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有人知道什么是foregone interest吗

forgone interest 应该是被放弃的利息



Have you made (a) reservation? 这个a到底需不需要,有啥区别

要加,没有 a 是不对的。这里一定要有 a 或者 the。




reservation 动词形式是 reserveI would like to make a reservation for a table.= I would like to reserve a table.

reservation confirmation是什么意思



preservation与reservation保留保存的译法是中文存在的误区,二者有很大不同 1.preservation: 当一样东西被保留在原始或良好的状态时使用 ep:the preservation of our culture heritage 当情况持续,保持不变时使用 ep:the preservation of peace in the regin 2.reservation 当你要酒店饭店为你保留一个位子时使用(预定) ep:a dinner reservation 当你有保留意见时使用 ep:I had serious reservation about his visit to Ireland *回答你的第二个问题 首先,要知道‘in-"是一个前缀,表示否定意思,所以我们只谈adequate与sufficient 在做对某种特殊需求(质量数量)感到满意时,意思相同 ep:The standared of his work is hardly adequate(sufficient) PS:adequate也有‘还不错,但不是顶好之意" ep:Her performance was adequate but lacked originality.在做对某种特殊需求(质量数量)感到满意时,意思相同


reservation的翻译:预定;预留;预定房间。造句技巧:两大非常重要的基本功问题:词汇+语法首先单词。1.背单词:(1)知道单词准确发音,知道单词拼写+全面了解单词中文意思+知道单词词性变化以及在句子中应该如果使用。(2) 这四个方面是缺一不可的。注意:a. 背单词的时候像你说的一词多义,单复数变化规则,或者动词根据事态变化等等现象太多了,中文里面也有,这个我个人就是很坦然的接受了,就把所有单词同等对待,记下来。b. 个人背单词背了很多年了,越背的久越觉得单词也好词组也好是背不完的,包括很多表达或者搭配会被放弃,很多新的表达会出现,所以我希望你能够有一个平和的心态对待单词,这个贯穿你学英文用英文的整个过程,所以不同时间段,你认定你想背的单词,按照我说的单词四个方面都背好就行了。c. 我背单词没有什么特殊的方法分享,就是一个单词反复的背;但是有一点要强调,背了的单词不用是会忘记的,所以平时生活中多写多说多看多听也是非常重要的,一开始如果你自己不会造句,你就多读多背例句也是很好的。2. 语法:如果你是学生,把你从初中高中的语法书拿出来重新学;如果是毕业了工作党,那么晚建议找找看有没有sat语法书买一本,从简单到难开始学习造句。注意:语法和词汇是配合的。例如一个动词比如 drink,不放在句子里,就是一个很普通的动词,也不用刻意去变化,但是当你在说你过去喝了什么东西的时候,中文我们加字 喝--喝了/喝过了 英文我们在单词本身进行变化 I drink a cup of water--I drinked a cup of water an hour ago。

reservation 动词形式是什么

reservation 动词形式是 reserve I would like to make a reservation for a table.= I would like to reserve a table.


预约 的意思


反对第一个答案 reservation是有啥啥珍惜动植物保护区的意思的 conservation也有 感觉常用意思会偏“保守”的意思多一点 protection就是最普通的保护

reservation 过去式


book 和 reservation有什么区别 还有那些预定 有什么区别呢 语法和意思 举例子

book 和 reservation都有‘预定"的意思。 book侧重于登记记帐的预定 I want to book a book. 我想订一本书。 reservation侧重于保留下来的预定I can confirm the reservation for you. 我可以为您预订的。

reservation 动词形式是什么

reservation 动词形式是 reserve I would like to make a reservation for a table.= I would like to reserve a table.

reservation怎么读 英语reservation怎么读

1、reservation英[u02ccrezu0259u02c8veu026au0283n]美[u02ccrezu0259ru02c8veu026au0283n],n.预订; 预约; 保留意见; 疑惑; (美国为土著美洲人划出的)保留地,居留地。 2、[例句]We can hold your reservation for three days.您的预订我们可以保留三天。


reservationn.保留, (旅馆房间等)预定, 预约

refresh眼药水成分 refresh眼药水成分解析

refresh眼药水还是很火的,很多人常备这款眼药水,可见它的火爆,下面的我为你们介绍refresh眼药水成分 refresh眼药水成分解析。 refresh眼药水成分 这款滴眼液最大的优势是无防腐剂,因此不会像其他护眼产品一样,在滋润眼睛的同时,残留有害成分伤害眼睛!30支独立包装非常方便,适合长时间上网的白领们。此款滴泪液还是防止进一步刺激的眼睛保护剂,少量的ALLERGANREFRESH EYE DROPS让你能顺利掩饰住双眼疲态。 产品是30支经济独立支装,每次只用一小瓶,特别瓶盖可重新盖上,可作多次使用,开盖後可保存12小时,比一般泪液更能避免浪费,合乎经济原则。Refresh滴眼液无活性成分,成分包含有:硼酸,氯化钙,氯化镁,氯化钾,纯净水,PURITE,硼酸钠,氯以及钠。可能还包含盐酸和/或氢氧化钠用以调整pH值。refresh眼药水使用说明 Refresh plus滴眼液眼/药水(独立包装/抗疲劳无防腐剂)是美国专科医生开的非处方人工眼液,适用于各类眼睛不适的人群,特别是成年人,每支单独小支包装,卫生方便,更实用,每支0.4ML,估计可以点8滴左右,使用时旋开小管头,每次滴一到两滴,可以在12小时之内用完剩余的,超过12小时请丢弃,如果眼睛感觉不适泪液变得浑浊请不要再用。 规格:30支 品牌:Refresh 产地:澳洲 产品特点: 本产品独立包装,不含防腐剂。 眼睛敏感及佩戴隐形眼镜的人士也可以很使用。 30支的独立包装,很大程度上减少了由于开瓶导致的细菌进入。 产品功能: 有效缓解眼部疲劳,减轻眼睛压力。 有助于防止外部刺激物进一步刺激眼睛。 有助于减轻长时间呆在空调房间眼部干燥的情况。 主要成份: 无活性成分 纯净水 氯化钙 适用人群: 适合于成年人群使用。 使用方法: 单支开封后在12小时内用完,一次滴1-2滴。 注意事项: 仅供外用,在瓶身标注日期前使用。 放置于儿童不能接触到的地方,如果吞下,请立即就医。 如果您遇到眼痛、视力下降、持续发红或眼睛不适,且持续超过72小时,请停止使用,并咨询医生。眼药水使用注意 滴眼药水时要按压鼻泪管 滴完眼药水时有人觉得嘴里会特别苦。这是因为眼药水通过鼻泪管进到了嘴里,所以滴眼药时要压迫鼻泪管,防止眼药通过鼻泪管进入口腔。如果眼药水再从口腔进入体内,可能会引起全身的副作用。此外,在给孩子滴眼药水时,大人要帮忙按压鼻泪管。 注意开封眼药水的保鲜期 已经开封的眼药水,要讲究保存环境,阴凉、干燥、通风,避光等。有的眼药水中含有防腐剂,在开封后一般是4周内有效,建议不超过一个月,而没有防腐剂的眼药水,它的有效期很短,建议在开封后一周内使用。热毛巾敷眼睛的频率 热毛巾可以天天敷眼睛。 热敷能够刺激皮肤的血液循环,加快皮肤的新陈代谢,是可以天天敷的。天天热敷眼睛,能够减轻眼睛的疲劳,缓解眼干眼涩等症状,对于明目健脑也有一定帮助。尤其针对电脑族,每天用热毛巾敷一敷眼睛,会十分舒服。

bamboo forest

Bamboo Forests Why do human destroy bamboo forests? (1) Human may be destroying bamboo forests like they are doing with other forests for grassland. (2) But to a great extent they are logging the bamboo trees more for their timber which is an incredibly versatile type of wood that can be made into not only chopsticks and furniture but can also be used in construction and consumed as food. 参考: pulitzer center/reporting/china%E2%80%99s-appetite-bamboo-damaging-forests wiki.wers/Q/Why_are_people_destroy ing_the_bamboo_forests?#slide=2 Why do human beings like to grow and make use of the bamboos? It is because of the following reasons: (1) There are certain values namely its ratooning and perannual growing suckers" formation and hardy natures; (2) Serving as conservation of the river bank and hilly slope; (3) Production as materials for furniture tools scaffoldings for building purpose and new shoots for food. 参考: Myself why do human destroy bamboo forest???? avarice and lust blind the mind making/getting an enormous profit in trade is at first priority .................................e

_______ by thick bamboo and high forest, the ancient city hadn’t been discovered until the 1990..

C 试题分析:考查分词做状语用法。本题中的动词surround与句子主语the ancient city之间构成被动的关系,故使用过去分词在句中做状语。句意:被浓密的竹林和高高的深林所包围,这座古代的城市直到20世纪90年代才被发现。故C正确。点评:当分词做状语的时候,如果构成分词的动词与句子的主语构成主动关系,就使用现在分词做状语;当二者构成被动关系,使用过去分词做状语。如果分词的动作发生在谓语动词之前,就使用分词的完成式。如果分词与句子的主语没有关系,可以使用状语从句或者独立主格结构。

forest story什么意思






bamboo forest 是啥意思



1) GPT在Bert 之后,OpenAI 的 GPT-2 就是其中之一。它在文本生成上有着惊艳的表现,其生成的文本在上下文连贯性和情感表达上都超过了人们对目前阶段语言模型的预期。仅从模型架构而言,GPT-2 并没有特别新颖的架构,它和 transformer 的 Decoder 类似。相比较于GPT-1,GPT -2 使用了更大的预料,更大和更深的模型。从transformer的decoder里移除了decoder对encoder的attention部分。也就是消除掉了seq2seq的过程。GPT是一个语言模型,每一个时刻只能看见当前时刻前面时刻的信息,是一个auto regressive的过程。GPT2,hidden state的大小有变化,根据层数的多少有small,medum,large,extra large的划分。GPT的训练过程是交叉式的预测下一个单词,测试的时候是输入一个句子生成另外一个句子。GPT的预训练就是训练一个语言模型。而bert的预训练是masked language model和nsp的任务。GPT由多个decocer block组成,每一个decoder block由masked self-attention和feed forward neural network组成。一个timestamp的hidden state经过线性层转换为vocab size大小的embedding, 然后经过softmax,算出每个词汇的概率,找出其中概率最大的词作为预测输出,然后下一个时刻的词作为真实输出,计算两者的cross entropy来训练模型。每一个timestamp后面的位置都mask掉,设置一个负无群大的值,做softmax的时候,该位置的值就为0。2)总结transformer decoder的构造预训练的时候做语言模型的训练GPT2用更多更深的blockBERT是做NLU,generation做不了GPT天生就是语言模型,非常适合做generation的任务,在bert里能做的在gpt里也可以做除了GPT-2 ,GPT-3依旧延续自己的单向语言模型训练方式,只不过把模型尺寸增大到了1750亿,并且使用45TB数据进行训练

the main mirror of the Hubble_____ A had problems B requires repairs 两个答案分别为什么对和错

上面两位都没理解LZ的意思,LZ是想问为什么选B,不选A。我没猜错的话 这是翻译二级的一个阅读理解吧,好像见到过,我记得当时我也很困惑,感觉2个都对,后来怎么处理的 我忘了抱歉

《Moving Pictures Discworld Novel10》txt下载阅读,求百度云资源

《Moving Pictures Discworld Novel 10》(Pratchett, Terry)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: 2e1k书名:Moving Pictures Discworld Novel 10作者:Pratchett, Terry页数:400内容简介:Discworld"s pesky alchemists are up to their old tricks again. This time, they"ve discovered how to get gold from silver -- the silver screen that is. Hearing the siren call of Holy Wood is one Victor Tugelbend, a would-be wizard turned extra. He can"t sing, he can"t dance, but he can handle a sword (sort of), and now he wants to be a star. So does Theda Withel, an ambitious ingénue from a little town (where else?) you"ve probably never heard of.But the click click of moving pictures isn"t just stirring up dreams inside Discworld. Holy Wood"s magic is drifting out into the boundaries of the universes, where raw realities, the could-have-beens, the might-bes, the never-weres, the wild ideas are beginning to ferment into a really stinky brew. It"s up to Victor and Gaspode the Wonder Dog (a star if ever one was born!) to rein in the chaos and bring order back to a starstruck Discworld. And they"re definitely not ready for their close-up!

Lisa Marie Presley的《Now What》 歌词

歌曲名:Now What歌手:Lisa Marie Presley专辑:Now WhatWhen I left and I said goodbyeDid you know that I meant it, mmmm, that time?I guess that I didn"t quite realizeWhat I was saying goodbye to - whoa, just yetThe only asphalt to pave my way - that was youAnd damn it if I didn"t try to doEverything that I was supposed toAnd now - what do I do now?Oh, I don"t know cuz I"m still leavingNow - who"s gonna save me next time?Oh, not you - ooh, for the first timeAnd the road to get to the other side of your rainbowIt wasn"t for me - oh, I guessI couldn"t live - not according to your pathI believe, at leastBut damn it if I didn"t give it a damn good shotAt least to try and beAnd what do I do nowOh, I don"t know cuz I"m still leavingAnd now - who"s gonna save me next time?No, not you - ooh, for the first timeBut somehow I"ll be alrightSomehow I"ll be alright, oohWhen I left and I said goodbyeDid you know that I meant it that time?And damn it if I didn"t try to doEverything that I was supposed toAnd now - what do I do now?Oh, I don"t knowOh, I"m leavingAnd now, who"s gonna save me next time?Oh, won"t be youOoh, for the first timeBut somehow I"ll be alrightSomehow I"ll be alrightoh..i love you

电脑开机显示press any key to enter command line 怎么办



承诺, 责任

ucas 如何填写 postal address 用拼音还是用 英文填写

用拼音写,如果是要寄回的地址,最好再附上中文格式是由后往前写,邮编写下面。(中文地址按中国习惯写就好)NO. 282 Gangcui villageGouzhao TownGaoxin Jishu Developing DistrictZhengZhou CityHe Nan ProvinceChina (邮编)希望可以帮到你。

Postal address 地址怎么填

麻烦告知以下几点:1、有没有具体的街名、单元和门牌号(这个十分重要);2、“濉溪县丁楼”中的“丁楼”是区还是村;3、这个地址的用途是否只是用于国际邮寄,而不会用于国际转账(类似西联汇款,Western Union Transformation)

Un Garcon Pas Comme Les Autres (Ziggy) 歌词

歌曲名:Un Garcon Pas Comme Les Autres (Ziggy)歌手:Céline Dion专辑:Dion Chante Plamondon - Celine Dion Sings The Songs Of Luc PlamondonCeline Dion - Un Garcon Pas Comme Les Autres(Ziggy)Ziggy, il s"appelle ZiggyJe suis folle de luiC"est un garcon pas comme les autresMais moi je l"aime, c"est pas d"ma fauteMême si je saisQu"il ne m"aimera jamaisZiggy, il s"appelle ZiggyJe suis folle de luiLa première fois que je l"ai vuJe m"suis jetée sur lui dans la rueJ"lui ai seulement ditQue j"avais envie de luiIl était quatre heures du matinJ"étais seule et j"avais besoinDe parler à quelqu"unIl m"a dit: viens prendre un caféEt on s"est raconté nos viesOn a ri, on a pleuréZiggy, il s"appelle ZiggyC"est mon seul amiDans sa tête y"a que d"la musiqueIl vend des disques dans une boutiqueOn dirait qu"il vit dans une autre galaxieTous les soirs, il m"emmène danserDans des endroits très très gaisOù il a des tas d"amisOui, je sais, il aime les garconsJe devrais me faire une raisonEssayer de l"oublier... maisZiggy, il s"appelle ZiggyJe suis folle de luiC"est un garcon pas comme les autresEt moi je l"aime, c"est pas d"ma fauteMême si je saisQu"il ne m"aimera jamaisFIN

GD新专辑中《噩梦》的歌词里有四个词 Uno Dos Tres Cuatro 是什么意思?

西班牙语 1 2 3 4的意思





protection 和 preservation 的区别?

protection n.保护preservation n.保存

怎样触发delphi 中的progressbar

使用max,step,stepby等属性,大致如下(step : integer): step := 9000; progressbar1.Max := step; progressbar1.Step :=1; progressbar1.StepBy(250);delphi帮助有例子(传输文件):procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);const // On Windows replace, myfile with a pathname such as c:autoexec.bat FName = "MyFile";var F: File; MyData: array[1..2048] of byte; BytesRead: LongInt;begin AssignFile(F, FName); try Reset(F); ProgressBar1.Max := FileSize(F); if (ProgressBar1.Max > 10) then ProgressBar1.Step := ProgressBar1.Max div 10 else ProgressBar1.Step := ProgressBar1.Max; while (ProgressBar1.Position < ProgressBar1.Max) do begin // read one Step size chunk of data to buffer BlockRead(F, MyData, ProgressBar1.Step, BytesRead); // move the ProgressBar Position using StepIt ProgressBar1.StepIt; // move by Step amount end; finally; CloseFile(F); end;end;

每次开机出现access violation at address 00000017



关于restoremagstepbystep怎么解决相关资料如下1、修改pfile文件 使用在生产端生成的pfile文件进行修改。 PROD.__db_cache_size=1459617792 PROD.__java_pool_size=16777216 PROD.__large_pool_size=16777216 PROD.__shared_pool_size=314572800 PROD.__streams_pool_size=33554432 *._allow_level_without_connect_by=true *._log_io_size=524288 *.audit_file_dest="/oratest/10g/PROD/admin/adump" *.background_dump_dest="/oratest/10g/PROD/admin/bdump" *.compatible="" *.control_files="/oratest/10g/PROD/control01.ctl","/oratest/10g/PROD/control02.ctl","/oratest/10g/PROD/control03.ctl" *.core_dump_dest="/oratest/10g/PROD/admin/cdump"*.db_block_size=8192 *.db_domain="" *.db_file_multiblock_read_count=16 *.db_name="PROD" *.dispatchers="(PROTOCOL=TCP) (SERVICE=PRODXDB)" *.job_queue_processes=10 *.local_listener="" *.lock_sga=TRUE *.log_archive_dest_1="location=/oratest/10g/PROD/archive/" *.log_buffer=1024000 *.open_cursors=800 *.pga_aggregate_target=524288000 *.processes=800 *.recyclebin="OFF" *.remote_login_passwordfile="EXCLUSIVE" *.sessions=885 *.sga_max_size=1073741824 *.sga_target=1073741824 *.shared_pool_reserved_size=62914560 *.shared_pool_size=314572800 *.undo_management="AUTO" *.undo_retention=1800 *.undo_tablespace="UNDOTBS2" *.user_dump_dest="/oratest/10g/PROD/admin/udump"2、启动数据库实例,即NOMOUNT阶段 SQL> startup nomount pfile="/oratest/10g/PROD/PROD_pfile.ora"; ORACLE instance started. Total System Global Area 1073741824 bytes Fixed Size 2078368 bytes Variable Size 327158112 bytes Database Buffers 738197504 bytes Redo Buffers 6307840 bytes 3、恢复控制文件 RMAN> restore controlfile from "/oratest/rmanbak/PROD-c-1503380933-20120728-00.ctl"; Starting restore at 28-JUL-12 using channel ORA_DISK_1 channel ORA_DISK_1: restoring control file channel ORA_DISK_1: restore complete, elapsed time: 00:00:26 output filename=/oratest/10g/PROD/control01.ctl output filename=/oratest/10g/PROD/control02.ctl output filename=/oratest/10g/PROD/control03.ctl Finished restore at 28-JUL-12

Access violation at address 英文的意思?


如何解决“access violation at address”的错误?


光之美少女fresh you make me happy 中文歌词

中文:YouMakeMeHappy~今天你感觉如何?无论你我他都一起来做个LovelyFighter!YouMakeMeLucky 跟著幸福Let"sGo~维护幸福正义来准备战斗 一起屈机!再要惊 没有Action 时间就要马上快逝去把内心 锻练勇敢 大声说出ILoveYou你和我一起前行 未来变得更清新ICanDo(爱☆感Do)~YouCanDo(勇☆敢Do)~MoreLet"sGo(猛☆烈Go)!Forever→一起去 DoMyBest一切也有命运的决定一起去 ChangeOurChance让那欢笑充满这世界Motto→梦想 StepByStepDreamAndSmile。是紧要的尽力去! 未来充满希望盛放光辉的幸福之花我相信→必定会 DreamComeTrue感谢你 令我踏向梦想JumpJump!永恒Let"sFresh得到幸福! 罗马文:you make me happyきぶんはいかが?kibunhaikaga ?おんなのこはだれだってonnanokohadaredatteLovely FighterLovely FighterYou make me lucky!You make me lucky!ついておいでよtsuiteoideyoまいにちはたからさがしmainichihatakarasagashiAre you OK?Are you OK?ビビってまよってbibi ttemayotteモジモジしてるよりmojimoji shiteruyoriハートを みがいてha^to wo migaite「すき」ってゆおう!( suki ) tteyuou !ガンバリしだいでganbari shidaideみらいはかわるからmiraihakawarukaraあい☆かん do!(I can do!)ai kan do! ( I can do! )ゆう☆かんdo!(You can do!)yuu kan do! ( You can do! )もう☆れつ go!(More Let"s go!)やっぱ→いつもDO MY BEST!yappa itsumo DO MY BEST!それしかないんですsoreshikanaindesuいいじゃん!チェンジはチャンスiijan ! chienji ha chansuおち込こんじゃいらんないochi komi konjairannaiもっと→ゆめへSTEP BY STEPmotto yumehe STEP BY STEPえがおがだいじですegaogadaijidesuやるじゃん!あしたはきっとyarujan ! ashitahakittoシアワセはなざかりshiawase hanazakariso many shining!so many shining!ナイスなキャラでnaisu na kyara deこころストレッチしてねkokoro sutorecchi shitenePretty DreamerPretty DreamerSo many smiling!So many smiling!メゲちゃダメだよmege cha dame dayoななころびやおきでまたnanakorobiyaokidemataドンマイ!ドンマイ!donmai ! donmai !ドジって へこんでdoji tte hekondeメソメソしたときはmesomeso shitatokihaミンナと ハシャイでminna to hashai deハジケてみようhajike temiyouきづけば ナミダはkidukeba namida haすっかりかわくからsukkarikawakukaraみ☆らい cool(Miracle)mi rai cool ( Miracle )ゆう☆あい feel(You I feel)yuu ai feel ( You I feel )かつ!all right! (Gut"s all right)だって→まずはLOVE&PEACE!datte mazuha LOVE&PEACE!いましかないんですimashikanaindesuマジじゃん! マジカルスィッチmaji jan ! majikarusuicchiそして→いつかDREAMS COME TRUEsoshiteitsuka DREAMS COME TRUEかんしゃがキメてですkanshaga kime tedesuジャンジャン!えいえんずっとjanjan ! eienzuttoヨロコビてんこもりyorokobi tenkomoriさがしてみつけてsagashitemitsuketeワクワクするようなwakuwaku suruyounaスペシャルしようのsupesharu shiyounoじぶんになろうjibunninarouときめくかずだけtokimekukazudake世界は光るからsekaiha hikarukaraあい☆かんdo!(I can do!)aikan do! ( I can do! )ゆう☆かん do!(You can do!)yuukan do! ( You can do! )もう☆れつ go!(More Let"s go!)やっぱ→いつもDO MY BEST!yappa itsumo DO MY BEST!それしかないんですsoreshikanaindesuいいじゃん!チェンジはチャンスiijan ! chienji ha chansuおちこんじゃいらんないochikonjairannaiもっと→ゆめへSTEP BY STEPmotto yumehe STEP BY STEPえがおがだいじですegaogadaijidesuやるじゃん!あしたはきっとyarujan ! ashitahakittoシアワセはなざかりshiawase hanazakariそして→いつかDREAMS COME TRUEsoshite itsuka DREAMS COME TRUEかんしゃがキメてですkanshaga kime tedesuジャンジャン!えいえんずっとjanjan ! eienzuttoヨロコビてんこもりyorokobi tenkomori


Intubation and assisted respiration will be required . 需要插管及辅助呼吸。 He was using his accessory muscles of respiration . 他在用呼吸辅助肌进行呼吸。 A 15-minute dose of red pght can double the previous respiration rate of the plants . 照射15分钟红光可使植物原来的呼吸速率提高一倍。 Shock and the problem of maintaining respiration when the pleura was opened remained to be solved . 对于休克和打开胸腔后如何保持呼吸的问题仍未得到解决。 on admission his temperature was 103°his pulse about 120, and his respiration about 25. 入院时他的体温是103(F),脉搏120次左右,呼吸25次左右。 Measurements using opaque bottles almost always reflect munity respiration, including bacterial, zooplanktonic, rather than just algal respiration . 用不透明瓶测定几乎总是反映出群落呼吸,包括细菌、浮游动物,而不仅仅是藻类的呼吸。 On respiration skill in vocapty teaching for *** s 论成人声乐教学中的呼吸训练 The air inhaled and exhaled in respiration 呼吸的空气在呼吸中吸入和呼出的空气 Respiration bees difficult at great heights 在很高的地方呼吸就变得困难了。 Respiration has no who and whose air , dry air 呼吸没有谁和谁的空气,干燥的空气。 She brought her to pfe by artificial respiration 她用人工呼吸使她恢复知觉。 Determination of intensity of forest soil respiration 森林土壤呼吸强度的测定 This has been termed the " respiration cpmacteric " 这已称之谓“呼吸转换” 。 Research of soil respiration for desert scrubland 柽柳和梭梭林地土壤呼吸研究 The leonurus can also excite the respiration center 中医研究,益母草性味辛苦、凉。 It was pke having my respiration immediately halted 他说莲花开得很好看。 If no respirations are detected , call for assistance 如无呼吸,寻求协助。 I " ll perform artificial respiration on the patient 我要给病人做人工呼吸。 Slow or abnormal respiration blood circulation 呼吸及血液循环缓慢或异常。 Experimental study on michaeps - menten type respiration model 型呼吸速率模型的实验研究 Development of a portable electrocardiogram and respiration monitor 呼吸监护系统的研制 Brief discussion on respiration apparatus 对旋主通风机调节性能的试验研究 The pfeguard revived the man by artificial respiration 救生员通过人工呼吸救活了那个人。 Function of airways ; artificial respiration 呼吸道的功能;人工呼吸。 A review of tree root respiration : significance and methodologies 林木根呼吸及测定方法进展 Automatic respiration function *** yzing system 呼吸功能自动分析仪 Artificial respiration did it and a few boy scout tricks 人工呼吸真的有用还有点童子军的窍门 Studies on mycepal respiration of several kinds of edible fungi 几种食用菌菌丝呼吸生理的研究 Called , fabric , morapty , you , draw , respiration 阿布德尔拉哈 The lungs are organs for respiration 肺部是负责呼吸的器官。 Compare respirations and breath sounds with previous findings 将本次呼吸与呼吸音与前次检查结果相对照。 Effects of soil paction on soil respiration in the forest land 林地土壤压实对土壤呼吸影响的数学模型研究 International journal of respiration 国际呼吸杂志 His respiration and color are good and he " s responding to low - level stimup 他呼吸平稳,脸色红润,对外界有反映 Respiration synchronizing adapter 同步呼吸接合器 Ecg and respiration simulator 心电图和呼吸模拟器 Enhance the function of respiration . 3 . boost the function of bodys immunity 本品为浅黄色的粉末气香,味微甜。 Effect of different herbages on soil respiration in agropastoral region 不同牧草对农牧交错带土壤呼吸作用的效应研究 Wheat , respiration , horse , morapty 麦哈马德 Respiration rate module 呼吸率测定显示组件 Cardiac respiration monitor 心脏呼吸监测器 Respiration , you , negation , girl 哈尔莫妮 For asphyziation , apply artificial respiration until the patient is dead 有人窒息怎么办?就实行人工呼吸,直到病人死去 Respiration - apnae monitor 呼吸窒息监护仪 Slow noisy respiration 呼吸慢及有鼾声。 Soil quapty - laboratory methods for determination of microbial soil respiration 土质.微生物土壤呼吸性测定的实验室方法 Fabric , draw , respiration , mu 布拉哈姆 Respiration , horse , morapty 穆哈马德 Sould pulse and respiration be taken while the temperature is being taken 学生:我们测量体温时,是否还要测量脉搏和呼吸? Gets muscles loose and warm and gradually increases heart and respiration 肌肉得到放松和变暖,并逐步增强心脏和呼吸功能。

3070中power supply is not present是什么原因?

power supply is not present.这句话的意思是,一般需要用到电源适配器供电的产品,但在销售的包装中没有配电源适配器,需要购买者自己配备合适的电源适配器。

Presburger arithmetic是什么意思 《欧路词典》英汉

预膨胀算术预报算术是自然数的一阶理论,加法,以荣誉Moju017ceszPresburger为名,他在1929年介绍了它。Presburger算法的签名只包含加法运算和相等,完全省略乘法运算。 公理包括归纳方案。预饱和算术比Peano算术弱得多,包括加法运算和乘法运算。 与Peano算术不同,Presburger算术是一个可判定的理论。 这意味着,对于Presburger算术语言中的任何句子,可以算法地确定该句子是否可以从Presburger算术的公理证明。 Fischer&Rabin(1974)所示,这个决策问题的渐近运行时运算复杂度是双指数的。Presburger arithmeticPresburger arithmetic is the first-order theory of the natural numbers with addition, named in honor of Moju017cesz Presburger, who introduced it in 1929. The signature of Presburger arithmetic contains only the addition operation and equality, omitting the multiplication operation entirely. The axioms include a schema of induction.Presburger arithmetic is much weaker than Peano arithmetic, which includes both addition and multiplication operations. Unlike Peano arithmetic, Presburger arithmetic is a decidable theory. This means it is possible to algorithmically determine, for any sentence in the language of Presburger arithmetic, whether that sentence is provable from the axioms of Presburger arithmetic. The asymptotic running-time computational complexity of this decision problem is doubly exponential, however, as shown by Fischer & Rabin (1974).

research assistant professor和 assistant professor有什么区别

在香港,前者没有自己独立的实验室,grant少,主要还是用他们自己老板的经费。可以带学生,自己也要做一点试验。 后者可以有自己独立的实验室。一般不自己做实验,可以带学生。grant稍多

arithmetic progression是什么意思


香港中文大学research assistant和博后,有什么区别

我刚从香港中文大学回来:research assistant 就是内地所谓的助教,一般是professor的研究生,偶尔也可以是低级别博士后或者短期访问学者,薪资≤全奖博士生;research associate 即较正式的博士后 或聘期较长的访问学者,一般以项目主导,薪资约为全奖博士生的1.3~2倍;

请问research Associate和Research Assistant有什么不同啊

名称无所谓,不同国家,甚至同一个国家的不同机构称谓都会不同。关键是看,其所做工作的份量及承担的责任。 比如说有家研究所: 几年前,research associate 就是博后的样子;research fellow 是博后满三年(大概)留所后相对固定的职位。 现在,research associate 依旧,research fellow名称改 research scientist了,而以前的本科或硕士毕业叫research officer的,却改叫research fellow了,呵呵 research scientist 常常比 assistant professor的位置要低。senior research scientist 大概可以到学校拿个assistant professor的位置, 但不确定,因为后者对背景的要求很高,而且是走faculty路线的。 但是,也有很多research scientist 到某些学校拿个ajunct assistant professor 啥的(senior 就拿ajunct associate professor, 呵呵),不过感觉比较水,ajunct就以为着文章成果大家分,何乐而不为呢?要真做assistant professor 了,就会动真格了 另外的研究所, post-doctor fellow, research fellow, research engineer 都是博后的叫法。不过,research engineer 有点区分不清:本科,硕士,甚至博后留所后也有继续叫research engineer 的。 research associate/scientist, senior research scientist都可以带博士生的,但都是替老板(有faculty身份的)带。

ACCA F8 test in detail and analytical procedures

ACCA F8 test in detail and analytical proceduresACCA F8详细测试和分析程序

analytical procedures是什么意思

analytical procedure [释义] [计]分析方法[步骤] ;[例句]Optimized Inversion Analytical Procedure with Mixed Model for Dam"s Mechanics Parameters and Its Application坝体力学参数的混合模型优化反演法及其应用

海马翻译 email address, contact person


Military Research Letter是什么意思

Military Research Letter军事研究通讯Letter信双语对照词典结果:Letter[医]左旋甲状腺素钠(levothyroxine soue011ue008dium)ue009制剂的商品名; [人名] 莱特; [地名] [爱尔兰、德国] 莱特; 易混淆单词:letter例句:1.I wrote a letter to helen this week. 我这周给海伦写了一封信。

there is an interesting movie,it is()comedy.答案为什么是a?我认为应该不填的

为什么不填呢?你总得有个理由吧. 首先comed是个名词对吧,如果comedy是个形容词,那毋庸置疑,肯定不需要填,但是名字的时候,还有一种情况就是不可数名词可以不填冠词a /an.这里代表是一部喜剧片.comedy是可数名词,为什么不加a呢

Buckingham Palace hosts exhibition of the dresses for the Queen中的图片上ER是什么意思

Elizabeth Regina 伊丽莎白二世 Elizabeth Regina是其中一个女王的名字,指的是伊丽莎白女王二世也就是 Queen Elizabeth ll

路由器上serial number,mac address,pin三个哪个是用户名哪个是密码?


路由器后面的serial number,mac address,pin分别是什么意思,有什么用?

SN.路由器的SN号 没啥用mac:路由器的物理地址 世界唯一的一个物理地址pin: 路由器的PIN码 开启wds可以使用pin码登录路由器。

wordpress dux主题 在哪里设置这四个链接 “显示文字”

使用firbug查看一下是哪个css属性导致不居中的。。 应该是你这个页面中的载入的css文件中包含的css样式规则导致出现这个问题。。 仔细排查一下




你对我一直特别的好,每个人的情感之路都不是很顺利的,但是我相信我们可以白头偕老 P.S 这话有点qinglish的感觉




restriction:约束, 限制.restraint:抑制,克制.区别:前者强调客观条件的限制,后者强调主动有意识地克制。例句:The park is open to the public without restriction.这个公园对公众开放, 没有任何限制。His affections were kept under continual restraint.他的感情一直受到压抑。

interest is payable quarterly in arrears.是什么意思

interest is payable quarterly in arrears拖欠季度支付利息

Congressional Quarterly意思

Congressional Quarterly(美国的)《国会季刊》

respect old people and help them怎么读


垃圾的同义词 LESE 还是rouse 还是rese 还是rousou 还是lousou 还是louse 。。。反正就是这个意思

residue 残渣,剩余物质

Address Nickname是什么意思

Address Nickname地址的昵称双语对照例句:1.Please leave your nickname and email address. 请留下你的昵称和电子邮件地址。2.For servers requiring authentication, remember your usernameis now your email address, not your nickname. 对于需要认证的服务器,请记得您的用户名现在是您的email地址,而不是您的昵称

Address Nickname是什么意思

Address-Nick-name地址昵称关键词双语例句1. I thought of all this and wanted to call its nick - name. 不知怎么的,一想到这些,我还是愿意叫它的小名.来自汉英文学 - 现代散文312. My fairytale is a nick name of the reality. 过一阵就好.应该是什么事放不开吧.来自互联网13. Some info of the Applicant will be released: Nick Name , Vehicle model, ICQ ,Email address only. 申请人将会有部份资料会被公开: 如简称 、 汽车型号 、 ICQ 、 电邮等.来自互联网34. Requirement: Every send word be restricted 100 words less than, keep clearbilateral address, full name. 要求: 每条寄语限100字以内, 写清双方地址 、 姓名.来自互联网5. Scan LAN for all machines, including IP address, host name and so on. 扫描局域网内的所有机器信息, 包括IP地址 、 主机名等.来自互联网6. He gave me his doctors address and name and told me to register astemporary resident. 他给我他的医生的地址及名字,并叫我进行临时的居住登记.来自互联网7. He took my name and address, scribbling it down in his notebook. 他要了我的姓名和地址,匆匆写在他的笔记本上。来自柯林斯例句448. The name and address are written in capitals. 姓名和地址是大写的。来自柯林斯例句119. What"s your name and address ? 你的姓名、住址?来自《权威词典》10. Will you oblige me with your name and address? 敬请赐告你的姓名和地址好 吗 ?来自《简明英汉词典》345请采纳~

什么是Address Nickname

Address是地址,Nickname是昵称。Address Nickname就是地址的昵称,比如home家,office办公室,school学校等等

address nickname是什么意思

address nickname称呼昵称 拼音 双语对照 双语例句1Sort address book entries by nickname Sue is a diminutive of Susan. 按昵称排序通讯录条目Sue是Susan的亲昵称呼。

refreshment 是点心 snack是快餐 小吃 对吗??

对啊 不是问了一遍了吗????

the login time exceeds the system preset time ,please login again 是什么意思


ansys运算中,出现警告: Coefficient ratio exceeds 1.0e8 - Check results. 请问是什么意思啊!


在索尼官网发现Capture One Express 这软件怎么样


在索尼官网发现Capture One Express 这软件怎么样

SONY与Phase One合作的一款软件,针对于SONY用户提供了的SONY版,用来处理SONY相机拍摄RAW格式文件。 也提供SONY专业版,价格大概在200元,这款软件的完整专业版价格在2000不到 的SONY版以及可以满足日常的RAW格式相片处理,修饰的功能

英语作文How to protect Rainforest




有人知道有关于rainforest 的诗歌?

animal in the rainforest

Life in the Rainforest It is believed that over 50% of the world"s species of plants and animals are found in the rainforest. Amazingly only cover 6 - 7% of the total land surface on Earth is covered by rainforest. On average there are beeen 20 to 80 different species of trees per acre. There is also a wide variety of animal life found in the rainforest. Many of the animals have special adaptations that allow them to live in the tropical conditions but they would not survive outside of this ecosystem. These animals include but are not limited to Touc Parrots Resplendant Quetzals Sloths Orangut Gorillas Queen Alexandra Birdwing Butterflies and Lemurs. There are also indigenous cultures of people that live in and depend on the rainforest. Some of the tribes that can be found here include the Yanomami and Kayapo tribes of the Amazon the Huli of Papau New Guinea and the Pygmies of Central Africa. Some tribes have had little if any contact with outside civilizations while others seek to legally protect the lands on which they live. These cultures have adapted to the conditions of the rainforest and have a deep understanding of the ecosystem. They often have knowledge of medicinal herbs and plants and understand how to cultivate rainforest land without upsetting the balance of nutrients in the soils. Deforestation Much of the world"s rainforest has been severely impacted by human activities. These activities usually include deforestation for the purposes of logging growing crops urban settlement or raising farm animals such as cattle. As the population of the world continues to increase the amount of deforestation of the rainforest may also continue to rise. Unfortunately we are losing many species of plants and animals found in the rainforest due to these activities. Potential medicines that have not even been discovered yet may be at risk of never being found due to deforestation. Many rainforest animals are endangered due to these activities. Cultures of indigenous peoples are also at risk of losing their way of life. There are currently many anizations working to protect the rainforest. Some of them include the Rainforest Alliance The Nature Conservancy and the Rainforest Action Neork. These sites provide information on ways we can all help to conserve one of the world"s most valuable and endangered ecosystems. Summary The rainforest is a vital lifeline of Earth as well as one of the most unique ecosystems of our pla. It contains a wide variety of plants animals and people and all are important to the balance of nature. While it is not too late to save the rainforest ecosystems of the world there is still much work to be done if we will succeed in protecting this valuable resource. 参考: rainforestanimals/rainforest


jungle强调热带植被(tropical vegetation)及植被的繁茂杂乱。jungle通常是指热带雨林(tropical jungle)rainforest就是指 雨林
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