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relationship[英][ru026au02c8leu026au0283nu0283u026ap][美][ru026au02c8leu0283u0259nu02ccu0283u026ap]n.关系; 联系; 浪漫关系; 血缘关系; 复数:relationships以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Washington has been cementing a strategic relationship with india. 华盛顿近年在巩固与印度的战略关系




你好,relationship ,音标[ru026au02c8leu026au0283nu0283u026ap],n.关系; 联系; 浪漫关系; 血缘关系希望能采纳,谢谢


relationship 音节划分:reu25aalau25aationu25aaship 英 [ru026au02c8leu026au0283nu0283u026ap] 美 [ru026au02c8leu0283u0259nu02ccu0283u026ap]n.关系; 联系=====================================================柳浪闻莺各位芝麻竭诚为您解答您的采纳是我们坚持百度的动力


relationship D.J.[riu02c8leiu0283u0259nu0283ip] K.K.[ru026au02c8leu0283u0259nu02ccu0283u026ap] n.关系, 联系There are certain things that are absolutely basic to the maintenance of a good relationship.要保持良好的关系, 有些条件是必不可少的。Is there any relationship between them?它们之间有联系吗?They are not of the same family relationship.他们不属于同一血统。They aren"t married, but they have a pretty close rela



What is relationship?







关系, 关联

Regarding payment term made by PanLink Hongkong, would you accept payment before shipment?帮忙翻译

关於 panlink 香港公司的付款形式, 你会否接在进货前先收款呢 ?

strengthen friendship是什么意思

strengthen friendship的意思是:增进友谊

we had better strengthen the relationship .为什么用strengthen

strengthen是动词,加强的意思。strengthen the relationship 加强关系We had better strengthen the relationship.句意:我们最好加强关系。

我在香港买了电脑,然后DHL显示到Shipment delivered就没有跟踪记录了,有哪位可以帮我翻译一下啊?谢谢

2014-03-31 18:18:00 SHANGHAI - CHINA, PEOPLES REPUBLIC:快件已从发件人处提取2014-03-31 18:39:00 SHANGHAI - CHINA, PEOPLES REPUBLIC:正在(已经)安排下一站的转运 SHANGHAI - CHINA, PEOPLES REPUBLIC2014-03-31 18:41:00 SHANGHAI - CHINA, PEOPLES REPUBLIC:离开转运地 SHANGHAI - CHINA, PEOPLES REPUBLIC2014-04-02 05:48:00 HONG KONG - HONG KONG:快件已经到达派送作业地点 HONG KONG - HONG KONG2014-04-02 07:10:00 HONG KONG - HONG KONG:正在(已经)安排下一站的转运 HONG KONG - HONG KONG2014-04-02 07:10:00 HONG KONG - HONG KONG:离开转运地 HONG KONG - HONG KONG2014-04-02 08:40:00 HONG KONG - HONG KONG:快件正在派送中2014-04-02 09:49:00 Hong Kong:已派送并签收: MS WONG

面试高中英语教师试讲十分钟,Unit1 Friendship,要如何准备?讲warming up 还是精读好?


shipment delivered什么意思


面试高中英语教师试讲十分钟,Unit1 Friendship,要如何准备?讲warming up 还是精读好?






谁能帮我翻译How did you deal with my Friedship Ball, My dear friend?的中文意思?谢谢


be free from defects in material and workmanship 是什么意思啊?


2003年英语阅读第三篇原文中说:Railroads typically charge such "captive" shippers 20 to 30 。。。

when引导的从句修饰they do,作they do 的状语。与平常有其它火车争业务的时候的收费相比,铁路部门一般会对这些没有其它火车可选择的托运人多收20%-30%的费用。

Drop shipping, wholesale and ( ) are all available.

retailing Drop shipping, wholesale and retailing are all available.


wholesale[英][u02c8hu0259u028alseu026al][美][u02c8hou028alseu026al]n.批发; 趸售,大规模买卖; adj.大规模的; 批发的,整批卖的; adv.大量地,大批地; 广泛地,大规模地; vt.批发; vi.经营批发业; 批发售出; dropshipn.运输船;运输机;

+20)有冇Here I am to worship 的中文歌词?

Here I Am To Worship Light of the World You stepped down into darkness Opened my eyes let me see Beauty that made this heart adore you Hope of a life spent with you Here I am to Worship Here I am to bow down Here I am to say that you"re my God You"re altogether lovely altogether worthy Altogether wonderful to me King of all days oh so highly exalted Glorious in heaven above Humbly you came to earth you created All for love"s sake bee poor. I"ll never know how much it cost To see my sin upon that cross (repeat) Call upon the name of the Lord and be saved (repeat) 词曲: Tim Hughes 中译: 黄昱玲,尧尧 神你是光 你照亮了黑暗 开我眼让我看见 你的荣美 让我心渴慕你 希望与你不分离 (副歌) 所以 我在这里敬拜 屈膝向你跪拜 大声宣告你是我的神 噢 你是如此美好 你是如此配得 我在这里敬拜你圣名 万王之王 坐在至高宝座上 散发荣耀的光芒 谦卑自己 来到你所造之地 为了爱牺牲自己 **我不知道多少代价 能使我罪钉上十架 (Repeat) 参考: 词曲: Tim Hughes 吓.... 参考: 你问咩呀

Ship away什么意思?

不告而别1. 很快离开,(时间)流逝 fuse:保险丝...2. slip away 很快离开,(时间)流逝...例句:We must get down to work as soon as possible; time"s slipping - 相关搜索 2. 溜走 slip away 溜走...—— Enough! That will be - 相关搜索 3. 很快离开;(时间)流逝 slip away:很快离开;(时间)流逝 - 相关搜索 4. (不知不觉、悄悄的)溜走 2. slip away (不知不觉、悄悄的)溜走 - 相关搜索

shipping container是什么意思

shipping container船运集装箱 海运集装箱 货运纸箱 运输容器 运输用集装箱 shipping: n. 1.装货;船运;海运;航运;装运;运输。 2.航行 ... container: n. 1.容器,箱,匣。 2.集装箱。 n. -izat ... 例句与用法1. Shipping tonight , budapest . shipping container 1147今晚的船,布达佩斯1147号集装箱2. Base sizes of shipping containers for textiles纺织品货运包装箱的基本尺寸3. Testing shipping containers in revolving hexagonal drum在回转六角鼓中作船运集装箱试验4. Application standard for shipping container codes货运容器代码的应用标准5. Corrugated fiberboards for shipping containers航运集装箱用瓦楞纤维板6. Standard methods for vibration testing of shipping containers船运集装箱的振动标准试验方法7. Test method for impact testing for shipping containers and systems船用集装箱的冲击试验的试验方法8. Electronics - outer shipping container bar code label standard电子学.运输集装箱外部条形码标签标准9. Standard test method for random vibration testing of shipping containers运输集装箱随机振动检测的标准试验方法10. Corrugated shipping containers瓦楞纸航运集装箱


lordship 是指一种高贵的贵族身份,和lord不同,lord既可当名词也可以表示动词。作名词时常用于口语,是下属或者仆人对上级的尊称,表示“阁下”,“老爷”啊什么的。也可以单指名一个人的身份,如He is a lord(他是个贵族)用lordship的话就要说 his lordship 他的贵族身份……动词表示 称王称霸。lady…… 和 ladyship 用在口语时只有程度的区别啦。 后者更显庄重,等级更明显。 lady也可以泛指女人


shin[Fi:n; Fin]n.[解]胫骨v.攀, 爬

in a relationship with是什么意思

在一个关系双语对照例句:1.Tasha is now listed as in a relationship with jason carter.塔莎是现已被列为卡特在与贾森的关系。如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢!!

Placement 同internship有咩分别??

Field placement: is a mandatory work experience ponent of a program. The student receives academic credit and the work terms are usually unpaid. Field placement positions must be related to the student"s area of study and are approved and monitored by program faculty. Field placements vary in length depending on program requirements. Internship: is an optional work experience program in which the student may be hired for 4 12 or 16 months prior to his or her final year of study. The student petes for the positions much the same as in a regular job petition. Internship positions must be related to the student"s area of study. The student is paid for their work during an internship. Once the internship is pleted the student returns to the college to plete his or her program of study. The internship is also noted on the student"s official academic trcript. The internship program is anized by Career & Employment Services. hope this can help you ^^ Good Luck la 参考: Placement: 1the act of finding a place for someone to live or work: The centre provides ajob placement service. 2 a job usually as part of a course of study which gives you experience of a particular type of work : Students are sent out on placement for training. 3when something is placed somewhere or when you decide where something should go: the placement of fire hydrants along the city"s streets internship: 1a job that lasts for a short time that someone especially a student does in order to gain experience 2 a job that someone who has nearly finished training as a doctor does in a hospital 参考: longman dictionary

shipping address是什么意思

shipping address:商品寄送地址

ship to my billing address是什么

billing address 是指账单地址 送货地址。ship to 这里理解为运送到。整句话的意思是 送到我的这个地址。 一般就是送货到指定地点,然后这个地址是账单地址。我这样说你理解吗。。

什么是Billing address信用卡账单地址和Shipping a...

提醒一下:最近amazon因为一个人开N多帐号,去享受一些有限制的优惠,造成了amazon对有些人会要求通过传真方式来核对billing address,为了避免这些麻烦,还是建议大家使用自己真实的信用卡账单地址。如果真的因为billing address而封帐户,也可以通过传真信用卡账单来解决。具体的步骤如下:1、打电话到你的信用卡发卡机构,核实你的账单地址,核对后,把你的billing address用卡账单地址翻译成英文,可以用Google 翻译,或者以拼音的方式译成英文。2、写邮件给亚马逊。内容如下:第一说明你是一个新用户,不太清楚信用卡账单的填写要求,以致于错误填写了地址,然后说明你办理信用卡的时候没有选择邮寄纸质账单,而是电子账单,所以没法发Fax(传真)。第二说明通过和发卡行核实到你的信用卡账单地址,询问他可不可以通过电子邮件的方式来验证。3、提供给亚马逊如下的信息:你的姓名,你注册用的邮箱号码,你的订单号,你的正确的信用卡账单地址,你在发卡行预留的电话(手机和座机),你的信用卡后面提供的境外联系的电话号码。格式如下:MY billing address is **x .My name is **x.My phone number is **x.The phone number on file with the card issuer is **x.MY e-mail address is **x.My order No. Is **x .最后发送到

This is Forever Friendship 是什么意思?


请问*Name of shipping address *Address Line 1 Address Line 2各该怎么填写(英文的)


阿里巴巴 contact supplier 上面怎么显示 on time shipment

交货期和装运期当然不同啦! 首先要知道spment不等于delivery的哦!time of delivery指的是出货的时间;time of spment 指的是装船的时间 一般来说这两个时间都不会相隔太长。比如:货物做好以后,被工厂的搬运工搬上货柜的时间,就是time of delivery;而货柜从工厂出发,到达出发港,再被吊车吊上船,船出发的时间才是time of spment哦!

time of shipment /time of delivery 的具体区别是什么

当然不同啦!首先要知道shipment不等于delivery的哦!time of delivery指的是出货的时间;time of shipment 指的是装船的时间。一般来说这两个时间都不会相隔太长。比如:货物做好以后,被工厂的搬运工搬上货柜的时间,就是time of delivery;而货柜从工厂出发,到达出发港,再被吊车吊上船,船出发的时间才是time of shipment哦!

delivery & shipment 区别?


time of delivery和time of shipment区别

time of delivery强调交发货时间,通常协议上会注明具体时间。而time of shipment是指装运时间,或装运期,有时是笼统的说法。

在坐的各位朋友,我想问一下外贸中的delivery time 是指shiping date 吗?还是这两者有区别的


我外贸新手,请问ship date是指工厂出货时间,还是指装船离港时间(ETD)。


提单中的ships remarks是什么意思

字面意思为关于船只的备注。是否为shipping marks(唛头)的笔误?

求个服装尺寸表的翻译?sweep cinched for shipping


i want free two-day shipping with amazon prime什么意思


in relationship 与 in relation to有什么区别

词缀分为前缀prefix和后缀suffix,后缀往往改变单词的意思和词性。这个-ship,表示的是一种:关系,是那种抽象的关系,内在的关系。具体区别见下面:这两个词,概括来说,指关系时是相同的,无分特殊和一般关系,尤其用于指事物之间的关系:Some doctors think there is a relation between smoking and lung cancer.有些医生认为吸烟与肺癌有关连。Scientists have researched into the relationship between smoking and lung cancer.科学家曾研究吸烟与肺癌的关系。There is no proof of the relation of crime to TV violence.无证据显示罪案是和电视上的暴力有关的。I am doubtless about the relationship of diligence to success.我绝不怀疑勤奋与成功的关系。“What relation is he to you?”“He is nephew to me./He is my nephew. ”“他和你有何关系?”“他是我的侄儿。”“What is his relationship to/with you?”“他和你有何关系?”(注:这句不能说成:“What is his relation to you?”)在以上情况下,即使有分别,relation侧重形式上的关连,而 relationship却侧重密切的交往。例如:John"s relation with Mary is father and daughter.约翰和玛丽是父母关系。John"s relationship with Mary has improved.约翰和玛丽的关系已改善了。Relation和relationship最大分别在于relation用于较广,可带别的涵义,如:(一)加了s,变成复数的relations指密切交往上的关系而非形式上的关系。例: family relations、 business relations、foreign relations、friendly relations(但也可写成friendly relationship、a love-hate relationship).(二)解作“亲属”,相等于relative。但一般已多用relative代替 relation:My niece is my near relation/relative.我的侄女是我的近亲。(三)用在固定词组里,如:in relation to(有concerning的含义):He was arrested in relation to the murder case.他涉及那桩谋杀案被拘捕。Questions have been raised in relation to the legality of abortion.对于堕胎的合法性有人提出质疑。

relation 和relationship什么区别 能谈谈你的看法吗?

1.作名词,relation between sth. and sth.relation to sth. (人或者事物与他者之间的)关联,联系,关系。例如:The relation between time and results. 时间和成绩的关系。It shows on relation to the rainfall. 它与降雨量没有任何关系。 / with relation to sb. / sth. (正式)与某人 / 某事有关,涉及某人 / 某事。例如:Describe the location of the following lands, seas and cities in relation to New Zealand.描述下列陆地、海洋、城市的地理位置和新西兰之间的关系。3.relations between sb. / sth. and sb. /sth.relations with sb. /sth. (人,团体,国家等之间的)关系,联系,交往diplomatic relations 外交关系international relations 国际关系business relations 业务关系The friendly relations between our countries 我们国家之间的友好关系He broke off relations with his family. 他与家庭断绝了一切联系。4.relationship关系,联系:relationship between A and B. 例如:There is close relationship between industry and trade.工业与贸易之间有紧密的联系。A pure business relationship 纯业务关系He had a good relationship with his boss. 他和老板的关系很好。5.比较relation和relationship:a.relationship的用法最广,包括了relation和relations的许多涵义。relation和relationship可以用来表示亲属关系。例如:A relation of mine is coming to stay. 我有个亲戚要来这里暂住。-What"s your relationship to her? 你和她是什么亲戚?-She is my cousin. 她是我的表妹。b.relationship 可以指强烈的感情关系。例如:Their relationship has lasted many years. 他们的感情已经有很多年了。c.如果不侧重个人关系或友谊时,可以使用relations或者relationship。例如:Relations with the USSR are improving. 与苏联之间的关系正在改善。Britain has a unique relationship with the USA. 英国与美国之间关系很特别。d.relation和relationship可以表示事物之间的相似之处或者一致性。例如:Some people say that there is no relation / relationship between violence on television and crimes of violence in life. 有人说电视中的暴力镜头和生活中的暴力犯罪并无关系。




  Relation与 Relationship的区别   1.作名词,relation between sth. and sth.  relation to sth. (人或者事物与他者之间的)关联,联系,关系。例如:  The relation between time and results. 时间和成绩的关系。  It shows on relation to the rainfall. 它与降雨量没有任何关系。 / with relation to sb. / sth. (正式)与某人 / 某事有关,涉及某人 / 某事。例如:  Describe the location of the following lands, seas and cities in relation to New Zealand.  描述下列陆地、海洋、城市的地理位置和新西兰之间的关系。  3.relations between sb. / sth. and sb. /sth.  relations with sb. /sth. (人,团体,国家等之间的)关系,联系,交往  diplomatic relations 外交关系  international relations 国际关系  business relations 业务关系  The friendly relations between our countries 我们国家之间的友好关系  He broke off relations with his family. 他与家庭断绝了一切联系。  4.relationship关系,联系:relationship between A and B. 例如:  There is close relationship between industry and trade.  工业与贸易之间有紧密的联系。  A pure business relationship 纯业务关系  He had a good relationship with his boss. 他和老板的关系很好。  5.比较relation和relationship:  a.relationship的用法最广,包括了relation和relations的许多涵义。relation和relationship可以用来表示亲属关系。例如:  A relation of mine is coming to stay. 我有个亲戚要来这里暂住。  -What"s your relationship to her? 你和她是什么亲戚?  -She is my cousin. 她是我的表妹。  b.relationship 可以指强烈的感情关系。例如:  Their relationship has lasted many years. 他们的感情已经有很多年了。  c.如果不侧重个人关系或友谊时,可以使用relations或者relationship。例如:  Relations with the USSR are improving. 与苏联之间的关系正在改善。  Britain has a unique relationship with the USA. 英国与美国之间关系很特别。  d.relation和relationship可以表示事物之间的相似之处或者一致性。例如:  Some people say that there is no relation / relationship between violence on television and crimes of violence in life. 有人说电视中的暴力镜头和生活中的暴力犯罪并无关系。


词缀分为前缀prefix和后缀suffix,后缀往往改变单词的意思和词性。这个-ship,表示的是一种:关系,是那种抽象的关系,内在的关系。具体区别见下面:这两个词,概括来说,指关系时是相同的,无分特殊和一般关系,尤其用于指事物之间的关系:Some doctors think there is a relation between smoking and lung cancer.有些医生认为吸烟与肺癌有关连。Scientists have researched into the relationship between smoking and lung cancer.科学家曾研究吸烟与肺癌的关系。There is no proof of the relation of crime to TV violence.无证据显示罪案是和电视上的暴力有关的。I am doubtless about the relationship of diligence to success.我绝不怀疑勤奋与成功的关系。“What relation is he to you?”“He is nephew to me./He is my nephew. ”“他和你有何关系?”“他是我的侄儿。”“What is his relationship to/with you?”“他和你有何关系?”(注:这句不能说成:“What is his relation to you?”)在以上情况下,即使有分别,relation侧重形式上的关连,而 relationship却侧重密切的交往。例如:John"s relation with Mary is father and daughter.约翰和玛丽是父母关系。John"s relationship with Mary has improved.约翰和玛丽的关系已改善了。Relation和relationship最大分别在于relation用于较广,可带别的涵义,如:(一)加了s,变成复数的relations指密切交往上的关系而非形式上的关系。例: family relations、 business relations、foreign relations、friendly relations(但也可写成friendly relationship、a love-hate relationship).(二)解作“亲属”,相等于relative。但一般已多用relative代替 relation:My niece is my near relation/relative.我的侄女是我的近亲。(三)用在固定词组里,如:in relation to(有concerning的含义):He was arrested in relation to the murder case.他涉及那桩谋杀案被拘捕。Questions have been raised in relation to the legality of abortion.对于堕胎的合法性有人提出质疑。




relationn. 关系,联系,叙述,故事,家属,亲戚relationshipn. 关系,联系;家属关系,亲属关系有一个更强调两者之间的关联

relation和relationship的区别? 要简短明确点

1.作名词,relation between sth. and sth.relation to sth. (人或者事物与他者之间的)关联,联系,关系。例如:The relation between time and results. 时间和成绩的关系。It shows on relation to the rainfall. 它与降雨量没有任何关系。 / with relation to sb. / sth. (正式)与某人 / 某事有关,涉及某人 / 某事。例如:Describe the location of the following lands, seas and cities in relation to New Zealand.描述下列陆地、海洋、城市的地理位置和新西兰之间的关系。3.relations between sb. / sth. and sb. /sth.relations with sb. /sth. (人,团体,国家等之间的)关系,联系,交往diplomatic relations 外交关系international relations 国际关系business relations 业务关系The friendly relations between our countries 我们国家之间的友好关系He broke off relations with his family. 他与家庭断绝了一切联系。4.relationship关系,联系:relationship between A and B. 例如:There is close relationship between industry and trade.工业与贸易之间有紧密的联系。A pure business relationship 纯业务关系He had a good relationship with his boss. 他和老板的关系很好。5.比较relation和relationship:a.relationship的用法最广,包括了relation和relations的许多涵义。relation和relationship可以用来表示亲属关系。例如:A relation of mine is coming to stay. 我有个亲戚要来这里暂住。-What"s your relationship to her? 你和她是什么亲戚?-She is my cousin. 她是我的表妹。b.relationship 可以指强烈的感情关系。例如:Their relationship has lasted many years. 他们的感情已经有很多年了。c.如果不侧重个人关系或友谊时,可以使用relations或者relationship。例如:Relations with the USSR are improving. 与苏联之间的关系正在改善。Britain has a unique relationship with the USA. 英国与美国之间关系很特别。d.relation和relationship可以表示事物之间的相似之处或者一致性。例如:Some people say that there is no relation / relationship between violence on television and crimes of violence in life. 有人说电视中的暴力镜头和生活中的暴力犯罪并无关系。


前者含有物质的关系the relationg between wages and prices工资和物价的关系后者都是与人有关的关系the teacher has a bery good relationgship with her students这位老师和学生们关系很好

Relation 同 Relationship 有咩分别?

虽然 Relation 及 Relationship 意思及用法都很相似,但两者并不完全通用,而且英式或美式英文用法也没有差异。 两者的分别,至少有以下几点: 首先, Relation 可以指「亲人或亲戚」,如 John is a distant relation of my wife. 这句中的 Relation 不可用 Relationship 代替。 第二,指亲人或爱侣之间的「关系」要用 Relationship 而非 Relation,如: Peter has a bad relationship with his father. 第三, 说无关婚姻的性行为要用 Relationship 而非 Relation ,如 We"ve had a relationship for three years now but we"ve never really discussed getting married. bartleby/68/63/5063 第四, 有些词语是一定要用 Relation 而非 Relationship ,如成语 In relation to 不可以改成 In relationship to ;Diplomatic relations 及 Race relations 亦如是。 你可以看一下 BBC 的 Learning English ,不过那里解释并不详尽: 通用的....英国惯用relation....美国多用relationship

"relation "and "relationship "之间的区别是什么?



relationship [简明英汉词典][ri5leiFEnFip]n.关系, 关联relation [简明英汉词典][ri5leiFEn]n.关系, 联系, 叙述, 故事, 亲戚


relation n.关系,联系;亲戚(关系);说话,叙述,报告;比率,比数relations n.彼此间的看法,两者的关系;关系( relation的名词复数 );亲戚(关系);亲属(关系);(事物之间的)关系relationship n.关系;联系;浪漫关系;血缘关系在美剧里面有时候说have a relation with sb.也是说谈恋爱

请问:relation 与 relationship 的区别

relation更抽象一些,relationship更富有感情色彩. relationship用法最广,包括了relation和relations的许多含义.relation和 relationship可用以表示亲属关系.relationship可以指强烈的感情联系.若不侧重个人关系或友谊时,可用relations 或relationship.relation和relationship可以表示事物之间的相似处或一致性. 更明了的举一个例子你就懂了:当提及中外关系的时候,全世界只有一个国家,我们是用relationship的.有些和我们有relation的国家媒体在那里颠倒黑白,有些relation国家的领导说要考虑考虑行程,当然有更多有relation的国家支持我们.但是,能够站在我们身边,一同面对那些丑恶嘴脸的,是我们真正的朋友.RELATIONSHIP,患难见真情.


关系上,我们要看词缀。我正好在学词源学,词缀分为前缀prefix和后缀suffix,后缀往往改变单词的意思和词性。这个-ship,表示的是一种:关系,是那种抽象的关系,内在的关系。具体区别见下面:这两个词,概括来说,指关系时是相同的,无分特殊和一般关系,尤其用于指事物之间的关系:Some doctors think there is a relation between smoking and lung cancer.有些医生认为吸烟与肺癌有关连。Scientists have researched into the relationship between smoking and lung cancer.科学家曾研究吸烟与肺癌的关系。There is no proof of the relation of crime to TV violence.无证据显示罪案是和电视上的暴力有关的。I am doubtless about the relationship of diligence to success.我绝不怀疑勤奋与成功的关系。“What relation is he to you?”“He is nephew to me./He is my nephew. ”“他和你有何关系?”“他是我的侄儿。”“What is his relationship to/with you?”“他和你有何关系?”(注:这句不能说成:“What is his relation to you?”)在以上情况下,即使有分别,relation侧重形式上的关连,而 relationship却侧重密切的交往。例如:John"s relation with Mary is father and daughter.约翰和玛丽是父母关系。John"s relationship with Mary has improved.约翰和玛丽的关系已改善了。Relation和relationship最大分别在于relation用于较广,可带别的涵义,如:(一)加了s,变成复数的relations指密切交往上的关系而非形式上的关系。例: family relations、 business relations、foreign relations、friendly relations(但也可写成friendly relationship、a love-hate relationship).(二)解作“亲属”,相等于relative。但一般已多用relative代替 relation:My niece is my near relation/relative.我的侄女是我的近亲。(三)用在固定词组里,如:in relation to(有concerning的含义):He was arrested in relation to the murder case.他涉及那桩谋杀案被拘捕。Questions have been raised in relation to the legality of abortion.对于堕胎的合法性有人提出质疑。


RELATIONS 和 RELATIONSHIP在表示两者(人 ,国家 ,ETC)关系这个意思上面,如果没有什么感情的意思是可以混用的.比如中美关系,两者都可以 和FRIEND,FRIENDSHIP;MEMBER,MEMBERSHIP的关系类似,但要复杂一点,主要原因是在于RELATION本来就是抽象的东西.FRIENDSHIP可以看成FRIEND之间的一种关系.RELATIONSHIP也可以看成RELATION的关系,就是关系的关系. 比如: THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ME AND MY FATHER,我和父亲的父子关系上的感情层面的关系,可以用好或者不好来形容 THE RELATION BETWEEN ME AND THIS MAN IS SON AND FATHER.表示一种客观存在的联系,就是父子联系.就没有好和不好的概念,因为它是客观存在的关系. 因此,RELATIONSHIP可以带有感情的意思,比如用来指一段恋情. relation 1.A logical or natural association between two or more things; relevance of one to another; connection:"the relation between smoking and heart disease" 2.The connection of people by blood or marriage; kinship. 3.A person connected to another by blood or marriage; a relative. 4.The way in which one person or thing is connected with another:"the relation of parent to child" 5.relations a.The mutual dealings or connections of persons,groups,or nations in social,business,or diplomatic matters:"international relations" b.Sexual intercourse. 6.Reference; regard:"in relation to your inquiry" relationship 1.The condition or fact of being related; connection or association. 2.Connection by blood or marriage; kinship. 3.A particular type of connection existing between people related to or having dealings with each other:"He has a close relationship with his classmates". 4.A romantic or sexual involvement. relation KK:[] DJ:[] n. 1.关系,关联[U][(+between/to)] Their relation seemed quite close. 他们的关系似乎十分密切. 2.(国家,团体,人等之间的)关系,往来[P][(+between/with)] They are anxious to develop friendly relations with their neighboring countries. 他们急于同邻国发展友好关系. 3.血缘关系,亲戚关系[U][(+to)] 4.亲戚,亲属[C][(+of)] He had no other near relations. 他没有其他近亲. 5.【婉】肉体关系[P][(+with)] 6.【律】(导致起诉的)告发[U][(+of)] 7.叙述[U][(+of)] His relation of his adventure fascinated us. 他讲述的关于自己的冒险经历使我们听入了迷. 8.叙述的事,故事[C] relationship KK:[] DJ:[] n. 1.关系,关联;人际关系[U][C][(+between/to/with)] The children learned about the relationship between the moon and the tides. 孩子们弄懂了月球与潮汐的关系. 2.亲属关系;姻亲关系[U][(+to)] :3.风流韵事;恋爱关系[C] What is your relationship to the victim? 你是受害者的什么人?


-ship,表示的是一种关系,是抽象的关系,内在的关系。这两个词,概括来说,指关系时是相同的,尤其用于指事物之间的关系:Some doctors think there is a relation between smoking and lung cancer.有些医生认为吸烟与肺癌有关连。Scientists have researched into the relationship between smoking and lung cancer.科学家曾研究吸烟与肺癌的关系。There is no proof of the relation of crime to TV violence.无证据显示罪案是和电视上的暴力有关的。I am doubtless about the relationship of diligence to success.我绝不怀疑勤奋与成功的关系。“What relation is he to you?”“He is nephew to me./He is my nephew. ”“他和你有何关系?”“他是我的侄儿。”“What is his relationship to/with you?”“他和你有何关系?”(注:这句不能说成:“What is his relation to you?”)在以上情况下,relation侧重形式上的关连,而 relationship却侧重密切的交往。例如:John"s relation with Mary is father and daughter.约翰和玛丽是父女关系。John"s relationship with Mary has improved.约翰和玛丽的关系已改善了。relation和relationship最大分别在于relation用于较广,可带别的涵义,如:(一)加了s,变成复数的relations指密切交往上的关系而非形式上的关系。例: family relations、 business relations、foreign relations、friendly relations(但也可写成friendly relationship、a love-hate relationship).(二)解作“亲属”,相等于relative。但一般已多用relative代替 relation:My niece is my near relation/relative.我的侄女是我的近亲。(三)用在固定词组里,如:in relation to(有concerning的含义):He was arrested in relation to the murder case.他涉及那桩谋杀案被拘捕。Questions have been raised in relation to the legality of abortion.对于堕胎的合法性有人提出质疑。


relation和relationship最大分别在于relation用于较广,可带别的涵义,如:(一)加了s,变成复数的relations指密切交往上的关系而非形式上的关系。例: family relations、 business relations、foreign relations、friendly relations(但也可写成friendly relationship、a love-hate relationship).(二)解作“亲属”,相等于relative。但一般已多用relative代替 relation:My niece is my near relation/relative.我的侄女是我的近亲。(三)用在固定词组里,如:in relation to(有concerning的含义):He was arrested in relation to the murder case.他涉及那桩谋杀案被拘捕。Questions have been raised in relation to the legality of abortion.对于堕胎的合法性有人提出质疑。 如有疑问,请追问!

典范英语6第13 本the ghost ship读后感


shipping confirmation是什么意思

shipping confirmation发货确认

求问推荐人的title,employer和relationship to you 应该怎么填

你是什么推荐呢,title 头衔是什么,是经理,教师或是其他什么, employer 雇主呢? relationship to you跟你的关系是什么,叔侄,朋友,同事,等等,你看你自己用于干嘛的,主要在你。


领导 领导能力


v. 装船(ship的过去分词);发货adj. 装船的望采纳~

laden on board和SHIPPED ON BOARD都是指提单日期吗


friendship truly has no boundaries为什么要用副词truly?

这里的动词是has 副词可以修饰动词

I hope our friendship will last forever.这个中文意思是什么?


"__the friendship between our two peoples last forever!",and..........

B.May. 表示祝愿

executive leadership是什么意思


business leadership是什么意思

企业领导例句She earned her mba from the university of south africa graduate school of business leadership.她曾就读于南非大学领导力研究院(Graduate School of Business Leadership),并获得MBA学位。And I feel the same way about our business leadership.对于我们的商业领导层也是同样。

position of leadership是什么意思

  position of leadership的中文翻译  position of leadership  领导地位  双语例句  1  Many of them were appointed to their position of leadership or elected to it.  他们中有许多人被分配给领导的位置或者通过竞选上台。  2  Not in my wildest dreams would she be promoted to a position of leadership.  我做梦也想不到她会被提拔当干部。

engaging leadership 是魅力型领导还是参与式领导?


Teamwork Skill 和 Leadership Skill 有什么不同

Teamwork skill 是一个团队里面,每个成员之间的一起完成任务的技能,而Leadership skill则是指领导和下属之间的技能。从架构来说,Teamwork更趋向平等,虽然每个Team里面也有领导和下属。而Leadership则从概念上就承认了阶级性。从影响方式上来看,Teamwork skill主要是成员之间通过沟通和合作来共同完成一项任务,而Leadership则更倾向于领导对下属的影响,比如transformational leadership,就是强调领导对下属的鼓励和支持来让下属达到目标。从与目标的关系上来说,一般情况下,teamwork中每个人都直接分担一定的任务,与目标是直接相关,而leadership则是领导-下属-任务这样的关系,比如在distributed leadership,强调领导建立一个良好的合作群体或者community来促进成员之间的合作。



leadership development是什么意思


Thought Leadership 是什么意思?

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