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过去式:proofread 过去分词:proofread 【希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)】

how are you ? i am great

how is it going 和how r u其实没有多大区别,不用死着去翻译 how is it going是比较口语化的,所以回答fine或good的就行了 how r u是比较正式的,所以用im fine

Ready To Fly 歌词

歌曲名:Ready To Fly歌手:Richard Marx专辑:Ready To FlyReady To Fly - Richard MarxI"ve been trying to open the doorTo the secret of my destinyAnd every new road I think is the oneSeems to lead right back to meI"ve looked for a way to be wiserA way to be strongNow I see the answer was hidingIn me all alongAnd I"m ready to flyOver the sunLike a rocket to heavenAnd I"m ready to soarRight through the skyNever dreamed I"d find something to lift me so highI"ve always had wingsBut I wasn"t ready to flyRestless, hopeless, and misunderstoodLike so many others I knowSo busy tryin" to keep holdin" onWhen I should"ve been letting goI was given the gift to find itThe spirit inside meBut I never really imaginedAll I could beAnd I"m ready to flyOver the sunLike a rocket to heavenAnd I"m ready to soarRight through the skyNever dreamed I"d find something to lift me so highI"ve always had wingsBut I wasn"t ready to flyThe answer to all of my wonderWas right in my handsNow it"s time for me to discoverAll that I amAnd I"m ready to flyOver the sunLike a rocket to heavenAnd I"m ready to soarRight through the skyNever dreamed I"d find something to lift me so highI"ve always had wingsBut I wasn"t ready to flyI"ve always had wingsNow I"m finally ready to fly

Liquid Dream 歌词

歌曲名:Liquid Dream歌手:chris spheeris专辑:Desires Of The HeartPosters of love surrounding meI"m lost in a world of fantasyEvery night she comes to meAnd gives me all the love I needNow this, hot girl ,she"s not your average girlShe"s a morpherotic dream from a magazineAnd she"s so fine, designed to blow your mindShe"s a dominatrix super-model beauty queen (whoo)I dream about a girl whose a mix of Destiny"s ChildJust little touch of Madonna"s wild styleWith Janet Jackson"s smileThrow in a body like Jennifer"sYou got the star of my liquid dreamsAngelina Jolie"s lips to kiss in the darkUnderneath Cindy C"s beauty markWhen it comes to the test well Tyra"s the bestAnd Salma Hayek brings the rest (ohhh)Now this, hot girl ,she"s not your average girlShe"s a morpherotic dream from a magazineAnd she"s so fine, designed to blow your mindShe"s a dominatrix super-model beauty queen (whoo)I dream about a girl whose a mix of Destiny"s ChildJust little touch of Madonna"s wild styleWith Janet Jackson"s smileThrow in a body like Jennifer"sYou got the star of my liquid dreamsAin"t everthing she"s got the sweets personalityLike Halle B (Halle B)My mama thinks I"m lazyMy friends all thinks I"m crazyBut in my mind I leave the world behide every night I dreamLiquid dreams, my liquid dreamsWaterfalls and streams, these liquid dreams (ooohhh)I dream about a girl whose a mix of Destiny"s ChildJust little touch of Madonna"s wild styleWith Janet Jackson"s smileThrow in a body like Jennifer"sYou got the star of my liquid dreamsI dream about a girl whose a mix of Destiny"s ChildJust little touch of Madonna"s wild styleWith Janet Jackson"s smileThrow in a body like Jennifer"sYou got the star of my liquid dreamsI dream about a girl whose a mix of Destiny"s ChildJust little touch of Madonna"s wild styleWith Janet Jackson"s smileThrow in a body like Jennifer"sYou got the star of my liquid dreams




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电子游戏编年史(二 ) 雅达利的《Pong》与乔布斯的《Breakout》

很开心能继续给大家讲故事,本期给大家继续讲关于电子 游戏 的故事,笔者希望以自己的视角,来解读这些故事,有不对的地方欢迎大家作自我批评啊(笑)。 作为雅达利的创始人,布什内尔也的确天赋异禀,并且对电子 游戏 极其的痴迷,这似乎就像是上天的安排一般……在大学期间,一次偶然的机会,布什内尔在学校的计算机实验室里玩到了史帝芬·罗素开发的《太空战争!》,然后陷入了痴迷状态。在这之后,他展现出了巨大的热情,迅速和实验室的老师搞好了关系,成为了绝对的积极分子。布什内尔和其他的同学不一样,他不是单单的玩 游戏 ,反而是经常思考一些相关的问题。在之前的打工期间,他碰巧有接触到弹珠机和赌博机,为什么那些赌徒疯狂的往里扔钱,还乐此不疲呢?电子 游戏 的魅力不是应该更大吗!布什内尔越想越激动,干脆决定自己着手研发 游戏 。 快乐的日子总是短暂的,布什内尔毕业了,他随后进入了Ampex公司,担任工程师助理的职务。虽然Ampex公司主要项目是摄录设备,但公司也并不反对员工自己进行创意研究。布什内尔此时仍然对《太空战争!》念念不忘,但也对当初电脑高昂的成本望而却步。不过随着 科技 的发展,电脑的价格也逐步降低,大有普及的趋势,英特尔也开发出了微型处理器,这让布什内尔看到了希望。他迅速利用公司便利,搞到了相关的设备,并且在1971年的时候开发出了一款叫做《电脑空间》的街机产品,显然,这个《电脑空间》的 游戏 内容便是《太空战争!》的升级版。这个产品也成功打动了投币机厂商Nutting Associates,他们不但买下了《电脑空间》的版权,还邀请了布什内尔来担任工程师。显然,布什内尔和Nutting Associates都看到了电子 游戏 和街机结合起来的未来,前景甚至远远超越那些弹珠机,可没想到市场却根本不买账。 这到底是什么原因呢?显然是《电脑空间》的学习成本太高了,就如同要让老年人学会用手机上网一样,很多人还没学就不耐烦的离开了,他们根本 想像 不到网络带给他们的快乐!在大学期间,大家玩的《太空战争!》很风靡,还是因为这些相关专业的学生本身就有对应的知识与基础。可不同的,普通的玩家们不一样,他们应该以更简单的方式来跨入电子 游戏 的大门。而当初的赌博机和弹珠台能吸引那些赌徒的,可以快速上手不也是非常重要的一点吗?可惜布什内尔却忽略掉了。在冥思苦想期间,米罗华·奥德赛的一次展示会让布什内尔得到了灵感,或许像《Table Tennis》这种方式才是大众需要的吧。随后,《Table Tennis》的表现也的确不错,这也印证了布什内尔的新想法。 经历了之前的失败,布什内尔决定东山再起。总归先要有个合伙人,于是布什内尔找到了曾在美国海军陆战队学习电子学的达布尼,他也是Ampex的员工,两人进行了出资。至于技术方面,布什内尔还笼络了同样是Ampex工程师的奥尔康。公司名字起先是Syzygy,不过由于重名只好更改。此时布什内尔想到了围棋中的叫吃,就是围棋中的一方落子后,造成对方棋子只剩一口气就会被提走的情况。这个术语的发音,就和雅达利非常接近,公司的名字也就如此的被确定了下来。在几个人的努力下,他们制作出了一款街机, 游戏 内容就像《Table Tennis》,他们取名为《Pong》,就像球撞击的声音。当然,其实本来他们也想叫的直接点,但Ping-Pong(乒乓球)这个名字已经被注册过了。第一台《Pong》就被放在了当地的安迪·卡培酒吧里做试验。顾客们看到了新奇的玩意儿,不免也想要一试,具体效果如何当时谁也说不准。不过,既然做了出来,就要进行推广和运营,布什内尔便马不停蹄的去寻找合作商了。没想到,半个月后,酒吧打来电话说《Pong》坏了,奥尔康便负责去检查。据酒吧人员介绍说,现在酒吧还没开门,就有很多人排队等着要玩《Pong》,而当奥尔康打开外壳之后,发现 游戏 机坏了的原因是因为币实在太多了!新的币不能正常落下识别, 游戏 无法正常开始。只需要把币拿出来就行了,这并不是一次真正意义上的修理,但结果却让人兴奋,即便是再木讷的人,恐怕也能看的出来,《Pong》要成功了! 远在外地谈合作的布什内尔听到了奥尔康的汇报,简直喜出望外,干脆也不找什么合作了,回来自己造机器!随着迷上《Pong》的玩家越来越多,订机器的地方也就越多,赚机器制作的钱加投币分成让雅达利迅速发展壮大。据说截至1973年,雅达利已经收到了2500张《Pong》的街机订单,并且在之后的一年内还有超过8000张订单飞到布什内尔的办公桌上。或许是因为知道自己的灵感来源于《Table Tennis》,布什内尔起初并没有为《Pong》申请专利,但没想到抄袭者蜂拥而至,据说最火爆的时候市面上有数十款抄袭的产品出现……这直接造成了《Pong》的市场占有率下降了不少。当然我们上期也提到过了,最后米罗华还来告了雅达利,作为应对方案,雅达利也只好采用继续制作新的 游戏 来谋求突破了。此时,还有个小插曲,便是公司的创始人之一的达布尼选择退出,据说是有些决策上的矛盾,最终布什内尔买了其拥有的股份,成为了唯一股东。随着米罗华·奥德赛和雅达利《Pong》的走红,电子 游戏 的风潮已经刮起,更多的厂商开始加入,这里面就包括任天堂。1977年他们与三菱合作,推出了一款叫做Color TV Game 6的 游戏 机,内置6个 游戏 ,里面自然也有类似《Pong》的 游戏 。这台插在彩色电视上的 游戏 机定价9800日元,据说以这个价格出售,每台还会亏损200日元,最终销售量大概在100万台。这其实是任天堂当时的总裁山内溥的销售策略,此举是希望借此在同类产品中能够脱颖而出,毕竟当时的竞品就有数十款之多,并且价格大概都在2万日元以上。在成功吸引了玩家们关注后,任天堂果断发售了Color TV-Game 15,顾名思义,这台 游戏 机包含15款内置 游戏 ,售价也提高到了15000日元,销量也达到了一百万台左右,这才让任天堂好好的赚了一笔。其实这两台机器本质上是一样的,都是Color TV-Game 15,只不过Color TV Game 6把其中9款 游戏 的选择键去掉了。1978年,任天堂想趁热打铁,又推出了Color TV-Game Racing 112,售价12800日元,操控器还有一个方向盘。可惜的是由于 游戏 的类型都是赛车,并没有太多玩家喜爱,所以销量的结果还是比较低迷的,只有16万台左右。 随后,任天堂在1979年继续推出了一部Color TV-Game Block Breaker,要说起这台机器里搭载的这个 游戏 ,那我们就又有故事可以讲了。 因为这款 游戏 ,便是雅达利所开发的街机 游戏 《Breakout》!那就让我们把时间往前推一推,那时候雅达利2600型 游戏 机还并没有上市,雅达利的关注点也更多的在街机上面。 此时,一件有趣的事情发生了,鼎鼎大名的史蒂夫·乔布斯竟然鬼使神差的来到了雅达利公司面试。乔布斯在当时非常厌倦上课,作为好友的史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克还悉心劝导,不过这也没拦住特立独行的乔布斯,他决定退学!回到老家后,乔布斯开始找工作,雅达利的招聘启示中那句在享乐中赚钱征服了他。乔布斯马上就找到了雅达利公司,准备进行面试,即便是对相关的技术一窍不通。没想到奥尔康竟然决定给乔布斯一个机会,他认为乔布斯有激情,并且有热情,最重要的是他非常聪明。 没想到,乔布斯就这样进入了雅达利,真是信了他的邪了!起先,乔布斯作为助手,对电子知识一窍不通,但还对那些工程师指指点点,甚至邋里邋遢,这让同事们都很讨厌他。日子过的越久,讨厌乔布斯的人就越多,想开除他的人自然也能排上队…… 尽管大家都对乔布斯的做派不爽,但好在布什内尔很欣赏这个小伙子,甚至还想到了一个巧妙的办法来解决他和同事之间的矛盾,没错,就是让他上夜班。在晚上的时间段,乔布斯开始学习设计电路板,至于技术上的导师,沃兹尼亚克可是现成的,要知道沃兹尼亚克在那时候已经进入了惠普工作。 乔布斯在这种状态下工作了一段时间,便要求辞职,理由是要去印度玩。奥尔康差点骂街,好容易你小子掌握了技术了,怎么能说走就走呢,不过此时正巧雅达利在德国那边的一个部门有个小问题,大概就是N制转P制这种。干脆,作为交换条件,就让乔布斯先去解决完这个问题,然后再放他去印度。好在乔布斯也还算靠谱,旅行了大半年的他在1975年的时候回到了雅达利,继续上夜班。此时乔布斯开始展现出了极强的天赋,当然沃兹尼亚克也绝非等闲之辈,他的技术水平可远在乔布斯之上,两个人俨然成为了黄金搭档。奥尔康自然慧眼识珠,在布什内尔想要开发一款打砖块的 游戏 时,他就决定把这个任务交给乔布斯。顺便一提,沃兹尼亚克也是真爱 游戏 ,一直来雅达利帮助乔布斯,只是为了更早的玩到最新款 游戏 。 奥尔康规定的完成期限是一个月,并且尽量减少芯片数来降低成本。结果想去农场玩的乔布斯更狠,干脆跟沃兹尼亚克说咱们要在四天内完成这项工作,然后奖金对半分。令人惊讶的是,二人不但四天完成了 游戏 的最初版本设计,沃兹尼亚克还将晶体管芯片的数量减少至42个。乔布斯心满意足的去领奖金,奖金包括如期完成的700美元和少于50芯片的5000美元。当然,乔布斯只跟沃兹尼亚克说了700美元的事,然后分给了他350美元……遗憾的是,雅达利最后并没有采用沃兹尼亚克的这个设计,还是用了高达100个晶体管芯片的方案,理由是沃兹尼亚克的设计过于精巧与复杂,不利于批量生产。随后的故事便是乔布斯决定在1976年4月成立一家电脑公司,当然合伙人仍然是大腿沃兹尼亚克……这是后话不谈。雅达利则继续发展壮大,即便他们失去了乔布斯和沃兹尼亚克。 此时的电子 游戏 市场可谓鱼龙混杂,厂商也犹如大浪淘沙,亨利·贝尔和布什内尔在那个时代也同样再度展开了竞争,当然后续还有我们熟知的任天堂等日本厂商的加入…… 贝尔找到了美国玩具制造商Coleco继续做他的家用主机,而布什内尔则找到了华纳,他将雅达利公司以2600万美元的价格卖掉之后,获得了1一亿美元的追加投资,这才有了之后的雅达利2600。 好了,那么我们下次继续聊吧,毕竟雅达利的故事还没说完呢啊。 感谢大家阅读,希望大家能多多关注笔者。 方糖文库·怀利sama

急!!if life is a dream,let is dream of bridge bulit it


"life is but a dream"这个but是什么用法??


dream school life like英语作文

梦想校园生活 像

、Like a Dream of life, but life is not a dream ,


life is but a dream什么意思


急需一篇“the life is like dream”的英语演讲稿

参考:)~A dream is to a man what wings are to a bird. With a dream in the deep heart"s core, a man is spontaneously driven to hitch his wagon to a star. A dream is an inexhaustible source of energy that keeps our enthusiasm burning, and kindles our desire to enhance our spiritual cultivation, refine our character, and upgrade our quality of life. A life without a dream is like a bird with broken wings, confined to a cage and oblivious of what lies beyond the range of its vision. On the contrary, a man with a dream is like a warrior armed with ambition, foresight and gallantry, daring to step into an unknown domain to make a journey of adventure. It is dream that adds fullness, variety, and spice to our life and makes it worth living. I have a dream. It is a dream that is deeply rooted in human nature. I dream that one day people of all origins can live in harmony and peace without being discriminated against or persecuted. The bounty of the earth can be shared by every single human being. Mutual respect will guarantee the existence and continuation of the diversity of customs and cultures. Love, sympathy, and cooperation will alleviate the sufferings and disasters inflicted upon our fellow men. Respect for basic human rights will put an end to social injustices and evils. When my dream comes true, all men will be truly equal, happy, and free.

Life is like a dream怎么分析


Life is like a dream怎么分析 就是is和like在句子中各做了什么成分?

life 是主语 is 是系动词 后面跟介词like作表语 is like合在一起是系表结构 作谓语 a dream 是宾语 祝进步↖(^ω^)↗

Life is but a dream,the past like smoke, look at life 的中文意思!


我很喜欢这句:Life is like a DreaM 浮生若梦 。它有什么背景故事么。


life is like a dream.

"像" "如" 你是否以为是 喜欢 的意思 一个英文单词有很多意思滴


factor: 因素,心灵美也是决定你娶谁的重要因素 Inner beauty is also an important factor when you decide who to marry.cause:原因,这是火灾的原因 This is the cause of the fire.reason:理由,你能告诉我这样做的理由吗?Can you tell me the reason you did this?

Life Is Like A Dream 歌词

歌曲名:Life Is Like A Dream歌手:张学友专辑:Life Is Like A Dream人人最初几岁大 无求而愉快何时寸心想变大 忘了有如每日还债太多闪烁烟花 闪了一下电幻泡影花非花 得不到它免却更多牵挂 不到你不化总有天会发现 Life is like a dream以后会点 一眨眼 Life is like a dream意义太深 讲得太浅但 梦中清醒的过客顿悟随命信天要几多天流年似影水里动 缘何还在痛来时我心轻似梦 行李却嫌过份沉重哪些非要不可 非爱不可电幻泡影这么多 快乐痛楚你要记得几多 不记得几多到头来 Life is like a dream 以后会点一眨眼 Life is like a dream 要几多天到头来 Life is like a dream 以后会点一眨眼 Life is like a dream 讲得太浅谁曾献出真眼泪 何曾留梦里悠悠我心醒与睡 忘了有时过份陶醉忘了有时错亦如对 忘了我梦里是...

life is like a dream什么意思







【RoHS指令】简介RoHS指令是《电气、电子设备中限制使用某些有害物质指令》(the Restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment)的英文缩写。基本内容是:从2006年7月1日起,在新投放市场的电子电气设备产品中,限制使用铅、汞、镉、六价铬、多溴联苯(PBB)和多溴二苯醚(PBDE)等六种有害物质。【POHS指令】简介PoHS英文全称为Prohibition on Certain Hazardous Substancesin Consumer Products,中文译为“消费性产品中禁用特定有害物质”,由挪威提出。其提出的受限制的18种物质为:HBCDD:六溴环十二烷;TBBPA:四溴双酚A;C14-C17MCCP:14-17碳氯化石腊;As:砷及其化合物;Pb:铅及其化合物;Cd:镉及其化合物;TBT:三丁基锡;TPT:三苯基锡;DEHP:邻苯二甲酸二己酯;Pentachlorphenol:五氯苯酚;muskxylene:二甲苯麝香;muskketone:酮麝香;DTDMAC:双(氢化牛油烷基)二甲基氯化胺;DODMAC/DSDMAC:二硬脂基二甲基氯化胺;DHTDMAC:二(硬化牛油)二甲基氯化胺;BisphenolA(BPA):双酚A,即二酚基丙烷;PFOA:全氟辛酸铵;Triclosan:三氯生,即三氯羟基二苯醚。【REACH指令】简介 《关于化学品注册、评估、许可和限制法案》( 简称REACH法规) 现在提出15种高度关注物质: CAS NO. 物质名称 英文名称 规格 常见应用 101-77-9 4,4""-二氨基二苯甲烷 Bis-(4-aminophenyl)methane 250mg 偶氮染料,橡胶的环氧树脂固化剂 85-68-7 邻苯二甲酸甲苯基丁酯(BBP) Phthalic acid, benzylbutyl ester 250mg 乙烯基泡沫,耐火砖和合成皮革的增塑剂 117-81-7 邻苯二甲酸二(2-乙基己基)酯(DEHP) Phthalic acid, bis-2-ethylhexyl ester 500mgPVC增塑剂,液压液体和电容器里的绝缘体 84-74-2 邻苯二甲酸二丁基酯(DBP) Phthalic acid, bis-butyl ester 500mg 增塑剂,粘合剂和印刷油墨的添加剂 120-12-7 蒽 Anthracene 50mg 染料中间体,杀虫剂,木材防腐剂 25637-99-4 3194-55-6 六溴环十二烷(HBCDD) 1,2,5,6,9,10-Hexabromocyclododecane 250mg 阻燃剂 134237-51-7 α-六溴环十二烷,50ug/ml于甲苯 α-HBCDD 1.2ml   134237-50-6 β-六溴环十二烷,50ug/ml于甲苯 β-HBCDD 1.2ml   134237-52-8 γ-六溴环十二烷,50ug/ml于甲苯 γ-HBCDD 1.2ml   7789-12-0 10588-01-9 重铬酸钠:原子吸收法检测,铬酸盐标准溶液1000mg/l Sodium dichromate dihydrate 500ml 金属表面精整,皮革制作,纺织品染色,木材防腐剂 81-15-2 二甲苯麝香(MX) Musk xylene 100mg 香水,化妆品 85535-84-8 短链氯化石蜡(C10-C13)(SCCP)     金属加工过程的润滑剂,橡胶和皮革衣料,胶水 氯化石蜡,C10-C13混标,51.5% Cl,100ppm溶于环己烷 Chloroparaffin C10-C13, 51,5% Cl 10ml   氯化石蜡,C10-C13混标,55.5% Cl,100ppm溶于环己烷 Chloroparaffin, C10-C13, 55,5% Cl 10ml   氯化石蜡,C10-C13混标,63% Cl,100ppml溶于环己烷 Chloroparaffin C10-C13, 63% Cl 10ml 56-35-9 氧化双三丁基锡 TBTO 250mg 木材防腐剂 15606-95-8 三乙基砷酸酯 Arsenic acid triethyl ester 5g 木材防腐剂 1303-28-2 五氧化二砷:原子吸收法检测,砷标准溶液 arsenic oxide 100ml 杀菌剂,除草剂 1327-53-3 三氧化二砷:原子吸收法检测,砷标准溶液 arsenic trioxide 100ml 除草剂,杀虫剂 7784-40-9 砷酸铅:原子吸收法检测,铅标准溶液 lead arsenate 100ml 杀虫剂 7646-79-9 二氯化钴 Cobaltous Chloride 1g 干燥剂,例如硅胶【关系】POHS包含全部的无卤以及部分ROHS及REACH要求;REACH与ROHS及无卤无任何交集。


SGS是一个实验室的名称,包含了MSDS rohs reach


ROHS和REACH区别有:定义及适用范围不同、管控对象不同。1、定义及适用范围不同RoHS是指令,REACH是法规,指令本身没有法律效果,要欧盟成员国进一步转换成本国的法律才具有法律效力。法规是有法律效力。REACH是筐架,RoHS是具体指令。2、管控对象不同REACH从物质出发,RoHS从物品出发。RoHS主要针对成品的管理,其主旨要求在用材料是安全且其环境影响可以控制;REACH主要针对化学品的管理,其主旨要求在用的化学物质其安全可控。RoHS的管制目标是,减少电子电气产品在废弃之后里面所含的有害物质在环境中的累积,因而要求在组成电子电气产品的均质材料中禁止使用有害物质。REACH的管制目标是化学物质(包括物品中的化学物质),主要是为了减少化学物质在整个生命周期中对人类和环境的风险。RoHS管制的物质一定在REACH范围内。3、涉及范围不同RoHS及REACH SVHC都是强制性执行,两者限制的有害物质数量不同。RoHS指令是一个行业特定指令,在电子电气设备中限制使用某些有害物质;而REACH法规提出的关于化学品的注册、评估、授权和限制等要求影响包括电子电气产品在内的几乎所有产品。另外,两者不相互影响。若出现重叠要求,则应适用较严格的要求。在对RoHS指令的定期审查中,欧盟环境委员会还会对其与REACH法规的一致性进行分析,以确保RoHS指令与REACH之间的一致性。简介:RoHS只是限制有毒有害物质在电子电器产品中使用的指令,一般客户有要求需要到检测机构做一个RoHS检测,拿到检测报告即可,价格也很便宜。REACH是欧盟出台的一部系统的化学品管理法规,根据产品的类型可能会涉及到REACH预注册或REACH法规正式注册,还有有毒有害物质的授权等。


您好!物料是否环保,如果说由物料生产的最终产品要流入欧盟市场的话,一般都是要求有RoHS和REACH报告的。跟您解释下RoHS和REACH吧:RoHS是由欧盟立法制定的一项强制性标准,它的全称是《关于限制在电子电器设备中使用某些有害成分的指令》。针对构成电子电器设备的原材料(物料)及终端产品。现在已是要求RoHS2.0:铅Pb、镉Cd、铬Cr6+、汞Hg、多溴联苯PBBs、多溴联苯醚PBDEs、HBCCD六溴环十二烷、DEHP邻苯二甲酸二辛酯、DBP邻苯二甲酸二丁酯和BBP邻苯二甲酸丁酯苯甲酯。REACH是欧盟法规《化学品的注册、评估、授权和限制》,要求凡进口和在欧洲境内生产的化学品必须通过注册、评估、授权和限制等一组综合程序,以更好更简单地识别化学品的成分来达到确保环境和人体安全的目的。一般出口量在小于1吨/年/人情况下,只需做REACH SVHC 测试,目前是最新的155项有害物质检测。一般来说,市场上经常说的环保物料,一般是通过了RoHS测试和REACH SVHC测试的。HCT虹彩检测,倾情为您解答。


【RoHS指令】简介RoHS指令是《电气、电子设备中限制使用某些有害物质指令》(the Restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment)的英文缩写。基本内容是:从2006年7月1日起,在新投放市场的电子电气设备产品中,限制使用铅、汞、镉、六价铬、多溴联苯(PBB)和多溴二苯醚(PBDE)等六种有害物质。【POHS指令】简介PoHS英文全称为Prohibition on Certain Hazardous Substancesin Consumer Products,中文译为“消费性产品中禁用特定有害物质”,由挪威提出。其提出的受限制的18种物质为:HBCDD:六溴环十二烷;TBBPA:四溴双酚A;C14-C17MCCP:14-17碳氯化石腊;As:砷及其化合物;Pb:铅及其化合物;Cd:镉及其化合物;TBT:三丁基锡;TPT:三苯基锡;DEHP:邻苯二甲酸二己酯;Pentachlorphenol:五氯苯酚;muskxylene:二甲苯麝香;muskketone:酮麝香;DTDMAC:双(氢化牛油烷基)二甲基氯化胺;DODMAC/DSDMAC:二硬脂基二甲基氯化胺;DHTDMAC:二(硬化牛油)二甲基氯化胺;BisphenolA(BPA):双酚A,即二酚基丙烷;PFOA:全氟辛酸铵;Triclosan:三氯生,即三氯羟基二苯醚。【REACH指令】简介 《关于化学品注册、评估、许可和限制法案》( 简称REACH法规) 现在提出15种高度关注物质: CAS NO. 物质名称 英文名称 规格 常见应用 101-77-9 4,4""-二氨基二苯甲烷 Bis-(4-aminophenyl)methane 250mg 偶氮染料,橡胶的环氧树脂固化剂 85-68-7 邻苯二甲酸甲苯基丁酯(BBP) Phthalic acid, benzylbutyl ester 250mg 乙烯基泡沫,耐火砖和合成皮革的增塑剂 117-81-7 邻苯二甲酸二(2-乙基己基)酯(DEHP) Phthalic acid, bis-2-ethylhexyl ester 500mgPVC增塑剂,液压液体和电容器里的绝缘体 84-74-2 邻苯二甲酸二丁基酯(DBP) Phthalic acid, bis-butyl ester 500mg 增塑剂,粘合剂和印刷油墨的添加剂 120-12-7 蒽 Anthracene 50mg 染料中间体,杀虫剂,木材防腐剂 25637-99-4 3194-55-6 六溴环十二烷(HBCDD) 1,2,5,6,9,10-Hexabromocyclododecane 250mg 阻燃剂 134237-51-7 α-六溴环十二烷,50ug/ml于甲苯 α-HBCDD 1.2ml   134237-50-6 β-六溴环十二烷,50ug/ml于甲苯 β-HBCDD 1.2ml   134237-52-8 γ-六溴环十二烷,50ug/ml于甲苯 γ-HBCDD 1.2ml   7789-12-0 10588-01-9 重铬酸钠:原子吸收法检测,铬酸盐标准溶液1000mg/l Sodium dichromate dihydrate 500ml 金属表面精整,皮革制作,纺织品染色,木材防腐剂 81-15-2 二甲苯麝香(MX) Musk xylene 100mg 香水,化妆品 85535-84-8 短链氯化石蜡(C10-C13)(SCCP)     金属加工过程的润滑剂,橡胶和皮革衣料,胶水 氯化石蜡,C10-C13混标,51.5% Cl,100ppm溶于环己烷 Chloroparaffin C10-C13, 51,5% Cl 10ml   氯化石蜡,C10-C13混标,55.5% Cl,100ppm溶于环己烷 Chloroparaffin, C10-C13, 55,5% Cl 10ml   氯化石蜡,C10-C13混标,63% Cl,100ppml溶于环己烷 Chloroparaffin C10-C13, 63% Cl 10ml 56-35-9 氧化双三丁基锡 TBTO 250mg 木材防腐剂 15606-95-8 三乙基砷酸酯 Arsenic acid triethyl ester 5g 木材防腐剂 1303-28-2 五氧化二砷:原子吸收法检测,砷标准溶液 arsenic oxide 100ml 杀菌剂,除草剂 1327-53-3 三氧化二砷:原子吸收法检测,砷标准溶液 arsenic trioxide 100ml 除草剂,杀虫剂 7784-40-9 砷酸铅:原子吸收法检测,铅标准溶液 lead arsenate 100ml 杀虫剂 7646-79-9 二氯化钴 Cobaltous Chloride 1g 干燥剂,例如硅胶【关系】POHS包含全部的无卤以及部分ROHS及REACH要求;REACH与ROHS及无卤无任何交集。

在星光少女《Dream Goes On》的歌词中有:勇往直前 step up 一句 我想问问下一句是什么

要让心灵飞扬闪亮这句是真的哦,因为我有《 Dream Goes On》的全部中文歌词

万圣节恐怖电影《别惹小孩(trick or treat)》|南瓜灯保护你回家

万圣节那天晚上,从来没看过恐怖片的我我精挑细选了这部应景的电影,豆瓣评分6.5,并且我秉持着人吓人吓死人的原则,拉上了一位随时会用自己的尖叫声增添恐怖氛围的好朋友一同观赏了这部电影。 看完之后我却深感智商上限无法理解,综合多方影评和剖析之后,这就过来给大家安利了。两个字总结这部电影:玄妙。本片整体围绕两个主旨南瓜灯保护你回家、不给糖就捣乱而展开三条主线(以及一条隐藏主线),基本上由四个各自独立的故事展开。诡异的父子 这对父子似乎有某些古怪的癖好,比如父亲非常喜欢做南瓜头,比如喜欢深夜在院子里挖坑埋东西,比如儿子喜欢在地下室里捣鼓他的南瓜头“艺术”,比如这家人似乎有着诡异变态的某种传统……一个胖胖的男孩将满腔不满发泄到了南瓜灯上面,他一路打碎南瓜灯,偶然坐在了这对父子家门前,他啃着巧克力棒,一边为自己的胖而自卑,一边又继续自暴自弃地吃。 诡异的父亲回来了,看到了这位胖男孩,似乎宽慰了他几句,二人正聊着天的时候,诡异又恶心的画面出现了。胖男孩突然开始呕吐,一阵一阵,无法抑制,呕吐物既像血液,又像巧克力浆,他慌张无措地吐着那些腥稠的液体,越吐越恶心,越吐约痛苦,直到倒地不起,没有心跳。 父亲冷静地将胖男孩的尸体拖去了院子里,淡定地挖坑,面对儿子的催促,平静地告诉他“就像你爷爷当年一样”……父亲将胖男孩的头颅割下,为儿子做南瓜灯。那死去的爷爷是否生前也曾在诡异的万圣夜,为父亲杀人做南瓜灯?原来这就是“传统”。南瓜头鬼男孩 南瓜头鬼男孩无处不在,他遵循着某种原则或者目的杀人。“南瓜灯保护你回家”,熄灭了南瓜灯的情侣,被一根棒棒糖割断了喉咙。“不给糖就捣乱”,或许该改成“不给糖就杀人”,没有给糖的老人在被鬼男孩追杀的最后关头,胸口的糖果救了自己一名。 南瓜头鬼男孩,遵循着最简单的原则,吃糖,和守护南瓜灯。美丽嗜血的女郎 万圣夜也是约会的夜晚,诱惑的夜晚,调情的夜晚。 四位美丽的女郎,打扮白雪公主、小红帽等不同的形象,开心地出去参加派对,喝酒、跳舞、唱歌,只有那位小红帽总是闷闷不乐,因为她至今仍没有一段甜蜜的第一次。独自走在路上闷闷不乐的她,却被一道不怀好意的目光盯上——是那位诡异的父亲。 父亲打扮成了狼人的模样,接近、诱惑那些年轻的、不甘寂寞的女性,然后悄悄杀死她们。显然,小红帽是他盯上的下一个目标。他悄悄靠近小红帽,制住她的行动,特意打磨得尖利的獠牙咬伤了她的脖颈……我预料到了狼人的存在,也不曾预料到反转来得猝不及防。 小红帽圆满地达成了她的第一次。万圣夜的恶作剧 四个抱团的小孩,熄灭了四盏南瓜灯,拉上了一位傻姑娘,前往那个有着可怖往事的悬崖,只有那位傻姑娘一路珍视地抱着南瓜灯。为首的美丽女孩,用清凉诡异的语气,说出了多年前的一段往事。多年以前的某一天,一辆校车载着患有精神疾病的八个孩子,司机时不时透过前视镜观察者八个孩子的反应。司机有些心虚,有些紧张,但最终还是下定了决心,打着方向盘去了一条之前从未经过的荒路。司机收了一笔钱,他只需要让这辆校车掉下悬崖就算完成了任务。车上是八个有精神疾病的孩子,每一个孩子于各自的家庭和父母而言都是沉重的负担。这些孩子的父母寻求一个解脱,也许他们甚至认为这种方法于这些孩子们而言也是解脱。一位敏感的孩子感知到了危险,他趁着司机不注意,掌握住了方向盘,想要开回家,却在惊慌失措下将校车开进了悬崖。司机如愿以偿了,不幸的是,他也掉下了悬崖;幸运的是,他竟能死里逃生。多年以后的这个万圣夜,那四个抱团的孩子利用这个故事针对那个傻姑娘进行了一场恶作剧。傻姑娘被吓得痛哭流涕几乎崩溃,当四个孩子哈哈大笑取消她的窘迫和丢人时,意想不到的事情发生了。八个鬼孩子的笑声传来,那四个小孩在自己的尖叫声中被吃掉了。只有那位傻姑娘,幸免于难,抱着南瓜灯安全地回到了家。至此,所有受害者和幸存者一目了然。 被父子选中而杀死的胖男孩,一路打碎了南瓜灯。 被八个鬼小孩吃掉的四个小孩,熄灭了南瓜灯。 被南瓜头鬼小孩杀死的情侣,熄灭了南瓜灯。 幸免于难的老人,家门口点着南瓜灯。 安全回到家的傻姑娘,一直抱着南瓜灯。万圣节的传统,让南瓜灯,保护你回家。 Trick or Treat!

万妮达trick or treat什么意思


Trick or treat的专辑列表

1. It"s Snack Time2. Evil Needs Candy Too3. Time For Us All4. Like Donald Duck5. Girls Just Want To Have Fun (Reprise)6. Joyful In Sadness7. Sunday Morning In London8. Who Will Save The Hero9. Back As A Pet10. Perfect Life11. Back To Life12. Neverending Story (Reprise) 1. A Night In The Toyshop2. Paper Dragon3. Take Your Chance4. Freedom5. Hello Moon6. Elevator To The Sky7. Loser Song8. Tears Against Your Smile9. Final Destination10. Tin Soldiers Part I11. Tin Soldiers Part II

请问trick or treat 和trick or tread 有什么区别


Treat Or Trick是什么意思的意思


镜音双子 trick or treat歌词


What does“treat or treat”mean?It means “get a_____or play a_____”

第一个空:treat第二个空:trickplay a trick是固定用法

Trick or treat?为什么英文是问号,中文是叹号?


寻找万圣节儿歌 Trick-or-Treat (The Halloween Song)

Trick or treat. 不给糖就捣蛋 Smell my feet. 闻闻我的脚 Give me something good to eat. 给我好吃的东西 Ghosts, witches, and goblins, too. 鬼、巫婆、小精灵 Are waiting in the dark for you. 正在黑暗中等着你 The witch is riding on a broomstick. 巫婆正骑在扫把上 She is warming up the big black kettle. 她正热着黑色的炉子 She is cooking small toads and spiders. 她正在煮蟾蜍和蜘蛛 She is feeding all the ghosts and goblins. 她正在喂所有的鬼和小精灵 We are all scared to death. 我们全部怕的要死 Trick or treat! Trick or treat! 不给糖就捣蛋、不给糖就捣蛋 Give me something good to eat! 给我好吃的东西 If you don"t, I don"t care. 如果你不给,没关系 I"ll steal your underwear. 我会偷走你的内衣裤 Trick or treat! Trick or treat! 不给糖就捣蛋、不给糖就捣蛋 I want something good to eat! 我要好吃的东西 Trick or treat! Trick or treat! 不给糖就捣蛋、不给糖就捣蛋 Give me something nice and sweet. 给我好吃的东西 Give me candy and an apple, too. 给我糖果和苹果 And I won"t play a trick a trick on you! 这样我就不会捉弄你

trick or treat的汉语意思是什么?

trick的本意是“恶作剧、捣乱等”,而treat本意则是“热情款待、招待”。Trick or Treat是万圣节孩子们挨家挨户要糖果等礼物都会说的,解释为:不给糖就捣蛋。如果有帮到您 请给予好评 如果还有问题 请重新提问哦 谢谢拉#^_^#祝您愉快

求tick or treat smell my feet 的歌词

  儿歌的?  Trick or treat. 不给糖就捣蛋  Smell my feet. 闻闻我的脚  Give me something good to eat. 给我好吃的东西  Ghosts, witches, and goblins, too. 鬼、巫婆、小精灵  Are waiting in the dark for you. 正在黑暗中等着你  The witch is riding on a broomstick. 巫婆正骑在扫把上  She is warming up the big black kettle. 她正热着黑色的炉子  She is cooking small toads and spiders. 她正在煮蟾蜍和蜘蛛  She is feeding all the ghosts and goblins. 她正在喂所有的鬼和小精灵  We are all scared to death. 我们全部怕的要死  Trick or treat! Trick or treat! 不给糖就捣蛋、不给糖就捣蛋  Give me something good to eat! 给我好吃的东西  If you don"t, I don"t care. 如果你不给,没关系  I"ll steal your underwear. 我会偷走你的内衣裤  Trick or treat! Trick or treat! 不给糖就捣蛋、不给糖就捣蛋  I want something good to eat! 我要好吃的东西  Trick or treat! Trick or treat! 不给糖就捣蛋、不给糖就捣蛋  Give me something nice and sweet. 给我好吃的东西  Give me candy and an apple, too. 给我糖果和苹果  And I won"t play a trick a trick on you! 这样我就不会捉弄你

trick or treat,什么意思


“Trick Or Treat”这个是翻成捣蛋还是糖果或恶作剧?



trick or treat伎俩或治疗trick or treat[英][trik u0254: tri:t][美][tru026ak u0254r trit]不请吃就捣蛋(指万圣节孩子们挨家逐户要糖果等礼物,如不遂愿便恶作剧一番的风俗);Children: trick or treat! Trick or treat!小孩子:不招待就搞鬼!不招待就搞鬼!

trick or treat怎么读

trick [简明英汉词典][trik]n.诡计, 骗局, 恶作剧, 窍门, 诀窍vt.欺骗, 哄骗treat [简明英汉词典][tri:t]n.宴请, 款待, 请客vt.视为, 对待, 论述, 治疗, 款待vi.交涉, 谈判, 协商, 款待, 作东

Trick Or Treat 歌词

歌曲名:Trick Or Treat歌手:真理絵专辑:真理絵 Works Best「Jump Up!」 「Trick Or Treat」歌:真理絵 作词:松宫豊 作编曲:Tsuyoshi KanekoPCゲーム『とり×とり ~えっちしてくんないとイタズラしちゃうゾ?~』オープンニングテーマ街に并ぶ お化けカボチャそうさ 明日はハロウィンチョコにキャンディ 苺タルトどんなお菓子もらおう?眠れない夜が明けたらパレードに行こう街中が浮かれて騒ぐ素敌なパーティ准备はOK! 仮装もバッチリ!待ちきれない梦の夜高鸣る鼓动は もう止まらないよ心が弾けるハロウィン胸は跃る ポップコーンだって今夜はハロウィン大人达に邪魔させない仆らだけの世界风に乗る甘い香り鼻を擽るとっておきのバスケットもって飞び出せ 今すぐ!暮れてゆく空に 月が浮かんだらさぁ街へと缲り出そう両手にいっぱい 笑颜を抱えて合言叶は そう、「とり×とり」星降る 夜更けに灯る歌声いつまでも梦の続き终わらせないでこ·の·ま·ま朝が近づいて 小鸟が鸣けば楽しいときはおしまいさ来年もきっと みんなと一绪にこの场所で会おう 约束!暮れてゆく空に 月が浮かんだらさぁ街へと缲り出そう両手にいっぱい 笑颜を抱えて合言叶は そう、「とり×とり」今夜は ハロウィン!终わり

Trick Or Treat 歌词

歌曲名:Trick Or Treat歌手:The Robert Cray Band专辑:The Definitive CollectionMAN WITH A MISSION - Trick or Treat作词:Kamikaze Boy·Jean-Ken Johnny作曲:Kamikaze BoyThere is no need for IDCome and see what you believeThis night"s the party ladiesOne and only holly night just feel this timeWe have nothing else except our groovy lifeHere comes your costumes and spooky storiesEveryone"s drinking champagneGet me some popping pumpkinsIt"s fine with eating but tonight"s the only nightThe great escape of lifeHey kids don"t be shyCome and sayTrick or Treat?Let"s dance, sing a song with lalalalaAnd you say wow wow wow sing a song yeahLet"s dance, sing a song with lalalalaCome and say wow wow wow, sing along yeahWarm light is swinging in stovesPut on the mask and the glovesIt may be spooky, but under the masksAll staff"s are laughingDon"t be afraidThis is the party night and don"t you care aboutHow much more tricks are just waiting for youPray for your precious familyDon"t give me cautious memoriesCall all your friends and let"s get every treatKnock on the door,The Great Mask"s NightHey guys let"s go with usCome and sayTrick or Treat?Let"s dance, sing a song with lalalalaAnd you say wow wow wow sing a song yeahLet"s dance, sing a song with lalalalaCome and say wow wow wow, sing along yeahAll Hallow"s EveOh HalloweenAll Saint"s EveOh HalloweenTrick or Treat?Let"s dance, sing a song with lalalalaAnd you say wow wow wow sing a song yeahLet"s dance, sing a song with lalalalaCome and say wow wow wow, sing along yeah

trick or treat是什么意思

  trick or treat英 [trik u0254: tri:t] 美 [tru026ak u0254r trit]  [词典]不请吃就捣蛋; (指万圣节孩子们挨家逐户要糖果等礼物,如不遂愿便恶作剧一番的风俗)  [网络]万圣夜; 不给糖就捣蛋; 捣蛋;  [例句]But they would always have some candy and maybe an apple to put in our trick or treat bags.  但是他们通常会带一些糖果或者苹果放进我们的恶作剧还是招待的口袋里。

歌词开头Welcome to the real world是什么歌

《Welcome to the Real World》歌词:Welcome to the Real World - CandiceI ask myself why are you still aroundIt"s just my 19th nervous breakdownYou sleep all day I"m working weekendsI"m sick of you and your stupid friendsYou"re living life just like a dreamLost in the sceneI"m so jaded, frustratedI can"t pretend, everything"s cool when youWon"t talk to me, leave me dirty laundryTo mess up my lifeGet your shit together "cause it"sWho, whoa, whoaWelcome to the real worldWhoaYou"re like a leech latching onto meSucking out all my energyOut to dinner and you"re on the phoneThe bill comes but your wallet"s at homeYou may be smooth, you may be fineBut you"re a waste of my timeI"m so jaded, frustratedI can"t pretend, everything"s cool when youWon"t talk to me, leave me dirty laundrymess To up my lifeGet your shit together "cause it"sWho, whoa, whoaWelcome to the real worldDon"t you think you"ll ever get a clueTell you what you gotta doSwear I won"t screamAnd I won"t shoutJust take your trash and get outI"m so jaded, frustratedI can"t pretend, everything"s cool when youWon"t talk to me, leave me dirty laundryTo mess up my lifeGet your shit together "cause it"swhoa, whoaWho, Maybe you should get a lifeWhoa, whoa, whoaI feel sorry for your future wifeWhoa, whoa, whoaWelcome to the real world

Real Love 歌词 汉译

谁唱的啊 是LEE RYAN 的吗?

I hope we can talk later! I wanna you to be real


The Real Thing 歌词

歌曲名:The Real Thing歌手:Tina Britt专辑:The Sue StoryBo Bice -《The Real Thing》Robin_SHIEvery word I say,I mean itEvery single day,I feel itBut sometimes when you talkIt"s obvious you wantto show itSo don"t blow itTell me what we got,tell me it"s a lottell me it"s the real thingTell me not to changeand always be the same,tell me that"s a good thingIt"s a good thingTell me not to lie,tell me not to waitTell me that you wantthe same things as meTell me that it"s fatedriving me insaneTell me it"s the real thingThat keeps me hangin onI can read the signsbetween usI feel it insidewhen you come nearerThere"s a stillness in the airlike no one else is thereAnd every momentstays in the momentYeahTell me what we got,tell me it"s a lottell me it"s the real thingTell me not to changeand always be the same,tell me that"s a good thingIt"s a good thingTell me not to lie,tell me not to waitTell me that you wantthe same things as meTell me that it"s fate,driving me insaneTell me it"s the real thingThat keeps me hangin onSometimes it hurts to watch you leaveIt feels like you"re takinga part of me with youI never know how it"ll beI guess it"s just a mysteryBut is it the real thing"that keeps me hangin on"Tell me what we got,tell me it"s a lot,tell me it"s the real thingTell me not to changeand always be the same,tell me that"s a good thingIt"s a good thingTell me not to lie,tell me not to waitTell me that you wantthe same things as meTell me that it"s fate,driving me insaneTell me it"s the real thingThat keeps me hangin onTell me what we got,tell me it"s a lot,tell me it"s the real thingTell me not to changeand always be the same,tell me that"s a good thingIt"s a good thingTell me not to lie,tell me not to waitTell me that you wantthe same things as meTell me that it"s fate,driving me insaneTell me it"s the real thingThe real thing

if i take real slowly if i try real hard什么歌

这首歌是美剧《复仇》的插曲《For You 》,中英文歌词歌名:For You演唱:Angus & Julia StoneIf I talk real slowly, if I try real hard 如果我慢慢的述说 将一路的艰难娓娓道来To make my point dear, that you have my heart 亲爱的 当我将这些重点说完後 我的真心就是你的 Here I go, I"ll tell you what you already know Here I go, I"ll tell you what you already know我要说了 这些就是我要告诉你的If you love me with all of your heart 如果你的内心也一样爱我If you love me, I"ll make you a star in my universe 如果你爱我 我会将你当成我宇宙里的星光You"ll never have to go to work 你将不用再为俗事烦恼You"ll spend every day 你只需要花点时间Shining your light my way 将你的星光撒在我将前往的路上If I talk real slowly, if I hold your hand 如果我慢慢的述说 将一路的艰难娓娓道来If you look real closely my love 如果你是这麼的靠近我的爱You might understand 那麼你就会完全的明白Here I go, I"ll tell you what you already know Here I go, I"ll tell you what you already know我要说了 这些就是我要告诉你的If you love me with all that you are如果你以所有面目来爱我If you love me, I"ll make you a star in my universe如果你这样的爱我,我会把你当做我宇宙中的星星You"ll never have to go to work你再也不用去工作You"ll spend everyday shining your light my way你将每天照亮我前进的路Here I goI"ll tell you what you already knowHere I goI"ll tell you what you already know我要说了 这些就是我要告诉你的If you love me with all that you are如果你以所有面目来爱我If you love me, I"ll make you a star in my universe如果你这样的爱我,我会把你当做我宇宙中的星星You"ll never have to go to work你再也不用去工作You"ll spend everyday shining your light my way你将每天照亮我前进的路

How to Make Real Friends?怎样交真正的朋友

Friends are one of the most crucial factors to live a happy life. Making new friends is very pleasant, yet sometimes a little bit tricky job. You will need to express a balanced feeling for new people. You do not want them to think you are not interested in them, nor too interested in them.When you meet someone new, the first thing you have to do is to find a way to talk to him or her. For example, if you meet a person who you want to be friends with in a class, you could naturally start talking to him or her about the class, such as assignments. If you meet him or her anywhere else, you could just go to them and say, “Isn"t the weather just perfect?” Through starting small talk naturally, you will be able to give a good impression to the person.Secondly, you will have to find your way to consistently contact the person. Even if you gave him or her such a nice first impression, it is impossible for you to call them as a friend when you cannot meet him or her afterwards. In order to keep the relationship going, you have to be able to reach the person. That way, you could be more and more close to the person.Last but not least, you have to meet him or her face-to-face. Now, you would be able to contact him or her through your cell phone, Social Network Service, or in other ways. Using your way to reach them, try to arrange the time and meet them. Meeting face-to-face is a cornerstone to improve your relationship into a real “friend”. Participating in an activity together is a good idea, too.

think in real money terms but talk funny money 什么意思

think in real money terms but talk funny money用真正的金钱来思考,但谈论有趣的钱think in real money terms but talk funny money用真正的金钱来思考,但谈论有趣的钱

any1 wna black cock inside em real talk. 是什么意思啊

黑鸡any1 wna他们真实的说话

求R.Kelly的Real Talk的歌词~~~

(Talking)Do I know your friend who?At a club?Who was there?Girl, I wadn"t-Wait a minute, calm downI was at a club wit" who?Get the f**k-Man, you know what?(Singing)Girl, I"m not about to sit up here and argue with you about who"s to blame or call no namesReal talk. See, girlOnly thing I"m tryin" to establish with you is not who"s right or who"s wrong, but what"s right and what"s wrong Real talkJust because your friend say she saw me at a club with some other bitchesSittin" in VIPSmokin" and drinkin" and kickin" it, tell me girlDid she say there were other guys there?Did she say there were other guys there?Were there other guys there? Well, tell me thisHow the f**k she know I was with them other girls, thenWhen the whole club packed- wait a minute let me finish what I"ve got to sayI"ve been with you five years, and you listening to your mo-f**king girlfriends?I dont know why you f**k with them ol" jealous no man havin" ass hos, anywayReal talkAlways accusing me of some ol" bullshit when I"m just tryin" to have a good timeRobert you did this, Kells I heard you did thatDon"t you think I got enough bullshit on my mind?Real talk[real Talk lyrics on]H-hold upDidn"t I just give you money to go get your hair, toes, and nails done the other day?Hmm. Yeah, your ass was smilin" thenReal talkUh- gave who some damn money?I ain"t gave nobody no damn money, girlIs you tweakin"?You see what your problem is You"re always runnin" off at the mouth, telling your girls your motherf**king businessWhen- they dont eat with us They dont sleep with usBesides, what they eat dont make us shitReal talkYou called my momma"s house and what?Girl, my momma aint gotta screen no calls from meReal talkAnd watch your mouthF**k me? Girl, f**k you!I dont give a f**k about what you talkin" about I"m sick of this bullshitI"m coming home and getting my shit and gettin" tha f**k up outta" dodgeYou ain"t gotta worry about me no moreAnd the next time your ass get hornyGo f**k one of your funky ass friendsSh- Hell, you probably already doing that shit anywayYou gonna burn what?Bitch, I wish you would burn my motherf**king clothesWith your triflin" assMilton!You bogus girlMilton!Start your car, warm it up, and get ready to take me homeThis bitch done lost her motherf**king mind

Real Talk (R.I.P Tookie) 歌词

歌曲名:Real Talk (R.I.P Tookie)歌手:Snoop Dogg专辑:The Blue Carpet Treatment-Geffen/Star TrakMan Overboard - Real TalkYou could say one of two thing:Call me sometime or let"s hang out.Or maybe I could help you out.Stop acting like you"ll ever see me again,and like I don"t have you figured out.I understand how it works.On paper, we are similar people.But we"re different people.You are tearing down walls I builtuntil they scraped the sky.So tell your wrecking crew,I welcome you.When the days slow down this summer don"t forget.I did two years in your silhouette.Your jaws of steel never forgave.Its haunting, the way silence sounded.If I fucked up long ago, I"m sorry,I didn"t realize it counted.It just wouldn"t work out,that"s what I am telling myself.That we"re just two different people.

real talk 说唱中什么意思

real talk释义真正的谈话真心话(歌名,Real Talk)肺腑之言,真心话

“real talk”是什么意思?

真正的谈话,真心话,肺腑之言realadj.真实的,实在的;(物质,东西)天然的;真的,真正的;〈非正式〉完全的;十足的,绝对的(用来加强语气);随货币价值变化而调节的;按实际购买力估计的,实际的;【数】 (数、量)实的。见IMAGINARY;【光学】(图像)实的adv.〈非正式,主北美〉真正地,确实地;很talkv.谈话,交谈n.谈话;讨论

real talk 在嘻哈中什么意思

real talk释义真正的谈话真心话(歌名,Real Talk)肺腑之言,真心话

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UI无法正常显示,OAP日志不断报如下错误: 导致这个错误的原因,可能是存储性能不足,也有可能OAP处理能力不足, 但Agent又上报很多内容。 最有效的方法是增加OAP实例数量,提高存储性能。 如果没有条件可先打开 config/application.yml 文件,修改如下配置: 修改后重启OAP,继续观察。

英语作文 a great inwentor (发明家)60字

The Great Inventor - Alexander Graham Bell Alexander Graham Bell, born in March 3, 1847, was an eminent scientist, inventor and innovator who is credited with inventing the first practical telephone. His research on hearing and speech further led him to experiment with hearing devices which eventually culminated in Bell being awarded the first U.S. patent for the telephone in 1876. Upon Bell"s death, all telephones throughout the United States "stilled their ringing for a silent minute in tribute to the man whose yearning to communicate made them possible". 字数: 82 题目: 伟大的发明家 - 贝尔 (电话发明家)

_______ the ointment to the wound, the nurse carefully wrapped it up with a bandage. A.Treat..

句意:护士把药膏敷到伤口上,仔细用绷带包扎。考查非谓语动词。apply…to…运用于,应用于,逻辑主语为the nurse,与apply之间的关系为主动,故用现在分词。处理伤口用applyApply a dressing to the wound and bandage it. 给伤口盖上敷料并用绷带包扎起来。The right thing would be to apply direct pressure to the wound.正确的做法是直接按住伤口。所以选择D。


Is there any milk in the bottle? 瓶子里有牛奶吗?Are there any birds in the tree? 树上有小鸟吗?

请高人翻译USHER的Little Freak

00:15.71]是的姑娘啊你大生意,所以什么大生意 [00:20.03]不要害羞,我只是虚情假意的说什么你的女孩 [00:22.42]埃麻溜溜在哪里你的男人, [00:25.34]我知道你有你的事业也被罚款单 [00:32.17]我猛扑这个女孩和我对做什么 [00:34.64]为你要觉得我没有错 [00:36.12]因为我要与这位女士有一个minajah [00:39.64]而且在与谁喜欢的明星酒吧他妈的一些怪胎。 [00:43.00] [00:43.42]如果你他妈的跟我的女孩 [00:45.53]你他妈的你跟我去得到一些女孩给我带来 [00:50.53]如果你他妈的跟我和我的女孩你他妈的 [00:53.72]你让她把她的双手在你的裤子 [00:55.97]成为我的小怪物 [00:57.67]成为我的小怪物 [00:59.41]成为我的小怪物 [01:01.22]你让她把她的双手在你的裤子 [01:02.67]成为我的小怪物 [01:04.34]如果你他妈的跟我和我的女孩你他妈的 [01:07.56]你让她把她的双手在你的裤子 [01:09.64]成为我的小怪物 [01:10.48] [01:10.98]嘿女孩,我看到这样的你 [01:13.24]把你高兴你喜欢摇滚与它有利于女孩 [01:17.62]到你了对该项权利 [01:20.09]现在你柜台上亲吻一个女孩 [01:24.28]我要与这位女士有一个minajay [01:27.59]看看那些在酒吧的一个怪胎寻找明星 [01:31.20] [01:31.70]如果你他妈的跟我的女孩 [01:33.56]你他妈的你跟我去拿一些女孩给我带来 [01:38.55]如果你他妈的跟我和我的女孩你他妈的 [01:41.81]你让她把她的双手在你的裤子 [01:43.97]成为我的小怪物 [01:45.70]成为我的小怪物 [01:47.33]成为我有点反常 [01:48.95]你让她把她的双手在你的裤子 [01:50.65]成为我的小怪物 [01:52.29]如果你他妈的跟我和我的女孩你他妈的 [01:55.53]你让她把你的裤子她的手 [01:57.66]成为我的小怪物 [01:57.89] [01:58.19](尼基Minaj) [01:58.89]对不起妈妈律 [02:00.04]但你说我正在值班 [02:02.12]我的可爱找谁 [02:03.46]有了一个很大的旧犹太区战利品 [02:05.49]我真的很喜欢你的猫咪猫 [02:07.18]如果你让我碰她 [02:08.90]我知道你不是一个布拉弗 [02:10.36]我带你去看看去迎接 [02:12.40]我把一对夫妇锄头 [02:13.93圣我]我得到了维克森短跑运动员,舞蹈演员,普伦斯尔, [02:17.26]迪克森,彗星,丘比特,敦德,blixem。 [02:20.20]我温度超过100摄氏度 [02:23.56]很多的面包没有芝麻 [02:26.40]如果我在悠悠的城市 [02:27.54]我签到他们氩弧焊邻bitties 问题补充:[02:29.57]我对我如何策划可以从老爹离开卡西 [02:32.92]女孩们想要minaj是啊,他们比当时雨多雨 [02:36.61]我在亚瑟小子嗡嗡声 [02:37.81]人人都爱雷蒙德 [02:39.33] [02:39.83](亚瑟小子) [02:40.33]如果你他妈的跟我的女孩 [02:41.98]你他妈的你跟我去拿一些女孩给我带来 [02:47.13]如果你他妈的跟我和我的女孩你他妈的 [02:50.39]你让她把你的裤子她的手 [02:52.46]成为我的小怪物 [02:54.01]成为我的小怪物 [02:55.87]成为我的小怪物 [02:57.50]你让她把她的双手在你的裤子 [02:59.29]成为我的小怪物 [03:00.90]如果你他妈的跟我和我的女孩你他妈的 [03:03.94]你让她把她的双手在你的裤子 [03:06.16]成为我的小怪物

Usher&Nicki Minaj的《Lil Freak》 歌词

歌曲名:Lil Freak歌手:Usher&Nicki Minaj专辑:Raymond V Raymond (Deluxe Edition)Usher Ft. Nicki Minaj - Lil Freak (Prod. by Polow Da Don)(Usher)Ay girl yeah you da business, so what da businessDon"t be shy, i"m just talkin to you girlAye ma yo where your man at,I know you got that cause you too fine to be singleI swooped this girl up and what i"m about doTo you about to feel i did it wrongCause i"m about to have a minajah with this ladyYou let her put her hands in your pantsBe my little freakBe my little freakBe my little freakYou let her put her hands in your pantsBe my little freakYou let her put her hands in your pantsBe my little freakHey girl i see you like thatYou gettin excited you rockin like a pro with it girlsBy the way you got right on thatAnd now you counter kissin on a girlI"m about to have a minajay with this ladyLook at those freaks at the bar looking for a starYou let her put her hands in your pantsBe my little freakBe my little freakBe my little freakYou let her put her hands in your pantsBe my little freakYou let her put her hands in your pantsBe my little freak(Nicki Minaj)Excuse me lil mamaBut you get say i"m on dutyI"m lookin for a cutieWith a big old ghetto bootyI really like your kitty catAnd if you let me touch herI know you"re not a blufferI"ll take you to go see usherI keep a couple hoesLike santa i got vixon i got dasher, dancer, prancer,Dixon, comet, cupid, dunder, blixem.I"m hotter than 100 degreesA lot of bread no sesame seedsIf i"m in yo cityI"m signin them tig-o-bittiesI"m plotting on how i can take cassie away from diddyThe girls want a minaj yeah they wetter than the rain thenUsher buzz me inEverybody loves raymond(Usher)You let her put her hands in your pantsBe my little freakBe my little freakBe my little freakYou let her put her hands in your pantsBe my little freakYou let her put her hands in your pantsBe my little freak

catch your breath是什么意思


跪求 《Catch my breath》 的吉他六线 tab 的独奏谱。 简易/ 完整的都可以。 谢谢。

谁的歌 哈哈

求非常有爆发力的歌 就像Kelly Clarkson的《Catch My Breath》那种 谢谢

beyonce的 if i were a boy , love on top , halo , listenrihanna的only girl adele的rolling in the deep,set fire to the rain , someone like youKelly Clarkson的stronger

有没有和catch my breath这首歌旋律类似的歌


求kelly clarkson和一个男的合唱的《catch my breath》版本,kelly只唱高音的那版,哪里有下载的。

百度音乐有下载 My BreathKelly ClarksonI don"t wanna be left behindDistance was a friend of mineCatching breath in a web of liesI"ve spent most of my lifeRiding waves, playing acrobatShadowboxing the other halfLearning how to reactI"ve spent most of my timeCatching my breath, letting it go,turning my cheek for the sake of this showNow that you know, this is my life,I won"t be told what"s supposed to be rightCatch my breath, no one can hold me back,I ain"t got time for thatCatch my breath, won"t let them let me down,it"s all so simple nowAddicted to the love I foundHeavy heart, now a weightless cloudMaking time for the ones that countI"ll spend the rest of my timeLaughing hard with the windows downLeaving footprints all over townKeeping faith when it comes aroundI will spent the rest of my lifeCatching my breath, letting it go,turning my cheek for the sake of this showNow that you know, this is my life,I won"t be told what"s supposed to be rightCatch my breath, no one can hold me back,I ain"t got time for thatCatch my breath, won"t let them let me down,it"s all so simple nowYou helped me seeThe beauty in everythingCatching my breath, letting it go,turning my cheek for the sake of this showNow that you know, this is my life,I won"t be told what"s supposed to be rightCatching my breath, letting it go,turning my cheek for the sake of this showNow that you know, this is my life,I won"t be told what"s supposed to be rightCatch my breath, no one can hold me back,I ain"t got time for thatCatch my breath, won"t let them let me down,it"s all so simple nowit"s all so simple nowCatching my breath, letting it go,turning my cheek for the sake of this showNow that you know, this is my life,I won"t be told what"s supposed to be rightCatch my breath, no one can hold me back,I ain"t got time for thatCatch my breath, won"t let them let me down,it"s all so simple now

catch my breath中文版叫什么?

Kelly Clarkson - Catch My BreathI don"t want to be left behind 我不想被生活抛弃Distance was a friend of mine 以前的我跟周围的人一直保持着距离Catching breath in a web of lies 在谎言编织的大网中残喘I"ve spent most of my life 大半的生命被浪费掉了!Riding waves, playing acrobat Shadow boxing the other half Learning how to react 遇到有可能是另一半的人却只能小心翼翼用头脑来应对,而不是用心去投入I"ve spent most of my time 大半的生命被浪费掉了!Catching my breath 停下来缓缓气Letting it go 放开一点Turning my cheek for the sake of the show 给演艺生涯留一个侧脸Now that you know 你们要知道This is my life 这是我自己的生活I won"t be told what"s supposed to be right 我不想让别人来告诉我 怎么做才是正确的Catch my breath 停下来缓缓气No one can hold me back 没人能阻止我I ain"t got time for that 我没时间去浪费了Catch my breath 停下来缓缓气Won"t let em get me down 不会让别人拖住我It"s all so simple now 我的目标很明确了Addicted to the love I"ve found 要沉迷在我找到的真爱中Heavy heart now a weightless cloud 曾经沉重的心,现在轻地像浮云Making time for the ones that count 给有意义的人留出时间I"ll spend the rest of my time 我要把剩下的时间留给他Laughing hard with the windows down 关上窗 大声欢笑Leaving footprints all over town 在小镇里 到处闲逛Keeping faith karma comes around 保持信念,就有好结果Iwon"t spend the rest of my life 我不会再把剩下的生命Catching my breath 用来苟颜残喘Letting it go 放开一点Turning my cheek for the sake of the show 给演艺生涯留一个侧脸Now that you know 你们要知道This is my life 这是我自己的生活I won"t be told what"s supposed to be right 我不想让别人来告诉我 怎么做才是正确的Catch my breath 停下来缓缓气No one can hold me back 没人能阻止我I ain"t got time for that 我没时间去浪费了Catch my breath 停下来缓缓气Won"t let em get me down 不会让别人拖住我It"s all so simple now 我的目标很明确了You help me see the beauty in everything 你让我看到了生活的美好Catching my breath 停下来缓缓气Letting it go 放开一点Turning my cheek for the sake of the show 给演艺生涯留一个侧脸Now that you know 你们要知道This is my life 这是我自己的生活I won"t be told what"s supposed to be right 我不想让别人来告诉我 怎么做才是正确的Catching my breath 停下来缓缓气Letting it go 放开一点Turning my cheek for the sake of the show 给演艺生涯留一个侧脸Now that you know 你们要知道This is my life 这是我自己的生活I won"t be told what"s supposed to be right 我不想让别人来告诉我 怎么做才是正确的Catch my breath 停下来缓缓气No one can hold me back 没人能阻止我I ain"t got time for that 我没时间去浪费了Catch my breath 停下来缓缓气Won"t let em get me down 不会让别人拖住我It"s all so simple now 我的目标很明确了It"s all so simple now 我的目标很明确了Catching my breath 停下来缓缓气Letting it go 放开一点Turning my cheek for the sake of the show 给演艺生涯留一个侧脸Now that you know 你们要知道This is my life 这是我自己的生活I won"t be told what"s supposed to be right 我不想让别人来告诉我 怎么做才是正确的Catch my breath 停下来缓缓气No one can hold me back 没人能阻止我I ain"t got time for that 我没时间去浪费了Catch my breath 停下来缓缓气Won"t let em get me down 不会让别人拖住我It"s all so simple now 我的目标很明确了It"s all so simple now

Catch My Breath是谁唱的?

Catch My BreathKelly ClarksonI don"t wanna be left behindDistance was a friend of mineCatching breath in a web of liesI"ve spent most of my lifeRiding waves, playing acrobatShadowboxing the other halfLearning how to reactI"ve spent most of my timeCatching my breath, letting it go,turning my cheek for the sake of this showNow that you know, this is my life,I won"t be told what"s supposed to be rightCatch my breath, no one can hold me back,I ain"t got time for thatCatch my breath, won"t let them let me down,it"s all so simple nowAddicted to the love I foundHeavy heart, now a weightless cloudMaking time for the ones that countI"ll spend the rest of my timeLaughing hard with the windows downLeaving footprints all over townKeeping faith when it comes aroundI will spent the rest of my lifeCatching my breath, letting it go,turning my cheek for the sake of this showNow that you know, this is my life,I won"t be told what"s supposed to be rightCatch my breath, no one can hold me back,I ain"t got time for thatCatch my breath, won"t let them let me down,it"s all so simple nowYou helped me seeThe beauty in everythingCatching my breath, letting it go,turning my cheek for the sake of this showNow that you know, this is my life,I won"t be told what"s supposed to be rightCatching my breath, letting it go,turning my cheek for the sake of this showNow that you know, this is my life,I won"t be told what"s supposed to be rightCatch my breath, no one can hold me back,I ain"t got time for thatCatch my breath, won"t let them let me down,it"s all so simple nowit"s all so simple nowCatching my breath, letting it go,turning my cheek for the sake of this showNow that you know, this is my life,I won"t be told what"s supposed to be rightCatch my breath, no one can hold me back,I ain"t got time for thatCatch my breath, won"t let them let me down,it"s all so simple now

catch my breath中文歌词

歌名:Catch My Breath 无法喘气 歌手:Westlife[西城男孩]歌词:歌曲:Catch My Breath 歌手:Westlife Westlife-Catch My Breath Album:Back Home We were still in high school When I first met you Even then you were the prettiest girl That I ever knew And we carved our name on Everything that we could find The way that all kids do And although time has passed I still get surprised At the pulling in my chest When I know you"re coming by If this feeling"s proving anything It"s not everything Is gonna change with time You"re still mine Did you know when you"re around My heart won"t it can"t slow down It beats so hard it makes it hard To catch my breath, to catch my breath Don"t ever ask me if I"m sorry Or that I"m here with you Baby you can bet I don"t regret the girls I never knew Every day"s another first Another change for me To fall in love with you And I do Did you know when you"re around My heart won"t it can"t slow down It beats so hard it makes it hard To catch my breath, to catch my bre中文:我们还是在高中当我第一次见到你即使如此,你是最漂亮的女孩我任何时候都知道我们刻我们的名字就我们进行的一切工作,可以找到那样所有的孩子都做虽然时间已经过去了我仍然得到惊讶在拉在我的胸口当我知道您来,由如果这种感觉的证明什么这不是一切是在哪里也随着时间而改变的你还在矿你知道,当你靠近我的心将不会不能放慢火热的辛苦,它使他很难赶上我的呼吸, 赶上我的呼吸千万不要问我,如果我很抱歉或者说,我来这里同你宝宝你可以打赌我不后悔女孩我从来不知道每一天的另一首另一项改变我到秋天与你恋爱我做的你知道,当你靠近我的心将不会不能放慢火热的辛苦,它使他很难赶上我的呼吸, 赶上我的是BRE

跑步时听到一首歌词是i cant catch my breath女声的,动感的。请问歌名叫什么?




catch my breath什么意思


Catch My Breath是什么电影插曲?

Kelly Clarkson - Catch My BreathI don"t want to be left behind 我不想被生活抛弃Distance was a friend of mine 以前的我跟周围的人一直保持着距离Catching breath in a web of lies 在谎言编织的大网中残喘I"ve spent most of my life 大半的生命被浪费掉了!Riding waves, playing acrobat Shadow boxing the other half Learning how to react 遇到有可能是另一半的人却只能小心翼翼用头脑来应对,而不是用心去投入I"ve spent most of my time 大半的生命被浪费掉了!Catching my breath 停下来缓缓气Letting it go 放开一点Turning my cheek for the sake of the show 给演艺生涯留一个侧脸Now that you know 你们要知道This is my life 这是我自己的生活I won"t be told what"s supposed to be right 我不想让别人来告诉我 怎么做才是正确的Catch my breath 停下来缓缓气No one can hold me back 没人能阻止我I ain"t got time for that 我没时间去浪费了Catch my breath 停下来缓缓气Won"t let em get me down 不会让别人拖住我It"s all so simple now 我的目标很明确了Addicted to the love I"ve found 要沉迷在我找到的真爱中Heavy heart now a weightless cloud 曾经沉重的心,现在轻地像浮云Making time for the ones that count 给有意义的人留出时间I"ll spend the rest of my time 我要把剩下的时间留给他Laughing hard with the windows down 关上窗 大声欢笑Leaving footprints all over town 在小镇里 到处闲逛Keeping faith karma comes around 保持信念,就有好结果Iwon"t spend the rest of my life 我不会再把剩下的生命Catching my breath 用来苟颜残喘Letting it go 放开一点Turning my cheek for the sake of the show 给演艺生涯留一个侧脸Now that you know 你们要知道This is my life 这是我自己的生活I won"t be told what"s supposed to be right 我不想让别人来告诉我 怎么做才是正确的Catch my breath 停下来缓缓气No one can hold me back 没人能阻止我I ain"t got time for that 我没时间去浪费了Catch my breath 停下来缓缓气Won"t let em get me down 不会让别人拖住我It"s all so simple now 我的目标很明确了You help me see the beauty in everything 你让我看到了生活的美好Catching my breath 停下来缓缓气Letting it go 放开一点Turning my cheek for the sake of the show 给演艺生涯留一个侧脸Now that you know 你们要知道This is my life 这是我自己的生活I won"t be told what"s supposed to be right 我不想让别人来告诉我 怎么做才是正确的Catching my breath 停下来缓缓气Letting it go 放开一点Turning my cheek for the sake of the show 给演艺生涯留一个侧脸Now that you know 你们要知道This is my life 这是我自己的生活I won"t be told what"s supposed to be right 我不想让别人来告诉我 怎么做才是正确的Catch my breath 停下来缓缓气No one can hold me back 没人能阻止我I ain"t got time for that 我没时间去浪费了Catch my breath 停下来缓缓气Won"t let em get me down 不会让别人拖住我It"s all so simple now 我的目标很明确了It"s all so simple now 我的目标很明确了Catching my breath 停下来缓缓气Letting it go 放开一点Turning my cheek for the sake of the show 给演艺生涯留一个侧脸Now that you know 你们要知道This is my life 这是我自己的生活I won"t be told what"s supposed to be right 我不想让别人来告诉我 怎么做才是正确的Catch my breath 停下来缓缓气No one can hold me back 没人能阻止我I ain"t got time for that 我没时间去浪费了Catch my breath 停下来缓缓气Won"t let em get me down 不会让别人拖住我It"s all so simple now 我的目标很明确了It"s all so simple now

catch my breath什么意思

歌名:Catch My Breath 无法喘气 歌手:Westlife[西城男孩]歌词:歌曲:Catch My Breath 歌手:Westlife Westlife-Catch My Breath Album:Back Home We were still in high school When I first met you Even then you were the prettiest girl That I ever knew And we carved our name on Everything that we could find The way that all kids do And although time has passed I still get surprised At the pulling in my chest When I know you"re coming by If this feeling"s proving anything It"s not everything Is gonna change with time You"re still mine Did you know when you"re around My heart won"t it can"t slow down It beats so hard it makes it hard To catch my breath, to catch my breath Don"t ever ask me if I"m sorry Or that I"m here with you Baby you can bet I don"t regret the girls I never knew Every day"s another first Another change for me To fall in love with you And I do Did you know when you"re around My heart won"t it can"t slow down It beats so hard it makes it hard To catch my breath, to catch my bre中文:我们还是在高中当我第一次见到你即使如此,你是最漂亮的女孩我任何时候都知道我们刻我们的名字就我们进行的一切工作,可以找到那样所有的孩子都做虽然时间已经过去了我仍然得到惊讶在拉在我的胸口当我知道您来,由如果这种感觉的证明什么这不是一切是在哪里也随着时间而改变的你还在矿你知道,当你靠近我的心将不会不能放慢火热的辛苦,它使他很难赶上我的呼吸, 赶上我的呼吸千万不要问我,如果我很抱歉或者说,我来这里同你宝宝你可以打赌我不后悔女孩我从来不知道每一天的另一首另一项改变我到秋天与你恋爱我做的你知道,当你靠近我的心将不会不能放慢火热的辛苦,它使他很难赶上我的呼吸, 赶上我的是BRE

catch my breath歌词是什么意思?

《catch my breath》歌手: Kelly Clarkson专辑:《greatest hits - ch...》I don"t wanna be left behind我不想被留下Distance was a friend of mine远处是我的一个朋友Catching breath in a web of lies在谎言的网中捕捉呼吸I"ve spent most of my life我已经度过了我的大部分时间Riding waves playing acrobat骑波玩杂技Shadowboxing the other half太极拳的另一半Learning how to react学习如何反应I"ve spent most of my time我已经度过了我的大部分时间Catching my breath抓住我的呼吸Letting it go让它去吧Turning my cheek for the sake of this show为这节目而转动我的脸颊Now that you know现在你知道了This is my life这是我的生活I won"t be told what"s supposed to be right我不会告诉别人应该是正确的Catch my breath赶上我的呼吸No one can hold me back没有人能把我抱回来I ain"t got time for that我没有时间了Catch my breath赶上我的呼吸Won"t let them get me down不会让他们让我失望It"s all so simple now现在一切都那么简单Addicted to the love I found我发现了我的爱Heavy heart now a weightless cloud沉重的心现在失重的云Making time for the ones that count为那些数的人腾出时间I"ll spend the rest of my time我会用我的时间Laughing hard with the windows down笑着下着窗户Leaving footprints all over town在小镇上留下脚印Keeping faith karma comes around保持信心业力来I will spent the rest of my life我将度过我的一生Catching my breath抓住我的呼吸Letting it go让它去吧Turning my cheek for the sake of the show为表演而转动我的脸颊Now that you know现在你知道了This is my life这是我的生活I won"t be told what"s supposed to be right我不会告诉别人应该是正确的Catch my breath赶上我的呼吸No one can hold me back没有人能把我抱回来I ain"t got time for that我没有时间了Catch my breath赶上我的呼吸Won"t let them get me down不会让他们让我失望It"s all so simple now现在一切都那么简单You helped me see你帮我看看The beauty in everything一切的美丽Catching my breath抓住我的呼吸Letting it go让它去吧Turning my cheek for the sake of this show为这节目而转动我的脸颊Now that you know现在你知道了This is my life这是我的生活I won"t be told what"s supposed to be right我不会告诉别人应该是正确的Catching my breath抓住我的呼吸Letting it go让它去吧Turning my cheek for the sake of this show为这节目而转动我的脸颊Now that you know现在你知道了This is my life这是我的生活I won"t be told what"s supposed to be right我不会告诉别人应该是正确的Catch my breath赶上我的呼吸Catch my breath赶上我的呼吸No one can hold me back没有人能把我抱回来I ain"t got time for that我没有时间了Catch my breath赶上我的呼吸Won"t let them get me down不会让他们让我失望It"s all so simple now现在一切都那么简单It"s all so simple now现在一切都那么简单Catching my breath抓住我的呼吸Letting it go让它去吧Turning my cheek for the sake of this show为这节目而转动我的脸颊Now that you know现在你知道了This is my life这是我的生活I won"t be told what"s supposed to be right我不会告诉别人应该是正确的Catch my breath赶上我的呼吸No one can hold me back没有人能把我抱回来I ain"t got time for that我没有时间了Catch my breath赶上我的呼吸Won"t let them get me down不会让他们让我失望It"s all so simple now现在一切都那么简单
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