"s my guitar that discovers me blindfor all I can see is the clarity sideand the bones someone spaton the trash from the plumbs?Take me home, take me home, take me home, don"t knowTake me home, take me home, take me home, don"t knowhow I got here, but now you?Take me home, take me home, take me home, don"t knowhow I subsist with candled up nights and pure spirit"s Idon"t know how you dragged me here.If you can call the name of our hopethat probably means I"m not there.Take me home, take me home, take me home, don"t knowhow?
2023-07-21 01:12:181

Take Me Home 歌词

歌曲名:Take Me Home歌手:Phil Coulter专辑:Lake Of ShadowsThe Showdown - Take Me HomeThe burning, the bleedingThe lifetime spent retreatingThe black eyes, the white lightsThe love that will not dieNow the dreams bring troubled sleep, so keep them awayStretched along the road too thin, by too many daysTake me homeSouthland"s calling my nameNeither love nor man nor law could keep me awayTake me homeSouthland"s calling my nameNeither love nor man nor law could keep me awayHe won"t give, he must liveHe cannot give into thisHis blood cold, he craves homeThe weary soldier crawlsNow the dreams bring troubled sleep, so keep them awayStretched along the road too thin, by too many daysTake me homeSouthland"s calling my nameNeither love nor man nor law could keep me awayTake me homeSouthland"s calling my nameNeither love nor man nor law won"t keep me awayTake me homeSouthland"s calling my nameNeither love nor man nor law would keep me awayTake me homeSouthland"s calling my nameNeither love nor man nor law won"t keep me awayNeither love nor man nor law won"t keep me away
2023-07-21 01:12:381

求小野丽莎take me home country road中文歌词

Country Roads John Denver Almost heaven West Virginia, Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River. Life is old there older than the trees, younger than the mountains growin" like a breeze. Country roads take me home to the place I belong: West Virginia, mountain mom-ma, take me home country roads. All my mem"ries gather "round her, miner"s lady, stranger to blue water. Dark and dusty painted on the sky, misty taste of moon-shine, teardrop in my eye. Country roads take me home to the place I belong: West Virginia, mountain mom-ma, take me home country roads. I hear her voice in the morning hours she calls me. The radio reminds me of my home far away, and drivin" down the road I get a feeling that I should have been home yesterday yesterday. (Oh) Country roads take me home to the place I belong: West Virginia, mountain mom-ma, take me home country roads, take me home country roads. 乡 村 路 [美] 约翰·丹佛 演唱 简直是天堂啊!西弗吉尼亚,兰岭山,谢纳多阿河。那里的生命年代久远,比树木古老,比群山年轻,象和风一样慢慢生长。乡村路,带我回家,到我生长的地方—西弗吉尼亚,山峦妈妈,乡村路,带我回家。 我的全部记忆都围绕着她,矿工的情人,没见过大海的人儿。天空灰蒙蒙的昏暗一片,月光朦朦胧胧,我的眼泪汪汪。乡村路,带我回家,到我生长的地方—西弗吉尼亚,山峦妈妈,乡村路,带我回家。 早晨她把我呼唤,我听到了她的声音,无线电广播使我想起遥远的家乡,驱车沿路而下,我感到我本应昨天就回家,昨天就回家。 乡村路,带我回家,到我生长的地方—西弗吉尼亚,山峦妈妈,乡村路,带我回家。乡村路,带我回家。 Country Road Takes Me Home Almost Heaven, West Virginia 西州我家,人间天堂Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenangoah River 蓝山绵延,雪河流长Life is old there, older than the trees 生命古老,万古长青Younger than the mountains,Growing like a breeze 山之后代,如风生长Country Roads, take me home, 走我小路,回我家乡to the place I belong 去斯土地,生我一方West Virginia, Mountain mama 西州山母,日夜盼望Take me home, Country Roads 天涯游子,衣锦还乡 All my memories, gathered round her 西州家乡,日夜不忘 Miner"s a lady, stranger to blue water 碧水伊人,矿前女郎 Dark and dusty, painted on the sky 墨染天空,夜色灰黄Misty taste the moonshine, teardrops in my eye 思我家乡,月映泪光 Country Roads, take me home, 走我小路,回我家乡to the place I belong 去斯土地,生我一方West Virginia, Mountain mama 西州山母,日夜盼望Take me home, Country Roads 天涯游子,衣锦还乡I hear her voice in the morning hours she calls me 乡音回荡,天色已亮The radio reminds me of my home far away 漫漫长路,家在远方And driving down the road I get a feeling that 走我乡路,泪盈眼眶I should have been home yesterday, yesterday 征蓬游子,早日还乡Country Roads, take me home, 走我小路,回我家乡to the place I belong 去斯土地,生我一方West Virginia, Mountain mama 西州山母,日夜盼望Take me home, Country Roads 天涯游子,衣锦还乡Country Roads, take me home, 走我小路,回我家乡to the place I belong 去斯土地,生我一方West Virginia, Mountain mama 西州山母,日夜盼望Take me home, Country Roads 天涯游子,衣锦还乡Take me home now, Country Roads 走我小路,回我家乡Take me home now, Country Roads 家乡之水,游子泪光 Almost heaven west Virginia   Blue Ridge Mountains Shenandoah river   Life is old there older than the trees   Younger than the mountains blowin" like a breeze      Country roads take me home   To the place I belong   West Virginia mountain momma   Take me home country roads      All my memories gather round her   Miner"s lady stranger to blue water   Dark and dusty painted on the sky   Misty taste of moonshine teardrop in my eyes      Country roads take me home   To the place I belong   West Virginia mountain momma   Take me home country roads      I hear a voice in the morning how she calls me   The radio reminds me of my home far away   Drivin" down the road I get a feelin"   That I should been home yesterday yesterday         西弗吉尼亚,总如天堂一般,   那儿有蓝岭山脉,谢南多亚河   生命在那里比树木更长久,   又如同山脉那般年轻,   像清风一样飘逝。      故乡的路,带我回家吧,   回到我期盼已久的归宿,   西弗吉尼亚,大山母亲,   带我回家吧,故乡的路。      我所有的记忆都围绕着她   她是矿工的妻子,从未见过深邃的大海,   黑暗与灰尘在天空中绘出颜色,   在那朦胧的月光下,泪水涌出我的眼睛。      故乡的路,带我回家吧,   回到我期盼已久的归宿,   西弗吉尼亚,大山母亲,   带我回家吧,故乡的路。      清晨我听见一个声音在对我呼唤,   收音机里的声音让我想起了遥远的家,   沿着公路行驶,我心中产生这样的感觉:   也许我昨天就该回到家中,就在昨天!
2023-07-21 01:12:451

country road take me home来这看看吧,中文英文的都有
2023-07-21 01:12:547

Take me home country road结他谱

更新1: 须附chord~ 都果冇单音,净chord都OK 更新2: chordie/chord.pere/getsome/guitar/olga/main/d/denver_john/take_me_home_country_roads.crd 第一个复制此网址内内容可获选为最佳回答 Take me home country roads John Denver --------------------------PLEASE NOTE---------------------------------# 1) Almost [G]heaven [Em]West Virginia 2) All my mem&#39;ries gather round her 1) [D]Blue Ridge Mountains [C]Shenandoah [G]River. 2) miner&#39;s lady stranger to blue water. 1) Life is old there [Em]older than the trees 2) Dark and dusty painted on the sky 1) [D]younger than the mountains 2) misty taste of moonshine 1) [C]growin&#39; like a breeze[G]. 2) teardrop in my eye. Ref.) Country [G]roads take me [D]home to the [Em]place I be[C]long. West Vir[G]ginia Mountain [D]momma take me [C]home Country [G]roads Bridge) I [Em]hear her [D]voice in the [G]morning hour she calls me the [C]radio rem[G]inds her of my [D]home far away and [Em]driving down the [D]road I get a [C]feeling that I [G]should have been home [D]yesterday [D7]yester[G]day. From: &quot;theTone&quot; Date: Tue 27 Jun 1995 11:16:32 MET Take Me Home Country Roads - John Denver --------------------------- [A] [A] [A] [A] Almost [A]heaven [F#m]West Virginia [E]Blue Ridge Mountains [D]Shenandoah [A]River. [A]Life is old there [F#m]older than the trees [E]Younger than the mountains [D]growin&#39; like a br[A]eeze Country [A]Roads take me [E]home To the [F#m]place I be[D]long: West Vir[A]ginia mountain [E]momma Take me [D]home Country [A]Roads. All my mem&#39;ries gather &#39;round her Miner&#39;s lady stranger to blue water. Dark and dusty painted on the sky Misty taste of moonshine teardrop in my eye. Country Roads .... [F#m]I hear her [E]voice in the [A]mornin&#39; hours she calls me The [D]radio re[A]minds me of my [E]home far away And [F#m]drivin&#39; down the [G]road I get a [D]feelin&#39; that I [A]should have been home [E]yesterday yester[E7]day. Country Roads .... Take me [E]home Country [A]Roads Take me [E]home Country [A]Roads. haveFunWithIt 参考: chordie/chord.pere/getsome/guitar/olga/main/d/denver_john/take_me_home_country_roads.crd
2023-07-21 01:13:081

一首英文歌,里面的歌词有一句什么 Take me home mamma… 这首歌叫什么名字?

take me home country road
2023-07-21 01:13:162


天下足球再回首之小贝回家里的那段音乐叫什么啊? 《天下足球》特辑《再回首之小贝回家》的配乐为《United Road (Take Me Home)》。 《United Road (Take Me Home)》 歌手:The World Red Army 所属专辑:United Road (Take Me Home) 发行时间:2011-02-04 发行公司: Fat Willy Records 歌词: I was born to, be United, Daddy told me when I was just a baby, When I was Five, I went down the warwick Road, Now I"m addicted, the only place I go Take me Home, United Road, To the place, I belong, To Old Trafford, to see United, Take me Home, United Road. All my memories, Of Bobby Charlton, Geie Best and Cantona, That came to us from Heaven, And in the Nou Camp in 1999, On matt bu *** ys birthday Oh it was party time Take me Home, United Road, To the place, I belong, To Old Trafford, to see United, Take me Home, United Road, I watch the reds,I feel the noise, The crowd is roaring, The Stretford end we singing and the fans are going wild And when I"m gone, I get the feeling I should have been home yesterday, yesterday Take me Home, United Road, To the place, I belong, To Old Trafford, to see United, Take me Home, United Road, Take me Home, United Road, To the place, I belong, To Old Trafford, to see United, Take me Home, United Road, Take me Home, United Road, Take me Home, United Road, 天下足球14年 再回首 背景音乐是什么 when we were young 我是雷锋,望采纳 昨晚天下足球贝克汉姆《再回首》配乐叫什么 TAKE ME HOME UNITED ROAD 天下足球 开始的那段音乐 我也一直在找那段交响乐,百度里的回答都不是。。。 这期天下足球,放小贝那段音乐是什么,是那个女的唱的! Kelly Clarkson的《Because Of You 》 Kelly Clarkson - Because Of You Lyrics 因有你 I will not make the same mistakes that you did 我不会和你犯一样的错误 I will not let myself 是的,我不会让自己{那样} Cause my heart so much misery 因为我的心里充斥着苦难 I will not break the way you did, 我不会阻止你 You fell so hard 你那疯狂的堕落 I ve learned the hard way 我从中学会了 To never let it get that far 并不会让它在我身上发生 Because of you 因有你 I never stray too far from the sidewalk 我从没迷失过自己太远过 Because of you 因有你 I learned to play on the safe side so I don t get hurt 我学会了保护自己从而不受伤害 Because of you 因有你 I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me 我发现我再难以再相信自己,甚至身边的每个人 Because of you 因有你 I am afraid 我跟害怕 I lose my way 我失去了自我 And it s not too long before you point it out 而你立刻向我指了出来 I cannot cry 我不能哭 Because I know that s weakness in your eyes 因为我知道那正是你眼睛的弱点 I m forced to fake 我迫不得已去伪装 A *** ile, a laugh everyday of my life 在生命中的每一天都微笑,大笑 My heart can t possibly break 我的心不可能破碎 When it wasn t even whole to start with 当一切不可能从新开始的时候 Because of you 因有你 I never stray too far from the sidewalk 我从没迷失过自己太远过 Because of you 因有你 I learned to play on the safe side so I don t get hurt 我学会了保护自己从而不受伤害 Because of you 因有你 I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me 我发现我再难以再相信自己,甚至身边的每个人 Because of you 因有你 I am afraid 我跟害怕 I watched you die 我看着你一点点的死去 I heard you cry every night in your sleep 我听着你在每个午夜的哭喊 I was so young 我太年轻 You should have known better than to lean on me 你应该去理解我而不是凡事依赖 You never thought of anyone else 你从来没有为别人着想过 You just saw your pain 你只在乎你自己的伤痛 And now I cry in the middle of the night 而现在我也在午夜哭泣 For the same damn thing 却为了同样的该死的东西 Because of you 因有你 I never stray too far from the sidewalk 我从来没有迷失过自己 Because of you 因有你 I learned to play on the safe side so I don t get hurt 我学会了保护自己从而不受伤害 Because of you 因有你 I try my hardest just to fet everything 我拼命的去忘记所有的一切 Because of you 因有你 I don t know how to let anyone else in 我不知道如何再让别人停留在我的心里 Because of you 因有你 I m ashamed of my life because it s empty 我为自己的灵魂感到羞愧因为它的空虚 Because of you 一切都是因为你 I am afraid 我是如此害怕。。。。。 Because of you 因有你 天下足球《再见齐祖》开场的那段音乐是什么名字? 是不是The best of me 啊。貌似一共三首。 那首<<离去的火车>> <<Shine Your Light >> 天下足球播放的世界一百佳进球中那段音乐是什么啊? 亚洲著名音乐人小泽正澄《Guitar Monster Vol. 1》专辑中的Attraction,天下足球只用了其中一部分主旋律。 我也是喜欢得不得了,给你这个下载地址 :dl.pcgames..3/8/dlid=19058&dltypeid=3&pn=0&. 天下足球、足球之夜放经典进球有一段音乐叫什么 小泽正澄 attraction 你在QQ音乐里搜 "attraction 十佳进球背景音乐" 就是了 也可以下载 天下足球10佳进球那段音乐~~哪有下载? 来自亚洲著名音乐人小泽正澄《Guitar Monster Vol. 1》专辑中的Attraction。希望球迷们可以一饱“耳”福! CCTV5《天下足球》里的歌叫什么啊 Gotta be somebody by Nickelback 连结: <a href="" target="_blank"></a> 最新结尾曲
2023-07-21 01:13:231

Take Me Home Country Road 是谁唱的

分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 音乐 解析: John Denver 是美国著名的乡村音乐歌手,有一次在酒吧里听到他的歌,特别是这首take me home,country roads.他的歌把我领进了乡村音乐,并被它深深吸引,乡村音乐节奏明快、流畅,有很强的感染力,希望你们也来认识一下John Denver,体验乡村音乐的魅力。 John Denver简介: 约翰.丹佛于1943年生于美国西南部的新墨西哥州,曾经学习建筑专业。1971年,他放弃学业,潜心从事乡村歌曲的创作与演唱。起初受到别人的嘲笑,但他始终不为所动。终于在1971年以一曲《Take Me Home, Country road》(《乡路送我回家》)一跃成名为著名乡村音乐歌星。丹佛演唱的歌曲大部分都是自己创作的,著名的曲目有《Take Me Home Country Road》、《Rocky Mountain High(高高洛基山)》、《Sunshine On My Shoulders(阳光照在我肩上)》、《A Wild Heart Looking For Home(浪子心渴望家园)》、《Trail Of Tears(泪痕)》 以及《African Sunrise(非洲的黎明)》都是美国乡村歌曲与摇滚风格相结合的典范。20年来,丹佛的创作屡屡不绝,他为美国帆船“星条旗”号获胜作歌,还为中国之行创作了歌曲《(Shanghai"s Breeze)上海的微风》。1979年元月,约翰.丹佛在华盛顿肯尼迪文化中心为当时访美的老邓演唱了他的拿手曲目。 和许多乡村歌手一样,丹佛也是经常一把吉它随身到处巡回演唱,歌曲多以吉它伴奏,演唱自如,常有即兴变化。丹佛的嗓音自然明快而无矫揉做作。他演唱的内容多为歌唱纯真的爱情、美好的理想、抒发怀乡之情或是带有哲理性的社会歌曲。约翰.丹佛至今已获得21次金唱片奖和4 次白金唱片奖,他也是中国观众最为熟悉的美国乡村歌手之一。不幸的是,在我们编辑此光盘即将完成时,丹佛已离我们而去,1997年10月他在一次飞行中不幸坠机遇难。 Take Me Home Country Road Almost heaven West Virginia Blue Ridge Mountain Shenandoah River Life is old there Older than the trees Younger than the mountains Growing like a breeze Country road. take me home To the place I belong West Virginia Mountain Mama Take me home, country roads All my memories Gather round her Miners Lady Stranger to blue water Dark and dusty Painted on the sky Misty taste of moonshine Teardrops in my eyes Country roads, take me home To the place I belong West Virginia Mountain Mama Take me home, country roads I hear her voice in the morning hours She calls me The radio reminds me of my home far away And driving down the road I get a feeling That I should have been home Yesterday,yesterday Country roads , take me home To the place I belong West Virginia Mountain Mama Take me home,country roads Country roads , take me home To the place I belong West Virginia Mountain Mama Take me home,country roads Take me home,country roads Take me home,country roads 就像是天堂,西维吉尼亚州 有蓝色山脊的群山和雪纳杜河 在那儿生命是古老的,比森林更古老 但比山脉年轻 像风一样自在的成长 乡村小路,带我回家 回到我属于的地方 就是西维吉尼亚州——山脉之母 带我回家,乡村小路 我所有的回忆都围绕着她——— 矿工的淑女、蓝色河流的陌生人、 涂满了黑与灰的天空 和朦胧的月光 泪水在我眼眶中打转 清晨时分,我听到她呼唤我的声音 广播节目提醒我家还很远 在开车的路上,我有一种感觉 我早该回到家的怀抱
2023-07-21 01:13:301

country road take me home中英对照歌词

你下完歌,用千千静听播放,他会自动查找的啊,我的千千静听就是自己下的,你的应该也可以 啊
2023-07-21 01:14:066

有一首歌 其中有一句是mountain mama

这首歌叫mountain mama
2023-07-21 01:14:594


歌曲:Take me home, country road歌手:John Denver作曲:John Denver作词:John Denver歌词:Almost heaven west virginia西弗吉尼亚,总如天堂一般Blue ridge mountains shenandoah river那儿有蓝岭山脉,谢南多亚河Life is old there older than the trees生命在那里比树木更长久Younger than the mountains又如同山脉那般年轻Growin like a breeze像清风一样飘逝Country roads take me home故乡的路,带我回家吧To the place I belong回到我期盼已久的归宿West virginia西弗吉尼亚Mountain momma大山母亲Take me home country roads带我回家吧,故乡的路All my memories gather round her我所有的记忆都围绕着她Miners lady stranger to blue water她是矿工的妻子,从未见过深邃的大海Dark and dusty painted on the sky黑暗与灰尘在天空中绘出颜色Misty taste of moon shine在那朦胧的月光下Tear drops in my eyes泪水涌出我的眼睛Country roads take me home故乡的路,带我回家吧To the place I belong回到我期盼已久的归宿West virginia西弗吉尼亚Mountain momma大山母亲Take me home country roads带我回家吧,故乡的路I hear her voice in the morning hours she calls me清晨我听见一个声音在对我呼唤Radio reminds me of my home far away收音机里的声音让我想起了遥远的家Driving down the road I get a feeling沿着公路行驶,我心中产生这样的感觉that I shoul"d have been home也许我昨天就该回到家中Yesterday就在昨天Yesterday就在昨天Country roads take me home故乡的路,带我回家吧To the place I belong回到我期盼已久的归宿West virginia西弗吉尼亚Mountain momma大山母亲Take me home country roads带我回家吧,故乡的路Country roads take me home故乡的路,带我回家吧To the place I belong回到我期盼已久的归宿West virginia西弗吉尼亚Mountain momma大山母亲Take me home country roads带我回家吧,故乡的路Take me home country roads带我回家吧,故乡的路Take me home country roads带我回家吧,故乡的路扩展资料:约翰·丹佛(John Denver,1943年12月31日~1997年10月12日),生于新墨西哥州罗斯维尔城。德裔美国乡村民谣歌手。丹佛在南方长大,1964年大学毕业后他迁到洛杉矶,在城市民谣俱乐部中演唱。第2年他加入了查德·米切尔三重唱组。1969年,丹佛录制唱片《节奏与原因》。这张唱片中收录了他自己演唱的《乘着喷气飞机离去》。丹佛的许多歌曲都广为人知,如歌曲《乡村路带我回家》和《高高的洛基山》等。参考资料:百度百科-约翰·丹佛
2023-07-21 01:15:081

Take Me Home 歌词

歌曲名:Take Me Home歌手:Midge Ure专辑:Answers To NothingThe Showdown - Take Me HomeThe burning, the bleedingThe lifetime spent retreatingThe black eyes, the white lightsThe love that will not dieNow the dreams bring troubled sleep, so keep them awayStretched along the road too thin, by too many daysTake me homeSouthland"s calling my nameNeither love nor man nor law could keep me awayTake me homeSouthland"s calling my nameNeither love nor man nor law could keep me awayHe won"t give, he must liveHe cannot give into thisHis blood cold, he craves homeThe weary soldier crawlsNow the dreams bring troubled sleep, so keep them awayStretched along the road too thin, by too many daysTake me homeSouthland"s calling my nameNeither love nor man nor law could keep me awayTake me homeSouthland"s calling my nameNeither love nor man nor law won"t keep me awayTake me homeSouthland"s calling my nameNeither love nor man nor law would keep me awayTake me homeSouthland"s calling my nameNeither love nor man nor law won"t keep me awayNeither love nor man nor law won"t keep me away
2023-07-21 01:15:281

Take Me Home Country Roads 歌词

中文名称:乡村路带我回家外文名称:Take Me Home, Country Road所属专辑:Poem, Prayers & Promises歌曲时长:3:10发行时间:1971歌曲原唱:John Denver填 词:John Denver谱 曲:John Denver,Bill Danoff,Mary Danoff & T. Nivert Danoff编 曲:John Denver音乐风格:Country歌曲语言:英语歌曲歌词:英文歌词《乡村路带我回家》Take Me Home ,Country Roadsby John DenverAlmost heaven West VirginiaBlue Ridge Mountain Shenandoah RiverLife is old thereOlder than the treesYounger than the mountainsGrowing like a breezeCountry roads take me homeTo the place I belongWest Virginia Mountain MamaTake me home country roadAll my memories Gather round herMiner"s Lady Stranger to blue waterDark and dusty Painted on the skyMisty taste of moonshine Tear drops in my eyesCountry roads, take me homeTo the place I belongWest Virginia Mountain MamaTake me home ,country roadsI hear her voice in the morning hoursShe calls meThe radio reminds me of my home far awayAnd driving down the roadI"ll get a feelingThat I should have been homeYesterday , yesterdayCountry roads ,take me homeTo the place I belongWest Virginia Mountain MamaTake me home ,country roadsCountry roads ,take me homeTo the place I belongWest Virginia Mountain MamaTake me home ,country roadsTake me home ,country roadsTake me home ,country roads中文歌词[美] 约翰·丹佛 演唱简直是天堂啊!兰岭山,谢纳多阿河那里的生命年代久远,比树木古老比群山年轻,象和风一样慢慢生长乡村路,带我回家到我生长的地方—西弗吉尼亚,山峦妈妈乡村路,带我回家我的全部记忆都围绕着她矿工的情人,没见过大海的人儿天空灰蒙蒙的昏暗一片月光朦朦胧胧,我的眼泪汪汪乡村路,带我回家到我生长的地方—西弗吉尼亚,山峦妈妈乡村路,带我回家早晨她把我呼唤无线电广播使我想起遥远的家乡驱车沿路而下我感到我本应昨天就回家,昨天就回家。乡村路, 带我回家到我生长的地方—西弗吉尼亚,山峦妈妈乡村路,带我回家乡村路,带我回家乡村路,带我回家《乡村路带我回家》(Take Me Home, Country Road)是由约翰·丹佛(John Denver)于1971年创作并演唱的著名乡村歌曲。丹佛是在美国最有名的美国乡村歌手,他甚至超过了在美国比他名气大的多的乡村明星,就是因为这首脍炙人口的《乡村路带我回家》,歌曲旋律轻快,给人描绘了一幅美丽的美国东部西弗吉尼亚风光。
2023-07-21 01:15:363

Take Me Home 歌词

歌曲名:Take Me Home歌手:Cher专辑:GoldThe Showdown - Take Me HomeThe burning, the bleedingThe lifetime spent retreatingThe black eyes, the white lightsThe love that will not dieNow the dreams bring troubled sleep, so keep them awayStretched along the road too thin, by too many daysTake me homeSouthland"s calling my nameNeither love nor man nor law could keep me awayTake me homeSouthland"s calling my nameNeither love nor man nor law could keep me awayHe won"t give, he must liveHe cannot give into thisHis blood cold, he craves homeThe weary soldier crawlsNow the dreams bring troubled sleep, so keep them awayStretched along the road too thin, by too many daysTake me homeSouthland"s calling my nameNeither love nor man nor law could keep me awayTake me homeSouthland"s calling my nameNeither love nor man nor law won"t keep me awayTake me homeSouthland"s calling my nameNeither love nor man nor law would keep me awayTake me homeSouthland"s calling my nameNeither love nor man nor law won"t keep me awayNeither love nor man nor law won"t keep me away
2023-07-21 01:15:441