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请问think ,reflect ,reason在解释思考时有什么区别

think表示泛泛地想,不一定有结果reason表示推理地,思辩地想,事有逻辑性的人与动物的区别 乌鸦喝水就是个reason的过程reflect re前缀 反复地思考,冥想,例如思考人生



security; reassure ; consequent 这英语在美式英语中怎么读?求谐音的读法~


Andreas Johnson的《Not Afraid》 歌词

歌曲名:Not Afraid歌手:Andreas Johnson专辑:Mr Johnson, Your Room Is On FireEminem - Not Afraidtranslator:Fiestina(菲菲°)I"m not afraid to take a stand 我不惧怕 表明想法Everybody come take my hand 众人信念 与我并肩We"ll walk this road together, through the storm 我们会齐心前进,逆风雨Whatever weather, cold or warm 不论天气,寒或暑Just let you know that, you"re not alone 只要你知,你并不孤独Hola if you feel that you"ve been down the same road 你也在和我们一起走这条路You can try and read my lyrics off of this paper before I lay "em 你可以在我写成这词之前 念念纸上的字But you won"t take this thing out these words before I say "em 但你不会在我唱出这词之前 明白字里的意Cause ain"t no way I"m let you stop me from causing mayhem 因为我决不会让你阻止我 犯蓄意伤害罪When I say "em or do something I do it, I don"t give a damn 我说的词 我做的事 我妄为恣意What you think, I"m doing this for me, so fuck the world 我管你怎么想,我为自己活,操这个世界Feed it beans, it"s gassed up, if a thing"s stopping me 真傻蛋,阻止我的事,都只会让我更出色I"mma be what I set out to be, without a doubt undoubtedly 我做到了我想做的事,无疑地毋庸置疑And all those who look down on me I"m tearing down your balcony 那些蔑视我的人 我这就出手反击No if ands or buts don"t try to ask him why or how can he 没"且"没"或" 不要问他成功的方式原因From Infinite down to the last Relapse album he"s still shit and 从最初的Infinite到最新的Relapse 他都是一坨屎Whether he"s on salary, paid hourly 别管他是否还有薪水,是不是还按小时给Until he bows out or he shit"s his bowels out of him 直到他辞退 或是鼓起狗屎勇气Whichever comes first, for better or worse 不管先迈哪一步 是好还是赖He"s married to the game, like a fuck you for christmas 他已是这个游戏的人,要操你们作为圣诞礼His gift is a curse, forget the earth he"s got the urge 他的天赋是个诅咒,不在乎世界催促To pull his dick from the dirt and fuck the universe 他要在操完大地之后 操整个宇宙I"m not afraid to take a stand 我不惧怕 表明想法Everybody come take my hand 众人信念 与我并肩We"ll walk this road together, through the storm 我们会齐心前进,逆风雨Whatever weather, cold or warm 不论天气,寒或暑Just let you know that, you"re not alone 只要你知,你并不孤独Holla if you feel that you"ve been down the same road 你也在和我们一起走这条路Ok quit playin" with the scissors and shit, and cut the crap OK不再玩花样,废话再不讲I shouldn"t have to rhyme these words in the rhythm for you to know it"s a rap 我之前本不该 押韵半天 显示我是在说唱You said you was king, you lied through your teeth 你说你是王,你彻彻底底在撒谎For that fuck your feelings, instead of getting crowned you"re getting capped 为此 我操你的感情,你不配加冕 只配扣个帽子And to the fans, I"ll never let you down again, I"m back 还有我的粉丝,我不会再让你们失望,我回来了I promise to never go back on that promise, in fact 我发誓不会再违背誓言, 实际上Let"s be honest, that last Relapse CD was "ehhhh" 我坦言,这张RelapseCD 换来哗然一片Perhaps I ran them accents into the ground  也许我的重音 有些过Relax, I ain"t going back to that now 放松,我并不想打退堂鼓All I"m tryna say is get back, click-clack BLAOW 我想说 我回来了,一切都已算好Cause I ain"t playin" around 因为我不会再胡搞There"s a game called circle and I don"t know how 有种游戏叫圈子 我不懂怎么搞I"m way too up to back down  我爬的太高 不能往回跳But I think I"m still tryna figure this crap out 但我仍然试图理清这堆 乱七八糟Thought I had it mapped out but I guess I didn"t 我以为我早已筹划好 可并非如我所料This fucking black cloud"s still follow"s me around 这片操蛋的乌云 仍笼于我周遭But it"s time to exercise these demons  现在是时候 来看看这些恶魔These motherfuckers are doing jumping jacks now! 这些混蛋们正操纵傀儡来整我!I"m not afraid to take a stand 我不惧怕 表明想法Everybody come take my hand 众人信念 与我并肩We"ll walk this road together, through the storm 我们会齐心前进,逆风雨Whatever weather, cold or warm 不论天气,寒或暑Just let you know that, you"re not alone 只要你知,你并不孤独Holla if you feel that you"ve been down the same road 你也在和我们一起走这条路And I just can"t keep living this way 我只是不能再这么活So starting today, I"m breaking out of this cage 就从今开始,我要摆脱枷锁I"m standing up, Imma face my demons 我站起来,我面对恶魔I"m manning up, Imma hold my ground 我直起身,我坚持立场I"ve had enough, now I"m so fed up 我受够了,我厌倦了Time to put my life back together right now 轮到我重新来过 立刻It was my decision to get clean, I did it for me 我决定理清一切,就为自己Admittedly i probably did it subliminally for you 无可否认 也许我潜意识里也是为了你So I could come back a brand new me, you helped see me through 所以我会是一个崭新的自己,你们陪我度过And don"t even realise what you did, believe me you 甚至也不知道你们做了什么,相信我I been through the ringer, but they can do little to the middle finger 我中过圈套,但是面对我竖起的中指他们什么也做不了I think I got a tear in my eye, I feel like the king of 也许我眼里有泪,我感觉自己像王My world, haters can make like bees with no stingers, and drop dead 在自己的世界里 仇恨者像是没有刺的蜂 最后死掉No more beef flingers, no more drama from now on, I promise 不再有痛苦,不再有悲剧,我发誓To focus soley on handling my responsibility"s as a father 我会尽我全力 承担责任做好一个 父亲So I solemnly swear to always treat this roof like my daughters and raise it 我信誓旦旦,像保护女儿一样保护这个家You couldn"t lift a single shingle lonely 严丝合缝 谁也不能入侵Cause the way I feel, I"m strong enough to go to the club 我感觉 我能涉足圈子 我足够强大Put a corner par and lift the whole liquor counter up 不会被围困 就是烈性酒也能一口闷下Cause I"m raising the bar, I shoot for the moon 因为我提高了门槛 追求完美But I"m too busy gazing at stars, I feel amazing and 我忙着尽善尽美,我惊异,而且I"m not afraid to take a stand 我不惧怕 表明想法Everybody come take my hand 众人信念 与我并肩We"ll walk this road together, through the storm 我们会齐心前进,逆风雨Whatever weather, cold or warm 不论天气,寒或暑Just let you know that, you"re not alone 只要你知,你并不孤独Holla if you feel that you"ve been down the same road 你也在和我们一起走这条路→ Fiestina竭力为你提供正确的原词、贴切的译词←eminem.cn出品


  中图分类号:G710 文献标识码:A  摘 要:MOODLE学习平台具有小巧易用、功能强大、模块化设计、对环境要求低的特点,具有课程管理、活动管理、学生管理、网站管理等功能,非常适合一般网络课程的初级开发。本文以职业中专计算机应用专业《网页制作》课程为例,介绍了MOODLE平台的应用过程,提供了较为成熟的应用案例。   关键词:MOODLE 中等职业教育 计算机教学   一、MOODLE学习平台特点与功能   网络学习平台,是通过网络实施课程教学的学习管理软件系统,支持各种教学活动的开展。MOODLE学习平台是一套基于建构主义学习理论设计开发的开放源代码的课程管理系统,能够方便教师高质量创建和管理网络课程。由于其具有小巧易用、功能强大、模块化设计、对环境要求低的特点,已成为当前流行的网络学习平台。   1.配置容易、使用简便。MOODLE可运行在任何支持PHP的环境中,支持基于网络的在线学习,学习者只需通过IE浏览器即可访问MOODLE学习平台。同时,MOODLE又是一个免费的开源软件,任何人都可以免费下载和使用,任意修改,并且对于使用者的技术要求也不高,每一位教师都可以轻易地利用MOODLE来创建课程。   2.体现建构主义教学理论。MOODLE学习平台是以建构主义学习理论为理论基础,教师和学生可以利用MOODLE提供的Wiki互相交流知识、提供资源,也可以实施基于此平台的各种学习活动。   3.模块化设计、功能强大。MOODLE虽然体积小巧,但却功能强大,可以充分满足教学需求。一是课程管理功能,教师可以在线编辑课程内容,随时修改课程、增删课程内容、设计教学活动;二是活动管理功能,教师可以添加作业、互动评价、投票、测验、聊天、论坛、问卷调查等活动,与学习者进行交互,监控学习效果;三是学生管理功能,学习者可以自我监控学习进程,教师也可以查看每一位学习者学习状况,进行教学辅导。   二、利用MOODLE学习平台的开发过程   MOODLE是一款功能强大的网络学习平台,可以添加资源,也可以添加活动。网络课程在MOODLE平台中导入和运行的过程与方法如下:   1.课程的导入。在MOODLE平台中,教师首先建立一门网络课程,然后以章为单位建立主题活动,每一个主题提供相应的学习单元课件包。进入一个学习主题后,把符合标准的课程包导入到学习平台中。   2.课程的设置。利用网络学习平台可以对导入后的课程进行设置,以使课程的运行符合教师的设计思想和学生的学习习惯。可以设置课程内容呈现方式、学习者学习方式等。   3.课程的学习。学习者在MOODLE学习平台中学习网络课程,需要按照一定的步骤,充分发挥学习者的自主性和平台的智能性。首先是注册登录,然后是点选课程目标结构开始课程学习。   三、利用MOODLE学习平台开发《网页制作》课程的案例   网络课程的设计需要依据 教学设计 理论进行系统设计,利用MOODLE学习平台开发网络课程也需要依据当前大多数数字学习资源的开发思想,以“分析——设计——开发——应用——评价”模式为基础进行。将整门课程按照知识结构分解成若干学习单元,每个学习单元对应一个主题,并将每个学习单元开发成符合标准课件包,导入到MOODLE学习平台中运行,学生可以在平台中自主学习课程。   (一)网络课程的设计阶段   1.学生分析。学生是网络课程的使用主体,对学生的特征分析是网络课程设计的重要环节。中职计算机应用专业三年级学生经过两年多的专业学习,已具备一定的计算机基础,自主学习和探究学习能力得到一定提高。同时,由于中专生毕业后直接面向社会就业,因此学习者对技术应用类课程的学习积极性很高,对操作技能类课程非常感兴趣。   2.课程内容分析。《网页制作》课程是面向职业中专计算机应用专业三年级学生开设的,旨在让学生掌握利用DREAMWEAVER软件制作网页、建立静态网站的方法,为以后学习动态网站打好基础。由于该课教学需要大量的相关教学资源供学习者模仿和练习,根据教学目标和学习需求,设计开发了与《网页制作》课程相配套的网络课程,其主要内容就是提供丰富的案例资源和素材资源,包括课程内容、教师PPT课件、动画演示、测试环节等模块。   (二)网络课程的设计阶段   利用MOODLE学习平台开发的网络课程,在设计中要充分利用了学习平台,共设计了三个教学环节:课件学习、讨论交流、动手设计。   在课件学习环节中,学生进入课程学习后,首先进行测试检验其初始学习能力,系统会根据学习者的答题情况给出评价和学习建议。学生可以不受限制地选择学习内容,也可以浏览教师PPT课件、操作演示等,进行动手操作练习。   在讨论交流环节中,教师在设置学习任务、布置讨论话题,学生通过学习课件、查找资料来完成任务,并在论坛上发布帖子、提交作业,与其它学习者交流学习心得与体会,向教师提出问题。   在动手设计环节中,学生学完学习内容后,按照要求设计一个带有表格的网页,并将作品上传到学习平台上,实现共享与交流,完成学习任务。   以《使用表格制作网页》这节课为例,其教学设计方案如下:   1.学习内容与目标:此节课学习内容为插入表格,插入行、列,表格的嵌套,表格属性设置。通过此节课的学习,使学生了解布局视图的概念技能,熟练掌握插入表格、设置表格的方法。   2.学生分析与学习环境:此节课的授课对象是中职计算机专业三年级学生,已学过Photoshop、Flash等相关软件,具备一定的自学能力,但缺乏协作交流和研究学习能力。课程教学主要是在多媒体网络教室环境中实施。   3.学习资源设计与学习活动组织:此节课教学主要采用MOODLE学习平台进行,通过MOODLE运行课件资源、记录学习进程、在线评价、讨论交流。采用自主学习与协作学习活动相结合的方式进行,教师根据授课内容,提供丰富的学习资源,学生开展基于学习资源的自主学习;教师在单元学习之前,提出与知识点相关的问题,学生利用学习平台提供的协作交流工具组成学习团队互相学习。   4.学习效果评价:此节课的教学效果评价主要采用形成性评价与总结性评价相结合,利用MOODLE学习平台监控学习者学习进程,通过前测和后测模块记录学习者学习状态。学习完毕之后,完成指定的“利用表格制作网站首页”的学习任务,并将作品提交到学习平台中,供师生评价。   (三)网络课程的应用与评价阶段   利用MOODLE学习平台开发的网络课程,在计算机专业三年级一班学生进行了试用。试用期间,教学活动全部在多媒体网络教室内进行,且在服务器上搭建好MOODLE学习平台。通过调查分析,大部门学生对网络学习的兴趣很高,能自主地完成一些简单学习任务,并通过发贴子等方式,与教师、同学进行交流沟通。利用MOODLE平台开展教学,取得了良好的教学效果,基本满足了教学需求。但是,由于中专生学习能力还不够强,仍需要教师的合理引导,与传统教学互为补充,丰富教学手段。   利用MOODLE开发课程,由于周期较长,难度较大,需要耗费大量的时间和精力。因此,可以借助教研室团队的力量集中开发一两门校本课程,实现课堂教学与网络教学有益结合。MOODLE学习平台对于中职教学来说还是一个新事物,需要进行长时间的探索和应用,在开发实践和教学实践中形成设计开发模式,并进行推广应用,必将成为提高中职计算机教学效率和教学质量、培养应用型人才的一个重要手段。   参考文献:   [1]黎加厚. 点亮手中的“阿拉丁神灯”——运用魔灯(MOODLE)创建和管理网络课程 [J]. 信息技术教育, 2006,(12):4-5.   [2]李克东. 教育技术研究方法[M]. 北京:北京师范大学出版社,2003年4月:108-118.

Tsubasa翼的Dream Scape的中文歌词

dream scape 「翼u30fb年代记」插曲 作曲u30fb编曲u30fb作词:梶浦由记 歌:FictionJunction Featuring KAORI 陌生的草之海洋 闪耀着点点银光 沙沙作响地摇动着 位于梦境和现实的边界的景色 是为了和你相遇? 还是为了未知的某人的眼瞳 迎风而行 dream scape 闹钟的 *** 立刻就会响起 但在那之后 或许仍然是梦境 重要的东西无论身在何处都不会改变 即使从梦中醒来 我也依然想留在这里 我想这大概就是所谓的勇气吧 sittin" in the silence… everlasting night breeze… (I believe… I deceive… I relieve…) 仅仅是由于太暗而无法看到…… in my… 因为不想哭泣 而将心中的慌乱置之不理 现在却反被慌乱压迫着 连呼吸都感到困难 直到紧紧依存着的真理枯萎掉落为止 现在只是看不到而已…… 因为无论现实还是梦想 都只会令你迷失 想要越过坡道上的无数转弯 向着只存在于音乐中的景色 仅仅是由于太暗而无法看到 梦想的延续仍然是梦想 仿佛七彩的迷宫一般 为了在缺乏音阶的草笛中发现旋律 即使为无边的广阔感到目眩 即使歌唱至喉咙干枯 即使你已经不在这里 仅仅是由于太暗而无法看到那 陌生的草之海洋…… dream scape 参考:


开机不断点击F8键,进入系统操作选单,选“最后一次正确配置”,重启电脑,看能否解决。可能是系统和软件之间冲突,也可能是软件和软件之间有冲突,从而造成系统运行某些服务程序时出现错误,检测故障根源也很难查到源起,即使用常规方法修复,也通常不能根本解决。所以最简单、最根本、最快捷和最有效的就是重装系统。U盘装系统步骤:1、制作启动盘。(W7系统4G U盘,XP系统2G U盘)下载U启动u盘启动制作工具,安装软件,启动,按提示制作好启动盘。2、下载一个你要安装的系统,压缩型系统文件解压(ISO型系统文件直接转到U盘)到你制作好的U盘,启动盘就做好了。3、用U盘安装系统。插入U盘开机,按DEL或其它键进入BIOS,设置从USB启动-F10-Y-回车。按提示安装系统。4、安装完成后,拔出U盘,电脑自动重启,点击:从本地硬盘启动电脑,继续安装。5、安装完成后,重启。开机-进入BIOS-设置电脑从硬盘启动-F10-Y-回车。以后开机就是从硬盘启动了

Britain, Great Britain,和England有何区别?

你好,Britain,Great Britain和England都是指英国,其形容词是British和English。英国的全称叫:大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国,英文是The United Kingdom 0f Great Britain and Northern Ireland,其中的不列颠群岛(Great Britain)由 England,Wales和Scotland,由于England在英伦三岛中最大,所以常用它来表示英国。其实,在日常使用时还是用Britain或者Great Britain为好,尽管England比较简洁比较常用,尤其在英国本土的时候,尽量少用England,因为可能引起Wales人和Scotland人的不满。我们就可以听到这样的对话:A:Are you English? B:No, I"m Scotish.



嗯,问一个关于英语的问题。请问bad dream和nightmare有什么区别

bad dream范围更大。一些不希望看到的梦境都可以归为bad dream。它包涵了nightmare.nightmare是那种让人惊恐,或者让人精神非常受打击的梦。nightmare是bad dream,bad dream却不一定是nightmare

暗黑破坏神2攻略 Rescue On Mount Arreat高原拯救战怎么过?

夸尔卡克(Qual-Kehk)叫你拯救十五名被困于冰冻高原(Frigid Highlands)的野蛮人战士(Barbarian),在冰冻高原找到牢笼,救出野蛮人战士

main.c(54): warning C294: unreachable code

if (0 > 1){ printf("Hello world! ");}


看你的源文件:<TABLE style="WIDTH: 400px; WORD-BREAK: break-all; WORD-WRAP: break-word" width="95%" bgColor=#ffffcc><TBODY><TR><TD <td><CODE><PRE>行 10: <configuration>多了个“<TD ”还有,你用了<pre>标签,当然要按照原样子输出了

oracle 中 break on用法

SQL> break on deptno on jobSQL> select deptno,job from emp order by deptno,job;

翻译这句it is very hard to break a code without t


调试错误:User breakpoint called from code at###,希望编程大牛们进来看看是什么问题


java的的双层for循环:内层for循环中使用break后出现dead code,在线等,谢谢大神们指导啦


C++ 中switch case语句 里面有break 但是输入0-6随便一个数字程序都不停的输出同一种颜色

把前面的双斜杠删了就行了# include<iostream>using namespace std;int main(){ enum MyEnum { red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, indigo }; cout << "Enter color code (0-6):"; int code; cin >> code; while (code >= red && code <= indigo) { switch (code) { case red:cout << "red " ;break; case orange:cout << "orange "; break; case yellow:cout << "yellow "; break; case green:cout << "green "; break; case blue:cout << "blue "; break; case violet:cout << "violet "; break; case indigo:cout << "indigo "; break; default:cout << "Enter color code (0-6) you stubid"; cin >> code; break; } cout << "Enter color code (0-6) you stubid "; cin >> code; } cout << "bye ";return 0;}

JSP代码中for循环break退出循环的错误,报错Unreachable code在break那一行

看看你的那个js代码是不是有错误 多加alert试试 怎么现在还java和js代码一起写的

The summer vacation is coming soon. Mom is ready.


名侦探柯南619 code break是什么意思啊?


not all books are created equal 这个equal 是形容词么?equal在这句话中做什么成分


how to be a great communicator英语作文

Communication plays a significant role in our daily life, especially in modern society. Since we get along with other people in every field, we must learn how to communicate with people effectively. Effective communication should be planned carefully. First, speak slowly and briefly in order to make ourselves understood completely. Second, express ourselves in all sincerity and with warmth. Third, concentrate on what the speaker says and appreciate his point of view.


cinema ,movie都是名词,read 可以是动词,名词,所以read是不同类

Breaking The Girl 歌词

歌曲名:Breaking The Girl歌手:Turin Brakes专辑:The Red Moon E.P.Breaking The GirlRed Hot Chili PeppersI am a manCut from the knowRarely do friendsCome and then goShe was a girlSoft but estrangedWe were the twoOur lives rearrangedFeeling so good that dayA feeling of love that dayTwisting and turningYour feelings are burningYou"re breaking the girlShe meant you no harmThink you"re so cleverBut now you must severYou"re breaking the girlHe loves no one elseRaised by my dadGirl of the dayHe was my manThat was the wayShe was the girlLeft aloneFeeling the needTo make me her homeI don"t know what when or whyThe twilight of love had arrivedTwisting and turningYour feelings are burningYou"re breaking the girlShe meant you no harmThink you"re so cleverBut now you must severYou"re breaking the girlHe loves no one elseTwisting and turningYour feelings are burningYou"re breaking the girlShe meant you no harmThink you"re so cleverBut now you must severYou"re breaking the girlHe loves no one else

Breaking The Girl 歌词

歌曲名:Breaking The Girl歌手:Red Hot Chili Peppers专辑:Blood Sugar Sex MagikBreaking The GirlRed Hot Chili PeppersI am a manCut from the knowRarely do friendsCome and then goShe was a girlSoft but estrangedWe were the twoOur lives rearrangedFeeling so good that dayA feeling of love that dayTwisting and turningYour feelings are burningYou"re breaking the girlShe meant you no harmThink you"re so cleverBut now you must severYou"re breaking the girlHe loves no one elseRaised by my dadGirl of the dayHe was my manThat was the wayShe was the girlLeft aloneFeeling the needTo make me her homeI don"t know what when or whyThe twilight of love had arrivedTwisting and turningYour feelings are burningYou"re breaking the girlShe meant you no harmThink you"re so cleverBut now you must severYou"re breaking the girlHe loves no one elseTwisting and turningYour feelings are burningYou"re breaking the girlShe meant you no harmThink you"re so cleverBut now you must severYou"re breaking the girlHe loves no one else

read/dev/sdd 是什么意思

是读sdd设备的意思。/dev ——device /sdd——第d个SCSI硬盘或移动磁盘。



英语语法问``````````` there lies a stream in front...为什么lie用第三人称单数

1.这是一个倒装句,因为用的是there be 句型所以还是一个完全倒装句(there be 句型中,除了使用be动词外,还可以使用其他的一些不及物动词) 2.倒装句中的谓语动词在人称和数上要和其后的主语保持一致 如:There lies a boy under the tree.(树下躺着一个男孩) 3.a stream 是单数所以用lies

Do you perfer eating at home or out eating? Please give you reason...求解啊。。急。。要用英语回答哦

I prefer eating outside. For one thing, it"s convinient since you don"t have to buy materials and cook by yourself. which take much time. For another, there are more delicious food in the restaurants and you will have more choices.

for in its very shortness lies its greatest strength.这是什么语法?

这句话其实是一个原因状语从句,而且这个从句使用的是倒装语序。主语是句子最后面的名词短语The greatest strength,核心词是strength。谓语动词是不及物动词lie(位于),地点状语in its very shortness被前置到了句首。很显然,这是倒装语序的说法,正常语序应该是: its greatest strength lies in its very shortness. 这里为什么要使用倒装语序?主要原因是表示地点的状语被前知到了句首,从而引起主谓倒装。

找首歌得歌词。 歌名:breating in breating out 歌手:jodi king

你歌名都写错了,在国外的网站上找到的 king - Breathing In/Breathing Out Little girl on a backyard swing Hair blowing in the wind Sooner or later you"ll be Off on your own A world to discover A life to begin Step by step and day by day You"ll trip and fall but you"ll find a way Breaking your heart And holding his hand Boys can be mean but don"t be afraid Sun on your face And all that you see Is the thing with the Butterfly wings Sparks fly and my heart runs over Breathing in Breathing out Wide-eyed in a moment of wonder Breathing in Look what you"ve found Breathing in Breathing out Young man with The world on his shoulders Where has the summer gone Looking out it seems so different Paid by the hour Used to live by the minute Long life and so much to see Something was missing What would complete it Blond hair and the shoulder you need Traded it in A bike for a ring Sun on your face And all that you see Is the girl with the Butterfly wings Oh no now that you take away At the end of it all you should see One more day has a chance to begin

JTL《Really Want U 》的歌词

Really want U(uc9c4uc815 ub2f9uc2e0uc744 uc6d0ud574) Lyrics by uc774uc7acuc6d0 Composed by Bob Fiori / Jericco castelli Arranged by MSC Guitar uc0d8 ub9ac Back ground vocals ubb38uc9c0ud658 ub108ub9ccuc744 uc704ud55c uc0acub791uc744 uc774uc820 uc54cuc544 ub108ub9ccuc774 ub098uc758 uc804ubd80uc600ub2e8 uac78 uc774uc820 uc54cuc544 ub09c uc560uc368 uc6c3uc5b4ubcf4uba70 ub108ub97c ubcf4ub0b4ubcf4ub824 uc624ud788ub824 ubc1duc740 ud45cuc815 ub09c uc9c0uc5b4ubcf4uc9c0ub9cc ub124uac00 ub0b4uac8c uc8fcuace0uac04 uc36cuae00ub798uc2a4 uc18duc73cub85c uac10ucdb0uc9c4 ub208ubb3cub4e4uc774 ud758ub7ecub0b4ub9acub294ub370 uc544uc9c1 uc774ubcc4uc740 uc870uae08 uc11cud230 ub098uc600uae30uc5d0 uc6c3uc73cuba70 ubcf4ub0b4uc900ub2e4uace0 ub9ceuc774 uc544ud504uaca0uc9c0ub9cc ub208ubb3cuc744 uac10ucd94ub824 uc544ubb34ub9ac uc560uc368ubd10ub3c4 I really miss you ub5a0ub09c ub10c uc544ubb34 ub9d0uc774 uc5c6uace0 ub530ub73bud55c ud587uc0b4ub9c8uc800 uc5b4uc81cucc98ub7fc ub098ub97c ube44ucd94ub294ub370 oh I really want you uc544ubb34uc77c uc5c6uc774 ud558ub8e8ub97c uc0b4uace0 uc9c0ub0b4uc9c0ub9cc uc138uc0c1uc740 uc544uc9c1 ubcc0ud568uc5c6uc774 uadf8ub300ub85cuc778ub370 ub5a0ub098uac04 ube48uc790ub9acub294 ub0b4uac90 ub108ubb34ub098ub3c4 ud5c8uc804ud558uae30ub9cc ud55cub370 ub110 uc78auc744 uc218uac00 uc5c6ub294ub370 ubb34ub38cuc838 ubc84ub9b0 uae30uc5b5uc18duc5d0 uadf8 uc5b8uc820uac00 ub124uac00 uc78aud600uc9c0uaca0uc9c0 ub124uac00 ubcf4uace0uc2f6uaca0uc9c0 ub208ubb3cuc740 ub124uac8c ubcf4uc774uc9c0 uc54auc744uac8c ub354ub294 uc6c3uc73cuba70 ubcf4ub0b4uc900ub2e4uace0 ub9ceuc774 uc544ud504uaca0uc9c0ub9cc ub208ubb3cuc744 uac10ucd94ub824 uc544ubb34ub9ac uc560uc368ubd10ub3c4 I really miss you ub5a0ub09c ub10c uc544ubb34 ub9d0uc774 uc5c6uace0 ub530ub73bud55c ud587uc0b4ub9c8uc800 uc5b4uc81cucc98ub7fc ub098ub97c ube44ucd94ub294ub370 oh I really want you ub108uc640 ud568uaed8ud55c uc990uac70uc6e0ub358 uc2dcuac04ub4e4uc774 (ud589ubcf5ud588ub358 uc21cuac04ub4e4uc774) ub5a0ub098ubc84ub9b0 ub108uc758 uc791uc740 ubaa8uc2b5uc774 (uc544ub984ub2e4uc6b4 ubaa8uc2b5uc774) ub0b4uac90 uc544ub828ud55c uae30uc5b5uc73cub85c ubcc0ud574uac00uace0 uac00uace0 uc774uc81cub294 ub0b4uac8cuc11c ub450 ubc88 ub2e4uc2dc ubcfc uc218 uc5c6ub098 uc5c6ub098 ub0b4 ub9d8uc18duc5d0 ub0a8uaca8uc9c4 ub108uc758 ubaa8ub4e0 uae30uc5b5ub4e4uc744 uc774uc81cub294 uc78auace0 uc0b4uc544uc57cuaca0uc9c0 ud558uc9c0ub9cc uc27duac8c uc78aud600uc9c0uc9c0 uc54auaca0uc9c0 uc6c3ub294 ub108uc758 ubaa8uc2b5 uc9c0uc6ccuc9c0uc9c0 uc54aub294 ub108uc758 ubaa8uc2b5 uc774ub807uac8c ub9e4uc77cubc24 ub108ub97c uadf8ub9acuba70 uc624ub298ub3c4 uc7a0 ubabb ub4e4uace0 uc788ub124 (ub108ub9ccuc744 uae30uc5b5ud560uac8c) uc5b8uc820uac00 uc624ub79c uc2dcuac04uc774 ud750ub974uba74 ub2e4uc74c uc138uc0c1uc5d0 uc6b0ub9ac ub2e4uc2dc uc0acub791ud558uace0 uc788uaca0uc9c0 uc601uc6d0ud788 uc6c3uc73cuba70 ubcf4ub0b4uc900ub2e4uace0 ub9ceuc774 uc544ud504uaca0uc9c0ub9cc ub208ubb3cuc744 uac10ucd94ub824 uc544ubb34ub9ac uc560uc368ubd10ub3c4 I really miss you ub5a0ub09c ub10c uc544ubb34 ub9d0uc774 uc5c6uace0 ub530ub73bud55c ud587uc0b4ub9c8uc800 uc5b4uc81cucc98ub7fc ub098ub97c ube44ucd94ub294ub370 oh I really want you uc6c3uc73cuba70 ubcf4ub0b4uc900ub2e4uace0 ub9ceuc774 uc544ud504uaca0uc9c0ub9cc ub208ubb3cuc744 uac10ucd94ub824 uc544ubb34ub9ac uc560uc368ubd10ub3c4 I really miss you ub5a0ub09c ub10c uc544ubb34 ub9d0uc774 uc5c6uace0 ub530ub73bud55c ud587uc0b4ub9c8uc800 uc5b4uc81cucc98ub7fc ub098ub97c ube44ucd94ub294ub370 oh I really want you


1、让人得以呼吸的、或给人喘气的机会. 2 Nick Carraway"s great remark about Jay Gatsby: ""If personality is an unbroken series of successful gestures, then there was something gorgeous about him, some heightened sensitivity to the promises of life, as if he were related to one of those intricate machines that register earthquakes ten thousand miles away."" 如果一个人是无缺的成功姿态,那么他有些方面是很厉害的,他有对生命的许诺的有比常人更高的敏感度,就像他被连接到那些能记录一万英里外地震的精密仪器.

求SES Dreams Come True 中文歌词

Ne ga weon ha neun de roJa sin in neun mo seub keu dae roI jek keo sum gyo watteon bi mi leulNe ga mo du mal ha go sipeo(Baby)Funny How All Dreams Come TrueNa lul ji kyo jul kkeo yaAk kyeo watteon ja geun sa lang doFunny How I Feel For YouNeo eui gyeo te keul yo jilkkummg gyeol ga teon na eui mi lae do(music)Cheoum neu kkim keu de roChari hetton nu kim gu de roSeo lo gaYak sok hae tteon geot cheo leonKa tteun saeng gak ha go isseot ji(Baby)Funny How All Dreams Come TrueNa lul ji kyo jul kkeo yaAk kyeo watteon ja geun sa lang doFunny How I Feel For YouNeo ha na man sa lang hae(music)Come On LoverEon je na du li hamkkeNe ga in neun na haeng bo khal ye yoDeo i sangSeul pun no lae neun tujdi a neulKeoie yo Nae ma leul al get jyo(Scat Rap)Dreams Come TrueNa lul ji kyo jul kkeo yaAk kyeo watteon ja geun sa lang doFunny How I Feel For YouNeo eui gyeo te keul yo jilkkummg gyeol ga teon na eui mi lae do

“Every night in my dreams,I see you.I feel you,that is how I know you go on,far across the dis

My Heart Will Go On(我心依旧) 电影《泰坦尼克号》的插曲 歌手:Celine Dion (席琳·迪翁) Every night in my dreams每一个夜晚,在我的梦里 I see you,I feel you 我看见你,我感觉到你 That is how I know you go on 这就是我如何知道你会继续 Far across the distance and spaces between us 跨越我们心灵的空间 You have come to show you go on 你向我显现你的来临 Near far wherever you are 无论你如何远离我 I believe that the heart does go on 我相信我心已相随 Once more you opened the door 你曾经再次敲开我的心扉 And you"re here in my heart 你融入我的心灵 And my heart will go on and on 我心与你同往 与你相随 Love can touch us one time 爱触动我们一次 And last for a lifetime 就能够持续一生的时间 And never let go till we"re gone 不愿失去,直到永远 Love was when I loved you 爱就是当我爱着你时的感觉 One true time I hold to 我牢牢把握住那真实的一刻 In my life we"ll always go on 在我的生命里,爱无止境 Near far wherever you are 无论你离我多么遥远 I believe that the heart does go on 我相信我心已相随 Once more you opened the door 你曾经再次敲开我的心扉 And you"re here in my heart 你融入我的心灵 And my heart will go on and on 我心属于你,爱无止境 You"re here there is nothing I fear 你就在我身旁,以至我全无畏惧 And I know that my heart will go on 我知道我心与你相依 We"ll stay forever this way 我们永远相携而行 You are safe in my heart 在我心中你安然无恙 And my heart will go on and on 我心属于你,爱无止境 《my heart will go on》曾使celine·dion在第四十一届格莱美颁奖仪式上独拿三项大奖:最佳年度唱片,最佳年度歌曲,最佳流行女歌手.获得第70 届奥斯卡最佳电影歌曲!

求一支日韩经典歌曲,开头常被设为来电,歌词中有FEEL FOR YOU和DREAMS COME TRUE,求其名


高一英语书上第63页的完形填空(destroy) (trap) (disaster) (a great number o?

高采纳率保证准确率! March 27,1964 was a holiday in Alaska,so most people were at home,and everything was going on (as usual).Suddenly,there was a sound like thunder.Next,people"s houses began to shake.Buildings cracked and water (pipes) burst.In the town of Anchorage,and buildings fell down.People were shocked by the unexpected (quake).Some ran up and down the street while others who(were trapped)in the buildings,were looking out of their windows for help.The earthquake that hit Alaska was one of the strongest (disasters) in North America.The earthquake (destroyed) many towns and (a great number of) people were killed.,2,as usual / pipes / disaster / were trapped / quake / destroyed / a great number of,2,as usual pipes quake were trapped disasters destroyed a great number of,2,题目是什么?,0,高一英语书上第63页的完形填空 (destroy) (trap) (disaster) (a great number of) (as usual) (pipe) (quake) 填空 1March 27,1964 was a holiday in Alaska,so most people were at homw,and everything was going on______.2.Suddenly,there was a sound like yhunder.Neext,people"s houses began to shake.Buildings cracked and water_________burst.In the town of Anchorage,andbuildings fell doen.3.People were shocked by the unexpected________.4.Some ran up and down the street while others who_________in the buildings,were looking out of yheir windows for help.5.The earthquake that hit Alaska was one of the strongest_________in North America.The earthquake________many towns and __________people were killed.请各位哥哥姐姐们帮帮小妹啊!

disaster area跟stricken area有什么区别?

disaster stricken area = 灾难杀伤区stricken 不能单用+poverty stricken area

disaster、misfortune、great tragedy的区别

The earthquake is a disaster. Don"t see it as your personal misfortune and make a great tragedy killing yourself.

LOL 出现 Unable to create the error report. please verify that is enough space in your TEMP folder


玩英雄联盟出现Unable to create the error report


英语virtual reality课文翻译

太长了,以下只是原文的八分之一:===============Virtual Reality===============Virtual reality (VR) is a technology which allows a user to interact with a computer-simulated environment, be it a real or imagined one. Most current virtual reality environments are primarily visual experiences, displayed either on a computer screen or through special or stereoscopic displays, but some simulations include additional sensory information, such as sound through speakers or headphones. Some advanced, haptic systems now include tactile information, generally known as force feedback, in medical and gaming applications. Users can interact with a virtual environment or a virtual artifact (VA) either through the use of standard input devices such as a keyboard and mouse, or through multimodal devices such as a wired glove, the Polhemus boom arm, and omnidirectional treadmill. The simulated environment can be similar to the real world, for example, simulations for pilot or combat training, or it can differ significantly from reality, as in VR games. In practice, it is currently very difficult to create a high-fidelity virtual reality experience, due largely to technical limitations on processing power, image resolution and communication bandwidth. However, those limitations are expected to eventually be overcome as processor, imaging and data communication technologies become more powerful and cost-effective over time.Virtual Reality is often used to describe a wide variety of applications, commonly associated with its immersive, highly visual, 3D environments. The development of CAD software, graphics hardware acceleration, head mounted displays, database gloves and miniaturization have helped popularize the notion. In the book The Metaphysics of Virtual Reality, Michael Heim identifies seven different concepts of Virtual Reality: simulation, interaction, artificiality, immersion, telepresence, full-body immersion, and network communication. The definition still has a certain futuristic romanticism attached. People often identify VR with Head Mounted Displays, Data Suits and Steven King"s The Lawnmower Man.TerminologyThe term artificial reality, coined by Myron Krueger, has been in use since the 1970s but the origin of the term virtual reality is uncertain. It has been credited to The Judas Mandala, a 1982 science fiction novel by Damien Broderick, where the context of use is somewhat different from that defined above. The earliest use cited by the Oxford English Dictionary is in a 1987 article entitled "Virtual reality", but the article is not about VR technology. The VR developer Jaron Lanier claims that he coined the term. The concept of virtual reality was popularized in mass media by movies such as Brainstorm and The Lawnmower Man (and others mentioned below), and the VR research boom of the 1990s was motivated in part by the non-fiction book Virtual Reality by Howard Rheingold. The book served to demystify the subject, making it more accessible to less technical researchers and enthusiasts, with an impact similar to what his book The Virtual Community had on virtual community research lines closely related to VR. Multimedia: from Wagner to Virtual Reality, edited by Randall Packer and Ken Jordan and first published in 2001, explores the term and its history from an avant-garde perspective.TimelineMorton Heilig wrote in the 1950s of an "Experience Theatre" that could encompass all the senses in an effective manner, thus drawing the viewer into the onscreen activity. He built a prototype of his vision dubbed the Sensorama in 1962, along with five short films to be displayed in it while engaging multiple senses (sight, sound, smell, and touch). Predating digital computing, the Sensorama was a mechanical device, which reportedly still functions today. In 1968, Ivan Sutherland, with the help of his student Bob Sproull, created what is widely considered to be the first virtual reality and augmented reality (AR) head mounted display (HMD) system. It was primitive both in terms of user interface and realism, and the HMD to be worn by the user was so heavy it had to be suspended from the ceiling, and the graphics comprising the virtual environment were simple wireframe model rooms. The formidable appearance of the device inspired its name, The Sword of Damocles. Also notable among the earlier hypermedia and virtual reality systems was the Aspen Movie Map, which was created at MIT in 1977. The program was a crude virtual simulation of Aspen, Colorado in which users could wander the streets in one of three modes: summer, winter, and polygons. The first two were based on photographs — the researchers actually photographed every possible movement through the city"s street grid in both seasons — and the third was a basic 3-D model of the city. In the late 1980s the term "virtual reality" was popularized by Jaron Lanier, one of the modern pioneers of the field. Lanier had founded the company VPL Research (from "Virtual Programming Languages") in 1985, which developed and built some of the seminal "goggles n" gloves" systems of that decade.FutureIt is unclear exactly where the future of virtual reality is heading. In the short run, the graphics displayed in the HMD will soon reach a point of near realism. The audio capabilities will move into a new realm of three dimensional sound. This refers to the addition of sound channels both above and below the individual or a Holophony approach..... 虚拟现实(VR)是一门技术,该技术允许使用者用计算机模拟环境相互作用,无论是一个真实或想象一个。目前大多数虚拟环境根本上就是虚拟体验,要么显示在计算机屏幕上或通过特殊或立体感显示,只是某些模拟包括另外的感觉信息,例如声音通过扬声器或耳机。一些先进、haptic系统现在还包括触觉信息,通常被认为是力反馈,在医疗和游戏应用。用户也可以与虚拟的环境或虚拟神器(VA)要么就是通过使用标准的输入设备,如键盘和鼠标,或通过多通道的装置,像是一个有线手套、Polhemus繁荣全方位的膀臂、和跑步机。模拟环境可以类似真实世界,例如,模拟为飞行或格斗训练显著,或它可以不同于现实,如在虚拟游戏中。在实践中,目前非常的困难,创造一个高度保真虚拟现实经验,主要由于处理能力的技术限制、图象解码和通讯带宽。然而,预计那些限制最终得到克服,如同处理器,图象与数据通讯技术变得更加强大并且划算的。    虚拟现实通常是被用来描述各种类型的应用程序,通常联系在一起的引人入胜的、高度的视觉,3D环境。CAD软件的发展,图形硬件加速、头安装显示,数据库手套和小型化帮助推广这一观点。《形而上学》书中虚拟现实,迈克尔Heim识别7个不同的虚拟现实的概念:仿真、相互作用、人工,浸泡,觉临场感效果,全身浸、和网络通信。定义仍然有一定的未来派

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求一首英文歌 男声 很抒情 高潮中间有什么什么my dream的

是用手机一首一首打上来的,希望采纳吧。保证每首都很好听。另外,你可以去极品音乐网,那里可以找到不少好歌。goodbye girl (David Gates)we didnt move a muscle (fotoner )强推,只有吉他伴奏. it doesn"t matter (ALR jordan guitar )推荐come josephine (acid house kings )强强推,绝对的好听bonny bonny (cara dilon)a perfect indian and then you (greg greg laswell )apologize (onerepublic)强推啊dream catcher 小提琴,超级好听,强强推en dag tilbage every but the girl (darin)fade to black (metallica)great morning (daveed )强推start of something new i cry (有里知花)推荐i will love you (fisher)强强推i don"t want to talk about it you are beautiful (james blunt)tears in heaven (eric clapton)Es ist ein Schnee gef allen (Adaro) liange (anoice )强推la ventana (Bel Divioleta)强推whatever you want live oak road (flower machine)imagine me without you (jaci Velasquez)it"s only the fairly tale (宫村优子)la pioggia(石久让)这就不用多说了吧 say hello (rosie thomas)强烈推荐 motherland(single gun theor)强强推,有点神奇,读者上推荐过这首 valder fileds (Tamas wells)强推 wish (纯音乐,别找错了,强烈推荐) oceans in the hall (the lady bug transistor)强烈推荐

Dream丶Eternal 什么意思

dream [driːm]基本翻译n. 梦想,愿望;梦adj. 梦的;理想的;不切实际的vt. 梦想;做梦;想到vi. 梦想;做梦,梦见;想到eternal [ɪ"tɜːn(ə)l; iː-]基本翻译adj. 永恒的;不朽的网络释义Eternal:永恒 | 永远的 | 永久的


buddyyoureaboy歌叫《We Will Rock You》。歌词如下:Buddy you"re a boy make a big noisePlaying in the streets gonna be a big man somedayYou got mud on your faceYou big disgraceKicking your can all over the placeSingingWe will, we will rock youWe will, we will rock youBuddy you"re a young man, hard manShouting in the street gonna take on the world somedayYou got blood on your faceYou big disgraceWaving your banner all over the placeWe will, we will rock youSinging it nowWe will, we will rock youBuddy you"re an old man, poor manPleading with your eyes gonna make you some peace some dayYou got mud on your faceBig disgraceSomebody better put you back into your placeWe will, we will rock youSing itWe will, we will rock youEverybodyWe will, we will rock youWe will, we will rock youAlright歌曲介绍《We Will Rock You》是皇后乐队(Queen)演唱的歌曲,词曲由乐队吉他手布莱恩·梅创作,在1977年10月7日以单曲形式发行 ,后收录在乐队同年10月28日发行的第六张录音室专辑《News of the World》中。20世纪80年代开始,该曲被大量使用于体育赛事 。1994年,该曲被选为美国世界杯的主题曲 。2004年,被《滚石》杂志评为史上最伟大的500首歌曲第330名。2008年,该曲入选格莱美名人堂。

Miss May I的《Creations》 歌词

歌曲名:Creations歌手:Miss May I专辑:Monument [Deluxe]Miss May I -CreationsHow could you say you know who I am?Do you even wonder why I"m here?The thoughts play back in your headlike a film that has been stick on repeat.Imagine that this picture of me is painted for you.A portrait is made to hold a momentand moments wish they could live.Lets make this last become real life art.Time won"t catch us if we refuse to dry.Changing as we settle into our canvas of eternity.Hung on a wall that was built for you and I.Here we are once again and we are the same.You will see all of this and we will remain the same.We are all artwork can"t you see?No one will see you like I do.Why can"t you believe?No one will see you like I do.We all are art if seen in my eyes.Seen through the sky that magnifies beauty.Open your eyes see that I see.You will never go back to being blind and dull.See what I see.(*4)

区分淆的词:throw to、throw at&throw away;quite&quiet;Cause&reason;drop&full.

throw to把…投向… throw at 向…投去 throw away扔掉,丢弃 quite adv. 很;相当;完全 quiet adj. 安静的;安定的;温顺的;不动的 cause做名词的时候和reason没什么区别.都是原因的意思.cause还有动词形式就是引起. drop是滴,落下的意思,通常是指物体垂直落下的那种.full 充满的;丰富的

the great salt lake是什么意思


The Clockwork RadioThe British inventor Trevor Baylis created this really clever ′wind-up radio..

小题1:C小题2:B小题3:D 小题1:根据A clockwork generator (发电机) is put inside the radio and works as the power. When it is fully wound up (上弦), the radio can work for long periods.描述。可知选C。小题2:根据in some parts of the Third World countries, it"s very hard for people to get or pay for enough energy.可知这些国家的人们很穷,故选B。小题3:根据Even former President of South Africa, Nelson Mandella has one of these radios and personally recommends this product to others. 描述,可知选D。


《whateveryoulike》重低音超级重,很有感觉。 《bluntashes》慢节奏的说唱。 《killyou》阿姆的说唱。 《sugar》很老的歌了。不过节奏还赞哦 《g-slide》开头小孩子超级痢疾的。 《hiphopisdead》NAS的经典歌曲了,超有感觉的。 《teenagelife》个人很喜欢的歌,有小朋友和嘻哈的完美结合。 《believeme》BILLBAND里面排名一直稳居在前五的歌~fortminor 的 《londonbridge》个人推荐~全是骂人话。 《indaclub》50cent的吊比歌,很嗨。电子加嘻哈。 《ido》chingy的嘻哈我一直满喜欢的。 《low》夜店歌,去过G的应该听过吧。 《breakitoff》很适合派对的歌~RIHANNA的。 《hypnotized》很舒服的慢摇。AKON的。很喜欢 《discoinferno》重低音很重的嘻哈. 《bartender》T-PAIN的慢摇 《notgoingback》这首歌呢,不知道怎么说。其实情景满悲惨的。 《dirtoffyourshoulder》赞的。 《hesaidshesaid》女的声音很性感,爆发力啊毛强的。 《petrified》重低音做的太吊了! 《numbencore》JAY-Z的经典了,听过的应该晓得的。 《pocketfulofsunshine》终于找到那首07的混合曲的一首单独曲目了~! 《ican》NAS的古典和嘻哈的结合。 《pumpit》黑眼豆豆的老歌,不过我觉得不比他们的一些红歌节奏差。 《therealslimshady》跳街舞绝对赞的歌。 《shutup》黑眼豆豆的。很有爆发的。 GAGA的歌大家估计都很熟了。在这里不多推荐哈! 《thatlalala》Rihanna的。在G 听到过。 《gimmethat》ChirsBrown的老歌,也许你没注意,不过节奏真的重! 《nastygirl》Chingy的嘻哈不多介绍了!相信听过的就知道有多赞。 《AssNdaAurr》Chingy的。 《whatyougot》ColbyO"donis的。他既是音乐制作人也是歌手,曾经在gaga的 justdance里唱过男声 《Whineup》.节奏重。 《Yamahamama》酱爆弟弟的。不错的r

Let’s break up什么意思?



意思不同。break名词有裂口、缺口、裂缝、骨折、短课、课间休息的意思。split名词有开口、开衩、破裂、分裂的意思,作为短语break in to是破门而入的意思而split in to则是分成……的意思。两个短语意思不同。split与break还有短语为:split up和break up,如是男女分手的话可互换,split up和 break up都可以解释为分手。

什么是伦理推理(ethical reasoning)


桂林中学学生会将举行一年一度的英语演讲比赛,本年度的主题为“I have a dream”。假设你是学生会主席李

Dear boys and girls,Good afternoon! Welcome to the annual English speech contest! To improve your English speaking and listening ablilities, we hold this English speech contest. It not only offers the chance to practice your English, but also provides a good opportunity to show your graceful self.There are some important points each contestant should be aware of. First of all, each contestant should dress and behave properly. Second, each should finish the speech within five minutes. Third, each speech should be centered on the theme of our contest, “I have a dream”. I believe your speeches will inspire more people to achieve their dreams.Finally, I"d like to wish you all good luck and I hope each contestant will perform his best! That"s all. Thank you for your attention! 试题分析:本文是一篇演讲稿。文章给出了汉语提示,要求考生根据提示写出完整的英语短文。成文时要注意:1.要点要齐全;(1)说明比赛的目的和意义,如提高英语听说能力等;(2)说明比赛的注意事项,如每个参赛者应该着装整洁、举止文雅,演讲不超过5分钟,必须围绕主题等;(3)预祝比赛选手取得圆满成功。2.时态:用一般现在时;3.使用一些高级词汇、短语和句型,以提高文章档次;4.适当使用一些连词和插入语使文章表达自然、流畅。【亮点说明】使用了并列结构:not only……but also……;使用了不定式短语作状语:To improve your English speaking and listening ablilities,使用了从句:There are some important points each contestant should be aware of.连词和插入语:First of all, Third, Finally等。

ethical reasoning 是什么意思

ethical reasoning 伦理思考;[例句]Many contemporary philosophers, for example, have made much of the difference between scientific and ethical reasoning.例如,许多当代哲学家在科学论断和伦理论断的差异上大做文章。




ever 表示曾经,而already表示已经。如Have you ever been to Shanghai?你去过上海吗?Have you already been in Shanghai?你已经到上海了吗?另外ever 还有永远的意思,而 already 则没有。

用rush(冲),realize(意识到),invite(邀请),show up(露面),stay up(熬夜)造句并翻译!


ever, never, already, yet的区别是什么?

ever,never,already,yet的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、时态不同。一、意思不同1.ever意思:(用于否定句和疑问句,或与if连用的句子)在任何时候,从来;(进行比较时用以加强语气)以往任何时候,曾经;不断地;总是;始终2.never意思:从不;绝不;从未;未曾;(与not同义,语气较强)一点都不3.already意思:已经;早已;(表示惊奇)已经,都;(强调情况或问题存在)已经4.yet意思:用于否定句和疑问句,谈论尚未发生但可能发生的事;现在;即刻;马上;从现在起直至某一时间;还二、用法不同1.ever用法:ever一般位于系动词be、助动词或情态动词之后,实义动词之前,修饰形容词比较级或最高级形式时,通常在比较级的前面,最高级的后面。ever修饰名词时一般置于所修饰名词的后面。2.never用法:never一般位于系动词及助动词之后,实义动词之前,如修饰动词不定式或分词,则要放在不定式或分词前。3.already用法:already一般用于肯定句中。与动词搭配时,静态动词多用一般式,动态动词多用完成式。表示与现在时间相比而已经做过的事,即by this time,须用现在完成时,表示与过去时间相比而已经做过的事,即by that time,用过去完成时或过去进行时。already不用于一般将来时。4.yet用法:yet用于否定句和疑问句中及用于表示怀疑的动词之后,意思是“还,尚,仍然,直至现在”,在英式英语中通常用于现在或过去完成时,在美式英语中通常用于一般过去时。三、时态不同1.ever时态:用于现在完成时。2.never时态:不一定要用在现在完成时。3.already时态:用于现在完成时。4.yet时态:用于现在完成时的否定,一般放句末。

ever, never, already, yet的区别是什么?

ever,never,already,yet的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、时态不同。一、意思不同1.ever意思:(用于否定句和疑问句,或与if连用的句子)在任何时候,从来;(进行比较时用以加强语气)以往任何时候,曾经;不断地;总是;始终2.never意思:从不;绝不;从未;未曾;(与not同义,语气较强)一点都不3.already意思:已经;早已;(表示惊奇)已经,都;(强调情况或问题存在)已经4.yet意思:用于否定句和疑问句,谈论尚未发生但可能发生的事;现在;即刻;马上;从现在起直至某一时间;还二、用法不同1.ever用法:ever一般位于系动词be、助动词或情态动词之后,实义动词之前,修饰形容词比较级或最高级形式时,通常在比较级的前面,最高级的后面。ever修饰名词时一般置于所修饰名词的后面。2.never用法:never一般位于系动词及助动词之后,实义动词之前,如修饰动词不定式或分词,则要放在不定式或分词前。3.already用法:already一般用于肯定句中。与动词搭配时,静态动词多用一般式,动态动词多用完成式。表示与现在时间相比而已经做过的事,即by this time,须用现在完成时,表示与过去时间相比而已经做过的事,即by that time,用过去完成时或过去进行时。already不用于一般将来时。4.yet用法:yet用于否定句和疑问句中及用于表示怀疑的动词之后,意思是“还,尚,仍然,直至现在”,在英式英语中通常用于现在或过去完成时,在美式英语中通常用于一般过去时。三、时态不同1.ever时态:用于现在完成时。2.never时态:不一定要用在现在完成时。3.already时态:用于现在完成时。4.yet时态:用于现在完成时的否定,一般放句末。


不断增长的; 不断增长的;




even 甚至,never 从不,already 已经。

ever、 never、 already和yet的区别是什么?

ever,never,already,yet的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、时态不同。一、意思不同1.ever意思:(用于否定句和疑问句,或与if连用的句子)在任何时候,从来;(进行比较时用以加强语气)以往任何时候,曾经;不断地;总是;始终2.never意思:从不;绝不;从未;未曾;(与not同义,语气较强)一点都不3.already意思:已经;早已;(表示惊奇)已经,都;(强调情况或问题存在)已经4.yet意思:用于否定句和疑问句,谈论尚未发生但可能发生的事;现在;即刻;马上;从现在起直至某一时间;还二、用法不同1.ever用法:ever一般位于系动词be、助动词或情态动词之后,实义动词之前,修饰形容词比较级或最高级形式时,通常在比较级的前面,最高级的后面。ever修饰名词时一般置于所修饰名词的后面。2.never用法:never一般位于系动词及助动词之后,实义动词之前,如修饰动词不定式或分词,则要放在不定式或分词前。3.already用法:already一般用于肯定句中。与动词搭配时,静态动词多用一般式,动态动词多用完成式。表示与现在时间相比而已经做过的事,即by this time,须用现在完成时,表示与过去时间相比而已经做过的事,即by that time,用过去完成时或过去进行时。already不用于一般将来时。4.yet用法:yet用于否定句和疑问句中及用于表示怀疑的动词之后,意思是“还,尚,仍然,直至现在”,在英式英语中通常用于现在或过去完成时,在美式英语中通常用于一般过去时。三、时态不同1.ever时态:用于现在完成时。2.never时态:不一定要用在现在完成时。3.already时态:用于现在完成时。4.yet时态:用于现在完成时的否定,一般放句末。

如何评价4月14dream hack比赛tyloo战队战胜mlg冠军lg战队

  说到EnVyUs这支队的优点,就是个人能力。CSGO职业队有战术流,有枪法流,也有二者兼得的。之所以这次冠军是他们主要是因为枪法实在是太稳定,唯二拼抢钢的过他们的也就fnatic和G2,然而fnatic这次大赛有点萎,G2又过于倚仗一波流没战术。总之这冠军拿的是名正言顺,如果happy别老是买望远镜的话这就是一支完美的队伍了。  envyus主要的弱点,就是Happy。是的没错这货会混烟,沙鹰也打得好,意识也不错。但是一个指挥的职责是统帅全队,发挥四个钢枪队友的优点。从这个角度来说我更加欣赏pronax和xizt。

求《skip beat》op Dream star英文版歌词

Dream Star (English ver) 歌手:the generous 作词:JUSME 作曲:大西克巳 When I looked up the sky There was a shining star The brightest one of all And I remember The dream that I left behind Like in my early days The star light was still strong And it gave me the courage Promised to make my Dreams come true I used to be Depending on somebody To those days I say good-bye I"m gonna change the world Now watch me out! I"ll do what I can do Taking all the chances in front of me I"m gonna spring my wings Prepare to fly I"m heading up to the future Coz my heart is beating fast I don"t care what the people say I"m gonna be the one Like the brightest star If I said I wasn"t afraid It would be a lie But I will never stop Standing up to get what I want now In my imagination I"ve got a perfect life Deep down inside my heart I know that someday I will make it happen I feel the wind sometimes when I am down It blow away all the darkness I"m gonna break into a run and run As fast as I can go Catching every dreams right in my hands I"m gonna get away from boring days Coz I was born to enjoy my life I can be whom I wanna be If I love the way I am And be proud of myself I used to be Depending on somebody To those days I say good-bye I"m gonna change the world Now watch me out! I"ll do what I can do Taking all the chances in front of me I"m gonna spring my wings Prepare to fly I"m heading up to the future Coz my heart is beating fast I don"t care what the people say I"m gonna be the one Like the brightest star

Tom’s a taxi driver, _____ he really wants to be a singer. A.or

D 试题分析:句意:汤姆是个出租车司机,但他真的想成为一名歌手。or 或者; and 和,表示并列关系;so 所以,表示因果关系;but但是,表示转折关系。根据前后分句的意思可知该用连词but,所以选D。

演唱会中经常出现的break it down


man,it is really coming down out there是什么意思




think big dream big


求一首英文歌 学校广播听到的 。女声 歌词大概有这么几句:too young to dream 然

Not Too Young To Dream - Frankie Lymon

so far和already可不可以连用? 另,by far也有so far的意思?

一、by far的语法特点  用于强调,意为“……得多”“最最……”“显然”等,可修饰形容词或副词的比较级和最高级,通常置于其后,但是若比较级或最高级前有冠词,则可置于其前或其后。如:  It"s quicker by far to go by train. 乘火车要快得多。  She ran fastest by far. 她跑得最最快(显然她跑得最快)。  He"s by far the cleverer student. 他是个聪明得多的孩子。  He is by far the best teacher. =He is the best teacher byfar. 他是最最好的老师(或他显然是最好的老师)。  比较:far 修饰比较级或最高级,通常要前置。  二、so far的语法特点  1. 表示“到目前为止”“至今”等(=until now),通常与现在完成时连用。如:  We haven"t had any trouble so far. 到上前为止,我们还没有遇到任何麻烦。  So far the work has been easy but things may change. 到目前为此,这工作还很容易,但情况可能有变化。  【注】有时可用一般现在时(尤其是某些状态动词)。如:  So far, it is only talk. 至今还只是空谈。  This is likely to be the biggest conference so far. 这很可能是迄今为止规模最大的一次会议了。  有时用于省略句。如  So far, so good. 到目前为止,一切顺利。  2. 表示“到这种程度或范围”,根据情况选用适当时态。如:  I can only help him so far. 我只能帮他到这种程度。  I trust you only so far (and no further). 我对你的信任只到这个程度。  Was it wise to push things so far? 把事情弄到这种地步明智吗?  【注】有时 so far 不是一个固定短语,而只是用 so 来加强 far 的意思。如:  We didn"t walk so far. 我们没有走那么远。

a series of reasons和 a couple of reasons

a series of一系列的,至少三个以上,一般用于抽象的对象。a couple of一对,一双,一般用于具体的东西,如袜子,鞋,杯子等。reason 是抽象的,应该用前者。

单词 section,area,district,zone,part 的区别和用法 还有各自的词性

section:n.截面;部门;地区;章节vi.被切割成片;被分成部分vt.把…分段;将…切片;对…进行划分e.g.the Georgetown section of Washington,D.C.area:n.区域,地区;面积;范围e.g.There is a new area on reverse...

zone, area,region,district怎么区别?

area指整体中较大的,界线不很分明的地方。 如:desert areas of North Africa in this area 也可指被划定的服务、生产区域。 如:the industrial area the parking area 但是这个词不用作行政上的划分单位。 region主要指地理上某种天然的界限。 如:the Arctic region a tropical region district专指行政或管辖区域。 如:Hongkou District of Shanghai zone指地理上的特定地方。 如五个气温带和time zone 也可以是人为划分的特定的地方(=area) 如:a resistance zone/area a school zone/area a "No Parking zone/area"

area 和district有什么区别,表示风景名胜区用哪个比较好?

district例句1. He lives in a mountainous district.他住在山区。2. It is administered by District.它是由地区来加以管理的。3. Welcome to the Garden district.欢迎来到花园区.Area例句1. The farm is about 50 or 60 square kilometers in the area.这个农场的面积约为50 或60 平方公里。2. Help me find the customs area.请帮我找到海关在哪里!3. Help keep your work area tidy.协助保持现场整洁。风景区的英文释义是landscaped area风景名胜区不是特指的某一个地方,应该用area,district指的是特定的、划出来的一块地方,比如行政区等,自己感觉吧


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