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Address line 1和line 2 怎么写?

Line 1 - Room 204, Building 8, Yueliangwan QingshuijiayuanLine 2 -Intersection of Linquan East Road and Langxi Road ,Hefei, Anhui, China



how to make a good impression in a job interview?

How to make a good impression at interviewsMost of us find interviews more daunting than root canal treatment. An interview is like a sales pitch and the commodity on sale is you. Here are a few tips to help you clinch the dealMonday October 7, to wearFirst impressions count.Nearly seven in 10 female interviewers say that a woman"s appearance is just as important as what she says in the interview.Do some reconnaissance before choosing what to wear.Check out what your potential colleagues are wearing and go one step smarter - employers like to recruit people like them. Saville Row booted and suited may not be appropriate for a job at a creative business, but the interviewer will expect you to dress smartly.SuitMost interviewers expect both sexes to wear suits.· Go for clean-cut, three-buttoned classics in subdued colours such as charcoal grey.· Avoid the shoulder-enhanced power suit, especially in bright colours, unless you are Joan Collins.ShirtYou"ll need one, or a blouse to compliment that suit. According to Europe"s largest image consultancy the colour of your shirt will have a psychological effect on you and the interviewer.· Pink: If you are a woman it says you"re unimportant and lacking confidence. Icy pinks on a man, however, give an air of success and confidence. Shocking pink is definitely not management material.· Red: Signals that you are exciting, upbeat and confident. But it can also indicate a domineering, bossy and threatening personality.· Blue: Indicates a peaceful, trustworthy and thoughtful person. Mid to pale blues give a reliable and methodical air.· White: Classic, futuristic and optimistic. Wear with charcoal grey suit for aura of maximum authority.· Lilac: It makes you stand out from the crowd. It indicates a confident individual who is diplomatic, selfless and creative.· Yellow: The least business-like option. It can give the impression that you are impulsive.· Green: Gives the impression of being predictable and stubborn.ShoesThose vintage Pumas may be comfortable and complement that urban schtick, but they are a no-no.· Clean, polished, sensible black shoes only.· Grandiose boots on either sex are frowned upon, so are excessively priapic heals.Hygiene and groomingEven if you are the sartorial embodiment of the perfect candidate, this can let you down.· Both sexes should be clean-shaven, hair neatly cut and clean, and fingernails spotless.· Avoid overpowering perfumes and aftershaves - ventilation in the interview room may not be able to cope.Make-upSubdued is what they want, sadly. You can"t go wrong with the natural look.· Avoid excessively bright red lipstick or other startling colours. No 70s sparkly disco eye shadow either.· Make-up that looks like it has been applied with a trowel will only confuse the interviewer - are you a Divine lookalike or the best candidate for the job?Bag· Leave the rucksack, plastic bag and spangly go-go clutch bag at home.· Smart, chic and compact - but big enough to accommodate your CV and an A to Z.Definite sartorial no-nos· Avoid too many gold chains and rings.· Remove facial piercings.· Don"t be tempted by comical socks and ties.TimingNone of the above will help if you arrive late. To a recruiter this equates to a potentially tardy employee.· Aim to get to your interview half an hour early. It may be the most anxious 30 minutes wait in your life, but a nervous candidate is better than a late one.· Research your route and check parking availability or the whereabouts of the nearest station. Work out how long it will take to get to the office, and always allow extra time for delays.

surge arrester是什么意思


And the air is fresh—far more so than in air-conditioned buildings, where up to 30% of the air


《Man Pastand Present》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Man, Past and Present》(Keane, Augustus Henry)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: cqkk书名:Man, Past and Present作者:Keane, Augustus Henry出版年份:2012-7页数:224内容简介:Published in 1920, this volume puts forward a view of humanity based upon racial categorisation and taxonomy. Racial groups are analysed in terms of culture, geographical location, physiology, and temperament in order to reach conclusions regarding their innate characteristics. The text has value as a historical source reflecting, as it does, the prejudices of the time in which it was written. It also provides an insight into the ethnographical approach and the colonial mindset. Hingston Quiggin and Haddon extensively revised this edition from the original 1899 text written by Keane, reflecting the high level of interest in ethnography during the period. It will provide a useful resource for anyone with an interest in the history of anthropology and the colonial period.



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餐厅 常用释义[英] [ˈrɛst(ə)rɒnt][美] [ˈrɛstəˌrɑnt]; 饭馆[例句]I ventured into the new Korean restaurant with some equally nescient companions.我和一些与我一样无知的同伴壮着胆子走进了那家新开的朝鲜餐馆。[变形]复数:restaurants


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Rescue Me!的动画版声优

水谷正行:逢坂良太  清水沙耶香:野村真悠华  篁结花:高森奈津美  小园杏奈:松本福美  高木麻衣:三宅麻理惠

TokioHotel的rescue me

Rescue Me拯救我This used to be our secret这过去一向是我们的秘密Now I"m hiding here alone我现在只是独自躲在这儿Can"t help but read our names on the wall没有任何作用 但读著我们在墙上的名字And wash them off the stone之後把它们从石头上抹去I trusted you in every way我以各种方法去相信著你But not enough to make you stay但不足够令你留下Turn around回过头I"ve lost my ground我已失去我的价值Come and rescue me来拯救我I"m burning, can"t you see?我正燃烧著 你看不见吗?Come and rescue me来拯救我Only you can set me free只有你能让我自由Come and rescue me来拯救我Rescue me拯救我Rescue me拯救我You lied when we were dreaming当我们做梦时 我们都说谎Our crying was just fake我们的哭泣是虚假的I wish you could deny it我希望你可以否认Hearing today今天听著My S.O.S. on radio我在收音机上的S.O.SThe only chance to let you know唯一机会 可以让你知道What I feel我的感觉Can you hear?你听到吗?*reaptCome and rescue me来拯救我I"m burning, can"t you see?我正燃烧著 你看不见吗?The walls are coming closer墙正逐渐逼紧My senses fade away我的意识正消逝I"m haunted by your shadow我被你的影子缠扰著I reach to feel your faith我尝试感受你的信任You"re not here你并不在这儿Are you here?你在这儿吗?Come and rescue meRescue me来拯救我拯救我*reapt 【很喜欢鳖唱这首歌的口吻。。】

Rescue Me

Linda Ronstadt的《Rescue Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Rescue Me歌手:Linda Ronstadt专辑:Linda RonstadtRESCUE作词:ECO

Geoff Moore And The Distance的《Rescue Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Rescue Me歌手:Geoff Moore And The Distance专辑:The Early Years-G. MooreRESCUE作词:ECO

Rescue Me-Esmee Denters

歌词:Yeah...OoohI can never be without youYou are my pride and joyI dont have to hold back but I knowThat you ll always be beside meWhen I start getting coldWhen I really need someoneOh-OoohThere aint no substituteThere aint no way to loveCause no matter what I doYou come to my rescueI was stronger take it on girlBut when I get it wrongYou come to my rescueI test you but you always rescue meI was stronger take it on girlBut when I slip and fallYou come to my rescueYou rescue yeah you always rescue meIm there for youYoure there for meI ll rescue youYou rescue meIm there for youYoure there for meI ll rescue youYou rescue me (you rescue me)You know my wings are brokenYou show me how to flyWhat about I hit the bottomYou lift me upI never have to worryCause you put your arms around meOh you always make it betterThere aint no substitute (there aint no substitute)There aint no way to loveCause no matter what I do (what I do)You come to my rescueI was stronger take it on girl (take it on girl)But when I get it wrongYou come to my rescueI test you but you always rescue me (you always rescue me)I was stronger take it on girlBut when I slip and fallYou come to my rescueYou rescue yeah you always rescue me (you always rescue me)You catch me (you catch me)Dont drop meJust hold me hold me (hold me)YeahhNo one knows me (no one knows me)Quite like you know me know meIm there for youYoure there for meI ll rescue youYou rescue meIm there for youYoure there for meI ll rescue youYou rescue meI was stronger take it on girlBut when I get it wrongYou come to my rescueI test you but you always rescue meI was stronger take it on girl (girl)But when I slip and fall(Yeah when I slip and fall)You come to my rescueYou rescue yeah you always rescue meI was stronger take it on girl(I was stronger take it on girl)But when I get it wrongYou come to my rescueI test you but you always rescue me(I was stronger take it on girl) 下载地址百度不显示啊……我给你发消息吧……

Rescue Me (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Rescue Me (Album Version)歌手:al b. sure!专辑:Rhino Hi-Five: Al B. Sure!RESCUE作词:ECO

Rescue Me (1999 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Rescue Me (1999 Digital Remaster)歌手:Bryan Ferry专辑:TaxiRESCUE作词:ECO

mink的RESCUE ME 的英文版歌词

我还想要《here by my side》的英文版的下载和歌词呢..

Run Kid Run 的Rescue me的歌词


Adam Watts的《Rescue Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Rescue Me歌手:Adam Watts专辑:The Noise InsideRESCUE作词:ECO

《rescue me》这部动漫的百度云资源


谁来拯救草食系男子,Rescue ME,OVA全1话


漫画。 动漫。 Rescue Me! 名字又叫做(れすきゅー


mink RESCUE ME 英文版 歌词

Lyrics by: Katherine Darnell What do you do when you"re scared inside? When all of your feelings just seem to collide Emotions just seem to let go All of your tears always follow All of these things that you"re feeling deep down And you realize that you"re calling out loud Chorus I love Thee Rescue me Shine your light lead me home Lord, all I need is your love I love Thee Rescue me Shine your light lead me home Lord, all I need is your love Rescue me, rescue me What do you do when the path leads nowhere? When you need someone to be there Now you"re afraid of what"s gonna come And now there"s nowhere to run All of these things that you"re feeling deep down Then you realize that you"re calling out loud Chorus Bridge Oh it"s love"s sweet salvation With Christ the Blessed Lamb We can get through anything as long as it"s you and me Repeat Chorus

you rescue me 歌词

tokio hotel---rescue me This used to be our secret 这曾经是我们的秘密 Now I"m hiding here alone 现在我一个人藏在这里 Can"t help but read our names on the wall 情不自禁地念着写在墙上的我们的名字 And wash them off the stone 然后把它们洗去 I trusted you in every way 我曾是那么无条件的相信你 But not enough to make you stay 但是还是不够让你留下来 Turn around 转身 I"ve lost my ground 我失去了自己的重心 Come and rescue me 来拯救我 I"m burning can"t you see? 我正在燃尽,你看不到吗? Come and rescue me 来拯救我 Only you can set me free 只有你能让我自由 Come and rescue me 来拯救我 Rescue me 救救我 Rescue me 救救我 We lied when we were dreaming 我们曾躺在一起做梦 Our crying was just fake 我们的哭泣都是假的 I wish you could deny it 我希望你能否认 Here and today 在这里,在今天 My S.O.S on radio 我的求救信号从广播里放出 The only chance to let you know 这是唯一让你听到的机会 What I fear 我害怕什么 Can you hear? 你能不能听到? Come and rescue me I am burning can"t you see? Come and rescue me Only you can set me free Come and rescue me Rescue me (这段和上面是一样的) You and me 你和我 You and me You and me The walls are coming closer 我的空间越来越挤 My senses fade away 我的知觉也在慢慢失去 I"m haunted by your shadow 你的身影萦绕着我 I reached to feel your face 我伸出手去,只想感觉到在摸你的脸 You"re not here 你不在这里 Are you here? 你在吗? Come and rescue me Rescue me Come and rescue me I"m burning can"t you see? Come and rescue me Only you can set me free Come and rescue me Rescue me You and me You and me Rescue me You and me Set me free Rescue me... (这段还是和上面的一样)

Fontella Bass的《Rescue Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Rescue Me歌手:Fontella Bass专辑:Very Best OfAll alone and I"m feeling wanted Try to wait but my body"s calling, you"re the one so why don"t you come and rescue me, I"ll be here while you on your way, counting down till I see your face, hurry up cause I love the way you rescue me. Now your"re here, come on out, the rain soaking wet body glistening, finally we could do something so rescue me, Can"t believe how it"s going down, I"m so obsessed with this love I found it got my head spinning round and round just rescue me. All night long Take me away to another place, rescue me save me, save me save me all night long Take me away to another place rescue me Save me, save me, save me I come alive when I feel your thouch and I can drown In this pool of love, you could get what I"m thinking of Come rescue me, what you think couldn"t be replaced if you were gone I would find a way to get you back, cause I love the way you rescue me, laying here with you in the dark I always knew you could shift my heart, when I"m with you I don"t want to stop so rescue me, only you can fulfill my need take me away from this agony, I want to live out my fantasy just rescue me.[Chorus 4x

Every Little Thing的《Rescue Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Rescue Me歌手:Every Little Thing专辑:EternityRescue me作词者名 五十岚充作曲者名 五十岚充今日も街に出て见栄の张り合い彼の自慢话全て割りきりが肝心だねってかなり気楽主义でしょ彼のまえでは建て前のダイエットTVニュースは无関心そろそろ私ヤバイかな?优しい男なら他にたくさんいるしルックス重视なら爱想笑いでGet youめざといフリをして本当はいくじなしの淋しがり屋だからそんな私をRescue meいつか梦见てる庭付きマイホームとか外车だとか…地味に生きれない理想だけはいつでも一人前で卒业したら就职一人暮らし食事は外で済ますからキッチン道具はいらないいつか结婚して子供できたとしたら近所のオバサンと呼ばれる日がくるのドラマとは违うね梦に描く恋爱ほど远い幸せ亲のためにはいい子でいられるように努力をしても空回り期待に応えられないの复雑な社会に大人はこき使われいらない教养と知识におぼれている纯粋な心は忘れずにいたいからどうか见舍てないでねそんな时代にRescue me

teedra moses的《rescue me》 歌词

歌曲名:rescue me歌手:teedra moses专辑:Complex SimplicityThis poor heart of mineStill feel I can findA love to call my ownI gave him good loveMade him feel like a manNow I need someone newAnd I want someone like youHe will (Come and) Rescue meI know one day he"ll come for meHe will (Come and) Save meAnd i"m waiting and I"m waitingHe aint gotta be no gansta (gansta)He aint gotta be no balla (balla)Cause baby if we strugglinI"t"s alright with me if your by my sideMe for you andYou for meA simple kind of love lifeI"ve always dreamed ofWant someone to come into my life and truly rescue meFrom the pain that a love selfishly has left with meI need lovin I need love if nothin elseBaby if your out there holla backOooooohhhhhooooooHe will (he will come and) Rescue me (rescue me)I know one day he"ll come for meHe will (baby I"m waiting, waiting for you) Save me (save me)

Rescue Me的歌词 和中文翻译

Rescue MeThis used to be our secretNow I"m hiding here aloneCan"t help but read our names on the wallAnd wash them off the stoneI trusted you in every wayBut not enough to make you stayTurn aroundI"ve lost my groundCome and rescue meI"m burning, can"t you see?Come and rescue meOnly you can set me freeCome and rescue meRescue meRescue meYou lied when we were dreamingOur crying was just fakeI wish you could deny itHearing todayMy S.O.S. on radioThe only chance to let you knowWhat I feelCan you hear?Come and rescue meI"m burning, can"t you see?Come and rescue meOnly you can set me freeCome and rescue meRescue meYou and meYou and meYou and meThe walls are coming closerMy senses fade awayI"m haunted by your shadowI reach to feel your faithYou"re not hereAre you here?Come and rescue meRescue meCome and rescue meI"m burning, can"t you see?Come and rescue meOnly you can set me freeCome and rescue meRescue meRescue me拯救我(Rescue Me)这过去一向是我们的秘密我现在只是独自躲在这儿没有任何作用 但读著我们在墙上的名字之後把它们从石头上抹去我以各种方法去相信著你但不足够令你留下回过头我已失去我的价值来拯救我我正燃烧著 你看不见吗?来拯救我只有你能让我自由来拯救我拯救我拯救我当我们做梦时 我们都说谎我们的哭泣是虚假的我希望你可以否认今天听著我在收音机上的S.O.S唯一机会 可以让你知道我的感觉你听到吗?来拯救我我正燃烧著 你看不见吗?来拯救我只有你能让我自由来拯救我拯救我拯救我墙正逐渐逼紧我的意识正消逝我被你的影子缠扰著我尝试感受你的信任你并不在这儿你在这儿吗?来拯救我拯救我来拯救我我正燃烧著 你看不见吗?来拯救我只有你能让我自由来拯救我拯救我拯救我

tyketto的《rescue me》 歌词

歌曲名:rescue me歌手:tyketto专辑:strength in numbers(D. Vaughn, M. Clayton, B. St.James)Had to write this letter to you, "cause this emptiness won"t go awayEvery day I shoot for something, sometimes I"m running from the ricochetWhen the pressure gets too high, I like to think about you standing by my sideTykettoSaying, "And I need to hear you call my name, and I"m begging you to sing"Chorus:Wouldn"t you sing for me one time?Wouldn"t you try to look my way and rescue me (rescue me)Wouldn"t you sing me just one lineWouldn"t you try to touch my hand and rescue me, rescue me, yeah yeah, yeahGot the letter late one morning, every word I read was ringing trueIt could have well been me talking, I know how tough it gets out there, I doAnd you were saying:"And I need to hear you call my name, it makes me feel I could do anythingAnd I need to know you feel the same, and I"m begging you to sing"(chorus) - whoo!(Solo)(chorus repeats 2x...)

RESCUE ME 谁来拯救草食系男子

《谁来拯救草食系男子》资源已分享到你的百度云 羊驼之kami

cargo reservation是什么意思

cargo reservation 英[u02c8kɑ:ɡu0259u u02ccrezu0259u02c8veiu0283u0259n] 美[u02c8kɑrɡo u02ccru025bzu025au02c8veu0283u0259n] [词典] 货运保留; [例句]International cargo business practices the reservation of title system also to play the extremely vital role.国际货物买卖实践中所有权保留制度也起着十分重要的作用。

reservation fee是什么意思

reservation fee预约费; 定金双语例句 权威例句1.Keep every last confirmation number, arrival time, and prepaid reservation feestraight. 保存每一个预约号、到达时间以及预订预约费。2.Those who booked earlier cannot take advantage of the additional discount, thecompany said, unless they cancel their original reservation and pay the cancellationfee. 该公司表示,早前预订的用户不能享受额外的折扣,除非他们取消原先订单,支付100美元取消预订费。

预订部联系电话用英文怎么说? 不用booking表示,要和reservation有关的单词

如果是完整翻译,上面各位已经给你答案了,如果是用作企业宣传,应该这样写 广告宣传 for reservation,please call xxxxxx 传单具体部门分类 Reservation Service:xxxxxx Customer Service:xxxxxxx

Have you make reservation?还是 make a reservation?

Have you made a reservation? 或者:Have you made the reservation? 你预定了吗?(这个是讲预定的动作,如果还没有的话,赶紧定) Do you have a reservation? 你有预定吗?(这个是旅馆的服务员问顾客)

with reservation是什么意思

with reservation1.有保留地;有条件地2.【法律】保留权益The news commentator analyzed the situation with reservation. 新闻评述员有所保留地分析了那情况。

indian reservation是什么意思

indian reservation印第安人保留地;印地安人保留区;例如:An educator who began her career in 1974 teaching reading on a Montana Indian reservation, she has enjoyed the ultimate in field trips.作为一位1974年开始在蒙大拿印第安居留地教授阅读的教育工作者,她享受最大程度的实地考察旅行。Unemployment on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation fluctuates between 85 and 90 percent.松岭印第安人保留地的失业率一直高达百分之八十五甚至百分之九十。

make a reservation是什么意思


reservation agreement 什么意思

reservation agreement预订协议

reservation confirmation是什么意思

确认预订I presented the reservation confirmation number and was asked for my credit card.

hotel reservation是什么意思

hotel reservation [英]hu0259uu02c8tel u02ccrezu0259u02c8veiu0283u0259n [美]hou02c8tu025bl u02ccru025bzu025au02c8veu0283u0259n [计]旅馆预定 [例句]Flight ticket reservation and transit hotel reservation.飞机票预定和过境酒店预订.


reservation sounds more formal,

reservation number是什么意思

reservation number网络予约番号; 预约号码; 预定号; 预约号; 订票号双语例句1Let me see. Oh, yes, we have your reservation number.让我查查。噢,是的,我们有你们的预订号码。2Did you receive a reservation number at that time?那个时候你收到预约号了吗?

reservation number是什么意思



Have a reservation 可以理解为是预定(座位) Have made a reservation他的时态是现在完成时,表示的是已经定了座位前者强调的是,预定后者强调的是已经预定了

reservation for

【reservation for】固定词组搭配,【预定...】 试比较用【for】和【at】的区别 【I would like to make a dinner reservation for 8:00】 我想订8点钟那时候的晚餐. 【I would like to make a dinner reservation at 8:00.】我想在8点钟的时候预定晚餐.

book 和 reservation有什么区别 还有那些预定 有什么区别呢 语法和意思 举例子

book 和 reservation都有‘预定"的意思.book侧重于登记记帐的预定 I want to book a book.我想订一本书.reservation侧重于保留下来的预定I can confirm the reservation for you.我可以为您预订的.


1.preservation: 当一样东西被保留在原始或良好的状态时使用 ep:the preservation of our culture heritage 当情况持续,保持不变时使用 ep:the preservation of peace in the regin 2.reservation 当你要酒店饭店为你保留一个位子时使用(预定) ep:a dinner reservation 当你有保留意见时使用 ep:I had serious reservation about his visit to Ireland 3.conservation,preservation 可互用


book侧重于登记记帐的预定 I want to book a book. 我想订一本书. reservation侧重于保留下来的预定 I can confirm the reservation for you. 我可以为您预订的


前者是动词,后者是名词.reserve 预定[约]; 租定(座位, 房间等)book 预定,定(房间、车票等)will book a hotel room; 预定旅馆房间;bespoken merchandise; 订货;engaged a box for the opera season; 为歌剧节预定个包厢;reserving a table at a restaurant. 在餐厅订张桌子 各种预定的侧重不同!

田村由加莉 《神样Rescue me》罗马音 要有顿句的间隔 谢啦

神様Rescue me!! - 田村由加莉 词:松井五郎 曲:小松一也音译:OnoKana/OnoSakurago なんか変だな na n ka hen da naそわそわと so wa so wa to胸のまんなか mune no ma n na kaふわふわと so wa so wa toはやまって ha ya ma tteはじまった ha ji ma tta思いもかけない微热だぞ omoi mo ka ke na i binetsu da zo彼のウワサにいらいらと kano u wa sa ni i ra i ra to妙にさみしいくらくらとmyou ni chi mi shi i ku ra ku ra to どうなっちゃった? do u na tcha ttaときめきのUnbelievable to ki me ki no UNBELIEVAVLE突然のさよならは totsuzen no sa yo na ra wa私から决めたことでした watashi ka ra ki me ta ko to de shi taなのに离れた途端になぜかna no ni hanare ta totan ni na ze ka JealousyとStressとRegret JEALOUSY to STRESS to REGRETわがままな だってOnly you wa ga ma ma na da tte ONLY YOUいまだって i ma da tte好きだってsuki da tte 言いたいけどi i ta i ke do まちがって ma chi ga tte散らかった chi ra ka tta恋のかけら koi no ka ke ra颜を见てもkao wo mi te mo 目をそらしたり me wo so ra shi ta riそうよわざと他の人と so u yo wa za to hokano hito to仲良くしてみたり nakayo ku shi te mi ta riいつだって i tsu da tte好きだってsuki da tte 思ってるほど omo tte ru ho do落ち込んで ochiko n de伤ついてkizu tsu i te 立ち直れない tachinao re nai神様 お愿いですkamisama onegai de su この思い ko no omoiこの迷い ko no mayoiこの愿い ko no neigaiRescue me!!RESCUE ME 思い出ばかり omoide ba ka riもやもやと mo ya mo ya toぬくもりまでが nu ku mo ri ma de gaざわざわと za wa za wa toへっこんで he kko n de気がついた ki ga tsu i ta 未だに効いてる媚薬だぞimadani ki i te ru biyaku da zo 悪い予感がじりじりと waru i yokan ga ji ri ji ri to次の彼女にきりきりとtsugi no kanojo ni ki ri ki ri to どうなっちゃうの? do u na tcha u no止まらないAmbivalence to ma ra nai AMBIVALENCE运命は悪戯に ummei wa itazura ni私たちもてあそぶのです watashi ta chi mo te a so bu no de suふたりひとつの梦を见たのに fu ta ri hi to tsu no yume wo mi ta no ni背をむけてsei wo mu ke te 立ち止り 追いかけて tachi toma ri o i ka ke te気がついた ki ga tsu i taずっとOnly you zu tto ONLY YOUいまだって ima da tte好きだって suki da tte言いたいけど i i ta i ke do羽ばたいて ha ba ta i te逃げちゃった 恋の翼 nige cha tta koi no tsu ba sa戻れるなら moto re ru na raあの日あの时 ano hi ano toki全部なしにできるのなら zembu na shi ni de ki ru no na raRe-takeしてみたい RE-TAKE shi te mi taiいつだって itsu da tte好きだって suki da tte思ってるから omo tte ru na raなんだって nan da tte顽张ってgamba tte立ち直りたい tachinao ri ta i神様kamisamaお愿いです onegai de suこの涙 ko no namidaこの痛み ko no itamiこの爱を Rescue me!! ko no ai wo RESCUE ME偶然がちぐはぐに guuzen ga chi gu wa gu ni私たち繋いでるのです watashitachi tsuna i de ru no de suふりかえれば心にあふれるfu ri ka e re ba kokoro ni a fu re ruほゝえみとやすらぎとささやきと ho e mi to ya su ra gi to sa sa ya ki to幸せは shiawase waずっとOnly you zu tto ONLY YOUいまだってi ma da tte 好きだってsuki da tte 言いたいけど i i ta i ke do羽ばたいて ha ba ta i te逃げちゃった nige cha tta恋の翼 koi no tsu ba sa戻れるならmoto re ru na ra あの日あの时 ano hi ano toki全部なしにできるのなら zembu na shi ni de ki ru no na raRe-takeしてみたい RE-TAKE shi te mi taiいつだって itsu da tte好きだって suki da tte思ってるから omo tte ru na raなんだって nan da tte顽张ってgamba tte立ち直りたい tachinao ri ta i神様kamisamaお愿いです onegai de suこの涙 ko no namidaこの痛み ko no itamiこの爱を Rescue me!! ko no ai wo RESCUE ME


前者是动词,后者是名词. reserve 预定[约]; 租定(座位, 房间等) book 预定,定(房间、车票等) will book a hotel room; 预定旅馆房间; bespoken merchandise; 订货; engaged a box for the opera season; 为歌剧节预定个包厢; reserving a ta。

make a reservation是什么意思

make a reservation意为:预定reservation 英[u02ccrezu0259u02c8veu026au0283n] 美[u02ccrezu0259ru02c8veu026au0283n] n. 保留; 预订,预约; 保留地,专用地; He went to the desk to make a reservation 他到服务台进行了预订。You make the reservation, and I"ll confirm it in writing. 你来预订,我会去函确认。I have a reservation for a single room. 我预定了一间单人间。I called for a reservation this afternoon. 我打电话预约了。Have Jon and Jack got a reservation? 乔恩和杰克预定了吗?

mink的RESCUE ME 的日文版歌词,翻译成罗马拼音和中文~

罗马音There was a time, when I lost my wayhitori, tachidomatte itatsurai hodo tsumetai kono yo desubete wo gisei ni shite demoI survive, kowareso na toki, itsudemoYou saved me, you saved meEverytime I need a place to fallakiramenai youni tokimi ga kureta tsubasa de, habataketa yoAnd everytime tsumazuite momichibiite kureta hitokimi shika inai, zutto, you came and rescued meInspired by love, it"s just enoughJust the way, the way you touched my face. (oh baby)kotoba ijou ni tsutawaru yoThat it"s allright, norikoerareru to...I survive, fumi hazushite mo kanarazuYou saved me, you saved me* Everytime I need a place to fallkurayami kara sora e tokimi ga kureta tsubasa de, takaku takakuAnd everytime tsumazuite mosasaete kureta kimi noai dake hoshii, zutto, you came and rescued mesuteki na sono egao wo dakishimete itai donna toki moitsudemo, tsuyoku ikireru youniwatashi no sobani ita no wa...* repeatOoh my baby you rescued me

Rescue Me ~君がいたから~ 歌词

歌曲名:Rescue Me ~君がいたから~歌手:Mink专辑:ShalomRescue Me ~君がいたから~minke+motion献给Lacus最最亲爱的哈娜及喜欢日语的同仁们~~There was a time, when I lost my way一人、立ち止まっていたすべてを犠牲にしてでも辛い程冷たい この世でI survive, 壊れそな时、いつでもYou saved me, you saved meEverytime I need a place to fall谛めないようにと君がくれた翼で、羽ばたけたよAnd everytime つまずいても导いてくれた人君しかいない、ずっと、you came and rescued meInspired by love, it"s just enoughJust the way, the way you touched my face. (oh baby)言叶以上に伝わるよThat it"s allright, 乗り越えられるとI survive, 踏み外しても 必ずYou saved me, you saved meEverytime I need a place to fall暗闇から空えと君がくれた翼で、高く高くAnd everytime つまずいても支えてくれた君の爱だけ欲しい、ずっと、you came and rescued me命运的锁链啊~~把我们连在了一起~~素敌なその笑颜を抱き缔めていたい どんな时もいつでも、强く生きれるように私のそばにいたのはEverytime I need a place to fall暗闇から空えと君がくれた翼で、高く高くAnd everytime つまずいても支えてくれた君の爱だけ欲しい、ずっと、you came and rescued meOoh my baby you rescued me

SOS (Rescue Me) Rihanna这首歌帮我翻译一下(中文)

啦啦啦 啦啦啦 啦 啦 啦啦 啦 哦 你知道我从来没有过这样的感觉 啦啦啦 啦啦啦 啦 啦 啦啦 啦 哦 感觉如此真实 当我只想着你时,我就能感觉自己的分钟 当我只想着靠近你,我就异常勇敢 你让我有压力,不断提出问题 时光流逝,你要知道,我都是那么想念你 如果我是问题,那你就是答案 请紧紧的抱着我男孩,因为我是你的小舞者 你把我摇醒,不再犯错 但我无法控制我自己,想要一点帮助 S.O.S有没有人来救救我 这种感觉并不健康 你让事情变得越来越艰难 看不见,摸不着,我不喜欢这感觉 你的存在让我感觉完整 是的,这是一个教训,这不公平,你偷走了我的空虚 我的胃在绞痛,当我看见你,我就感觉燥热无比 我的常识都不见,找不到出路 带我走(嗯嗯),你知道在内心深处你觉得那是对的 带我走,今晚我想投入你怀抱 和你走在一起,令我神魂颠倒 你让我感觉美好,你让我感觉 S.O.S有没有人来救救我 这种感觉并不健康 你让事情变得越来越艰难 你让我辗转反侧,难以入睡 这样的时候有没有人来拯救我 因为我想着你,这让我迷失(因为我想着你) 我已经迷失,是你让我寻找着另外的自己 爱是一种测试,但是我仍旧丧失了自己 这一次,有没有人来拯救我(谁来救救我) 因为我想着你,这让我迷失 我已经迷失,是你让我寻找着另外的自己 我曾找到了最好的自己,但现在正在渐渐失去 男孩,你知道你让我的感觉全部放开 男孩,你的爱无须用言语来表达 我告诉你,是你让我全部放开 我不知道该怎样做,真的 我已经对你疯狂 我在乞求 S.O.S有没有人来帮助我 这种感觉并不健康 你让事情变得越来越艰难(你是否在让事情变得越来越艰难,宝贝?) 你让我辗转反侧,难以入睡 这样的时候有没有人来拯救我(谁来救救我) 因为我想着你,这让我迷失 我已经迷失,是你让我寻找着另外的自己 爱是一种测试,但是我仍旧丧失了自己 这一次,有没有人来拯救我 因为我想着你,这让我迷失(因为每一次) 我已经迷失,是你让我寻找着另外的自己 我曾找到了最好的自己,但现在正在渐渐失去 啦啦 啦啦 啦啦 啦啦 哦 哦 哦 啦啦 啦啦 啦啦 啦啦 哦 哦


1.preservation: 东西保留原始或良状态使用 ep:the preservation of our culture heritage 情况持续保持变使用 ep:the preservation of peace in the regin 2.reservation 要酒店饭店保留位使用(预定) ep:a dinner reservation 保留意见使用 ep:I had serious reservation about his visit to Ireland 3.conservation,preservation 互用

金泰妍 -- Rescue me音译歌词

"oh my pretty girl 屁股扭一扭要把你占有 国王就是我oh my party boy 屁股扭一扭记得要温柔 拱我当皇后国王皇后 各过各的生活国王皇后 各有各的tempo国王皇后 各玩各的花火国王皇后 今天终于碰头pretty girl pretty girl pretty girluh oh举起手party boy party boy party boyuh oh跟我走闪过一眼 陌生的甜 瞬间 让我失眠身体语言 让我倾斜 但愿 停格不变oh my pretty girl 屁股扭一扭要把你占有 国王就是我oh my party boy 屁股扭一扭记得要温柔 拱我当皇后K I N G 下达命令 黑桃红心 不要分心别怀疑 谁占便宜 我想要 创造双赢亲爱的queen 赶快靠近不要犹豫 it s u n me太偏心 你要小心 别担心 会很有趣国王皇后 总算碰到对手国王皇后 现在开始交手国王皇后 绕了一圈地球国王皇后 爱到无药可救pretty girl pretty girl pretty girluh oh牵我手party boy party boy party boyuh oh带我走爱的音符 正在起舞 oh love 升空幸福四个脚步 用心纪录 oh yeah 把你征服oh my pretty girl 屁股扭一扭要把你占有 国王就是我oh my party boy 屁股扭一扭记得要温柔 拱我当皇后"


reserve既可作及物动词也可作名词reservation只能作名词作名词时两者意义相等可做“保护区””预定“的意思用法有make a (预定)natural reserve(自然保护区)reserve作及物动词时表示预定/保留某物,直接加sth.就行了后面还可以加些修饰,如for/to+目的

求仓木麻衣的 Rescue Me 的歌词

rescue me* why are you playin" me this way?i just want you to saytell ma why you don"t call me no nowhydoyoumakeme feel this way?don"t understand this wayi just want you to be with youどんな事だって 理由があるけど教えて欲しい tell me why黑でも白でも このまま自分を失くすよりはマツでしょ?一人きりでつらい道を充分すぎる程に步いてきたはす今必要な事 息が出来ないくらい抱きしめてよ hold me tightあなたのめくもり 愈してくれる大丈夫`君は行けるはずさこの言叶が冷たく响くよ离れていても同じ气持ちでいるからah それでも悲しくなって どうしようもなくなってきたら私救って! あなたの爱で 二人でいれば恐くはないあなたのために 信じることが出来るからどの道进めば 二人になれる?rescue me※why are you playin" me this way? i just want you to say tell me why you don"t call me no no why do you make me feel this way? don"t understand this way i just want to be with you don na ko do da de wa ke ga a ru ke do o shi e te ho shi i tell me why ko ro de mo shi ro de mo ko no ma ma ji bun wo a ku su yo ri wa ma ji de syo!? hi do ri ki ri de tsu ra i mi ji wo jyo bun su gi ru ho do ni a ru i te ki ta ha zu i ma hi tsu yo na ko do i ki ga de ku na i ku ra i da ki shi me te yo hold me tight a na ta no me ku mo ri i ya shi te ku re ru da i jo o bu ki mi wa i ke ru ha zu sa so no ko do ba ga tsu me ta ku hi ku yo ha na re te i te mo o na ji ki mo chi de i ru ka ra ah so re de mo ka na shi ku natte do o shi yo o mo na ku natte ki ta ra wa da shi su kutte! a na ta no ai de fu ta ri de i re ba ko wa ku ha nai a na ta no ta me ni shi n ji ru ko to ga de ki ru ka ra do no mi ji su zu me ba fu ta ri ni na re ru rescue me*why are you playin" me this way? i just want you to say tell me why you don"t call me no no why do you make me feel this way? don"t understand this way i just wnat to be with you 不管任何事 一定有它存在的理由 希望你能告诉我 tell me why 不管是黑也好白也好 总比失去原有的自己 还好吧!? 对于独自一人行走的艰苦路程 应该是做好充分准备才走过来的 现在最迫切需要做的事 就是请你让我无法呼吸般的 紧紧地抱住我 hold me tight 你的体温 能给与我治愈 『没问题 你应该可行的啦』 那句话冷冷地在耳边回响啊 因为即使分离我的心意依然不变 an 即使如此当我变的悲伤 不知如何是好时 请拯救我!用你的爱 只要俩人在一起就不会有任何的恐惧 因为你 所以我能相信一切 要选择哪条路前进 才能成为二人呢?

麻烦帮忙翻译一下RIZ的《Rescue Me》。 翻译得好,还会再加分。麻烦各位了!



reservation n. 预约,预订,保留。是可数名词,复数是 reservations. 例句: All telephone reservations must be confirmed in writing. 所有的电话预订必须以书面形式确认。 扩展资料   I have serious reservations about his ability to do the job.   我非常怀疑他有没有能力胜任这项工作。   I made reservations yesterday.   我昨天预订的`。   Yes, but with reservations.   是的,但会有所保留。   M: Do you take reservations?   M:你们这儿可以预订座位吗?   You confirmed your reservations?   您有没有确认您的机票。

修女也疯狂rescue me歌词

一般在网上看到的修女也疯狂rescue me歌词都是错的真正的歌词是:rescue me 歌词: Rescue me, take me in your arms.Rescue me, I want your tender charms."Cause I"m lonely and I"m blue.I need you and your love too.Come on and rescue me. Come on baby, and rescue me.Come on baby, and rescue me."Cause I need you by my side.Can"t you see that I"m lonely. Rescue me, Come on and take my heart.Take your love and conquer ev"ry part."Cause I"m lonely and I"m blue.I need you and your love too.Come on and rescue me. Come on baby, and rescue me.Come on baby, and rescue me."Cause I need you by my side.Can"t you see that I"m lonely. Come on baby, take me baby, hold me baby, love me baby. Can"t you see that I need you, baby.Can"t you see that I"m lonely.Rescue me, come on and take my hand.Come on baby and be my man, "cause I love you, "cause I want you.Can"t you see that I"m lonely, mm, mm.Take me baby, love me baby, need me baby, mm, mm.Can"t you see that I"m lonely. (Repeat and fade) Rescue me, rescue me, mm, mmm

reservation 动词形式是什么



反对第一个答案 reservation是有啥啥珍惜动植物保护区的意思的 conservation也有 感觉常用意思会偏“保守”的意思多一点 protection就是最普通的保护

Rescue Me(Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Rescue Me(Remix)歌手:Every Little Thing专辑:Rescue Me/Smile AgainRescue me作词者名 五十岚充作曲者名 五十岚充今日も街に出て见栄の张り合い彼の自慢话全て割りきりが肝心だねってかなり気楽主义でしょ彼のまえでは建て前のダイエットTVニュースは无関心そろそろ私ヤバイかな?优しい男なら他にたくさんいるしルックス重视なら爱想笑いでGet youめざといフリをして本当はいくじなしの淋しがり屋だからそんな私をRescue meいつか梦见てる庭付きマイホームとか外车だとか…地味に生きれない理想だけはいつでも一人前で卒业したら就职一人暮らし食事は外で済ますからキッチン道具はいらないいつか结婚して子供できたとしたら近所のオバサンと呼ばれる日がくるのドラマとは违うね梦に描く恋爱ほど远い幸せ亲のためにはいい子でいられるように努力をしても空回り期待に応えられないの复雑な社会に大人はこき使われいらない教养と知识におぼれている纯粋な心は忘れずにいたいからどうか见舍てないでねそんな时代にRescue me

修女也疯狂rescue me歌词




The Babys的《Rescue Me》 歌词

Our story"s old,Older than the windIt"s been in sight for yearsHow can we pretendThat we all know just how it"s gonna end...Rescue me in the middle of the oceanCrashing down,It"s always hard to breatheSome say,It"s easier to give up on itI say, it"s time to rescue meLost and lonely people standing by,Afraid to trySome of them here,the same as you and IThe difference is so wrong to be left behindSo I need you nowRescue me in the middle of the oceanCrashing down,It"s always hard to breatheSome say,It"s hard to make the changesRescue me and I"ll never be the sameRescue me in the middle of my darkest hourTime will tell I never really had the powerSome say,It"s easier to give up on itI say, it"s time to rescue meWe"ve gotta get out,How foolish have we beenTo say it"s all been a waste of timeWe may lose and we may winBut like the sun we will rise againBut until then...Rescue me in the middle of the oceanCrashing down,It"s always hard to breatheSome say,It"s hard to make the changesRescue MeAnd I"ll never be the sameRescue me in the middle of my darkest hourTime will tell I never really had the powerSome say,It"s easier to give up on itI say, it"s time to rescue meRescue me in the middle of the ocean

rescue me 中英文歌词

tokio hotel---rescue me This used to be our secret 这曾经是我们的秘密 Now I"m hiding here alone 现在我一个人藏在这里 Can"t help but read our names on the wall 情不自禁地念着写在墙上的我们的名字 And wash them off the stone 然后把它们洗去 I trusted you in every way 我曾是那么无条件的相信你 But not enough to make you stay 但是还是不够让你留下来 Turn around 转身 I"ve lost my ground 我失去了自己的重心 Come and rescue me 来拯救我 I"m burning can"t you see? 我正在燃尽,你看不到吗? Come and rescue me 来拯救我 Only you can set me free 只有你能让我自由 Come and rescue me 来拯救我 Rescue me 救救我 Rescue me 救救我 We lied when we were dreaming 我们曾躺在一起做梦 Our crying was just fake 我们的哭泣都是假的 I wish you could deny it 我希望你能否认 Here and today 在这里,在今天 My S.O.S on radio 我的求救信号从广播里放出 The only chance to let you know 这是唯一让你听到的机会 What I fear 我害怕什么 Can you hear? 你能不能听到? Come and rescue me I am burning can"t you see? Come and rescue me Only you can set me free Come and rescue me Rescue me (这段和上面是一样的) You and me 你和我 You and me You and me The walls are coming closer 我的空间越来越挤 My senses fade away 我的知觉也在慢慢失去 I"m haunted by your shadow 你的身影萦绕着我 I reached to feel your face 我伸出手去,只想感觉到在摸你的脸 You"re not here 你不在这里 Are you here? 你在吗? Come and rescue me Rescue me Come and rescue me I"m burning can"t you see? Come and rescue me Only you can set me free Come and rescue me Rescue me You and me You and me Rescue me You and me Set me free Rescue me... (这段还是和上面的一样)

求金泰妍Rescue Me音译歌词!!我在网上找了一大圈都没找着,拜托好心人了!

rescue me——金泰妍(日/OST)hoho~ho~~~唔~ hu~yeah咦yeah~塔起头马他show window马不洗一噶了丝你有ci路哇他休脑 那卡你哇 哇他洗哇 摸哦一来一纳尼我洗忒忒莫 啊啦他no卡给噶所哇你一忒 尅那爱(k)忒 say那爱(k)忒木内no付卡一呀迷你尼克空ong他妈妈忒那内那空那太洗那太no内!~卡丝给大洗得口口你一路有阿拉大洗噶ki够一来口喂哦卡那洗忒 塞看得路哦你口我哭得 他啦俘虏喂带路有莫一尅莫得kei来哦内噶 rescue me唔~ho~尅大米哭 马起啦米撒哇噶洗 黑头no拉米扣一比头他气哇哇啦忒西啊哇塞我尅搜一呀忒哭苏不大妈妈no阿拉他黑no阿一no 起萨拉黑噶尅爱那k忒 尅塞那爱k忒纳米打撒黑他了忒 卡哇伊他口口no你黑我子给忒洗马阿大noWOW~!内!卡丝给大洗得 口口你一路有阿拉大洗噶ki够一来口喂哦卡那洗忒 塞看得路哦你候no哦你一马莫你口马了带 莫一尅莫得kei来哦内噶 rescue me(有口黑候没你那他哇大洗我一马 撒噶洗大塞路黑头哇!WOW! 阿那他西噶一来 阿拉他西凯一那!~ WOW~ )卡丝给大洗得 口口你一路有阿拉大洗噶ki够一来口味哦卡那洗得塞肯得如no你WOW!口哇给带他大葫芦哦带路有莫一尅no带ki来哦内噶rescue me卡丝给大洗得 口口你一路有阿拉大洗噶ki够一来口喂哦卡那洗忒 塞看得路哦你候no哦你一马莫你口马了带莫一尅莫得kei来哦内噶 rescue me(oh rescue me!WOW rescue me)(WOW rescue me)

john rich的《Rescue Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Rescue Me歌手:john rich专辑:For The KidsJohn Rich - Rescue MeWhat do you do when you"re scared inside?When all of your feelings just seem to collideEmotions just seem to let goAll of your tears always followAll of these things that you"re feeling deep downThen you realize that you"re calling out loudI love Thee, rescue meShine Your light, lead me homeLord, all I need is Your loveI love Thee, rescue meShine Your light, lead me homeLord, all I need is Your loveRescue meWhat do you do when the path leads nowhere?When you need someone to be thereNow you"re afraid of what"s gonna comeAnd now there"s nowhere to runAll of these things that you"re feeling deep downThen you realize that you"re calling out loudI love Thee, rescue meShine Your light, lead me homeLord, all I need is Your loveI love Thee, rescue meShine Your light, lead me homeLord, all I need is Your loveRescue meOh it"s love"s sweet salvationWith Christ the Blessed LambWe can get through anythingAs long as it"s You and meI love Thee, rescue meShine Your light, lead me homeLord, all I need is Your loveI love Thee, rescue meShine Your light, lead me homeLord, all I need is Your loveRescue me


reservation的意思预约,预订。1、reservation是一个英语单词,名词,作名词是意为“预约,预订。保留”。2、单词发音:英[u02ccrezu0259u02c8veu026au0283n]美[u02ccrezu0259ru02c8veu026au0283n]。3、短语搭配:Roomreservation客房预订。reservationservice预约服务、订票、外部公关及预定、预订服务。reservationdeposit预订金。TableReservation餐位预订、餐位预定。双语例句:1、My only reservation is the goalkeeper"s lack of inches.我惟一的疑虑就是守门员的身高不够。2、I commend her to you without reservation.我竭诚向你推荐她。3、A lorry burst a tyre and went out of control, careering through the central reservation.一辆卡车爆胎失控,冲进了中央隔离带。4、He told me about it without reservation. / He told me everything that had happened.他把这事一五一十地告诉了我。5、I took the liberty of cancelling the reservation for you.我冒昧地替您取消了预订的房间。


  1、reservation是一个英语单词,名词,作名词是意为“预约,预订;保留”。   2、单词发音:英[u02ccrezu0259u02c8veu026au0283n]美[u02ccrezu0259ru02c8veu026au0283n]。   3、短语搭配:   Roomreservation客房预订;   reservationservice预约服务、订票、外部公关及预定、预订服务;   reservationdeposit预订金;   TableReservation餐位预订、餐位预定;   AdvanceReservation临时预订、预订、临时性预订、提前预约。

reservation是什么意思 怎么读

1、reservation是一个英语单词,名词,作名词是意为“预约,预订;保留”。 2、单词发音:英[u02ccrezu0259u02c8veu026au0283n]美[u02ccrezu0259ru02c8veu026au0283n]。 3、短语搭配: Roomreservation客房预订; reservationservice预约服务、订票、外部公关及预定、预订服务; reservationdeposit预订金; TableReservation餐位预订、餐位预定; AdvanceReservation临时预订、预订、临时性预订、提前预约。



express reservation是什么意思

express reservation明示权益保留



nature reservation/reserve

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