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Protecting your loved ones(1)

对家庭理财有所了解的人都知道,保险是家庭理财体系的金钟罩、铁布衫,属于基础环节。我为自己制定的年度计划中有一项是“梳理现有人寿保单,建立家庭保险体系”,这个月便开始着手实施此计划。埋首整理时,回忆起了当时决定购买保险和选择何种保险的经过,觉得有必要写下来,分享的同时,顺便整理自己的思路。 这将会是一系列文章,题目原本准备叫“我们家的保险故事”,因为我不是业界人士,纯粹以一个普通客户的角度来讲述我自己购买保险的想法和经历,没那么多专业知识,就是讲故事而已。 不过,当这题目出现在屏幕上,艾玛,太不文艺了!正好瞥见手边AIA的保单封面上这句protecting your loved ones,觉得道出了我决定购买保险的初衷,简短好看,正适合做标题,而且全英文,瞬间“高大上”了呀,哈哈! 言归正传。说到买保险,最首要的问题是, 你有没有风险意识? 我看大多数保险销售人员都在做这件事情——提高客户对风险的认识。他们用各种方式一遍遍地强调,不怕一万,就怕万一,比如谁谁谁遇到什么事,有多惨,这时候保险有多么重要…… 看多了,会觉得很烦,甚至产生抵触情绪。我也是这样,很长一段时间,我都觉得保险可有可无,尽管闺密提醒了我很多次,并以自己的例子告诫我,保障很重要,裸奔很危险,我都只是说,好,我考虑考虑。。。 那时候,我们处于“准房奴”和“房奴”阶段,一分钱恨不得掰成两半花,哪里舍得每年花几千上万去买保险啊!想着我们身强力壮,平时生活规律,不常出差,重病和意外的可能性都很小,不买保险也没什么吧。 就这样,直到齐爸的老舅被诊断为肠癌,一家人的生活被搅得天翻地覆。老舅家的经济条件算不错的了,在东北有很多亩土地,类似庄园主,还在胶东半岛投资了房产,可是一到重病来临,一下子拿不出那么多钱,又是卖房又是卖地,折腾得人仰马翻。 这下子,我警觉了,想给公公婆婆买份保险,万一遇上重病,还能有些保障。正好这时,参加亲子活动认识了一位做保险销售的妈妈,很真诚的感觉,于是咨询她关于给老人买保险的事。可是,得到的答复是,超过55岁,保险公司不再承保。即使没有到55岁,40岁以后相同保额需要缴纳的保费也会很高。保费是和年龄挂钩的,越早买保费就越便宜。 这次咨询给我的触动很大。是的,现在我们年轻力壮,觉得保险没什么必要,可等我们老了,身体各种机能下降,难保没有病痛。等到那时候再买,保险公司却不跟我们玩了! 所以,要趁现在还年轻,为未来买保障。但我那时还只是考虑给齐爸买,因为他参加社保,我知道社保在真正要用时,完全是杯水车薪。而我是公费医疗,貌似比社保好一些,对保险的需求也没那么强烈。 可是,很快,我就不再这么想了。我所在的单位是很多人退休前的最后一站,生老病死就看得比较多。探视某重病住院的副局级领导时,家属红着眼睛请求组织帮忙解决一下医药费问题,减轻家庭重负;某正局级领导重病去世,与殡葬同时进行的,是请市领导批示多报销一些医药费,全程治疗在公费基础上,依然有上百万的自费,难以承担;慰问某副市级领导遗孀,阿姨边流泪边说,治病几乎花光了家里这么多年的积蓄…… 我关注“组织上”是否额外解决了这些领导的医药费,结果是,没有,一切按规定办,公费医疗范围外的,都由个人承担。连这样级别的领导,都会遇到如此问题,都无法得到“法外开恩”,我这种小喽啰,又怎么能不提前为自己打算呢? 记得大学时学到“期货”,老师花了很多精力给我们讲解“期权”,我也是很努力才理解,还发邮件向老师请教。“用今天的钱,买明天的收益”,这个理念确实需要好好思考一番才能真正理解和接受。在后来研究选择何种保险的过程中,我实践了大学时的那些基础课程,果然是“书到用时方恨少”啊! 写到这里,可以看出,我最初对保险的需求,是希望当我年老,体质衰弱,万一罹患重病时,能有一笔保险赔偿用于医药费。后来选择具体的保险时,渐渐加深了对保险的了解,才发现最初的想法太片面: 首先,每个人最需要保险的时间,并不是年老以后,而是中年时期。这时候上有逐渐衰弱的父母,下有需要养育的子女,自己处于事业上升期,压力大,工作量也大。若这时候出现任何不测,对家庭的打击是毁灭性的。如果买足了保险,即便遇到不测,也不会太影响家庭其他成员的正常生活,至少在经济上。这也是“protecting your loved ones”的意义所在。 其次,针对重疾的保险,只是保险中一个很小的部分。当然,重疾险是很重要的基本保障,但并不是只有重疾就够了。决定买保险后,首先要考虑的是意外险,针对意外身故,然后才是重疾。还有医疗险、定期寿险……(这些都是保障型的)。买或不买,需要认真思考和鉴别,哪些是家庭所需要的,哪些可以用其他方式替代。 至于选择哪种保险、怎样选择保险,且听下回分解 :)

protecting the environment,everyone’s duty.

答案:C 解析:保护环境用动词 protect,做句子的主语要用动名词 protecting 翻译; 保护环境人人有责. 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!

英语学霸求助?I should have done it是什么意思?和 I should do


求英文歌do that to me one more time的歌词


Eugene Onegin: lost to masquerade

Impressions of adulthood start with a cascade of masquerade. To look mature, adolescents put on make-ups, wear high heels and suits, and pick up jargons indecipherable to teenagers. Time was, they could still experience throbs and pangs, but time is, these traits are lost to the giant masquerade. And it will be decades before they can sense the irreparable loss. When time was and time is clash head-on, tragedies happen. Such kind of tragedy is hardly specific to any individual, but propagates. Scarcely can anyone escape. Branded as the Russian epic love poem, Eugene Onegin elaborates on the evolvement of a tragedy. What makes this story a tragedy? Our two heroes repeatedly losing hold of one another, and finally, though both acknowledging their love, choosing to bide farewell because of maturity. Heart wrenching—a good old “they could have made it.” Partly, this tragedy stems from the irreversible maneuver to outgrow puberty"s phase to put on masquerade.Tattiana Larina, innocent maiden of the countryside, admirer of Onegin, sufferer of her unrequited love. Deserted after witnessing the duel between Onegin and Lenski, she managed to ponder on the exact characteristic of Onegin. Then she moved to Moscow, married. Years passed when she re-encountered Onegin, this time self-asserted, mature. Though acknowledging her still-present love for Onegin, she left him. Now, who exactly is Tattiana? Her first presence in canto the second gives us a lively metaphor: Just like the deer in forest, Tattiana is timid enough to shy away from every sumptuous occasions and resort to her books, sensitive enough to have her mind occupied by Onegin for every single moment after she met him, fragile enough to be stirred by the excitement of first love. Pushkin lent almost all credits of scenery descriptions to Tattiana, which alone reinforced her sensitivity to the subtleties in nature and human emotions. This is demonstrated in the one follows: And not at all different from the deer, Tattiana loved small. Possessing Onegin never has been, or will be her motivation. Unlike Olga, Tattiana is more than satisfied by the mere presence of Onegin, which act itself makes Tattiana"s heart flutter. By loving small, she puts herself to a subservient foothold as opposed to Onegin"s idolized statue. But one trait sets her apart from other village girls: her love is sincere and “limitless” among the playfulness surrounding her. Her anticipation of love is shown in an eclipse of her letter to Onegin: One quote gave me throbs particularly; I"ll paste it down below: With all that has been said, the Tattiana in countryside is a love-torn darling. Real emotions feed her, be them pure joy, gnawing anticipation, forlorn desertion, or sensitive observations. Even after she is kindly rejected/protected by Onegin, her being agonized by the poison of love still resembles genuine emotions. It is the collection of such emotion that shapes the trait special to Tatiana (when doing without, Tattiana will possibly be Olga). But in the end, everything changes. If Tattiana were the same, she wouldn"t reject Onegin. She would jump right in to his arms with tears tumbling down, leave her sumptuous albeit empty life instantly, and never look back. But these imaginations won"t happen. Tattiana, in other words, has “grown.” True, she is still stirred by the passionate notes of Onegin, and the shadow of the old Tattiana lingers still: But her words to Onegin, the very idea she is straining to instill in her mind, are as such: No one knows if she has faith in her words. But clearly, she is convincing every cell in her own self to believe in them. What Tattiana brands Onegin"s love to be is “pusillanimous.” This brings us back to the admonition given by Onegin when Tattiana first wrote her love letter, in which Onegin, with a gentleman"s attitude, advised Tattiana away from falling in love with him. The psychological battle for Tattiana is no doubt consuming. But sustaining the loss and heartaches, Tattiana is now free—free from entangled love and desires. This state, as viewed by Tattiana, is bravery. The opposite action—seeking love once more when both of them have matured—is considered to be coward-like. What we have prided in her—excitements, fragility, sensitivity—are all condemned by herself to be “shallow sentiment.” So she is willing to demonstrate: though I"m still feeling the pangs of love, please stay away; farewell. Right now, Tattiana is sensible in a heart wrenching fashion: through the course of “maturing,” she has renounced all the traits that have once signified her apart from the crowd. How did this happen? The transition is only subtly hinted in canto the seventh. Partially sensing the truth character of Onegin is one factor, and another be her moving from the countryside to Moscow. The two physical locations yield connotations contributive to Tattiana"s transition: the countryside is meditative, mystique, and charming, while Moscow is pretending with fake smiles and connections, menacing under a polite cover, and tiresome. To survive, Tattiana has no other choice but to conform to the different standards the two locations confer. Past is in the past. Therefore, she has to put on the masquerade: Why is this a tragedy? Because Tattiana has renounced herself. She could have chosen Onegin and live as an outlaw, but the education of her mother and nanny, too stubbornly instilled in her, prompts her to choose the “right way:” the way of moral restrain, of twisting her own character, of bidding farewell to the real love of her life. It"d be scandalous to say that Tattiana is wrong. Her choice is sensible, probably even beneficial in the long run, but still—it is tragic to see the old Tattiana, the "real" Tattiana, dead and gone. What makes this pain resonate is that such choice is hardly foreign to our lives. Most of the times, people grow mature to put on masquerades: convincing ourselves that the “right way” is the best option, forcing ourselves into the approved doctrines, growing up to lost the initial yearnings to obligations of adulthood. Too often, we become Tattiana.Credit goes to: 霁溪


Help somebody do something,表示我帮助某人做某事。而Help oneself do something若主语是自己,就不得不是帮助自己。例如,我帮助我自己(正确),我帮助他自己(明显错误)。所以前者指主人公帮助他人,而后者指主人公帮助自己。

动词+someone+to do something

help +do(跟do的很少)get go wait...+to do (指要做某事)hear see forget +doing(指听到 看到 忘记 做过某事)(一般来说to do跟 doing主要取决于那个事情是正在发生还是有将要发生的趋势 如果是正在发生就是doing 有要发生的趋势就是 to do )


原因:1、你要是在注销前把照片删了就真没了,注销后才删的重新登录帐号后应该会在你不用iphone并连接wifi和电源时自动恢复的。2、重新登录一下iCloud账号,打开照片-照片图库-选择下载原件 等都下载到设备上了再注销就可以了。3、登录后打开照片流,连接无线网,插上充电,关闭屏幕自动同步4、注销后,只要云端文件在,随时可以下载下来的。

which do you like best, the red one ,theblack or the green? 中best前为什么不加the

best是形容词,表示喜欢物品的程度,而不是比较级,所以不加the 没有like sth. best

可不可以帮我翻译一下。英语。 Hello,everyone! My name is xxxx is


谁能帮忙推荐一些类似于Elise Estrada的one last time的R&B类型的歌?

Nelly - Dilemma(和天命真女的Kelly Rowland合唱的R&B,超好听。)Jewel - Stay Here Forever(轻快类的。)Britney Spears - Circus (小甜甜布兰妮的歌,不用多说了。)Jay-Z Ft. Rihanna & Kanye West - Run This Town (超多重量级歌手参与,歌也名副其实的好听。)Erik Gronwall - Higher(小帅哥。欧美2010年2月最新单曲。)Fantasia - Even Angels(声音还蛮性感。同样是欧美2010年2月最新单曲。)Train - Only You(算翻唱吧。不过味道不一样。)Tata Young - Crush on you(很久前的歌了。不过也很好听。)Black Box Recorder - The New Diana(出自2003年的专辑Passionoia,耐听。)sam watters - why would i ever(节奏感很强。)Ina - Suddenly(这个网上貌似很难找到。不过超级好听)Jordin Sparks - Battlefield(这个女歌手貌似不是很有名,不过歌很好听。)The Weepies - Gotta Have You(去年的歌。不过很有味道。)

一首韩文歌 歌词有onetwotreefour

是这首吗视觉梦想One Two Three Four uc9dcub9bfud558uac8c uc5b4uba38ub098  One Two Three Four ub108ub97c uc6d0ud574 uc774ubbf8 ub09c  One Two Three Four uc194uc9c1ud55c ub0b4 ub9d8uc744  ub2e4 ub4e4ucf1cubc84ub9b4ub798 ub2e4 ub4e4ub824uc904ub798ucd09ucd09ucd09 uc624 ub2ecucf64ud55c ub0b4 uc785uc220uc5d0  Come Come Come ucc9cucc9cud788 uadf8ub798 ub2e4uac00uc640  Tic Tac Toe uc624 uc544ucc14ud558uac8c ub124uac8c ud479  ube60uc838ubc84ub9b0uac78 ub179uc544ubc84ub9b0uac78ucc98uc74c ub290ub080 uc774 uac10uc815 My Deep Love Core  uc810uc810 ub728uac70uc6ccuc9c0ub294 uc5bcuad74 uc228uc774 ub9c9ud788ub294 uc21cuac04  uc5b4uca4cuc9c0 ub5a8ub9acuace0 uc788uc5b4 (boy boy boy boy)  uace0ubbfcuace0ubbfc ud574ubd10ub3c4 ubaa8ub974uaca0uc5b4  uc0c1uc0c1ub9ccuc73cub860 uc815ub9d0ub85c ud558ub098ub3c4 uc624  how to do my first kiss just wait a minute?  ub9dduc124uc774uc9c0 ub9d0uace0 my love get into my coreOne Two Three Four uc9dcub9bfud558uac8c uc5b4uba38ub098  One Two Three Four ub108ub97c uc6d0ud574 uc774ubbf8 ub09c  One Two Three Four uc194uc9c1ud55c ub0b4 ub9d8uc744  ub2e4 ub4e4ucf1cubc84ub9b4ub798 ub2e4 ub4e4ub824uc904ub798  ucd09ucd09ucd09 uc624 ub2ecucf64ud55c ub0b4 uc785uc220uc5d0  Come Come Come ucc9cucc9cud788 uadf8ub798 ub2e4uac00uc640  Tic Tac Toe uc624 uc544ucc14ud558uac8c  ub124uac8c ud479 ube60uc838ubc84ub9b0uac78 ub179uc544ubc84ub9b0uac78ub0b4 ub9d8 uc18d visual ub108ubb34 uc644ubcbdud574  ub124 uac00uc9c0 uace0ubbfc uc5b8uc81c uc5b4ub514uc11c ubb34uc5c7uc744 uc5b4ub5bbuac8cub9cc ube7cuace0ud5e4ub9e4uace0 uc788uc5b4 (Core Core Core Core)  uc6b0ubb3cucb48ubb3c ud558ub2e8 ub193uce60uc9c0 ubab0ub77c  ub9dduc124uc784 the end uc5ecuae38 ubd10 ub450uadfcub450uadfc pop pop  ub4e4ub9acuc9c0 uc5b4ub54c Core of my love  uc9c0uae08uc774uc57c ubc14ub85c start! jump into love coreOne Two Three Four uc9dcub9bfud558uac8c uc5b4uba38ub098  One Two Three Four ub108ub97c uc6d0ud574 uc774ubbf8 ub09c  One Two Three Four uc194uc9c1ud55c ub0b4 ub9d8uc744  ub2e4 ub4e4ucf1cubc84ub9b4ub798 ub2e4 ub4e4ub824uc904ub798Take you higher oh my love ooh yeah  visual dreams ub290uaef4ubd10 beating of my heartOne Two Three Four uc9dcub9bfud558uac8c uc5b4uba38ub098  One Two Three Four ub108ub97c uc6d0ud574 uc774ubbf8 ub09c  One Two Three Four uc194uc9c1ud55c ub0b4 ub9d8uc744  ub2e4 ub4e4ucf1cubc84ub9b4ub798 ub2e4 ub4e4ub824uc904ub798ucd09ucd09ucd09 uc624 ub2ecucf64ud55c ub0b4 uc785uc220uc5d0  Come Come Come ucc9cucc9cud788 uadf8ub798 ub2e4uac00uc640  Tic Tac Toe uc624 uc544ucc14ud558uac8c  ub124uac8c ud479 ube60uc838ubc84ub9b0uac78 ub179uc544ubc84ub9b0uac78ONE TWO THREE FOUR 酥麻麻的 诶呀ONE TWO THREE FOUR 我已经想要你了ONE TWO THREE FOUR我坦诚的心 全都被发现了 全都被听到了CHU CHU CHU 在我甜蜜的嘴唇上COME COME COME 慢慢的 就那样走近我TIC TAC TOE OH令人恍惚的 一下子被你迷住 被你融化了第一次感受到这种感情 MY DEEP LOVE CORE脸渐渐的热起来了 呼吸停止了的瞬间该怎么办BOY BOY BOY BOY BOY BOY BOY BOY BOY BOY BOY即使在苦恼苦恼 却无法知道只是靠幻想 真的一点都不知道OH HOW TO DO MY FIRST KISSBOY BOY BOY BOY BOY BOY BOY BOY BOY BOY BOYJUST WAIT A MNUTEBOY BOY BOY BOY BOY BOY BOY BOY BOY BOY BOY不要犹豫MY LOVE GET INTO MY COREONE TWO THREE FOUR 酥麻麻的 诶呀ONE TWO THREE FOUR 我已经想要你了ONE TWO THREE FOUR我坦诚的心 全都被发现了 全都被听到了CHU CHU CHU 在我甜蜜的嘴唇上COME COME COME 慢慢的 就那样走近我TIC TAC TOE OH令人恍惚的 一下子被你迷住 被你融化了我心中的VISUAL非常完美什么时候在那怎样才能消除你给我带来的苦恼CORE CORE CORE CORE 正在徘徊 CORE CORE CORE CORE犹豫犹豫这 失去了都不知道踌躇 THE END 看看这里噗通噗通POP POP 让你听听怎么样CORE CORE CORE CORE CORE OF MY LOVE CORE CORE CORE CORE就是现在现在就START!JUM INTO LOVE COREONE TWO THREE FOUR 酥麻麻的 诶呀ONE TWO THREE FOUR 我已经想要你了ONE TWO THREE FOUR我坦诚的心 全都被发现了 全都被听到了TAKE YOU HIGHEROH MY LOVE OOH YEAHVISUAL DREAMS感受吧BEATI NG MY HEARTONE TWO THREE FOUR 酥麻麻的 诶呀ONE TWO THREE FOUR 我已经想要你了ONE TWO THREE FOUR我坦诚的心 全都被发现了 全都被听到了CHU CHU CHU 在我甜蜜的嘴唇上COME COME COME 慢慢的 就那样走近我TIC TAC TOE OH令人恍惚的 一下子被你迷住 被你融化了

那位大神知道do as one wishes和do what you what的区别

前者是按照你的意愿做事情。后者是做你想做的。wish是许愿的意思,有种心想事成的感觉。后面一般比如说工作,学习,选择兴趣爱好的时候说do what you want。


webmoney不可以直接在国内进行充值的,但是可以找有webmoney账户的人帮你充。 WebMoney(简称WM)是由成立于1998年的WebMoneyTransferTechology公司开发的一种在线电子商务支付系统,截至2012年9月份,其注册用户已接近1900万人,其支付系统可以在包括中国在内的全球70个国家使用。 使用前需要先开通一个WMID,此ID可以即时与别人聊天,像ICQ,MSN一样。此ID里面可设有多种货币的钱包,如以美元来计的Z钱包里的货币就是WMZ了,这也是国内外目前比较通用的WM账户。它有多种使用方式,应用的比较多的是Mini版本,只需要注册和设置账户就可以转账,但Mini版本的转账有日,月限额,然后就是KeeperClassic版本,需要下载软件安装,最新版本的KeeperClassic注册需要用Mini账号转换进行二次注册。 更多关于webmoney怎么充值,进入:查看更多内容



firm zone 和 trade-off zone 是什么意思?

Firm and trade-off zones define the degree to which schedule lines are to be regarded as binding.Scheduled delivery dates that lie in the near future can represent a firmer commitment than those that are further away in time. You can define a firm zone and a trade-off zone for an item of a scheduling agreement:The firm zone defines the point in time (calculated from the current date) at which the period when the vendor has the go-ahead for production ends. The firm zone begins on the current (today"s) date. Delivery schedule lines falling within this zone count as firm and fully binding. The trade-off zone defines the point in time (calculated from the current date) at which the period when the vendor has the go-ahead for the purchase of input materials ends. The trade-off zone begins at the end of the firm zone. Delivery schedule lines falling within this zone count as semi-firm. Delivery schedule lines lying beyond the firm and trade-off zones fall within the planning zone. The firm and trade-off zones are printed out in the delivery schedule for information purposes. It is assumed that procurement with respect to each delivery schedule line is carried out on the terms applicable to the zone in which the line in question falls.


WebMoney是俄罗斯三大常用钱包之一,是由成立于1998年的WebMoney Transfer Techology公司开发的一种在线电子商务支付系统,WebMoney可以在包括中国在内的全球70个国家使用, WebMoney提供安全性,转账需要手机短信验证,异地登录IP保护等多重保护功能,即时到账。常被作为外贸、游戏的收款方式

bizzy bone的《never grow》 歌词

歌曲名:never grow歌手:bizzy bone专辑:the giftYou better be careful where you goBe careful where you goBe careful where you goBe careful where you goAhh, you"ll never or you"ll never growYou better be careful where you goThe army"s on wayAhh, you"ll never or you"ll never growThe army"s on wayHow does it feel that way, feel that way, the army"s on wayHow does it feel that way, feel that way, the army"s on wayAhh, you"ll never or you"ll never grow(bizzy)You better be careful where you goWhat am i supposed to do?What? telling me ya"ll feeling meBeen livin" up in a material worldYa"ll killing me, ya"ll killing meReally, really, act so sillyTil he hit "em in the middle of the kidneysAnd he fall, all over a sinLetting it feel that way, feel that wayGet yourself killed that wayVictorious-ous-ous-ousAnd put him in cuffs, fucked him up, up, up, upAnd wake up, wake up, wake upBy the caffeine and green and nicotine and a yute ferrari, ayeCome around our way (yeah)You always wanna partyYou gotta handle your businessCan i get a witness?Mmm hmm, what part of the game is this?If we were in the islands, i would fry your whole tribeSicilian style while add enough break wideAs i come back with the vibeAnd i throw up near sideGrimy niggas i can feel yaI"ve been here the whole timeBizzy Bone(chorus)The army"s on wayThe army"s on wayAhh, you"ll never growThe army"s on wayThe army"s on wayAhh, you"ll never grow, you"ll never growThe army"s on wayAhh, you"ll never growAhh, you"ll never growThe army"s on wayAhh, you"ll never growAhh, you"ll never grow(bizzy)Where your friends ain"t your friendsAnd your foes ain"t your foesWhere these niggas turning us bitchesAnd these bitches turn into hoesWhere the women at?Baby i"ma getcha back, getcha backSit cha back, lick ya back, split ya back, picture thatIf you don"t know my story that"s a more the reason to get the seasonsI"m stressed but i"m still breathingCleveland, the city we come from redrumAnd murda mo i can feel someDumb idiots, hideous, fiesty, insideousSome say i"m the prettiest thingNo need me rapping?Fuck that!Wind up just like a muskratHut one! hut two! and bust back!Cuz that"s just how we do in factHow do i feel me?Fuck that touch molest twoAnd what"s that little lesion on me?Jesus, why did i do that?(x2)You better be careful where you goWhat am i supposed to do?You better be careful what you doYou better be careful who you useWhat am i supposed to do?You better be careful who you chooseWhat am i supposed to do?(chorus)x4Ahh, you"ll never grow!The army"s on way(bizzy)See, we can ride and fuck a copOh no, let"s walk and fuck "em allWe can pull out all our gunsOr we can talk and help the causeSilent weapons watch your step, stepSquad hit your set yet?Ain"t nobody snitchingBut i see one of your niggas is itchingSoon as pinched "em i connect he gonna tell "emI"m gonna tell you, you gon" get that ass wet, wet, wetWe talking about non-profit organizationsTravel with the lord all over the nationUnmasked situ-, love and trust have some patienceKeep the faithEven if satan is face to face then keep hittinRemember joe before value of gold broke, but i knowWhatever you facing keep on chasing, chasingCan"t runaway you gotta face "em, erase "emGet to the finish get to the spinach, and keep blazingYou better be careful where you goYou better be careful what you doYou better be careful who you chooseYou better be careful who you useWhat am i supposed to do?What am i supposed to do?What am i supposed to do?What am i supposed to do?(chorus til fade)Ahh, you"ll never growAhh,you"ll never growThe army"s on wayYou"ll never growAhh,you"ll never grow

英语each other和one another区别

正好相反each other 两人中的彼此one another 三人及以上的互相彼此

英语短文改错last month,one of my classmate,li hua


One another和Each other有什么区别,怎么用它们?

one another 指另一个each other是指对方或另外每一个

One another和Each other有什么区别,怎么用它们

each other与one another这是两个在词义和用法上极为接近的短语。有些语法家认为:each other只能用于两者之间;one another只能用于两者以上。但是,在现代英语的实际使用中,人们会发现:each other也可用于“两者以上”;one another也可用于“两者之间”。I think music is one way people can get to know each other better.The husband and wife sat down at the table facing one another.each other和one another可交互使用。但one another侧重两以上的互相;而each other则侧重两人之间的互相较为常见。

滚石的一首歌 time waits for no one 歌词

There s no time for usThere s no place for usWhat is this thing that builds our dreamsYet slips away from us?Who wants to live forever?Who wants to live forever?There s no chance for us,It s all decided for us,This world has only one sweet momentSet aside for usWho wants to live forever?Who wants to live forever?Now touch my tears with your lipsTouch my world with your fingertipsAnd we can have foreverAnd we can love foreverForever is our todayWho wants to live forever?Who wants to live forever?Who waits forever anyway?

have gone there last month的意思

考查动词的时态用法。第一句是现在完成时,表示“去过上海”;第二句中用表示过去时间的last month,用一般过去时,表示 “具体去的时间”。故选B。

One another 与each other 的区别

one another与each other这是两个在词义和用法上极为接近的短语。有些语法家认为:each other只能用于两者之间;one another只能用于两者以上。但是,在现代英语的实际使用中,人们会发现:each other也可用于“两者以上”;one another也可用于“两者之间”。I think music is one way people can get to know each other better.The husband and wife sat down at the table facing one another.each other和one another可交互使用。但one another侧重两以上的互相;而each other则侧重两人之间的互相较为常见。



韩剧《诱惑》主题曲《one summer night》 下载 要mp3格式的 就是赵权和Fei唱的


each other和one another的用法是什么?

这两词在意思上差不多,都是 彼此,互相的意思,两者均有所有格在实际运用中,这两个短语常可互换:We respect each other [one another],互相尊重 (对方)。但是each other 指两者,other another指三者或三者以上。而且 each other 可折开用 (each…the other),而 one another则不能:We helped each other=We each helped the other. 我们互相帮助。要注意的是这两个短语均不能用作主语:正:We each know what the other thinks. 误:We know what each other [one another] thinks,所以用它们作宾语的句子不能改为被动语态。扩展资料:这是两个在词义和用法上极为接近的短语。有些语法家认为:each other只能用于两者之间;one another只能用于两者以上。但是,在现代英语的实际使用中,人们会发现:each other也可用于“两者以上”;one another也可用于“两者之间”。I think music is one way people can get to know each other better。The husband and wife sat down at the table facing one another。each other和one another可交互使用。但one another侧重两以上的互相;而each other则侧重两人之间的互相较为常见。参考资料来源:百度百科-each

完型填空第一句是one summer night,on my way hom我也要找这篇文章的,复制不下来,字数太多了。

谁能帮我找到这个开头的完形填空和答案!One summer Night,on My way home from work Idecided to see a m

One Summer Night - 把这个歌帮忙翻译一下


one summer night中文版 歌词

one summer night一次夏日美梦,由奇特的幻想引起 那个夏日的晚上,我的整个世界都颠倒了 如果不是为了你我也许已经死了 每晚我请求你,我的心也许会为了你哭泣 每次我想你,我的心都会找你 你是我的那个人 让我自由就象燕子飞上树 给我个信号这样我能放松我的心情 就说一句话我就会释怀了

传闻中的七公主插曲one summer night 的歌词中文意思是什么


one another与each other的区别

each other和one another是有区别的。它们是相互代词。常作动词或介系词的宾语。each other强调两者之间相互的行为,比如:Try to support each other when one of you is feeling down.当有人觉得情绪低落时,要努力相互打气。After sixteen years of marriage they have grown bored with each other.结婚16年后,他们已经渐渐彼此厌倦了。A good relationship involves concern and sensitivity for each other"s feelings.一段美满的恋情需要彼此关心并体恤对方的情感。one another强调三者以上之间相互的行为,如:The three countries do little trade with one another.三国之间很少有贸易往来。How well did you hit it off with one another?你们几个人合得来吗?Some of the younger men began to pelt one another with snowballs.一些年轻人开始相互投掷雪球。

last month 和one month有什么区别?

last month是指上个月one month是指一个月望采纳

《one summer night》这首歌的中文歌词翻译?


one other和eachother有什么区别吗?

One another与each other的区别为:一、指代不同1、One another:彼此。2、each other:互相。二、侧重点不同1、One another:指三者或三者以上。2、each other:each other指两者。三、引证用法不同1、One another:another用作形容词的基本意思是“(又)另一个的”,主要指同类中又多一(个)的或与前述不同的另一个的,在句中只用作定语。2、each other:other用在the或形容词性物主代词之后时,与单数名词连用表示“(两个中的)另一个”; 与复数名词连用表示某一集体中“其余的,剩下的(人或物)”。

one summer night歌词


求《one summer night》歌词

One Summer Night演唱:钟镇涛、陈秋霞One summer night the stars were shining brightOne summer dream made with fancy whimsThat summer night my whole world tumbled downI could have died if not for youEach night I pray for youmy heart would cry for youThe sun don"t shine again since you have goneEach time I think of youmy heart would beat for youYou are the one for meSet me free like the sparrows up the treeGive a sign so I would ease my mindJust say a word and I"ll come running wildGive me a chance to live again.Each night I pray for youmy heart would beat for youThe sun don"t shine again since you have goneEach time I think of youmy heart would beat for youYou are the one for meOne summer night the stars were shining brightOne summer dream made with fancy whimsThat summer night my whole world tumbled downI could have died if not for youEach night I pray for youmy heart would cry for youThe sun don"t shine again since you have goneEach time I think of youmy heart would beat for youYou are the one for me中文翻译:一次夏日美梦,由奇特的幻想引起 那个夏日的晚上,我的整个世界都颠倒了 如果不是为了你我也许已经死了 每晚我请求你,我的心也许会为了你哭泣 每次我想你,我的心都会找你 你是我的那个人 让我自由就象燕子飞上树 给我个信号这样我能放松我的心情 就说一句话我就会释怀了

each other和one another的用法是什么?

这两词在意思上差不多,都是 彼此,互相的意思,两者均有所有格在实际运用中,这两个短语常可互换:We respect each other [one another],互相尊重 (对方)。但是each other 指两者,other another指三者或三者以上。而且 each other 可折开用 (each…the other),而 one another则不能:We helped each other=We each helped the other. 我们互相帮助。要注意的是这两个短语均不能用作主语:正:We each know what the other thinks. 误:We know what each other [one another] thinks,所以用它们作宾语的句子不能改为被动语态。这是两个在词义和用法上极为接近的短语。有些语法家认为:each other只能用于两者之间;one another只能用于两者以上。但是,在现代英语的实际使用中,人们会发现:each other也可用于“两者以上”;one another也可用于“两者之间”。I think music is one way people can get to know each other better。The husband and wife sat down at the table facing one another。each other和one another可交互使用。但one another侧重两以上的互相;而each other则侧重两人之间的互相较为常见。以上内容参考:百度百科-each

《one summer night》这首歌的中文歌词翻译?

《one summer night》这首歌的英文歌词及中文翻译:One summer night, we fell in love一个夏夜,我们相爱了one summer night, I held you tight一个夏日的夜晚,我紧紧地抱着你you and I, under the moon of love, moon of love你和我,在爱的月亮下,爱的月亮One summer night, I kissed your lips一个夏日的夜晚,我吻了你的嘴唇one summer night, I held you close一个夏日的夜晚,我紧紧地抱着你you and I, under the moon of love你和我,在爱的月光下You kissed me oh, so tenderly你吻了我哦,太温柔了and I knew this was love我知道这是爱and I as held you, oh so close我紧紧地抱着你I knew no one could ever take your place, ohhhh我知道没人能取代你One summer night, we fell in love一个夏夜,我们相爱了one summer night, I held you tight一个夏日的夜晚,我紧紧地抱着你you and I, under the moon of love, moon of love.你和我,在爱的月亮下,爱的月亮。扩展资料:ONE SUMMER NIGHT 来自于陈秋霞的专辑:《放飞梦想(台湾版)》。陈秋霞简介:陈秋霞(Chelsia Chan),1957年11月12日出生于香港,香港音乐创作人,歌影双栖艺人。1975年凭借自己作曲兼主唱的英文歌《Dark Side of Your Mind》获得流行歌曲钢琴组和作曲组的双料冠军,进军乐坛成为歌星兼作曲人。1976年出演同名电影《秋霞》获得金马奖影后;1980年出演《一个女工的故事》获得巴拿马电影节最佳女主角。1976年到1980年间接连在银幕上演出了10多部戏。1982获得第二届香港电影金像奖的最佳电影歌曲;2007年更获得TVB8金曲榜颁奖典礼最佳唱作歌手奖银奖。参考资料来源:百度百科-陈秋霞

夏夜one summer night[韩国]电影谁有?


跪求 one summer night


each other 与one other的区别。另外两者后面可不可以接名词?

由于each other和other another区别很小,在实际中可以互换 所以高考不会考“两者之间一定要用each other,三者或三者以上一定要用other another” 反而是记住这两个短语的用法比较重要! 1、一般认为 each other 指两者,other another指三者或三者以上。 但在实际运用中,这两个短语常可互换: We respect each other [one another]. 我们互相尊重 (对方)。 The sea and the sky seemto melt into one another [each other]. 大海和蓝天似乎融为一体。 2、两者均有所有格: They know each other"s [one another"s] weak points. 他们都彼此了解对方的缺点。 3、each other 可折开用 (each…the other),而 one another则不能: We helped each other. =We each helped the other. 我们互相帮助。 4、汉语的“互相”是副词,但是英语中的 each other 和 one another均为代词, 因此在及物动词之后可直接用作宾语 (如help each other); 而在不及物动词之后,则要借助介词 (如talk to each other, learn from one another 等)。 5、这两个短语均不能用作主语: 正:We each know what the other thinks. 误:We know what each other [one another] thinks. 正因为不能用作主语,所以用它们作宾语的句子不能改为被动语态

one another和each other有什么区别为什么这个句子里只能用each other?

在用法上二者均做代词,不可做主语。如They know each other"s (one another"s)weak points.他们都彼此了解对方的缺点。汉语的“互相”是副词,但是英语中的 each other 和 one another均为代词。因此在及物动词之后可直接用作宾语 (如help each other);而在不及物动词之后,则要借助介词 (如talk to each other, learn from one another 等)。有些语法认为,each other只能用于两者之间,而one another只能用于两者以上。

each other 和 one another的用法及区别

一般认为 each other 指两者,other another指三者或三者以上。但在实际运用中,这两个短语常可互换:We respect each other [one another]. 我们互相尊重 (对方)。The sea and the sky seemto melt into one another [each other]. 大海和蓝天似乎融为一体。2. 两者均有所有格:They know each other"s [one another"s] weak points. 他们都彼此了解对方的缺点。3. each other 可折开用 (each…the other),而 one another则不能:We helped each other. =We each helped the other. 我们互相帮助。4. 汉语的“互相”是副词,但是英语中的 each other 和 oneanother均为代词,因此在及物动词之后可直接用作宾语 (如help eachother);而在不及物动词之后,则要借助介词 (如talk to each other, learn from one another 等)。5. 5.这两个短语均不能用作主语:正:We each know what the other thinks. 误:We know what each other [one another] thinks. 正因为不能用作主语,所以用它们作宾语的句子不能改为被动语态。满意请采纳

求《one summer night》韩文版下载地址


one another与each other的区别

each other 指两者other another指三者或三者以上

One Summer Night(夏夜)


求one summer night韩国电影?

one summer night韩国浏览器打开

传闻中的七公主插曲one summer night 是谁唱的啊?歌词是什么啊?

one summer nightthe stars were shining brightone summer dreammade with fancy whimsthat summer nightmy whole world tumbled downi could have died, if not for youeach night i"d pray for youmy heart would cry for youthe sun won"t shine againsince you have goneeach time i"d think of youmy heart would beat for youyou are the one for meset me freelike sparrows up the treesgive a signso i would ease my mindjust say a wordand i"ll come running wildgive me a chance to live againeach night i"d pray for youmy heart would cry for youthe sun won"t shine againsince you have goneeach time i"d think of youmy heart would beat for youyou are the one for meone summer nightthe stars were shining brightone summer dreammade with fancy whimsthat summer nightmy whole world tumbled downi could have died, if not for youeach night i"d pray for youmy heart would cry for youthe sun won"t shine againsince you have goneeach time i"d think of youmy heart would beat for youyou are the one for me对不起 ,我只知道歌词我也不知道这是谁唱的

one summer night

这首歌是陈秋霞和钟镇涛合唱的。 陈秋霞因1976年香港和韩国的合拍影片《Chelsia my love》的大轰动而跃升为整个东南亚地区的明星。《One Summer Night》就是该片中收录的本人自创歌曲。但其生命力却凌驾于影片之上。随着世代的交替,这首歌被“传授”下去。 今年陈秋霞出了纪念专辑“陈秋霞-《Flying Our Dream》韩国特别版”,重新演绎了这首歌曲,在伴奏的乐器方面改了。 钟镇涛合唱版试听下载: 韩国版试听下载:

谁能帮我找到这个开头的完形填空和答案!One summer Night,on My way home from work

One summer night, on my way home from work I decided to see a movie. I knew the theatre would be air-conditioned and I couldn"t face my 71 apartment. Sitting in the theatre I had to look through the 72 between the two tall heads in front of me. I had to keep changing the 73 every time she leaned over to talk to him, 74 he leaned over to kiss her. Why do Americans display such 75 in a public place? I thought the movie would be good for my English, but 76 it turned out, it was an Italian movie. 77 about an hour I decided to give up on the movie and 78 on my popcorn ( 爆玉米花 ). I"ve never understood why they give you so much popcorn! It tasted pretty good, 79 . After a while I heard 80 more of the romantic-sounding Italians. I just heard the 81 of the popcorn crunching ( 咀嚼 ) between my teeth. My thought started to 82 . I remembered when I was in South Korea (韩国 ), I 83 to watch Kojak on TV frequently. He spoke perfect Korean - I was really amazed. He seemed like a good friend to me, 84 _ I saw him again in New York speaking 85 . English instead of perfect Korean. He didn"t even have a Korean accent and I 86 like I had been betrayed. When our family moved to the United States six years ago, none of us spoke any English. 87 we had begun to learn a few words, my mother suggested that we all should speak English at home. Everyone agreed, but our house became very 88 and we all seemed to avoid each other. We sat at the dinner table in silence, preferring that to 89 . in a difficult language. Mother tried to say something in English but it 90 out all wrong and we all burst into laughter and decided to forget it! We"ve been speaking Korean at home ever since. 71. A) warm    C) heated  B) hot     D) cool 72. A) crack    C) break   B) blank    D) opening 73. A) aspect    C) space  B) view     D) angle 74. A) while    C) or   B) whenever   D) and 75. A) attraction C) affection   B) attention   D) motion 76. A) since    C) what   B) when     D) as 77. A) Within C) For   B) After    D) Over 78. A) concentrate C) fix   B) chew    D) taste 79. A) too    C) though   B) still    D) certainly 80. A) much    C) no    B) any    D) few 81. A) voice    C) rhythm   B) sound    D) tone 82. A) wonder    C) imagine   B) wander    D) depart 83. A) enjoyed    C) turned   B) happened    D) used 84. A)until    C) then   B) because  D) therefore 85. A) artificial  C) perfect   B) informal    D) practical 86. A) felt      C) seemed   B) looked     D) appeared 87. ,A) While    C) Before   B) If      D) Once 88. A) empty    C) stiff   B) quiet    D) calm 89. A) telling    C) saying   B) uttering    D) speaking 90. A) worked    C) came   B) got     D) made 71.B72.D73.D74.C75.C76.D77.B78.A79.C80.C81.B82.B83.D84.A85.B86.A87.D88.B89.D90.C

each other和one another有什么区别?

each other两者互相,one another 三者互相。

陈秋霞 one summer night歌词的 中文意思

one summer night一次夏日美梦,由奇特的幻想引起 那个夏日的晚上,我的整个世界都颠倒了 如果不是为了你我也许已经死了 每晚我请求你,我的心也许会为了你哭泣 每次我想你,我的心都会找你 你是我的那个人 让我自由就象燕子飞上树 给我个信号这样我能放松我的心情 就说一句话我就会释怀了

one summer night传闻中的七公主拼音歌词

one summer night gi e gen ji wo yao one summer drean ou den yir ce ren that summer nigth we ha go wen hie do mu de ya man ha nen ge jiao sar da ga wu yie ni xie sang ye e en nar ca ma den nun mu ri he re gie jiao hu huai nen a na yao mo den ger sam ki den sa rang hie den na ren one summer night gi e gen ji wo yao oen summer drean ou den yir ce remthat summer drean ou den yir ce renthat summer night wen ha go wen hie do mu de ya man ha nen ge jiao sar da ga wu yie xi xie sang ye e ne har ca ma den nun mu ri he re gie jiao ha huai nen a na yao mo den ger sam ki gen sa rang hie den na ren

a summer night 和 one summer night 的区别?

一般情况下,a summer night不用于句首,而one summer night用于句首。a summer night,可以加介词on,one summer night是不加介词的。

one summer night 的韩文歌词

One Summer Night 演唱: Key`s Piano & Sponge 专辑: 韩剧<uc18cubb38ub09c uce60uacf5uc8fc(传闻中的七公主)> OST (2006.07.25) One Summer Night uae30uc5b5uc740 uc9c0uc6ccuc694 把记忆抹去 One Summer Dream uc5c6ub358uc77c ucc98ub7fc 就像什么都没发生过一样 That Summer Night uc6d0ud558uace0 uc6d0ud574ub3c4 哪怕再怎么渴望 ubb3buc5b4uc57cub9cc ud558ub294uac70uc8e0 也要深藏在心里 uc0b4ub2e4uac00 uc6b0uc5f0uc774 uc138uc0c1uc758 uc5b4ub290ub0a0 ucc38uc558ub358 ub208ubb3cuc774 ud750ub974uaca0uc8e0 活着 总会有哪天把那隐忍已久的眼泪倾泄而出的吧 ud6c4ud68cub294 uc54auc544uc694 ubaa8ub4e0uac78 uc0bcud0a4ub4ef uc0acub791ud588ub358 ub0a0uc744 但并不后悔 那所有忍耐着爱过的日子 uc88buc558uc8e0 uadf8ub54cub294 uadf8ub7acuc5b4 那时真是好啊 uc54cuc544uc694 uc5b4ub5bbuac8c uc78auc5b4uc694 知道了 却要我怎么去遗忘 uc2a4uccd0uac00ub294 uadf8 ud5a5uae30ub9ccuc73cub85c ub0a8uc740 ub0a0uc744 uacacub38cuc57cuc8e0 只能用那掠过的香气 去渡过剩下的日子 uc0b4ub2e4uac00 uc6b0uc5f0uc774 uc138uc0c1uc758 uc5b4ub290ub0a0 ucc38uc558ub358 ub208ubb3cuc774 ud750ub974uaca0uc8e0 活着 总会有哪天把那隐忍已久的眼泪倾泄而出的吧 ud6c4ud68cub294 uc54auc544uc694 ubaa8ub4e0uac78 uc0bcud0a4ub4ef uc0acub791ud588ub358 ub0a0uc744 但并不后悔 那所有忍耐着爱过的日子 One Summer Night uae30uc5b5uc740 uc9c0uc6ccuc694 把记忆抹去 One Summer Dream uc5c6ub358uc77c ucc98ub7fc 就像什么都没发生过一样 That Summer Night uc6d0ud558uace0 uc6d0ud574ub3c4 哪怕再怎么渴望 ubb3buc5b4uc57cub9cc ud558ub294uac70uc8e0 也要深藏在心里 uc0b4ub2e4uac00 uc6b0uc5f0uc774 uc138uc0c1uc758 uc5b4ub290ub0a0 ucc38uc558ub358 ub208ubb3cuc774 ud750ub974uaca0uc8e0 活着 总会有哪天把那隐忍已久的眼泪倾泄而出的吧 ud6c4ud68cub294 uc54auc544uc694 ubaa8ub4e0uac78 uc0bcud0a4ub4ef uc0acub791ud588ub358 ub0a0uc744... 但并不后悔 那所有忍耐着爱过的日子

谁知道 one summer night 的歌词?


One Summer Night 歌词

歌名:One Summer Night歌手:KimHaNeulOne summer night the stars were shining brightOne summer dream made with fancy whimsThat summer night my whole world tumbled downI could have died if not for youEach night I pray for youmy heart would cry for youThe sun don"t shine again since you have goneEach time I think of youmy heart would beat for youYou are the one for meSet me free like the sparrows up the treeGive a sign so I would ease my mindJust say a word and I"ll come running wildGive me a chance to live again.Each time I think of youmy heart would beat for youThe sun don"t shine again since you have goneEach time I think of youmy heart would beat for youYou are the one for meOne summer night the stars were shining brightOne summer dream made with fancy whimsThat summer night my whole world tumbled downI could have died if not for youEach time I think of youmy heart would cry for youThe sun don"t shine again since you have goneEach time I think of youmy heart would beat for youYou are the one for meKimHaNeul - One Summer Night

One Summer Night 歌词

One Summer Night演唱:钟镇涛、陈秋霞One summer night the stars were shining brightOne summer dream made with fancy whimsThat summer night my whole world tumbled downI could have died if not for youEach night I pray for youmy heart would cry for youThe sun don"t shine again since you have goneEach time I think of youmy heart would beat for youYou are the one for meSet me free like the sparrows up the treeGive a sign so I would ease my mindJust say a word and I"ll come running wildGive me a chance to live again.Each night I pray for youmy heart would beat for youThe sun don"t shine again since you have goneEach time I think of youmy heart would beat for youYou are the one for meOne summer night the stars were shining brightOne summer dream made with fancy whimsThat summer night my whole world tumbled downI could have died if not for youEach night I pray for youmy heart would cry for youThe sun don"t shine again since you have goneEach time I think of youmy heart would beat for youYou are the one for me

求《one summer night》歌词

One summer night the stars were shining bright One summer dream made with fancy whims That summer night my whole world tumbled down I could have died if not for you Each night I pray for you my heart would cry for you The sun don""""t shine again since you have gone Each time I think of you my heart would beat for you You are the one for me Set me free like the sparrows up the tree Give a sign so I would ease my mind Just say a word and I""""ll come running wild Give me a chance to live again. Each time I think of you my heart would beat for you The sun don""""t shine again since you have gone Each time I think of you my heart would beat for you You are the one for me One summer night the stars were shining bright One summer dream made with fancy whims That summer night my whole world tumbled down I could have died if not for you Each time I think of you my heart would cry for you The sun don""""t shine again since you have gone Each time I think of you my heart would beat for you You are the one for me 一次夏日美梦,由奇特的幻想引起 那个夏日的晚上,我的整个世界都颠倒了 如果不是为了你我也许已经死了 每晚我请求你,我的心也许会为了你哭泣 每次我想你,我的心都会找你 你是我的那个人 让我自由就象燕子飞上树 给我个信号这样我能放松我的心情 就说一句话我就会释怀了

开头歌词we are one ,tonight 女声,中间有男饶舌,欧美

  Turn up the love---Far East Movement&Cover Drive  (让爱盈满)  歌词:  We are one tonight 今晚的我们结为一体  And we breathing in the same air 同呼吸共命运  So turn up the love 让爱再满一点  Turn up the love 溢满这份爱  We turnin' up the love 让爱升华升温  Turn it up now 让爱加分  Get it poppin', hop the molly 让派对开起来,让派对嗨起来  Dirty bass, We so body body 失真贝斯,我们早已烂醉如泥(dirty bass是Far East Movement的新专辑名字)  Too legit, we can't quit the party 真拉风,派对必须继续  Super freaks, no Illuminati 超级大怪胎,但可不是光明会  So one two hit the booze 那好,一二,再上一瓶酒  We on youtube, nothing to lose 风采上了youtube,了无牵挂  So let it lose 'cause the sheep don't sleep 顺其自然,忘却烦恼  Like pop pop pop pop 巴拉巴拉巴  Don't low to the L O V E gotta get more 向爱再靠近一步 爱就要再多一点  So clap your hands, clap clap your hands 所以大家拍起手来 拍起手来  I got nothing but love to give 我只有满腔的爱 等待散布  Turn it up 继续放大  Turned up you don't hear me no 再放大点 没听见么 不~  Here's some love for your stereo 这份爱传达给你的立体声  So clap your hands , clap clap your hands 大家拍起手来 拍起手来  I got nothing but love to give 我只有满腔的爱 等待散布  We are one tonight 今晚的我们结为一体  And we breathing in the same air 同呼吸共命运  So turn up the love 让爱再满一点  Turn up the love 溢满这份爱  We turnin' up the love 让爱升华  We are one tonight 今晚的我们结为一体  And we breathing in the same air 同呼吸共命运  So turn up the love 让爱再满一点  Turn up the love 溢满这份爱  We turnin' up the love 让爱升华升温  Go ahead now flos your love like a heart of gold 继续来 像献出赤诚真心一般 献出你的爱  Dirty bass to bake a tussy roll 失真贝司 演奏成一曲顺口的旋律  If you don't low on the floor 如果你在舞池上放不开  I got a crew that will handle that cookie jar 我的哥们可以帮忙解决  Damn girl, I ain't tryin' to be rude 哎呀 女孩 我并不想粗鲁的  Spread love like a guestless you plus two 传播真爱 不余遗力 你和我  That's what you call a move 这才叫做真把式  Like pop pop pop pop 巴拉巴拉巴  Don't low to the L O V E gotta get more 向爱再靠近一点  So clap your hands, clap clap your hands 爱就要再多点 大家拍起手来 拍起手来  I got nothing but love to give 我只有满腔的爱 等待散布  Turn it up 继续放大  Turned up you don't hear me no 没听见吗 再大一点 不~  Here's a love for your stereo 这份爱传达给你的立体声  So clap your hands , clap clap your hands 大家拍起手来 拍起手来  Like pop pop pop pop 巴拉巴拉巴  Turn me on like this your song 把这当做你的歌 打开聆听  Dirty bass got love to give 失真贝司奉献真爱  Turn it up now 再放大一点  Mad monopoly all night long 分享真爱 昼夜不歇  Dirty bass got love to give 失真贝司奉献真爱  Yo, let me see that grill from here to here 哟~让我看到你们的笑颜  So much love in the atmosphere 空气中溢满了爱意  The good times roll with me right here 我正享受着欢乐时光  I got nothing but love to give 我只有满腔的爱等待散布  We are one tonight 今晚我们结为一体  And we breathing in the same air 同呼吸共命运  So turn up the love 让爱再满一点  Turn up the love 溢满这份爱  We turnin' up the love 让爱升华升温  We are one tonight 今晚我们结为一体  And we breathing in the same air 同呼吸共命运  So turn up the love 让爱再满一点  Turn up the love 溢满这份爱  We turnin' up the love 让爱升华升温  Turn it up now 继续升温  Turn it up now 现在就溢满  Dirty bass got 失真贝司有能耐  Like pop pop pop pop 巴拉巴拉巴  累死我了。。

We Are One Tonight 歌词

歌曲名:We Are One Tonight歌手:Switchfoot专辑:Nothing Is Sound音乐长度:4分42秒流派:摇滚作词:Switchfoot发行时间:2005年10月3日发行公司:SONY MUSIC歌词:Switchfoot - We Are One TonightCheck!Tonight!Tonight!I"ll riseI"ll fallI"ll fail you allWe built these cities to stand so tallWe"ve lost our wallsI don"t want to lose it, coming downWith the whole world upside-downI don"t have a soul to trust in nowWith the whole world upside-downWe are one, tonight!And we"re singing it out!We are one, tonight!And we"re dreaming out loud!And the world is flawedBut these scars will healWe are one, tonight!Tonight!Tonight!Two eyesOne tongueI"ve comeUndoneI"m no victimI paid these duesI came to loseI don"t want to fight about it nowWith the whole world upside-downI don"t have a soul to trust in, nowWith the whole world upside-downWe are one, tonight!And we"re singing it out!We are one, tonight!And we"re dreaming out loud!And the world is flawedBut these scars will healWe are one, tonight!Tonight!Tonight!Tonight!Tonight!Tonight!I don"t want to lose a common groundWith the whole world upside-downI don"t want to fight about it nowAnd the world was burning outLet"s slow the evening downSlow it downSlow downPlease slow downDownDownThe stars are comin" out!We are one!We are one!!We are one!!!We are one … (Yeah!) … tonight!We are one, tonight!And we"re singing it out!Tonight!We are one … (Yeah!) … tonight!And we"re dreaming out loud!Tonight!(Tonight!)And the world is flawed,But these scars will heal!We are one, tonight!Tonight!(Yeah!)Tonight!So fight it out.So fight it out.So fight it out, right now.So fight it out.We"re still fighting out.Tonight!So we"ll find out

思科交换机CPU超高负荷 CPU utilization for five seconds: 98%/26%; one minute: 98%; five minutes: 99


She Got The Honey 歌词

歌名:《She Got The Honey》歌手:Mat Kearney专辑:《Young Love》语言:英语风格:流行歌词:Says she likes me to all of her friendsCold shoulder"s what she pretendsI buy Americano every morningRings me up and winks with no warningAt the park with nobody elsePurple boots and her basquiot beltLights up when she sees my faceTurns red as she"s turning awayAll I ever know babyAll these games that you"re playingYou keep driving me crazyGonna get there, get thereShe got the honey and I got some moneyTo buy her a big bouquetShe got the loving, leaves me with nothingI just don"t know what to sayWell I"d beg, steal, and borrowIf tomorrow she"d stayShe"s got the honeyI don"t think it"s funnyThat she keeps walking awayBack to the beginningBack to the beginningSaw her down at the De La showWalking in looking at her toesTall like a flower on the wallHigh heel stealing looks across the floorI step up; she"s turning real red nowDeep breath, how you doing, wowCaught you catch the corner of my eyeShe got a call, gotta go, goodbyeWe"re gonna get there, get thereShe got the honey and I got some moneyTo buy her a big bouquetShe got the loving, leaves me with nothingI just don"t know what to sayWell I"d beg, steal, and borrowIf tomorrow she"d stayShe"s got the honeyI don"t think it"s funnyThat she keeps walking awayBack to the beginningBack to the beginningIt"s amazing that I could be standing tallIt"s like a million lighting boltsWhen she walks right through the doorCrazy, every little way I come crashing downWe"re gonna get there, get thereShe got the honey and I got some moneyTo buy her a big bouquetShe got the loving, leaves me with nothingI just don"t know what to sayWell I"d beg, steal, and borrowIf tomorrow she"d stayShe"s got the honeyI don"t think it"s funnyThat she keeps walking awayBack to the beginningBack to the beginningBack to the beginning

At least one END is missing: the statement may begin here.matlab为什么我的程序会出现这个。跪求解答


一首欧美的歌曲,开头是啊啊,耶耶,啊啊耶耶,然后开始one are one

Up - Olly MursI drew a broken heartRight on your window paneWaited for your replyHere in the pouring rainJust breathe against the glassLeave me some kind of signI know the hurt won"t pass yeahJust tell me it"s not the end of the lineJust tell me it"s not the end of the lineI never meant to break your heartNow I won"t let this plane go downI never meant to make you cryI"ll do what it takes to make this flyOh you gotta hold onHold on to what you are feelingThat feeling is the best thingThe best thing alrightI"m gonna place my bet on usI know this love is headingIn the same directionThat"s upYou drew a question markBut you know what I wantI wanna turn the card yeahRight back to where it wasSo let"s build the brigde yeahFrom your side to mineI"ll be the one to cross overJust tell me it"s not the end of the lineJust tell me it"s not the end of the lineI never meant to break your heartNow I won"t let this plane go downI never meant to make you cryI"ll do what it takes to make this flyOh you gotta hold onHold on to what you are feelingThat feeling is the best thingThe best thing alrightI"m gonna place my bet on usI know this love is headingIn the same directionThat"s upGirl, I know we can climb back toWhere we were thereFeeling here with my heartPut my heart in your headWell, I hope and I prayThat you do understandIf you did all you have to say isYeahI"m waiting for yaYeahI never meant to break your heartNow I won"t let this plane go downI never meant to make you cryDo what it takes to make this flyOh you gotta hold onHold on to what you are feelingThat feeling is the best thingThe best thing alrightI"m gonna place my bet on usI know this love is headingIn the same directionThat"s up



done for 跟end up 怎么区分

done for具体怎么回事我不太清楚,只知道是个习惯用法,记住完蛋了的意思就好了。而它跟end up太好区分了,因为根本就不是一个意思。end up doing sth 是结果做了某事的意思。end up 描述的是一件事的结果而不是完蛋了。

palm one treo 650 是哪年的机子?好么?有事么特点?

Treo 650是Palm(中文名:奔迈,美国)公司在2005年初发布的一款采用了Palm操作系统的智能手机,该产品一上市就以出色的商务性能在世界范围内赢得了广泛的赞誉。之前的型号有Treo 90、180、270、300、600。到了Treo 600,性能就已经很不错了,自从Treo650出现后,可以说达到了顶峰。虽然目前650停产了,之后又出来了一款680,但性能与650相差不大。我对这款手机的评价是:超值、特好。但是由于Palm公司的老总们虽然会造出这么好的手机(掌上电脑),但是对于市场却是猪头加白痴,以为有了这么好的手机,就皇帝女儿不愁嫁了,连出昏招,结果造成PALM掌上电脑(或手机)日落西山。我觉得,他们一点也不会开拓市场,有了这么好的系统,应该开放,让其他生产商一起生产PALM手机,这样就能让PALM系统占领智能手机或掌上电脑的绝大多数市场。问题是,他们基本是自己干,就像1998年有种电脑显卡名叫Voodoo(中文名叫巫毒显卡,现在很多人都不知道了),玩游戏性能特棒,电脑游戏玩家听说谁有块巫毒显卡,哈喇子都要流下来的,这巫毒公司的蠢货觉得既然显卡这么好,何必肥水流到外人田,就自己生产自己卖,一块芯片也不给其他公司,结果没两年,显卡市场被其他的芯片逐渐蚕食,这个公司就完蛋了(现在最赫赫有名的NVIDIA geforce公司当时还很弱小)。PALM公司和这个生产巫毒显卡的公司有一拼,虽然开始时生意好,但是其他公司发现掌上电脑居然也有一定的市场后,也加入进来(掌上电脑才有的时候,也只有PALM公司他们一家生产,自然效益好),结果市场被瓜分了。但这帮猪脑袋还我行我素,执迷不悟,自我封闭,到现在连个中文系统都不出,还要汉化,结果是PALM系统江河日下,看样子时日不多了。现在智能手机是微软的Win Mobile系统、Symbian系统和PALM系统三足鼎立的局面,但是PALM系统用的人越来越少。由于PALM系统出现得非常早,所以它的软件非常多,而且非常精悍,虽然Windows系统在娱乐性上比较强,但由于容易死机、出错,从程序执行效率上不如PALM系统。可以说,很多采用低频率的PALM电脑速度反而超过高主频的微软系统掌上电脑。另外,我们从价格上看,采用微软系统的掌上电脑或手机价格比较贵。当然Treo还生产了700、750等后续型号,但都是采用Win Mobile系统,这就是我前面说的,PALM公司撑不下去了,向微软系统投降了,我个人认为如果买采用微软系统的Treo手机,就不如直接买多普达这类早就采用微软系统的手机了,毕竟人家更有经验。还有更奇怪的是即使采用了微软的Win Mobile系统,PALM公司的700、750造得还和以前的650、680外形差不多,特别是屏幕还是正方形的(PALM掌上电脑、手机屏幕显示区域都是正方形的,这是一个特点),我就奇了怪了,人家微软的都是长方形的,你又搞一怪,估计这种手机买的人不多。虽然我个人认为PALM系统将来要完蛋,但还是认为东西还是好东西,首先是软件非常多,网上查一下,发现软件多如牛毛,破解软件和注册码满天飞,这是其他两种系统比不上的(微软的有赶上来的趋势),另外很稳定,用于商务非常好。假如你是初学者,你完全可以到网上买一个二手的PALM 500之类的掌上电脑用用,只有100多元,装上软件,绝大多数工作都能干。这是其他掌上电脑很难达到的。对于Treo650 ,我认为将其称为有手机功能的掌上电脑更为贴切一点,因为其掌上电脑的功能比较强劲,特别是QWERT键盘,输入特快,而且网上的价格也就一千多元,这种价格买其它的手机根本买不到什么好的,看电影、听音乐、玩游戏、打字、看书、记帐、建数据库什么的都能实现,实际上就是一台电脑,电池待电时间超长,十几天没问题,能连续看4、5部电影,缺点是:照相象素太低,只有30万象素,还有比较重,耳机插口设计有问题,容易坏。我个人认为,目前以性价比来看,市场没有比Treo650更合算的智能手机了。

iphone6 plus的pages怎么使用?

在 iPhone 上打开 Pages 以后,点击左上角的 + 按钮,可以创建一个新的 Pages 文档,如图所示接着可以点击“创建文稿”选项,如下图所示随后可以选取预置的一些文档模板,我这里以创建一个空白文档为例。4接着就可以在文档里输入文字,插入图片,以及对文字的格式,段落进行编排。完成以后,点击“完成”按钮返回。1、减少使用定位的服务和APP第一步,在“设置”应用中,点击“隐私”选项中的“定位服务”。第二步,在“定位服务”页面,可以选择关闭一些App应用的定位服务功能。第三步,在定位服务页面,点击进入“系统服务”页面,用户可以选择关闭不必要的选项,如“蜂窝移动网搜索”、“交通状况”、“设置时区”等。2、减少后台刷新的应用程序第一步,在设置应用中,点击进入“通用”选项。第二步,在“通用”选项页面,点击进入“后台应用程序刷新”选项。第三步,在“后台应用程序刷新”选项页面,可以选择关闭一些不需要后台刷新的应用。3、减少在通知中心显示项目第一步,在通知中心界面,点击下方“编辑”按钮,即可进入通知栏目设置页面。第二步,在通知栏目设置页面,点击需要添加栏目前面的“ ”按钮,即可让该栏目在通知中心显示。4、减少耗电应用的使用:第一步,在设置应用中,通用选项页面,点击进入“用量”选项。第二步,在用量设置页面,点击“电池用量”。第三步,在电池用量页面,可以查看各应用的耗电情况,如可以查看过去24小时和过去7天应用耗电详情,耗电最多的应用可谓一目了然。

let alone的用法有哪些?

基本上let alone不用再句首,只用在句中。连接两个句子,有进一步比较之意,译为:更不用说给你几个例句。There isn"t enough room for us, let alone six dogs and a cat.连我们的地方都不够,更不必说六条狗和一支猫了。I haven"t decided on the menu yet, let alone bought the food.我还没决定吃什么菜呢,更不必说买好了。I never thought of it, let alone did I do it.我想都没有想到它,更谈不上去做了。He hasn"t enough money for food, let alone amusements.他连温饱都无法解决,就更不用说娱乐了。The baby can"t even walk, let alone run.这小孩连走路都不会,更不用说跑了。希望可以帮上你

let alone的用法

基本上let alone不用再句首,只用在句中。连接两个句子,有进一步比较之意,译为:更不用说给你几个例句。There isn"t enough room for us, let alone six dogs and a cat.连我们的地方都不够,更不必说六条狗和一支猫了。I haven"t decided on the menu yet, let alone bought the food.我还没决定吃什么菜呢,更不必说买好了。I never thought of it, let alone did I do it.我想都没有想到它,更谈不上去做了。He hasn"t enough money for food, let alone amusements.他连温饱都无法解决,就更不用说娱乐了。The baby can"t even walk, let alone run.这小孩连走路都不会,更不用说跑了。希望可以帮上你

let alone可以放在句子的开头吗?

基本上let alone不用再句首,只用在句中。连接两个句子,有进一步比较之意,译为:更不用说给你几个例句。There isn"t enough room for us, let alone six dogs and a cat.连我们的地方都不够,更不必说六条狗和一支猫了。I haven"t decided on the menu yet, let alone bought the food.我还没决定吃什么菜呢,更不必说买好了。I never thought of it, let alone did I do it.我想都没有想到它,更谈不上去做了。He hasn"t enough money for food, let alone amusements.他连温饱都无法解决,就更不用说娱乐了。The baby can"t even walk, let alone run.这小孩连走路都不会,更不用说跑了。希望可以帮上你

let alone是什么时候用的?

基本上let alone不用在句首,只用在句中。连接两个句子,有进一步比较之意,译为:更不用说。给你几个例句。There isn"t enough room for us, let alone six dogs and a cat.连我们的地方都不够,更不必说六条狗和一支猫了。I haven"t decided on the menu yet, let alone bought the food.我还没决定吃什么菜呢,更不必说买好了。用法let用作及物动词作“出租”解时,可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以转化为介词to的宾语。作“让,使”解时,通常接以形容词或不带to的动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语;接动词不定式作宾语补足语时,如用于被动结构, to须保留。let还可接不带to的动词不定式作宾语,这时主要用于某些固定搭配中。let用作不及物动词时主要表示“出租”,主语通常为物(如房子等),其主动形式含有被动意义。在口语中, let常用于祈使句中表示建议、请求、命令、警告等;在书面语中,可用allow代替let。

Let alone可以放在句首吗?

基本上let alone不用在句首,只用在句中。连接两个句子,有进一步比较之意,译为:更不用说。给你几个例句。There isn"t enough room for us, let alone six dogs and a cat.连我们的地方都不够,更不必说六条狗和一支猫了。I haven"t decided on the menu yet, let alone bought the food.我还没决定吃什么菜呢,更不必说买好了。用法let用作及物动词作“出租”解时,可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以转化为介词to的宾语。作“让,使”解时,通常接以形容词或不带to的动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语;接动词不定式作宾语补足语时,如用于被动结构, to须保留。let还可接不带to的动词不定式作宾语,这时主要用于某些固定搭配中。let用作不及物动词时主要表示“出租”,主语通常为物(如房子等),其主动形式含有被动意义。在口语中, let常用于祈使句中表示建议、请求、命令、警告等;在书面语中,可用allow代替let。

let alone用在句首吗?

基本上let alone不用再句首,只用在句中。连接两个句子,有进一步比较之意,译为:更不用说给你几个例句。There isn"t enough room for us, let alone six dogs and a cat.连我们的地方都不够,更不必说六条狗和一支猫了。I haven"t decided on the menu yet, let alone bought the food.我还没决定吃什么菜呢,更不必说买好了。I never thought of it, let alone did I do it.我想都没有想到它,更谈不上去做了。He hasn"t enough money for food, let alone amusements.他连温饱都无法解决,就更不用说娱乐了。The baby can"t even walk, let alone run.这小孩连走路都不会,更不用说跑了。希望可以帮上你


《The Lovely Bones》(Alice Sebold)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码:za87书名:The Lovely Bones作者:Alice Sebold豆瓣评分:7.4出版社:Little, Brown and Company出版年份:2006-09-01页数:372内容简介:the lovely bone:让你读后久久不能释怀却又心生希望的小说、一桩悬疑惊惧的人间悲剧,一个风趣温馨的心灵疗愈故事此书在《纽约时报》排行榜上高居榜首近三十周,连续在榜七十余周。两年来畅销不衰。被美国“每月读书会”选为推荐书。并获“美国年度最佳小说”奖,入选“英国年度好书大奖”。在法国《读书》杂志评出的“2003年二十本量佳图书”中名列第二。目前读书以英、法、日、中等多种版本风靡各国,销量已突破五百万册,由此书改编的电影亦将由《指环王》导演彼特·杰克逊执导。《可爱的骨头》故事是阴郁的,它描述了一个十多岁少女被强奸谋杀后的思维。叙事者是死者本人,小说第一句话是:“1993年12月6日,我被谋害时不过14岁。”主角讲述了她的被害对家庭的影响、警局的调查以及她进入天堂后的情况。作者以14岁女孩苏茜的眼光自天堂向下俯视,像“一条在天空浮沉的鱼”来观察她离开的世界。当然,见到的不是她乐意看到的景象:母亲对她的死悲痛不已;父亲殴打她的女友克拉莉莎,认为女儿的死是她的过失。而真正的凶手是邻居恶少哈维,可警局追捕不力,让他脱逃,苏茜在天堂里跟随观察着他的行踪。苏茜在人间还有好友露丝和一个弟弟,苏茜的灵魂不断在他们面前出现。好友露丝则对她始终不忘,长大后一心一意要当罪案审判的见证人。作者最后用苏茜的口吻向他们告别:“我祝你们都快乐长寿。”故事并不着重于描写激起强烈情感的奸杀案,而重在表现受害者的内心思维。一个十四岁的女孩遭一名连环杀人的歹徒奸杀并碎尸,这样一桩案件如果见诸美国媒体,或许已然引不起耸人听闻的效果。若是以之为素材敷衍成一部小说,可能会是一个以情节取胜的警探侦破故事。但女作家艾丽斯?西伯德却独辟蹊径,倾注了诚挚的深情,抒发出一曲催人泪下的亲情之歌。作为父母爱情首次结晶的苏茜,天资虽不如妹妹琳茜聪慧,却是一个乖女孩。她帮爸爸业余做玻璃瓶中的帆船工艺品,从中体会到父亲对祖父的怀念;在为妈妈拍摄瞬间快照时,理解了妈妈受过高等教育却不得不充当家庭主妇的郁闷心情;她与小她一岁的妹妹有着难分难舍的手足之情;在小弟巴克利病危之时,挺身而出送他到医院急救;她甚至能和嗜酒贪杯、性情有些浮华的外婆做知心的交流。但就是这样一个可爱的小女孩却横遭歹徒蹂躏,死后还被肢解,只有一截臂肘被人们发现。沙蒙一家遭此惨祸,立即就崩溃了。父亲杰克精神恍惚,屡为警方提供可疑线索遭拒之后,在一次夜间去捉嫌犯时被误伤致残;母亲艾比盖尔无法忍受失女之痛,竟和探长苟且,然后离家出走;妹妹在哀伤之中一夜成人,不顾性命之忧去凶犯家窃取证据;年仅四岁的小弟在得知长姐已死之后,成长中心灵受到创伤;外婆义无反顾地来女婿家操持家务,以她的乐观豁达为这个家庭注入活力。而街坊四邻和学校师生更是自发地组织了一个追思仪式,大家悼念亡者,更为了安慰亲人。在将近十年的时间里,苏茜原先的同学先后从大学毕业,走上各自的生活道路。连她的家人似乎也淡忘了家中失去的这名成员,尽管由于她的遭难给家庭带来的不幸和悲哀始终笼罩着全家,挥之不去。……父亲一次突发心脏病,母亲闻讯匆匆赶回,与家人相见难免一番尴尬;父亲从医院回到家中,全家人再次团聚。在一旁偷看的苏茜的魂灵,这时意识到:一个家庭,犹如人的周身骨骼,即使有一块破损了,缺失了,但骨架终会长全,作为缺损部分的她,固然依恋这个家庭,大家也都在忆念中感到遗憾,但全家经历了这场灾难与悲痛之后,终于融溶和合。《可爱的骨头》的书名,点出的正是这一主题。或许是有感于当前美国的家庭危机,近年来颇有些美国作家致力于家庭题材的小说创作,不过多以青年和中年的婚恋为骨干故事,因此更像是言情小说。When we first meet Susie Salmon, she is already in heaven. As she looks down from this strange new place, she tells us, in the fresh and spirited voice of a fourteen-year-old girl, a tale that is both haunting and full of hope. In the weeks following her death, Susie watches life on Earth continuing without her-her school friends trading rumors about her disappearance, her family holding out hope that she"ll be found, her killer trying to cover his tracks. As months pass without leads, Susie sees her parents" marriage being contorted by loss, her sister hardening herself in an effort to stay strong, and her little brother trying to grasp the meaning of the word gone. And she explores the place called heaven. It looks a lot like her school playground, with the good kind of swing sets. There are counselors to help newcomers adjust and friends to room with. Everything she ever wanted appears as soon as she thinks of it-except the thing she most wants: to be back with the people she loved on Earth. With compassion, longing, and a growing understanding, Susie sees her loved ones pass through grief and begin to mend. Her father embarks on a risky quest to ensnare her killer. Her sister undertakes a feat of remarkable daring. And the boy Susie cared for moves on, only to find himself at the center of a miraculous event. The Lovely Bones is luminous and astonishing, a novel that builds out of grief the most hopeful of stories. In the hands of a brilliant new writer, this story of the worst thing a family can face is transformed into a suspenseful and even funny novel about love, memory, joy, heaven, and healing.This edition of the New York Times best-seller and a Good Morning America "Read This" Book Club pick contains features available only in the electronic version! Included in this eBook edition are a Reading Group Guide, an exclusive interview with the author, and "The Oddity of Suburbia," Alice Sebold"s comments on growing up in the suburbs of "Nowhere U.S.A." When we first meet 14-year-old Susie Salmon, she is already in heaven. This was before milk carton photos and public service announcements, she tells us; back in 1973, when Susie mysteriously disappeared, people still believed these things didn"t happen. In the sweet, untroubled voice of a precocious teenage girl, Susie relates the awful events of her death and her own adjustment to the strange new place she finds herself. (It looks a lot like her school playground, with the good kind of swing set.) With love, longing, and a growing understanding, Susie watches her family as they cope with their grief-her father embarks on a search for the killer, her sister undertakes a feat of amazing daring, her little brother builds a fort in her honor-and begin the difficult process of healing. In the hands of a brilliant new novelist, and through the eyes of her winning young heroine, this story of seemingly unbearable tragedy is transformed into a suspenseful, touching, even funny novel about family, memory, love, heaven, and living.On her way home from school on a snowy December day, 14-year-old Susie Salmon is lured into a cornfield and brutally raped and murdered, the latest victim of a serial killer. The Lovely Bones, Alice Sebold"s haunting and heartbreaking debut novel, unfolds from heaven, where "life is a perpetual yesterday" and where Susie narrates and keeps watch over her grieving family and friends, as well as her brazen killer and the sad detective working on her case.As Sebold fashions it, everyone has his or her own version of heaven. Susie"s resembles the athletic fields and landscape of a suburban high school: a heaven of her "simplest dreams", where "there were no teachers... We never had to go inside except for art class... The boys did not pinch our backsides or tell us we smelled; our textbooks were Seventeen and Glamour and Vogue".The Lovely Bones works as an odd yet affecting coming-of-age story. Susie struggles to accept her death while still clinging to the lost world of the living, following her family"s dramas over the years. Her family disintegrates in their grief: her father becomes determined to find her killer, her mother withdraws, her little brother Buckley attempts to make sense of the new hole in his family and her younger sister Lindsey moves through the milestone events of her teenage and young adult years with Susie riding spiritual shotgun. Random acts and missed opportunities run throughout the book--Susie recalls her sole kiss with a boy on earth as "like an accident--a beautiful gasoline rainbow".Though sentimental at times, The Lovely Bones is a moving exploration of loss and mourning that ultimately puts its faith in the living and that is made even more powerful by a cast of convincing characters. Sebold orchestrates a big finish and though things tend to wrap up a little too well for everyone in the end, one can only imagine (or hope) that heaven is indeed a place filled with such happy endings.--Brad Thomas Parsons, Amazon.comAlice Sebold is the author of the memoir Lucky. She lives in California with her husband, the writer Glen David Gold.length: (cm)17.4 width:(cm) 11.2


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