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first choice 和first choose



1.noise 美式 [nu0254u026az] 噪声、杂声There was too much noise in the room ,房间里太多噪音了2.vibration 美式 [vau026a"breu0283u0259n] 振动、犹豫ship vibration 船体振动学3.harshness 全球发音["hɑru0283nu026as] 严肃、刺耳

sincerely yours是什么意思

sincerely yours你的真诚sincerely yours你的真诚

在信件结尾时 用 Yours / Yours sincerely / Sincerely yours 加名字 ,都是什么意思怎么翻译啊




nightwish - I want my tears back歌词大意

I want my tears back年少泪愿偿The treetops, the chimneys, the snow bed stories, winter grey炊烟渺渺绕层颠,灰雪夜谈照无眠Wildflowers, those meadows of heaven, wind in the wheat草花未凋乐土上,波纹縠皱风惊田A railroad across waters, the scent of grandfatherly love便恁车浆凌波去,踪影慈哀更难圆。Blue bayous, Decembers, moon through a dragonfly"s wings但待年尽江海上,蝉翼月影惟我知Where is the wonder where"s the awe曾要踏遍惊愕壮丽,念想已涣散踪迹。Where"s dear Alice knocking on the door梦游过仙境的Alic,只剩下敲门的背影Where"s the trapdoor that takes me there暗门通年少多少惊奇怪异,却再难为我开启。Where the real is shattered by a Mad March Hare门后三月兔,一如既往分裂虚实边际。Where is the wonder where"s the awe早已没有勇气踏上说走就走的旅行Where are the sleepless nights I used to live for也不再有执念为了梦想彻夜不休的激情Before the years take me可是啊,在尚未年华彻底老去之时I wish to see我渴盼着一日The lost in me再见到容颜未衰的自己I want my tears back愿偿年少泪I want my tears back now犹趁未老时A ballet on a grove, still growing young all alone园中舞影不歇人,似把一笑作青春A rag doll, a best friend, the voice of Mary Costa踏尽天涯余故友,执手且将旧曲温。

英语中的“ yours sincerely”和“ sincerely yours?”

意思是相同的,都是表示对对方的礼貌和尊重,直译是你的忠诚的xx。可以翻译成我们中文中写信时常用的“敬启”,“谨上”。英国习惯用 Yours sincerely,美国习惯用 Sincerely yours,还有一个区别就是,Yours sincerely 比 Sincerely yours 要更正式一点.扩展资料Sincerely是一个英文单词,形容词译为真诚地, 诚恳地, 谆。例句"Congratulations," he said sincerely.“祝贺你,”他真诚地说。Yours sincerely, James Brown.谨上,詹姆斯·布朗"I sincerely hope we shall meet again", he said.“我真心希望我们能再次重逢,”他说。参考资料:百度百科-sincerely

英文信中最后署名可以用sincerely+ yours吗?

你好,很高兴为你回答这个问题。英文信中最后署名可以用sincerely+yours。但通常要注意和yours+sincerely的语法区别开来。Sincerelyyours和Yourssincerely的相同点1、两者意思相同:Sincerelyyours和Yourssincerely这两个词语的意思和含义是非常相近的,都用在英文的书信中,表示”谨上““ 你真挚的”的意思。2、两者的使用方法相同:Sincerelyyours和Yourssincerely的使用方法都是将其写在信件的末尾,后面再加上写信人的名字。总得来说,Yourssincerely是正式标准的用法,而Sincerelyyours则需要谨慎使用,甚至在不确定的情况下不建议使用Sincerelyyours一般考研小作文结尾都是sincerelyyours****(你的名字)比较正规。希望我的回答能够帮助到你。

sincerely和sincerely yours有什么区别?

意思是相同的,都是表示对对方的礼貌和尊重,直译是你的忠诚的xx。可以翻译成我们中文中写信时常用的“敬启”,“谨上”。英国习惯用 Yours sincerely,美国习惯用 Sincerely yours,还有一个区别就是,Yours sincerely 比 Sincerely yours 要更正式一点.扩展资料Sincerely是一个英文单词,形容词译为真诚地, 诚恳地, 谆。例句"Congratulations," he said sincerely.“祝贺你,”他真诚地说。Yours sincerely, James Brown.谨上,詹姆斯·布朗"I sincerely hope we shall meet again", he said.“我真心希望我们能再次重逢,”他说。参考资料:百度百科-sincerely

英文信中最后署名可以用sincerely+ yours吗?

你好,很高兴为你回答这个问题。英文信中最后署名可以用sincerely+yours。但通常要注意和yours+sincerely的语法区别开来。Sincerelyyours和Yourssincerely的相同点1、两者意思相同:Sincerelyyours和Yourssincerely这两个词语的意思和含义是非常相近的,都用在英文的书信中,表示”谨上““ 你真挚的”的意思。2、两者的使用方法相同:Sincerelyyours和Yourssincerely的使用方法都是将其写在信件的末尾,后面再加上写信人的名字。总得来说,Yourssincerely是正式标准的用法,而Sincerelyyours则需要谨慎使用,甚至在不确定的情况下不建议使用Sincerelyyours一般考研小作文结尾都是sincerelyyours****(你的名字)比较正规。希望我的回答能够帮助到你。

I hope you are my first one and last one 什么意思


英文信中最后署名可以用sincerely+ yours吗?

你好,很高兴为你回答这个问题。英文信中最后署名可以用sincerely+yours。但通常要注意和yours+sincerely的语法区别开来。Sincerelyyours和Yourssincerely的相同点1、两者意思相同:Sincerelyyours和Yourssincerely这两个词语的意思和含义是非常相近的,都用在英文的书信中,表示”谨上““ 你真挚的”的意思。2、两者的使用方法相同:Sincerelyyours和Yourssincerely的使用方法都是将其写在信件的末尾,后面再加上写信人的名字。总得来说,Yourssincerely是正式标准的用法,而Sincerelyyours则需要谨慎使用,甚至在不确定的情况下不建议使用Sincerelyyours一般考研小作文结尾都是sincerelyyours****(你的名字)比较正规。希望我的回答能够帮助到你。

sincerely yours和yours sincerely的区别

Sincerely yours 和 Yours sincerely含义相近,都用在英文的书信中,表示”谨上“的意思。但是 Yours sincerely远远比Sincerely yours常见,而且也更正式。Sincerely yours 和 Yours sincerely的区别可以体现在不同的方面:就来源来看,Yours sincerely是英式英语的标准用语,而Sincerely yours 是美式英语的一个变体。就正式程度来看,英国和美国都把Yours sincerely视为一个非常正式的用法,而一般不会在正式书信里使用Sincerely yours。就使用频率来看,Yours sincerely比Sincerely yours 更加常用。Sincerely yours 和 Yours sincerely的使用方法都是将其写在信件的末尾,后面跟上写信人的名字。比如: Yours sincerely, Anne Brown总得来说,Yours sincerely 是正式标准的用法,而Sincerely yours需要谨慎使用,甚至在不确定的情况下不建议使用。

I Want My Tears Back歌词翻译

I want my tears back弹泪别昔我The treetops, the chimneys, the snowbed stories, winter grey颓枝静 暮雪寒 昏昏墟上依依烟Wildflowers, those meadows of heaven, wind in the wheat天涯处 芳草碧如茵 和风万紫都吹尽。A railroad across waters, the scent of grandfatherly love路津遥 怯别聚 念念泪朦春晖里。Blue bayous, Decembers, moon through a dragonfly"s wings沧海平 月如镜 青鸟吟歌寄殷勤。Where is the wonder where"s the awe逝者如斯如落花Where"s dear Alice knocking on the door天使披露叹芳华Where"s the trapdoor that takes me there天若有情天亦老Where"s the real is shattered by a Mad Marsh Hare玉碎空留清泪渺Where is the wonder where"s the awe逝者如斯如落花Where are the sleepless nights I used to live for何处心安是我家。Before the years take me今之我归去来兮I wish to see The lost in me哪堪寻旧日相识I want my tears back弹泪别昔我I want my tears back now未到泪尽时A ballet on a grove, still growing young all alone孤影起 独舞袖 人比海棠红依旧。A rag doll, a best friend, the voice of Mary Costa夜成昼 凭箜篌 残宵零落弄玩偶。Where is the wonder where"s the awe逝者如斯如落花Where"s dear Alice knocking on the door天使披露叹芳华Where"s the trapdoor that takes me there天若有情天亦老Where"s the real is shattered by a Mad Marsh Hare玉碎空留清泪渺Where is the wonder where"s the awe逝者如斯如落花Where are the sleepless nights I used to live for何处心安是我家Before the years take me今之我归去来兮I wish to seeThe lost in me哪堪寻旧日相识Where is the wonder where"s the awe逝者如斯如落花Where are the sleepless nights I used to live for何处心安是我家Before the years take me今之我归去来兮I wish to see哪堪寻The lost in me旧日相识I want my tears back弹泪别昔我I want my tears back now 未到泪尽时

I expect a robot to last for at least 20 years. 翻译成同义句,在线等!!!

由于只有两个空格来完整表达并替代 expect 在原句中的含义,从语法中分析,大概只有三种方式能达成目的:1)用一个副词加上一个动词,例如:(I)firmly believe 很坚定地认为2)用 be 动词 + 形容词,例如:(I) am certain 我很确定3) 用 do + 动词 表达强调语气,例如:(I) do believe 或 (I)do hope 这些答案基本都把 expect “预期中带着自信" 的意思带出来了。

那位高手帮翻译下 Britney Spears的《Shattered Glass》?

SHATTERED GLASS 碎玻璃Did I wake you? 我吵醒你了吗Were you sleepin"? 你刚正睡觉吗Were you still in the bed? 你还在睡吗 Or is a nightmare 或者只是梦魇Keepin" you up instead? 让你清醒Oh baby, are you feelin" guilty 宝贝,你感到内疚吗For what you did? 为了你做的事If you think you"re hurtin" 如果你觉得受伤You ain"t seen nothin" yet 不会视而不见Was it really worth it? 真的值得吗Was she everything 她是你的全部That you were lookin" for? 是你要找的人Feel like a man 感觉像个男人I hope you know that 希望你知道You can"t come back 你不能回头"Cause all we had 因为我们的所有Is broken like shattered glass 已经像玻璃一样支离破碎You"re gonna see me 你会见到我In your dreams tonight 在今晚的梦中My face is gonna 我的面容将会Haunt you all the time 常常浮现I promise that 我保证You gon" want me back 你会希望我回来 When your world falls apart 当你的世界破碎Like shattered glass 如碎玻璃Glass 玻璃Glass 玻璃Glass 玻璃Are you havin" trouble 你是否有问题Focusin" throughout the day? 一整天精神恍惚Do you find yourself 是否发现自己Still callin" my name? 还在叫我的名字Do you wish you could 是否希望可以Rewind time and take it back? 让时间倒回收回过去I bet you realized 肯定你意识到That she ain"t half the woman I am 她还不如我的一半 Was it really worth it? 真的值得吗Was she everything 她是你的全部That you were lookin" for? 是你要找的人Feel like a man 感觉像个男人I hope you know that 我希望你知道You can"t come back 你不能回头"Cause all we had 因为我们的所有Is broken like shattered glass 已经像玻璃支离破碎You"re gonna see me 你会见到我In your dreams tonight 在今晚的梦中My face is gonna 我的面容会Haunt you all the time 常常浮现在你眼前I promise that 我保证You gon" want me back 你会希望我回来 When your world falls apart 当你的世界破碎Like shattered glass 就像碎玻璃

MUSE的《Explorers》 歌词

《Explorers》演唱:Muse作词:Matthew Bellamy作曲:Matthew Bellamy编曲:Muse所属专辑:The 2nd Law发行时间:2012年09月28日歌词:Once I hopedTo seek the new and unknownThis planet"s overrunThere"s nothing left for you or for meDon"t give inWe can walk through the fieldsAnd feeling nature"s glowBut all the land is ownedThere"s none left for you or for meWho will win?‘Cause I concedeFree meFree meFree me from this worldI don"t belong hereIt was a mistake imprisoning my soulCan you free meFree me from this worldA world lush and blueWith rivers running wildThey"ll be re-routed southWith none left for you or for meDon"t give inHear the engines roarAnd save our crops from droughtBut when the black gold"s in doubtThere"s none left for you or meFuse helium-3, our last hopeFree meFree meFree me from this worldWe don"t belong hereIt was a mistake imprisoning our soulsCan you free meAnd free me from this world?Free meI"ll free youFree us from this worldWe don"t belong hereIt was a mistake imprisoning our soulsCan you free meAnd free me from this world?Running around in circles feeling caged by endless rulesCan you free meFree me from this world?Shh, go to sleep

sincerely yours和yours sincerely的区别是什么?


英文信函结尾的yours faithfully / yours truly / sincerely 作何翻译?

如果不知道收信人是谁的情况下应该使用Yours faithfully,意思是“你忠实的”,美国英语是Faithfully yours或Faithfully.如果知道收信人是谁,就用 Yours sincerely.美国英语是Yours truly 或 Sincerely yours或Sincere...

英语翻译course-of-values induction



你好!his 他的,所有格,一般做定语。her 她或她的,宾格或所以格,宾格时做宾语,所以格时作定语。she 和 he 她 和 他,主格,造句子里做主语。

【Java基础语法】 (Comparator) Collections.reverseOrder() 为什么是错的?


make the repair和carry out repairs 的用法哪个对?

make主要是制造的意思,carry out是执行的意思。感觉用have the repair好些

Giuliano Palma & The Bluebeaters的《Sunny》 歌词

歌曲名:Sunny歌手:Giuliano Palma & The Bluebeaters专辑:ComboSunny(SNSD) - SunnySunny ,yeah yeah oh yeah..Sunny,yeah yeah oh yeah~Sunny, yesterday my life was filled with rain.Sunny, you smiled at me and really eased the pain.The dark days are gone, and the bright days are here,My sunny one shines so sincere.Sunny one so true, i love you.Sunny,(hey yeah). thank you for the sunshine bouquet.Sunny, thank you for the love you brought my way.You gave to me your all and all.Now i feel ten feet tall.Sunny one so true, i love you.Sunny, thank you for the smile upon your face.Sunny, thank you for the gleam that shows its grace.You"re my spark of nature"s fire,You"re my sweet complete desire.Sunny one so true, i love you~.Sunny~Sunny,(Sunny yeah), yesterday my life was filled with rain.Sunny, (Sunny yeah~) you smiled at me and really eased the pain.The dark days are gone, and the bright days are here,My sunny one shines so sincere.Sunny one so true, i love you~I love you~.I love you.(yeah)


value-based leadership基于价值观的领导双语例句1third, value-based leadership relates closely to building of organization culture.三是基于价值观领导与组织文化建设密切相关。2Value-based leadership theory is the most recent leadership theory proposed by professor House in the 1990s.基于价值观的领导理论是由豪斯教授在二十世纪九十年代提出的最新领导理论。

that have left his leadership unchallenged 这里left作何翻译?

高兴为你回答that have left his leadership unchallenged. 这只是一个句子的一部分, that前面还有内容, 应该是某件事, 引出后面的部分, that have left.... that就是指代前面没有写出来的内容。have left是现在完成时,left是动词leave的过去式和过去分词, 这里是做过去分词。 (sth) leave sth/sb adj, 这种表达比较常见, 意思是, (某事)使得某人或某物呈现...的状态, leave可翻译为使, 使得, 让。这里后面就用了 leave sth adj, adj是形容词adjective的缩写。 his表示他的, 后面可跟名词, 这里就跟的是名词leadership.unchallenged是chanllenged的反义词, 表示表示未受到挑战的, 无异议的, 所以这个句子是在说某事使他的领导才能未被质疑, 或者说人们对他的领导才能无异义。望采纳

leadership capacity是什么意思


哪位高人有What leaders really do. by John P. Kotter 的翻译?

由约翰·p - 67 领导是不同的,但不是管理。大多数人是这样认为的原因。领导并不是神秘和神秘的。这与在“魅力”或其他异国情调的人格特质。这不是一个选择的。也不一定比领导管理或替换它。 相反,领导和管理是两个不同的、互补的系统的作用。每一种都有它自己的功能和特色的活动。两者都是成功的必要条件在日益复杂多变的商业环境。 大多数美国公司的管理和underled今天结束。他们需要发展他们的能力来锻炼的领导。成功的企业不等待领导人来。他们积极寻求与领导潜能,使他们的职业经历旨在培养学生的潜力。的确,在仔细的选择、培育和鼓励,数十人可以扮演重要角色的一种商业组织领导。 但同时提高他们的领导能力,公司应该记住,较强的领导能力较弱,没有更好的管理,有时却糟糕的背面。真正的挑战是如何将较强的领导能力,具有较强的管理能力和利用每一个平衡。

i see way fewer truly effective leaders than I see people stuck in positions of leadership who a


Transactional Leadership是什么意思

交易型领导(Transactional Leadership)是贺兰德(Hollander)於1978年所提出。Hollander认为领导行为乃发生在特定情境之下时,领导者和被领导者相互满足的交易过程,即领导者藉由明确的任务及角色的需求来引导与激励部属完成组织目标。

executive leadership是什么意思


Transactional Leadership是什么意思

Transactional Leadership 交易型领导者例如1. A contingent analysis of transformational and transactional leadership变革型领导与交易型领导的权变分析2. The different size elementary schools had different perception of principals " transactional leadership . 不同学校规模校长交易领导有显着差异。 参考

business leadership是什么意思

企业领导例句She earned her mba from the university of south africa graduate school of business leadership.她曾就读于南非大学领导力研究院(Graduate School of Business Leadership),并获得MBA学位。And I feel the same way about our business leadership.对于我们的商业领导层也是同样。

engaging leadership 是魅力型领导还是参与式领导?


leadership skills 中最重要的是什么?

从前人的经验和一些最近的研究结果看来,领导能力中最重要的是所谓的“情商”( EQ)。智商(IQ)反映人的智慧水平,情商则反映了人在情感、情绪方面的自控和协调能力。在高新技术企业中,大家都知道智慧的重要,但是情商的重要性甚至超过了智商。我看过一篇文章,该文的作者调查了188个公司,他用心理学方法测试了这些公司里每一名员工的智商和情商,并将测试结果和该员工在工作上的表现联系在一起进行分析。经过研究,该文的作者发现,在对个人工作业绩的影响方面,情商的影响力是智商的两倍。此外,他还专门对公司中的高级管理者进行了分析。他发现在高级管理者中,情商对于个人成败的影响力是智商的九倍。这说明,智商略逊他人的人如果拥有更高的情商指数,也一样可以获得成功;反之,智商很高,但情商不足的人欠缺“领导能力”,很难成为一个成功的领导。什么是情商?在现代社会,如果你只知道智商而不晓得情商的话,你至少在意识上已经落伍了。许多心理学家早已明确地指出,单单使用智商的标准考察一个人在才智方面的表现,并不足以准确预测这个人在事业上可能取得的成就。为了全面考察个人能力,特别是考察个人在社会生活中的适应能力和创造能力,心理学家们提出了情商的概念。情商主要是指那些与认识自我、控制情绪、激励自己以及处理人际关系等相关的个人能力。在情商所描述的各项能力因素中,自觉、同理心、自律和人际关系是四种对现代人的事业成败起决定性作用的关键因素。智商是先天赋予的,但是情商是可以培养的。多花功夫理解和应用这四种情商的关键因素。除此之外,因为情商不是自己能看清楚的,我建议可多理解别人对你的看法、多吸取别人(尤其是情商高的人)的意见。自觉中国人常说,人贵有自知之明。这实际上是说,社会生活中的每个人都应当对自己的素质、潜能、特长、缺陷、经验等各种基本能力有一个清醒的认识,对自己在社会工作生活中可能扮演的角色有一个明确的定位。心理学上把这种有自知之明的能力称为“自觉”,这通常包括察觉自己的情绪对言行的影响,了解并正确评估自己的资质、能力与局限,相信自己的价值和能力等几个方面。我的下属中有一个“自觉心”明显不足的人:他虽然有一些能力,但是他自视甚高,总是对自己目前的职位不满意,随时随地自吹自擂,总是不满现状。前一段时间,他认为我不识才,没有重用他,决定离开我的组,并期望在微软其他组中另谋高就。但是,他最终发现,自己不但找不到更好的工作,公司里的同事也都对他颇有微辞,认为他缺少自知之明,期望和现实相距太远。最近,他沮丧地离开了公司。接替他职位的人,是一个能力很强,而且很有“自觉心”的人。虽然这个人在上一个职位工作时不很成功,但他理解自己升迁太快,愿意自降一级来做这份工作,以便打好基础。他现在的确做得很出色。简单地说,一个人既不能对自己的能力判断过高,也不能轻易低估自己的潜能。对自己判断过高的人往往容易浮躁、冒进,不善于和他人合作,在事业遭到挫折时心理落差较大,难以平静对待客观事实;低估了自己的能力的人,则会在工作中畏首畏尾、踟蹰不前,没有承担责任和肩负重担的勇气,也没有主动请缨的积极性。无论是上述哪一种情况,个人的潜力都不能得到充分的发挥,个人事业也不可能取得最大的成功。有自知之明的人既能够在他人面前展示自己的特长,也不会刻意掩盖自己的欠缺。谈成自己的不足而向他人求教不但不会降低了自己,反而可以表示出自己虚心和自信,赢得他人的青睐。比如,当一个领导对某个职员说“在技术上你是专家,我不如你,我要多向你学习”的时候,职员不但认为这个领导非常谦虚,也一定会对这个领导更加信任,因为他理解自己的能力。在微软公司,大家在技术上互帮互学,在工作中互相鼓励,没有谁天天都摆出盛气凌人的架子,也没有谁自觉矮人一头,这就自然营造出了一种坦诚、开放的工作氛围。有自知之明的人在工作遇到挫折的时候不会轻言失败,在工作取得成绩时也不会沾沾自喜。认识自我,准确定位自我价值的能力不仅仅可以帮助个人找到自己合适的空间及发展方向,也可以帮助企业建立起各司其职、协同工作的优秀团队。有自知之明的人让人感觉他是一个自信、谦虚、真诚的人。同理心同理心(Empathy)是一个比较抽象的心理学概念,但解释起来非常简单:同理心指的是人们常说的设身处地、将心比心的做法。也就是说,在发生冲突或误解的时候,当事人如果能把自己放在对方的处境中想一想,也许就可以更容易地了解对方的初衷,消除误解。我们在生活中常说“人同此心,心同此理”,就是这个道理。人与人之间的关系没有固定的公式可循,要从关心别人、体谅别人的角度出发,做事时为他人留下空间和余地,发生误会时要替他人着想,主动反省自己的过失,勇于承担责任。只要有了同理心,我们在工作和生活中就能避免许多抱怨、责难、嘲笑和讥讽,大家就可以在一个充满鼓励、谅解、支持和尊重的环境中愉快地工作和生活。对于软件企业中的管理者来说,体现同理心的最重要一点就是要体谅和重视职员的想法,要让职员们觉得你是一个非常在乎他们的领导。拿我自己来说,我在工作中不会盲目地褒奖下属,不会动不动就给职员一些“非常好”、“不错”、“棒极了”等泛泛的评价,但是我会在职员确实做出了成绩的时候及时并具体地指出他对公司的贡献,并将他的业绩公之于众。例如,我会给部门内的全体职员发电子邮件说某个员工在上一周的工作中取得了出色的成绩,并详细说明他的工作成果,列举他的工作对于公司的重要价值,给出具体的表彰意见。这种激励员工的方式能够真正赢得员工的信任和支持,能够对企业的凝聚力产生巨大的影响。同理心也是一种了解和认识他人的有效方法。我被调到新部门担任领导职位的时候,部门中有400多名员工,我都不认识。于是,我每周选出了10名员工,与他们共进午餐。在午餐时,我详细了解了每一个人的姓名、履历、工作情况以及他们对部门工作的建议。这些信息对于一个部门领导来说非常重要。在午餐会后,我立即根据这10名员工对部门的建议,安排部署相关的工作,并给这10名员工一一发回反馈意见,告诉他们我的处理方法。我的计划是在一个不长的时间里,认识并了解部门中的每一位员工,并在充分听取员工意见的基础上合理地安排工作。自律自律(Self-Regulation)指的是自我控制和自我调整的能力。这包括:自我控制不安定的情绪或冲动,在压力面前保持清晰的头脑;以诚实赢得信任,并且随时都清晰地理解自己的行为将影响他人。自律对于领导者来说更为重要。作为软件企业的领导,要管理别人,要让下属信服,就要先从自我做起。这是因为,领导的做法通常是大家做事的目标和榜样,领导的每一次举手投足都会给下属留下深刻的印象,如果处理不好的话,可能会造成负面的影响。特别是当公司或团队处于危急时刻,需要领导带领大家克服困难、冲出重围的时候,如果领导表现得比职员还要急躁,翻来覆去拿不定主意,大家就会对领导丧失信心,公司或团队也会因此而走向失败。有一次,我见过公司里的两个组即将被合并。第一个组的经理缺少自律,开会时对他的队伍说合并不是他的决定,他自己也不知下一步该怎么办。这个经理对未来没有信心,并猜测自己的队伍可能会被裁员。而第二个组的经理则在合并后告诉他的队伍这次合并对公司的好处。他也坦诚地说自己并不掌握所有的信息,但是他承诺会提醒上级尽快地做决定。并且,第二个经理还告诉大家他会尽其所能,帮助每一个员工安排最合理、最公平的出路。最后的结果是,第一个组的人很快就散了,他们的经理离开了公司,而第二个组的经理接管了合并后的机构。自律必须建立在诚信的基础上。为了表现所谓的“自律”而在他人面前粉饰、遮掩自己的缺点,刻意表演的做法是非常不可取的。只有在赢得他人信任的基础上,严于律己、宽以待人,才能真正获得他人的尊重和赞许。人际关系人际关系包括在社会交往中的影响力、倾听与沟通的能力,处理冲突的能力、建立关系、合作与协调的能力,说服与影响的能力等等。有些人在人际交往中的影响力是与生俱来的,他们在参加酒会或庆典的时候,只要很短的时间就能和所有人交上朋友。但也有些人并不具备这样的天赋,他们在社交活动中常常比较内向,宁愿一个人躲在角落里也不愿主动与人交谈。我个人就缺乏人际交往的倾向。以前,我并不认为这有什么不妥,直到我遇到了一位非常具有个人影响力的经理为止。那个经理没有超人的智慧,但是他自称他认识了公司中几乎每一个有能力的人,并和其中的许多人成为了非常要好的朋友。我不知道他是怎么做到这一点的,但我很快就发现,他的这种能力对公司非常有用。比如,我需要在公司内部选拔一些职员到我的部门工作时,我就可以从他那里获得许多有关该职员的详细信息;与公司其他部门协调工作时,他的人际关系网也可以发挥非常大的作用。从那时起,我发现处理人际关系的能力对于一个人,特别是一个领导者来说非常重要,我开始特别注重培养自己在人际关系方面的影响力。在技术研究和开发方面,沟通和说服的能力也至关重要。比如,我们开发出了一项先进的技术,要把它变成公司的产品。这首先要说服公司的决策层。我们必须细心准备我们的产品建议书,并通过精彩的演讲和现场展示让领导者相信我们研究出的技术对公司来说大有裨益,让决策层认为即将开发的产品可以在市场上取得成功。这些工作都需要我们具备处理人际关系、展示自己、影响他人的能力。



leadership development是什么意思


Thought Leadership 是什么意思?


求一篇英文business essay关于leadership的范文。。。不用太高分的 只想知道怎么写 万分感谢~~

资料来源 is the ability of a company"s management to make sound decisions and inspire others to perform well. Effective leaders are able to set and achieve challenging goals, to take swift and decisive action even in difficult situations, to outperform their competition, to take calculated risks and to persevere in the face of failure. Strong communication skills, self-confidence, the ability to manage others and a willingness to embrace change also characterize good leaders.Leadership is the process through which an individual tries to influence another individual or a group of individuals to accomplish a goal. Leadership is valued in our culture, especially when it helps to achieve goals that are beneficial to the population, such as the enactment of effective preventive-health policies. An individual with leadership qualities can also improve an organization and the individuals in it, whether it be a teacher who works to get better teaching materials and after-school programs or an employee who develops new ideas and products and influences others to invest in them.Leadership can be exhibited in a variety of ways and circumstances. Mothers and fathers show leadership in raising their children with good values and encouraging them to develop to their potential. Teachers show it in inspiring students to learn and to develop their intellectual capacity. Health care workers can be leaders and develop services that meet the needs of the communities they serve, or work in collaboration with other organizations to create cost-effective, prevention-oriented programs and services.Many studies have been done and many books and articles have been published on this subject. Through this work a consistent set of leadership attributes has emerged. An effective leader does most, if not all, of the following:u2022Challenge the Process—search out challenging opportunities, take risks, and learn from mistakes.u2022Inspire others to come together and agree on a future direction or goal— create a shared vision by thinking about the future, having a strong positive vision, and encouraging others to participate.u2022Help others to act—help others to work together, to cooperate and collaborate by developing shared goals and building trust, and help to make others stronger by encouraging them to develop their skills and talents.u2022Set an example—behave in ways that are consistent with professed values and help others to achieve small gains that keep them motivated, especially when a goal will not be achieved quickly.u2022Encourage others—recognize each individual"s contributions to the success of a project.Another way of defining leadership is to acknowledge what people value in individuals that are recognized as leaders. Most people can think of individuals they consider to be leaders. Research conducted in the 1980s by James Kouzes and Barry Posner found that a majority of people admire, and willingly follow, people who are honest, forward-looking, inspiring, and competentAn individual who would like to develop leadership skills can profit from the knowledge that leadership is not just a set of exceptional skills and attributes possessed by only a few very special people. Rather, leadership is a process and a set of skills that can be learned.Read more:

英语学习资料:双语阅读:On Leadership论领导力

双语阅读:On Leadership论领导力 What is leadership?Its qualities are difficult to define. But they are not so difficult to identify. 什么是领导力?领导力应具备什么品质很难下定义,但这些品质却不难辨认。 Leaders don"t force other people to go along with them. They bring them along. Leaders get mitment from others by giving it themselves, by building an environment that encourages creativity, and by operating with honesty and fairness. 领导不强迫他人追随自己,而是带领他们前进。领导通过自己承担义务从而要求他人承担义务。此外,他还营造一个鼓励创新的环境,并诚实公正地对待他人。 Good leaders aren" t"lone rangers. "They recognize that an organization" s strategies for success require the bined talents and efforts of many people. Leadership is the catalyst for transforming those talents into results. 好的领导不是“孤胆骑警”。他们认识到一个组织的策略的成功是许多人的智慧和努力的结晶。领导才能是把智慧转化成成果的催化剂。 Successful leaders are emotionally and intellectually oriented to the future--not wedded to the past. They have a hunger to take responsibility, to innovate, andto initiate. They are not content with merely taking care of what" s already there. They want to move forward to create something new. 成功的领导者,从情感和理智上都着眼于未来而不是过去。他们渴望承担责任、创新和开拓,他们不满足于仅仅保持现状,他们要前进,要创新。 Leaders provide answers as well as direction, offer strength as well as dedication, and speak from experience as well as understanding of the problems they face and the peopie they work with. 领导人给予指导和解答,拥有力量和献身精神,他们从经验及对所面对的问题的理解和对合作者的了解来说话。 Leaders are flexible rather than dogmatic. They believe in unity rather than yielding. And they strive to achieve agreements out of conflict. 领导处事灵活,不因循守旧。他们相信统一而不是顺从。他们力图在冲突中达成共识。 Leadership is all about getting people consistently to give their best, helping them to grow to their fullest potential, and motivating them to work toward a mon good. Leaders make the right things happen when they"re supposed to. 领导艺术是推动人们尽显其能,帮助他们充分发挥他们的潜能,使他们朝着一个共同的目标而奋斗。领导者在需要的时候能做出正确的决断。 A good leader, an effective leader, is one who has respect. Respect is something you have to have in order to get.A leader who has respect for other people at all levels of an organization, for the work they do, and for their abilities, desires and needs, will find that respect is returned. And all concerned will be motivated to work together. 一个好领导,一个奉有成效的领导是尊重他人的人。要得到他人的尊重必须先尊重他人。一个尊重各级员工,尊重他们的工作、能力、愿望与需要的领导会得到他人的尊重。


firstofall表示“首先,第一”,相当于first。比如: Firstofall,allowmetoextendtoyoumywarmestwelcome. 首先,请允许我向你们表达我最热烈的欢迎。 Firstofall,youshouldholdanorganizingcommitteemeeting. 首先,我们应该召开一个组织委员会会议。 atfirst表示“起初,起先,首先”的意思,比如: Atfirst,barteringtookplaceasanexchangebetweentwopeople. 起初,物物交换是发生在两个人之间的交易 inthebeginning表示“开始,开端,起初”,后面通常接介词of,比如: Inthebeginning,theuniversewasavoidfullofenergybutwithoutform. 太初之际,整个宇宙一片混沌,只有能量。 Inthebeginningoftheclass,theteacherquestionedusonverbs. 上课开始的时候,老师提问我们动词的用法。 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!请记得采纳,谢谢!(*^__^*)






leadership领导leadership[英][u02c8li:du0259u0283u026ap][美][u02c8li:du0259ru0283u026ap]n.领导; 领导的才能或能力; 一群领导者; 带路,指引; 复数:leaderships例句:1.This is the challenge for china"s leadership. 这正是中国领导层面临的挑战。

In the beginning ,at first,at the first. 有什么

first of all 表示“首先,第一”,相当于first。比如:First of all, allow me to extend to you my warmest welcome.首先,请允许我向你们表达我最热烈的欢迎。First of all, you should hold an organizing committee meeting.首先,我们应该召开一个组织委员会会议。at first 表示“起初,起先,首先”的意思,比如:At first, bartering took place as an exchange between two people.起初,物物交换是发生在两个人之间的交易in the beginning 表示“开始,开端,起初”,后面通常接介词of,比如:In the beginning, the universe was a void full of energy but without form.太初之际,整个宇宙一片混沌,只有能量。In the beginning of the class, the teacher questioned us on verbs.上课开始的时候,老师提问我们动词的用法。


leadership领导leadership[英][u02c8li:du0259u0283u026ap][美][u02c8li:du0259ru0283u026ap]n.领导; 领导的才能或能力; 一群领导者; 带路,指引; 复数:leaderships例句:1.This is the challenge for china"s leadership. 这正是中国领导层面临的挑战。


愿景领导(Visionary Leadership) Nanus(1992)在其“愿景领导”(Visionary Leadership)一书中正式提出“愿景领导” 一词并强调在所有领导功能中, 领导者 对 愿景 的影响最深远, 同时许多有关领导研究的亦发现有效能的领导者往往是具有愿景的领 导者(Bennis &Nanus,1985;Blunberg & Greenfield, 1980;Deal & Kennedy, 1982)。 Nanus(1992)认为所谓的愿景领导是指 组织 可靠的、 真实的、具吸引力的未来,它代表所有目标努力的方向, 能使组织更成功、更美好。 远景包括组织长期的计画与未来发展的景象, 是远景包括组织长期的计画与未来发展的景象, 是组织现况与未来景象间的桥梁,对于领导者而言, 它提供行动的目标,并帮助领导者,超越目前的情境, 达到到组织的改进与成长。在 组织发展 的过程中, 远景领导在组织发展的过程中,远景领导者常会提出真知灼见, 并驱使成员采用新的行动,去完成新的目标, 因此也常被视为革新者或理想的楷模。

team leadership是什么意思


leadership 和 influence,power的不同点


In The Beginning (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:In The Beginning (Lp Version)歌手:Timmy Thomas专辑:Why Can"T We Live TogetherK"naan - In the Beginning第一次制作请见谅!YEOW!!!!SO!In the beginningthere was a humfrom a poet whose pulse fellDRUM DRUM DRUM!He would perform prayers and alltill one day he heard a voice callCOME COME COME!Sus"pi"cious he movedwith vicious cautionDismisses,he thinks is a little oftenPeople get held backby the void inside "em.YO!The void said,I"m poised to speak inside you..."Rejoice then ...please let me invite you...To evil, greed and lies too."YEAH!Confused and dazedhe moved in wayshe soon became "Hakuna"BOOM BOOM BOOMA knock on his door, his heart is no moreA knock on his door, his soul is no moreYeah...That was in the beginnin"As the story goes on...So -The poet"s got a proposalhe would always hope but never knowwhat it feelsto be freeHe would be the frozenimposed as the chosen,all laws oppose himBut it would be greedThat"s got him therehe"s power-hungry,and proud tooPeople don"t care, he will just careEvil don"t care, he will just prayer...YeahThat was In the beginning..there was a hum...then things changedYeahThey say-it is better to light a candle than to curse the darkin the eyes of the youththere are question markslike freedomfreedom for the mind and soul,we don"t see themsee them for their worth at all,that"s why we lead emlead em to these warsand what is it we feed emfeed em our impuritiesand who it is we treat emtreat em like the enemyhumanity will need emneed em like the blood we spilland we"re freedomfreedom for the hearts we fillwe mislead emthey hunger for the love we givebut we cheat emthe guys beat him and all he wantsis his freedom,so they defeat him,whatever spirit he"s got"beat him"and they teach himthe rest of the world don"t need himand he believesin the disease that he"s heathenPut up your fists if all you want is freedomPut up your fists if all you want is -That was in the beginning...then things changed..yeahand we keep holdin" on,and we keep bein" strong...and we keep goin" onand on and on and on...and we keep holdin" on,and we keep bein" strong...and we keep goin" onand on and on and on...and we keep holdin" on,and we keep bein" strong...and we keep goin" onand on and on and on...and we keep holdin" on,and we keep bein" strong...and we keep goin" onand on and on and on...



on leadership什么意思

论领导leadership英 [ u02c8li:du0259u0283u026ap ]美 [ u02c8li:du0259ru0283u026ap ]n. 领导;领导的才能或能力;一群领导者;带路,指引;on英 [ u0252n ]美 [ ɑ:n ]prep. (表示方向)向;(表示对象)对;(表示位置)在…上;(表示时间)在…之时;adv. (放,穿,连接)上;向前,(继续)下去;adj. 活动着的情况,状态;使用着的;发生着的;计划中的;希望对你有帮助, 春节愉快!


不论你申请美国中学或大学,不难发现几乎留学美国申请中每所学校的文书或问题中都要求你阐述你的leadership experience。好多家长对此很困惑,哪儿有那么多当干部的,不当学生干部的就不能申请了吗?这里有个留学美国申请中小小的误解。 领导力和当领导其实是两个概念。许多人以为领导人是从他的地位或头衔中得到权力的。他们以为老板有地位,就能领导人,经理有头衔,就能领导人。但那不是领导才能的真正本质。一个只会在自己位置的狭窄范围内指挥别人的人,不能算作真正的领导人物。正如约翰? 怀特说的:“人们追随的不是某个计划,而是能鼓舞他们的领导人物。” “领导才能”的最佳定义是 “影响力。”真正的领导者是能影响别人,使别人追随自己的人物,他能使别人参加进来,跟他一起干。他鼓舞周围的人协助他朝着他的理想、目标和成就迈进,他给了他们成功的力量。这样的领导者,有或没有一个正式的头衔并不重要。我所了解的美式教育,正是遵循这个方向自小培养孩子的领导力。 与人相处之道当然要在人堆里学,这不是家长教孩子听,在家闭门造车就能整出来的。所以美式教育才这么重视孩子的运动、课外活动、交友联谊等有助提升团队协作的活动。早期教育的首要目的,就是养成与人相处的品质性格及行为规矩,认字算数都是其次。中国人常说“不能输在起跑线上”,这就是美国人认为的“起跑线”。幼儿园的孩子要学会遵守规则、分享、轮流、有礼貌、处理争执和负面情绪等等最基本的人际相处的道理。到小学一二年级时,有合作态度,又具有聪明爱玩,活泼外向,脾气好等特点的孩子最受人欢迎。到了三年级以上,成熟自信,有思想有主见,眼界开阔,经历丰富,兴趣广泛,懂得多又聪明爱玩的那些孩子身上就慢慢展现了领导力。 软实力的重要性在留学美国的申请及学习过程中远大于能用分数和成绩等数字表示的硬实力。情商这类的软实力正是在孩子们从小玩到大的过程中一点点培养起来的。在看似无计划无组织无目的无忧无虑地疯玩中,玩出了对智力和学习至关重要的注意力、理解力、记忆力、想象力、创造力、自我管理的能力、好奇心和上进心,还有许多会让孩子终生受益的好品质:快乐,自由,公平,分享,自己做决定,有时间观念,能控制情绪,能和不同的人相处,有团队合作精神,有自我意识,能自我激励,自信幽默,独立成熟,能主动学习别人的优点等等。再加上孩子自身的特点和父母的有意培养,使孩子兴趣广泛,眼界开阔,经历丰富,有公益心等等,这些特质自然会吸引着别人的靠近。 家长们常常会紧张孩子的分数不够高,花大价钱上各种各样的补习班,哪怕只是提高一点点。可是你们可曾想过,你错过了从小对他软实力的培养阶段,又有哪个补习班能帮他补上?他的一生,又将因此付出怎样的代价? 说回领导力的培养,每个孩子天性不同,培养的侧重当然不同。 搬用一下在公司做领导力培训的内容,领导力的几个方面。1. 沟通能力 Communication skills。沟通必然是双向的。你要确保你所表达的意思和别人对你的话的理解相一致,不要猜想或想当然。2. 组织能力 Organizational skills。小到家庭,大到整个公司或自己创业,要知道明确目标,要有全面和整体观察力。能制定实现目标的具体计划,明确目标/结果,时间,金钱,人力,方法等等每一项。3. 建团能力 Team building skills。想作个好领导,你必须学会鼓动别人"心甘情愿"为你加油干。信任别人很重要,但是一定要安时查看,"Trust but verify", 有正气,Be positive.4. 领导能力 Leadership skill。除了你有整体洞察力,有远见,还要有能力出谋策划帮助制定目标。要知道自己和团队具备什么,能干什么,懂得他们需要什么。5. 应付能力 Coping skills。能镇定地应付失败和紧急事件,从失败中吸取教训,迅速提升。6. 技术能力 Technological skills。这个中国人一般知道得最清楚,也最擅长 。

leadership 包括哪些 英文

leadership 是领导层的意思。在公司中领导层有三个层次,一是决策层(Decision leadership)、二是管理层(Management leadership)、三是执行层(Executive leadership)。



在线急!!Leadership 是指领导(人)还是指地位 如果是人的话和leader一样?




in beginning 与 at first 有什么区别啊, 在线等 谢谢



leadershipn. 领导能力;领导阶层He blessed us with his leadership. 在他的领导下,我们很幸福。第一时间为你解答,敬请采纳,如果本题还有疑问请追问,Good luck!


leadership_百度翻译leadership 英[u02c8li:du0259u0283u026ap] 美[u02c8lidu025au02ccu0283u026ap] n. 领导;领导的才能或能力;一群领导者;带路,指引


leadership ["liu02d0du0259u0283u026ap] n. 领导能力;领导阶层He is expected to hold talks with both the Croatian and Slovenian leaderships.人们希望他能与克罗地亚和斯洛文尼亚两国的领导人举行会谈。

at the beginning ,in the beginning 什么区别 那个加OF? first first of all firstly 区别是什么啊



leadership英 [u02c8li:du0259u0283u026ap] 美 [u02c8li:du0259ru0283u026ap]n.领导; 领导的才能或能力; 一群领导者; 带路,指引领导;领导力;领导能力;领导者复数: leaderships 双语例句1. Yet it is feared the Republican leadership could split over the agreement. 但有人担心,共和党的领导层可能会在该协议上出现意见分歧。2. Britain needs new leadership if she is to help shape Europe"s future. 如果英国想要对欧洲未来的发展产生重要影响的话,就需要新的领导层。3. It is wishful thinking to expect deeper change under his leadership. 指望在他的领导下发生更深层次的变革简直是痴心妄想。4. She has the intellectual form to take up the mantle of leadership. 她具备担当领导职责的聪明才智。5. The army refused to accept orders from the political leadership. 军队拒绝接受政界领导层下达的命令。


leadership[英][u02c8li:du0259u0283u026ap][美][u02c8li:du0259ru0283u026ap]n.领导; 领导的才能或能力; 一群领导者; 带路,指引; 例句:This is the challenge for china"s leadership.这正是中国领导层面临的挑战。

Los Angeles Lakers是什么意思


four wild horses歌词

...this is a story song, about the Old West...Four wild horses follow meAs I ride this trail of miseryFour wild horses follow meAnd I"ll ride to hell to set you freeYou were just a young girlWith your brother and your dollWestward ho so many heard the callA covered wagon a blazing in the nightWas your last scene of freedom and her fightI heard of you passing for a Cheyenne chiefs"s sonFrom some trader made his money in rot gutI went to the valley they called Bitter CreekYou"d left three weeks before tears on your cheeksIn the middle of snow storm in the middle of the nightYou were there telling me that you were alrightThen like a monster invading our dreamI awoke ten years later hearing your screamsAt last I found you in the spring of "83A Cheyenne princess you still looked to meI walked up to you and looked into your eyesMy little girl finally by her daddy"s sideFour wild horses follow meAs I ride this trail to miseryFour wild horses follow meAnd I"ll ride 丶: didgeridoo

问:这个英语单词怎么读 temporary / conversion 求谐音


「上课、课程」英文是class、course 或 lesson ? 中文意思差异解析

你知道 「上课、课程」的英文是 class / course / lesson 之中的哪一个吗 ?class / course / lesson 这三个英文单字的中文意思非常接近,本身都有「课」的意思,所以特别容易让人产生混淆。如果你还不知道这三个英文单字的中文意思差别,那就赶快来看这篇文章吧。 下面说明 class、 course、 lesson 的中文意思差异! 1.class 课、课堂 class 的意思是指「课、课堂」,比方说,如果你要讲:我要去上课了,你就可以用class。 例: I"m going to a class. 我正要去上课。 例: I missed my Language class yesterday. 我昨天没去上语言课。 从上面例子你也会发现,当你要说英文课、物理课、有氧课,当你想表达的是什么课、什么课…的时候,就可以用class。 例: I have an English class tomorrow. 我明天有个英文课。 注意,class本身还有班级的意思,比方说如果你要问别人,你在哪个班级?你就可以用class。 例: Which class are you in this year? 今年你在哪个班? class这个英文单字意思非常多元,本身还有阶级、阶层的意思。比方说中产阶级叫做middle-class,上流阶级叫做upper class,劳工阶级叫做working class。 例: Jenny belongs to the rich American upper class. 珍妮属于富裕的美国上层阶级。 2.course 课程 course 的意思是指「课程」的意思,course 通常是指期间比较久的那种系列课程,针对某个主题有一系列的课的那种课程的意思。 例: He took a course to learn about car maintenance. 他上了一门课程来学习汽车保养。 例: I took a course in creative writing. 我上过创意写作课程。 例: I"m taking a course in art and design. 我正在修艺术与设计课程。 例: She is taking a course in business English. 她正在上商务英文课程。 从上面例子你也可以发现,course 这个英文单字指的是课程,而且是那种针对某个主题所打造的课程。 3.lesson (一节)课 Lesson 的意思是指「(一节)课」,简单的说,就是指一堂课的意思。 例: He gives Japanese lessons. 他教日文课。 Lesson 这个英文单字很常用在,某人给某人上了一课,也就是学到了一课、学到教训的意思。 例: You should teach him a lesson. 你该给他上一课。 例: I learned a lesson. 我学到了一课(教训)。 上面就是英文class/course/lesson 这三个英文单字的差别啦,同样都有「课」的意思,但用法大不同唷! class, class 中文, class 意思, course, course 中文, course 意思, lesson, lesson 中文, lesson 意思, 一堂课 英文, 上课 英文, 课 英文, 课堂 英文, 课程 英文

The bad Ears of the Elephant


翻译成中文 Here comes a man on an elephant.The brothers can hear the elephant.


hanger Keepers liability是甚么保险啊

中文可以翻译为航空器库管保险,主要负责租借的航空器或者航空设备在停放期间发生的财产损失。一般是机场来投保的以下英文可以参考Hangarkeepers liabilityHangarkeepers liability insurance covers property damage to aircraft or aircraft equipment, not owned, rented or leased by you, whilst on the ground in your care, custody or control.The coverage is subject to exclusions and conditions, which are available to you on request.

Steve jobs was a great person.改为感叹句

What a great person was Steve Jobs

what our society suffers from today is the absense of consensus about what it and life in it ought t

严重觉得这个是改病句 或者是哪里印刷错误。。。what our society suffers most from today is the absence of consensus about it and life in it ought to be ? 两个 it 指的都是SOCIETY





Miss Cherry Lipgloss (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Miss Cherry Lipgloss (Album Version)歌手:Single File专辑:Common StrugglesSingle File - Miss Cherry LipglossI don"t mean to be forward,But I"ve been thinkin" this over,I"m watchin", waitin", contemplating,Judging by your stagger,I imagine that you"re staying for the night,And that"s all right.So tell me, Miss Cherry Lipgloss,What are you thinkin" of?Or shall we skip the conversation, cuz, well,There"s no need to explain it,We"ve both been thinkin; the same thing.We"re young and dumb, so let"s embrace it.Cuz I wanna be your bittersweet;Your late-night melody.I wanna be your boy-toy baby, so shut the door;You can have your way with me.So tell me, Miss Cherry Lipgloss,What are you thinkin" of?Or shall we skip the conversation, cuz, well,Maybe it"s the liquor talking;I can"t keep my hands from wandering.So sorry, I didn"t catch your name?There"s no need to question it;It"s not okay, but I"m okay with it(are you okay with it?).There"s no need to question it;It"s not okay, but I"m okay with it(are you okay with it?).Judging by your stagger,I imagine that you"re staying for the night,And that"s all right.So tell me, Miss Cherry Lipgloss,What are you thinkin" of?Or shall we skip the conversation, cuz, well,Maybe it"s the liquor talking;I can"t keep my hands from wandering.So sorry, I didn"t catch your name?Tell me, Miss Cherry Lipgloss,What are you thinkin" of?Or shall we skip the conversation, cuz well,Maybe it"s the liquor talking;I can"t keep my hands from wandering.So sorry, I didn"t catch your name?Tell me, Miss Cherry Lipgloss.

关于自行车的发展历史英语作文1·in zhe Early1790S the first bicycle invented

The bicycle is the most useful invention,everyone likes it.Do you know the history of the bicycle?If you do not know,Let me tell you. In the early 1790s,there was a frist bicycle in the world....

以colours and moods为题按照下列要求完成一篇80词左右的短文

Color, without our realizing it, can have a profound effect on how we feel both mentally and physically. It is said that the ancient Egyptians as well as the Native American Indians used color and colored light to heal. Below are some emotional associations that humans tend to have with certain colors. These are important to keep in mind in order to create the mood you are seeking.Blue represents peace, tranquility, calm, stability, harmony, unity, trust, truth, confidence, conservatism, security, cleanliness, order, loyalty, sky, water, cold, technology and depression. Blue can "slow the pulse rate, lower body temperature, and reduce appetite." Blue is considered a business color because it reflects reliability. In China, blue is associated with immortality. Note: Blue is often considered to be the safest global color.Black is the absence of light and therefore, of color. It represents power, sexuality, sophistication, formality, elegance, wealth, mystery, fear, evil, anonymity, unhappiness, depth, style, evil, sadness, remorse, anger, underground, good technical color, mourning and death. In speech we say "Black Market" or "Black Monday".Green, one of most-often cited favorite colors. It represents nature, environment, health, good luck, renewal, youth, vigor, spring, generosity, fertility, jealousy, inexperience, envy and misfortune. In China, green hats mean a man"s wife is cheating on him; it is not a good color for packaging.Orange is a combination of yellow and red. Orange is considered a warm color like red, but to a lesser extent; orange expresses energy. It has luminous qualities and has been used for attention-getting purposes, such as on caution signs. Orange brings up memories of fall leaves, pumpkins and Halloween. It symbolizes balance, warmth, enthusiasm, vibrancy, flamboyancy, and is demanding of attention.Purple represents royalty, spirituality, nobility, ceremony, mystery, transformation, wisdom, enlightenment, cruelty, arrogance and mourning. Purple is considered an exotic color. Purple dye was made from the mucous gland of a snail. It required thousands of snails to yield 1 gram of dye causing it to be a color only nobles could afford. Today purple is a trendy color targeting creative types.Red is the color that we pay the most attention to. It is the warmest and most energetic color in the spectrum. We associate red with love, valentines, danger, desire, speed, strength, violence, anger, emergency exit signs, stop signs and blood. Red can evoke a fight-or-flight response, raise blood pressure and make the heart beat faster. Red would not be the color of choice for psychiatric wards, prisons or a hospital. In China red symbolizes celebration and luck, used in many cultural ceremonies that range from funerals to weddings.White is what we see when all colors come together in perfect balance. It represents reverence, purity, simplicity, cleanliness, peace, humility, precision, innocence, youth, birth, winter, snow, good, sterility and marriage. We use white in figures of speech like "pure as the driven snow" or "a white lie." We associate white with the good guy in old Western movies. Yellow represents joy, happiness, optimism, idealism, imagination, hope, sunshine, summer, gold, philosophy, dishonesty, cowardice, betrayal, jealousy, covetousness, deceit, illness, hazard, spirituality and inspiration. The yellow rose is a symbol of friendship, less passionate or threatening than red ones. In Asia yellow is sacred, and imperial.

小学英语作文:闪亮的星星 Shining Stars

  【篇一】闪亮的星星 Shining StarsAs the summer comes, I will go back to my hometown and spend some time with my grandparents. The trees are green and the water is clear, but the most beautiful scenery is the stars. When night comes, the sky is full of stars. They are shining brightly. The whole village is lighted. I always stand outside the house and enjoy beautiful moment. 当夏天到来之际,我会回到家乡 My Hometown">我的家乡,花些时间跟我爷爷奶奶在一起。那里树木绿葱葱,水很清澈,不过,最美丽的风景是星星。夜幕降临后,天空布满星星,在不断的闪耀着。整个村庄都是亮的。我总是站在房子外面,享受这美妙的时刻。  【篇二】我的快乐 My HappinessAs a child, I feel very happy everyday. I have a happy family. My mother takes care of our chores and she can cook a lot of delicious food. No matter how busy my father is, he will spare some time to stay with me. In the weekend, my family will go out to have activity. We communicate a lot and laugh out loudly. 作为一个小孩子,我每天都觉得很开心。我有一个幸福的家庭。妈妈包揽了所有的家务,她会煮很多美味的食物。不管我的爸爸有多忙,他都会出一些时间来陪我。周末的时候,我们家会出去搞些活动,进行交流,放声大笑。  【篇三】善意的谎言 The White Lie We are always educated that telling lies is not good, and we should be honest. Indeed, we should not lie to our parents, but sometimes the white lie works better than honest. Once I wanted to go to visit my grandma, but my mother said she was not at home. Actually, she was sick and my mother did not want me to worry, so that I can focus on study. 我们一直都被教育撒谎是不好的,我们应该要诚实。的确,我们不应该欺骗父母,但有时善意的谎言比说实话会更好。一次,我想去看望我的奶奶,但是我妈妈却告诉我奶奶不在家。实际上,是因为我奶奶生病了,我妈妈不希望我担心,这样我就可以集中精力在学习上了。


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