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翻译:爱彼(Audemars Piguet - AP): 经典大师

This formally established in 1875 the plant has enabled watches Audemars become the world"s largest complex tables invention records brands. As early as in 1889 the 10th Paris Universal Exhibition clocks, Audemars display Grande Complication Godot table, equipped with a table asked, needle and long-timer calendar function, design sophisticated clocks sector attracted strong responses. Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Automatic Royal Oak wind watch using his famous classical trellis brocade Decoration. The peak time scales and needles used 18K platinum material, It Audemars exclusive design and production of automatic wind Cal.3120 traverse. Table transparent sapphire end completely expose superb clocks Process : traverse DECK harmony with all components have been manually fine decoration. The crowning touch to the most brilliant, is the horizontal level right balance wheel DECK. and engraved with the logo and the Audemars Piguet and Audemars two founding family emblem of the entire 22-karat gold automatic site.


audemars piguet是什么牌子的手表

audemars piguet是瑞士爱彼品牌的手表。爱彼(Audemars Piguet)是世界著名三大制表品牌之一,1875年由钟表师Jules-Louis Audemars 和Edward-Auguste Piguet在瑞士创立,生产地在布拉苏丝。爱彼不随波逐流的独立精神在1972年更加淋漓尽致地展现出来。当年问世的Royal Oak皇家橡树系列打破钟表业墨守成规,与劳力士、宝丽爵一样摆脱了当时无人僭越的制表规范。爱彼手表的标识AP,是取创始人Jules-Louis Audemars和Edward-Auguste Piguet两人姓的第一个字母“A”和“P”组成。爱彼创办人一直醉心于制表艺术,专注于研制超薄机械零件,创制出精密复杂的机械表,屡获殊荣。坚持以“专业手工定制”来打造精致作品是爱彼永恒的传统。爱彼在每一款钟表背后刻上制造者的名字,以示负责保证。即使当零件已经停产二十年,只要查询保存下来的制造数据,爱彼表厂仍可以为客户修护,达到品质世代保证的目的。


01 安卓手机无法打开RSA文件。.RSA文件Minecraft使用的文件,一种用Java编程语言编写的开放式3D世界构建游戏;存储在Minecraft.jar游戏文件的/META-INF/目录中,并使用文件名CODESIGN.RSA ;包含验证.JAR 文件中的文件的信息。 CODESIGN.RSA 文件也与CODESIGN.SF 文件一起保存。两个文件都不应被篡改,否则游戏可能无法正常运行。代号.RSA 以前被命名为MOJANG_C.DSA 。注意:META-INF目录是JAR文件用来存储存档元数据的标准约定。 RSA文件也是包含.RSA 数字证书的文件;用于公钥加密,并允许对远程实体进行身份验证;可由软件程序用于与远程服务器的安全通信。使用.RSA 文件的软件程序示例包括Mozilla Firefox和Adobe Photoshop元素。Firefox使用它们,开发者可以对浏览器扩展名(.XPI 文件)进行数字签名。 打开RSA文件可以使用Mozilla 开发的 Mozilla Firefox,Adobe Systems Incorporated 开发的 Adobe Photoshop Elements,Open Source 开发的 OpenSSL。



95%cotton 5%spandex jersey bw 160-170gsm,aw 180-190gsm 72-74'

95% 棉/5% 弹力纱(又名:氨纶) JERSEY=针织布的一种织发, 叫"单面平纹布". BW=BEFORE WASH 水洗前的平均米的克重, AW=AFTER WASHED水洗后的平均米的克重.但要注意, 不同的水洗方法, 会影响洗后的克重. 72"-74"是面料的门封, (布边到布边要有72英寸到74英寸)


是指面料成分95棉5氨纶 一般是针织的 带有弹力。比如做T恤用-----火速找样



mothers day is on the same day every year中文意思?


回答问题 what are you going to do on mothers day?

do cooking for her

初中初一作文400字:Mom,happy mothers’s day

作文标题: Mom,happy mothers"s day 关键词: happy Mom 初中初一 本文适合: 初中初一 作文来源: 本作文400字是关于初中初一的作文400字,题目为:《Mom,happy mothers"s day》,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。Mom,happy mothers"s day!妈妈,母亲节快乐世界上有一种爱最伟大,那就是母爱,世界上有一种爱最无私,那就是母爱,世界上有一种爱最宽广,那就是母爱,世界上有一种爱最芬芳,那就是母爱……妈妈,母亲节就要到了,我有千言万语想对您说……妈妈,十二年前金秋的一天,您在经受了一天一夜的疼痛后,小小的我降临在您的面前。当时您顾不上虚弱的身体,热泪盈眶地抱起我贴紧胸前……妈妈,谢谢您!我就像一只嗷嗷待哺的雏鸟在您温暖宽厚的羽翼下一天天茁壮成长。12个寒暑交替转眼过去,我在您无微不至的关爱下茁壮成长。时间的长度可以丈量,可妈妈的爱却太长太长……多少个漫漫长夜,您顾不上休息守护在我身旁,为我哺乳、换尿布;您亲手做好合口的饭菜一勺一勺喂到我嘴里;您温暖的大手牵着我稚嫩的小手教会我蹒跚走路;每天只要我一出幼儿园大门就会看到翘首期待的您已张开双臂微笑着等着小鸟似的我扑向您的怀抱;您亲手为我系上红领巾,背上书包,目送我直到安全到达学校门口;深夜里我感冒咳嗽,您总是给我端来一杯温暖的蜂蜜水看着我喝下去;每次我受到一点点委屈您总是认真听我倾诉,耐心抚慰我直到我破涕为笑;有多少次您顾不上工作一天的劳累辅导我的功课和我一起冲关挑战……亲爱的妈妈,我就像起初的一棵小苗现在已长得枝繁叶茂,郁郁葱葱了,妈妈,您为了我的成长付出的实在太多太多了。妈妈呀,您教育我诚实做人、诚信做事;您教育我学会爱,撒播爱;您教育我要有一颗宽容的心,做阳光快乐的自己……亲爱的妈妈,您的话我句句记在心间……妈妈,母亲节就要到了。平时总是您照顾我,爱护我。可今天我也要做一回爱神。妈妈,就让我像大树一样为你洒下一片绿荫,让奔波的您拂去汗水疲惫;就让我成为一把大伞,为您遮挡暴雨狂风;就让我有一双神奇的大手,亲自抚平您脸上细细的皱纹……亲爱的妈妈,放心吧,请别再为我过多的操劳,女儿现在已渐渐长大,您的谆谆教导我时刻牢记心间,我一定会努力学习、快乐成长。亲爱的妈妈,母亲节就要到了,请您暂时放下手中做不完的家务吧,听一曲女儿刚刚学会的李宇春的“why me”;品一品女儿亲手为您制做的红茶奶昔;惬意地坐一会,让女儿为您洗洗脚;放松心情,再倾听一次女儿深情的祝福:“mum,happy mother"s day!”



happy mothers day是什么意思


请以A Plan for Mothers Day为题写一篇英语短文

Mother"s Day is coming. Here is my plan for Mother"s Day. First of all, I will talk with her, because I need to know what her favorite things are. Then I am going to buy her gifts. After that, I"ll make a card and write some words on it. Oh, my mother was really tired, so I"ll do the cleaning, too, it will make her have a good rest. Of course, I also want to have a party for her and I"ll cook dinner. Though it"s so difficult. I believe I can do it well !Isn"t that very good ? I hope my plan can come true soon !希望采纳


Is Mother"s Day in May?

英语作文:mothers day5∼7行左右

Mothers" Day is an important festival in America and Europe. It has already spread to China. And it is on the second Sunday in May. Children of all ages give their mothers cards, flowers and presents on that day to show they love their mothers. In the morning, they let them have a good rest, that is to say, they let their mothers sleep later. And they do all the housework. They cook breakfast for the mum, when the meal is ready, they carry it to the mom"s bedroom. So mum can have breakfast in bed. Mothers should have a good rest on Mothers" Day

Mothers Day的英语作文

  Mother"s Day is a celebration honoring mothers and celebrating motherhood, maternal bonds and the influence of mothers in society. It"s a day to show thanks to mothers. This festival first appeared in ancient Greece and modern Mother"s Day originated in the United States which usually falls on the second Sunday of May each year. Mothers usually receive gifts on this day and carnation(康乃馨) is regarded as the flower for mother. In China, the flower for mother is day lily(萱草花), also known as Nepenthe(忘忧草). In addition, cleaning up the room, doing housework and a big dinner are considered to be the best Mother"s Day gifts.   母亲节是纪念母亲,赞扬母爱和母性情结,以及社会上母亲的`影响的节日。这是向母亲表达感谢的一天。这个节日最初出现于古希腊,现代母亲节源于美国,通常是在每年五月的第二个星期六。母亲们通常会在这一天收到礼物,康乃馨被看做是母亲之花。在中国,给母亲的花通常是萱草花,也叫做忘忧草。另外,打扫屋子,做家务,做一顿丰盛的晚餐都被当做是给母亲最好的礼物。

mothers day作文40单词

June 4th in Chinese lunar calendar day is my birthday of eight years old, mother went to the cake shop to buy a beautifulfruit cake. At night, I asked several small neighbours and friends to my home to eat cake. We are to send a small gift to me, my mother sent me to a lot of fruit. At night my mothera candle, turned off the light, my mother asked me to make a wish. I closed my eyes and made a "the second grade I must redouble our efforts." Desire, blow out the candles, the children sang a birthday song for me. I think have a good day today.农历六月初四是我八岁的生日,妈妈去蛋糕店买了一个很漂亮的水果蛋糕.晚上,我请了几个邻居的小朋友到我家来吃蛋糕.大家都送了小礼物给我,妈妈还给我准备了好多水果.到了晚上妈妈点上蜡烛,关了电灯,妈妈叫我许个愿.我闭上眼睛许了个 “二年级我一定要加倍努力.”的愿望,吹了蜡烛,小朋友们都为我唱了生日歌.我觉得今天过得好开心啊.

英语作文my mothers day

My mother"s dayMother"s day is a day to celebrate with all the mothers. It is a time to show our thanks to our mother. On my mother"s day, I gave my mother a present and thanked her for taking care of me every day. Then I asked her to take a rest for the day and I do the housework for her. In the evening, I took my mother to a restaurant to celebrate mother"s day.

mothers day的作文5句话

Today is my mother"s day,I am very happy ,and I help my mother with the homework,I also look after my mother.I spend a happy day.

英语作文my mothers day

My mother"s dayMother"s day is a day to celebrate with all the mothers.It is a time to show our thanks to our mother.On my mother"s day,I gave my mother a present and thanked her for taking care of me...

mothars day是什么意思



这首"Tears"钢琴独奏曲来自旅韩华裔钢琴家白日梦(The Daydream)的专辑《梦》(Dreaming)。白日梦今年35岁,是一位处世风格神秘的音乐家。据说他从未在大众面前曝光(难怪也没有媒体知道他的真实姓名),从5岁就开始学弹钢琴至今,在大学主修现代艺术课程,而且在写诗方面也相当活跃。深厚的艺术修养,使他的音乐有种特殊的美感。 The Daydream 是作者的艺名,这张《Dreaming》是The Daydream的NewAge风格的钢琴独奏专辑,曲风缓慢恬静,带着丝丝淡淡的忧伤,聆听这张专辑,也许会想起过去的爱恨离别,或者从前的遗憾……没错,虽然是NewAge风格的钢琴曲,但丝毫不比古典钢琴逊色,曲子表达的忧伤可以直达您的心扉,让你有点点伤感,有点点怀念,却又是那么那么的美。有一段小解说(不知道可不可以算作背景):多年后,如果我们相逢,我将以何来面汝,以沉默以眼泪,忧伤的琴键中,我却觉得自己被安慰,泪珠在阳光下凝结成了完美的樱花形状,纵然枯萎仍有暖意。那一刹那真的怕极了自己内心里还有任何怨恨与阴骛,一点点,都会让自己无法与曲中的美丽邂逅。多年以后,沉默的我们正如那些无法启齿的往事,会凝成心里的一滴泪吗?抑或就这么被现实的烈阳蒸发掉了,点滴不剩。至少我为你哭泣过,安静的,无声的,伤心的,在岁月无法触摸的角落里,玫瑰花心渐渐老去。

class PersonB { String name; int age; public PersonB() { System.out.println("PersonB()被调用"); } p

StudentB的构造函数写的有问题调用父类构造函数用super()class PersonB { String name; int age; public PersonB() { System.out.println("PersonB()被调用"); } public PersonB(String newName) { name = newName; System.out.println("PersonB(String newName)被调用"); } public void introduce() { System.out.println("我是" + name + ",今年" + age + "岁"); }}class StudentB extends PersonB { public StudentB() { System.out.println("StudentB()被调用"); } public StudentB(String newName, int newAge) { super(newName); age = newAge; }}public class Ljc2 { public static void main(String args[]) { StudentB s1 = new StudentB(); StudentB s2 = new StudentB("张三", 19); s2.introduce(); }}

One Too Many Mornings (Single Version) 歌词

歌曲名:One Too Many Mornings (Single Version)歌手:The Association专辑:Just The Right Sound: The Association Anthology [Digital Version]One Too Many MorningsBob DylanDown the street the dogs are barkin"And the day is a-gettin" darkAs the night comes in a-fallin"The dogs"ll lose their barkAn" the silent night will shatterFrom the sounds inside my mindsFor I"m one too many morningsAnd a thousand miles behind.From the crossroads of my doorstepMy eyes start to fadeAs I turn my head back to the roomWhere my love and I have laidAn" I gaze back to the streetThe sidewalk and the signAnd I"m one too many morningsAn" a thousand miles behind.It"s a restless hungry feelingThat don"t mean no one no goodWhen ev"rything I"m a-sayin"You can say it just as goodYou"re right from your sideI"m right from mineWe"re both just too many morningsAn" a thousand miles behind.I"ve no right to be hereIf you"ve no right to stayUntil we"re both one too many morningsAnd a thousand miles awayThanks

Silent Night (Karaoke Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Silent Night (Karaoke Version)歌手:Mark Masri专辑:Mark Masri Karaoke - Christmas IsBilly Gilman - Silent NightSilent night, holy nightAll is calm, all is brightRound yon virgin mother and childHoly infant so tender and mildSleep in heavenly peaceSleep in heavenly peaceSilent night, holy nightSon of God, love"s pure lightRadiant beams from thy holy faceWith the dawn of redeeming graceChrist, the Savior is bornChrist, the Savior is bornChrist, the Savior is bornЖЖENDЖЖ


安装SONARSCANNER后,配置 /usr/local/sonar-scanner/conf/ 写入: sonar.sourceEncoding=UTF-8命令行执行: /usr/local/sonar-scanner/bin/sonar-scanner -Dsonar.sources=/root/.jenkins/workspace/renren_sonarscanner -Dsonar.projectVersion=jenkins1.renren_sonarscanner.2021-02-05.12 -Dsonar.projectKey=renren-fast -Dsonar.projectName=renren-fast -Dsonar.login=admin -Dsonar.password=admin -Dsonar.language=java-Dsonar.projectVersion,版本号每次更新,否则sonarqube不会接受扫描结果

Silent Night (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Silent Night (Album Version)歌手:Josh Groban专辑:A CollectionAlbum:NoelJosh Groban-Silent NightSilent nightHoly nightAll is calmAll is bright"Round yon virgin Mother and ChildHoly infant so tender and mildSleep in heavenly peaceSleep in heavenly peaceSilent nightHoly nightSon of GodOh love"s pure lightRadiant beams fromThy holy faceWith the dawn ofredeeming graceJesus Lord at Thy birthJesus Lord at Thy birth...Sleep in heavenly peace

求张gif图片,一个小黑猫扑向一个小男孩,最后出来first blood

电影第一滴血4First Blood4为什么不能看眼睛?




first blood 后面几个都怎么说

一血first blood,双杀double kill,三杀trible kill,四杀quatary kill,五杀penta kill.

the first blood 用英语怎么翻译

这个一般放在“(Someone) drew in first blood in (battle, fight etc.)“ 这个短语里,意思就是说在一场战争,争执或矛盾中打了第一个胜仗; 或成功地给了敌人(或对立的一方)第一次攻击。就是一场仗中流的第一滴血嘛~

take top first blood 是什么意思

dota里面的拿下第一滴血。也就是第一个杀了对方的人。不过我记得应该是take the first blood。不是top

求翻译两段英文 the drew first blood not me my open arms are clenched fist





《第一滴血》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看链接: 提取码: 1cte导演: 特德·科特切夫编剧: 西尔维斯特·史泰龙 / Michael Kozoll主演: 西尔维斯特·史泰龙 / 理查德·克里纳 / 布莱恩·丹内利 / 比尔·麦金尼 / 杰克·斯塔雷特类型: 剧情 / 动作 / 冒险制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语上映日期: 1982-10-22片长: 93 分钟又名: 兰博 / Rambo: First Blood该片讲述了退伍军人兰博(西尔维斯特u2022史泰龙Sylvester Stallone 饰)从越南回国,他回到已显得陌生的原居小镇,当地警长(布莱恩u2022丹内利 Brian Dennehy 饰)看到这个退伍军人的第一眼起,就开始对兰博百般挑剔,甚至将他带回警局肆意侮辱,不堪忍受责打的兰博袭警之后逃跑。警长召集大批警察展开对兰博的追捕,兰博逃至荒山野林之中,不断用自己在越战中掌握的游击战术对警察展开反击,他抢劫了一辆武器运输车返回小镇烧毁了商店,法律和武器都不能阻止兰博了。兰博在越战时的长官上校(理查德u2022克里纳 Richard Crenna 饰)出现,劝说兰博放下枪械,愤懑已久的兰博吼出了自己的困惑与不甘。



男友对我的备注是firstblood 什么意思





firstblood后面几个说法如下:1、双杀,即同时击杀两个人——Double kill2、三杀,即同时击杀三个人——Triple kill3、四杀,即同时击杀四个人——Quadra kill4、五杀,即同时击杀敌队五人——Penta kill5、团灭,即将对方队伍或本方队伍被全部消灭——aced游戏术语:1、反野:指入侵对方野区掠夺对方野区的中立资源以及BUFF的行为。2、超神:连杀超过8人而不死一次。3、终结:连续的击杀对方后被对方击杀就称为终结,你的死会为对方提供可观的团队赏金,你连杀的越多,对方的终结奖励也就越丰厚。4、Gank:召集己方数人合力击杀敌方落单英雄。

First Blood 翻译成中文是什么意思?

FVE翻译成中文是什么意思? computer languege:全卷加密 FVE abbr. 1. fiberoptic video-endoscope 纤维光学视频内镜 2. first vaginal estrus

first blood是什么意思

-random是从当前可以选择英雄的酒馆中随机选择一位英雄。(-RD模式不可用)-repick是重选当前英雄。(-RD模式不可用)firstblood是第一滴血的意思。代表全场第一位击杀对方的英雄,会有系统语音提示“First blood”。(简称为一血或FB)。

女朋友给我备注First blood是什么意思,我偶然看到的


first blood是什么意思?


first blood什么意思

第一滴血 史泰龙主演的电影

first blood什么意思


英语Space separated list of nat helpers怎么翻译?

separated 英[u02c8sepu0259reu026atu026ad] 美[u02c8sepu0259reu026atu026ad] adj. (和某人)分居的; v. (使)分开,分离; 分割; 划分; (使)分离,分散; 隔开; 阻隔; [词典] separate的过去分词和过去式; [例句]He and his separated wife finally made up.他和分居的老婆终于合好了。[其他] 原型: separate space 英[speu026as] 美[speu026as] n. 空间; (可利用的)空地; 空隙; 空子; 空当; 宽敞; 空旷; 开阔; vt. 以一定间隔排列; [例句]We must make good use of the available space.我们必须充分利用现有空间。[其他] 第三人称单数:spaces 复数:spaces 现在分词:spacing 过去式:spaced 过去分词:spaced

federal ministry for economic affairs and energy 什么意思

词干是 federal ministry,意思是 “联邦的政府部门”;介词短语 for economic affairs and energy 是后置定语,表示 “为经济事务和能源而设的” 。所以直译出来是 “为经济事务和能源而设的联邦的政府部门”,去掉繁琐字眼就是 “联邦经济事务和能源部”。

Separated for years, father and son found each...

你的句子在时态上出了一点错,have应该改成had。正确的句子应该是:Father and son who had separated for years found each other greatly changed.分开多年的父子发现彼此都有了很大的变化。

underscore.js 如何提取数组中非空字段

_.filter(list, function(elem){return elem != ""})

lodash underscore哪个更好

  jquery主要是用于处理js和html页面交互的,封装了很多操作dom的方法,以及ajax,相比于原生的js更加的简洁,提高了开发效率。  而underscore则可以理解为一个js的函数库,其中主要封装了一些常用的js方法,比如数组操作的map,reduce,filter等等,不过这些函数大多在es6中已经实现了。  类似underscore的还是lodash,都是辅助js开发的。




chirstams【u02c8kru026asmu0259s】,ch发/k/, 类似的还有school

Guardian Angel (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Guardian Angel (Album Version)歌手:Lou Reed专辑:The RavenDeclan Galbraith-Guardian Angel (Christmas Bonus Track)Gather round everyone, I"ll tell youIt"s a time to help a friendsThere"s so much love in the worldSo share it all aroundAnd together we"ll win in the endIf we all lead a hand, we"ll make itAnd say thanks for what we"ve praiedLook around and you"ll seeSuch beauty in this lifeSo reach out and don"t be afraidStay with meThere"ll be a Guardian AngelJust have faith and you"ll seeThat one dayYou"ll find your Guardian Angel waiting backWho"ll guide you on your wayYes I knowThere"ll be your Guardian AngelSo have faith, it will come tureThat one dayYou"ll find your Gurdian AngelWho"ll guide you on your wayLet"s stand tall and be unitedWhat we need is our strength and loveWe can all live our livesIn peace and harmonyAnd say thanks to one aboveStay with meThere"ll be a Guardian AngelJust have faith and you"ll seeThat one dayYou"ll find your Guardian Angel waiting backWho"ll guide you on your wayYes I knowThere"ll be your Guardian AngelSo have faith, it will come tureThat one dayYou"ll find your Gurdian AngelWho"ll guide you on your wayDon"t let your dreams fade awayHold on and hear what I sayThat some dayThere"ll be a Guardian AngelJust have faith and you"ll seeThat one dayYou"ll find your Guardian Angel waiting backWho"ll guide you on your wayYes I knowThere"ll be your Guardian AngelSo have faith, it will come tureThat one dayYou"ll find your Gurdian AngelWho"ll guide you on your way

Philippine farmers used to kill the civets that ate their coffee beans 是什么意思


TV personality是什么意思

TV personality电视个性The candidate was quite unexceptionable, a well-known travel writer and TV personality.候选人是一位知名的游记作家,也是电视名人,基本上无可挑剔。

No Air (Glee Cast Version) 歌词

歌曲名:No Air (Glee Cast Version)歌手:Glee Cast专辑:No Air (Glee Cast Version)Tell me how I"m supposed to breathe with no airIf I should die before I wakeIt"s "cause you took my breath awayLosing you is like living in a world with no airI"m here alone, didn"t wanna leaveMy heart won"t move, it"s incompleteWish there was a way that I can make you understandBut how do you expect meTo live alone with just me"Cause my world"s surronded by youIt"s so hard for me to breatheTell me how I"m supposed to breathe with no airCan"t live, can"t breathe with no airIt"s how I feel whenever you ain"t thereIt"s no air, no airGot me out here in the water so deepIf you ain"t here, I just can"t breatheIt"s no air, no airI walked, I ran, I jumped, I flewRight off the ground to float to youThere"s no gravity to hold me down for realBut somehow I"m still alive insideYou took my breath, but I survivedI don"t know how, but I don"t even... careSo how do you expect meTo live alone with just me"Cause my world"s surrounde by youIt"s so hard for me to breatheTell me how I"m supposed to breathe with no airCan"t live, can"t breathe with no airIt"s how I feel whenever you ain"t thereIt"s no air, no airGot me out here in the water so deepTell me how you gonna be without meIf you ain"t here, I just can"t breatheIt"s no air, no airTell me how I"m supposed to breathe with no airCan"t live, can"t breathe with no airIt"s how I feel whenever you ain"t thereNo breathing (No breathing)Got me out here in the water so deepTell me how you gonna be without meIf you ain"t here, I just can"t breatheIt"s no air, no airGot me out here in the water so deepTell me how you gonna be without meIf you ain"t here, I just can"t breatheIt"s no air, no air


I"vebeenalonewithyouinsidemymind AndinmydreamsI"vekissedyourlipsathousandtimes Isometimesseeyoupassoutsidemydoor Hello,isitmeyou"relookingfor? Icanseeitinyoureyes Icanseeitinyoursmile You"reallI"veeverwanted,(and)myarmsareopenwide ‘Causeyouknowjustwhattosay Andyouknowjustwhattodo AndIwanttotellyousomuch,Iloveyou… Ilongtoseethesunlightinyourhair AndtellyoutimeandtimeagainhowmuchIcare SometimesIfeelmyheartwilloverflow Hello,I"vejustgottoletyouknow ‘CauseIwonderwhereyouare AndIwonderwhatyoudo Areyousomewherefeelinglonely,orissomeonelovingyou? Tellmehowtowinyourheart ForIhaven"tgotaclue Butletmestartbysaying,Iloveyou… Hello,isitmeyou"relookingfor? ‘CauseIwonderwhereyouare AndIwonderwhatyoudo Areyousomewherefeelinglonelyorissomeonelovingyou? Tellmehowtowinyourheart ForIhaven"tgotaclue Butletmestartbysaying…Iloveyou

Last Friday Night (Glee Cast Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Last Friday Night (Glee Cast Version)歌手:Glee Cast专辑:Glee: The Music, Volume 7Last Friday Night(T.G.I.F.)There"s a stranger in my bed,There"s a pounding my headGlitter all over the roomPink flamingos in the poolI smell like a minibarDJ"s passed out in the yardBarbie"s on the barbequeThere"s a hickie or a bruisePictures of last nightEended up onlineI"m screwedOh wellIt"s a black top blurBut I"m pretty sure it ruledDamnLast Friday nightYeah we danced on tabletopsAnd we took too many shotsThink we kissed but I forgotLast Friday nightYeah we maxed our credit cardsAnd got kicked out of the barSo we hit the boulevardLast Friday nightWe went streaking in the parkSkinny dipping in the darkThen had a menage a troisLast Friday nightYeah I think we broke the lawAlways say we"re gonna stop-opWhoa-oh-oahThis Friday nightDo it all againThis Friday nightDo it all againTrying to connect the dotsDon"t know what to tell my bossThink the city towed my carChandelier is on the floorWith my favorite party dressWarrants out for my arrestThink I need a ginger aleThat was such an epic failPictures of last nightEnded up onlineI"m screwedOh wellIt"s a blacked out blurBut I"m pretty sure it ruledDamnLast Friday nightYeah we danced on table topsAnd we took too many shotsThink we kissed but I forgotLast Friday nightYeah we maxed our credits cardAnd got kicked out of the barsSo we hit the boulevardsLast Friday nightWe went streaking in the parkSkinny dipping int he darkThen had a menage a troisLast Friday nightYeah I think we broke the lawAlways say we"re gonna stop-opOh whoa ohThis Friday nightDo it all againThis Friday nightDo it all againThis Friday nightT.G.I.F.T.G.I.F.T.G.I.F.T.G.I.F.T.G.I.F.T.G.I.F.Last Friday nightYeah we danced on table topsAnd we took too many shotsThink we kissed but I forgotLast Friday nightYeah we maxed our credit cardsAnd got kicked out of the barSo we hit the boulevardLast Friday nightWe went streaking in the parkSkinny dipping in the darkThen had a menage a troisLast Friday nightYeah I think we broke the lawAlways say we"re gonna stopOh-whoa-ohThis Friday nightDo it all again

Abc (Glee Cast Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Abc (Glee Cast Version)歌手:Glee Cast专辑:Glee: The Music, Volume 7Tina:A buh-buh buh buh-buhNew Directions:A buh-buh buh buh-buhTina:You went to school to learn, girlThings you never, never knew beforeKurt:I got I before E except after CTina:And why two plus two makes fourNow, now, now I"m gonna teach you (ND: Teach you, teach you)All about love, dear, (ND:All about love)Mike:Sit yourself down, take a seatAll you gotta do is repeat after meTina with New Directions:A B C, easy as one, two, threeAre simple as do re miA B C, one, two, three, baby, you and me girlA B C, easy as one, two, three (Quinn: Ohhhh)Are simple as do re miA B C, one, two, three, baby, you and me girl(New Directions: Come on, let me love you just a little bit)Tina:Come on, let me love you just a little bit(New Directions:Teach, teach, sing it out) Come on, come one, come onLet me show you what it"s all aboutQuinn:Reading and writing arithmeticAre the branches of the learning treeMike:But listen without the roots of love let me tell you, girlKurt:Your education ain"t completeTina:T-t-t-teacher"s gonna show you, (ND: show you, show you)How to get an A, (New Directions: Nah nah nah nah naah)Mike:Spell me, you, add the twoListen to me baby, that"s all you gotta doTina with New Directions:A B C is easy as one, two, threeAre simple as do re miA B C, one, two, three, baby, you and me girlA B C is easy as like counting up to three (Quinn: Ohhhh)Sing a simple melodyThat"s how easy love can beSing a simple melody (New Directions: That"s how easy love can be)One, two, three, you and meKurt:Sit down girlI think I love youMike:No,get up girl show me what you can do!Tina with New Directions:Shake it, shake it, baby, (Mike: come on now)Shake it, shake it, baby, (Kurt:ooh-ooh)Shake it, shake it, baby,One, two, three baby ooA B C ,baby. do re mi,baby.That"s how easy love can beA B C is easy as like counting up to three (Quinn: Ohhhh)Sing a simple melodyThat"s how easy love can beMike:Now I"m gonna teach you how to sing it out, sing it outTina:Come on, come one, come on, let me love you what it"s all aboutA B C is easy as like counting up to threeSing a simple melodyThat"s how easy love can beMike:Now I"m gonna teach you how to sing it out, sing it out(Tina: Oh, oh, oh baby.)Sing it out, sing it out, oh baby.Tina with New Directions:A B C is easy as like counting up to three (Quinn: Ohhhh)Sing a simple melodyThat"s how easy love can be(Mike):Now I"m gonna teach you how to Sing it out, sing it out, sing it out, sing it outTina with New Directions:A B C is easy it"s like counting up to three@孙围博

Over The Rainbow (Glee Cast Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Over The Rainbow (Glee Cast Version)歌手:Glee Cast专辑:Glee: The Music, Journey To Regionalstsu me ta i a me ga ho ho wo nu ra si te moha na bi ra ni o tsi ta si dsu ku ha ki mi to ka sa na tteso re ga hi ra ri to yo be ru mo no na ra baka ga ya ki a i ro a se re ta ttedon na ni ke ga sare ta tteaa ki e ta i tte o mo i ko toko re ki ru jia na i ka na sii ki yo kuna mi da ko ra e ta hi to mi no o ku nina ni yo ri mo ki re i na hi ka ri wo a mme teku mo no mu koo ni a ru i te yu kooa me no a to ni wa ni ji ga ta ka rumi mi wo su ma se ba ki ko e te ru ko doosu te ta mon jia na i tte so tto ko ko ro ga si ka ruko no te wo to tte ho ko ri wo ta ta ke baki noo wo wa tsi ga u i ma da toki mi ni mo mi e ru ha zu i ma gaaa hi to tsu ki dsu da ke te ta tsi ma ru yoo naka sia na i ta i ko ko ni su te teda re mo ga min na ki boo no ha si woko ko ro de e ga i te ru ku ra ya mi no na ka dea me ga a ga re ba so ra ni ka ka ruyu me wo sin ji te a ru i te yu kooko e wo ka ra si te sa ke bi tsu dsu ke te momo ga ki tsu dsu ke te ta da mu ku wa re na ite ni to re soo na to do ka na i yoo naso no hi ka ri ga ko ta e daho ho wo nu ra si ta a me no si dsu ku wa hi to su ji no ka ga ya kio bi e na ku te iide re mo ga min na ni ji wo mi ru te dei ki te i ru ko ko e ta ku ra ya mi no na ka dea me ga a ga re ba so ra ni ka ka ruyu mo wo sin jij te a ru i te yu kooyu me da ke wo sin ji a ru i te yu koo

Home (Glee Cast Version Featuring Kristin Chenoweth) 歌词

歌曲名:Home (Glee Cast Version Featuring Kristin Chenoweth)歌手:Glee Cast专辑:Glee: The Music, Volume 3 ShowstoppersGym Class Heroes - HomeIm just an oxy moron in a a song wen im straight bentIntoxicated on subriedy, ironey makes senseIm tryin" to make a livin", you diyin" to pay the rentWhy you liyin" for forgivness, when i aint givin" you shitMy original plan was to live as a starvin" artist, butStarvin" artist die hungry, dress bummyOMG, LOL, capital HEOSee alot of em" talk, half of em" aint paidTruthfully i walk it out, like dre sayBought my car on 106, but now its missin" like AJI played it smart, with a little to the sideBought a bar in New York, where i sit and swallow my pride.Im home, and they"ve been missin" me since ive been goneThats why your missis been hittin" me on my phoneLittle man, had a plan, now he grown, not do along for to longSing the song everybody,Im homeIm homeIm homeIm home(Im home)I know ive been gone for to long, but im back, homecoming, haha,I know yall missed me, dont even play hahaha, im home now thoughIm back your boy did itLook how he shitted" on em"Hes like hard divisionConsider him a problemSubtract me from the game, now thats a bad equationAdd the fact, this industrys wack, now check your calculationsHes the equivilent of Mc2, multiplied by eight kimbos, plain and simpleWhen im not to the nearest tenth hell, its just a waist of timeIm stingy, i only make sense to myselfIf welth was the truth, then it should by a mans happinessWhy the hell you think im smilin" so hard while im rappin" thisEye yos fuckin ne yo, the whole world got there eye balls in my e-holeAnd thats why i keep the lies all close by, cause currency is dirtyEspecially when you got it stacked miles highThey say mone changed me, thats a no noI just dont roll with bums, no hoboIm home, and they"ve been missin" me since ive been goneThats why your missis been hittin" me on my phoneLittle man, had a plan, now he grown, not do along for to longSing the song everybody,Im homeIm homeIm homeIm home(Im home)Man gym class heroes is a real problem, you needa reconize thatYall was actin" funny while is was gone, now we back haha ha haYou tried livin" in the fast lane, but couldnt reach the pedalsNow your so called life not as cool as jared ledosI give this whole rap game a purple tonsil (wow)Now thats what you get for acting hostelYou can bite the hand that feeds you, but when it bites backYou gon" get arrested developement cuffs and cardiacIm in my prime going harder than i should soo (uhhh)You little bastards takin" orders like good burgerSpittin snaple facts, thats nonsenseRead a couple books and you call yourself conshenseThe only reason ive been sleeping on music latelyCause yall aint makin" nuthin" slightly close to entertaningBut thats entertaning, this is historyIf you aint on my level, dont even get at meLiterally, i am what, you have been waiting forGym class is now in sessionYou aint gotta wait no moreIm home, and they"ve been missin" me since ive been goneThats why your missis been hittin" me on my phoneLittle man, had a plan, now he grown, not do along for to longSing the song everybody,Im homeIm homeIm homeIm home(Im home)(and there you have it, gym class heroes baby,decaydence, cool and dre, back squad08 aaaaaahhhhhh FUCK OUTTA HERE!

Safety Dance (Glee Cast Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Safety Dance (Glee Cast Version)歌手:Glee Cast专辑:Glee: The Music, Volume 3 Showstoppers-= Men Without Hats 《 Safety Dance 》 =-S-s-s-sA-a-a-aF-f-f-fE-e-e-eT-t-t-tY-y-y-ySafeDance!We can dance if we want toWe can leave your friends behind"Cause your friends don"t dance and if they don"t danceWell they"re no friends of mineI say, we can go where we want toA place where they will never findAnd we can act like we come from out of this worldLeave the real one far behindAnd we can danceAnd we can dance (Dancée!)We can go when we want toThe night is young and so am IAnd we can dress real neat from our hats to our feetAnd surprise "em with the victory crySay, we can act if want toIf we don"t nobody willAnd you can act real rude and totally removedAnd I can act like an imbecileI say, we can dance, we can danceEverything out of controlWe can dance, we can danceWe"re doing it from wall to wallWe can dance, we can danceEverybody look at your handsWe can dance, we can danceEverybody takin" the cha-a-a-anceSafety danceOh is it safe to danceIs it safe to danceDance!We can dance if we want toWe"ve got all your life and mineAs long as we abuse it, never gonna lose itEverything"ll work out rightI say, we can dance if we want toWe can leave your friends behind"Cause your friends don"t dance and if they don"t danceWell they"re no friends of mineOh is it safe to danceIs it safe to dance

L-O-V-E (Glee Cast Version) 歌词

歌曲名:L-O-V-E (Glee Cast Version)歌手:Glee Cast专辑:Love ShackL is for the way you look at meO is for the only one I seeV is very, very extraordinaryE is even more than anyone that you adore andLove is all that I can give to youLove is more than just a game for twoTwo in love can make itTake my heart and please don"t break itLove was made for me and you(trumpet instrumental)L is for the way you look at meO is for the only one I seeV is very, very extraordinaryE is even more than anyone that you adore andLove is all that I can give to youLove is more than just a game for twoTwo in love can make itTake my heart and please don"t break itLove was made for me and youLove was made for me and youlove was made for me and youLove

life is persist一篇短文填空

Only Mother"s Love is ture love.It gives everybody everything all (her ) life.When you are still a baby, mother takes good care of you as much as (possible ).In your (waking )hours she always holds you in her arms.When you are ill ,she stops her work right away now to look after you day and night (and )forgets about her. When you are growing up day (by )day,she fells very happy. When you are odk enough to go to school,mother still looks after you all the time. On cold winter days,she always tells you to put on more clothes.She always stands in the wind (weather ) for you back from school.When you hurry to leave home for school with litter breakfast,she always feels (worried ) about you at home. She usually knows about your study and spends much on your school things.When you do well at school,you will see the brightest smile on her face. Mother is always ready to give everything she (has ) to her children,(nothing ) to receive.What ture love that is in the (world )! We will remember Mother"s Love for ever!

wishes(le couple version)的原唱

Wishes 歌手:Le Couple I looked in the sky and there I saw a star shining so blight aboveI closed my eyes and wished upon a star that I would find true loveSomeone who needed meSomeone to share my lifeFor a love that would be trueI would wait for how long it may beI will be waitingOne star-brighter than the othersTwo hearts-beating for each otherI believe wishes really come tureLove at first sight I knew it from the moment when you said helloI hoped you felt it too, but we were both so shy-how was I to knowwhen you reached for my handI knew you were the oneWe laughed and talked for hours like I"d known you foreverLike...a...dream or something from a bookTrue love has found meOne star-brighter than the othersTwo hearts-beating for each otherNow I see wishes really come trueYou just have to dreamNothing"s as bad as it seemsto be...believe meSomeone"s waiting for you to tryThere in the skyOne star-brighter than the othersTwo hearts-beating for each otherYou will see wishes really come trueYou can"t stop believing-wishes do come trueYou gotta believe me wishes do come trueLe Couple所属公司:暂无『Le Couple』是藤田隆二(Emi)、惠美(Ryuji)夫妇组成的二人团体。妻子惠美负责主唱作词,丈夫隆二则担任作曲及吉他弹奏。『Le Couple』在法语中是夫妇的意思。在日本乐坛,le couple曾是一道独特的风景线,惠美的歌声像空气一般的轻柔,具有相当亲和力,给人无限温暖,而藤田隆二的作曲受民谣风格的影响,创作上以自然为基本,是一支相当人文化的乐队。

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  方法/步骤  使用“cd /etc/udev/rules.d/”命令,进入规则目录。  使用“cat 70-persistent-net.rules”命令,查看网卡设备名称和mac地址的对应关系。  如果在“70-persistent-net.rules”文件中发现了,某个设备名称和mac地址不对应的现象,可以将此文件直接删除,然后重启系统,就可以了。  由于没有虚拟机无法复现网卡设备名称和mac地址不对应的情况,就不截图了。如有问题可以给我留言。

you are my only persistent什么意思


用net use LPT1 \servername共享打印机名 /Persistent:YES出现67错误 后来你是怎么样解决

用net use LPT1 \servername共享打印机名 /Persistent:YES,可以解决,LPT1后面用空格,不用:就可以。

华硕A45V开机停留在这个英文画面 lnspiring lnnovation.persistent


perseverence和 persist的区别

第一个单词你的拼写有一处错了,应是perseverance,在牛津上能找得到。那么这两个词的区别就很明显了。perseverance是名词,不可数,指毅力,韧性,不屈不挠的精神。They showed great perseverance in the face of difficulty.他们面对困难表现了坚强的毅力。persist是动词,指顽强地坚持,执着地做,persist (in sth/ doing sth), persist with sth. 如, She persisted in her search for the truth. 她执着地追求真理。{很认真地一个词一个词打的,希望你能满意}


持之以恒的人们从他人失败之处开启他们成功的旅程. 请及时采纳,多谢!

网名keep the persistenc是什么意思

是打错了么,只有 persistent,形容词持续的,坚持不懈的,持久的,坚持不渝,或者 persistence,名词坚持不懈,执意,持续,留存考虑到有惯词the,猜测为名词含义,意为保持这份坚强

运行route print 显示的persistent routes什么意思?



打开文件夹管理器, 进入sdcad/data/data,然后会有几个文件夹。名字是 com.yinhan.hunter.。那么究竟在哪个文件呢?比如你是多酷,就进入,官方就进入 com.yinhan.hunter.yh。总之就是你是什么版本,就进入文件夹名字后面

be persistent with 还是in...如果两个词组都有.请给我讲讲区别

两个词组都有. be persistent with,它所着重的是坚持做过的事情(是正确的)不变. be persistent in,它所强调的是对目标或者未着手的某个追求矢志不渝.
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