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怎么在vs2005中添加 using System.Script.Serialization

添加引用行...添加引用→.Net→System.Web.Entensions;再项目文件再using System.Web.Script.Serialization; OK...

c#中using System.Runtime.Serialization.Json;不能引用


the raising of the national flag是什么意思


the raising of the national flag中的raising是什么用法 ,为什么用raising


watch the national flag-raising

watch sth/sb do watch sth/sb doing 都行啊 ,但第一个句型强调结果,第二个强调过程 see,observe,的很多词有类似用法 就这句而言,raising 就强调结果,就是说旗升上去了;如果是raise强调过程,就是说旗正在升.当然slowly加进去就强调过程了 ing和原形在语法上都正确

raising the national flag怎么读?



⑵请判断点B(1,6)是否在这个反比例函数的图象上,并说明理由。15.(12分) 反比例函数和一次函数y=mx+n的图象的一个交点A(-3,4),且一次函数的图像与x轴的交点到原点的距离为5.(1)分别确定反比例函数与一次函数的解析式;(2)设一次函数与反比例函数图像的另一个交点为B ,试判断∠AOB(点O为平面直角坐标系原点)是锐角、直角还是钝角?并简单说明理由.16.某厂从2002年起开始投入技术改进资金,经技术改进后,某产品的生产成本不断降低,具体数据如下表:年度2002200320042005投入技改资金x(万元)2.5344.5产品成本y(万元/件)7.264.54(1)请你认真分析表中数据,从你所学习过的一次函数、二次函数和反比例函数中确定哪种函数能表示其变化规律,说明确定是这种函数而不是其他函数的理由,并求出它的解析式;(2)按照这种变化规律,若2006年已投入技改资金5万元.①预计生产成本每件比2005年降低多少万元?②如果打算在2006年把每件产品成本降低到3.2万元,则还需投入技改资金多少万元?(结果精确到0.01万元)

a属于二分之派到二分之三派 ,taoa等于根号2,sina等于多少?

a属于二分之派到二分之三派 ,tana等于根号2,所以a属于派到二分之三派,sina<0,sina=-√6/3.

在安装XP的时出现提示"INF file txtsetup.sif is corrupt or missing, status 18.求高手解答!如题 谢谢

呵呵,建议不要用这样装。给你个建议就是用ghost装这个镜像。如果不是GHO,建议刻入光盘使用光驱装简单一点。 追问: ghost的系统到处都是 我就是不想用呀! 我想自己装个原版的 优化一下下 自己GHOST一个系统备份! 回答: 那你就用原装安装版的。把系统刻在光盘上,用光盘吧。。那样简单点。你也好弄。。。 追问: 我只有U盘 没有光盘! 显示刻录的后 引导安装时 出现我的问题! 回答: 你可以直接用电脑店做个U盘直接就可以装。。要教程。我找给你 追问: 做启动盘我OK 不用教程! 你还没看清楚我的问题! 回答: WIN7有些是不能直接安装XP是设置问题。。建议你重新分区之后在重新安装。我以前在乐购里面经常遇到这个问题。。既然你不用GHOST,那就重新分区在安装。。我知道你意思。。 追问: 重新分了 还是一样! 有人说 UItra ISO写入XP镜像不能直接安装XP 但是用PE进去怎么安装ISO系统嘛?求解 回答: 我写个教程给你。你稍等下。。好吧。。 追问: OK!!!! 回答: 有的机器是不支持XP的哦。。先说下。别到时候你失望。。。 追问: OK!!!! 我的 追问: 我是台式机 CPU g630双核 主板 华硕H61 内存4g 追问: 现在的系统是XP 用的是深度的 GJOST(才换的)

装系统时提示:inf file txtsetup.sif is corrupt or missing,status 32768是什么问题


inf file txtsetup.sif is corrupt or missing. status 18.


INF file txtsetup.sif is corrupt or missing, status 14


New Moon Rising 歌词

歌曲名:New Moon Rising歌手:Bill Nelson专辑:Blue Moons And Laughing GuitarsWolfmother - New Moon RisingAnd the fields are turningAnd the temperature is risingSee the factories burningwhen the wheels keep turningWell, I"ve seen that you"ve grown nowWith the horses you rideGonna have your say nowI see the new moon risingOh, she don"t mindShe got the timeI see the new moon risingOh, she don"t mindShe got the timeI see the new moon risingI see this small town boy nowFrom a small town familyHe"s got to find his way nowGotta find himself a womanWith the skill of the peopleHe don"t wanna be no whipping boyWell, the time has come nowGotta hit the highwayOh, she don"t mindShe got the timeI see the new moon risingOh, she don"t mindShe got the timeI see the new moon risingI see the new moon risingI see the new moon risingSee the new moon risingWhen the (tides are turning?)She got the (luck of knowing?)She got the ( showing)Well, they"re all in-love nowAnd, see the (fields are turning?)I see the new moon risingI see the new moon risingOh, she don"t mindShe got the timeI see the new moon risingOh, she don"t mindShe got the timeI see the new moon rising

这句话为什么用comprising,而不用 comprise?

comprising 是做定语的 修饰 republic 动名词做定语 如果用comprise 一个句子里就会有俩个 动词 这个是不允许的 呵呵 希望我说清楚了。。。

when it feels like the day is ciosing in somehow i find the faith是什么意思





这个函数是不可积的,但是它的原函数是存在的,只是不能用初等函数表示而已. 习惯上,如果一个已给的连续函数的原函数能用初等函数表达出来,就说这函数是“积得出的函数”,否则就说它是“积不出”的函数.比如下面列出的几个积分都是属于“积不出”的函数 ∫e^(-x*x)dx,∫(sinx)/xdx,∫1/(lnx)dx,∫sin(x*x)dx ∫(a*a*sinx*sinx+b*b*cosx*cosx)^(1/2)dx(a*a不等于b*b) -------------------------------------- 以下是从别人那粘贴过来的..原函数我也不知道, ___________________________________ 下面证明∫sint/tdt=π/2(积分上限为∞,下限为0) 因为sint/t不存在初等函数的原函数,所以下面引入一个“收敛因子”e^(-xt)(x>=0),转而讨论含参量的积分. I(x)=∫e^(-xt)sint/tdt (积分上限为∞,下限为0) 显然: I(0)=∫sint/tdt(积分上限为∞,下限为0) I`(x)=∫u2202(e^(-xt)sint/t)/u2202x dt (积分上限为∞,下限为0) =∫e^(-xt)sin(t)sint(积分上限为∞,下限为0) =e^(-xt)(xsint+cost)/(1+x^2)|(上限为∞,下限为0) =-1/(1+x^2) 从而有 I(x)=-∫(1/(1+x^2))dx=-arctan(x)+C (1) |I(x)|=|∫e^(-xt)sint/tdt| ≤∫|e^(-xt)sint/t|dt ≤∫e^(-xt)dt =-(1/x)*e^(-xt)|(对t的积分原函数,上限为∞,下限为0) =1/x -->0 (x-->+∞) 即lim(I(x))-->0 (x-->+∞) 对(1)式两端取极限: lim(I(x))(x-->+∞) =-lim(-arctan(x)+C ) (x-->+∞) =-π/2+C 即有0=-π/2+C,可得C=π/2 于是(1)式为 I(x)=-arctan(x)+π/2 limI(x)=lim(-arctan(x)+π/2) (x-->0) I(0)=π/2 所以有 I(0)=∫sint/tdt(积分上限为∞,下限为0)=π/2 因为sinx/x是偶函数,所以 ∫sint/tdt(积分上限为∞,下限为-∞) =π


怎么感觉这题令 sint/t=a上下限都为0了?


证明这个函数的在整个定义域内连续,可导,可积省略. 下面证明∫sint/tdt=π/2(积分上限为∞,下限为0) 因为sint/t不存在初等函数的原函数,所以下面引入一个“收敛因子”e^(-xt)(x>=0),转而讨论含参量的积分. I(x)=∫e^(-xt)sint/tdt (积分上限为∞,下限为0) 显然: I(0)=∫sint/tdt(积分上限为∞,下限为0) I`(x)=∫u2202(e^(-xt)sint/t)/u2202x dt (积分上限为∞,下限为0) =∫e^(-xt)sin(t)sint(积分上限为∞,下限为0) =e^(-xt)(xsint+cost)/(1+x^2)|(上限为∞,下限为0) =-1/(1+x^2) 从而有 I(x)=-∫(1/(1+x^2))dx=-arctan(x)+C (1) |I(x)|=|∫e^(-xt)sint/tdt| ≤∫|e^(-xt)sint/t|dt ≤∫e^(-xt)dt =-(1/x)*e^(-xt)|(对t的积分原函数,上限为∞,下限为0) =1/x -->0 (x-->+∞) 即lim(I(x))-->0 (x-->+∞) 对(1)式两端取极限: lim(I(x))(x-->+∞) =-lim(-arctan(x)+C ) (x-->+∞) =-π/2+C 即有0=-π/2+C,可得C=π/2 于是(1)式为 I(x)=-arctan(x)+π/2 limI(x)=lim(-arctan(x)+π/2) (x-->0) I(0)=π/2 所以有 I(0)=∫sint/tdt(积分上限为∞,下限为0)=π/2 因为sinx/x是偶函数,所以 ∫sint/tdt(积分上限为∞,下限为-∞) =π 这个地方些数学公式很是不方便的.另外也可以用复变函数来求解的.如果有不懂的地方问我.


字末只有一个辅音字母,最后一个音节是短音的才双写。如:sit--sitting, drag==dragging, forget- forgettingbeat 是长音,所以beatingwalk,sing 最后有两个辅音字母,不双写

business concepts有哪些

business concepts经营理念;商业概念;商业理论双语例句1Business items represent the business concepts and entities in an enterprise. 业务项目代表企业中业务的概念和实体。2These may be related directly to business concepts within the models and relationships between those concepts. 这些词可能与模型中的业务概念和概念之间的关系直接相关。

Warning: Gradient must be provided for trust-region algorithm; using line-search algorithm instead


求翻译,teaching is a red-eye,sweaty-palm,sinking-stomach profession.


vistlip的《SINDRA》 歌词

歌曲名:SINDRA歌手:vistlip专辑:SINDRA「SINDRA」作词∶智作曲∶Tohya歌∶vistlipliesdistressimpatienthollowdisappear谁か知らないが呗をありがとう“この世界”を灭ぼせるから聴いたらもう最後逃走不可能 作词家の罠「俺が欲しいだろう?」埋葬した声帯を掘り起こし最低限の音符を抱える"Permafrost" has stolen your heart不感症に改造したレイダーYou are just covered in human leather哀自体感じないモンスター君が仆を忘れて行きそうで胁かしたり悪戯してみたり"Permafrost" has stolen your heart不感症に改造したライダーYou are just covered in human leather爱自体感じないモンスターhilarious...谁か知らないが梦をありがとう君のために辉けるから「おかしいな…动力炉。」どうして君を想うと异常な数値になるんだろう隣同士は当たり前じゃないから明日も谣わせて下さい绝望的な夜も无我梦中でキスをしていればすぐに朝が来る飞べない蝶は羽を千切り落としこう呟く「绮丽でしょう?でもそう见えるのはあなたの瞳が绮丽だからだよ。」…と"Permafrost" has stolen your heart不感症に改造したベイダーYou are just covered in human leather暖自体感じないモンスターhilarious...そして最後はね 君にありがとうこれ以上无い爱をあげたい「おかしいな…感情回路。」どうして君が居ないと涙が溢れるんだろう太阳が咲いた世界最终日にはもう一度谣わせて下さい君の好きな声でずっと待っていた言叶を今「二度と离さない。」と雨上がる空虹は无くても君が居るなら泣けてくるからAnd this is the one, The answerleading us to the Bright Futureただ今は抱き缔めてくれ雨上がる空全て无くても君が居るなら生きて行くからAnd this is the one, The answerleading us to the Bright Future「ただいま。」は约束した场所で【 おわり 】

__our food __,we had to walk to the town for help. A.Since;runs out B.because of;run out C.Fo...

选 A 因为我们的食物吃完了,我们不得不去正上求助。 since:表示由于,因为;run out:用完,吃完,固定搭配来的。because of,不能用于句首

歌词是no missing you ,no missing me的英文歌曲

Missing You - John Waite歌

英语翻译:If you were a teardrop in my eyes, for fear of losing you, i would never cry !


If you were a tear In my eye;For fear of losing you ;I will never cry.


帮忙翻一下If you were a teardrop in my eye.for fear of losing you,I would never cry.


If you were a teardrop in my eye,for fear of losing you,I would never cry 求解释!


business type:manufacturer 与trading company有什么不同???xiexie....

Manufacturer means the one who produces products.Trading company meanes the one that deals with the products and he doesn"t need to produce,however, all he needs to do is making connection with the buyer and manufacturer.

“Light of my life,fire of my loins.My sin,my soul ,Lolita.”是什么意思


Lolita, light of my life,fire of my loins.My sin ,my soul. 这句话什么意思?


Judith Hill - I Will Always Be Missing You歌词

I Will Always Be Missing You (Lyrics)they took the boxes off the stagemy heart was crushed in disarraythe world was frozen and engagedto find the king had slipped awayi walk through the streetsi feel so alone with questions and painbut the only thing i knowi will always be missing youand your love will last forever in my hearti will always be missing youcause you changed my life for the betteri will always be missing youyou held my hand a little whilewe sang a song of lover"s vowsyou looked at me with a graceful smileand then you gave your final bowyou exit the building to never returnand i"m here alone as the memory starts to burni will always be missing youand your love will last forever in my hearti will always be missing youcause you changed my life for the betteri will always be missing youyou inspired a dream to make the world a better placei"ll do my best today to carry oni will always be missing youand your love will last forever in my hearti will always be missing youcause you changed my life for the betteri will always be missing youi will always be missing you, Michaeland your love will last forever in my hearti will always be missing youcause you changed my life for the betteri will always be missing you-Judith Hill

Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away.

这是泰弋尔《飞鸟集》中的句子!Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and yellow leaves of autumn,which have no songs ,flutter and fall there with a sign.夏天的飞鸟,飞到我的窗前唱歌,又飞回去了。秋天的黄叶,他们没有什么可唱,只叹息一声,飞落在那里。The world puts of its mask of vastness to its lover .It becomes small as one song ,as one kiss of the eternal.世界对它的爱人,把他浩瀚的面具揭下来了。它变小了,小如一首歌,小如一回永恒的吻。The mighty desert is buring for the love of a bladeof grass who shakes her head and laughs and away.无垠的沙漠热烈追求一叶绿草的爱,她摇摇头笑着飞开了。If you shed tears when you miss the sun,you also miss the tears.如果你因失去了太阳儿流泪,那么你也将失去群星。The sands in your way beg for your song and your movement, dancing water .Will you carry the burden of their lameness?Look for the beauty around you-in nature ,in others,inyourself-and believe in the love of friends family,and humankind.跳舞着的流水呀,在你途中的泥沙,要求你的歌声,你的流动呢。你肯挟瘸足的泥沙儿俱下么? It is the tears of the earth that keep here smiles in bloom.是大地的泪点,使她的微笑保持着青春不谢。Her wishful face haunts my dreams like the rian at night.她的热切的脸,如夜雨似的,搅扰着我的梦。Once we dreamt that we were strangers.有一次,我们梦见大家都是不相识的。We wake up to find that we were dear to each other.我们醒了,却知道我们原是相亲相爱的。

It will also be more than 746 years in the future since we would noticeably begin travelling for

你好,很高兴为你解答解答:It will also be more than 746 years in the future since we would noticeably begin travelling forward in time four years into both outward and return trips (90% of the speed of light)这也将是746年以后的未来,因为我们将明显地开始向前旅行的时间四年后,向外和返回的旅行(90%的速度)欢迎追问!!希望能帮到你,你的采纳是我答题的动力!!!1求采纳谢谢

since then和 from then on有什么区别


big businessman是什么意思

big businessman大商人双语例句1Making big money is every businessman " s dream.赚大钱是每个商人的梦。2This guy who wants to marry Susie claims to be a big businessman back in Chicago.他说:那个要跟苏琦结婚的人声称是芝加哥的一个大商人。

c语言interrupt using 语句的功能是什么?

务函数的代号0代表外中断01代表定时计数器0中断2代表外中断13代表定时计数器1中断4代表串行口中断所以interrupt 1代表定时计数器产生中断后就转到这个函数里面执行using 后面的数字是个工作寄存器的代号,也就是R0—R7。如果不写的话由系统自动分配,一般不用去理会另外,团IDC网上有许多产品团购,便宜有口碑

单片机中断 的interrupt 0 using 1中的using有什么作用

一般51单片机会有4组寄存器从R0到R3using 1的意思就是0中断会用到第一组寄存器

51 interrupt using(n)后面的USING是什么意思

interrupt 表示中断优先级,using表示所用工作寄存器组. interrupt x using y 跟在interrupt 后面的xx 值得是中断号,就是说这个函数对应第几个中断端口,一般在51中 0 外部中断0 1 定时器0 2 外部中断1 3 定时器1 4 串行中断 其它的根据相应得单片机有自己的含义,实际上c在编译的时候就是把你这个函数的入口地址放到这个对应中断的跳转地址 using y 这个y是说这个中断函数使用的那个寄存器组就是51里面一般有4个 r0 -- r7寄存器,如果你的终端函数和别的程序用的不是同一个寄存器组则进入中断的时候就不会将寄存器组压入堆栈返回时也不会弹出来 节省代码和时间

singing competition是什么意思

歌手大赛singing: n. 唱歌,声乐;鸟鸣;耳鸣;【物,无】振鸣,嘤鸣,啸声 ...competition: n. 1.竞争。 2.比赛,竞赛。 3.【生物学】生存竞 ...


第一个单词的音标是[u02c8su026au014bɡju0259lu0259r],谐音的话我用拼音给你打出来,sen giu le er,森够了。第二个单词的音标是[ru026au02c8kwau026au0259rmu0259nt],rui quai er men te,瑞块耶门特。谐音和音标读音差别还是有点大的,可以多听几遍网络上词典的发音。或者直接学一下音标发音然后再拼读,所有的单词就都可以读啦。音标的学习可以自己找一下网上有视频。希望我的回答对你有所帮助。

one sad voice has its nest among the ruins of the years。it sings to me in the night的意思


Muse的《Uprising》 歌词

歌曲名:Uprising歌手:Muse专辑:The ResistanceMuse-UprisingThe paranoia is in bloom, the PRThe transmissions will resumeThey"ll try to push drugsKeep us all dumbed down and hope thatWe will never see the truth aroundAnother promise, another scene, anotherA package not to keep us trapped in greedWith all the green belts wrapped around our mindsAnd endless red tape to keep the truth confinedThey will not force usThey will stop degrading usThey will not control usWe will be victoriousInterchanging mind controlCome let the revolution take it"s toll if you couldFlick the switch and open your third eye, you"d see thatWe should never be afraid to dieRise up and take the power back, it"s time thatThe fat cats had a heart attack, you know thatTheir time is coming to an endWe have to unify and watch our flag ascendThey will not force usThey will stop degrading usThey will not control usWe will be victoriousThey will not force usThey will stop degrading usThey will not control usWe will be victorious

MUSE的《Uprising》 歌词

歌曲名:Uprising歌手:MUSE专辑:UprisingMuse-UprisingThe paranoia is in bloom, the PRThe transmissions will resumeThey"ll try to push drugsKeep us all dumbed down and hope thatWe will never see the truth aroundAnother promise, another scene, anotherA package not to keep us trapped in greedWith all the green belts wrapped around our mindsAnd endless red tape to keep the truth confinedThey will not force usThey will stop degrading usThey will not control usWe will be victoriousInterchanging mind controlCome let the revolution take it"s toll if you couldFlick the switch and open your third eye, you"d see thatWe should never be afraid to dieRise up and take the power back, it"s time thatThe fat cats had a heart attack, you know thatTheir time is coming to an endWe have to unify and watch our flag ascendThey will not force usThey will stop degrading usThey will not control usWe will be victoriousThey will not force usThey will stop degrading usThey will not control usWe will be victorious


  【Uprising】起义  The paranoia is in bloom, the PR  这些偏执狂正在颠峰  The transmissions will resume  这些遗传将会继续下去  They"ll try to push drugs  他们将会试著下药麻痹  Keep us all dumbed down and hope that  让我们所有人保持沉默并且如此希望  We will never see the truth around  而我们将永远看不见围绕在身边的真相  (So come on!)  Another promise, another scene, another  其他的承诺,其他的景象,那些其他  A package not to keep us trapped in greed  一个包装好的包裹无法设计我们陷入贪欲之中  With all the green belts wrapped around our minds  那些用绿色的皮带包裹我们所有的心智  And endless red tape to keep the truth confined  而无穷无境的终点线让真实被永远限制住  (So come on!)  They will not force us  他们不能强迫我们  They will stop degrading  他们将会停止使我们堕落  They will not control us  他们将不能支配我们  We will be victorious  而我们会获胜  Interchanging mind control  交换自我的控制权  Come let the revolution take its toll  if you could  来使这场革命敲响革命的钟,若你可以  Flick the switch and open your third eye, you"d see that  轻敲开始的开关,打开第三只眼,你将会看见  We should never be afraid to die  我们应该永不害怕死亡  (So come on!)  Rise up and take the power back, it"s time that  这正是时候,抬起自我,取回我们的力量  The fat cats had a heart attack, you know that  那些肥猫已经受到致命的攻击,你知道的  Their time is coming to an end  他们的时代已经结束了  We have to unify and watch our flag ascend  而我们必须合一,让我们的旗帜飘起  They will not force us  他们不能强迫我们  They will stop degrading us  他们将会停止使我们堕落  They will not control us  他们将不能支配我们  We will be victorious  而我们会获胜  Hey .. hey ... hey .. hey!  They will not force us  他们不能强迫我们  They will stop degrading us  他们将会停止使我们堕落  They will not control us  他们将不能支配我们  We will be victorious  而我们会获胜  Hey .. hey ... hey .. hey!  They will not force us  他们不能强迫我们  They will stop degrading us  他们将会停止使我们堕落  They will not control us  他们将不能支配我们  We will be victorious  而我们会获胜

一首女声英文歌 一开唱就是no no no no no......sing a no sing a song

Sing A Song Now Now

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Since our country has so many good table tennis players,we have to ________ the best ones to ta...


to do less than ones best a sin啥意思

to do less than ones best a sin 全部释义和例句>>做不到的最好的一个罪恶

英文数学题,关于future value of an annuity: sinking funds


怎么解决 Goldengate 源端 Time Since Chkpt 无限增高

Time Since Chkpt 增高说明 两端 数据库结构不一样,导致Goldengat无法抓取数据。 把两面的数据库重新同步,并设置下GoldenGate的启动时间即可。

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邮编是575167你去google的地图上搜:44 Taman Permata, Singapore, 新加坡 575167会看到那里的街景的

pursue postgraduate study start up a business

是系表结构.名词和形容词都可以做表语.比如:He is a student.He is kindhearted.

tied to a post,the sea was tossing the boat up and down,怎么改

Tied to a post, the boat was tossed up and down in the sea.主语应该是the boat.

“操作一个生意”,应该用handle the business 还是operate the business?


Single valve gate 什么意思 热流道里面的术语


non-rising spindle gate valve是什么阀门啊!


Business Combination是企业合并的意思吗?

是的。Business Combination企业合并 企业联合 营业合并,营业结合

新职业英语第二版基础篇第六单元readingA a smashing Way to start a global business 怎么翻译

readingA a smashing Way to start a global business一个了不起的方式启动全球业务readingA a smashing Way to start a global business一个了不起的方式启动全球业务readingA a smashing Way to start a global business一个了不起的方式启动全球业务

cloth closing closes的区别

cloth 是名词,指各种布,读音为 [klu0252θ] closing 1.动词close的现在分词,关闭的意思; ["klu0259uziu014b] 2.形容词,收盘的;结束的;结尾的意思; 3.名词,结尾词,结尾的意思 closes 是动词close的第三人称单数形式(即“他”“她”“它”)的一般现在时 ["klu0259uziz] 还是“关闭”的意思.

5. sin23,sin37+cos23cos217 的值为 ()-|||-A. -3/2 B?




Beautiful Sin的《Lost》 歌词

歌曲名:Lost歌手:Beautiful Sin专辑:Beautiful Voices Vol.2标题:Lost艺术家:Beautiful SinIn a dream you came along and tugged me in the heatAlthough warned by all my friends to stay away fromthat deceitTrapped into a fateful web, my instinct couldn"t tellOn my own with my decisions, decay into that spell"If I know how to then you go with me"Both we touch the sky"For the rest of your life I will follow you"Both we can"t denyLOST... IN A DREAM I FOLLOWLOST... NEVER TO RETURNLOST... WHAT ABOUT TOMORROWHIGH ON EMOTIONSLOST... IN A WASTE LANDLOST... WITH A BURNING FEVERTorn with struggle, finding back myself, out of thatvicious circleSet me free I"m drifting on a wave, yeah I"m waitingfor a miracle-solo-What about tomorrow...It"s a whispering in my head...金属梦:66032164

Original Sin 歌词

歌曲名:Original Sin歌手:Inxs专辑:The Very BestAngtoria-Original SinEverything happens for a reasonEverything you love turns to dustEverything you touch yearns for poisonYour eyes lust too muchI tried so hard to control my mindTo remain true to youThrashing the walls of innocents insideBut no desire to restrain myselfI hate to love but love to hateWhat did I do to deserve all this from you?I can′t believe you turned us into this?It′s far from beauty & the beast, our saga endsDisgust! I trust you will burn in hell!Acquiesce, my gift to youBut on my knees, I"ll never doTake your path hand in handLike a fool, I follow youBleak I seem, now to youWithin your eyes, I am nothing newYour heinous crime, watch my decline, your vicious lips revolt meWhat did I do to deserve all this from you?I can`t believe you turned us into this.Its far from beauty & the beast, our saga ends, disgust I trust I will burn in hell!......

A Touch of Blessing 歌词

歌曲名:A Touch of Blessing歌手:Evergrey专辑:The Inner CircleClimbing walls of an endless circleWalking paths you never heard ofStruggling in an endless battleSearching for a higher purposeDrowning in betrayals riverThe freezing cold will make you shiverJoin the world of greater learningCrown me king and be my servantsMislead by beautyOne you rarely findSo loving and friendlyIt"s one of a kindTheir arms wide openWilling to take me inNo doubts in choosingA world free from sinAll the dreams I hadAll my future wishesPut aside for a greater journeyAll the things I plannedLeft my friends so coldlyPut aside for aHigher...Mislead by beautyOne you rarely findSo loving and friendlyIt"s one of a kindA single armyA united "one"A touch of blessingWhich cannot be undoneDrowning in betrayals riverThe freezing cold will make you shiverJoin the world of greater learningCrown me king and be my servantsAll the dreams I hadAll my fulure wishesPut aside for a greater journeyAll the things I plannedLeft my friends so coldlyPut aside for a higher purpose

跪求H.I.M《Gone With The Sin》吉他谱

  Artist : HIM  Song : gone with the sin  Album : Razorblade Romance  transcribed by -=~?cRoWSiDeR!皛=-  plz don"t blame me cause its the first song i"ve tabbed  chords  [Verse 1+2]  Am G F  [Chorus]  Am G F C G  [Verse 1]  I love your skin oh so white  I love your touch cold as ice  And I love every single tear you cry  I just love the way you"re losing your life  [Chorus]  Wowoooo my Baby, how beautiful you are  Wowoooo my Darling, completely torn apart  You"re gone with the sin my Baby and beautiful you are  You"re gone with the sin my Darling  [Verse 2]  I adore the dispair in your eyes  I worship your lips once red as wine  I crave for your scent sending shivers down my spine  I just love the way you"re running out of life  [Chorus]  Wowoooo my Baby, how beautiful you are  Wowoooo my Darling, completely torn apart  You"re gone with the sin my Baby and beautiful you are  You"re gone with the sin my Darling  [Solo]  For this solo ya need a Tremolo  s = Slide  h = hammering  td = Tremolo down  e|-------------------------------------------------|  b|-------------------------------------------------|  g|--2-s8--6--5-----------5--6--5-------------------|  d|--------------8--5--8-----------9--8--6--5--6--2-|  a|-------------------------------------------------|  e|-------------------------------------------------|  e|-------------------------------------------------|  b|-------------------------------------------------|  g|--2-s8--6--5-h6-----5--6--8--6--5--4--2--0-------|  d|-----------------8--------------------------3--2-|  a|-------------------------------------------------|  e|-------------------------------------------------|  e|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------|  b|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------|  g|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------|  d|0----------------------0--2--0---------------------------------------------------|  a|--3--2--0--2--3--2--3-----------3--2--0-----------------0--2--3--2-----2--3--2h3-|  e|-----------------------------------------2--1--0--td-2--------------3------------|  [Chorus & fade out]  chords:  Am G F C  e:--0----3---1---0-----|  B:--1----0---1---1-----|  G:--2----0---2---0-----|  D:--2----0---3---2-----|  A:--0----2---3---3-----|  E:-------3-------------|

听过she is my sin 20遍以上的进来

很不好意思,听过n遍了~很显然sin是罪恶的意思,不懂的话看看歌词吧~  sheismysin  她是我的罪  takeheed,dearheart,onceapart  小心留意亲爱的心一旦分离  shecantouchnormenoryou  她便无法触摸你或我  dressedasone  剥去身上的皮毛  awolfwillbetrayalamb  灰狼将背叛那羊羔  leadastraythegazers  引导迷途的人们  therazorsonyourseducingskin  剃刀就在你诱惑的肌肤上  inthemeadowofsinfulthoughts  抱持罪念的草地  everyflower"sperfectworld  每朵鲜花都是个完美的世界  toparadisewithpleasurehaunted...  那快感缠绕的天堂  hauntedbyfear  被恐惧缠绕……  asinforhim  为他犯下的罪  desirewithin,desirewithin  充斥欲望饱含邪念  aburningveilforthebridetoodearforhim  深爱他的新娘燃烧着她的面纱  asinforhim  为他犯下的罪  desirewithin,desirewithin  充斥欲望饱含邪念  fallinlovewithyourdeepdarksin  带着你那深重的罪过坠入爱河  iamthefallen  我在坠落  youarewhatmysinsenclose  你是引诱我犯罪的圈套  lustisnotascreative  asitsdiscovery  淫欲中找不到发明创造  toparadisewithpleasurehaunted...  那快感缠绕的天堂  hauntedbyfear  被恐惧缠绕……  asinforhim  为他犯下的罪  desirewithin,desirewithin  充斥欲望饱含邪念  aburningveilforthebridetoodearforhim  深爱他的新娘燃烧着她的面纱  asinforhim  为他犯下的罪  desirewithin,desirewithin  充斥欲望饱含邪念  fallinlovewithyourdeepdarksin  带着你那深重的罪过坠入爱河  blessme,undressme  祝福我脱光我  pickyourpreyinawickedway  用那邪恶的方式选择你的祭品  godimustconfess  天啊我必须忏悔  idoenvythesinners  我确实嫉妒那些有罪的人  asinforhim...  为他犯下的罪  desirewithin...  饱含欲望  aburningveil...  forthebridetoodearforhim...  深爱他的新娘燃烧着她的面纱  asinforhim  为他犯下的罪  desirewithin,desirewithin  充斥欲望饱含邪念  aburningveilforthebridetoodearforhim  深爱他的新娘燃烧着她的面纱  asinforhim  为他犯下的罪  desirewithin,desirewithin  充斥欲望饱含邪念  fallinlovewithyourdeepdarksin  带着你那深重的罪过坠入爱河……

a touch of sin是什么意思

A Touch Of Sin释义[电影]天注定

Drew(of varsity)-Missing you歌词

对不起 找了一大圈 只能找到歌曲 暂时还找不到歌词啊 没法帮到你了

single spies


What do you think of singing? If you love it, you will like the TV show Don’t Forget the Lyrics..

小题1:A小题2:C小题3:C小题4:D 试题分析:这篇短文主要介绍了美国流行的歌唱节目“Don"t forget the Lyrics。(别忘了歌词)”。小题1:细节理解题。由If you love it, you will like the TV show Don"t Forget the Lyrics. It is a popular singing show in America.知选A。小题2:细节理解题。由This program started from July 11th, 2007.知选C。小题3:词义猜测题。由So how does this new singing show work?及In the show, the contestants have to sing the songs with right lyrics.知选C。小题4:细节理解题。由If he finishes all ten songs with right lyrics, he is the winner and he can get a very good prize.知选D。

连接器行业中的header, wafer, housing 有什么区别?


His project is concerned with appying the technology to practical business problems这里为啥用applyi


求书《夜色魅惑》完整版 图片也OK~要完整的哟~ 邮箱夜色魅惑 我在网上搜到了地址,你自己去下载吧,点击TXT下载就可以了。红袖添香小说网的小说倒是有一堆,希望你也会喜欢哦。《爱上谁给的爱情》文 / 温柔e刀都市中的青年男女,在繁忙的工作中,总在找寻着那份美好的爱情。青春在燃烧,岁月在流逝。司恒,一位平凡的人,究竟能否在这钢铁浇筑的丛林里,找寻到自己的爱情呢?他究竟能否明白自己的心呢?究竟爱上谁给的爱情?《忧愁似水随心流》文 / 糖葫芦 那年,情窦初开。那年,我们丢掉了许多值得我们珍惜一辈子的东西。那年,我们站在一起,看愿望树上,我们对未来的憧憬。那年,我们18岁。《昨夜曾相依》文 / shijiaolong 为照顾我的宝宝,所以顾不上细检,欢迎挑错。缘来缘去,究竟他与她最爱的是谁?是否能再续前缘?一个是个性独特分明的女子,另一个则是温婉如桅子花般清新的女孩。因为爱情,让她们狭路相逢,开始暗战。《红尘裂变》文 / 黑尹人 这是一部现实题材的伦理小说,通过“我”来阐述。当生活缺少关爱,人生如瓶颈的当口,无论是你、是我或是他,总希望能够抓住最近的感动。本文着重讲述女主陷入伦理情爱后的痛苦和压抑、无助和凄惶。有一种婚姻,是打了麻醉剂还要生活在一起;有一种恐惧,是亲眼看见丈夫要烧死自己却不能动弹;有一种爱,是到死只能默默的观望;有一种仇恨,是放下屠刀,心中有佛才能周全;一个女人,一个男孩,他们是母子亲情,他们没有血缘关系

missing you什么意思,翻译成英语



分类: 医疗健康 解析: 美国Gelsinger基因治疗副反应事件 18岁的格尔辛基(Jesse Gelsinger)因临床试验的某些失误而于1999年9月17日死亡。格尔辛基是世界上首位由基因治疗导致丧生的患者。他患先天性鸟氨酸甲酰氨基转移酶(OTC)缺乏症(X连锁性遗传病)病症,在男性身上较严重,往往引起新生男婴患者的死亡。 此次事件发生与宾夕法尼亚大学在基因治疗中急于上临床、忽视试验规则有很大关系,此次事件对基因治疗产生了一些负面影响,美国各界对此极为关注。美国FDA和美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)对此事件进行调查的结果认为: 1)考虑到男性患者的症状较重,首批18例试验者原应只包括女性,但研究人员却把格尔辛基列为第18例临床试验者; 2)格尔辛基参加临床试验前,其血氨值已偏高,本不应列为试验对象,但宾夕法尼亚大学仍对其实施基因治疗; 3)对格尔辛基采用了门静脉注射最大剂量的重组病毒(1X1014VP)。临床尸检和实验室检查结果表明,门静脉大剂量注射重组病毒激发了机体致命的免疫反应,导致病人多器官衰竭而死亡。 4)结论:临床试验存在违规行为,而与进行的基因治疗的制品本身无直接关系。 美国FDA和美国NIH的重组DNA顾问委员会负责人认为,绝大多数基因治疗临床试验没有明显的和不可预见的风险,基因治疗的主流是好的,是具有十分广阔前景的领域,我们应坚持而不是放弃。 2000年3月7日,为进一步加强临床试验监查力度,FDA和NIH公布了两项新措施:(1)制定了基因治疗临床试验监查计划;(2)定期开办基因治疗安全性专题研讨会。 2000年3月10日,NIH否决了一项由少数激进分子提出的"停止基因治疗临床试验"议案,认为现在需要做的是呼吁 *** 尽快完善基因治疗临床试验法则,加大 *** 的临床监查力度,使基因治疗沿着更为安全的轨道开展。

求amely的sing to you的歌词和翻译

Sing To Me为我歌唱By Darren Hayes and Matthew WilderYou step behind a curtain in a moment you were gone.你走的那刻你进入了幕后No nothing"s ever certain and it"s hard to carry on.没有什么是确定的,这很难承受把This is not what we planned and I know it"s hard to understand but,这不是我们所想的,我知道很难弄明白,但是If this is what you want then.如果这就是你所想要的呢?If this is what you need pry my fingers from your hand.如果你就是想放开我的手呢?Maybe it"s just meant to be.也许本来就会这样Maybe you"ll find a way to haunt me, come back and sing a melody to me.也许你会找到回来找我的理由,再为我歌唱一曲Maybe we"re just lost at sea.也许我们迷失在大海Maybe I"m holding on to driftwood and I"ll be alright if you could也许我抓住了一根漂浮的木头,我会安然无恙如果你能Sing to me.为我歌唱Sing to me.为我歌唱You step beneath a landslide.你走在山崩的下面Nothing feels right when you"re wrong.当你错了(感觉糟糕)没有什么会感觉美好And try to find an upside, try to sing without a song.你想找到一条向上的路,想唱一首没有旋律的歌This is not what we planned and I know it"s hard to understand but,这不是我们所想的,我知道很难弄明白,但是If this is what you want then.如果这就是你所想要的呢?Maybe it"s just meant to be.也许本来就会这样Maybe you"ll find a way to haunt me, come back and sing a melody to me.也许你会找到回来找我的理由,再为我歌唱一曲Maybe I"m just lost at sea.也许我们迷失在大海Maybe I"m holding on to driftwood and I"ll be alright if you could也许我抓住了一根漂浮的木头,我会安然无恙如果你能Sing to me.为我歌唱Sing to me.为我歌唱I keep seeing flashes of your hands when I close my eyes and I don"t know why.我闭上眼会一直看到你的双手,这究竟是为什么And I don"t know why.这是为什么Help me make sense of what I don"t understand because I"ve got to know why.帮帮我,让我去了解究竟是为什么,因为我想知道I"ve got to know why.我想知道是为什么Tell me why do you sing to me?告诉我为什么为我歌唱Maybe it"s just meant to be,也许本来就会这样That you would sing to me.你愿意为我歌唱Maybe I"m just lost at sea.也许我们迷失在大海Could you come sing to me?你会为我歌唱吗?Maybe it"s just meant to be.也许本来就会这样Maybe we"re just lost at sea.也许我们迷失在大海Would you come sing for me?你愿意为我歌唱么?Sing for me.为我歌唱。。。。。。是这个吗?

Being Single is better than being in an unfaithfu

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