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请告诉我水是怎么变成雨的?用英语回答。How water is turned into rain。

Firstl, the hot sun helps water in the lakes and oceans to evaporate. This turns the liquid water into a gas called water vapour, which goes up into the air. Then this water vapour in the air will cool off when it rises up into the sky, and turn back into water droplets. Next, when enough of these water droplets have condensed in the air, we can see the water as a cloud . The cloud may be blown by the wind. Sooner or later it will rise again, and the air around it will be even cooler. Finally, after a while, the cool air can"t hold the water droplets up any more, and they fall to the ground as rain. 希望能够帮到你哟,帮到就采纳喽~

如何区别Waterproof Water Repellent Water Resistant

Fabrics and garments may be labeled waterproof, water-repellent, weather-resistant or some combination of these. But what does it all mean?WaterproofA waterproof fabric is completely impermeable to water.(1) Since all the pores are closed, these fabrics are also impermeable to air and can become hot and uncomfortable as apparel. A vinyl raincoat is an example of a waterproof garment. The wearer remains dry since rain stays outside the coat; it can not soak into or through the fabric. Waterproofness is easy to determine either water can get in or it can not.Water RepellentWater repellence and water resistance introduce a lot more uncertainty. Water repellency is the resistance to wetting; water resistance is the resistance to wetting and water penetration.(2) Different fabrics resist wetting (absorbing water) to different degrees and the AATCC Technical Manual includes two methods for determining water repellency. AATCC Test Method (TM) 22, Water Repellency: Spray Test calls for a visual evaluation of the wetting pattern after the fabric is sprayed with water. Manufacturers and retailers must agree on an acceptable level of repellency based on the end-use of each fabric. A rating of 80-90 (on a scale of 0-100) is generally acceptable for unlaundered samples intended for use as water-repellent outerwear.(3) Water repellency tests measure the amount of water that soaks into the fabric, not the amount that soaks through.Intended mainly to measure the water-repellent efficacy of finishes, TM 70, Water Repellency, Tumble Jar Dynamic Absorption Test is not intended to predict rain penetration resistance.(4) Specimens are tumbled in water, weighed, and the wet weight is compared to the dry weight.Water ResistantAATCC TM 35, Water Resistance: Rain Test and TM 42, Water Resistance: Impact Penetration Test use the weight of the water penetrating the fabric as a measure of resistance. Less than 1 g is usually considered acceptable;3 anything over 5 g is reported as > 5 g and indicates failure as a water-resistant fabric.2 The rain test may be performed at different pressures to simulate different intensities of rain and acceptable values for both tests may vary according to end-use.Another measure of water resistance is TM 127, Water Resistance: Hydrostatic Pressure Test. Water is directed at one side of the fabric under increasing pressure and the point at which water droplets appear on the opposite side is recorded. This test differentiates between the water resistance of the fabric and the water repellency of the fiber, yarn, and fabric construction. The degree to which the fibers and yarns resist wetting, combined with the size, shape, and number of pores in the fabric construction, influences the overall penetrability of the fabric.(5)Weather ResistantWeather resistance, the ability of a material to resist degradation of its properties when exposed to climactic conditions,6 is an even more complicated issue. AATCC TM 186, Weather Resistance: UV Light and Moisture Exposure subjects fabrics to artificial weathering through the use of ultraviolet (UV) light, humidity, and/or water spray. Exposed fabrics are compared to control fabrics in terms of color change and breaking or bursting strength. This test is most appropriate for items which will be placed outdoors for extended periods of time. The test method suggests three cycle options based on end-use梘eneral applications (e.g., outdoor furniture fabrics, and tent material), architectural applications where thermal shock may be an issue, and automotive exteriors. The UV and humidity/spray conditions for each application vary slightly. TMs 111, 169, and 192 are similar tests, using different combinations of light and/or water to simulate weathering.So, will your fabric keep you dry?Waterproof fabric will protect you from rain, but will eventually make you hot and sweaty. A water-repellent fabric will probably keep you dry if you are out in the rain for just a few minutes. Water-resistant fabrics may also keep you dry temporarily and they will be more breathable than waterproof fabrics, but water will eventually soak in, making the fabric heavy and wet. While a weather-resistant fabric makes no promise to keep you dry, it will continue to look and perform as it was intended even after prolonged exposure to sun and rain.References1. Dictionary of Fiber & Textile Technology, KoSa, Charlotte, N.C., U.S.A., 1999, p215.2. AATCC Technical Manual, Vol. 81, 2006, pp65-67, 85-88.3. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol. 7.02, West Conshohocken, Pa., U.S.A., 2005, p992.4. AATCC Technical Manual, Vol. 81, 2006, pp99-100.5. AATCC Technical Manual, Vol. 81, 2006, pp211-212.6. AATCC Technical Manual, Vol. 81, 2006, pp348-352.Note: Story by Diana Wyman, AATCC.

How did acid rain (酸雨)affect the plant

General Information Acid rain (or more accurately acid precipitation)[1] occurs when sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are emitted into the atmosphere undergo chemical trformations and are absorbed by water droplets in clouds. The droplets then fall to earth as rain snow or sleet. This can increase the acidity of the soil and affect the chemical balance of lakes and streams.[2] The term "acid rain" is sometimes used more generally to include all forms of acid deposition - both wet deposition where acidic gases and particles are removed by rain or other precipitation and dry deposition removal of gases and particles to the Earth"s surface in the absence of precipitation.[3] Acid rain is defined as any type of precipitation with a pH that is unusually low.[4] Dissolved carbon dioxide dissociates to form weak carbonic acid giving a pH of approximately 5.6 at typical atmospheric concentrations of CO2.[5] Therefore a pH of less than 5.6 has sometimes been used as a definition of acid rain.[6] However natural sources of acidity mean that in remote areas rain has a pH which is beeen 4.5 and 5.6 with an average value of 5.0 and so rain with a pH of less than 5 is a more appropriate definition.[7] The US EPA says "Acid rain is a serious environmental problem that affects large parts of the US and Canada" [8] Acid rain accelerates weathering in carbonate rocks and accelerates building weathering. It also contributes to acidification of rivers streams and forest damage at high elevations. Adverse effects Soils Soil biology can be seriously damaged by acid rain. Some tropical microbes can quickly consume acids[11] but other types of microbe are unable to tolerate low pHs and are killed. The enzymes of these microbes are denatured (changed in shape so they no longer function) by the acid. The hydronium ions of acid rain also mobilize toxins and leach away essential nutrients and minerals [12]. [edit] Forests and other vegetation Acid rain can slow the growth of forests cause leaves and needles to turn brown and fall off and die. In extreme cases trees or whole areas of forest can die. The death of trees is not usually a direct result of acid rain often it weakens trees and makes them more susceptible to other threats. Damage to soils (see above) can also cause problems. High altitude forests are especially vulnerable as they are often surrounded by clouds and fog which are more acidic than rain.[12] Other plants can also be damaged by acid rain but the effect on food crops is minimised by the application of fertilizers to replace lost nutrients. In cultivated areas limestone may also be added to increase the ability of the soil to keep the pH stable but this tactic is largely unusable in the case of wilderness lands.[12] Acid Rain depletes minerals from the soil and then it stunts the growth of the plant. 落埋subtitle架啦,应该几易睇,净系节录左introduction同有关effect to the plant比你,其余可以去en. *** /wiki/Acid_rain#Forests_and_other_vegetation睇 参考: Webpage Acid rain can perate into the soil can mix with water when the plant absorb water from the soil the acid in water will affect the enzyme acticity like photosynthesis and respiration since they are controlled by enzyme. Also the concentration of water molecules in the water containing acid is lower than the water inside the leave cells and the water willmoves out through the cell membrane by o *** osis with these effect on the plant the plant will therefore die ! 2006-12-03 19:32:22 补充: The acid will affect the soil and the root of the plant cannot absorb minerals in the soil normally and this will also decrease the nutrients supply to the plant. 参考: ME Acid rain (or more accurately acid precipitation)[1] occurs when sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are emitted into the atmosphere undergo chemical trformations and are absorbed by water droplets in clouds. The droplets then fall to earth as rain snow or sleet. This can increase the acidity of the soil and affect the chemical balance of lakes and streams.[2] The term "acid rain" is sometimes used more generally to include all forms of acid deposition - both wet deposition where acidic gases and particles are removed by rain or other precipitation and dry deposition removal of gases and particles to the Earth"s surface in the absence of precipitation.[3] Acid rain is defined as any type of precipitation with a pH that is unusually low.[4] Dissolved carbon dioxide dissociates to form weak carbonic acid giving a pH of approximately 5.6 at typical atmospheric concentrations of CO2.[5] Therefore a pH of less than 5.6 has sometimes been used as a definition of acid rain.[6] However natural sources of acidity mean that in remote areas rain has a pH which is beeen 4.5 and 5.6 with an average value of 5.0 and so rain with a pH of less than 5 is a more appropriate definition.[7] The US EPA says "Acid rain is a serious environmental problem that affects large parts of the US and Canada" [8] Acid rain accelerates weathering in carbonate rocks and accelerates building weathering. It also contributes to acidification of rivers streams and forest damage at high elevations. Natural emissions The principal natural phenomena that contribute acid-producing gases to the atmosphere are emissions from volcanoes and those from biological processes that occur on the land in wetlands and in the oce. The major biological source of sulfur containing pounds is Dimethyl sulfide. The effects of acidic deposits have been detected in glacial ice thousands of years old in remote parts of the globe. [edit] Human emissions The principal cause of acid rain is sulfur and nitrogen pounds from human sources such as electricity generation factories and motor vehicles. The gases can be carried hundreds of miles in the atmosphere before they are converted to acids and deposited. [edit] Gas phase chemistry In the gas phase sulfur dioxide is oxidized by reaction with the hydroxyl radical via a termolecular reaction: SO2 + OH· → HOSO2· which is followed by: HOSO2· + O2 → HO2· + SO3 In the presence of water sulfur trioxide (SO3) is converted rapidly to sulfuric acid: SO3 + H2O → H2SO4 Nitric acid is formed by the reaction of OH with Nitrogen dioxide: NO2 + OH· → HNO3 For more information see Seinfeld and Pandis (1998).[5] [edit] Chemistry in cloud droplets When clouds are present the loss rate of SO2 is faster than can be explained by gas phase chemistry alone. This is due to reactions in the liquid water droplets Hydrolysis Sulfur dioxide dissolves in water and then like carbon dioxide hydrolyses in a series of equilibrium reactions: SO2 (g)+ H2O u21cc SO2·H2O SO2·H2O u21cc H++HSO3- HSO3- u21cc H++SO32- Oxidation There are a large number of aqueous reactions of sulfur which oxidise it from S(IV) to S(VI) leading to the formation of sulfuric acid. The most important oxidation reactions are with ozone hydrogen peroxide and oxygen (reactions with oxygen are catalysed by Iron and Manganese in the cloud droplets). For more information see Seinfeld and Pandis (1998).[5] 图片参考:upload.wikimedia/ *** /mons/thumb/0/0c/Acid_rain_woods1.JPG/350px-Acid_rain_woods1.JPG 图片参考:upload.wikimedia/ *** /en/4/42/Volcanic_injection 图片参考:upload.wikimedia/ *** /en/thumb/9/9f/Origins/350px-Origins 图片参考:en. *** /skins-1.5/mon/images/magnify-clip Processes involved in acid deposition (note that only SO2 and NOx play a significant role in acid rain).






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mount 小山crest 山脊线peak 顶点,顶峰




不是 微点那是误查 不能删除的!!!

Gen:variant.Dropper.26 怎么杀不掉啊。。。。。

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先关闭系统还原〔右键我的电脑 属性 系统还原 在所有驱动器上关闭系统还原上打勾) 再到安全模式下杀毒。升级杀毒软件,再重启,重启时长按F8健进入安全模式,(用上下健选择)再杀毒。

Santana的《Europa》 歌词

歌曲名:Europa歌手:Santana专辑:Sacred Fire: Santana Live In South AmericaEuropaGlobusGlobus-EuropaFrom Agincourt to WaterlooPoitiers and then anjouThe Roses War,the Hundred YearsThrough battlefields of blood and tearsFrom Bosworth Field to Pointe Du HocStalingrad and the siege of YorkThe bloody turf of GallipoliHad no effect on the killing spreeBannockburn to AusterlitzThe fall of France and the German BlitzThe cruelest of atrocitiesEuropa"s blood is borne of theseHeaven help in all our battlesHeaven see love,heaven help usBolsheviks and feudal lordsChivalry to civil warsFascist rule and genocideNow we face the rising tideOf new crusades,religious warsInsurgents imported to our shoresThe western world,gripped in fearThe mother of all battles hereHeaven help in all our battlesHeaven see love,heaven help usAvant hier,anons etreDeja demain,(nous) sommes eclaireeAll glory,all honorVictory is upon usOur savior,fight evilSend armies to defend usEmpires built,and nations burnedMass graves remain unturnedDecendants of the dispossessedReturn with bombs strapped to their chestsThere"s hate for life,and death in hateEmerging from a new caliphateThe victors of this war on fearWill rule for the next thousand yearsAll glory,all honorVictory is upon usOur savior,fight evilSend armies to defend usEuropa,EuropaFind better days before usIn kindness,in spiritLead us to a greater callingLeningrad,Berlin WallMarch on Rome,Bzyantium"s FallLightning War,Dresden nightDrop a bomb,end this fightNever againhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8571320


1、Unlocker http://www.onlinedown.net/soft/24732.htm 安装运行后,把病毒文件拖到 Unlocker.exe 选择删除 2、冰刃 IceSword 1.22 中文版 http://www.onlinedown.net/soft/53325.htm 打开IceSword.exe,点左下角的“文件”,在目录"+"找到C:WINDOWSYSTEM32 文件夹,病毒文件puj8qr.dll 上右键点“强制删除”。

After Ventus 歌词

歌曲名:After Ventus歌手:Enya专辑:唯有时光-美丽典藏Only Time-The CollectionAfrican WindSea of Clouds. Umbriel. Sea of Showers. Ariel.And we go to the stars. And we go to the stars.Sea of Waves. Io. Vela. Wonderful to relate. Marvels. Wonderful to see. Wonders.And we go to the stars.And we go to the stars.Evergreen. A rose garden. African Wind. Zephyrus. Volturnus. Africus. And we go to the stars.And we go to the stars.Etesiarum. Eurus. Each has its own habits. Each its own. Mine to me, its own to each is dear. Remember, life is earth-born. Remember, life is brief.Mine to me, its own to each is dear---Afer Ventus Mare Nubium. Umbriel.Mare Imbrium. Ariel.Et itur ad astra.Et itur ad astra.Mare Undarum. Io. Vela.Mirabile dictu. Mirabilia.Mirabile visu. Mirabilia.Et itur ad astra.Et itur ad astra.Sempervirent. Rosetum.Afer Ventus. Zephyrus.Volturnus. Africus.Et itur ad astra.Et itur ad astra.Etesiarum. Eurus.Running verse:Suus cuique mos. Suum cuique.Meus mihi, suus cuique carus.Mememto, terrigena.Mememto, vita brevis.Meus mihi, suus cuique carus.http://music.baidu.com/song/1728016

Trojan-Dropper. Win32 .Agent. Asb是什么木马?怎么杀?


Trojan.Dropper.Agent.UOH 问一下这是什么病毒



管它呢.那么多病毒,你又不能都知道,系统重状.... 就ok


Trojan.Dropper为特洛伊病毒危害性:中等危害病毒特性:它会显示伪装的“被感染”信息,并尝试下载一个假的“间谍软件”扫描器;伪装的“被感染”信息怂恿用户下载这个软件。它是大小为39,936字节的Win32可运行程序,并能够被Win32.DlMersting 病毒变体下载。危害:监听HTTP请求修改系统设置使系统修复功能失效下载并运行任意文件查杀这种类型的木马 1、断网,重启,按住F8,进入安全模式,关闭系统还原(xp/me) 2、清空所有临时文件位置:系统盘/Documents and Settings/用户名(默认安装为admin...)/Local Settings(这是个隐含文件,设置显示所有文件,包括受到系统保护的操作系统文件的勾去掉)/temp(系统临时文件夹,里面全部清空) 旁边的Temporary Internet Files(ie临时文件夹,一样清空) 3、用能识别它的杀毒软件扫描,最好是最新病毒库的 4、遇到处理不了的文件,记住位置路径,以及其它相关的信息, 5、用刚才的杀毒软件提供的文件名到全部盘符中搜索一下,避免漏网之鱼。没有那个杀毒软件认识所有的东东的。 6、用杀毒软件报告的病毒文件为搜索条件到注册表中搜索,有就看看路径是否指向刚才病毒文件位置,是就删除,不放心,先把注册表备份一下。 7、删除杀毒软件报告的不能处理的文件,实际就是病毒文件。也可以直接用瑞星(其他杀毒软件一样)自己的注册表清理工具扫描一下。(要解压查杀的,一般就是在压缩包,临时文件夹,系统还原文件中) 8、重启,到正常模式下再扫描, 9、最后直接到微软去,让比尔帮打系统补丁。(D版xp慎用)

Trojan/Win32.Agent.acfe [Dropper]的清除方案:

1、使用安天防线可彻底清除此病毒(推荐)。2、手工清除请按照行为分析删除对应文件,恢复相关系统设置。(1)使用ATOOL管理工具,“进程管理”查找explorer.exe与svchost.exe进程中的病毒模块名ali4ee25.dll,找到该病毒模块强行结束。(2) 强行删除病毒文件%system32%dllcachealitte32.exe%system32%dllcacheali4a10f.dll(3)恢复注册表下项、删除病毒启动项HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionpoliciesExplorerRun wiz删除Run键下的nwiz键值HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesaliimz删除Services键下的aliimz主键值

Dropper.Win32.Agent.fbl 是什么毒?


dropper.win32.agent.ab 中了这个毒怎么办




Afer Ventus 歌词

歌曲名:Afer Ventus歌手:Enya专辑:牧羊人之月Shepherd MoonsEnya:Afer VentusMare Nubium. UmbrielMare Imbrium. Ariel.Et itur ad astra.Et itur ad astra.Mare Undarum. Io. Vela.Mirabile dictu. Mirabilia.Mirabile visu. Mirabilia.Et itur ad astra.Et itur ad astra.Sempervirent. Rosetum..Afer Ventus. Zephyrus.Volturnus. Africus.Et itur ad astra.Et itur ad astra.Etesiarum. Eurus.Running verse:Suus cuique mos. Suum cuique.Meus mihi, suus cuique carus.Memento, terrigena.Memento, vita brevis.Meus mihi, suus cuique carus.Enya:Afer Ventushttp://music.baidu.com/song/364448


如果你工作的目录或文件并不是属于你的帐号的话,比如是更改系统文件配置或者修改其他用户的目录与文件,你的绝大部分命令可能需要加上sudo命令。这个特殊的命令能够暂时的提高你的帐号权限,让你暂时的拥有管理员(root)帐号的权利。更多信息请参考RootSudo。File & Directory Commands 针对文件和目录的命令pwd(显示当前位置): pwd 命令能让你知道你目前工作的目录是哪个目录。(绝对路径,The pwd 意思是 print working directory) 默认打开终端进入的工作目录是你的用户目录,即输入pwd显示的是/home/你的用户名。ls(列出详细资料): 这个命令能列出你当前工作目录下的文件与目录,默认只显示非隐藏文件名.用一些适当的参数你可已看到文件大小,创建时间,文件权限等等。比如输入ls -l可以列出当前目录下各种可见文件(在linux中,目录也是一种文件)的权限,所有者,日期等。更多信息可以在终端中输入man ls 查询man手册。(显示CPU信息):cat /proc/cpuinfo (/之前有个空格)。cd(进入目录):这个命令可以改变你的工作目录,默认打开终端进入的是你的家(home)目录 。要进入文件系统就输入cd. 。几个参数例子。进入根目录,输入cd / ,不含双引号,cd和/之间有空格,下同。进入家目录输入 cd 或者 cd ~进入上一级目录输入 cd ..回到之前的目录输入 cd -当然你想进入一个目录,而你又知道他的绝对路径的话,可以直接输入绝对路径,比如 cd /boot/grub就是直接进入 /boot/grub。另外,如果你在cd后面并不加 / 的话,那就是进入当前目录的下的文件,比如你现在在家目录 /home/XXX,输入 cd pictures那就是进入/home/XXX/pictures目录。cp(复制):复制命令,格式为cp 文件1 文件2 。文件1和文件2还有cp之间当有空格。文件1和文件2可以包括路径。值得注意的是,这样并不能复制目录,复制目录要加入递归参数,即 cp -r 目录1 目录2。mv(移动):移动命令,若移动的位置还算原来的路径,那么他就是个重命名命令,这个不难理解。比如 mv 文件1 文件2。文件2可以仅仅是路径也可以是包括文件的路径 。若仅仅是路径,那文件仅仅是移动而不会改名,当然,你也可以在移动过程中重新命名。.rm(删除文件): 移除或删除文件,删除目录需要添加递归参数 -rrmdir(删除目录): 这个命令用来删除空目录,若要删除非空目录,请用rm -r代替。mkdir(创建目录): 使你创建目录。man(帮助): 强大的man在线手册,有任何不清楚的命令,绝大部分都可以使用 “man 需要查询的命令。来找到这个命令的详细解释和参数用法。软件包管理命令安装软件 apt-get install softname1 softname2 softname3……  卸载软件 apt-get remove softname1 softname2 softname3……  卸载并清除配置 apt-get remove --purge softname1  更新软件信息数据库 apt-get update  进行系统升级 apt-get upgrade  搜索软件包 apt-cache search softname1 softname2 softname3……安装deb软件包 dpkg -i xxx.deb  删除软件包 dpkg -r xxx.deb  连同配置文件一起删除 dpkg -r --purge xxx.deb  查看软件包信息 dpkg -info xxx.deb  查看文件拷贝详情 dpkg -L xxx.deb  查看系统中已安装软件包信息 dpkg -l  重新配置软件包 dpkg-reconfigure xxxSystem Information Commands 系统信息命令df(显示文件系统中还有多少剩余空间): 这个命令显示所有已挂载设备的空间使用量。使用df -h可能会更好,因为-h代表human-readable,即用兆字节M和千兆字节G来显示设备空间使用量,而默认的是用千字节K来表示的。du(显示目录中文件或目录的具体大小): 这个命令能列出文件和目录的具体使用情况,远远比df详细。(以floppy文件夹为例)user@users-desktop:~$ du /media/floppy1032 /media/floppy/files1036 /media/floppy/user@users-desktop:~$ du -sh /media/floppy1.1M /media/floppy/(-s 意思是 Summary摘要 and -h means Human Readable)free: 显示内存使用情况,同样默认是以千字节K表示的,若要以兆字节M表示,请加参数,即free -m。uname -a(显示所有的系统信息): 输出系统所有信息,包括主机名,内核名字及版本,硬件信息等等。lsb_release -a(显示当前用的版本): 例子如下user@computer:~$ lsb_release -aNo LSB modules are available.Distributor ID: UbuntuDescription: Ubuntu 6.06 LTSRelease: 6.06ubuntu中文版man手册配置方法:man默认是英文的,但ubuntu的源里也有中文版的。以下是配置方法。终端输入sudo apt-get install manpages-zh安装后修改配置文件sudo gedit /etc/manpath.config将所有的/usr/share/man替换为/usr/share/man/zh_CN保存即可。


rm [选项] 文件 -f, --force 强力删除,不要求确认 -i 每删除一个文件或进入一个子目录都要求确认 -I 在删除超过三个文件或者递归删除前要求确认 -r, -R 递归删除子目录 -d, --dir 删除空目录 -v, --verbose 显示删除结果============================================================================常用如下几个:rm -d 目录名 #删除一个空目录rmdir 目录名 #删除一个空目录rm -r 目录名 #删除一个非空目录rm 文件名 #删除文件在终端进到那个文件夹,然后执行:sudo rm -rf 文件夹名如果还是不行,就用sudo chmod 777 文件夹名sudo rm -rf 文件夹名


rm [选项] 文件 -f, --force 强力删除,不要求确认 -i 每删除一个文件或进入一个子目录都要求确认 -I 在删除超过三个文件或者递归删除前要求确认 -r, -R 递归删除子目录 -d, --dir 删除空目录 -v, --verbose 显示删除结果 ============================================================================ 常用如下几个: rm -d 目录名 #删除一个空目录 rmdir 目录名 #删除一个空目录 rm -r 目录名 #删除一个非空目录 rm 文件名 #删除文件 在终端进到那个文件夹,然后执行: sudo rm -rf 文件夹名 如果还是不行,就用 sudo chmod 777 文件夹名 sudo rm -rf 文件夹名

我想知道ROS脚本里的comment="B7C0D6B9C4DACDF82BCB6C2B7D3C9" disabled=no 是什么意思

comment="B7C0D6B9C4DACDF82BCB6C2B7D3C" 这段是注释说明,B7C0D6B9C4DACDF82BCB6C2B7D3C9 是注释的内容 显示成这样应该是用汉字写的注释。既然是注释有没有这段内容都没有关系。disable = no 就是启用的意思。

ubuntu系统安装Ros时sources.list结果为not found怎么解决?

应该是找不到源吧,新建/etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-latest.list,如果你的系统版本为ubuntu 16.04 LTS,添加以下内容:deb https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/ros/ubuntu/ xenial main如果你的系统版本为ubuntu 18.04 LTS,添加以下内容:deb https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/ros/ubuntu/ bionic main再执行以下命令即可:sudo apt-key adv --keyserver "hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80" --recv-key C1CF6E31E6BADE8868B172B4F42ED6FBAB17C654sudo apt update


第一步: 软件源配置1、 增加下载源(增加ubuntu版的ros数据仓库,即下载源)(通用指令适合任何版本的ros)[cpp] view plain copysudo sh -c "echo "deb /ros/ubuntu $(lsb_release -sc) main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-latest.list" 2、 设置key,实现安全从数据仓库下载未被修改版,故设置key增加可信度[cpp] view plain copysudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-key 0xB01FA116 也有用下面这条指令的[python] view plain copywget /ros.key -O - | sudo apt-key add - 以上两步为安全配置下载源可以增加本地本国的源,例如再sourcelist里增加163和sohu,这样没必要从外网下载,国内下载速度很快3 、更新源[python] view plain copysudo apt-get update第二步: 安装合适版本的ROS1、完全安装ros(2d、3d、rviz等)[python] view plain copysudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-desktop-full # ros和desktop间的indigo(靛蓝)为 ros版本号 #如果用户计算机的空间有限可以去掉-full2、 安装rosdep[cpp] view plain copysudo rosdep init rosdep update 3 、user的terminal命令行环境配置,即找到可执行命令。source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash #这句是关键,但只影响当前打开的terminal #零时性的,适合于多版本ros共存时,根据需求切换不同版本的ros的命令下面两条将终身影响,即每次打开terminal都能找到ros的相关命令。[python] view plain copyecho "source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc #修改 source ~/.bashrc #使能或者: source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash 切换到主目录下。。。。 source .bashrc #使能 注意事项:提前 写入了indigo的path,必须删除掉!sudo gedit ~/.bashrc找到条目,删除保存~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 、辅助工具rosinstall安装[python] view plain copysudo apt-get install python-rosinstall 安装完成

Partial Differential Equations 的答案( Lawrence C.Evans著)

evans pde第三章的答案吗



evans wentz是什么意思

Evans-Wentz (February 2, 1878 – July 17, 1965)伊文思-温慈是一个美国探险家和西藏文化研究学者。编写出版过《西藏伟大的瑜伽师米拉热巴》、《西藏瑜珈及秘典》等作品。



求dont trust me 歌词的中文翻译

小黑裙,下衬紧身衣我的唇齿间的呼吸还带有最后一根香烟的余味她是一个演员,她一无所求她拥有父母在东部为她设立的信托基金她乐于舔我的脸颊尽管当我与另外的女孩舌吻的时候如果你的男朋友准备了牛肉,告诉他我是素食主义者,我才不怕他她喜欢抚摸我她喜欢抚摸我她绝对不会离开我不要相信她绝不相信她不会相信她因为她也不相信我 *2手背上托着X级电影拿到浴室清洗一番,然后像是乐队成员一样饮酒你从台下偷来的节目单每一页都斑斑驳驳布满红色紫色的口红痕迹满臂都是淤青手中抓着瓶子,手指在不停颤抖最妙的部分是,没有人认识你你不过是一个独坐在酒吧中的女孩……重复处见前……嘘,女孩,闭嘴像海伦凯勒一样用你的臀传情说话她想要抚摸我她想要爱我她不会离开我……重复处见前……

I dont wanna take chance 什么意思



歌手:e-40 专辑:my ghetto report card [Intro]GoudaSick Wid It RecordsBMEWarner BrothersThe Machinery (Yee!)Oooh, look out pimp!Heavy on the grindin" entertainmentStovetop productions[Verse 1 - E-40]Oooh, Hustlers are usMy game sharper than an elephant"s tuskMe myself at night the only that I can trustSleep with one eye open finger on the pistol clutch (Ka ka ka!)I got my hands and everything, I"m real instrumentalI"m as real as they come and got no bitch potentialWhen I was comin" up there certain things we don"t allowLike long fingernails and me and arching the eyebrowHere"s another thing I don"t condone and don"t approveHow all of a sudden snitchin" became cool (I dunno)I"m gamed up I be chewin" on this mack graniteOG Jay be stomped that laced that niggas posted never canI brought the baddest broad in the whole facilitationAll by way of mouthpiece just by my manipulationI can make it look like I"m at my best when I"m at my worstPersuade the broad to put on the dress and break her for her purse[Hook]Ten wraps and a rubber band (Gouda)Three or four more in my other hand (Gouda)Five, ten, fifteen, twenty (Gouda)Twenty-five, thirty, thirty-five, forty (Chalupa)Gettin" money I"m a stunna, man (Gouda)In a "lac shootin" box like a hundred grand (Gouda)Forty-five, fifty-five, sixty-five, seventy-five (Gouda)Eighty-five, ninety-five, wait, what am I doing? (Chalupa)[Verse 2 - E-40]A day in the life on the soil in CaliscrillyaTake the wrong turn and these youngstas out here kill yaWell I ain"t concerned, they love us hustlas and dealersThey wanna tear our houses down so they can build some of my kidsOooh, Just tryna get my point acrossWhere I"m from it"s pandamonium and chaosWhere I"m from the lights is off, we use matchesWhere I"m from we do it bare-faced instead of ski masks (Ka ka ka!)Oooh, No more talking on them cellsI heard the federal went ahead and bought Nextel (what?)Oooh, Over-crowded jailsThey got us sleepin" in the gym instead of our own cellsOoh, Put our yeti togetherMe and my investors, we flippin" ten or betterI got some booty, got a little bit of cheddarMama now you got more killers than a peacock better[Hook][Verse 3 - B-Legit]Gettin" money I"m a stunna manWith bitch like I do little whips about the stunna vanMy ? she a runner manOff top, i"ma boss, shoot a box full of rubber bandsContraband, on the other handBig girls, big quips, turn around, roll center manOn the real, I"m a gentlemanPut the scrilla, I"m a killa, man, hit it like a little manWhat you doin" with that?From the scratch, we can load up the "lacA-1, we can bring that backFrom day 1, we get them wrapsBig stacks from the back of the shackAyee, I buy the weed manHella turkey bags just to put my weed inOhhh, we gettin" chalupaWrapped cheese in a rubber band and call it gouda[Hook][Interlude]Look out pimp! Ai-i-i-te! What it do!We gettin" it, so whatchu need? (Gouda)Bay business, so whatchu need? (Gouda)We gettin" it, so whatchu need? (Gouda)Ice ?, so whatchu need? (Chalupa)We gettin" it, so whatchu need? (Gouda)Bay business, so whatchu need? (Gouda)We gettin" it, so whatchu need? (Gouda)Sick Wid It, so whatchu need? (Chalupa)We doin" way too much (Gouda)We never watered down, we doin" way too much (Gouda)And you don"t wanna stunt with us (Gouda)Hustlers are us, we doin" way too much (Chalupa)We doin" way too much (Gouda)We never watered down, we doin" way too much (Gouda)And you don"t wanna stunt with us (Gouda)Hustlers are us, we doin" way too much (Chalupa)[Hook][Outro]The definition of gouda(What"s the definition?)Chalupa, scrilla, scratch, paper, yaperCapital (the definition)Gouda means cheese, and cheese means yaper you square ass square buttsBiiiiiattchhhhh!Let"s get back to what we"se talkin" about earlierWhat was we talkin" about earlier, pi-imp?Hustlers...hustlers are us. Uh oh. Ahhh.Look out (Look out, pimp)

migrant workers是什么意思

migrant workers [释义] 流动工人;

开启AHCI后 IDE ATA/ATAPI 控制器下只有一个sata ahci controller


Clint Eastwood的《Driving》 歌词

I ain"t happy, I"m feeling glad 我很开心,我感到快乐 I got sunshine, in a bag 我在一个带子里得到了阳光 I"m useless,but not for long 我很没用,但不会太久 The future is coming on 未来将要来临了 I ain"t happy, I"m feeling glad I got sunshine, in a bag I"m useless, but not for long The future is coming on It"s coming on It"s coming on It"s coming on 快来临了×3 Yeah... Ha Ha! 耶~哈哈 Finally someone let me out of my cage 最后有人把我放出了牢笼 Now, time for me is nothing cos I"m counting no age 现在,时间对我来说什么也不是,因为我没有年龄了 Now I couldn"t be there 现在我无法在那里 Now you shouldn"t be scared 现在你不用太恐惧 I"m good at repairs 我很擅长修理 And I"m under each snare 我在每一个陷阱之下 Intangible 难以明白的 Bet you didn"t think so I command you to 我打赌你不这么认为,我命令你 Panoramic view 看仔细 Look I"ll make it all manageable 看,我将把它变容易。 Pick and choose 拿起来然后选择 Sit and lose 放下然后失去 All you different crews 你们所有这群与我不同的人 Chicks and dudes 是小鸡,是无能的人 Who you think is really kickin" tunes? 你认为谁是真正在唱歌的人? Picture you gettin" down in a picture tube 把你画下来放进画管中 Like you lit the fuse 就好像你把熔断丝弄亮了 You think it"s fictional 你认为这是虚构的 Mystical? Maybe 迷信的?或许吧。 Spiritual 从精神的角度来看 Hearable 能听到的 What appears in you is a clearer view cos you"re too crazy 你内心会出现一个更清澈的视野,因为你太疯狂了。 Lifeless 失去了生命 To know the definition for what life is 才知道生命的定义是什么 Priceless For you 没有价值了 对你来说 because I put you on the hype shit 因为我把你放在hype(噱头??)上,狗屎! You like it? 你喜欢吗? Gunsmokin" righteous with one token 枪口的烟雾代表了正义 Psychic among those Possess you with one go (烟雾中的)女巫把你带走 I ain"t happy, I"m feeling glad I got sunshine, in a bag I"m useless,but not for long The future is coming on I ain"t happy, I"m feeling glad I got sunshine, in a bag I"m useless, but not for long The future is coming on It"s coming on It"s coming on It"s coming on The essence the basics 本质,基础 Without it you make it 没有它们你也做到了 Allow me to make this 允许我制造这 Childlike in nature Rhythm 孩童般的旋律 You have it or you don"t that"s a fallacy 你拥有它,或者你不知道那是个谬论 I"m in them 我在他们之中 Every sprouting tree 每一棵发芽的树 Every child apiece 每一个小孩子 Every cloud you see 每一朵你看见的云 You see with your eyes 你用自己的眼睛去看 I see destruction and demise 我看到毁灭和死亡 Corruption in disguise 腐朽中的虚伪 From this fuckin" enterprise 从这个TMD企业?? Now I"m sucking to your lies 现在我正吸食你的谎言 Through Russ, though not his muscles but the percussion he provides with me as a guide 通过罗素,不是他的躯体而是他向我提供的作为我的向导的敲击。 But y"all can see me now cos you don"t see with your eye 但你可以看见我了,因为你不再用眼睛去看 You perceive with your mind 你用思想去感受 That"s the inner 那就是内心 So I"m gonna stick around with Russ and be a mentor 所以我要黏在罗素身边当一个良师 Bust a few rhymes so mother fuckers 打破一些太TM不÷烂的规矩。 Remember where the thought is I brought all this 记住我是从哪里带来的这些想法 So you can survive when law is lawless 然后你就能在天下大乱时生还 Feelings, sensations that you thought were dead 你原以为已死去的感觉 No squealing, remember 不要尖叫,记住 (that it"s all in your head) 那是你头脑中所有的东西 I ain"t happy, I"m feeling glad I got sunshine, in a bag I"m useless, but not for long The future is coming on I ain"t happy, I"m feeling glad I got sunshine, in a bag I"m useless, but not for long My future is coming on It"s coming on It"s coming on It"s coming on It"s coming on My future is coming on It"s coming on It"s coming on It"s coming on It"s coming on My future is coming on It"s coming on It"s coming on It"s coming on It"s coming on My future is coming on It"s coming on It"s coming on My future is coming on It"s coming on It"s coming on My future is coming on It"s coming on It"s coming on My future

i want nothing but progress.


IDE ATA/ATAPI控制器里面只有一个intel(R) mobile express chipset sata ahci controller正常吗?

I want fk until don"t pass best change

quantum3造句 quantum3の例文

The game makes use of the Quantum3 engine, a game engine designed by High Voltage Sofare specifically for the Wii. The game"s Quantum3 engine provides the Drudge with advanced artificial intelpgence that allows them to adopt unusual strategies in bat. The Quantum3 engine also includes advanced artificial intelpgence, allowing for NPCs and enemies in a game using the engine to possess " human-pke behavior ." The game uses the Quantum3 game engine, also used in High Voltage"s " The Conduit " and " Conduit 2 ". Quantum3 is a Wii-specific game engine developed by HVS . The engine itself had been used in several previous titles made by the developer, but was heavily upgraded for higher performance on the Wii. It"s difficult to find quantum3 in a sentence. 用 quantum3 造句挺难的





java for循环中break,continue区别是什么?

break 终止整个循环;continue 终止本次循环;return 终止当前方法;

helminthic drugs是什么


A large quantity of drugs __________ by the police.


antievasion 是什么意思



prevent...from...固定的搭配.avoid doing...crime只有名词”罪行”的意思.

【已解决】ERROR:Failed to retrieve package info from theinternet

  evasion7越狱提示ERROR:Failedtoretrievepackageinfofromtheinternet也就是evasion7提示FRROP:获取数据失败,很多果粉在越狱的时候都出现这个问题,给越狱用户造成了一定的苦难。下面统一小编就为大家解决evasion7越狱提示FRROP:获取数据失败的解决方法..  在控制面板区域和语言选择英语(美国)然后应用确认再用1.0.4就可以越狱了  亲测的小编十分钟前刚刚越狱  遇到这个evasion7越狱提示ERROR:Failedtoretrievepackageinfofromtheinternet问题的果粉们赶紧试试吧~

ios7越狱怎么在to continue please unlock your device and tap the new"evasion7"icon不动的!



本来以为pool包收尾了,扫了一下发现还有statement,这块比较简单,是对JDBC的Statement进行了一些封装,实现了与连接池对应的功能,看下类图: DruidPooledStatement 中最重要的就是execute开头的一系列方法了,是执行SQL的本体,都是对JDBC的Statement的增强,主要多做了以下: DruidPooledPreparedStatement实现了JDBC的PreparedStatement,是执行预编译的SQL用,跟Connection相同,引入了PreparedStatementHolder这样一个Holder类,同样定义了一些统计属性,其中有个属性pooling,是否池化,引出了PreparedStatementPool,里面用LinkedHashMap实现了LRU,一个cache类用来缓存预编译过的statement; cache的key定义了一个类,PreparedStatementKey,重写了hashcode和equals方法,很有意思地参考了String的hashcode,用了31这个质数作进制来计算hash,且不仅仅是sql语句相同,需要其他属性都相同才算相同,贴一下源码: CallableStatement是用来执行函数或者存储过程的,在当下的大环境下,用得真的很少就略过了吧。 druid在JDBC的statement基础上,封装了一些类来扩展自己的属性和功能,一般在工程环境下,基本就用AOP或者装饰器模式来实现(感觉这个Holder有点像装饰器,又有点像单例的Holder)的,写框架的时候,这种方式还是很值得借鉴的,很内聚、高效,也没有额外的引用 cache的使用很巧妙,但是在刷文章的时候看到过一个问题,虽然在后续版本中修复了,但还是分享一下: 探究Druid连接池“违反协议”异常 这个问题抛的是SQL异常,问题却出在缓存上,对与缓的状态和刷新策略,有了新的认识


关掉vcenter就是,然后vsphere client直接登录esxi服务器进行修改改完启动vcenter

brunt orange是什么颜色?



你需要到网址http://xml.apache.org/dist/crimson/去下载Apache Crimson,并将所获取的crimson.jar文件加入到环境变量CLASSPATH中。

the difference betteen A and B和be different from 怎么用 举两个例局

the difference between A and B - A跟B之间的不同 如.The difference between summer and winter is the temperature.- 夏天跟冬天的差别就在温度上.(简单的例句,别介意) be different from X - 跟X的区别在于 如.Summer is different from winter because it is hot.- 夏天跟冬天的区别在于夏天的炎热.

the difference betteen A and B和be different from

the difference betteen A and B意思是a与b的区别a be different from b意思是a不同于b例句Susan is different from Alice. 苏姗和爱丽丝不同。 Young people must be taught to learn the difference between good and evil. 必须教导年青人学会区分善与恶。

在英文中,bore the brunt和bear the brunt有什么区别?


翻译:The pants have become a tradition, and along the way have acquired a history of their own—so



Brunnstrom 偏瘫功能恢复 6 阶段及功能评定标准 阶段与特点 1 无随意活动 2 引出联合反应、 共 同运动 3 随意出现共同运 动 上肢 无任何运动 仅出现共同运动模 式 随意发起共同运动 出现脱离共同运动 手 无任何运动 仅有细微屈伸 勾状抓握,但不能 伸指 下肢 无任何运动 仅有极少随意运动 坐位和站位上有髋 膝踝共同性屈伸 分级 Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ 4 共同运动模式打 破,开始出现分离 运动 的活动: 0°肘屈 肩 90°下,前臂旋前 旋后;肘伸直肩可 屈 90°手背可触及 腰骶部 出现相对独立的共 同运动活动:肘伸 直肩可外展 90°; 肘 伸 直 肩 前 屈 30-90°时, 前臂旋 前和旋后;肘伸直 前臂去中间位,上 肢上举过头。 运动协调接近正 能侧捏及拇指松 开,手指能半随意 的、 小范围的伸展。 坐位屈膝大于 90° 。 可使足滑到椅子下 方,足跟不离地地 情况下踝能背屈。 Ⅳ 5 肌张力逐渐恢复 正常, 有分离运动, 精细活动 可球状柱状抓握, 手指同时伸展,但 不能单独伸展 健腿站,患腿可先 屈膝后伸髋,在伸 膝下做踝背屈(重 点落在腿上) Ⅴ 在站立位可使髋外 所有抓握均能完 成,但速度和准确 性比非受累侧差 展到超出抬起该侧 骨盆所能达到的范 围;座位下伸直膝 可内外旋下肢,能 完成合并足内外翻 Ⅵ 6 精细、 协调、 控制 运动,接近正常水 平 常,手指指鼻无明 显的辨距不良,但 速度比非受累侧慢

take the brunt of是什么意思

take the brunt of首当其冲

完形填空Most people believe that teenagers and their parents have a hard time 1. getting togetherget


Before的用法 1.i brushed my teeth,Then i went bed.




A study shows that nearly ninety percent of teens report that they have tried alcohol. That’s a..

小题1:C小题2:D小题3:C 试题分析:本文通过对青少年饮酒的调查,了解了青少年为什么饮酒的原因,发现饮酒对青少年的负面影响甚大:学业、身心健康都受到影响。告诫青少年戒掉饮酒的习惯,不要饮酒,更不要劝别人喝酒。因为饮酒的结局不总是那么美妙的。小题1:C细节理解题。根据第三段“What"s more, teens often drink alcohol because it makes them feel older and cooler.”“ If a teen"s parents drink alcohol, the teenager is more likely to start drinking at an early age.”以及“Peer pressure is probably the hardest thing teens have to deal with.”说明ABD三项都提及了,所以答案为C“饮酒可以使他们快乐”文中没有提及。小题2:D推理判断题。根据第四段中“Students who got a C level or lower tend to use three times as much alcohol as those who got B"s or A"s.(成绩及格或不及格的学生可能是良好、优秀学生饮酒量的三倍)”可以推出答案为D。小题3:C 主旨大意题。根据最后一段(告诫青少年戒掉饮酒的习惯,不要饮酒,更不要劝别人喝酒。因为饮酒的结局不总是那么美妙的)得到答案。告诉青少年“不要以身试酒”。

and part of being a teen is developing your own identity - one that is separate from your parent...


哪位好心人有A-TEEN OST seventeen A-TEEN的网盘啊

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颜色翻译(是一些五金颜色)1.brushed bronze 2.satin chrome plante 3.brushed brass 4.roro-tone-dark

brushed bronze 2.satin chrome plante 3.brushed brass 4.roro-tone-dark翻译; 拉丝青铜 2.satin 铬普兰特 3.brushed 黄铜 4.roro-tone-dark 滚调暗


paint brushes 的读音:paint 读音音标:英 [peu026ant] 美 [pent] brushes 读音音标:英 [bru028cu0283iz] 美 [bru028cu0283iz]

One day, President Lincoln went to a party. At the gathering, a man called Douglas was repeated...

小题1:C小题2:C小题3:D小题4:C 试题分析:本文叙述了美国总统去参加一个聚会与一位老友之间的对话。在聚会上,有一个名叫道格拉斯的人反复谈论林肯的地位低下的生活像林肯以前当服务员和售货员的事。林肯承认他说的是真的。但是林肯又说自己已经离开了那个柜台,成为了总统,但是道格拉斯仍然没变,继续去喝酒,没什么变化。小题1:细节理解题。根据第一段的At the gathering, a man called Douglas was repeatedly talking about Lincoln"s low position in life在聚会上,一个名叫道格拉斯的人反复谈论林肯的地位低下的生活。 故选C。小题2:推理判断题。根据第一段的President Lincoln 林肯已经是总统了,道格拉斯还反复的说林肯的以前当服务员和售货员的事,可知他是想通过这些谈论,让别人瞧不起林肯。故选C。小题3:推理判断题。根据第三段的but the difference between us now is: I have left my side of the counter, but Mr. Douglas still sticks to his as firmly as ever.”但是现在我们之间的区别是:我已经离开我身边的柜台,但道格拉斯仍然坚持他一如既往的坚定。”可知林肯通过自己的努力成为了总统,而道格拉斯仍原地不动,没有什么进步。人们一比较现在的两个人,当然会站在林肯这一边。故选D。小题4:根据第三段的I have left my side of the counter, but Mr. Douglas still sticks to his as firmly as ever.”可知我已经离开了柜台,不当服务员了,通过but 转折,可知道格拉斯仍然继续去酒馆喝酒,没有什么变化。故选C。

一首英文歌带tell me tell me什么什么 fantasy 的 不知道叫什么 求教

come on baby dj


英 [ˈpeɪntbrʌʃ] 美 [ˈpentˌbrʌʃ]

existential crisis是什么意思


drunkards cause accidents 是什么意思?


spring up face a crisis with perfect self-control stare straight ahead什么意思

spring up face a crisis with perfect self-control stare straight ahead出现面对危机能完美控制自己情绪,直面将来(的人)spring up 英 [spriu014b u028cp] 美 [spru026au014b u028cp] [词典] 跳起; 跃起; 迅速成长; <非正>突然开始; [网络] 出现; 涌现; 兴起; face a crisis 英 [feis u0259 u02c8kraisis] 美 [fes e u02c8krau026asu026as] [词典] 面临危局; [网络] 面临危机; crisis 英 [u02c8krau026asu026as] 美 [u02c8krau026asu026as] n. 危机; 危难时刻; 决定性时刻,紧要关头; 转折点; [网络] 危机期; 经济危机; 关子; self-control 英 [self ku0259n"tru0259u028al] 美 [u02ccsu025blfku0259nu02c8trol] n. 自控; 自我控制,自制; 自我克制; stare 英 [steu0259(r)] 美 [ster] vi. 盯着看; 显眼; 倒立,直竖起; vt. 凝视; 盯着他的眼睛; n. 凝视,瞪视;


pubescent Crisis青春期危机pubescent[英][pju:u02c8besnt][美][pjuu02c8bu025bsu0259nt]adj.思春期的,有软毛的; crisis 英[u02c8krau026asu026as] 美[u02c8krau026asu026as] n. 危机; 危难时刻; 决定性时刻,紧要关头; 转折点;

identity crisis是什么意思


我在上海吴中路那边的万象城看到了一家内衣店,名字叫atelier intimo,请问这个品牌有中文名字吗?


这次事故(accident)给了他一个教训,从那以后他再也不会酒后驾车了。(teach someone a lesson)

this accident taught him a lesson, so from then on, he didn"t dare to drink and drive again.

the most important day in my life 文章翻译

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