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什么是Deming regression

Deming regression线性回归的一种方法,在药物浓度测定的相关性分析中常用,可同时估计X轴和Y轴的误差。用medcalc或analyse-it软件可做。在 统计数据 , 戴明回归 的名字命名, 爱德华。戴明 ,是一个 errors-in-variables模型 试图找到哪一个 最适合线 对于一个二维的数据集。 它不同于 简单线性回归 它占 错误 在观测上 x ——以及 y ——轴。 它的一个特例 总体最小二乘 ,它允许任意数量的预测因子和更复杂的错误结构。戴明回归等于 最大似然 估计的 errors-in-variables模型 两个变量的错误的认为是独立的和 态分布 和方差的比率,表示 Δ 是已知的。 ( 1 ] 在实践中,这一比率可能估计相关的数据源,然而回归过程中没有考虑可能的错误估计这个比例。




REGRESS Multiple linear regression using least squares. B = REGRESS(Y,X) returns the vector B of regression coefficients in the linear model Y = X*B. X is an n-by-p design matrix, with rows corresponding to observations and columns to predictor variables. Y is an n-by-1 vector of response observations.REGRESS是用最小二乘法进行线性回归。B是回归系数,Y是因变量,X是自变量数组。



SE of regression怎么算出来的?

rss/(n-k) 这是庞皓版教材的计算公式(根据eviews软件回归结果)S.E.= (∑e^2∕(n-k-1) )^(1/2)回归标准差反映的是各变量值与其平均数的平均差异程度,表明其平均数对各变量值的代表性强弱;公式:各变量值与其平均数的差的平方和再求平均数,是方差,方差开平方就是标准差。SE of regression 是标准误,其计算公式为RSS除以(n-k)(n为自由变量个数10,k为3) 再开根号.RSS是残差平方和即Sum squared resid=342.5486由此内可得标准容误为6.9954扩展资料:标准化回归系数说的重要性则与上面前提中所说的意义不同,这是一种相对的重要性,与某种情况下,自变量间的离散程度有关。标准化回归系数的比较结果只是适用于某一特定环境的,而不是绝对正确的,它可能因时因地而变化。举例来说,从某一次数据中得出,在影响人格形成的因素中,环境因素的Beta值比遗传因素的Beta值大,这只能说明数据采集当时当地的情况,而不能加以任何不恰当的推论,不能绝对地不加任何限定地说,环境因素的影响就是比遗传因素大。事实上,如果未来环境因素的波动程度变小,很可能遗传因素就显得更为重要。参考资料来源:百度百科-标准回归系数



回归系数的标准误(S.E)就是它的标准差吗?另外,回归的标准误(S.E of regression)又是什么意思?




计量经济学的S.E of regression怎么算?

SE of regression是标准误差,计算公式:RSS除以 (n-k)(n为自由变量个数10,k为3) 再开根号。F = (ESS/k)/[RSS/(n-k-1)]Adjusted R-squared = 1-[RSS/(n-k-1)]/[TSS/(n-1)]R-squared 0.66325 Mean dependent var 5.123810Adjusted R-squared S.D. dependent var 3.694984S.E. of regression Akaike info criterion 4.505098Sum squared resid 91.95205 Schwarz criterion 4.604576Log likelihood -45.30353 F-statisticDurbin-Watson stat 0.858742 Prob(扩展资料:在实际测量中,观测次数n总是有限的,真值只能用最可信赖(最佳)值来代替。标准误差 对一组测量中的特大或特小误差反映非常敏感,所以,标准误差能够很好地反映出测量的精密度。这正是标准误差在工程测量中广泛被采用的原因。因此,标准差是用来衡量一组数自身的离散程度,而均方根误差是用来衡量观测值同真值之间的偏差,它们的研究对象和研究目的不同,但是计算过程类似。参考资料来源:百度百科-均方根误差

SE of regression是什么意思?

SE of regression是标准误差,计算公式:RSS除以 (n-k)(n为自由变量个数10,k为3) 再开根号。F = (ESS/k)/[RSS/(n-k-1)]Adjusted R-squared = 1-[RSS/(n-k-1)]/[TSS/(n-1)]R-squared 0.66325 Mean dependent var 5.123810Adjusted R-squared S.D. dependent var 3.694984S.E. of regression Akaike info criterion 4.505098Sum squared resid 91.95205 Schwarz criterion 4.604576Log likelihood -45.30353 F-statisticDurbin-Watson stat 0.858742 Prob(扩展资料:在实际测量中,观测次数n总是有限的,真值只能用最可信赖(最佳)值来代替。标准误差 对一组测量中的特大或特小误差反映非常敏感,所以,标准误差能够很好地反映出测量的精密度。这正是标准误差在工程测量中广泛被采用的原因。因此,标准差是用来衡量一组数自身的离散程度,而均方根误差是用来衡量观测值同真值之间的偏差,它们的研究对象和研究目的不同,但是计算过程类似。参考资料来源:百度百科-均方根误差

SE of regression是什么意思?

rss/(n-k) 这是庞皓版教材的计算公式(根据eviews软件回归结果)S.E.= (∑e^2∕(n-k-1) )^(1/2)回归标准差反映的是各变量值与其平均数的平均差异程度,表明其平均数对各变量值的代表性强弱;公式:各变量值与其平均数的差的平方和再求平均数,是方差,方差开平方就是标准差。SE of regression 是标准误,其计算公式为RSS除以(n-k)(n为自由变量个数10,k为3) 再开根号.RSS是残差平方和即Sum squared resid=342.5486由此内可得标准容误为6.9954扩展资料:标准化回归系数说的重要性则与上面前提中所说的意义不同,这是一种相对的重要性,与某种情况下,自变量间的离散程度有关。标准化回归系数的比较结果只是适用于某一特定环境的,而不是绝对正确的,它可能因时因地而变化。举例来说,从某一次数据中得出,在影响人格形成的因素中,环境因素的Beta值比遗传因素的Beta值大,这只能说明数据采集当时当地的情况,而不能加以任何不恰当的推论,不能绝对地不加任何限定地说,环境因素的影响就是比遗传因素大。事实上,如果未来环境因素的波动程度变小,很可能遗传因素就显得更为重要。参考资料来源:百度百科-标准回归系数

Regression (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Regression (Album Version)歌手:8Stops7专辑:In ModerationArtist: Dream TheaterAlbum: Scenes From A MemoryTitle: RegressionHypnotherapist:close your eyes and begin to relax. take a deep breath, and let it out slowly.concentrate on your breathing. with each breath you become more relaxed. imagine a brilliant white light above you, focusing on this light as it flows through your body.allow yourself to drift off as you fall deeper and deeper into a more relaxed state of as i count backward from ten to one, you willFeel more peaceful, and calm. ten. nine. eight. seven. will enter a safe place where nothing can harm you. five. four. three. two.if at any time you need to come back, all you must doEn your eyes. one.Nicholas:Safe in the light that surrounds meFree of the fear and the painMy subconscious mindStarts spinning through timeTo rejoin the past once againNothing seems realI"m starting to feelLost in the haze of a dreamAnd as i draw nearThe scene becomes clearLike watching my life on a screenHello victoria so glad to see youMy friend.

Regression [Live Version] 歌词

歌曲名:Regression [Live Version]歌手:Dream Theater专辑:Live Scenes From New YorkArtist: Dream TheaterAlbum: Scenes From A MemoryTitle: RegressionHypnotherapist:close your eyes and begin to relax. take a deep breath, and let it out slowly.concentrate on your breathing. with each breath you become more relaxed. imagine a brilliant white light above you, focusing on this light as it flows through your body.allow yourself to drift off as you fall deeper and deeper into a more relaxed state of as i count backward from ten to one, you willFeel more peaceful, and calm. ten. nine. eight. seven. will enter a safe place where nothing can harm you. five. four. three. two.if at any time you need to come back, all you must doEn your eyes. one.Nicholas:Safe in the light that surrounds meFree of the fear and the painMy subconscious mindStarts spinning through timeTo rejoin the past once againNothing seems realI"m starting to feelLost in the haze of a dreamAnd as i draw nearThe scene becomes clearLike watching my life on a screenHello victoria so glad to see youMy friend.


1.Let us never negotiate out of fear, but let us never fear to negotiate. 2.And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do.

mo0d中文意思,M00d regression是什么意思?

mood 英[mu:d] 美[mud] n. 心情;语气;气氛;坏心境 名词复数:moods [例句]Social mood and risk appetites shape financial markets.社会情绪和风险偏好塑造着金融市场。regression 英[ru026au02c8greu0283n] 美[ru026au02c8ɡru025bu0283u0259n] n. 衰退;(尤指因催眠或精神疾患,或为逃避目前忧虑)回到从前;回归;... [例句]Separate regression analyses on the u.s. and hong kong data were performed.对美国和香港的数据进行独立回归分析已经完成。



Linear least squares,Lasso,ridge regression有何本质区别

Linear least squares,Lasso,ridge regression三者是有本质区别的。一、最小二乘法(Linear least squares)。最小二乘法(又称最小平方法)是一种数学优化技术。它通过最小化误差的平方和寻找数据的最佳函数匹配。利用最小二乘法可以简便地求得未知的数据,并使得这些求得的数据与实际数据之间误差的平方和为最小。最小二乘法还可用于曲线拟合。其他一些优化问题也可通过最小化能量或最大化熵用最小二乘法来表达。二、套索工具(Lasso)算法。套索工具源于Photoshop,在Photoshop CS6中,需要自由绘制出形状不规则的选区时,可以使用套索工具。选择使用套索工具后,在图像上拖拽鼠标指针绘制选区边界,松开鼠标左键时,选区将会进行自动闭合。套索工具算法,通过构造一个惩罚函数获得一个精炼的模型;通过最终确定一些指标的系数为零,套索工具算法实现了指标集合精简的目的。这是一种处理具有复共线性数据的有偏估计。套索工具的基本思想是在回归系数的绝对值之和小于一个常数的约束条件下,使残差平方和最小化,从而能够产生某些严格等于0的回归系数,得到解释力较强的模型。R统计软件的Lars算法的软件包提供了套索工具算法。根据模型改进的需要,数据挖掘工作者可以借助于套索工具算法,利用AIC准则和BIC准则精炼简化统计模型的变量集合,达到降维的目的。因此,套索工具算法是可以应用到数据挖掘中的实用算法。三、岭回归算法(ridge regression)。在回归分析中,用一种方法改进回归系数的最小二乘估计后所得的回归称为岭回归算法。在多元回归方程中,用最小二乘估计求得的回归系数值尽管是其真值β=(β0,β1,···βp)1的无偏估计,但若将与β分别看成p+1维空间中两个点的话,它们之间的平均距离E(—β)1(-β)(称为均方差)仍可能很大,为减小此均方差,用(k)=(X′X+KI)-1X′Y去代替2,称(K)为β的岭回归估计。其中X为各变量的观测值所构成的一个n×(p+1)阶矩阵,Y是随机变量的观测值组成的n维向量,I为p+1阶单位阵,K是与未知参数有关的参数,选择它使E{[(K)-β]1[(K)-β]}达到最小。

怎样正确理解逻辑回归(logistic regression)?

逻辑回归 启发 推导

计量经济学的S.E of regression怎么算

S.E of regression(标准误)的计算步骤如下:1.算出系数coefficient, b2.算出残差项 e = y - x*b3.算出SSR = e"*e4.算出 s^2 = e"*e/(n-k),其中n 是 样本数量 , k 是变量数量。5.其中 s^2开根号 s, 就是 S.E. of regression



计量经济学的S.E of regression怎么算

SE = [SSR/(N-K)]^(1/2)假设模型为 y = xb + u 。算出系数 b 之后,带入模型,求出 u = y - xb。其中 SSR = u"*u 也就是残差项的平方和(SSR)。 用SSR除以 (n-k) 其中 n 是样本空间,k是变量数量。最后,给 SSR/(N-K) 开平方。这个结果就是SE

如何校正年龄logistic regression




SE of regression是什么意思?

SE of regression是标准误差,计算公式:RSS除以 (n-k)(n为自由变量个数10,k为3) 再开根号。F = (ESS/k)/[RSS/(n-k-1)]Adjusted R-squared = 1-[RSS/(n-k-1)]/[TSS/(n-1)]R-squared 0.66325 Mean dependent var 5.123810Adjusted R-squared S.D. dependent var 3.694984S.E. of regression Akaike info criterion 4.505098Sum squared resid 91.95205 Schwarz criterion 4.604576Log likelihood -45.30353 F-statisticDurbin-Watson stat 0.858742 Prob(扩展资料:在实际测量中,观测次数n总是有限的,真值只能用最可信赖(最佳)值来代替。标准误差 对一组测量中的特大或特小误差反映非常敏感,所以,标准误差能够很好地反映出测量的精密度。这正是标准误差在工程测量中广泛被采用的原因。因此,标准差是用来衡量一组数自身的离散程度,而均方根误差是用来衡量观测值同真值之间的偏差,它们的研究对象和研究目的不同,但是计算过程类似。参考资料来源:百度百科-均方根误差

计量经济学的S.E of regression怎么算?

SE of regression 是标准误,其计算公式为RSS除以(n-k)(n为自由变量个数10,k为3) 再开根号.RSS是残差平方和即Sum squared resid=342.5486由此内可得标准容误为6.9954例如:R-squared 0.66325 Mean dependent var 5.123810Adjusted R-squared S.D. dependent var 3.694984S.E. of regression Akaike info criterion 4.505098Sum squared resid 91.95205 Schwarz criterion 4.604576Log likelihood -45.30353 F-statisticDurbin-Watson stat 0.858742 Prob(扩展资料:对数据标准化,即将原始数据减去相应变量的均数后再除以该变量的标准差,计算得到的回归方程称为标准化回归方程,相应得回归系数为标准化回归系数。比如说,虽然我们不能绝对地说出教育和年资在决定收入上那一个一定是重要的,但如大家的教育程度比较相似,那么在收入的决定上,工作年数就是决定因素;反之,如果工作年数没有太大区别,那么教育就成为了重要原因。这里的重要性是相对的,是根据不同情况而改变的。参考资料来源:百度百科-标准回归系数



回归标准差(S.E. of regression )怎样计算,公式是什么?

S.E.= (∑e^2∕(n-k-1) )^(1/2)∑e^2是残差平方和,n是样本总数,k是解释变量的个数。这个才是回归标准差。





regression and anova区别

regression一般是统计学的回归回归,研究一个随机变量Y对另一个(X)或一组(X1,X2,…,Xk)变量的相依关系的统计分析方法。研究一 个或多个随机变量Y1 ,Y2 ,…,Yi与另一些变量X1、X2,…,Xk之间的关系的统计方法。又称多重回归分析。通常称Y1,Y2,…,Yi为因变量,X1、X2,…,Xk为自变量。回归分析是一类数学模型,特别当因变量和自变量为线性关系时,它是一种特殊的线性模型。最简单的情形是一个自变量和一个因变量,且它们大体上有线性关系,这叫一元线性回归,即模型为Y=a+bX+ε,这里X是自变量,Y是因变量,ε是随机误差,通常假定随机误差的均值为0,方差为σ^2(σ^2大于0)σ^2与X的值无关。若进一步假定随机误差遵从正态分布,就叫做正态线性模型。一般的情形,若有k个自变量和一个因变量,因变量的值可以分解为两部分:一部分是由自变量的影响,即表示为自变量的函数,其中函数形式已知,但含一些未知参数;另一部分是由于其他未被考虑的因素和随机性的影响,即随机误差。当函数形式为未知参数的线性函数时,称线性回归分析模型;当函数形式为未知参数的非线性函数时,称为非线性回归分析模型。当自变量的个数大于1时称为多元回归,当因变量个数大于1时称为多重回归。anova是方差分析方差是各个数据与平均数之差的平方的平均数。在概率论和数理统计中,方差(英文Variance)用来度量随机变量和其数学期望(即均值)之间的偏离程度。在许多实际问题中,研究随机变量和均值之间的偏离程度有着很重要的意义。方差分析(Analysis of Variance,简称ANOVA),又称“变异数分析”或“F检验”,是R.A.Fisher发明的,用于两个及两个以上样本均数差别的显著性检验。 由于各种因素的影响,研究所得的数据呈现波动状。造成波动的原因可分成两类,一是不可控的随机因素,另一是研究中施加的对结果形成影响的可控因素。


名词 衰退


regression problem回归问题 拼音 双语对照 regression problem网络回归问题双语例句1The problem of construction of smoothing curve is actually regression problem.几何逆向工程中的光顺曲线重构问题本质上属于回归问题。


regression的意思:回归;衰退;(尤指因催眠或精神疾患,或为逃避目前忧虑)回到从前;(统计学) 回归。一、短语搭配1、regression analysis:回归分析;回归分析法;还原分析。2、linear regression:线性回归。3、regression model:回归模型;回归模式。4、logistic regression:逻辑回归;回归分析。5、regression equation:回归方程式;回归方程;回归方程公式。二、双语例句1、There was 46.7 per cent complete regression in the placebo group.服用安慰剂组中46.7%的人的症状完全消退了。2、The linear regression equation for noodle score based on peak viscosity were established.建立了面条评分依高峰粘度的回归方程。3、The statistical techniques employed included a confirmatory factor analysis, and hierarchical regression analyses.数据分析工具包括实证因子分析和逐步回归分析。

sqlserver express edition和enterprise edition有什么区别

SQL Server Express Edition(仅适用于 32 位)——学习版SQL Server Express 数据库平台基于 SQL Server 2005。它也可以替换 Microsoft Desktop Engine (MSDE)。通过与 Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 集成,SQL Server Express 简化了功能丰富、存储安全且部署快速的数据驱动应用程序的开发过程。SQL Server Express 是免费的,可以再分发(受制于协议),还可以充当客户端数据库以及基本服务器数据库。SQL Server Express 是独立软件供应商 ISV、服务器用户、非专业开发人员、Web 应用程序开发人员、网站主机和创建客户端应用程序的编程爱好者的理想选择。如果您需要使用更高级的数据库功能,则可以将 SQL Server Express 无缝升级到更复杂的 SQL Server 版本。

投稿后编辑发来“Conflict of Interest”请问什么意思

是不是 利益冲突的意思啊

投稿后编辑发来“Conflict of Interest”请问什么意思

有些杂志是要求提交"Conflict of Interest"的,该期刊需要作者阐明"Conflict of Interest",即其他单位或个人与作者之间可能存在经济、雇佣关系、专利等各方面的利益冲突,作者应当如实说明这些关系,以免日后引起不必要的纠纷,同时也为编辑作出决定提供参考。如果没有这些问题,作者可以说“There are no conflicts of interest”。不过该期刊是要求作者在稿件正文的最后来说明,而你投的杂志要求单独上传,至于具体内容应该是一样的

请教各位投稿中"Conflict of Interest"如何来写

向外文杂志投稿时,Conflict of interest statement可以按照如下格式写!Conflict of interest statementWe declare that we have no financial and personal relationships with other people or organizations that can inappropriately influence our work, there is no professional or other personal interest of any nature or kind in any product, service and/or company that could be construed as influencing the position presented in, or the review of, the manuscript entitled, “”简洁一点的话,除非论文的作者因论文涉及到商业利益问题,编辑才会要求写得很清楚,不然一般用如下也可:Conflict of Interest一般都在参考文献之前啊,这个要求在abstract和文章末尾陈述啊。当然,你也可以自己改动为合适的词句!比如:Conflict of interestThe authors declared that they have no conflicts of interest to this work.We declare that we do not have any commercial or associative interest that represents a conflict of interest in connection with the work submitted


Unresolved-conflicts-exist-for-some-items.某些项目存在未解决的冲突。items项目双语对照词典结果:itemsn.物料项目 (任何一种自制或采购的零部件或组装件,如最终产品、部件、子部件、零件或原材料); 条( item的名词复数 ); 一项; 一则; 一件商品(或物品); 易混淆单词:ITEMS以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Spend money on items that you understand. 把钱花在你熟悉的项目上。

期刊要求的 Conflict of Interest(利益冲突)怎么写? 模板来了!

Conflict of Interest 指利益冲突,意思是个人或组织的利益可能影响到他人的利益。有时为了防患于未然,也是为了避免发生学术不端的情况,编辑会要求作者在投稿时准备好 利益冲突声明 @[TOC] 在学术论文写作中,Conflict of Interest 声明主要是为了保证学术研究的公正性和客观性。 因为在论文写作中,难免会牵扯到资金支持、学术合作等。 如在撰写论文时资金资助来源较为复杂,虽然作者个人认为其资金支持不影响这篇论文的研究过程和结论,但如果某项资金来源同其他相关研究也有一定的关系,读者就会怀疑研究数据的客观性,从而对论文的客观性产生怀疑。 此时,就会要求作者写上 Conflict of Interest 声明。 需声明的 Conflict of Interest 一般有两种情况 如研究赞助商支持、旅费津贴等 在写 Conflict of Interest 声明时,要说明资助或者津贴的确切金额、对研究起到的作用和影响。注意论文有财务关系上的Conflict of Interest时,保证信息的透明度是非常重要的。 如个人关系,学术关系等,这些关系可能会引发潜在的利益冲突。 利益冲突声明其实并不难写,其篇幅要求不多,内容简短清晰即可。 我遇到的期刊都是需要单独的一个 word 文件。 当论文可能产生利益冲突时,我们要在声明中首先阐明自己的角色,然后介绍详情。并且要做出相应的承诺,声明论文在写作过程中并未受到影响。 或者,当论文写作时收到了赞助,不过之后又涉及到与另一家公司的合作,这个时候也要说明以上情况,并且出示赞助款项明细,保障论文写作过程中的公正透明。 最后,如果您的文章并未涉及到其他人或组织的利益,那就在文中直接声明:未发现有潜在的利益冲突。 如果没有财务,利益的纠纷,这种情况是最好写的。直接一句话搞定。 或者 就像这样,单独写一个 word 上传就好了。 I am employed by (hereinafter referred to as the company) on (date) of (date) in the library, and I declare the following on the conflict of interest:I promise to avoid conflicts of interest (even superficial conflicts) with the company, its shareholders and its customers. A kind of I undertake to ensure that my personal conduct is in accordance with the following guidelines and to report appropriately when there is a potential for actual or potential conflict. These conflicts of interest may be caused by my immediate family members, other members of my family or stakeholders. Therefore, the prohibited sexual behaviors involved in this commitment also involve my immediate family members, other members of my family or stakeholders. I promise that I will write to the president or vice president of the company about the conflicts of interest caused or possible to be caused by my immediate family members, other members of my family or stakeholders Presentation. 笔者首先介绍了自己和公司的情况,之后阐述了会在哪些方面产生产权或者利益的冲突。 This research is supported by company A and may lead to the development of products that may have been licensed by company B in which I have A business and/or financial interest. I have fully disclosed these interests to Taylor and have developed an approved plan to manage any potential conflicts that may arise from such an arrangement. 阐明了这篇论文在两个公司之间的赞助与科研方面的利益冲突。用词精准合适,并在最后提到了解决的计划,结构严谨内容充实,也是一篇好例文。 According to policy as well as my moral obligation, as the researchers report I am a consultant from a company in financial and/or commercial interests. May be limited by the attached paper reports the research. I have been to Taylor and Francis fully revealed these interests, and I have worked out a plan for approval to manage any potential conflicts caused by the participation. 这篇声明言简意赅地阐明了自己的写作背景和立场,并且交代了可能会产生的利益冲突。在我们自己的论文写作中,也可以按照这个版式写。 参考链接: 我是Tina, 我们下篇博客见~ 白天工作晚上写文,呕心沥血 觉得写的不错的话最后, 求点赞,评论,收藏

英语presentation 有趣一点的任何话题, 关于英语的任何小故事或任何资料,

这个貌似不太有意思 有关奥运会的 上次本来打算在学校对英国访问者用的演讲稿~后来取消了 送给你吧~ 北京奥运会——我的骄傲 On Aug.24th ,as the curtain dropped signaling the end of the the Games of the 29th Olympiad,people were left with a deep impression of the joy and excitement it had brought.Not only we Chinese people,but also people around the world could not forgot the 16 glorious days which we will cherish forever.Gratulations and praise began to flood in.We could feel the world is truly proud of the Beijing Olympic Games. As a Beijinger ,I could see how Beijing was changed by the Olympics.People became more aware of their behaviors and the number of people who goes to foreign language classes grew rapidly through out the last 7 years.No cutting in lines,nor spitting on the floor.There were hard times for people with these habits to make a change,but they did not complain.People around the globe can now find Beijing open to them as we cherish every guest from near or far just like what our great sage of Confucius had taught thousands of years ago.A visit to Beijing can be as comfortable as staying at a friend"s house,but far more exciting.Even little children can speak simple sentences in English so it is possible for you to walk around just like in your own country. More over,except the usually seen Forbidden Palace,the Great Wall and many other historical sights.Beijing now has many of its new and unique architectures which are just as popular as those with ages.New legends there of how athletes reached their extremes will be told as well as those old ones about great people in history.Beijing is therefore ,not only famous for its past ,but also its present.All those fantastic architectures like the Water Cube or the Birds" Nest are like solid paeans to modern China. Splendors in the ceremonies is only the outside part of the truly exceptional Beijing Olympic games.What really excites me are the changes inside Beijing.

英翻中。Understanding Media Cultures

了解媒体文化因此,文化发展的说法可以被假定为"镜" 经济发展不能再被视为适用。在视角转换 暗示这些结构性变化已导致马特拉和马特拉(1992) 主张对媒介帝国主义论文抛弃。他们认为,虽然 政治经济学的尺寸仍然是重要的文化生产 它应该连接到一个更具体的路口之间的不同升值 全球各地区和当地的条件。现在他们认为,虽然媒体 帝国主义历史上重要的论文已在提高意识 富人俱乐部以外的资本主义国家,不再充分的理论 地图(如果确实曾有过的)全球沟通关系。此外,Mattelarts 媒体认为,帝国主义一直有其弱点,因为它始终 没有考虑到在"第三世界"国家和文化关系 分配不均的资本主义的技术。以占全球关系 在"媒体帝国主义毕业论文需要更换一个不同的理论 范例。 最近马特拉和马特拉(1992)点对提高 商业化和经济渗透的共享公共空间的最 有希望的竞争者的新的范例。这些论点有加 种族中心主义的西化开沟概念的优势,而不是谈 一个多极的商业文化。对于那些有兴趣在全球问题 政治经济已经不再是强加的文化同质性 通过美国化,而是涉及改造和私有化 在世界经济中的公共空间。这些变革,尤其是在 欧洲,破坏了国家的媒体制作公共服务模式 通过放松管制的过程,以及在国际竞争的需要 市场。从政治经济学的角度看,全球化进程的关注 自由化,商业化,私有化和国际化。该 走到一起的大型传媒集团和新信息技术 定义了一个由商业通信领域,而不是国家调控明显 (摩士高,1996)。 无论是否足够这些反射我认为主要的绊脚石 为媒体帝国主义论文,就在于它的经济本质。这些谁 席勒帝国主义的媒体,如提倡形式获得他们的研究主要是从 经济依赖理论。在这个论点的缺陷是,文化身份 和进程被认为是反映物质的社会结构。对于席勒,如果 美国是在20世纪60年代占主导地位的文化力量,这是一个直接反映 其经济地位。此外,如果我们可以证明全球性的 美国文化则是十分恰当的假设,世界人民 被灌输其意识形态的影响。



因为肺癌而死亡的约90%是因为吸烟所致。用be responsible for翻译




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为何美元叫 federal reserve note

federal reserve note 联邦储备兑换券;联邦储备券;联邦储备票据One dollar Federal Reserve Note 一美元纸币美元的发行权属于美国财政部,主管部门是美国国库,承担具体发行业务的是美国联邦储备系统。目前大量流通的联邦储备券,约占流通总量的99%左右,我们日常所称美钞,主要就是指这种联邦储备券。其面额有1、2、5、10、20、50、100元共7种。

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Federal Reserve Board(美国)联邦储备金监察小组

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how to deal with stress in college

how to deal with stress in college如何应对大学压力how to deal with stress in college如何应对大学压力

以how to deal pressure为主题,写一篇如何缓解压力的英语作文

  Because of the high developing speed of the world, pressure has become a serious problem in nowadays. As our students, we also have to face with much pressure, such as the study pressure, exam pressure,relationship pressure and so on. But how can we cope with pressure? This is the most important.  由于世界的高度发展,压力已经成为现今一个严重的问题。作为学生,我们也必须面对压力,比如学习压力,考试压力,关系压力等等。但是,怎样缓解压力呢?这是最重要的。  Firstly, we should face the pressure appropriately. Pressure is inevitable in our daily life, so we can"t be afraid of them and try our best to cope with them. Secondly, tell our pressure to others. Talking is a very effective way to ease pressure, and during the talking, we may get some suggestions and solutions. Finally, trust ourselves. We should believe ourselves that we can deal with any troubles by ourselves or by others" help.  首先,我们应该正对面对压力。压力是我们日常生活中不可避免的,所以我们不能害怕她,要尽力去解决它们。其次,向别人倾诉压力。聊天是缓解压力的有效方式,在聊天过程中,我们可能会得到一些建议和解决方法。最后,要相信自己。我们应该相信自己我们可以通过自己或他人的帮助处理任何麻烦。

non regression指的是什么

nonaggression n. 不侵略no expression n. 不侵略This technique is used to elaborate non-regression test suites that run a collection of reusabletest scripts. 这项技术常常通过运行一系列复用测试脚本来详细描述非回归测试套件。The parameter evaluating method—Jacobian matrix recursion method for solving nonlinearization regression model is discussed and applied to the study of tobacco. 讨论求解不可线性化的回归模型的参数估计方法——雅可比矩阵递推法,并把它应用于烟蚜危害研究中,同时还将它与常规做法作了比较。Non-regression tests based on data-driven testing techniques, in which a single test script isused repeatedly with varying input data, are popular in the test automation community. 非回归测试是基于数据驱动的测试技术,一个简单的测试脚本会根据输入数据的不同而反复的被使用,这在测试自动化方面是很常见的。

how to deal with peer pressure

As the world keeps transforming and our society developing with times, Mental problem has come to a field we should pay attention to .And the phenomenon of Peer presure problem has rise to an up level. As a college student,we probably meet more difficulties than elder people because we are in a situation that we"ve had some views about life but actually we haven"t growed up in some degree.Disblief,suspicons,envy,and other bad factors trully exist in our lives when getting along with peers and how can we deal with them?I think that we should try to to be more positive towards our lives,towards our friends and people around us,fill our lives with significant activities ,coordinate with others so we can get trust from each other.In this way we"d change our mind towards someone that used tp be disgusting to you and get inner balanced. Problems are always there and that"s just the matter of how we solve them.一气呵成~绝对原创


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How. to Deal with Pressure作文

How. to Deal with Pressure作文

英语作文:how to deal with pressure急

Most college students feel pressure from various angles:their families to do well in school,their friends to do what they do and their teachers to do all assignments and pass examinations. It is no surprise that college students handle pressure in many different ways.Under family and teacher pressure,some students have to work harder and harder untill they are completely exhausted.In the end,they can no longer live up to the standards set and fail.Many other students give in to peer pressure because they want to fit in and be liked by their friends and classmates.As a result,they dare not say “no" to peer pressure,whether positive or negative.Moreover,a few students simply don"t want to deal with the pressure that thay face.They shut themselves off from others and become more and more isolated as time goes by. As far as I am concerned,pressure can serve as a stimulant for improvement and development.Whenever confronted by pressure,I will try my best to deal with it,tough it out and reap my rewards in the future.After all,I am master of myself.

英语作文How to deal with stress怎样处理压力

Firstly, keep good health. A healthy body is the premise to face presure. It"s the least capacity to cope with stress when a person is sick. Secondly, to accept the pressure. The reason why many people can not cope with stress is that they resist and escape it. Actually, there always is trouble and problems once we chose a path to go, because almost everything worth doing is not so easy. Thirdly, solve the problem, rather than complain about it. Many people complain about the surroundings and don"t think about the solutions when faced with problems. We all know that complaint can do nothing but only let you down. As long as the problem not solved, the pressure is always there. Fourthly, tell others your pressure and get help from them. Lots of pressure can"t be solved by our own and the rational way is talking the pressure to workmates or friends to get help from them. But the premise to do so is that we don"t intend to put pressure to others but to seek help and support to solve problems.

How to deal with daily pressures求一篇英语作文

我不是有学问的人,我只是有心的人,嘻嘻 followingthe developmentofsociety ,thepricesshyrocketed,andtheexpect oftheoldersinourfamily ,wecanfeel moreandmoredired! that"sthepressures!but,howtodealwithdaillypressuers?fist:weshouldgotowalk in a park,ortakesomelightexercises ,nomatterhowbusyyouare!becouseitcanhelpustorelax!second:inthework!youshouldtolearmmore aboutyourwork,toimproveyourability!also,youshould getwillwithyourpartners!some times,theycanhelpyoutosolvetheproblems!whenyoufeelbad,theycancarewithyou!andso,youcanknow somanypeopleiscaringme!andyoucanfeelthepressuresislittlecake!that"showiwasdo,todealwithdailypressures! ihopemyproposalscanhelpyou!~

How to Deal with the Exam Stress写一篇英语短文,80词数左右适当压力,过重压力,应对措施

Firstly, eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep and doing exercises are very important. How can we be happy if we are not fit?For school work, planning ahead can help. Making a list of the things they need to do and planning when to do them can help students organize their time. If you are weak in a subject, you should spend more time on it and ask a teacher for help.Students should pay no attention to people who laugh at them. Instead,they should find the things they are good.Then students should also make enough time for their hobbies. Playing sports, reading and watching films help them relax_.Finally, it is suitable for teenagers to share their problems with their friends and parents.精锐教育老师解答

how to deal with pressure


How to deal with stress?英语作文,80词左右.

How to deal with stress?Stress is a common problem that many people face in their daily lives. Here are some ways to deal with stress:1. Exercise regularly: Physical activity can help reduce stress and improve your mood.2. Practice relaxation techniques: Deep breathing, meditation, and yoga can all help calm your mind and reduce stress.3. Get enough sleep: Lack of sleep can make stress worse, so try to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night.4. Eat a healthy diet: A balanced diet can help reduce stress by providing your body with the nutrients it needs to function properly.5. Talk to someone: Sometimes talking to a friend or family member about your problems can help you feel better and reduce stress.By following these tips, you can better manage your stress and lead a happier, healthier life.如何处理压力?压力是许多人在日常生活中面临的普遍问题。以下是一些应对压力的方法:1. 定期运动:体育锻炼可以帮助减轻压力,改善情绪。2. 练习放松技巧:深呼吸、冥想和瑜伽都可以帮助平静心态,减少压力。3. 获得足够的睡眠:缺乏睡眠会使压力更加严重,所以尽量每晚获得至少7-8小时的睡眠。4. 饮食健康:均衡的饮食可以通过为身体提供所需的营养来帮助减轻压力。5. 与他人交谈:有时与朋友或家人谈论自己的问题可以让你感觉更好,减少压力。通过遵循这些建议,您可以更好地管理自己的压力,过上更幸福、更健康的生活。

英语作文how. to deal . with . the . exam . stress

One possible version:How to Deal with the Exam StressEveryone may have the exam stress. A little bit of stress can be a good thing to us.If we have proper stress, we can think actively and work harder. Besides, it can remind us to review our lessons in time to remember them. So we can pass the exams easily.However, if we have too heavy stress, we can"t sleep well at night and we may feel too tired. We may fear the exams too much and fail in the end.In my opinion, to deal with stress, we"d better plan and prepare well. We should also form some good habits, such as enough exercise and healthy diets. Then we"ll feel relaxed and do well in the exams.祝你学习进步,u263a望采纳!如有疑问,请追问。 ☆☆ ☆☆ ☆☆ ☆☆ ★★ ★ ★★ ☆☆ 祝你学习 ☆☆ ★★ 进步 ★★ ☆☆ ! ☆☆ ★★ ★★ ☆☆ ☆☆ ★★ ★★ ☆☆

concurrent.futures 模块怎么安装 或者concurrent 模块也可以

如果是python2.x,直接在命令提示符中用pip install futures语句安装,concurrent就可以用了。如果是python3,不用安装也可以用,自带了。参看:




1. 虚假陈述2. 误述3.虚报例1. 虚假陈述 Misrepresentation is different from warranty in the contract law. 虚假陈述侵权与契约法上的担保制度不同。 Study on the Scope and Computational Method of the Compensation for Misrepresentation in the Securities Market 证券市场虚假陈述损害赔偿范围及计算方法研究 Secondly, it discussed the essential factor of misrepresentation; 其次,论述了虚假陈述的内在要素,即虚假陈述以其内容的重大性为前提。 Legal Principle Analysis on Deficiency in Civil System of Misrepresentation 虚假陈述民事制度供给不足的法理分析 On the Action Form of Civil Case of Misrepresentation 论虚假陈述民事案件的诉讼方式例2. 误述 Discussion on the misrepresentation of charter party and its legal effect 论租船合同中的误述及其法律后果 In practice of chartering market, a lot of disputes arise because the misrepresentation made by one party caused the loss or damage of the opposite. 租船合同中 ,通常会因为一方当事人的误述导致对方的损失 ,因此产生的争议时有发生。例3 虚报 Misrepresentation of the Registered Capital 虚报注册资本罪探微其余“misrepresentation”译为未确定词的双语例句 Experimental Study on the Information Misrepresentation in Social Decision Making 社会决策中信息错误表征的实验研究 The system is that according to the agreement and laws the insurer appoints the auditor to audit the financial reports of the insured, and undertakes the responsibility for compensation to third parties" losses suffered as result of misrepresentation in financial reports. 财务报表保险制度,指的是根据投保公司与保险公司签订保险合同,由保险公司负责委托审计师对投保公司的财务报表进行审计,并依法承担投保公司过失造成财务报表陈述不实,导致的第三者经济损失赔偿责任。 The beginning of the article has drawn the conception of the pure economic loss through several concrete cases, and point out that the research range of this article is relational economic loss and the pure economic loss caused by negligent misrepresentation of experts. 文初通过几个具体的案例引出了纯经济损失的概念,通过契约法和侵权法对该问题处理机制的评析,作者将本文论述的核心——第三人纯经济损失问题提取出来,即相关经济损失和第三人由于专业人士过失不实陈述导致的纯经济损失。 The content of the second part incorporates the liability incurred on lawyers for securities misrepresentation in USA, the job difference between accountants and lawyers in securities issuing and trading must be cleared to differentiate their liabilities. 第二部分介绍美国证券法上律师在信息披露中因为不实陈述对投资者承担的民事责任,律师在证券发行和交易过程中辅助发行人的工作与会计师并不相同,律师和会计师因为各自工作所要承担的责任应该分清,另外一个很重要的问题是要认清法律上认定的陈述作出者才是责任的真正承担者; Insurer can only revoke the insurance contract when the insured makes misrepresentations instead of finding clues of misrepresentation in order to terminate the contract. 笔者认为,因投保人不如实告知订立的保险合同是意思表示不真实的合同,属于可以撤销的合同,而非可以解除之保险合同。 保险人因此只享有保险合同的撤销权。

为什么我的电脑开机时总出现an error occurred while loading resource dll.请教


poison -green dress 这儿poison怎么翻译?

poison-green dress : poison-ivy- green dress像毒常春藤叶的绿色衣物poison = poison-ivy 毒常春藤

英语题目!!Last month, Mr.and Mrs. Brown 1 to a big city for a day rest(休息). They 2 to go to the




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森林之子《SonsOfTheForest》存档位置在哪?不知如何解决,为此小编给大家收集整理森林之子《SonsOfTheForest》存档位置在哪?解决办法,感兴趣的快来看看吧。森林之子《SonsOfTheForest》存档位置在哪?存档位置C:Users(使用者名称)AppDataLocalLowEndnightSonsOfTheForestSaves(一串数字)MultiplayerClient = 多人存档(房客)SinglePlayer = 单人存档Multiplaye = 多人房主 要换房主是拿这个也可以单人转多人.




森林之子《SonsOfTheForest》香肠怪怎么打?不知如何解决,为此小编给大家收集整理森林之子《SonsOfTheForest》香肠怪怎么打?解决办法,感兴趣的快来看看吧。森林之子《SonsOfTheForest》香肠怪怎么打?参考答案:神皮使徒你就得挨着它跟他绕圈打,它转弯半径太大了你贴着他侧面它只会不停翻跟头,现在打它甲都不掉。电击枪电一下,切武士刀砍爆。在地上插上一块木刺,让香肠怪从那走过去来回两三趟就挂了。用木棍造尖刺,两下就戳死了, 或者用燃烧瓶。

escent 是什么词根? evanescent fluorescent中都有这个词根

escent = becoming 是形容词后缀 esc = becoming 是词根 alesc (esc,alit,olesc) = becoming 词根alesc来自拉丁语的alesc意为becoming. growing,esc,alit,olesc是它的变形. 1.coalition(变成一起co


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