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Mark is from Britain.______ is his birthplace.

填which 这是定语从句

china was the birthplace of kites, from where kit

  翻译:中国的风筝的起源地,风筝从中国传到了日本,韩国和印度。  from是介词,定语从句引导词是where,此时可以将介词提前,由于先行词China是地点,所以引导词用了where  满意请采纳,谢谢


where is your birth place? 你出生在哪里

英语作文 简介我国最长之河-长江 参考词汇:birthplace发源地 dragon

The Chang Jiang River is the longest river in Asia and the third-longest in the world. The river is the longest in the world to flow entirely within one country. It drains one-fifth of the land area of the People"s Republic of China (PRC) and its river basin is home to one-third of the country"s population. The Chang Jiang River plays a large role in the history, culture and economy of China. The prosperous Yangtze River Delta generates as much as 20% of the PRC"s GDP. The Chang Jiang River flows through a wide array of ecosystems and is habitat to several endemic and endangered species including the Chinese alligator, the finless porpoise, the Chinese paddlefish, the (possibly extinct) Yangtze River dolphin or baiji, and the Yangtze sturgeon. For thousands of years, the river has been used for water, irrigation, sanitation, transportation, industry, boundary-marking and war.


birthplace是名词,意为出生地;发源地;诞生地;发祥地。一、双语例句1.The town"s only claim to fame is that it is the birthplace of Elgar.小镇所以成名的惟一原因是,它是埃尔加的出生地。2.Florence was the birthplace of the Renaissance.佛罗伦萨是文艺复兴的发祥地。3.Shakespeare"s birthplace is often visited as a shrine.莎士比亚的诞生地常被人们当作圣地游览。二、birthplace用在影视原声中1、According to legend, this secluded monastery is not only the birthplace of Zen Buddhism, here trained the legendary Shaolin monks.传说,这个僻静的寺庙不仅是禅宗佛教的诞生地,这里培育了传奇的少林和尚。—《鸟瞰中国》2、On the island"s northern tip, in the Polol Valley, overlook the sprawling forest reserves of Hawaii"s lush northern region, the birthplace of Kamehameha the First.在岛的北端,波罗陆山谷上,俯瞰夏威夷北部繁茂的森林保护区,卡米哈米哈一世的出生地。—《10大名城旅游攻略》户口簿出生地指的是什么户口簿出生地指的是实际出生的地点,这个也是需要记载在户口本上的。户口本的第1页也就是户主的户别,那一栏当中是需要注明具体的户口的性质,也就是说包括有农业户口或者是非农业户口。



Give me a beautiful place enjoy in的表达对吗?

这个句子的表达是不正确的,正确的表达应该为:Give me a beautiful place to enjoy .而且这个句子中的enjoy,本身就是及物动词,后面不需要加介词

surely the fear of god is not in this place是什么结构的


“place on plank floor”是什么意思?

“place on plank floor”:木板地板上Naked feet swished dryly across the planks in the wooden floor and the clang ceased abruptly光着的脚丫子啪哒啪哒踩着木头地板走过来,闹钟立刻不响了。There is no decay – merely inanition. One or two of the apple-wood cogs have been broken from the great wheel; a few floor planks have been rotted; but that is all.这风车并没有损坏——它只是失去了魂魄。风车上几个苹果木的榫子已从轮机上脱落了,地板上的木条也有几根烂了,但也仅是如此而已。His father looked down at the floor and said slowly,with emotion, "My wife is very ill. "他的父亲眼睛看着地上,情绪激动,慢吞吞地说:“我的妻子病得很厉害。”"I have given you my wheelbarrow, so you should give me your plank."""既然我把手推车送给你了,你该把这块木板给我才对。”The wealthy had slate floors that would get slippery in the winter, when wet, so, they spread thresh on the floor to help keep their footing富人家有石板地面,冬天受潮后会很滑,因此他们在地上铺灯芯草,这样才能走得稳。A floor cleaner,ie a substance that removes grease,stains,etc from floors地板除垢剂(从地板上清除油渍、污点之物).The wood of any of these trees,especially the hard,close - grained wood of the sugar maple,often used for furniture and flooring.槭树材这些树木的任一种木材,尤指坚硬、木纹细密的糖槭木材,通常用于做家具和地板He shut the book, put it carefully on the floor, lay down, and pulled the coverlet over both of them他合上书,小心地放在地上,躺了下来,把床罩拉上来把两人都盖好。Demolition and shoring, earthwork, piling, concreting, precast concrete and hollow floors(现有房屋的)拆除和支撑加固;土方工程;打桩;浇注混凝土;预制混凝土空心楼板The wood of any of these trees,used for flooring,containers,plywood,and tool handles.山毛榉木这些树的任一种木材,用于地板、容器、胶合板及木具的木柄中

stand for,stand in for,take the place of的联系与区别?

stand for主张,stand in for立场的,take the place of取代

weirdest place什么意思

weirdest place 最怪异的地方weirdest adj. 古怪的; 怪诞的( weird的最高级 ); 神秘而可怕的; 超然的; [例句]"That"s the weirdest thing I"ve ever seen," marveled Carl卡尔惊叹道:“那是我所见过的最怪异的事情了。”[其他] 原型: weird

兄弟 4150 打印机报错drum stop replace the drum


----Do you think their table tennis team will win the first place at the coming Asian Games?


电脑系统乱了开机出现英文字母I nva l id system disk Replace th



put in place不是固定短语,in place才是固定短语(或习语),意为:“合适的;恰当的;在通常的位置;在适当的位置;就位的;已确定的;”。


this way please, 这边请

1.Beijing is a place ____ is touristy 2.Beijing


新概念英语3第一篇课文中 Paw prints were seen in a number of places and puma fur was f

这是新概念英语第三册第一课里的这里是被动语态Paw prints (爪印)是被看到的,所以用 were seen是人们看到爪印的欢迎追问,新概念好好学,很有用

一个国外女歌手的歌,有句歌词是:make it a better place for you and for me.这首歌的名字是什么?

Heal The World

Never Be Replaced这首歌谁帮我翻译下准确点

Baby I love you and i"ll never let you go 宝贝我爱你,不会让你离开But if I have to boy I think that you should know但是如果我不得不这样,我想你应该知道 All the love we make can never be erase 我们的爱是不能被抹去的And i promise you that you will never be replaced而且我向你保证,你永远不会被取代 Baby I love you and I"ll never let you go 宝贝我爱你,不会让你离开But if I have to boy I think that you should know但是如果我不得不这样,我想你应该知道 All the love we make can never be erase 我们之间的爱不能被抹去And i promise you that you will never be replaced 我保证你永远不会被人取代I love you yes i do 我爱你 是的, 我爱你I"ll be with you as long as you want me too 只要你愿意我将和你在一起Until the end of time 直到永远From the day I met you 从我遇到你的那天起I know we"ve be together 我知道我们会在一起And now I know I wanna be with you forever 而且现在我知道我要永远和你在一起I wanna marry you and i wanna have your kids 我要嫁给你,我想要有你的孩子Thinking never compare to feel enough to kisses I can say i"m truly happy to the same 我可以说我真的很开心You"ve made me think I"ll die and live my life hesitate 你让我相信,我将生活得很踌躇There"s never been no doubt in my mind 在我心里从来没有过怀疑That i"ll regret ever having you by my side 我将感到遗憾你曾经在我的身边But if the day come that i"ll have to let you go 但是如果那天到来了,我将不得不让你走I think that something I should probably let you know 我想有些事我应该让你知道With everything that i spent with you 我和你一起经历的每一件事Then i will miss you cuz i"m happy that i have you at all 我将怀恋你,因为我完全拥有你而感到开心I feel for you yes i do 我为你感觉,是的,为你感觉I"ll be with you as long as you want me to Until the end of time 只要你愿意我将一直陪伴你,直到时间的尽头

where did you go如果简答的话可以用to sp回答吗?还是直接说some place


take place、replace、take the place、take place of 有什么区别?

1.take place 发生 replace把...放回原处[原位];使恢复(原职);代替, 取代(by, with); 接替, 替换;归还; 赔偿;【化】置换。replace 指“代替某人”或“取代已经失去的、毁坏的或用坏的东西take the place of 代替 2.take care of 照顾 3.break in 训练, 使合用, 闯入, 打断, 开始工作break out 突发, 爆发, 叫嚷, 使作准备, 取出, 倒空, <口>把...备好待用break up 打碎, 破碎, 分裂, 结束, 衰落, 分解, 变坏, 驱散break down 毁掉, 制服, 压倒, 倒塌, 垮掉, 分解 【化】 发生故障 3. pick out 挑选pick off 摘掉pick up 掘地, 捡起, 获得, 学会, 看到, 中途带, 搭乘, 重新找到, 振作, 加快, 好转, 整理 [美俚] 偶然地结识异性,通常预期会发生性关系,可以理解为“泡马子”“钓凯子”等。 【篮球】开始盯人pick on 作弄, 惹恼, 找...的岔子, 选中, 总是挑剔 ;【法】 挑剔, 作弄人, 选择


对了,很多英语词是按照拉丁语词汇组成的:dis- 表否定,re- 表示“又place 有“放置, 所以:displace 移动;被迫流落异国者--displaced persons = 难民取代某人的位置 He was displaced as minister by X.replace 放回原处:她把书放回书柜里.代替:我来替他去旅行.更换:那些轮胎必须更换.

place in danger 什么意思

place in danger :危险的地方用法嘛..go (some) place in danger 去(一些)危险 的地方。。

relief displacement是什么意思

relief displacement地形起伏位移; [英][riu02c8li:f du026asu02c8pleu026asmu0259nt][美][ru026au02c8lif du026asu02c8plesmu0259nt]

Place in the sun 歌词

歌曲名:Place in the sun歌手:河口恭吾专辑:A Place in the sun河口恭吾 - A Place In The SunOriginal:Stevie Wonder作词:Ronald Miller·Bryan Wells作曲:Ronald Miller·Bryan Wells编曲:武藤良明Like a long lonely streamI keep runnin" towards a dreamMovin" on, movin" onLike a branch on a treeI keep reachin" to be freeMovin" on, movin" on"Cause there"s a place in the sunWhere there"s hope for ev"ryoneWhere my poor restless heart"s gotta runThere"s a place in the sunAnd before my life is doneGot to find me a place in the sunLike an old dusty roadI get weary from the loadMovin" on, movin" onLike this tired troubled earthI"ve been rollin" since my birthMovin" on, movin" onThere"s a place in the sunWhere there"s hope for ev"ryoneWhere my poor restless heart"s gotta runThere"s a place in the sunAnd before my life is doneGot to find me a place in the sunGot to find me a place in the sun(You know when times are bad)(And you"re feeling sad)(I want you to always remember)Yes, there"s a place in the sunWhere there"s hope for ev"ryoneWhere my poor restless heart"s gotta runThere"s a place in the sunAnd before my life is doneGot to find me a place in the sunEND

A Place In The Sun歌词

愿意的话楼主上线请采纳下楼上的回答,当然也可以不处理,希望不要关闭问题,谢谢!Like a long, lonely streamI keep runnin" towards a dreamMovin" on, movin" onLike a branch on a treeI keep reachin" to be freeMovin" on, movin" on

“舞出我人生”的英文歌。1.歌词:When I step into place,I feel my feet......2.歌词:Softly as a chil

start with something new

club is the best place to find love

The club isn"t the best place to find lover泽 克拉不 一阵特 百斯特 破累死 图 烦的 老味儿So the bar is where I go.搜 泽 八二 椅子 味儿 爱 狗Me and my friends at table doing shots.米 俺的 卖 贩子 艾特 忒波 度赢 少儿次Drinking fast and then we talk slow.准king 法斯特 俺的 谮 喂 逃课 四楼You come over and start up a conversation with just me.又 康木 哦ver 俺的 四大特 额 康喂syi神 位子 炸死特 米And trust we will give it a chance.俺的 chua死特 米 喂有 给五 伊特 额 常思Take my hand,stop,and put van the man on jukebox.忒克 卖 喊的 死到铺 俺的 普特 万 泽 蛮 哦ng 九科包科四Then we start to dance now,I singing like谮 喂 四大特 图 挡死 闹 爱 s赢 来客girl.You know I want you love哥 又 弄 爱 王特 又 啦五Your love is handmade for somebody like me.又二 辣舞 椅子 喊的没得 否二 萨姆巴蒂 来客 米Come on,now,follow my lead.康木 昂 闹 否露 卖 离得I maybe crazy,Don"t mind me say爱 眉笔 亏贼 东特 买en的 米 seiBoy,Let"s not talk too much波诶 来次 闹特 逃课 图 马驰Grab on whist then put that body on me.挂不 ong 维斯特 谮 普特 在特 巴蒂 ong 米Come on,now,follow my lead.康木 昂 闹 否露 卖 离得com come on now following my lead康 康木 昂 闹 否露赢 卖 离得~I"m in love with shape of you.爱木 引 辣舞 位子 谁普 哦副 油We push and pull like a magnet do.为 朴实 俺的 铺 来客 额 买个内特 度Although my heart is falling too.奥走 买 哈特 椅子 foe领 图I"m in love with your body.爱木 引 辣舞 位子 油二 保底And last night you were in my room.俺的 拉斯特 奈特 油 我 引 买 入目And now my bedsheets smell like you.俺的 闹 买 白的shii子 斯梅哦 来客 油Every day discovering something brand new.艾薇 dei 地思考挖ing 萨姆星 不安的 牛I"m in love with your body.爱木 引 辣舞 位子 油二 保底Oh—i—oh—i—oh—i—oh—i.Oh—i—oh—i—oh—i—oh—i.I"m in love with your body.爱木 引 辣舞 位子 油二 保底Oh—i—oh—i—oh—i—oh—i.Oh—i—oh—i—oh—i—oh—i.I"m in love with your body.爱木 引 辣舞 位子 油二 保底Oh—i—oh—i—oh—i—oh—i.Oh—i—oh—i—oh—i—oh—i.I"m in love with your body.爱木 引 辣舞 位子 油二 保底Every day discovering something brand new.艾薇 dei 地思考挖ing 萨姆星 不安的 牛I"m in love with the shape of you.爱木 引 辣舞 位子 谁普 哦副 油

In the past several years,i had many chances to inspect many places of China 这句话对不对??


我想买《在岩石与险境间》(Between a Rock and a Hard Place) 作者艾伦.罗斯顿,电影《127小时》的原著


between a rock and a hard place是什么意思


Rock And A Hard Place 歌词

歌曲名:Rock And A Hard Place歌手:Ludacris专辑:IncognegroYeah yeahIt"s an everyday stuggleTrying to get outTrying to get outTrying to make itCheck this out niggaWhatI"m stuck in between a rock and a hard placeBad luck is what resluts from my paper chaseI keep looking it ain"t no doughSo I don"t wanna look no mo whatI need to get away to another day or place in timeAnd find where reality can ease my mindAnd shine on me like the sons of the earthFor what it"s worth my turf is ruff and rugged so I gave birthTo a dream where cream lies betweenAll the dirt and the gravel so I battle to achieve my greenAnd still try to move forward at a steady paceCause bad luck is interfering with my paper chaseLudacrisSo I erase the crime lies and sad criesWit sore eyes and keep mines on the upriseBut it don"t work cause im steady getting jerkedBy my neighborhood up to no good where bad niggas lurkThe urk me leaving effects that"s too negativeSo Ludacris is looking for a better place to liveAnd I can"t stand it it"s really got me bugginIt"s like im in the war and I just keep on tuggin cause i"mI try to find a way outta this mazeIt"s got me crazed im in a dazeSo many ways to boost into a different phaseBut I can"t think I can"t do nothingYou think I"m frontingYou hear me gruntingLord you ain"t even saying nuttinI need some currency before there"s an emergencyForget crimes I won"t let my mind get the best of meIt"s not gone happen I"m trapped in two worldsOn one side I see diamonds on the other I see pearlsIt"s a whirlwind disaster with two damn sidesSo i"m gone with the wind and come right back with the tideCause I keep my eyes on the skies and my head in the cloudsAnd when my mouth is shut up it makes my thoughts get loudMils I be craving emMoney making schemes locked up in my craniumCause I need outta this critical situationMy mind"s in jail I don"t know the time that it"s facing i"mI"m sick of knockin I"m sick of clockingI"m sick of droppin in a hole never reaching my goalIt"s got my soul seperated into piecesIt just increasesI"m hit wit anger like a cooked tit wit hot greasesSo if you understood my attitudeMaybe you feel what i"m feelingAnd then it start appealingTo ya intellect and aspect of dreams and aspirationsDeath by temptations even got my heart bastingSo i"m tracing the line where I can find a better pathAnd make it last sit back and laugh before the aftermathThe tragic flaw is what makes it rawSo let it fall and i"ll get through it even if I have to crawlMy way, I see the sun and there"s no delayAnd i"ma pray cause the lord will make a brighter dayOr will he keep me in his holding cellBut enough wit the questions the only story to tellis that I"m

between a rock and hard place什么意思

between a rock and a hard place. 处于进退两难的境地。They are between a rock and a hard place. 他们正处于进退两难的境地。。

between a rock and a hard place 的意思


between a rock and a hard place是什么意思?

Between a rock and a hard place译为进退两难;左右为难。重点词汇解释:1、Betweenprep. (空间、时间、数量等)在……之间;往返于;(表关系)两……之间;合用;一起adv. (时间或空间)介于……之间;在期间2、rockn. 岩石;摇滚乐;暗礁vt. 摇动;使摇晃vi. 摇动;摇晃3、hardadj. 努力的;硬的;困难的;辛苦的;确实的;严厉的;猛烈的;冷酷无情的adv. 努力地;困难地;辛苦地;接近地;猛烈地;牢固地扩展资料:hard的用法:hard作困难的的意思时,指要消耗很大的体力去做某事,有时也指精神上的困难。hard还可表示费力的,费神的,艰难的,持强硬态度的,不妥协的,不让步的,有力的,猛烈的,严厉的,困苦的,难以忍受的等。hard在句中可用作定语或表语,其后可跟for(to,with)等介词短语、动词不定式、that从句。hard修饰动态动词,位于实义动词之后。

between a rock and a hard place什么意思?

Between a rock and a hard place译为进退两难;左右为难。重点词汇解释:1、Betweenprep. (空间、时间、数量等)在……之间;往返于;(表关系)两……之间;合用;一起adv. (时间或空间)介于……之间;在期间2、rockn. 岩石;摇滚乐;暗礁vt. 摇动;使摇晃vi. 摇动;摇晃3、hardadj. 努力的;硬的;困难的;辛苦的;确实的;严厉的;猛烈的;冷酷无情的adv. 努力地;困难地;辛苦地;接近地;猛烈地;牢固地扩展资料:hard的用法:hard作困难的的意思时,指要消耗很大的体力去做某事,有时也指精神上的困难。hard还可表示费力的,费神的,艰难的,持强硬态度的,不妥协的,不让步的,有力的,猛烈的,严厉的,困苦的,难以忍受的等。hard在句中可用作定语或表语,其后可跟for(to,with)等介词短语、动词不定式、that从句。hard修饰动态动词,位于实义动词之后。

rock and a hard place是什么意思啊?

Between a rock and a hard place译为进退两难;左右为难。重点词汇解释:1、Betweenprep. (空间、时间、数量等)在……之间;往返于;(表关系)两……之间;合用;一起adv. (时间或空间)介于……之间;在期间2、rockn. 岩石;摇滚乐;暗礁vt. 摇动;使摇晃vi. 摇动;摇晃3、hardadj. 努力的;硬的;困难的;辛苦的;确实的;严厉的;猛烈的;冷酷无情的adv. 努力地;困难地;辛苦地;接近地;猛烈地;牢固地扩展资料:hard的用法:hard作困难的的意思时,指要消耗很大的体力去做某事,有时也指精神上的困难。hard还可表示费力的,费神的,艰难的,持强硬态度的,不妥协的,不让步的,有力的,猛烈的,严厉的,困苦的,难以忍受的等。hard在句中可用作定语或表语,其后可跟for(to,with)等介词短语、动词不定式、that从句。hard修饰动态动词,位于实义动词之后。

这几句话什么意思 ?the rock and the hard place 这是什么意思?

利比里亚政府意识到了与zmapp风险,但是,选择的是让更多的人去死,信息部长路易斯布朗在星期一告诉英国广播公司。 “ 没有测试这个选择是死亡,一定死。”他说,这甚至不是我们的岩石和艰苦的地方,指的是国家的健康服务,他说这是身患疾病病人不堪重负的

a rock and a hard place是什么意思


“rock, hard place, me”怎么理解?

感觉是: 摇滚对我来说很难 你要说在哪里看到的啊

用in place造句,越短越好,谢了

I like to have everything in place . 我喜欢把一切东西都在适当的位置。 Before you leave the office, everything should be put in place. 在离开办公室之前, 应把所有物品摆放好。 They put in place the tools of my new business.他们把我干这一新行当所需要的用具安放得井井有条。2.适当的, 适合的 The proposal is not quite in place.那个提议并不十分适当。

private placement是什么意思

private placement英 [u02c8praivit u02c8pleu026asmu0259nt] 美 [u02c8prau026avu026at u02c8pleu026asmu0259nt] 词典发行债券时的直接销售(将债券全部售予法团投资人)网络私下募集; 私下配售; 私人配售双语例句 1The offering, issuance, or private placement of any equity-type securities. 募集、发行或私募具有股权性质之有价证券。2Our advisory service can be classified as private placement, M& private equity and Angel Investor Salon. 我们的顾问服务可以概括为私募融资、兼并收购、直接投资和天使投资人沙龙。

blow the roof off this place是什么意思


An artist went to a beautiful place of the country for a holiday, and stayed with a farmer. Eve...

小题1:C小题2:B小题3:A小题4:A小题5:B 试题分析:这篇短文主要描述了一个画家和农民的故事,农民想以这位画家的作品来打消自己儿子学画的积极性,却被画家误以为是农民欣赏他的画作,闹出了一个最后令画家尴尬不已的笑话。小题1:细节理解题。根据文中提供的信息,这位画家非常喜欢画画。故选C。小题2:推理判断题。根据文中原句Every day he went out and painted from morning to evening. (每天从早到晚他出去画画)可知这位画家是在外面作画,故选B。小题3:推理判断题。根据文中最后描述:农民想以这位画家的作品来打消自己儿子学画的积极性,可以看出这位画家并不擅长作画,故选A。小题4:细节理解题。根据文中原句He wants to become an artist. (他想成为一名画家。)可知答案应为A。小题5:推理判断题。根据文中最后一段描述and then he will not want to be an artist any more, I believe,(我相信他再也不想成为画家了)可以推断出农民不想让他儿子当画家,故选B。

英语谚语:Pride and grace dwelt never in one place 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Pride and grace dwelt never in one place 中文意思: 傲慢和温雅决不会共处在一起。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: It is not how long but how well we live 问题不是活得长不长而是活得好不好。 It is not shame for a man to learn that which he knows not whatever be his age 一个人不论年龄多大,都要学习不懂的东西,这不是羞耻。 It is not the gay coat that makes the gentleman 君子在德不在衣。 It is not work that kills but worry 劳动不伤人,忧虑才伤人。 It is no use crying over spilt milk 泼水难收。 It is one thing to speak much and another to speak pertinently 话讲得多是一回事,讲得恰当是另一回事。 It is right to put everything in its proper use 凡事都应该用得其所。 It is the first step that costs 万事开头难。 It is the general rule that all superior men inherit the elements ofsuperiority from their mother 一切优秀的人通常都从他们母亲那里继承优良的因素。 It is the nature of every man to err but only the fool perseveres in the error 人总不免要犯错误,只有蠢人才坚持不改。 英语谚语: Pride and grace dwelt never in one place 中文意思: 傲慢和温雅决不会共处在一起。

translate和replace 的区别


sheep placenta creme 这面霜好用么 多少钱一盒

澳洲有很多这样的面霜,加绵羊油和胎盘素.牌子也很多了.这些都很温和滋润. 人民币 900



新西兰绵羊油(placenta cream)夏天用还是冬天用好呢?


新西兰绵羊油(placenta cream)夏天用还是冬天用好呢?


美国lamb placenta cream是什么






placenta marine plus+是什么意思

就是一种护肤品,对它成分和功效的一个描述,成分主要是胎盘素、海洋生物的提取物;里面的各个单词没有逻辑联系,就是一个组合,比如‘美加净银耳珍珠滋养霜",可能主要成分有银耳、珍珠,功效是滋养,外国人看了可能也很莫名其妙。 这个产品说:Placenta Marine Plus+ contains a unique blend of placenta extract, sqaulene, lanoline, avocado and Vitamin E.

有人了解purtier placenta鹿胎盘干细胞胶囊吗?



适应症/功能主治】美容(祛黄褐斑)。【规格型号】1500mg*60s 【用法用量】每日早晚餐前各1粒。排脓祛瘀,祛瘀止咳平喘。


楼主、您好:实际上也是可以的。基本上都是润滑的主要的成分的化妆品的。主要的应该是看小孩是否是对这个过敏。如果可以擦臀部的,也可以擦脸的。 我的意见只能给您作为参考,但最终的结果是想希望能够帮到您。祝您好运望采纳

新加坡purtier placenta是什么?





“placenta”的意思为“胎盘”解析:1.音标英 [plu0259u02c8sentu0259]美 [plu0259u02c8sentu0259]2.复数形式为placents拓展例句①Detection of serum level of placenta growth factor from patients with COPD COPD患者血清胎盘生长因子水平的研究②Objective Analysis of placenta maturity by traditional grading system and automatic grading method. 目的比较常规胎盘超声分级与自动分级评价胎盘成熟度的准确性。

you probably picked up my keys___ yours. A.instead of spite of terms of place of


谁有《十全大补男》/《球场英雄》(The Replacements) 的下载地址


基努里维斯主演的the replacements译十全大补男OR替补球员。里面有一首在监狱里跳舞时的歌,,叫什么名字

英文版的是DIANA ROSS唱的,我也挺喜欢这歌的。

The Replacements的《Skyway》 歌词


The Replacements的《Wake Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Wake Up歌手:The Replacements专辑:All For Nothing/Nothing For AllWake Up--自然卷--C"est La Vie 2.5资源回收主唱:奇哥Wake up little humming birdWake up little butterflyLet us flying into blue blue skyWake up little golden fishWake up little sweety dolphinLet us swimming into ocean deepWoo so fresh the airWoo golden sunshineWoo sing a songMake it flow to everywhereBeautiful ohBeautiful ohBeautiful ohMake the world to be as one

The Replacements的《Wake Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Wake Up歌手:The Replacements专辑:Don"T Tell A Soul [Expanded Edition]「Wake Up」作词∶Hacchin" Maya作曲∶ヒロイズム歌∶NEWSため息で始まる 今日という连続窓をあけても 希望や梦は 见えないねテレビからながれる 现実は厳しい不安だけが 仆の背中 せまるけど昨日までの自分から少し背伸びして 顽张っていいんじゃない?今すぐに Wake up Wake up 目を覚ませば新しい空 ひかりを浴びてWake up Wake up 立ち上がれ今日こそは もう少し 强くなりたい Wake Up世间はどうだとか 坚実にいけとか大人たちは 好き胜手に 言うけれどこのままじゃいけない みんな気づいてるさ焦りだけが 仆の背中 押してくる明日からの自分には少し期待して 顽张っていいんじゃない?今すぐに Wake up Wake up 目を覚ませば新しい空 ひかりを浴びてWake up Wake up 立ち上がれ今日からは もう少し 强くなりたい Wake Up今日という日は二度と 戻らないものだから踬いて 転んだって 谛めるな 一绪にうた 歌おう今すぐに Wake up Wake up 目を覚ませば新しい空 ひかりを浴びてWake up Wake up 立ち上がれ今日からは もう少し 强くなりたい Wake Up【 おわり 】

The Replacements的《Satellite》 歌词

歌曲名:Satellite歌手:The Replacements专辑:All Shook Down [Expanded Edition]Frankie Storm - SatelliteSending signals from a distanceCareful not to empty your spaceWatching, waiting for youTo shoot another signal my wayAnd I hope that you would feel the sameAnd I hope that our worlds collide one daySo I"m watching, waitingSpinning out of controlAnd oh,Floating out here in the coldSo afraid of getting too closeWill you pull me in when I approachLet me burn up in your orbitCan"t help what gravity"s up toNever seen anything like youBut oh,Will you pull me in when I approachOr let me go and watch me floatLike a satellite (Like a satellite)Like a satellite (Like a satellite)Like a satellite (Like a satellite)Like a satellite (Like a satellite)Now your holding your positionForcing me to be the one to moveStuck here in a vacuumAs a circle from far awayAnd I hope that you would feel the sameAnd I hope that our worlds collide one daySo I"m watching, waitingSpinning out of controlAnd oh,Floating out here in the coldSo afraid of getting too closeWill you pull me in when I approach ?Let me burn up in your orbitCan"t help what gravity"s up toNever seen anything like youBut oh,Will you pull me in when I approachOr let me go and watch me floatLike a satellite (Like a satellite)Like a satellite (Like a satellite)Like a satellite (Like a satellite)Like a satellite (Like a satellite)Atmospheres touchYour heavenly bodyEven the stars know you want meYou got meYeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahAnd oh,Floating out here in the coldSo afraid of getting too closeWill you pull me in when I approachLet me burn up in your orbitCan"t help what gravity"s up toNever seen anything like youBut oh,Will you pull me in when I approachOr let me go and watch me floatLike a satellite (Like a satellite)Like a satellite (Like a satellite)

The Replacements的《Who Knows》 歌词

歌曲名:Who Knows歌手:The Replacements专辑:All For Nothing/Nothing For AllZac Brown Band - Who Knows"Solo""Oh~"whooooooooooa whooooooa whooooa who knowswhen i was a baby childmy daddy said to memany mountains we must climbbefore we"ll be freebut he never told meabout the bruises on my kneesthey would be the map that leads him where we need to beand oh that storm came downforty days, forty nightswho knowswhat the thunder and lightning will bringmaybe the storm will cover my dreamsmaybe the sun will shine no morewho knowswhich way the wind is blowingand when we look back on these thingswe won"t cry no morewhoooooooooa whooooooa whooooa who knowswandering blindlysearching for the truthand anchored to a solid rockthat we could hold on tobut there"s no tomorrownot for everyonewho will hear your last harsh wordswhen your time on earth is gonethat storm came downforty days, forty nightswho knowswhat the thunder and lightning will bringmaybe the storm will cover my dreamsmaybe the sun will shine no morewho knowswhich way the wind is blowingand when we look back on these thingswe won"t cry no morewhoa tilt the lamp nowdon"t let the wind blow it outoh guide the light childcause one day it"s gonna shinesing up till the darkness it is liftedsing up till the darkness it is lifted"solo1""Oh~""solo2""solo3""solo4""solo5""solo6"......

The Replacements的《Skyway》 歌词

歌曲名:Skyway歌手:The Replacements专辑:All For Nothing/Nothing For AllSkywayThe Apples In StereoNew Magnetic WonderForty times you may question your lifeFour to five with a hunting knifeBefore you find out if you surviveQuestioning marks have turned into starsFor the record you remember the few, yeahWho for a second time you bid adieuForty days in the neon hazeFestering dreams are dressed in fakeriesYou follow the skywayYou follow your right awayYou follow the streets and the carsAnd the shadows and the starsAll right,Forty lessons you may hear from the sun, nowYou never listened to a single oneFallen leaves whisper like thievesNot that you mind, you live on stolen timeYou follow the skywayYou follow your right awayYou follow the streets and the carsAnd the shadows and the starsFist loaded with a furious disdainYour velocity will be your shameFast motion like a curious flameThe best I can do is to turn my back on youYou follow the skywayYou follow your right awayYou follow the streets and the carsAnd the shadows and the starsYou follow the skywayYou follow your right awayYou follow the streets and the carsAnd the shadows and the starsStreets and the carsAnd the shadows and the stars

The Replacements的《Torture》 歌词

歌曲名:Torture歌手:The Replacements专辑:All Shook Down [Expanded Edition]Torture Michael Jackson(The Jacksons)MJ,你是永远的王者。我们永远爱你,支持你。It was on a street so evilSo bad that even hell disowned itEvery single step was troubleFor the fool who stumbled on itEyes within the dark were watchin"I felt the sudden chill of dangerSomething told me keep on walkin"Told me I should not have gone thereBaby, "cause you cut me like a knife (ooh)Without your love in my lifeAlone I walk in the night"Cause I just can"t stop this feelingIt"s tortureIt"s tortureIt"s torture (ooh)She was up a stair to nowhereA room forever I"ll rememberShe stared as though I should have known herTell me what"s your pain or pleasureEvery little thing you find hereIs simply for the thrill you"re afterLoneliness or hearts on fireI am here to serve all mastersShe said, "Reality is a knifeWhen there"s no love in your lifeUnmerciful is the nightWhen you just can"t stop this feeling"It"s tortureIt"s tortureIt"s tortureAnd I still can"t find the meaning, noNo, no, of the face I keep on seeingWas she real or am I dreamingDid the sound of your nameTurn a wheelStart a flame in me (ooh)It"s tortureIt"s tortureIt"s torture

The Replacements的《Route 66》 歌词

歌曲名:Route 66歌手:The Replacements专辑:Pleased To Meet Me [Expanded Edition]Route66If you ever plan to motor west,travel my way, take the highway that"s the best.Get your kicks on Route six-six.It winds from Chicago to LA,more than two thousand miles all the way.Get your kicks on Route six-six.Now you go through Saint LouisJoplin, Missouri,and Oklahoma City is mighty pretty.You see Amarillo,Gallup, New Mexico,Flagstaff, Arizona.Don"t forget Winona,Kingman, Barstow, San Bernandino.Won"t you get hip to this timely tip:when you make that California tripGet your kicks on Route six-six.soloGet your kicks on Route six-six.Won"t you get hip to this timely tip:when you make that California tripGet your kicks on Route six-six.Get your kicks on Route six-six.Get your kicks on Route six-six.Get your...onGet your...on

The Replacements的《I. O. U.》 歌词

歌曲名:I. O. U.歌手:The Replacements专辑:Pleased To Meet Me [Expanded Edition]I owe you my love, baby owe youI owe you my love, baby owe you, owe you, owe you

substr_replace — 替换字符串的子串?

下面是总结后的知识点,希望帮到你!substr_replace(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)substr_replace — 替换字符串的子串说明substr_replace ( mixed $string , mixed $replacement , mixed $start , mixed $length = ? ) : mixedsubstr_replace() 在字符串 string 的副本中将由 start 和可选的 length 参数限定的子字符串使用 replacement 进行替换。参数string输入字符串。An array of strings can be provided, in which case the replacements will occur on each string in turn. In this case, the replacement, start and length parameters may be provided either as scalar values to be applied to each input string in turn, or as arrays, in which case the corresponding array element will be used for each input string.replacement替换字符串。start如果 start 为正数,替换将从 string 的 start 位置开始。如果 start 为负数,替换将从 string 的倒数第 start 个位置开始。length如果设定了这个参数并且为正数,表示 string 中被替换的子字符串的长度。如果设定为负数,它表示待替换的子字符串结尾处距离 string 末端的字符个数。如果没有提供此参数,那么它默认为 strlen( string ) (字符串的长度)。当然,如果 length 为 0,那么这个函数的功能为将 replacement 插入到 string 的 start 位置处。

The Replacements试试吧

The Replacements的《Run It》 歌词

歌曲名:Run It歌手:The Replacements专辑:Hootenanny [Expanded Edition]Run Run RunClap your hands (RUN)Yall know what this isSO SO DEFNow lil mama just break it downFor the boy Bow Wow & that boy Chris BrownAll I wanna do is see you take it to the ground, bring it up slowTwurk that thang like them girls in the videosAnd I`m leavin here with somethinI come wit dat good game baby girl I aint frontinI got that Bentley GT parked outsideSo scream at a nigga when your ready to rideCome onLet me talk to youTell you how it isI was thinkin when I saw that body gotta get shawtyTell her what the young boy gon doDamn them chicks wit chu gotta be your kinBabe pretty thick wit the kick that"s sick that need to be hitSo tell me what ya"ll gon doI got friends, and you got friendsThey hop out, and you hop inI look fly, and they jockinThe way you drop, drop makes me wanna popI got friends, and you got friendsThey hop out, and you hop inI look fly, and they jockinThe way you drop, drop makes me wanna popIs ya manon the flo?If he ain"tLet me knowLet me see if you can run it, run itgirl indeed I can run it, run itIs ya manon the flo?If he ain"t.Let me know (let me know)Let me see if you can run it, run itgirl indeed I can run it, run itYou"ll seeGirl I can set you offDon"t believe my age is gonna slow us downI can definitly show you thingsthat"s gon have you sayin I can"t be 16Once I get in you won"t wanna go(and I...)I"ll have yo girls wishin they were you(and I...)I know your heard about me, but guess what"s goin down if we leaveI got friends, and you got friendsThey hop out, and you hop inI look fly, and they jockinThe way you drop, drop makes me wanna popI got friends, and you got friendsThey hop out, and you hop inI look fly, and they jockinThe way you drop, drop makes me wanna popIs ya manon the flo?If he ain"t...Let me knowLet me see if you can run it, run itgirl indeed I can run it, run itIs ya manon the flo?If he ain"t...Let me know (let me know)Let me see if you can run it, run itgirl indeed I can run it, run itGirl you feel rightMake me feel likeI wanna do a little somethinAin"t no thing let you do it fo shoGirl the way that your wearin them jeans is turnin me onI"m the hottest thing thats in these streets so baby won"t you rock me...Now if ya man aint on the flo then i`ma step inReplace himTell yo friendsAfter party at my spotShawty gotta come back cuz she so hotNow we lookin for them grown girls that aint scared to get to itKnow what to do when we drop that musicLil mini skirts cuz she lookin goodGot different color weaves mayne she so hoodI like em thick in the waistTen in the faceThe girls come to us so we dont chaseShe move her booty like a lowrider.... up... downMan she likes the way that I puts it downAnd aint nothin to a G i do this on the dailyYou dont believe me you can ask JD (yea man you can ask me)And it aint no second guessin mayneMatter fact babygirl I got one question nowIs ya manon the flo?If he ain"t...Let me knowLet me see if you can run it, run itgirl indeed I can run it, run itIs ya manon the flo?If he ain"t...Let me knowLet me see if you can run it, run itgirl indeed I can run it, run itRight about nowI need everyone to get to the dance floor

The Replacements的《Shutup》 歌词

歌曲名:Shutup歌手:The Replacements专辑:Sorry Ma, I Forgot To Take Out The Trash [Expanded Edition]Lafee - Shut UpThis song is for you, baby, for makin" a fool of meWhy don"t you kiss my behindI really had faith in you but you betrayed meToo bad that love is blindBut now that I got you tied upI"m a-quite sure that you know this ain"t gonna flyThere is no need to try and kiss up to meYour stupid lies won"t save you this timeI hate you !Shut up, shut up !Cryin" won"t help you get your sorry ass outta thisI don"t want no part of your shitty “pity me” bitI"m sick and tired of your wimpy-ass bullshitGet the fuck out of my life !You are dismissed, boy, go find a new toyI don"t give a shit what you doWe are over and done, Mr. Hit-and-RunI ain"t gonna cry over youI don"t care no more, I"m pretty much over youso don"t try to butter me upI"m sick of your crap and you can stop all that yappin"Shut up I"ve had enoughMy soul is on fireMy heart is a-ragin"You"re history nowMy fortunes are changin"I"m not even botheredif you have anotherI"m so over you…or am I ?Oh, cryin" won"t help youI don"t give a shit about what you doI"m sick of your bullshitFuck you !!!

The Replacements的《Attitude》 歌词

歌曲名:Attitude歌手:The Replacements专辑:All Shook Down [Expanded Edition]Loyiso - AttitudeThere"s a place I"ll like to call your ownIt"s situated in my heartI see you knocking but you can"t come inYou"re full of mistakes, you make my heart breakAnd all those times you said you were on your wayAnd made me wait, all night and dayI"m getting tired of these silly gamesYou need to give more or else you"re out the doorOut with your attitude,out with you telling me "I love you"If you don"t come around,soon, I"ll be telling you "I hate you"See I love those hanging by your friendsThat seems to break if you don"t endAll those things that you keep on bringing upLike it"s all my fault that we don"t make upIf you think I am stupid, I don"t see your liesYour tears don"t show me, from your eyesI"m getting ready, packing all your bagsYou need to give more or else you"re out the doorOh, oh, yeah, yeah, ohI hate to see you cryingOh, oh, yeah, yeah, ohI hate to see you cryingOh, oh, yeah, yeah, ohI hate to see you cryingOh, oh, yeah, yeah, ohI"ve been complainingOut with your attitude,(out with your attitude),out with you telling me "I love you"(you said you loved me)If you don"t come around,(if you don"t come around)soon, I"ll be telling you "I hate you"(Baby baby)(I hate you)

求一首电影中的插曲,原名the replacements ,译名球场英雄.

I will survive 我会活下去 from电影"女狼俱乐部""十全大补男" Gloria Gaynor 葛洛莉亚盖诺 费了好大劲 你听听
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