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以”how to keep friendship"为题写一篇英语作文,120~150词左

2023-07-16 01:39:52
One loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives, goes a famous saying. Of no doubt friendship is one of the most precious feelings people can possess. In this paper I will analyze a poem “How to keep a setter” devoted to friendship.

“Understand that attraction to the birds is only natural”. These first lines of the poem are separated for independent stanza. The main theme of work, friendship with dog, is expressed here. Understanding the one you love is an important part of relationships, even if it seems unusual to your own point of view. The author persuades a listener to completely surrender the dogu2019s reflexes and encourage them.

“He might be trained to sway from posturing and pointing”u2026 In this part the speaker describes the setteru2019s behavior. He means that the dog may as well be understanding and obedient. He (the setter) can become a good friend and may be trained to execute a large number of commands. In these lines the author implies that understanding towards somebody comes back to us with mutual understanding, even deeper one.

The next lines, however, contrast the previous: u2026“but donu2019t demand prostration of the face”. Here the author outlines that there are some certain things we must not demand from others as they are impossible to do. Thus, even the cleverest and most faithful dog would not act against its principles. In this poem such principle of the dog is his pride. He is too proud to be trained to deliberately show emotions on a face. This idea continues in the next lines: “A high-held mask of pride helps him become your champion”. No matter what, the setter always looks noble, and also proud of being the personu2019s best friend. He tries his best to be the first for his master in everything he does to be his champion.

“Donu2019t just pat his head u2013 stroke the golden apple of his throat”. With other words, do not ever make any casual and negligent acts to your dog that we usually do automatically. The dog-keeper should show his emotions and feelings towards his setter. He must put his tenderness and admiration to his friend in every single detail. Even patting the dogu2019s head should become an expression of feelings worth the setter.

“On balmy evening walks, donu2019t hurry”. The author offers to turn routine evening walks with the setter to a wonderful trip of two dearest friends, the human and the dog. “Let him nose the honeyed air”. If you love and respect your dog, you will allow him to enjoy these small details that people usually do not notice. We do not pay attention to the smell of sweet evening air, the freshness of grass, the beauty of nature. Dogs do. The setteru2019s master must try to do every thing the dog does himself, especially during these evening journeys. “Maybe take a tumble in it with him”. The dog will certainly appreciate if his master joins him, plays with him, dives in the grass, and enjoys the fresh air. People should try it if they really sincerely love their dogs.

“When he comes to your sweet call, remember you arenu2019t the only creature singing”. This stanza continues describing dogsu2019 behavior. Of no doubt the master is the dearest creature for the dog. Of course the masteru2019s voice is the sweetest for him and sounds like singing. However, people must never get conceited about it. Always keep in mind that you should behave unpretentious towards your dog. Be modest and never too proud.

“Applaud the concentration”. Encourage your setteru2019s attempts to be focused on important primarily. The dog concentrates on his master first of all, and humans should necessarily show their gladness about it.

The author thinks that there may be many various reasons for such attitude. “For some itu2019s a question of chemistry, for others, a matter of best-friendship”. Your attitude is a reflection of your real feelings towards your dog. Some dog-keepers treat their dogs as regular pets, others u2013 as bothersome family members. Treat your dog as best friend and you will feel their warmth, faithfulness, and best-friendship in return, the author tells by these lines.

“And oh, what people do for such companions”. In this stanza the author persuades the listener to behave appropriately with such companions like dogs. “Learn to love the dirt or if you love it learn to show it”. Dogs are animals, and they often enjoy activities that our mind refuses to accept. They like to somersault in mud, and the author of this poem offers the setteru2019s master to do the same for better understanding of a dogsu2019 nature. As for instincts for dogs are their leading forces, they easily show their emotions and wishes. According to the authoru2019s idea, people should learn from dogs to demonstrate their desires. Besides, humans are animals as well hence it is only natural to act like this.

“Learn to love the killer instinct, and the dumbness thatu2019s the basis of loyalty”. In these lines the author proceeds with an idea of natural instincts. The dog-keepersu2019 mind must differ from common humansu2019. They need to experience their dogu2019s killer instinct. Besides, people must respect the dogu2019s loyalty. Dogs keep silence and never argue with their beloved masters, thus we must appreciate it.

The last lines of this poem probably are the most important for its major theme, though the shortest. “He wears your leash and paces happily at your side”. The dog is happy to simply walk together with his master even being led on a leash. “You lead sometimes, sometimes he”. Your dog knows that you are the leader. However, caring and loving master always makes the dog an equal partner and lets him lead sometimes.

The poem “How to keep a setter” is an ode to human love and friendship. Of no doubt the author loves dogs, especially setters. He calls for understanding and warm attitude towards menu2019s best friends. To my mind, however, the poem has a deeper meaning. In my opinion the author implies the relationships between people themselves. Love and understanding between all the creatures in the world u2013 this is the essence of the poem.

Friendship is very important in our life, so how to keep friendship is a good topic for all of us to discuss. For me, the following ways may work. Firstly, honesty plays a key role when we get long with our friends. We can not cheat our friends. Secondly, humility is important as well. since everyone is unique in the world. Sometimes we may have different ideas. At that time, humility may prenent us from conflicts when we argu. Last but not least, friends can share something in common, which may shorten the distances, such as we can develop the same habbits: reading books, feeding pets, etc, so we can talk to each other about our own opinion, which may not let our life boring.


I have a best friend.We shared our stories with each other.I never cheated her,I love her just like my sister.However,I found she sometimes kept her emotions or ideas to herself.I am afraid that she will leave me alone.I have a lot of friends,but she is the real one.Now,she has a new friend.I find our frienship is fading even though she does not admit that.What should I do?I do not want to be active to keep touch with her again ,I am so tired.However,I do not want to lose her.I am in a dilemma.



令人讨厌 [词典] offensive; bothersome; loathsome; unlovely; [例句]要是我们开始凑在一起交头接耳,我简直能想象到你那种令人讨厌的怀疑的目光了。I can just see the nasty suspicious looks I"d be getting from you if we started whispering together
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Please be serious, 不要再乱说话了。 talk after considering. 每次都是这样。 Every time you do the same. 很讨厌。 It"s bothersome. if your words are true, I will be ok. But they are totally wrong. We are just friends, forever friends, without any other relationships between us. If you go on like this, we are not friends any more. Though we are not friends in some way, just acquaint each other. Then I "d like to be strange with you, no one has pleasure for it!
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你好烦. 英语怎么说

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要看语境,如果是客套话,找人帮忙,可以说could you please.......? 不需要出现help/favor,只要用词客气就行;如果是放在最后说,直接说thanks/thank you就行
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Foolish Old Man
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like a bee
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、如果有一天,你所认识的事物不再像从前一般,不要惊讶,不要悲伤,因为本来世间的事物就在不停的变化之中,保持初心便好。顺应自然的发展,遵从内心的指引。 If one day, the things you know are no longer the same as before, don"t be surprised, don"t be sad, because the things in the world are constantly changing, so it"s good to keep your original mind. Follow the natural development, follow the inner guidance. 、把最后一滴汗留给赛场这是我信奉的真理跨越急功近利与一败涂地向前向前我坚信会有奇迹大步前行哪怕远方天寒地冻一如既往终会看到柳暗花明专注并执着沉着而自信我明白自己的生活要让自己发号施令人生如天气时晴时阴不管沿途怎样的风景奔跑的脚步从不停息即使跌倒也有你们再次将我扶起何德何能何其有幸沉舟侧畔却系千帆竞发病树前头仍有万木争春方得始终需不忘初心战斗到最后一刻依然保持 *** 百大球员不是属于我的烙印这一点无可争议但是新闻发布会上我似乎意识到我现在只是世界第八哦,第八那似乎也不是一个太差的成绩不要为打翻的牛奶哭泣个大满贯作者:纳达尔出处:纳达尔赛事采访的有哲理的语录 Leave the last drop of sweat to the arena. This is the truth I believe in. I believe in striding forward in a hurry for quick success, instant gain and defeat. I firmly believe that there will be miracles and strides forward even if the distant sky is cold as ever. I will see willows, dark flowers, bright and dedicated, and self-confident. I know that my life is like the weather, when it is sunny, no matter what kind of scenery along the way, running footsteps never. It"s indisputable that even if I fall, you can lift me up once again. How lucky I am to be on the side of the sunken boat but in front of the disease tree of Qianfan Race, there are still thousands of trees competing for spring. It"s necessary to never forget the fact that the first battle and the last moment are still passionate and that the top 100 players are not my brand. But at the press conference, I seem to realize that I am only the eighth in the world, and that seems to be the eighth. Not a bad grade. Don"t cry over spilled milk. Grand Slam author: Nadal Origin: A Philosophical Quotation from Nadal"s Interview 、永远不要忘了,当初你为什么选择做一件事情,你最初的那份干劲,那份 *** ,永远都不要让它减退,如果它正在减退说明你也即将出局。没有什么可以一夜暴富,只有脚踏实地坚持着你才会成功,急功近利的也只会出局。永远保持当初的那份积极和热情。不忘初心,方得始终。作者:船长 Never forget, why did you choose to do something at the beginning, your original energy, passion, never let it fade, if it is fading, you will be out. Nothing can make a fortune overnight. You can only succeed if you keep your feet on the ground. You can only get out if you are eager for quick success and instant benefit. Always keep the original enthusia *** and enthusia *** . Never forget why you started, and your mission can be accomplished. Author: Captain 、渐渐的,我发现,从那以后,我对许多事物都保持着一颗敬畏的心,不管是熟悉的,还是不熟悉的,这使我错过了许多,也改变了很多,直到如今,变成了现在这个模样,如今的我是多么的矛盾不堪,处处看着它人脸色,心里想着为自己而活,身体却不受自己控制,未来不可期。有时,我自己也无法分清,我到底是懦弱,还是心胸宽广。每当遇到这种人时,我都会试着用沉默代替一切,因为,所有的言语也改变不了彼此固有的视野。如今的我就再说一句,那么就用我的卑微来测一测,这世道人心到底如何?虽说早已猜到结果,但这也不过是自己的一丝安慰罢了。波动的内心,也慢慢的平复,仅有的一丝温暖,也全被寒冷取代,勿忘初心。 Gradually, I found that since then, I have maintained a sense of awe for many things, whether familiar or unfamiliar, which made me miss a lot and changed a lot. Until now, it has become the present situation. Now, how contradictory I am, looking at its face everywhere, thinking about living for myself, but my body is beyond my control. The future is uncertain. Sometimes, I can"t tell whether I am cowardly or broad-minded. Whenever I meet such a person, I try to replace everything with silence, because all words can not change each other"s inherent vision. Now let me say one more thing, then use my humility to test, how is the heart of the world? Although I have already guessed the result, it is just a little comfort for myself. Fluctuating heart, also slowly recover, only a trace of warmth, but also completely replaced by cold, do not forget the first heart. 、爱的开始是一个眼色,爱的最后是无尽的苍穹。我们走过了许多春夏秋冬、我们走过了许多冷暖炎凉。仍然能保持单纯的初心,一直向往生命的美好。在生命的最深处,我永远深信:人生最美的境界是清欢!作者:林清玄出处:人生最美是清欢 Love begins with an eye and ends with an endless sky. We have gone through many spring, summer, autumn and winter, we have gone through many warm and cold. Still be able to maintain a simple mind, always yearning for the beauty of life. In the deepest part of life, I am always convinced that the most beautiful realm of life is Qinghuan! Author: Lin Qingxuan"s Origin: The most beautiful thing in life is Qinghuan. 、其实有时候真是庸人自扰,总是很容易的处在很惶恐的状态,你不知道什么时候才会洒脱,落落。你讨厌时刻都很拘谨的样子。你希望没心没肺的大智若愚。你明白很多道理,你能轻易的看穿许多可笑的伪装,可你需要如木般扬起嘴角,在嬉笑谩骂间保持初心不改,根深蒂固,而后繁华。 In fact, sometimes it"s really bothersome. It"s always easy to be in a very frightened state. You don"t know when you"ll be free and easy to fall off. You hate the way you are always reserved. You wish you had no heart and no lung. You know a lot of truth, you can easily see through many ridiculous camouflages, but you need to raise your mouth like a wood, keep your mind unchanged between laughter and abuse, deep-rooted, and then prosperous. 、也许我们都是彼此的过客,没有什么是过不了的坎,生活不是依然继续吗?既然如此,我们保持初心,昂首面向阳光的方向,比回头看着自己影子,日子来得更加多彩吧 Maybe we are all the passers-by of each other. Nothing is impossible, and life is still going on? In that case, let"s keep our minds and face the sunshine with our heads held high. Life will be more colorful than looking back at our shadow. 、爱情也好,事业也好。个人也好,婚姻也好。有一个真理,就是“不忘初心,方得始终”。这个初心,并不指过去。我以为,它是我们心里最可贵的那种美好的愿景。尽可能地保持那种纯真、善良和热爱,即使世事再变,人事再变。与有同感的人们共勉。 Love or career. Personal or marriage. There is a truth, that is, "Never forget the beginning, you must always". This initial intention does not refer to the past. I think it"s the most precious vision in our hearts. Keep that innocence, kindness and love as much as possible, even if things change again and people change again. Encourage people who feel the same way. 、现在有许多的新生组合,比如,但是我想说:他们摆明了就是为了打败,希望四叶草们保持初心。 Now there are many new combinations, such as, but I want to say: they clearly set out to defeat, hoping that the four-leaf grass to maintain their original heart. 、愿你不管经历过多少不平,有过多少伤痛,背着多少背叛,都舒展着眉头过日子,内心丰盛安宁,性格澄澈豁达,偶尔矫情却不矫揉造作,毒舌却不尖酸刻薄,不怨天尤人不苦大仇深,对每个人真诚,保持着初心,找到更好的海岸 No matter how many grievances you have experienced, how many pains you have suffered, how many betrayals you have carried, you will live with your brows open, your heart full and peaceful, your personality clear and open-minded, occasionally pretentious but not pretentious, poisonous tongue not bitter and bitter, not complaining about heaven and especially people, not bitter and hateful, sincere to everyone, keep your original heart, and find a better coast. 、人心太复杂,你保持你的初心就好。她离开,是因为你们不是一路人,将来你会遇上更多的别离,你只要像今天这样勇敢面对努力就好 People"s minds are too complex, you just keep your original mind. She left because you are not the same people. You will meet more partings in the future. You just have to face up to your efforts bravely as you are today. 、你要成为更好的自己,始终不忘初心。你要做一个内心丰盛且平和的好姑娘,保持纯白,读书和思考,能融入得了嘈杂,也能享得了宁静。你要成为更好的自己,在这之前,所有的所有都是对你的考验。你要成为更好的自己,趁时光尚在,趁容颜未老。 If you want to be a better person, you will never forget your first heart. You have to be a good girl with a rich and peaceful heart, keep pure white, read and think, and be able to blend in with noise and enjoy peace. Before you become a better person, everything is a test for you. You want to be a better person, while time is still in, while the face is not old. 、保持初心,大概是世界上最难的一件事吧,但这是我最想要做到的一件事。 Keeping your mind is probably the most difficult thing in the world, but it"s the one thing I want to do most. 、就这样做自己:不娇柔,不做作,不悲伤,不低头。始终保持一颗初心,如此便好!!! Be yourself like this: not delicate, not pretentious, not sad, not bowing your head. Always keep a heart, so good!!! 、无论未来的我变的如何,我都会保持一颗初心,将这颗初心留给我爱的人。 No matter how I change in the future, I will keep my first heart and leave it to my loved ones. 、保持初心,无关年龄,每个人心中都有一个小孩,那是我们最纯真的时光。 Keep your heart open, regardless of age. Everyone has a child in his heart. That"s our most innocent time. 、闲暇时翻看相册昔日欢声笑语再次历历在目不绝于耳不自觉的宛然一笑往日的画面如今已是花自凋零已成云烟身处现实的大染缸里久了不知不觉得我们已经不是昔日那般天真无邪也没往日那般阳光不羁曾几何时的憧憬与追逐已是过眼云烟而今却只能保持本心勿忘初心 In my spare time, I look through the album, laughter and laughter of the past. I can"t help but remember that the picture of the past is now in the big dye vat where the flowers have faded and become clouds and *** oke. I don"t know that we are not as innocent and innocent as we were in the past. Initial heart 、这世上不需要付出就能得到的美好事物毕竟太少了,即使是日出都需要牺牲睡眠。想要好身材就得保持锻炼,想要过得好就得保持努力。不管你去哪里,愿你不忘初心。 After all, there are so few good things in the world that you can get without paying, even at sunrise, you need to sacrifice sleep. If you want to be in good shape, you have to keep exercising. If you want to live well, you have to keep working hard. Wherever you go, may you never forget your first heart. 、日子还那么长不要遇到一点烦恼就觉得活不下去不要因为有人离开就觉得孤单寂寞冷谁说的准以后会怎样撑不过此时就不会有未来的美好也许你喜欢的人以后也会喜欢你也许你以为再也见不到的人下一秒就能出现在你面前保持初心随遇而安你说呢 Don"t feel lonely and lonely just because someone left. Who can tell you how to survive, but there won"t be a better future. Maybe the people you like will like you in the future. Maybe you think the people you never see will appear in front of you in the next second and keep your heart at ease. 、真的应该去做让自己内心觉得快乐的事情,才是最重要的事情。一个孩子摔跤了、哭了、闹了,第二天照样开开心心,继续跟你玩儿,没有任何心理阴影。可能最快乐的事情,就是回到所谓孩子一样的初心,对所有的事情保持孩子般的好奇,面对未来的困难虽然恐惧,但可以忘掉它,然后抹一把鼻涕,抹一把眼泪继续往前走。作者:傅盛 The most important thing is to really do something to make your heart happy. A child fell, cried and made a noise. The next day he was happy and continued to play with you without any psychological shadow. Perhaps the happiest thing is to return to the so-called children"s original heart, keep childlike curiosity about all things, face the difficulties of the future, although afraid, but can forget it, and then wipe a runny nose, wipe a tear to continue to move forward. Author: Fu Sheng 、岁月纵然残酷,你依旧是我心头的一粒朱砂。不敢说来世,只道此生,绝不负你。所有保持初心的女人,都是会被爱感动的。作者:桃桃一轮出处:左不过高冷罢了 Years, though cruel, you are still a cinnabar in my heart. Dare not say afterlife, only say this life, never fail you. All women who keep their first heart will be touched by love. Author: The origin of Taotao Round: Left but cold 、回想下我们自己岁的时候,还是个半大不大的孩子,偶尔还能耍耍小性子,跟父母撒撒娇。除了些青春的琐事和学业的坎坷好像没有其他的烦恼。而王俊凯,岁刚刚步入高中的少年,除了承受些成长烦恼的压力,还要遭遇娱乐圈的纷繁复杂。这是一个灯红酒绿的世界,很多即使是成年人也难免失足走失,但是王俊凯用他的行动证明了这个纯真少年依然保持着初心亦如初见,岁小小的年纪就有如此的度量,包容恶意的中伤,包容整个世界。 Looking back on our own age, we were still a half-year-old child, occasionally playing petty, and playing pet with our parents. There seems to be no other trouble except for the trifles of youth and the frustrations of study. Wang Junkai, a teenager who has just entered high school, suffers from not only the pressure of growing upset, but also the complexity of the entertainment industry. This is a red-and-white world, many even *** s are unavoidable to miss, but Wang Junkai proved with his actions that this innocent teenager still maintained his original intention, as it was first seen, young age has such a measurement, tolerance of malicious injuries, tolerance of the whole world. 、生命的意义是掌握在自己手中的,如果你的心不被外界的诱惑所动摇,那么,任凭时光流转、岁月变迁,你也依然会安然地保持自我,还原初心。作者:摩西奶奶出处:人生只有一次,去做自己喜欢的事 The meaning of life is in your own hands. If your heart is not shaken by the temptation of the outside world, then you will still be able to maintain yourself and restore your original heart, regardless of the passage of time and the changes of time. Author: Grandma Moses: Life is only once, do what you like. 、有多少人能始终保持着那颗初心呢?不求保持,只求不去迷失。未来的路很长,我会守护你们走完。 How many people can always keep that first heart? Not to keep it, just not to lose it. The road ahead is long, and I will guard you through. 、十年往后,我也想想安妮样,保持“竺蝶渊”这个名字。保持多年前某个夏天的某种初心。 Ten years later, I also want to keep the name "Zhu Dieyuan" like Annie. Maintain some kind of primordial heart one summer many years ago. 、时尚不能拯救生活,它改变不了命运的安排,但它能拯救你,让你即使在逆境中也能保持自信,当生活的本质显现出黑暗的一面时,对外表的在意便会焕发出一种充满尊严的光芒,这是一种勇敢而高贵的活法。时尚不能拯救生活,它改变不了命运的安排,我一直提醒自己:周围越是心浮气躁,越应该有所坚持。在书影与光影中修行,是每日的早课。别人看或不看,爱或不爱,你的初心都不能改。本是在穿过窄门,路是小的,同行的人也必少,你早就知道。 Fashion can not save life, it can not change the fate of the arrangement, but it can save you, so that you can maintain self-confidence even in adversity, when the essence of life shows a dark side, the care for appearance will glow with dignity, which is a brave and noble way of life. Fashion can not save life, it can not change the fate of the arrangement, I have always reminded myself: the more impetuous around, the more we should adhere to. Practicing in books and shadows is an early lesson every day. Others see or don"t see, love or don"t love, your first heart can"t be changed. It"s through narrow doors. The road is *** all, and there are few people in the same company. You know that for a long time. 、无论未来的路多么遍布荆棘,始终保持一颗不被生活磨灭的初心,明媚如画,做一抺有趣的,别人想拒绝也拒绝不了的热烈阳光。 No matter how thorny the road of the future is, always keep a heart that will not be eroded by life. It"s beautiful and picturesque. It"s a hot sunshine that people can"t refuse if they want to do something interesting. 、青春,终将逝去;步伐,从未停止,保持奔跑的姿势,不忘初心,方得始终。 Youth, eventually will pass away; the pace, never stop, keep running posture, never forget the first heart, you must always. 、多年来,对待生活,对待事物,都没有忘记初心,保持着最原始的那一份好奇心,可能正是这样的心态让自己多年来一直保持了年轻的状态。作者:许晴 For many years, we have not forgotten our original intention in dealing with life and things, and maintained our original curiosity. Perhaps it is this attitude that has kept us young for many years. Author: Xu Qing 、在这世界上最珍贵和最难的是保持一颗孩童般纯洁善良的初心。 The most precious and difficult thing in the world is to keep a childlike innocent and kind heart.
2023-07-15 21:42:481


I"m not happy very much,because of somebody
2023-07-15 21:42:584


问题一:令人讨厌的英文怎么说 令人讨厌 [词典] offensive; bothersome; loathsome; unlovely; [例句]要是我们开始凑在一起交头接耳,我简直能想象到你那种令人讨厌的怀疑的目光了。 I can just see the nasty suspicious looks I"d be getting from you if we started whispering together 问题二:我是不是很令人讨厌 英语怎么翻译? Am I really annoying? 问题三:‘让人讨厌的"用英语怎么说 make people hateful 问题四:“有些人太讨厌了”的英文怎么翻译 Some people are soooo anonying~~ 问题五:讨厌的人或事的英文怎么说 英文; Hate a person or thing thanks ,望采纳。
2023-07-15 21:43:221


问题一:厌烦用英语怎么说 I hope you are not broed with by my talk. be broed with是一个句型。 问题二:讨厌用英语怎么说 讨厌 英文: hate 问题三:感到厌烦的英语是什么 感到厌烦的应该是“feel bored” boring意思是令人厌烦的。 问题四:"感到厌烦"用英语怎么说? fed up ph. 1. 感到厌烦的;忍无可忍 She was fed up with her do-nothing sons. 对她那些游手好闲的儿子,她已经是忍无可忍了。 I was fed up with my boss" constant plaints. 我对于老板不停的抱怨,我已经听得烦不胜烦。 sick of ph梗 1. 对...厌恶(尤其指因食、饮、听、看...过度) tired of KK: [ ] DJ: [ ] 1. 厌烦 He was tired of doing the same work every day. 他厌烦每天做同样的工作。 问题五:讨厌的英文怎么说? 讨厌一般是hate 比如我讨厌你 I hate you. 问题六:肚子饿了怎么办? 抢别人的零食,如果没有 偷跑出去吃东西,如果不行 喝水,如果没用 忍着,忍啊忍的,饿过头就不饿了:) 问题七:厌烦的用英语怎么说 boring 问题八:令人讨厌的英文怎么说 令人讨厌 [词典] offensive; bothersome; loathsome; unlovely; [例句]要是我们开始凑在一起交头接耳,我简直能想象到你那种令人讨厌的怀疑的目光了。 I can just see the nasty suspicious looks I"d be getting from you if we started whispering together
2023-07-15 21:43:491


troubled,troublesome   这一对形容词都是trouble的派生词,但它们的涵义有所不同。   Troubled的意思是“烦恼的”、“困惑的”、“不安的”或“*的”,相当于英语的 worried,perplexed or disturbed。与之经常搭配的词有:~countenance(愁容);~voice(焦虑的话声);~look(不安的表情);~areas (*的地区);~times(乱世);~waters(波涛汹涌的海洋)。例:   They love to fish in troubled waters.   他们喜欢混水摸鱼。   The two leaders will open the talks to help the peace move ahead in the troubled areas in their countries.   两位领袖将举行谈判以考试大帮助和平在该两国的*地区取得进展。   Their troubled looks frightened us all.   他们那种烦恼的神情使我们大吃一惊。   Troublesome的意思是“令人感到烦难的”、“不易处理的”,相当于causing trouble和 hard to deal with。与之经常搭配使用的词有:~ problem(难题);~ cough(令人烦恼的咳嗽);~ child(惹人讨厌的孩子)。~some是形容词后缀,其意为“有…倾向的”,它加在某些动词或名词之后,使该词变为具有主动意义的形容词。如:troublesome、bothersome、wearisome、tiresome、burdensome、awesome、meddlesome。例:   The Johnsons are troublesome neighbours.   约翰逊一家是令人感到厌烦的邻居。   Share prices slipped for the fifth consecutive day.It"s really a troublesome issue for the financiers.   股价连续五天下跌,这对理财家确实是棘手之事。
2023-07-15 21:43:561


问题一:厌烦用英语怎么说 I hope you are not broed with by my talk. be broed with是一个句型。 问题二:讨厌用英语怎么说 讨厌 英文: hate 问题三:感到厌烦的英语是什么 感到厌烦的应该是“feel bored” boring意思是令人厌烦的。 问题四:"感到厌烦"用英语怎么说? fed up ph. 1. 感到厌烦的;忍无可忍 She was fed up with her do-nothing sons. 对她那些游手好闲的儿子,她已经是忍无可忍了。 I was fed up with my boss" constant plaints. 我对于老板不停的抱怨,我已经听得烦不胜烦。 sick of ph梗 1. 对...厌恶(尤其指因食、饮、听、看...过度) tired of KK: [ ] DJ: [ ] 1. 厌烦 He was tired of doing the same work every day. 他厌烦每天做同样的工作。 问题五:讨厌的英文怎么说? 讨厌一般是hate 比如我讨厌你 I hate you. 问题六:肚子饿了怎么办? 抢别人的零食,如果没有 偷跑出去吃东西,如果不行 喝水,如果没用 忍着,忍啊忍的,饿过头就不饿了:) 问题七:厌烦的用英语怎么说 boring 问题八:令人讨厌的英文怎么说 令人讨厌 [词典] offensive; bothersome; loathsome; unlovely; [例句]要是我们开始凑在一起交头接耳,我简直能想象到你那种令人讨厌的怀疑的目光了。 I can just see the nasty suspicious looks I"d be getting from you if we started whispering together
2023-07-15 21:44:031

五句话 问题:???????

1. 以today"sweather为题写5句话 It is very hot today. The sun shines brightly. I choose not to go out but to stay at home, doing my homework. I turn on the air-conditioner to keep me cool. And I also call mum and dad to take care to prevent themselves from getting sunstroke.。 2. 以The weather in Shanghai为题写一篇不少于5句的短文 Shanghai is a relatively hot city because of its location. Shanghai lies in subtropics.But this summer is the coolest summer in the last 15 years with so much rain. Although the raining days is bothersome, many Shanghainess still love this cool summer.。 3. 【《theseasonsoftheyear》写一篇小作文不少于五句话】 The SeasonsThere are four seasons in a year:spring,summer,autumn and winter.Each season has three months.Spring is the first season of the year.In this part of the world,the spring months are March,April and May.In spring,the weather gets warmer and the fields turn green.This is a busy time for the peasants.Summer begins in June.Then e July and August.During the summer months,the plants and flowers are at their best.Next e the autumn months:September,October and November.Autumn is a wonderful season.The fields are golden with crops.It is the time for harvest and the peasants are very busy.Winter is the last season of the year.December,January and Febmary are the winter months,it is cold in winter.The days are short and the nights are long.In many places it snows.On New Year"s Day,we wish each other a happy New Year.四季一年有四季:春、夏、秋、冬.每季有三个月.春天是一年的第一季.在这个地方,春季的月份是3月、4月和5月.在春季,天气变暖,田野变绿.这是农民忙碌的季节.夏季从6月份开始,然后是7月和8月.在夏天的几个月里,农作物和花长得最好.接下来是秋天的月份:9月、10月和11月.秋天是美好的季节.田野的庄稼一片金黄,这是收获的季节,农民忙忙碌碌.冬天是一年中的最后一个季节.12月、1月、2月是冬季的月份.冬天天气寒冷,昼短夜长.许多地方都下雪.在新年,我们互相祝愿新年快乐.。 4. 以"the weather report"为题,写一篇短文,至少6句话,用三种句型 Good morning ! Here"s the weather report for some big cities in the world . Beijing is cloudy . It"s very cold, so wear warm clothes when you go out . In Hong Kong there"s beautiful sunshine.(阳光灿烂). People will feel cool in the daytime. It is sunny in New York , but there"s a strong wind (大风) in the afternoon. It will be rainy in Sydney but very hot. The day after tomorrow (后天) will be sunny.(英语作文) That"s the weather report for today . Thank you for listening .
2023-07-15 21:44:261


Attracts the blood small bat to return to in the hole, on an upperbody all is the blood, everybody thought he has eaten thewestern-style food, unceasingly inquired, a small bat word does notanswer, the numerous people asked again, the small bat has beenbothersome, said: How wants to know a matter? The audiences answer:Thought! Good, then you come with me! Thereupon led the numerous batsto fly flies, flies in front of a big tree: The small bat asked that,Has seen that greatly to set up? Audiences reply that, Saw! The smallbat greatly shouts: I have not seen a moment ago!
2023-07-15 21:44:351

急求一篇英语说明文,题目为What is love!

Loves feeling that, First kind of beautiful feeling The slang asks for leniency in the person eye Xi Shi, thereforein has the love time, you certainly can think opposite partyattractively, even if has other opposite sex the object which lovesyou to be more attractive than, but speaking of you, he (she) is inyour heart most beautiful, moreover is the others radically is unableto compare. Second kind of dear feeling When you fall in love with a person, you can have one kind ofvery kind feeling, with him (she) in the same place, you can think,very is very comfortably harmonious. You may trust and rely on him(she). He (she) the picture is an intimate family member, even maysay, compared to a family member more intimate in, moreover in this isintimate, you realized to warm feeling - - this is the dear feeling.In in this love state, he (she) is willing to contain your allshortcomings. The third kind envies and the respect has the feeling Healthy love relations. Must have take opposite party as thehonour feeling, you can appreciate opposite party all, includingintrinsic and external condition and merit, and opposite party alsolets you feel, he (she) everywhere take you as the honour. If thiskind of feeling existence, no matter he (she) makes this matter is thesuccess or the defeat, you can appreciate him (she) talent, but onlytakes the result. The fourth kind commends love Falls in love, whether you do like praising opposite party,moreover not only is the appreciation, or is perfunctory settles, youalso are sure to like in him (she) not at time narrates him to otherpeople (she) all sorts of to be good, even if helps you to soak bowlinstant noodle. In more importantly, you from praise opposite party tobe sincere feel the incomparable joy. The fifth kind receives the respect the self-respect The love relations may enhance a person"s self-respect, maylet you feel the life has the significance, because the love can letyou discover, actually you have nobody to be possible compared todistinctive quality, although you have the merit also to have theshortcoming, but your distinctive quality causes you to receive theincomparable respect, the life also therefore has the value. The sixth kind holds the desire The love is absolutely monopoly, is cannot share its intimatesexual relations with the other people, therefore, after the love evernot definite moves towards stably, will need to continue later by themarriage the day, therefore we in marriage time each other will reachagreement little. In the real love life, mutually promises loyally isnecessary. Seventh kind of freedom of movement If a person has the right reason, he (she) the motion freedomcertainly needs to receive the respect, like this only then cannotdestroy two person of between the love relations. Loves person whichacts emotionally although is extremely worrying or the vitality, butsays regarding the deep love along with the sex life person, the limitor restrains with all does not have. Also was inferior to gives him(her) the freedom, the space. He (she) the general meeting comes back. Eighth kind of depth sympathy The people have the take pity on feeling to the deep loveperson regular meeting, frequently can consider for opposite party, ifopposite party receives the setback, we can extremely be willing (she)to share the pain and the setback for him, receives opposite party themisery which the pain treats as oneself encounters to be same, or winsto own misery, because of in the love, we is willing for the oppositeparty self-devotion benefit. In ninth physiological natural impulse When we when produce to a opposite sex the interest or fallsin love with some opposite sex, all hoped each other has on bodily thecontact. In the real love life, this kind of desire is forever exists.The natural impulse certainly is not solely is only a behavior, it hasalso contained on many other intimate bodily contacts, like connectingrod, hug and so on, this kind of emotion can forever exist to loves inthe will of the people. But surely do not have too to love a person, can lead by the nose byhim, frequently square inch greatly chaotic, if hits the mark by themagic wand, is complete cannot oneself. From this time on, you do nothave own thought, does not have own laughter, anger, sorrow, andhappiness, you take him as the center, with him when together, he isthe entire world; Not with him when together, the world is he; Tooloves a person, meets unprincipled tolerates him, slowly he isaccustomed to Zheizhong to tolerate, to disregard you for his paying,even can think you are very bothersome, too do not have theindividuality, even starts to despise, to neglect, does not respectyou... ; Too loves a person, you not are at variance with a candle,boldly burns, only for obtains the for a while light and the heat.Waits the candle to burn through, your anything did not have. Butopposite party is only a flashlight, he may unceasingly put in the newbattery, forever maintains the vigor. Too loves a person, he could befamiliar with you to forget own well to him also to be supposed topay, forgets you equally to need to obtain same level repayment - himcompletely to spoil by you. Do not think you like opposite partyextremely him also being able to love your ten points, the love are donot speak the reason, therefore very many times, loves also is notequal Do not like a person liking quite the same as putting behindoneself. Such entire body and mind love only should appear in thenovel, this society more and more does not welcome the regardless ofall consequences love. Space breathes which for him, also givesoneself keeps the leeway - like a moth to the flame love, is carryingon when no doubt lets the person think strongly Love, but if it becomes the past tense, how you do tidy upthat place? Invests that many, whether do you face that seriousloss? ; Therefore, likes a person not having to love the ten points,eight minute already were enough. Is left over two minute, use for tolove oneself. 原文爱的感觉: 第一种 美丽的感觉 俗话说情人眼里出西施,所以在有爱情的时候,你一定会觉得对方最好看,即使有别的异性比你爱的对象好看,但对你而言,他(她)才是你心中最美的一个,而且是别人根本无法相比的。 第二种 亲爱的感觉 当你爱上一个人,你会有一种很亲切的感觉,跟他(她)在一起,你会觉得很舒服,很和谐。你可以信任并依赖他(她)。他(她)像是一个亲密的家人,甚至可以说,比一个家人更亲密,而且在这亲密里,你更体会到一份温馨的感觉--这就是亲爱的感觉。在这个爱情的国度里,他(她)愿意包容你所有的缺点。 第三种 羡慕及尊敬有感觉 一个健康的爱情关系。应当有以对方为荣的感觉,你会欣赏对方所有的一切,包括内在与外在的条件和优点,并且对方也让你感觉,他(她)处处以你为荣。如果这种感觉存在的话,不论他(她)做这件事是成功或失败,你都会欣赏他(她)的才华,而不是只重视结果。 第四种 赞许的爱情 相爱的时候,你是否喜欢夸奖对方,而且不仅是欣赏,或敷衍了事而已,你还会喜欢在他(她)不在的时候向其他人讲述他(她)的种种好,哪怕帮你泡一碗方便面。重要的是,你从夸奖对方的热诚之中感到无比的快乐。 第五种 受到尊重的自尊 爱情关系可以提高一个人的自尊心,可以让你感觉到生活更有意义,因为爱情能够让你发现,其实你有着无人可比的独特性,虽然你有优点也有缺点,但是你的独特性使你受到无比的尊重,生命也因此更有价值。 第六种 占有欲 爱情是绝对独占的,是不能与他人分享其亲密的男女关系,因此,当爱情从不确定走向稳定后,需要以婚姻来持续以后的日子,所以我们在结婚时彼此相约相许。在真实的爱情生活里,互相许诺忠诚是必要的。 第七种 行动自由 如果一个人有正当的理由,他(她)的行动的自由一定要受到尊重,这样才不会破坏两人之间的爱情关系。爱跟着感觉走的人虽然十分令人担心或生气,但是对于热爱随性生活的人而言,限制或约束一点用都没有。还不如给他(她)自由、空间。他(她)总会回来的。 第八种 深深的同情 人们对深爱的人常会有怜惜的感觉,经常会为对方考虑,如果对方受到挫折,我们会非常愿意为他(她)分担痛苦与挫折,把对方所受的苦当作自己所遭遇的苦难一样,或者更胜于自己的苦难,因为在爱情里,我们愿意为对方而牺牲自己的利益。 第九种 生理上的性冲动 当我们在对一们异性产生兴趣或爱上某个异性时,都希望彼此有身体上的接触。在真实的爱情生活里,这种欲望是永远存在的。性冲动并不是单单只是行为,它还包含了许多其他亲密的身体上的接触,如牵手、拥抱等等,这种情感会永远存在于爱人心中。 但千万不要太爱一个人,会被他牵着鼻子走,动辄方寸大乱,如被魔杖点中,完完全全不能自我。从此,你没有自己的思想,没有自己的喜怒哀乐,你以他为中心,跟他在一起时,他就是整个世界;不跟他在一起时,世界就是他;太爱一个人,会无原则地容忍他,慢慢地他习惯于这种纵容,无视你为他的付出,甚至会觉得你很烦、太没个性,甚至开始轻视、怠慢、不尊重你…;太爱一个人,你无异于一支蜡烛,奋不顾身地燃烧,只为求得一时的光与热。待蜡烛燃尽,你什么都没有了。而对方只是一根手电筒,他可以不断放入新电池,永远保持活力。太爱一个人,他会习惯你对他的好而忘了自己也应该付出,忘了你一样需要得到同等的回报——他完全被你宠坏了。不要以为你爱对方十分他也会爱你十分,爱是不讲理由的,所以很多时候,爱也是不平等的.不要爱一个人爱得浑然忘却自我。那样全身心的爱只应该出现在小说里,这个社会越来越不欢迎不顾一切的爱。给他呼吸的空间,也给自己留个余地——飞蛾扑火般的爱情,正在进行时固然让人觉得壮 爱,但若它成为过去时,你如何收拾那一地的狼藉?投入那么多,你能否面对那惨重的损失?;所以,爱一个人不要爱到十分,八分就已经足够了。剩下的两分,用来爱自己。
2023-07-15 21:44:441


It is very welcome in the summer fruit is watermelon. Why so popular? Because it can cool thirst, heat Chufan, make us feel comfortable. Watermelons and other fruits are different, what special? First, watermelons Guarang part is 94% water, and sugar, vitamins, amino acids and a variety of inorganic salt, and most of these substances in high season can effectively complement the required moisture and human nutrition; Secondly, the moisture and inorganic salt intake by metabolic into urine, but away excess heat, reaching Qingshu sore role. Therefore summer watermelons most people welcome!
2023-07-15 21:45:112


2023-07-15 21:45:1910


Disyoubayasb Ldszswi Weasxaisbasi
2023-07-15 21:45:443


Mobile phones are the main invention of modern technology.They are completely part of our daily lives。 If we look at our society,we can see that all kinds of people are using mobile phones.Maybe they havemany advantages,but they also experience drawbacks. The main advantage of mobile phones is that people can use them anytime and anywhere,so they can use one for an emergency. In addition,people can access the internet whenever they use the mobile phones,so business people can use mobile phone at work to get information from internet more convenietly. Moreover,it is very easy to send messages to your friends.Mobile phones can make people keep intimacy in spite of long distance. Mobile phones are turning the world into a small vilage where we can commmunicate with each other easily and simply. Finally,another point in favour of mobile phonesis that you can avoid disturbing anyone when he is sleeping or working because in that case people often turn off their mobile phones. On the other hand,there are some drawbacks,too. Firstly,the most important disadvantage is the unknown effects on health in case of over-use. Scientists found that mobile phones can cause brain cancer. if you talk for so many hours,you are going to have headacheand ear problems.Secondly,the mobile phone stimulate home for the high cost of communication. If you are in 3 membered family,you would spend a lot of money on mobile phone. Because two to three of family have it, it cost about 150-200 D in a month. Furthermore,the inappropriate use of mobile phones could be bothersome. For example,it is very inappropriate to hear a mobile phone ringing during a formal conversation,during a lesson,in a libraryor in a cinema. Finally,mobile phones waste people too much time. An Amerian survey show that the teen-ager will spend average 2 hours to send messages every day. In conclusion, there are some benefits and drawbacks to mobile phones. Personally,I don"t like mobile phones very much,but I need use them. it seems to me, mobile phones are good only if you use them correctly and politely,as in this case,all technology is beneficial! 手提电话是现代科技很重要的一个发明。它已经成为人们生活的一部分。如果我们看看我们生活的这个社会,可以发现各种层次的人都在使用手机。手机有很多优点,但它也有些缺点。 手机最大的一个有点就是人们可以随时随地的使用它,所以在很多时候手机可以用来应急。 另外,人们可以通过手机来连接互联网,所以商业人士可以在工作的时候,很方便的使用手机来获取互联网信息。 更值得一提的是,您可以用手机很方便的和朋友发短信。手机可以让人们远在千里之外也能随时取得联系 手机把世界变成了“地球村”,通过手机,我们彼此可以很容易便捷的交流。 还有,如果旁边有人正在工作或者睡觉休息的时候,您可以远离他们来接听手机,这样就避免干扰任何人。因为在这种情况下人们通常是会 另一个方面呢,手机也有一些弊端。 首先,最重要的一个弊端就是如果使用手机时间过长,会给我们身体健康带来很多未知的不利的影响。据研究表明,手机会引发脑癌! 如果您通过手机进行长时间的通话,你会(headacheand ear此词组不好翻译,暂时翻译为耳聋耳鸣)问题。其次,手机大大增加了家庭财务支出。 此外,不适当使用移动电话可能带来诸多负面影响。例如:在一个很正式的会话或谈判,在听课的时候,在图书馆,在电影院等等,的时候,电话突然响了,是很不合适的。 最后,手机浪费了人们太多的时间。美国的一个调查显示,年轻人每天花费在发短信上的时间平均有2小时之多! 如果您的家庭有3位家庭成员,你将会为之承担很大一笔开销。因为2-3个家庭家庭成员都拥有手机的话,每部手机的月支出大概为150-200 美元(这个您可以修改为人民币)。 总之,使用手机既有好处,同时也有弊端。 就我个人而言,我非常不喜欢手机,但是我又必须使用它。在我看来,手机手机仅仅在您正确并合理的使用使用它才对人有益,如果都这么去想的话,所有的技术都是对人类有益的!
2023-07-15 21:45:531


1. 以today"sweather为题写5句话 It is very hot today. The sun shines brightly. I choose not to go out but to stay at home, doing my homework. I turn on the air-conditioner to keep me cool. And I also call mum and dad to take care to prevent themselves from getting sunstroke.。 2. 以The weather in Shanghai为题写一篇不少于5句的短文 Shanghai is a relatively hot city because of its location. Shanghai lies in subtropics.But this summer is the coolest summer in the last 15 years with so much rain. Although the raining days is bothersome, many Shanghainess still love this cool summer.。 3. 【《theseasonsoftheyear》写一篇小作文不少于五句话】 The SeasonsThere are four seasons in a year:spring,summer,autumn and winter.Each season has three months.Spring is the first season of the year.In this part of the world,the spring months are March,April and May.In spring,the weather gets warmer and the fields turn green.This is a busy time for the peasants.Summer begins in June.Then e July and August.During the summer months,the plants and flowers are at their best.Next e the autumn months:September,October and November.Autumn is a wonderful season.The fields are golden with crops.It is the time for harvest and the peasants are very busy.Winter is the last season of the year.December,January and Febmary are the winter months,it is cold in winter.The days are short and the nights are long.In many places it snows.On New Year"s Day,we wish each other a happy New Year.四季一年有四季:春、夏、秋、冬.每季有三个月.春天是一年的第一季.在这个地方,春季的月份是3月、4月和5月.在春季,天气变暖,田野变绿.这是农民忙碌的季节.夏季从6月份开始,然后是7月和8月.在夏天的几个月里,农作物和花长得最好.接下来是秋天的月份:9月、10月和11月.秋天是美好的季节.田野的庄稼一片金黄,这是收获的季节,农民忙忙碌碌.冬天是一年中的最后一个季节.12月、1月、2月是冬季的月份.冬天天气寒冷,昼短夜长.许多地方都下雪.在新年,我们互相祝愿新年快乐.。 4. 以"the weather report"为题,写一篇短文,至少6句话,用三种句型 Good morning ! Here"s the weather report for some big cities in the world . Beijing is cloudy . It"s very cold, so wear warm clothes when you go out . In Hong Kong there"s beautiful sunshine.(阳光灿烂). People will feel cool in the daytime. It is sunny in New York , but there"s a strong wind (大风) in the afternoon. It will be rainy in Sydney but very hot. The day after tomorrow (后天) will be sunny.(英语作文) That"s the weather report for today . Thank you for listening .
2023-07-15 21:46:001


1. he can recommend very greatly very heavy stone 2. him to have the cake which cleanliness 3. his narcissism 4. he does very much to be very delicious 5. he very purely, but is very optimistic, always destroys the tray, therefore the wages are very few 6. he the dispositions strange, is very mystical, annoys the human to like 7. very much having 5 handsome fellows in a coffee room work
2023-07-15 21:46:2111


2023-07-15 21:46:532


2023-07-15 21:47:073


Dear XXX,My name is XXX.I"m writing to you to introduce my family to you.There are four people in my family.They are my father, my mother, my sister and I. My father is a worker in a factory. My mother is a teacher in a middle school. My sister is a primary school student and she is 8 years old. I"m a middle school student and I"m 14 years old.Looking forward to hearing from you soon. YoursXXX 亲爱的XXX,我的名字是XXX。我写信给你介绍我的家人给你。有四个人在我的家庭。他们是我的父亲,我的母亲,我的妹妹和I.。我父亲是一个工厂的工人。我母亲是一所中学的老师。我妹妹是一名小学生,她8岁了。我是一名中学生,我今年14岁。期待尽快收到你的来信。你的XXX
2023-07-15 21:47:1715


2023-07-15 21:48:233


对初学者来说,根据 中文意思理解 是最简单的区分方法:动词:指代动作的词,如 run跑步,swim游泳形容词,意思为(……的)的词,如 beautiful 美丽的 , poor 贫穷的副词,意思为(……地)的词,如 fast 飞快地 , hard 努力地常见的英语介词有:in,on,with,by,for,at,about,under,of 等等
2023-07-15 21:48:312


口语常用I"m downI upset
2023-07-15 21:48:587


2023-07-15 21:49:122


  对于大学生来说,可以通过相关的英语作文学会在适当的时间使用手机。下面是我给大家整理的大学生如何正确使用手机英语作文的相关知识,供大家参阅!   大学生如何正确使用手机英语作文篇1   Nowadays mobile phone is a popular device in our daily life. As it goes into the life of University students, it does make life better in that it gives us more freedom to keep in contact with friends or relatives who we can not reach in time. And when it comes to critical moment, like getting lost or robbery, we can call for help in this way. It also could be used to booking tickets or getting coupon from internet for the purpose of getting a bargin or covenient.   However, some students may use it as a game machine rather than a communicating tool. If much of time has been spent to play games on mobile phone, it will takes up the study time. It also consumes the time we share with our friends, particularly at the dinner, because they focus on the smart phone and show not interesting in talking to people nearby.   For my part, mobile phone is a convenient device that all we can get benefit from, if we use it in a good way. As for the function of playing game in a mobile phone is good, but we need to treat it properly.   大学生如何正确使用手机英语作文篇2   Today, more and more college school students have their own mobile phones. As a student, I think itu2019s good to have a mobile phone, because mobile phones can offer a lot of convenience. And students can send short messages to their parents when they are in trouble or not at home.   In fact, if students use mobile phones in right ways, mobile phones will help us, such as we can use mobile phones to look up new words. But it can also bring some trouble. For example, many students use their mobiles to listen to music in class. They donu2019t listen to the teachers carefully. And many students send messages in class.   In my opinion, itu2019s not right to use mobile phones in school. We should try our best to use mobile phones in right ways.   如今,越来越多的大学生拥有自己的手机。作为一名学生,我认为有一个手机是好的,因为手机可以提供很多方便。当学生在家里遇到麻烦或不在家时,他们可以给他们的父母发短信。事实上,如果学生用正确的方式使用手机,手机会帮助我们,比如我们可以用手机来查找新的单词。但它也可以带来一些麻烦。例如,许多学生在课堂上用手机收听音乐。他们不认真听老师讲课。和许多学生在课堂上发送消息。在我看来,在学校里使用手机是不正确的。我们应该尽力用正确的方式使用手机。   大学生如何正确使用手机英语作文篇3   Mobile phones are the main invention of modern technology.They are completely part of our daily lives If we look at our society,we can see that all kinds of people are using mobile phones.Maybe they have many advantages,but they also experience drawbacks.   The main advantage of mobile phones is that people can use them anytime and anywhere,so they can use one for an addition,people can access the internet whenever they use the mobile phones,so business people can use tem at work to get information from internet more convenietly Moreover,it is very easy to send messages to your friends.Mobile phones can make people keep intimacy in spite of long distance.Mobile phones are turning the world into a small vilage where we can commmunicate with each other easily and simply.Finally,another point in favour of mobile phonesis that you can avoid disturbing anyone when he is sleeping orworking because in that case people often turn off their mobile phones.   On the other hand,there are some drawbacks,too.Firstly,the most important disadvantage is the unknown effects on health in case of over-use.Scientists found that mobile phones can cause brain cancer.if you talk for so many hours,you are going to have headacheand ear problems.Secondly,the mobile phone stimulate home for the high cost of communication.If you are in 3 membered family,you would spend a lot of money on mobile phone.Because tow to three of family have it, it cost about 150-200D in a month.Furthermore,the inappropriate use of mobile phones could be bothersome.for example,it is very imppropriate to here a mobile phone ringing during a formal conversation,during a lesson,in a libraryor in a cinema.Finally,mobile phones waste people too much time.An Amerian survey show that the teen-ager will spend average 2 hours to send messagesevery day.   In conclusion, there are some benefits and drawbacks to mobile phones.personally,i dont like mobile phonesvery much,but i need use them.In my opion, mobile phones are good only if you use them correctly and politely,as in this case,all technology is beneficial!   
2023-07-15 21:49:191


没有特别的规则,只有一些规律,而且也不是绝对的,你积累多了自然就可以判断了.不过形容词变副词,相对很确定,在后面加ly如果形容词以y结尾,就变Y为I加LY.其他的就记些,前缀,后缀吧比如 en-adj.( n.) 或者adj.(n.)-en一般是动词比如enlarge strengthen比如 -tion -sion 一般是名词 比如informationillusion下面要讲的其实是派生词,它可以部分到达改变词性,但是不是同一概念.不是所有词都可以变的,你知道了这些规则其实只是让你在背单词的时候更容易区别词性.因为它既不绝对,又不完全.跨词性的随意变化几乎是不可能的.所以你有一定词汇量后,再看才可能会有较大帮助.先说名词由动词派生的名词1动作名词(传统语法归为抽象名词)-tion -ment -al -ure -ance -age比如admiration competation preference assistance exposure refusal payment2动作者名词(这个你应该比较清楚)-er -or -ar -ee3动名词(这个很普遍,已经进入语法概念) -ing由形容词派生的名词1-ness, goodness illness happiness greatness2-ity,purity ability possibility3-th, depth width warmth4-ence, silence patience excellence5-dom, freedom boredom wisdom由名词派生的名词(虽然词性没变,但也是派生的一部分,只是提下吧)下面是动词这个我记的不多,我一般是以动词作为单词的原貌去记,如果再分解前后缀,我就觉得陌生了.前缀 mis-表示坏,错误,否定的前缀,在元音前;dis- 分开 分离 否定 ;in- 否定 与...相反;re- 又 再 ......比如reread misuse dislike后缀1-ate -ute altenate communicate attribute2-en darken thicken widen harden fasten lessen redden 都是变什么什么3-ify -efy 意思是使之什么什么化 purify simplifybeautify rarefy4-ize -yze(英英用ise yse) modernize analyze5-ish abolish banish vanish6-er remember whisper glitter transfer形容词这个比较多,也比较灵活1-able -ible 加在及物动词后,一般是可什么什么的 比如 eatable可以吃的 audible可听见的2-al 表示 属于.../有什么什么属性natural cultural national global3-ate 表示性质状态fortunate coordinate4-en 加在物质名词上.golden wooden earthen5-ful 加在动词,名词上 意为 充满beautiful hopeful useful joyful6-ic -ical这两种后缀的区别似乎高中要考,你可以翻词典,记下historic historical electric electrical economic economical philosophic philosophical7-ish 用于国家 民族专有名词后,用在普通名词后有轻蔑意味 British English Spanish Irish childish foolish girlish selfish boyish8-less 表示没有 homeless colorless hopeless careless9-like childlike manlike motherlike womanlike ladylike10-ly 有....性质(这个后缀很多是副词,是形容词是少数)friendly childly manly motherly11-ous 表示充满 dangerous courageous famous continuous12-some 表示引起 bothersome troublesome handsome middlesome13-y 表示多 windy frosty rainy snowy sunny funny muddy icy14-ive -ative 表示有.....倾向 active progressive imaginative comprehensive15-etic表示性质 energetic synthetic poetic magnetic16-ant -ent pleasant tolerant different17-ary -ory 表示 ....的 contrary elementary preparatory18-id 表示性质 acid liquid humid florid splendid horrid19-ed 名词后,加在动词后是另一回事aged skilled talented cultured gifted20-ing -ed 动词后 分词作形容词interesting amazing amazed interested边副词就一条 -ly 有的意思变化不大,有点意思变化大,比如bad badly present presently rich richly pure purely
2023-07-15 21:49:404


this week例如We are busy prepare for the New Year this week.
2023-07-15 21:49:505


  对于大学生来说,可以通过相关的英语作文学会在适当的时间使用手机。下面是我给大家整理的大学生如何正确使用手机英语作文的相关知识,供大家参阅!   大学生如何正确使用手机英语作文篇1   Nowadays mobile phone is a popular device in our daily life. As it goes into the life of University students, it does make life better in that it gives us more freedom to keep in contact with friends or relatives who we can not reach in time. And when it comes to critical moment, like getting lost or robbery, we can call for help in this way. It also could be used to booking tickets or getting coupon from internet for the purpose of getting a bargin or covenient.   However, some students may use it as a game machine rather than a communicating tool. If much of time has been spent to play games on mobile phone, it will takes up the study time. It also consumes the time we share with our friends, particularly at the dinner, because they focus on the smart phone and show not interesting in talking to people nearby.   For my part, mobile phone is a convenient device that all we can get benefit from, if we use it in a good way. As for the function of playing game in a mobile phone is good, but we need to treat it properly.   大学生如何正确使用手机英语作文篇2   Today, more and more college school students have their own mobile phones. As a student, I think itu2019s good to have a mobile phone, because mobile phones can offer a lot of convenience. And students can send short messages to their parents when they are in trouble or not at home.   In fact, if students use mobile phones in right ways, mobile phones will help us, such as we can use mobile phones to look up new words. But it can also bring some trouble. For example, many students use their mobiles to listen to music in class. They donu2019t listen to the teachers carefully. And many students send messages in class.   In my opinion, itu2019s not right to use mobile phones in school. We should try our best to use mobile phones in right ways.   如今,越来越多的大学生拥有自己的手机。作为一名学生,我认为有一个手机是好的,因为手机可以提供很多方便。当学生在家里遇到麻烦或不在家时,他们可以给他们的父母发短信。事实上,如果学生用正确的方式使用手机,手机会帮助我们,比如我们可以用手机来查找新的单词。但它也可以带来一些麻烦。例如,许多学生在课堂上用手机收听音乐。他们不认真听老师讲课。和许多学生在课堂上发送消息。在我看来,在学校里使用手机是不正确的。我们应该尽力用正确的方式使用手机。   大学生如何正确使用手机英语作文篇3   Mobile phones are the main invention of modern technology.They are completely part of our daily lives If we look at our society,we can see that all kinds of people are using mobile phones.Maybe they have many advantages,but they also experience drawbacks.   The main advantage of mobile phones is that people can use them anytime and anywhere,so they can use one for an addition,people can access the internet whenever they use the mobile phones,so business people can use tem at work to get information from internet more convenietly Moreover,it is very easy to send messages to your friends.Mobile phones can make people keep intimacy in spite of long distance.Mobile phones are turning the world into a small vilage where we can commmunicate with each other easily and simply.Finally,another point in favour of mobile phonesis that you can avoid disturbing anyone when he is sleeping orworking because in that case people often turn off their mobile phones.   On the other hand,there are some drawbacks,too.Firstly,the most important disadvantage is the unknown effects on health in case of over-use.Scientists found that mobile phones can cause brain cancer.if you talk for so many hours,you are going to have headacheand ear problems.Secondly,the mobile phone stimulate home for the high cost of communication.If you are in 3 membered family,you would spend a lot of money on mobile phone.Because tow to three of family have it, it cost about 150-200D in a month.Furthermore,the inappropriate use of mobile phones could be bothersome.for example,it is very imppropriate to here a mobile phone ringing during a formal conversation,during a lesson,in a libraryor in a cinema.Finally,mobile phones waste people too much time.An Amerian survey show that the teen-ager will spend average 2 hours to send messagesevery day.   In conclusion, there are some benefits and drawbacks to mobile phones.personally,i dont like mobile phonesvery much,but i need use them.In my opion, mobile phones are good only if you use them correctly and politely,as in this case,all technology is beneficial!   
2023-07-15 21:50:031


1. 以today"sweather为题写5句话 It is very hot today. The sun shines brightly. I choose not to go out but to stay at home, doing my homework. I turn on the air-conditioner to keep me cool. And I also call mum and dad to take care to prevent themselves from getting sunstroke.。 2. 以The weather in Shanghai为题写一篇不少于5句的短文 Shanghai is a relatively hot city because of its location. Shanghai lies in subtropics.But this summer is the coolest summer in the last 15 years with so much rain. Although the raining days is bothersome, many Shanghainess still love this cool summer.。 3. 【《theseasonsoftheyear》写一篇小作文不少于五句话】 The SeasonsThere are four seasons in a year:spring,summer,autumn and winter.Each season has three months.Spring is the first season of the year.In this part of the world,the spring months are March,April and May.In spring,the weather gets warmer and the fields turn green.This is a busy time for the peasants.Summer begins in June.Then e July and August.During the summer months,the plants and flowers are at their best.Next e the autumn months:September,October and November.Autumn is a wonderful season.The fields are golden with crops.It is the time for harvest and the peasants are very busy.Winter is the last season of the year.December,January and Febmary are the winter months,it is cold in winter.The days are short and the nights are long.In many places it snows.On New Year"s Day,we wish each other a happy New Year.四季一年有四季:春、夏、秋、冬.每季有三个月.春天是一年的第一季.在这个地方,春季的月份是3月、4月和5月.在春季,天气变暖,田野变绿.这是农民忙碌的季节.夏季从6月份开始,然后是7月和8月.在夏天的几个月里,农作物和花长得最好.接下来是秋天的月份:9月、10月和11月.秋天是美好的季节.田野的庄稼一片金黄,这是收获的季节,农民忙忙碌碌.冬天是一年中的最后一个季节.12月、1月、2月是冬季的月份.冬天天气寒冷,昼短夜长.许多地方都下雪.在新年,我们互相祝愿新年快乐.。 4. 以"the weather report"为题,写一篇短文,至少6句话,用三种句型 Good morning ! Here"s the weather report for some big cities in the world . Beijing is cloudy . It"s very cold, so wear warm clothes when you go out . In Hong Kong there"s beautiful sunshine.(阳光灿烂). People will feel cool in the daytime. It is sunny in New York , but there"s a strong wind (大风) in the afternoon. It will be rainy in Sydney but very hot. The day after tomorrow (后天) will be sunny.(英语作文) That"s the weather report for today . Thank you for listening .
2023-07-15 21:50:101


没有特别的规则,只有一些规律,而且也不是绝对的,你积累多了自然就可以判断了.不过形容词变副词,相对很确定,在后面加ly如果形容词以y结尾,就变Y为I加LY.其他的就记些,前缀,后缀吧比如 en-adj.( n.) 或者adj.(n.)-en一般是动词比如enlarge strengthen比如 -tion -sion 一般是名词 比如informationillusion下面要讲的其实是派生词,它可以部分到达改变词性,但是不是同一概念.不是所有词都可以变的,你知道了这些规则其实只是让你在背单词的时候更容易区别词性.因为它既不绝对,又不完全.跨词性的随意变化几乎是不可能的.所以你有一定词汇量后,再看才可能会有较大帮助.先说名词由动词派生的名词1动作名词(传统语法归为抽象名词)-tion -ment -al -ure -ance -age比如admiration competation preference assistance exposure refusal payment2动作者名词(这个你应该比较清楚)-er -or -ar -ee3动名词(这个很普遍,已经进入语法概念) -ing由形容词派生的名词1-ness, goodness illness happiness greatness2-ity,purity ability possibility3-th, depth width warmth4-ence, silence patience excellence5-dom, freedom boredom wisdom由名词派生的名词(虽然词性没变,但也是派生的一部分,只是提下吧)下面是动词这个我记的不多,我一般是以动词作为单词的原貌去记,如果再分解前后缀,我就觉得陌生了.前缀 mis-表示坏,错误,否定的前缀,在元音前;dis- 分开 分离 否定 ;in- 否定 与...相反;re- 又 再 ......比如reread misuse dislike后缀1-ate -ute altenate communicate attribute2-en darken thicken widen harden fasten lessen redden 都是变什么什么3-ify -efy 意思是使之什么什么化 purify simplifybeautify rarefy4-ize -yze(英英用ise yse) modernize analyze5-ish abolish banish vanish6-er remember whisper glitter transfer形容词这个比较多,也比较灵活1-able -ible 加在及物动词后,一般是可什么什么的 比如 eatable可以吃的 audible可听见的2-al 表示 属于.../有什么什么属性natural cultural national global3-ate 表示性质状态fortunate coordinate4-en 加在物质名词上.golden wooden earthen5-ful 加在动词,名词上 意为 充满beautiful hopeful useful joyful6-ic -ical这两种后缀的区别似乎高中要考,你可以翻词典,记下historic historical electric electrical economic economical philosophic philosophical7-ish 用于国家 民族专有名词后,用在普通名词后有轻蔑意味 British English Spanish Irish childish foolish girlish selfish boyish8-less 表示没有 homeless colorless hopeless careless9-like childlike manlike motherlike womanlike ladylike10-ly 有....性质(这个后缀很多是副词,是形容词是少数)friendly childly manly motherly11-ous 表示充满 dangerous courageous famous continuous12-some 表示引起 bothersome troublesome handsome middlesome
2023-07-15 21:50:181


2023-07-15 21:50:285


  对于大学生来说,可以通过相关的英语作文学会在适当的时间使用手机。下面是我给大家整理的大学生如何正确使用手机英语作文的相关知识,供大家参阅!   大学生如何正确使用手机英语作文篇1   Nowadays mobile phone is a popular device in our daily life. As it goes into the life of University students, it does make life better in that it gives us more freedom to keep in contact with friends or relatives who we can not reach in time. And when it comes to critical moment, like getting lost or robbery, we can call for help in this way. It also could be used to booking tickets or getting coupon from internet for the purpose of getting a bargin or covenient.   However, some students may use it as a game machine rather than a communicating tool. If much of time has been spent to play games on mobile phone, it will takes up the study time. It also consumes the time we share with our friends, particularly at the dinner, because they focus on the smart phone and show not interesting in talking to people nearby.   For my part, mobile phone is a convenient device that all we can get benefit from, if we use it in a good way. As for the function of playing game in a mobile phone is good, but we need to treat it properly.   大学生如何正确使用手机英语作文篇2   Today, more and more college school students have their own mobile phones. As a student, I think itu2019s good to have a mobile phone, because mobile phones can offer a lot of convenience. And students can send short messages to their parents when they are in trouble or not at home.   In fact, if students use mobile phones in right ways, mobile phones will help us, such as we can use mobile phones to look up new words. But it can also bring some trouble. For example, many students use their mobiles to listen to music in class. They donu2019t listen to the teachers carefully. And many students send messages in class.   In my opinion, itu2019s not right to use mobile phones in school. We should try our best to use mobile phones in right ways.   如今,越来越多的大学生拥有自己的手机。作为一名学生,我认为有一个手机是好的,因为手机可以提供很多方便。当学生在家里遇到麻烦或不在家时,他们可以给他们的父母发短信。事实上,如果学生用正确的方式使用手机,手机会帮助我们,比如我们可以用手机来查找新的单词。但它也可以带来一些麻烦。例如,许多学生在课堂上用手机收听音乐。他们不认真听老师讲课。和许多学生在课堂上发送消息。在我看来,在学校里使用手机是不正确的。我们应该尽力用正确的方式使用手机。   大学生如何正确使用手机英语作文篇3   Mobile phones are the main invention of modern technology.They are completely part of our daily lives If we look at our society,we can see that all kinds of people are using mobile phones.Maybe they have many advantages,but they also experience drawbacks.   The main advantage of mobile phones is that people can use them anytime and anywhere,so they can use one for an addition,people can access the internet whenever they use the mobile phones,so business people can use tem at work to get information from internet more convenietly Moreover,it is very easy to send messages to your friends.Mobile phones can make people keep intimacy in spite of long distance.Mobile phones are turning the world into a small vilage where we can commmunicate with each other easily and simply.Finally,another point in favour of mobile phonesis that you can avoid disturbing anyone when he is sleeping orworking because in that case people often turn off their mobile phones.   On the other hand,there are some drawbacks,too.Firstly,the most important disadvantage is the unknown effects on health in case of over-use.Scientists found that mobile phones can cause brain cancer.if you talk for so many hours,you are going to have headacheand ear problems.Secondly,the mobile phone stimulate home for the high cost of communication.If you are in 3 membered family,you would spend a lot of money on mobile phone.Because tow to three of family have it, it cost about 150-200D in a month.Furthermore,the inappropriate use of mobile phones could be bothersome.for example,it is very imppropriate to here a mobile phone ringing during a formal conversation,during a lesson,in a libraryor in a cinema.Finally,mobile phones waste people too much time.An Amerian survey show that the teen-ager will spend average 2 hours to send messagesevery day.   In conclusion, there are some benefits and drawbacks to mobile phones.personally,i dont like mobile phonesvery much,but i need use them.In my opion, mobile phones are good only if you use them correctly and politely,as in this case,all technology is beneficial!   
2023-07-15 21:50:431


  对于大学生来说,可以通过相关的英语作文学会在适当的时间使用手机。下面是我给大家整理的大学生如何正确使用手机英语作文的相关知识,供大家参阅!   大学生如何正确使用手机英语作文篇1   Nowadays mobile phone is a popular device in our daily life. As it goes into the life of University students, it does make life better in that it gives us more freedom to keep in contact with friends or relatives who we can not reach in time. And when it comes to critical moment, like getting lost or robbery, we can call for help in this way. It also could be used to booking tickets or getting coupon from internet for the purpose of getting a bargin or covenient.   However, some students may use it as a game machine rather than a communicating tool. If much of time has been spent to play games on mobile phone, it will takes up the study time. It also consumes the time we share with our friends, particularly at the dinner, because they focus on the smart phone and show not interesting in talking to people nearby.   For my part, mobile phone is a convenient device that all we can get benefit from, if we use it in a good way. As for the function of playing game in a mobile phone is good, but we need to treat it properly.   大学生如何正确使用手机英语作文篇2   Today, more and more college school students have their own mobile phones. As a student, I think itu2019s good to have a mobile phone, because mobile phones can offer a lot of convenience. And students can send short messages to their parents when they are in trouble or not at home.   In fact, if students use mobile phones in right ways, mobile phones will help us, such as we can use mobile phones to look up new words. But it can also bring some trouble. For example, many students use their mobiles to listen to music in class. They donu2019t listen to the teachers carefully. And many students send messages in class.   In my opinion, itu2019s not right to use mobile phones in school. We should try our best to use mobile phones in right ways.   如今,越来越多的大学生拥有自己的手机。作为一名学生,我认为有一个手机是好的,因为手机可以提供很多方便。当学生在家里遇到麻烦或不在家时,他们可以给他们的父母发短信。事实上,如果学生用正确的方式使用手机,手机会帮助我们,比如我们可以用手机来查找新的单词。但它也可以带来一些麻烦。例如,许多学生在课堂上用手机收听音乐。他们不认真听老师讲课。和许多学生在课堂上发送消息。在我看来,在学校里使用手机是不正确的。我们应该尽力用正确的方式使用手机。   大学生如何正确使用手机英语作文篇3   Mobile phones are the main invention of modern technology.They are completely part of our daily lives If we look at our society,we can see that all kinds of people are using mobile phones.Maybe they have many advantages,but they also experience drawbacks.   The main advantage of mobile phones is that people can use them anytime and anywhere,so they can use one for an addition,people can access the internet whenever they use the mobile phones,so business people can use tem at work to get information from internet more convenietly Moreover,it is very easy to send messages to your friends.Mobile phones can make people keep intimacy in spite of long distance.Mobile phones are turning the world into a small vilage where we can commmunicate with each other easily and simply.Finally,another point in favour of mobile phonesis that you can avoid disturbing anyone when he is sleeping orworking because in that case people often turn off their mobile phones.   On the other hand,there are some drawbacks,too.Firstly,the most important disadvantage is the unknown effects on health in case of over-use.Scientists found that mobile phones can cause brain cancer.if you talk for so many hours,you are going to have headacheand ear problems.Secondly,the mobile phone stimulate home for the high cost of communication.If you are in 3 membered family,you would spend a lot of money on mobile phone.Because tow to three of family have it, it cost about 150-200D in a month.Furthermore,the inappropriate use of mobile phones could be bothersome.for example,it is very imppropriate to here a mobile phone ringing during a formal conversation,during a lesson,in a libraryor in a cinema.Finally,mobile phones waste people too much time.An Amerian survey show that the teen-ager will spend average 2 hours to send messagesevery day.   In conclusion, there are some benefits and drawbacks to mobile phones.personally,i dont like mobile phonesvery much,but i need use them.In my opion, mobile phones are good only if you use them correctly and politely,as in this case,all technology is beneficial!   
2023-07-15 21:50:501


提起十二生肖排序,大家都知道,有人问十二生肖排序,另外,还有人想问十二生肖的顺序,你知道这是怎么回事?其实十二生肖是怎样排序的?下面就一起来看看十二生肖排序,希望能够帮助到大家! 十二生肖排序 1、十二生肖排序:十二生肖排序 羊马蛇龙兔虎牛鼠猪狗鸡猴 鼠牛虎兔龙蛇马羊猴鸡狗猪 十二生肖,一生都很有钱的生肖女。2、十二生肖排序:十二生肖的顺序 3、十二生肖排序:十二生肖是怎样排序的? 我国古代根椐动物出没时间和生活特征,将十二种动物作为十二生肖,即每一种动物为一个时辰。老鼠排行(与“子”时搭配),以下次序为:鼠、牛、虎、兔、龙、蛇、马、羊、猴、鸡、狗、猪。2022虎百年难遇。 鼠:晚上11时到第二天1时(即“子时”)。这时候,老鼠胆量最壮,活动最频繁,所以,子时同鼠搭配。 牛:凌晨1-3时(即“丑时”)。这时候牛吃足了草,“倒嚼”最细、最慢、,所以丑时同牛搭配。 虎:凌晨3-5时(即“寅时”)。据古书载,这时候,老虎最活跃、最凶猛、伤人最多,因此寅时同虎搭配。 兔:清晨5-7(即“卯时”)。这时,太阳还没脸面,月亮的光辉还未隐退完全。玉兔是月亮代称,是月宫神话中惟一的动物,这样卯时就同兔搭配。十二生肖年龄表。 龙:早晨7-9时(即“辰时”)。这是群龙行雨的时候,龙是神话中的动物,于是辰时属龙。1991年属羊人2021年运势运程。 蛇:上午9-11时(即“巳时”)。据说这时候的蛇不会伤人,也不在人行走的路上游荡,多隐蔽在草丛中,这样巳时就属于蛇的了。2021年生虎备孕时间表。 十二生肖是怎样排序的? 马:上午11时至下午1时(即“午时”)。依据的说法,中午太阳当顶,阳气达到达极点,渐渐增加,在换柱之时,一般动物都躺着休息,只有马还习惯地站着,甚至睡觉也站着,从不躺着。这样,午时就属马了。 羊:下午1-3时(即“未时”)。据说羊在这时候洒尿最勤,洒出的尿可治愈自身一种惊疯病,因此,未时属羊。 猴:下午3-5时(即“申时”)。这时候,猴子最喜欢啼叫,声音拉得最长,最洪亮。所以申时属猴。2022年几月虎一等命。 鸡:下午5-7时(即“酉时”)。这时候,日落山岗,鸡开始进笼归窝、夜宿,于是酉时属鸡。 狗:晚上7-9时(即“戌时”)。黑夜来临,狗看家,守夜的警惕性,并产生一种特殊的视力和听力,看得最远,听得最清楚。所以戌时属狗。为什么不建议生虎宝宝。 猪:晚上9-11时(即“亥时”)。这时候猪睡得最酣,发出的鼾声最洪亮,全身抖动得最厉害、长肉最快,于是亥时属猪。十二生肖相冲相克表。4、十二生肖排序:十二生肖的正确排序 子丑寅卯,辰已午未,申酉戌亥十二生肖婚姻配对大全表。 很久很久以前,天庭为了给下界的动物们排排名次,就给分了十二个名额,下界知道这事的是老鼠,天界就让老鼠去分名次,老鼠先把自己登排在位,见到牛就把的位置给了老牛,第三给了虎,四兔,五龙,六蛇,七马,八羊,九猴,十鸡,出头十一为狗,到尾十二福是猪将。十二属分完毕,报上天庭,下传,以此定论完毕。夫妻相克表太准了。 可是老鼠就把自己的亲家老猫给忘了,老猫没有排位,从此就和老鼠彻底翻脸,见了老鼠就打就咬,老鼠觉得做了见不得阳光的事了,从那以后就身地窝或墙下洞中,怕亲家老猫抓着把它打死,不敢白天出来,饿极了,就晚上出来偷东西吃,这就是中十二属排位怎样来的吧。 十二生肖是由十一种源于自然界的动物即鼠、牛、虎、兔、蛇、马、羊、猴、鸡、狗、猪以及中的龙所组成,用于纪年,顺序排列为子鼠、丑牛、寅虎、卯兔、辰龙、巳蛇、午马、未羊、申猴、酉鸡、戌狗、亥猪。十二生肖顺序表及年龄。 子(鼠)丑(牛)寅(虎)卯(兔)辰(龙)巳(蛇)午(马)未(羊)申(猴)酉(鸡)戌(狗)亥(猪)十二生肖顺序 热搜头条.com。 十二生肖源于何时,今已难于细考。长期以来,不少人将《论衡》视为最早记载十二生肖的文献。《论衡》是东汉唯物思想家王充的名著。《论衡·物势》载:“寅,木也,其禽,虎也。戌,土也,其禽,犬也。……午,马也。子,鼠刀。酉,鸡也。卯,兔也。……亥,豕也。未,羊也。丑,牛也。……巳,蛇也。申,猴也。”以上引文,只有十一种生肖,所缺者为龙。该书《言篇》又说:“辰为龙,巳为蛇,辰、巳之位在东南。这样,十二生肖便齐全了,十二地支与十二生肖的配属如此完整,且与现今相同命里大富的生肖女。 正确排序是鼠,牛,虎,兔,龙,蛇,马,羊,猴,鸡,狗,猪。 以上就是与十二生肖排序相关内容,是关于十二生肖排序的分享。看完十二生肖排序后,希望这对大家有所帮助!
2023-07-15 21:45:091


梦之一队:伯德 马龙 约翰逊 罗宾逊 斯托克顿 乔丹 皮蓬 穆林 巴克利 德雷克斯勒 尤因 莱特纳 梦二队: 科尔曼(新泽西) 杜马斯(活塞) 蒂姆-哈达维(勇士) 凯文-约翰逊(太阳) 拉里-约翰逊(黄蜂) 坎普(超音速) 丹-马尔利(太阳) 奥尼尔(魔术) 米勒(步行者) 莫宁(黄蜂) 马克-普莱斯(骑士) 斯蒂夫-史密斯(老鹰) 托马斯(活塞) 威尔金斯(老鹰) 梦三队:巴克利(太阳) 安芬尼-哈达威(魔术) 希尔(活塞) 奥尼尔(魔术) 罗宾逊(马刺) 斯托克顿(爵士) 佩顿(超音速) 奥拉朱旺(火箭) 马龙(爵士) 米勒(步行者) 皮蓬(公牛) 里奇蒙德(国王) 梦四队:谢里夫·阿卜杜·拉希姆、雷·阿伦、 文·贝克、文斯·卡特、凯文·加内特、蒂姆·哈达维、阿兰·休斯顿、贾森·基德、安东尼奥·麦克代斯、阿隆佐·莫宁、加里·佩顿、斯蒂夫·史密斯 梦五队:杰-威廉姆斯-后卫、埃尔顿-布兰德-前锋、本-华莱士-中锋、安东尼奥-戴维斯-中锋、迈克尔-芬利-后卫、拜伦-戴维斯-后卫、里夫-拉弗伦茨-中锋、肖恩-马里恩-前锋、安德鲁-米勒-后卫、雷吉-米勒-后卫、杰梅因-奥尼尔-中锋、保罗-皮尔斯-前锋 梦六队:蒂姆-邓肯(马刺)、艾弗森(76人)、勒布朗-詹姆斯(骑士)、理查德-杰弗逊(网)、史蒂芬-马布里(尼克斯)、肖恩-马里昂(太阳)、 斯塔德迈尔(太阳)、拉马尔-奥多姆(热火)、卡洛斯-布泽尔(骑士)、奥卡福(山猫)、卡梅隆-安东尼(掘金),韦德(热火) 梦七队:安东尼、阿里纳斯、巴蒂尔、比卢普斯、波什、布鲁斯·鲍恩、布兰德、布莱恩特、霍华德、约什·霍华德、勒布朗·詹姆斯、贾米森、乔·约翰逊、拉沙德·刘易斯、马里昂、布拉德·米勒、克里斯·保罗、保罗·皮尔斯、迈克尔·里德、里德诺、阿玛尔·斯塔德迈尔和韦德2008美国梦之队球员名单: 科比布莱恩特 勒布朗詹姆斯 卡梅罗安东尼 德维恩韦德 德怀特霍华德 克里斯保罗 杰森基德 泰夏安普林斯 迈克尔里德 德隆威廉姆斯 卡洛斯布泽尔 克里斯波什 领队: J.科朗杰罗 主教练: M.沙舍夫斯基(杜克大学) 助理教练: J.博汉姆(雪城大学)、M.德安东尼(纽约尼克斯)、 N.麦克米兰(波特兰开拓者)
2023-07-15 21:45:091


Wiggle 为英国的一家自行车用品的电商。
2023-07-15 21:45:172

China is a strengthening its image as the most important求翻译如图短文

中国正强化其作为汽车行业最重要市场的形象。行业观察家预计今年的总销售额超过20万辆。相比之下,在美国的汽车销售预计是刚超过15万辆。于上月在上海举行的车展,就足见中国市场的重要性,行业代表展示著的产品设计,是针对满足中国市场对豪华车和大型车辆越来越大的需求。福特汽车公司的Dave Schoch表示很高兴有机会与数以千计的准买家见面。许多中国人认为汽车是成功的标志。张豫(Yale Zhang)是汽车咨询公司Automotive Foresight的代表。他说,对于高品质的汽车的需求不断增长,是中国崛起成为一个经济超级大国的标志。「这个市场越来越具欧美风格。」大型运动型多功能车(SUV)的需求一直特别高。Karsten Engel是宝马集团在中国的领导。他说,SUV的内部宽敞空间对新发迹富人特别吸引,虽然有些可能永远不会自己开车。 「终极驾驶机器,你可能多数是从后座感受你司机的驾驶体验,所以你需要更多的空间,你想要更多的空间,你需要能让你在车上工作的可能性。」较大型汽车的需求很稳固,但环境和燃油问题导致市场对较节省用油的汽车兴趣增加。日产汽车公司亚太副总裁Andy Palmer说:「四年前,当我们推出概念电动车时,我们的大部分业界同侪都认为我们疯了,但现在看来,也不怎么笨,你知道吗?」观察家说,在目前的中国市场,新的混合动力和电动技术仍不是主力。新的资料显示,SUV的销售量比去了涨了近50%,而专家说,2015年SUV的销售量可能翻倍。~~~~~~~~~纯人手翻译,欢迎采纳~~~~~~~~~原文如下:China is strengthening its image as the most important market for the auto industry. Industry observers are predicting total sales of over 20 million vehicles this year.By comparison, a little more than 15 million vehicles are expected to be sold in the United States. The importance of the Chinese market could be seen last month at the Shanghai auto show, industry representatives there were showing products design to meet China"s growing demand for luxury cars, and larger vehicles.Dave Schoch is with Ford Motor company. He welcomed the chance to meet with thousands of possible car buyers.Many Chinese see cars as a sign of success. Yale Zhang is with automotive foresight -- an industry group. He says the rising demand for top quality automobiles is a sign of China"s rise as an economic superpower."This market is becoming more like European or American style." Demand has been especially high for larger sport utility vehicles (SUV"s). Karsten Engel is head of the BMW group in China. He says the spaces insides of SUV"s appeal to the newly rich, although some will probably never drive them. "The ultimate driving machine, you probably experience a lot from the rear seat with your driver, so you need more space, you want more space. You want to have the possibility to work in the car."The demand for larger cars is strong, yet environmental issues and fuel concerns are leading to increased interest in vehicles with better fuel economy. Nissan"s Asia Vice President Andy Palmer: "Four years ago, when we introduced the concept of the electric car, most of our colleagues in the industry thought that we had lost our minds. Now it doesn"t look so stupid, you know?"For now, observers say new hybrid and electric technology is not a major force in the Chinese market. New information shows sales of SUV"s are up nearly 50 percent from a year ago, and experts says SUV sales are likely to double by 2015.
2023-07-15 21:44:591

为什么我下载的(植物大战僵尸)不能玩 弹出 Fatal Error An unexpected error has occured!

2023-07-15 21:44:584


,“汉为观止”月球超级发布会隆重举行。此次上市的比亚迪汉家族共推出4款车型,分别是汉DM-p、汉DM-i、汉EV创世版以及汉EV千山翠绿版综合补贴后售价区间为21.58-32.98万元。外观方面,此次全新上市的汉家族继续由比亚迪全球设计总监沃尔夫冈·艾格操刀,外观延续了“龙颜美学”设计语言,整车线条简约灵动而富有肌肉感,前脸、尾灯及整车设计上都有明显提升。内饰方面,全新汉家族内饰采用环抱式内饰设计语言,提取古建筑中“品”字型排布方式,又加入了多样化龙元素,将中华文化与摩登精神融为一体。此外,汉家族内饰新增了一体式运动座椅和凝夜紫碳纤维内饰两大选装配置。性能方面,汉DM-i搭载插混专用1.5Ti涡轮增压发动机和EHS电混系统,可油可电。汉DM-i提供18.3kW·h和37.5kW·h两种电池总容量配置,NEDC综合工况纯电续航分别为121公里和242公里,NEDC百公里亏电油耗4.2L,NEDC综合续航里程最高可达1300公里,零百加速7.9秒。汉DM-i顶配车型支持80kW安全升压快充技术,NEDC续航里程242公里。汉DM-p搭载1.5Ti涡轮增压发动机和综合最大功率360kW,最大扭矩675N·m的前后双电机,零百加速3.7秒,NEDC百公里亏电油耗5.2L,NEDC纯电续航202公里。值得一提的是,汉DM-p还配备了Brembo赛车级哑光灰四活塞定钳(前),可提升制动性能。汉EV创世版系统综合最大扭矩高达700N·m,零百加速只需3.9s。续航表现方面,汉EV创世版两驱型CLTC续航达715公里,四驱型CLTC续航为610公里。充电性能方面,汉EV创世版支持充电10分钟续航最长增加150km快充技术,30%~80%快充可在30分钟内完成。汉家族继续搭载DiPilot智能驾驶辅助系统,包括HWA高速道路辅助、DMS驾驶员监测和3D全息透明影像系统。此次上市的汉家族新增加了高速道路驾驶辅助、紧急车道保持辅助、智慧礼让、W-HUD抬头显示等驾驶辅助配置。音响配置方面,除入门级的汉DM-i 121KM尊贵型以外,汉家族全系标配12扬声器的HiFi级定制丹拿音响,提供音乐厅、演播厅和舞台现场三种声场模式,支持环绕声。限量发售的的汉EV千山翠限量版采用专属冷翠青色车漆,在光照下可呈现立体闪烁折射效果。此外,汉EV千山翠限量版还配备碳黑轮毂、熏黑前后大灯、高性能石绿四活塞定钳(前)、绿色碳纤维材料等运动套件,内饰方面增加了智能香氛功能,提供茶卡、天山、长安三种香型可选。
2023-07-15 21:44:571