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GAGA夫人的Alejandro、telephone及Shakira的She Wolf的MV分别想表达什么?


not a one 最后是什么意思啊



我有小鼻子,但他有大鼻子。 .


one是数词,直接是one hour。如果是“一个小时的某物(比如路程)”,就是a one-hour ...。因为one开头发音是/w/,是辅音,所以前面的不定冠词是a



为什么一夜叫one nigh stand而不是one nigh sleep

一夜:one night这就是了.

英语选择题:He was ___ one-year-old boy.




one-by-one 和one to one有什么不同?

one by one1.一个一个地One by one the lights went out. 灯一盏盏地熄了。 one-by-one形容词 a. (声音) 微弱的, 难听懂one-to-one形容词 a. 1.一对一的;面对

线性代数里 one-to-one什么意思


请问“I have a bed."和"I have one bed."两句话分别怎么翻译?"a"和"one"用法的不同?多谢!


one hundred ,a hundred的用法?有没有a hundred-one的用法?

one hundred:一百.指具体的一个数字.a hundred:一百.泛指任何的一个数字.

求助大家一个英语填空问题是用 a/an 或one天空的

One day i received a postcard from harry. he invited me to go on an excursion.As he was sitting out that afternoon,there was only one thing to do.I had to send a fax. I went to my dest and picked up one form.I wrote a fax of one word:NO.有一天我收到了来自哈力的一张明信片 ,他邀请我去旅行。因为他在天下午已经出发了。只有一件事要去做。我不得不去发一封传真。我走到桌子旁边拿起一张表格。那封传真上我只写了一个字:NO修改了!

是a one-year-old boy还是an one-year-old boy

是a one-year-old boy 因为one 是辅音/w/ 开头.

求助大家一个英语填空问题是用 a/an 或one天空的


a 后面能跟one吗



a和one的区别1. 尽管a和one这两个在意义上有些相似,但他们几乎不能互换使用。2. 在连续记数时,习惯上用one,不用a3. 在名词前使用one 往往表示数量上的对比。4.用在某些固定的词组中。如: in a hurry, in a word one by one, one day另:不定式冠词a与one的用法1.作“一(个)”讲,不定冠词a所表达的“数量”这一概念,远不如one这个数词来得明确和恰当(例如:I want to live a hundred years.—M.Swan.我想要活100岁。(是一种“姑妄言之”的说法,所以要用a,不用one) The journey took exactly one hundred days.—M.Swan.这次旅行整整历时100天。(这里说的是一个事实,所以要用one,不用a,并可加饰exactly这样一个副词) 比较:Give me an apple,will you?给我一只苹果,好吗?(是与some或any相对而言) Give me one apple,will you?给我一只苹果,好吗?(是与two、three…相对而言) We saw a panda in the Zoo this morning.今天早晨我们在动物园里看见一头熊猫。(是回答“What did you see in the Zoo this morning?”的提问,所以强调的是panda) We saw one panda in the Zoo this morning.今天早晨我们在动物园里看见一头熊猫。(是回答“How many pandasdid you see in the Zoo this morning?”的提问,所以强调的是one) It has rained for more than a week.雨已下了一星期多了(也许是八、九天)。 It has rained for more than one week.雨已下了不止一星期了。(也许是两星期) 2.作“同一”或“同样”讲,a所表达的“一体”这一概念,也不如one来得明快和响亮。 例如:In the old society,two of a trade could never agree.在旧社会同行是怨家。 We all march forward to one objective,i.e.,communism. 望采纳!

芭堤雅爱湾皇家巡航酒店(A-One The Royal Cruise Pattaya)怎么样?




选词填空 (a/an) one-eye man 并说明理由


one to one 和one-to-one有区别吗?词性不同吗?

严格来说不同,one to one 能充当副词,one-to-one 相当于形容词,能充当定语.a one-to-one learning program 一对一的教学方案但有人也把one to one 作定语用,如:John is teaching English on a one to one basis to ...

an one-day trip

一天的行程 a

iPhone 5 不兼容现有 micro-SIM 卡 是什么意思 micro-SIM 卡是什么?


为什么是 a one-year-old girl,元音字母o前面不是应该是an吗?


英语选择题:1 One of the students here ____ English. A likes B speak C are good at D have learned



one前面是用a还是an:one不能和冠词连用,两者只能用一个。表示一个,意为one,指某人或某物,意为一个确定的事物。A Mr. Ling is waiting for you。凌先生在等你。 扩展资料   1、辅音字母或以读做辅音的元音字母开头的单词前面用:a   2、以元音字母(a,e,i,o,u)开头,或以不发音的h字母开头的单词前用:an   还有:1、表示"一个",意为one;指某人或某物,意为一个确定的事物。A Mr. Ling is waiting for you.凌先生在等你。   2、代表一类人或物。A knife is a tool for cutting with.刀是用来切割的.工具。   3、词组或成语。a little / a few / a lot of.一点,几个,许多。   4、不定冠词在句子中最大的语法功能是:用在可数名词的单数形式前表示泛指--表明一类人或事物区别于它类。I am a Chinese. 我是(一个)中国人。   5、为了读音的方便,在以元音音素开头的可数名词的单数名词前用an而不用a。当我们使用an时,条件有

iphone5 sim卡和iPhone6的sim卡大小一样吗?


iPhone 5 不兼容现有 micro-SIM 卡 是什么意思 micro-SIM 卡是什么?

苹果iPhone 5确认采用的是Nano-SIM卡,原有的Mirco-SIM卡则不兼容。micro-SIM 卡卡又被称作第四形式要素集成电路板,是新一代的手机SIM卡。它比正在使用的micro-SIM面积更小,更薄。Micro的意思,就是小型sim卡。市面上的sim卡类型分为三种:正常的sim卡、Micro SIM卡、nano sim卡。扩展资料检查 SIM 卡1、确保 SIM 卡没有弯曲或损坏,如已经弯曲或者破损,您需要联系运营商更换一张新的 SIM 卡。2、可以先从设备中取出 SIM 卡,装入到其它手机当中,看是否能正常使用。3、当确认 SIM 卡可以正常使用后,尝试重新插入 SIM 卡。将卡针垂直插入设备卡槽旁边的小孔中,稍微用力弹出 SIM 卡槽,轻轻抽出取下,放置 SIM 卡。在放置时候,请留意 SIM 卡一角的缺口,由于有缺口,SIM 卡只能以一个方向装入。iPhone XR和max 卡槽正反面均可以放置一个 SIM 卡,在放置完毕之后,按照取出托架时的朝向将托架完全插入设备中,托架同样也只能以一个方向插入,需要确保 SIM 卡托架已经完全闭合且未松动。

iphone4出现503 Service Temporarily Unavailable后不能上网了

503 Service Temporarily Unavailable 表示当前服务超载或临时维护而无法响应HTTP请求, 这只是一个临时性的情况,多刷新几遍或过段时间就会恢复正常了。希望我的回答能帮到你,望采纳谢谢!

歌词里有I‘m lonely lonely I need you now 是一个男的和一个女的一起唱的。求歌名。

nana mouskouri - i am lonely lonely lonely是这个吗?O(∩_∩)O~


常夏ロンリー作词:mickeY(雨上がりP)作曲:mickeY(雨上がりP)编曲:mickeY(雨上がりP)呗:V3 GUMI(Power)アスファルトを照りつける阳射しが 一人伫む仆を照らし出すんだasufaruto wo teri tsukeru hizashi ga hitori tatazumu boku wo terashi dasundaうざったいな 目の前が ちらついて歪んで渗むuzattai na me no mae ga chira tsuite yugande nijimu目の奥から脳天をめぐって 爪の先濡らして落ちてく涙me no oku kara nouten wo megutte tsume no saki nurashite ochiteku namida消えたいな 消えたいな 何もかも消したいなkietai na kietai na nani mo kamo keshitai naあぁ 足取りふらふら 冷たく痹れた指先aa ashidori furafura tsumetaku shibireta yubisaki振り向き 目を落とせばfuri muki me wo otoseba见惯れたいつもの景色に 人影が一つ 残ったminareta itsumo no keshiki ni hitokage ga hitotsu nokotta梦にうなされる梦を见て いつでも孤独に袭われてyume ni unasareru yume wo mite itsudemo kodoku ni osowareteいつの间にか歩みを止めて 渗む景色を见つめた また瞳をitsuno manika ayumi wo tomete nijimu keshiki wo mitsumeta mata hitomi wo両手で塞いで 「ほら、谁もいないの」ryoute de fusaide 「hora, dare mo inai no」阳炎が揺れてた 常夏视界の真ん中でkagerou ga yureteta tokonatsu shikai no mannaka deこらえきれなくなる心が 喉を缔めつけ鸣らしたkorae kirenaku naru kokoro ga nodo wo shime tsuke narashita「行かないで、行かないで」「ikanaide, ikanaide」夏の风に吹かれ消えたnatsu no kaze ni fukare kieta手のひらから溢れてく感情 拾い上げてはすくって饮みだしたtenohira kara afureteku kanjou hiroi agete wa sukutte nomi dashita分かんないな 分かんないんだ 饮み込めずに吐き出してたwakannai na wakannainda nomi komezu ni haki dashiteta爱という名の重たい言叶が あっち そっち ぼっちな仆を苦しめるんだai toiu na no omotai kotoba ga acchi socchi bocchi na boku wo kurushimerundaまた一人泣き出した 虫の声が嗤ってたmata hitori naki dashita mushi no koe ga warattetaあぁ イラついてみれば 昨日の自分を呪ったaa ira tsuite mireba kinou no jibun wo norotta「くだらねえ」と ほざけば「kudaranee」to hozakeba手つなぎ歩いた いつかのあの道に一人 残ったte tsunagi aruita itsuka no ano michi ni hitori nokottaこの世の终わりのような颜で 一言二言つぶやいてkono yo no owari no youna kao de hitogoto nigoto tsubuyaiteそのうち饱き足らなくなって 宛もなく差し伸べてた この右手はsono uchi aki taranaku natte ate mo naku sashi nobeteta kono migite wa空気を掴んだ 「もう、谁もいないよ」kuuki wo tsukanda 「mou, dare mo inaiyo」どうでもよくなって 全てが悲しくなるだけでdoudemo yoku natte subete ga kanashiku naru dake de行き场もなく垂れる両手で 首を绞めつけ鸣らしたikiba mo naku tareru ryoute de kubi wo shime tsuke narashita「消えないで、消えないで」 阳炎が远くなってた「kienaide, kienaide」 kagerou ga tooku natteta嘘だらけの梦追っかけて めちゃくちゃになる明日望んでuso darake no yume okkakete mechakucha ni naru asu nozonde大きくなる心の刺(とげ)で 知らないうちに谁かを 伤つけてもookiku naru kokoro no toge de shiranai uchi ni dareka wo kizu tsukete moごめんね 许して 何も见えてないのgomenne yurushite nani mo miete naino泣き止むのを止めて あぁついでに呼吸も止めてnaki yamu nowo tomete aa tsuide ni kokyuu mo tomete体中の水を枯らして カミサマに身を任せたkaradajuu no mizu wo karashite kamisama ni mi wo makasetaいないよ、痛いよinaiyo, itaiyo梦にうなされる梦を见て いつでも孤独に袭われてyume ni unasareru yume wo mite itsudemo kodoku ni osowareteいつの间にか歩みを止めて 渗む景色を见つめた また瞳をitsuno manika ayumi wo tomete nijimu keshiki wo mitsumeta mata hitomi wo両手で塞いで 「ほら、谁もいないの」ryoute de fusaide 「hora, dare mo inai no」阳炎が揺れてた 常夏视界の真ん中でkagerou ga yureteta tokonatsu shikai no mannaka deこらえきれなくなる心が 喉を缔めつけ鸣らしたkorae kirenaku naru kokoro ga nodo wo shime tsuke narashita「行かないで、行かないで」 夏の风に吹かれ消えた「ikanaide, ikanaide」 natsu no kaze ni fukare kieta



silicone plug是什么意思

silicone plug释义硅胶塞silicone英-["su026alu026aku0259u028an]美-["su026alu026akon]释义n. 硅树脂;[口腔] 硅酮plug英-[plu028cg]美-[plu028cɡ]释义n. 插头;塞子;栓vt. 插入;塞住;接插头vi. 塞住;用插头将与电源接通

想知道一首艾薇儿的歌,有说唱部分,里面的歌词有一句是 one two three four,还有个什么什么lady

太爱你了··· 咋办啊?,完美啊

有首日文歌,好像是s开头的,记得里面有句歌词是即使前方高墙耸立,然后还有这句:one 嘿刀子丝眯妈

您好right now naIt;s been so long 已经过去很久了 that I haven;t seen your face 我没有看到你的样子 I;m Tryna be strong 我努力想变得更强 But the strenh I have is washing away 但是这个能力已经不复存在了 it wont be long before i get you by my side (因为)你已经很久没有在我的身边了 And just hold you, tease you, squeeze you 我只想拥有你 品味你 紧握着你 Tell you what;s been on my mind 告诉你我现在的想法 I wanna make up right now na na 我现在就想要补偿 I wanna make up right now na na 我现在就想要补偿 Wish we never broke up right now na na 希望我们现在永远不会分开 we need to link up right now na na 我需要现在就要和你联系上 I wanna make up right now na na 我现在就想要补偿 I wanna make up right now na na 我现在就想要补偿 Wish we never broke up right now na na 希望我们现在永远不会分开 we need to link up right now na na 我需要现在就要和你联系上Girl I know mistakes were made between us two 女孩 我知道在我们之间曾犯下的错误 And we show our eyes that night even said 那天晚上我们的眼神甚至说了 somethings weren;t true 有些东西不是真的 why;d you go and haven;t seen my girl since 为什么你离开后 从那以后再也看不到你 then 然后 why can;t it be the way it was 为什么不能像以前一样 cause you were my homie lover and friend 因为你曾是我亲密的爱人和挚友 I wanna make up right now na na 我现在就想要补偿 I wanna make up right now na na 我现在就想要补偿 Wish we never broke up right now na na 希望我们现在永远不会分开 we need to link up right now na na 我需要现在就要和你联系上I wanna make up right now na na 我现在就想要补偿 I wanna make up right now na na 我现在就想要补偿 Wish we never broke up right now na na 希望我们现在永远不会分开 we need to link up right now na na 我需要现在就要和你联系上I can;t lie 我无法欺骗自己 I miss you much 我很想你 Watching everyday that goes by 看着时间一天天过去 I miss you much 我很想你 Till i get you back I;m gonna Cry 我会忍不住流泪直到你回来的时候 Yes I miss you much 是的 我真的很想你 You are the apple of my eye 你是我的掌上明珠 Girl I miss you much 宝贝我很思念你 I miss you much 我很思念你 I can;t lie I miss you much Watching everyday that goes by I miss you much Tell I get you back I;m gonna Cry Yes I miss you much You are the apple of my eye Girl I miss you much I miss you much I wanna make up right now na na 我现在就想要补偿 I wanna make up right now na na 我现在就想要补偿 Wish we never broke up right now na na 希望我们现在永远不会分开 we need to link up right now na na 我需要现在就要和你联系上I wanna make up right now na na 我现在就想要补偿 I wanna make up right now na na 我现在就想要补偿 Wish we never broke up right now na na 希望我们现在永远不会分开 we need to link up right now na na 我需要现在就要和你联系上I want you to fly with me 我想你和我一起飞翔 want you to fly 希望你会飞 I miss how you lie with me 我想念着你是如何和我一起躺着 miss how you lie 想念你是如何睡的 Just wish you could dine with me 只想要和你共进晚餐 wish you could dine 希望和你一起吃饭 One that would grind with me 一个和我一起吃苦的人 One that would grind 一个吃的起苦的人 I want you to fly with me want you to fly I miss how you lie with me Ohh miss how you lie Just wish you could dine with me wish you could dine One that would grind with me Ohh One that would grind I wanna make up right now na na I wanna make up right now na na Wish we never broke up right now na na we need to link up right now na na I wanna make up right now na na I wanna make up right now na na Wish we never broke up right now na na we need to link up right now na na !!


第一次在Appstore安装会要求输入apple id的密码哦。

iphone5s电脑无法识别 找不到usbappl.inf这个文件


激活提示Apple ID(请使用设置此iPhone的Appl




激活提示Apple ID(请使用设置此iPhone的Appl


有个英文歌里其中有句歌词是think of you when ever im alone, so

I think of you

Dana Winner的《Gone》 歌词

歌曲名:Gone歌手:Dana Winner专辑:In Love With YouAll Ends In Silence / 一切归于寂静klm"s 金属梦想Winter came and roses died / 隆冬降临,玫瑰消失Faded away before my eyes / 在我眼前逐渐凋谢Like a lovely child / 就像一个可爱的孩子I"m still here, all alone / 我一直都在,只是独身一人You saw an angel in this dying universe / 在这个垂死的世界你看到了一位天使Searching for solace in her dreams / 在梦里寻求安慰When everything is gone / 当一切都已过去You saw an angel in this dying universe / 在这个垂死的世界你看到了一位天使Crying for hope forever lost / 呼喊着那个永远失去的希望When everything is gone / 当一切都已过去With your broken wings / 带着那虚弱的翅膀You will cover me / 你将会来保护我In the ice cold embrace / 寒冰雪地,寒冷来袭I"ll lay down and sleep / 我慢慢躺下逐渐沉睡When this pain exists no more / 当这痛苦不再存在And silent night hides these scars / 当这些创伤躲藏在寂静夜里Let the wind sing to rest / 风,歌唱吧,催眠那个The lonely soul with fading dreams / 带着逝去梦想的孤独的灵魂-klm-快乐猫-

iphone6突然出现激活锁,登录账号显示Apple ID被锁定,该怎么办


What I've Done想要表达什么意思




There are ____ traffic lights. A. one B. two C. three D. four 这道题你们选什么?答案是c.

这道题 很容易了解上出现错误 呵呵

iPhone怎么创建Apple ID?

在iPhone手机上打开“App Store”应用程序。

iPhone怎么创建Apple ID?

Apple ID账号。这样就

美国文学the wild honey suckle诗歌鉴赏

《野金银花》是Freneau在南卡罗莱纳州查尔斯顿散步时,看到一簇幽生的金银花,于是便有感而发,将这首短诗一气呵成。诗人以敏锐的观察力、浅俗的词汇、优美的旋律和清晰的意象,细腻生动地描写了盛开于北美大地不为人们注意的野金银花。此诗分为两大部分,前两节写景,后两节抒情。写景以抒情为目的,抒情以写景为背景,两部分互为烘托,成为不可分割的整体。诗人以惊喜的目光看到自然界神奇的产物时,心中涌动的是对大自然无限的崇拜之情。如果说“绿荫”指的是未受人类文明侵犯的新大陆处女地的话,那些“美丽的金银花”则应是大自然创作的生命的具体体现。诗人用浅显的文字勾画出一片繁荣祥和的景象,在对生命的赞叹中,流露出返璞归真、崇尚自然的情节,充满了浪漫主义情调和理想主义色彩。然而,Freneau的过人之处,不仅在于他具有诗人的敏感,而且在于他同时具有哲人的睿智。诗人先是描写外界景物,然后直接联系到自己,联系到人类,并将人与自然融为一体,以自然规律来感染读者。所以,诗人从第三小节开始笔锋一转。显然,诗人对大自然的神奇力量由崇拜转为迷惑,怀着惋惜忐忑的心情联想到生命的无奈和大自然的无情,开始了对生命本质的思考。因此,在第四小节,诗人对主题进一步挖掘。至此,Freneau借助金银花的荣枯阐述了自己毫不掩饰的自然观:万物有生必有死,有荣必有枯,花开花落,四季转换乃自然界的规律,这一规律是不以人的意志为转移的,是人类无法抗拒的。自然界万物的生生息息乃自然的神力所造就,是人类无法左右的。因而,对于花的荣枯,人的生死,人类大可不必为之伤情。正如中国的一句古语,人“生不带来死不带去”。诗人高歌:“不曾拥有,何曾失去”,足以说明诗人对生命本质有了明确的认识后,走出困惑,最终达到一种豁达乐观的境界。 Freneau以他对美洲大地的深厚感情和洞若幽微的感受力,通过对金银花的生长环境及其盛衰变迁的描述,抒发了他对短暂人生的感叹,使本诗在清丽的意境和浓郁的美洲大地的乡土气息中加入一层哲理的思考。诗歌的最后四句,似对花说,又似诗人自然自语,令人颇为回味,乃整首诗歌的点睛之笔。人无异于花草,两者都发端于“一块共同的泥土”,并无法回避“一把黄土葬其身”的最终结局。美是那么短暂,人生或许亦莫过于此吧。言尽而意犹存,让人怅然若失。诗人记录了他对生命的感触,揭示生命的本质,借此提醒读者,生命因其短暂而宝贵无价。虽然生命只是从生到死的一个过程,但依然有许多令人心快的绮丽风光,有许多值得人们为之奋斗拼搏的美好事物。珍惜生命才是真正地享受生命。尽管生命是有限的,却要在这有限的生命中,尽可能绽放它,满怀热情,悟彻人生的实质。就如同任何一种像野金银花的花卉不会因为最终的凋零而拒绝开放,人类也不应该因为生命最终的结局是死亡就放弃对生命的珍爱。这首诗中,Freneau以抒情的色调描绘和讴歌了大自然的瑰丽,同时又揭示出自然界的萧杀冷酷和生命无奈短暂的本质;既有浪漫主义情调,又不乏意象主义的意味,的确不失为一首上乘之作。 英文赏析:The short lyric was written in 1786. Freneau was inspired by the beauty of the wild honey suckle when he was walking at Chaeleston, South Carolina. It was virtually unread in the poet"s lifetime, yet it deserves a place among major English and American works of poetry of that time. This is one of the most quoted works of Freneau. Generally speaking, it is the best of Freneau"s poems, and the best poem on nature before the appearance of the verses of William Cullen Bryant, William Wordsworth, and Ralph Waldo Emerson"s The Rhodora. But unlike those early writers who turned to look for themes outside America, Freneau rooted his poem on this piece of land. He is one of the few early writers who eulogize the country. Before Freneau there had been some American poets who, however, wrote mostly on the religious theme and either in style or structurally they imitated English poets. Freneau, the first American-born poet, was one of the earliest who cast their eyes over the natural surroundings of the New Continent and American subject matter. As is displayed in this poem, honeysuckle, instead of rose of daffodil became the object of depiction; it is “wild” just to convey the fresh perception of the natural scenes on the new continent. The flowers, similar to the early Puritan settlers, used to believe they were the selects of God to be arranged on the abundant land, but now have to wake up from fantasy and be more respectful to natural law. Time is constant but the time of a life is short; any favor is relative but change is absolute; with or without the awareness, nature develops; flowers were born, blossomed and declined to repose, and human beings would exist in exactly the same way. A philosophical meditation is indicated by the description of the fate of a trivial wild plant. A quintessentially Romantic poet, Freneau demonstrated the best of his poetic art in the melodious lyrics on Nature"s beauty. In this short poem about a flower, the poet describes his thoughts over some much more grand topics including religion and life in general. The wild honey suckle is, in the poet"s eye, no longer a common flower. To some extent, Freneau"s poem is a longer expounding of William Blake"s poem: “To see the world in a grain of sand,/And a heaven in a wild flower,/Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,/And eternity in an hour.”In the first two stanzas, to start with, Freneau devoted more attention to the environment of the flower in which he found it than to the appearance of the flower per se. He commented on the secluded nature of the place where the honey suckle grew, drawing a conclusion that it was due to Nature"s protectiveness that the flower was able to lead a peaceful life free from men"s disturbance and destruction. But the next stanza immediately changed the tone from silent admiration and appreciation to outright lamentation over the “future"s doom” of the flower --- even Nature was unable to save the flower from its death. Actually no flower, or no living being, can escape. Not even the flowers that used to bloom in Eden. Thus from the flower in nature the poet started to ponder over the fate of man, who was bound to fall from his innocence and suffer from the despair of death as the result to his exile from Paradise. Just as kindly as nourished and protected the honey suckle in spring and summer, Nature will destroy ruthlessly the flower with its autumn and winter weapons. Following the traditional European model, the lyric is written in regular 6-line tetrameter stanzas, rhyming “ababcc”, and sounds just like music. But in order to accord with the change in tone and topic in Stanza 3, the rhythmic pattern is varied. Different from the rest the poem which is written in smooth iambic tetrameter lines, the third line of the stanza --- “They died” --- begins with a “spondee” (two stressed beats in a row) and, after forcing the reader to pause (the dash), continues in a highly irregular rhythm with an intensification of stressed beats. The purpose is obvious: the speaker wants to drive the horrible message home, to let the reader feel the impact acutely. But as we progress into the last stanza, when a more mature view of life and death is adopted, the rhythms are restored to the original regularity as the tone assumes a tempered serenity grown out of experience. In this poem, the poet expresses a keen awareness of the loveliness and transience of nature. It implies that life and death are inevitable law of nature. In addition, the poet writes with the strong implication that, though in the work no one is presented in person, human beings at times envy the flower. This is seen not because the “roving foot” would “crush”; nor that the “busy hand” would “provoke a tear”; nor because of the “vulgar eye”, but because of the fact that the human being has the ability to foresee his death. Whereas, the flower, with its happy ignorance, lacks this consciousness and is completely unaware of its doom. Its innocence left it happier than the foreseeing human beings. Unfortunately, the human beings are quite unwilling to refuse this knowledge and that arouses all their sufferings.

what a bad day! we all have one of those days when ________goes wrong这题选什么?


关系代词题:we are now in a position__we might lose a lot pf money if anything goes wrong


decathlon 迪卡侬 geonaute onear 运动蓝牙耳机充电需要多久


pointer-events: none;解决点击失效问题

工作中,做了一个dropdown。在form-select::after里加了一个向下箭头的背景,可是点击箭头时,无法触发dropdown事件。于是添加 pointer-events: none; 后,可以点击。 记录于此,备忘。

谁能推荐几首像one day和wavin flag 这类的歌?

KOKIA - Current 日本歌手KOKIA的声音很空灵,这首歌没有歌词,只听到她的轻盈的哼唱,很好听。 爱的筵席(LOVE SONGS FEAST) 来自莎拉布莱曼,也是很好听的吟唱。

歌词有 one day one day 曲风有点像waving flag


有力的运动歌曲,像Waving Flag,one day,top of the world之类的

here i am traveling light 这首是清新明快的,特别适合开车、旅游听five daysinsomnia Craig David

帮翻译英语marry marry christmas lone lone christmas

句子有错正确的是merry merry Christmas, lonely lonely Christmas是陈奕迅歌曲“圣诞结”中的歌词意思就是圣诞快乐,孤单的圣诞节

apt 和prone有区别么?

三个词都含“易于的”意思, 它们只能作表语, 不能作定语, 后面都接不定式。apt 是常用词, 尤其是用在口语中, 表示“有...倾向的”、“易于...的”, 如:He is apt to get excited over trifles.他容易为小事而激动。liable 指“易于产生某种(对主语)不利的后果”, 因此常用于警告, 如:You"re liable to get cold if you are not careful.你若不当心就有可能感冒。prone 侧重主语(往往是人, 极少用于物)的本性, 使之“倾向于”(某种弱点、错误或不良行为), 如:He was prone to anger.他易于发怒。

If I can be a teacher one day,then I can draw you


求one day on this earth歌词!网上找的都不对...对不上啊!

Yeah, whoaI dropped a tear in the oceanAnd when you find itThat"s the day I"ll stop loving you, come onIf the time was slipping awayAnd I didn"t have long to liveI appreciate the times we"ve sharedAnd I wouldn"t want you to shed a tearIf the road was coming to an endAnd I couldn"t turn this car aroundI know faith will get us, get us through the windAnd land our feet somewhere on heaven"s groundIf I had only one day on this earth, whoaI"ll live tonight, I"ll spend tonightMake love tonight, I"ll sleep tonightWith you by my sideAnd if I had only one day on this earth, whoaThen I"ll laugh tonight, I"ll cry tonightI"ll make it right, spend the rest of my timeWith you by my sideNow if this life gets the best of meAnd all the fame starts to fade awayJust know our love made historyAnd the next life is a better placeIf they announced it on the televisionThat the world was gonna end today, yeahGirl, I"d be on a missionTo love you the rest of the night away if I had oneIf I had only one day on this earth, yeah, whoaI"ll live tonight, I"ll spend tonightMake love tonight, I"ll sleep tonightWith you by my sideAnd if I have only one day on this earth, whoaThen I"ll laugh tonight, I"ll cry tonightI"ll make it right, spend the rest of my timeWith you by my sideWe could see the sunriseWe could see the stars glis"Make love in the moonlightI"ll make you my bucket listWe gone shop like no tomorrowLive it up like no tomorrowPop champagne like no tomorrowIn the club like no tomorrowYou can have anything you likeYou"re my girl, I"ma treat you rightAnd when I shine, you shineSo have fun you only get one lifeAnd for all them hatin" humansSmile-in-your-face humansBehind your backThey-wanna-take-your-place humansWe going live foreverWe going grind foreverWe going be togetherTil forever and everIf I had only one day on this earth, whoaI"ll live tonight, I"ll spend tonightMake love tonight, I"ll sleep tonightWith you by my sideAnd If I have only one day on this earth, whoaThen I"ll laugh tonight, I"ll cry tonightI"ll make it right, spend the rest of my timeWith you by my side

急 雅思口语第二部分 如果问题是what would you like to do if you had one day off study? 回答这个





发音kans kah ron nes 。是在墨西哥和美国庆祝的一个彩蛋节,将蛋壳里东西打小洞清干净,保留蛋壳基本完整,在蛋壳里装入庆祝用的五彩纸屑外面将蛋壳画上各种图案,活动当天将装饰好的蛋壳向朋友头部砸并说Cascarones会带来好运。关于复活蛋的起源,第一个传说是:描述圣女玛利亚玛达肋纳在泪光中,忽然看见有两个人穿著耀眼的衣服,站在她们的身边,她回家的时候,把所见的异像彩绘在复活蛋上,然后才给耶稣的门徒。门徒也利用鸽子把这讯息传扬开来。第二个的传说是:圣德范被敌人用石头砸死,为纪念他所留下来的。另一个传说是:替耶稣背十字架的那个人,他是销售鸡蛋的商人,有一天,他看到篮子里有很多漂亮的彩绘复活蛋,于是他就把这样的讯息传给人们。

句型转换you will succeed one day if you work hard

Work hard and you will succeed one day.

英文歌 男女对唱歌词都是oneday came to my dream

One Day曲/编曲:张峡浩SeanZ 词/演唱:张峡浩SeanZ&曲婉婷Wanting one day,if someone wakes me up,please dont tell me the truth that we had the same story before someday,if i still in this world,please crush me in your arms because i fear im going to die i thought i am strong but its hard to say what would be wrong too far from what we"ve believed i thought i am strong when you held me for so long and now my voice is gone one day, you came into my dream sat next to me and said you wanted to be free i said one day, you will be free just know that you are strong dont be gone for too long , if you do just follow my voice in this song you"ll come around one day when you woke me up,you took my dream and stole my soul you left me alone with nothing to say i thought i am strong but its hard to say what would be wrong too far from what we"ve believed i thought i am strong when you held me for so long and now my voice is gone one day, you came into my dream sat next to me and said you wanted to be free i said one day, you will be free just know that you are strong dont be gone for too long , if you do just follow my voice in this song you"ll come around one day, you came into my dream sat next to me and said you wanted to be free i said one day, you will be free just know that you are strong dont be gone for too long , if i do just follow your(my) voice in this song you"ll come around (I"ll come around)

If you can be a teacher one day,then I can draw your picture well.是什么意思?


what would you do if you had only one day _(leav)


if i could be a teacher for one day

If I Could Be A Teacher for One Day I had wanted to be a teacher,and had worked hard for it when I was young,but I couldn"t in the end for some reasons.If I could be a teacher for one day,I would devote myself to the educational cause,teaching my students all I have learned.I would teach my studernts the knowledge I gain.If I were a teacher,I would be very rich in spirit,though I had less money,for I had many students around me,sharing my ideas and thoughts about study, my happiness and sadness.If I were a teacher,I would be glorious and respectable,for as is known to us all,teaching is the brightest cause in the world. To be a teacher is my dream,though I am not a teacher now. I wish I could be a teacher,even if for one day

If l Have Only One Left 帮我写一篇以这个为题的作文,初中水平就好

If I have only one day leftThe question I ever think long time. But I have not found a true answer. If I have only one day left, maybe I will travel around the world.Because I think my life shouldn"t be over,I even don"t have a chance to enjoy the nature,the beautiful world. I also want to write letters to my friends,classmates,teachers ,even to the peole who hate me.Thanks for their love,help and hate.They let me grow up.I also want to say "Thank you!" to them.And i want to tell them,"Cherish your own life,because it belongs to yourself."

If you had one day to live , what would you do with your last day? 这句话里的live、last day什么意思



如果你错过一天练习。求采纳,Thank you

英语作文 If I have only one day to live 怎么写?

If I have only one day to live, I will do everything I want in my life, giving everything my family and friends need that I usually don"t. I will try to impress my family and my friends by doing all good things to them so that I could be remembered as a good guy in the rest of their life. I won"t try bad things as nobody will benefit from it.

I think you every one day 什么意思


电影《One day》中引用的那首诗叫什么

影片一开始,男主念了两句诗:“圣思威逊节,若天空飘起雨,什么什么便能再续(if on Saint swithins" day,it doth rain,something something,something remain )此后,英国民间便多了一个传说:如果7月15日那天下雨了,这场雨会持续40天。而他们管这天叫圣斯威逊日(St. Swithin"s Day)。所以那首诗的完整版,应该是:"St. Swithin"s day if thou dost rain.For forty days it will remain.St. Swithin"s day if thou be fair.For forty days "twill rain nae mair."这首谚语诗翻译过来很简单:”圣斯威逊日若有雨,之后40天仍有雨;圣斯威逊日若平安,之后40天全无雨。“

if i like to you one day.i think i don,t want to


有首歌词是its one oneday

您好是这首吗?One Day曲/编曲:张峡浩SeanZ 词/演唱:张峡浩SeanZ&曲婉婷Wanting one day,if someone wakes me up,please dont tell me the truth that we had the same story before someday,if i still in this world,please crush me in your arms because i fear im going to die i thought i am strong but its hard to say what would be wrong too far from what we"ve believed i thought i am strong when you held me for so long and now my voice is gone one day, you came into my dream sat next to me and said you wanted to be free i said one day, you will be free just know that you are strong dont be gone for too long , if you do just follow my voice in this song you"ll come around one day when you woke me up,you took my dream and stole my soul you left me alone with nothing to say i thought i am strong but its hard to say what would be wrong too far from what we"ve believed i thought i am strong when you held me for so long and now my voice is gone one day, you came into my dream sat next to me and said you wanted to be free i said one day, you will be free just know that you are strong dont be gone for too long , if you do just follow my voice in this song you"ll come around one day, you came into my dream sat next to me and said you wanted to be free i said one day, you will be free just know that you are strong dont be gone for too long , if i do just follow your(my) voice in this song you"ll come around (I"ll come around)

if l could be afor one day英语作文 小学,

May first is a Sunday.And it is the Laboru2019s Day.My mother said to me :“Open your eyes!And look out of the window.What a fine day!Letu2019s go to park,” So my mother,my classmate and I went to the park.We took some foods in my schoolbag.On the way to the park.I saw the blue sky with snow-white clouds.I saw pear trees and some apple trees and so on.Below the trees,there are several kinds of flowers.Itu2019s colorful,blue,red,yellow,pink,purple,orange and white.I saw some balloons and butterflies in the sky.I ate popcorn,cornflakes,banana and lollipop.They were wonderful.In the afternoon,we went to the zoo.I visited the birds,mice,cats,dogs,budgies,hamsters,rabbits and so on.

if I have only one day left,以这个为题写一篇作文,或者帮我找一篇也好,急求,星期一要用来Freetalk的

呵呵,今天晚上没事做,给你写一篇100%原创的。希望对你有帮助呵呵。If i have only one day leftmost of us live through life knowing that we have plenty of time a head of us, so we usually cruise along, knowing there are more time. but if the time we have left is shortened to one day, i would try to do as much things as possible.And these things are to accomplish what I"ve always dreamed of, but never dared to do. Of course, as my moral conscious forbids me to do anything that may likely to cause sever damage to others. things like killing my enemy is out of the question. Maybe a confession of some sort, one that I"ve always been too chicken to do (口语化). because for the first time, i am not bounded by rules and peer pressure. for the first time, i am completely and utterly free. most people have a bucket list, a list of things they must do before they die, in this one day i would try to full fill as much of this bucket list item as possible.i would go see the person I"ve always wanted to see, and eat what I"ve always wanted to eat. of course i would try to comfort those who are close to me, those who will be no doubt be in sadness when i am gone. there is only one certainty in life, and that is death, even when we know this fact, we still keep planning for the future, we do this because we know we have plenty of time. but when we knows that our plenty of time is shortened till one day, i would stop planning for the future and start living for right now.i mean, sometimes, it"s not the destination that matters, but the journey right?其中加了一句比较口语化的句子,因为你是free talk :)如果想长点,短点,简单点或者复杂点,可以追问。最好是向我提问一个新的问题,这样我又有经验分了。啊哈哈,开玩笑的,追问就可以了。祝你演讲好运!~


If one day I fall in love with you 可以替换为: If I fall in love with you one day. 此句正确.句意为:如果有一天我爱上你(用陈述语气,可表达很可能发生的事).
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