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求一篇英文business essay关于leadership的范文。。。不用太高分的 只想知道怎么写 万分感谢~~

资料来源 is the ability of a company"s management to make sound decisions and inspire others to perform well. Effective leaders are able to set and achieve challenging goals, to take swift and decisive action even in difficult situations, to outperform their competition, to take calculated risks and to persevere in the face of failure. Strong communication skills, self-confidence, the ability to manage others and a willingness to embrace change also characterize good leaders.Leadership is the process through which an individual tries to influence another individual or a group of individuals to accomplish a goal. Leadership is valued in our culture, especially when it helps to achieve goals that are beneficial to the population, such as the enactment of effective preventive-health policies. An individual with leadership qualities can also improve an organization and the individuals in it, whether it be a teacher who works to get better teaching materials and after-school programs or an employee who develops new ideas and products and influences others to invest in them.Leadership can be exhibited in a variety of ways and circumstances. Mothers and fathers show leadership in raising their children with good values and encouraging them to develop to their potential. Teachers show it in inspiring students to learn and to develop their intellectual capacity. Health care workers can be leaders and develop services that meet the needs of the communities they serve, or work in collaboration with other organizations to create cost-effective, prevention-oriented programs and services.Many studies have been done and many books and articles have been published on this subject. Through this work a consistent set of leadership attributes has emerged. An effective leader does most, if not all, of the following:u2022Challenge the Process—search out challenging opportunities, take risks, and learn from mistakes.u2022Inspire others to come together and agree on a future direction or goal— create a shared vision by thinking about the future, having a strong positive vision, and encouraging others to participate.u2022Help others to act—help others to work together, to cooperate and collaborate by developing shared goals and building trust, and help to make others stronger by encouraging them to develop their skills and talents.u2022Set an example—behave in ways that are consistent with professed values and help others to achieve small gains that keep them motivated, especially when a goal will not be achieved quickly.u2022Encourage others—recognize each individual"s contributions to the success of a project.Another way of defining leadership is to acknowledge what people value in individuals that are recognized as leaders. Most people can think of individuals they consider to be leaders. Research conducted in the 1980s by James Kouzes and Barry Posner found that a majority of people admire, and willingly follow, people who are honest, forward-looking, inspiring, and competentAn individual who would like to develop leadership skills can profit from the knowledge that leadership is not just a set of exceptional skills and attributes possessed by only a few very special people. Rather, leadership is a process and a set of skills that can be learned.Read more:

英语学习资料:双语阅读:On Leadership论领导力

双语阅读:On Leadership论领导力 What is leadership?Its qualities are difficult to define. But they are not so difficult to identify. 什么是领导力?领导力应具备什么品质很难下定义,但这些品质却不难辨认。 Leaders don"t force other people to go along with them. They bring them along. Leaders get mitment from others by giving it themselves, by building an environment that encourages creativity, and by operating with honesty and fairness. 领导不强迫他人追随自己,而是带领他们前进。领导通过自己承担义务从而要求他人承担义务。此外,他还营造一个鼓励创新的环境,并诚实公正地对待他人。 Good leaders aren" t"lone rangers. "They recognize that an organization" s strategies for success require the bined talents and efforts of many people. Leadership is the catalyst for transforming those talents into results. 好的领导不是“孤胆骑警”。他们认识到一个组织的策略的成功是许多人的智慧和努力的结晶。领导才能是把智慧转化成成果的催化剂。 Successful leaders are emotionally and intellectually oriented to the future--not wedded to the past. They have a hunger to take responsibility, to innovate, andto initiate. They are not content with merely taking care of what" s already there. They want to move forward to create something new. 成功的领导者,从情感和理智上都着眼于未来而不是过去。他们渴望承担责任、创新和开拓,他们不满足于仅仅保持现状,他们要前进,要创新。 Leaders provide answers as well as direction, offer strength as well as dedication, and speak from experience as well as understanding of the problems they face and the peopie they work with. 领导人给予指导和解答,拥有力量和献身精神,他们从经验及对所面对的问题的理解和对合作者的了解来说话。 Leaders are flexible rather than dogmatic. They believe in unity rather than yielding. And they strive to achieve agreements out of conflict. 领导处事灵活,不因循守旧。他们相信统一而不是顺从。他们力图在冲突中达成共识。 Leadership is all about getting people consistently to give their best, helping them to grow to their fullest potential, and motivating them to work toward a mon good. Leaders make the right things happen when they"re supposed to. 领导艺术是推动人们尽显其能,帮助他们充分发挥他们的潜能,使他们朝着一个共同的目标而奋斗。领导者在需要的时候能做出正确的决断。 A good leader, an effective leader, is one who has respect. Respect is something you have to have in order to get.A leader who has respect for other people at all levels of an organization, for the work they do, and for their abilities, desires and needs, will find that respect is returned. And all concerned will be motivated to work together. 一个好领导,一个奉有成效的领导是尊重他人的人。要得到他人的尊重必须先尊重他人。一个尊重各级员工,尊重他们的工作、能力、愿望与需要的领导会得到他人的尊重。

what is leadership?

The word leadership can refer to: 1. the process of leading. 2. those entities that perform one or more acts of leading. 2007-07-13 18:49:59 补充: 1. the position or function of a leader: He managed to maintain his leadership of the party despite heavy opposition.2. ability to lead: She displayed leadership potential. 2007-07-13 18:50:18 补充: 3. an act or instance of leading; guidance; direction: They prospered under his leadership.4. the leaders of a group: The union leadership agreed to arbitrate. 参考: Wikipedia






leadership领导leadership[英][u02c8li:du0259u0283u026ap][美][u02c8li:du0259ru0283u026ap]n.领导; 领导的才能或能力; 一群领导者; 带路,指引; 复数:leaderships例句:1.This is the challenge for china"s leadership. 这正是中国领导层面临的挑战。


leadership领导leadership[英][u02c8li:du0259u0283u026ap][美][u02c8li:du0259ru0283u026ap]n.领导; 领导的才能或能力; 一群领导者; 带路,指引; 复数:leaderships例句:1.This is the challenge for china"s leadership. 这正是中国领导层面临的挑战。


愿景领导(Visionary Leadership) Nanus(1992)在其“愿景领导”(Visionary Leadership)一书中正式提出“愿景领导” 一词并强调在所有领导功能中, 领导者 对 愿景 的影响最深远, 同时许多有关领导研究的亦发现有效能的领导者往往是具有愿景的领 导者(Bennis &Nanus,1985;Blunberg & Greenfield, 1980;Deal & Kennedy, 1982)。 Nanus(1992)认为所谓的愿景领导是指 组织 可靠的、 真实的、具吸引力的未来,它代表所有目标努力的方向, 能使组织更成功、更美好。 远景包括组织长期的计画与未来发展的景象, 是远景包括组织长期的计画与未来发展的景象, 是组织现况与未来景象间的桥梁,对于领导者而言, 它提供行动的目标,并帮助领导者,超越目前的情境, 达到到组织的改进与成长。在 组织发展 的过程中, 远景领导在组织发展的过程中,远景领导者常会提出真知灼见, 并驱使成员采用新的行动,去完成新的目标, 因此也常被视为革新者或理想的楷模。

team leadership是什么意思






on leadership什么意思

论领导leadership英 [ u02c8li:du0259u0283u026ap ]美 [ u02c8li:du0259ru0283u026ap ]n. 领导;领导的才能或能力;一群领导者;带路,指引;on英 [ u0252n ]美 [ ɑ:n ]prep. (表示方向)向;(表示对象)对;(表示位置)在…上;(表示时间)在…之时;adv. (放,穿,连接)上;向前,(继续)下去;adj. 活动着的情况,状态;使用着的;发生着的;计划中的;希望对你有帮助, 春节愉快!


不论你申请美国中学或大学,不难发现几乎留学美国申请中每所学校的文书或问题中都要求你阐述你的leadership experience。好多家长对此很困惑,哪儿有那么多当干部的,不当学生干部的就不能申请了吗?这里有个留学美国申请中小小的误解。 领导力和当领导其实是两个概念。许多人以为领导人是从他的地位或头衔中得到权力的。他们以为老板有地位,就能领导人,经理有头衔,就能领导人。但那不是领导才能的真正本质。一个只会在自己位置的狭窄范围内指挥别人的人,不能算作真正的领导人物。正如约翰? 怀特说的:“人们追随的不是某个计划,而是能鼓舞他们的领导人物。” “领导才能”的最佳定义是 “影响力。”真正的领导者是能影响别人,使别人追随自己的人物,他能使别人参加进来,跟他一起干。他鼓舞周围的人协助他朝着他的理想、目标和成就迈进,他给了他们成功的力量。这样的领导者,有或没有一个正式的头衔并不重要。我所了解的美式教育,正是遵循这个方向自小培养孩子的领导力。 与人相处之道当然要在人堆里学,这不是家长教孩子听,在家闭门造车就能整出来的。所以美式教育才这么重视孩子的运动、课外活动、交友联谊等有助提升团队协作的活动。早期教育的首要目的,就是养成与人相处的品质性格及行为规矩,认字算数都是其次。中国人常说“不能输在起跑线上”,这就是美国人认为的“起跑线”。幼儿园的孩子要学会遵守规则、分享、轮流、有礼貌、处理争执和负面情绪等等最基本的人际相处的道理。到小学一二年级时,有合作态度,又具有聪明爱玩,活泼外向,脾气好等特点的孩子最受人欢迎。到了三年级以上,成熟自信,有思想有主见,眼界开阔,经历丰富,兴趣广泛,懂得多又聪明爱玩的那些孩子身上就慢慢展现了领导力。 软实力的重要性在留学美国的申请及学习过程中远大于能用分数和成绩等数字表示的硬实力。情商这类的软实力正是在孩子们从小玩到大的过程中一点点培养起来的。在看似无计划无组织无目的无忧无虑地疯玩中,玩出了对智力和学习至关重要的注意力、理解力、记忆力、想象力、创造力、自我管理的能力、好奇心和上进心,还有许多会让孩子终生受益的好品质:快乐,自由,公平,分享,自己做决定,有时间观念,能控制情绪,能和不同的人相处,有团队合作精神,有自我意识,能自我激励,自信幽默,独立成熟,能主动学习别人的优点等等。再加上孩子自身的特点和父母的有意培养,使孩子兴趣广泛,眼界开阔,经历丰富,有公益心等等,这些特质自然会吸引着别人的靠近。 家长们常常会紧张孩子的分数不够高,花大价钱上各种各样的补习班,哪怕只是提高一点点。可是你们可曾想过,你错过了从小对他软实力的培养阶段,又有哪个补习班能帮他补上?他的一生,又将因此付出怎样的代价? 说回领导力的培养,每个孩子天性不同,培养的侧重当然不同。 搬用一下在公司做领导力培训的内容,领导力的几个方面。1. 沟通能力 Communication skills。沟通必然是双向的。你要确保你所表达的意思和别人对你的话的理解相一致,不要猜想或想当然。2. 组织能力 Organizational skills。小到家庭,大到整个公司或自己创业,要知道明确目标,要有全面和整体观察力。能制定实现目标的具体计划,明确目标/结果,时间,金钱,人力,方法等等每一项。3. 建团能力 Team building skills。想作个好领导,你必须学会鼓动别人"心甘情愿"为你加油干。信任别人很重要,但是一定要安时查看,"Trust but verify", 有正气,Be positive.4. 领导能力 Leadership skill。除了你有整体洞察力,有远见,还要有能力出谋策划帮助制定目标。要知道自己和团队具备什么,能干什么,懂得他们需要什么。5. 应付能力 Coping skills。能镇定地应付失败和紧急事件,从失败中吸取教训,迅速提升。6. 技术能力 Technological skills。这个中国人一般知道得最清楚,也最擅长 。

leadership 包括哪些 英文

leadership 是领导层的意思。在公司中领导层有三个层次,一是决策层(Decision leadership)、二是管理层(Management leadership)、三是执行层(Executive leadership)。



在线急!!Leadership 是指领导(人)还是指地位 如果是人的话和leader一样?





leadershipn. 领导能力;领导阶层He blessed us with his leadership. 在他的领导下,我们很幸福。第一时间为你解答,敬请采纳,如果本题还有疑问请追问,Good luck!


leadership_百度翻译leadership 英[u02c8li:du0259u0283u026ap] 美[u02c8lidu025au02ccu0283u026ap] n. 领导;领导的才能或能力;一群领导者;带路,指引


leadership ["liu02d0du0259u0283u026ap] n. 领导能力;领导阶层He is expected to hold talks with both the Croatian and Slovenian leaderships.人们希望他能与克罗地亚和斯洛文尼亚两国的领导人举行会谈。


leadership英 [u02c8li:du0259u0283u026ap] 美 [u02c8li:du0259ru0283u026ap]n.领导; 领导的才能或能力; 一群领导者; 带路,指引领导;领导力;领导能力;领导者复数: leaderships 双语例句1. Yet it is feared the Republican leadership could split over the agreement. 但有人担心,共和党的领导层可能会在该协议上出现意见分歧。2. Britain needs new leadership if she is to help shape Europe"s future. 如果英国想要对欧洲未来的发展产生重要影响的话,就需要新的领导层。3. It is wishful thinking to expect deeper change under his leadership. 指望在他的领导下发生更深层次的变革简直是痴心妄想。4. She has the intellectual form to take up the mantle of leadership. 她具备担当领导职责的聪明才智。5. The army refused to accept orders from the political leadership. 军队拒绝接受政界领导层下达的命令。


leadership[英][u02c8li:du0259u0283u026ap][美][u02c8li:du0259ru0283u026ap]n.领导; 领导的才能或能力; 一群领导者; 带路,指引; 例句:This is the challenge for china"s leadership.这正是中国领导层面临的挑战。

dictatorship 和 autocracy有什么区别

Autocracy is a system of governance headed by a single ruler called an autocrat. A dictatorship is a form of autocracy where power and authority are wielded by either one person or a group of people. Earlier forms of autocratic regimes (e.g. early Roman empire) are sometimes regarded as favorable, while dictatorships are always viewed as tyrannical and oppressive. Autocrats often lacked a cult of personality which dictators often flaunted to keep themselves in power.简单来说,dictatorship既可指权力掌握在一人手中,也可指权力掌握在一群人手中并且dictatorship还有一层蕴意,经常会与种族灭绝、压制、暴政联系

company companion companionship的区别

我觉得这三者的区别在于:COMPANIONSHIP是指代两者之间的关系,是个抽象的名词;而COMPANION则是指具有COMPANIONSHIP这种关系的多方中的一方,是有具体指代对象的名词,文中用的是COMPANIONS,为复数,则指代多方;而COMPANY则指代他们所存在的一个团体,文中live in the best <company>。。COMPANY前面的介词是IN,可以证明。这个词最常用的意思是“公司”。这里指代一个圈子的意思。其他词语的意思前两位已经解释。。以上个人见解而已。

shipment per m/s 是什么意思,外贸高手都帮着翻译一下啊

意思是:XX轮船(XX是船 的名字)。例句如下:It is a matter for regret that we have to complain of the quality of shipment of wheat, per m/s" nanyo maru."实在遗憾,我们不能不提出“南洋号”轮船所运载的小麦质量确有问题。We inform you that we have today send the goods to the american wharf addressed to you for shipment per m.s."London maru".今日已将下列物品装于“伦敦号”货轮,运到美国码头,以贵公司为收货人,特此通知。The bill of lading is all found to be in order, and I shall expect the particulars of the shipment per m. s." Henrietta".本人正期待货轮“henrietta”号带来的有关提单以及其它有关装船的详细消息。we inform you that we have today sent the goods to the American wharf addressed to you for shipment per M. S. " London Maru ":今日已将下列物品装于“伦敦号”货轮,运到美国码头,以贵公司为收货人,特此通知。Yes, may I now repeat our offer as 5 000 M/T steel, specifications as shown in our catalogue at Us $ 192.00 per M/T FOB Hamburg, shipment Sep. /Oct. 1992.是的。我现在将我们的报盘重复一下:报钢材5000公吨,规格按照我们的目录,价格每公吨192美元,fob汉堡,1992年9、10月装船。To arrive per s.s( m.s)......于……轮到达时交货I confirm the receipt of your shipment by m.s. " o ", and now send you a cheque, values $550.兹确认已收到“o”号轮船送来的货物,现寄去550美元的支票一张。请查取。I"m terribly worried about late shipment.我非常担心货物迟交。I"m a hundred per cent certain(that) he"s fallen in love with Jane.我百分之百地肯定他爱上了简。

sled ship ferry哪个不是同类词

ship:船ferry:渡船sled:n. 雪橇由此可见“sled" 不是同类词

文章the tapestry of friendship出自哪本教材

上海外语教育出版社的综合教程第四册 AN INTEGRATED ENGLISH COURSE BOOK 4 老师正讲到这篇课文


1.Friedship is both a source of pleasure and a component of good health. Poeple who have close fireds naturally enjoy their company. Of equal importance are the concrete emotional benefits they derive. When something sensational happens to us, sharing the happiness of the occasion with frieds intensifies our joy. Conversely, in times of trouble and tension, when our spirits are low, unburdening our worries and fears to compassionate friends alleviates the stress. Moreover, we may even get some practical suggestions for solving a particular problem. Adolescence and old age are the two stages in our lives when the need for friendship is crucial. In the former stage, older people are upset by feelings of uselessness and insignificance. In both instances, friends can make a dramatic difference. With close friends in their lives, people develop courage and positive attitudes. Teenagers have the moral support to assert their individuality; the elderly apporoach their advaanced years with optimism and an interest in life. These positive outlooks are vital to cope successfully with the crises inherent in these two stages of life. Throughout life, we rely on small groups of people for love, admiration, respect, moral support, and help. Almost everyone has a "network" of friends: co-workers, neighbors, and schoolmates. While both men and women have such friends, evidence is accumulating that indicates men rarely make close friends. Men are sociable and frequently have numerous business acquaintances, golfbuddies, and so on. However, firendship does not merely involve a sharing of activities; it is a sharing of self on a very personal level. Customatily, men have shied froem close relationships in which they confide in others. By bottling up their emotions, men deprive themselves of a healthy outlet for their negativete feeling. People choose some friends because thy are fun to be with; they "Meke things happen". Likewise, common intersts appear to be a significant factor in selecting friends. Families with children, for instance, tend to gravitate tovard families with children. It is normal to befriend people who have similar lifestyles, and organizations such as Parents without Partners have appeared on opportunity to socialize, make new acquaintance and friends, obtain helpful advice in adapting smoothly to a new lifesyle. Other groups focus on specific interst such as caming or politics. It is perfectly acceptable to select friends for special qualities as long as there is a balanced giving and taking that is mutually satisfying. Very cloes and trusted friends share confidences candidly. They feel secure that they will not be ridiculed or derided, and their confidences will be bonored. Betraying a trust is a very quick and painful way to terminate a friedship. As friendships solidify, ties strengthen. Intimate relationships enrich people"life. Some components of a thriving friendship are honesty, naturalness, thoughtfulness, and some common intersts. Circumstance and people are constantly changing. Some friedships last "forever"; others do not. Nerertheless, friendship is an essential ingredient in the making of a healthful, rewarding life.这篇比较深,不知道你是几年级的? 2.A life without a friend is a life without a sun. Friendship is one of the most important things in everyone"s life. Friends are who changes your life just by being a part of it, who makes you believe that there really is good in the world, who convinces you that there really is an unlock door just waiting for you to open it. When you"re down, friends lift you up. When you lose your way, friends guide you and cheer you on. So cherish your friend, Do not save your loving speeches, for your friends till they are dead Do not write them on their tombstones, speak them rather now instead.这篇看看适合吗?3.Friendship is like the breeze, You can"t hold it, Smell it, Taste itOr know when it"s coming, But you can always feel it, And you"ll always know it"s there, It may come and then go, But you can know it"ll always be back.. 友谊如微风 特里-范宁友谊如和煦的微风,你握不住它,闻不到它,尝不到它,无法知道它何时光临,不过你总能感觉到它,而且总能意识到它的存在,它可能会来了而又走开,但你知道它总会回来。这是首诗歌,希望能帮到你~


relation/relationship 关系,联系,往来;常常在文章中用作the relation/relationship betwwen A and Brelationship 更强调关系,比如说男女的暧昧关系;correlation/correlationship 相互关系,强调相互;相关性;related 有关的,强调A和B之间有联系;correlated 相互关联的,常常表示一件事引起另一件事。

relationship 和 correlation 意思和用法上有什么不同?

意思:前者用于广泛的关系,比如男女关系,亲属关系等等。后者是指两者的依存关系,有相互的。因为有前缀cor用法:前者好后者都常加介词between witheg:They found a strong correlation between urban deprivation and poor improved relationship between the police and local people

relationship 和 correlation 意思和用法上有什么不同?


relationship 和 correlation 意思和用法上有什么不同?


What is leader-member exchange theory and what does it say about leadership?

【答案】:Leader-member exchange theory states that fades establish “in- groups" and“out- groups." Those in the in- group will have higher performance, lower mover, and greater job satisfaction. This is due to the leader and folksinger investing in the interrelationship.

Shipper associations的作用



Friendshipis a strange thing....We find ourselves telling each other the deepest details of our lives….Things we don"t even share with our families who raised us….But what is a Friend???A Confidant?A Lover?A Fellow email junkie?A Shoulder to cry on?An Ear to listen?A Heart to feel?... A Friendis all these things...and more.No matterwhere we met, ....I call you Friend.A word so small...Yet so large in feeling...A word filled with emotion.It is true great things come in small packages. Once the package of FRIENDSHIP has been opened, it can never be closed... It is a constant book always written...Waiting to be read... And enjoyed. We may have our disagreements...We may argue... We may concern one another...FRIENDSHIP is a unique bond that lasts through it all....A part of me is put into my friends...Some it is my humor...Some it is my listening ear...Some it is real life experiences...Some it is my romanticism...but with all, it is friendship.Friendships forged are a construct stronger than steel built as a foundation....Necessary for life...AndNecessary for love.Friends...You and me...You brought another friend…And then there were 3...We started our group...Our circle of friends...And like that circle... there is no beginning no end...We"ve Been Friends for Such a Long and Lovely TimeThere is no Friend like the Old Friend who has shared our morning days,No Greeting like his Welcome,No homage like his Praise;Fame is the scentless Sunflower, with a gaudy crown of gold;But Friendship is the breathing Rose, with sweets in every fold.

跪求abandon all ships《guardian angel》歌词翻译! 我有歌词! 万分感谢!

I"ll be there watching fromWay up highThe shadow you can"t seeWhen the sun"s in the skyWandering eyesHave no disguiseIt"s obviousThat this love never diesNever DiesI"ll be your guardian angelYour sweet company keepNo matter where I goI"ll make sure you"re all I seeI"ll be your guardian angelYour sweet company keepNo matter where I goI"ll make sure you"re all I seeI"ll be your guardian angelGuardian angelGuardian angelGuardian angelGuardian angelGuardian angelGuardian angelWatching over youWhen you thought you were aloneYou turned your back on meIt"s cause you think you sit high on a throneI"ll always have you on your kneesI"ll be your guardian angelYour sweet company keepNo matter where I goI"ll make sure you"re all I seeMy eyes are gluedI don"t mean to intrudeI can"t get them off of youI pray you"ll be watching fromWay up highThe shadow I can"t seeWhen the sun"s in the skyWatching over youShe felt a sense of fearAs I came nearAnd on my faceI drew a tearI"ll be your guardian angelYour sweet company keepNo matter where I goI"ll make sure your all I seeMy eyes are gluedI don"t mean to intrudeI can"t get themOff of youI"ll be there watching fromWay up highThe shadow you can"t seeWhen the sun"s in the skyDeclan Galbraith--守护天使(圣诞颂歌版)大家一起过来 我来告诉你们现在是帮助朋友的时候世界上有如此多的爱所以我们要彼此分享如果每个人都伸出手 我们就能成功对我们所祈祷的说一声谢谢抬起头四处看看你会发现生活如此美好所以伸出手别害怕和我在一起就会有守护天使只要有信心 你就会看到有一天你会看到守护天使守在你的后面它会为你指引方向是的 我知道会有你的守护天使所以要有信心 这就会实现有一天你会找到你的守护天使他会为你引导方向让我们站起来 团结起来我们需要的是力量与爱我们都可以过自己的生活在和平与和谐中互相感谢和我在一起就会有守护天使只要有信心 你就会看到有一天你会看到守护天使守在你的后面是的 我知道会有你的守护天使所以要有信心 这就会实现有一天你会找到你的守护天使不要让你的梦想褪色坚持住 听我所说的有一天 会有守护天使只要有信心 你就会看到有一天你会看到守护天使守在你的后面它会为你指引方向是的 我知道会有你的守护天使所以要有信心 这就会实现有一天你会找到守护天使他会为你指引方向 没啦~~~




本身是个意大利航海家。其后人以其名字命名公司以及服装商品名。人名翻译:瓦雳迩船长公司以及商品名:老船长介绍: 在十七、十八世纪,欧洲海权扩张的年代。人们目光的焦点总是集中在船坚炮利的海上军事强权:如英国、西班牙、葡萄牙等等。却忽略了意大利这个航海的老大哥。早从罗马帝国时代,即已丛横整个地中海海域。而当各地海上强权在各处豪夺筐取时,意大利也已发展出当时数一数二之商务船队。凭籍着丰富的航海经验,航迹遍及五大皱,三大洋,也孕育出许多的航海奇才。如:W.L.E SHIPCHIF等等。  据船员们相传瓦雳迩船长是在罗马出生的家中时代以打铁维生,但瓦雳迩从小却向往着大海的冒险生活,十五岁既离家上船从杂役做起,凭着刻苦的精神及过人的毅力,三十岁既拥有了第一艘十六帆远洋货船,五十岁时已是拥有二十余艘远洋货船船队的主人,瓦雳迩船长的航海技术是无庸置疑的。他的海上穿着更是影响后世很深。君不见铁克尼号电影中船长的装扮和瓦雳迩船长似是如出一辙。  二十世纪初,瓦雳迩船长的后代中,出现了一位艺术的爱好者-TILE DINTSON。他虽然出生在航海世家,却偏爱艺术的领域,曾经赴艺术之都-巴黎,侵淫在丰富的人文气息下,奠定了日后设计服饰的根基。回到意大利后,投身在设计之都-米兰,以他自幼在家中常看到的先人关淤航海方面的照片及油画上之穿着为灵感,设计出一系列的(海洋系列)(Yachting)服饰,带动了一阵兼具古典(Classic)与新潮(Modern)的流行风潮,也使TILE DINTSON轻易的在米兰的时装设计界占有一席知地,为了感念先人,TILE DINTSON特地将瓦雳迩船长的侧面肖像加上其名字瓦雳迩,绘制成一个图腾,一直延用至今,历久不衰。  瓦雳迩品牌服饰一直秉持其特殊的欧洲品味,设计师的独特风格,一直领导群伦,凸显其高贵品牌的表徽。深受各国之品味男仕喜爱。老船长的标志,长久以来地也一直是世界性高贵品牌的象徽。



Billing address和Shipping address有什么不同

1、具体含义不同Billing address,的意思是账单地址,与收发文件的账户有关。Shipping address的意思是收货地址,与网购收货地址有关。2、使用场合不同Billing address比较少用,一般用于物流公司的内部账单中,属于财务类专有名词。Shipping address被广泛使用,特别是在需要快递、邮寄的语境中。例句:It holds credit-card numbers and other personal informationsuch as a shipping address.它保存信用卡号码和其它个人信息,如送货地址。Please email us your name, shipping address and contact number as well.请邮件我们您的名子,地址和联络号码。扩展资料词汇解析:1、Billing address英文发音: [u02c8bu026alu026au014b u0259u02c8dres]中文释义:账单地址;信用卡账单地址;开票地址例句:This class models the billing address for a person or an organization.该类建模一名个人或一个组织的账单邮寄地址。2、Shipping address英文发音: [u02c8u0283u026apu026au014b u0259u02c8dres]中文释义:收货地址;运输地址;配送地址;送货地址例句:For example an internet mailing company might have an XML document with a billing address and delivery addressassociated with a customer"s order.例如,一个因特网邮件服务公司可能有一个XML文档,内容是与客户订单挂钩的记帐地址与投递地址。

Ship Lost At Sea (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Ship Lost At Sea (Album Version)歌手:Phantom Planet专辑:Raise The DeadRaise The DeadPhantom PlanetShip Lost At SeaHey!Arms of the ocean reach out for you!Rusty pipesCan"t help calling for you too!The brine is finer than wine,But be careful not to drink too much,"Cause there are remains on the bottom of that cup.If you fear you"ve had enoughOf that salty stuff,I"m on the beachReading a book.Lost in a page.Lost for an age.I could be your bonfireAnd you could be my ship out at seaLook,I"m not after your charityAnd My Dear, I don"t want you pleased with yourself .What is that feeling of pride -When you throw your coin in a beggar"s cap?Selfless acts are quite selfishwhen you think about "em like that!But I"ve been thinking of youAnd how to improve."Cause I"m in a fixAnd your heart is tool.Help someone who"s close!Could be me, right?Who knows?You could be my handout,And I"d be your good deed for the dayI want a puzzle I don"t have to beatA watch I don"t have to windI really want to find your missing pieceAnd make itMine all mine all mine!So If you"re hopeless and beat,Lower than your feet,Or up to your neck,Or down on your knees,In way to deep,And out of ideasI can be your brainchild,If you promise to take care of me.Whoa.I could be your bonfireAnd you could be my ship out at sea!One More TimeI can be your boyfriendAnd you can pretend not to know me!

unlimited membership扣钱103块?


求west coast friendship歌词~~

WEST COAST FRIENDSHIP Are you out there? Where the rainy days begin To feel rather sad and walls are closing in like the darkness around me It"s so hard to look away when the daylight doesn"t ever stay Above this dull apartment view oh I will surround you It"s quite clear that I"m stuck here so I"ll devise a plan and cut out a door in my new living room floor The porch light is so bright that I will quickly sneak down the dark metal shape of the rusty fire escape I bought a one-way ticket (first-class) cuz I knew I"d never see the ground Unless I was aboard a jet plane and we were going down And I woke up beside the ocean and I realized I must be in California :rICky TanG Aloha, my happy west coast friends Do you feel alive when the breaking waves arrive and rush all around you? The beach homes in Oceanside are quite well-known by the evening tide And we can sleep where we reside with redwoods around us The blue air is up there and could I bring it down, I"d bottle it up and save it for a sweet summer night I bought a one-way ticket (first-class) cuz I knew I"d never see the ground Unless I was aboard a jet plane and we were going down When I wiped the tears from my eyes, the warm water took me by surprise When I wiped the tears from my eyes, the warm water took me by surprise And I woke up beside the ocean and I realized I must be in California I must be in California Am I awake or is this just a dream? :rICky TanG The New Year is out here and I will make a lovely list of your charms so I"ll never feel alone in your arms I must be in California I must be in California Oh my dear, I can feel you here


WEST COAST FRIENDSHIP    Are you out there? Where the rainy days begin    To feel rather sad and walls are closing in like the darkness around me It"s so hard to look away when the daylight doesn"t ever stay   Above this dull apartment view oh I will surround you   It"s quite clear that I"m stuck here  so I"ll devise a plan and cut out a door in my new living room floor    The porch light is so bright   that I will quickly sneak down the dark metal shape of the rusty fire escape I bought a one-way ticket (first-class) cuz I knew I"d never see the ground   Unless I was aboard a jet plane and we were going down   When I wiped the tears from my eyes, the warm water took me by surprise   And I woke up beside the ocean and I realized   I must be in California   Aloha, my happy west coastfriends   Do you feel alive when the breaking waves arrive and rush all around you?   The beach homes in Oceanside are quite well-known by the evening tide   And we can sleep where we reside with redwoods around us   The blue air is up there and could I bring it down,   I"d bottle it up and save it for a sweet summer night   I bought a one-way ticket (first-class)    cuz I knew I"d never see the ground   Unless I was aboard a jet plane and we were going down   When I wiped the tears from my eyes, the warm water took me by surprise   And I woke up beside the ocean and I realized   I must be in California   I must be in California   Am I awake or is this just a dream?   The New Year is out here and   I will make a lovely list of your charms   so I"ll never feel alone in your arms   I must be in California   I must be in California


自己翻译的,LZ看看,有些地方还是不通顺,见谅见谅~~WEST COAST FRIENDSHIP 西海岸的友谊Are you out there? Where the rainy days begin 你已经离开了么?To feel rather sad and walls are closing in like the darkness around me 这个雨季更加悲伤,周围的墙壁变成的漆黑一片紧紧包围着我。It"s so hard to look away when the daylight doesn"t ever stay 白天永不停歇,眼望他处也变得困难起来Above this dull apartment view oh I will surround you 如此,我也不屑于晦暗的公寓视野。哦,我想在你身边It"s quite clear that I"m stuck here 很明显的,我被困在这里了so I"ll devise a plan and cut out a door in my new living room floor 于是我相处了一个计划,在新客厅的地板上开凿出一扇门The porch light is so bright 那入口处的光线十分明亮that I will quickly sneak down the dark metal shape of the rusty fire escape 我偷偷地下进深色金属形状的走火通道(火灾安全出口)I bought a one-way ticket (first-class) 我买了一张单程机票(头等舱的)cuz I knew I"d never see the ground 因为我知道我将不会再看见这片土地了。Unless I was aboard a jet plane and we were going down 除非我坐的是喷气式飞机,而且我们还在不断往下掉。And I woke up beside the ocean and I realized 我一醒来,身在海边I must be in California 我意识到,我一定是在加利福尼亚了:rICky TanG Aloha, my happy west coast friends 你好(夏威夷语),我亲爱的西海岸朋友Do you feel alive when the breaking waves arrive and rush all around you? 当海浪涌到你身上将你包围时,你能感受到那种生机活力么The beach homes in Oceanside are quite well-known by the evening tide 在欧申赛德(美国地名)海滩上的家对于夜晚的潮汐十分出名And we can sleep where we reside with redwoods around us 我们能够住在红树林里睡觉休息The blue air is up there and could I bring it down, 蓝色的空气就在我们头顶,我能将它带下来么I"d bottle it up and save it for a sweet summer night 我会把它装进瓶子,好好保存一个甜蜜的夏夜I bought a one-way ticket (first-class) 我买了一张单程机票(头等舱的)cuz I knew I"d never see the ground 因为我知道我再也看不到这片土地了Unless I was aboard a jet plane and we were going down 除非我是坐了一家喷气式飞机,而且我们还在不停下坠When I wiped the tears from my eyes, the warm water took me by surprise 我擦干了眼中的泪水,这些暖暖的泪水让竟我吃惊When I wiped the tears from my eyes, the warm water took me by surprise 我擦干了眼中的泪水,这些暖暖的泪水让竟我吃惊And I woke up beside the ocean and I realized 我一醒来,身在海边I must be in California 我想我一定是在加利福尼亚I must be in California 我一定是在加利福尼亚Am I awake or is this just a dream? 我会醒来么?这只是一个梦么?:rICky TanG The New Year is out here and 新年已经不在了I will make a lovely list of your charms 我会把你的魅力都列成一张可爱单子so I"ll never feel alone in your arms 这样我在你的臂弯里就不会感到孤单了I must be in California 我一定是在加利福尼亚I must be in California 我一定是在加利福尼亚Oh my dear, I can feel you here 亲爱的,我能感受到你也在这里。

加拿大签证,我是游客为什么要填Custodianship Declaration?


谁知道Custodianship Declaration 什么意思啊???急用急用急用急用急用!!!


谁有最新的ESET_NOD32 用户名和密码,在线等,重金。发我邮箱


抖音上friendship和I love poland结合在一起的那首歌是啥?

这首歌名就是叫做《I love Poland》。音乐里说的不是“by the forlen”,而是“I love Poland”,翻译过来就是“我爱波兰”的意思。毕竟口语这个东西不是轻易就能学会的,连贯起来读可能英语没有个四六级怕是一时间反应不过来的。当然这首歌也有人会翻译成中文,这也就是抖音里的所谓的“皇家翻译”了吧,“买了风否”、“买了否愣”、“买了佛否”,果然网友们的能力依然是比较强大的。I love Poland歌词互译:Chicks in Poland are so hot,波兰小妞如此火辣I love Poland kurwa ma!我他*的爱波兰!I love Poland.( Poland?)我爱波兰(波兰?)I love Poland.( Why?)我爱波兰(为什么?)I love Poland.(I donapos;t belive it.)我爱波兰(我不信)I love Poland.(Poland?)我爱波兰(波兰?)I love Poland.(Why?)我爱波兰(为什么?)I love Poland,(Shut up!)我爱波兰(闭嘴!)I love driving by my car我爱开着我的车and the road its not so far.这条路并不远

急!!求英语作文the meaning of friendship 300字左右 无语法错误 请发邮箱 万分感谢!!


以”how to keep friendship"为题写一篇英语作文,120~150词左

I have a best friend.We shared our stories with each other.I never cheated her,I love her just like my sister.However,I found she sometimes kept her emotions or ideas to herself.I am afraid that she will leave me alone.I have a lot of friends,but she is the real one.Now,she has a new friend.I find our frienship is fading even though she does not admit that.What should I do?I do not want to be active to keep touch with her again ,I am so tired.However,I do not want to lose her.I am in a dilemma.


//解析XPATH指定的结点 DOMXPathNSResolver* resolver = xml_doc->createNSResolver(xml_root); DOMXPathResult* result = xml_doc->evaluate( X(xpath.c_str()), xml_root, resolver, DOMXPathResult::ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, NULL); XMLSize_t nLength = result->getSnapshotLength(); temp = ""; if (nLength > 0) { result->snapshotItem(0); DOMNode* curentNode = result->getNodeValue(); if (*config[i][2].c_str() == "@") //代表要取相应结点的属性 { DOMNamedNodeMap* attrs = curentNode->getAttributes(); DOMAttr* attr = (DOMAttr*)attrs->getNamedItem(X("id")); if (NULL != attr) { char* to_char = XMLString::transcode(attr->getValue()); temp = to_char; free(to_char); } } else if(config[i][2] == "value") //代表要取相应结点的cdata { char* to_char = XMLString::transcode(curentNode->getTextContent()); temp = to_char; free(to_char);


memeber,n.成员;分子;身体部位(尤指胳膊或腿);构件,部件。membership, n.会员资格;会员身份;会员全体。区别在于读法不同,member意在身体的各个部分(尤指胳膊或腿),membership意在会员资格,与身体无关系,偏向社会关系。



in partnership 表示的"以合作伙伴的身份" 做状语?



英文原文:public private partnership英式音标:[u02c8pu028cblu026ak] [u02c8prau026avu0259t] [u02c8pɑu02d0tnu0259u0283u026ap] 美式音标:[u02c8pu028cblu026ak] [u02c8prau026avu0259t] [u02c8pɑrtnu025au0283u026ap]


public-private partnership 公私伙伴关系 例句: 1. Public-private partnership governance and public service delivery. 公私夥伴治理与公共服务输送。 2. On offer was 51% of a public-private partnership with infraero, brazil"s lumber...

Limited Partnership是什么意思啊?


distribution partnership是什么意思

distribution partnership英 [u02ccdistriu02c8bju:u0283u0259n u02c8pɑ:tnu0259u0283ip] 美 [u02ccdu026astru0259u02c8bjuu0283u0259n u02c8pɑrtnu025au02ccu0283u026ap][财]拆股distribution英 [u02ccdu026astru026au02c8bju:u0283n] 美 [u02ccdu026astru0259u02c8bjuu0283u0259n]n.分配,分布; [法](无遗嘱死亡者的)财产分配; [无线]频率分布; [电]配电网 络分布;分配;分发;分销复数: distributions派生词:distributionalpartnership英 [u02c8pɑ:tnu0259u0283u026ap] 美 [u02c8pɑ:rtnu0259ru0283u026ap]n.伙伴关系; 合伙人身份; 合作关系; 合营公司网 络伙伴关系;合伙;合伙企业;夥伴关系

商法问题 关于partnership和corporations


Limited Partnership代表什么?

同学你好,很高兴为您解答!  Limited Partnership有限合伙两个或以上合伙人合作经营业务,其中一个或以上合伙人只需承担相等于投资额的责任。有限责任合伙人不能收取股息,但可直接分享收入及分担开支。  对于各个投资领域内的专业人员,包括基金经理、证券分析师、财务总监、投资顾问、投资银行家、交易员等等,CFA非常重要;它直接证明了你的职业素养和能力,被投资业看成一个“黄金标准”,这一资格被认为是投资业界中具有专业技能和职业操守的承诺。考生考过CFA对自己将会有很大帮助。  希望我的回答能帮助您解决问题,如您满意,请采纳为最佳答案哟。  再次感谢您的提问,更多财会问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!

Limited Liability Partnership什么意思

Limited Liability Partnership有限责任合伙双语对照词典结果:Limited Liability Partnershipn.有限责任合伙(LLP); 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Global Counsel is a Limited Liability Partnership, which permits Mandelson to publish limited information about it.

in partnership with是什么意思

partner.ship名词1 (U) (工作等的) 合伙,合作in partnership with与…合作2 (C)合伙公司ageneralpartnership普通合伙公司a limited [special] partnership有限合伙公司

Limited Liability Partnership什么意思

Limited Liability Partnershipn.有限责任合伙(LLP);

ACCA F3中有关partnership的问题 真祖。。。。


什么是Limited Partnership 通译为有限合伙

Limited Partnership(LP)通译为有限合伙。有限合伙企业中又分LP指的是有限合伙人limited partner,就是出钱的,仅仅投资资本,但不参与公司管理GP指得是普通合伙人,general partner,就是负责投资管理的,两方面合起来就采用有限合伙的方式.Limited Partnership这种制度安排是由资金的所有者向贸易操作者提供资金,投资者按约定获取利润的一部分,但不承担超过出资之外的亏损;如果经营者不存在个人过错,投资者亦不得要求经营者对其投资损失承担赔偿责任。20世纪以来,风险投资行为采用的主要组织形式即为有限合伙(LP),且通常以基金的形式存在。投资人以出资为限对合伙企业债务承担有限责任,而基金管理人以普通合伙人的身份对基金进行管理并对合伙企业债务承担无限责任。这样既能降低投资人的风险,又能促使基金管理人为基金的增值勤勉谨慎服务。

Limited Partnership是什么意思?

有限合伙是一种类似于普通合伙的合伙企业,只是除了“普通合伙人”之外有限合伙还可以包括“有限合伙人”。普通合伙人的法律地位在几乎所有范围与普通合伙企业里的合伙人一模一样。他们拥有经营权、享受预先确定的盈利、而且在债务上承担与普通合伙企业同样的连带责任。通常在法律上,普通合伙人有表见代理权,这可以让他们用自己身份使企业加入契约。有限合伙人类似于股份有限公司里的股东。他们只有有限责任,当负债时,他们的损失不超过他们的投资资本。因此他们没有直接经营权。有些合伙契约里包含支付有限合伙人股息的条文。设立或更改有限合伙的组合时,大多国家和地区都要求有限合伙人与有关部门登记,声明自己的资本。在代表企业时,有限合伙人必须声明自己所拥有的地位或权利,因为他们没有表见性的代理权和经营权。有限合伙于有限责任合伙性质不同,有限责任合伙里所有合伙人都有有限责任。Limited partnerships (LPs) and limited liability partnerships (LLPs) are both businesses with more than one owner, but unlike generalpartnerships, limited partnerships and limited liability partnershipsoffer some of their owners limited personal liability for business debts.

sole trader, partnership,company 三个单词词有什么不同?如何区分?

sole trader是指独立贸易商,专卖店,专营商,也就是独资、自营partnership是指伙伴关系或合伙企业company是公司、组织的总称partnership是不同的公司,为了各自的利益进行合作的这样一种关系,就是一项生意被两个及其以上的公司合作最后共同分享利润;company就是出售商品或者服务的公司;sole trader是指个体户,就是资金来自个人积蓄或亲戚朋友。

Limited Partnership是什么意思?

Limited Partnership有限合伙; 相关单词:limited partnership百度百科翻译Limited Partnership(LP)通译为有限合伙。 有限合伙企业中又分LP指的是有限合伙人limited partner,就是出钱的,仅仅投资资本,但不参与公司管理 GP指得是普通合伙人,general partner,就是负责投资管理的,方式两方面合起来就采用有限合伙的方式. Limited Partnership这种制度安排是由资金的所有者向贸易操作者提供资金,投资者按约定获取利润的一部分,但不承担超过出资之外的亏损;如果经营者不存在个人过错,投资者亦不得要求经营者对其投资损失承担赔偿责任。 20世纪以来,风险投资行为采用的主要组织形式即为有限合伙(LP)…

Partnership Current Account-急问

首先,你要分清楚,partnership current account是属于Capital account 而capital account 是与asset 同liabilities的account不同的, 是credit side 是属于增加收入,而debit side是属于减少收入, 所以,由于interest of drawing 是partner 向公司借钱而要支付的利息, 因此它是partner 的支出,即是在debit side。 而Interst of Capital Salares Profit Shared(Ratio)他们全都是partner 的收入, 因此就是在current account的credit side。 而appropriation account的作用是在profit and loss account 中加减了partner 的影响到公司的profit or loss的account,因此,appropriation account是由 公司的角落出发的。好像是interest of drawing咁,因为是partner给公司的 费用,因此,在appropriation account里面,interest of drawing是add的。 Interest of capital其实可以说是公司俾返利息分配给各partner,但是 最正确的说法就是因为每一个partner的投入公司的capital的份量也不一样, 而他们的工作量有很大的机会是同等的,为了避免对投入多一点资金的 partner不公平,因此公司就会按照他们投入公司的capital的比例派发 interest of capital来补偿partner们,而由于interest of capital 是公司给 partner的补偿金,因此,在appropriation 里面,interest of capital是减的。 而salaries就是公司为了奖励partner负起了一些他指定工作以外的责任或工作, 而支付的特别薪水。因此在appropriation 里面,salaries是减的,因为是公司的支出。 其实在appropriation 里面,来来去去也是只有数个items,慢慢记清楚就没问题了。 其实partnership的profit and loss account 和balanca sheet是很简单的,做多点就 没问题了。 参考: 自己,account books

unity entity partnership partner的区别

entity是一种抽象概念(与属性等区别的)本质 实体unity是团结 一致 联合partnership是【经营】方面 企业的合伙合作关系partner有动词的用法 有合伙,使合作的意思,也有名词伙伴的意思

corporate和partnership 区别

corporate英 ["ku0254u02d0pu0259ru0259t] 美 ["ku0254u02d0rpu0259ru0259t] adj. 法人的;公司的;社团的;共同的;全体的;社团的;团体的市政府的;公司的partnership英 ["pɑu02d0tnu0259u0283u026ap] 美 ["pɑu02d0rtnu0259ru0283u026ap] n. 合伙人身份;合股;合伙经营corporate是形容词,partnership是名词。partnership 合伙人公司. 与sole proprietorship差不多, 唯一的不同是sole proprietorship 只有一个拥有人, partnership由多个合作伙伴拥有. 但是如果公司倒闭, 债权人可以要求把所有合伙人的个人资产变卖来还债corporate 有限公司. 公司的资产和公司拥有人的资产分开, 公司如果倒闭, 与拥有人的个人资产无关, 债权人不可以要求把公司拥有人的个人资产变卖.


partnership[英][u02c8pɑ:tnu0259u0283u026ap][美][u02c8pɑ:rtnu0259ru0283u026ap]n.伙伴关系; 合作关系; 合伙人身份; 合营公司; 复数:partnerships例句:1.That really must underpin our partnership. 这必将对我们的合作关系打下基础。

how to maintain friendship是什么意思?

How to maintain friendship 意思是如何维持友谊。以下是三篇以《How to maintain friendship》为题的英语作文,仅供大家参考。友情第一篇以下这篇作文介绍了如何维持友谊。提出了沟通、彼此协调、互相理解、珍惜友情等方面的建议,强调了通过这些简单步骤可以加强友谊和建立长久的关系。Friendship is an important part of our lives, but maintaining friendships can be a challenge. Here are some tips on how to maintain friendship: Firstly, communication is key. Regularly check in with your friends, listen to them and share your own experiences and feelings. Secondly, make time for each other. Even if it"s just a quick phone call or text message, staying in touch shows that you value the friendship. Thirdly, be understanding of each other"s differences and be willing to compromise. Finally, remember to show appreciation by expressing gratitude and acknowledging their efforts to maintain the friendship. By following these simple steps, we can strengthen our friendships and build long-lasting relationships.难词解释:1. Communication (名词) - 沟通、交流。2. Compromise (动词/名词) - 妥协、折中、和解。翻译:友谊是我们生活中很重要的一部分,但维持友谊可能会面临挑战。以下是一些如何维持友谊的建议:首先,沟通非常重要。定期与你的朋友保持联系,倾听他们的心声,并分享自己的经历和感受。其次,抽出时间来见面。即使只是一个简短的电话或短信,保持联系表明你珍视这份友情。第三,理解并接受彼此的不同之处,愿意妥协。最后,记得表达感激之情,赞扬对方为维持友谊所付出的努力。通过遵循这些简单步骤,我们可以加强友谊、建立长久的关系。第二篇以下这篇作文介绍了通过沟通、彼此留些时间、理解和支持等方面的建议来保持友谊的重要性和方法。Maintaining friendships can be challenging, but it is essential for our well-being. Here are some ways to keep your friendships strong: Firstly, communication is key. Keep in touch with your friends regularly and let them know you care about them. Secondly, make time for each other. Even if you have busy schedules, try to meet up or call each other frequently to catch up. Thirdly, show understanding and empathy towards your friends" feelings and needs. Finally, be supportive and express gratitude for their friendship. Remember that friendship requires effort and commitment, but the rewards of strong connections and support are worth it.难词解释:1. Empathy (名词) - 同情心、共情能力。2. Commitment (名词) - 承诺、投入、奉献。翻译:维持友谊可能会面临挑战,但它对于我们的幸福很重要。以下是一些保持友谊强大的方法:首先,沟通非常关键。经常与朋友保持联系,让他们知道你在乎他们。其次,留出时间给彼此相处。即使你们都很忙,尽量经常见面或打电话来聊聊天。第三,理解和同情朋友的感受和需求。最后,支持和感激他们的友谊。记住,友谊需要努力和承诺,但强大的联系和支持带来的回报是值得的。第三篇以下这篇作文介绍了通过沟通、共同参与活动、理解和支持等方面的建议来建立并保持强大的友谊。Friendship is an important part of our lives, but it can be challenging to maintain. Here are some ways to keep your friendships strong: Firstly, communicate regularly with your friends and listen to their concerns. Secondly, make time for each other and participate in shared activities. Thirdly, show empathy and understanding towards your friend"s emotions and feelings. Fourthly, be reliable and supportive during difficult times. Finally, express gratitude for their friendship and acknowledge the effort they put into maintaining it. In summary, building and maintaining strong friendships requires effort, but it is worth it for the support and joy that comes from these relationships.难词解释:1. Empathy (名词) - 同情心、共情能力,即理解和感受他人的情感。2. Reliable (形容词) - 可靠的、可信赖的,指能够在需要时提供支持或帮助的人。翻译:友谊是我们生活中重要的一部分,但维持友谊可能会面临挑战。以下是一些保持友谊强大的方法:首先,与朋友经常沟通并倾听他们的关注。其次,留出时间给彼此相处并共同参与活动。第三,对朋友的情感和感受表现出同情和理解。第四,在困难时期可靠并提供支持性帮助。最后,表达对他们的友谊的感激,并承认他们为维护友谊所付出的努力。总之,建立和保持强大的友谊需要努力,但这对于从这些关系中获得的支持和快乐是值得的。

作文《How to maintain friendship》

Title: How to Maintain FriendshipIntroduction:Friendship is a valuable bond that brings joy, support, and companionship into our lives. However, maintaining strong and lasting friendships requires effort and dedication. In this essay, we will explore several essential aspects of maintaining friendship and discuss practical steps to nurture and strengthen these relationships.1. Communication:Effective communication lies at the heart of any successful friendship. Regularly staying in touch, actively listening, and expressing oneself honestly are vital elements of fostering strong bonds. As the saying goes, "A true friend is someone who listens when you speak, understands when you"re silent."2. Trust and Loyalty:Trust is the foundation of every enduring friendship. Being reliable, trustworthy, and keeping confidences are essential to maintaining trust. Friends should stand by each other through thick and thin, exemplifying loyalty. The phrase "A friend in need is a friend indeed" reminds us of the importance of being there for our friends during challenging times.3. Respect and Understanding:Respect for each other"s opinions, beliefs, and boundaries is crucial in any friendship. Accepting differences and embracing diversity strengthens the bond between friends. Understanding that we may not always agree but can still respect each other"s perspectives fosters a harmonious and supportive friendship.4. Shared Experiences and Memories:Creating lasting memories through shared experiences is an excellent way to deepen friendships. Engaging in activities together, whether it"s going on adventures, attending events, or simply spending quality time, helps build a strong foundation. As the proverb says, "Shared joy is a double joy; shared sorrow is half a sorrow."5. Forgiveness and Empathy:No friendship is immune to misunderstandings or conflicts. Learning to forgive and empathize with our friends is essential for maintaining healthy relationships. Understanding that we all make mistakes and being willing to resolve conflicts with kindness and compassion reinforces the bond of friendship.Conclusion:Friendship is a treasure that enriches our lives, and maintaining it requires attention and effort. By practicing open communication, trust, respect, sharing experiences, and showing forgiveness and empathy, we can cultivate lasting and meaningful friendships. As Ralph Waldo Emerson wisely said, "The only way to have a friend is to be one." Let us cherish our friendships and invest in their growth, for they bring immense happiness and support to our journey through life.

何如维持友谊 How to Maintain the Friendship

Everyone needs friends in their lives, no one can live alone, they need friends to share their sorrow and happiness, so that they can keep the good mood. But even the marriage needs to run in the long term, for friendship, people will confront all kinds of problems, the one who can deal with the problems well will maintain the friendship. When you have argument with your friends, both of you do not want to give in, at this time, you need to calm down and be general, you can release the intense atmosphere。In a few days, when both of you have calmed down, the argument is nothing but a small interlude. Sometimes your friend will work in another place, if you two are lazy to contact with each other, friendship is easy to lose as the time went by. Maintaining friendship is not easy. 每个人一生中都需要朋友,没有人可以独自活着,他们需要朋友来分享喜怒哀乐,这样他们就能保持好的心情。但是即使婚姻也需要长期经营,对于友谊,人们会面对各种各样的问题,谁能处理好问题谁就能维持好友谊。当你和朋友争吵的时候,你们谁也不想退步,这时候,你需要冷静并且绅士点,缓解下紧张的氛围。不久后,当你们都冷静下来,曾经的争吵不过是一个小插曲。有时候你的朋友在外地工作,如果你们两个都懒得去联系彼此,友谊很容易会随着时间的流逝而失去。维持友谊不容易。

how to maintain friendship什么意思?

How to maintain friendship 意思是如何维持友谊。以下是三篇以《How to maintain friendship》为题的英语作文,仅供大家参考。友情第一篇以下这篇作文介绍了如何维持友谊。提出了沟通、彼此协调、互相理解、珍惜友情等方面的建议,强调了通过这些简单步骤可以加强友谊和建立长久的关系。Friendship is an important part of our lives, but maintaining friendships can be a challenge. Here are some tips on how to maintain friendship: Firstly, communication is key. Regularly check in with your friends, listen to them and share your own experiences and feelings. Secondly, make time for each other. Even if it"s just a quick phone call or text message, staying in touch shows that you value the friendship. Thirdly, be understanding of each other"s differences and be willing to compromise. Finally, remember to show appreciation by expressing gratitude and acknowledging their efforts to maintain the friendship. By following these simple steps, we can strengthen our friendships and build long-lasting relationships.难词解释:1. Communication (名词) - 沟通、交流。2. Compromise (动词/名词) - 妥协、折中、和解。翻译:友谊是我们生活中很重要的一部分,但维持友谊可能会面临挑战。以下是一些如何维持友谊的建议:首先,沟通非常重要。定期与你的朋友保持联系,倾听他们的心声,并分享自己的经历和感受。其次,抽出时间来见面。即使只是一个简短的电话或短信,保持联系表明你珍视这份友情。第三,理解并接受彼此的不同之处,愿意妥协。最后,记得表达感激之情,赞扬对方为维持友谊所付出的努力。通过遵循这些简单步骤,我们可以加强友谊、建立长久的关系。第二篇以下这篇作文介绍了通过沟通、彼此留些时间、理解和支持等方面的建议来保持友谊的重要性和方法。Maintaining friendships can be challenging, but it is essential for our well-being. Here are some ways to keep your friendships strong: Firstly, communication is key. Keep in touch with your friends regularly and let them know you care about them. Secondly, make time for each other. Even if you have busy schedules, try to meet up or call each other frequently to catch up. Thirdly, show understanding and empathy towards your friends" feelings and needs. Finally, be supportive and express gratitude for their friendship. Remember that friendship requires effort and commitment, but the rewards of strong connections and support are worth it.难词解释:1. Empathy (名词) - 同情心、共情能力。2. Commitment (名词) - 承诺、投入、奉献。翻译:维持友谊可能会面临挑战,但它对于我们的幸福很重要。以下是一些保持友谊强大的方法:首先,沟通非常关键。经常与朋友保持联系,让他们知道你在乎他们。其次,留出时间给彼此相处。即使你们都很忙,尽量经常见面或打电话来聊聊天。第三,理解和同情朋友的感受和需求。最后,支持和感激他们的友谊。记住,友谊需要努力和承诺,但强大的联系和支持带来的回报是值得的。第三篇以下这篇作文介绍了通过沟通、共同参与活动、理解和支持等方面的建议来建立并保持强大的友谊。Friendship is an important part of our lives, but it can be challenging to maintain. Here are some ways to keep your friendships strong: Firstly, communicate regularly with your friends and listen to their concerns. Secondly, make time for each other and participate in shared activities. Thirdly, show empathy and understanding towards your friend"s emotions and feelings. Fourthly, be reliable and supportive during difficult times. Finally, express gratitude for their friendship and acknowledge the effort they put into maintaining it. In summary, building and maintaining strong friendships requires effort, but it is worth it for the support and joy that comes from these relationships.难词解释:1. Empathy (名词) - 同情心、共情能力,即理解和感受他人的情感。2. Reliable (形容词) - 可靠的、可信赖的,指能够在需要时提供支持或帮助的人。翻译:友谊是我们生活中重要的一部分,但维持友谊可能会面临挑战。以下是一些保持友谊强大的方法:首先,与朋友经常沟通并倾听他们的关注。其次,留出时间给彼此相处并共同参与活动。第三,对朋友的情感和感受表现出同情和理解。第四,在困难时期可靠并提供支持性帮助。最后,表达对他们的友谊的感激,并承认他们为维护友谊所付出的努力。总之,建立和保持强大的友谊需要努力,但这对于从这些关系中获得的支持和快乐是值得的。

how to maintain friendship是什么意思?

How to maintain friendship 意思是如何维持友谊。以下是三篇以《How to maintain friendship》为题的英语作文,仅供大家参考。友情第一篇以下这篇作文介绍了如何维持友谊。提出了沟通、彼此协调、互相理解、珍惜友情等方面的建议,强调了通过这些简单步骤可以加强友谊和建立长久的关系。Friendship is an important part of our lives, but maintaining friendships can be a challenge. Here are some tips on how to maintain friendship: Firstly, communication is key. Regularly check in with your friends, listen to them and share your own experiences and feelings. Secondly, make time for each other. Even if it"s just a quick phone call or text message, staying in touch shows that you value the friendship. Thirdly, be understanding of each other"s differences and be willing to compromise. Finally, remember to show appreciation by expressing gratitude and acknowledging their efforts to maintain the friendship. By following these simple steps, we can strengthen our friendships and build long-lasting relationships.难词解释:1. Communication (名词) - 沟通、交流。2. Compromise (动词/名词) - 妥协、折中、和解。翻译:友谊是我们生活中很重要的一部分,但维持友谊可能会面临挑战。以下是一些如何维持友谊的建议:首先,沟通非常重要。定期与你的朋友保持联系,倾听他们的心声,并分享自己的经历和感受。其次,抽出时间来见面。即使只是一个简短的电话或短信,保持联系表明你珍视这份友情。第三,理解并接受彼此的不同之处,愿意妥协。最后,记得表达感激之情,赞扬对方为维持友谊所付出的努力。通过遵循这些简单步骤,我们可以加强友谊、建立长久的关系。第二篇以下这篇作文介绍了通过沟通、彼此留些时间、理解和支持等方面的建议来保持友谊的重要性和方法。Maintaining friendships can be challenging, but it is essential for our well-being. Here are some ways to keep your friendships strong: Firstly, communication is key. Keep in touch with your friends regularly and let them know you care about them. Secondly, make time for each other. Even if you have busy schedules, try to meet up or call each other frequently to catch up. Thirdly, show understanding and empathy towards your friends" feelings and needs. Finally, be supportive and express gratitude for their friendship. Remember that friendship requires effort and commitment, but the rewards of strong connections and support are worth it.难词解释:1. Empathy (名词) - 同情心、共情能力。2. Commitment (名词) - 承诺、投入、奉献。翻译:维持友谊可能会面临挑战,但它对于我们的幸福很重要。以下是一些保持友谊强大的方法:首先,沟通非常关键。经常与朋友保持联系,让他们知道你在乎他们。其次,留出时间给彼此相处。即使你们都很忙,尽量经常见面或打电话来聊聊天。第三,理解和同情朋友的感受和需求。最后,支持和感激他们的友谊。记住,友谊需要努力和承诺,但强大的联系和支持带来的回报是值得的。第三篇以下这篇作文介绍了通过沟通、共同参与活动、理解和支持等方面的建议来建立并保持强大的友谊。Friendship is an important part of our lives, but it can be challenging to maintain. Here are some ways to keep your friendships strong: Firstly, communicate regularly with your friends and listen to their concerns. Secondly, make time for each other and participate in shared activities. Thirdly, show empathy and understanding towards your friend"s emotions and feelings. Fourthly, be reliable and supportive during difficult times. Finally, express gratitude for their friendship and acknowledge the effort they put into maintaining it. In summary, building and maintaining strong friendships requires effort, but it is worth it for the support and joy that comes from these relationships.难词解释:1. Empathy (名词) - 同情心、共情能力,即理解和感受他人的情感。2. Reliable (形容词) - 可靠的、可信赖的,指能够在需要时提供支持或帮助的人。翻译:友谊是我们生活中重要的一部分,但维持友谊可能会面临挑战。以下是一些保持友谊强大的方法:首先,与朋友经常沟通并倾听他们的关注。其次,留出时间给彼此相处并共同参与活动。第三,对朋友的情感和感受表现出同情和理解。第四,在困难时期可靠并提供支持性帮助。最后,表达对他们的友谊的感激,并承认他们为维护友谊所付出的努力。总之,建立和保持强大的友谊需要努力,但这对于从这些关系中获得的支持和快乐是值得的。

employment sponsorship


employment sponsorship是指什么

employment 指“受雇”, 也就是“就业”,sponsorship 是动词词根 sponsor(资助)加后缀表示“性质/状况”的 -ship构成的派生词。employment sponsorship 意思是就是指“属于雇佣资助的性质”,也就是“就业赞助”。
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