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shipping conditions ddp什么意思

SMARTRANSGROUP国际货代DDP[1] 英文全称Delivered Duty Paid(named place of destina-tion)。中文名称税后交货(……指定目的港)“完税后交货(……指定目的地)”是指卖方在指定的目的地,办理完进口清关手续,将在交货运输工具上尚未卸下的货物交与买方,完成交货。卖方必须承担将货物运至指定的目的地的一切风险和费用,包括在需要办理海关手续时在目的地应交纳的任何“税费”(包括办理海关手续的责任和风险,以及交纳手续费、关税、税款和其他费用)。EXW术语下卖方承担最小责任,而DDP术语下卖方承担最大责任。若卖方不能直接或间接地取得进口许可证,则不应使用此术语。但是,如当事方希望将任何进口时所要支付的一切费用(如增值税)从卖方的义务中排除,则应在销售合同中明确写明。 若当事方希望买方承担进口的风险和费用,则应使用DDU术语。该术语适用于各种运输方式,但当货物在目的港船上或码头交货时,应使用DAP术语。

shipping address是什么意思

shipping address 网络 寄送地址; 收货地址; 送货地址; 邮寄地址; 发货地址; [例句]With Paypal we have extended protection and can ship to your shipping address.使用PayPal,我们可以保护和延长船舶到您的送货地址。

shipping charge是什么意思

shipping charge[英][u02c8u0283u026apu026au014b tu0283ɑ:du0292][美][u02c8u0283u026apu026au014b tu0283ɑrdu0292]运送费,装船费用; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:双语英语1.How much is the shipping charge to taiwan? 寄到台湾的运费是多少?2.If we later decide to make an order, would you be able to credit us that shipping charge? 若我们稍后决定定货,你们能将运输费打到我们帐户上么?3.Shipping logistics recommended by taobao calculated in real charge sheet. 按淘宝推荐物流运费表计算按实收取。4.Do we charge for shipping and handling? 我们要收取运费和处理费吗?5.On tuesday, cardboard technologies responded to the donors ( or lack thereof) by lowering the bike"s cost to$ 135 ($ 95 plus a$ 40 shipping charge). 周二,纸板科技公司将自行车的售价下调至135美元(95美元加40美元运费),以回应捐助者的质疑(又或许是希望能够改变捐助者人数寥寥的局面)。

shipping date和delivery date的区别是什么?


“shipping term”有哪些?

shipping terms是装运条款有13种,常用的有3种FOB=free on board 运费到付,也称离岸价,装运港船上交货C&F(CFR)=cost and freight 货价+运费,成本+运费CIF=cost,insurance,freight 货价+保险费+运费其他的有:FCA=Free Carrier 货交承运人FAS=Free Alongside Ship 装运港船边交货CPT=Carriage Paid To 运费付至目的地CIP=Carriage and Insurance Paid To 运费,保险费付至目的地DAF=Delivered At Frontier 边境交货DES=Delivered Ex Ship 目的港船上交货DEQ=Delivered Ex Quay 目的港码头交货DPP=Delivered Duty Paid 完税后交货

Shipping Account是什么意思




shipping documents 和transportation documents 的区别

经过研究,总结如下:1. 首先Shipping和Shipment绝对是有区别的!这点无可争辩!2. Shipping是一个过程。SAP把从"创建delivery"到"发货过帐(Goods issue posting)"规定为Shipping。3. Shipment有一个意思,但是有二种讲法。 (1)从物料角度,它是"一起运输的一票货"。 (2)从过程角度,它就单指"运输",即"Transportation"。比如Shipment cost就是运输成本。4. Shipping和Shipment的关系。 在Shipping中,要对Shipment(指运输)进行计划。而真正的Shipment过程(即实际的运输) 发生在Shipping结束之后,也就是在发货过帐(Goods issue posting)之后

Shipping和Shipment有什么区别?拜托各位了 3Q

Shipping 船运,海运 Shipment货物装运在船



shipping charge是什么意思


如何定义ship method

Shipping Method运输方式;送货方式;配送方式例如:This shipping method is currently unavailable. If you would like toship usingthis shipping method, please contact us.该配送方式目前不能用。如果您希望使用该配送,请联系我们。The shipping method and packaging shall be decided by the company Mentor.海运方式和包装将由门拓公司决定。The relationship between Sales Order and Shipping Method is even more complex.销售订单和运送方式之间的关系还要复杂一点。Shipping method must be specified请指定配送方式A shipping method can exist independently of a sales order, so the Sales Order side of the relationship is optional.一种运送方式可以不依赖于销售订单而独立存在,所销售订单一端的关系是可选的。For orders less than$100, the document must specify a shipping method.对于总价少于$100的订单,文档必须指定一种配送方法。

shipping specs是什么意思

shipping specs运输规范为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

在贸易英语中shipping window 指什么??

应该是 window shipping,看看,但是不买的意思

shipping line是什么意思

shipping line 航线 [水运]

请问shipping shipped ship out shipment 之间有什么区别呢?

1、shipping(n.)海运, 运送, 航行, (总称)运输船只, 船舶吨数, 船只总数例如:a shipping clerk 送货员 the shipping business 运输业 shipping agent 运输代理商 shipping articles [pl.] 船员雇用合同2、shipped 过去分词表被动 “把…装上船”或者“……被船运”例如:the goods is shipped to the USA 货物通过船运到了美国3、ship out运出坐船离故国例如:shipped out on a tanker. 在油轮上当船员 troops shipping out to the Far East. 开拔前往远东的部队4、shipment (n.)装船, 出货例如 :actual shipment 实际载货量 advance shipment 提前装船 aggregated shipments 集合运输the correct chooise is the goods will ship out

shipping term有哪些

shipping terms是装运条款有13种,常用的有3种FOB=free on board 运费到付,也称离岸价,装运港船上交货C&F(CFR)=cost and freight 货价+运费,成本+运费CIF=cost,insurance,freight 货价+保险费+运费其他的有:FCA=Free Carrier 货交承运人FAS=Free Alongside Ship 装运港船边交货CPT=Carriage Paid To 运费付至目的地CIP=Carriage and Insurance Paid To 运费,保险费付至目的地DAF=Delivered At Frontier 边境交货DES=Delivered Ex Ship 目的港船上交货DEQ=Delivered Ex Quay 目的港码头交货DPP=Delivered Duty Paid 完税后交货


以及怎么操作和它的优缺点是什么呢? Dropshipping 是供应链管理中的一种方法。零售商不需商品库存,而是把客户订单和装运细节给批发商,批发商将货物直接发送给最终客户。而零售商赚取批发和零售价格之间的差价。 通俗上来讲,也可以把dropshipping 理解为“直接代发货”或者“转运配送”,作为零售商,不必积压大量的商品库存,甚至使用的是零库存,而当有订单的时候,把订单转交相应的供货商或者厂家,由他们直接发货给零售商指定的客户。 目前全球已经进入了信息时代,而电子商务的运用更是如此。在电子商务这个领域,dropshipping 已经广泛地被大量的e-tailer(电子商务零售商)使用,一些大的购物网站使用的dropshipper (也就是商品供应商)数量通常多达两三百甚至过千。 至于如何操作Dropshipping这个服务,其实它跟一般的批发业务在运作上没什么特别不同。通常,批量的批发订单,你会整箱整箱发送给对方,而当使用dropshipping的时候,对方可能要求你把10件商品分别发送给10个不同的客户地址,并且要求在回执(退换货地址)上写上对方所要求的地址。这样,在你这边配送费用上会产生很大的区别,而且,通常单一商品直接到最终客户,一般不会使用海运这种运送方法。 对于外贸商户来说,如果你用dropshipping方式直接发货给海外的最终客户,那么该最终客户可能会面对关税等问题,不过,这不是你需要去处理的,而是由零售商处理,你只需要按零售商的要求去发货就可以了。这里要说明一点的就是美国对小包裹业务不会收取关税。 外贸业务中,如果业务员听到国外客户要求提供dropshipping服务,往往会认为那只是一张小单而不屑一顾,却总是花费大量金钱人力去跟其他供货商竞争那几张大单。其实世界上90%的买家,特别是那些中小买家,可能永远都不会通过交易会、阿里巴巴等这些网络资源去寻找供货商。所以,不同的订单方式才是贸易的主体。 至于Dropshipping的优点,它是通过提供此服务可以跟大量的小单买家做生意,行业俗话也叫“长尾” ,而一旦所以小单汇集在一起足以超出了一两张大单的业务量。而且,你不必担心对方拼命地压你的价格。供货商从单一商品通过Dropshipping方式获得的利润率,更通过大买单的利润率相比,可能会是大买单的10倍甚至几十倍。而Dropshipping的缺点,就是通常需要立刻发货,所以要准备相应的货源。不过这也许对于某些供货商来说并不是缺点,反而是优点。另外,还需要配备额外人员去处理订单。



shipping address是什么意思

hipping address寄送地址; 收货地址; 送货地址; 邮寄地址; 发货地址双语例句1With Paypal we have extended protection and can ship to your shipping address. 使用PayPal,我们可以保护和延长船舶到您的送货地址。2If this option is enabled, customer can change shipping address and shipping method on PayPal website. “,”如果启用本选项,顾客将可以在Paypal网站更改配送地址和配送方式。

shipping ,shipment. transport

shipping主要是指装船发运. shipment除了有装船发运的意思外,主要用来指装船发运的货物.比方说 we have just received your last shipment. transport意思比较单纯,就是指运输。这个运输的范围比较广。

亚马逊的shipping and handling 收费是什么意思

shipping&handing是运费,你要免运费的话必须满足两个条件 1-购买亚马逊自营的东西大于25刀(Ships from and sold by运输选择5-8工作日的免费运输。 FREE Super Saver Shipping (5-8 business days)。




shipping (part shipping)商船(部分航运)双语例句1Container liner shipping is one important part of international shipping industry.集装箱班轮运输市场是世界航运市场的重要组成部分。2Shipping Maintenance is the indispensable part in the shipping technology management to guarantee the safety of ships and the high efficiency of shipping.船舶维修保养是船舶技术管理中不可缺少的重要组成部分,是船舶安全运营和高营运率的保障。

shipping 和 shipment的区别是什么?

1. 首先Shipping和Shipment绝对是有区别的!这点无可争辩!2. Shipping是一个过程。SAP把从"创建delivery"到"发货过帐(Goods issue posting)"规定为Shipping。3. Shipment有一个意思,但是有二种讲法。 (1)从物料角度,它是"一起运输的一票货"。 (2)从过程角度,它就单指"运输",即"Transportation"。比如Shipment cost就是运输成本。4. Shipping和Shipment的关系。 在Shipping中,要对Shipment(指运输)进行计划。而真正的Shipment过程(即实际的运输) 发生在Shipping结束之后,也就是在发货过帐(Goods issue posting)之后。

expedited shipping 是什么意思

急件 如果是在购物网站上 应该是加急送货服务


ship(vt):to send or carry something by ship用船运送shipment(n) :a load of goods sent by sea,road,or air,or the act of sending them(经海路、陆路或航空运送的)货物;(货物的)装运,运送;shipping:the delivery of goods,especially by ship(货物的)运输(尤指船运)




ships considered collectively, especially those in a particular area or belonging to a particular country这是shipping,然而shipment则是the action of shipping good

英语Fast shipping怎么翻译?


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Because friendships enhance our lives, it is important to cultivate them.培植友谊十分重要,因为友谊能提高生活的价值。FRIENDSHIPA friend is, as it were, a second self.可以说,朋友是另一个自我。--Cicero, Ancient Roman statesman古罗马政治家 西塞罗A man should keep his friendship in constant repair.只有经常“浇灌”, 方能保持友谊天长地久。--Samuel Johnson, British writer英国作家 约翰逊.S.Animals are such agreeable friends ---they ask no questions, they pass no criticism.动物是极易相处的朋友,它们从来不提问,也从不会批评。--George Eliot, British novelist英国小说家 艾略特.G.Be slow in choosing a friend, slower in changing.选择朋友要谨慎,换朋友更要谨慎。--Benjamin Franklin, American Pre-president美国总统 富兰克林.B.Because friendships enhance our lives, it is important to cultivate them.培植友谊十分重要,因为友谊能提高生活的价值。--Robert Louis Stevenson, British novelist and poet英国小说家、诗人 史蒂文森. R. L.Betraying a trust is a very quick and painful way to terminate a friendship.背信弃义会迅速而痛苦地断送友谊

用what is friendship些一篇英语作文

Friendship is produced in communication activities of a kind of special feelings, it and communication activities of a general good is the essential difference is. Friendship is one from the two-way (or interactive) relations of the emotion, namely the common feelings of frozen. Friendships to close as the core component, intimate sex also known as the measure of the degree of friendship is an important index. This kind of close sex of the summary: (1) to reveal his friend the thoughts and feelings of the inner secrets; and (2) to the friend, and make sure that the full trust "self expression" for friends and will not be easily respect to leaked or against himself; (3) limited to be special evaluation of relationship, that is limited to friendship between friends, a close friend of the minority or. Friendship is the source of true happiness. Friendship can not stand the test is not equal to friends really don"t reliable, is perhaps the friendship between you deep enough. Want to know, a to you not reliable friend maybe and others friendship is sometimes through the test of any adversity live. A true friend, in your success, happy for you, and don"t support. Unfortunately in you meet or sad, will give you the timely support and encouragement. You have shortcomings in May make a mistake, will give you the correct criticism and help. Between friends heart trouble, each other on to help. Proud that don"t get carried away, way down the inspirational up comfort. Goodwill produce happiness, civilization brought harmony. To all alike, for a few talk to anyone, not wrong. The friend is often the unintentionally hurt each other, help is sincerely, forget the unintentional injury; Remember those who sincerely help to you, you will find that there you have a lot of friend......




Friendships are relaxed, loyal relationships that involve intimacy, communication, and empathy. Friendship is a relief. Friends relate. Friendship is an in-depth, relaxed relationship! Friends relate. It is an in-depth relationship combining trust, support, communication, loyalty, understanding, empathy, and intimacy. These are certainly aspects of life that all of us crave. Being able to trust and relax with your friend is a big part of friendship. Remember when you were young and went with a friend to her grandma"s for the week-end. It was fun but when you got home, home was wonderful. Your feeling was "I"m home. I can relax now." That"s what a friendship should be. You go out into the world and do your best. You have your ups and downs, your problems and triumphs, your fun and tribulations. You charm and you perform. Then you come "home" to a friend. You can relax, put up your feet; you are relieved. If you still have to be charming and/or performing, it"s not a relief. Friendship is a comfy situation like home. You get home, kick off your shoes, relax and sigh, "Ahh, home." Being able to trust and relax with your best friend is a big part of friendship. Friendships are relationships

why friendships start英语作文

Friendship is a kind of human relations.It is a human instinct to make friends.When in trouble,weneed friends to offer us help,support and encouragement.With success achieved,we also need friends to share our joys.Friendship is also one of the greatest pleasures that we can enjoy.It implies loyalty,cordiality,sympathy,affection,and readiness to help.No man can make the most of his life without carefully and conscientiously striving to win the right kind of friends as he goes along.Knowing how valuable friendship is,we should be very careful in making friends.Real friends are those who have good character,superior ability and kindness of heart.Real friends can share all our sorrows and double all our joys.While making friends,we should take care to select those who have such fine qualities.From Joozone.Com.Then we should treat our friends with courtesy,be careful not to interfere unreasonably with them,and not to ridicule their proceedings.We should forgive their failures and do our best to help them.In short,when we have established friendship,we ought to cherish and treasure it by means of words and deeds.Only thus,can we develop real friendship and keep the sacred lamp of friendship burning all our life.翻译:友谊是一种人际关系.交友是人的一种本能.患难之中,我们需要朋友帮助、支持和鼓励.取得了成绩,我们也需要朋友分享欢乐.友谊又是我们可以享受的最大乐趣之一.友谊蕴含真诚、热忱、怜悯、挚爱和乐于助人之意.在人的一生中,如果不认真谨慎地力求交结正直的朋友,他就不能从生活中获得最大益处.懂得了友谊是多么宝贵之后,就应谨慎地选择朋友.真正的朋友品性良好,能力上等,心地善良;真正的朋友能分担我们的忧伤,倍增我们的欢乐.交友之时,要谨慎选择具有这样美好品质的人.然后应以礼待友,当心不要无理地妨碍他们,不嘲笑他们的所作所为.我们应原谅朋友的失败,并尽己所能帮助他们.简言之,建立了友谊之后,要通过言语和行动来珍惜友谊,像爱护宝物一样爱惜友谊.只有这样,才能发展真正的友谊,让神圣的友谊之灯照亮我们一生.



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可数名词时。friendship用来表示友谊的表现,友好的感情(或行为等),是可数名词时可以用复数。例句:It is important to build friendships among colleagues in theworkplace。(建立职场上同事间的友谊是十分重要的)。


我帮你查了一下最新版牛津高阶英汉双解词典 P702 1.可以是可数名词 翻译为:友谊,朋友的关系 如friendsh with sb 或者 friendship between A and B 举例是a close/lasting/lifelong/ friendship 亲密的/持久的/终身的友谊2.不可数名词的时候 翻译为 :友情,友谊,友好(类似于国与国之间的友好关系啊 ) 我教你这么记 一般都用不可数的 如果 friendship 前面有修饰词 就是形容词啦 前面一般都要加a啊之类的

make friendships among children中friendship是否加s?

Make.friendship among children.其中的friendship不需要加s。Friendship是一个teacher一样的。和government一样。是一种概念性的东西,他是没有复数的,没有复数形式。If you accept my answer, please give me a thumbs up.Thank you very much.满意请采纳关注



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friendship 用英语怎么解释


It is imperative that the government__________more investment into the shipbuilding industry.

【答案】:C考查虚拟语气。在表示愿望、建议、请求、命令等时,it is imperative that结构后面的主语从句必须用虚拟语气,即should+动词原形(should可以省略)。故选C。

lc里的 transhipments are prohibited是什么意思

transhipments are prohibited转运是禁止的请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助

predicate-object relationship是什么意思

predicate object relationship述宾关系

英语Being jealous itself is a kind of worship


here comes a spaceship

:Here comes a spaceship.这是一个倒装句,主语是a spaceship,可以说成 Aspaceship comes here 但不如前者更生动.这种倒装句常用一般现在时态 所以填B

为什么说“Here comes a spaceship”而不说"Here coming a spaceship"?

原句应该是:A spaceship comes here.变成倒装句:Here comes a spaceship.正在进行时是:be动词+v-ing

here come a spaceship

:Here comes a spaceship.这是一个倒装句,主语是a spaceship,可以说成 Aspaceship comes here 但不如前者更生动.这种倒装句常用一般现在时态 所以填B


spaceship的读音为英[u02c8speu026asu0283u026ap],美[u02c8speu026asu0283u026ap]。spaceship是一个英语单词,名词,作名词时意思是“宇宙飞船”。宇宙飞船(spaceship),是一种运送航天员、货物到达太空并安全返回的一次性使用的航天器。它不需要借助火箭推进剂,便能在助滑道 上滑行至抛出点,并被抛入太空。在离地球78万公里 的地方,有两艘宇宙飞船正在进行环球航行。它们是“国际太空站”和中国的“天宫一号”。此外,宇宙飞船还有多种分类。弹道式宇宙飞船(ballistic spacecraft),又称弹道航天器、弹道飞船,中国学者称之为“探空火箭”,是一种利用火箭发动机将载人飞船送入地球卫星轨道,然后飞船独自在地球引力场内飞行的宇宙飞船。过渡舱式宇宙飞船(bridge spacecraft),又称过渡舱航天器、过渡舱飞船,是苏联的米申提出的一种 宇宙飞船。模块式宇宙飞船(modular spacecraft),又称可组装式航天器、模块航天器、组装航天器、可重复使用航天器,是由美国航空航天局(NASA) 提出的一种概念。它由标准单元、舱段以及连接件等组成,既可以发射,也可以在轨道上组装。标准单元和舱段都是通用产品,不同任务只需选用不同的舱段和不同的连接件即可。总之,spaceship是一个重要的英语单词,表示宇宙飞船,在科技和航空领域经常使用。


spaceship 英[u02c8speu026asu0283u026ap] 美[u02c8spesu02ccu0283u026ap] n. (尤指小说中的)宇宙飞船 名词复数:spaceships [例句]What do you do after building a spaceship?当你建造了一艘宇宙飞船后会干什么?


《Plague Ship》(Norton, Andre)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码:93s6书名:Plague Ship作者:Norton, Andre页数:156

求kae sun的ship and the globe中文歌词!

Oceans apart and it"s heavy on my heartRoll and row but my rolling game too slowI"m happy you knowI"m spending my time watching the ship and the globeWhy beauty"s in the simple thingsYour sweetness and your eleganceI"m happy you know远隔重洋,你在我的心中一样那麼有份量。时间飞逝但我从未停止的游戏却很缓慢的进行。你知道我是如此的快乐啊!我花费时间专注在这些船儿与这个世界。为什麼简单的事物总藏著美丽呢?! 那麼甜美与优雅!你知道我是如此的快乐啊!paa pa pa paa pa pa paa papa pa paa paa 2XOceans apart and I"m sailing on my dreamsRoll and row but my rolling game too wildI"m lost in your smileI"m spending my time watching the ship and the globeWhy beauty"s in the simple thingsYour sweetness and your eleganceI"m happy you know远隔重洋,我正在梦里航行著呢!时间飞逝但我从未停止的游戏却还是很狂野啊。我迷失在你的笑靥里了!我花费时间专注在这些船儿与这个世界。为什麼简单的事物总藏著美丽呢?! 那麼甜美与优雅!你知道我是如此的快乐啊!paa pa pa paa pa pa paa papa pa paa paa 2X (break)paa papa paa pa pa paap paa paaa 4x


China on Thursday successfully launched a three-man crew into space where one of them will make the country"s first spacewalk, the country"s most challenging space mission since first launching a person into space in 2003. 中国在周四成功的将三人小组送入太空,其中一人将进行该国首次太空行走,这是自2003年首次将一人送入太空后中国最具挑战的太空任务。 The Shenzhou 7 spacecraft, China"s third manned mission, blasted off atop a Long March 2F rocket shortly after 9:00 p.m. (1300 GMT) under clear night skies in northwestern China. The spacewalk by one of the astronauts is expected to take place either on Friday or Saturday. 晚上九点后(格林威治时间13:00),在中国西北方晴朗的夜空下,神舟七号飞船,这个中国第三个载人项目,由长征2F号火箭发射升空。 The mission, expected to last three to four days, is devoted almost entirely to the execution of the spacewalk, known formally as an extra-vehicular activity, or EVA, is expected to help China master the technology for docking two orbiters to create China"s first orbiting space station in the next few years. 这次任务预计持续三到四天,主要用于执行太空行走任务,太空行走正式的名称是“出舱活动(EVA)”,它将有助于中国掌握两颗卫星的对接技术,在未来几年建立中国的第一个空间站。

Ship To Address是什么意思


Words Of Worship的《Lifeline》 歌词

歌曲名:Lifeline歌手:Words Of Worship专辑:HosannaPapa Roach - LifelineWhen I was a boyI didn"t care "bout a thingIt was me and this world and a broken dreamI was blaming myselffor all that was going wrongI was way out thereon the wrong side of townand the ones that I lovedI started pushing "em outthen I realisedThat it was all my faultI"ve been looking for a lifelinefor what seems like a lifetimeI"m drowning in the painbreaking down againlooking for a lifelineSo I put out my handand I asked for some helpwe tore down the walls I built around myselfI was struck by the lightand I fell to the groundI"ve been looking for a lifelinefor what seems like a lifetimeI"m drowning in the painbreaking down againlooking for a lifelineIs there anybody out there?Can you pull me from this ocean of despair?I"m drowning in the painbreaking down againlooking for a lifelineYou know a heart of goldwont take you all the wayAnd in a world so coldits hard to keep the faithIm never gonna fade away!Yeah!I"ve been looking for a lifelinefor what seems like a lifetimeI"m drowning in the painbreaking down againlooking for a lifelineIs there anybody out there?Can you pull me from this ocean of despair?I"m drowning in the painbreaking down againlooking for a lifeline

建立联系用上relationship 用英文怎么说 望各位好友帮帮忙

build a relationship with...


ship[英][u0283u026ap] [美][u0283u026ap] 生词本简明释义n.船;<口>宇宙飞船;(舰船上的)全体船员;运气vt.& vi.运送vt.把…装上船;装好(船具);上市;使乘船vi.在船上工作;乘船旅行;当船员复数:ships第三人称单数:ships过去式:shipped过去分词:shipped现在分词:shipping易混淆的单词:ShipSHIP以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 短语词组 同反义词1.N-COUNT大船;轮船;舰A ship is a large boat which carries passengers or cargo. Within ninety minutes the ship was ready for departure...90分钟之内轮船准备出发。We went by ship over to America.我们搭轮船去美国。...merchant ships.


1、使用itools之类的助手工具,打开township的游戏安装目录,然后进入文件夹,在里面可以找到一个名为LevelupInfo.xml的文件,将这个文件复制到电脑上,注意不要忘记备份一个以防万一。   2、然后使用文本方式打开LevelupInfo.xml文件。修改的原理是,修改你升级时,系统赠送给你的金币数量3、在文件中,找到所有的balabce_reward="X"这种形式的代码,注意里面的X是指数字,将其全部修改为任意数字,建议不要太大,几十万都可以,这样你每一次升级,系统都会赠送给你你修改后的数值大小的金钱数量4、然后是最重要的绿钞了,原理和修改金币一样,不过代码变为了cash_reward="X",X还是指数字,将其修改为任意数值,注意不要太大,因为你每一次升级都会赠送,如果修改数值太大,可能造成数据溢出,游戏会出现闪退等奇葩情况,就得不偿失了,这里修改的也是以几十万最合适;5、township修改经验值方法讲解。最后就是经验值的修改了,想要升级的快一点吗?找到文件中所有的experience="X"代码,将其中的X代表的数值全部修改为小一点的数值,比如全部修改为99,但是注意,千万不要修改为0或者负值6、修改完毕后保存该文件,然后将文件放置到游戏安装目录下的文件夹中选择覆盖,然后你现在重新运行游戏,等你过完新手教程后,再升级,就会获得无限金钱绿钞了。


-ship后缀 suf. (接在名词之后)1.表示"状态"(如:friendship)2.表示"身份","职业"(如:professorship)3.表示"技巧","能力","手腕"(如:statesmanship)4.表示"...的群体"(如:readership)5.接在形容词之后,表抽象名词(如:hardship


n. 技术;技艺


apprenticeship[英][u0259u02c8prentu026au0283u026ap][美][u0259u02c8pru025bntu026asu0283u026ap]n.学徒身份; 学徒期; 例句:1.It was an unusual apprenticeship. 这是一段不同寻常的学徒期。2.Trainees will spend six weeks in one of the colleges in london, manchester,birmingham and leeds, before being placed with an employer in an 18-month apprenticeship. 在成为雇主的厨师之前要有18个月的学徒期,所以学徒们将在伦敦、曼彻斯特、伯明翰和利兹当中任何一所学院接受六个星期的培训。

请问信用证中transfer 和 transhipment有什么区别?



sure 基本词汇 英 [u0283u028au0259(r)]     美 [u0283u028ar]    adj.肯定的;确信的;必定;可靠的;沉着自信的adv.当然;确实地;无疑地;不用客气ship 基本词汇 英 [u0283u026ap]     美 [u0283u026ap]    n.船;舰v.装运;(用船)运送;上(船);乘(船)


Vender是供应商得意思,一些行业,例如零售业,Vendor用的比较多。这与Vendor的字面意思有关。因为Vendor就让人想起街道上的小贩,在整个贩卖过程中增值不多。美国零售业有很有名的 Vendor Managed Inventory Program(VMI),说的就是由供应商管理自己在零售店的库存,如果低于一定水平就自动补齐。自动售货机也叫Vendor Machine。但在复杂的行业,供应商提供的货物、服务很复杂,增值很多,供应商很少有叫Vendor的。谁听过波音公司把它的引擎供应商称Vendor的?shipper是货物托运人, 发货人的意思经济上一般也可译为货主, 运货者, 装货人还有一种意思是恋爱关系,比如男的叫JACK, 女的叫ROSE可以说WE ARE JACK AND ROSE"S SHIPPERS!

这位仁兄你好。请问在货贷、国际贸易中,shipper 和 vendor 有什么区别 ?


Joint ventures / alliances / partnership即合资企业 ,联盟, 合伙企业,这三个词有什么区别

合资企业一般指中外合资 中外合资经营企业是由中国投资者和外国投资者共同出资、共同经营、共负盈亏、共担风险的企业。 企业联盟是指企业个体与个体间在策略目标的考虑下结成盟友,自主地进行互补性资源交换,各自达成目标产品阶段性的目标,最后获得长期的市场竞争优势,并形成一个持续而正式的关系. 合伙企业,是指自然人、法人和其他组织依照《中华人民共和国合伙企业法》在中国境内设立的,由两个或两个以上的自然人通过订立合伙协议,共同出资经营、共负盈亏、共担风险的企业组织形式 。我国合伙组织形式仅属限于私营企业。合伙企业一般无法人资格,不缴纳所得税。其包括普通合伙企业和有限合伙企业。

MSC的提单上面的shipper ,consignee和 notify party 一定要显示电话,传真吗?


shipper 与 consignee 一样

啊...一样的也行吗? 好奇怪哦,如果一样的话,那发票清单,CO之类的单据不是都是对方自己做..还是...,没碰过这种情况.呵呵...


是对的 ship to 是承运人 consignee 是收货人



How to estabish business relationship的文章 3000字全英文

转载的,仅供学习查考。 How to Establish Long Term Relationships in Business Posted: Jan 21, 2009 Copyright (c) 2009 Alan Gillies The escalation of globalization and the intense competition have suddenly made small business possibilities much more desirable. With quite a few large organizations being unable to rapidly restructure in our evolving market, a higher percentage of small businesses with their inherent flexibility and capacity to change are taking hold of a sizeable slice of the market share. The methods of small business expansion are very different from their large organization counterparts. Large organizations have the financial resources to rapidly expand, improving their existing facilities, buying new facilities, and widely distributing all of their products. On the other hand, small businesses rarely have any of these options, therefore they need to search for other possibilities which are cost effective yet still ensure an increase in revenue. Small businesses can ensure their success - and their future, by continuously strengthening their relationship with their customers. Although this process is a gradual one, with time it will ensure long term relationships, profitable for the small business while useful and fulfilling for the customers - thereby distributing benefits to all. - When you make promises, always keep them - Businesses which haven"t yet made their mark in their industry can"t afford to make suppliers wait for the money nor can they make customers wait for the products. The key is to not allow such situations to occur and affect your business, therefore "Make Promises and Keep Them". This will build trust among partners and customers, ensuring long term relationships with everyone involved. - Prudent use of money - Instead of spending money on expensive PR activities or other image building affairs, spend it on cost effective activities like direct response marketing. With this system you can clearly see the relationship between the expenses and the benefits that have been achieved. - Define the ground you wish to build on, e.g. service, quality or price - Don"t attempt to apply an approach used by larger businesses, choose your own way and specialize - without compromise. This will make all the difference in keeping your small business on track and focused toward its objectives. - Hard work has always been necessary, but if you"re really looking for an edge to get ahead, "work smarter, not harder". - Try to get more business cards than you give - Attend seminars and conferences to keep yourself updated with the latest trends in your industry. Be excited about your work and be really positive in your communication - this will result in very valuable referrals. - Only accept deals which you can fulfill to the highest standard, on time and at your agreed cost - Small businesses should avoid risky contracts for big payouts. If the final product doesn"t meet the necessary standards, it can be a disaster for everyone involved, causing havoc with your company image. (ArticlesBase SC #731178) Read more: Under Creative Commons License: Attributio

Shipping Invoice就是commercial invoice吗?

美国的吧我上次就把字头换了一个 别的地方都是一样的还是信用证的 不鉴于采纳反正我那次收回汇了

We ,【the Chinese people】,value friendship.

1、【】做主语的同位语,和主语位置一样 2、【】是同谓语从句,that是从句的先行词,在从句中不充当成分,从句是主谓宾完整的。 引导定语从句的that叫做关系代词,它除了起连接作用,还在定语从句中充当一定成分,并且在意义上代表先行词;引导同位语从句的that叫做从属连词,它只起连接作用。例如: ①The news that you told me yesterday was really exciting. ②We heard the news that our team had won. 在①句中,划线部分是定语从句,that在从句中作宾语,在意义上指代先行词news。在②句中,划线部分是同位语从句,that没有任何意义,只起连接作用。 可以参考百度词条:同位语、同位语从句



What do you think of friendship and how do you get it ?

你觉得友谊如何而且你拿起来如何它 ?
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