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当然有 很多, 这就要看是什么了,比如陶瓷,纺织,通过丝绸之路和郑和下西洋等许多方式 传播到西方和啊拉伯国家


四大发明 The Four Great Inventions造纸术 paper making火药 gunpowder印刷术 priniting technique指南针 compass




分别是“造纸术”英文名为“Papermaking”、“火药”英文名为“Gunpowder”、“印刷术”英文名为“Priniting Technique”、“指南针”英文名为“Compass”1、造纸术:发明时期于汉朝西汉时期,改进时期于汉朝东汉时期。它是人类文明史上的一项杰出的发明创造。中国古代造纸术的起源同丝絮有着渊源关系。东汉元兴元年蔡伦改进了造纸术。 他用树皮、麻头及敝布、渔网等原料,经过挫、捣、炒、烘等工艺制造的纸,是现代纸的渊源。2、指南针:古代叫司南,主要组成部分是一根装在轴上的磁针,磁针在天然地磁场的作用下可以自由转动并保持在磁子午线的切线方向上,磁针的南极指向地理南极(磁场北极),利用这一性能可以辨别方向。常用于航海、大地测量、旅行及军事等方面。物理上指示方向的指南针的发明有三类部件,分别是司南、罗盘和磁针,都是古代中国的发明。在中国古代,指南针应用于祭祀、礼仪、军事和占卜与看风水时确定方位。3、火药:顾名思义,可由火花、火焰等引起剧烈燃烧的药剂。据记载在春秋时代的中国就已经用于民间民生应用,范子计然说“硝石出陇道”。火药的发明是人们长期炼丹,制药实践结果,至今已有一千多年历史。4、印刷术:雕版印刷术发明于唐朝,并在唐朝中后期普遍使用。 宋仁宗时毕升发明了活字印刷术。虽然出现活字印刷术,但并未普遍使用,而仍然是普遍使用雕版印刷术。印刷术是人类近代文明的先导,为知识的广泛传播、交流创造了条件。印刷术先后传到朝鲜、日本、中亚,西亚和欧洲地区。四大发明历史意义:四大发明是中国古代先民为世界留下的一串光耀的足迹,是人类文明进步作出巨大贡献的象征1、造纸术的发明:为人类提供了经济﹑便利的书写材料,掀起一场人类文字载体革命2、 雕版印刷术的发明:大大促进了文化的传播3、指南针的发明:为欧洲航海家的航海活动,提供了条件4、火药武器的发明:火药武器的使用,改变了作战方式,帮助欧洲资产阶级摧毁了封建堡垒,加速了欧洲的历史进程。


Four great inventions in ancient China.printing 印刷术paper 造纸术Gunpowder 火药 Compass 指南针


问题一:中国古代四大发明是什么 四大发明是指中国古代对世界具有很大影响的四种发明。 即造纸术、指南针、火药、印刷术。 四大发明对中国古代的政治、经济、文化的发展产生了巨大的推动作用。而且 对世界文明发展史也产生了非常大的影响。 英国哲学家弗兰西斯u30fb培根指出,印刷术、火药、指南针“这三种发明已经在世界范围内把事物的全部面貌和情况都改变了:第一种是在学术方面,第二种是在战事方面,第三种是在航行方面;并由此又引起难以数计的变化来:竟至任何教派、任何帝国、任何星辰对人类事务的影响都无过于这些机械性的发现了。” 马克思评论:“火药、指南针、印刷术――这是预告资产阶级社会到来的三大发明。火药把骑士阶层炸得粉碎,指南针打开了世界市场并建立了殖民地,而印刷术则变成了新教的工具,总的来说变成了科学复兴的手段,变成对精神发展创造必要前提的最强大的杠杆。” 虽然没有提到造纸术,但是正是它为印刷术的产生和推广提供了必要条件。 四大发明在人类文明史上的重要地位:印刷术、指南针、火药和造纸术,是我国古代的四大发明,是我国之所以成为文明古国的标志之一。古代,我国的科学技术在许多方面居于世界的前列。5世纪后的千余年里,欧洲处在封建社会之中。在这个漫长的时期里,我国的科学技术一直在向前发展,而欧洲的科学技术却停滞不前。只是到了十五、六世纪,由于封建制度的瓦解和资本主义制度的逐步形成,欧洲的近代自然科学才得以诞生。 我国的四大发明在欧洲近代文明产生之前陆续传入西方,成为“资产阶级发展的必要前提”(《马克思恩格斯全集》),为资产阶级走上政治舞台提供了物质基础:印刷术的出现改变了只有僧侣才能读书和受高等教育的状况,便利了文化的传播;火药和火器的采用摧毁了封建城堡,帮助了资产阶级去战胜封建贵族;指南针传到欧洲航海家的手里,使他们有可能发现美洲和实现环球航行,为资产阶级奠定了世界贸易和工场手工业发展的基础。总之,我国古代的四大发明,在人类科学文化史上留下了灿烂的一页。这些伟大的发明曾经影响并造福于全世界,推动了人类历史的前进。 问题二:中国古代四大发明是什么?发明人又是谁? 造 纸 早在东汉(公元25年~公元220年)的蔡伦发明“蔡侯纸”之前,中国已经出现了纸的雏形。中国甘肃省天水放马滩汉墓出土的西汉(公元前206年~公元23年)早期的纸,是现已发现的最早的纸。此外,新疆罗布泊和西安灞桥等地都出土过西汉的古纸。但这些纸都比较粗糙,原料是麻或丝絮。 东汉时,公元105年,宦官蔡伦总结西汉以来的造纸技术并加以改进,开创了以树皮、破布、麻头、鱼网为原料,并以沤、捣、抄一套工艺技术,造出了达到书写实用水平的植物纤维纸,称为“蔡侯纸”。从此,纸逐步取代了竹木筒和帛,成为主要的书写材料。 造纸术到公元7世纪初期(隋末唐初)开始东传至朝鲜、日本;8世纪西传入撒马尔罕,就是后来的 *** ,接着又传入巴格达;10世纪到大马士革、开罗;11世纪传入摩洛哥;13世纪传入印度;14世纪到意大利,意大利很多城市都建了造纸厂,成为欧洲造纸术传播的重要基地,从那里再传到德国、英国;16世纪传入俄国、荷兰;17世纪传到英国;19世纪传入加拿大。造纸的发明与传播,使文字的载体成本得到了大幅度的下降,知识在平民中的普及得以实现,从而极大的推动了世界科技、经济的发展。 造纸术的发明,不仅是书籍制作材料上的伟大变革,而且在人类文明史上具有划时代的伟大意义。 火 药 火药的发明与中国古代发达的冶炼技术有密切的关系,在冶炼金属的过程中,人们不断总结经验,逐渐接触和熟悉了许多矿物的性能,积累了丰富的化学知识。从战国时代(公元前403年~公元前221年)起,就有人把冶金技术运用到炼制矿物药方面,梦想能炼出长生不老的药来,也有人想从矿物中炼出金银来。虽然没有炼出长生不老的丹药或金银,但是炼丹工匠们在炼丹的过程中发现硝石、硫磺与含碳物质在一起加热后会发生剧烈的化学反应。一次次爆炸中,人们逐渐认识到硝石、硫磺、木炭按一定比例配制,将会制成会爆炸的火药。 火药发明的具体年代已无从查考,但根据资料可以推断,火药发明的时间应在唐代(公元618年~公元907年)以前。由于这种火药的颜色是黑色的,所以叫做“黑火药”。唐朝末年,火药开始用于军事。最早的火药武器是“飞火”,即火箭。宋、元时期(公元960年~公元1368年),军事上广泛应用火药,出现了许多火药武器,主要有火箭、火铳、突火枪、火炮等。明朝(公元1368年~公元1644年)时,出现了利用齿轮控制的触发性地雷与线香控制的定时水雷。 元朝(公元1279年~公元1368年)时,火药传到欧洲,引起了武器制造业和战略战术上的一系列重要的变化,对欧洲社会经济领域产生了重要的影响。 指南针 中国早在春秋和战国(公元前722年~公元前221年)时期,人们在寻找铁矿时就发现了磁铁,并知道了它们所具有的特殊性质。战国时期(公元前403年~公元前221年),人们开始利用磁铁制造指示方向的工具――司南。司南被制成勺状,使用时将它放置在一个光滑、水平的底盘中间,用手拨动它的柄,使其转动;当它停止时,勺柄就指向南方,勺口则指向北方。 北宋(公元960年~公元1127年)初期,人们发现了人工磁化法,用天然磁石磨擦钢针,制出磁针。这种经过磁化了的钢针就被正式叫做指南针了(由于磁针轴受地球磁极的影响,而且地磁轴与地球自转轴有个11度多的交角,磁针所指示的南北方向实际上是地球磁极的南北方向)。指南针的制做方法各种各样,有的把磁浮在水上,有的放在碗沿,有的放在指甲上,有的用线悬在空中。但较为精确的指南针,是把磁针装在刻有方位的罗盘上,所以,指南针又叫做罗盘针。宋朝(公元960年~公元1279年)以及......>> 问题三:中国古代四大发明有哪些? 四大发明:活字印刷、指南针、造纸、火药。 其中造纸术是东汉的蔡伦发明的; 活字印刷术是宋代的毕升发明的; 指南针(罗盘)发明人不详,但传说是黄帝和蚩尤作战时,发明的用以辨别方向用的,叫做指南车; 火药据传是炼丹的术士(道士)发明的,有说是晋代葛洪所做。 问题四:中国古代的四大发明是什么英文版 四大发明”英文名为“The Four Great Inventions” “造纸术”英文名为“Papermaking” “火药”英文名为“Gunpowder” “印刷术”英文名为“Priniting Technique” “指南针”英文名为“pass” 问题五:中国古代四大发明是谁发明的?哪个朝代? 指南车相传是在黄帝大战蚩尤时,用来辨认行军方向的工具。指南车事实上是一种机械的装置,指南车在行进时,仙人的手都指着同一方向。 指南车的制作原理和指南针利用磁力指示方向不同。在战国的时候,才出现真正利用磁铁的磁力指示方向的仪器司南。 造纸术约发明于 西汉 雕版印刷谁是世界雕版印刷术的先驱?1968 年,韩国庆州发现唐代武周时期印刷的《无垢金刚经》,在国际学术界引发了一场“中国是不是雕版印刷鼻祖”的争论。我国著名科技史家潘吉星等证实,该印刷品印自中国长安,而且中国还有比此更早的印刷品,证明雕版印刷始自中国隋唐时期,中国是世界雕版印刷术当之无愧的先驱。科技史专家认为,中国早在宋代就有活字印刷术,但明清两代大规模的古籍整理出版,依然使用雕版印刷,而非活字印刷,可见雕版印刷在当时文化传播中的重要地位。 北宋时期中国出现活字印刷术和火药 问题六:我国古代有什么四大发明重大发明 四大发明:1.造纸术2.印刷术3.指南针4.火药 重大发明:浑天仪、地动仪、养蚕纺丝、织布、瓷器、陶器、铁器、足球(古代叫蹴鞠)等等. 望闻问切 医学 勾三股四弦五 数学 夏历 天文 ...算盘、《易经》的创造和发展.这些都可以称得上东方的最伟大创造和发明 问题七:中国古代四大发明是什么 火药、造纸术、指南针和印刷术。四大发明是中国古代先民为世界留下的一串光耀的足迹,是人类文明进步作出巨大贡献的象征 ① 造纸术的发明:为人类提供了经济p便利的书写材料,掀起一场人类文字载体革命; ② 雕版印刷术的发明:大大促进了文化的传播; ③ 指南针的发明:为欧洲航海家的航海活动,提供了条件; ④ 火药武器的发明:火药武器的使用,改变了作战方式,帮助欧洲资产阶级摧毁了封建堡垒,加速了欧洲的历史进程 问题八:中国古代四大发明的时间各是什么时候? 造纸术的话是东汉蔡伦。。值钱虽然也有纸。。但是造价太高。。不能普及。。所以当时还是用竹简木简多。活字印刷术到北宋由毕生发明。。。值钱都是效率极低的雕版印刷术。。火药的话唐朝末年应用于战争。具体发明在那个吵到就不知道了。。。也没有明确记载,指南针的话宋朝才叫做指南针。。值钱都是叫做司南。。。。。还有一个传说是黄帝发明了指南针。。不过那是叫指南车。。黄帝用指南车在逐鹿之阀打破持有妖术。。。由此奠定华夏正统地位。。好的。求最佳回答。。。谢谢 问题九:中国古代四大发明有什么历史意义 四大发明是中国汉族先民为世界留下的一串光耀的足迹,是人类文明进步作出巨大贡献的象征,间接加剧了人类历史的全球化进程。 ① 造纸术的发明:为人类提供了经济p便利的书写材料,掀起一场人类文字载体革命; ② 雕版印刷术的发明:大大促进了文化的传播; ③ 指南针的发明:为欧洲航海家的航海活动,提供了条件; ④ 火药武器的发明:火药武器的使用,改变了作战方式,帮助欧洲资产阶级摧毁了封建堡垒,加速了欧洲的历史进程。


四大发明英文是“The Four Great Inventions”。1、造纸术papermaking technology发明时期于汉朝西汉时期,改进时期于汉朝东汉时期。2、指南针compass代叫司南,主要组成部分是一根装在轴上的磁针,磁针在天然地磁场的作用下可以自由转动并保持在磁子午线的切线方向上,磁针的南极指向地理南极(磁场北极),利用这一性能可以辨别方向。2、火药gunpowder火药是中国四大发明之一。是在适当的外界能量作用下,自身能进行迅速而有规律的燃烧,同时生成大量高温燃气的物质。在军事上主要用作枪弹、炮弹的发射药和火箭、导弹的推进剂及其他驱动装置的能源,是弹药的重要组成部分。4、印刷术printing印刷术是中国古代劳动人民的四大发明之一。雕版印刷术发明于唐朝,并在唐朝中后期普遍使用。宋仁宗时毕升发明了活字印刷术标志着活字印刷术的诞生。四大发明的历史意义:1、造纸术的发明:为人类提供了经济﹑便利的书写材料,掀起一场人类文字载体革命;2、雕版印刷术的发明:大大促进了文化的传播;3、指南针的发明:为欧洲航海家的航海活动,提供了条件;4、火药武器的发明:火药武器的使用,改变了作战方式,帮助欧洲资产阶级摧毁了封建堡垒,加速了欧洲的历史进程。


Gunpowder 火药Handgun from the Yuan dynasty, circa 1300s.Main article: History of gunpowderThe prevailing academic consensus is that gunpowder was discovered in the 9th century by Chinese alchemists searching for an elixir of immortality. By the time the Song Dynasty treatise, Wujing Zongyao (武经总要), was written by Zeng Gongliang and Yang Weide in AD 1044, the various Chinese formulas for gunpowder held levels of nitrate in the range of 27% to 50%. By the end of the 12th century, Chinese formulas of gunpowder had a level of nitrate capable of bursting through cast iron metal containers, in the form of the earliest hollow, gunpowder-filled grenade bombs.In AD 1280, the bomb store of the large gunpowder arsenal at Weiyang accidentally caught fire, which produced such a massive explosion that a team of Chinese inspectors at the site a week later deduced that some 100 guards had been killed instantly, with wooden beams and pillars blown sky high and landing at a distance of over 10 li (~2 mi. or ~3.2 km) away from the explosion.By the time of Jiao Yu and his Huolongjing in the mid 14th century, the explosive potential of gunpowder was perfected, as the level of nitrate in gunpowder formulas had risen to a range of 12% to 91%, with at least 6 different formulas in use that are considered to have maximum explosive potential for gunpowder. By that time, the Chinese had discovered how to create explosive cannonballs by packing their hollow shells with this nitrate-enhanced gunpowder.


"四大发明”英文名为“The Four Great Inventions”“造纸术”英文名为“Papermaking”“火药”英文名为“Gunpowder”“印刷术”英文名为“Priniting Technique”“指南针”英文名为“Compass”


The Four Great Inventions China"s long history has seen some extremely important inventions emerge, most noticeably gunpowder, paper making, printing and the compass, which, in the words of Roger Bacon, changed the whole appearance and status of things in the world. China was the first country in the world to make proper paper. Paper made during the Western Han Dynasty (202 BC-16 AD) has been found in Gansu Province, Xi"an and other places in Shaanxi Province as well as Xinjiang. A further development of paper is credited to Cai Lun of the Eastern Han (25-220). He used plant fiber such as tree bark, bits of rope, rags and worn-out fishing nets as raw materials. In 105, Cai presented the first batch of paper made under his supervision to the Han emperor, who was so delighted that he named the material "Marquis Cai"s paper". Eastern Han Dynasty paper found in Wuwei


分别是“造纸术”英文名为“Papermaking”、“火药”英文名为“Gunpowder”、“印刷术”英文名为“Priniting Technique”、“指南针”英文名为“Compass”1、造纸术:发明时期于汉朝西汉时期,改进时期于汉朝东汉时期。它是人类文明史上的一项杰出的发明创造。中国古代造纸术的起源同丝絮有着渊源关系。东汉元兴元年蔡伦改进了造纸术。 他用树皮、麻头及敝布、渔网等原料,经过挫、捣、炒、烘等工艺制造的纸,是现代纸的渊源。2、指南针:古代叫司南,主要组成部分是一根装在轴上的磁针,磁针在天然地磁场的作用下可以自由转动并保持在磁子午线的切线方向上,磁针的南极指向地理南极(磁场北极),利用这一性能可以辨别方向。常用于航海、大地测量、旅行及军事等方面。物理上指示方向的指南针的发明有三类部件,分别是司南、罗盘和磁针,都是古代中国的发明。在中国古代,指南针应用于祭祀、礼仪、军事和占卜与看风水时确定方位。3、火药:顾名思义,可由火花、火焰等引起剧烈燃烧的药剂。据记载在春秋时代的中国就已经用于民间民生应用,范子计然说“硝石出陇道”。火药的发明是人们长期炼丹,制药实践结果,至今已有一千多年历史。4、印刷术:雕版印刷术发明于唐朝,并在唐朝中后期普遍使用。 宋仁宗时毕升发明了活字印刷术。虽然出现活字印刷术,但并未普遍使用,而仍然是普遍使用雕版印刷术。印刷术是人类近代文明的先导,为知识的广泛传播、交流创造了条件。印刷术先后传到朝鲜、日本、中亚,西亚和欧洲地区。四大发明历史意义:四大发明是中国古代先民为世界留下的一串光耀的足迹,是人类文明进步作出巨大贡献的象征1、造纸术的发明:为人类提供了经济﹑便利的书写材料,掀起一场人类文字载体革命2、 雕版印刷术的发明:大大促进了文化的传播3、指南针的发明:为欧洲航海家的航海活动,提供了条件4、火药武器的发明:火药武器的使用,改变了作战方式,帮助欧洲资产阶级摧毁了封建堡垒,加速了欧洲的历史进程。






造纸术,印刷术,火药 ,指南针




指南车相传是在黄帝大战蚩尤时,用来辨认行军方向的工具。指南车事实上是一种机械的装置,指南车在行进时,仙人的手都指着同一方向。 指南车的制作原理和指南针利用磁力指示方向不同。在战国的时候,才出现真正利用磁铁的磁力指示方向的仪器司南。造纸术约发明于 西汉雕版印刷谁是世界雕版印刷术的先驱?1968 年,韩国庆州发现唐代武周时期印刷的《无垢金刚经》,在国际学术界引发了一场“中国是不是雕版印刷鼻祖”的争论。我国著名科技史家潘吉星等证实,该印刷品印自中国长安,而且中国还有比此更早的印刷品,证明雕版印刷始自中国隋唐时期,中国是世界雕版印刷术当之无愧的先驱。科技史专家认为,中国早在宋代就有活字印刷术,但明清两代大规模的古籍整理出版,依然使用雕版印刷,而非活字印刷,可见雕版印刷在当时文化传播中的重要地位。北宋时期中国出现活字印刷术和火药



列举: 1.四大发明(英文) 2.2-3个对现在有利的发明(英文) 2-3个你认为不好的发明(英文)

火药Gunpowder 造纸术Papermaking指南针Compass印刷术Printing只有造纸术是蔡伦改进的 其他没有具体发明人 一代代来的 年代更不用说了 像火药就是道士炼丹弄出来的 你这找谁说理去~有利的爱迪生电灯EdisonElectric bulb袁隆平 杂交水稻 Hybrid Rice初高中物理生物书上很多 不利的 塑料袋Plastic bag


指南针的原理就是利用地球的天然磁场进行磁场分级,分为N极和S极两个方向 。




指南针是一根小磁体。 磁体上有2个极,南极(或S极)与北极(或N极)。 磁极间的作用规律是:同名磁极相互排斥、异名磁极相互吸引。 地球是个大磁体,其地磁南极在地理北极附近,地磁北极在地理南极附近。 指南针在地球的磁场中受磁场力的作用,所以会一端指南一端指北。 地球是个大磁体,其地磁南极在地理北极附近,地磁北极在地理南极附近。 指南针在地球的磁场中受磁场力的作用,所以会一端指南一端指北。 我国“四大发明”之一的指南针,辗转传入欧洲后在航海大发现中发挥出不可替代的作用。但科学史家清楚,最早解答“指南针为何能够指南”问题的并不是中国人,而是英国科学家吉尔伯特。那么,中国发明指南针后对指南针理论作过什么样的探讨?吉尔伯特的理论是否及时传到了中国?明末清初的“西学东渐”,又对我国指南针理论的发展有过哪些影响?上海交通大学科学史与科学哲学系教授关增建从2003年起开始着手研究这些基本上还是空白的问题。 “中国最早的指南针理论,是建立在阴阳五行学说基础上的‘感应说"。”关增建介绍,11世纪中叶时我国大科学家沈括还对指南针感到匪夷所思,他的《梦溪笔谈》介绍了指南针的人工磁化方法、磁偏角的发现和指南针的架设方法,但对指南针为什么会指南却没有一点概念——“磁石之指南……莫可原其理!”随后,文人学者们从阴阳五行学说出发,结合当时人们对大地形状的认识,提出各种指南针理论。例如,最晚成书于宋代的《管氏地理指蒙》,首先提出如下逻辑: “磁针是铁打磨成的,铁属金,按五行生克说,金生水,而北方属水,因此北方之水是金之子。铁产生于磁石,磁石是受阳气的孕育而产生的,阳气属火,位于南方,因此南方相当于磁针之母。这样,磁针既要眷顾母亲,又要留恋子女,自然就要指向南北方向。” 关增建表示,从近代物理学的观点来看,“蒙氏理论”完全异想天开,但从事物的属性出发解释其行为,在东西方科学史上都是常用的做法。我国古代阴阳学说昌盛,用阴阳学说阐释指南针指南及“常微偏东”的原理,是再自然不过的事情。特别是,该理论认为磁石不同端面有不同属性,它们决定磁针的指向,这种说法很容易启发人们发现磁石的两极,并进一步联想到磁极与磁针指向之间的关系,从而为正确认识这一问题找到可能的途径。 南宋人的指南针原理,仍认为“指南针之所指,即阳气之所在”,只是围绕磁偏角现象,立论依据更多转向地理方位的坐标系统——中国古人认为地是平的、大小有限,这样地表面必然有个中心,过该中心的那条子午线就是唯一的南北方向。南宋人曾三异等认为,一旦测量地点不在这条南北线上,指南针所指向自然“少偏”。到明代,有人假托南唐人著作指出,指南正针由大地方位系统决定,而偏角则由天体方位划分系统所决定。关增建认为,这种说法“体现了传统指南针理论在阴阳感应学说和磁偏角的存在这一矛盾面前所表现出来的窘迫”。 明万历年间(公元1573~1620年),传教士来华,带来西方的指南针理论、地球学说以及相关科技知识。受其影响,中国学者开始从新的视角探讨指南针理论问题,在此过程中,阴阳五行的作用不断淡化,力学角度的分析不断增加,但吉尔伯特1600年提出的科学理论连西方学界都没统一,更谈不上入主东土。传教士中,1658年抵华的比利时耶稣会士南怀仁的指南针理论最系统,但他认为决定磁针指向的是地球的地理南北两极本身,理论仍然局限在古代科学的范围,而不像吉尔伯特认识到地球本身存在一个磁体。南怀仁理论在中国影响深远,直到19世纪中叶,我国仍有学者用它解释指南针问题。而此时,清末来华的传教士已开始着手把西方近代磁学知识介绍给中国了。




在初一下学期历史的填充图册里有图 清清楚楚






★【2B铅笔】★团队解答: ■中国四大发明传入欧洲的先后顺序:①造纸术、②印刷术、③指南针、④火 药 ■中国4大发明传入欧洲的具体时间:⒈·造纸术:朝鲜(4TH) ~日本(7TH)~阿拉伯(8TH)~欧洲.非洲(12TH)~美洲(16TH)~大洋洲(19TH) ⒉·印刷术:比欧洲早4个多世纪,后先传到朝鲜→日本→埃及→欧洲。⒊·指南针:13世纪(南宋时),指南针传入阿拉伯和欧洲各个国家。 ⒋·Huǒ药:13世纪(元朝时)HUO药和HUO器由阿拉伯传入欧洲的。 ◆小提示;中国古代4大发明中并没有HUO箭!!!这是个高中历史问题吧,应该是所有人都该清楚并且铭记的!中国古代四大发明是个奇迹。(注意:由于答案中含有政治禁止词语,所以其中有的词语用拼音代替!‘Huǒ:火")


考过英语六级翻译练习题:四大发明中国的四大发明包括指南针、火药、造纸术和印刷术,它们是中国在人类文明史上占有重要地位的标志之一。第一个指南针产生于战国时期(the Warring States Period),是利用天然磁石(natural magnet)来辨别方向的一种简单仪器。火药发明于隋唐时期,主要应用于军事领域,造纸术于东汉年间由蔡伦改进,使纸成为人们普遍使用的书写材料。印刷术,又称活字印刷术,大大促进了文化的传播。四大发明对世界经济的发展和人类文化的进步做出了巨大的贡献。参考翻译:Four great inventions of China include thecompass,gun powder,the paper-making techniqueand the printing technique.They are one of themarks that China occupies an important position inthe history of human civilization.The first compasswas invented during the Warring States Period.It was a simple device employing naturalmagnets to identify directions.Gunpowder was invented in Sui and Tang Dynasties and wasmainly used in military areas.The paper-making technique was developed by Cai Lun in theEastern Han Dynasty,making paper a commonly used writing material.The Printingtechnique,also called movable type printing,promoted the spread of culture significantly.Thefour great inventions of China made tremendous contribution to the development of theworld"s economy and the progress of the culture of mankind.




考过英语六级翻译练习题:四大发明中国的四大发明包括指南针、火药、造纸术和印刷术,它们是中国在人类文明史上占有重要地位的标志之一。第一个指南针产生于战国时期(the Warring States Period),是利用天然磁石(natural magnet)来辨别方向的一种简单仪器。火药发明于隋唐时期,主要应用于军事领域,造纸术于东汉年间由蔡伦改进,使纸成为人们普遍使用的书写材料。印刷术,又称活字印刷术,大大促进了文化的传播。四大发明对世界经济的发展和人类文化的进步做出了巨大的贡献。参考翻译:Four great inventions of China include thecompass,gun powder,the paper-making techniqueand the printing technique.They are one of themarks that China occupies an important position inthe history of human civilization.The first compasswas invented during the Warring States Period.It was a simple device employing naturalmagnets to identify directions.Gunpowder was invented in Sui and Tang Dynasties and wasmainly used in military areas.The paper-making technique was developed by Cai Lun in theEastern Han Dynasty,making paper a commonly used writing material.The Printingtechnique,also called movable type printing,promoted the spread of culture significantly.Thefour great inventions of China made tremendous contribution to the development of theworld"s economy and the progress of the culture of mankind.


As we all know,The Compass ,Gunpowder ,Papermaking,and Printing are our Chinese great inventions.Our ancestors created them by their own mind and hand.These inventions not only have an effect on our daily life,but also contribute to the culture all aroud world.But which is the most useful and practical invention to us?Well,as far as I concerned,the paper that we use now was first invented in Han dynasty,at that time this invention did improve their hand writing.Just imagine how our life will be if we live without paper?so,in a word,I think the paper is the most useful invention.


Diagram of a Ming dynasty mariner"s compassMain article: CompassThe earliest reference to magnetism in Chinese literature is found in a 4th century BC book called Book of the Devil Valley Master (鬼谷子): "The lodestone makes iron come or it attracts it."The earliest reference to a magnetic device used as a "direction finder" is in a Song Dynasty book dated to AD 1040-44. Here there is a description of an iron "south-pointing fish" floating in a bowl of water, aligning itself to the south. The device is recommended as a means of orientation "in the obscurity of the night." However, the first suspended magnetic needle compass was written of by Shen Kuo in his book of AD 1088.For most of Chinese history, the compass that remained in use was in the form of a magnetic needle floating in a bowl of water. According to Needham, the Chinese in the Song Dynasty and continuing Yuan Dynasty did make use of a dry compass, although this type never became as widely used in China as the wet compass.The dry compass used in China was a dry suspension compass, a wooden frame crafted in the shape of a turtle hung upside down by a board, with the loadstone sealed in by wax, and if rotated, the needle at the tail would always point in the northern cardinal direction. Although the 14th century European compass-card in box frame and dry pivot needle was adopted in China after its use was taken by Japanese pirates in the 16th century (who had in turn learned of it from Europeans), the Chinese design of the suspended dry compass persisted in use well into the 18th century.


teacher,you can speak Chinese? sure!!! 老师,四大发明是中国人发明的吗? 当然。 谢谢老师,再见。 886。


你可以选择一段来用。 The Four Great Inventions China"s long history has seen some extremely important inventions emerge, most noticeably gunpowder, paper making, printing and the compass, which, in the words of Roger Bacon, changed the whole appearance and status of things in the world. China was the first country in the world to make proper paper. Paper made during the Western Han Dynasty (202 BC-16 AD) has been found in Gansu Province, Xi"an and other places in Shaanxi Province as well as Xinjiang. A further development of paper is credited to Cai Lun of the Eastern Han (25-220). He used plant fiber such as tree bark, bits of rope, rags and worn-out fishing nets as raw materials. In 105, Cai presented the first batch of paper made under his supervision to the Han emperor, who was so delighted that he named the material "Marquis Cai"s paper". Eastern Han Dynasty paper found in Wuwei, Gansu, in 1974 carried words which were still clearly decipherable. Thin, soft, and with a smooth finish and tight texture, this paper is the most refined and oldest paper discovered to date. Before paper was invented, the ancient Chinese carved characters on pottery, animal bones and stones, cast them on bronzes, or wrote them on bamboo or wooden strips and silk fabric. These materials, however, were either too heavy or two expensive for widespread use. The invention and use of paper brought about a revolution in writing materials, paving the way for the invention of printing technology in the years to come. The invention of gunpowder was no doubt one of the most significant achievements of the Middle Ages in China. The correct prescription for making gunpowder with nitre, sulphur and carbon was probably discovered in the ninth century. In fact, in his book, Ge Hong in the third century records the procedures for making a kind of mixture that could be ignited. After the Tang Dynasty (618-907), things took a much faster course as gunpowder was already used in simple hand-grenades which were thrown by a catapult. In 1126, Li Gang, a local official, recorded how he ordered the defenders of the city of Kaifeng to "fire cannons" at the invading Nuzhen tribal people, inflicting heavy casualties on the invaders. The first prescription for gunpowder appeared in 1044, much earlier than the earliest (1265) gunpowder-making instructions recorded in Europe. By the Song Dynasty (960-1126), gunpowder was in extensive use. Weapons made with it included rifles and rockets. The Song army also used a kind of flame thrower which involved packing gunpowder into bamboo tubes. The earliest picture of a European cannon shows that it bears a striking similarity to Chinese cannon of 1128. About 1230, the Song army had cannon powerful enough to breach city walls. A bronze Chinese cannon cast in 1332 is the oldest one in the world extant today. Many bronze and iron cannons have been unearthed in China, most of them bearing inscriptions dating them to between 1280 and 1380. On the basis of printing using carved blocks in the Tang Dynasty, Bi Sheng of the Northern Song Dynasty invented movable type printing in the 1040s, which ushered in a major revolution in the history of printing. Bi"s printing consisted of four processes: making the types, composing the text, printing and retrieving the movable types. According to Dream Stream Essays, Bi Sheng carved individual characters on squares of sticky clay, then baked them make clay type pieces. When composing a text, he put a large iron frame on a piece of iron board and arranged the words within the frame. While one plate was being printed, another plate could be composed. After printing, the movable types were taken away and stored for future use. Movable type printing has a very important position in the history of printing, for all later printing methods such as wooden type, copper type and lead type printing invariably developed on the basis of movable clay types. Bi Sheng created movable type printing more than four hundred years earlier than it was invented in Europe. According to ancient records, natural magnets were employed in China as direction-finding devices. This led to the first compass, called a sinan (south-pointing ladle) during the Warring States Period. In the Han Dynasty compasses consisted of a bronze on which 24 directions were carved and a rod made from a natural magnet. Such devices were in use until the eighth century. In the Song Dynasty, Shen Kuo described the floating compass, suspended in water, a technique which minimized the effect of motion on the instrument. This enabled the compass to be used for sea navigation for the first time. The invention of the compass promoted maritime undertakings, and its use soon spread to the Arab world, and thence to Europe. China"s four great ancient inventions made tremendous contributions to the world"s economy and the culture of mankind. They were also important symbols of China"s role as a great world civilization.


火药 1.gunpowder; powder 指南针 1.a compass; a magnetic needle 2.a guide; a guiding principle 印刷术 1.printing 造纸 1.papermaking


写作思路:罗列出中国的四大发明,写出这些发明的伟大之处,使用简单的英文句子描写出这些。正文:There are four world famous inventions in China, one is gunpowder, the other is compass, the third is printing and the fourth is papermaking.我国有世界著名的四大发明,一是火药,二是指南针,三是印刷术,四是造纸术。This makes our ancient China become an ancient civilization.这让我们中国古代成了文明古国。China"s four great inventions have played an irreplaceable role in various fields of science and technology.中国的四大发明在各个科技领域中起到了不可替代的重要作用。Gunpowder. Gunpowder was invented by us.火药,火药是我们发明的。What does gunpowder bring us?火药给我们带来什么东西呢?It brought fireworks, firecrackers, fireworks, mining, and aerospace.带来了礼花、带来了鞭炮、用于制造烟花爆竹、用于采矿,还有用于航天事业的发展。Up to now, gunpowder has played an important role in our history.到今天为止火药在我们的历史上发挥着巨大的作用。Compass, China"s Zheng He with the compass seven voyages, opened up the Chinese culture into the world"s first.指南针,我国的郑和用指南针七下西洋,开拓了中华民族文化进军世界的先河。The earliest compass was called "Sinan" in China.最早的指南针中国人称之为“司南”。The compass is also used in navigation, as well as for military personnel to locate.指南针也被用于航海,以及军事家确定方位。Printing, it is said that a man named Bi Sheng invented letterpress printing.印刷术,相传有个叫毕升的人发明了活版印刷术。With the development of modern industry, laser Phototypesetting, digital technology and other new printing technologies will be used in modern life.随着现代工业的发展,激光照排、数字技术等新型印刷技术将用于现代生活中。Cai Lun is a great inventor of papermaking in China. He invented papermaking.造纸术,蔡伦是我国伟大的发明家,是他发明了造纸术。With the invention and spread of papermaking, the carrier cost of characters has been greatly reduced, thus greatly promoting the development of science and technology and economy in the world.造纸的发明与传播,使文字的载体成本得到了大幅度的下降,从而极大地推动了世界科技、经济的发展。The four great inventions have made us proud and promoted the continuous development of Chinese civilization, but now we have some inventions which are backward. For example, papermaking and printing are very advanced in foreign countries. Therefore, we should study hard and master knowledge to make our motherland stronger.四大发明曾让我们自豪过,也曾推动中华文明向前不断发展,可是现在有部分发明我们已经处于落后局面,比如造纸术、印刷术在外国已经很先进了,因此我们应该好好学习,掌握知识,才能让我们的祖国更加强大。


指南针compass 造纸paper making 火要powder 印刷术printing满意请采纳




六级考过四大发明,六级翻译考试题材涉及中国的历史、文化、经济和社会发展等。以下是英语考级的实试题:中国的四大发明包括指南针、火药、造纸术和印刷术,它们是中国在人类文明史上占有重要地位的标志之一。个指南针产生于战国时期(the Warring States Period),是利用天然磁石(natural magnet)来辨别方向的一种简单仪器。火药发明于隋唐时期,主要应用于军事领域,造纸术于东汉年间由蔡伦改进,使纸成为人们普遍使用的书写材料。印刷术,又称活字印刷术,大大促进了文化的传播。四大发明对世界经济的发展和人类文化的进步做出了巨大的贡献。


英语手抄报可以先画好模板,留下需要写字的空行,在画完手抄报后有的时候不知道往里面写什么内容,其实可以给手抄报添加关于英语的名言警句等内容,让我们的手抄报更丰富。英语的名言警句:1、For man is man and master of his fate. 人就是人,是自己命运的主人。2、The voice of one man is the voice of no one. 一个人的声音没有力量。3、Storms make trees take deeper roots.风暴使树木深深扎根。4、Actions speak louder than words. 行动比语言更响亮。5、Love rules his kingdom without a sword. 爱,统治了他的王国,不用一枝利剑。




u3000u3000The Four Great Inventions of ancient China are, according to Chinese tradition and the British scholar and biochemist Joseph Needham:u3000u3000The Compassu3000u3000Gunpowderu3000u3000Papermakingu3000u3000Printingu3000u3000These inventions are celebrated in Chinese culture for their historical significance and as signs of ancient China"s advanced science and technology. These four discoveries had an enormous impact on the development of Chinese civilization and a far-ranging global impact.u3000u3000Although he may have been unaware of the origin of these inventions, in 1620 the English philosopher Francis Bacon noted their importance by writing:u3000u3000Printing, gunpowder and the compass: These three have changed the whole face and state of things throughout the world; the first in literature, the second in warfare, the third in navigation; whence have followed innumerable changes, in so much that no empire, no sect, no star seems to have exerted greater power and influence in human affairs than these.

英语四大发明之一小短文及翻译 50字

Thecompass Asweallknow,therearefourimportantinventionsinChina,evenintheworld.TheyaretheresultsofChinesepeople. ButIthinkthecompassismoreimportantthantheothers.Becauseofit,wecanknowourcountry,ourworld.Withthehelpofthecompass,ChristopherColumbusfoundthenewland;withthehelpofit,weknowthattheearthislikeaball.Havingthecompass,wecanseetheearthclearly.Itisthemostimportantinventionwhichisatooltoknowmoreaboutthisworld.Wecansaythatwithouttheinventionofthecompass,therecannotbeacolourfulworld. So,Idothinkthecompassismoreimportantthanthethree.指南针,我们都知道,在中国有四个重要的发明,甚至在世界上。他们是中国人的结果。但我认为指南针是比别人更重要。因为它,我们能知道我们的国家,我们的世界。在指南针的帮助下,克里斯托弗哥伦布发现新大陆;有了它,我们知道,地球就像一个球。有指南针,我们可以清楚地看到地球。这是最重要的发明,它是一个工具,多了解这个世界。我们可以说,没有指南针的发明,不可能有一个丰富多彩的世界。所以,我认为指南针比三更重要。



纸是中国的四大发明之一 用英语表达

Paper is one of Chinese 4-big invention








英语四级翻译考过四大发明并且也有很大的难度。翻译大玩中国风,涉及“中秋节”“丝绸之路”“中国园林”“四大发明”等。其中,“丝绸之路”难倒了无数考生,有考生说“死活想不起来,百般惆怅只好写‘Sichou Road"”。也有不少考生说“四大发明”只写出一个。四六级考试取消了原有的完形填空和快速阅读,增加阅读理解匹配题。变化二:复合式听写改为单词和词组听写。句子翻译改为短文的汉译英。变化四:考试时间从原来的120分钟增加到130分钟,但听力考试时间缩短了5分钟。相关知识:现在大学英语四级只发成绩单,没有证书,成绩越高越好,一般来说,作为社会默认的标准和各学校自行规定的合格线都是425分。全国大学英语四级考试改革之后,满分为710分,写作部分106.5分 ,听力部分248.5分,阅读理解部分248.5分,翻译部分106.5分。凡考试成绩在220分以上的考生,由国家教育部高教司委托“全国大学英语四六级考试委员会”发给成绩单,不设及格线。以上内容参考:百度百科--四级英语


The earliest reference to magnetism in Chinese literature is found in a 4th century BC book called Book of the Devil Valley Master (鬼谷子): "The lodestone makes iron come or it attracts it."The earliest reference to a magnetic device used as a "direction finder" is in a Song Dynasty book dated to AD 1040-44. Here there is a description of an iron "south-pointing fish" floating in a bowl of water, aligning itself to the south. The device is recommended as a means of orientation "in the obscurity of the night."[10] However, the first suspended magnetic needle compass was written of by Shen Kuo in his book of AD 1088


As we all know,The Compass ,Gunpowder ,Papermaking,and Printing are our Chinese great inventions.Our ancestors created them by their own mind and hand.These inventions not only have an effect on our daily life,but also contribute to the culture all aroud world.But which is the most useful and practical invention to us?Well,as far as I concerned,the paper that we use now was first invented in Han dynasty,at that time this invention did improve their hand writing.Just imagine how our life will be if we live without paper?so,in a word,I think the paper is the most useful invention.


PapermakingThe earliest form of Chinese characters were inscriptions on oracle bones of the Shang Dynasty, followed by inscriptions on ancient bronze objects, and it was not until the Spring and Autumn Dynasty that the Chinese characters were carved onto bamboo slips strung up by hemp cords.The Chinese characters were written on silk cloths during the Qin and the Han dynasties, and it was not until Cai Lun"s (蔡伦61-121) improved papermaking method in the Eastern Han Dynasty that paper was widely used throughout ancient China. Papermaking was a great event in the history of human civilization, and it was introduced into European countries 1,000 years later. Gunpowder 发明者不详Gunpowder, a mixture of charcoal, saltpeter and sulfur, was invented by ancient Chinese alchemists during the process of alchemy in the Sui and the Tang dynasties, and it is a highly volatile explosive. The ancient fire arrow resembles the present rocket tube in shape, and was widely used in battles on water.The gunpowder was enormously employed in the wars during the Tang and Song dynasties; it was introduced into the Arabian countries by the Mongolians and then to the European countries. Compass 发明者不详(我们中国人皆传说是黄帝发明)The legend went that Huangdi (the legendary forebear of the Chinese nation) defeated the Chiyou tribe with the help of a southward-pointing cart, a kind of mechanical device for indicating directions in ancient times. On the basis of the southward-pointing cart, the Chinese people invented a compass in the Warring State Period(战国时代) and later applied it to sea explorations and wars.Great progress was made in compass-making in the Song Dynasty, when it greatly stimulated the development of the shipping industry. Later, the Arabians and Persians learned to make compasses from the ancient Chinese and introduced them to the European countries. Printing TechniquesBefore the emergence of a printing technique, books were transcribed by scholars one by one throughout the history of China. Although a rubbing technique and a block printing technique successively emerged in the Han Dynasty and the Western Jin Dynasty, it was still time-consuming to print a book.Bi Sheng(970-1051毕升是活字印刷术的发明者)first invented movable type printing in the Song Dynasty, greatly promoting the development of the printing technique, for which he was praised as the father of typography.The Chinese printing technique is a vanguard of human civilization, which was introduced to the European countries by the Arabians, and it creates favorable conditions for knowledge dissemination in the world. 【很希望我的回答会对你有帮助。如有不明白,可以再追问,若满意请采纳,谢谢你,并祝你进步!】


The Four Great Inventions of ancient China are, according to Chinese tradition and the British scholar and biochemist Joseph Needham: The Compass Gunpowder Papermaking Printing These inventions are celebrated in Chinese culture for their historical significance and as signs of ancient China"s advanced science and technology. These four discoveries had an enormous impact on the development of Chinese civilization and a far-ranging global impact. Although he may have been unaware of the origin of these inventions, in 1620 the English philosopher Francis Bacon noted their importance by writing: Printing, gunpowder and the compass: These three have changed the whole face and state of things throughout the world; the first in literature, the second in warfare, the third in navigation; whence have followed innumerable changes, in so much that no empire, no sect, no star seems to have exerted greater power and influence in human affairs than these.




The four Great Inventions in China, (paper, printing, the compass and the gunpowder,)四大发明是火药、造纸、罗盘和印刷术


火药power 指南针compass 造纸 paper-making印刷movable type




四大发明英文是“The Four Great Inventions”。1、造纸术papermaking technology发明时期于汉朝西汉时期,改进时期于汉朝东汉时期。2、指南针compass代叫司南,主要组成部分是一根装在轴上的磁针,磁针在天然地磁场的作用下可以自由转动并保持在磁子午线的切线方向上,磁针的南极指向地理南极(磁场北极),利用这一性能可以辨别方向。2、火药gunpowder火药是中国四大发明之一。是在适当的外界能量作用下,自身能进行迅速而有规律的燃烧,同时生成大量高温燃气的物质。在军事上主要用作枪弹、炮弹的发射药和火箭、导弹的推进剂及其他驱动装置的能源,是弹药的重要组成部分。4、印刷术printing印刷术是中国古代劳动人民的四大发明之一。雕版印刷术发明于唐朝,并在唐朝中后期普遍使用。宋仁宗时毕升发明了活字印刷术标志着活字印刷术的诞生。四大发明的历史意义:1、造纸术的发明:为人类提供了经济﹑便利的书写材料,掀起一场人类文字载体革命;2、雕版印刷术的发明:大大促进了文化的传播;3、指南针的发明:为欧洲航海家的航海活动,提供了条件;4、火药武器的发明:火药武器的使用,改变了作战方式,帮助欧洲资产阶级摧毁了封建堡垒,加速了欧洲的历史进程。

急。。。 中国四大发明、发明者、时间的英文

Compass, gunpowder, paper-making, movable typography


印刷术 movable-type printing 指南针 the compass火药 gun-power造纸术 paper-making


papermaking gunpower campass printing




保护宝宝宝宝宝宝你能解决吗……不过这个节目真的是我很爱看天天天天天天玩吧……这里u着的意义在哪儿等着你睡不成的根本不变爸爸还不够高。 不。










很高兴回答你的问题,以下是我个人见解,希望可以帮到你:你可以选择一段来用. The Four Great Inventions China"s long history has seen some extremely important inventions emerge, most noticeably gunpowder, paper making, printing and the compass, which, in the words of Roger Bacon, changed the whole appearance and status of things in the world. China was the first country in the world to make proper paper. Paper made during the Western Han Dynasty (202 BC-16 AD) has been found in Gansu Province, Xi"an and other places in Shaanxi Province as well as Xinjiang. A further development of paper is credited to Cai Lun of the Eastern Han (25-220). He used plant fiber such as tree bark, bits of rope, rags and worn-out fishing nets as raw materials. In 105, Cai presented the first batch of paper made under his supervision to the Han emperor, who was so delighted that he named the material "Marquis Cai"s paper". Eastern Han Dynasty paper found in Wuwei, Gansu, in 1974 carried words which were still clearly decipherable. Thin, soft, and with a smooth finish and tight texture, this paper is the most refined and oldest paper discovered to date. Before paper was invented, the ancient Chinese carved characters on pottery, animal bones and stones, cast them on bronzes, or wrote them on bamboo or wooden strips and silk fabric. These materials, however, were either too heavy or two expensive for widespread use. The invention and use of paper brought about a revolution in writing materials, paving the way for the invention of printing technology in the years to come. The invention of gunpowder was no doubt one of the most significant achievements of the Middle Ages in China. The correct prescription for making gunpowder with nitre, sulphur and carbon was probably discovered in the ninth century. In fact, in his book, Ge Hong in the third century records the procedures for making a kind of mixture that could be ignited. After the Tang Dynasty (618-907), things took a much faster course as gunpowder was already used in simple hand-grenades which were thrown by a catapult. In 1126, Li Gang, a local official, recorded how he ordered the defenders of the city of Kaifeng to "fire cannons" at the invading Nuzhen tribal people, inflicting heavy casualties on the invaders. The first prescription for gunpowder appeared in 1044, much earlier than the earliest (1265) gunpowder-making instructions recorded in Europe. By the Song Dynasty (960-1126), gunpowder was in extensive use. Weapons made with it included rifles and rockets. The Song army also used a kind of flame thrower which involved packing gunpowder into bamboo tubes. The earliest picture of a European cannon shows that it bears a striking similarity to Chinese cannon of 1128. About 1230, the Song army had cannon powerful enough to breach city walls. A bronze Chinese cannon cast in 1332 is the oldest one in the world extant today. Many bronze and iron cannons have been unearthed in China, most of them bearing inscriptions dating them to between 1280 and 1380. On the basis of printing using carved blocks in the Tang Dynasty, Bi Sheng of the Northern Song Dynasty invented movable type printing in the 1040s, which ushered in a major revolution in the history of printing. Bi"s printing consisted of four processes: making the types, composing the text, printing and retrieving the movable types. According to Dream Stream Essays, Bi Sheng carved individual characters on squares of sticky clay, then baked them make clay type pieces. When composing a text, he put a large iron frame on a piece of iron board and arranged the words within the frame. While one plate was being printed, another plate could be composed. After printing, the movable types were taken away and stored for future use. Movable type printing has a very important position in the history of printing, for all later printing methods such as wooden type, copper type and lead type printing invariably developed on the basis of movable clay types. Bi Sheng created movable type printing more than four hundred years earlier than it was invented in Europe. According to ancient records, natural magnets were employed in China as direction-finding devices. This led to the first compass, called a sinan (south-pointing ladle) during the Warring States Period. In the Han Dynasty compasses consisted of a bronze on which 24 directions were carved and a rod made from a natural magnet. Such devices were in use until the eighth century. In the Song Dynasty, Shen Kuo described the floating compass, suspended in water, a technique which minimized the effect of motion on the instrument. This enabled the compass to be used for sea navigation for the first time. The invention of the compass promoted maritime undertakings, and its use soon spread to the Arab world, and thence to Europe. China"s four great ancient inventions made tremendous contributions to the world"s economy and the culture of mankind. They were also important symbols of China"s role as a great world civilization.望采纳,十分感谢。


(1).刻制反字 (2).排版 (3).印刷 (4).拆版 早在1995年的国际印刷造纸博览会上,计算机直接制版技术就已开始进军柔印制版的生产,DuPontCyrel组建了一个数字图像专家小组,以满足不断涌现的对直接制版知识的需求。目前,由于需求的不断扩大,在图像处理、数字打样、数据处理、制版等方面,应用计算机直接制版技术在柔印中取得了令人瞩目的成绩。  在一个纯粹的基于CTP的工作流程中,阴图胶片的生产已经被在印版上的直接成像所取代。胶片这个中间环节的去除使质量上的损失和其他的与感光性树脂版材料的模拟接触曝光相关的缺点(灰尘颗粒、吸真空问题、曝光时间选择错误等)达到最小。在实践生产中,已经证实CTP生产流程的优点比我们期望的多得多。  CTP的优点很多,在此强调两个最主要的,一是将数字柔印版材与传统印版的外观进行比较发现,前者印版的表面更加光滑,印刷的各种元素,从分离的网点到实地到精细的高光区小网点几乎完全在一个平面上。而传统的柔印印版,高光区的细小网点通常比其它部分突出,即使修版后,这些网点的顶端也比同一块版上的实地部分高出几微米,这意味着在印刷过程中,在实地部分被完全印上以前高光区的网点就被压扁了,造成较严重的网点扩大。相反,CTP印版提供了更一致的印刷特性,有效降低了网点扩大。  此外,CTP印版上的所有图像区域的尺寸在成像时都被缩小了一点点,这表明每一个线条,每一块实地区域,尤其是网点都被缩小几个微米,有效的补偿了印刷过程中的网点扩大。由于这种尺寸的缩小处理已经自动的集成到实际生产中,所以对印前工作流程和图像质量并无负面影响。而在传统版方式中,上述二者却不可避免的受到影响,因为尺寸的缩小是作为一种中间工序由人工应用到胶片上的。  柔印的网点是极其重要的,尤其是那些制作的最小的网点。在这些地方,可能出现一些影响柔印印版质量的重影现象,这主要归因于现代印前系统处理图像数据的方式,而与采用的是数字流程还是传统工作流程无关,所以其解决方案可以应用到这两种柔印版生产过程中。  感光性树脂柔性版在阴图感光蒙版的帮助下成像。传统印版曝光时,它是一张阴图胶片,而在CTP中它是一张蒙版。在加网的阴图片上,最细小的网点就是最小的透光孔,在逻辑上能允许最少量的紫外线光通过,完成光聚反应。如果所需的紫外线光强度不够强,那么会因为网点尺寸太小而只发生部分光聚反应,在用水基溶剂进行显影的过程中造成网点被破坏,导致印版 上出现所谓的“残缺网点”。这类网点是否能够被印刷出来要取决于它们的高度,且有—定的随意性,因而影响整体图像的质量。  过去人们已经试过多种方法来解决这个问题,其中包括限制最小的网点尺寸在1%~3%之间,但收效甚微。而CTP技术在相当大程度上能够帮助找到故障的原因,并提供解决方案。  Cyrel数字直接制版机(由Barco Graphics公司制造)是目前最常用的柔性版制版设备,它装备有数据预览模式(Viewer),这是一种软件工具,在胶片成像设备中不常见。在过去,当阴图片上出现的网点很小时,人们无法确定这究竟是数据的原因还是胶片显影加工后的原因,因为根本无法查看用于曝光的数据。现在,在这种观察工具的帮助下,人们才第一次认识到,决定应于印前RIP的数字加网胶片的数据是完全可能的,所输出的网点会远低于所需要的最低值。  根据众所周知的成像理论,图像数据的分辨率应该是最终网线数的2倍。换句话说,如果你想要印刷的网线数是48线/cm,那么图像的数据必须要有96线/cm的分辨率。常用的图像分辨率为300dpi(每英寸上的点数),大约相当于120线/cm,因此能够制做成60线/cm的网屏。  如果图像的分辨率与上述2:1的规则相差太大,例如如果图象数据分辨率太粗糙,就可能导致印刷品的图像质量太低劣,如会出现明显的锯齿现象等。同时,上述理论还表明,如果你把图像的分辨率做得很高,也很难改善图像的质量(因为半色调网屏不可能表现出丰富的细节),且还面临着不得不去处理和存储过大数据量文件的局面,但最近几年有了很大的改观,主要是归因于计算机及网络性能的不断改进和存储介质的价格迅速下降,因此分辨率也比以前有了很大的改观,印品的图像质量也相应提高了。在柔印制版生产中所使用的图像的分辨率在过去及现在通常都优于上述的2:1原则。  然而,已经发现和前面所说的话矛盾的是,使用过高分辨率的原稿也对图像质量有影响。这和所应用的柔印制版方式有关,如以阶调范围加网阴图片的形式。更糟的是即使严格遵照2:1的比例原则做而且经过精确的校准,加网过程中还是可能会产生网点碎片。  实验说明网点碎片即使在最理想的状态下也会产生。假设我们严格的控制2:1的比例,既图像文件在各个方向上的网点都是加网网屏的2倍(为了简单起见,我们只研究一种颜色的情况)。被复制的网点中心应该准确地位于四个象素相交的那一点上,这样加网构造出的每一个网点都是由2×2个像素形成的,如果这四个像限的色调值明显不同--取决于像素的位置--网点形状可能在相当大的程度上发生变形。  这种假想的网点像素结构增加了加网后的图像细节方面的精确性,因此被广泛接受。然而,当图像需要加网时,考虑到最小的网点值,问题就出现了。对加网后色调值是高于还是低于图像临界值的判断,不仅仅要从这一组网点来看,还要从每个网点象限来看,也就是说,构成一个网点的那四个部分。这种判断与能否产生残缺网点无关。  通常会出现以下的阴图星座现象:四个象限中只有一个恰好达到操作人员设定的最小色调值,在这个值上产生网点,而其它象素的色调值都低于这个值。让我们来假设一下,例如,这个最小值设置为百分之二,加网设备对这部分进行加网时采用这个指定的象限,即取百分之二网点的1/4。既然数字文件中的其他三个象素都低于这个临界值,加网设备设备则不考虑它们的作用。  尽管有操作人员明确的设定,RIP也会生出一个太低的色调值(这很可能在印版上出现残缺网点)。在这个例子中我们还是很幸运的。如果图像对网屏的比例增加的话,如为3:1,那么每个网点将由(3×3=9)个象限组成,这样从理论上就有可能产生出1/9个最低期望值大小的网点。这时如果网点中心没有精确位于图像像素的几何中心,而是偏到了一边,那么结果将会 更糟,而这种情况又经常出现。这将会出现遮盖力更低的“卫星”网点,网点碎片的形状和大小都是随机的,这种情况对图像的质量影响更大。  同时这也解释了为什么采用高分辨率原稿反而影响了柔印质量。尤其是直接在带瓦楞的纸上进行印刷时更是如此,例如,想要印一个300dpi图象时,用60lpi(24l/cm)的网屏进行加网。  首先是调整已设计好的图像的分辨率与最终的印刷图像的加网线数相匹配,使图相的分辨率大约是网屏线数的两倍。  其次是在印前工作站上对图像数据进行修正,它可以在图像处理软件(如Adobe Photoshop)的帮助下完成,这样做的目的是确保位于理想的最低值或低于这个值的色调值为0或为最低临界值。它们都依赖于像素所处于的位置,因此需要根据不同的情况来解决。




写作思路:罗列出中国的四大发明,写出这些发明的伟大之处,使用简单的英文句子描写出这些。正文:There are four world famous inventions in China, one is gunpowder, the other is compass, the third is printing and the fourth is papermaking.我国有世界著名的四大发明,一是火药,二是指南针,三是印刷术,四是造纸术。This makes our ancient China become an ancient civilization.这让我们中国古代成了文明古国。China"s four great inventions have played an irreplaceable role in various fields of science and technology.中国的四大发明在各个科技领域中起到了不可替代的重要作用。Gunpowder. Gunpowder was invented by us.火药,火药是我们发明的。What does gunpowder bring us?火药给我们带来什么东西呢?It brought fireworks, firecrackers, fireworks, mining, and aerospace.带来了礼花、带来了鞭炮、用于制造烟花爆竹、用于采矿,还有用于航天事业的发展。Up to now, gunpowder has played an important role in our history.到今天为止火药在我们的历史上发挥着巨大的作用。Compass, China"s Zheng He with the compass seven voyages, opened up the Chinese culture into the world"s first.指南针,我国的郑和用指南针七下西洋,开拓了中华民族文化进军世界的先河。The earliest compass was called "Sinan" in China.最早的指南针中国人称之为“司南”。The compass is also used in navigation, as well as for military personnel to locate.指南针也被用于航海,以及军事家确定方位。Printing, it is said that a man named Bi Sheng invented letterpress printing.印刷术,相传有个叫毕升的人发明了活版印刷术。With the development of modern industry, laser Phototypesetting, digital technology and other new printing technologies will be used in modern life.随着现代工业的发展,激光照排、数字技术等新型印刷技术将用于现代生活中。Cai Lun is a great inventor of papermaking in China. He invented papermaking.造纸术,蔡伦是我国伟大的发明家,是他发明了造纸术。With the invention and spread of papermaking, the carrier cost of characters has been greatly reduced, thus greatly promoting the development of science and technology and economy in the world.造纸的发明与传播,使文字的载体成本得到了大幅度的下降,从而极大地推动了世界科技、经济的发展。The four great inventions have made us proud and promoted the continuous development of Chinese civilization, but now we have some inventions which are backward. For example, papermaking and printing are very advanced in foreign countries. Therefore, we should study hard and master knowledge to make our motherland stronger.四大发明曾让我们自豪过,也曾推动中华文明向前不断发展,可是现在有部分发明我们已经处于落后局面,比如造纸术、印刷术在外国已经很先进了,因此我们应该好好学习,掌握知识,才能让我们的祖国更加强大。


写作思路:罗列出中国的四大发明,写出这些发明的伟大之处,使用简单的英文句子描写出这些。正文:There are four world famous inventions in China, one is gunpowder, the other is compass, the third is printing and the fourth is papermaking.我国有世界著名的四大发明,一是火药,二是指南针,三是印刷术,四是造纸术。This makes our ancient China become an ancient civilization.这让我们中国古代成了文明古国。China"s four great inventions have played an irreplaceable role in various fields of science and technology.中国的四大发明在各个科技领域中起到了不可替代的重要作用。Gunpowder. Gunpowder was invented by us.火药,火药是我们发明的。What does gunpowder bring us?火药给我们带来什么东西呢?It brought fireworks, firecrackers, fireworks, mining, and aerospace.带来了礼花、带来了鞭炮、用于制造烟花爆竹、用于采矿,还有用于航天事业的发展。Up to now, gunpowder has played an important role in our history.到今天为止火药在我们的历史上发挥着巨大的作用。Compass, China"s Zheng He with the compass seven voyages, opened up the Chinese culture into the world"s first.指南针,我国的郑和用指南针七下西洋,开拓了中华民族文化进军世界的先河。The earliest compass was called "Sinan" in China.最早的指南针中国人称之为“司南”。The compass is also used in navigation, as well as for military personnel to locate.指南针也被用于航海,以及军事家确定方位。Printing, it is said that a man named Bi Sheng invented letterpress printing.印刷术,相传有个叫毕升的人发明了活版印刷术。With the development of modern industry, laser Phototypesetting, digital technology and other new printing technologies will be used in modern life.随着现代工业的发展,激光照排、数字技术等新型印刷技术将用于现代生活中。Cai Lun is a great inventor of papermaking in China. He invented papermaking.造纸术,蔡伦是我国伟大的发明家,是他发明了造纸术。With the invention and spread of papermaking, the carrier cost of characters has been greatly reduced, thus greatly promoting the development of science and technology and economy in the world.造纸的发明与传播,使文字的载体成本得到了大幅度的下降,从而极大地推动了世界科技、经济的发展。The four great inventions have made us proud and promoted the continuous development of Chinese civilization, but now we have some inventions which are backward. For example, papermaking and printing are very advanced in foreign countries. Therefore, we should study hard and master knowledge to make our motherland stronger.四大发明曾让我们自豪过,也曾推动中华文明向前不断发展,可是现在有部分发明我们已经处于落后局面,比如造纸术、印刷术在外国已经很先进了,因此我们应该好好学习,掌握知识,才能让我们的祖国更加强大。


字为 四大发明的组成字,名词

