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英[fu0259u028an],美[fou028an]。意思:1、名词电话;电话系统;电话机;电话听筒;(发声或使用声音的)工具,仪器;说某种语言的;音子。2、动词打电话。示例:1、She spoke to me by phone last night. 她昨晚与我通了电话。2、The phone is ringing. 电话在响。复合形:1、(构成名词)表示“声音”,“传递声音的装置”(如:homophone,telephone)。2、(构成名词或形容词)表示“使用...语言的(人)”(如:Anglophone)。


phone[英][fu0259u028an][美][fou028an]n.电话; 听筒; (发声或使用声音的)工具; 说某种语言的; vt.& vi.打电话(给某人); 第三人称单数:phones复数:phones现在进行时:phoning过去式:phoned过去分词:phoned例句:You mind if I use your phone?你介意我用你的电话吗?Why didn"t you answer your phone?你为什么不接我的电话?Can I borrow your cell phone?我能借一下你的手机吗?Can I makea phone call?我能打个电话吗?Can I use your phone?我可以用你的电话吗?


phone [英][fu0259u028an][美][fon] n. 电话;听筒;(发声或使用声音的)工具;说某种语言的 vt.& vi. 打电话(给某人) 复数: phones 第三人称单数: phones 过去式: phoned 过去分词: phoned 现在分词: phoning 双语例句 1. My kids spend hours chatting on the phone to their friends. 我的几个孩子在电话上和朋友聊天一聊就是几个小时。 2. a clamshell phone 翻盖式手机 3. I often doodle when I"m on the phone. 我打电话时常常信手乱画。 4. They"re sending an engineer to fix the phone. 他们要派一名技师来安装电话。 5. I deal with customers on the phone and rarely meet them face-to-face. 我用电话和客户打交道,很少和他们见面。

xbox one支持4k分辨率吗

你好,据微软游戏部门高层 Mike Ybarra推文回复确认,Xbox One S具备将游戏扩大到4K分辨率游玩的能力。这意味着Xbox One S可以代替4K屏幕完成扩大至4K分辨率的动作,当然这个并非是指游戏原生以4K分辨率运行。 Xbox One S还支持HDR技术,这样在4K显示屏幕上游戏画面将能够出现非常好的渲染效果。希望可以帮到你的




只有直接关闭电脑,手柄就会关闭了,正常情况下长按西瓜键大概十几秒就能关了。xboxone功能介绍:微软对XBOX ONE的重点宣传还是突出了综合娱乐的概念,其中最引人注目的就是所谓“机顶盒”功能,借助语音控制,譬如一句简单的“XBOX, Watch TV”就可以让方便的使用XBOX ONE满足多种娱乐需求,随意切换到电视,游戏,音乐等界面,同样也可以使用手势动作,或者WIN8的触摸屏等一整套相关配置。更进一步,XBOX ONE还会借助网络实现更加智能的娱乐服务,比如在电视节目里自动根据你的喜好推荐收藏,实现相关的互动,同样也包括在游戏中彼此分享视频等基本的服务,这方面微软并没有透露更进一步的计划,但暗示各种神奇的想象都有可能。微软是在德国科隆举办的年度Gamescome游戏和娱乐大会上宣布这项DVR(数字录像机)功能的。Xbox程序管理总监麦克·伊巴拉(Mike Ybarra)表示,这项服务将于2016年推出,用户无需拥有订阅帐号。他还在周二简单演示了该功能,展示了如何在游戏和直播电视界面之间切换,如何录制节目以及如何快进——数字录像机上的所有功能都应有尽有。


phrase one中文翻译是:阶段一…...

leave-one-out sensitivity analyses这个是什么实验


proverbs and famous sayings about money

有钱能使鬼推磨Money makes the mare go. Money is the root of all evil.金钱是万恶之源。 Money talks.钱能通神。 招财进宝Money and treasures will be plentiful Time is money. 时间就是金钱。. A man without money is no man at all. 一分钱难倒英雄汉。 It is easier to get money than to keep it. 挣钱容易攒钱难。 Money isn‘t everything. 钱不是万能的。 Wealth is nothing without health. 失去健康,钱再多也没用。 Wisdom is better than gold or silver. 智慧胜过金钱。Money is not everything--- There"s Mastercards & Visa. 金钱不是万能的, 有时你还需要万事达卡和visa卡

英语问题,one causes of the pollution is factories

谓语与主语保持一致,因为主语是 one of...,(...之一)是单数,故用:is这句话也有点问题,应该是 one of the causes of pollution

求东方同人 PSY - PHONE 歌词翻译!

那个.....选中一行日文点击鼠标右键有一个..使用live search转换...它是一个在线翻译..呃...就这

海贼王为什么 叫ONE PIECE


one piece什么意思。



One Piece 是动画片海贼王(航海王)的另一个名字,也是指 伟大航路(Grand Line)中的终极目的地,应该是一个小岛。《航海王》是日本漫画家尾田荣一郎作画的少年漫画作品,在《周刊少年Jump》1997年34号开始连载。改编的电视动画《航海王》于1999年10月20日起在富士电视台首播。2012年5月11日,《航海王》获得第41回日本漫画家协会赏 。截至2015年6月15日,《航海王》以日本本土累计发行了3亿2086万6000本,被吉尼斯世界纪录官方认证为“世界上发行量最高的单一作者创作的系列漫画”。2017年7月21日,日本纪念日协会通过认证,将每年的7月22日设立为“ONE PIECE纪念日”扩展资料:1、蒙奇·D·路飞日本漫画《航海王》的主角,外号“草帽”路飞,草帽海贼团、草帽大船团船长,极恶的世代之一。橡胶果实能力者,悬赏金15亿贝里。梦想是找到传说中的One Piece,成为海贼王。路飞性格积极乐观,爱憎分明,而且十分重视伙伴,不甘屈居于他人之下,对任何危险的事物都超感兴趣。和其他传统的海贼所不同的是,他并不会为了追求财富而杀戮,而是享受着身为海贼的冒险和自由。2、萨博,日本漫画《海贼王》及其衍生作品中的人物。是蒙奇·D·路飞与波特卡斯·D·艾斯的结义兄弟。革命军参谋总长,同时也是革命军的二把手,悬赏金6亿零200万贝里(出自艾斯纪念小说)。出身贵族但向往自由,幼时与路飞、艾斯相识并结拜为兄弟。在首次出海时遭到天龙人的袭击,被革命军首领蒙奇·D·龙(路飞父亲)救下。在龙的教导下,凭借自身的天赋与努力,成为革命军二号人物。在德雷斯罗萨竞技场与路飞重逢,代替路飞出场并赢得比赛,吃下烧烧果实,继承了兄弟艾斯的意志。参考资料来源:百度百科-航海王

one piece是什么意思?


海贼的ONE PIECE到底是什么?


onepiece是什么意思 介绍日本漫画《海贼王》的含义和故事情节?

一篇关于日本漫画《海贼王》的百度百科文章在这个冒险之旅中,路飞和他的伙伴们遇到了许多强大的敌人和良善的朋友,也经历了许多惊心动魄的战斗和感人至深的故事。他们与红发香克斯、白胡子海贼团、黑胡子海贼团等强大的海盗团队展开了激烈的战斗,也遇到了许多来自各地的伙伴,如甚平、乌索普、娜美、山治、乔巴、罗宾、弗兰奇、布鲁克等人,他们一起组成了“草帽海贼团”并展开了一系列惊险的冒险旅程。在这个旅程中,路飞和他的伙伴们不断成长,不断突破自己的极限,最终实现了自己的梦想。《海贼王》的故事背景设定在一个由海洋环绕的世界,这个世界上有着许多海盗团队,他们为了争夺宝藏而在海上展开激烈的战斗。主人公路飞是一个梦想成为海贼王的少年,他吃下了一种神奇的果实,获得了能够伸缩身体的能力,但代价是永远无法游泳。路飞和他的伙伴们一起踏上了寻找“ONE PIECE”宝藏的冒险之旅。《海贼王》的故事背景设定在一个由海洋环绕的世界,这个世界上有着许多海盗团队,他们为了争夺宝藏而在海上展开激烈的战斗。主人公路飞是一个梦想成为海贼王的少年,他吃下了一种神奇的果实,获得了能够伸缩身体的能力,但代价是永远无法游泳。路飞和他的伙伴们一起踏上了寻找“ONE PIECE”宝藏的冒险之旅。二、《海贼王》的故事情节一篇关于日本漫画《海贼王》的百度百科文章

one Piece是什么意思?

在One Piece的世界中,整个海洋被一条贯穿南北的大陆和叫做伟大航道的海区划分为东、西、南、北四块海洋。   有一个人,他拥有世上一切财富、声望和权利,他就是海贼王——哥尔·D·罗杰 。  传说中的One Piece就被埋藏在伟大航道。   他临死前说的一句话,驱使全世界的人进入大海——“想要我的财富吗?可以的。我把一切都放在那里,你们去找吧!”   于是,大海贼时代开始了——   “我可是要成为海贼王的男人啊!”   这就是我们的主人公——路飞的宣言。路飞拥有恶魔果实能力,身体可以任意伸长,但永远学不会游泳。他是典型单细胞的家伙,单纯、热血、少根筋,不过真的是很可爱呢~~~而他的周围也逐渐聚集起一群同样有梦想、有实力的热血伙伴——索隆(剑客)、娜美(航海士)、乌索普(狙击手)、香吉士(厨师)、乔巴(医生)、罗宾(考古学家)、弗兰克(船工)、布鲁克(音乐家)。 【故事情节】  本理想成为海贼王的路飞,误食了香克斯(有版本翻译成“杰克”)收藏的恶魔果实,而变成了橡皮人,恶魔果实的副作用却使他永远不能游泳。  不过他的理想仍然没有改变——成为海贼王,并且找到传说中哥尔·D·罗杰的秘宝-One Piece,冒险就此开始了……   在某个时代海贼是个光荣而又快乐的职业,虽然政府并不支持他们,但是海上的风浪和海上的美丽还是将无数人,特别是男人的梦想完全地吸引了进去。在这个时代的某一天,海盗业忽然疯狂了起来,原来一个著名的大海盗在临刑前忽然说出了他的秘密:他将他那无法衡量的财产藏在了某个小岛上,而去这个小岛的路线就叫伟大航线——One Piece!  路飞所生长的小村庄里曾经是一群以“红发香克斯”为首的海盗们的暂居地,而小小的路飞一直希望自己可以成为他们的一员,可惜,在一次非常意外的情况下,他吃了一种叫做“橡皮果实”的恶魔果实而变成了橡皮人,恶魔果实给予了他奇特的本领,但是吃了恶魔果实的人是再也无法学会游泳的……   “没有关系,我只要不掉到海里去就行了……”天性乐观单纯的路飞并没有放弃他的海盗之路,他和香克斯约好,总有一天他会集齐伙伴,成为海贼王。   怀揣着对这个世界的憧憬和对自己梦想的执著,路飞长大以后摇着条小船就出海了,这一路上还真让他找到了许多身怀绝技的朋友:目标成为第一剑客的索隆,有着非常优秀的航海直觉的娜美,一流的海上厨师香吉士,特别善于说大话的乌索普,一流的船医驯鹿乔巴,成熟富有女人味的考古学家罗宾,以及顶级的船匠弗兰克,和立志与鲸鱼拉布重逢的骷髅音乐家布鲁克。当然要得到这些伙伴是非常不容易的,路飞一路千辛万苦地和他所遇到的敌人们战斗着,他最大的长处就是那笑对死亡和永不言败的精神!   伟大航路!这是一个任凭再优秀的海盗也无法预料其危险的地方,这是一个埋葬了无数的厉害人物的地方,这是一个摧毁人类一切常识信心和勇气的地方……可是路飞他们终于进入了,One Piece的故事将要完全展开了。  海贼王节目表【相关资料】  有关ONE PIECE含义(来自漫迷)  [O]vercome myself——克服自己   [N]avigate the reticent companion——航行中无言的同伴   [E]ager for the historical fact——渴望历史的真相   [P]ursue the most of dream——追寻世上最大的梦想   [I]nsist on promise——坚持承诺   [E]ntertain a belief——怀抱信念   [C]onfront the life——面对人生   [E]mbrace emotion——拥抱情感  曾乘船只:黄金梅利号 万里阳光号【人物一览】  主条目: 蒙奇·D·路飞(路飞)  主条目:罗罗诺亚·索隆  主条目: 娜美  主条目: 乌索普(骗人布)  主条目: 山治(香吉士)  主条目: 托尼托尼·乔巴(乔巴)  主条目:微微(比比)  主条目:妮可·罗宾  主条目:弗兰奇(卡蒂.弗兰姆)  主条目:布鲁克

为什么海贼王叫ONE PIECE?ONE PIECE是什么意思?

ONE PIECE的意思就是连衣裙

龟phone怎么样?想买一个,价格是多少呀! 不解释

Last year we visited the Summer Palace,___is one of the most beautiful places in Beijing.

你好!这里应该选 B非限定性定语从句希望能够帮到你!

How can I ( )the wrong I have done to her?

A.补救。can 后面用动词原形。

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跪求Honey and the Bee 的中文歌词 泪奔!

Buzz me up to heaven baby 我逛了天国宝宝 Come on, buzz me up to heaven 来吧,我逛了天国 I"ve been missing you I should be kissing you我已经错过了你,我应该吻你 Honey to the Bee that"s you for me 蜂蜜蜜蜂说的,你为我 I wouldn"t tell a lie got a love I can"t deny 我不会撒谎,有爱,我也不能否认 Honey to the Bee that"s you for me 蜂蜜蜜蜂说的,你为我 Honey to the Bee that"s you for me 蜂蜜蜜蜂说的,你为我 Honey to the Bee...... 蜂蜜蜜蜂...... I close my eyes and I see you clear 在我结束我的眼睛,我看见你清晰 It feels like you"re lying here 喜欢你躺在这里 All the things I want to say come and go 所有事情,我想说的来去 Easy as the breeze those words just flow 容易随着微风这些话只是流 I float on air light as a feather 我漂浮在空中轻如鸿毛 Your love so sweet like an open flower 你的爱情甜,所以像花开放 I"m dizzy from the time we spent together 我从晕眩的时候,我们一起度过 I need that honey drip every hour 我需要蜂蜜滴灌每小时 I"m thinking about your sugar lips 我的思考贵糖嘴唇 Got a feeling for you now that"s so strong 有一种感觉,你现在说的那么强烈 I"m dreaming of the candy in your finger tips 我梦寐以求的糖果在指尖 Baby don"t stay away from me for too long 婴儿不远离我太久 I"ve been missing you I should be kissing you我已经错过了你,我应该吻你 Honey to the Bee that"s you for me 蜂蜜蜜蜂说的,你为我 I wouldn"t tell a lie got a love I can"t deny 我不会撒谎,有爱,我也不能否认 Honey to the Bee that"s you for me 蜂蜜蜜蜂说的,你为我 Honey to the Bee that"s you for me 蜂蜜蜜蜂说的,你为我 Honey to the Bee 蜂蜜蜜蜂 Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm buzz me up to heaven baby 我逛了天国宝宝 Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm ah ... 啊… … alright 好吧 Come on, buzz me up to heaven 来吧,我逛了天国 You make me smile though you"re far away 你们使我的笑容,虽然你远 I hear your voice like it was yesterday 我听到你的声音,就像是昨天 all the things you do to make me feel so fine 所有事情,你使我感到如此罚款 I gotta tell the world about a love thats mine gotta认为,我告诉全世界热爱矿山thats These wings to fly are gonna last forever 这些翅膀是飞这就万古长青! Cos one by one my dreams come true 产地来源证一一我的梦想成真 And I touch the sky whenever we"re together 我触摸天空的时候,我们在一起 I can"t believe the joy I get with you 我不能相信我的喜悦,获得与你 I"m thinking about your sugar lips 我的思考贵糖嘴唇 Got a feeling for you now that"s so strong 有一种感觉,你现在说的那么强烈 I"m dreaming of the candy in your finger tips 我梦寐以求的糖果在指尖 Baby don"t stay away from me for too long 婴儿不远离我太久 I"ve been missing you I should be kissing you我已经错过了你,我应该吻你 Honey to the Bee that"s you for me 蜂蜜蜜蜂说的,你为我 I wouldn"t tell a lie got a love I can"t deny 我不会撒谎,有爱,我也不能否认 Honey to the Bee that"s you for me 蜂蜜蜜蜂说的,你为我 I"ve been missing you I should be kissing you我已经错过了你,我应该吻你 Honey to the Bee that"s you for me 蜂蜜蜜蜂说的,你为我 I wouldn"t tell a lie got a love I can"t deny 我不会撒谎,有爱,我也不能否认 Honey to the Bee that"s you for me 蜂蜜蜜蜂说的,你为我 Honey to the Bee that"s you for me 蜂蜜蜜蜂说的,你为我 Honey to the Bee 蜂蜜蜜蜂 (Heaven) you"re the only one who can get me there (天堂) ,你只有一个人能让我有 (Heaven) when you gonna hear my prayer... (天堂)时,日理万机听到我的祈祷… … (Heaven) you"re the only one who can get me there (天堂) ,你只有一个人能让我有 (Heaven) when you gonna hear my prayer, yeah? (天堂)时,日理万机听到我的祈祷,噢? I"m thinking about your sugar lips 我的思考贵糖嘴唇 got a feeling for you now that"s so strong 有一种感觉,你现在说的那么强烈 I"m dreaming of the candy in your finger tips 我梦寐以求的糖果在指尖 Baby don"t stay away from me for too long 婴儿不远离我太久 I"ve been missing you I should be kissing you我已经错过了你,我应该吻你 Honey to the Bee that"s you for me 蜂蜜蜜蜂说的,你为我 wouldn"t tell a lie got a love I can"t deny 不会撒谎,有爱,我也不能否认 Honey to the Bee that"s you for me 蜂蜜蜜蜂说的,你为我 I"ve been missing you I should be kissing you我已经错过了你,我应该吻你 Honey to the Bee that"s you for me 蜂蜜蜜蜂说的,你为我 wouldn"t tell a lie got a love I can"t deny 不会撒谎,有爱,我也不能否认 Honey to the Bee that"s you for me 蜂蜜蜜蜂说的,你为我 Honey to the Bee that"s you for me 蜂蜜蜜蜂说的,你为我 Honey to the Bee 蜂蜜蜜蜂 Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm Honey to the Bee 蜂蜜蜜蜂 buzz me up to heaven baby 我逛了天国宝宝 Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm cmon" buzz me up to heaven cmon "逛我到天堂


简单说下that 指示代词,那个(指离自己稍远的物品,与this相反)a 冠词,用于辅音打头的单数名词前,表一个an 冠词,在元音打头的单数名词前,一个one 一个,用于单数名词前,指一类物品中的泛指一个it 代词 指代上文提到过的名词,一类物品中特指的一个,经常与one同考

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有一首英文歌,蛮动感的 歌词里有 lonely lonely 想问它的歌名是什么

有一首英文歌,蛮动感的 歌词里有 lonely lonely 想问它的歌名是什么 名字就叫《lonely》 有一首歌的歌词里有 when you fell bule的英文歌名是什么 《you can trust in me》,希望帮到你哦!歌词: I know It is hard to fall in love When you feel blue Deep inside your heart I"m sure You got so much more to give Believe in me I can let it shine again Surrender Baby please surrender I will be so tender If you trust in me Pretender I won"t be pretender Baby please surrender You can trust in me You know these are not only words (not only words) I know it"s true look into my eyes I"m sure If you wanna feel the same Believe in me I will let it shine again Surrender Baby please surrender I will be so tender If you trust in me Pretender I won"t be pretender Baby please surrender You can trust in me 有一首英文歌歌词有大段在哼唱lonely.歌名是什么? Only lonely... 真巧呀。。我昨天刚下的这个曲子~~ 有一首英文歌,歌词里有一首发啊,一首给啊,这样唱的,歌名是什么 Moves Like Jagger - Maroon 5 Oh, Oh! Just shoot for the stars If it feels right And aim for my heart If you feel like And take me away and make it OK I swear I"ll behave You wanted control So we waited I put on a show Now I make it You say I"m a kid My ego is big I don"t give a shit And it goes like this Take me by the tongue And I"ll know you Kiss me "til you"re drunk And I"ll show you All the moves like Jagger I"ve got the moves like Jagger I"ve got the moves like Jagger I don"t need to try to control you Look into my eyes and I"ll own you With them moves like Jagger I"ve got the moves like Jagger I"ve got the moves like Jagger Maybe it"s hard When you feel like you"re broken and scarred Nothing feels right But when you"re with me I"ll make you believe That I"ve got the key Oh So get in the car We can ride it Wherever you want Get inside it And you want to steer But I"m shifting gears I"ll take it from here (Oh! Yeah yeah!) And it goes like this (Uh) Take me by the tongue And I"ll know you (Uh) Kiss me "til you"re drunk And I"ll show you All the moves like Jagger I"ve got the moves like Jagger I"ve got the moves like Jagger I don"t need to try to control you (Oh, yeah) Look into my eyes and I"ll own you With them moves like Jagger I"ve got the moves like Jagger (Yeah yeah) I"ve got the moves like Jagger You wanna know how to make me *** ile Take control, own me just for the night And if I share my secret You"re gonna have to keep it Nobody else can see this So watch and learn I won"t show you ice Head to toe, oooh baby rub me right But if I share my secret You"re gonna have to keep it Nobody else can see this (Ay! Ay! Ay! Aaay!) And it goes like this Take me by the tongue And I"ll know you Kiss me "til you"re drunk And I"ll show you All the moves like Jagger I"ve got the moves like Jagger I"ve got the moves like Jagger I don"t need to try to control you Look into my eyes and I"ll own you With them moves like Jagger I"ve got the moves like Jagger I"ve got the moves like Jagger 有一首英文歌的歌词“you with me are ……”挺伤感的 请问歌名是什么 歌词确定没有错么?? 我猜你说的应该是Westlife 的《You raise me up》吧···· 有一首英文歌歌词有"跌桑卖你“(英文)的歌名是什么 that‘s not my name 应该是这个 有一首英文歌 歌词是if you get lonely think of me only是什么歌啊 广播这个呢你可以下载一个App 叫 阿基米德 里面可以重听放过的广播,还有很多有声小说什么的,蛮好的。 你重听的时候可以记下歌词,然后百度一下一般都能找到的、。 有一首女声英文歌歌的歌词l like it 的歌名是什么? Need You Now Lady Antebellum Picture perfect memories scattered all around the floor Reaching for the phone "cause I can"t fight it anymore And I wonder if I ever cross your mind For me it happens all the time It"s a quarter after one, I"m all alone and I need you now Said I wouldn"t call but I lost all control and I need you now And I don"t know how I can do without, I just need you now Another shot of whiskey can"t s looking at the door Wishing you"d e sweeping in the way you did before And I wonder if I ever cross your mind 歌词里有shup up!shup up!shup up!的一首英文歌,歌名是什么 词:Adams, Curtis, Gomez, Pajon 演唱者 Black Eyed Peas 所属专辑 ElephunkArtist: Black Eyed Peas Title: "Shut Up" Shut up, just shut up shut up Shut up, just shut up shut up Shut up, just shut up shut up Shut up, just shut up shut up Shut up, just shut up shut up Shut up, just shut up shut up Shut up, just shut up shut up Shut up, just shut up shut up We try"n to take it slow, but we still losin" control Ya we try to make it work, but its still is the worst And I"m craaazayyy, tryin" to be your laaaadayyy I think I"m goin" craaaazay Girl, me and you was just fine, ya know We wine"d and dinned did them things that couples do when in love, ya know walks on the beach and stuff, ya know Things that lova"s say and do "I love you boo", "I love you to" "I miss you alot", "I miss you even more, thas why I flew you out when we were on tour" But then somethin" got outta hand, you start yellin" why I was gripmans Even though I had legitamate reasons(o sh*t) You know I have to make them dividends(o sh*t) How could you trust the private eye"s girl Thas why you don"t believe my lies, and to quick to resent Shut up, just shut up shut up Shut up, just shut up shut up We try"n to take it slow, but we still losin" control Ya we try to make it work, but its still is the worst And I"m craaazayyy, tryin" to be your laaaadayyy 有一首英文歌名是hog开头的歌词 One Step At A Time(Main Version) - Jordin Sparks hurry up and wait so close, but so far away everything that you"ve always dreamed of close enough for you to taste but you just can"t touch you wanna show the world, but no one knows your name yet wonder when and where and how you"re gonna make it you know you can if you get the chance in your face as the door keeps slamming now you"re feeling more and more frustrated and you"re getting all kind of impatient waiting we live and we learn to take one step at a time there"s no need to rush it"s like learning to fly or falling in love it"s gonna happen and it"s supposed to happen that we find the reasons why on step at a time you believe and you doubt you"re confused, you got it all figured out everything that you wished for could be yours, should be yours, would be yours if they only knew you wanna show the world, but no one knows your name yet wonder when and where and how you"re gonna make it you know you can if you get the chance in your face as the door keeps slamming now you"re feeling more and more frustrated and you"re getting all kind of impatient waiting we live and we learn to take one step at a time there"s no need to rush it"s like learning to fly or falling in love it"s gonna happen and it"s supposed to happen that we find the reasons why on step at a time when you can"t wait any longer but there"s no end in sight it"s the faith that makes you stronger the only way you get there is one step at a time take one step at a time there"s no need to rush it"s like learning to fly or falling in love it"s gonna happen and it"s supposed to happen that we find the reasons why on step at a time one step at a time there"s no need to rush it"s like learning to fly or falling in love it"s gonna happen and it"s supposed to happen that we find the reasons why on step at a time

you are not alone中文歌词,要准确哦~~~`杰克逊唱的

You Are Not Alone 永远相伴 Another day has gone 又一日过往 I"m still all alone 我依然孤单 How could this be 怎会如此? You"re not here with me 你不在我的身边 You never said goodbye 你从不说再见 Someone tell me why 谁能告诉我因缘 Did you have to go 你真得走吗? And leave my world so cold 我的世界一片凄凉 Everyday I sit and ask myself 每天坐下来问自己 How did love slip away 爱情怎会远离 Something whispers in my ear and says 冥冥之中有人贴耳低语: That you are not alone 你并不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though you"re far away 不管你多远 I am here to stay 我守候在天边 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though we"re far apart 不管天涯海角 You"re always in my heart 你在我心间 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 "Lone, "lone 孤单啊孤单 Why, "lone 为什么 孤单 Just the other night 几天前的晚上 I thought I heard you cry 我想我听到了你哭泣 Asking me to come 呼唤我的到来 And hold you in my arms 紧拥你在怀间 I can hear your prayers 我听到了你的祈愿 Your burdens I will bear 我愿肩承你的负担 But first I need your hand 但先得执子之手 Then forever can begin 方能偕老白头 Everyday I sit and ask myself 每天坐下来问自己 How did love slip away 爱情怎会远离 Something whispers in my ear and says 冥冥之中有人贴耳低语: That you are not alone 你并不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though you"re far away 不管你多远 I am here to stay 我守候在天边 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though we"re far apart 不管天涯海角 You"re always in my heart 你在我心间 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 Whisper three words 说出那三个字(我爱你) and I"ll come runnin" 我将飞奔而来 And girl you know that I"ll be there 情人啊,我会常在你身边 I"ll be there 常在你身边 That you are not alone 你不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though you"re far away 不管你多远 I am here to stay 我守候在天边 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though we"re far apart 不管天涯海角 You"re always in my heart 你在我心间 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 That you are not alone 你不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though you"re far away 不管你多远 I am here to stay 我守候在天边 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though we"re far apart 不管天涯海角 You"re always in my heart 你在我心间 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 你不会孤单……



can you make a telephone call阅读文


i will be the one to make that call怎么翻译

回答如下Make the call是一个惯用短语,表示做决定,做主。例I can"t make the call.我无法做主你这句意思是: 我会是做这个决定的人。









女朋友说honey i m here我怎么回她好

darling,I belong with you

air- conditioner和air conditioning什么区别

区别如下:1、air-conditioner一般指某个在指定范围内(比如,建筑,交通工具等)通过制冷剂或者蒸发等方式吸热的装置,系统或者设备。2、air conditioning大多指室内空气的降温和除湿,可以通过空气的降温、升温、通风和除菌来调节空气状况。相关短语facilities air-conditioner 空调 ; 中央空调 ; 电风扇;cooler air-conditioner 空调制冷;Air-conditioner Problem 空调问题;air-conditioner switched 空调器交换了 ; 空调开关 ; 空调空调开关;air bells conditioner 空气调节装置;air-conditioner syndrome 空调综合症;AIR-CONDITIONER thermostat 供应窗式空调温控器;tank air-conditioner 柜式空调器;Air- conditioner 空调。


air conditioning大多指室内空气的降温和除湿,可以通过空气的降温,升温,通风和除菌来调节空气状况 air-conditioner一般指某个在指定范围内(比如,建筑,交通工具等)通过制冷剂或者蒸发等方式吸热的装置,系统或者设备

air conditioning和air conditioner的区别?

air conditioning空气调节装置air conditioner空气调节机, 空调设备

air conditioner 和 air conditioning 哪个才是空调(名词)的意思,可数吗?


Why Am I The One的中文歌词?

I"ve got enough on my mind心里全是满足That when she pulls me by the hand当她温柔地抚摸我的头发She hasn"t much to hold onto但是这没有持续多久She"s keeping count on her hands她默默地细数着 One, two, three days that I"ve been sleeping on my side一天又一天 我一直和我同床共枕I"ve finished kissing my death我亲吻了一下过去的我So now I head back up the steps所以我站在台阶上Thinking about where I"ve been思考着我曾经去过的地方I mean it"s always never like this我觉得太阳永远不会像这样I wanna feel with the seasons想触及着温暖的季节I guess it makes sense because my life"s become as vapid as觉得这都是有规可循 因为属于我的夜晚 突然间变得乏味A night out in Los Angeles洛杉矶的夜色里And I just wanna stay in bed我只想靠在床边I hold you like I used to你像我曾经拥有过的那样You know that I am home你知道我的小窝So darling if you love me亲爱的 如果你还爱着我Would you let me know?请让我明白你的心意Well - go on, go on, go on生活一直都在继续If you were thinking that the worst is yet to come一切的坏事都在最后Why am I the oneAlways packing all my stuff为什么每次我总是收拾着烂摊子For once, for once, for once一次有一次的I"ve got the feeling that I"m right where I belong我觉得我心有所属Why am I the oneAlways packing all my stuff?为什么每次我总是收拾着烂摊子She got enough on her mind她心里的事But now she feels no sorrow 却不会让她悲伤I let my faith fill the air思想游走在空气中So now she"s rolling down the window所以她踏上窗户Never been one to hold on没有抓住一个瞬间But I need a last breath我还需要最后一口气So I ask if she remembers when问她是否还记得那些时候She used to come and visit me她常常来看我We were fools to think that nothing would go wrong我们都是傻瓜 认为没有什么会一错再错Well - go on, go on, go on请继续 请继续If you were thinking that the worst is yet to come一切的坏事都在最后Why am I the oneAlways packing all my stuff为什么每次我总是收拾着烂摊子For once, for once, for once一次又一次的I"ve got the feeling that I"m right where I belong我觉得我心有所属Why am I the oneAlways packing all my stuff?为什么每次我总是收拾着烂摊子I think I kinda like it but I might have had too much我觉得有点喜欢上这种感觉 但已经够了And I"ll move back down To this western town我会回到那个小镇的西部When they find me out Make no mistake about it当他们看到我没有执迷不悟I"ll move back down To this western town我会回到那个小镇的西部When they find me out Make no mistake about it我会回到那个小镇的西部(I"ll move back我会回到那个小镇)Well - go on, go on, go on请继续 请继续If you were thinking that the worst is yet to come一切的坏事都在最后Why am I the one Always packing all my stuff为什么每次我总是收拾着烂摊子Well - go on, go on, go on请继续 请继续If you were thinking that the worst is yet to come一切的坏事都在最后Why am I the one Always packing all my stuff为什么每次我总是收拾着烂摊子For once, for once, for once一次又一次的I"ve got the feeling that I"m right where I belong我觉得我心有所属Why am I the one Always packing all my stuff?为什么每次我总是收拾着烂摊子I think I kinda like it but I might have had too much我觉得有点喜欢上这种感觉 但已经够了And I"ll move back down 我会回到那个小镇

air conditioner 和air-conditioning的区别

air conditioner 空调,那个机器的名称air-conditioning 调空气的功能

One Of These Night 歌词

歌曲:One Of These Nights歌手:EagelsOne of these nightsOne of these crazy old nightsWe"re gonna find outPretty mamaWhat turns on your lightsThe full moon is callingThe fever is highAnd the wicked wind whispersAnd moansYou got your demonsYou got desiresWell, I got a few of my ownOo, someone to be kind to inBetween the dark and the lightOo, coming right behind youSwear I"m gonna find youOne of these nightsOne of these dreamsOne of these lost and lonely dreamsWe"re gonna find oneOne that really screamsI"ve been searching for the daughterOf the devil himselfI"ve been searching for an angel in whiteI"ve been waiting for a woman who"s a littleOf bothAnd I can feel her but she"s nowhereIn sightOo, loneliness will blind youIn between the wrong and the rightOo, coming right behind youSwear I"m gonna find youOne of these nightsOne of these nightsIn between the dark and the lightComing right behind youSwear I"m gonna find youGet "ya baby one of these nightsOne of these nightsOne of these nightsI can feel itI can feel itOne of these nightsComing right behind youSwear I"m gonna find you nowOne of these nights..etc....

英语 plan to do 。。。。be planned to be done


air conditioner 和air-conditioning的区别是什么?

区别如下:1、air-conditioner一般指某个在指定范围内(比如,建筑,交通工具等)通过制冷剂或者蒸发等方式吸热的装置,系统或者设备。2、air conditioning大多指室内空气的降温和除湿,可以通过空气的降温、升温、通风和除菌来调节空气状况。相关短语facilities air-conditioner 空调 ; 中央空调 ; 电风扇;cooler air-conditioner 空调制冷;Air-conditioner Problem 空调问题;air-conditioner switched 空调器交换了 ; 空调开关 ; 空调空调开关;air bells conditioner 空气调节装置;air-conditioner syndrome 空调综合症;AIR-CONDITIONER thermostat 供应窗式空调温控器;tank air-conditioner 柜式空调器;Air- conditioner 空调。


  一、名词的分类  名词分为专有名词和普通名词两大类。普通名词又可进一步分为:类名词、集体名词、物质名词和抽象名词。名词按照可数与否又可分为可数名词和不可数名词。下面我们主要讲解专有名词、可数名词、不可数名词和集体名词的用法。  1. 专有名词  包括国家、地区、山脉、江河、海洋等名词,如:China, the Changjiang River。  2. 不可数名词  也叫作物质或抽象名词,如:milk, soap, steel。  3. 可数名词  能够表达具体事物的名词,如:foot, tooth, house。  注意:  (1) 有些名词既可作可数名词,又可作不可数名词,但词义不同。  paper 报纸/纸;experience经历/经验;man 人/人类; room房间/空间  (2) 有些名词的单复数形式相同。  aircraft/ deer/ sheep/ works(作品,工厂)/ Chinese/ Swiss  (3) 有些名词的单、复数意义不同。  look看/ looks表情;custom风俗/ customs关税;damage损失/ damages赔偿费;good好处/ goods(货物)  4. 集体名词  (1)集体名词不能运用具体的数字修饰。下面的集体名词,不能用a, one, two等修饰,只能在其前加the表示“全体……”。  the police警察(指全体警察)the English英国人(指全体英国人)  the French 法国人(指全体法国人)the Swiss瑞士人(指全体瑞士人)  (2)有些集体名词在改变表达方式后可以用具体数字修饰。  a policeman一位警察 two policewomen两位女警察  two English girls两个英国女孩 two French boys 两个法国男孩  二、名词的复数  1. 同时具有两种复数形式  有的名词当具有不同的含义时,其相应的复数形式也不相同。  penny有两种复数形式,当作“便士”价值解时,复数为pence; 当作“便士”的个数解时复数为pennies。  works表示“工厂”时,单复数同形,但表示“著作”时单数为work,复数为works。  fish在作“鱼”的条数时,其复数形式为fish,如two fish两条鱼;作“鱼”的种类时复数为fishes,如two different fishes 两类不同的鱼。  2. 只有复数形式,没有单数形式  有些词只有复数形式,不能被具体数字修饰。  trousers裤子 clothes衣服 shorts短裤goods商品glasses眼镜  这类名词不能用具体的数字进行修饰,不能说two trousers, 但可说many trousers, two pairs of trousers等。  3. 有些集体名词,只有单数形式,作主语时,谓语动词同样用单数。  fruit水果 jewellery 珠宝 furniture 家具  4.“某国人”单复数的表达法:  a Chinese—two Chinese a Japanese—two Japanese  an Australian—two Australians a Frenchman—two Frenchmen  既可说I"m Chinese. 也可说I"m a Chinese.  可说I"m English. 或I"m an English boy. 但不可说I"m an English.  5. 合成名词的复数  (1)以可数名词结尾的复合名词,直接在词尾加复数。  film-goers tooth-brushes boy-friends  (2)以可数名词+介词短语/副词构成的复合名词,在名词部分变复数形式。  editors-in-chief mothers-in-law passers-by  (3)由man或woman构成的合成词,里面所包含的名词皆变为复数。  women doctors men drivers men servants  (4)若合成词中无名词,则在最后一个词尾加复数。  go-betweens grown-ups break-downs  三、名词所有格的四种情况  1. 表示“地理、国家、城市、天文、时间、度量、价值”等无生命的名词,可用"s形式表示所属关系。  China"s capital/ the moon"s orbit/ today"s newspaper/ five minutes" walk  2. 一些有生命的名词若名词较长或有较多或较长的定语时,须使用of所有格。  the story of the bravery of William Tell and his son  3. 在表示所属物的名词前有冠词、数词、不定代词(如a / some / a few/any/no/the等)时,须用双重所有格(即“of词组+所有格”的形式)。  a friend of my father"s  that new dress of Susan"s  4. 名词所有格之后若是house/church/shop / home / hospital/office等建筑物之类的名词时,该名词常省略。  the dentist"s (office)  at Uncle Wang"s (house)  the St. Peter"s (church)  四、名词作定语与名词所有格作定语的区别  名词作定语在逻辑上可表示中心词的用途(职能)、材料、来源(地点)、时间等;名词所有格作定语常用来表示所属关系。试比较:  a girl friend 一位女朋友(表示“朋友”的性别)  a girl"s friend一位女孩的朋友 (表示所属关系)  直击高考  1. These football players had no strict _____ until they joined our club. (1997 上海)  A. practice C. education C. exercise D. training  2. _____ friends Betty had made there were all invited to her birthday party. (1997上海)  A. Few of B. Few C. The few D. A few  3. Many countries are increasing their use of natural gas, wind and other forms of _____.  (1996上海)  A. energy B. source C. power D. material  4. —Who did you spend last weekend with?  —_____. (1998上海)  A. Palmer"s B. The Palmers" C. The Palmers D. The Palmer"s  5. We all know that _____speak louder than words. (1999上海)  A. movements B. performances C. operations D. actions  6. My parents always let me have my own _____of living. (1999上海)  A. way B. method C. manner D. fashion  7. The new law will come into _____ on the day it is passed. (1999上海)  A. effect B. use C. service D. existence  8. The manager has got a good business _____ so the company is doing well. (2003北京)  A. idea B. sense C. thought D. thinking  答案与分析  1. D该句意思是:“直到加入了我们俱乐部,这些足球队员才受到了严格的训练。”training意为“训练”。  2. C这是考查考生对few这个既是形容词又是名词的词的掌握。the few表示少数人。如答案选A,该句应是Few of her friends...。B项表示否定与all矛盾。  3. A gas, wind都属于energy。B、C、D不符题意。  4. C姓氏复数形式与定冠词连用表“一家人”或“夫妇俩”。  5. D Actions speak louder than words. 意为“行动胜于空谈”。action意为“行为,作为, 举动”;movement 意为“运动,活动,动作”,用作复数时常表示“(政治、思想领域)运动”;performance意为“演奏,演出,表演”;operation意为“业务,活动”。  6. A have one"s own way of doing sth.是惯用法,意为:自己做某事的方法或方式。  7. A come into effect“实施;实行”。  8. B本题考查名词间的词语辨析。idea意思是“观点;想法”,多指人所想出的主意;sense意思是“认识;意识”,多指观念。本句的意思是“这个经理很有商业意识,因此公司发展良好。”故答案为B。thought意思是“思想;认识”,thinking意思是“想;思考”,这两个名词侧重于“考虑”的概念,因此不合题意。  专项训练  1. Those are my ____ books.  A. brother John B. brother"s John C. brother"s John"s D. brother John"s  2. Miss Smith is a friend of ____.  A. Mary"s mother"s B. Mary"s mother C. mother"s of Mary D. Mary mother"s  3. We sent Helen____ when she passed the examinations.  A. our congratulations B. the congratulation C. a congratulation D. our congratulation  4. The _____ of the houses were covered with yellow ____.  A. roofs; leafs B. roves; leafs C. roofs; leaves D. roves; leaves  5. I have finished a large part of the book; the rest____ more difficult.  A. is B. are C. was D. were  6. The concert was _____ because only a few people came to it.  A. failures B. failed C. a failure D. failure  7. It took ____ half an hour to do their_____.  A. Mr King; housework B. Kings; houseworks  C. the King; houseworks D. the Kings; housework  8. Yesterday they called at ____ .  A. my uncle B. a friend of my uncle"s C. my uncle"s D. Mary"s teachers  9. We haven"t heard much ____ about him recently.  A. news B. words C. informations D. messages  10. She broke a ____while she was washing up.  A. glass wine B. wine glass C. glass for wine D. glass of wine  11. After climbing for two hours we were glad to take ____ rest.  A. a few minutes" B. a few minutes C. a little minutes" D. little minutes  12. The woman over there is_____.  A. Julia"s and Mary mothers B. Julia and Mary"s mother  C. Julia"s and Mary"s mothers D. Julia"s and Mary mother  13. Tom"s handwriting is much better than _____.  A. anyone else B. anyone"s else"s C. anyone"s D. anyone else"s  14. She_____.  A. made preparation for dinner B. knows an ant has two stomaches  C. sent me a letter of thanks D. shook hand with me  15. Last year we hired two ____ in our office.  A. girls workers B. women workers C. sales girls D. man servants  16. My grandma had_____, but she has some _____.  A. beautiful hairs; white hairs B. beautiful hair; white hair  C. beautiful hair; white hairs D. beautiful hairs; white hair  17. No______ he was ill, considering that he had been overworking for years.  A. wonder B. idea C. matter D. hope  18. They soon moved back to the_____ because they could hardly get used to city life.  A. country B. nation C. province D. state  19. Rita has done many interesting things. She should write a book about her____.  A. experience B. experiences C. an experience D. some experiences  20. He thought the painting was of little ____, so he let me have it for only ten pounds.  A. cost B. value C. price D. expenses  答案与分析  1. D John为brother的同位语,故所有格应加在John之后。  2. A Mary与mother之间为所属关系;题意为“玛丽母亲的一位朋友”,故用双重所有格。  3. A congratulation习惯上用复数形式,类似用法的名词还有wishes/ thanks/ regards(问候)等。  4. C 以-f或-fe结尾的名词的复数形式,词尾直接加-s的有:roof/ chief/ gulf/ serf/ wolf/ belief/ proof/ safe等;词尾变f或fe为v,再加es的有:leaf/ life/ knife/ shelf/ half/ loaf/ wife等;词尾可有两种形式的有:handkerchief/scarf等。  5. A the rest作主语时其谓语动词的单、复数取决于rest所指代的词。the rest在此指代内容是不可数的part,故谓语动词用单数形式。  6. C failure, success等抽象名词原属不可数名词,但其在一定情况下,特别是有限制性定语时,此类抽象名词便具体化,用以表达“某一人或事”,其前需要加上定冠词a(n)。本题由后半句可知这次音乐会是 “a failure” 。  7. D housework为不可数名词,故排除B、C两项;由信息词their排除A项。  8. C call at意为“拜访”,后须接表地点的名词;call on“拜访”,后接表人的名词。  9. A word作“消息”解时,为不可数名词,无复数形式,其前也不带冠词;information是不可数名词,也无复数形式;message为可数名词,不能用much修饰。  10. B 由信息词a可知,打碎的是一只酒杯,而A项搭配有误,D项不合逻辑(打碎一杯酒),C项不够简练,故选B。  11. A a little不可修饰minutes,故排除C、D;时间、距离等短语多用所有格作名词的定语。  12. B由信息词is可知,所指的名词为单数,而mother又是两者共有的,故只需在Mary后加 “"s”。  13. D根据语义C项不合逻辑;含有else修饰的名词或代词变所有格时,应在else后面加"s。又如:who else"s, someone else"s等。  14. C make preparations for“为……作准备”,应注意preparation用复数形式;stomach的复数为stomachs, 故B项也不对;shake hands with“与……握手”, hand也须用复数形式,类似的如make friends with“交友”。  15. B名词作定语时,常用单数形式;但man及woman作定语,若被修饰词为复数,它们也用复数形式;sales girls虽表达正确,但不合题意。  16. C hair泛指“头发”时,为不可数名词;若指具体几根头发,为可数名词。  17. A (it is)no wonder(that)…意为“难怪……”;“……不足为奇”。  18. A the country乡下;乡间。据句意与city life相对照。  19. B experience作“经验”解时为不可数名词;但作“经历、旅历”解时为可数名词。本题表达后一意思,故排除A;又因冠词或some等词不可与物主代词同时并用修饰名词,C、D也应排除。  20. B 本题意为“他认为这幅画几乎没有什么价值(value), 因此我仅花了10英镑就买下了。”

Kelly Clarkson的《One Minute》 歌词

歌曲名:One Minute歌手:Kelly Clarkson专辑:My DecemberKelly Clarkson - One Minute(Kelly Clarkson, Kara DioGuardi, Chantal Kreviazuk, Michael Raine Maida)搜啦EPYou"re going crazyRunning on emptyYou can"t make up your mindYou tried to hide itBut you had to say itRestless all this timeSo completely drained fromEverything that"s in your lifeIt"s so wrong but you had to screamEvery thought you"d kept insideOne minute you laughThe next minute you"re slowlySinking into something blackI get the feeling that latelyNothing ever really lastsI keep trying to get upbut I keep falling backAnd you loveand you hateand you waitCause one minute goes fastYou just can"t escape itYou"re losing patienceYou wonder what went wrongEverything changesHappy then jadedAlways a different songPlaying in your head justWhen you think you"ve got it downOut of nowhere you realizeIt"s different music playing nowOne minute goes fastThe next minute you"re slowlyI get the feeling that latelyI keep trying to get upCause one minute goesOne minute goes

有谁知道anyone else的名词所有格

anyone else的名词所有格anyone else"s



帮忙翻译这首歌的歌词 Are you the one -Scorpions


I was me,But now he is gone 是什么意思?


is me 和 am me 哪个是对的 例句:There are two students,one XX me,the other one is……

通常情况下is me是正确的. 例如The first one is me.这里主语是the first one谓语当然要用is 但是I am me.这句话本身也没有语法错误,只是一般不会有人这么说.

No One Knows Who I Am 歌词

歌曲名:No One Knows Who I Am歌手:Linda Eder专辑:Jekyll And HydeNo One Knows Who I AmAnthony Warlow&Linda EderJekyll & Hyde - Frank Wildhorn & Leslie BricusseLook at me and tell me who I am,Why I am, what I am.Call me a fool and it"s true I am,I don"t know who I am.It"s such a shame,I"m such a sham.No one knows who I am.Once there were sweet possibilities,I could see, just for me.Now all my dreams are just memories,Fated never to be.Time"s not a friend, hurrying by.I wonder who am I?Am I the face of the future?Am I the face of the past?Am I the one who must finish last?Look at me and tell me who I am,Why I am, what I am.Will I survive?Who will give a damn,If no one knows who I am?Nobody knows,Not even you,No one knows who I am ...

No one answers 还是 answer




我购买了Sheetal Sheth的一款App软件,在里面用iPhone ID的电邮信箱注册了一个


求 Micheal Jackson-You are not alone的歌词,谢了

another day has gonei"m still all alonehow could this beyou"re not here with meyou never said goodbyesomeone tell me whydid you have to goand leave my world so coldeveryday i sit and ask myselfhow did love slip awaysomething whispers in my ear and saysthat you are not alonefor i am here with youthough you"re far awayi am here to staybut you are not alonefor i am here with youthough we"re far apartyou"re always in my heartbut you are not alone"lone,"lonewhy,"lonejust the other nighti thought i heard you cryasking me to comeand hold you in my armsi can hear your prayersyour burdens i will bearbut first i need your handthen forever can begineveryday i sit and ask myselfhow did love slip awaysomething whispers in my ear and saysthat you are not alonefor i am here with youthough you"re far awayi am here to stayfor you are not alonefor i am here with youthough we"re far apartyou"re always in my heartfor you are not alonewhisper three words and i"ll come runnin"and girl you know that i"ll be therei"ll be thereyou are not alonefor i am here with youthough you"re far awayi am here to stayfor you are not alonefor i am here with youthough we"re far apartyou"re always in my heartfor you are not alonefor i am here with youthough you"re far awayi am here to stayfor you are not alonefor i am here with youthough we"re far apartyou"re always in my heartfor you are not alone... 酷我音乐盒里有

Tyrese的《One》 歌词

歌曲名:One歌手:Tyrese专辑:Alter EgoLet me start by sayin" that your the oneCause" this the first time I felt like this players done (ohh)Your the only number that I dial (from other chicks)Your the only sex im gettin" now (ain"t that a trip)But it don"t matter (cause" your in it)And it don"t matter (but then I get it)Cause" your the only oneImma" be good with just one girlOne girlThats all I needImma" be straight with just one crib And two whipsCause" im grown and thats all that I needIs the one ghetto girl make my babies withOne ghetto girl im shakin" all of my chicksThats why im down on one knee with one ringBaby all I need is oneAin"t nothing gonna stop me from lovin" youAnd wife"in youSpendin" all my life with youBabyIm so commitedThis one on one im with itIts so damn goodAll the sex you want without no hat (imagine that)Got a real nigga thats gon" have your back (imagine that)Thats just the way it isAnd thats just how its gon" goAnd you gon" be that oneImma" be good with just one girlOne girlThats all I needImma" be straight with just one crib And two whipsCause" im grown and thats all that I needIs the one ghetto girl make my babies withOne ghetto girl im shakin" all of my chicksThats why im down on one knee with one ringBaby all I need is oneGirl I ain"t gonna front about it down and tell the truth about it (way gone)Way goneAin"t nothin I wont give up just to make you that oneBaby that one girlOne stepOne breathOne loveOne nameSo its one meOne ringOne churchAnd one preacherOne choirTwo little wordsI doImma" be good with just one girlJust oneOne girlOne girlOne girlThats all I needBaby all I need is one (all i need is one)Imma" be straight with just one crib And two whipsOne girl (one)Cause" im grown and thats all that I needIs the one ghetto girl make my babies withOne ghetto girl im shakin" all of my chicksThats why im down on one knee with one ringBaby all I need is one..



求一首歌,有句歌词是one thing to do three words for you ,i love you

plain white t"s 的1,2,3,4 下载。 歌词。 give me more lovin then i"ve ever had. make it all better when i"m feelin sad. tell me that i"m special even when i know i"m not. make me feel good when i hurt so bad. barely gettin mad, i"m so glad i found you. i love bein around you. you make it easy, as easy as 12,(1234.) 【theres only 1 thing 2 do three words 4 you. i love you.(i love you)】 theres only 1 way 2 say those 3 words and that"s what i"ll do.i love you.(i love you) give me more lovin from the very start. piece me back together when i fall apart. tell me things you never even tell your closest friends. make me feel good when i hurt so bad. best that i"ve had. i"m so glad that i found you. i love bein around you. you make it easy as easy as 12,(1234.) theres only 1 thing 2 do 3 words 4 you. i love you.(i love you) theres only 1 way 2 say those 3 words and that"s what i"ll do. i love you.i love you(i love you) you make it easy, it"s easy as 12,1234 theres only 1 thing 2 do 3 words 4 you i love you (i love you) theres only 1 way 2 say those 3 words thats wwhat i"ll do i love you (i love you) i love you i love you. one two three four i love you. (i love you)i love you(i love you)

像anyone,anytime ,anywhere等等的代词是一定要用在否定句和疑问句吗,如果




Angus Stone的《The Wolf》 歌词

歌曲名:The Wolf歌手:Angus Stone专辑:Smoking GunGot my pants caught in the chainYeah me & my bicycle were falling downShe"s one of the girls who likes to playBut she don"t like cards, rumi cubeor the guess who gameHow the wolf roams through the nightHow she tends to remind me how to close the doorBut excuse me mary but are your sheep whitecause you better run tell the shepherd not anymoreHow much of you is real?How much of you did they steal?How much of you is in those pills?How much of you is real?How much of you is real?I know you"re here but you"re just not therethe simple thing of it is thatit just kicked in my mind now there"s no turningit just kicked in my mindNow there"s no turning back

The Lone Wolf 歌词

歌曲名:The Lone Wolf歌手:Kathleen Edwards专辑:FailerHe was the lone wolf you could see it in his eyesThe way he held his heart the way he held his liesSometimes he"s just show up outside on the porchAnd hour at a time like a lonely whoreShe was a scarecrow the way she always looked aroundFor something she once had and never could be foundTime was on her side but she never kept trackAll the hunters came and took her memories backOnce they met inside a dirty curtained roomAnd the rain fell down hard that day onto the tin roofShe said I"ve seen you before, I"ve been looking for youBetter keep your heart close hunters are coming for youHe said I"ve seen them a hundred times and I always get awayCuz you will never stop looking and I will never stayThe lone wolf kissed her mouth like so many beforeScarecrow closed her eyes and then she closed the doorAnd the rain fell down on the tin roof when the hunters came that nightStole all of her memories killed the wolf and all his liesQQqun7979278

gone with the wind---karl wolf 中文歌词


pc phone是什么手机

  Pock PC Phone是基于微软Pocket PC系统架构的智能手机系统。PPC即Pocket PC,是基于微软Pocket PC系统架构,它是最为常见的微软开发的PDA系统。而Pocket PC Phone则是微软开发的用于微软智能手机上的操作系统,两者最大的区别是后者插入SIM卡后可当作手机使用,并且当按下电源键之后可以把电话的功能关闭,但是PDA功能还是可以继续使用。在软件兼容性上,也有很多可以通用。目前市面上大多数基于微软操作系统的智能手机都采用了这一操作系统,例如我们熟悉的多普达P800、HTC Touch Diamond、O2 Xda Vista、华硕P750、联想ET860、夏新N800等智能手机即采用了此操作系统。  智能手机的操作系统主要分为几大类:Symbian,微软MOBILE(Smartphone和Pock PC Phone两种平台),Linux,还有PALM。  Windows Mobile的前身就是微软在1996年推出的WindowsCE,2000年第二季度,微软WindowsCE正式脱离对Palm的依赖,把Windows CE更名为WindowsPocketPC(缩写就是我们常说的PPC),进而开始了与智能手机联姻。 到了2003年,微软又开发了Pocket Phone Edition和Windows PoweredSmartPhone操作系统,而这两者的融合,才是严格意义上的Windows Mobile。  Windows Mobile系列操作系统包括Pocket PC Phone以及SmartPhone两种平台。  Pocket PC Phone和Smartphone都是微软开发的智能手机系统,两者有相似之处,但又存在差别。  相似之处是,两者同属Windows mobile系列操作系统,都是基于微软PC的Windows操作系统演变而来,因此,它们的操作界面非常相似。同时在硬件系统上,采用微软智能系统的手机一般都采用了英特尔嵌入式处理器,主频比较高,另外,采用该操作系统的智能手机在其它硬件配置(如内存、储存卡容量等)上也较采用其它操作系统的智能手机要高出许多,因此性能比较强劲,操作起来速度会比较快。但是,此系列手机也有一定的缺点,如因配置高、功能多而产生耗电量大、电池续航时间短、硬件采用成本高等缺点。  不同之处是,Smartphone基于Windows CE内核开发的,基于该操作系统的手机无需借助手写笔,只需用手机提供的键盘就能完成几乎所有的操作,因此,使用该操作系统的手机用户单手操作即可,而Pocket PC Phone则必须通过手写笔才能操作,也就是说两类系统最大的不同表现操作方式上。另外,尽管都是基于Windows系统,但在应用软件上也不尽相同。  Pock PC Phone因为是由微软计算机的Windows操作系统上变化而来的基于微软Pocket PC系统架构的智能手机系统,因此,它们的操作界面非常相似,熟悉计算机Windows系列操作系统的朋友一看到Windows Mobile系列的操作系统就一般会认得它是出于微软之手。Windows Mobile系列操作系统具有功能更强大,多数具备了音频、视频文件播放、Wi-Fi、上网冲浪、MSN聊天、移动qq、飞信、电子邮件收发等功能,还有的现在加入功能强大的GPS卫星导航系统功能,软件的兼容扩展性更加广泛。
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