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作文《How to maintain friendship》

2023-07-15 13:28:18

How to maintain friendship 意思是如何维持友谊

以下是三篇以《How to maintain friendship》为题的英语作文,仅供大家参考。





Friendship is an important part of our lives, but maintaining friendships can be a challenge. Here are some tips on how to maintain friendship: Firstly, communication is key. Regularly check in with your friends, listen to them and share your own experiences and feelings. Secondly, make time for each other. Even if it"s just a quick phone call or text message, staying in touch shows that you value the friendship. Thirdly, be understanding of each other"s differences and be willing to compromise. Finally, remember to show appreciation by expressing gratitude and acknowledging their efforts to maintain the friendship. By following these simple steps, we can strengthen our friendships and build long-lasting relationships.


1. Communication (名词) - 沟通、交流。

2. Compromise (动词/名词) - 妥协、折中、和解。





Maintaining friendships can be challenging, but it is essential for our well-being. Here are some ways to keep your friendships strong: Firstly, communication is key. Keep in touch with your friends regularly and let them know you care about them. Secondly, make time for each other. Even if you have busy schedules, try to meet up or call each other frequently to catch up. Thirdly, show understanding and empathy towards your friends" feelings and needs. Finally, be supportive and express gratitude for their friendship. Remember that friendship requires effort and commitment, but the rewards of strong connections and support are worth it.


1. Empathy (名词) - 同情心、共情能力。

2. Commitment (名词) - 承诺、投入、奉献。





Friendship is an important part of our lives, but it can be challenging to maintain. Here are some ways to keep your friendships strong: Firstly, communicate regularly with your friends and listen to their concerns. Secondly, make time for each other and participate in shared activities. Thirdly, show empathy and understanding towards your friend"s emotions and feelings. Fourthly, be reliable and supportive during difficult times. Finally, express gratitude for their friendship and acknowledge the effort they put into maintaining it. In summary, building and maintaining strong friendships requires effort, but it is worth it for the support and joy that comes from these relationships.


1. Empathy (名词) - 同情心、共情能力,即理解和感受他人的情感。

2. Reliable (形容词) - 可靠的、可信赖的,指能够在需要时提供支持或帮助的人。



Making friends is a skill like many other skills.It improves with practice.If you want to meet people and make friends,you must be willing to take some actions.You must first go where there are people.You won"t make friends staying home alone.Join a club or a group.Taking with those who like the same things as you do is much easier.Or join someone in some activities.Many people are nervous when talking to new people.After all meeting strangers means facing the unknown.And it"s human nature to feel a bit uncomfortable about the unknown.Most of our fears about dealing with new people come from doubts about ourselves.We imagine other people are judging us of finding us too tall or to short,too this or too that.But don"t forget that they must be feeling the same way.Try to accept yourself as you are and try to put the other person at ease.You"ll both feel more comfortable.
Try to be self-comfident even if you don"t feel that way.When you enter a room full of strangers,such as a new classroom,walk tall and straight,look directly at other people and smile.
If you see someone you like to speak to,say something .don"t wait for the other person to start a conversation.
Just meeting someone new does not mean that you will make friends with that person-friendship is based on mutual liking and “give and take”.It takes time and effort to develop
There are several important elements necessary to maintain a good friendship 要想维持友谊以下几方面是必不可少的了
Listen 善于倾听
The ability to really listen to another is a cornerstone of good friendship.It helps you to understand your friend and his/her feelings,as well as shows that you really care.倾听是友谊的基石 他有助于你更好的了解你的朋友同时又表示你在关心你的朋友
2.Spend quality time with your friend 与朋友相聚
No relationship can be satisfying without quality time spend together.Make time for your friend,schedule get togethers.没相聚就没友谊 所以抽点时间与朋友一起聚聚吧
3.Be forgiving 宽容
There is not even one person in the world who is perfect.You know your own shortcomings,so don"t expect perfection from others.I"m not saying that you should always accept a wrong doing on your friend"s part.Tell them when you didn"t like something and be always ready to make up afterward.Don"t hold grudges in your heart.It will help your friend to be long-suffering with you as well.人无完人,任何人都有自己的缺点所以就不要要求别人完美 我并不是叫你一味的纵容朋友的错误 相反你应该明确的告诉你的朋友 不要藏在心底 这对你和你们自己的友谊都是有好处的
4.Admit your faults 勇于承认自己的错误
In every friendship there will be conflict sooner or later.When it comes,often the wrong is on both sides Admit your wrongs instead of just pointing out the wrongs of another person involved.This will help you both to keep the line of communication open and strengthen your friendship
朋友相处迟早都会产生冲突的,但产生误会和冲突时双方都是有责任的 我认为勇于承认自己的过错比追究责任更有助于解决问题和增进友谊

Title: How to Maintain Friendship


Friendship is a valuable bond that brings joy, support, and companionship into our lives. However, maintaining strong and lasting friendships requires effort and dedication. In this essay, we will explore several essential aspects of maintaining friendship and discuss practical steps to nurture and strengthen these relationships.

1. Communication:

Effective communication lies at the heart of any successful friendship. Regularly staying in touch, actively listening, and expressing oneself honestly are vital elements of fostering strong bonds. As the saying goes, "A true friend is someone who listens when you speak, understands when you"re silent."

2. Trust and Loyalty:

Trust is the foundation of every enduring friendship. Being reliable, trustworthy, and keeping confidences are essential to maintaining trust. Friends should stand by each other through thick and thin, exemplifying loyalty. The phrase "A friend in need is a friend indeed" reminds us of the importance of being there for our friends during challenging times.

3. Respect and Understanding:

Respect for each other"s opinions, beliefs, and boundaries is crucial in any friendship. Accepting differences and embracing diversity strengthens the bond between friends. Understanding that we may not always agree but can still respect each other"s perspectives fosters a harmonious and supportive friendship.

4. Shared Experiences and Memories:

Creating lasting memories through shared experiences is an excellent way to deepen friendships. Engaging in activities together, whether it"s going on adventures, attending events, or simply spending quality time, helps build a strong foundation. As the proverb says, "Shared joy is a double joy; shared sorrow is half a sorrow."

5. Forgiveness and Empathy:

No friendship is immune to misunderstandings or conflicts. Learning to forgive and empathize with our friends is essential for maintaining healthy relationships. Understanding that we all make mistakes and being willing to resolve conflicts with kindness and compassion reinforces the bond of friendship.


Friendship is a treasure that enriches our lives, and maintaining it requires attention and effort. By practicing open communication, trust, respect, sharing experiences, and showing forgiveness and empathy, we can cultivate lasting and meaningful friendships. As Ralph Waldo Emerson wisely said, "The only way to have a friend is to be one." Let us cherish our friendships and invest in their growth, for they bring immense happiness and support to our journey through life.



maintaining 是 maintain 的现在分词,是动词,不能做名词,没有名词含义。译为保持,保养,坚持,保卫。maintainance是名词,译为维修,维护,保持,生活费用,抚养费。大部分情况用作维修和维护。
2023-07-15 09:43:342

将温度保持在 请问用maintain 还是 maintaining 哪个好啊?

看你需要的是动词谓语还是非谓语你需要将温度保持在。。,用maintain,即:You should maintain the temperature ...我们将温度保持在。。得到的结果,用maintaining,即:We got the results maintaining the temperature ..
2023-07-15 09:43:421

Maintaining the status quo为什么翻译成以不变应万变?

status quo的中文意思是“不变”如果按照字面上翻译,你这句话的意思是 “保持不变”不确定“应万变”是怎么来的,感觉你的这个英文句子不完整
2023-07-15 09:43:502


  保持是指维持某种状态使不消失或减弱的意思。不管什么时候,我们都要保持一颗积极乐观的心来面对每天的生活。那么你知道保持用英语怎么说吗?下面我为大家带来保持的英语说法,欢迎大家一起来学习。   保持的英语说法1:   maintain   英 [meinu02c8tein] 美 [menu02c8ten]   保持的英语说法2:   hold   英 [hu0259uld] 美 [hold]   保持的英语说法3:   keep   英 [ki:p] 美 [kip]   保持相关英语表达:   keep quiet   保持安静   maintain vigilance   保持警惕   keep a cool head   保持冷静的头脑   keep clean   保持清洁   preserve good traditions;   保持优良传统   hold on to a dominant position   保持优势   保持英语说法例句:   他认为,美国应保持超然态度。   The United States should, he argues, attempt to remain aloof.   他们都保持肃静。   They all maintained a reverent silence.   车辆之间应保持适当的间距。   The proper intervals should be maintained between vehicles.   在外表上她保持着平静,但实际上她生气极了。   She maintained a calm exterior, though really she was furious.   他们在外国保持多少个军事基地?   How many military bases are they maintaining on foreign soil?   我的部分工作是同我们的供应商保持良好的关系。   Part of my job is to maintain good relationship with our suppliers.   我相信你可以保持职业化?我相信你可以保持职业化?   I trust that you will be able to remain professional?   只要集合保持不变,枚举数就保持有效。   An enumerator remains valid as long as the collection remains unchanged.   它们是可爱和由衷的方式保持与家人和朋友保持联系!   They are a lovely and heartfelt way to keep in touch with friends and family!   我们必须和他们保持友好关系。   We must maintain friendly relations with them.   要想在全班保持成绩领先,你就必需努力学习。   You have to work hard to keep ahead in your class.   如果他继续保持领先地位,他将赢得这场比赛。   If he continues to keep ahead, he will win the race.   你最好与前面的车保持相当的距离,以防它突然停下来。   You"d better keep well behind the car in front in case it suddenly stops.   如果两个问题中有一个答案是“不”,那么也许你就该保持沉默。   If the answer to either of these questions is no, then perhaps you shouldkeep quiet.   但是你可以跟他们保持联络哦。   But you can keep in touch with them.   而且,他知道如何保持他的衬衫上 。   And, he knows how to keep his shirt on.   如果你这么做,你会保持舒适的生活直到你找到另一份工作。   If you do this, you will remain comfortable till you find another job.   我不知道我是应该同他说话还是保持沉默。   I know not if I should speak to him or keep silent.   你是怎么保持苗条的?   How do you keep so slim?   我要你们整个学期,都持续对他们保持兴趣,好吗?   I want you to remain alive to them ? throughout the semester. Yes?
2023-07-15 09:43:571

system is maintaining是什么意思

system is maintaining系统正在维护例句One of the most difficult tasks associated with system administration is maintaining a centralized documentation repository that is current, comprehensive, and inclusive of all systems.与系统管理相关的最困难的任务之一是维护一个最新的、全面的、涵盖所有系统的集中式文档存储库。The rise and fall enable working platform system is in use for installing and maintaining charging stations.升降工作平台可在充电候车站安装及维护时使用。
2023-07-15 09:44:211


maintain:维持 一般指与自然的关系keep:保持 维持 范围较广,可指很多
2023-07-15 09:44:312


2023-07-15 09:44:414


2023-07-15 09:45:341

Maintaining a sharp eye 什么意思?

Maintaining a sharp eye 保持敏锐的眼光
2023-07-15 09:45:412


Keep friendly
2023-07-15 09:46:034


写作思路:可以写一些保持健康的方法和措施,例如合理饮食、适量运动、规律作息等,接着也可以探讨保持健康的好处和益处。下面以《保持健康》为主题,分享5篇作文,供大家参考u2727*uff61u0669(ˊu15dcˋ*)u0648u2727*uff61第一篇:Maintaining a Balanced Diet(保持均衡的饮食)To stay healthy, it"s essential to maintain a balanced diet. This includes consuming the right amounts of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. Eating a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean meats and whole-grain foods is necessary for optimal nutrition and well-being. Avoiding excessive consumption of sugary or processed items is equally crucial in staying healthy.中文翻译:为了保持健康,很重要的一点是要保持均衡的饮食。这包括摄入适量的碳水化合物、蛋白质、脂肪、维生素和矿物质。吃各种水果、蔬菜、瘦肉和全谷物食品对于获得优质营养和保持健康是必需的。同样重要的是避免过量摄入含糖或加工食品以保持健康。第二篇:Regular Exercise(经常锻炼)Engaging in regular physical activity is vital for maintaining good health. Exercise can help strengthen the heart, improve lung function, and build muscle. Furthermore, it reduces the risk of chronic diseases and helps maintain a healthy weight. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise each week to stay active and healthy.中文翻译:参与定期的户外活动对于保持良好的健康状况至关重要。锻炼可以增强心脏功能,改善肺活量,并且增加肌肉。此外,锻炼还能降低慢性病的风险,并有助于保持健康的体重。每周进行至少150分钟的中等强度锻炼或75分钟的高强度锻炼,以保持活力和健康。第三篇:Getting Enough Sleep(充足的睡眠)Getting sufficient sleep is another crucial component of a healthy lifestyle. Adequate sleep allows the body to recover and repair, contributing to overall well-being. Most adults need 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night. Establishing a consistent sleep schedule and creating a comfortable sleep environment can help promote a good night"s rest.中文翻译:保证充足的睡眠是健康生活方式的另一个关键因素。足够的睡眠可以让身体得到恢复和修复,有利于整体健康。大多数成年人每晚需要7到9小时的睡眠。建立稳定的睡眠时间表和舒适的睡眠环境有助于促进良好的睡眠质量。第四篇:Reducing Stress(减轻压力)Managing stress is essential for overall health and well-being. Chronic stress can lead to various health problems, including anxiety, depression, and weakened immune systems. Incorporating healthy habits, such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, and regular physical activity can help reduce stress levels and promote better mental and emotional health.中文翻译:控制压力对整体健康至关重要。长期的压力可能导致各种健康问题,包括焦虑、抑郁和免疫系统减弱。养成健康的生活习惯,如冥想、深呼吸练习和定期的体育活动有助于减轻压力,促进心理和情感健康。第五篇:Staying Hydrated(保持水分)Proper hydration is crucial for maintaining good health. Water plays a significant role functions, such as digestion, circulation, and temperature regulation. To stay hydrated, aim to drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day. Keeping a water bottle handy can serve as a helpful reminder to drink more water throughout the day.中文翻译:保持适当的水分对维持健康非常重要。水对人体的基本功能,如消化、循环和体温调节有着重要作用。为了保持水分,每天要喝至少八杯8盎司的水。随身携带水杯可以提醒自己在一天中多喝水。
2023-07-15 09:46:122

How do you keep healthy 一篇英语作文

Keeping healthy is essential for a happy and fulfilling life. There are several ways to maintain good health.Firstly, regular exercise is crucial. Engaging in physical activities like jogging, swimming, or playing sports helps strengthen muscles, improve cardiovascular health, and boost overall fitness levels. It is recommended to exercise at least three times a week for about 30 minutes.Secondly, maintaining a balanced diet is important. Consuming a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats provides the body with essential nutrients. Avoiding excessive intake of sugary, processed, and fatty foods is also necessary for maintaining good health.Additionally, getting enough rest and sleep is vital. Adequate sleep allows the body to recover and rejuvenate, promoting better physical and mental well-being. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep each night.Furthermore, managing stress is crucial for maintaining good health. Engaging in stress-relieving activities such as meditation, yoga, or hobbies helps reduce stress levels and promotes a sense of calm and balance.Lastly, maintaining proper hygiene practices, such as regular handwashing, taking care of personal hygiene, and staying hydrated, is important for preventing the spread of illnesses and promoting overall well-being.In conclusion, adopting a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise, a balanced diet, sufficient rest, stress management, and proper hygiene practices is key to maintaining good health. It"s important to make these habits a part of our daily routine to enjoy a long and healthy life.
2023-07-15 09:46:474


挺标准的 没发现错误 除了部分单词之间没有空格以外
2023-07-15 09:47:152


首先这不是一个语法问题这是一个用词问题从英语意义的角度来说如果不maintain的话 事物会有一点一点损耗或者退步如果不keep的话 事物就直接没了所以可以理解为 maintain是为了keep 要keep的话就需要maintain从集合的角度来看 keep当中包含maintain maintain是一种keep的方式
2023-07-15 09:47:372


Title: Keeping HealthyStaying healthy is essential for a happy life. There are many ways to maintain good physical and mental health, such as eating a balanced diet, getting regular exercise, and managing stress.Healthy eating is crucial for maintaining good health. A diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins can provide the nutrients and energy needed to keep the body functioning properly. Limiting intake of sugary and processed foods can also help to prevent chronic diseases.Regular exercise is also important for staying healthy. Engaging in physical activity for at least 30 minutes a day can improve cardiovascular health, increase muscle strength, and enhance mood. Activities such as yoga, running, or swimming can be enjoyable and help reduce stress levels.Stress management is another important factor in maintaining good health. Stress can have negative impacts on both physical and mental health, so it"s important to find ways to cope with it. Some effective stress-reducing techniques include deep breathing exercises, meditation, and spending time outdoors.In conclusion, taking care of our physical and mental health is essential for living a fulfilling life. By maintaining a healthy lifestyle that includes eating well, getting regular exercise, and managing stress, we can promote our long-term health and well-being.保持健康是幸福生活的重要组成部分。保持身体和心理健康有许多方式,例如合理饮食、定期锻炼和管理压力。健康的饮食对于保持良好的健康至关重要。一个包含大量水果、蔬菜、全谷及瘦蛋白的饮食能够提供维持身体正常运转所需的营养和能量。限制甜食和加工食品的摄入也可以帮助预防慢性疾病。定期锻炼也对保持健康非常重要。每天参加至少30分钟的身体活动可以改善心血管健康,增加肌肉力量和提高心情。瑜伽、跑步或游泳等活动既有乐趣还能减少压力水平。管理压力是维护健康的另一个重要因素。压力会对身体和心理健康产生负面影响,因此需要找到应对压力的方法。一些有效的减压技巧包括深呼吸练习、冥想和户外活动时间。总之,保持身心健康是实现满足生活的关键。通过坚持健康的生活方式,包括良好的饮食习惯、定期锻炼和管理压力,我们可以促进长期的健康和幸福感。
2023-07-15 09:47:522


2023-07-15 09:48:032


  你知道保持联系的英文是什么吗?下面一起来看看吧~   保持联系   保持联系的英文双语:   kept in touch with   be in touch   keep in touch   stay in touch   kept in touch   保持联系的英文例句:   他与经理保持联系。   He kept in touch with his manager.   让我们保持联系。   Let"s keep in touch.   我在旅行期间舆同学们保持联系。   I kept in touch with my classmates during my journey.   "与此同时,两小时前放进去了一只麦克风,使这些人能与他们最亲近的亲属保持联系。"   "Meanwhile, a microphone, which was lowered into the mine two hours ago, has enabled the men to keep in touch with the closest relatives."   For several years I kept in touch with her 几年来,我一直和她保持联系。   She"s still keen to keep in touch 她仍旧很愿意保持联系。   They embraced and promised to keep in touch 他们互相拥抱,许诺将保持联系。   The doctor was in touch by telephone with his patients 医生通过电话与病人保持联系   He kept in touch with us while he was on vacation 他在度假期间仍与我们保持联系   They keep in touch with their members by issuing a quarterly newsletter 他们印发内部季刊与会员保持联系   Even if we cannot agree, we should maintain our contact 即使我们不能取得一致, 我们也要保持联系 保持联系的英文是什么   I wanted to keep in touch, but when I called him he gave me the brush-off 我想和他保持联系,但当我 打电话给他时,他却不理睬我。   It is important for us to meet personally although we have been in touch in various ways 尽管我们以多种方式保持联系,见面对我们来说还是非常重要的。   Some officials claimed to unhook connections with the companies but stillmaintained close ties on the sly 某些干部口称已跟公司脱钩,可暗中仍然保持联系   Stay connected through message boards, chat rooms, email, and othervirtual resources 通过线上信息留言板, 聊天室, 邮件或其他网络方式和他们保持联系   Have you been keeping in touch with your financial sponsor? 你和你的担保人保持联系 吗 ?   We now keep in touch with him by write letter 我们现在靠写信与他保持联系   Do you keep up with your classmates in high school? 你与高中的同学保持联系 吗 ?   Maintain liaison with assigned customer technical and commercialpersonnel 与指定客户的技术和业务人员保持联系   Be sure to keep communication open with those you live with 一定要与你一起生活的人保持联系,保证信息畅通   What is your opinion on maintaining contact with former lovers marriage? 婚后,如果一个人仍然跟他以前的情人保持联系,你的看法是什么?   I still keep up with my correspondence with him 我仍然继续和他保持联系   It"s hard to keep track of all one"s old school friends 与中学时的所有老校友都保持联系是很困难的   The two kept in touch by sending e - mail almost every day 双方几乎每天都通过电子邮件保持联系
2023-07-15 09:48:091


Are you healthy? Do you love to do sports? Maintaining good health is a very important!Nowadays young people do not like to do exercise, so they are not in good condition, I"m giving you a few tips:First, run 1000 meters every morning when you get up, at night walk an hour, you can also play basketball, football, etc. to keep your health, so it is important to keep healthy. So please do lots of sports.
2023-07-15 09:48:254


2023-07-15 09:48:354

求大神写英文作文“On Maintaining Trust”,谢谢了!

  “On Maintaining Trust”  Future trends in computer science is one of the artificial intelligence,It is the research and artificial simulation of human thought and eventually be able to make a human like to think the same machine.For human services and to help people solve problems.After all, people thought it was unique, there are feelings, there are a variety of character, this will be very difficult to achieve in the machine.In fact, to do the same as the human thinking machine, the only one of the artificial intelligence, is by no means all. Through the study of artificial intelligence, can resolve all kinds of scientific problems, and promote the development of other science, the artificial intelligence is the best!I believe that the science of artificial intelligence is waiting for humanity to explore it step by step the real connotation.  望采纳~!!
2023-07-15 09:48:432


"维护"用英语可以翻译为"maintain"或者"preserve"。这两个词都可以表示保持、维护或保护某物的状态,具体取决于上下文的使用。双语例句:我们需要定期维护机器设备,以确保其正常运作。We need to maintain the machinery regularly to ensure its proper functioning.他努力维护着家族的传统价值观。He works hard to maintain the traditional values of his family.公司将采取必要措施来维护客户的隐私和安全。The company will take necessary measures to maintain the privacy and security of its customers.水稻在湿润的环境中生长,因此我们需要维持适宜的灌溉条件。Rice grows in a wet environment, so we need to maintain appropriate irrigation conditions.这个组织致力于维护儿童权益,并为贫困地区的儿童提供教育支持。This organization is dedicated to maintaining children"s rights and providing educational support to children in impoverished areas.
2023-07-15 09:48:491

__________ [A] retaining [B] attaining [C] maintaining [D] gaining

2023-07-15 09:50:111


The benefits/ advantages of keeping a positive attitude
2023-07-15 09:50:223

how to maintain friendship是什么意思?

How to maintain friendship 意思是如何维持友谊。以下是三篇以《How to maintain friendship》为题的英语作文,仅供大家参考。友情第一篇以下这篇作文介绍了如何维持友谊。提出了沟通、彼此协调、互相理解、珍惜友情等方面的建议,强调了通过这些简单步骤可以加强友谊和建立长久的关系。Friendship is an important part of our lives, but maintaining friendships can be a challenge. Here are some tips on how to maintain friendship: Firstly, communication is key. Regularly check in with your friends, listen to them and share your own experiences and feelings. Secondly, make time for each other. Even if it"s just a quick phone call or text message, staying in touch shows that you value the friendship. Thirdly, be understanding of each other"s differences and be willing to compromise. Finally, remember to show appreciation by expressing gratitude and acknowledging their efforts to maintain the friendship. By following these simple steps, we can strengthen our friendships and build long-lasting relationships.难词解释:1. Communication (名词) - 沟通、交流。2. Compromise (动词/名词) - 妥协、折中、和解。翻译:友谊是我们生活中很重要的一部分,但维持友谊可能会面临挑战。以下是一些如何维持友谊的建议:首先,沟通非常重要。定期与你的朋友保持联系,倾听他们的心声,并分享自己的经历和感受。其次,抽出时间来见面。即使只是一个简短的电话或短信,保持联系表明你珍视这份友情。第三,理解并接受彼此的不同之处,愿意妥协。最后,记得表达感激之情,赞扬对方为维持友谊所付出的努力。通过遵循这些简单步骤,我们可以加强友谊、建立长久的关系。第二篇以下这篇作文介绍了通过沟通、彼此留些时间、理解和支持等方面的建议来保持友谊的重要性和方法。Maintaining friendships can be challenging, but it is essential for our well-being. Here are some ways to keep your friendships strong: Firstly, communication is key. Keep in touch with your friends regularly and let them know you care about them. Secondly, make time for each other. Even if you have busy schedules, try to meet up or call each other frequently to catch up. Thirdly, show understanding and empathy towards your friends" feelings and needs. Finally, be supportive and express gratitude for their friendship. Remember that friendship requires effort and commitment, but the rewards of strong connections and support are worth it.难词解释:1. Empathy (名词) - 同情心、共情能力。2. Commitment (名词) - 承诺、投入、奉献。翻译:维持友谊可能会面临挑战,但它对于我们的幸福很重要。以下是一些保持友谊强大的方法:首先,沟通非常关键。经常与朋友保持联系,让他们知道你在乎他们。其次,留出时间给彼此相处。即使你们都很忙,尽量经常见面或打电话来聊聊天。第三,理解和同情朋友的感受和需求。最后,支持和感激他们的友谊。记住,友谊需要努力和承诺,但强大的联系和支持带来的回报是值得的。第三篇以下这篇作文介绍了通过沟通、共同参与活动、理解和支持等方面的建议来建立并保持强大的友谊。Friendship is an important part of our lives, but it can be challenging to maintain. Here are some ways to keep your friendships strong: Firstly, communicate regularly with your friends and listen to their concerns. Secondly, make time for each other and participate in shared activities. Thirdly, show empathy and understanding towards your friend"s emotions and feelings. Fourthly, be reliable and supportive during difficult times. Finally, express gratitude for their friendship and acknowledge the effort they put into maintaining it. In summary, building and maintaining strong friendships requires effort, but it is worth it for the support and joy that comes from these relationships.难词解释:1. Empathy (名词) - 同情心、共情能力,即理解和感受他人的情感。2. Reliable (形容词) - 可靠的、可信赖的,指能够在需要时提供支持或帮助的人。翻译:友谊是我们生活中重要的一部分,但维持友谊可能会面临挑战。以下是一些保持友谊强大的方法:首先,与朋友经常沟通并倾听他们的关注。其次,留出时间给彼此相处并共同参与活动。第三,对朋友的情感和感受表现出同情和理解。第四,在困难时期可靠并提供支持性帮助。最后,表达对他们的友谊的感激,并承认他们为维护友谊所付出的努力。总之,建立和保持强大的友谊需要努力,但这对于从这些关系中获得的支持和快乐是值得的。
2023-07-15 09:50:411

how to maintain friendship什么意思?

How to maintain friendship 意思是如何维持友谊。以下是三篇以《How to maintain friendship》为题的英语作文,仅供大家参考。友情第一篇以下这篇作文介绍了如何维持友谊。提出了沟通、彼此协调、互相理解、珍惜友情等方面的建议,强调了通过这些简单步骤可以加强友谊和建立长久的关系。Friendship is an important part of our lives, but maintaining friendships can be a challenge. Here are some tips on how to maintain friendship: Firstly, communication is key. Regularly check in with your friends, listen to them and share your own experiences and feelings. Secondly, make time for each other. Even if it"s just a quick phone call or text message, staying in touch shows that you value the friendship. Thirdly, be understanding of each other"s differences and be willing to compromise. Finally, remember to show appreciation by expressing gratitude and acknowledging their efforts to maintain the friendship. By following these simple steps, we can strengthen our friendships and build long-lasting relationships.难词解释:1. Communication (名词) - 沟通、交流。2. Compromise (动词/名词) - 妥协、折中、和解。翻译:友谊是我们生活中很重要的一部分,但维持友谊可能会面临挑战。以下是一些如何维持友谊的建议:首先,沟通非常重要。定期与你的朋友保持联系,倾听他们的心声,并分享自己的经历和感受。其次,抽出时间来见面。即使只是一个简短的电话或短信,保持联系表明你珍视这份友情。第三,理解并接受彼此的不同之处,愿意妥协。最后,记得表达感激之情,赞扬对方为维持友谊所付出的努力。通过遵循这些简单步骤,我们可以加强友谊、建立长久的关系。第二篇以下这篇作文介绍了通过沟通、彼此留些时间、理解和支持等方面的建议来保持友谊的重要性和方法。Maintaining friendships can be challenging, but it is essential for our well-being. Here are some ways to keep your friendships strong: Firstly, communication is key. Keep in touch with your friends regularly and let them know you care about them. Secondly, make time for each other. Even if you have busy schedules, try to meet up or call each other frequently to catch up. Thirdly, show understanding and empathy towards your friends" feelings and needs. Finally, be supportive and express gratitude for their friendship. Remember that friendship requires effort and commitment, but the rewards of strong connections and support are worth it.难词解释:1. Empathy (名词) - 同情心、共情能力。2. Commitment (名词) - 承诺、投入、奉献。翻译:维持友谊可能会面临挑战,但它对于我们的幸福很重要。以下是一些保持友谊强大的方法:首先,沟通非常关键。经常与朋友保持联系,让他们知道你在乎他们。其次,留出时间给彼此相处。即使你们都很忙,尽量经常见面或打电话来聊聊天。第三,理解和同情朋友的感受和需求。最后,支持和感激他们的友谊。记住,友谊需要努力和承诺,但强大的联系和支持带来的回报是值得的。第三篇以下这篇作文介绍了通过沟通、共同参与活动、理解和支持等方面的建议来建立并保持强大的友谊。Friendship is an important part of our lives, but it can be challenging to maintain. Here are some ways to keep your friendships strong: Firstly, communicate regularly with your friends and listen to their concerns. Secondly, make time for each other and participate in shared activities. Thirdly, show empathy and understanding towards your friend"s emotions and feelings. Fourthly, be reliable and supportive during difficult times. Finally, express gratitude for their friendship and acknowledge the effort they put into maintaining it. In summary, building and maintaining strong friendships requires effort, but it is worth it for the support and joy that comes from these relationships.难词解释:1. Empathy (名词) - 同情心、共情能力,即理解和感受他人的情感。2. Reliable (形容词) - 可靠的、可信赖的,指能够在需要时提供支持或帮助的人。翻译:友谊是我们生活中重要的一部分,但维持友谊可能会面临挑战。以下是一些保持友谊强大的方法:首先,与朋友经常沟通并倾听他们的关注。其次,留出时间给彼此相处并共同参与活动。第三,对朋友的情感和感受表现出同情和理解。第四,在困难时期可靠并提供支持性帮助。最后,表达对他们的友谊的感激,并承认他们为维护友谊所付出的努力。总之,建立和保持强大的友谊需要努力,但这对于从这些关系中获得的支持和快乐是值得的。
2023-07-15 09:50:551


I try to keep my car in a good state by regularly maintaining it and taking it for regular check-ups.这是一个可以接形容词的句型,意思是“使某物保持在良好状态”。例如:She makes sure to keep her house in a clean and organized state.He tries to keep his body in a healthy and fit state by exercising regularly.
2023-07-15 09:51:091

何如维持友谊 How to Maintain the Friendship

Everyone needs friends in their lives, no one can live alone, they need friends to share their sorrow and happiness, so that they can keep the good mood. But even the marriage needs to run in the long term, for friendship, people will confront all kinds of problems, the one who can deal with the problems well will maintain the friendship. When you have argument with your friends, both of you do not want to give in, at this time, you need to calm down and be general, you can release the intense atmosphere。In a few days, when both of you have calmed down, the argument is nothing but a small interlude. Sometimes your friend will work in another place, if you two are lazy to contact with each other, friendship is easy to lose as the time went by. Maintaining friendship is not easy. 每个人一生中都需要朋友,没有人可以独自活着,他们需要朋友来分享喜怒哀乐,这样他们就能保持好的心情。但是即使婚姻也需要长期经营,对于友谊,人们会面对各种各样的问题,谁能处理好问题谁就能维持好友谊。当你和朋友争吵的时候,你们谁也不想退步,这时候,你需要冷静并且绅士点,缓解下紧张的氛围。不久后,当你们都冷静下来,曾经的争吵不过是一个小插曲。有时候你的朋友在外地工作,如果你们两个都懒得去联系彼此,友谊很容易会随着时间的流逝而失去。维持友谊不容易。
2023-07-15 09:51:161


How to Maintain FriendshipFriendship is an essential part of our lives. It is built on mutual trust, respect, and understanding. However, maintaining friendship requires effort and dedication. Here are a few tips on how to maintain friendship:Communication: Communication is the key to any relationship. Make time to talk to your friends, ask about their lives, and share your own experiences. Keep in touch through phone calls, messages, or social media.Be supportive: Be there for your friends when they need you. Offer a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on, or a helping hand. Celebrate their successes and comfort them in their failures.Respect boundaries: Everyone has their own personal boundaries. Respect your friends" boundaries and avoid pressuring them into doing something they are not comfortable with.Forgive and forget: No one is perfect, and everyone makes mistakes. Learn to forgive your friends when they make mistakes and move on. Holding grudges can damage your friendship.Be honest: Honesty is the foundation of any healthy relationship. Be honest with your friends, even if it means telling them something they may not want to hear. This will help build trust and strengthen your friendship.In conclusion, maintaining friendship requires effort, but it is worth it. By communicating, being supportive, respecting boundaries, forgiving and forgetting, and being honest, you can build strong and lasting friendships.如何保持友谊友谊是我们生活中必不可少的一部分。它建立在相互信任、尊重和理解的基础上。然而,保持友谊需要努力和奉献。以下是一些关于如何保持友谊的提示:沟通:沟通是任何关系的关键。抽出时间和你的朋友交谈,询问他们的生活,分享你自己的经历。通过电话、信息或社交媒体保持联系。给予支持:当你的朋友需要你的时候,就在他们身边。提供一个倾听的耳朵,一个哭泣的肩膀,或者一只帮助的手。庆祝他们的成功,并在失败中安慰他们。尊重界限:每个人都有自己的个人界限。尊重朋友的界限,避免强迫他们做一些他们不舒服的事情。原谅并忘记:没有人是完美的,每个人都会犯错。当你的朋友犯了错误并继续前进时,学会原谅他们。记仇会损害你的友谊。诚实:诚实是任何健康关系的基础。对你的朋友要诚实,即使这意味着告诉他们一些他们可能不想听的事情。这将有助于建立信任并加强你们的友谊。总之,保持友谊需要努力,但这是值得的。通过沟通、支持、尊重界限、宽容和遗忘以及诚实,你可以建立牢固持久的友谊。
2023-07-15 09:51:252

A person who agrees to serve as mediator between two warring factions at the 以提供翻译+讲解

ops这个abandon by不会是个倒装吧a person who serves as mediator abandon the right by agreeing....
2023-07-15 09:51:346

the selective role of the environment in shaping and maintaining the behavior of the individual

2023-07-15 09:52:172


We want science to set the time,and maintaining good sleep 手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可. 互相帮助,祝共同进步!
2023-07-15 09:52:241


2023-07-15 09:52:336


上面人牛B 的哇
2023-07-15 09:52:487


Maintaining a healthy body is essential for living a happy and fulfilling life. There are several steps that you can take to ensure that your body stays in good condition.First and foremost, it is important to eat a well-balanced diet. This means including a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and proteins in your meals. Avoiding processed and sugary foods can also have a positive impact on your health.In addition to a healthy diet, regular exercise is crucial for maintaining good physical and mental health. Aim to get at least 30 minutes of physical activity each day, whether it be through a structured workout or just taking a walk outside.Sleep is also an important factor in maintaining a healthy body. Aim for at least 7-9 hours of sleep each night to allow your body and mind to rest and recharge.Staying hydrated is also key for keeping your body functioning properly. Make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day.Finally, managing stress is essential for maintaining good physical and mental health. Finding ways to cope with stress, such as through meditation, exercise, or talking to a therapist, can help you stay healthy and happy.By following these steps, you can ensure that your body stays healthy and strong.
2023-07-15 09:53:021

翻译 中翻英 在线等··

Wild animals are human"s friends.They are an important part of natural ecologic system and the precious natural resource which the nature presents to human.Protecting wild animals and maintaining natural ecologic balance not only concer human"s existance and development,but also a major sign to measure a country,a nation,a city"s civilization progress.
2023-07-15 09:53:106

be indispensable to do还是doing

应该是doing.to是介词,后面接名词、代词或动词-ing形式:Air,food and water are indispensable to maintaining our living/life.空气,食物和水,对维持我们的生活是不可缺的。
2023-07-15 09:53:231


blah blah blah
2023-07-15 09:53:464


lease put the things in the fixed position.
2023-07-15 09:53:547


zai gong si li ta fu ze wei hu wang yi
2023-07-15 09:54:114

英语语法成分分析condition for maintaining spcies diversity

这句话的主语是the protection of nature resources,谓语动词是is,表语是a necessary but not a sufficient condition for ...(即表语是condition for ...,而condition又被形容词necessary but not sufficient来修饰)。condition for sth意思是“做某事的条件”。整句话的意思:自然资源的保护可能是保持物种多样性的必要但非充分的条件。
2023-07-15 09:54:192


  你知道吗?下面一起来看看吧~   保持联络   保持联络的英文双语:   kept in touch with   be in touch   keep in touch   stay in touch   kept in touch   保持联络的英文例句:   他与经理保持联络。   He kept in touch with his manager.   让我们保持联络。   Let"s keep in touch.   我在旅行期间舆同学们保持联络。   I kept in touch with my clas *** ates during my journey.   "与此同时,两小时前放进去了一只麦克风,使这些人能与他们最亲近的亲属保持联络。"   "Meanwhile, a microphone, which was lowered into the mine two hours ago, has enabled the men to keep in touch with the closest relatives."   For several years I kept in touch with her 几年来,我一直和她保持联络。   She"s still keen to keep in touch 她仍旧很愿意保持联络。   They embraced and promised to keep in touch 他们互相拥抱,许诺将保持联络。   The doctor was in touch by telephone with his patients 医生通过电话与病人保持联络   He kept in touch with us while he was on vacation 他在度假期间仍与我们保持联络   They keep in touch with their members by issuing a quarterly newsletter 他们印发内部季刊与会员保持联络   Even if we cannot agree, we should maintain our contact 即使我们不能取得一致, 我们也要保持联络   I wanted to keep in touch, but when I called him he gave me the brush-off 我想和他保持联络,但当我 打电话给他时,他却不理睬我。   It is important for us to meet personally although we have been in touch in various ways 尽管我们以多种方式保持联络,见面对我们来说还是非常重要的。   Some officials claimed to unhook connections with the panies but stillmaintained close ties on the sly 某些干部口称已跟公司脱钩,可暗中仍然保持联络   Stay connected through message boards, chat rooms, email, and othervirtual resources 通过线上资讯留言板, 聊天室, 邮件或其他网路方式和他们保持联络   Have you been keeping in touch with your financial sponsor? 你和你的担保人保持联络 吗 ?   We now keep in touch with him by write letter 我们现在靠写信与他保持联络   Do you keep up with your clas *** ates in high school? 你与高中的同学保持联络 吗 ?   Maintain liaison with assigned customer technical and mercialpersonnel 与指定客户的技术和业务人员保持联络   Be sure to keep munication open with those you live with 一定要与你一起生活的人保持联络,保证资讯畅通   What is your opinion on maintaining contact with former lovers marriage? 婚后,如果一个人仍然跟他以前的情人保持联络,你的看法是什么?   I still keep up with my correspondence with him 我仍然继续和他保持联络   It"s hard to keep track of all one"s old school friends 与中学时的所有老校友都保持联络是很困难的   The two kept in touch by sending e - mail almost every day 双方几乎每天都通过电子邮件保持联络
2023-07-15 09:54:261


2023-07-15 09:54:516

there is no time 后面是加to do sth.还是doing sth.

to do sth
2023-07-15 09:55:077

how to maintain friendship是什么意思?

How to maintain friendship 意思是如何维持友谊。以下是三篇以《How to maintain friendship》为题的英语作文,仅供大家参考。友情第一篇以下这篇作文介绍了如何维持友谊。提出了沟通、彼此协调、互相理解、珍惜友情等方面的建议,强调了通过这些简单步骤可以加强友谊和建立长久的关系。Friendship is an important part of our lives, but maintaining friendships can be a challenge. Here are some tips on how to maintain friendship: Firstly, communication is key. Regularly check in with your friends, listen to them and share your own experiences and feelings. Secondly, make time for each other. Even if it"s just a quick phone call or text message, staying in touch shows that you value the friendship. Thirdly, be understanding of each other"s differences and be willing to compromise. Finally, remember to show appreciation by expressing gratitude and acknowledging their efforts to maintain the friendship. By following these simple steps, we can strengthen our friendships and build long-lasting relationships.难词解释:1. Communication (名词) - 沟通、交流。2. Compromise (动词/名词) - 妥协、折中、和解。翻译:友谊是我们生活中很重要的一部分,但维持友谊可能会面临挑战。以下是一些如何维持友谊的建议:首先,沟通非常重要。定期与你的朋友保持联系,倾听他们的心声,并分享自己的经历和感受。其次,抽出时间来见面。即使只是一个简短的电话或短信,保持联系表明你珍视这份友情。第三,理解并接受彼此的不同之处,愿意妥协。最后,记得表达感激之情,赞扬对方为维持友谊所付出的努力。通过遵循这些简单步骤,我们可以加强友谊、建立长久的关系。第二篇以下这篇作文介绍了通过沟通、彼此留些时间、理解和支持等方面的建议来保持友谊的重要性和方法。Maintaining friendships can be challenging, but it is essential for our well-being. Here are some ways to keep your friendships strong: Firstly, communication is key. Keep in touch with your friends regularly and let them know you care about them. Secondly, make time for each other. Even if you have busy schedules, try to meet up or call each other frequently to catch up. Thirdly, show understanding and empathy towards your friends" feelings and needs. Finally, be supportive and express gratitude for their friendship. Remember that friendship requires effort and commitment, but the rewards of strong connections and support are worth it.难词解释:1. Empathy (名词) - 同情心、共情能力。2. Commitment (名词) - 承诺、投入、奉献。翻译:维持友谊可能会面临挑战,但它对于我们的幸福很重要。以下是一些保持友谊强大的方法:首先,沟通非常关键。经常与朋友保持联系,让他们知道你在乎他们。其次,留出时间给彼此相处。即使你们都很忙,尽量经常见面或打电话来聊聊天。第三,理解和同情朋友的感受和需求。最后,支持和感激他们的友谊。记住,友谊需要努力和承诺,但强大的联系和支持带来的回报是值得的。第三篇以下这篇作文介绍了通过沟通、共同参与活动、理解和支持等方面的建议来建立并保持强大的友谊。Friendship is an important part of our lives, but it can be challenging to maintain. Here are some ways to keep your friendships strong: Firstly, communicate regularly with your friends and listen to their concerns. Secondly, make time for each other and participate in shared activities. Thirdly, show empathy and understanding towards your friend"s emotions and feelings. Fourthly, be reliable and supportive during difficult times. Finally, express gratitude for their friendship and acknowledge the effort they put into maintaining it. In summary, building and maintaining strong friendships requires effort, but it is worth it for the support and joy that comes from these relationships.难词解释:1. Empathy (名词) - 同情心、共情能力,即理解和感受他人的情感。2. Reliable (形容词) - 可靠的、可信赖的,指能够在需要时提供支持或帮助的人。翻译:友谊是我们生活中重要的一部分,但维持友谊可能会面临挑战。以下是一些保持友谊强大的方法:首先,与朋友经常沟通并倾听他们的关注。其次,留出时间给彼此相处并共同参与活动。第三,对朋友的情感和感受表现出同情和理解。第四,在困难时期可靠并提供支持性帮助。最后,表达对他们的友谊的感激,并承认他们为维护友谊所付出的努力。总之,建立和保持强大的友谊需要努力,但这对于从这些关系中获得的支持和快乐是值得的。
2023-07-15 09:55:211

How to maintain friendship?

How to maintain friendship 意思是如何维持友谊。以下是三篇以《How to maintain friendship》为题的英语作文,仅供大家参考。友情第一篇以下这篇作文介绍了如何维持友谊。提出了沟通、彼此协调、互相理解、珍惜友情等方面的建议,强调了通过这些简单步骤可以加强友谊和建立长久的关系。Friendship is an important part of our lives, but maintaining friendships can be a challenge. Here are some tips on how to maintain friendship: Firstly, communication is key. Regularly check in with your friends, listen to them and share your own experiences and feelings. Secondly, make time for each other. Even if it"s just a quick phone call or text message, staying in touch shows that you value the friendship. Thirdly, be understanding of each other"s differences and be willing to compromise. Finally, remember to show appreciation by expressing gratitude and acknowledging their efforts to maintain the friendship. By following these simple steps, we can strengthen our friendships and build long-lasting relationships.难词解释:1. Communication (名词) - 沟通、交流。2. Compromise (动词/名词) - 妥协、折中、和解。翻译:友谊是我们生活中很重要的一部分,但维持友谊可能会面临挑战。以下是一些如何维持友谊的建议:首先,沟通非常重要。定期与你的朋友保持联系,倾听他们的心声,并分享自己的经历和感受。其次,抽出时间来见面。即使只是一个简短的电话或短信,保持联系表明你珍视这份友情。第三,理解并接受彼此的不同之处,愿意妥协。最后,记得表达感激之情,赞扬对方为维持友谊所付出的努力。通过遵循这些简单步骤,我们可以加强友谊、建立长久的关系。第二篇以下这篇作文介绍了通过沟通、彼此留些时间、理解和支持等方面的建议来保持友谊的重要性和方法。Maintaining friendships can be challenging, but it is essential for our well-being. Here are some ways to keep your friendships strong: Firstly, communication is key. Keep in touch with your friends regularly and let them know you care about them. Secondly, make time for each other. Even if you have busy schedules, try to meet up or call each other frequently to catch up. Thirdly, show understanding and empathy towards your friends" feelings and needs. Finally, be supportive and express gratitude for their friendship. Remember that friendship requires effort and commitment, but the rewards of strong connections and support are worth it.难词解释:1. Empathy (名词) - 同情心、共情能力。2. Commitment (名词) - 承诺、投入、奉献。翻译:维持友谊可能会面临挑战,但它对于我们的幸福很重要。以下是一些保持友谊强大的方法:首先,沟通非常关键。经常与朋友保持联系,让他们知道你在乎他们。其次,留出时间给彼此相处。即使你们都很忙,尽量经常见面或打电话来聊聊天。第三,理解和同情朋友的感受和需求。最后,支持和感激他们的友谊。记住,友谊需要努力和承诺,但强大的联系和支持带来的回报是值得的。第三篇以下这篇作文介绍了通过沟通、共同参与活动、理解和支持等方面的建议来建立并保持强大的友谊。Friendship is an important part of our lives, but it can be challenging to maintain. Here are some ways to keep your friendships strong: Firstly, communicate regularly with your friends and listen to their concerns. Secondly, make time for each other and participate in shared activities. Thirdly, show empathy and understanding towards your friend"s emotions and feelings. Fourthly, be reliable and supportive during difficult times. Finally, express gratitude for their friendship and acknowledge the effort they put into maintaining it. In summary, building and maintaining strong friendships requires effort, but it is worth it for the support and joy that comes from these relationships.难词解释:1. Empathy (名词) - 同情心、共情能力,即理解和感受他人的情感。2. Reliable (形容词) - 可靠的、可信赖的,指能够在需要时提供支持或帮助的人。翻译:友谊是我们生活中重要的一部分,但维持友谊可能会面临挑战。以下是一些保持友谊强大的方法:首先,与朋友经常沟通并倾听他们的关注。其次,留出时间给彼此相处并共同参与活动。第三,对朋友的情感和感受表现出同情和理解。第四,在困难时期可靠并提供支持性帮助。最后,表达对他们的友谊的感激,并承认他们为维护友谊所付出的努力。总之,建立和保持强大的友谊需要努力,但这对于从这些关系中获得的支持和快乐是值得的。
2023-07-15 09:55:391


10个提高少儿英语的好方法   引导语:下面我就为大家带来10个提高少儿英语的好方法,希望能够帮助到您,谢谢您的阅读,祝您阅读愉快。   一、Watch English movies and English shows on television.   看美剧、原文电影   Initially, you can read thesub-titles to follow the conversation. As you practice more, you will realizethat you are able to follow the conversation without needing to read thesub-titles.   刚开始的时候,说不定你需要字幕来帮助理解。但其实你只要多加练习听力,你逐渐可以摆脱字幕依赖。    二、Do not hesitate   勇敢开口不迟疑   Talk to whoever you can.Decide among your circle of friends that you will only talk in English witheach other. This way you can get rid of hesitation and also have your friendscorrect you when you are wrong.   尽可能地使用英语跟更多人交流。建立一个只用英文交流的朋友圈。在这些人中,你不仅可以英语交流,他们还能帮你矫正错误。   三、Start a conversation with strangers in English   跟陌生人英语交流   Since you do not know thempersonally, you will feel less conscious about what they would feel about you.   因为你们相互不了解,事实上就可以顾虑地更少一些。大胆开口就行。   四、Maintaining a diary   写英语日记   Keep a diary to record theevents of your day is a great way to practice your writing skills. Take yourtime to use new words and phrases when you write in your diary.   养成记英文日记的好习惯不仅可以记录每一天发生的事情,同样也可以锻炼你的写作技能。记日记的时候,不妨多试试新的单词和词组。   五、Read the newspaper   读英语报纸   Read it aloud when you can.Concentrate on each word. Note down the words you donu2019t understand and learntheir meanings. Try to use these words in your own sentences.   读报纸的时候,你不妨大声朗读,甚至专注每一个单词。不明白的词汇,做好标注,尽力掌握,并多加练习。   六、Record your own voice and listen to it   录音练习,反复矫正   You will notice hesitationsand pauses. You may also notice that you make some grammatical mistakes whilespeaking that you do not make while writing. You must aim to improve andrectify these mistakes in subsequent recordings.   录音中你就会发现自己有犹豫和停顿的地方。同时也能意识到那些写作中不会出现却能出现在英语讲话中的语法错误。在接下来的录音练习中,你就要避免再次重复这些失误。   七、Ask people who speak better for advice   取长补短,虚心求教   There is no shame in seekinghelp especially if you are trying to improve yourself. Talk to them in Englishand ask them to correct you whenever you are wrong.   如果你想提高英语,主动寻求帮助并不丢脸。多跟他们英语对话,并及时纠正自己的错误。   八、Set aside an hour every day to watch English news channels   每天一小时英语频道   This is one of the mosteffective ways of improving your comprehension.   这是提高英语理解能力最有效的办法之一。   九、Podcasts are available on the internet.   利用网上英语有声读物   These are audio and videofiles and many of these can be downloaded for free. These are a great way topractice listening skills and develop an understanding of different accents.   网络上有许多免费下载的音频视频,可以用来练习听力和适应不同的口音。    十、Read the lyrics   英文歌词也是学习的好素材   It is usually quitedifficult for a beginner to understand the words of an English song as there isbackground music and the accent of the artist may be unfamiliar to thelistener. Read the lyrics while you listen to the song and you will comprehendbetter. Once you start following the voice of a particular singer, you willfind it much easier to understand the singeru2019s other songs too.   对于初学者而言,因为背景乐的影响或者不熟悉演唱者的口音,要听懂歌词是很难的。不如在听歌的时候,顺便读读歌词,更有助于你的理解。一旦你熟悉了某个演唱者的歌声,他演唱的其他歌曲也很容易理解。   延伸阅读: 三方面努力提升孩子英语成绩   一、目标   这个非常重要,要定一个很清楚的目标。有的人经常会说,我要学英语,因为我觉得很重要,但是没有定一个很清楚的目标,为什么要学,或者要学到什么水平?如果你能够定下来比较清楚的目标,你会做不那么模糊的东西,很具体的东西,然后你可以衡量,你往这个目标发展的速度就会很快,所以首先要定下来一个英语学习的目标,这个很重要。可以有很大的目标,很长久的目标,但是不管有长久的目标,还是一个水平的目标,最好在长久的目标里头定下来比较短期的目标,可以比较容易达到。达到之后才有成就感,成就感就鼓励你再学习。所以这个目标如果很长久的话,我想说完全流利的英语,也把我的口音完全脱掉,就像以英语为母语的.人说英语。这个目标非常好,但是首先分到比较短期的目标,说今年我要到什么水平,或者这个季度,或者这个月,这个星期也可以。你达到这个目标成功的话就会继续下去,这个很重要,把你学习的方式变得比较系统化,这个很重要。第一,在这个话题里头,达到目标有成就感,应该适当的恭喜自己,就是达到目标可以清楚,达到一个水平可以觉得,OK,我就去庆祝一下,我如果喜欢吃冰淇淋就自己请客,这个很重要。   二、要尽最大的努力来融入一个英语环境   我会不断的提醒,达到一个目标需要练习,练习是非常重要的,所以你要尽最大的努力,想到怎么能够有最多练习的机会。很多朋友会提到,我遇到外国人的机会特别少,在我们村子里没有很多外国朋友,甚至有朋友说没有任何跟外国人接触的机会,但是跟当地的朋友在一起还是可以练习,这个比不说好多了。   错误会发生,没有经验的去学习,你会说错话是肯定的,但是不要怕错,通过说错、哪里说错,是很重要的学习过程,所以我们会说不要怕错误,需要脸皮很厚,没有关系,重要的是你的嘴巴和舌头,习惯把英语发出去,这个是非常重要的。   三、态度   我觉得最重要的是你的态度,如果有好的态度什么艰难的事情都能克服,但是如果你态度不是很好,目标不清楚,目标是第一个,很难达到一个效果。不管你的系统多么好,不管你的课题多么发达,你的老师那么伟大,如果目标不对的话就达不到效果,你学语言会碰到障碍,也可以收获学习经验,但是你不要怕,学习有对的态度,能克服障碍,需要对自己有信心。中国有一句话,“天下无难事,只怕有心人”,所以学习语言非常合适,要有心,要有自信,能达到这个效果。我对大家很有信心,如果你态度对的话,你能达到这个效果,这个是没问题的。   有一个比较有名的说法,是说“没有失败,只有停止尝试”。这句话非常合适,在语言学习里头也许是最合适的,没有失败,只有停止尝试。不管你是年轻人或者年龄大的人,学习过程遇到什么障碍,都没关系,如果定下来比较清楚的目标,有对的态度,你能达到这个目标,只要持之以恒,这个非常重要。 ;
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2023-07-15 09:56:142


学龄前儿童 Parents can begin good organization habits with preschool-age children, said Elana Spira, Ph.D., co-author of "The Organized Child" and clinical assistant professor in the department of child and adolescent psychiatry at NYU Langone. 《做事有条理的孩子》一书的合著作者、纽约大学朗格尼医学中心儿童与青少年精神病学临床助理教授埃拉娜·斯皮拉博士说,父母可以从孩子学龄前就开始培养孩子良好的组织习惯。 She recommends asking them to do small, simple actions on a regular basis. Maybe they unpack their backpacks and bring their lunch bag to the kitchen, or take their shoes off at the door and put them in a nearby closet. These won"t save parents tons of time, but they will help instill good habits. 她建议让孩子们定期做一些简单的小事,比如让他们打开背包,把午餐包带到厨房,或者在门口脱下鞋子,放进旁边的鞋柜。这些并不会帮父母节省多少时间,但会帮孩子逐渐养成好习惯。 Doing small chores at a young age helps children exercise inhibition, discipline and attention, all of which they"ll need later on. 在年幼的时候做一些简单的家务可以帮助孩子们锻炼自制力、自律和注意力,对他们今后有益。 小学生 When kids enter elementary school, they"re ready for more responsibility. This is the time to teach them about daily routines, and help them take control over theirs. Parent and child might sit down together and make a list of everything that needs to be done to get out of the house in the morning, or get ready for bed at night. 孩子们上了小学以后,他们就要准备好承担更多的责任。这时你可以教他们一些日常生活安排,帮助他们自己完成。父母和孩子可以坐在一起,列出早上出门或晚上准备睡觉前需要做的所有事情。 Together, they should figure out how long each activity takes, and when the best time to do them is. Some kids might want to get their backpack ready and pick out their clothes the night before; others, in the morning. 父母和孩子应该一起算出完成每件事需要多长时间,以及做事的最佳时间。有些孩子可能想在前一天晚上准备好背包,挑好衣服,还有些孩子则愿意在第二天早上再准备。 It"s also wise to create a firm schedule for homework. When do children do their homework? How long do they need? Where do they do it? Where does the homework go once it is done? Figure it out all before, and stick to the schedule as much as possible. 制定一个固定的家庭作业时间表也是个不错的主意。孩子们什么时候做作业?需要多长时间?在哪里做?作业做完后交给谁?提前把所有事项列清楚,尽量坚持执行。 Spira suggests printing up these task lists and laminating them—and then, step-by-step, handing over the execution of these tasks to the children. Children might even check them off with a dry erase marker each morning or evening, as they move through their lists. 斯皮拉建议打印出任务列表并装订好,并逐步让孩子自己执行这些任务。孩子们甚至可能在每天早晚浏览清单,并用白板笔把完成的任务划掉。 Also, make sure the rooms in which these tasks take place are outfitted with easy-to-read clocks. Time management is an important part of learning organization, but it can"t be done if kids don"t know what time it is. 此外,要确保孩子们完成这些任务所在的房间都配有易读的时钟。时间管理是学习有条理做事的重要组成部分,但如果孩子们不知道时间,就无法实现。 青少年 All this planning ahead is important to start in the single-digit years, but it works for tweens and teens, too. As children get older and their schedules get busier, they need their parents" help identifying priorities and understanding what it takes to make it all work. As with younger children, the goal is to help them figure out what will work for them -- and then help them stick with it. 重要的是,上述所有这些计划要在10岁前开始,不过也适用于青少年。随着孩子们长大,他们的日程安排变得更加繁忙,需要父母帮忙来确定事情的轻重缓急,并理解如何才能让诸事顺利。对年幼的孩子来说,我们的目标是帮助他们找到适合自己的方法,并坚持下去。 Calendars are also essential for helping families stay organized. Julie Morgenstern, organizing and productivity expert and bestselling author of "Time to Parent: Organizing Your Life to Bring Out the Best in Your Child and You," suggests keeping a family calendar—paper or electronic—and maintaining it regularly. Each family member should have a color dedicated to their activities, so it"s easy to see who is doing what, when. 日历对于帮助家庭保持井然有序也很重要。朱莉·摩根斯特恩是一位组织和效率专家,也是畅销书《给父母的时间:组织你的生活,展现出孩子和你最好的一面》的作者。她建议使用家庭日历(纸质或电子)并定期维护。每个家庭成员都应该有专属于自己的颜色,这样就很容易看出谁在什么时间做什么。 "You can"t expect people to look at the calendar on their own. You should have a family huddle every day to look at it as part of your routine, and look at three days ahead," Morgenstern said. "It"s better to find any problems (in the schedule) days before." “你不能指望人们自己看日历。你应该每天和家人聚在一起,把阅读家庭日历当成日常惯例,还要提前三天看,”摩根斯特恩说。“最好提前几天(在日程安排中)发现问题。” Other helpful accessories include color-coded folders or labeled accordion folders in the backpack to help organize the various papers children bring home for school: one for each type of homework, one for permission slips, and so on. 其他有用的物件包括背包里的彩色文件夹或贴有标签的风琴式文件夹,用来帮助整理孩子们从学校带回家的各种文件:一个用于存放各种作业,一个用于同意书等等。 Also, once a child is old enough—Spira suggests around 3rd grade—they should have a planner in which they write down all school-related tasks. 此外,斯皮拉建议,一旦孩子年龄足够大,大约到三年级,他们应该有一个记事簿,写下所有学校任务。 一种风格并不适合所有人 If any of this strikes parents as overwhelming, or likely to make their children"s heads explode, then slow down. 如果家长感到其中任何一项难以办到,或者可能让孩子发狂,那就慢慢来。 "Set the child up for success by instituting change gradually," Spira advises. "You don"t have to solve everything at once. Wait until the child has been consistently successful with one solution, before moving on to the next." 斯皮拉建议说:“通过逐渐改变,让孩子获得成功。你不必一下子解决所有问题。等到孩子能持续成功做到其中一项后,再进行下一个。” Organization gives children the chance to work on executive functioning, or the skills that make it possible to focus on a task and complete it. 学习做事井井有条让孩子们有机会学习执行,或者使他们能够专注于一项任务并将其完成。 These skills include inhibition (the ability to think before you act); emotional control; task initiation; and time management. 这些能力包括自制力(行动前思考的能力)、情绪控制、任务发起和时间管理。 The lessons learned from maintaining a tidy binder or managing their own calendars will stay with them for the rest of their lives. 从维护一个整洁的活页夹或管理自己的日历中汲取的经验将伴随他们一生。 Overall, children tend to be more motivated to learn organization skills if they see organization as a "challenge to overcome, rather than faults to repair," Spira said. 总的来说,如果孩子们把学习做事井井有条看作是“需要克服的挑战,而不是需要纠正的错误”,就更有动力去学习组织技能。
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2023-07-15 09:56:402


问题一:啄木鸟的英语怎么读 woodpecker woodpecker 英[?w?d?p?k?] 美[?w?d?p?k?r] 问题二:啄木鸟品牌怎么英语怎么说 再答一次:Woodpecker是我们所见过的鸟类.“啄木鸟”但不是啄木鸟公司的英文名称 正确的是: 1.“啄木鸟”的英文:PLOVER. 2. 品牌的英文: brand.或者tradmark也常用. 例:Maintaining trust is key工to maintaining the brand. 维系信任是维系品牌的关键所在 3. 啄木鸟品牌的英文:PLOVER brand. 若有帮助,请采纳 有关啄木鸟公司介绍请参考以下资料: 问题三:啄木鸟品牌英语怎么翻译啊? 1.“啄木鸟”的英文:PLOVER. 2. 品牌的英文: brand.或者tradmark也常用. 例:Maintaining trust is key to maintaining the brand. 维系信任是维系品牌的关键所在 3. 啄木鸟品牌的英文:PLOVER brand. 若有帮助,请采纳 问题四:啄木鸟用英文怎么说 hickwall pecker peckerwoo搐 woodpecker 这4个都是啄木鸟的意思
2023-07-15 09:56:491