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District 主要是指行政区域,或是城市里细分的区,比如Haidian District,Beijing(北京海淀区)Zone 主要是指地带,一般用于地理名词上,比如climatic zone (气候带)Area 是指地区,区域,用于日常生活中的区域等;也有面积的意思Division 主要指部门,也有分开、分配的意思Region 也表示地区、区域,用法较广泛,可以表示地理位置等具体用法还是要结合语言环境选择合适的词汇答案是自己编写,不算专业,如有不规范的地方还请纠正

英语近义词area region zone district的区分


Each year several thousand people are killed on the road in Great Britain . Every year between ...

小题1:Between one and two hundred thousand people are injured小题2:If everybody obeys the rules , the roads will be much safer小题3:在英国,交通车辆靠左行驶小题4:small children , or very old people , or blind people小题5:Young children must be taught to cross the road safely. 试题分析:这篇短文主要介绍了每年有几千人在英国道路上死亡。一至二十万人每年受伤(伤害),或死于交通事故,事故的原因是由于人们的不小心造成的,每个人都必须遵守交通规则才不会出意外。小题1:回答问题。根据问题每年在英国有多少人受伤?从原文中Every year between one and two hundred thousand people are injured(伤害)可知。故答案是Between one and two hundred thousand people are injured小题2:英汉互译题。If引导的条件状语从句,主句用将来时从句用一般现在时,obeys the rules遵守规则,much safer更安全。故答案为If everybody obeys the rules , the roads will be much safer小题3:英汉互译题。In Great Britain在英国;keeps on to the left靠左边行驶 ; 。故答案是在英国,交通车辆靠左行驶小题4:词义猜词题。根据文章If you see small children , or very old people , or blind people , waiting to cross the road , it is kind act to help (64) them to cross the road in safety可知them指代的是孩子,老人和残疾人们。故答案为small children , or very old people , or blind people小题5:句型转换题。本句中含有情态动词改为被动语态可以用must be done的结构。这是主语We变成了Young children;谓语动词由must teach变成了must be taught t; 故答案是Young children must be taught to cross the road safely.

英语语法It was through the Silk Road that the four great inventi

It was through the Silk Road that the four great inventions of acient China—papermaking,gunpower,pass and printing—had been intoduced to other parts of the world.这句话是个强调句 用两个破折号 表示插入 了同位语如果合并在一起的话 The four great inventions of acient China papermaking,gunpower,pass and printing,which had been intoduced to other parts of the world was through the Silk Road 这样改不对 因为 主表 逻辑有问题inventions was through the Silk Road应该是 The four great inventions of acient China, papermaking,gunpower,pass and printing, had been intoduced to other parts of the world through the Silk Road2.Though humor is essentially social,how you use it says a lot about your sense of self.翻译为虽然幽默感是一个必备的社会技能,如何利用它取决于你的意识.这里的says可以翻译为取决于 也可以翻译成 表明了 翻译成前者 是为了照顾中国人的理解 习惯 3.Similarly, those who are able to view the world with amused tolerance are often equally forgiving of their own shortings.翻译为同样,那些能以自娱式的宽容眼光看世界的人也很容易宽恕自己的缺点.这里的equally forgiving of their own shortings. of前面相当于一个抽象名词 of 短语 可以看做定语 也就是 对自己缺点的 宽恕

The Great Britain和The United Kingdom是一回事吗

一样的 The Great Britain只是一种口语化称呼 The United Kingdom是国际标准称呼


共和国的定义,并不在于它的国名是否称之为“共和国”,而是在于它的政体是否“行共和之政”。有些国家,虽然国名不称为“共和国”,实际上却是共和国。例如:英国虽然保留了君主,并且称之为“王国”,但实际上却是“行共和之政”的“虚君共和国”。有些国家,虽然国名称之为“共和国”,实际上却并不是共和国,而是“实质上的君主专制国家”。例如:萨达姆统治时期的“伊拉克共和国”。共和政治的基本含义就是,国家和是公共的,而不是私人的,国家和应当为公共利益而努力,而不应当为私人利益而奋斗。共和政治的另一个基本含义是,国家各级政权机关的领导人不是继承的,不是世袭的,也不是命定的,而是由自由公正的选举产生的。因而,公正而自由的选举,是判断一个国家是否真正实行共和政治的又一基本准则。王国 wángguó[kingdom;domain;realm]。王国,汉语多对应英语的Kingdom,按照中文的概念,多指国家形成的过程中出现的政治实体,或国家元首为国王的现代主权国家。从发展史上,罗马帝国和阿拉伯帝国时期,其王国和现代国家不同。随着征服和被征服,很多成为演化为现代国家,并由此形成当今各种政治体制的国家,如君主立宪制的英王国、君主制(政教合一)的部分阿拉伯国家;很多自始至终由单一民族的王国变为现代单一民族国家如朝鲜。 中国秦朝(先秦时期)以前的相当长时间内,由中原王朝天子封地被称为诸侯列国(state),有封王,如齐王、楚王等,中文称中国历史上这一时期的王国为诸侯。汉朝之后,封国制和郡县制并行,之后各个朝代各有分封,封国的统治者时称为“国王”,有的封国、地方割据势力、民族共同体演变为独立国家如朝鲜、越南。2.以国王为元首的国家。当代的王国多为实行君主立宪制的资本主义国家,如英国、丹麦、荷兰、瑞典等王国。帝国和王国都是君主国,之间的区别在一般人看来不是特别明显,但它们之间大致的区分标准却是有的。 所谓帝国,指的是以为君主的国家,一般领土广阔,常常拥有属国,并在一个文化区域内占支配地位。 在欧洲,最早只有一个文明区域,所以也只有一个帝国----罗马帝国。后来随着罗马帝国分裂 西罗马灭亡 教廷分裂,形成了两个文化区域,于是就同时有了西欧天主教区域的神圣罗马帝国和东南欧正教区域的拜占庭帝国。 在远东,则有以中国为君主的中华帝国。一般来说,中华帝国的只有一个,不过也有例外,当中国处于分裂的时候中国可能同时有几个人自称为。然而,这些之间一般是不能互相承认的,并且当其中的一个向另一个称臣的时候,这个就必须去掉帝号,改称为王。


  编译示例程序需要将整个项目导入到androidStudio中,androidStudio导入项目时选择react-native/ReactAndroid目录。  由于项目依赖ndk因此如果要编译Examples还需要安装配置ndk目录,下载ndk后是一个自解压程序,会释放ndk的目录。  然后需要设置环境变量或者在react-native根目录下新建local.properties文件,文件内容如下:  sdk.dir=c:你的sdk目录  ndk.dir=c:你的ndk目录  设置要之后就可以编译了,导入和编译的过程比较曲折,请继续看下文。  在编译AwesomeProject项目时,没有用到ndk,实际上这里的ndk默认情况下并没有用到,只是gradle的设置里有ndk因此必须配置ndk才能导入项目。  ndk是在编译核心库是才用到,核心库位于react-native/ReactAndroid,导入整个项目时以lib形式存在。查看Examples目录下UIExplorer,会发现在build.gradle是以在线的方式导入核心库的。通过源码的方式导入被注释掉了。  dependencies {  compile fileTree(dir: "libs", include: ["*.jar"])  compile ""  // Depend on pre-built React Nativecompile "com.facebook.react:react-native:0.11.+"  // Depend on React Native source.  // This is useful for testing your changes when working on React Native.  // compile project(":ReactAndroid")  }  由此可知,编译UIExplorer并不需要ndk,如果你不想设置ndk,有2个办法  1.拷贝AwesomeProject项目中的build.gradle,settings.gradle到UIExplorer的android目录,在导入项目时选择UIExplorer/android就可以了,这样androidStudio会导入单个项目,否则会导入整个项目。  2.用androidStudio新建一个同名的项目,然后把UIExplorer目录中的文件拷贝到新建的项目中。  编译好之后启动服务器端,到react-native目录下执行:  npm install  node packagerpackager.js  windows下如果出现错误需要根据错误提示修改代码  不过需要注意的是,目前为止,UIExplorer在Android下有一个bug,IOS下没有问题,通过google可以找到了解决办法。  原因是,js代码和android原生代码不同步,通过build.gradle可以看到android下的引用的reactNative核心库为11,而js代码版本已经更新到12了。  解决的办法有2个,一个是使用git工具(如smartGit),将js代码恢复到之前的版本,另一个办法是重新编译reactNative的核心库,编译核心库需要ndk,在mac下没有问题,在windows编译会出错。编译reactNative核心库,对UIExplorer下注释掉的依赖项进行修改即可,编译速度较慢 需要在线下载第三方依赖库。  dependencies {  compile fileTree(dir: "libs", include: ["*.jar"])  compile ""  // Depend on pre-built React Native//compile "com.facebook.react:react-native:0.11.+"  // Depend on React Native source.  // This is useful for testing your changes when working on React Native.  compile project(":ReactAndroid")  }  由于windows下无法编译,所以这里提供编译好的aar文件,修改UIExplorer build.gradle中的依赖项就可以了。至于如何引入aar文件,可以自行搜索。当然mac下同样也可以用这个aar,可以省去不少麻烦。

rear seat是什么意思

rear seat英 [riu0259 si:t] 美 [ru026ar sit] 后座; 后排座椅双语例句 1The larger footprint yields a roomier rear seat and trunk. 较大的足迹产生一个宽敞的后座和躯干。2A car that has a long body and rear door with space behind rear seat. 有长的躯体和在后面的座位有尾门的车。


基本上通用。但 kingdom 比较是强调政治或宗教上的国家概念realm 也可以指国,但多指地理上的概念或指抽象的领域。如果用在国名上,应该用kingdom

英语填介词题:为什么“breathed a sigh()relief”不能填in?不能理解成in

of在英语中用法很多,其与抽象名词连用时,意思是having的意思,遇到类似问题也 可以将of理解成 full of的省略式。本题中relief为抽象情绪名词,故只能填of

一篇英语作文:A great person

A great person dhsjhfdfudsfgffdderwyfjizjjdgbv

Top 10 rules for success from great people

原谅我普天同庆的日子还放毒——励志才是真毒药,不过看看无妨。 Don"t live a limited life Have passion Design for yourslef Don"t sell crap Build great team Don"t do it for the money Be proud of your products Built around customers Marketing is about values Stay hungry stay foolish Have energy Have a bad influence Work hard Create the future Enjoy what you do Play bridge Ask for advise Pick good people Don"t procrastinate Have a sense of humor Don"t do it for money Never give up Be into the details Be totally focused Get great employees Work hard Follow your instincts Believe in youself Have a messy desk Love what you do You get what you spend your time doing Get feedback Make mistakes Only hire people who you would work for Make a change in the world Learn from the people around you Build a really good team Give the very best experience Care the most about it Social bonds are critical Find your passion Hire well Don"t care what others think Read read read Have a margin of safety Have a competitive advantage Schedule for your personality Always be competing Model success Give unconditional love Never give up Really like what you do Don"t listen to the littleman Take a risk Do something important Focus on signal over noise Look for problem solvers Attract great people Have a great product Work super hard Get used to rejected Keep your dream alive Focus on culture Ignore the littleman Get inspired Stay focused Have a good name Customers are No 1 Don"t complain look for opportunities Have passion

correcting cream什么意思

关于冰淇淋(ice cream ,又名冰激凌)的起源有多种说法。   ★就西方来说,传说公元前4世纪左右,亚历山大大帝远征埃及时,将阿尔卑斯山的冬雪保存下来,将水果或果汁用其冷冻后食用,从而增强了士兵的士气。还有记载显示,巴勒斯坦人利用洞穴或峡谷中的冰雪驱除炎热。在各种说法中,最具说服力的还是始于中国。1292年,在马可波罗游历中国后写的《东方见闻录》中,记载他将在大都最爱吃的冻奶的配方带回威尼斯,并在意大利北部流传开来。东方的传统冰冻食品经马可·波罗传入西方,并得到进一步发展,实现了产业化,从而诞生了今天的冰淇淋。   ★在中国很久以前就开始食用的冻奶(Frozen Milk)经马可波罗介绍到西方,但它象今天这样风靡全世界,是在1660年前后,在巴黎最早开业的‘Cafe Procope",意大利人Cotelli制造出在桔子或柠檬等中加入香味的果汁后,将其冻结制成冰果并进行销售。   但这时的产品冰晶大,较之冰淇淋更接近于冰冻果汁。最先开始制造出今天这样冰晶小而柔软的产品,是从1774年法国路易国王的御用厨师开始的。   这时被称为奶油冰,后来随着大量使用浓缩乳、炼乳、奶粉等原料,才开始称其为冰淇淋。接着,冰淇淋经法国传入英国、美国,逐渐被人们所认知。   ★1851年,在美国马里兰州的巴尔的摩,牛奶商人JACOB FUSSEL实现了冰淇淋的工业化。   他在美国巴尔的摩建立工厂,最早开始大量生产冰淇淋。借助于1899年的等质机、1902年的循环式冷藏机、1913年的连续式冷藏机等的发明,冰淇淋的工业化在全世界得到迅速发展。   另一方面,蛋卷冰淇淋在1904年圣路易万物博览会上首次亮相。   ★公元前面世纪,希腊国王亚历山大率领他的军队开进波斯(现在伊朗)。在伊朗由于遇到酷暑,一些士兵纷纷中暑,使部队的战斗力大大削弱。  “这可怎么办呢?有了,你们快到高山上弄些雪来!”  士兵们把果汁、葡萄汁搀到雪里搅拌,然后大口大口地吃起来。  “太舒服啦!”  后来罗马皇帝尼禄在盛暑难熬时,也学着亚历山大发明的方法让仆人从附近的高山上取回冰雪,加入蜂蜜和果汁,用来驱热解渴。这为冰淇淋的配制开了先河。  真正用奶油配制冰淇淋始于我国。公元1295年,在我国元朝任官职的马可波罗从中国把一种用水果和雪加上牛奶的冰食品配方带回意大利,于是欧洲的冷饮才有了新的突破。  1550年左右,意大利人在盆子里放入冰雪,然后把葡萄酒或果汁放到冰雪里冰镇,用来清热解暑。  1846年,有个叫南希约翰逊的人,发明了一架手摇曲柄冰淇淋机。制作时先向冰雪里加些食盐或硝酸钾,使冰雪的温度更低,然后把奶、蛋、糖等放入小桶里不断搅拌,过一会儿就制成了冰淇淋。从此,人们在家里就可制作冰淇淋了。1904年,在美国圣路易斯世界博览会期间,又有人把鸡蛋、奶和面粉烘制的薄饼,折成锥形,里面放入冰淇淋,供参加博览会的人品尝。不久,这种 蛋卷冰淇淋便风靡了世界

I hate you when I just realiseI get a feeling but I don"t know whyI hate,,这是哪首歌的


开机出现nove11 netware ready firnware v3.01(988311).....

你的网卡是带有BootRom(启动引导芯片)的那种,这种芯片用于无盘工作站的启动,分为三种:NetWare、Unix/Linux、WindowsNT,你这电脑用的是NetWare的芯片,在启动时首先由BootRom远程(通过网线)搜索服务器上的镜像引导文件,你看到的就是引导过程 如果找不到服务器,则机器会搜索本地硬盘,从本地磁盘硬盘引导开机。如果你不希望每次开机都从网卡引导,可设置为直接从硬盘引导,办法是在CMOS里面把引导项中的“Boot from LAN first”这一项设为“Disable” 或者修改网卡设置,可在开机时按Ctrl+S进入网卡设置,其中有一项“Default Boot”设置为“Local”而不是“LAN”即可。


首先,需要将以下代码编译成jar包,然后在flume中使用,代码转自这里 (如果发现需要依赖的工具类神马的,请在相同目录下的scala文件中找一找) package org.apache.spark.streaming.flume.sinkimport java.util.concurrent._import org.apache.avro.ipc.NettyServerimport org.apache.avro.ipc.specific.SpecificResponderimport org.apache.flume.Contextimport org.apache.flume.Sink.Statusimport org.apache.flume.conf.{Configurable, ConfigurationException}import org.apache.flume.sink.AbstractSink/** * A sink that uses Avro RPC to run a server that can be polled by Spark"s * FlumePollingInputDStream. This sink has the following configuration parameters: * * hostname - The hostname to bind to. Default: * port - The port to bind to. (No default - mandatory) * timeout - Time in seconds after which a transaction is rolled back, * if an ACK is not received from Spark within that time * threads - Number of threads to use to receive requests from Spark (Default: 10) * * This sink is unlike other Flume sinks in the sense that it does not push data, * instead the process method in this sink simply blocks the SinkRunner the first time it is * called. This sink starts up an Avro IPC server that uses the SparkFlumeProtocol. * * Each time a getEventBatch call comes, creates a transaction and reads events * from the channel. When enough events are read, the events are sent to the Spark receiver and * the thread itself is blocked and a reference to it saved off. * * When the ack for that batch is received, * the thread which created the transaction is is retrieved and it commits the transaction with the * channel from the same thread it was originally created in (since Flume transactions are * thread local). If a nack is received instead, the sink rolls back the transaction. If no ack * is received within the specified timeout, the transaction is rolled back too. If an ack comes * after that, it is simply ignored and the events get re-sent. * */class SparkSink extends AbstractSink with Logging with Configurable { // Size of the pool to use for holding transaction processors. private var poolSize: Integer = SparkSinkConfig.DEFAULT_THREADS // Timeout for each transaction. If spark does not respond in this much time, // rollback the transaction private var transactionTimeout = SparkSinkConfig.DEFAULT_TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT // Address info to bind on private var hostname: String = SparkSinkConfig.DEFAULT_HOSTNAME private var port: Int = 0 private var backOffInterval: Int = 200 // Handle to the server private var serverOpt: Option[NettyServer] = None // The handler that handles the callback from Avro private var handler: Option[SparkAvroCallbackHandler] = None // Latch that blocks off the Flume framework from wasting 1 thread. private val blockingLatch = new CountDownLatch(1) override def start() { logInfo("Starting Spark Sink: " + getName + " on port: " + port + " and interface: " + hostname + " with " + "pool size: " + poolSize + " and transaction timeout: " + transactionTimeout + ".") handler = Option(new SparkAvroCallbackHandler(poolSize, getChannel, transactionTimeout, backOffInterval)) val responder = new SpecificResponder(classOf[SparkFlumeProtocol], handler.get) // Using the constructor that takes specific thread-pools requires bringing in netty // dependencies which are being excluded in the build. In practice, // Netty dependencies are already available on the JVM as Flume would have pulled them in. serverOpt = Option(new NettyServer(responder, new InetSocketAddress(hostname, port))) serverOpt.foreach(server => { logInfo("Starting Avro server for sink: " + getName) server.start() }) super.start() } override def stop() { logInfo("Stopping Spark Sink: " + getName) handler.foreach(callbackHandler => { callbackHandler.shutdown() }) serverOpt.foreach(server => { logInfo("Stopping Avro Server for sink: " + getName) server.close() server.join() }) blockingLatch.countDown() super.stop() } override def configure(ctx: Context) { import SparkSinkConfig._ hostname = ctx.getString(CONF_HOSTNAME, DEFAULT_HOSTNAME) port = Option(ctx.getInteger(CONF_PORT)). getOrElse(throw new ConfigurationException("The port to bind to must be specified")) poolSize = ctx.getInteger(THREADS, DEFAULT_THREADS) transactionTimeout = ctx.getInteger(CONF_TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT, DEFAULT_TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT) backOffInterval = ctx.getInteger(CONF_BACKOFF_INTERVAL, DEFAULT_BACKOFF_INTERVAL) logInfo("Configured Spark Sink with hostname: " + hostname + ", port: " + port + ", " + "poolSize: " + poolSize + ", transactionTimeout: " + transactionTimeout + ", " + "backoffInterval: " + backOffInterval) } override def process(): Status = { // This method is called in a loop by the Flume framework - block it until the sink is // stopped to save CPU resources. The sink runner will interrupt this thread when the sink is // being shut down. logInfo("Blocking Sink Runner, sink will continue to run..") blockingLatch.await() Status.BACKOFF } private[flume] def getPort(): Int = { serverOpt .map(_.getPort) .getOrElse( throw new RuntimeException("Server was not started!") ) } /** * Pass in a [[CountDownLatch]] for testing purposes. This batch is counted down when each * batch is received. The test can simply call await on this latch till the expected number of * batches are received. * @param latch */ private[flume] def countdownWhenBatchReceived(latch: CountDownLatch) { handler.foreach(_.countDownWhenBatchAcked(latch)) }}/** * Configuration parameters and their defaults. */private[flume]object SparkSinkConfig { val THREADS = "threads" val DEFAULT_THREADS = 10 val CONF_TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT = "timeout" val DEFAULT_TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT = 60 val CONF_HOSTNAME = "hostname" val DEFAULT_HOSTNAME = "" val CONF_PORT = "port" val CONF_BACKOFF_INTERVAL = "backoffInterval" val DEFAULT_BACKOFF_INTERVAL = 200}   然后在你的streaming中使用如下的代码package org.apache.spark.examples.streaming import org.apache.spark.SparkConfimport org.apache.spark.streaming._import org.apache.spark.streaming.flume._import org.apache.spark.util.IntParamimport** * Produces a count of events received from Flume. * * This should be used in conjunction with the Spark Sink running in a Flume agent. See * the Spark Streaming programming guide for more details. * * Usage: FlumePollingEventCount <host> <port> * `host` is the host on which the Spark Sink is running. * `port` is the port at which the Spark Sink is listening. * * To run this example: * `$ bin/run-example org.apache.spark.examples.streaming.FlumePollingEventCount [host] [port] ` */object FlumePollingEventCount { def main(args: Array[String]) { if (args.length < 2) { System.err.println( "Usage: FlumePollingEventCount <host> <port>") System.exit(1) } StreamingExamples.setStreamingLogLevels() val Array(host, IntParam(port)) = args val batchInterval = Milliseconds(2000) // Create the context and set the batch size val sparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName("FlumePollingEventCount") val ssc = new StreamingContext(sparkConf, batchInterval) // Create a flume stream that polls the Spark Sink running in a Flume agent val stream = FlumeUtils.createPollingStream(ssc, host, port) // Print out the count of events received from this server in each batch stream.count().map(cnt => "Received " + cnt + " flume events." ).print() ssc.start() ssc.awaitTermination() }}


比dw强大的地方有:1. 对js的开发有长足的支持,那些自动提示,代码主题,调试之类的我就不说了,主要是对流行技术的支持,比如Node.js,less,sass,jq,ext,prototype等框架的支持 。2. 自身对插件的支持,主要体现在webstorm 2.0以后就已经包涵了zencoding了,而如果dw不是完整版的话,zencoding的安装难度可想而知。如果是完整版的话,就不得不忍受一坨无用的插件。3. 团队开发的支持,主要体现在svn,git等版本管理工具,无须引入,直接可用。而且单文件还支持本地历史记录。4. 插件的支持,主要体现在vim,可直接安装插件,还有其它的插件等待着你去挖掘。dw比webstorm的优点,那就是dw的内存占用大概平常80M左右,而webstorm得300M左右,这是我发现唯一dw的长处。如果说,dw是美工偶尔拖拖表格,写写css的小工具的话,那么webstorm是前端开发的必备利器,不只是对html,css的抒写比较强悍,而且对js,jq等其它js框架开发更是完美。简单的说:dw就是一个编辑器,而webstorm是一个IDE。另外一个,dw自从cs4之后,就已经无路可走,本来近几年的js开发如火如荼,看看这帮2B在dw cs5里边添加的那些隔靴搔痒的新功能,想想都笑,用户在不断的成长,市场在不断的变化,而这帮2B还在沉睡,残酷的市场如金的岁月会检验具有竞争力的产品。相比于dw的固步自封,webstorm正在走上坡路。这里不得不提一下另外一款:aptana ,本身在js方面有一定的靓点,可惜现在搞得跟dw一样,没有抓住现下流行的趋势,一直吃老本。看看aptana 3.0那些2B的功能,就能原谅dw现在还是这个样子。当然一分为二的看的话:如果你只是想拖拖表格,搞搞css,dw cs4 是目前市场上比较适合的编辑器。他的html结构自动识别折叠,能很快找到不完整的div,ctrl + d,跳到定义的class位置等等,是其它编辑器所没有的,在加上zencoding的话,写写静态页面足矣!如果你不只是想折腾css,而是想捣鼓捣鼓js,less,sass,node.js等等之类的新玩意,也想试试vim结合传统编辑器的威力,那webstorm绝对是你最佳的选择。如果你是phper,我推荐phpstorm,它包含所有webstorm的功能。

Aurora Boreal 歌词

歌曲名:Aurora Boreal歌手:León Larregui专辑:Solstis-Edición LimitadaAurora BorealisFrom TEARS OF MAGDALENA金属群:66032164倾情撰写I see in the northern skyAgain the magic of the winter nightLike colourful dancing curtainsI will never forget this momentAccording to the legendWhen foxes made fireSparks they whiskedUp into the skyI"m the child so favouredUnder bright mystic glowNow she is whispering for meThe goddess of dawnAurora is calling meMy name is written into the solar windsLike flames in the sky burning brightI"m the child, conceived under the northern lightsAccording to the legendWhen foxes made fireSparks they whiskedUp into the skyI"m the child so favouredUnder bright mystic glowNow she is whispering for meThe goddess of dawnThe Sky is turning red like bloodshedOn the battlefield of many thousands deadListen to the mystic sounds when spirits are whisperingAnd singing for the god of north windAccording to the legendWhen foxes made fireSparks they whiskedUp into the skyI"m the child so favouredUnder bright mystic glowNow she is whispering for meThe goddess of dawnI"m the child so favouredUnder bright mystic glowNow she is whispering for meThe goddess of dawn学大汉·武立国

What makes a really beautiful woman?


real riven钢琴是什么牌子的钢琴?


Reanl Riven的钢琴怎么样?国产的吗?






The letter is ____ in French. I cannot read it. A.writing B.written C.wrote D.write


i lost my money,it was really a ( luck )day


I have already used up all my money(改为同义句)

I haved already finished all my money !

求七年级下册26页2d翻译: Jenny:You dog is really cute,peter


Impossible Dream - (Man Of La Mancha) 歌词

歌曲名:Impossible Dream - (Man Of La Mancha)歌手:Teatro专辑:TeatroLuther Vandross - Impossible DreamTo dream the impossible dreamTo fight the unbeatable foeTo bear with unbearable sorrowAnd to run where the brave dare not goTo right the unrightable wrongAnd to love pure and chaste from afarTo try when your arms are too wearyTo reach the unreachable starThis is my questTo follow that star~ ooh~No matter how hopelessNo matter how farTo fight for the rightWithout question or pauseTo be willing to marchmarch into hellFor that heavenly causeAnd I knowIf I"ll only be trueTo this glorious questThat my heartWill lie peaceful and calmWhen I"m laid to my restAnd the world will be better for thisOoh~ That one man, scorned and covered with scarsStill strove with his last ounce of courageTo reach the unreachable, the unreachableThe unreachable star ~Yeah, And I"ll always dreamThe impossible dreamYes, and I"ll reachThe unreachable star ~

Impossible Dream 歌词

歌曲名:Impossible Dream歌手:Afro Tenors专辑:This Is The MomentLuther Vandross - Impossible DreamTo dream the impossible dreamTo fight the unbeatable foeTo bear with unbearable sorrowAnd to run where the brave dare not goTo right the unrightable wrongAnd to love pure and chaste from afarTo try when your arms are too wearyTo reach the unreachable starThis is my questTo follow that star~ ooh~No matter how hopelessNo matter how farTo fight for the rightWithout question or pauseTo be willing to marchmarch into hellFor that heavenly causeAnd I knowIf I"ll only be trueTo this glorious questThat my heartWill lie peaceful and calmWhen I"m laid to my restAnd the world will be better for thisOoh~ That one man, scorned and covered with scarsStill strove with his last ounce of courageTo reach the unreachable, the unreachableThe unreachable star ~Yeah, And I"ll always dreamThe impossible dreamYes, and I"ll reachThe unreachable star ~

The Impossible Dream 歌词

歌曲名:The Impossible Dream歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:Elvis In DeutschlandThe Impossible Dream- Matt MonroTo dream the impossible dreamTo fight the unbeatable foeTo bear with unbearable sorrowTo run where the brave dare not go.To right the unrightable wrongTo love pure and chaste from afarTo try when your arms are too wearyTo reach the unreachable starThis is my quest, to follow that star,No matter how hopeless,no matter how farTo fight for the rightwithout question or pauseTo be willing to marchinto hell for heavenly causeAnd I know if I"ll only be true tothis glorious questThat my heart will lie peaceful and calmwhen I"m laid to my restAnd the world will be better for thisThat one manscorned and covered with scarsStill strove with his last ounce of courageTo reach the unreachable star

The Impossible Dream 歌词

歌曲名:The Impossible Dream歌手:Matt Monro专辑:The Very Best Of Matt MonroThe Impossible Dream- Matt MonroTo dream the impossible dreamTo fight the unbeatable foeTo bear with unbearable sorrowTo run where the brave dare not go.To right the unrightable wrongTo love pure and chaste from afarTo try when your arms are too wearyTo reach the unreachable starThis is my quest, to follow that star,No matter how hopeless,no matter how farTo fight for the rightwithout question or pauseTo be willing to marchinto hell for heavenly causeAnd I know if I"ll only be true tothis glorious questThat my heart will lie peaceful and calmwhen I"m laid to my restAnd the world will be better for thisThat one manscorned and covered with scarsStill strove with his last ounce of courageTo reach the unreachable star

sarah connor-the impossible dream的歌词

To dream the impossible dreamTo fight the unbeatable foeTo bear with unbearable sorrowAnd to run where the brave dare not goTo right the unrightable wrongAnd to love pure and chaste from afarTo try when your arms are too wearyTo reach the unreachable starThis is my questTo follow that starNo matter how hopelessNo matter how farTo fight for the rightWithout question or pauseTo be willing to march, march into hellFor that heavenly causeAnd I knowIf I"ll only be trueTo this glorious questThat my heartWill lie peaceful and calmWhen I"m laid to my restAnd the world will be better for thisThat one man, scorned and covered with scars,Still strove with his last ounce of courageTo reach the unreachable, the unreachable,The unreachable starAnd I"ll always dreamThe impossible dreamYes, and I"ll reach The unreachable star....额,MS不是很对劲。。。。希望表介意哈~~~

----- How did you do in the test ?----- Not so well. I ______ much better but I misread the dir...

A 试题分析:考查情态动词。对过去时态的推测,用情态动词+ have done,A本能够做;C过去一定做。句意:——你考试做得怎么样?——不太好。我本能够做得更好的,但我读错了D部分的说明。故A正确。

Misread (Acoustic Session) 歌词

歌曲名:Misread (Acoustic Session)歌手:Kings Of Convenience专辑:I D Rather Dance With YouEdited By LeoEWR LyricsKings Of Convenience - MisreadIf you wanna be my friendYou want us to get alongPlease do not expect me toWrap it up and keep it thereThe observation I am doing couldEasily be understoodAs cynical demeanourBut one of us misread...And what do you knowIt happened againA friend is not a meansYou utilize to get somewhereSomehow I didn"t noticefriendship is an endWhat do you knowIt happened againHow come no-one told meAll throughout historyThe loneliest peopleWere the ones who always spoke the truthThe ones who made a differenceBy withstanding the indifferenceI guess it"s up to me nowShould I take that risk or just smile?What do you knowIt happened againWhat do you know

The Impossible Dream – 观Man of La Mancha 音乐剧之后记

(Posted on May 29, 2013) Man of La Mancha是Dale Wasserman根据Cervantes的小说Don Quixote(堂吉诃德)改编的百老汇音乐剧,久负盛名。终于有幸一睹风采,虽已时隔一年多,那种感动依然记得。 Don Quixote 形象 Don Quixote 在我心目中的印象一直比较矛盾。如果只强调瞬间,Don Quixote的形象总能在某个时候不经意地跳跃出来,鲜明生动,尤其在面对令人敬畏的庞然大物之前。但是如果想从总体上把握这个人物,他的种种行为又如 此不合逻辑。谁都要说,他是个疯子,包括我。我个人一向排斥不以理性分析为基础的热情。但是那种热情,却又总在某个瞬间迸发,让人难以抗拒。 文学界长期以来对Don Quixote一直也是争议不休的。虽然说小说有“把严肃和滑稽,悲剧性和喜剧性,生活中的琐屑和庸俗与伟大和美丽水乳交融”的评价(V.G. Belinskiy),却和作者的序言声明不能很好地融合;虽然小说人物的塑造特征是如此的呼之欲出,无出其右,仔细推量起来,这人物却又复杂得难以定 性。 不喜欢过度解读文学作品,但是我们有音乐剧。正如scott所点评:Cervantes" famous story simply had to be a musical。叙事音乐剧之于文字小说,因其本身所固有的形而上的表现主义,以及饱满的情绪性,可以更超脱现实,通过视觉和听觉效果的完美结合,穿越世 故,释放内心。人生如戏,戏剧则在夸张和疯狂中以浓缩的方式来展现人生。 音乐剧设计 Dale Wasserman根据小说设计的音乐剧正是如此。Man of La Mancha利用表演艺术的张力很鲜明地突出了他想要的部分,把Don Quixote那种狂热泛化,塑造成一个人们得以接受的现代英雄,一种精神支柱。这又是怎么样的精神支柱呢?对The Impossible Dream的不懈追求。它像一团沿着无形绳索蔓延的火种。 整个音乐剧的设计精巧,令人叹服。Dale将Don Quixote 的故事与Cervantes的创作背景结合在一起,故事有了背景,精神就容易把握。Cervantes在被剥夺自由的狱中演绎Don Quixote对理想的执着追求,这种对比也强化了the impossible dream 的存在意义。小说的结局是以Don Quixote 连同他的精神的死去收尾,但是在剧里,死去了的Don Quixote 又变身返回成为Cervantes,这使得the impossible dream得以延续并升华,并四下蔓延开来。 Man of La Mancha的舞台设备简陋,因地制宜,因为所要表达的基本场所是监狱,主体色调也是灰暗的。除了开头结尾,不设幕帘,仅通过简单的灯光变换和简单的设备 增减,即完成所有场景的转换。这有点儿像中国的写意,介乎有形无形之间,以简逸的表现手法来表达复杂的事物,充分调用观众的想像去再造故事发生的环境。唯 一比较复杂的就是舞台上方可供狱卒走动的小走廊,还需要有活动梯子以连通。但是却是在这样极为有限的空间里,浓缩了小说里的几百号人物,完成了Don Quixote 的三次远征。 音乐剧充分调用了表演艺术的意像性,从始至终充满了对比和切换:故事本身带有的现实与幻想的交相辉映,Don Quixote和Sancho形象、性格、处世态度的对比与协调,骑士精神中斗争与柔情的对比,纯洁公主与风尘厨娘的切换,旅馆与城堡的切换,等等等等, 更加深了全剧扑朔迷离的神秘与浪漫色彩。 作为音乐剧,台词和音乐自然是Man of La Mancha里最能打动人的承载主题利器了。Joe Darion 与Mitch Leigh联手作词谱曲,非常好地配合了剧情的发展。充满哲学意味的词,在叙事的同时把全剧的英雄情怀推向更为普遍化的,每个人都会面对的问题。最主要的 几首,Man of La Mancha, Dulcinea,以及 The Impossible Dream,这分别是Don Quixote对正义、爱情和梦想的追求: My destiny calls and I go, And the wild winds of fortune Will carry me onward, 。。。 I see heaven when I see thee, Dulcinea 。。。 To dream the impossible dream, To fight the unbeatable foe 。。。 音乐剧现场 还是来看看现场吧。 早春的海滨剧场。夜幕之下,风的清冷并不影响人们的热情。未开演的剧台被巨大的深色幕帘笼罩着,中间投射着Picasso的Don Quixote插画。 演员阵容还是很强的,Davis Gaines扮演Cervantes/Quixote,Lesli Margherita 扮演Aldonza。两人在音乐剧表演领域都颇有建树。 Opening 以flamenco guitars 和bass开场,带出一种行吟式的音调,空旷辽远如中世纪的荒原。最初的震撼来自开头喧闹的场面之后,Cervantes 和他的随从(?)套上头套,穿上盔甲,一跃而起,我们的Don Quixote和Sancho闪亮登场了!一时乐声大作,鼓点激昂,“I, Don Quixote” 观众们情不自禁地鼓掌! Man of La Mancha融合了大段大段的演唱,天衣无缝的配合总能在关键点上撩拨观众的心弦。尤其是The impossible dream,贯穿始终,作为全剧的精神所在,每次都掀起高潮,层层迭进。其实我对唱的内容和对白都听得模模糊糊,但是不很影响,因为表演者的动作,吟唱的 声调和情绪,已经把剧作的精神传达得很到位了。 远征,是骑士注定的生活,是追求骑士精神的必要手段。Don Quixote和Sancho于是数次出行,为了他的骑士精神一次次地“没有困难制造困难也要上”。幸而剧场里的敌人,从来就是假想敌。在幻想世界里,我们和Don Quixote一起荒诞。 远征之中,幸而还有友情,还有Sancho对Don Quixote的衷心追随和务实纠正。“I like him”, Sancho 唱到。 爱情,对骑士精神来说是个必需的套路,只是把“纯洁公主”的影像套在风尘厨娘身上,实在需要完全沉浸于理想世界之中。好吧,不管这“爱情”是不是真的,这 是一种原始的动力和调剂,骑士需要它,情感色彩需要它,音乐节奏也需要它。Aldonza的存在平衡了男性世界的生硬,虽然这个角色本身颇为粗野。 “Little Bird, Little Bird”轻松戏谑,“Dulcinea”为整部剧作添加了浪漫的乐音, Aldonza 在Don Quixote临终前的咏唱柔美深情,像盔甲上精致的花纹,剑鞘旁斜插的枝叶。但是个人觉得爱情这一块还是刻画得过多了些。插个话,马和驴子演绎得很可 爱。 Don Quixote之死自然是一个重点桥段。在这里剧作者安排了与小说不一样的结束。他让Don Quixote死在重振旗鼓的关口,死在Aldonza 转化为Dulcinea 的时刻, 死在最后的“The Impossible Dream”里。“出师未捷身先死”,观众席里一片唏嘘。 而后却是更为精彩的剧作的结局。Don Quixote死了,Cervantes还在。Don Quixote的故事打动了残暴的囚犯,蔓延到那些狱中囚犯们中间,至少在那瞬间,这群社会弃儿心中的希望之火被照亮。大家齐声唱着著名的“the impossible dream”,为Cervantes和他的仆从祝福;这种精神于是也蔓延到观众席间,更多的人禁不住动容哭泣,为这“the impossible dream”。这场景惹得当时我很想以这样一个名字为我的后记命名:长使英雄泪满襟。 Don Quixote不是经典的英雄,但他的精神,我想,却是很多人内心英雄情节的反映吧。比较有意思的是,我因为没做功课,开始时把上方的狱卒理解成了监控人间的守护神。其实想想也说得通,人间不就是一个扩大了的监狱么。 Impossible dream 几乎每个人内心深处,都有他/她的impossible dream。因为种种现实的原因,这些看起来不切实际梦想大多屈服,处于长眠的状态。但是就像我认识的一位朋友所说:当某种意识或体验曾经在人的内心发生 过后,哪怕看起来它早已被淡忘,它其实总蛰伏在那里,在心的深处,如一条冬眠的蛇,在不经意的时候醒来,咬上一口,无从防备。而音乐,直指心灵的利刃,可 以让现实层层堆积起来的堡垒,瞬间瓦解 ! 瞬间力!这破坏完美平衡却又制造着新的希望的力! 而有时候,这所谓的impossible dream并非不可能,只是需要面对的困难太大,需要放弃的既得利益太多,在旁人眼里,这属于自找苦吃,但这些梦想,却是发自心底的呐喊。这时候对梦想的 追逐,暂时不被世俗所接受。也许需要的就是多一些勇气。自我解嘲也好,激励也好,“做个唐吉珂德也未尝不好,既然一切已经是场闹剧,那我要做自己的英雄, 去和虚无的敌人搏斗,去激烈地爱,去远征,去浪漫。” 拥有梦想到底多富有,这是一个很老调的主题,却也是个永远没有答案的主题。 但是夜深人静的时候,我感受到在心底迸裂开来的,The impossible dream: To dream the impossible dream, To fight the unbeatable foe, 。。。 To reach the unreachable star, Though you know it"s impossibly high, To live with your heart striving upward To a far, unattainable sky!

i misread it是什么意思

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Kings Of Convenience的《Misread》 歌词

歌曲名:Misread歌手:Kings Of Convenience专辑:Riot On An Empty StreetMisreadKings Of ConvenienceIf you wanna be my friendYou want us to get alongPlease do not expect me toWrap it up and keep it thereThe observation I am doing couldEasily be understoodAs cynical demeanourBut one of us misreadAnd what do you knowIt happened againA friend is not a meansYou utilize to get somewhereSomehow I didn"t noticefriendship is an endWhat do you knowIt happened againHow come no-one told meAll throughout historyThe loneliest peopleWere the ones who always spoke the truthThe ones who made a differenceBy withstanding the indifferenceI guess it"s up to me nowShould I take that risk or just smile?What do you knowIt happened againWhat do you know


前者是名词,后者是动词。例如:She made a big mistake again. 她又犯了个大错。 She misread my words. 她误解了我的话


misread[英][u02ccmu026as"ri:d][美][u02ccmu026as"ri:d]vt.读错,念错,对…判断错误; 第三人称单数:misreads过去分词:misread现在进行时:misreading过去式:misread以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.There is a danger that higher headline inflation will be misread, even as rising energycosts sap demand. 纵使上涨的能源价格会降低需求,高总体通胀率依然有被误读的危险



ArtGarfunkel breakaway


Blind的《Break Away》 歌词

歌曲名:Break Away歌手:Blind专辑:BlindI never thought I feel like thisNow that you are out of sideStill trying to get over youWhy can"t I just let you goWhy can"t I close the doorLooking for a reasonTo stay this wayI wish that I couldBut I can"tLooks can be deceivingAin"t that how it goesI still remember your soft skinTouching mineTouch your beautiful sinI won"t fall backBut when I look in your eyesIt"s so hard to escapeAnd it hurts so badWhen there"s no compromiseI give it all that I"ve gotJust let me breakawayHow could I be such a foolTo end up hereHow many times must I fallRead the things you didn"t doAin"t that how it goesI still remember your soft skinTouching mineTouch your beautiful sinI won"t fall backBut when I look in your eyesIt"s so hard to escapeAnd it hurts so badWhen there"s no compromiseI give it all that I"ve gotJust let me breakawayNo I won"t fall backJust let me walkJust let me walk awayNo I won"t fall backBut when I look in your eyesIt"s so hard to escapeAnd it hurts so badWhen there"s no compromiseI give it allJust let me breakaway

艾薇儿break away中文翻译

Break away - Avril Lavigne 远走他乡 - 艾薇儿拉维妮Grew up in a small town 在一个小镇成长And when the rain would fall down 每当大雨迷茫I just stared out my window 我只是向窗外凝望Dreaming of a could-be 梦想着我的梦想And if I"d end up happy 如果我能快乐死亡I would pray (I would pray) 我将会祈祷(我将会祈祷)Trying not to reach out 尝试着不想外面的世界But when I"d try to speak out 但我总是想要倾诉Felt like no one could hear me 却感到茫茫无助Wanted to belong here 想要归属这儿But something felt so wrong here 但又总是充满了疑惑So I pray (I would pray) 所以我祈祷(我将会祈祷)I could breakaway 我将要远走他乡I"ll spread my wings and I"ll learn how to fly 我将展开翅膀,我将学习飞翔I"ll do what it takes til" I touch the sky 我将努力直到我接触天涯I"ll make a wish 我将许下心愿Take a chance 尝试一下Make a change 奋斗一回And breakaway 远走他乡Out of the darkness and into the sun 脱离黑暗,冲向光明But I won"t forget all the ones that I loved 但我不会忘记我所深爱之物I"ll take a risk 我将独自冒险Take a chance 尝试一下Make a change 奋斗一回And breakaway 远走他乡Wanna feel the warm breeze 想要吹着暖风Sleep under a palm tree 睡在棕榈树下Feel the rush of the ocean 感受海浪拍击Get onboard a fast train 搭上一辆快车Travel on a jet plane, far away (I will) 登上一架飞机,展翅高飞(我将)And breakaway 远走他乡I"ll spread my wings and I"ll learn how to fly 我将展开翅膀,我将学习飞翔I"ll do what it takes til" I touch the sky 我将努力直到我接触天涯I"ll make a wish 我将许下心愿Take a chance 尝试一下Make a change 奋斗一回And breakaway 远走他乡Out of the darkness and into the sun 脱离黑暗,冲向光明But I won"t forget all the ones that I loved 但我不会忘记我所深爱之物I"ll take a risk 我将独自冒险Take a chance 尝试一下Make a change 奋斗一回And breakaway 远走他乡Buildings with a hundred floors 种满百花的大楼Swinging around wild indoors 绚丽多彩香溢四方Maybe I don"t know where they"ll take me but 可能我并不知道为何我深受吸引,但Gotta keep moving on, moving on 我必须继续前进,努力奋斗Fly away, breakaway 展翅高飞,远走他乡I"ll spread my wings 我将展开翅膀And I"ll learn how to fly 我将学习飞翔Though it"s not easy to tell you goodbye 虽然多么难以向你说声再见I gotta take a risk 但我必须冒险Take chance 尝试一下Make a change 奋斗一回And breakaway 远走他乡Out of the darkness and into the sun 脱离黑暗,冲向光明But I won"t forget the place I come from 但我不会忘记我来自何方I gotta take a risk 但我必须冒险Take a chance 尝试一下Make a change 奋斗一回And breakaway, breakaway, breakaway 远走他乡……

Blind的《Break Away》 歌词

歌名:breakaway歌手:kelly clarksonGrew up in a small townAnd when the rain would fall downI just stared out my windowDreaming of a could-beAnd if I"d end up happyI would pray (I would pray)Trying not to reach outBut when I"d try to speak outFelt like no one could hear meWanted to belong hereBut something felt so wrong hereSo I pray (I would pray)I could breakawayI"ll spread my wings and I"ll learn how to flyI"ll do what it takes til" I touch the skyI"ll make a wishTake a chanceMake a changeAnd breakawayOut of the darkness and into the sunBut I won"t forget all the ones that I lovedI"ll take a riskTake a chanceMake a changeAnd breakawayWanna feel the warm breezeSleep under a palm treeFeel the rush of the oceanGet onboard a fast trainTravel on a jet plane, far away (I will)And breakawayI"ll spread my wings and I"ll learn how to flyI"ll do what it takes til" I touch the skyI"ll make a wishTake a chanceMake a changeAnd breakawayOut of the darkness and into the sunBut I won"t forget all the ones that I lovedI"ll take a riskTake a chanceMake a changeAnd breakawayBuildings with a hundred floorsSwinging around wild indoorsMaybe I don"t know where they"ll take me butGotta keep moving on, moving onFly away, breakawayI"ll spread my wingsAnd I"ll learn how to flyThough it"s not easy to tell you goodbyeI gotta take a riskTake chanceMake a changeAnd breakawayOut of the darkness and into the sunBut I won"t forget the place I come fromI gotta take a riskTake a chanceMake a changeAnd breakaway, breakaway, breakaway


Grew up in a small town And when the rain would fall down I just stared out my window Dreaming of what could be And if I"d end up happy I would pray (I would pray) Trying not to reach out But when I"d try to speak out Felt like no one could hear me Wanted to belong here But something felt so wrong here So I pray (I would pray) I could breakaway [Chorus:] I"ll spread my wings and I"ll learn how to fly I"ll do what it takes til" I touch the sky And I"ll make a wish Take a chance Make a change And breakaway Out of the darkness and into the sun But I won"t forget all the ones that I loved I"ll take a risk Take a chance Make a change And breakaway Wanna feel the warm breeze Sleep under a palm tree Feel the rush of the ocean Get onboard a fast train Travel on a jet plane, far away (I will) And breakaway 没有这句吧。。。。


Grew up in a small town在一个小镇成长And when the rain would fall down每当大雨迷茫I"d just stared out my window我只是向窗外凝望Dreaming of what could-be梦想着我的梦想And if I"d end up happy如果我能快乐死亡I would pray (I would pray)我将会祈祷(我将会祈祷)Trying hard to reach out尝试着接触外面的世界But when I"d try to speak out但当我想要倾诉Felt like no one could hear me却感到茫然无助Wanted to belong here想要归属这儿But something felt so wrong here但又总是充满了疑惑So I pray (I would pray)所以我祈祷(我将会祈祷)I could breakaway我将要远走他乡I"ll spread my wings and I"ll learn how to fly我将展开翅膀,我将学习飞翔I"ll do what it takes til" I touch the sky我将努力直到我接触天涯I"ll make a wish我将许下心愿Take a chance尝试一下Make a change奋斗一回And breakaway远走他乡Out of the darkness and into the sun脱离黑暗,冲向光明But I won"t forget all the ones that I loved但我不会忘记我所深爱之物I"ll take a risk我将独自冒险Take a chance尝试一下Make a change奋斗一回And breakaway远走他乡Want to feel the warm breeze想要吹着暖风Sleep under a palm tree睡在棕榈树下Feel the rush of the ocean感受海浪拍击Get on board a fast train搭上一辆快车Travel on a jet plane, far away (I will)登上一架飞机,展翅高飞(我将)And breakaway远走他乡I"ll spread my wings and I"ll learn how to fly我将展开翅膀,我将学习飞翔I"ll do what it takes til" I touch the sky我将努力直到我接触天涯I"ll make a wish我将许下心愿Take a chance尝试一下Make a change奋斗一回And breakaway远走他乡Out of the darkness and into the sun脱离黑暗,冲向光明But I won"t forget all the ones that I loved但我不会忘记我所深爱之物I"ll take a risk我将独自冒险Take a chance尝试一下Make a change奋斗一回And breakaway远走他乡Buildings with a hundred floors种满百花的大楼Swinging around revolving doors随着旋转门摇摆Maybe I don"t know where they"ll take me but我并不知道将去往何方,但Gotta keep moving on, moving on我必须一直向前,努力奋斗Fly away, breakaway展翅高飞,远走他乡I"ll spread my wings我展开翅膀And I"ll learn how to fly学习飞翔Though it"s not easy to tell you goodbye虽然多么难以向你说声再见I gotta take a risk但我必须冒险Take chance尝试一下Make a change奋斗一回And breakaway远走他乡Out of the darkness and into the sun脱离黑暗,冲向光明But I won"t forget the place I come from但我不会忘记我来自何方I gotta take a risk但我必须冒险Take a chance尝试一下Make a change奋斗一回And breakaway, breakaway, breakaway远走他乡……


Grew up in a small town 在一个小镇成长And when the rain would fall down 每当大雨迷茫I just stared out my window 我只是向窗外凝望Dreaming of a could-be 梦想着我的梦想And if I"d end up happy 如果我能最后能快快乐乐的I would pray (I would pray) 我将会祈祷(我将会祈祷)Trying not to reach out 尝试着不想外面的世界But when I"d try to speak out 但我总是想要倾诉Felt like no one could hear me 却感到茫茫无助Wanted to belong here 想要归属这儿But something felt so wrong here 但又总是充满了疑惑So I pray (I would pray) 所以我祈祷(我将会祈祷)I could breakaway 我将要远走他乡I"ll spread my wings and I"ll learn how to fly 我将展开翅膀,我将学习飞翔I"ll do what it takes til" I touch the sky 我将努力直到我接触天涯I"ll make a wish 我将许下心愿Take a chance 尝试一下Make a change 奋斗一回And breakaway 远走他乡Out of the darkness and into the sun 脱离黑暗,冲向光明But I won"t forget all the ones that I loved 但我不会忘记我所深爱之物I"ll take a risk 我将独自冒险Take a chance 尝试一下Make a change 奋斗一回And breakaway 远走他乡Wanna feel the warm breeze 想要吹着暖风Sleep under a palm tree 睡在棕榈树下Feel the rush of the ocean 感受海浪拍击Get onboard a fast train 搭上一辆快车Travel on a jet plane, far away (I will) 登上一架飞机,展翅高飞(我将)And breakaway 远走他乡I"ll spread my wings and I"ll learn how to fly 我将展开翅膀,我将学习飞翔I"ll do what it takes til" I touch the sky 我将努力直到我接触天涯I"ll make a wish 我将许下心愿Take a chance 尝试一下Make a change 奋斗一回And breakaway 远走他乡Out of the darkness and into the sun 脱离黑暗,冲向光明But I won"t forget all the ones that I loved 但我不会忘记我所深爱之物I"ll take a risk 我将独自冒险Take a chance 尝试一下Make a change 奋斗一回And breakaway 远走他乡Buildings with a hundred flours百层高的大厦Swinging around wild indoors 在屋内随风摇摆Maybe I don"t know where they"ll take me but 可能我并不知道为何我深受吸引,但Gotta keep moving on, moving on 我必须继续前进,努力奋斗Fly away, breakaway 展翅高飞,远走他乡I"ll spread my wings 我将展开翅膀And I"ll learn how to fly 我将学习飞翔Though it"s not easy to tell you goodbye 虽然多么难以向你说声再见I gotta take a risk 但我必须冒险Take chance 尝试一下Make a change 奋斗一回And breakaway 远走他乡Out of the darkness and into the sun 脱离黑暗,冲向光明But I won"t forget the place I come from 但我不会忘记我来自何方I gotta take a risk 但我必须冒险Take a chance 尝试一下Make a change 奋斗一回And breakaway, breakaway, breakaway 远走他乡……给分

Dj Mehdi的《Breakaway》 歌词

歌曲名:Breakaway歌手:Dj Mehdi专辑:BreakawayI never thought I feel like thisNow that you are out of sideStill trying to get over youWhy can"t I just let you goWhy can"t I close the doorLooking for a reasonTo stay this wayI wish that I couldBut I can"tLooks can be deceivingAin"t that how it goesI still remember your soft skinTouching mineTouch your beautiful sinI won"t fall backBut when I look in your eyesIt"s so hard to escapeAnd it hurts so badWhen there"s no compromiseI give it all that I"ve gotJust let me breakawayHow could I be such a foolTo end up hereHow many times must I fallRead the things you didn"t doAin"t that how it goesI still remember your soft skinTouching mineTouch your beautiful sinI won"t fall backBut when I look in your eyesIt"s so hard to escapeAnd it hurts so badWhen there"s no compromiseI give it all that I"ve gotJust let me breakawayNo I won"t fall backJust let me walkJust let me walk awayNo I won"t fall backBut when I look in your eyesIt"s so hard to escapeAnd it hurts so badWhen there"s no compromiseI give it allJust let me breakaway

求bigbang的一首歌。在YGFamily con上唱的。大家一起唱的,贴吧也发过一个帖子是KORE DREAM吗??



歌曲:《Will Be Your Shelter》演唱: Rebecca Blaylock专辑:TV Magic II中英文歌词: I Will Be Your Shelter 我要成为你的保护神How you feel the need to be the strong one when the time aster 当时光流逝,你是否觉得应该学会坚强I`ll find the way that to the fortress when i bring just burn 我终会找到通往城堡的大道,尽管我被烈日灼伤break away and let me be the soldier tonight放手过去,让我今夜守护你break away and let me hear your pain忘掉烦恼,让我分担你的痛楚let it rain and I`ll be your shelter in light不管风雨,我天天夜夜保护着你break away~~,break away 挣脱束缚,敞开心扉I can see your heart is aching and your will is gone我能看见你心在滴血,灰心丧气you can lay upon the pillow in the kerion 你麻木地躺在枕头上break away and let me be the soldier tonight放手过去,让我今夜守护你break away and let me hear your pain忘掉烦恼,让我分担你的痛楚let it rain and I`ll be your shelter in light不管风雨,我天天夜夜保护着你break away~~,break away 挣脱束缚,敞开心扉here`s the smell,here`s various things,here was the nothing芳香萦绕,万物竞发,尽收眼底else we are as one no need to run我们相依,不再奔波I`ll be your shelter as the day is long我会永远庇护着你break away and let me be the soldier tonight放手过去,让我今夜守护你break away and let me hear your pain忘掉烦恼,让我分担你的痛楚let it rain and I`ll be your shelter in light不管风雨,我天天夜夜保护着你break away,break away挣脱束缚,敞开心扉

Boney M.的《Breakaway》 歌词

歌名:Breakaway (Napster Live) - 远走他乡歌手:kelly clarkson - 凯利克拉克森Grew up in a small town 在一个小镇成长And when the rain would fall down 每当大雨迷茫I just stared out my window 我只是向窗外凝望Dreaming of a could-be 梦想着我的梦想And if I"d end up happy 如果我能快乐死亡I would pray (I would pray) 我将会祈祷(我将会祈祷)Trying not to reach out 尝试着不想外面的世界But when I"d try to speak out 但我总是想要倾诉Felt like no one could hear me 却感到茫茫无助Wanted to belong here 想要归属这儿But something felt so wrong here 但又总是充满了疑惑So I pray (I would pray) 所以我祈祷(我将会祈祷)I could breakaway 我将要远走他乡I"ll spread my wings and I"ll learn how to fly 我将展开翅膀,我将学习飞翔I"ll do what it takes til" I touch the sky 我将努力直到我接触天涯I"ll make a wish 我将许下心愿Take a chance 尝试一下Make a change 奋斗一回And breakaway 远走他乡Out of the darkness and into the sun 脱离黑暗,冲向光明But I won"t forget all the ones that I loved 但我不会忘记我所深爱之物I"ll take a risk 我将独自冒险Wanna feel the warm breeze 想要吹着暖风Sleep under a palm tree 睡在棕榈树下Feel the rush of the ocean 感受海浪拍击Get onboard a fast train 搭上一辆快车Travel on a jet plane, far away (I will) 登上一架飞机,展翅高飞(我将)I"ll make a wish 我将许下心愿Buildings with a hundred floors 种满百花的大楼Swinging around wild indoors 绚丽多彩香溢四方Maybe I don"t know where they"ll take me but 可能我并不知道为何我深受吸引,但Gotta keep moving on, moving on 我必须继续前进,努力奋斗Fly away, breakaway 展翅高飞,远走他乡I"ll spread my wings 我将展开翅膀And I"ll learn how to fly 我将学习飞翔Though it"s not easy to tell you goodbye 虽然多么难以向你说声再见But I won"t forget the place I come from 但我不会忘记我来自何方And breakaway, breakaway, breakaway 远走他乡……

Break away要中文歌词

分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 音乐 问题描述: 是Kelly Clarkson唱的,一句一句,清清楚楚地,不要挤在一起的 解析: Breakaway 歌手:Kelly Clarkson 专辑:Breakaway 歌名:breakaway - 远走他乡 歌手:kelly clarkson - 凯利克拉克森 专辑:breakaway - 远走他乡 Grew up in a *** all town 在一个小镇成长 And when the rain would fall down 每当大雨迷茫 I just stared out my window 我只是向窗外凝望 Dreaming of a could-be 梦想着我的梦想 And if I"d end up happy 如果我能快乐死亡 I would pray (I would pray) 我将会祈祷(我将会祈祷) Trying not to reach out 尝试着不想外面的世界 But when I"d try to speak out 但我总是想要倾诉 Felt like no one could hear me 却感到茫茫无助 Wanted to belong here 想要归属这儿 But something felt so wrong here 但又总是充满了疑惑 So I pray (I would pray) 所以我祈祷(我将会祈祷) I could breakaway 我将要远走他乡 I"ll spread my wings and I"ll learn how to fly 我将展开翅膀,我将学习飞翔 I"ll do what it takes til" I touch the sky 我将努力直到我接触天涯 I"ll make a wish 我将许下心愿 Take a chance 尝试一下 Make a change 奋斗一回 And breakaway 远走他乡 Out of the darkness and into the sun 脱离黑暗,冲向光明 But I won"t fet all the ones that I loved 但我不会忘记我所深爱之物 I"ll take a risk 我将独自冒险 Take a chance 尝试一下 Make a change 奋斗一回 And breakaway 远走他乡 Wanna feel the warm breeze 想要吹着暖风 Sleep under a palm tree 睡在棕榈树下 Feel the rush of the ocean 感受海浪拍击 Get onboard a fast train 搭上一辆快车 Travel on a jet plane, far away (I will) 登上一架飞机,展翅高飞(我将) And breakaway 远走他乡 I"ll spread my wings and I"ll learn how to fly 我将展开翅膀,我将学习飞翔 I"ll do what it takes til" I touch the sky 我将努力直到我接触天涯 I"ll make a wish 我将许下心愿 Take a chance 尝试一下 Make a change 奋斗一回 And breakaway 远走他乡 Out of the darkness and into the sun 脱离黑暗,冲向光明 But I won"t fet all the ones that I loved 但我不会忘记我所深爱之物 I"ll take a risk 我将独自冒险 Take a chance 尝试一下 Make a change 奋斗一回 And breakaway 远走他乡 Buildings with a hundred floors 种满百花的大楼 Swinging around wild indoors 绚丽多彩香溢四方 Maybe I don"t know where they"ll take me but 可能我并不知道为何我深受吸引,但 Gotta keep moving on, moving on 我必须继续前进,努力奋斗 Fly away, breakaway 展翅高飞,远走他乡 I"ll spread my wings 我将展开翅膀 And I"ll learn how to fly 我将学习飞翔 Though it"s not easy to tell you goodbye 虽然多么难以向你说声再见 I gotta take a risk 但我必须冒险 Take chance 尝试一下 Make a change 奋斗一回 And breakaway 远走他乡 Out of the darkness and into the sun 脱离黑暗,冲向光明 But I won"t fet the place I e from 但我不会忘记我来自何方 I gotta take a risk 但我必须冒险 Take a chance 尝试一下 Make a change 奋斗一回 And breakaway, breakaway, breakaway 远走他乡……

break away from什么意思

break away from脱离双语对照词典结果:break away from[英][breik u0259u02c8wei fru0254m][美][brek u0259u02c8we fru028cm]脱离(政党等),打破; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Mr salmond, however, is in no rush to leverage his popularity into a bid to break away from britain. 然而,salmond并不急于利用他的欢迎度来努力争取摆脱英格兰。

Sb is on a breakaway 这句话在冰球里是什么意思?


break away

该片紧随前一部故事的内容,刚刚从大学毕业的米娅公主被接到了风景秀丽、清爽宜人的欧洲小国吉诺维亚。还未下私人飞机,她就被丛林环绕的美丽城堡所吸引住了。从此,这位年仅21岁的年轻公主将在皇后的帮助和管教下肩负起治理她的王国的重任了。但此时,却在一次皇家听证会上传出了一点点小麻烦,大法官宣布:“依照王国的法律规定,要想成为拥有统治权利的王后,必须要在短短的30天之内订婚并结婚,组成家庭。否则她将不得不让出早有人翘首以盼的王位。” 于是,寻找未来夫婿的“行动”在有些紧张且搞笑的气氛中开始了。其实,在年轻公主的心目中早就幻想着自己能有一段浪漫美丽的爱情故事发生。然而,现实却是如此的残酷。时间在一天一天的过去,在皇后等人寻找的众多皇族候选人中,不是太过年老,就是非常的年轻,而这一天终于碰到了一位各方面条件都符合米娅公主要求的人选。尤其是他英俊的外表,第一眼看到就引出了年轻公主的欢呼。但从从未谋面到订婚成家可不是一件简单的过程,而皇室苛刻的法律则不会网开一面,时间在无情的继续。接下来则是两个人临时抱佛脚式的闪电般培养感情的过程了。这期间公主还在不停地进行着各种为了成为王国统治者而必须进行的“修身养性”,出入各种礼仪场合而必须修饰的高贵举止言谈当然是不在话下,而且还要学会各种高雅的运动以表现其高贵的王室身份。尤其是米娅在学习射箭的过程中简直是笑料百出,在其射程范围内的所有人和物几乎都成了她的目标。不过,最令所有人关注的,当然要属她与未来夫君的感情沟通了,不过年轻人在一起始终会有那么一些共同语言,而相互间的摩擦也是少不了的。 最终结局当然是皆大欢喜,而且这个来自自由开放国度的活泼少女最终将她的活泼与青春气息都带到了这座欧洲古堡中,使这里的古板沉静的气氛一扫而光 Grew up in a small town一个小镇长大 And when the rain would fall down当雨将下降 I"d just stare out my window我干脆呆呆地出我窗 Dreamin" of what could bedreamin"怎么 And if I"d end up happy如果我下场快乐 I would pray我祈祷 Trying hard to reach out努力伸出 But, when I tried to speak out但是,当我试着出声 Felt like no one could hear me感觉好像没有人可以听到我 Wanted to belong here想要属于这里 But something felt so wrong here但此间一些感觉不妥 So I"d pray所以我祈祷 I could break away我可以打破 I"ll spread my wings and I"ll learn how to fly我把我的翅膀,我会永远学会飞 I"ll do what it takes till I touch the sky我干我所需要触摸到天空 And I"ll make a wish, take a chance, make a change我给一个愿望,心存侥幸,做出改变 And break away破除 Out of the darkness and into the sun走出黑暗,走向阳光 But, I won"t forget all the ones that I love不过,我不会忘记那个我爱 I"ll take a risk, take a chance, make a change我就带了风险,心存侥幸,做出改变 And break away破除 Wanna feel the warm breeze万感受到温暖微风 Sleep under a palm tree睡在棕榈树 Feel the rush of the ocean感受海洋匆匆 Get onboard a fast train船上得到快速列车 Travel on a jetplane, far away旅游-1982一,远 And break away破除 I"ll spread my wings and I"ll learn how to fly我把我的翅膀,我会永远学会飞 I"ll do what it takes till I touch the sky我干我所需要触摸到天空 And I"ll make a wish, take a chance, make a change我给一个愿望,心存侥幸,做出改变 And break away破除 Out of the darkness and into the sun走出黑暗,走向阳光 I won"t forget all the ones that I love我不会忘记那个我爱 I gotta take a risk, take a chance, make a change我gotta冒险,心存侥幸,做出改变 And break away破除 [bridge][桥] Buildings with a hundred floors上百幢楼 Swinging round revolving doors摆轮旋转门 Maybe I don"t know where they"ll take me也许我不知道他们会把我 But, gotta keep moving on, moving on但是,gotta不断前进、前进 Fly away, break away飞走,打破 [chorus 2][合唱2] I"ll spread my wings and I"ll learn how to fly我把我的翅膀,我会永远学会飞 Though it"s not easy to tell you goodbye, gotta虽然不容易告诉你再见gotta Take a risk, take a chance, make a change冒险,心存侥幸,做出改变 And break away破除 Out of the darkness and into the sun走出黑暗,走向阳光 But, I won"t forget the place I come from不过,我不会忘记我来自的地方 I gotta take a risk, take a chance, make a change我冒险,心存侥幸,做出改变And break away破除

breakaway force是什么意思

breakaway force 英[u02c8breu026aku0259u02ccweu026a fu0254:s] 美[u02c8breku0259u02ccwe fu0254rs] 起步阻力 [例句]The breakaway national democratic force has decided it is better to fight the election , however flawed.从民盟分离出去的“全国民主力量”(ndf)决定,不管选举如何有缺陷,最好还是参选。

Breaking Away - Anh Minh. 跪求这首歌曲歌词。。。万分感谢!!!

Breakaway"Grew up in a small townAnd when the rain would fall downI"d just stare out my windowDreaming of what could beAnd if I"d end up happyI would pray (I would pray)Trying hard to reach outBut when I tried to speak outFelt like no one could hear meWanted to belong hereBut something felt so wrong hereSo I prayed I could break away[Chorus:]I"ll spread my wings and I"ll learn how to flyI"ll do what it takes "til I touch the skyAnd I"ll make a wishTake a chanceMake a changeAnd breakawayOut of the darkness and into the sunBut I won"t forget all the ones that I loveI"ll take a riskTake a chanceMake a changeAnd breakawayWanna feel the warm breezeSleep under a palm treeFeel the rush of the oceanGet on board a fast trainTravel on a jet plane far awayAnd breakaway[Chorus]Buildings with a hundred floorsSwinging "round revolving doorsMaybe I don"t know where they"ll take meBut gotta keep moving on, moving onFly away, breakawayI"ll spread my wingsAnd I"ll learn how to flyThough it"s not easy to tell you goodbyeI gotta take a riskTake a chanceMake a changeAnd breakawayOut of the darkness and into the sunBut I won"t forget the place I come fromI gotta take a riskTake a chanceMake a changeAnd breakaway, breakaway, breakaway

Break-A-Way (1986 - Remaster) 歌词

歌名:Breakaway (Napster Live) - 远走他乡歌手:kelly clarkson - 凯利克拉克森Grew up in a small town 在一个小镇成长And when the rain would fall down 每当大雨迷茫I just stared out my window 我只是向窗外凝望Dreaming of a could-be 梦想着我的梦想And if I"d end up happy 如果我能快乐死亡I would pray (I would pray) 我将会祈祷(我将会祈祷)Trying not to reach out 尝试着不想外面的世界But when I"d try to speak out 但我总是想要倾诉Felt like no one could hear me 却感到茫茫无助Wanted to belong here 想要归属这儿But something felt so wrong here 但又总是充满了疑惑So I pray (I would pray) 所以我祈祷(我将会祈祷)I could breakaway 我将要远走他乡I"ll spread my wings and I"ll learn how to fly 我将展开翅膀,我将学习飞翔I"ll do what it takes til" I touch the sky 我将努力直到我接触天涯I"ll make a wish 我将许下心愿Take a chance 尝试一下Make a change 奋斗一回And breakaway 远走他乡Out of the darkness and into the sun 脱离黑暗,冲向光明But I won"t forget all the ones that I loved 但我不会忘记我所深爱之物I"ll take a risk 我将独自冒险Wanna feel the warm breeze 想要吹着暖风Sleep under a palm tree 睡在棕榈树下Feel the rush of the ocean 感受海浪拍击Get onboard a fast train 搭上一辆快车Travel on a jet plane, far away (I will) 登上一架飞机,展翅高飞(我将)I"ll make a wish 我将许下心愿Buildings with a hundred floors 种满百花的大楼Swinging around wild indoors 绚丽多彩香溢四方Maybe I don"t know where they"ll take me but 可能我并不知道为何我深受吸引,但Gotta keep moving on, moving on 我必须继续前进,努力奋斗Fly away, breakaway 展翅高飞,远走他乡I"ll spread my wings 我将展开翅膀And I"ll learn how to fly 我将学习飞翔Though it"s not easy to tell you goodbye 虽然多么难以向你说声再见But I won"t forget the place I come from 但我不会忘记我来自何方And breakaway, breakaway, breakaway 远走他乡……


逃离此地:get away from (here)用break away的话要搭配from,即 break away from

Peter Rodgers Melnick的《Breakaway》 歌词

歌曲名:Breakaway歌手:Peter Rodgers Melnick专辑:Arctic BlueI never thought I feel like thisNow that you are out of sideStill trying to get over youWhy can"t I just let you goWhy can"t I close the doorLooking for a reasonTo stay this wayI wish that I couldBut I can"tLooks can be deceivingAin"t that how it goesI still remember your soft skinTouching mineTouch your beautiful sinI won"t fall backBut when I look in your eyesIt"s so hard to escapeAnd it hurts so badWhen there"s no compromiseI give it all that I"ve gotJust let me breakawayHow could I be such a foolTo end up hereHow many times must I fallRead the things you didn"t doAin"t that how it goesI still remember your soft skinTouching mineTouch your beautiful sinI won"t fall backBut when I look in your eyesIt"s so hard to escapeAnd it hurts so badWhen there"s no compromiseI give it all that I"ve gotJust let me breakawayNo I won"t fall backJust let me walkJust let me walk awayNo I won"t fall backBut when I look in your eyesIt"s so hard to escapeAnd it hurts so badWhen there"s no compromiseI give it allJust let me breakaway




席琳·迪翁(Celine Dion)生于加拿大,是欧美乐坛著名流行女歌手,国际乐坛天后,也被众多媒体誉为20世纪90年代的跨世纪天后级歌手之一。12岁时步入歌坛,15岁时推出首支法文单曲,其后以英语专辑《UNISON》进军全球市场。1996年为美国亚特兰大奥运会演唱了主题曲《The Power of The Dream》。1997年为电影《泰坦尼克号》献唱片尾曲《My Heart Will Go On》被全球观众熟知,并获得第70届奥斯卡最佳电影歌曲奖。2008年5月22日,Celine在巴黎接受法国总统萨科齐亲自颁发的Legion d"Honneur骑士勋章。作为全球最畅销的女歌手,Celine专辑销量在全球已超过了2亿张。2013年,Celine受央视春晚邀请担任表演嘉宾,与宋祖英合唱中国民曲《茉莉花》;同年发行新专辑《Loved Me Back To Life》。


BREAKAWAY 美梦成真 Verse 1: Grew up in a small town And when the rain would fall down I just stared out my window Dreaming of what could be And if I"d end up happy I would pray (I would pray) 人生起始端的时光,都是在一个小镇上消磨掉的;   那个时候每当雨雾迷蒙,我都会坐在窗前,凝视着外面的世界;   细细思索:今后一切将如何运行,而我又可否取得幸福。 我便祈祷…… Trying not to reach out But when I"d try to speak out Felt like no one could hear me Wanted to belong here But something felt so wrong here So I pray (I would pray) I could breakaway   一直勉强自己与理想保持距离,在这里每当我尝试开口,才感觉到无论我如何大声地喊,都没有人能听见。 我愿把此地当成是我终生的归属,但这并不完美。 因此我祈祷,我能破茧而出。 Chorus: I"ll spread my wings and I"ll learn how to fly I"ll do what it takes till I touch the sky And I"ll make a wish Take a chance Make a change And breakaway Out of the darkness and into the sun But I won"t forget all the ones that I loved I"ll take a risk Take a chance Make a change And breakaway   我展开双翅尝试去飞翔,无论这将会牺牲什么代价,我都将坚持下去,直到融入无际的蓝天。   我会许下心愿,寻找出路,不断追求蜕变,直到破茧而出。 穿越重重黑暗,接受阳光的洗礼; 但我不会忘记所有我曾爱过的人。 我将迎着风险,把握机遇,寻求突破,直到美梦成真。 Verse 2: Wanna feel the warm breeze Sleep under a palm tree Feel the rush of the ocean Get onboard a fast train Travel on a jet plane, far away (I will) And breakaway   我总躺在大树厚实的掌心里沉睡,爱在梦中感受着扑面而来的海风带来的那份亲切和温暖,倾听着那股挣扎着的,碰撞着的洋流正悄然而至。   在梦境中看见自己乘火车,坐飞机,踏上奇妙的旅程四处漫游。 渐行渐远,离开那片哺育了我的土地。 我终究能美梦成真。 Repeat: Chorus Chorus: I"ll spread my wings And I"ll learn how to fly Though it"s not easy to tell you goodbye I gotta take a risk Take a chance Make a change And breakaway Out of the darkness and into the sun But I won"t forget the place I come from I gotta take a risk Take a chance Make a change And breakaway, breakaway, breakaway   我展开双翅尝试去飞翔,尽管要跟你开口道别并不容易。我将迎着风险,把握机遇,寻求突破,直到美梦成真。 穿越重重黑暗,接受阳光的洗礼; 但我不会忘记我来自哪里。 我将迎着风险,把握机遇,寻求突破,直到美梦成真。



Kelly Clarkson的《Breakaway》 歌词

歌曲名:Breakaway歌手:Kelly Clarkson专辑:Breakawaybreakawaykelly clarksonGrew up in a small townAnd when the rain would fall downI just stared out my windowDreaming of a could-beAnd if I"d end up happyI would pray I would prayTrying not to reach outBut when I"d try to speak outFelt like no one could hear meWanted to belong hereBut something felt so wrong hereSo I pray I would prayI could breakawayI"ll spread my wings and I"ll learn how to flyI"ll do what it takes til" I touch the skyI"ll make a wishTake a chanceMake a changeAnd breakawayOut of the darkness and into the sunBut I won"t forget all the ones that I lovedI"ll take a riskTake a chanceMake a changeAnd breakawayWanna feel the warm breezeSleep under a palm treeFeel the rush of the oceanGet onboard a fast trainTravel on a jet plane, far away (I will)And breakawayI"ll spread my wings and I"ll learn how to flyI"ll do what it takes it" I touch the skyI"ll make a wishTake a chanceMake a changeAnd breakawayOut of the darkness and into the sunBut I won"t forget all the ones that I lovedI"ll take a riskTake a chanceMake a changeAnd breakawayBuildings with a hundred floorsSwinging around wild indoorsMaybe I don"t know where they"ll take me butGotta keep moving on, moving onFly away, breakawayI"ll spread my wingsAnd I"ll learn how to flyThough it"s not easy to tell you goodbyeI gotta take a riskTake chanceMake a changeAnd breakawayOut of the darkness and into the sunBut I won"t forget the place I come fromI gotta take a riskTake a chanceMake a changeAnd breakaway, breakaway, breakaway


长大在一个小镇并且当雨跌倒我凝望在我的窗口之外作梦 什么能是并且如果I"d 末端愉快我祝祷(我祝祷) 设法不到达外 面但当I"d 尝试讲话在毛毡之外象没人能听见我想属于这里但 某事感觉很错误这里如此我祝祷(我祝祷) 我能脱离[ 合唱 : ] I"ll 涂我的翼并且I"ll 学会怎么飞行I"ll 做什 么这花费til" 我接触天空I"ll 做愿望作为机会做变动和 脱离出于黑暗和入太阳但I won"t 忘记所有部分我爱I"ll 作为机会做一变动的风险作为并且脱离要感觉温暖的微风睡觉在海 洋仓促得到一次快车旅行在喷气机上的棕榈树感受之下, (我意志) 并且脱离[ 合唱] 大厦与一一百个地板摇摆在旋转的门附近我 don"t 可能知道的地方they"ll 采取我但得到继续行动, 搬走在飞行, 脱离I"ll 涂我的翼并且I"ll 学会怎么飞行 虽然it"s 不容易告诉你再见我得到利用风险作为机会做变动和 脱离出于黑暗和入太阳但I won"t 忘记我自我来得到采取风险 作为机会做变动和脱离的地方,

ABAP field-symbol的意义是什么, 我觉得和work area没什么区别


V的《Breakaway》 歌词

歌名:Breakaway (Napster Live) - 远走他乡歌手:kelly clarkson - 凯利克拉克森Grew up in a small town 在一个小镇成长And when the rain would fall down 每当大雨迷茫I just stared out my window 我只是向窗外凝望Dreaming of a could-be 梦想着我的梦想And if I"d end up happy 如果我能快乐死亡I would pray (I would pray) 我将会祈祷(我将会祈祷)Trying not to reach out 尝试着不想外面的世界But when I"d try to speak out 但我总是想要倾诉Felt like no one could hear me 却感到茫茫无助Wanted to belong here 想要归属这儿But something felt so wrong here 但又总是充满了疑惑So I pray (I would pray) 所以我祈祷(我将会祈祷)I could breakaway 我将要远走他乡I"ll spread my wings and I"ll learn how to fly 我将展开翅膀,我将学习飞翔I"ll do what it takes til" I touch the sky 我将努力直到我接触天涯I"ll make a wish 我将许下心愿Take a chance 尝试一下Make a change 奋斗一回And breakaway 远走他乡Out of the darkness and into the sun 脱离黑暗,冲向光明But I won"t forget all the ones that I loved 但我不会忘记我所深爱之物I"ll take a risk 我将独自冒险Wanna feel the warm breeze 想要吹着暖风Sleep under a palm tree 睡在棕榈树下Feel the rush of the ocean 感受海浪拍击Get onboard a fast train 搭上一辆快车Travel on a jet plane, far away (I will) 登上一架飞机,展翅高飞(我将)I"ll make a wish 我将许下心愿Buildings with a hundred floors 种满百花的大楼Swinging around wild indoors 绚丽多彩香溢四方Maybe I don"t know where they"ll take me but 可能我并不知道为何我深受吸引,但Gotta keep moving on, moving on 我必须继续前进,努力奋斗Fly away, breakaway 展翅高飞,远走他乡I"ll spread my wings 我将展开翅膀And I"ll learn how to fly 我将学习飞翔Though it"s not easy to tell you goodbye 虽然多么难以向你说声再见But I won"t forget the place I come from 但我不会忘记我来自何方And breakaway, breakaway, breakaway 远走他乡……

breakaway 这首歌是谁唱的?


ZZ Top的《Breakaway》 歌词

歌名:Breakaway (Napster Live) - 远走他乡歌手:kelly clarkson - 凯利克拉克森Grew up in a small town 在一个小镇成长And when the rain would fall down 每当大雨迷茫I just stared out my window 我只是向窗外凝望Dreaming of a could-be 梦想着我的梦想And if I"d end up happy 如果我能快乐死亡I would pray (I would pray) 我将会祈祷(我将会祈祷)Trying not to reach out 尝试着不想外面的世界But when I"d try to speak out 但我总是想要倾诉Felt like no one could hear me 却感到茫茫无助Wanted to belong here 想要归属这儿But something felt so wrong here 但又总是充满了疑惑So I pray (I would pray) 所以我祈祷(我将会祈祷)I could breakaway 我将要远走他乡I"ll spread my wings and I"ll learn how to fly 我将展开翅膀,我将学习飞翔I"ll do what it takes til" I touch the sky 我将努力直到我接触天涯I"ll make a wish 我将许下心愿Take a chance 尝试一下Make a change 奋斗一回And breakaway 远走他乡Out of the darkness and into the sun 脱离黑暗,冲向光明But I won"t forget all the ones that I loved 但我不会忘记我所深爱之物I"ll take a risk 我将独自冒险Wanna feel the warm breeze 想要吹着暖风Sleep under a palm tree 睡在棕榈树下Feel the rush of the ocean 感受海浪拍击Get onboard a fast train 搭上一辆快车Travel on a jet plane, far away (I will) 登上一架飞机,展翅高飞(我将)I"ll make a wish 我将许下心愿Buildings with a hundred floors 种满百花的大楼Swinging around wild indoors 绚丽多彩香溢四方Maybe I don"t know where they"ll take me but 可能我并不知道为何我深受吸引,但Gotta keep moving on, moving on 我必须继续前进,努力奋斗Fly away, breakaway 展翅高飞,远走他乡I"ll spread my wings 我将展开翅膀And I"ll learn how to fly 我将学习飞翔Though it"s not easy to tell you goodbye 虽然多么难以向你说声再见But I won"t forget the place I come from 但我不会忘记我来自何方And breakaway, breakaway, breakaway 远走他乡……


break away 脱离;放弃;逃跑亲,如有帮助,请采纳!!!~(≧▽≦)/~您的采纳是我前进的动力,因为您的采纳,我们会更好、更多帮助其他人。祝您学习工作生活顺心如意!!!家庭和谐美满幸福!!!!

window XP系统中CREATOR OWNER是什么用户?

Creator Owner用户文件夹、文件或打印文件等资源的创建者,就是该资源的Creator Owner(创建所有者)。如果创建者是属于Administrators组内的成员,则其Creator Owner为Administrators组。



window XP系统中CREATOR OWNER是什么用户?

window XP系统中CREATOR OWNER是"所有者"用户。CREATOR OWNER为访问控制列表(ACL)中的占位符, 帐户将被子目录或文件"所有者"对象代替。"所有者"始终可以更改对象的权限,即使已拒绝"所有者"到对象的所有访问。"所有者"初始为创建文件/文件夹的账户,可以被Administrators组成员或拥有文件"获取所有权"权限的账户更改。扩展资料:"所有者"初始为创建文件/文件夹的账户。创建文件/文件夹时,如果创建者是属于Administrators(管理员)组内的成员,则设置文件其"所有者"为Administrators组,而不是那个创建文件的用户。默认情况下,管理员组(administrators)拥有“取得文件或其他对象的所有权”用户权利。具有对象的“取得所有权”权限的任何用户和具有“存储文件和目录”用户权利的用户都可以取得所有权。



creator owner用户能删除吗

能。Creator owner 是一个特殊的组权限,这个权限的意思是谁创建谁拥有这个权限,是可以删除的。举一个例子,张三新建一个文件夹“TEST”,那么CREATOR OWNER组成员就是“张三”,当把“张三”的权限删除时,添加CREATOR OWNER权限,它会同时添加“张三”的权限到里面,但是你可以删除“CREATOR OWNER”权限,“张三”的权限不会被删除,反之亦然。这个权限删除与删除都没有太大的影响,不会造成安全问题。扩展资料:注意事项creator owner不是用户只是一个权限而已,每个文件或是文件夹创建的时候,“creator owner权限”系统就自动根据创建的用户写到文件里面。比如A账户创建B文件,则系统就在B文件里面记录其“creator owner权限“为A账户,默认情况下,只有管理员可以从其他账户取得“creator owner权限“这个权限,其它账户没有这个权利。

已校对 英语怎么说 写在文件名上 说明已经校对过了 怎么说?proofread是个动词吧

comfirmed confirm[英][ku0259nu02c8fu0259:m] [美][ku0259nu02c8fu025am] vt.[法]确认,批准;证实;使有效;使巩固 现在分词:confirming;过去式:confirmed;第三人称单数:confirms;... 词典数据提供:金山词霸

dictated but not read 什么意思


proofread edit 和revise的区别??

review: 最近我做了一个review job,客户有很明确的标准。意思是只需对原文和译文进行准确度的比较,也就是原文里有的,译文是否也有,换言之,意思有没有翻译出来,内容有无增减,但不需修改译文,只需指出哪些地方与原文不符,但不需提出修改建议。所以,review是质量评估工作。proofread:主要是校对译文中的错别字、数字、排版格式,译文如有不通之处,再对照原文。需要提供解决办法。这属于翻译过程的一个环节。edit:把原文和译文一句句对照,有不对的,要修改。这也是翻译过程的一个环节。review和proofread的先后关系,我认为是不存在的。因为这是两套程序。review是对翻译质量的评估,而proofread是整个翻译程序中的一环。


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