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Introduction to Statistical Mechanics, Phase Transitions, and the Ising Model

In statistical physics, we are interested in multi-particle and many-state systems particularly where the interactions between particles play an essntial role, which can exhibit a phenomenon known as a phase transition. This phenomenon can be observed universally in nature such as the appearance of ferromagnetism in materials such as iron. The transition like this require the concept of temperature, which is quite significant in condensed matter physics. In this article I will give a brief introduction to Ising model and try to use it to investigate several properties of solid like Magnetization, Energy per spin, Specific heat per spin and susceptibility of particles. To do all of these works, I will use Mean Field Theory which is widely used in the study of statistical mechanics to symplify the calculation and use the Monte Carco Method which is useful when solving some numerical problems to simulate the process of thermalequibulum in real world. What"s more, phase transitions will also be investigated in this article so that one could have a deeper understanding about the equilibrium state under various tempreture and appreciate the tremendous beauty of the real world. All of my codes are uploaded here Magnetism is an inherently quantum phenomena which cannot be exhibited classically. To decribe the behavior of a magnetic material, we should introduce the electron"s spin and the associated magnetic moment in quantum mechanics. The Ising model is a mathematical model of ferromagnetism in statistical mechanics. In Ising Model, the spins are arranged in a graph, usually a lattice, allowing each spin to interact with its neighbors. Ferromagnetism arises when a collection of such spins conspire so that all of their magnetic moments point in the same direction, yielding a total moment that is macroscopic in size. Each spin is able to point at two directions and thus can be denoted by two numbers. After we introduce the concept of spin, the energy of the system is given by these neighbouring interactions and the interaction between the spins and an external magnetic field: For simplicity, we assume that: . for neighberhood spins. Less energy is prefered by a system, thus it can be derived that for a ferromagnetic material all spin are aligned. Assuming that our spin system is in equilibrium with a heat bath at temperature T, so that we can use the conclusion of statistical mechanics directly. The probability of finding the system in any particular state is proportional to the Boltzmann factor And then we get the measured magnetization of the system: where Mean field theory is a useful approach for calculating the properties of a spin system. The magnetization is related to the average spin alignment. For an infinitely large system, the spins will all have the same average alignment.Hence all spins must have the same average properties. The total magnetization at temprature T for a system of N spins will then be Thus we can derive M if we can calculate <si>. An exact computation of <si> would require the probabilities of all possible microstates. We cannot do this completely constricted by our ability to calculate. The only thing we can do is to consider an approximate alternative known as mean field theory. Using the result of statistical mechanics, the thermal average of si can be calculated as This is the exact result for the behavior of a single spin in a magnetic field. Now consider an approximate method: The interaction of a spin with its neighbering spins is equivalent to an effective magnetic field acting on si.So the thing we need to do first is to calculate the effective field Heff. The energy function can be rewritten in this form: which shows that the term involving J has the form of a magnetic field with Then we have the following relationship and The mean field theory we mensioned before is not always valid. A critical example is the values of the critical exponent. A more powerful approach is the Monte Carlo Method. To simulate how a spin system interacts with its environment, we will consider the particular case of a collection of Ising spins. The Monte Carlo method uses a stochastic approach to simulate the exchange of energy between the spin system and the heat bath. A spin is chosen and the energy required to make it flip is calculated. If Eflip is negative, the spin is flipped and the system moves into a different microstate. If Eflip is positive, a decision must be made. The core of the Monte Carlo method is to use the computer to generate some randon numbers which satisfy the Boltzmann distribution. The approach to realize this is to compare the numbergenerated with the function derived from the Boltzmann factos which we mensioned before. I use more than 10 progrem to finish this article and I will describe some of them so that readers could have a deeper understanding about the theory I mensioned before. All of my codes are uploaded here All of my codes are uploaded here Here I zoomed the curve so that readers could read more clearly: The method takes only about 3 steps to reach the result. Thus this is an effective method when calculate the solution. To investigate the property of average spin near transition point T=4, I calculated the equation when T=3.9. Here is the result: Further more, I tried to reset the initial condition when T=1 and look whether it converges: I plotted the curves of magnetization versus time(Loop) under different temperature: Here you can see that it satisfies our expectation! Note that the curve has a slope near the temperature 2.25. It stands for the phase transition. Notice that the curve is not so stable near its maximium. It may because it varies too fast near it. Here I show you a more mussy one: Then it can be easily seen that the points near the transition point T=2.25 is very mussy actually because of the large slope. Here I plot the curve: At the end, I will show you the states of lattice under various temperature. These picture will give you a direct image:

捷安特旗下liv的 enchant0的配置有哪些,是哪一年产的车,现在市场价格是多少?


I was enchanted to meet you 这句话啥意思



enchanting 形容词 adj.1.使人喜悦的,可爱的;迷人的an enchanting child可爱的孩子enchanting adj.使人喜悦的;妩媚的;迷人的 v.使欣喜,使心醉(enchant的现在分词);使迷惑 令人喜欢的; 迷人的; 着了魔; 迷人 1....






0 - 保护,Protection (头盔,装甲,鞋子,裤子)1 - 火焰保护,Fire Protection (头盔,装甲,鞋子,裤子)2 - 摔落保护,Feather Falling (鞋子)3 - 爆炸保护,Blast Protection (头盔,装甲,鞋子,裤子)4 - 弹射物保护,Projectile Protection (头盔,装甲,鞋子,裤子)5 - 水下呼吸,Respiration (头盔)6 - 水下速掘,Aqua Affinity (头盔)7 - 荆棘,Thorns (头盔,装甲,鞋子,裤子)8 - 水下加速, Depth Strider(鞋子)剑:16 - 锋利,Sharpness (剑)17 - 亡灵杀手,Smite (剑)18 - 节肢杀手,Bane Of Arthropods (剑)19 - 击退,Knock Back (剑)20 - 火焰附加,Fire Aspect (剑)21 - 抢夺,Looting (剑)工具:32 - 挖掘效率,Efficiency (稿子,斧子,铲子)33 - 精准采集,Silk Touch (稿子,斧子,铲子)34 - 耐久,Unbreaking (稿子,斧子,铲子,武器,装备)35 - 时运,Fortune (稿子,斧子,铲子)61 - 海之*顾,Luck of the sea (钓鱼竿)62 - 饵钓,Lure (钓鱼竿)弓箭:48 - 力量,Power (弓箭)49 - 冲击,Punch (弓箭)50 - 火矢,Flame (弓箭)51 - 无限,Infinity (弓箭)34 - 耐久,Unbreaking 可以在任何物品上附魔


enchanting 英 [ɪn"tʃɑːntɪŋ]     美 [ɪn"tʃæntɪŋ]    adj.迷人的动词enchant的现在分词.释义常用度分布图海词统计迷人的动词ench..副词: enchantinglyenchanting的用法和样例:例句用作形容词 (adj.)What an enchanting little girl!多么可爱的小姑娘!If you do not mind my saying so, your smile is quite enchanting.如果您不介意我这么说的话,您的微笑很迷人。

enchanted 翻译



enchanted的意思:adj. 被施魔法的v. 使着魔(enchant 的过去式)短语Enchanted Rock着魔盘石州立自然保护区In the Enchanted Garden 唱片名The Enchanted Garden 迷幻花园 ; 魔幻花园 ; 魔法花园Enchanted April 迷人的四月 ; 外文名称Enchanted Realm 魔法国度 ; 魔法仙境 ; 修改版Enchanted Dreams 心醉幻梦The lion was an enchanted prince. 狮子是一个被施了魔法的王子。How fairy-like does everything appear to her enchanted vision! 在她那被施了魔法的幻象中,一切都显得多么像漂亮啊!


enchanted 英[ɪn"tʃɑ:ntɪd] 美[ɪn"tʃæntɪd] v. 使欣喜,使心醉( enchant的过去式和过去分词 );用魔法迷惑 [例句]Today thankfully sch nwerth "s fresher more original tellings have been awakened from their long enchanted slumber.谢天谢地,现在希昂韦斯那些更新鲜、更原创的故事终于从漫长的魔法睡眠中苏醒了过来

bewilder bemuddle enchant区别

bewilder和bemuddle没什么区别,都是to confuse的意思,即让人迷惑不解;enchant的本意是施法,在小说游戏中指“附魔”,引申过来就是像施了什么法术一样让人神魂颠倒,比如说XX被妖女(or妖男)迷惑,这个迷惑就是enchant


enchanting 英[ɪnˈtʃɑ:ntɪŋ]美[ɪnˈtʃæntɪŋ]adj. 迷人的; 妩媚的; 使人喜悦的;v. 使欣喜,使心醉; (enchant的现在分词) 使迷惑;[网络] 妖娆; 引人入胜的; 可爱的;[例句]He was enchanting, with that epicene beauty.他是迷人的,带着女性美。


enchant_有道词典enchant英 [ɪn"tʃɑːnt; en-]美 [ɪn"tʃænt]vt. 使迷惑;施魔法更多释义>>[网络短语]enchant 迷住,用魔法迷惑,使迷住Enchant World 世界性结界enchant attempts 企图泡泡玩意,附魔尝试

enchanté是什么意思 《法语助手》法汉

动词变位提示:enchanté可能是动词enchanter的变位形式a. (m) 1中魔法的; 迷人的 2<引>非常高兴的常见用法elle est enchantée de sa soirée她为她的晚会感到非常高兴enchanté (de faire votre connaissance)幸会近义、反义、派生词典名词变化:enchantement, enchanteur, enchanteuse动词变化:enchanter形容词变化:enchantée, enchanteur, enchanteuse近义词:aise, bienheureux, content, heureux, s"extasier, être ravi, charmé, ange, ravi, magique, surnaturelêtre enchanté: charmé, content, enthousiasmé, heureux, satisfait, 反义词:chagrin, malheureux, mécontent, être désenchanté, être embêté, attrister, chagriner, décevoir, déplaire, désappointer, désenchanter, désillusionner, ennuyer, fâcherêtre enchanté: désolé, mécontent, navré, 法语例句1.Je suis enchanté de vous connaître. 我很高兴认识您。2.J"ai été enchanté par ce séjour.这段日子曾让我十分开心3.Je suis enchanté de vous avoir été utile.能对您有所帮助,我感到很高兴。4.Ces parents sont enchantés de leur gendre.这对父母对女婿非常满意。5.Enchanté de faire votre connaissance,Monsieur.很高兴认识你,先生。6.Je suis enchanté que vous veniez.您来我十分高兴。7.Je suis enchanté de mon collaborateur.我对我的合作者十分满意。8.Bonjour, enchanté(e) de faire votre connaissance.你好,很荣幸认识您。9.Enchanté de faire votre connaissance. Moi aussi.很荣幸认识您。我也是。10.Enchanté de faire connaissance de quelques amis par ici.大家好,好高兴能在这里认识一些朋友。11.Enchanté Paul. Vous aimez aussi la Seine?很高兴认识您. 您也喜欢塞纳河吗?12.monde enchanté des contes de fées充满魔力的童话世界13.Qui berce longuement notre esprit enchanté,轻轻摇晃,许久之后,我们的灵魂沉醉其中14.Bonsoir, Madame, je suis enchanté de faire votre connaissance.晚上好,女士,很高兴认识你.15.Je le félicite et lui explique que je suis enchanté de le connaître.我向他祝贺,并说很荣幸能够认识他。16.Bonjour, enchanté de faire votre connaissance, comment allez-vous ?你好,很高兴认识您,您好吗?17.Bonjour tout le monde! Je suis chinois, j"habite à Canton, Chine. Enchanté de vous connaître!大家好啊,我来自广州,很高兴能和大家交流!18.Monsieur Fix,répondit Passepartout. Enchanté de vous retrouver àbord. Et où allez-vous donc ?“费克斯先生,”路路通说,“又在船上碰见您,我真太高兴了。您去哪儿?”19.Votre arrivée fait que nous sommes très enchantés.你的到来使我们很高兴。20.Enchanté, je m"appelle Martine, Je travaille dans une grande banque de Paris., iL est mon frére高兴的认识你,我叫Martine,我在巴黎的一个大银行工作,他是我弟弟(哥哥)

Tare is taller than me.(同义词转换)

I am lower than Tara. 是要句子意思一样的句子么?

More Dead Than Alive 中文歌词



以上这句话正确的英语应该分成三个部分来读,分别是Thank you,for,this Frisbee and football. 整句话的意思是感谢你送我的飞盘和足球,具体的发音可以在百度首页里搜索对应单词,谢谢!

huslter channel是啥?

channel[英] [ˈtʃænl] [美] [ˈtʃænəl] n. 频道,波道;渠道;途径;海峡;hustler[英] [ˈhʌslə] [美] [ˈhʌslər] n. <美,非正>耍诡计骗钱的人;精力充沛、能干的人;<美,俚>妓女;

NO HANDS —waka flocka flame 歌词

No HandsWaka Flocka Flame[00:00.02]Waka Flocka Flame Feat. Roscoe Dash & Wale - No Hands[00:00.52](Lyrics by wenxuan001@MaxRNB)[00:01.02]QQ:274940521[00:01.52]Maximal R&B - The Freshest & Hottest R&B/ Hip-Hop Music![00:01.96][00:02.41]Chorus:[00:02.91]Girl the way you movin" got me in a trance[00:05.26]Dj turn me up ladies this yo jam (Come on)[00:09.61]Imma sip mascato and you gon" loose them pants[00:12.76]And Imma throw this money while you do it with no hands[00:16.16]Girl drop it to the floor I love the way yo booty go[00:23.30]All I wanna do is sit back and watch you move and I"ll proceed to throw this cash[00:29.22][00:29.82]Waka Flocka Flame:[00:30.44]All that ass in those jeans can wale beat[00:35.30]Can Roscoe speak[00:37.43]Long hair she don"t care[00:39.33]When she walks, gets stares[00:41.03]Brown skin or a yellow bone[00:42.85]DJ this my favorite song[00:44.60]So Imma make it thunderstorm[00:46.51]Blood want it flacka yea throw it fuck it I dont care[00:49.99]Glasses flying everywhere tap my partna Roscoe like bruh I"m drunk as hell[00:55.99]Can"t you tell, goose we been spent fifty stacks so fuck it[00:58.87]Well I"m tryna hit the hotel with two girls that swallow dick[01:03.54]Take this dick and swallow bay mascato got her freaky[01:06.39]Hey you got me in a trance, please take off your pants[01:10.13]Pussy pop on a handstand you got me sweating please pass me a fan DAMN!![01:14.61][01:15.03]Chorus:[01:15.46]Girl the way you movin got me in a trance[01:18.49]Dj turn me up ladies dis yo jam "com on"[01:22.42]Imma sip mascato and you go loose dem pants[01:25.54]And Imma throw dis money while you do it no hands[01:29.18]Girl drop it to the floor I love the way yo booty goooo[01:36.45]All I wanna do is sit back and watch you move and I"ll proceed to throw this cash[01:41.74][01:42.20]Wale:[01:42.71]She said look ma no hands, she said look ma no hands[01:45.51]And no darlin" I don"t dance and I"m wit Roscoe I"m with Waka[01:49.47]I think I deserve a chance Imma bad motha fucka go and ask them mothafuckas[01:54.74]A young handsome mothafucka I slang that wood I just nunchuck"em[01:58.64]And who you with and what"s your name are you not hip boo I"m wale[02:01.70]And that DC shit I rap all day, and my eyes red cause of all that haze[02:05.36]Don"t blow my high let me shine drumma on da beat let me take my time[02:08.96]Nigga want beef we can take it outside, fuck it what broad these hoes ain"t mine[02:12.65]Is you out yo mind, you out yo league, I sweat no bitches that sweat out weaves[02:16.25]Wear out tracks let me do my thing, I got sixteen for this roscoe thing[02:20.00]But im almost done let me get back to it[02:21.77]Hold lot of loud and a lil back wood, whole lotta money big tip by wood[02:25.43]I put it on a train little engine could BITCH!!![02:27.61][02:28.03]Chorus:[02:28.49]Girl the way you movin" got me in a trance[02:31.15]Dj turn me up ladies this yo jam (come on)[02:35.27]Imma sip mascato and you go loose them pants[02:38.42]And Imma throw this money while you do it no hands[02:42.15]Girl drop it to the floor I love the way yo booty go[02:49.20]All I wanna do is sit back and watch you move and I"ll proceed to throw this cash[02:54.93][02:55.56]Roscoe Dash:[02:56.11]R-o-s-c-o-e mr.shawty put in on me[03:00.20]I be going ham shorty upgrade from bologna[03:04.04]Them niggas tippin good girl but I can make you flush[03:07.73]"Cause I walk around with pockets that are bigger than my bus[03:11.09]Rain rain go away that"s what all my haters say[03:15.23]My pockets stuck on overload my rain never evaporates[03:18.84]No need to elaborate most of these ducks exaggerate[03:22.32]But Imma get money nigga every day stuntin, nigga duck might get a chance after me[03:26.08]It"s a baller like I"m commin" off a free throw, shook yo head in the game no cheat codes[03:30.07]Lambo roscoe no street code "cause yo booty go me lost like nemo[03:33.74]Go go go g-gone and do yo dance[03:36.76]And imma throw this money while you do it wit no hands GO!!![03:40.51][03:40.93]Chorus:[03:41.33]Girl the way you movin" got me in a trance[03:44.44]Dj turn me up ladies this yo jam (Come on)[03:48.02]Imma sip mascato and you gon" loose them pants[03:51.47]And Imma throw this money while you do it no hands[03:55.07]Girl drop it to the floor I love the way yo booty go[04:02.31]All I wanna do is sit back and watch you move and I"ll proceed to throw this cash [04:09.15][04:10.34]End

No Hands (Feat. Roscoe Dash And Wale) [Amended Album Version] 歌词

歌曲名:No Hands (Feat. Roscoe Dash And Wale) [Amended Album Version]歌手:Waka Flocka Flame专辑:FlockaveliWaka Flocka Flame Feat. Roscoe Dash & Wale - No HandsChorus:Girl the way you movin" got me in a tranceDj turn me up ladies this yo jam (Come on)Imma sip mascato and you gon" loose them pantsAnd Imma throw this money while you do it with no handsGirl drop it to the floor I love the way yo booty goAll I wanna do is sit back and watch you move and I"ll proceed to throw this cashWaka Flocka Flame:All that ass in those jeans can wale beatCan Roscoe speakLong hair she don"t careWhen she walks, gets staresBrown skin or a yellow boneDJ this my favorite songSo Imma make it thunderstormBlood want it flacka yea throw it fuck it I dont careGlasses flying everywhere tap my partna Roscoe like bruh I"m drunk as hellCan"t you tell, goose we been spent fifty stacks so fuck itWell I"m tryna hit the hotel with two girls that swallow dickTake this dick and swallow bay mascato got her freakyHey you got me in a trance, please take off your pantsPussy pop on a handstand you got me sweating please pass me a fan DAMN!!Chorus:Girl the way you movin got me in a tranceDj turn me up ladies dis yo jam "com on"Imma sip mascato and you go loose dem pantsAnd Imma throw dis money while you do it no handsGirl drop it to the floor I love the way yo booty gooooAll I wanna do is sit back and watch you move and I"ll proceed to throw this cashWale:She said look ma no hands, she said look ma no handsAnd no darlin" I don"t dance and I"m wit Roscoe I"m with WakaI think I deserve a chance Imma bad motha fucka go and ask them mothafuckasA young handsome mothafucka I slang that wood I just nunchuck"emAnd who you with and what"s your name are you not hip boo I"m waleAnd that DC shit I rap all day, and my eyes red cause of all that hazeDon"t blow my high let me shine drumma on da beat let me take my timeNigga want beef we can take it outside, fuck it what broad these hoes ain"t mineIs you out yo mind, you out yo league, I sweat no bitches that sweat out weavesWear out tracks let me do my thing, I got sixteen for this roscoe thingBut im almost done let me get back to itHold lot of loud and a lil back wood, whole lotta money big tip by woodI put it on a train little engine could BITCH!!!Chorus:Girl the way you movin" got me in a tranceDj turn me up ladies this yo jam (come on)Imma sip mascato and you go loose them pantsAnd Imma throw this money while you do it no handsGirl drop it to the floor I love the way yo booty goAll I wanna do is sit back and watch you move and I"ll proceed to throw this cashRoscoe Dash:R-o-s-c-o-e mr.shawty put in on meI be going ham shorty upgrade from bolognaThem niggas tippin good girl but I can make you flush"Cause I walk around with pockets that are bigger than my busRain rain go away that"s what all my haters sayMy pockets stuck on overload my rain never evaporatesNo need to elaborate most of these ducks exaggerateBut Imma get money nigga every day stuntin, nigga duck might get a chance after meIt"s a baller like I"m commin" off a free throw, shook yo head in the game no cheat codesLambo roscoe no street code "cause yo booty go me lost like nemoGo go go g-gone and do yo danceAnd imma throw this money while you do it wit no hands GO!!!Chorus:Girl the way you movin" got me in a tranceDj turn me up ladies this yo jam (Come on)Imma sip mascato and you gon" loose them pantsAnd Imma throw this money while you do it no handsGirl drop it to the floor I love the way yo booty goAll I wanna do is sit back and watch you move and I"ll proceed to throw this cashEndWaka Flocka Flame Feat. Roscoe Dash & Wale - No Handshttp://music.baidu.com/song/7308771

英语中"非常感谢"有没有many thanks的说法?

英语中"非常感谢"有many thanks的说法感谢对方的用语还有 Thank you very much.或 Thanks a lot.

关于more than ,other than在该句中的成分问题。

(do). 在以than和as引导的比较结构的状语从句中,省略某些与主句相同的成分或在特定上下文中有某些不言而喻的成分,可省掉整个as/than从句。 The pianos

Am I Ever Gonna Change 歌词

歌曲名:Am I Ever Gonna Change歌手:Extreme专辑:Take Us Alive:Boston 2009I"m tired of being me,and I don"t like what I see,I"m not who I appear to beSo I start off every day,down on my knees I will pray,for a change in any wayBut as the day goes by,I live through another lie,if it"s any wonder whyExtremeAM I EVER GONNA CHANGEWILL I ALWAYS STAY THE SAMEIF I SAY ONE THING,THEN I DO THE OTHERIT"S THE SAME OLD SONG,THAT GOES ON FOREVERAM I EVER GONNA CHANGEI"M THE ONLY ONE TO BLAMEWHEN I THINK I"M RIGHT,I WIND UP WRONGIT"S A FUTILE FIGHT,GONE ON TOO LONGam I too old to start anew,cause that"s what I want to doBut time and time again,when I think I can,I fall short in the endSo why do I even try,Will it matter when I die,Can anyone hear my cry?AM I EVER GONNA CHANGETAKE IT DAY BY DAYMY WILL IS WEAKAND MY FLESH TOO STRONGTHIS PEACE I SEEKTILL THY KINGDOM COMEShttp://music.baidu.com/song/17611881



Is Flirt better than Stipper?这句话什么意思

Is Flirt better than Stipper;调戏比Stipper好吗?句子很简单。A比B好吗?的句型。看开还是Stipper这个词不对。是stripper?不好确定,你看看上下文找依据

英语翻译more than 40 percent of the earth‘s land is desert and ?

地球40%以上的土地是沙漠以及半沙漠,大约6.28亿人口(约占地球总人口的1/7)生活在这些干旱的地区,他们在过去设法生存了下来,但现在却变得很困难.由现代化生活引发的各种问题,使得人类的生存日益受到虽然缓慢却不断扩大沙漠化的威胁.20世纪70年代,脆弱的撒哈拉大沙漠以南发生了一场可怕的干旱和饥荒灾难,大大地破坏了非洲的荒漠草原,从那时起许多国家首次开始关注这个问题.尽管全世界各国努力向那里的饥民提供食物和药品,还是有成千上万的人死于那场灾难.,6,地球上超过40%的的土地是沙漠 大约有6.28亿人住在这些干旱的地区。在过去,他们已成功 生存,但在现在困难。,主要通过 现代生活造成问题的,我们的生存受到了威胁 他慢慢地、坚定地传播的地球沙漠。 许多国家在1970年代开始关注 一个可怕的干旱和饥荒毁灭非洲的荒漠草原, 脆弱的沙漠沿着南撒哈拉沙漠的边缘。 即使有一个世界性的 ...,2,英语翻译 more than 40 percent of the earth‘s land is desert and x09desert-like.About 628 million people--one out of seven-- x09live in these dry regions.In the past,they have managed to x09survive,but in difficulty.Now,largely through problems x09caused by modern life,our existence is threatened by the x09slow,steady spread of the earth"s deserts. x09Many countries first became concerned in 1970s after x09a terrible drought and famine destroyed Africa‘s Sahel, x09the fragile desert along the south edge of the Sahara. x09Thousands of people died even though there was a worldwide x09effort to send food and medicine to the starved people.




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Dame Kiri Te Kanawa&Abbey Road Ensemble&Jonathan Tunick的《Blue Skies》 歌词

歌曲名:Blue Skies歌手:Dame Kiri Te Kanawa&Abbey Road Ensemble&Jonathan Tunick专辑:Kiri Sings Berlin, Gershwin & KernBlue Skies - 陈冠希(feat. 邓丽欣)作曲/编曲/监制:DJ Daisuke Hasebe填词:Edison 和音:Big Sis永远爱着荷荷的Sn.E:Baby Girl 我知你想放低原则做乜都得 只有理想净系想同你过 每个浪漫晚上而家开始好唔妥我 系个偶像我都好想提起劲 感情关系抽象每次见到你 令我加倍紧张我努力向上向上 你有你理想理想我想你同我试试 打开哩个窗其实我同你既关系我唔系好识得分因为我一系你身边我就啰啰乱咁其实一直以黎我 真系好傻日日当初捱生捱死去行过左如果 你肯同我 一对一见下面其实你会发现 我既真意其实就好似你手链抱住你 "cool"住你 爱护你 捱生捱死都只有我同你S:命运做我响导(导)天帮我找出路(路)并未遇到警号(警号)早知我进一步(进一步)现在若你企图(企图)请等我进一步可偷看天识做E:你对我会唔会仲留有一D余地对你 靠近一D 企 近一D你会唔会就会借D E 避一避当你系好朋友D 既就系唔想你好似对面D人一样 对我一无所知拿 将心比己 我就系想你 想你谂下你有无谂过去 有无幻想过去布吉岛晒下太阳 日本话影贴纸相你想 就系我同你 哩个梦想我发觉我先会愿意 输系你身上摆系我身上 系要比全世界知道发生系你我身上 哩个真相事实上 我紧张我紧张既系你我唔系建立系 物质价值上我相信既野 相信更多个相(个相)S:命运做我响导 天帮我找出路并未遇到警号(退一步)早知我进一步现在若你企图 请等我进一步(Blue Skies)可偷看天会识做E:喂 出黎行丫 下 做咩丫 点解唔得o者你问我点解要出黎行 um...因为我钟意你啰得嘛 唔得 咁唱歌俾你听Could Be My Baby Girl(Come On Baby)Could Be Your Baby Boy(Come On Baby)Could Be Your Good Friend(Come On Baby)Could Be My Girl(Come On Baby)My All I Know Is(All I Know Is)I Want You(I Want You)It"s Blue Sky Blue Sky(Blue Sky)My Baby BoySee A No Team We Are xxBlue Skies(Blue Skies)Love You For Come Have You GirlBlue Skies Ya Yahttp://music.baidu.com/song/2908683

跟我推荐几首Rihanna,Christina Aguilera,Beyonce小野猫的歌



这是第一个关於更改成绩是同步更新GradeChange表的触发器CREATE TRIGGER [UP] ON 学生选课表 FOR UPDATEASif update(Grade)begininsert into GradeChangeselect * from insertedwhere Grade between 0 and 100endreturn 其他的你根据你的表改改就行了


TKS、thx。thank,英语单词,主要用作为动词、名词、感叹词,作动词时意为“感谢”,作名词时意为“感谢”,作感叹词时意为“谢谢”。短语搭配:Thank you 谢谢 ; 谢谢你 ; 感谢你 ; 神奇视觉倒影杯。双语例句:1、No, that should be it. Thank you.没有,应该就这样了。谢谢你。2、Yes, I have. Thank you.是的,我已经看到了,谢谢您。3、I should thank you rather than you thank me!我应该感谢你,而不是你来感谢我!


thx=thanks tkx=?(chinglish):)

Tks & Brgd 什么意思 我知道tks是thanks

谢谢,此致的意思tks = thanksbrgd = best regards 致以最好的问候




thx。因为这里的x的发音类似thanks的尾音,更接近原词。thanks:英[θæŋks](表示感激) 感谢,谢谢; (接受好意) 好的; (婉言谢绝) 不用了;1、Thanks to that job I became an avid reader 多亏了那份工作我才成了一个喜欢阅读的人。2、I have given thanks to God for delivering me from that pain. 我感谢上帝把我从那种痛苦中拯救出来。扩展资料:thank you 和thanks的区别:“thank you”和“thanks”这两个词都是表示感谢,谢谢的意思。主要在词性不同,在使用场合方面,thank you是短语,用于比较郑重的场合; thanks ( n. )用于比较随便的场合,语气较轻。比如:——Would you like a cup of tea?——No,thanks。很随便的。Thank you后面可跟you的同位语:——Thank you,sir。(比较正式)——Thank you,mum。——Thank you for your dinner。














分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 一定要是英文的 截止日期2006.12.16 解析: Introduction Biography Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (1869-1948), also known as Mahatma Gandhi, was born in Porbandar in the present state of Gujarat on October 2, 1869, and educated in law at University College, London. In 1891, after having been admitted to the British bar, Gandhi returned to India and attempted to establish a law practice in Bombay, with little success. Two years later an Indian firm with interests in South Africa retained him as legal adviser in its office in Durban. Arriving in Durban, Gandhi found himself treated as a member of an inferior race. He was appalled at the widespread denial of civil liberties and political rights to Indian immigrants to South Africa. He threw himself into the struggle for elementary rights for Indians. Passive Resistance Gandhi remained in South Africa for 20 years, suffering imprisonment many times. In 1896, after being attacked and beaten by white South Africans, Gandhi began to teach a policy of passive resistance to, and non-cooperation with, the South African authorities. Part of the inspiration for this policy came from the Russian writer Leo Tolstoy, whose influence on Gandhi was profound. Gandhi also acknowledged his debt to the teachings of Christ and to the 19th-century American writer Henry David Thoreau, especially to Thoreau"s famous essay “Civil Disobedience.” Gandhi considered the terms passive resistance and civil disobedience inadequate for his purposes, however, and coined another term, Satyagraha (Sanskrit, “truth and firmness”). During the Boer War, Gandhi anized an ambulance corps for the British army and manded a Red Cross unit. After the war he returned to his campaign for Indian rights. In 1910, he founded Tolstoy Farm, near Durban, a cooperative colony for Indians. In 1914 the government of the Union of South Africa made important concessions to Gandhi"s demands, including recognition of Indian marriages and abolition of the poll tax for them. His work in South Africa plete, he returned to India. Campaign for Home Rule Gandhi became a leader in a plex struggle, the Indian campaign for home rule. Following World War I, in which he played an active part in recruiting campaigns, Gandhi, again advocating Satyagraha, launched his movement of passive resistance to Great Britain. When, in 1919, Parliament passed the Rowlatt Acts, giving the Indian colonial authorities emergency powers to deal with so-called revolutionary activities, Satyagraha spread through India, gaining millions of followers. A demonstration against the Rowlatt Acts resulted in a massacre of Indians at class="glossary">Amritsar by British soldiers; in 1920, when the British government failed to make amends, Gandhi proclaimed an anized campaign of non-cooperation. Indians in public office resigned, government agencies such as courts of law were *** ed, and Indian children were withdrawn from government schools. Through India, streets were blocked by squatting Indians who refused to rise even when beaten by police. Gandhi was arrested, but the British were soon forced to release him. Economic independence for India, involving the plete *** of British goods, was made a corollary of Gandhi"s Swaraj (Sanskrit, “self-ruling”) movement. The economic aspects of the movement were significant, for the exploitation of Indian villagers by British industrialists had resulted in extreme poverty in the country and the virtual destruction of Indian home industries. As a remedy for such poverty, Gandhi advocated revival of cottage industries; he began to use a spinning wheel as a token of the return to the simple village life he preached, and of the renewal of native Indian industries. Gandhi became the international symbol of a free India. He lived a spiritual and ascetic life of prayer, fasting, and meditation. His union with his wife became, as he himself stated, that of brother and sister. Refusing earthly possessions, he wore the loincloth and shawl of the lowliest Indian and subsisted on vegetables, fruit juices, and goat"s milk. Indians revered him as a saint and began to call him Mahatma (great-souled), a title reserved for the greatest sages. Gandhi"s advocacy of nonviolence, known as ahimsa (non-violence), was the expression of a way of life implicit in the Hindu religion. By the Indian practice of nonviolence, Gandhi held, Great Britain too would eventually consider violence useless and would leave India. The Mahatma"s political and spiritual hold on India was so great that the British authorities dared not interfere with him. In 1921 the Indian National Congress, the group that spearheaded the movement for nationhood, gave Gandhi plete executive authority, with the right of naming his own successor. The Indian population, however, could not fully prehend the unworldly ahimsa. A series of armed revolts against Great Britain broke out, culminating in such violence that Gandhi confessed the failure of the civil-disobedience campaign he had called, and ended it. The British government again seized and imprisoned him in 1922. After his release from prison in 1924, Gandhi withdrew from active politics and devoted himself to propagating munal unity. Unavoidably, however, he was again drawn into the vortex of the struggle for independence. In 1930 the Mahatma proclaimed a new campaign of civil disobedience, calling upon the Indian population to refuse to pay taxes, particularly the tax on salt. The campaign was a march to the sea, in which thousands of Indians followed Gandhi from Ahmedabad to the Arabian Sea, where they made salt by evaporating sea water. Once more the Indian leader was arrested, but he was released in 1931, halting the campaign after the British made concessions to his demands. In the same year Gandhi represented the Indian National Congress at a conference in London. Attack upon the Caste System In 1932, Gandhi began new civil-disobedience campaigns against the British. Arrested ice, the Mahatma fasted for long periods several times; these fasts were effective measures against the British, because revolution might well have broken out in India if he had died. In September 1932, while in jail, Gandhi undertook a “fast unto death” to improve the status of the Hindu Untouchables. The British, by permitting the Untouchables to be considered as a separate part of the Indian electorate, were, according to Gandhi, countenancing an injustice. Although he was himself a member of the Vaishya (merchant) caste, Gandhi was the great leader of the movement in India dedicated to eradicating the unjust social and economic aspects of the caste system. In 1934 Gandhi formally resigned from politics, being replaced as leader of the Congress party by Jawaharlal Nehru. Gandhi traveled through India, teaching ahimsa and demanding eradication of “untouchability.” The esteem in which he was held was the measure of his political power. So great was this power that the limited home rule granted by the British in 1935 could not be implemented until Gandhi approved it. A few years later, in 1939, he again returned to active political life because of the pending federation of Indian principalities with the rest of India. His first act was a fast, designed to force the ruler of the state of Rajkot to modify his autocratic rule. Public unrest caused by the fast was so great that the colonial government intervened; the demands were granted. The Mahatma again became the most important political figure in India. Independence When World War II broke out, the Congress party and Gandhi demanded a declaration of war aims and their application to India. As a reaction to the unsatisfactory response from the British, the party decided not to support Britain in the war unless the country were granted plete and immediate independence. The British refused, offering promises that were rejected. When Japan entered the war, Gandhi still refused to agree to Indian participation. He was interned in 1942 but was released o years later because of failing health. By 1944 the Indian struggle for independence was in its final stages, the British government having agreed to independence on condition that the o contending nationalist groups, the Muslim League and the Congress party, should resolve their differences. Gandhi stood steadfastly against the partition of India but ultimately had to agree, in the hope that internal peace would be achieved after the Muslim demand for separation had been satisfied. India and Pakistan became separate states when the British granted India its independence in 1947 . During the riots that followed the partition of India, Gandhi pleaded with Hindus and Muslims to live together peacefully. Riots engulfed Calcutta, one of the largest cities in India, and the Mahatma fasted until disturbances ceased. On January 13, 1948, he undertook another successful fast in New Delhi to bring about peace, but on January 30, 12 days after the termination of that fast, as he was on his way to his evening prayer meeting, he was assassinated by a fanatic Hindu. Gandhi"s death was regarded as an international catastrophe. His place in humanity was measured not in terms of the 20th century, but in terms of history. A period of mourning was set aside in the United Nations General Assembly, and condolences to India were expressed by all countries. Religious violence soon waned in India and Pakistan, and the teachings of Gandhi came to inspire nonviolent movements elsewhere, notably in the U.S. under the civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. and in South Africa under Nelson Mandela.


楼上请不要乱说。shandygaff 或者 shady 只是一种加气泡饮料的啤酒。因为啤酒对很多女人来说味道太重,太苦,所以有些女人(很少男人)会点shandy。而传统添加的是cider (类似苹果气泡酒),但也有很多人会比较喜欢姜汁汽水或者普通的苏打(雪碧)。shandy也有无酒精的通常叫做rock shandy。而最常见的shandy(啤酒加cider)又被称为snake bite这跟b52也差别太远了吧?b52是3个layer的酒,以kahlua(咖啡酒)baileys(irish cream甜酒)和cognac(桔子味)组成的一口喝鸡尾酒。

Bourgeois Shangri La

我是诚实的孩子,人家翻译的很符合你的要求。感谢博客主人,地铁车厢打个盹 http://hi.baidu.com/%B4%F3%BD%C7%B6%C8/blog/item/dbcd4d46a6d1ad026b63e584.html 翻译的很好啊。Bourgeois Shangri-La(中产阶级的香格里拉)Vacation and barbecue 渡假和烧烤Small talking and nothing to do 扯淡闲聊,无所事事 You keep it locked in a shopping cart 你中产阶级的香格里拉A bourgeois shangri-La 就这么锁在超市购物车里吧Got a feeling that I don"t belong 感觉自己不属于这儿Got a feeling that I shouldn"t be here 感到自己不该在这里Can"t stand another single day 一天也不能忍了!I gotta get away 老娘要远走高飞!Ohhh…. 哦……Talking shit about the neighbor"s wife 背地里说你邻居老婆是个贱人But when she comes you put on a big smile 但她一来你又朝她笑得那么欢Like to throw up in a Gucci bag 真想吐在她的Gucci包里Shes coming here to brag 她又来炫耀了Got a feeling that I don"t belong 感觉自己不属于这儿Got a feeling that I shouldn"t be here 感到自己不该在这里Can"t stand another single day 一天也不能忍了Gotta get away 老娘要远走高飞!Ohhh… 哦……A house and a boat and a great shiny car 房子游艇和靓车Things just to prove you"ll go far 都是用来证明你牛逼的东西Soda streamer, widescreen TV, cute little dog 泡泡澡,宽频大电视,小洋犬Perfect in your shallow bourgeois 你浅薄的中产阶级香格里拉(Shangri-La.....) 可真是完美啊……Got a feeling that I dont belong 感觉自己不属于这儿I got a feeling that I shouldnt be here 感到自己不该在这里Cant stand another single day 一天也不能忍了I gotta get away 老娘要远走高飞!Ohhh…. 哦……



maxscript rollout handler exceptionmax是什么意思

maxscript回调脚本异常参考:RolA = Rollout TestRolA "AAAA"( local this = TestRolA button btn "Button" on btn pressed do Print this.title)CreateDialog RolARolB = Rollout TestRolA "BBBB"( local this = TestRolA button btn "Button" on btn pressed do Print this.title)CreateDialog RolBRolA.title = "111111111111115"RolB.title = "222222222222229"点击各自的按钮,就会输出各自的标题,不会有所干扰Rollout 相当于一个结构,结构可以通过结构名访问,但是一旦被重复定义,旧的就会被新的替换掉,如果希望就得不被替换掉,可以用一个变量指向旧的rollout,至于可以做什么,用到的时候自然就会知道

Handed over to a transport company INCHEON(UTC/GMT+9)什么意思


T- -T(人体部位的单词) thank you!

head 头throat 喉咙,咽喉armpit hair 腋毛nipple 乳头chest 胸部pit 胸口navel 肚脐abdomen 腹部private parts 阴部thigh 大腿neck 脖子shoulder 肩back 背waist 腰hip 臀部buttock 屁股skull 颅骨,头盖骨collarbone 锁骨rib 肋骨backbone 脊骨,脊柱shoulder joint 肩关节shoulder blade 肩胛骨breastbone 胸骨elbow joint 肘关节pelvis 骨盆kneecap 膝盖骨bone 骨skeleton 骨骼sinew 腱

farm kids have a greater sence of responsibility than most city kids什么意思

farm kids have a greater sence of resp...的中文翻译farm kids have a greater sence of responsibility than most city kids农场的孩子有更大的责任感比大多数城市的孩子

BIOS中的Performance Enhance是什么意思?

Standard 标准的Turbo 计算机调速开关Extreme 极度的;尽头的呵呵词典上可以查到

亲帮我翻译一下!thank you

哪位同学 不好好学习走歪路



求Rihanna新曲《Man Down》的中英文对照歌词翻译。

  Rihanna - Man Down  I didn"t mean to end his life, I know it wasn"t right  我本意不是要结束他的生命 我知道这样做不对  I can"t even sleep at night, can"t get it off my mind  我甚至整夜失眠 无法把它从我脑海抹去  I need to get out of sight "for I end up behind, bars  我需要失去我的视觉 因为我结束了身后的一切  What started out as a simple altercation, turned into a real sticky situation  一件因为争吵开始的简单事情 却演变成棘手的局面  Me just thinkin" all the time that I"m best and makes me wanna cry  我只是想到每一次我都是最好的 就想要哭  Cus I didn"t mean to hurt him, coulda been somebody"s son  因为我本意不想伤害他 某人的儿子  And I took his heart when, I pulled out that gun  当我拉开枪的时候 我拿到了他的心脏  Rumpumpumpum Ruupumpumpum Ruuupumpumpumm (Man Down)  Rumpumpumpum Ruupumpumpum Ruuupumpumpumm (Man Down)  Oh mama, mama, mama I just shot a man down  哦妈妈 妈妈 妈妈 我刚枪杀了一个男人  In central station, infront of a big ol" crowd, iiiiiiii  在市中心 在一群白领面前  Oh mama, mama, mama I just shot a man down (in central station)  哦妈妈妈妈妈妈 我刚枪杀了一个男人  When she fits right down in my shoes, but you expect me to do it  当她穿我的鞋子正合脚 但你却要求我来做这个  You were there playin" me for a fool, I would lose my cool and reach for my firearm  你在那里像个白痴一样耍我 我就要失去冷静摸到我的武器  I didn"t mean to let em down", but it"s too late to turn back now  我并不想要他躺下 但是现在一切已经太晚  Don"t know what I was thinking, now he"s gone, I"m livin  不知道当时我在想什么 现在他死了 我还活着  So I"m bout" to leave town  所以我快速的离开这里  Cus I didn"t mean to hurt him, coulda been somebody"s son  因为我本意并不想伤害他 可能是某人的儿子  And I took his heart when, I pulled out that gun  现在我射了抢 拿着他的心脏  Rumpumpumpum Ruupumpumpum Ruuupumpumpumm (Man Down)  Rumpumpumpum Ruupumpumpum Ruuupumpumpumm (Man Down)  Oh mama, mama, mama I just shot a man down  In central station, infront of a big ol" crowd, iiiiiiii  Oh mama, mama, mama I just shot a man down (in central station)  Said I never thought I"d do it, never thought I"d do it, never thought I"d do it (Oh gosh)  Whateva happened to meh, eva happened to meh, eva happened to meh  Why did I pull di trigga, pull di trigga, pull di trigga (BOOM)  我为什么射向那个靶子 射向那个靶子 射向那个靶子?》  And end a nigga, end a nigga"s life so soon  杀了个黑鬼 这么快就杀掉一个黑鬼  When mi pull di trigga, pull di trigga, pull it pon" you  当我射向那个靶子 射向那个把子 射向那个把子  Somebody tell mi what I"m gonna, what I"m gonna do ehhh  有人告诉我我将要 我将要结束一切  Rumpumpumpum Ruupumpumpum Ruuupumpumpumm mi say one man down  A woman say, Rumpumpumpum Ruupumpumpum Ruuupumpumpumm when mi went downtown  Cus" now I am a criminal, criminal, criminal  因为我是个罪犯 罪犯 罪犯  Oh lord have mercy, now I am a criminal  主人拥有宽恕 现在我是个罪犯  Man down tell di judge please gimme meeny more  Run outta town, nun of dem can ci mi now ci mi now  Oh mama, mama, mama I just shot a man down  In central station, infront of a big ol" crowd, iiiiiiii  Oh mama, mama, mama I just shot a man down (in central station)

Rihanna的《Man Down》 歌词

歌曲名:Man Down歌手:Rihanna专辑:Rock In RioRihanna - Man DownI didn"t mean to end his life, I know it wasn"t rightI can"t even sleep at night, can"t get it off my mindI need to get out of sight "for I end up behind, barsWhat started out as a simple altercation, turned into a real sticky situationMe just thinkin" all the time that I"m best and makes me wanna cryCus I didn"t mean to hurt him, coulda been somebody"s sonAnd I took his heart when, I pulled out that gunRumpumpumpum Ruupumpumpum Ruuupumpumpumm (Man Down)Rumpumpumpum Ruupumpumpum Ruuupumpumpumm (Man Down)Oh mama, mama, mama I just shot a man downIn central station, infront of a big ol" crowd, iiiiiiiiOh mama, mama, mama I just shot a man down (in central station)When she fits right down in my shoes, but you expect me to do itYou were there playin" me for a fool, I would lose my cool and reach for my firearmI didn"t mean to let em down", but it"s too late to turn back nowDon"t know what I was thinking, now he"s gone, I"m livinSo I"m bout" to leave townCus I didn"t mean to hurt him, coulda been somebody"s sonAnd I took his heart when, I pulled out that gunRumpumpumpum Ruupumpumpum Ruuupumpumpumm (Man Down)Rumpumpumpum Ruupumpumpum Ruuupumpumpumm (Man Down)Oh mama, mama, mama I just shot a man downIn central station, infront of a big ol" crowd, iiiiiiiiOh mama, mama, mama I just shot a man down (in central station)Said I never thought I"d do it, never thought I"d do it, never thought I"d do it (Oh gosh)Whateva happened to meh, eva happened to meh, eva happened to mehWhy did I pull di trigga, pull di trigga, pull di trigga (BOOM)And end a nigga, end a nigga"s life so soonWhen mi pull di trigga, pull di trigga, pull it pon" youSomebody tell mi what I"m gonna, what I"m gonna do ehhhRumpumpumpum Ruupumpumpum Ruuupumpumpumm mi say one man downA woman say, Rumpumpumpum Ruupumpumpum Ruuupumpumpumm when mi went downtownCus" now I am a criminal, criminal, criminalOh lord have mercy, now I am a criminalMan down tell di judge please gimme meeny moreRun outta town, nun of dem can ci mi now ci mi nowOh mama, mama, mama I just shot a man downIn central station, infront of a big ol" crowd, iiiiiiiiOh mama, mama, mama I just shot a man down (in central station)http://music.baidu.com/song/17668294

Hansel and Gretel第二集在线播放

Hansel and GretelHansel and Gretel lived near a forest with their father and stepmother. One year, the weather was so dry that no food would grow. The wife told her hu *** and that unless he left the children to die in the forest, the whole family would die. Gretel heard this, and Hansel made a plan to save himself and his sister. •Scene one:The children learn that something bad is going to happen.Gretel:Did you hear our stepmother planning to kill us? Hansel:Don"t worry! I have a plan to save us. Gretel:How can you save us? Hansel:Be quiet! I am going outside to get something in the moonlight. Now, go to sleep. •Scene two:The children wake up.Wife:Get up, lazy children! Hu *** and:Yes, dears. You must e with me to the forest to get wood. Wife:Here is some bread. Don"t eat it until you get to the forest. •Scene three:Gretel learns about Hansel"s plan.Gretel:Hansel, what are you doing? Hansel:I"m dropping white stones along the way. Unless I do, we"ll be lost. Tonight, when the moon is shining bright, we"ll be able to see the stones. #8226;Scene four:The children surprise the parents.Wife:You bad children! What a long time you slept in the forest! Hu *** and:We thought you were never ing back. Wife:Now , go to bed. As soon as you wake up, you must go to the forest with your father. Hansel:What, again? I want to go out to look at the moon. Wife:No. you can"t go out now. •Scene five:Hansel has to change his plan.Gretel:What can we do? You have no more stones. Hansel:I"ll drop pieces of bread. As soon as the moon rises, we can follow them instead. •Scene six:The children cannot find the pieces of bread.Gretel:I can"t see any bread on the ground. Maybe it was the birds. Hansel:Never mind! Just keep walking. Unless we do, we won"t find our way out. •Scene seve:The children get lost.Gretel:Hansel,we‘re really lost!Hansel:Listen!That bird"s song is so beautiful that we should follow it.Gretel:Look!It"s leading us to that wonderful house made of bread,cake and candy.Hansel:Let"s eat part of the house!(Then they hear an old woman"s voice from inside the house.)Voice:Who is that?Who is brave enough to eat my house? 翻译:汉瑟和葛丽特汉瑟和葛丽特与他们的父亲和继母住在森林。有一年,天气太干燥了,食物不会生长。妻子告诉丈夫,除非他让孩子们死在森林中,否则整个家庭都会死的。葛丽特听到这,并且汉斯制定了一个计划来拯救自己和他的妹妹。场景一:孩子们意识到将有一些坏事发生。 葛丽特:你听到我们的继母打算杀了我们? 汉瑟:别担心!我有一个计划来拯救我们。 葛丽特:你怎样拯救我们? 汉瑟:安静!我将要到外面去在月光下找一些东西。所以现在,你去睡觉。场景二:孩子们被叫醒。 妻子:快起床,懒孩子! 丈夫:是的,亲爱的。你们要跟我到森林里去取木。 妻子:这里是一些面包。不要吃它,直到你到达森林。场景三:葛丽特了解了汉瑟的计划。 葛丽特:汉斯,你在做什么? 汉瑟:我正沿路撒白石头。如果我不这样做,我们会迷路。今晚,当月亮照耀时,我们就能 看到白色的石头。场景四:孩子们的回归使得父母很惊讶。 妻子:你个坏孩子!你怎么睡在森林里那么长时间! 丈夫:我们以为你不会回来了。 妻子:现在,去睡觉。只要你们醒来,必须与你父亲去森林。 汉瑟:什么,再一次吗?我想外出看月亮。 妻子:不。你现在不能出去。场景五:汉瑟不得不改变他的计划。 葛丽特:我们能做什么?你没有更多的石头了。 汉瑟:我会带一些面包片。当月亮升起的时候,我们可以跟随他们。场景六:汉子们不能找到面包片了。 葛丽特:我看不到地上的任何面包。也许是鸟吃了。 汉瑟:没关系!只要一直走。除非我们这样做,否则我们不会找到我们的出路。场景七:孩子们迷路了。 葛丽特:汉瑟,我们迷路了。 汉瑟:听!那只鸟的歌是如此的美妙,我们可以跟着它。 葛丽特:看!它正引领着我们去到那个由面包、蛋糕和糖果打造的美妙的房子。 汉瑟:让我们吃掉房子的一部分吧。(之后他们听到来自屋里一个老女人的声音。)声音:那是谁?谁那么足够勇敢吃我的房子? 双语对照。希望能帮助你。。O(∩_∩)O~

Change CSC on Samsung Devices – Samsung CSC Codes

Samsung firmware has usually 4 or 5 binaries or components including BL or Bootloader, AP or PDA, CP or Phone, and CSC ( CSC and Home_CSC ). In some cases, you may also need the PIT or Partition Information Table file. In this article, we"ll focus on Samsung CSC and Samsung CSC codes only. Besides, we"ll also see how we can change CSC on Samsung Galaxy devices. If you are curious to know more about AP, BL, and CP, we have explained their meaning in our detailed Samsung Odin tutorial this article . Moreover, you can learn more about Samsung PIT files and the way to extract them. Coming back to Samsung CSC codes, let"s try to answer the following questions: Whats"s Samsung CSC? Whats are CSC codes? How can we check or find out the CSC code of a Samsung Galaxy device? Can we change CSC on Samsung devices? Contents CSC is the abbreviated form of “ Consumer Software Customization ” or “ Country Specific Code “. CSC is an essential component of Samsung firmware binaries and it contains customized settings, system configurations, localizations and geo-specific things such as the system language, APN settings, and carrier-branding. That"s is say, Samsung may release the same model of a phone in a country or region with different CSCs. For example, if you live in the United States and own a Samsung Galaxy phone, the CSC or product code of your device may be one of the following depending on the fact whether it is unlocked, open or carrier-branded. Samsung servers check on the CSC code of your Samsung device and match it with the geolocation where it"s being used. If both these things match before sending OTA updates to your device. Suppose the CSC code of your Samsung device is INS (India) and you take it to the United Kingdom or Germany and use it there, you may not receive the official software updates from Samsung. Again, the CSC of a Samsung Galaxy phone firmware contains the code-name of the country/region for which it is built. You can change it to tell Samsung servers that your phone is actually from a different country or region to receive official updates. Similarly, if you flash the firmware meant for some other country on your device, you"ll not get any future updates unless you install the proper firmware. For example, I have flashed the firmware with OXM CSC on my Indian Galaxy S9+ just to try Android Pie because it"s not yet available in India. Since OXM is Multi-CSC or Omni CSC, it offers a total of 86 different CSCs to choose from. The idea of changing the CSC of your phone drops in here. Thus you can install firmware from a different region and change the CSC of your phone with a little trick and everything goes fine. Recommended for You: 8 Best Substratum Themes for Samsung Galaxy Devices If you do not know the CSC or product code of your Samsung Galaxy phone or tablet device, there are 2 ways to find it. You can check the CSC of your Galaxy device by dialing a code on your device"s dialer itself. The secret code you need to dial is * #1234#. As soon as you type ‘#" , you"ll see a screen like shown below. The first 3 alphabets after your device model constitute the CSC code for your device (see below). There"s yet another and even easier way to check the current CSC on your Samsung Galaxy device. Open Settings> About phone> Software information and scroll to Service provider SW Ver. tab. You"ll find the CSC of your device right after your device model number in the first line. Since I flashed the OXM (Multi-CSC) firmware and switched to INS (India) CSC, it shows me both the CSCs. In the 3rd line, you can see the activated CSC, that is INS. This simply means that I"ll keep getting official OTA updates. Now, let"s come to the 3rd line in the above screenshot: INS (1)/ INS, INS (2)/ INS (3). Note: If you have flashed a Multi-CSC firmware, your device will automatically switch itself to the Country Specific Code based on your network provider on the first boot. Please note that performing the CSC change action will factory reset your phone . It means it will take your phone to the status as it was when you purchased it. All data present on the internal storage will be wiped. Therefore, do not forget to backup your data before you proceed. Related Article: Change CSC on Samsung Devices without Wiping Data Note: On older Samsung devices running TouchWiz and Samsung Experience ROMs, the CSC Changer app used to work. However, since CSC Changer was not updated by the app developer, it doesn"t work anymore. To unlock hidden CSC feature on your Samsung device, you should try the CSC Feature Expert for Samsung app. Price : Free Download on Google Play If you own a rooted Galaxy phone or tablet, you can try the method described below to change the CSC. In case your Samsung Galaxy device is rooted and has TWRP recovery installed on it, you can find flashable ZIPs in different forums to change CSC on your device. Don"t Miss: Install Custom Fonts on Samsung Devices without Root Now here are the country-specific codes or CSC code list for all countries in the alphabetical order . Just scroll down to find your country and check the CSCs mentioned for it. In case you are looking for a particular CSC, please use CTRL+F and type the CSC to find it on this page. Afghanistan = AFG Algeria= TMC, ALG, ALR Albania= AVF (Vodafone) Argentina= ANC, ARO, CTI (Claro), UFN (Movistar), PSN (Personal) Aruba= ARU Australia= XSA, OPP, OPS (Optus), VAU (Vodafone), TEL (Telus), HUT (Three/Vodafone) Austria= ATO (Open Austria) AOM, DRE (3 Hutchinson), MAX (T-Mobile), MOB (A1), MOK, ONE (Orange), TRG (Telering) Bahrain = ARB Baltic= SEB Belarus= MTB, VEL Belgium= BSE, BAE, PRO (Proximus), XEB Bangladesh = BNG, (unbranded), TML (unbranded), ETR Bosnia-Herzegovina = ERO, BHO, BHT (BH Telecom), TEB Brazil= ZTO (unbranded), BTA, BTM, TMR, ZTA (Claro), ZVV (Vivo), ZTM (TIM) Bulgaria= BGL (unbranded), CMF, GBL, MTE, MTL (MTL), OMX, PLX, VVT (VVT) Cambodia= CAM (unbranded), RCG Canada= BMC (Bell), RWC (Rogers), TLS (Telus), KDO (Koodo) Chile= CHO (unbranded), CHB, CHE (Entel PCS), CHL (Claro), CHT (Telefonica) China= CHN, CMC, CUH, INT, M00, TEC, TIY Colombia= COO (unbranded), CGU, COB, COL, COM **Costa Rica= **ICE Croatia= CRO, TRA, TWO, VIP (VIP-Net) Cyprus= CYV (Vodafone) Czech Republic= ETL (unbranded), KBN, O2C, OSK, TMZ, VDC (Vodafone), XCS, XEZ Denmark= DTL Dominican Rep.= CDR, TDR Dominica= CST, DCN, DOR Ecuador= BBR Egypt= EGY (unbranded) El Salvador= DGC, TBS Finland= ELS, SAU France= XEF (unbranded), AUC, BOG, COR, DIX, FTM, NRJ, OFR, ORC, ORF, OXA*, SFR, UNI, VGF Must Read Download PIT Files for Samsung Devices and Extract Them Germany= DBT (unbranded), DTM (T-Mobile), DUT, EPL (E-Plus), MAN, MBC, OXA*, VD2 (Vodafone), VIA (O2), XEG Ghana= SPN, ACR (unbranded) Greece= EUR (unbranded), AOC, COS (Cosmote), CYO, GER, OXX*, TGR, VGR (Vodafone), ILO (HotMobile) Guatemala= PCS Hong Kong= TGY Hungary= XEH (unbranded), PAN (Telenor), VDH (Vodafone), WST, TMO, TMH (T-Mobile) India= INU (unbranded), IND, INA, INS (unbranded), IMS, REL Indonesia= AXI, SAR, XSE Iran= THR (unbranded) Iraq= MID (unbranded) Ireland= 3IE, VDI (Vodafone) Israel= ILO (unbranded), CEL, PCL, PTR Italy= ITV (unbranded), FWB, GOM, HUI, OMN (Vodafone), OXA*, TIM, VOM, WIN, XET Ivory Coast= IRS, SIE Jamaica= JBS, JCN, JCW Japan= DCM, SBM, VFK Jordan= LEV Kazakhstan= EST, KCL, KMB, KZK, OXE*, SKZ (unbranded) Kenya= KEN, KEL, AFR Korea= SKT Latvia= SEB (unbranded) Libyan Arab Rep.= MMC **Lithuania= **TLT Luxembourg ****= LUX (unbranded) Macao= VTN Macedonia= TMC, MBM Malaysia= CCM, FME, FMG, MXS, OLB*, XME (unbranded) Mexico= SEM, TCE, TMM, UNE Mongolia= MPC Morocco= FWD, MAT, MED, MWD (unbranded), SNI, WAN Nepal= NPL (unbranded) Netherlands= PHN (unbranded),BEN, KPN, MMO, ONL, QIC, TFT, TNL, VDF (Vodafone), VDP, XEN New Zealand= VNZ Nigeria= ECT (unbranded), GCR, MML Nordic Countries= NEE (unbranded) Norway= TEN Pakistan= PAK (unbranded), WDC Panama= TPA (unbranded), BPC, PCW, PBS Peru= PEB, PET, SAM Philippines= FAM, GLB, OLB*, SMA, XTC (Open Line) , XTE Poland= ERA, IDE, PLS, PRT, XEO (unbranded), OXA , OXX Portugal= OPT, OXX*, TCL (Vodafone), TMN, TPH (unbranded), XEP Puerto Rico= CEN, PCI, TPR Editor"s Pick: Fix Moisture Detected Error on Samsung Galaxy Devices Romania= ROM (unbranded), CNX (Vodafone), COA, HAT, ORO, OXX* Russia= AZC, BLN, EMT, ERS, GEO, MTV, OXE*, SER (unbranded), SNT Saudi Arabia= KSA (unbranded), JED Senegal= DKR (unbranded) Serbia Montenegro= MSR, OXX*, PMN, SMO, TOP, TSR Singapore= MM1, XSP (unbranded), SIN (Singtel), STH (Starhub), BGD, XSO Slovenia= MOT, SIM (Si.mobile) Slovakia= ORX (unbranded), GTL, IRD, ORS, OXX*, TMS South Africa= XFA , XFE (unbranded)**, * OXX , XFC, XFM, XFV (Vodafone) South East Europe= SEE (unbranded) South West Asia= SWA Spain= PHE (unbranded), FOP, AMN (Orange), ATL (Vodafone), EUS, XEC (Movistar), YOG (Yoigo) Sri Lanka= SLK (unbranded) Sweden= BAU, BCN, BME, BSG, BTH, COV, HTS, SEN, TET, TLA, TNO, VDS, XEE Switzerland= AUT (unbranded), MOZ, ORG, OXX*, SUN, SWC (Swisscom) Taiwan= BRI (unbranded), CWT, TCC, TCI, TWM Temporary= TEM Thailand= CAT, OLB*, THE, THL (unbranded), THO, THS, LAO, MYM Tanzania= SOL Trinidad and Tobago= EON (unbranded), TTT (unbranded) Tunisia= TUN (unbranded), ABS, RNG Turkey= TUR (unbranded), BAS, KVK, TLP, TRC Ukraine= KVR, SEK (unbranded), UMC United Arab Emirat= ARB, ITO, MID, OXE*, XSG (unbranded) United Kingdom= BTU (unbranded), EVR (EE), BTC, CPW (Carphone Warehouse), H3G, O2I, O2U (O2), ORA (Orange), OXA*, TMU (T-Mobile), TSC, VIR, VOD (Vodafone), XEU (EE & Three) **USA= **ACG (Nextech/C), ATT (AT&T), BST, C

jackie chan 歌词

曲:copper smith |词:i love u boyz |编:方树梁@好人有限 twins: oh my baby 跟我讲两次这个句子 oh my baby my baby 努力去讲英文确实好轻易 yo what"s up my freind 狄波拉 hit me baby 赶住去rave 落吓p sweetie bb 实会钟意 ilub: how are u long time no see oh i am sorry i can"t heart i say how are u long time no see sorry i can"t heart hey my freind!i am jackie chan i am your fan u are my man i show u kung fu by my hand 讲英文好难听 ilub: your faithfully 跟我讲两次这个句子 your faithfully faithfully 听这首歌一边跟唱这生字 ma 仲有a仲有r读个ma字好有意思做老师 love 嗌多一次 ilub: how are u long time no see oh i am sorry i can"t heart i say how are u long time no see sorry i can"t heart hey my freind!i am jackie chan i am your fan u are my man i show u kung fu by my hand 讲英文好难听 ilub:扮噑 用吓英文扮噑 twins: oh yeah 你啲英文扮噑 合: yasaki adidas nike i am happy dvd hello kitty sh is very cutie indian curry no money then no happy kawaii siu yee nini just let it be just let it be we love the beaties 扮噑 用吓英文扮噑 合: yasaki adidas nike i am happy dvd hello kitty sh is very cutie indian curry no money then no happy kawaii siu yee nini just let it be just let it be we love the beaties

去年Chris Brown对Rihanna的家庭暴力事件的始末









Kim Han Jung 金韩忠Han-Seok 汉石Cha So-Young 车素英Kim Ye-Lim 金艺琳译名仅供参考,翻译不固定,除非你去问他们韩国人自己。






阚拼音:kàn,笔划:14部首:门五笔输入法:unbt基本解释: 阚 (阚) kàn 望。 姓。 笔画数:14; 部首:门; 笔顺编号:42551221113134




  该成语为含情脉脉。   1、含情脉脉意思:饱含温情,默默地用眼神表达自己的感情。常用以形容少女面对意中人稍带娇羞但又无限关切的表情。   2、出处:唐·李德裕《二芳丛赋》:“一则含情脉脉,如有思而不得,类西施之容冶,眼红罗之盛饰。”   3、近义词:深情款款。   4、反义词:横眉怒目。










汗····读han的第二声 还····读hai的第二声 刚学完~~ 相信我


汉语拼音带han音的字有不少,例如“酣;汗;含;函;寒;罕;汉;旱;……”。多元输入法(多元汉字与图形符号输入法)打出一字即见大量词汇,可从中选打出需要的成语、熟语和歇后语等。例如输入it 打出【汗】字,即见成语:汗流满面;汗流浃背;汗牛充栋;汗马功劳。输入nt 打出【旱】字,即见成语:旱涝灾害;旱涝保收。歇后语:旱鸭子过河──摸不到深浅;旱鸭子追猫──紧赶;旱地的螺蛳──有口难开;旱地的乌龟──没处逃身。


han(韩)是前鼻音 若后鼻音为hang(航)


Ken Day 不要把DAY 放前面 很土 找了个和KAN相近的单词 KEN KAN这个词在英文中很少见的....

han 三声zu二声是什么汉字?

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