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String 类中replace 和replaceAll方法的区别

if (null != nsr.getPhoneNum() && nsr.getPhoneNum().length() > 0) {nsr.setPhoneNum(nsr.getPhoneNum().replaceAll(" ", "%"));}就是替换功能


replace和replaceAll是JAVA中常用的替换字符的方法,它们的区别是: 1)replace的参数是char和CharSequence,既可以支持字符的替换,也支持字符串的替换(CharSequence即字符串序列的意思,说白了也就是字符串); 2)replaceAll的参数是regex,即基于规则表达式的替换,比如,可以通过replaceAll("\d", "*")把一个字符串所有的数字字符都换成星号; 相同点是都是全部替换,即把源字符串中的某一字符或字符串全部换成指定的字符或字符串,如果只想替换第一次出现的,可以使用 replaceFirst(),这个方法也是基于规则表达式的替换,但与replaceAll()不同的时,只替换第一次出现的字符串; 另外,如果replaceAll()和replaceFirst()所用的参数据不是基于规则表达式的,则与replace()替换字符串的效果是一样的,即这两者也支持字符串的操作; 还有一点注意:执行了替换操作后,源字符串的内容是没有发生改变的. 举例如下: String src = new String("ab43a2c43d"); System.out.println(src.replace("3","f"));=>ab4f2c4fd. System.out.println(src.replace("3","f"));=>ab4f2c4fd. System.out.println(src.replaceAll("\d","f"));=>abffafcffd. System.out.println(src.replaceAll("a","f"));=>fb43fc23d. System.out.println(src.replaceFirst("\d,"f"));=>abf32c43d System.out.println(src.replaceFirst("4","h"));=>abh32c43d.


REPLACEBREPLACE 使用其他文本字符串并根据所指定的字符数替换某文本字符串中的部分文本。REPLACEB 使用其他文本字符串并根据所指定的字符数替换某文本字符串中的部分文本。此函数专为双字节字符使用。语法REPLACE(old_text,start_num,num_chars,new_text)REPLACEB(old_text,start_num,num_bytes,new_text)Old_text 是要替换其部分字符的文本。Start_num 是要用 new_text 替换的 old_text 中字符的位置。Num_chars 是希望 REPLACE 使用 new_text 替换 old_text 中字符的个数。Num_bytes 是希望 REPLACE 使用 new_text 替换 old_text 中字节的个数。New_text 是要用于替换 old_text 中字符的文本。假设A1的内容为123456,B1单元格内容为***你要用B1单元格内容替换A1前三个字符则公式可以写成=REPLACE(A1,1,3,B1) 即替换A1字符串从第一个字符位置到第三个字符位为B1单元格的内容,得出的结果就是 ***456假设A1单元格的内容为"我你",你想在中间添入一个字符"爱"则公式可以写成=REPLACE(A1,2,0,"爱") 即替换A1字符串从第二个字符位置起到0个字符位置为"爱",得出的结果就是 "我爱你"举这两个例子不懂你看明白没有


replace means to place againrenew means to make new again.One can only replace the stolen car but one cannot renew a stolen car since a stolen car is never new again.Good luck.English has never been fully understood in Chinese, and can never be!






What type of the database, Oracle, MS SQL, MySQL, DB2?For Oracle example:lpad("4856733", 8, "0")

sql server replace 函数使用方法



replace 英 [ rɪˈpleɪs ] 美 [ rɪˈples ]vt.替换; 代替; 把…放回原位; (用…)替换变形过去式: replaced 过去分词: replaced 现在分词: replacing 第三人称单数: replaces希望对你有帮助

在js 中 replace 怎么不能替换中文?

js提供的字符串替换函数replace可以将字符串中符合条件的字符串替换成目标字符串。但是一般使用字符串进行查找替换只能替换第一个符合条件的结果。如:var str=大家都是男人吗,难道不是吗!;str=str.replace("吗","嘛");alert(str);var str=大家都是男人吗,难道不是吗!;str=str.replace("吗","嘛");alert(str);上述代码中只有第一个吗被替换,输出结果是大家都是男人嘛,难道不是吗!,嘿嘿!如果想全部替换字符串中全部符合条件的内容,用正则表达式替换是个不错的办法,如下代码可以实现全部替换。var str="大家都是男人吗,难道不是吗?"str=str.replace(/吗/g,"嘛");alert(str);var str="大家都是男人吗,难道不是吗?";str=str.replace(/吗/g,"嘛");alert(str);这样就会输出大家都是男人嘛,难道不是嘛?,全部符合条件的内容都被替换了,特别要注意的是正则表达式/吗/g这里的g,这个g表示全局,不给这个配置项是不会全部替换的。当然通过复杂的正则表达式,js的replace还能实现更丰富的字符串替换处理效果的。


你问的是replace的名词形式是什么吗?这个单词的名词形式是replacement。根据今日头条资料显示,replace的名词形式是replacement,replace主要用作动词,意思是代替、取代、(用…)替换、(以…)接替、更换、更新。replacement主要用作名词,意思是替换、更换、替代品、替换物。Replacement的例句是This is the replacement partI ordered for my car.(这就是我为我的汽车订购的替换配件)。

数据库SQL server中 replace使用方法



为您解答及物动词Replace sth替换某物replace A with B用B替换A




Replace("字符串","要被替代的字符串","替代后的字符串")1、sqlreplaceinto用法详细说明REPLACE的运行与INSERT很相似。只有一点例外,假如表中的一个旧记录与一个用于PRIMARYKEY或一个UNIQUE索引的新记录具有相同的值,则在新记录被插入之前,旧记录被删除。 2、注意,除非表有一个PRIMARYKEY或UNIQUE索引,否则,使用一个REPLACE语句没有意义。该语句会与INSERT相同,因为没有索引被用于确定是否新行复制了其它的行。3、所有列的值均取自在REPLACE语句中被指定的值。所有缺失的列被设置为各自的默认值,这和INSERT一样。您不能从当前行中引用值,也不能在新行中使用值。如果您使用一个例如“SETcol_name=col_name+1”的赋值,则对位于右侧的列名称的引用会被作DEFAULT(col_name)处理。因此,该赋值相当于SETcol_name=DEFAULT(col_name)+1。为了能够使用REPLACE,必须同时拥有表的INSERT和DELETE权限。


1)replace的参数是char和CharSequence,即可以支持字符的替换,也支持字符串的替换(CharSequence即字符串序列的意思,说白了也就是字符串); 2)replaceAll的参数是regex,即基于规则表达式的替换,比如,可以通过replaceAll("\d", "*")把一个字符串所有的数字字符都换成星号; 相同点是都是全部替换,即把源字符串中的某一字符或字符串全部换成指定的字符或字符串,如果只想替换第一次出现的,可以使用 replaceFirst(),这个方法也是基于规则表达式的替换,但与replaceAll()不同的是,只替换第一次出现的字符串; 另外,如果replaceAll()和replaceFirst()所用的参数据不是基于规则表达式的,则与replace()替换字符串的效果是一样的,即这两者也支持字符串的操作; 还有一点注意:执行了替换操作后,源字符串的内容是没有发生改变的. 举例如下: String src = new String("ab43a2c43d"); System.out.println(src.replace("3","f"));=>ab4f2c4fd. System.out.println(src.replace("3","f"));=>ab4f2c4fd. System.out.println(src.replaceAll("\d","f"));=>abffafcffd. System.out.println(src.replaceAll("a","f"));=>fb43fc23d. System.out.println(src.replaceFirst("\d,"f"));=>abf32c43d System.out.println(src.replaceFirst("4","h"));=>abh32c43d.

vb 中 replace 的用法

i = Replace(i, "//", vbCrLf)这样用。


M-W:to put sth new in the place of 取代


【 #英语资源# 导语】replace有取代;替换;放回原处;偿还等意思,那么你知道replace的用法吗?下面跟着 无 一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助! 【篇一】replace的用法   replace的用法1:replace的基本意思是“把…放回原处”,引申可表示“取代”“更换”,指物或人因各种原因而替换,尤指用新的物体代替旧的、破损的或失去的东西,指人时多指取代某一位置以作为替代者或继承者。有时也可作“赔偿,归还”解。   replace的用法2:replace只用作及物动词,接名词、代词作简单宾语,常与介词by或with连用。主动式中用with或by均可,而被动式中仅用by。   replace的用法3:在表示“取代某人而作为…”时replace常和介词as连用。 【篇二】replace的常用短语   用作动词 (v.)   replace by〔with〕 (v.+prep.) 【篇三】replace的用法例句   1. Who do you suppose will replace her on the show?   你觉得谁会代替她参加这场演出?   2. Around 1910 motorized carriages were beginning to replace horse-drawn cabs.   大约从1910年起,机动车开始取代马车。   3. Steel cable will be used to replace worn ropes.   将用钢缆替换磨损的绳索。   4. When your exhaust falls off, you have to replace it.   如果你的排气管脱落,应将其更换。   5. The new laws will be just as oppressive as those they replace.   新法律只会与原来的法律一样苛严。   6. This week he has chosen Peter Mandelson to replace Mo Mowlam.   本周他选择了彼得·曼德尔森来代替莫·摩兰姆。   7. He hired scabs to replace strikers.   他雇了工贼接替罢工者。   8. to replace the batteries   更换电池   9. New laws will soon replace existing legislation.   新法律即将取代现行法规。   10. The new design will eventually replace all existing models.   新的设计最终将会取代所有现有的型号。   11. You may use these tools, only you must replace it after use.   这些工具你可以使用, 不过你用完之后得重新放好.   12. Please replace after reading.   阅毕请放回原处.   13. We replace defective tubes.   我们更换有毛病的管子.   14. Can anything replace a mother"s love and care?   有什么东西能取代母亲的爱和关怀 吗 ?   15. The Agriculture Department today released a new graphic to replace the old symbol.   农业部今天发布了一个新图标以取代旧标志。

replace 用法与中文意思,搞懂「代替、取代、替换」英文怎么说!

代替、取代、替换英文 怎么说? 代替、取代、替换的英文,你可以说replace,replace的中文意思有非常多,除了代替、替换的意思之外,还有更换…等多种意思。 下面整理了「replace 」的英文例句与中文意思,赶快学起来吧! 内容目录 replace 用法一、代替、取代、替换 replace 最常见的意思是指「to take the place of something, or to put something or someone in the place of something or someone else」,也就是将某物品替换为其他物品,或是将某人替换为其他人的意思。 例: Nobody could ever replace you. 没有人能够代替你。 另外,当你要说用B取代A时,你可以用replace A with B 这样的句型。 例: The factory replaced most of workers with robots. 这间工厂用机器人取代了大多数工人。 replace 用法二、更换、更新、赔偿 replace还有另外一个意思是「If you replace something broken, damaged, or lost, you provide a new one.」,也就是更新替换的意思。 例: My boyfriend bought me a new camera to replace my old one. 我的男朋友给我买了一台新相机来代替旧相机。 replace 用法三、 把…放回原处 replace还有第三个用法是「to put something back where it was before」,也就是把某样东西放回原处的意思。 例: Please replace the books after reading. 看完书后请把书放回原处 例: I replaced the books correctly on the shelves. 我把书正确地放在架子上了。 replace, replace 中文, replace 意思, replace 用法, 代替 英文, 取代 英文, 替换 英文




replace,意思是“代替”,标志着它是一个标识替换的函数。返回一个字符串,该字符串中指定的子字符串已被替换成另一子字符串,并且替换发生的次数也是指定的。使用语法:replace(s1,s2,[s3]) 即s3替换s1中的s2字符,s3可以不填,默认是空字符。语法:REPLACE(Old_text, Start_num, Num_chars, New_text)。REPLACEB(Old_text, Start_num, Num_bytes, New_text)。/A:把新文件加入目标目录。不能和/S或/U命令行开关搭配使用。/P:替换文件或加入源文件之前会先提示您进行确认。/R:替换只读文件以及未受保护的文件。/S:替换目标目录中所有子目录的文件。不能与/A命令开关搭配使用。/W:等您插入磁盘以后再运行。/U:只会替换或更新比源文件日期早的文件。不能与/A命令行开关搭配使用。例如:replace C:/01.txt D:表示将C盘的01.txt文件替换为D盘内的同名文件。


replace的用法:replace只能用作及物动词,多是用来表示“代替;取代;更换;(用…)替换;(以…)接替;更新;把…放回原处”的意思。replace在表示“把…放回原处”的意思时,引申可表示“取代、更换”,指物或人因各种原因而替换,尤指用新的物体代替旧的、破损的或失去的东西,指人时多指取代某一位置以作为替代者或继承者。有时也可作“赔偿、归还”解。例句:1:The coach decided to replace player No. 8 with No. 3.教练决定让3号替换8号。2:He replaced the book in the shelf.他把书放回到书架上。3:I will replace the cup I broke.我愿用一个新杯子赔还我打碎的一只。4:I cannot replace you as her assistant.我不能代替你作为她的助手。




take place of 英[teik pleis u0254v] 美[tek ples u028cv] [词典] 代替; [网络] 发生; [例句]She would take place of me then, and Henrietta would not dislike that.到时候她将取代我的位置,亨丽埃塔对此不会不喜欢的。双语例句 百度知道replace 英[ru026au02c8pleu026as] 美[ru026au02c8ples] vt. 代替; 替换; 把…放回原位; (用…) 替换; [网络] 取代; 替代; 更换; [例句]The council tax replaces the poll tax next April.市政税在明年4月将取代人头税。[其他] 第三人称单数:replaces 现在分词:replacing 过去式:replaced过去分词:replaced 形近词: noplace emplace displace 双语例句 柯林斯词典 英英释义 百度百科


replace英 [ru026au02c8pleu026as] 美 [ru026au02c8ples] vt.代替;替换;把…放回原位;(用…)替换第三人称单数: replaces 现在分词: replacing 过去式: replaced 过去分词: replaced双语例句 The council tax replaces the poll tax next April. 市政税在明年4月将取代人头税。


Replace是一个英文单词,动词,作动词时意为“取代,代替;替换,更换;归还,偿还;把…放回原处”。短语搭配:Replace Color 替换颜色 ; 替换色彩 ; 取代颜色 ; 替换颜色调整命令Replace Footage 替换素材 ; 替换镜头 ; 替代原始素材file replace 文件替换 ; 文件更换 ; 文件替换英语Replace All 全部替换 ; 全部取代 ; 替换全部 ; 替换所有Replace Rail 替换轨道Replace Drum 更换硒鼓 ; 更换鼓组件replace verb 取代 ; 替换Replace Battery 更换电池 ; 低电压报警Replace Studio 文本批量替换工具双语例句:1、I cannot replace you as her assistant.我不能代替你作为她的助手。2、I want to have the freedom to replace her with another one.那么我就应有自由以另一个人来取代她。3、You have to do something to prevent their loss, not try to replace it.你必须做些什么来防止他们的损失,而不是试图取代它。

the new to take place

The new(主语) is (系动词)to take the place of the old(不定时短语作表语) 这是be+ 不定式(to+ 动词原形) 结构,常用来表将来,或是一些情态意味“应该,必须,必然”等

put into place a ban on sth.是什么意思?


Same Time Same Place求此曲的歌词~

I don"t wanna be alone Yo I"ll be there Same place same time I can"t stand being without you As we lay face to face Sharing love in a temporary place I got a girl you got a man If they found out I"m sure they wouldn"t understand See I can"t keep myself from wanting you You see I wanna lay with you I wanna play with you I wanna stay with you Chorus Don"t ask me how I can"t say why Why we"re here you and I At the same place at the same time Don"t stop now don"t let it end Girl we must do it again In the same way at the same time I want my cake eat it too Making love to her I wish I"m making love to you So here we are we know it"s wrong Each moment without you Baby is too damn long There"s no time to be wasting baby So let"s slip away to our favorite place Chorus Make sure you got your pumps on When you come baby come along I swear I"m gonna keep it hot Come on give me all you got it"s our secret Keeping it a secret nobody has to know The things that we do or the places we go You know what time of evening You know just where we meet It ain"t nobody"s business We"re keeping it discreet chorus

Three place where people often make reservations.


Put in place,no price 在下面的句子中是什么意思,全句呢?谢谢~

是电脑用语位和字节的意思[即存储单位],在这里应该是代指电脑的意思吧 bits and bites 是一种俗语 跟他直接翻译过来的意思基本没关系! 意思应该是,

泰勒black place歌词

Nice to meet youWhere you"ve been?I can show you incredible thingsMagic, madness, heaven, sinsSaw you there and I thought oh my godLook at that face, you look like my next mistakeLove"s a game, wanna playNew money, suit and tieI can read you like a magazineAin"t it funny rumors flyAnd I know you"ve heard about meSo hey, let"s be friendsAnd I"m dying to see how this one endsGrab your passport and my handI can make the bad guys good for a weekendSo it"s gonna be foreverOr it"s gonna go down in flamesYou can tell me when it"s overIf the high was worth the painGot a long list of ex-loversThey"ll tell you I"m insaneCause you know I love the playersAnd you love the gameCause we"re young and we"re recklessWe"ll take this way too farIt"ll leave you breathlessOr with a nasty scarGot a long list of ex-loversThey"ll tell you I"m insaneBut I got a blank space babyAnd I"ll write your nameCherry lipsCrystal skiesI can show you incredible thingsstolen kisses, pretty liesYou"re the king baby I"m your queenFind out what you wantBe that girl for a monthBut the worst is yet to comeOh noScreaming, crying, perfect stormsI can make all the tables turnRose garden filled with thornsKeep you second guessing like oh my godWho is she? I get drunk on jealousyBut you"ll come back each time you leaveCause darling I"m a nightmare dressed like a daydreamSo it"s gonna be foreverOr it"s gonna go down in flamesYou can tell me when it"s overIf the high was worth the painGot a long list of ex-loversThey"ll tell you I"m insaneCause you know I love the playersAnd you love the gameCause we"re young and we"re reckless、We"ll take this way too farIt"ll leave you breathlessOr with a nasty scarGot a long list of ex-loversThey"l tell you I"m insaneBut I got a blank space babyAnd I"ll write your nameBoys only want loveIf it"s tortureDon"t say I didn"t say I didn"t warn youBoys only want loveif it"s tortureDon"t say I didn"t say I didn"t warn youSo it"s gonna be foreverOr it"s gonna go down in flamesYou can tell me when it"s overIf the high was worth the painGot a long list of ex-loversThey"ll tell you I"m insaneCause you know I love the playersAnd you love the gameCause we"re young and we"re recklessWe"ll take this way too farIt"ll leave you breathlessOr with a nasty scarGot a long list of ex-loversThey"ll tell you I"m insaneBut I got a blank space babyAnd I"ll write your name

you climb this to get to high places. 用一个词表示

ladder 梯子。

which place are you going to travel后面用加to吗?

答:依句意,travel 在本句中应该用作及物动词,所以travel后面就不用加介词to了。

travel to different places的意思


to travel to a place to do something

第一个to travel 是不定式,取决于前面一个动词,eg. I decide to travel to a place to do travel 作decide 的宾语。to do sth 是不定式作目的状语。

my favorite place英语作文

my favourite placeMy favourite place is Shenzhen.Shenzhe is a modern city.It is one of China"s top tourist destinations. IThe sea in Shenzhen attracted me very much.Its culture is different from the traditional culture of other cities. It is the transformation and activation of inland culture and the absorption and fusion of foreign culture oriented toward Hong Kong.People in Shenzhen are very fridenly and polite.I hope I can visit Shenzhen again.我喜欢的地方是深圳。深圳是一个现代化的城市,它是中国最多人去旅游的城市之一。它的海滨深深地吸引了我。它的文化和其他城市的传统文化不同。它结合了国外文化和内地文化。在深圳的人们都非常友善和有礼貌,我希望我能够有机会再去深圳



Ansys老版本中【Main Menu】->【Solution】->【Apply】->【Displacement】->【On Areas】到哪儿去了?


the first place that they visit in London was the Big Ben





试试这个:str.replace(str.begin(), str.end(), str.rbegin(), str.rend());

我的cadence place--off-page connector只有向左的,没有向右的,请问怎麼解决?



Take on a new place英文翻译如下占据一个新的地方

place your text 什么意思


大学英语阅读理解 can computer replace teacher?

Can computers replace teachers?A Steve Jobs didn"t think that technology alone could fix what troubles Americaneducation. It"s worth remembering that in the wake of last week"s breathlesscoverage of Apple"s new iBooks platform, which the company promises willcompletely change how students use and experience textbooks. Under Apple"s plan,companies and individuals will be able to self-publish textbooks, ideally creating awider range of content. Students will be able to download and use these books on aniPad much like they would use a regular textbook — including highlighting passages,making notes and pulling out passages or chapters that are especially important tothem. Apple says it also plans tocap the price of textbooks available through iBooksat $14.99, a significant departure from the price of many textbooks now.B Critics were quick to criticize Apple for not being revolutionary enough. Formerschoolmaster and current ed-tech (教育技术)investor Tom Vander Ark blamedApple for not thinking past textbooks, which he considers hopelessly 20th century.Others worried that Apple"s real goal wasn"t to open up the textbook industry but tocontrol it and profit from it through restrictive licensing agreements and a platformthat dominates the market. I"m sure the for-profit company"s shareholders will behorrified at that news.C Let"s slow down. Textbooks or tools that look a lot like textbooks aren"t goinganywhere anytime soon. And since high-quality educational material isn"t cheap togenerate, simply tearing down distribution barriers will only go so far in reducing thecosts of producing good content. Lost in the heated claims, however, is a morefundamental question: What have educational technology efforts accomplished todate and what should we expect?D As a field, education is easily misled by technological promises. Textbooks?Thomas Edison saw movies as a way to replace them. In a prelude (序幕)to today"sdebates, therecord player and film strip were praised as technologies that couldreplace live teaching. These days, conservatives are in love with the idea thattechnology will not only shrink the number of in-classroom teachers but make theteachers" unions out of date.E The experience to date is less impressive and more worrisome considering thebillions that have been spent on technology in schools in the past few decades.Interactive whiteboards have been around since the early 1990s and done little totransform how teachers teach, and computers are often not matched with classroominstruction, even though 90 percent of classrooms around the country have them.Still, in the United States, according to the data of the Department of Education from2009, just 61 percent of students use computers to prepare texts “sometimes oroften" and just 45 percent do more complicated tasks, for instance to "solveproblems, analyze data, or perform calculations" on a regular basis.F Usage aside, there is not enough evidence that technology is improving learning -even the cheerleaders are reduced to arguing that various education technologytools are obvious rather than supported by much evidence. And when you watch,say, high school students use the Internet to prepare research papers, it"squestionable whether technology --especially when coupled with poorly trainedteachers --isn"t doing more to enable the superficial rather than open up richersources of information for students.G The reasons for the slow pace of change are as obvious as they are stubborn.Altering classroom and school practice in our wildly decentralized education systemis always a slow process. Many teachers are not familiar with technology or how touse it in the classroom, and high-quality training programs - either in schools ofeducation or as part of teachers" ongoing professional development -are rare. Asalways, there are few guides for educators to determine which products are anygood.H There is, of course, still promise in educational technology. When DreamboxLearning, an online math program for elementary-aged students, offered me a freetrial to check it out, I did what I usually do with new educational tools - I put it to theultimate group of critics: my kids. Dreambox combines real content with aninteractive format so kids are learning even when they think they"re just playinggames. I"ve looked at a variety of products, and it"s one of the best in terms ofpowerful instruction. In a short time, it substantially boosted my kids" mathachievement. (They have a great teacher, too.) As for engagement? Maybe too much.One of my daughters woke me up at 5:00 a.m. the other day because she wanted todo math.I Yet even a top-shelf product can only help live teaching. Despite Dreambox"s overallgood functionality, there are places where students can become frustrated—notbecause they don"t know how to do the basic math, but because the directions forthe online activity are confusing. Likewise, technology is bringing back the idea of the“flipped classroom (翻转课堂)"with the teacher acting as a “guide on the side"rather than the primary source of instruction. I say “back" because, ironically, talk ofdevaluing the teacher as content provider has been a fixture (固定特色)ofprogressive educationthought for a century. Another variation of the flipped-classroom idea is to use technology to explain concepts at home and to useclassroom time differently. Again, a lot of potential, but only with keen attention toinstructional quality. Much of the online content available today merely copies thedull instruction already available in too many of our nation"s schools.J As a parent and an analyst, I want technology that includes rich content or enablesstudents to access it. And I want technologies that are engaging for students butactually teach them something. Plenty of applications fail on one side or the other.And as with lots of offline schoolwork, there are time wasters that aren"t helpinganyone learn much of anything. If anyone tells you an ed-tech tool has “gamingelements”,make sure it"s not just a game.K American education desperately needs a thorough change that goes far beyondupgrading computers in the classroom. It"s the last major American field relativelyuntouched by technology. But Jobs was right: Technology by itself won"t fix whattroubles our schools. He saw teachers" unions and old-fashioned practices as the bigbarriers. Perhaps, but I"d argue they are symptoms of our larger inattention toinstructional quality. The bells and whistles of technology, for all its promise,aredistracting us from this mundane but essential reality.


后面跟的介词不一样substitute A for B 表示用 A代替Breplace A with B 表示用B代替A

substitute replacement.区别

substitute 动词替换,replacement 名词替代品substitute 英[u02c8su028cbstu026atju:t] 美[u02c8su028cbstu026atu:t] vt. 代替,替换,代用; n. 替代物; 代替者; 替补(运动员) [语法学] 代用词; vi. 用…替代; [例句]But the larger point is this: a clever campaign gambit is a poor substitute for a serious proposal.但更重要的问题是:聪明的竞选策略根本代替不了严肃的提案。[其他] 第三人称单数:substitutes 复数:substitutes 现在分词:substituting过去式:substituted 过去分词:substituted形近词: prostitute restitute destitute replacement 英[ru026au02c8pleu026asmu0259nt] 美[ru026au02c8plesmu0259nt] n. 代替; 归还,,复位; 替代者; 补充兵员; [例句]A mock object is a replacement for a real object that we create for the express purpose of testing.为了达到快速测试的目的,我们创建模拟对象来代替真实的对象。[其他] 复数:replacements形近词: autoplacement transplacement emplacement



A is substituted for B, A substitute for B,A replace B,分别是什么意思啊

Substitute1. Use or add in place of.2. Act or serve as a provide a substitute or equivalent in the place of:全部都是B被A取代了。

区别substituted for和take the place of


replace substitute的区别

解释差不多,但用法不同.replace A with B,用A换B.substitute A for B,用B换A.



vary from place to place是什么意思

你好 很高兴回答你的问题 翻译为:vary from place to place不同的地方望采纳 谢谢

Displacement activity are activities that animals engage in when they have conflicting drives.

换个结构看看能不能理解:Animals engage in displacement activities when they have conflicting drives.这里的engage in 是参与...的意思。满意请采纳

has sth in place什么意思,请给一个例句

have sth in place, 一般指将某物放置在特定位置,有时用作“实施”,类似于actualize。eg: Having inclusive leave policies in place will help normalize caregiving in the workplace.中文:实施包容性休假政策将有助于实现职场育儿常态化。例句来源:The motherhood penalty: we"re losing talent to caregiving,《英语世界》2022·05期 ,p12

place 有没有安排安置的意思?和arrange有什么区别?

有跟安排差不多的意思 例place an order,下个定单arrange 就是制安排时间,谁谁谁做什么事

The soldiers stopped at the edge of a wood , ___ was the right place for an ambush . A.they tho...

D.which they thoughtwhich 引导非限制性定语从句, 并做主语。 they thought 相当于一个插入语如不明白请追问,如果满意请采纳手机提问者如果满意,请在客户端右上角评价点“满意”即可, 谢谢!祝学习进步

place a complait against是什么意思


the place of conclusion是什么意思

the place of conclusion结论的地方双语对照例句:1.Some of the german tourists have already weighed the place and came to aconclusion that nothing could be renovated here. 德国游客有的已权衡的地方,来到一个没有什么可以翻新这里的结论。2.Conclusion the clinical manifestation varieties of non-typical myocardialinfarction, which gives the first place to sudden symptoms, are related tocardiocerebral vascular diseases. 结论不典型心肌梗死的临床表现多样化,以突发症状为主.与心脑血管疾病相关。3.The seller must bear any increase in the expenses incidental to payment whichis caused by a change in his place of business subsequent to the conclusionof the contract. 卖方必须承担因其营业地在订立合同后发生变动而增加的支付方面的有关费用。

Out of the commonplace into the rare


what alternatives are there to replace plastic with

There are many alternatives to plastics, such as:- paper (still one of the best alternatives to plastics)- glass (which was the material used in bottles before plastics came along)- fabric (for example: reusable shopping bags)- wood (for boxes and other containers)- feathers (for insulation)- biodegradable polyester (for threads and surgical sutures etc.)- recyclable metal


区别是词义不相同replaceable adj. 可代替的; alternative adj. 替代的; 另类的; 备选的; 其他的; n. 可供选择的事物;

alternative和 replacement在名词意义“替代物”上有什么区别?



alternative和replace意思一样alternative[英][ɔ:lˈtɜ:nətɪv][美][ɔlˈtɚnətɪv, æl-]adj.替代的; 备选的; 其他的; 另类的; n.可供选择的事物; 复数:alternativesreplace[英][rɪ"pleɪs][美][rɪˈples]vt.替换; 代替; 把…放回原位; (用…)替换; 第三人称单数:replaces过去分词:replaced现在进行时:replacing过去式:replaced望采纳,谢谢

alternative和 replacement在名词意义“替代物”上有什么区别?

“替代物”substitute ==replacementalternative-----是两个人或者两个物体中必须选择出的一个




alternative:两个人或者两个物体中可供选择,选择一个。 而 replacement = substitute,只 是指替代物,没有“可供选择”这层意思。


alternative和replace意思一样 alternative [英][ɔ:lˈtɜ:nətɪv][美][ɔlˈtɚnətɪv,æl-] adj.替代的; 备选的; 其他的; 另类的; n.可供选择的事物; 复数:alternatives replace [英][rɪ"pleɪs][美][rɪˈples] vt.替换; 代替; 把…放回原位; (用…)替换; 第三人称单数:replaces过去分词:replaced现在进行时:replacing过去式:replaced

place of delivery是什么意思

place of delivery 英[pleis ɔv diˈlivəri] 美[ples ʌv dɪˈlɪvəri] [词典] 交货地点; [例句]The chosen place of delivery has an impact on the obligations of loading and unloading the goods at that place.交货地点的选择对于在该地点装货和卸货的义务会产生影响。-供参考-梁兆铃

be instead of与replace语法上有什么区别(初中语法)

replace,是一人动词,可直接作谓语.The boss left for Beijing,so he replace his position.instead of 是否定后在的词,instead 是否定前面的,两者都不能作谓语,instead应该放在后面.He comes from China instead of English.他来自中国而不是来自英国.He didn"t go to the cinema,he go to the park,instead.他没有去电影院,而是去了公园.

replace 和instead的区别是什么?

replace,是一人动词,可直接作谓语. ThebossleftforBeijing,sohereplacehisposition. insteadof是否定后在的词,instead是否定前面的,两者都不能作谓语,instead应该放在后面. HecomesfromChinainsteadofEnglish.他来自中国而不是来自英国. Hedidn"tgotothecinema,hegotothepark,instead.他没有去电影院,而是去了公园.



place 的用法。特别是做动词时

.(及物动词)placed,, (1) To put in or as if in a particular place or position; set. 放,安置,安排:放到某一特定的位置或地方;放置 (2) To put in a specified relation or order: 排列:按特定关系或顺序安排: Place the words in alphabetical order. 将单词按字母顺序排列 (3) To offer for consideration: 提出以供考虑: placed the matter before the board. 向委员会提议这件事 (4) To find accommodation or employment for. 为…找住处,为…安排职位 (5) To put into a particular condition: 使…置于:将…放到特定的条件下: placed him under arrest. 将他逮捕 (6) To arrange for the publication or display of: 出版,刊登:安排…出版或公布: place an advertisement in the newspaper. 在报纸上登上广告 (7) To appoint to a post: 安排:委派到某一位置: placed her in a key position. 她被安排到一重要位置 (8) To rank in an order or a sequence: 排…的名次,位置:在一序列或名单中的位置: I"d place him second best. 我把他排在第二位 (9) To estimate: 评估,估计: placed the distance at 100 feet. 估计有100英尺远 (10) To identify or classify in a particular context: 认定,认清:在一特定的背景下鉴别或分类: could not place that person"s face. 不能认清那人的脸 (11) To give an order for: 对…下命令: place a bet. 打赌 (12) To apply or arrange for: 申请或安排: place an order. 按次序安排 (13) To adjust (one"s voice) for the best possible effects. 调整声音:调整(某人的声音)获得最佳效果 v.intr.Sports Games (不及物动词)【体育运动】 【游戏】 To arrive among the first three finishers in a race, especially to finish second. 在比赛中取得前三名之一,尤指第二名

药学中a placebo vehicle是什么意思

对照孔 placebo是安慰剂的意思。vehicle 载体。

places rated almanac是什么意思

诸如《居住评级年鉴》(Places Rated Almanac)和《美国最有魅力的城镇和乡村》等书籍长期受到美国民众的欢迎,近些年来美国政府也赶起了这个时髦。

关于肉鸡的,请问eggs set 和chicks placed 各是什么意思?place可以有繁殖的意思么?

安放 孵化

下订单的表达英文除了place an order还有哪些说法

你好!下订单Place the order
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