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lim(x→0) sin5x/(6x)=lim(x→0) 5x/(6x)=5/6


依次分别求导,对sinx cosx lnx分别求导,没有求导的相直接写在旁边,最后合并同类项就行了


it never snows in our city在我们的城市从不下雪很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!




Are there any foods in your city?看看我给你改的句子是不是你问的。这句话的意思是:你的城市里有食物吗?




there will be more jobs in that city这座城市将有更多的就业机会



there were no gymsin in our city改为同义句是什么?

there were no gyms in our city改为同义句是什么?There were not any gyms in our city.



罪恶之城(sin city)里的日本女人叫什么


请问罪恶之城2Sin City: A Dame to Kill电影原声在哪有下?

magnet:?xt=urn:btih:26391F04AAA1A6DEB7AA6D4368AFF447497D44EE&dn=sin+city+2014+a+dame+to+kill+for+yg&迅雷新建任务 粘贴即可

sin city diaries有翻译成蛇蝎美人的吗?


在《SIN CITY 》电影里马弗的扮演者叫什么? 有么有他的详细资料?

米基·洛克扮演的生于1956年 9月16日 ,美国纽约生平   米基·洛克1950年9月16日生于美国纽约。从影前曾作过拳击手,1979年以斯皮尔伯格的《一九四一》踏入影坛。其后《体热》、《餐馆》、《斗鱼》及《大街小瘪三》等片中塑造了一系列反叛青年的形象,而遂渐受关注。1986年与金·贝辛格共同出演的情欲片《爱你九周半》,终于令其声名大噪,成为80年代好莱坞银幕极具魅力的叛逆英雄。尽管他的电视在欧洲有着极佳的口啤和票房,但因其众所周知的叛逆性格及多变的脾气始终被好莱坞视为异端,也令其演艺事业颇受影响。他甚至放弃演艺事业去从事自己喜爱的拳击,结果是被弄得伤痕累累,加上性格古怪,也没有导演和演员愿意与他合作。之后在经纪人的鼓励下重新演戏,很长时间他都只能在影片中充当配角。  2008年,米基与《梦之安魂曲》、《珍爱泉源》的导演达伦·阿罗诺夫斯基合作,主演了仿佛是自传的影片《摔跤王》,重新赢得了人们的尊重和肯定,虽然因为电影节评审制度的原因未能斩获威尼斯影帝,但他已经是媒体和影迷心中的无冕之王。  米基曾与Debra Feuer有过一段失败的婚姻,1992年与《野兰花》的女主角凯芮·欧蒂丝再婚,可惜两年后即告分手,如今他和几只宠物狗一起生活,狗和香烟已经成为他生命中最重要的两件事物。他的作品年表:

罪恶之城1(sin city)高清中文字幕这个比较清楚啦

罪恶之城(sin city)里的日本女人叫什么

中文名:戴文青木 英文名:Devon Edwenna Aoki 出生地:美国纽约 种族:英日混血儿 生日:1982年8月10日 星座:狮子座 身高:168cm 三围:H81cm B58cm W84cm 职业:模特 影视作品: 《速度与激情2》(2 Fast 2 Furious)sin city

sin city(罪恶都市)说的到底是什么??

  讲了三个独立的故事,但又相互联系,这种拍摄手法经常被使用  故事一:罪城。  马弗面貌丑陋,肢体粗硬,加上暴躁无常的脾气,许多人都对他敬而远之,一天他偶遇容貌秀美的女孩葛蒂,令人意想不到的是,温暖的爱情在这对美女和野兽之间萌生了。她给了他从未感觉过的温暖和理解,他也下决心因为她而改变自己,并不惜牺牲一切代价来保护她的安全。  然而在一段最恬静的睡眠之后,醒来的马弗发现自己已经无法挽留这一生只一次的真情,躺在身边的她已经被人谋杀,而他则面临着杀人凶手的指控,马弗的心再次被愤怒和复仇的火焰点燃,他要疯狂报复,找出杀害自己爱人的凶手。  故事二:狙杀。  迪怀特外表冷漠,内心却充满着激情,他与酒吧女雪莉回家,却碰到自认为是雪莉的男朋友的杰奇带着几个男人来找雪莉麻烦,迪怀特警告了杰奇,杰奇带着朋友灰溜溜地逃走,满怀怒气想到妓女生活的老城区找乐子。迪怀特担心他们会伤害老城区的姑娘们便跟随其后,但他临行前,没能听清雪莉的提示。  杰奇等人到了老城区果然惹出了麻烦,死在了为保护自己而团结起来的妓女们的手里。迪怀特在查看尸首时,发现杰奇原来是一名警察。警察死在老城区将破坏妓女与警察的协议,老城区的妓女们将面临一场灾难,迪怀特为了保护她们,迅速行动起来……  故事三:黄杂种。  哈迪也许是唯一尽忠职守的警察,然而年龄让他不得不告别这黑暗城市中的执法,成为被这黑暗吞噬的一分子。  在警察生涯的最后一小时,哈迪接到情报,黑道参议院的儿子绑架了11岁小女孩南希,这个可怜的女孩凶多吉少。  尽管哈迪患有严重的心脏病,而且他也许要在这次任务的执行中就要离职,他还是决心将南茜从这个无法无天的性罪犯手中救出来,于是在孤立无援的情况下,他单枪匹马进入黑帮领地。

谁看过《sin city》(《罪恶城市》)丫? 这有啊,可在线欣赏,可下载

Cork的《Sin City》 歌词

歌曲名:Sin City歌手:Cork专辑:Speed Of Thoughtsin cityIn this tow of painYou could be the lucky oneFate turns on a dimeThe only thing that will changeAre the lights when they get brighterThey replace the sunOut the door, you get burnedAnd there is no way back inYou"ve got nothingSnake eyes, the house always winsA drowning man does not die silentlyYou can feel the final warningand the black money followsThrough the veins of the shallowChange the name to protect the guiltyYou"ll never leave sin cityWhere you are kingIn this room of shameYou could sink this townAnd breathe another dayThe mirror faces youYou cannot look awayBlood is on your handThe streets will be the sameUnder your feet like quick sandTouch the face where a kiss of hope can lastA drowning man does not die silentlyYou can feel the final warningAnd the black money followsThrough the veins of the shallowChange the name to protect the guiltyYou"ll never leave sin citywhere you are king Ooohhhwhere you are king ooohhhA drowning man does not die silentlyYou can feel the final warningAnd the black money followsThrough the veins of the shallowChange the name to protect the guiltyYou"ll never leave sin cityJust one kiss from the shadowWill be the touch of an angelJust one kill is all that you needIf you never leave sin cityYou never leave sin cityYou never leave sin cityWhere you are kingJust one kiss ohhh-oh-oh-ohwhere you are king

请问sin city (罪恶之城)在美国确指哪个城市啊,谢谢了

不太清楚,难道是Las Vegas,赌城应该会滋生罪恶吧!

sin city是指哪个城市


talk about delivery business英语作文?

If I am a volunteerThe Olympic Games will be held this year.I am so excited and I think the games will be interesting and also fascinating.But now,the important is,how should we do with the Olmpics if I am a volunteer?To solve the problem will be extremely difficult,because nowadays lots of people devote themselves to society and you can not hold an opportunity easily.So just try my best.We can go to the English Corner to help them to send some DIY newspapers and go to the neighborhood to tell the stories or history about Olmpics to the people who are curious to learn.Also,we can go on the streets to find the problems such as putting away the trash anywhere,saying out the impolite words.That will be meaningful.I am sure that I will succeed.Believe it,do it!


《21世纪经济报道》( caa 21st Century Business Herald) 官方网站网址: 中文 《21世纪经济报道》是 南方报业集团 下属中国最大的商业报纸媒体 ,是中国商业报纸的领导者。致力于服务最优秀的人群, 是在世界经济界最受关注的中国经济类日报。 全国三大经济类报纸之一。

why against tobacco advertising?求反对烟草广告的文章(主要是理由)!!


求Hellsing ova全集高清字幕


去泰国喝Singha beer(胜狮啤酒),大家觉得怎么样啊?


Missing you歌词的中文意思


closing remarks是什么意思

closing remarks结束语

One of our craft is missing这句话craft用加s吗?

用的,我们的宇宙飞船中的一个,证明我们拥有的宇宙飞船不止一个,复数要加s变成 crafts

Mike likes singing and playing the pipa同义句?

Mike likes to sing and play the pipa

急求电脑开机出现missing mbr-helper怎么解决


电脑重装系统后显示Missing helper怎么解决

出现“Missing MBR helper”,造成计算机的无法进入系统,这是由于硬盘分区表被损坏所致。可采用disk Genius 重写了主引导分区。准备好U盘,然后找一个能上网的电脑,您可以在网上下载 【雨林木风U盘启动盘制作工具_V7.0】 这个软件把它安装在电脑上就行了,插上U盘,点击这个软件,可以直接一键把U盘做成 U盘启动盘;将这个U盘插上电脑重启电脑等待出现开机画面按下启动快捷键,选择u盘启动进入到雨林木风U盘启动盘制作工具主菜单,选取“【01】运行雨林木风U盘Win8PE装机维护版(新机器)”选项,按下回车键确认。运行“DiskGenius”分区工具;直接点击【硬盘(D)】接着在下来的菜单中选【重建主引导记录(MBR)(M)】,最后重启电脑就可以啦!

请问电脑一开机就出现missing helper怎么解决

电脑一开机就出现missing helper,是与您关机前的不当操作有关系吧?比如:玩游戏、看视频、操作大的东西、使用电脑时间长造成的卡引起的吧?或下载了不合适的东西、或删除了系统文件、或断电关机等,故障不会无缘无故的发生吧?反复开关机试试,放一段时间试试,确实不可以就重装系统吧,如果自己重装不了,花30元到维修那里找维修的人帮助您。只要注意自己的电脑不卡机、蓝屏、突然关机,开机就不会这样了。有问题请您追问我。

电脑开机出现Missing helper?

电脑开机出现Missing helper,是与您关机前的不当操作有关系吧?比如:玩游戏、看视频、操作大的东西、使用电脑时间长造成的卡引起的吧?或下载了不合适的东西、或删除了系统文件、或断电关机等,故障不会无缘无故的发生吧? 按电源键反复开关机试试,放一段时间试试,确实不可以就重装系统吧,如果自己重装不了,花30元到维修那里找维修的人帮助您。 只要自己的电脑不卡机、蓝屏、突然关机,开机就不会这样了。 有问题请您追问我。



电脑开机提示 missing MBR-helper

missing MBR-helper:失踪的MBR的帮手mbr坏的话,需要重建mbr严重的要重新分区格式化硬盘



电脑一开机就出现missing helper怎么解决

您好,请问您是想知道电脑一开机就出现missing helper怎么解决吗?

请问电脑一开机就出现missing helper怎么解决


posing a contrast和making a comparison各自含义?一样吗?05-text1


posing a contrast 和 making a comparison的区别是什么

这两个短语的区别在于comparison和contrast的区别,而不在于posing和making的区别。Comparison :1)The act of comparing or the process of being compared.比较:比较的行为或被比较的过程 2)A statement or estimate of similarities and differences. 相比:相似性和差别的叙述或估计 3)The quality of being similar or equivalent; likeness: 相似:相似或相同的性质;类似: 例:no comparison between the two books. 两本书之间无比较 Contrast:To set in opposition in order to show or emphasize differences: 使对照:为了显出或强调差异而使…对比 可以看出,Comparison是比较两者的相同,而Contrast就是比较两者的不同。

考研英语中的posing a contrast 和 making a comparison 怎么区分




求水月真兔的小说“ENDLESS RAIN”,网上怎么也找不到,,无比感激~

《Endless Rain》作者:水月真兔 is sent, hope u like it~and if its fine can u plz accept my answer here? thx~^^



Write your movie review using the notes.

《中国机长》是一部动作电影。它根据2018年5月14日四川航空3U8633航班机组成功处置特情真实事件改编,讲述了“中国民航英雄机组”成员与119名乘客遭遇极端险情,在万米高空直面强风、低温、座舱释压的多重考验。该片于2019年9月30日在中国上映Captain China is an action movie. Based on the real event of Sichuan Airlines flight 3u8633 on May 14, 2018, it tells that members of "CAAC hero crew" and 119 passengers encounter extreme danger, and face multiple tests of strong wind, low temperature and cabin pressure relief at 10000 meters.The film will be released in China on September 30, 2019

谁知道,JAVA TESING中的SAT和UAT是什么意思吗?我想知道这两个概念?

SORRY呀, 应该是SIT和UAT 吧, 好象不是SAT内部测试SIT :System Integration TestCase 根据用例描述测试每一个场景,优化系统性能,提交数据库性能excution plan给DBA review。对系统进行压力测试(必要情况下提交到APCC的压力测试组进行测试)。里程碑:完成内部测试报告和得到DBA的上线批准。用户测试UAT : User Acceptance Test用户根据用例描述测试每一个场景,反馈系统issue。开发人员基于issue对系统影响和对业务impact判断,适当的修正系统或记录业务需求,根据业务优先等级,集成进下一个演进阶段。 里程碑:UAT Sign off。用户签收当前系统功能。

Layla (Derek Sings Derek) 歌词

歌曲名:Layla (Derek Sings Derek)歌手:Fortran 5专辑:Bad Head ParkLAYLAGLAYG4LAYLA 「来生我也要作自己」LAYLA 我很憧憬能够这样自豪的你LAYLA 虽然不是每个人都能那样活著LAYLA OHLAYLA 追逐梦想是种无知的残酷LAYLA 在前进中和温柔走散了LAYLA 我俩所期望的未来正在远处LAYLA 看的到喔疲累的脚步和沈重的心 在冰冷房间的黑暗里 镜子前有个装作什麼都懂了的自己「最重要的不是看得见的东西」我还做得到 像过去一样的能干WOW 或许无法为所欲为吐吐舌头不放弃 若无法消去就战斗吧LIVE FOREVER 藏起颤抖的双脚向明天挑战吧LAYLA 总在那个车站的出口挥手说著再见LAYLA 即使才刚看不见你的身影LAYLA 就马上又想见到你的那种激情LAYLA 现在在我的胸中还存在著吗?要牺牲什麼然後去哪里? 脏污的这双手要拥抱谁?LAYLA用比谁都还特别的爱 紧紧包围著 我却总是无法诚实以对我听见了说著「要遇见温柔的爱喔」的离别话语WOW 春天的风暴狂乱的吹著落叶时给连个身影没有留下只是急著成长的那段时间里的两人唯一遗留的梦想的延续你从未责怪破坏了梦想的我无论我俩多麼悲惨的时刻也互相开著玩笑现在我只能低著头嘿 LAYLA我还做得到 像过去一样的能干WOW 或许无法为所欲为在不知不觉中毁坏那心中的锁吧LIVE FOREVER 来生再相逢吧只要抬头看著同一片天就能得到可以跨越明天的食粮 你听的到吗?我遇上了 温柔与爱情的歌曲


我懂你的意思了. 一种是行内,一种是全局using.它俩又什么优缺点我暂时也不清楚.不过如果每行都这么写.任何一个系统类都这么写的话-----累手.

Chayo Y Su Banda Puro Sinaloa的《Soledad》 歌词

歌曲名:Soledad歌手:Chayo Y Su Banda Puro Sinaloa专辑:Chayosoledad Luke la tête en arrièrej"ai aimé ta vie alors aime la miennedis-le à cette ame qui décédeque l"on en reviens pasau fond de nous la ville est un désertsous les regards,les canonièresne te retourne passouris ou saignesouris aux dramesla tête en arrièresoledad!souris ou saignesouris aux dramesla tête en arriéresoledad!en haut des crêtes,crier à l"unniversque sous l"écume il y al"eau clairequi m"emporteraj"ecraserai mon corps sur vos repérescomme un tocsin sonne la guerreon me répondrasouris ou saignesouris aux dramesla tête en arriéresoledad!souris ou saignesouris aux dramesla tête en arriéresoledad!au pied du mur ta vie fera l"affairepalais ou cimetierre!cris!juste pour voirécoute le silence des frontièresc"est du dollar qui déséspéreparce qu"il n"entends passouris ou saignesouris aux dramesla tête en arrièresoledad!souris ou saignesouris aux dramesla tête en arrié tête en arriére

missing into keyword是什么原因

你好。missing into keyword翻译成中文是:丢失了的关键词。——————供你参考,满意请采纳。


ud658ud76c(it"s been raining since you left me) 中文名是欢喜



Officially Missing You (Rizzo Sexy Radio) 歌词

歌曲名:Officially Missing You (Rizzo Sexy Radio)歌手:Tamia专辑:Officially Missing YouTamia - Officially Missing YouAll I hear is raindrops, falling on the rooftopOh baby, tell me why"d you have to go"Cause this pain I feel, it won"t go awayAnd today I"m officially missing youI thought that from this heartache, I could escapeBut I"ve fronted long enough to knowThere ain"t no wayAnd today I"m officially missing youOoh, can"t nobody do it like youSaid every little thing you do, hey, babySaid it stays on my mindAnd I-I"m officially...All I do is lay around, two years full of tearsFrom looking at your face on the wallJust a week ago you were my babyNow I don"t even know you at all, I don"t know you at allWell, I wish that you would call me right nowSo that I could get through to you somehowBut I guess it"s safe to say, baby, safe to sayThat I-I"m officially missing youOoh, can"t nobody do it like youSaid every little thing you do, hey, babySaid it stays on my mindAnd I-I"m officiallyWell, I thought I could just get over you, babyBut I see that"s something I just can"t doFrom the way you would hold meTo the sweet things you told meI just can"t find a way to let go of youOoh...can"t nobody do it like youSaid every little thing you do, hey, babySaid it stays on my mindAnd I-I"m officially...It"s officialHoo, you know that I"m missin" you, yeah, yesAll I hear is raindrops, oh, yeahAnd I-I"m officially missin" youofficially missing you Ms Bunny

arise, raise, rising, arouse的区别是什么?

这些单词都有“上升”或“激起”的含义,但是它们在使用和意义上有些区别:1. Arise:意为“出现”、“起身”、“产生”。通常用于描述某个事件的发生,而这个事件通常比较抽象。例句:A problem arose during the meeting.(会议中出现了一个问题。)2. Arouse:意为“唤起”、“激起”、“引起”。通常用于描述某种感觉,如兴趣、好奇心、情感等,或者是唤起人们的注意。例句:The loud noise aroused my curiosity.(这个巨大的声响唤起了我的好奇心。)3. Rise:意为“上升”、“升高”。用于描绘物体或温度等的升高,或者是人的地位、收入等的增加。例句:The sun rises in the east.(太阳从东方升起。)rising 正在上升的n.起义;反抗;造反;叛乱;酵母;adj.崭露头角的;新成名的;新兴的;成长中的;成熟中的;升起的;上升的;逐渐升高的;向上倾斜的;adv.接近;几乎,例句:Prices are rising.价格不断上涨4. Raise:意为“举起”、“提高”、“培养”。用于描述人或物体被举起或抬高,或者某种状态被提高。例句:She raised her hand to ask a question.(她举手询问问题。)综上所述,这些单词虽然有些相似,但因为用法和意义的不同,所以需要根据具体语境进行选择




星光也没有uc678ub85cuc774空荡荡的夜晚,距离我的声音皮鞋,包庇耳边蛰你百口莫辩谁见面,承诺不精神失常一样给你的时候一样另外,还哪里哪里为什么这么徘徊在我谁是谁的连我,我感到有些陌生(没有you"re out of my life)你离开后,谁也无法代替《(没有you"re out of my life)你离开倒塌后,让我抓住睁开眼睛就消失,眼泪都出现阴天什么也看不见笑是不知道什么伤痕万增加(没有you"re out of my life)微弱的表演中华丽的灯光下微笑的人群中,我今天也掩饰痛苦啊不知道。。我知道浓妆的,我多么痛苦,我痛苦的不知道你(没有you"re out of my life)你离开后,谁也无法代替(没有you"re out of my life)你离开倒塌后,让我抓住睁开眼睛就消失,眼泪都出现阴天什么也看不见笑是不灰尘伤害万增加(没有you"re out of my life)一天内给oh baby please一天《oh my baby请抓住艰难的我以后再也no no no no(没有you"re out of my life)你离开后,离开你(后)(没有you"re out of my life)你离开后,(倒塌的日子给)睁开眼睛就消失,眼泪都出现阴天什么也看不见笑是不知道什么伤痕万增加(没有you"re out of my life)(没有you"re out of my life)你离开后,谁也无法代替(没有you"re out of my life)你离开倒塌后,让我抓住睁开眼睛就消失,眼泪都出现阴天笑是不知道什么伤痕万增加(没有you"re out of my life)

stata中出现missing values generated什么意思



没有区别basin: a bowl for washing, typically attached to a wall and having faucets connected to a water supply; a washbasin.sink: a fixed basin with a water supply and a drain.


increasing意思为增长的,增加的。1、词形变化形容词:increasable,意为可增加的,可加大的。副词:increasingly,意为不断增加地;越来越多地。名词:increaser,意为增加者,扩大物。时态:increased、increasing、increases。2、相关短语increasing oscillation,增幅振荡,升幅振荡;increasing sequence,增序列,递增序列;strictly increasing,严格递增;infinitely increasing,无穷增加;increasing cost,递增成本;increasing in yield,增产。相关例句:1、The increasing army of the unemployed has attracted the attention of the economist.不断增长的失业大军引起了这名经济学家的关注。2、The outputs of creamery are increasing.奶油厂的产量正在增长。3、She came up with a new idea for increasing sales.她想出了增加销售量的新主意。4、It will take everybody"s efforts to keep city noises from increasing.那是需要每个人的努力来防止都市噪音的增加。5、Japanese industry is making increasing use of robots.日本工业越来越多地使用机器人。


不能。Sino 一般加在表示国家的形容词前构成形容词,表示“中国与…的”,“中…的”比如:Sino - Japanese relations 中日关系想说自己是中国人,不想说Chinese的话,可以说:I am from China.

centos yum You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem

安装软件包 gnote-0.6.3-3.el6.x86_64 需要N多其他软件包的支持,其中某些软件包yum找不到,于是报错。具体缺少哪些软件包,自己看。 --skip-broken选项和 rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest 命令,意思是:你可以试一下不检查软件依赖,强制把gnote-0.6.3-3.el6.x86_64安装到电脑上。(这个你基本上可以不用试了,这样安装软件80%都是不能用,至少某些功能肯定是不可以用)解决办法:1,手动安装被gnote-0.6.3-3.el6.x86_64依赖的软件。2,配置yum源,让yum可以找到需要的软件包,然后安装。

我在plant-cell官网上看到了文献,想下载pdf文件,显示missing plug-in,请问怎么办啊?

mama mia


peerless-darin zanyar是吗

急需single lady的歌词,谁帮我?

碧昂斯的歌all the single ladiesall the single ladiesall the single ladiesall the single ladiesall the single ladiesall the single ladiesall the single ladiesnow put your hands upup in the club, we just broke upi"m doing my own little thingdecided to dip but now you wanna tripcuz another brother noticed mei"m up on him, he up on medont pay him any attentioncried my tears, for three good yearsya can"t be mad at mecuz if you liked it then you should have put a ring on itif you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on itdon"t be mad once you see that he want itif you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on itwooooo...cuz if you liked it then you should have put a ring on itif you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on itdon"t be mad once you see that he want itif you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on iti got gloss on my lips, a man on my hipsgot me tighter than my dereon jeansacting up, drink in my cupi could care less what you thinki need no permission, did i mentiondont pay him any attentioncuz you had your turnbut now you gonna learnwhat it really feels like to miss mecuz if you liked it then you should have put a ring on itif you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on itdon"t be mad once you see that he want itif you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on itwooooo...cuz if you liked it then you should have put a ring on itif you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on itdon"t be mad once you see that he want itif you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on itwooooo...don"t treat me to the things of the worldi"m not that kind of girlyour love is what i prefer, what i deservehere"s a man that makes me then takes meand delivers me to a destiny, to infinity and beyondpull me into your armssay i"m the one you wantif you don"t, you"ll be aloneand like a ghost i"ll be goneall the single ladiesall the single ladiesall the single ladiesall the single ladiesall the single ladiesall the single ladiesall the single ladiesnow put your hands upwooooo...cuz if you liked it then you should have put a ring on itif you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on itdon"t be mad once you see that he want itif you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on itcuz if you liked it then you should have put a ring on itif you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on itdon"t be mad once you see that he want itif you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it(chorus)all my single ladies throw your hands in the air all my single ladies throw your hands in the air do it, do it, do it do it, do it, do it do it, do it, do it like that do it, do it, do it do it, do

single lady什么意思

single lady单身女人请采纳呀!!


解:如图,以ng所在的直线为x轴,以线段ng的垂直平分线为y轴建立平面直角坐标系.∴由正弦定理得|mn|-|mg|=∴由双曲线的定义知,点m的轨迹是以n、g为焦点的双曲线的右支(除去与x轴的交点). ∴2c=4,2a=2,即c=2,a=1. ∴b2=c2-a2=3.∴动点m的轨迹方程(x>0且y≠0).

Kessinger publishing 该出版社的出版地

Kessinger Publishing - P.O.Box 1404 - Whitefish,MT 59937,Montana USA

英语作文:reusing things

Please look at the brilliantly attracting mobile phone in front of you.This is the latest product of the NOKIA.I"m sure that you are absolutely amused by its perfect appearance,such as the silver-white metal shell,properly colored keyboard,the crystal screen,etc.Of course,it"s not persuasive to just judge it from the outside.There"s no need to mention the ordinary functions as a mobile,so let me show you the unique and significant functions belonging to it.First,it has the google authorized GPS software,which can bring you a quite clear way when you step out in the open air.Second,the mobile phone can connect to the newly developed 3G net.This can provide you with a series of services such as watching videos,listening to music,delivering pictures and so on.At last,the most essential,it"s not expensive in comparison with its fellow products.So if you are considering to buy a new mobile phone and wondering which one to choose,I think this kind is an excellent choice.

ups显示processing at ups facility是啥意思

意思是:在ups工厂处理。重点词汇:facility。英[fu0259'su026alu0259ti]释义:n.设施,设备;卫生间;天赋,才能;(机器等的)特别装置,(服务等的)特色;(用作某种用途的)区,大楼。[复数:facilities]短语:Facility Management设施管理;设备管理;物业管理;设备管理部。例句:用作名词(n.)The college has excellent sporting facilities.这所学院有极好的体育设备。There are few recreational facilities in our school.我们学校里几乎没有什么娱乐设施。词源解说:15世纪初期进入英语,直接源自中古法语的facilit;最初源自古典拉丁语的facilitatem,意为平缓,从容。

大侠请-----Rewrite the following sentences,using the passive voice

Water is called liquid gold because it is precious.Football is played by people all over the world.

Did you send my package by EMS?Using passive voice:

题主一定是一时糊涂了。In passive voice, an auxiliary be has to be used. So in order to get the right version, you"ve got to change the word did by was.Was my package sent by EMS?is the correct answer.

求助:SASLError using PLAIN:not-authorized

SASLError using PLAIN:not-authorized意思是:saslerror平原:未授权使用not-authorized意思是 未授权的

rewrite these sentences using the passive voise

nobody sold the car. cameron made birthday cakes. c)Dad bought the new car. d)We washed our clothes every day. l bought the book l did not bought the meat Thar car is_well done_____________. b)The pasta was__nice__________.

The girl wanted to sing____ song in English.


the girl wanted to sing the second song

A 不定冠词用在序数词前可表示"再"的意思,相当于another

they wanted to see the sun 为什么是rising

固定用法see ...doing sth 看见……在做某事 They wanted to see the sun rising.他们想看日出。

for last year 还是since last year

since加时间点,for跟时间段。 其实记住这个就很容易理解,last year的意思是“上一年”。因为for跟时间段,那你觉得上一年可以看成是一段时间吗? 如果不是,那就是选since咯答案是since啦

“boy london.est.since.1976”是什么意思?

Boy London是个牌子,est since 1976就是说创建于1976年"BOYLONDON"BOYLONDON是1960年代后期位于YOUNGFAHION的发祥地-英国伦敦西南部的切尔西地区的英皇鉴于1976年由STEPHANERAYNOR设立的品牌。受到MCLAREN与维维安·韦斯特伍德的seditionaries(初期vivienneWestwood的店)的影响,开始了朋克之路。80年代BOYLONDON独特的前卫风格与鹰图案风靡一时。
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