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The Replacements的《Go》 歌词

歌曲名:Go歌手:The Replacements专辑:Stink [Expanded Edition]ZONE - GO!作词:渡辺未来作曲:渡辺未来编曲:山原一浩もう泣かないで さあ歩き出すんだ负けない强さで不器用でもこの热い想いは伝えられるはずどんなことでもチャレンジしてみよう一人じゃないね今日からの君はいつだってみんなここにいる 何も恐れないでがんばってYeah!Yeah!Yeah!Yeah!Yeah!臆病な饰りならはずしてしまえばいいんじゃないのいつだってYeah!Yeah!Yeah!Yeah!Yeah!信じたら叶うはず梦に飞び込もうあと少しの勇気がもてたなら変われるはずだよ高い壁を乗り越えれば そこに答えがあるはず目を伏せてうつむいてた日もあった孤独と不安で泣き崩れてたいつだって思いどおりには いかないこともあるがんばってYeah!Yeah!Yeah!Yeah!Yeah!果てしない未来へと歩き続ける勇気もたなきゃいつだってYeah!Yeah!Yeah!Yeah!Yeah!不安など辉きにかえて走り出せがんばってYeah!Yeah!Yeah!Yeah!Yeah!どんな时もマエムキに今の君は辉いているよいつだってYeah!Yeah!Yeah!Yeah!Yeah!谛めず走り出す自分を信じてがんばってYeah!Yeah!Yeah!Yeah!Yeah!どんな时もマエムキに今の君は辉いているよいつだってYeah!Yeah!Yeah!Yeah!Yeah!谛めず走り出す自分を信じて终わり

the last place we visited last game

D 从全句的结构和含义看,the last place后面所跟的应是定语从句,因此不能选B。从成分看,本题所选的词在从句中应作visit的宾语,故C项不对。由于先行词place被the last修饰,因而正确的选项为D。


east东 west西 south南 north北 southeast东南 southwest西南 northwest西北 northeast东北 east-southeast东南偏东 east-northeast东北偏东 south-southeast东南偏南 south-southwest西南偏南 north-northeast东北偏北 north-northwest西北偏北 west-northwest西北偏西 west-southwest西南偏西 east by north东偏北 east by south东偏南 south by west南偏西 south by east南偏东 north by west北偏西 north by east北偏东 west by north西偏北 west by south西偏南 southeast by east东南偏东 southeast by south东南偏南 southwest by west西南偏西 southwest by south西南偏南 northeast by east东北偏东 northeast by north东北偏北 northwest by north西北偏北 northwest by west西北偏西 eastward向东地(的) westward向西地(的) northward向北地(的) southward向南地(的) about在附近 after在...之后 against与…相反 ahead在…之前 aimless无方向的 along顺着,向前 anticlinal背斜的 apeak垂直着(的) around附近地 astatic无定向的 astray偏向的 asunder在位置或方向上相互隔开地 at在…里,在…附近 away远离 axial轴向的 back在后面 before在...之前 behind在...之后 beside在…旁边 bottom底部的 central中心的 clockwise顺时针的 close位于…边缘的 contrary相反的,逆向的 coastwise沿海岸方向 counter相反的 counterclockwise逆时针的 crisscross交叉方向的 crosswise横穿的 deep在深处的 dextrorotatory向右旋的=dextrorotary diagonal斜的 differential差动的,涉及速度或运动方向不同的 direct顺行的 downrange顺导弹发射方向的 downstream顺流的 downwind顺风的 duplex双向的 extreme最远的 farther更远地 following后面的 fore在前部的 forward前部的 front前面的 glancing倾斜的 head-to-head被安排在方向相对的直线上 in在...之内 inside在…以内 into到…里面 inward内部的 isotropic所有方向上都相同的 leeward背风地(的) left左边的 left-hand左手的,左侧的 lengthwise纵向的 lengthways纵向的 levorotatory左旋的 middle中间的 multipronged有几种不同的方向的 negative反的 northeastward向东北地(的) northwestward朝西北地(的) oblique斜的 off远的;远离的 offward向海(的),离岸(的) on在…上 onward向前的 one-way单向的 opposite反方向的 oriental东方的 out向外地 outside在…之外 outward外面的 over在…对面;在…顶端 parallel平行的 return倒转或改变方向的 reverse颠倒的,背面的 right右边的 right-hand右手的,右侧的 side旁边的 skew斜的 tail尾部的 to向,为了到达…而朝一个方向,在…的面前 toward朝着…的方向 tow-way双向的 under在...之下 up在上方地(的) upon在...之上 upward向上的 occidental西方的 windward向风的





惠普4255打印机出现place alisn pase face down on feeder是什么意思,怎么处理?请高手指点


我的传真机上出现了place Align page face down on scanner glass the press ok请问这什么意思??


打印机出现place Alisn pase face down on scanner glass什么意思?

你确定是打印机?明明有scanner glass这是扫描台,让你把原稿向下放在扫描台上



pack place造句 pack placeの例文

There is also a pack placed in her school in her memory. The tours meet at Information desk inside Pack Place . Tickets are available at the Pack Place Box Office. That facipty includes of space at Pack Place in the heart of downtown Asheville. He did not return and watched the remainder of the game with an ice pack placed over his right shoulder. Traditionally the player cutting the pack places the cut portion closer to himself as if inviting luck to e to him. Advance tickets are advised for all screenings and can be purchased from the Pack Place Box Office by calpng 257-4500. Asheville, N . C ., has seen a resurgence since the construction of Pack Place , a o-theater, four-museum plex. And if Simpson"s gloves appeared snug in certain areas, they suggested, it was because of a heat pack placed inside to keep him warm. Torrence, who had an ice pack placed on the thigh almost immediately after finishing her heat, had only the 10th-best time in the first round. It"s difficult to see pack place in a sentence. 用 pack place 造句挺难的 Wortham"s daughter Diana Wortham is a philanthropist who contributed to Pack Place in Asheville, North Caropna, where the Diana Wortham Theatre is named for her. Asheville, N . C . _ The 72nd annual Mountain Dance and Folk Festival on the stage of the Diana Wortham Theater at Pack Place downtown is Thursday through Saturday. Asheville _ The Colburn Gem & Mineral Museum at Pack Place hosts " Steps in Time, " an interactive travepng exhibition about a dinosaur trackway in Virginia. The pictures are on display through Oct . 31 at the Asheville Art Museum in Pack Place , 2 Pack Square, and are on loan from the Whitney Museum of American Art. Although stop No . 1 is at Pack Place , you can begin at No . 13 on Haywood Street in front of the Civic Center and continue past the other 29 stations on the self-guided tour Asheville, N . C . _ The Colburn Gem & Mineral Museum at Pack Place will host the exhibit " Meteors, Moon Rocks & Pieces of Mars " through April 30. Urban Trail brochures with easy-to-follow maps are available at many downtown businesses and attractions, but you may want to check out an audiocassette with headset for $ 5 at the Asheville Art Museum at Pack Place . Cappari pulled him out of the game, and Wilpams went to the end of the bench and lay on a makeshift bed of towels, with another towel thrown over his body and an ice pack placed on his right hip. A modest capital expansion, pleted in 1999, added space from Pack Place and the adjacent Legal Building, creating new classroom and studio facipties, an art pbrary, a teacher resource center, a munity gallery and a new entrance. Shortly after his heat, Johnson, who obpterated the 200 record with a 19.32 clocking at the 1996 Olympics, motioned for a trainer to massage his right quadriceps and quickly had a cold pack placed on the suddenly worrisome area. A number of performances are scheduled during your visit, including a musical adaptation by Mockingbird Theater Productions of " The Prince and the Pauper " from Nov . 29 to Dec . 12 at the Diana Wortham Theater at Pack Place in Asheville. After, say, half of the seeds have germinated and shoots are showing, the covers are removed and the cell packs placed in our only good south-facing pght source; it"s a French doorway, and I put o large, ugly plastic etageres in it to hold the trays of seeds. It"s difficult to find pack place in a sentence. 用 pack place 造句挺难的

谁有A Good Place To Be的歌词?

hello city....heeeeyyy!


What a peaceful place it is!

in hand 和 in the hand区别 in place of 和in the place of区别 in future 和 in the future 区别

in hand 是手头,in the hand在手里in place of 顶替代替in the place of在什么地方in future 今后in the future在未来

写一篇the best places in town的英文作文

uth means a temperamental predominanc

家庭教师的片头曲有一首歌中有“sunny day sunny place”

Funny Sunny Day (Japanese Version)「家庭教师 OP7」作词:Mika Arata / 作曲:SxOxU编曲:ヒダカトオル(BEAT CRUSADERS)、SxOxU歌:SxOxUby:草帽仔^_^ / QQ:465190996安心感なんて无くていい〖就算没有安心感也无所谓〗感情的问题は舍てて〖把感情的问题舍弃吧〗単纯明快な日々に〖在单纯明快的日子里〗明确な解答なんて无いさ〖没有什么明确的解答〗Is it crazy? 状况は just hazy?〖这很疯狂? 状况 只是模糊不清?〗どうやったって间违っているようで〖看来不管怎样做都是错误的呢〗Is it dummy? 现状は just rummy?〖这是幻觉? 现状 只是奇妙无穷〗そうさ全部 Just a joke!〖没错全部都 只是个笑话!〗Funny day Funny face Funny place〖有趣的时光 有趣的面容 有趣的地方〗轧む世界で〖在彼此摩擦的世界中〗Funny day Happy day〖有趣的时光 幸福的时光〗笑う声〖欢笑声〗Funny day Funny face Funny place〖有趣的时光 有趣的面容 有趣的地方〗响き渡れば〖若响遍世界〗何もかも変えられるさ〖不管什么都能够改变〗论争は平行线でいい〖平行地争论就行了〗结局は想像が全て〖最后想象才是一切〗毎回暧昧な君に〖你一直都很暧昧〗存在感はもう関系无いさ〖有没有存在感已经没有关系了〗Is it vicious? 本当は just precious?〖这是恶意的? 其实 只是太过溺爱?〗どうなったって後悔なんてしないで〖不管变成怎样都请别后悔〗Is it dilly? 真剣に just silly?〖这是好东西? 认真 也只是愚蠢?〗心配无いさ ...for today〖无须担心 ...为了今天〗Sunny day Sunny face Sunny place〖快乐的时光 快乐的面容 快乐的地方〗光る未来に〖在光明的未来中〗Sunny day Shiny day〖快乐的时光 闪亮的时光〗醒める梦〖初醒的梦〗Sunny day Sunny face Sunny place〖快乐的时光 快乐的面容 快乐的地方〗辉き出せば〖若光芒四射〗何もかも変えられるさ〖不管什么都能够改变〗Woke up in the night〖半夜醒来〗Was it just a dream?〖这只是一场梦?〗All I did was "laugh"〖我所做的都是为了你能"大笑"〗No need to worry... No worries〖你不必担心... 不用担心〗Funny day Funny face Funny place〖有趣的时光 有趣的面容 有趣的地方〗轧む世界で〖在彼此摩擦的世界中〗Funny day Happy day〖有趣的时光 幸福的时光〗笑う声〖欢笑声〗Funny day Funny face Funny place〖有趣的时光 有趣的面容 有趣的地方〗响き渡れば〖若响遍世界〗何もかも変えられるさ〖不管什么都能够改变〗TVアニメ 「家庭教师ヒットマン REBORN」OP7 テーマSunny day Sunny face Sunny place〖快乐的时光 快乐的面容 快乐的地方〗辉き出せば〖若光芒四射〗何もかも変えられるさ〖不管什么都能够改变〗何もかも変えられるさ〖不管什么都能够改变〗★→Lrc By 草帽仔‖地狱门歌词组←★☆→QQ‖465190996←☆终わり

first and foremost the second place last but by no means least 这几个可以在开头作为强调吗

强调,分好几种,在一个句子中,可以把谓语提前表示强调,也可以在谓语前面加助动词(do 的几种形式),也可以提前表语你列举词,有的可以放在句首,有的可以在句中起连接作用,陈述观点,in my opinion i think /that in my eyes as far as i can see

英语作文a place I have been to

Located on Udon-Loei Rd., about 20 Km from Udon Thani. You can see a monument of Loang-Poo-Kao. This famous monk is revered by the Thai people. This is one of the nicest and most peaceful in the world. The temple was built among the forest, which has a big cave that stores a big drum. The drum is used to tell the lunch time for all monk and people around the area. The low loud noise of the drum can be heard from far away. So people around this area use this symbol as the name of this temple.This fall is located in the vicinity of Thab Kung Subdistrict, Nong Saeng District through Udon Thani - Nong Bua Lamphu route making left turn to reach Nong Saeng District being a distance of 45 kilometers and continuing by foot trip of five kilometers to the fall. Than Ngam is medium sized waterfall where one can swim in its. Reservoir and a foot trip can be made from the reservoir to reach the watershed.

a place i have been to英语作文

Located on Udon-Loei Rd., about 20 Km from Udon Thani. You can see a monument of Loang-Poo-Kao. This famous monk is revered by the Thai people. This is one of the nicest and most peaceful in the world. The temple was built among the forest, which has a big cave that stores a big drum. The drum is used to tell the lunch time for all monk and people around the area. The low loud noise of the drum can be heard from far away. So people around this area use this symbol as the name of this temple. This fall is located in the vicinity of Thab Kung Subdistrict, Nong Saeng District through Udon Thani - Nong Bua Lamphu route making left turn to reach Nong Saeng District being a distance of 45 kilometers and continuing by foot trip of five kilometers to the fall. Than Ngam is medium sized waterfall where one can swim in its. Reservoir and a foot trip can be made from the reservoir to reach the watershed.

Placebo的《Blind》 歌词

歌曲名:Blind歌手:Placebo专辑:MedsblindplacebomedsIf I could tear you from the ceilingAnd guarantee source divineRid you of possessions bleedingRemain your bloody valentineDon"t go and leave meAnd please don"t drive me blindDon"t go and leave meAnd please drive me blindIf I could tear you from the ceilingI know that"s the tribeI feel your every breath with need anddefine the place we can both fightDon"t go and leave meAnd please don"t drive me blindDon"t go and leave meAnd please drive me blindYou don"t believe meLike you do this every timePlease don"t drive me blindPlease don"t drive me blindI know I know I know I know I know I knowIf I could tear you from the ceilingI"d freeze us both in timeAnd find a brand new way of seeingYour eyes forever blue to mine.Don"t go and leave meAnd please don"t drive me blindDon"t go and leave meAnd please drive me blindPlease don"t drive me blindPlease don"t drive me blindPlease don"t drive me blindPlease don"t drive me blindI know I broke itI know I broke itI know I broke it

跪求一篇200字左右的英语作文 题目为my dream place ,四级左右水平,不要有语法错误,谢谢!

你下星期是不是要上Morning report?


/replaceitem这是MC的第一条指令,可以给玩家一个自定义物品,在一个自定义的槽位里。不光是玩家,生物,方块什么都可以。比如:使用/replaceitem可以瞬间给地图里所有的僵尸穿上满套钻石装备,用4个指令方块就可以完成。之前版本只可以使用/summon完成。首先是给生物装备格式/replaceitem entity <目标> <槽位> <物品> [数量] [信息] [dataTag]比如,如果本人在一个指令方块里输入:/replaceitem entity @e[type=Zombie] slot.armor.chest minecraft:diamond_chestplate 1 0{display:{Name:"Test"},ench:[]}那么,这条指令会给地图里的所有僵尸(@e[type=Zombie]),穿上一个钻石胸甲(slot.armor.chest minecraft:diamond_chestplate)。那个胸甲的名字是“Test”。详细的NBT我就不多说了,要学NBT去看我索引。之后大家看槽位这一栏,本人给僵尸穿装备写的是 slot.armor.chest ,这个就是胸甲的槽位。这个槽位并不是像以前的箱子那些数字槽位,而是文字化了。再比如:/replaceitem entity @e[type=Zombie] slot.armor.legs minecraft:iron_leggings 1 0{display:{Name:"Test"},ench:[]}复制代码给地图里的所有僵尸,穿上一个铁护腿,拥有“Test”这个名字。现在来给大家发下基本的槽位选项slot.armor.legs - 腿甲slot.armor.chest - 胸甲slot.armor.feet - 靴子slot.armor.head - 头盔slot.weapon - 武器(只限定于生物)这4个槽位是控制生物的装备的。玩家和其他生物都可以使用,除了slot.weapon。因为生物的物品栏不像玩家有9个,所以生物只能携带一个武器。之后来说如何给玩家的背包加物品以前只能靠/give,而且无法锁定加到玩家背包的那一格,而新的/replaceitem就可以。主要是运用槽位的控制。比如:/replaceitem entity @a slot.hotbar.8 minecraft:diamond_chestplate 1 0{display:{Name:"Test"},ench:[]}复制代码给所有玩家一个叫“Test”的钻石胸甲,加到玩家手拿物品栏的最后一格。所以,slot.hotbar.(手拿物品格数) 就是玩家手拿物品的槽位控制。手拿物品槽位slot.hotbar.0 - 玩家手拿物品第一格(开始一格)slot.hotbar.1 - 玩家手拿物品第二格slot.hotbar.2 - 玩家手拿物品第三格slot.hotbar.3 - 玩家手拿物品第四格slot.hotbar.4 - 玩家手拿物品第五格slot.hotbar.5 - 玩家手拿物品第六格slot.hotbar.6 - 玩家手拿物品第七格slot.hotbar.7 - 玩家手拿物品第八格slot.hotbar.8 - 玩家手拿物品第九格(最后一格)之后来说的是如何给玩家加一个物品,加到玩家的背包里去。上面说的是加到玩家的手拿物品栏(hotbar),玩家背包有另一个槽位来控制。那个槽位是:slot.inventory.(背包空间格数)。这个和hotbar一样,如果玩家不清楚是哪一个,那就一格一格数过去。0就是第一格,1就是第二格,以此类推。接下来来说的是如何给容器加入/replaceitem。(我会说其实直接用/blockdata就可以实现,不用/replaceitem都可以吗?)。给容器的和给生物的差不多容器的格式是/replaceitem block <槽位> <物品> [数量] [信息] [dataTag]大家看见,这个其实和/blockdata差不多。唯一不同的就是,槽位的填写不一样。这个我就不多说了,相信大家都能看懂指令格式。举个简单的例子:/replaceitem block ~ ~1 ~ slot.container.0 minecraft:diamond_chestplate 1 0{display:{Name:"Test"},ench:[]}指令方块上面放一个箱子,然后打入和激活这条指令,那就会在箱子里的第一格放入一个物品。那个物品是一个钻石胸甲,名字叫“Test”(废话么)。最后,发一下一些常用的方块的槽位选项:(槽位格数的计算方式和slot.inventory一样。不确定就数过去)slot.container.(槽位格数) - 基本容器(箱子,熔炉,漏斗等等)slot.enderchest.(槽位格数) - 末影箱子最后提醒一下,不知道槽位填写的话,可以在打指令时候按TAB键,游戏会自动帮你完成指令,然后会告诉你所有的槽位名字什么。还有很多槽位,比如马的装备,马的物品什么就不一一的说了

求no place like home - kenny g 英文歌词

I can remember the day we met I still remember our first french kiss The moment when I knew that you makes me love to me The moment that I knew you always be the one, one Id be dreaming of... It was a long time ago when we fell in love And even longer ago when we both were young But its nice to know that as we grow old That our love still shines like gold Baby I, I can remember the way(way we laugh) the way that we laughed And you, you are my number one girl(and my friend) my best friend And crazy I would go through the ups and downs our feelings never change knowing in my hearts youll always be the one, one Id be dreaming of... It was a long time ago when we fell in love And even longer ago when we both were young But its nice to know that as we grow old That our love still shines like gold It was a long time ago(long time ago) when we fell in love(fell in love) And even longer ago(longer ago) when we both were young(so young) But its nice to know(nice to know) that as we grow old(grow old) That our(that our) love still shines(still shines) like gold(gold, gold, gold) It was a long time ago when we fell in love(fell in love) And even longer ago(longer ago) when we both were young(we were so young and) But its nice to know(nice to know) that as we grow old(grow old) That our love still shines like gold That angels stain no place like home

需要一首英文歌,开头是:coutry road take me home, to the place whare i be long

歌名:Take Me Home Country Roads歌手:John Denver所属专辑:Let"s Folk AgainAlmost heaven west virginia西弗吉尼亚,总如天堂一般Blue ridge mountains shenandoah river那儿有蓝岭山脉,谢南多亚河Life is old there older than the trees生命在那里比树木更长久Younger than the mountains又如同山脉那般年轻Growin like a breeze像清风一样飘逝Country roads take me home故乡的路,带我回家吧To the place I belong回到我期盼已久的归宿West virginia西弗吉尼亚Mountain momma大山母亲Take me home country roads带我回家吧,故乡的路All my memories gather round her我所有的记忆都围绕着她Miners lady stranger to blue water她是矿工的妻子,从未见过深邃的大海Dark and dusty painted on the sky黑暗与灰尘在天空中绘出颜色Misty taste of moon shine在那朦胧的月光下Tear drops in my eyes泪水涌出我的眼睛Country roads take me home故乡的路,带我回家吧To the place I belong回到我期盼已久的归宿West virginia西弗吉尼亚Mountain momma大山母亲Take me home country roads带我回家吧,故乡的路I hear her voice in the morning hours she calls me清晨我听见一个声音在对我呼唤Radio reminds me of my home far away收音机里的声音让我想起了遥远的家Driving down the road I get a feeling沿着公路行驶,我心中产生这样的感觉that I shoul"d have been home也许我昨天就该回到家中Yesterday就在昨天Yesterday就在昨天Country roads take me home故乡的路,带我回家吧To the place I belong回到我期盼已久的归宿West virginia西弗吉尼亚Mountain momma大山母亲Take me home country roads带我回家吧,故乡的路Country roads take me home故乡的路,带我回家吧To the place I belong回到我期盼已久的归宿West virginia西弗吉尼亚Mountain momma大山母亲Take me home country roads带我回家吧,故乡的路Take me home country roads带我回家吧,故乡的路Take me home country roads带我回家吧,故乡的路扩展资料:《乡村路带我回家》是由John Denver演唱的歌曲。歌曲背景1971年,他放弃学业,潜心从事乡村歌曲的创作与演唱。起初受到别人的嘲笑,但他始终不为所动。最终在1971年以一曲《Take Me Home, Country road》(《乡路送我回家》)一跃成名为著名乡村音乐歌星。这首脍炙人口的《乡村路带我回家》,歌曲旋律轻快,给人描绘了一幅美丽的美国东部西弗吉尼亚风光。

take me home to your place 其中的一句歌词 这是什么歌呀?


make up a ticket和replacement ticket的区别是什么?


take place有没有被动语态如题 谢谢了


selection 说白了就是选择的区域range,下面可以给你参考一下,希望能给你帮助Range.Replace 方法 返回 Boolean,它表示指定区域内单元格中的字符。使用此方法并不会更改选定区域或活动单元格。语法表达式.Replace(What, Replacement, LookAt, SearchOrder, MatchCase, MatchByte, SearchFormat, ReplaceFormat)表达式 一个代表 Range 对象的变量。参数名称 必选/可选 数据类型 描述 What 必选 Variant Microsoft Excel 要搜索的字符串。 Replacement 必选 Variant 替换字符串。 LookAt 可选 Variant 可为以下 XlLookAt 常量之一:xlWhole 或 xlPart。 SearchOrder 可选 Variant 可为以下 XlSearchOrder 常量之一:xlByRows 或 xlByColumns。 MatchCase 可选 Variant 如果为 True,则搜索区分大小写。 MatchByte 可选 Variant 只有在 Microsoft Excel 中选择或安装了双字节语言时,才能使用此参数。如果为 True,则双字节字符只与双字节字符匹配。如果为 False,则双字节字符可与其对等的单字节字符匹配。 SearchFormat 可选 Variant 该方法的搜索格式。 ReplaceFormat 可选 Variant 该方法的替换格式。 返回值Boolean说明每次使用此方法后,参数 LookAt、SearchOrder、MatchCase 和 MatchByte 的设置都将被保存。如果下次调用此方法时不指定这些参数的值,就使用保存的值。设置这些参数将更改“查找”对话框中的设置,如果省略这些参数,更改“查找”对话框中的设置将更改使用的保存值。要避免出现这一问题,每次使用此方法时请明确设置这些参数。示例本示例将每个“SIN”三角函数都替换为“COS”函数。替换所进行的区域为工作表 Sheet1 中的 A 列。Visual Basic for Applications Worksheets("Sheet1").Columns("A").Replace _ What:="SIN", Replacement:="COS", _ SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, MatchCase:=True



Trading Places 歌词

歌曲名:Trading Places歌手:Powderfinger专辑:InternationalistUsher--Trading 孤独的小贝制作Hey, I know what you used toWe gon" do something different tonightOhh-uuuohhhohhhh-uuuNow we gonna do this thing a lil different tonightU gonna come over and pick me up in your rideU gon knock and then u gon waitOoo u gon take me on a dateU gonna open my door and I"m reach over and open yoursGon pay for dinner take me to see a movieAnd whisper in my ear I bet you really wanna do meGirl now take me home and get up in BenzPour me up a shot and force me to the bedI"m always on the top tonight I"m on the bottomCoz we trading placesWhen I cant take no more, tell me you ain"t stoppingCoz we trading placesNow put it on me baby till I say Oooo weeeAnd tell me to shut up before the neighbors hear meThis is how it feels when you do it like meWe trading placesGon get it, get it get it, get it get it,Gon get it, get it get it, get it get it,Gon get it, get it get it, get it get it,We trading placesI"ll be waking u up to a cup of FolgersPancakes and eggs I owe ya breakfast in bed, oh babyAnd your orange juice sitting on the coasterToast on the side baby strawberry and grape jellyYou finished let me get that drink,Pull the curtain from the windowTime to get up baby let me make this bed upToday we going shopping blow 30 on meMake it 60, spend it like u really love meSkip dinner and we gon rent a movieYou order chinese food right before u do meYou coming on strong baby let me wash me handsShe said hurry up then get your ass to bedYou get on top tonight I"m on the bottomCoz we trading placesWhen I cant take no more, tell me you ain"t stoppingCoz we trading placesNow put it on me baby till I say Oooo weeeAnd tell me to shut up before the neighbors hear meThis is how it feels when you do it like meWe trading placesGon get it, get it get it, get it get it,Gon get it, get it get it, get it get it,Gon get it, get it get it, get it get it,We trading places(yeah) Wash the car(yeah) I"m gonna walk the dog(yeah) Take out the trash(yeah) With nothing but your t-shirt on(yeah) I"m gonna press your shirt(yeah) I"m gonna wrinkle mines up(yeah) In the kitchen girl we crazy we don"t give a fuckWhere you want me?ohhh ohhhOhh ohhhuuuu babyyyGive it to me babyyyohhhh ohhhhhohhhh ohhhhhhhooo-uuuu babyyBabyyy yeaaaoooo-uuuohhhhhhhohhhhhhohhhhhhhuuuuu-uuuuYou get on top tonight I"m on the bottomCoz we trading placesWhen I cant take no more, you say you aint stoppingCoz we trading placesNow we gon do this thing a lil different tonightTrading placesStay tuned for part 2You been me I been uBut we gon switch this thing backI"m put it on your ass

Scientific workplace为什么保存不了

可能是文件保存的格式不对。Scientific workplace的文档要保存为XML或LaTeX格式,这样可以跨平台完全移植。Scientific WorkPlace是一款专业的科学论文排版软件,利用Scientific WorkPlace你可以更容易的对数学和科学文字进行创建、编辑和排版,让用户可以将全部精力放到论文的写作中。Scientific workplace的特点:在数学、科学和技术出版方面的金质标准。在Scientific WorkPlace 里,你可以使用LaTeX这一数学排版的工业标准对复杂的技术文档进行排版。由于LaTeX在精确度和品质上的优越性,科学材料的出版商和作者都在广泛的应用LaTeX。当你在排版的时候,LaTeX能自动的生成脚注、索引、参考数目、目录以及交叉引用等等。你不需要专门学习LaTeX来排版文档。超过150种的文档格式已经被设计好,以符合特定专业期刊和研究机构的排版要求。Scientific WorkPlace会自动将你的文档保存为LaTeX文件。你可以专注于撰写正确的文章,Scientific WorkPlace会令它拥有非常漂亮的外观。强大而易用的计算机代数系统。Scientific WorkPlace将以自然数学符号输入编辑数学公式的便利性,和使用内建的计算机代数引擎(MuPAD 3.1)来计算的能力,结合了起来。在这个集成的工作环境下,你可以直接输入数学公式并执行计算,而不需要用一种编程语言来思考和工作。该计算机代数系统使用自然的数学符号,因此你完全没必要掌握复杂的语法就可以评估、精简、解决或者绘制数学表达式。具有完全计算机代数能力。你可以计算符号和数字,综合、区别和解决代数与微分方程。利用菜单命令,你可以计算超过150种的实物计量单位。你还可以从图形化的计算器中导入数据。另外,你可以使用Scientific WorkPlace提供的Exam Builder来构造代数测验,也可以在一台联网服务器上生成课堂测验,并且评分和记录。动画、旋转、缩放和飞越。使用Scientific WorkPlace,你可以创建许多不同风格和坐标系的2D和3D图像,并且可以通过背景颜色、网格线以及在特定位置、方向的标签来增强这些图像。而通过MuPAD的VCAM,你可以生成下列的动画图像:极坐标的2D图像、角坐标的2D和3D图像、2D和3D隐式图像、2D和3D矢量图像、3D管道图像、圆筒坐标的3D图像、以及球面坐标和矢量场的3D图像。在VCAM窗口中使用回放控制工具栏,观察你的所有图像。使用你的鼠标来控制开始、停止、重新开始和循环动画等功能。为你的图像定义一个动画变量t 并且指定动画的起止时间和帧每秒的速率。利用OpenGL 3D图形接口,你可以旋转、移动、缩放以及飞越3D图像。

恩雅《hope has a place》的歌词


C盘自检是出现一大篇的windows replaced bad clusters in file XXXXX


电脑启动时出现:Windows replaced bad clusters in file ....


英语vist a place 作文50字

A Great Place to Visitu3000u3000Now, traveling is more and more popular. I have been to many places of interest in our country. And my favorite one is Hainan.u3000u3000I had a trip by plane with my parents last summer vacation. The beach was so beautiful that all of us had fun swimming in the blue sea, playing beach volleyball and enjoying delicious sea food. I liked diving in the sea best, because I could see all kinds of fishes and other beautiful sea animals under the sea.u3000u3000It was an unforgettable trip for us. I think we will go there again.

求助place your initials 是什么意思

place your initials 全部释义和例句>>把你的名字


somewhere nicesomewhere是不定代词-in,at or to some place 在某处,到某处; 尤专指某处例句:i konw somewhere you can eat japanese good.some place 泛指某地方,名词词性

如何在社会获得一席之地 英语作文How to get your place 谁能帮我写一篇

...是一席之地还是说在社会上立足找个工作呢,your place在英语里一般指你住的地方啊亲..如果这样写这个一席之地就真的是字面意思了... 一席之地 How to get a space for one person in the society 是这么说但是真正意思就是说在社会上有个工作或者做点贡献成就啥的 A riight place or career may be thought of as a path. In this case, a series of jobs can make up the path leading to a position that you love. Due to personal growth or trends in the economy, you may change paths during your employment years. When you try to choose a career after graduation, however, self-asses *** ent helps you decide which paths hold the strongest appeal. 1、Pay attention to what interests you. A popular piece of wisdom often passed down from generation to generation is "Find something you love to do and find someone willing to pay you to do it." Most people are not going to find anyone to pay them to sit around and play video games, but perhaps if this is something they have a strong interest in, they can learn to design the graphics or write the plots for video games. Not everyone will make it as an actress, but what about being a production or sound engineer? The key is to find something you find interesting, then seek out opportunities that relate to it. 2、Be an intern. Sometimes you can"t get a feel for a particular career path until you immerse yourself in the environment to which that path would lead you. If you think you might like to work in advertising, secure a position in an advertising firm for a summer. If you are considering the teaching profession, volunteer to bee a tutor at a local school. Internships can be eye opening experiences that shed significant light on professions you might be considering. 3、Get to know people who do what you think you want to do. If you already know someone whose current career matches the career you think you"d like to aim for, set up an informal meeting with them during which you can "interview" them to discover the nuts and bolts of their daily grind. If you don"t personally know anyone who does what you want to do, don"t be shy about cold calling someone and arranging an interview. They will likely be honored to share their experience with you. You never know--your initiative might impress them and lead to a valuable connection in the future. 4、Find out what it takes to land your self in the career you are thinking of choosing. Is there a particular college degree required? You"ll need to know what degree and what universities offer the program. Is there special training? Are their other jobs you could be doing in the meantime that would offer valuable experience toward the position you have your eye on?These factors may affect the feasibility of the career you choose. 5、Remain open to career paths you may not have considered. As you make your way through the process of how to choose a career you may discover alternative careers that appeal to you even more than your original choice. 作文贵在大纲和整合,英语作文也是一样...你可以这两篇一起挑喜欢的条目用 1、List your favorite activities. Place an asterisk by activities that you would perform for little or no pensation. In this fashion, you identify areas for which you feel the most passion. If you have trouble deciding which activities should be placed on your list, then start your list with subjects that interest you. 2、Identify the skills you use when you perform your favorite activities. For example, if you enjoy writing in a diary, then your favorite skills may include observation and reporting key information pertaining to events. 3、List jobs that require skills that match your favorite skills. "Encyclopedia of Careers and Vocational Guidance, 14th Edition" describes professions and the skills needed for those professions. The encyclopedia addresses educational and training requirements along with job earnings. 4、List jobs that are associated with the subjects if you have listed your favorite subjects. For example, if you enjoy chemistry, then you may consider jobs associated with chemical research or chemical education. 5、Research the jobs that you listed, and identify the pros and cons of various jobs. Using your favorite skill of reporting may be a plus in the role of a journalist. You may consider working against deadlines as a minus, however. You may view chemical research as rewarding. You may see the constant traveling to professional conventions as challenging. 6、Write the names of organizations associated with your chosen profession. An organization member may share his story of how she or he "broke into" his career. The Internet gives you access to online munities and bloggers who discuss the trends and recent developments in careers. 7、Determine your salary requirements. For some careers, entry-level jobs may offer salaries that do not meet the demands of your actual or projected living expenses.

Irreplaceable 歌词

歌曲名:Irreplaceable歌手:GEORGE BENSON专辑:IrreplaceableIrreplaceableBeyonceB"DayTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftEverything you own in the box to the leftIn the closet that"s my stuff - YesIf I bought it nigga please don"t touchAnd keep talking that mess, that"s fineBut could you walk and talk at the same timeAnd It"s my mine name that is on that JagSo remove your bags let me call you a cabStanding in the front yard telling meHow I"m such a fool - Talking aboutHow I"ll never ever find a man like youYou got me twistedYou must not know about meYou must not know about meI could have another you in a minutematter fact he"ll be here in a minute - babyYou must not know about meYou must not know about meI can have another you by tomorrowSo don"t you ever for a second get to thinking you"re irreplaceableSo go ahead and get goneAnd call up on that chick and see if she is homeOops, I bet ya thought that I didn"t knowWhat did you think I was putting you out for?Cause you was untrueRolling her around in the car that I bought youBaby you dropped them keys hurry up before your taxi leavesStanding in the front yard telling meHow I am such a fool - Talking aboutHow I"ll never ever find a man like youYou got me twistedYou must not know about meYou must not know about meI could have another you in a minutematter fact he"ll be here in a minute - babyYou must not know about meYou must not know about meI will have another you by tomorrowSo don"t you ever for a second get to thinking you"re irreplaceableSo since I"m not your everythingHow about I"ll be nothingNothing at all to youBaby I wont shead a tear for youI won"t lose a wink of sleepCause the truth of the matter isReplacing you is so easyTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftEverything you own in the box to the leftTo the leftTo the leftDon"t you ever for a second get to thinking you"re irreplaceableYou must not know about meYou must not know about meI could have another you in a minutematter fact he"ll be be here in a minute - babyYou must not know about meYou must not know about meI can have another you by tomorrowDon"t you ever for a second get to thinking you"re irreplaceableYou must not know about meYou must not know about meI could have another you in a minutematter fact he"ll be be here in a minute - baby ..................You must not know about meYou must not know about meI can have another you by tomorrowDon"t you ever for a second get to thinking you"re irreplaceable

place of natural beauty什么意思


Placement 同internship有咩分别??

Field placement: is a mandatory work experience ponent of a program. The student receives academic credit and the work terms are usually unpaid. Field placement positions must be related to the student"s area of study and are approved and monitored by program faculty. Field placements vary in length depending on program requirements. Internship: is an optional work experience program in which the student may be hired for 4 12 or 16 months prior to his or her final year of study. The student petes for the positions much the same as in a regular job petition. Internship positions must be related to the student"s area of study. The student is paid for their work during an internship. Once the internship is pleted the student returns to the college to plete his or her program of study. The internship is also noted on the student"s official academic trcript. The internship program is anized by Career & Employment Services. hope this can help you ^^ Good Luck la 参考: Placement: 1the act of finding a place for someone to live or work: The centre provides ajob placement service. 2 a job usually as part of a course of study which gives you experience of a particular type of work : Students are sent out on placement for training. 3when something is placed somewhere or when you decide where something should go: the placement of fire hydrants along the city"s streets internship: 1a job that lasts for a short time that someone especially a student does in order to gain experience 2 a job that someone who has nearly finished training as a doctor does in a hospital 参考: longman dictionary

英语问题:in one place=on one hand吗?


求《对白》《Lonely Night》《My place》完整版歌词

对白作词:瑞业、葛大为 作曲:陈小霞演唱:刘若英一个人看着天亮起来回想临走前你还是回过头来那气味不再感受却依稀还在像暗示了又不说明白躲到阳台终于哭出来我真的不懂这一切应不应该幸福的期待自己也都看不出来就让风吹过空白脑海爱你是我这一生最想说的对白时间地点怎么换也一句不改眼前的幸福拥抱着却感受不来该要珍惜还是让它慢慢流散爱你是我这一生只给你的对白剧情背景怎么换也一句不改如果你不来对白只是独白面对未来聪明不起来我只是不懂这一切应不应该幸福的期待自己也都看不出来就让风吹过空白脑海爱你是我这一生最想说的对白时间地点怎么换也一句不改眼前的幸福拥抱着却感受不来该要珍惜还是让它慢慢流散爱你是我这一生只给你的对白剧情背景怎么换也一句不改如果你不来对白只是独白 [ti:Lonely Night][ar:杨千][al:244897][offset:0][00:14.44]借一段路灯 让我溜鞑[00:16.99]把伤心赶出来[00:19.09][00:19.69]城市再坏 坏不过爱[00:22.95]午夜开放给孤单[00:25.52][00:26.07]借过了回忆 让我忘记[00:29.22][00:29.72]沙文主义的你[00:31.87][00:32.82]不陪你乱 不为你耐烦[00:36.13]在没有爱的街上逛[00:38.63][00:39.53]我好好的笑好好的想一想[00:42.94]没有了爱情真的不会怎样[00:45.95]至少我不再心慌[00:49.20][00:51.96]Lonely night 却很愉快[00:55.08]踏着影子自由自在[00:57.85][00:58.50]Lonely night Happy night[01:00.60][01:02.10]寂寞不等于悲哀[01:05.01]Lonely night[01:06.66]越爱越暗 带着释怀自己转弯[01:11.42]Lonely night Happy night[01:14.12][01:14.67]爱情不是永远的仙丹[01:18.72][01:19.32]......[01:33.45]借过了回忆 让我忘记[01:35.36]沙文主义的你[01:37.06][01:38.06]不陪你乱 不为你耐烦[01:41.11]在没有爱的街上逛[01:43.46][01:44.41]我好好的笑好好的想一想[01:47.73]没有了爱情真的不会怎样[01:51.03]至少我不再心慌[01:54.28][01:57.03]Lonely night 却很愉快[02:00.10]踏着影子自由自在[02:02.70][02:03.40]Lonely night Happy night[02:06.35][02:06.95]寂寞不等于悲哀[02:09.30][02:09.95]Lonely night[02:11.50]越爱越暗 带着释怀自己转弯[02:16.32]Lonely night Happy night[02:18.82][02:19.87]爱情不是永远的仙丹[02:23.52][02:29.43]Lonely night 却很愉快[02:32.58]踏着影子自由自在[02:35.68]Lonely night Happy night[02:38.43][02:39.35]寂寞不等于悲哀[02:41.66][02:42.31]Lonely night[02:43.81]越爱越暗 带着释怀自己转弯[02:47.96][02:48.66]Lonely night Happy night[02:51.52][02:52.47]爱情不是永远的仙丹my place 歌手:nelly ft. jaheim 专辑:suit Artist: Nelly Feat. Jaheim Album: Suit (2004) Song: My Place Lyrics: I used to pride myself on being the other man But now it"s flipped and I don"t want you with no other man Why can"t you understand anything I"m offering I gave you the world, but you just wanted arguing From the time I picked you up, until the time I dropped you off again Even if flipped out on at the mall again "It"s all his fault again" that"s what you tellin all ya friends I ain"t pointing fingers ma, i just wanna call again See how ya day going I know they stressin on ya I know them times get hard that"s why I"m checkin on ya It"s yours truly ma, I got little message for ya Anything he can do, girl I can do better for ya Cause Hook: When we laugh or we cry it"s together Through the rain and the stormiest weather We gon still be as one it"s forever, it"s forever Chorus: Won"t you come on and go with me (oh girl) Come on over to my place Won"t you sit ya self down and take a seat and let me ease ya mind girl We gon do it our way (our way) I heard your friend tell a friend that told a friend of mine That you was thinking that we should do it one more time If this ain"t the truth then hopefully it"s not a lie Cause I ain"t got no issue with hitting that another time We never had a problem with gettin it done Disagreed upon a lot ma, but sex wouldn"t one Now check it I know you get excited when I come around and bite it Quit frownin up and quit actin like you don"t like it I like it (I know you like), I like it (You really like it), I really, really like it, I want it (You really want it), adore it (adore it), so come with me enjoy it Hook: When we laugh or we cry it"s together Through the rain and the stormiest weather We gon still be as one it"s forever, it"s forever Chorus: Won"t you come on and go with me (oh girl) Come on over to my place Won"t you sit ya self down and take a seat and let me ease ya mind girl We gon do it our way (our way) Bridge: Shawty where you been Feels like a long time, long long time since I seen ya Yes it has girl, and I know I said some dumb things to you before But girl you know I didn"t mean it I didn"t mean one single word I never meant one single word If I could take back every word I would and more fa sho If I thought that you believe it Cause you make my life so convinient for me Hook: When we laugh or we cry it"s together Through the rain and the stormiest weather We gon still be as one it"s forever, it"s forever Chorus: Won"t you come on and go with me (oh girl) Come on over to my place Won"t you sit ya self down and take a seat and let me ease ya mind girl We gon do it our way (our way) end

Lano Places的《Manic》 歌词

歌曲名:Manic歌手:Lano Places专辑:Walk AgainShe breaths inShe breaths outShe wakes upAnd lays downShe can hardly speakAnd so she screamsI won"t giveCause she doesChorusNothing I say will wash it awayI"m standing in the pour in rainYou say it wont happen againYour manic, manicThere"s a chemical in your brainIt"s pouring sunshine and rageYou can never know what to expectYour manic, manicShe loves youAnd hates youYou break downShe feels goodShe will bleed of insecurityI love her stillNothing I say will wash it awayI"m standing in the pour in rainYou say it wont happen againYour manic, manicThere"s a chemical in your brainIt"s pouring sunshine and rageYou can never know what to expectYour manic, manicShe"s got everything you wantShe"s every little thing your notyeah-Nothing I say will wash it awayI"m standing in the pour in rainYou say it wont happen againYour manic, manicThere"s a chemical in your brainIt"s pouring sunshine and rageYou can never know what to expectYour manic, manicNothing I say will wash it awayI"m standing in the pour in rainYou say it wont happen againYour manic, manicThere"s a chemical in your brainIt"s pouring sunshine and rageYou can never know what to expectYour manic, manic



City quality authorities yesterday searched three places

城市质量机构昨天搜查了3个卖次品和非法品的窝点,这是及时提醒大家:(昨日是)世界消费者权利日。我猜你漏打了一个逗号,在products 和a 之间,City quality authorities yesterday searched three places selling inferior or illegal products, a timely reminder______ it was World Consumers"Rights Day. 这里应该填 that,其后面的句子是对reminder的详细解释。从语法角度我已经忘记怎么解释了,呵呵,好多年没摸过这东西了,但是语感告诉我绝对应该是that.

peplace drum kit的中文意思


irina lazareanu 的some place along the way 歌词

Sean Taro Ono Lennon(又叫Sean Ono Lennon,出生于1975年10月9日),美籍英国人,歌手,歌曲创作者,音乐人,演员。他的父亲是约翰·列侬,他的母亲是小野洋子(亦称‘大野洋子")。他父母都是音乐人,主张和平的活跃分子。恭子·"禅"·寇克斯(Kyoko Chan Cox)是他的同母异父的姐姐,朱利安·列侬(Julian Lennon)是他同父异母的哥哥。肖恩出生那天正好是他父亲35岁生日。早期生活及教育背景  肖恩·列侬出生于1975年10月9日,纽约市。(他父亲约翰·列侬35岁生日也是那天)。肖恩出生之后,他父亲便成为了一个家庭主‘父"。他父亲在世时,一直很宠爱他。(他父亲是在1980年被谋杀的。)肖恩一开始纽约私立学校Ethical Culture Fieldston School 和 Dalton上学,后来在瑞士的一所名叫贵族寄宿学校(名叫Institut Le Roseyin Rolle)上学。之后就读于哥伦比亚大学。大学期间只读了3个学期,然后辍学专注于自己的音乐生涯。  肖恩6岁时首次在音乐世界里展现了他的声音,(虽然仅仅是)在他母亲的一张名叫《Season of Glass》的专辑里朗诵了一个故事(而已)。童年到在他十几岁这段时间里,他一直和母亲在合作。在他母亲的个人专辑里,有时他是和声,有时甚至是出现在制作人名单里——这些专辑有:《It"s Alright》(又名,《I See Rainbows》),《Starpeace》,《Onobox》。在肖恩16岁的时候,也就是1991年,他开始展现出写歌的才能。那年,Lenny Kravitz的一张名叫《Mama Said》的专辑里,《All I Ever Wanted》这首歌是肖恩与其共同创作的。1995年,他已经成为一名自信的音乐人,(和Sam Koppelman and Timo Ellis)组建了IMA乐队,为他母亲的专辑《Rising》伴奏。除了音乐方面,肖恩在电影里也有露脸。1988年,他在Michael Jackson的名叫Moonwalker的电影里参与演出。1990年,在索尼的一部促销的短片《Infinite Escher》里,他饰演一名少年,经历了MC Escher的画的幻想世界。  (注:MC Escher:Maurits Cornelis Escher,一个荷兰画家,超牛逼。他的画充满想象力,让人有视觉错觉。他的一些画相信许多人看过,有兴趣请自行搜索。)Cibo Matto与Into The Sun  1996年, Cibo Matto乐队(1994成立于纽约,indie)的Miho Hatori(羽鸟美保)和Yuka Honda(本田有花)(注:翻译自维基:有且只有她们才是创始人,前者为主唱,后者伴奏,偶尔她们的角色会转换。Cibo Matto是意大利短语,‘疯狂的食物"的意思。)被邀请来重新混音《Talking To The Universe》这首歌,然后收录在一张叫Rising Mixes的EP里。一次见面时,他母亲给他介绍了Cibo Matto乐队。Honda邀请肖恩去担任Cibo Matto的贝司手,一起做巡回演出。这三人的关系使得肖恩成为Cibo Matto乐队的一员(Duma Love和IMA的队员Timo Ellis),(注:1997年Cibo Matto吸收了新成员,便是Sean Lennon,Timo Ellis,Duma Love.)也使得这三人一起加入了一个side project性质的(注:side project这个词一时半会比较难找到对应的中文,其有‘临时",‘兼职‘的意思在里面,side project的行为是指:乐队的成员不在离队的前提下参加其他乐队的演出,演奏等活动。有好处——有些乐队相对鼓励这种做法,因为能给自己的乐队带来有创造性的想法。于是可以推测到为什么有Butter 08这个乐队。详见维基。)乐队,叫Butter 08(注:迄今为止该乐队其只出过一张唱片,由众多乐队的成员组成,具体成员比较复杂。详见维基)。之前Cibo Mattoi乐队已经因其是‘2人组"的乐队而出名了。肖恩继而参与Cibo Matto一起巡演,上电视节目,以及在他们的EP《Super Relax》中负责贝司和人声部分。(注:《Super Relax》这张EP,主要有介绍2位新成员加入的意思。也就是肖恩和Timo Ellis——他们本来就是IMA,也就是肖恩之前成立的乐队的成员。而Duma love是随后不久加入Miho Hatori乐队的。)Adam Yauch(Beastie Boys乐队创世成员,rapper)(BB乐队从发行第一张唱片,到现在2008年已经超过20年头了。现在商业上依旧很成功。07年9月27日,BB乐队获摇滚名人堂入选提名。)跟肖恩·列侬搭上了,说自己对肖恩的音乐很感兴趣,虽然他加入了Cibo Matto乐队,但还是说服了他,让他跟唱片公司Grand Royal Records签订了合同。对于唱片公司Grand Royal Records,肖恩说:“我想Grand Royal是世上唯一一家对我父母是谁以及我的名字叫什么都不关心的唱片公司。我很高兴我知道这一点——如果我知道他们不会喜欢我的音乐,我绝不会接受他们的合同的。这种事情在音乐行业还真少见!”肖恩·列侬的第一张个人唱片《Into The Sun》在1998发行。该专辑中一首名叫《Home》的MV,由Spike Jonze执导。该MV通过MTV流传甚广。这张唱片由肖恩的好友,Cibo Matto的成员——Yuka Honda制作。据肖恩称,该专辑的创作正是Yuka Honda给予他灵感的。肖恩和Yuka成了很好的伙伴,他们在往后的日子里一起创作。  肖恩继续巡演来支持自己的唱片《Into The Sun》(通常是Cibo Matto 乐队成员和他一起演出)。期间他参加了一些电台节目,比如《The Howard Stern Show(意:Howard Stern的秀)》,以及KCRW电台的《Morning Becomes Eclectic(意:早晨不再单一)》节目。(注:KCRW电台,在Santa Monica 大学播报,全国范围内播放的电台,其播放最新的音乐的节目,同该电台的新闻类节目,文化节目同样出名,而且播放的音乐流派并不单一,来者不拒。)据肖恩回忆,当时是比较痛苦的经历,由于,媒体更为关注的是他的家庭,而不是他个人的音乐。1999年,肖恩的EP《Half Horse,Half Musician》发行,新单曲有《Heart & Lung》和《Happiness》还有一些来自《Into The Sun》专辑里重新混音的歌曲。同样在当年,Cibo Matto乐队的第二张唱片《Stereo Type A》发行了。在《Stereo Type A》里面,肖恩不同以往作为一个传统的贝司手,这回他玩了很多东西——比如鼓,吉他,电子合成器。尽管《Stereo Type A》这张专辑被广泛认为是Cibo Matto乐队出的最后一张,而且乐队随之解散,但是在千禧年,看到肖恩开始进入hiphop的世界,有给一些hiphop团体配唱,比如Del tha Funkee Homosapien(alternative hiphop rapper),Handsome Boy Modeling School(hiphop group,成员有2人),Jurassic 5(1993年成立的hiphop group)。在2001年,肖恩在国家电视台演唱了beatles的经典歌曲《This Boy》,《Across The Universe》,《Julia》,和Robert Schwartzman (又名Robert Carmine,Rooney乐队主唱),Rufus Wainwright,Moby一起出演《Come Together: A Night for John Lennon"s Words and Music》节目。之后的几年,他淡出演艺圈,转幕后——合作的乐队,艺人有很多。复出,以及《Friendly Fire》专辑  在2001年和Grand Royal Records唱片公司和合约结束之后,肖恩签约了Capital Records唱片公司(其母公司EMI曾发行了很多他父亲的音乐,包括他父亲的乐队,单曲)。不过在2006年2月,肖恩才有单曲面世——新专辑《Friendly Fire》中的第一首单曲《DeadMeat》。新专辑的促销CD/DVD版在2006初泄露于网上。该版本展示了其电影版的专辑。整张dvd的mv包含在这部电影里。(注:这张专辑有10首单曲,同时,有一部同名电影也一起面世。由肖恩·列侬和Michele Civetta共同创作并执导。DVD版本——也就是该专辑电影版本,包含了专辑里10首歌的mv,由肖恩·列侬主演,以及其很多朋友,以及有些演员——包括:Bijou Phillips,Carrie Fisher,Jordan Galland等参与演出。此片献给肖恩·列侬的朋友Max Leroy (1975-2005)。此电影在很多独立影院上映。)这电影实际上是电影《Coin Locker Babies》的试映,肖恩想为专辑制作一个电影版本。而肖恩·列侬参与制作的《Coin Locker Babies》实际上很烂。《Friendly Fire》这张专辑发行于2006年10月,其主题基于爱与背叛。肖恩以此专辑献给他一位逝去的好友。之前的五年内,他一直未有演出。直到在专辑发行当晚,肖恩在一个电视直播节目中登场,演艺了《Dead Meat》这首歌——《Late Show with David Letterman》。之后,肖恩又参与了电视节目《Late Night with Conan O"Brien》和《The Sharon Osbourne Show》。当采访时问及关于发行个人专辑8年的时间跨度问题时,(注:从97年发行的EP到06年发行的个人专辑,接近八年)肖恩说,在这些年里他并不觉得自己是solo artist(意:非乐队性质的歌手,非组合性质的歌手)而且在这些年里做音乐,并不想让自己的名字张扬,更愿意做幕后。在发行新专辑后,肖恩在世界各地演出频繁。当在法国时,他与法国歌手“-M-”(法国籍,黎巴嫩裔)合作,重新混缩了他歌曲《Parachute(降落伞)》,改名叫《L"éclipse》(英:The Eclipse。中:日食,月食),并作为该专辑在法国版本的附赠曲目。  尽管肖恩·列侬建立了solo artist的形象,他仍旧参与其他的幕后的工作,以及制作人。以肖恩作为制作人歌手有Dopo Yume和Albert Hammond, Jr. (The Strokes乐队成员,节奏吉他,偶尔是主音吉他,也有自己发行的唱片) ,以及模特兼歌手Irina Lazareanu(出生地:罗马尼亚)。在07年10月,肖恩和Mark Ronson(牛人,dj,歌手,制作人,得过BRIT Award,得过3次格莱美music producer奖项)参加了BBC举办的Electric Proms音乐节,与Daniel Merriweather和 Tawiah一起演唱了《Sail on, Sailor》,《We Can Work It Out》。08年的情人节,肖恩和女朋友Charlotte Kemp Muhl,建立了"The Ghost Of A Saber Toothed Tiger"(side project性质的)组合(Saber Toothed Tiger:上颚长了一对獠牙,样子跟豹挺像,其实并不是老虎,现在濒临灭绝),参加了Radio City电台(英国利物浦,独立地方电台)的一个现场演出。这2人在MySpace上有建立了主页(,给自己分别取名为Amatla和Zargifon,用来传播他(更多)的音乐——(包括)肖恩进入了电影配乐的领域,给电影《Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Undead 》(2008)配乐(美国,独立电影,喜剧,该片是莎士比亚的《哈姆雷特》的“恶搞”。该影片配乐由肖恩·列侬创作。影片题目中,Rosencrantz和Guildenstern是《哈姆雷特》中2个人物的名字,反面人物)。有了新作品,以及在结束了随之的巡演后,肖恩建了个主页,用来展示他的音乐,视频,以及给他的粉丝交流用的论坛。论坛上诸多会员竟搜集很多粉丝的翻唱专辑《Truth Mask Replica》。在You Tube(一视频分享站)上一个视频公开了他的网站地址(08年1月)。另外,肖恩·列侬还提到他正在做自己的新专辑。音乐影响来源肖恩u2022列侬(Sean Lennon)说,他的音乐主要受Brian Wilson(注:词曲唱编录混全能,同为Beach Boys的成员和制作人,录音室里极度追求完美,右耳失聪)和 Beach Boys乐队(注:rock and roll乐队,88年选入摇滚名人堂,实力超强,Brian Wilson为乐队灵魂人物。该乐队极具创意,影响了很多音乐人。该乐队被称为‘美国乐队"(america‘s band),不管是单曲还是专辑销售总量,皆位居美国乐队的排行第一。目前为止,由于种种原因,其乐队成员变化很大。)的影响。他甚至把对Brian Wilson的采访录音放到他的一张限量版CD《Words and Music》上。在《Into the sun》专辑发售期间,Sean经常谈到他非常赞赏巴西的Os Mutantes乐队(注:Os Mutantes,葡萄牙语,意,突变体。该乐队极具影响力,风格为迷幻摇滚,与巴西六十年代受“不同音乐元素影响的热带主义运动(Tropicalismo movement)”有紧密的联系。在该运动中,该乐队为主要角色。该运动在世界范围内影响深远,其包含了各种形式的艺术变革,不过最为主要的还是音乐。到目前,该乐队成员变动很大。七十年代到2000年沉寂,06年重新组队。)。在巴西的时候,Sean曾和Arnaldo Baptista(贝司吉他手,Os Mutantes乐队的歌手之一) (注:他是该乐队创始成员。父亲是歌手(lyrics singer),母亲为钢琴演奏家。7岁到11岁学传统钢琴,之后学了4年贝司,紧接着便组建了Os Mutantes乐队(1966年)。73年由于嗑药离开了乐队,74年开始了个人音乐事业。随后又和其他乐队分分合合,虽然所出的唱片稀少,但依旧活跃。)同台做现场演出。以及在后来,Sean为Os Mutantes乐队的专辑《Tecnicolor》(2000)设计了封面。另外,肖恩曾提到,The Beastie Boys乐队的《Check Your Head》专辑融汇了各种元素,使他深受启发。注:(wiki)《Tecnicolor》专辑97年在巴黎录制,这张专辑是Os Mutantes乐队有意给英语国家的自我介绍。所选歌曲有选自该乐队的头3张专辑的英文版本,也有原始版本。要不是一个给该乐队写传记的作家透露,这张专辑是还真不会面世。2000年,这张专辑由环球唱片发行,由肖恩u2022列侬设计封面。注:《Check Your Head》专辑为beastie boys的第三张专辑,距上一张时隔3年。这张传记回归funk风格,也是自发行早期EP以来首次配上自己的乐器。引用:Solo discography(个人音乐)AlbumsInto the Sun (1998) Friendly Fire (2006) EPsHalf Horse, Half Musician (1999) Singles"Home" (1998) "Queue (Radio Mix)" (1999) "Dead Meat" (2006) "L"éclipse" (2007) - in collaboration with -M- Producer(由肖恩制作的唱片)Sean Lennon - Half Horse Half Musician (1999) Soulfly - Primitive (2000) Valentine Original Soundtrack (2001) Esthero - Wikked Lil" Grrrls (2005) Sean Lennon - Friendly Fire (2006) Irina Lazareanu - Some Place Along the Way (2007) Filmography(肖恩饰演的电影)Moonwalker (1988) - Actor (作为演员)Smile for the Camera (2005) - Original Score, Writer (配乐,编剧)Friendly Fire (2006) - Actor, Original Score, Writer (自编自演,配乐)Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Undead (2008) - Original Score (配乐)The Stranger [2] (2008) - Original Score (配乐)Coin Locker Babies (2008 in production) - Actor, Writer (自编自演)Bibliography(书目)Part Asian, 100% Hapa (2006) - Sean is credited with writing the Foreword (参写《Part Asian, 100% Hapa》序言)References(参考资料)1. ^ Parish, Matt (2007). Taking Friendly Fire with Sean Lennon. The Music Box. Retrieved on 2007-05-23. 2. ^ Sean Lennon & -M- en duo. L"eclipse (2007). Retrieved on 2007-05-23. 3. ^ “Lennon to Score Undead”,by Greg Goldstein. Hollywood Reporter, February 21, 2008.

HP M405显示Replace the indicated cartridges


place land 区别

选C land是实在的,意思是土地place是抽象的,意思是地方

port of loading和place of receipt的区别

引用下面热心网游回答“place of receipt的意思是接货地点,船公司的接货地点,也就是你们把货交给船公司的地点。 假如你是有头程驳船上大船的话,PLACE OF RECEIPT就是写头程港口名称, PORT OF LOADING写起运港就行。比如广州港上驳船,深圳港上大船的货物, PLACE OF RECEIPT 填写: Guangzhou, PORT OF LOADING: SHENZHEN PORT”

place of receipt是什么意思


pay repay place replace的区别是什么?

pay和repay和place和replace的区别:意思不同、词性不同、用法不同。pay可作名词和动词,意为付费、交纳、偿还、工资等;repay只作动词,意为归还、酬报、报答等;place可作名词和动词,意为位置、安放等;replace只作动词,意为代替、更新等。1、当pay作为动词时,意为付费;付酬;交纳;偿还;赢利;创收。例句:My company pays well .我公司给的工资很高。Have you paid him the rent yet?你向他付房租了没有?It"s hard to make farming pay.种庄稼获利很不容易。You"ll pay for that remark!你要为你的话付出代价的!2、当pay作为名词时,意为工资;薪水,是不可数名词。例句:Her job is hard work, but the pay is good.她工作虽辛苦,但薪水不低。

historical places是什么意思

historical places历史地点双语例句1Do you think that to visit historical places for free?你觉得游客在游览历史古迹的时候应该付的钱吗?2On the Chinese national day eve I went to Nanjing and visited some historical places.中国的国庆前夕,我踏上旅程,来到南京,参观了几处历史遗址。3I"m afraid two-days time isn"t enough to see all the historical places of interest.恐怕两天的时间不够游览所有的名胜古迹。4He spoke about the need for preserving historical places.他说到关於保存史迹的必要。5This is the basic content of historical places study.第四部分,考证地名源流,这是历史地名研究的基本内容,也是重要方法。

workplace diversity的意思?以及意义方法和使用?谢谢

workplace diversity其中文意思是工作场所的多样性。其主要讲的是组织中人的问题,即人带给组织的共同性和差异性。 这个一般作名词使用,是研究企业文化和人力资源管理中常常使用到的一个专业术语,通俗讲就是人的多样性,包括性格、生活习惯、文化习惯、工作方法和处事手段等等。使用?很多地方都可以使用,尤其是写论文的时候。 :)

雅思口语topic:a place having o lot of water 怎么说

转自王冬Describe a place near a lot of water that you enjoyed visitingYou should say:• where this place was • what you did at this place• why (& when) you went there and explain why you liked this place关于一个有水的地方,可以不仅仅局限于海或湖,任何人们常去的有水或靠近水的地方都可以用来当作素材。例如: 海滩beach, 海湾bay, 港口harbour, 运河canal, 沼泽swamp, 瀑布waterfall, 游泳馆swimming pool……下面简单提供一些关于北京地标性建筑(landmark) —— 水立方(Water Cube)的素材,以供参考。National Swimming Center in Beijing, known as The Watercube, is one of the most extraordinary buildings I"ve seen in a long time. It appears random and playful like a natural system, yet is mathematically very rigorous and repetitious. The transparency of water, with the mystery of the bubble system, engages those both inside and out of the structure to consider their own experiences with water. The building"s skin, made from an innovative and lightweight transparent "teflon", has been designed to react specifically to lighting and projection。 Since Saturday, hundreds of water lovers from home and abroad have jumped into the warm-up pool at the center, dubbed the Water Cube for its unique blue bubble design. The water is much warmer than other public indoor pools and it tasted like purified water. It is much easier to float on the water here. It is very convenient and the staff are really helpful. This architectural landmark, open for public visits since last October, has become one of the top travel destinations in Beijing. Imagine the excitement of swimming in a pool where a legendary swimmer earned a Summer Olympics gold medal for his or her nation. Or rowing on a lake where world-class athletes once scored Summer Olympics gold. Or attending events at stadiums and other architectural landmarks built especially for Summer Olympics participants and spectators. If you"re interested in visiting a Summer Olympics site and participating in warm-weather sports, travel to a former location where the games were held. Even when the spotlight is off these Summer Olympics destinations, their world-class facilities remain. Time has not stood still in any of these world-famous destinations, of course. New attractions and experiences await visitors to these destinations around the globe. Everywhere the Summer Olympics was ever held, the proud spirit of championship athletics remains. I wanna go there, what a fascinating place! .... really worthy to visit it...Wow absolutely amazing!!! This is fantastic! Very impressive.


用have是现在完成时,它是主语+take place,这样用的,举个例子伟大的变化已经发生,Great changes have taken place.

take place 在牛津字典中的例句写

take place[英][teik pleis]读音 [美][tek ples]1. 发生; 举行;(尤指根据安排或计划)发生,进行The threatening strike did not take place after all.可能来临的罢工终究没有发生。The evening party will take place on New Year"s Eve.晚会将在除夕那天举行。



take place 是不及物动词短语吗?

短语不分是否及物,只能说,这个短语后面可以不跟名词词组. 例句:It will take place within 5 minutes.

happen和take place的区别


take place 和happen有什么区别

take place和happen都可以表示“发生”,但它们是不一样的。当happen表示“发生”时,只表示一件事情发生,而不表示某个具体的事物,而take place可以表示某个具体的事物“发生”。happen可以跟不定式,表示“碰巧”的意思,而take place后面不接不定式。希望我能帮助你解疑释惑。

take place的用法

很高兴为你解答:take place 后可放置两种词(1)后可接某个地方 example:This accident took place in Beijing. (2) 后可接某个时间 example:This story took place three years前面加变化和事情

take place 造句

take place to 什么意思求大神帮助


happen与take place的区别

take place 有计划地发生/举行/进行happen 突然发生一般情况下可换用但都没有被动语态的

take place有完成时吗


take place能用于特殊疑问句吗?

能,如:When did it take place?


这个英语词组没有这方面的意思。take place 表示“发生、举行、举办”,一般指非偶然性事件的“发生”,即这种事件的发生一定有某种原因或事先的安排。

take place和happen的区别是什么

1).take place 表示“发生、举行、举办”,一般指非偶然性事件的“发生”,即这种事件的发生一定有某种原因或事先的安排,例如:Great changes have taken place in our hometown during the past ten years.The Olympic Games of 2008 will take place in Beijing.(2) .happen作“发生、碰巧”解,一般用于偶然或突发性事件,例如:What happened to you?(一般不说:What did you happen?) Maybe something unexpected happened.I happened to see him on my way home.= It happened that I saw him on my way home.详情

take place, happen 的区别

happen :偶然发生take please :必然发生

happen和take place的区别

take place与 happen的用法与区别 固定词组take place意为发生,举行,多指举行活动,发生某事(可指发生好事或不好的事),happen多指发生意外事故,不幸的事。如: (1)The opening of the play will take place tomorrow night. 剧的首演式将于明晚举行。(take place不能用happen代换) (2)The accident took place only a block from my home. 事故发生地离我家只一个街区。(took place 可以用happened代换) 动词happen以及词组take place, break out 等只能用作不及物动词,不能用被动语态形式。如: (1)The car accident happened last week. 交通事故发生在上星期。(不能说:The car accident was happened last week.) (2) The war broke out in October. 战争于10月份爆发。(不能说:The war was broken out in October.) happen to do 意思是:碰巧。 It happened to be a fine one that day. 那天碰巧天气好。 I happened to see him this morning. 今天早上我碰巧看见他。 It happens that...后接从句,意思也是碰巧。 It happens that his sister is a closed friend of mine. 碰巧她姐姐是我的一个好朋友。 It so happened that both of them were there. 正好他们两人都在那儿。

take place和hold的区别

take place 表示“发生、举行、举办”,一般指非偶然性事件的“发生”,即这种事件的发生一定有某种原因或事先的安排,例如:Great changes have taken place in our hometown during the past ten years.The Olympic Games of 2008 will take place in Beijing.hold :举行,一般指举办,如hold a meeting 等,是主观上的,一般主语都是人.hold 是举行一个什么会议,向上举起一个什么东西,比如,hold a meeting,hold a game而meeting ,game 是不会和take place 放在一块用的.hold 可以用被动态,而take place是没有的.

take part和take place的区别


用take place 造句怎么造


关于take place 用法,谢谢

take place通常指“(某事)按计划进行或按计划发生.”比如:Great changes have taken place in China since.中国发生了翻天覆地的变化.此外take place还有“举行”之意.如:The meeting will take place next Friday.会议将在下周五举行.

take place和happen的区别

happen / take place它们都可以表示“发生”, 但是在用法上有区别.1)happen常指具体事件的发生,特别指偶然的或未能预见的事情.例如:A storm happened across the river in another country.2)如要指事先安排或有准备的事情或活动发生时,通常要用take place.例如:Great changes have taken place in our hometown during the past ten years.

take place 后面是加什么介词?

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: 一般常识: take place: 发生 take the place of:代替,记住一定要有the哈. 从你所给的句子来看,由于没有上下文,很难回答,但是一定不是填of,因为那就成了"...代替学校"了,而且place前面也没有the啊!!!如果你的句子打印没有错误,那么本题中最好的答案应该是in,表示"发生在学校",那么这里的take place 和介词就没有任何关系,它们属于两个不同的短语,只是碰巧遇到一起了而已.


区别:1、take place通常指“(某事)按计划进行或按计划发生。”例如:Great changes have taken place in China since. 中国发生了翻天覆地的变化。 此外take place还有“举行”之意。(本课即是如此)例如:The meeting will take place next Friday. 会议将在下周五举行。2、happen常指具体事件的发生,特别指那些偶然的或未能预见的“发生”。例如:New things are happening all around us. 我们身边总有新事发生。

用take place造句

take place 表示发生.比如: Great changes have taken place in China since 1978. 自从1978年以来,中国发生了很大的变化.

take place 跟happen的区别

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