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超大屏+超强“芯” 华硕Zenfone6测评

  【IT168 测评】华硕一直在电脑界混的风生水起,在手机圈,也只是出过padfone这种跨界产品。随着互联网手机的迅速崛起,华硕也适时推出了新系列Zenfone。与其它千元智能机相比,华硕Zenfone系列与英特尔合作,大胆的采用Intel凌动处理器。这点在中高端机甚至旗舰机上并不是第一次,但在千元机中当属首例。因此引起了大家巨大的关注。在海报中,华硕甚至写出了“赌上华硕和内谁的尊严”。尊严是要靠产品硬实力挣回来的,华硕这次大胆的设计,能否赢回和内谁的尊严,我们拭目以待。  外观篇:  华硕一直主打品质,其“华硕品质 坚如磐石”的口号也早已深入人心。外观方面,Zenfone6第一眼给人一种“大气硬朗”的感觉。作为一款拥有6英寸屏幕尺寸的千元机,其实最难把控的可能就是外观部分。因为毕竟参数就那几个,你用大家也用,很难有什么水分和差距可言。而外观、材质设计都是考验一个厂商设计能力的主要因素、也是看厂商对于产品的用心程度。▲华硕Zenfone6的外观还是不错的  ZenFone留给人的印象还是良好的。虽然没有采用最流行的超窄边设计,但整机做工扎实,按键与机身接口部分没有缝隙、晃动机身无异响。而且由于屏幕采用全贴合技术,看上不并不廉价。▲华硕Zenfone6采用同心圆金属元素  机身下部,Zenfone则采用了经典的同心圆设计理念。金属拉丝提升了视觉效果,而且为良好的握持感提供了方便。应该说,这个元素的为其外观加分不少。▲按键也设计为金属元素  同样的金属设计语言也出现在机身的按钮上,右侧的一体式音量键和解锁键均采用了“同心圆”纹路的金属处理效果,视觉和触感都不错。只是按键的键程略短,而对于一款6寸的手机来说键位安排又有些靠上,不得不说是一种遗憾。▲配备了定制化的3.5mm接口  除此以外,该机上边框还配备了定制化的3.5毫米耳机接口(用以减少机身边缘厚度)。以及上下双降噪Mic听筒。▲Zenfone后盖壳拆卸但不可更换电池  Zenfone6采用了可更拆卸后盖但是不可更换电池的设计模式。拆开后盖是更换sim卡以及内存卡,不可拆卸小编猜测是因为华硕害怕有黑心奸商掉包假电池。而目前该机提供了金色、白色、红色、粉色、金色在内的五种颜色并且质感效果不同的后盖可供更换,也是一个值得关注的点。  总的来说,华硕Zenfone6在千元机这个级别中外观设计以及做工还是有明显的优势。    硬件配置篇:▲华为Zenfone6硬件参数  华硕Zenfone系列共有三款,Zenfone4/5/6,三款配置各不相同,Zenfone6的配置最高。华硕ZenFone 6共有两种版本,一种是1GB RAM、8GB ROM的标准版,售价999元;另一种是2GB RAM、16GB ROM的高配版,售价为1299元,其余方面的配备全部一致,此次我们测评的版本为千元以内的1G RAM版本。▲正面配备一块6英寸大屏幕  配置方面,华硕Zenfone6正面配备了一块6英寸的大屏幕,这个尺寸的屏幕在千元机内并不多见,采用了康宁第三代大猩猩玻璃,分辨率为千元机主流的720P,245PPi,在千元机内主流水平,其它配置与红米Note基本相同。▲英特尔CPU兼容性良好  与其他千元机相比,Zenfone6最大的特点就是了2GHz Intel凌动Z2580处理器。这个处理器之前在联想旗舰K900上也用过。性能方面绝对不会落后。而Intel的处理器另大家担心最多的是兼容性问题,因此我们就简单来给大家测试一下Zenfone6的兼容性。我们下载了各个类型应用中的常用软件,包括微信、微博、QQ、QQ音乐、大众点评、我查查、美图秀秀、淘宝、优酷、多看、掌阅、搜狗输入法、携程等,均没有发现出现软件不兼容的情况。▲流畅运行《极品飞车》、《地牢猎手》  其实根据之前英特尔工程师的讲解,如果一款软件按照谷歌官方给出的标准正确的编写,那么采用英特尔处理器的手机就不会遇到不兼容的情况。而目前几乎所有优秀的安卓APP都是在根据谷歌给出的规范来编写,也就是说,兼容性方面,英特尔处理器和ARM处理器差异不大。性能方面,我们看到,Zenfone6的安兔兔跑分为:23033分,测试网页浏览性能的VELLAMO为1722分,成绩良好。当然,用手机不只是跑分,我们还测试大型游戏《极品飞车17》《地牢猎手》,基本上可以流畅运行。这样的性能,对于一款千元智能机来讲,还是令人满意的。  系统UI篇:  系统方面,华硕Zenfone采用了自家的Zen UI。如今每一家互联网手机都在做自己的ROM,小米有MIUI、魅族有Flyme、锤子一加灯都有自己深度定制的OS。使用自己ROM一是可以加强产品特色,二是吸引相同使用习惯的用户,增加厂商与用户之间的沟通。▲Zenfone解锁界面  华硕的自己Zen UI在解锁时就体现出了定制化特点,系统文字、图标、插件均采用扁平化的线条组成,拍照、通话、短信三个快速启动插件被放在了主界面。▲扁平化的系统风格  进入系统后,依旧是扁平化的APPS图标以及非常简洁线条组成的快捷小插件,看起来非常清爽。在屏幕的左上角下拉屏幕,会显示通知栏,而在屏幕的右上角下拉屏幕则会显示快捷按钮。而快捷菜单按钮也经过重新设计和Zen UI整体风格保持了统一。▲可以看到,部分图标进行了重绘  打开二级菜单,可以看到华硕对系统自带图标进行了重绘,但是部分第三方图标并没有做处理,使得软件图标的风格不够统一。  华硕的Zen UI另一特点是加入了很多华硕自己的应用程序。比如华硕云服务、华硕小管家等各种功能,基本建立起一个云到端的生态链,但可能因为经验还不够,对比MIUI这样成名已久的系统,在服务内容方面有所欠缺。整个Zen UI使用起来还是比较流畅,手机整体体验方面还是不错的。  拍照篇:▲华硕Zenfone内置多种拍照功能  拍照方面,华硕Zenfone6采用了1300万摄像头,并且搭载了华硕独家的PixelMaster拍摄技术。PixelMaster拍摄技术是华硕结合软件、硬件及光学设计开发出的独家技术,使得夜间拍照画面更加的明亮。并且Zenfone支持多种拍照模式:包括夜间模式、HDR模式以及非常有趣的时光回溯功能,增加了更多的拍照乐趣。  其实由于成本和技术的限制,千元机的拍照大家心里都懂得,厂家就算把牛吹破了,也没多少人会相信。而华硕从另一方面另辟蹊径,增加了许多特色拍照功能,这个思路小编认为还是非常不错的。接下来我们就通过样张来看拍照素质究竟如何?▲采用了景深效果  通过对比,我们可以看到,开启景深模式后,华硕ZenFone6通过软件算法,将不在对焦焦段上的物体进行模糊处理,从而达到景深的效果,但由于有时候软件识别不够准确,需要一定的拍照技巧。▲开启夜间模式后,提升效果非常明显  夜间拍照方面,通过样张对比,可以看到开启了夜间模式,采用了PixelMaster技术后,在画面亮度提升非常巨大(画面是在夜间12点室外完全无光的极限情况下测试),华硕Zenfone的表现确实给了小编惊喜。对于一款千元机,有这样的表现已经足够,如果非要追求画质的清晰度、纯净度以及balabala,可以去买高端手机或者相机,没必要在千元机上纠结。▲Zenfone样张▲拍照样张  总结:华硕Zenfone系列已经上市一段时间,受到大家非常多的关注。作为一款千元机,华硕Zenfone的外观、做工以及性能都属于千元机中比较值得推荐的部分。999的售价以及6英寸的超大屏幕、Intel高端处理器使得这款Zenfone6性价比十足。Zenfone6确实为华硕和英特尔赢回了尊严,在千元机中有着很强的竞争力,不失为一款诚意之作。

【香港】防泼水 + 防尘 + 无线充电 – SHARP AQUOS PHONE f SH-13C 动手玩

虽然时值炎热的夏天,但是降雨机率可不比春天来得低,滂沱大雨常常说来就来,避都来不及,一个不小心还会溅湿手边的东西,尤其是像手机这类电子产品,万一进水报销了那真的是划不来阿!近来有机会测试到日本SHARP的AQUOSPHONEfSH-13C,不但采用防泼水设计,使用上更有全新设计,就算是在雨中使用它也不用担心喔! 防泼水u2027防尘设计 SH-13C的第一大特色,就是防泼水以及防尘设计,在USB插槽上的胶盖以及电池盖的边缘内也有一条胶圈,可以有效防止水份或者沙粒渗入,即使在雨中拿着手机使用,也不用担心有沙子或者水跑到手机里面,不过大家要记得,要有效达到防泼水功效,无论是电池盖或者的USB插槽上的胶盖都要紧密盖著,否则就会失效了。SH-13C的机身颜色总共有3种,分别是珍珠白、黑色及粉红色,笔者自己比较喜欢珍珠白色的机身,一来十分具有日系风,二来它的「白」感觉颇为高贵漂亮,值得考虑。至于机身设计方面,几乎所有的按键都集中在机身正面及右侧,萤幕为3.7吋qHD540x960解析度,也加入Sharp的AQUOS显示技术及防偷窥技术,设计十分体贴呢! 机身顶部设有前置视讯镜头。 下方设有三个实体按键,分别是选单键、主页键及返回键。 手机上方设有3.5mm耳机插孔。 机身左侧设有micro-USB插槽,并有保护盖盖著。 机身右侧设有拍照键、音量控制键及开关键。 机底设有打开电池盖的小孔,以及用作挂耳机绳的小孔。 珍珠白色及粉红色机色,机背采用抛光设计,而黑色则采用磨沙设计,十分特别。 背镜头为八百万画素,并内建闪光灯。 电池的容量为1,230mAh,似乎少了一点…… 需要拆除电池才可更换SIM卡及microSD记忆卡。值得一提的是,SH-13C采用的是和iPhone4及iPad相同的microSIM卡。 侧边的microUSB插槽及电池盖内也围有一条胶边,防止水份渗进机内。 体贴介面多达12页 不同品牌的Android手机,最能反映品牌特色的通常在桌布,以目前市面上大多数的机型来说,桌布最多7到8页左右,对于喜欢在桌面上放置小工具或者程式捷径的朋友来说,常会觉得不太够用。SH-13C总共有12页的桌布,让大家有足够空间自行设计个人空间,此外,它做为日系手机,虽然原生是日文介面,但也可以透过设定改为英文介面,香港用户就不用担心不知如何使用了。再来,店家也会为香港用户加入辨识中文手写输入,就可以输入中文字,十分体贴呢! 预设的桌布介面名称为dooPaletteUI,共有6页介面。 使用两指缩放可以进入桌布总览,不但可以快速选页,还可点按「+」按键加入空白的首页,最多可以加至12个首页呢! 除了dooPaletteUI外,Sharp亦提供HOME及Roundhome两种介面供用户选择。 这是HOME介面,样子比较平实一点。 这是Roundhome介面,在切换桌布的时候,所有的捷径就变成好像球体般,当静止后,最接近中心点的9个程式就会组成九宫格的选单,不过笔者觉得这个介面比较难用。 这是SHARP的原生程式集,预先将程式分为不同类别,颇特别呢! 设有日文及英文介面选择。 内建iWnnIME-SHedition输入法。 可以手写输入中文呢,不错! 它的英文输入法是和一般手机一样是九宫格排列。 还有不少符号选择呢! 说到日系手机应该少不了颜文字,SHARPSH-13C也内建了不少可爱的颜文字。 做为日系机款,又怎可以没有日文输入呢? 无线充电关机使用效果最佳 SH-13C是SHARP旗下首只采用Qi无线充电技术的Android手机,它随机附送一个很像外接硬碟的充电板,回家后只要将手机平放在充电板上,就会自动开启充电程序,不需要再用到USB传输线或者充电器,这种设计确实十分方便。如果单纯将电池放在充电板上,也可以达到充电效果,不过有一点要提醒大家,就是使用充电板充电的时候,建议将手机关机后再充比较好,因为笔者发现在SH-13C启动的情况下充电,一小时只能充8%电力左右,效率十分差;但关上电源后充电,4小时左右就可以由剩余10%左右电量充到全满。虽然这种充电速度不算很快,但肯定比开着机充电来得有效率得多。又或者笔者建议大家可加购一颗电池交替充电使用,这样就更为方便了。 这是随机附送的无线充电板。 无线充电板的电源孔。 按下充电板上的这个圆形按键,就可以开启无线充电功能。 再将手机放在充电板上,就可以充电了!不过建议先将手机关机再进行充电,或者索性直接将电池放在充电板上,这样效率会比较好。 效能中等 在这个什么手机都要讲求双核心的环境下,SHARPSH-13C只有单核心处理器,实在是很冒险的事,不过在使用不同的benchmark测试过后,发现它也不算太差,至少在单核心机种之中,它已经算是中上级水平的机款了。虽然在使用上笔者觉得还是有点儿迟缓,尤其是在转换桌面、或者开启分类选单时,延迟的情况会比较严重,可能需要有点耐心了,不过如果厂商可以推出更新档来解决这种情况,那就最好了! SHARPSH-13C的作业系统是Android2.3.4Gingerbread。 使用QuadrantStandardEdition软体来测试,结果是1,216分,在单核心机款来说已经算不错了。 使用VellamoMobilewebbenchmark测试,也获得不错的603分。 从图表可见,在单核心机种中它属于效能较高的一款,与HTCDesireS相差不远。 SH-13C采用3.7吋540x960qHD解析度萤幕。 在显示设定里头,它有自动动态亮度功能,可以随着萤幕显示内容而设定合适亮度。 用来欣赏《Smurfs》的720p电影预告片,萤幕色彩显示还算自然,而且影片播放起来也算畅顺,应该要归功于它的1GHz处理器,但是如果它的RAM更再多一点(此机只有512MBRAM),相信会更为理想。 用来玩3DMMO游戏PocketLegends,画面看起来也不错。 防偷窥屏幕 最后值得一提的,是SHARPAQUOSSH-13C加入了VeilView防窥这项功能。究竟VeilView是甚么?其实它是一种防偷窥的萤幕设计,只要开启这项功能,从侧面看起来就会有一些花纹隐约遮盖著萤幕,进而达到防窥的效果,当然从正面看是完全不影响的,适合用来防止别人好奇的偷看眼光! 从萤幕顶端拉下通知列,页面下方就可以找到VeilView这个选项。 总共有六个选项可选,但实际上只有三种花纹,前三种是静态的全萤幕防窥花纹,后三种会有闪烁的效果。 由上至下,分别是花纹1、2及3的实际效果。 从进阶设定里面,还可以设定花纹的密集程度,连深浅度也可以选择喔。 SHARPAQUOSSH-13C其他功能全 *** SH-13C内建Facebook、Twitter、WhatsApp及Google等软体。 照相介面十分平实,如果要进入设定介面,需要按手机上的实体menu选单键。 轻点萤幕可以看到更多当前的设定资料。 全英文介面的选单,而且没有图像解释,英文程度弱一点的人可能会觉得有点困难! 内建不少有趣的镜头设定,包括:快拍、鱼眼、模型等。 支援即时分享,可以透过社交网络与朋友分享相片。 最高支援八百万画素的相片拍摄。 不但支援防手震(下),也支援动态对比(上),差不多就是一台数位相机! 内建不少场景模式,而且分类非常仔细。 它有内建手电筒功能,除了拍照补光之外,也可以当作照明使用。 至于影片方面,最高可以拍摄720p的影片。 影片也有不同的对焦方式选择。 影片拍摄也有数种场景模式,不过分类就没有拍照模式来得多 内建4款不同风格的系统字体可以自由选择 日系手机通常会有这个MannerM礼貌模式,可以切换至驾驶模式或静音模式。 SH-13C也有内建一些有趣的功能,像这款计步器程式,可以计算每天走了多少步,对于想健身减肥的人十分受用呢。 长按首页键就可以进入这个多工作业介面,列出所有目前正在运作的程式,点选它们就可以进入程式,如果长按其中一个不放,就会进入像上图这个关闭程式的介面,点按该程式右上角的「X」按键,就可以彻底将它关闭掉,以免在背景运行浪费系统资源。 总结:中规中矩u2027外型漂亮 在外形上,SH-13C可说是拥有日系手机有的简约美,虽然没有太多花款,却渗透出一种美感。手机的手感很不错,不过尺寸却有点大,似乎比较适合男性。至于效能上,虽然它是单核心处理器,不过效能及整体表现也算不错,不过以现在市面上的双核心手机来说,普遍只比SH-13C多个港币三百元多就可入手,相较之下它就显得有点贵了,不过无线充电的设计还是很吸引人,如果能够好好改善开机充电的速度,相信市场接受度会更高喔! SHARPAQUOSPHONEfSH-13C规格表:处理器:QualmMSM82551GHz单核心处理器作业系统:Android2.3.4记忆体:512MBRAM内存空间:2GB记忆卡:microSD(最高支援32GB)萤幕:3.7吋qHD(解析度:540x960)触控屏幕镜头:八百万像素(内建LED闪光灯、支援自动对焦、人脸追踪;支援最高720pHD影片拍摄)电池:1,230mAh使用时间:310分钟(GSM);280分钟(3G)待机时间:400小时(GSM);500小时(3G)尺寸:119x60x10.9mm重量:121g售价:港币4,580(折约NT17,000元)


1、苹果iPhone Siri应用程序:在iPhone主界面打开设置按钮——然后找到通用功能并打开——找到Spotlight搜索,点击——然后开启最上方的Siri建议——接着,就可以将想要Siri get到的应用打开了。 2、苹果iPhone Siri应用程序关闭:在设置应用中,找到通用一栏,点击打开——在通用页面,找到Spotlight搜索选项,点击进入——进入页面后,关闭【Siri建议】选项也可以关闭常用显示——找到不想显示的应用或游戏,将其关闭也是可以的 3、苹果iPhone Siri应用程序建议是iOS9还是iOS10的时候推出的一个新功能,简单的来讲就是是系统记录用户的操作习惯,常打开的App等来分析预判用户可能需要联系的朋友、需要打开的App、需要到达的地点等。

homogenous of degree one

阶次齐次的意思,比如零次齐次函数,就是 the homogeneous of degree zero. 而n次齐次函数,顾名思义,就是每一项都是n次函数,比如: a*x^3+b*x^2*y+c*x*y^2+d*y^3 就是x,y的三次齐次函数,其中a,b,c,d是系数. 请采纳.

he is one of the greatest alive poets

解释如下这个是因为living可以作前置定语修饰形容词;alive则不可。具体分析:living与alive都可作表语例如:Is his father still living?The old man is still alive【异同点】living可以作前置定语修饰形容词;alive则不可例如:living language对alive language错名词:【异同点】只有living前加the方可表示“活着的人”,作主语时,视作复数。The living are more important to us than the dead.活着的人对我们来说比死去的人更重要。词义:【异同点】living主要指在某个时候是活着的,而alive指本来有死的可能,但仍活着的。而且,作主语补足语或宾语补足语时,只能用alive;作比喻义(如“活像……”、“活生生的”等)解时,要用living。例如:The enemy officer was caught alive.(作主语补足语,不用living)那位敌方军官被活捉了。We found the snake alive.(作宾语补足语,不用living)He is the living image of his father.(比喻义,不用alive)他活象他父亲。


AAC Technologies Holdings Inc. AcBel Polytech Inc. Acument Global Technologies Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Amperex Technology Ltd. Amphenol CorporationAnalog Devices, Inc. Anjie Insulating Material Co., Ltd. Asahi Kasei Corporation AU Optronics Corporation Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik AG austriamicrosystems Avago Technologies Ltd. Brady Corporation Brilliant International Group Ltd. Broadcom Corporation Broadway Industrial Group Ltd. ByD Company Ltd. Career Technology (MFG.) Co., Ltd. Catcher Technology Co., Ltd. Cheng Loong Corporation Cheng Uei Precision Industry Co., Ltd. (Foxlink) Chimei Innolux Corporation Coilcraft, Inc. Compeq Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Cosmosupplylab Ltd. CymMetrik (Shenzhen) Printing Co. Cyntec Co., Ltd. Cypress Semiconductor CorporationDaishinku Corporation (KDS) Darfon Electronics Corporation Delta Electronics Inc. Diodes Inc.Dynapack International Technology Elpida Memory, Inc. Emerson Electric Co. ES Power Co., Ltd.Fairchild Semiconductor International Fastening Technology Pte Ltd. FLEXium Interconnect, Inc. Flextronics International Ltd.Fortune Grand Enterprise Co., Ltd. Foster Electric Co., Ltd. Fuji Crystal Manufactory Ltd. Fujikura Ltd.Grand Upright Technology Ltd. Gruppo Dani S.p.A. Gruppo Peretti Hama Naka Shoukin Industry Co., Ltd. Hanson Metal Factory Ltd.Heptagon Advanced Micro-Optics Pte Ltd. Hi-P International Ltd. Hitachi-LG Data Storage Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., Ltd. (Foxconn) Hynix Semiconductor Inc.Ibiden Co., Ltd. Infineon Technologies AG Intel CorporationInterflex Co., Ltd. International Rectifier Corporation Intersil Corporation Inventec Appliances Corporation Jabil Circuit, Inc. Japan Aviation Electronics Industry, Ltd. Jin Li Mould Manufacturing Pte Ltd. Kaily Packaging Pte Ltd. Kenseisha Sdn. Bhd. Knowles Electronics Kunshan Changyun Electronic Industry Laird Technologies Lateral Solutions Pte Ltd. Lens One Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. LG Chem, Ltd. LG Display Co., Ltd. LG Innotek Co., Ltd. Linear Technology Corporation Lite-On Technology Corporation Longwell Company LSI Corporation Luen Fung Commercial Holdings Ltd. Macronix International Co., Ltd. Marian, Inc. Marvell Technology Group Ltd. Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. Meiko Electronics Co., Ltd. Microchip Technology Inc. Micron Technology, Inc.Mitsumi Electric Co., Ltd. Molex Inc. Multek Corporation Multi-Fineline Electronix, Inc. Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Nan ya Printed Circuit Board Corporation NEC CorporationNippon Mektron, Ltd. Nishoku Technology Inc. NVIDIA Corporation NXP Semiconductor N.V. ON Semiconductor Corporation Optrex CorporationOriental Printed Circuits Ltd. Panasonic Corporation PCH International Pegatron Corporation Pioneer Material Precision Tech Prent CorporationPrimax Electronics Ltd. Qualcomm Incorporated Quanta Computer Inc. Renesas Electronics CorporationFor More InformationFor more information about Apple"s Supplier Responsibility ProgramRi-Teng Computer Accessory Co., Ltd. ROHM Co., Ltd. Rubycon Corporation Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co., Ltd. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. SanDisk CorporationSANYO Electric Co., Ltd. SDI Corporation Seagate Technologies Seiko Epson Corporation Seiko GroupSharp Corporation Shimano Inc. Shin Zu Shing Co., Ltd. Silego Technology Inc. Simplo Technology Co., Ltd. Skyworks Solutions Inc. Sony CorporationStandard Microsystems Corporation STMicroelectronics Sumida Corporation Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd. Sunrex Technology CorporationSuzhou Panel Electronic Co., Ltd. Taiyi Precision Tech Corporation Taiyo Yuden Co., Ltd. TDK CorporationTexas Instruments Inc. Tianjin Lishen Battery Joint-Stock Co., Ltd. Toshiba Corporation Toshiba Mobile Display Co., Ltd. Toyo Rikagaku Kenkyusho Co., Ltd. TPK Holding Co., Ltd. Tripod Technology Corporation TriQuint Semiconductor Triumph Lead Electronic Tech Co. TXC Corporation Unimicron Corporation Unisteel Technology Ltd. Universal Scientific Industrial Co., Ltd. Vishay Intertechnology Volex plc Western Digital Corporation Wintek Corporation yageo Corporation Zeniya Aluminum Engineering, Ltd.以上是苹果的全部供应商

One More Night 歌词

歌曲名:One More Night歌手:英国皇家管弦乐团专辑:Love Songs Vol.1Natalie ImbrugliaOne More Addictiona teos productionFirst the good newsIts gonna feel very niceThen the bad newsYou gotta pay a heavy priceRip tide,we slide we ride on a deep forbidden seaUnder we go-so slowAnd youre hanging onto meAnd I sayOh oh one more addiction in my worldOh one more connection to let goOh floating down the riverout of sight forever (from my world)Its the only thing I know how to doI reject youBut I cant follow throughId forget youBud youd end up tappin on my back doorSomehow I lost myselfIn a tunnel long and blackSomewhere,at the end,I pretendTheres a way of turning backAnd I sayOh oh one more addiction in my worldOh one more connection to let goOh floating down the riverout of sight forever (from my world)Its the only thing I know how to doTake a breathLet it outAll the things you frown about are meaninglessof course,unless youre doing this for real I guessI meant to to butI dont know whatIs in the way and could I sayIts you in betI wont forgetMaybe Im not ready yetOh oh one more addiction in my worldOh one more connection to let goOh floating down the riverout of sight forever (from my world)Oh oh one more addiction in my worldOh one more connection to let goOh floating down the riverout of sight forever (from my world)

One More Reason 歌词

歌曲名:One More Reason歌手:L.A. Guns专辑:The Best Of / 20Th Century Masters The Millennium CollectionNatalie ImbrugliaOne More Addictiona teos productionFirst the good newsIts gonna feel very niceThen the bad newsYou gotta pay a heavy priceRip tide,we slide we ride on a deep forbidden seaUnder we go-so slowAnd youre hanging onto meAnd I sayOh oh one more addiction in my worldOh one more connection to let goOh floating down the riverout of sight forever (from my world)Its the only thing I know how to doI reject youBut I cant follow throughId forget youBud youd end up tappin on my back doorSomehow I lost myselfIn a tunnel long and blackSomewhere,at the end,I pretendTheres a way of turning backAnd I sayOh oh one more addiction in my worldOh one more connection to let goOh floating down the riverout of sight forever (from my world)Its the only thing I know how to doTake a breathLet it outAll the things you frown about are meaninglessof course,unless youre doing this for real I guessI meant to to butI dont know whatIs in the way and could I sayIts you in betI wont forgetMaybe Im not ready yetOh oh one more addiction in my worldOh one more connection to let goOh floating down the riverout of sight forever (from my world)Oh oh one more addiction in my worldOh one more connection to let goOh floating down the riverout of sight forever (from my world)

句子语法解析Just because someone doesn‘t love you the way you want them to, doesn‘t mean they ...

Sorry,I don"t know。

最近新出的love plus+烧录卡无法运行怎么办?dsonei能运行吗?


Bob marley《One love》中文歌词


iphone 7 plus 妙不可言那个广告啦啦啦累累累的歌曲叫什么

Pame sti Honolulu 夏威夷的歌曲。

Alicia Keys的《No One》 歌词

歌曲名:No One歌手:Alicia Keys专辑:Just Great Love SongsNo OneAlicia KeysI just want you closeWhere you can stay foreverYou can be sureThat it will only get betterYou and me togetherThrough the days and nightsI don"t worry ‘cozEverythings gonna be alrightPeople keep talkingThey can say what they likeBut all I know is everything"s gonna be alrightNo one no one no oneCan get in the way of what I"m feelingNo one no one no oneCan get in the way of what I feel for youYou youCan get in the way of what I feel for youWhen the rain is pouring downAnd my heart is hurtingYou will always be aroundThis I know for certainYou and me togetherThrough the days and nightsI don"t worry causeEverythings gonna be alrightPeople keep talkingThey can say what they likeBut all I know is everything"s gonna be alrightNo one no one no oneCan get in the way of what I"m feelingNo one no one no oneCan get in the way of what I feel for youYou youCan get in the way of what I feel for youI know some people search the worldTo find something like what we haveI know people will tryTry to divideSomething so realSo till the end of timeI"m telling you thatNo one no one no oneCan get in the way of what I"m feelingNo one no one no oneCan get in the way of what I feel for youoh oh oh …

Alicia Keys的《No One》 歌词

歌曲名:No One歌手:Alicia Keys专辑:So Fresh - The Hits Of Autumn 2008No OneAlicia KeysI just want you closeWhere you can stay foreverYou can be sureThat it will only get betterYou and me togetherThrough the days and nightsI don"t worry ‘cozEverythings gonna be alrightPeople keep talkingThey can say what they likeBut all I know is everything"s gonna be alrightNo one no one no oneCan get in the way of what I"m feelingNo one no one no oneCan get in the way of what I feel for youYou youCan get in the way of what I feel for youWhen the rain is pouring downAnd my heart is hurtingYou will always be aroundThis I know for certainYou and me togetherThrough the days and nightsI don"t worry causeEverythings gonna be alrightPeople keep talkingThey can say what they likeBut all I know is everything"s gonna be alrightNo one no one no oneCan get in the way of what I"m feelingNo one no one no oneCan get in the way of what I feel for youYou youCan get in the way of what I feel for youI know some people search the worldTo find something like what we haveI know people will tryTry to divideSomething so realSo till the end of timeI"m telling you thatNo one no one no oneCan get in the way of what I"m feelingNo one no one no oneCan get in the way of what I feel for youoh oh oh …

Alicia Keys的《No One》 歌词

歌曲名:No One歌手:Alicia Keys专辑:No OneNo OneAlicia KeysI just want you closeWhere you can stay foreverYou can be sureThat it will only get betterYou and me togetherThrough the days and nightsI don"t worry ‘cozEverythings gonna be alrightPeople keep talkingThey can say what they likeBut all I know is everything"s gonna be alrightNo one no one no oneCan get in the way of what I"m feelingNo one no one no oneCan get in the way of what I feel for youYou youCan get in the way of what I feel for youWhen the rain is pouring downAnd my heart is hurtingYou will always be aroundThis I know for certainYou and me togetherThrough the days and nightsI don"t worry causeEverythings gonna be alrightPeople keep talkingThey can say what they likeBut all I know is everything"s gonna be alrightNo one no one no oneCan get in the way of what I"m feelingNo one no one no oneCan get in the way of what I feel for youYou youCan get in the way of what I feel for youI know some people search the worldTo find something like what we haveI know people will tryTry to divideSomething so realSo till the end of timeI"m telling you thatNo one no one no oneCan get in the way of what I"m feelingNo one no one no oneCan get in the way of what I feel for youoh oh oh …

《no one》 的中文以及英文歌词。

歌名:No One ,歌手:Alicia Keys所属专辑:So Fresh - The Hits Of Autumn 2008作词:艾莉西亚·凯斯、克里·布拉泽斯、乔治·M·哈里作曲:艾莉西亚·凯斯、克里·布拉泽斯、乔治·M·哈里I just want you close我希望你可以靠近一点Where you can stay forever你可以永远留在这里You can be sure你可以永远留在这里That it will only get better一切会变得更好You and me together你和我在一起Through the days and nights渡过了那些白天和黑夜I don"t worry ‘coz我不担心Everythings gonna be alright因为一切都会没事People keep talking大家不断的谈论着They can say what they like他们可以说他们爱听的话But all I know is everything"s gonna be alright但我所知道的是一切都会没事No one no one no one没有人 没有人 没有人Can get in the way of what I"m feeling可以明白我的感受No one no one no one没有人 没有人 没有人Can get in the way of what I feel for you可以明白我的感受You you你,你Can get in the way of what I feel for you可以明白我的感受When the rain is pouring down当开始下雨时And my heart is hurting我的心已经受了伤You will always be around你总是在身边This I know for certain不用怀疑的事实You and me together你和我在一起Through the days and nights渡过了那些白天和黑夜I don"t worry cause我不担心Everythings gonna be alright因为一切都会没事People keep talking大家不断的谈论着They can say what they like他们可以说他们爱听的话But all I know is everything"s gonna be alright但我所知道的是一切都会没事No one no one no one没有人 没有人 没有人Can get in the way of what I"m feeling可以明白我的感受No one no one no one没有人 没有人 没有人Can get in the way of what I feel for you可以明白我的感受You you你,你Can get in the way of what I feel for you可以明白我的感受I know some people search the world我知道有些人在这世界寻寻觅觅To find something like what we have追求一些我们已拥有的事物I know people will try我知道人们会试着Try to divide试着划分出Something so real事实So till the end of time所以直到最后I"m telling you that我会告诉你No one no one no one没有人 没有人 没有人Can get in the way of what I"m feeling可以明白我的感受No one no one no one没有人 没有人 没有人Can get in the way of what I feel for you可以明白我的感受oh oh oh …oh oh oh …扩展资料:《No One》是美国R&B女歌手艾莉西亚·凯斯演唱的一首流行歌曲,词曲由艾莉西亚·凯斯、克里·布拉泽斯、乔治·M·哈里编写,音乐制作由克里·布拉泽斯、乔治·M·哈里负责。创作背景艾莉西亚·凯斯在接受采访时,表示她创作这首歌曲的目的,是想要让人们感受到她内心的灵魂。此外,在制作《No One》的过程中,艾莉西亚·凯斯负责编写歌曲,同时也一人包揽了电子琴、钢琴等乐器的伴奏,克里·布拉泽斯、乔治·M·哈里做额外修改,曼尼·马洛奎恩担任混制工作,贾里德·罗宾斯为混音助理。

Alicia Keys的《No One》 歌词

歌曲名:No One歌手:Alicia Keys专辑:R&B Lovesongs 2009No OneAlicia KeysI just want you closeWhere you can stay foreverYou can be sureThat it will only get betterYou and me togetherThrough the days and nightsI don"t worry ‘cozEverythings gonna be alrightPeople keep talkingThey can say what they likeBut all I know is everything"s gonna be alrightNo one no one no oneCan get in the way of what I"m feelingNo one no one no oneCan get in the way of what I feel for youYou youCan get in the way of what I feel for youWhen the rain is pouring downAnd my heart is hurtingYou will always be aroundThis I know for certainYou and me togetherThrough the days and nightsI don"t worry causeEverythings gonna be alrightPeople keep talkingThey can say what they likeBut all I know is everything"s gonna be alrightNo one no one no oneCan get in the way of what I"m feelingNo one no one no oneCan get in the way of what I feel for youYou youCan get in the way of what I feel for youI know some people search the worldTo find something like what we haveI know people will tryTry to divideSomething so realSo till the end of timeI"m telling you thatNo one no one no oneCan get in the way of what I"m feelingNo one no one no oneCan get in the way of what I feel for youoh oh oh …




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DXP如何消除has only one pin

我也遇到了 找到原因了 出现问题的引脚只有一个网络标号却没有连接任何元器件 仔细检查那个引脚就找到了

Long Time Gone 歌词

歌曲名:Long Time Gone歌手:Dixie Chicks专辑:Playlist: The Very Best Of The Dixie ChicksDixie Chicks - Long Time Gonewritten by Darrell Scott & Tim O"BrienDaddy sits on a" front porch swingingLooking out on a vacant fieldUsed to be filled with burley tobaccaNow he knows it never willMy Brothers found work in IndianaMy Sisters a nurse at the old folks homeMama still cooking too much for supperAnd me I"ve been a long time goneBeen a long time goneNo, I ain"t hoed a row since I don"t know whenLong time goneAnd it ain"t coming back againDeliah plays that old church pianoSitting out on her daddy"s farmShe always thought that we"d be togetherLord I never meant to do her harmSaid she could hear me singin" in the choirMe, I heard another songI caught wind and hit the road runnin"And Lord, I"ve been a long time goneBeen a long time goneLord, I ain"t had a prayer since I don"t know whenLong time goneAnd it ain"t comin" back againNow me, I went to Nashville,Tryin" to beat the big dealPlayin" down on BroadwayGettin" there the hard wayLiving from a tip jarSleeping in my carHocking my guitarYeah I"m gonna be a starNow, me and Deliah singing every SundayWatching the children and the garden growWe listen to the radio to hear what"s cookin"But the music ain"t got no soulNow they sound tired but they don"t sound HaggardThey"ve got money but they don"t have CashThey got Junior but they don"t have HankI think, I think, I thinkThe rest is a long time goneNo, I ain"t hit the roof since I don"t know whenLong time goneAnd it ain"t coming backI said a long time goneNo, I ain"t honked the horn since I don"t know whenLong time goneAnd it ain"t coming back againI said a long time, long time, long time goneWell it"s been a long timeLong time, long time, long time goneOh, it"s been a long time goneLong time, long time, long time goneYeah yeah↑↑END↑↑

求中文歌词,歌名:just go 歌手:Lionel Richie Feat Akon

  It"d be so nice  If you didn"t have to feel so lonely  只要你能不觉得如此孤单,一切都会是美好的  It"d be so nice  If i could sneak you for a moment  如果我能带你离开,就算一小会儿也是美好的  I know you like to get away, go away, far away  to a place where there"s just us two  我知道你想离得远远的,去一个只有我们两个人的地方  Got a busy day, everyday but not today  cause i"m here to take that stress from you  你每一天都忙忙碌碌,但今天不会了  因为我会把你的压力都拿走  So you can just chill and clear your head  你可以吹吹风,让头脑清醒过来  and let me do everything for you cause you deserve it  我会为你做一切 ,因为你真的值得  prepare your meal and make your bed  为你做饭,替你叠床  well let just first make this with you cause you are so worth it  这一切我们即将实现,因为你如此值得.  i just want us to go (go go)  我只想我们远离尘嚣  drop everything and just go (go go)  扔下一切,就这样远离  how would you like to sail away in the bahamas?  我们航海到巴哈马去怎么样?  just you and me girl  就我们俩哟  so far out in the sea where nobody can find you  远远的海上,没有人再能烦扰你  just the end of the world  就这样到世界的尽头  cause there is no rush for you to come back and face the rain  因为那里没有要你慌乱地去面对的风雨  cause there is plenty sunshine where i pickin" you  那里有充足的阳光  and i"m here to reduce the pain  最后,我在这里,为了减轻你的痛苦.  just imagine when you tired and layin" by my side and...  想象一下,当你累了,躺在我的身旁  sippin" on some wine while i stand in massage and...  在按摩浴缸里慢慢地品着红酒  releasein" all your tension  放松你紧绷的神经  I couldn"t handle a time  多可爱的时刻啊.  my job is to keep my baby smilin"  我的任务就是要让亲爱的你,一直笑着.

Tell me that you are lonely TOO是什么歌



嗨!MR DJ - 李琳嗨!MR DJ,你现在的音乐很浪漫转换频道感受心跳其实也是很简单不要浪费时间赶快来跟我一起DANCER刺激放纵随你 就在今晚come on,hi,dj partytime feeling tonightbaby don"t go,everybody flow me dancing alone.come on,hi,dj partytime feeling tonightDJ play the song just me and I one two threeThree two one come to me感受这happy热情释放压力来证明自己的魅力看着我不要再犹豫的释放你自己今晚随便你跟着music move your bodycome on,hi,dj partytime feeling tonightbaby don"t go,everybody flow me dancing alone.come on,hi,dj partytime feeling tonightDJ play the song just me and I come on,hi,dj partytime feeling tonightbaby don"t go,everybody flow me dancing alone.come on,hi,dj partytime feeling tonightDJ play the song just me and I da da da -王心凌Yo yo yo yo 让开心先过转弯想想 搜寻好结果 哦向前向后 转身再向左脱掉烦恼 谁得分最多Da da da do do do lu lu lu Da da daDa da da 换上快乐舞步 Da da daHey hey hey hey有话要直说别让机会又擦肩溜走遇见Honey勇敢Say Hello心心相印 电流在穿梭 哦Da da da do do do lu lu lu Da da daDa da da 换上快乐舞步 Da da daYo yo yo yo 为自己加油伤心放假 幸福等等我 哦恋爱节奏 要天长地久one two three four 脚步别落后 哦Da da da do do do lu lu lu Da da daDa da da 换上快乐舞步 Da da daHey hey hey hey 和未来交手抛开忧愁 世界超辽阔 哦ABCD答案是什么跟着感觉 不用想太多 哦Da da da do do do lu lu lu Da da daDa da da 换上快乐舞步 Da da daMusicYo yo yo yo 让开心先过转弯想想 搜寻好结果 哦向前向后 转身再向左脱掉烦恼 谁得分最多Da da da do do do lu lu lu Da da daDa da da 换上快乐舞步 Da da daHey hey hey hey 和未来交手抛开忧愁 世界超辽阔 哦ABCD答案是什么跟着感觉 不用想太多 哦Da da da do do do lu lu lu Da da daDa da da 换上快乐舞步 Da da daDa da da do do do lu lu lu Da da daDa da da 换上快乐舞步 Da da daDa da da do do do lu lu lu Da da daDa da da 换上快乐舞步 Da da daDa da da do do do lu lu lu Da da daDa da da 换上快乐舞步 Da da da


打开 ComTone 软件,设置好串口参数,就能收发数据了


不可数 名词


"Gone"What you see"s not what you getWith you there"s just no measurementNo way to tell what"s real from what isn"t thereYour eyes they sparkleThat"s all changed into lies that drop like acid rainYou washed away the best of meYou don"t careYou know you did itI"m goneTo find someone to live forIn this worldThere"s no light at the end of the tunnel tonightJust a bridge that I gotta burnYou were wrongIf you think you can walk right through my doorThat is just so youComing back when I"ve finally moved onI"m already goneSometimes shatteredNever openNothing mattersWhen you"re brokenThat was me whenever I was with youAlways endingAlways overBack and forth, up and down like a rollercoasterI am breakingThat habitTodayYou know you did itI"m goneTo find someone to live forIn this worldThere"s no light at the end of the tunnel tonightJust a bridge that I gotta burnYou were wrongIf you think you can walk right through my doorThat is just so youComing back when I"ve finally moved onI"m already goneThere is nothing you can saySorry doesn"t cut it, babeTake the hit and walk away"Cause I"m goneDoesn"t matter what you doIt"s what you did that"s hurting youAll I needed was the truthNow I"m goneWhat you see"s not what you getWhat you see"s not what you getYou know you did itI"m goneTo find someone to live forIn this worldThere"s no light at the end of the tunnel tonightJust a bridge that I gotta burnYou were wrongIf you think you can walk right through my doorThat is just so youComing back when I"ve finally moved onI"m already goneI"m already goneOh, I"m already gone, gone, gone, goneAlready goneI"m gone


stationary和stationery区别:1.Stationary一般作形容词使用,表示“不动的、静止的”例句:It is difficult for me to sit stationary for long periods.我很难长时间不动。He drove the car in a negligent way and hit a stationary lorry.他开车时一疏忽撞到了静止的卡车上。2.Stationery是名词,有两种含义,都和纸制品有关;文具;物品如纸、笔、文件夹、笔记本、等在办公室使用。例句:We supply office stationery for all types of companies and corporations.我们提供所有类型的公司和企业办公文具。


uncountable noun 不可数名词

Stationary Stationery 歌词

歌曲名:Stationary Stationery歌手:Anberlin专辑:Blueprints For City Friendships: The Anberlin AnthologyAnberlin - Stationary Stationery---by 汲雪寒舟---Do they not have pen or paper where you are?Because I haven"t heard from you in agesI relive each memory from time to timeRead notes exchangedWith all those scented pagesIt"s coming back, it"s all coming back to me nowTell me everything turned out alrightBecause I"m where we saidThat we"d meet tonightDoes he treat you like you want?Does he ask to take your hand?Does he believe in dreams we talked about?When with no music we dancedI thought you said that you"d come find meI thought you said you"d be home by nowI heard you sang that you"d come back hereSo I wrote to remind you to somehowDance by yourself and think of me when you doI"m not sure you understandwhat this means to me, what you do to meBut I"m willing to proveThat you"re the oneI regret to slip awayNow I know it was only youthat I"ve been searching forBeen missing all this timeI thought you said that you"d come find meI thought you said you"d be home by nowI heard you sang that you"d come back hereSo I wrote to remind you to somehowI thought you said that you"d come find meI thought you said you"d be home by nowI heard you sang that you"d come back hereSo I wrote to remind you to somehowLet the past be pastLet"s start todayLetters won"t doI need to see your faceTell me where to meetAnd I"ll tell you why we should beI thought you said that you"d come find meI thought you said you"d be home by nowI heard you sang that you"d come back hereSo I wrote to remind you to somehowI thought you said that you"d come find meI thought you said you"d be home by nowI heard you sang that you"d come back hereSo I wrote to remind you to somehow


stationery英 ["steu026au0283(u0259)n(u0259)ru026a]美 ["steu0283u0259nu025bri]n. 文具;信纸stationery 文具,信纸,信笺Stationery Factory 文具厂,白具厂Magical Stationery 文具店整蛊泡美女,整蛊调戏美女小游戏


one by什么意思?+the也行。


what do the baby teeth fall one by one for是什么意思




裴涩琪 演唱的~sex boy ~ 和~ one by one ~ 的中文歌词



read them one by one中文一个一个地读;一本接一本地阅读它们











谁能提供 恩雅《ONE BY ONE>的歌词。




one by one的歌词


one after another和one by one的区别是什么?


one by one和one after another的区别是什么?


one by one和day after day的用法是否一样


one by one 与 one after another 的区别


帮我找一首亚运歌曲。 我记得好像有句歌词是‘everyone onebyone每一个人每一条路"

每一个人 谭晶 亚运歌 every one 每一个人酷狗里有

用eventlistenertouchonebyone 创建的按钮在哪儿

这里只针对lua1.为每个关心的事件注册回调函数具体分为以下几种1>单点触摸注册函数为cc.Handler.EVENT_TOUCH_BEGAN = 40cc.Handler.EVENT_TOUCH_MOVED = 41cc.Handler.EVENT_TOUCH_ENDED = 42cc.Handler.EVENT_TOUCH_CANCELLED = 43注册的时候必须通过cc.EventListenerTouchOneByOne:create() 创建listeneronTouchBegin/onTouchMove/onTouchEnd为自己注册的回调函数代码如下:local listener = cc.EventListenerTouchOneByOne:create();listener:registerScriptHandler(onTouchBegin,cc.Handler.EVENT_TOUCH_BEGAN);listener:registerScriptHandler(onTouchMove,cc.Handler.EVENT_TOUCH_MOVED);listener:registerScriptHandler(onTouchEnd,cc.Handler.EVENT_TOUCH_ENDED);2>多点点触摸cc.Handler.EVENT_TOUCHES_BEGAN = 44cc.Handler.EVENT_TOUCHES_MOVED = 45cc.Handler.EVENT_TOUCHES_ENDED = 46cc.Handler.EVENT_TOUCHES_CANCELLED = 47注册的时候必须通过cc.EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce:create() 创建listeneronTouchesBegin/onTouchesMove/onTouchesEnd为自己注册的回调函数代码如下:local listener = cc.EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce:create();listener:registerScriptHandler(onTouchesBegin,cc.Handler.EVENT_TOUCHES_BEGAN);listener:registerScriptHandler(onTouchesMove,cc.Handler.EVENT_TOUCHES_MOVED);listener:registerScriptHandler(onTouchesEnd,cc.Handler.EVENT_TOUCHES_ENDED);最后通过下面的代码绑定listenercc.Director:getInstance():getEventDispatcher():addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(listener,_layer);其中_layer是要需要事件的对象前面 cc.Director:getInstance() 也可用换成_layer 或者 _layer的父节点的对象这里有几点需要注意:1.onTouchesBegin/onTouchBegin 里面需要 return true,表示需要处理这个事件,不然不会掉用onTouchMove/onTouchEnd2.每个触摸函数都包含2个参数 以onTouchMove为例:local function onTouchMove(touch,event)endtouch / event 都是userdata(可以理解为C/LUA共有的数据 只要实现了对应的方法 C/Lua可以直接访问/赋值/调用函数 由C管理这块内存)touch 是当前的触摸点 以下是它的方法/** Returns the current touch location in OpenGL coordinates.** @return The current touch location in OpenGL coordinates.*/Vec2 getLocation() const;/** Returns the previous touch location in OpenGL coordinates.** @return The previous touch location in OpenGL coordinates.*/Vec2 getPreviousLocation() const;/** Returns the start touch location in OpenGL coordinates.** @return The start touch location in OpenGL coordinates.*/Vec2 getStartLocation() const;/** Returns the delta of 2 current touches locations in screen coordinates.** @return The delta of 2 current touches locations in screen coordinates.*/Vec2 getDelta() const;/** Returns the current touch location in screen coordinates.** @return The current touch location in screen coordinates.*/Vec2 getLocationInView() const;/** Returns the previous touch location in screen coordinates. ** @return The previous touch location in screen coordinates.*/Vec2 getPreviousLocationInView() const;/** Returns the start touch location in screen coordinates.** @return The start touch location in screen coordinates.*/如下面的代码可以在onTouchMove中直接获取 用户手指的移动距离local dis = touch:getDelta()print(dis.x,dis.y);如果是多点触摸 touch是一个tabletouch[1] touch[2] touch[3]…是触摸的对应点event 可以表明表明1.当前用户点击了那个object (event:getCurrentTarget())2.当前是press/move/release的那个状态 (event:getEventCode())cc.EventCode ={ BEGAN = 0, MOVED = 1, ENDED = 2, CANCELLED = 3,}所以我们可以通过一个回调函数来判断当前是那个操作 而不用写3个函数示例代码local function onTouchBegin(touch,event) local p = touch:getLocation(); p = _layer:convertToNodeSpace(p); print(p.x,p.y) return true;endlocal function onTouchMove(touch,event)endlocal function onTouchEnd(touch,event)endlocal function onTouchesBegin(touch,event) return true;endlocal function onTouchesMove(touch,event) for i = 1,table.getn(touch) do local location = touch[i]:getLocation() print(i,location.x,location.y) end endlocal function onTouchesEnd(touch,event) print("onTouchesEnd");end _layer = cc.Layer:create(); _layer:setTouchEnabled(true) local listener1 = cc.EventListenerTouchOneByOne:create(); listener1:registerScriptHandler(onTouchBegin,cc.Handler.EVENT_TOUCH_BEGAN); listener1:registerScriptHandler(onTouchMove,cc.Handler.EVENT_TOUCH_MOVED); listener1:registerScriptHandler(onTouchEnd,cc.Handler.EVENT_TOUCH_ENDED); --多点触摸 -- local listener2 = cc.EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce:create() --listener2:registerScriptHandler(onTouchesBegin,cc.Handler.EVENT_TOUCHES_BEGAN ) -- listener2:registerScriptHandler(onTouchesMove,cc.Handler.EVENT_TOUCHES_MOVED ) -- listener2:registerScriptHandler(onTouchesEnd,cc.Handler.EVENT_TOUCHES_MOVED ) local eventDispatcher = _layer:getEventDispatcher() eventDispatcher:addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(listener1, _layer) --eventDispatcher:addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(listener2, _layer)2.直接看代码local function onTouchEvent(state , ... ) local args = {...}; print(state); for k,v in pairs(args[1]) do print(k,v) end end _layer:registerScriptTouchHandler(onTouchEvent,true,0,false);@onTouchEvent 回调@ture表示捕获要捕获多点触摸@0优先级@false 是否吞没触摸事件如果是单点触摸 args[1] ->x,y,id如果是多点触摸 args[1] ->x1,y1,id1,x2,y2,id2这里cocos2dx-lua封装了 Layer:onTouch(callback, isMultiTouches, swallowTouches)建议直接使用这里如果你用cocos2dx-lua 的 lua-empty-test 做模板建立工程 有个bug需要在 didFinishLaunchingWithOptions 添加代码[eaglView setMultipleTouchEnabled:YES];来打开多点触摸 这里我浪费了半天事件调试 FUCK

onebyone sidebyside littlebylittle stepbystep各是什么意思













中文版在这里,是个图片,进去看一下:下边是韩文版One By One - ubc30uc2acuae30 (feel my wonder sign-) take my hand oh~ (you just can feel my heart) Be the one~ you ub098uc758 ub9d8uc744 uc5f4uc5b4uc900 ub108uc758 uadf8 ubbf8uc18cuc5d0 uc624ub298ub3c4 ub09c ud589ubcf5ud574uc838 ub298 ub098uc758 uacc1uc5d0 uc788uc5b4uc900 ub09c ub108ub97c ud5a5ud574 (ub124 ub9d8uc744 ud5a5ud574) oh~ wanna br your girl ooh~ I wanna be your sky uc774uc81cuc57c uc54cuac8c ub41c ub098uc758 ub9c8uc74cuc744 uc624uc9c1 ub108ub97c ud5a5ud574 ub9cc uc904uaebcuc57c one by one uc544uc9c1 ub9ceuc774 ubd80uc871ud574ub3c4 two by two uc11cub85c uc190 uc7a1uc544 uc8fcuae38 one by one two by two ub0b4 ub9d8 ubb38uc744 uc5f4uc5b4 ub124 uacc1uc5d0 uc601uc6d0ud788 hey uc544uc9c1 ub10c ubaa8ub974uaca0uc9c0ub9cc ub108uc758 uadf8 uc0acub791uc5d0 ud558ub8e8ud558ub8e8 ubcc0ud574uc654uc5b4 ub298 ub098uc758 ud558ub298 ub418uc5b4uc900 ub09c ub108ub97c ud5a5ud574 (uc774uc820 ub110 ud5a5ud574) oh~ wanna be your girl ooh~ I wanna be your smile uc774uc81cuc57c uc54cuac8c ub41c ub0b4 ub9d8uc778ub9ccud07c ud56duc0c1 ub108ub9ccuc744 ubc14ub77cubcfcuac8c one by one uc544uc9c1 ub9ceuc774 ubd80uc871ud574ub3c4 two by two uc11cub85c uc190 uc7a1uc544 uc8fcuae38 one by one two by two ub124 ub9d8 ubb38uc744 uc5f4uc5b4 (ub124 uacc1uc5d0 uc601uc6d0ud788~)ub108uc5d0uac8c uaf2d uc5b4uc6b8ub9acub294 (just for you)uadf8ub7f0 ub0b4 uc0acub791 uc904uac8c one by one two by two ud558ub298 ub418uc5b4uc900 ub110 uc601uc6d0ud788 uc0acub791ud574 - oh yeah oh~ take my hand ub108uc5d0uac8cub9cc uc57duc18dud560uac8c ub108ub9cc ubc14ub77c ubcf8ub2e4uace0 one by one two by two baby my lovely heart (ub124 uacc1uc5d0 uc601uc6d0ud788~)ub108uc5d0uac8c uaf2d uc5b4uc6b8ub9acub294 (just for you)uadf8ub7f0 ub0b4 uc0acub791 uc904uac8c one by one two by two ud558ub298 ub418uc5b4uc900 ub110 uc601uc6d0ud788 uc0acub791ud574 (feel my wonder sign-) oh~ (you just can feel my heart) no hoo~ yeah~

OneByOne 歌词 By One - ubc30uc2acuae30 (裴涩琪)The First Albumby:jjlovexx(feel my wonder sign-) take my hand oh~(you just can feel my heart) Be the one~you ub098uc758 ub9d8uc744 uc5f4uc5b4uc900ub108uc758 uadf8 ubbf8uc18cuc5d0 uc624ub298ub3c4 ub09c ud589ubcf5ud574uc838ub298 ub098uc758 uacc1uc5d0 uc788uc5b4uc900 ub09c ub108ub97c ud5a5ud574(ub124 ub9d8uc744 ud5a5ud574) oh~wanna br your girl ooh~I wanna be your skyuc774uc81cuc57c uc54cuac8c ub41c ub098uc758 ub9c8uc74cuc744uc624uc9c1 ub108ub97c ud5a5ud574 ub9cc uc904uaebcuc57cone by one uc544uc9c1 ub9ceuc774 ubd80uc871ud574ub3c4two by two uc11cub85c uc190 uc7a1uc544 uc8fcuae38one by one two by twoub0b4 ub9d8 ubb38uc744 uc5f4uc5b4 ub124 uacc1uc5d0 uc601uc6d0ud788hey uc544uc9c1 ub10c ubaa8ub974uaca0uc9c0ub9ccub108uc758 uadf8 uc0acub791uc5d0 ud558ub8e8ud558ub8e8 ubcc0ud574uc654uc5b4ub298 ub098uc758 ud558ub298 ub418uc5b4uc900ub09c ub108ub97c ud5a5ud574 (uc774uc820 ub110 ud5a5ud574) oh~wanna be your girl ooh~I wanna be your smileuc774uc81cuc57c uc54cuac8c ub41c ub0b4 ub9d8uc778ub9ccud07cud56duc0c1 ub108ub9ccuc744 ubc14ub77cubcfcuac8cone by one uc544uc9c1 ub9ceuc774 ubd80uc871ud574ub3c4two by two uc11cub85c uc190 uc7a1uc544 uc8fcuae38one by one two by two ub124 ub9d8 ubb38uc744 uc5f4uc5b4(ub124 uacc1uc5d0 uc601uc6d0ud788~)ub108uc5d0uac8c uaf2d uc5b4uc6b8ub9acub294(just for you)uadf8ub7f0 ub0b4 uc0acub791 uc904uac8cone by one two by twoud558ub298 ub418uc5b4uc900 ub110 uc601uc6d0ud788 uc0acub791ud574 - oh yeah oh~take my handub108uc5d0uac8cub9cc uc57duc18dud560uac8c ub108ub9cc ubc14ub77c ubcf8ub2e4uace0one by one two by two baby my lovely heart(ub124 uacc1uc5d0 uc601uc6d0ud788~)ub108uc5d0uac8c uaf2d uc5b4uc6b8ub9acub294(just for you)uadf8ub7f0 ub0b4 uc0acub791 uc904uac8cone by one two by two ud558ub298 ub418uc5b4uc900 ub110 uc601uc6d0ud788 uc0acub791ud574(feel my wonder sign-) oh~(you just can feel my heart) no hoo~ yeah~




one by one 属于副词短语,句中修饰谓语动词accomplish,做状语。

one by one是什么牌子啊?最近好火啊!

One by one Studio上海翘翘服饰有限公司




One By One - ubc30uc2acuae30 (feel my wonder sign-) take my hand oh~ (you just can feel my heart) Be the one~ you ub098uc758 ub9d8uc744 uc5f4uc5b4uc900 ub108uc758 uadf8 ubbf8uc18cuc5d0 uc624ub298ub3c4 ub09c ud589ubcf5ud574uc838 ub298 ub098uc758 uacc1uc5d0 uc788uc5b4uc900 ub09c ub108ub97c ud5a5ud574 (ub124 ub9d8uc744 ud5a5ud574) oh~ wanna br your girl ooh~ I wanna be your sky uc774uc81cuc57c uc54cuac8c ub41c ub098uc758 ub9c8uc74cuc744 uc624uc9c1 ub108ub97c ud5a5ud574 ub9cc uc904uaebcuc57c one by one uc544uc9c1 ub9ceuc774 ubd80uc871ud574ub3c4 two by two uc11cub85c uc190 uc7a1uc544 uc8fcuae38 one by one two by two ub0b4 ub9d8 ubb38uc744 uc5f4uc5b4 ub124 uacc1uc5d0 uc601uc6d0ud788 hey uc544uc9c1 ub10c ubaa8ub974uaca0uc9c0ub9cc ub108uc758 uadf8 uc0acub791uc5d0 ud558ub8e8ud558ub8e8 ubcc0ud574uc654uc5b4 ub298 ub098uc758 ud558ub298 ub418uc5b4uc900 ub09c ub108ub97c ud5a5ud574 (uc774uc820 ub110 ud5a5ud574) oh~ wanna be your girl ooh~ I wanna be your smile uc774uc81cuc57c uc54cuac8c ub41c ub0b4 ub9d8uc778ub9ccud07c ud56duc0c1 ub108ub9ccuc744 ubc14ub77cubcfcuac8c one by one uc544uc9c1 ub9ceuc774 ubd80uc871ud574ub3c4 two by two uc11cub85c uc190 uc7a1uc544 uc8fcuae38 one by one two by two ub124 ub9d8 ubb38uc744 uc5f4uc5b4 (ub124 uacc1uc5d0 uc601uc6d0ud788~)ub108uc5d0uac8c uaf2d uc5b4uc6b8ub9acub294 (just for you)uadf8ub7f0 ub0b4 uc0acub791 uc904uac8c one by one two by two ud558ub298 ub418uc5b4uc900 ub110 uc601uc6d0ud788 uc0acub791ud574 - oh yeah oh~ take my hand ub108uc5d0uac8cub9cc uc57duc18dud560uac8c ub108ub9cc ubc14ub77c ubcf8ub2e4uace0 one by one two by two baby my lovely heart (ub124 uacc1uc5d0 uc601uc6d0ud788~)ub108uc5d0uac8c uaf2d uc5b4uc6b8ub9acub294 (just for you)uadf8ub7f0 ub0b4 uc0acub791 uc904uac8c one by one two by two ud558ub298 ub418uc5b4uc900 ub110 uc601uc6d0ud788 uc0acub791ud574 (feel my wonder sign-) oh~ (you just can feel my heart) no hoo~ yeah~


经历一场别离我依然在这里他说 再会吧 再会吧你知道真正的理由吗她不哭不泣她说 再会吧 再会吧 再会吧我的花瓣一片一片渐渐飘落我的故事一段一段再再被诉说没有谎言她渴望飞翔她说 再会吧 再会吧现在你知道真正的理由为了他而叹息她说 再会吧 再会吧 再会吧我的花瓣一片一片渐渐飘落我的故事一段一段再再被诉说我啊 我她的理想太高他说 再会吧 再会吧现在你知道真正的理由她的天空不再有月光 黯然神伤他说 再会吧 再会吧 再会吧不再别离因为爱照亮他们的双眼不要道别 不要道别你知道真正的理由吗因为爱永不止息不要挥手 不要道别 别说再见不要挥手 不要道别 别说再见不要挥手 不要道别 别说再见不要挥手 不要道别 别说再见转的


这两个意思不同One by one 是一个接著一个,一次一个。 I test the candy one by one. One with one 是一个带著一个,一次两个一起。I test the gloves one with one as a pair.


one by one一个接一个one with one一对一





Queens Get The Money 歌词

歌曲名:Queens Get The Money歌手:Nas专辑:NasNas - Queens Get The Moneylyric by GT @ MaxRNBAyo,Queens get the money niggas still screaming, paper chasingBut presidential candidates is planning wars with other nations over steak with masonsPregnant teens give birth to intelligent gangsters they daddies facelessPlay this, by ya stomach, let my words massage it and rub itI"ll be his daddy if there"s nobody there to love itTell him his name Nasir, tell him how he got hereMomma was just having fun with someone above her yearsNiggas is still hatinTalking that “nas done fell off with rhyming, he rather floss with diamonds”They pray “please God, let him spit that ozzie and the army linin”“that shorty doowop rollin oo-whops in the park reclinin”Take 27 emcees, put them in a line and they out of alignmentMy assignments since he said retirementHiding behind 8 mile and The ChronicGet"s rich but dies rhymin, this is high scienceNow add 23 more for queens to be more, I"m over they headsLike a bulimic on a sea-sawNow that"s 50 porch monkeys ate up at the same timeNasty nas thatYall gonna bow holmes, this is dow jones80 cal. chrome, needed time alone to zoneThe mack left his iPhone and his nine at homeMy queen used her milkshake to bring ya"ll to my slaughterhousesI do this for the group home kids and boarding housesThis that nigga shit that"s on the albumFor them niggas inside the calk linin, 40 housesBring back Arsenio,Hip hop was aborted, so Nas breaths life back into the embryoLet us make man in our image, spit it,I"m Huey P. and Louie V. at the eulogy throwing malatas for EmmittYou ain"t as hot as I isAll of these false prophets is not messiahsYou don"t know how high the sky isThe square mileage of earth or what pie isI"m the shaky hand that touched George Foreman in ZaireThe same hand that punched down devils that brought down the towers

Queens Of The Stone Age的《Auto Pilot》 歌词

歌曲名:Auto Pilot歌手:Queens Of The Stone Age专辑:RJre Riley - AutopilotThirsty in your cupOn the night out with your girlfriendsAnd I know just what to doAlready got the tab running that they like meNow we chillin taking sips on nuveau and iced teaWhile I beam you up to my genie cupThen we leave this clubI"m single on the driverTwo three sixty around cityWe in the back im kissing on themTitties dont mean thisForget your girlfriendsThey say they ain" get itSo drop em off at the guest houseSo I can blow your back outWe can put this car in autopilotAnd I be whippin on em curvesI know you like itSo do what you willTake your hands up off the wheelTake your foot up off the brakesAnd let me drive it for youSo I can drive itNow i"m cruisin down your free wayAnd the forecast looks like rainBut I ain"t scared of precipitationCause I know just what to doSoon as I start to feel a couple raindropsThere"ll be thunder there"ll be lightning then the rain stopsAnd soon it will dry up and then we"ll speed againThat"s when I put my key back in your ignitionI"ll have you screaming ohhhhhI see your body in the rear view mirror ohhhhhhAnd I heaar you screaming ohhhhI"m driving you all over townAnd it"s too late to turn back nowDriving till the sun comes outYou know I gotta stay chill babyI"m bout to run the gas out on youI"m bout to take full control of youAnd ain"t no stoppin me

queensget the money。。这段英语翻译过来是什么意思。


如何理解“ wePhone创始人苏享茂自述被前妻翟欣欣逼死案”民事一审


如何看待“ WePhone创始人苏享茂自述被前妻翟欣欣逼死案”民事一审宣判?


“ WePhone创始人苏享茂自述被前妻翟欣欣逼死案”民事一审宣判,翟欣欣被判退还苏享茂家属现金、特斯拉汽



答:首先,翟欣欣这样的女性实在太过分,逼死丈夫苏享茂,索要千万赔偿。如果我是苏享茂,遇到翟欣欣这样的女人,应该早点识破她的人品,早点放手离婚,各自安好。其实,翟欣欣一开始就是瞄着骗婚产的目标结婚,苏享茂是一个程序员,开发了一个应用,本身资产过千万,但却非常不擅长感情问题,2017年3月30号,苏享茂和翟欣欣两人在婚恋网站相识,3个月后两人就领了证,结婚一个月就离婚了。2个月后,苏享茂跳楼身亡,他楼下遗书称,自己被前妻翟欣欣逼死,翟欣欣婚前就索要了大量财物,婚后策划离婚继续索要钱财,用苏享茂开发的应用属于灰产为由威胁,逼迫苏享茂给钱,最后苏享茂资金链断裂,绝望自杀。翟欣欣逼迫之下,丈夫无奈自杀翟欣欣一开始就目的不纯下面简单回顾一下这个事情。1.崔欣欣(1986年11月13日﹣),原籍山东泰安,毕业于北京交通大学,是 WePhone 开发者苏享茂的前妻。2017年9月,有媒体报道称, WePhone 开发者苏享茂因遭遇骗婚被前妻翟欣欣所逼,遭索要1000万元和房产赔偿后自杀身亡。翟欣欣因"程序员自杀事件"引发社会广泛关注。[2]2018年5月,苏享茂家属起诉翟欣欣的三个案件,获北京市朝阳区人民法院立案;同月23日,翟欣欣披露交往细节。2023年3月31日,该案在北京市朝阳区人民法院宣判,一审判决翟欣欣退还苏享茂家属现金、汽车共近千万以及撤销翟欣欣海南、北京两套房产的个人所有权。退回财务,退回房产2.离婚调解书上显示她曾有一段婚姻,存续时间为2011年1月17日至2011年4月1日在不同的人生时期,翟欣欣曾有许多追求者。她曾结过婚,又离婚,在世纪佳缘递交材料时又试图隐藏婚史,直到苏享茂出现。3:2017年3月30日通过婚恋网站与苏享茂相识,6月7日领证,7月18日离婚。9月7日凌晨, WePhone 的创始人苏享茂从楼顶跳下去,短短109天,苏享茂和翟欣欣相识、领证和离婚。整个过程,翟欣欣步步紧逼,卷走苏享茂1200多万的财产,直至把他逼向了天台。正义的审判苏享茂的事情不禁让人唏嘘,翟欣欣这样的女性害人害己,是社会的毒瘤。希望社会上少一些这样的祸根。还这个社会一些纯洁的爱情。

求《对白》《Lonely Night》《My place》完整版歌词

对白作词:瑞业、葛大为 作曲:陈小霞演唱:刘若英一个人看着天亮起来回想临走前你还是回过头来那气味不再感受却依稀还在像暗示了又不说明白躲到阳台终于哭出来我真的不懂这一切应不应该幸福的期待自己也都看不出来就让风吹过空白脑海爱你是我这一生最想说的对白时间地点怎么换也一句不改眼前的幸福拥抱着却感受不来该要珍惜还是让它慢慢流散爱你是我这一生只给你的对白剧情背景怎么换也一句不改如果你不来对白只是独白面对未来聪明不起来我只是不懂这一切应不应该幸福的期待自己也都看不出来就让风吹过空白脑海爱你是我这一生最想说的对白时间地点怎么换也一句不改眼前的幸福拥抱着却感受不来该要珍惜还是让它慢慢流散爱你是我这一生只给你的对白剧情背景怎么换也一句不改如果你不来对白只是独白 [ti:Lonely Night][ar:杨千][al:244897][offset:0][00:14.44]借一段路灯 让我溜鞑[00:16.99]把伤心赶出来[00:19.09][00:19.69]城市再坏 坏不过爱[00:22.95]午夜开放给孤单[00:25.52][00:26.07]借过了回忆 让我忘记[00:29.22][00:29.72]沙文主义的你[00:31.87][00:32.82]不陪你乱 不为你耐烦[00:36.13]在没有爱的街上逛[00:38.63][00:39.53]我好好的笑好好的想一想[00:42.94]没有了爱情真的不会怎样[00:45.95]至少我不再心慌[00:49.20][00:51.96]Lonely night 却很愉快[00:55.08]踏着影子自由自在[00:57.85][00:58.50]Lonely night Happy night[01:00.60][01:02.10]寂寞不等于悲哀[01:05.01]Lonely night[01:06.66]越爱越暗 带着释怀自己转弯[01:11.42]Lonely night Happy night[01:14.12][01:14.67]爱情不是永远的仙丹[01:18.72][01:19.32]......[01:33.45]借过了回忆 让我忘记[01:35.36]沙文主义的你[01:37.06][01:38.06]不陪你乱 不为你耐烦[01:41.11]在没有爱的街上逛[01:43.46][01:44.41]我好好的笑好好的想一想[01:47.73]没有了爱情真的不会怎样[01:51.03]至少我不再心慌[01:54.28][01:57.03]Lonely night 却很愉快[02:00.10]踏着影子自由自在[02:02.70][02:03.40]Lonely night Happy night[02:06.35][02:06.95]寂寞不等于悲哀[02:09.30][02:09.95]Lonely night[02:11.50]越爱越暗 带着释怀自己转弯[02:16.32]Lonely night Happy night[02:18.82][02:19.87]爱情不是永远的仙丹[02:23.52][02:29.43]Lonely night 却很愉快[02:32.58]踏着影子自由自在[02:35.68]Lonely night Happy night[02:38.43][02:39.35]寂寞不等于悲哀[02:41.66][02:42.31]Lonely night[02:43.81]越爱越暗 带着释怀自己转弯[02:47.96][02:48.66]Lonely night Happy night[02:51.52][02:52.47]爱情不是永远的仙丹my place 歌手:nelly ft. jaheim 专辑:suit Artist: Nelly Feat. Jaheim Album: Suit (2004) Song: My Place Lyrics: I used to pride myself on being the other man But now it"s flipped and I don"t want you with no other man Why can"t you understand anything I"m offering I gave you the world, but you just wanted arguing From the time I picked you up, until the time I dropped you off again Even if flipped out on at the mall again "It"s all his fault again" that"s what you tellin all ya friends I ain"t pointing fingers ma, i just wanna call again See how ya day going I know they stressin on ya I know them times get hard that"s why I"m checkin on ya It"s yours truly ma, I got little message for ya Anything he can do, girl I can do better for ya Cause Hook: When we laugh or we cry it"s together Through the rain and the stormiest weather We gon still be as one it"s forever, it"s forever Chorus: Won"t you come on and go with me (oh girl) Come on over to my place Won"t you sit ya self down and take a seat and let me ease ya mind girl We gon do it our way (our way) I heard your friend tell a friend that told a friend of mine That you was thinking that we should do it one more time If this ain"t the truth then hopefully it"s not a lie Cause I ain"t got no issue with hitting that another time We never had a problem with gettin it done Disagreed upon a lot ma, but sex wouldn"t one Now check it I know you get excited when I come around and bite it Quit frownin up and quit actin like you don"t like it I like it (I know you like), I like it (You really like it), I really, really like it, I want it (You really want it), adore it (adore it), so come with me enjoy it Hook: When we laugh or we cry it"s together Through the rain and the stormiest weather We gon still be as one it"s forever, it"s forever Chorus: Won"t you come on and go with me (oh girl) Come on over to my place Won"t you sit ya self down and take a seat and let me ease ya mind girl We gon do it our way (our way) Bridge: Shawty where you been Feels like a long time, long long time since I seen ya Yes it has girl, and I know I said some dumb things to you before But girl you know I didn"t mean it I didn"t mean one single word I never meant one single word If I could take back every word I would and more fa sho If I thought that you believe it Cause you make my life so convinient for me Hook: When we laugh or we cry it"s together Through the rain and the stormiest weather We gon still be as one it"s forever, it"s forever Chorus: Won"t you come on and go with me (oh girl) Come on over to my place Won"t you sit ya self down and take a seat and let me ease ya mind girl We gon do it our way (our way) end

有首韩语歌歌词i get go le phone

简美妍 - 如何是好我制作我喜欢魏志勇制作~~pu qe la bu ho duo kai qi wo nai la guku ma nen qe wo nai kai na giu no ku kapu qe la bu ho duo kai sa lang ga la gunai ren hun qia pao liao do guo kano ma pa la pu duo niu jia ya ma neisa lang na get mu do gu sa pa pu deipu dou kai na li dou na den niuna li pu li niu na me na sa lang ta ho dou ka la guta xi nv sa lang are qi an kaiha gu ji han kaiqe ver na ge sen dou get qiu gahu qe qia gu ho dao kai tuo lo sao jiao guke tou lo no len kai bi sa lang a nan jinghu qe qia gu ho dao kai i jiao na diao guna ren cen bu da jiu wo nai tinna ku na xi ma get na jiao yao no naiku lo sao daopu dao sen da daipo dao kai na lu dao na niao na lu pao li niaona ma na sa lang ta on dou ka la guota xi nv sa lang are ji an kaiha gu ji han kaiqe ver nai gu sen gu qe garu gu fo ter na qe an jia nama na pa bu ji do an jia nasa lang an dei wan saohei dei gen mo lo saopu den dai gu no ma ni tai lina luho dao kai pu guo xi guo ji niaoku li wo ji niao not luo ni lv no ka lv qe ju guo ganqia la ni na lu dao na liao niao qe miao gai liao niaoha gu ku li yao mao di yao gacai ba nai le mao dao hai you bacai ba nai le mao dao hai you ba


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