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交通意外 Traffic Accident

A car accident is an incident during which an automobile either departs from regular pathway into a ditch or collides with anything that causes damage to the automobile including other automobiles telephone poles buildings and trees. Sometimes a car accident may also refer to an automobile striking a human or animal. Car accidents — also called road traffic accidents (RTAs) traffic collisions auto accidents road accidents personal injury collisions motor vehicle accidents and crashes — kill an estimated 1.2 million people worldwide each year and injure about forty times this number (WHO 2004). The term "accident" is considered an inappropriate word by some as reliable sources estimate that upwards of 90% are the result of driver negligence. In the UK the Department of Trport publish road deaths in each type of car. These statistics are available as "Risk of injury measured by percentage of drivers injured in a o car injury accident." These statistics show a ten to one ratio of in-vehicle accident deaths beeen the least safe and most safe models of car. The statistics show that for popular lightly built cars occupants have a 6%-8% chance of death in a o car accident. (e.g. BMW 3 series 6% Subaru Impreza 8% Honda Accord 6%). Traditional "safety cars" such as the Volvos halve that chance (Volvo 700 4% incidence of death Volvo 900 3%). The Jeep Cherokee and the Toyota Land Cruiser SUV have a 2% incidence of occupant death in actual crashes. However in multiple-vehicle crashes SUVs are probably beeen three (Bicycle Safety Almanac) and six (International Injury & Fatality Statistics) times more likely to kill the occupant of the other vehicle (car cyclist or pedestrian) than cars. Overall the four best vehicles to be in are the Jaguar XJ series 1% Mercedes-Benz S-Class / SEC 1% Land Rover Defender 1% and Land Rover Discovery 1%. Motorcyclist deaths within England and Wales stand at 53% of the annual road death statistics. Scooters/mopeds up to 50cc only account for 3% of those deaths. 2% of the scooter deaths were 16-19 year olds who had not taken CBT (Compulsory Basic Training). (Statistics taken from 2004/2005 DSA annual road deaths percentages) One Day,when I go to the school,there is a car towards me to e,but I losted a important thing,so I wanted to take this thing,but the car was broken my leg,if another people seemed I was falling on the road,they phoned the ambulance. When I woked up,I was in the hospital. I was appeared in the bed,then I saw my parents and the doctor.my parents called me:"Are you felling better now?" I said:"No,I am fine,thank you." then the doctor said:"your legs were broken now,then you will taked a rest at a mouth." when I heard this,I am very afraid . At the next day,my mother was near in my bed,she said:"your father is didn"t going to see you because he was working at now." I said:"never mind!" then she taked a soup to me and said:"this soup is very well for you,you must drinked it all." then I drinked all . When I go out at the hospital,the doctor said:"alought you can walk at now,but you would taked a rest in some times a day."

It’s reported that many people died of traffic accidents each year. Road safety has aroused the..

小题1:died----die小题2:widely----wide小题3:have后加been小题4:去掉for小题5:make---take小题6:used----using小题7:us---ourselves小题8:that---which小题9:the----a小题10:are-----is 小题1:根据后面的each year可知,用一般现在时,故改为die。小题2:此处attention是名词,修饰名词用形容词,故改为wide。小题3:Many rules作主语,用被动语态的形式,所以加been。小题4:the ones和traffic crashes是同位语,不用介词for,故去掉for。小题5:take……seriously意为:对……严肃对待。所以将make改为take。小题6:此处we和use之间是主动关系,故用现在分词。小题7:代词错误,此处意为保护我们自己,所以改为反身代词ourselves。小题8:that不能引导非限制性定语从句,所以改为which。小题9:考查固定短语。In a word意为:总之。小题10:动名词短语作主语用单数,所以用is。



he is a helpful person.you can count down him 这句话什么意思





in terms of 从…角度来说in the light of 按照,根据…as to 至于,关于

为什么用sent it crashing不是sent it to do?前面的现在分词是伴随状态么

对,这里的sent it crashing 是做伴随状语,也可以理解为大风把床吹下屋顶的同时床摔碎在院子里,还可以是A gust of wind swept the bed off the roof and the bed was crashed into the courtyard below.



sent it crashing into



没有Bro-Country这个字,只有bromine这个字,意思是溴。溴(拉丁语:Bromum,源于希腊语:βρu03ceμιο,意为“公山羊的恶臭”,是一种化学元素,元素符号 Br,原子序数 35,在化学元素周期表中位于第4周期、第ⅦA族,是卤素之一。溴在标准温度和压力下是有挥发性的红棕色液体,活性介于氯与碘之间。纯溴也称溴素或液态溴。溴蒸气具有腐蚀性,并且有毒。2007年全球溴产量约为556000吨。溴与其化合物可被用来作为阻燃剂、净水剂、杀虫剂、染料等等。曾是常用消毒药剂的红药水中含有溴和汞。在照相术中,溴和碘与银的化合物担任感光剂的角色。溴是唯一在室温下是液态的非金属元素,因而它的名称里带三点水。溴的熔点是-7.2 °C,而沸点是 58.8 °C。元素处于单质状态时是由双原子分子构成的:Br2,式量是160。它是黏稠的,可流动的,红棕色的液体,并在标准温度和压力下容易挥发,形成红色的蒸气(颜色近似于二氧化氮)并且有一股与氯气相似的恶臭。溴是一种卤素单质,它的活性小于氯气但大于碘。溴微溶于水,但对二硫化碳,有机醇类(像甲醇)与有机酸的溶解度佳。它很容易与其他原子键结合并有强烈的漂白作用。溴像氯气一样,也有用在游泳池的维护。溴是一种强氧化剂。它会和金属和大部分有机化合物产生激烈的反应,若有水参与则反应更加剧烈,溴和金属反应会产生金属溴盐及次溴酸盐(有水参与时),和有机化合物则可能产生磷光或萤光化合物。溴的深红棕色发烟挥发性液体。有刺激性气味,其烟雾能强烈地刺激眼睛和呼吸道。在空气中迅速挥发。易溶于乙醇、乙醚、氯仿、二硫化碳、四氯化碳、浓盐酸和溴化物水溶液,微溶于水。对大多数金属和有机物组织均有侵蚀作用,甚至包括铂和钯。与铝、钾等作用发生燃烧和爆炸。它是ⅦA族(卤族元素)的第三号元素。溴最外层电子为4s24p5,有很强的得电子倾向,因此具有较强的氧化性(Eu2205Bru2082(l)/Br- =1.065V)。而溴的4d轨道是全空的,可以接受电子,因此也表现出一定的还原性。溴单质能与大部分单质化合,部分需要加热或其它条件。氢与溴在含铂的石棉或硅胶催化下,加热至200~400°C可以化合为溴化氢,化合时也不发生爆炸。溴可以把红磷氧化为液态的三溴化磷和固态的五溴化磷。溴与一氧化碳反应,可得到二溴化碳酰,与氨气反应,生成溴化铵与氮气。溴可以置换出一些盐溶液里的非金属元素,例如溴可以和硫化物反应。溴与氟气混合,可以得到三氟化溴或五氟化溴。溴在水中及碱溶液中易歧化。溴溴单键键能相对较小,在一定条件的激发下易断裂。在极性溶剂中,溴易发生异裂,生成溴离子,发生离子型反应,例如把乙烯气体通到溴里,溴的棕红色就会很快消失,生成二溴乙烷。苯和纯溴的取代反应,不用催化剂反应很慢。铁做催化剂时,不需加热,该反应是放热反应,生成的是溴苯和溴化氢。醛与溴的在碱的催化下,由于羰基的作用,醛的α-氢变得异常活泼而被溴取代,生成α-溴代醛和溴化氢。而且往往α-氢趋向于全部被取代。元音字母o在重读闭音节里发短元音/ɑ/的音,发音时,舌端靠近下齿,舌后部抬高,牙床接近全开,开口较大,双唇呈圆形,这个音多出现在字首、字中位置,如:ox 去势的公牛,阉牛on 在……上面(强调接触)octopus 章鱼box 盒子socks 袜子operate 操作,动手术ostrich 鸵鸟希望我能帮助你解疑释惑。

A gust of wind swept the bed off the roof and sent it crashing into the courtyard below.


A gust of wind sent it crashing into the courtyard below."一阵风把它吹进了下面的院子里。"?


a gust of wind swept the bed off the roof and sent it crashing into the courtyard below


crashing into the courtyard不懂这个句子

一阵风把床从屋顶吹落,直接掉进了下面的法庭里。sent into是搭配在一起的,送进的意思,中间crashing是表状态,表状态不用不定式的。







dress up和dress oneslef up有什么区别 The lady _______and went to the ball happily. 应该用哪个

dress herslef up.




相处场景为ESTJ终于找到了和他半斤八两的同胞,合作上他们能够好好相片,具体场景如下:初次见面ESTJ迅速上下打量一通INTJ-> 瞬间断定对方和自己气场不合-> 迅速决定开启Fe-> 装成半个ENTP。INTJ默默地观察了一会儿-> 察觉到一丝违和感-> 几件小事上装傻测试对方反应-> 发现对方忍不住露出EXXJ好为人师的特质-> 心里基本有数了。ESTJ心想这人怎么不太精明的样子-> 算了看看干活怎么样-> 实在不行就给我打下手吧-> 安排个活给INTJ。INTJ开始做活-> 完全没按ESTJ的意思来。ESTJ震惊:居然不听我的?-> 仔细看看,发现好像没大毛病-> 唔,这人有点厉害啊……-> 不行,不能输给他-> 不管怎样先表扬两句显示我的主导地位。INTJ(心里)可把我牛坏了(表面)嗯,还行,有的地方还得改改。ESTJ趁机提出五句意见。INTJ依旧没什么表情:12我疏忽了,反正都是小毛病问题不大。34在这个情况下不适用。5你什么意思讲清楚一点。ESTJ震惊2.0:这个人情商真不怎么地-> 但干事能力合格-> 以后让他给我当高级技工吧-> 不对,12345都很重要啊啊啊啊!你给我听好了!于是ESTJ与INTJ开始了愉快的办公室生活。(INTJ:MD,累死人了,但好歹不像上个EXFJ老板那么窒息。(ESTJ:MD,累死人了,Fe快装不下去了。结论如果不是作情侣,只是关系比较好的朋友或者是深交的话应该能相处不错,因为两个都是工作看重型的,而且也都比较看重结果。唯一不同就是价值观方面会差很多,不过仅仅在合作上和朋友上还是能好好相处的。


ENTJ和ESTJ的区别1. 概述ENTJ和ESTJ都是16个人格类型中的两种,它们都是外向、思维、判断(J)型人格,具有决策者的特点。虽然它们非常相似,但也存在一些细微的差异。2. 思维方式不同ENTJ和ESTJ的思维方式不同。ENTJ更注重理论分析,思考未来的发展趋势和可能的影响。ESTJ更注重现实,关注实际的事物和当前的情况。ENTJ更关注创新,喜欢尝试新的想法和方法,而ESTJ更注重传统和已知的事物。3. 管理风格不同ENTJ和ESTJ的管理风格也有所不同。ENTJ更侧重于启发和鼓励下属,激发他们的潜力,帮助他们实现目标。ESTJ则更倾向于控制和指导下属,要求他们按照预定的流程和规则完成任务。ENTJ更注重领导力和管理经验,而ESTJ更强调组织能力和执行力。4. 沟通方式不同ENTJ和ESTJ的沟通方式也存在一些差异。ENTJ更喜欢在讨论中探讨问题的本质,分析事物的起因和结果。ESTJ则倾向于表达个人的观点和想法,强调自己的立场和主张。ENTJ更善于说服和引导他人,而ESTJ更善于直接表达。 5. 取得成功的方式不同ENTJ和ESTJ取得成功的方式也有所不同。ENTJ更倾向于创新和探索,通过尝试新的方法和想法来实现目标。ESTJ则更关注执行能力和组织能力,通过掌握已知的技能和经验来实现目标。ENTJ更强调事业心和目标感,而ESTJ更注重责任感和纪律性。6. 适合从事的职业不同由于ENTJ和ESTJ个性的差异,它们适合从事的职业也不同。ENTJ适合从事创新性的工作和需要领导力的职业,如企业家、高管、顾问等。ESTJ适合从事需要组织能力和纪律性的职业,如军人、警察、行政管理等。7. 如何更好地发挥优势ENTJ和ESTJ都有自己的优势和劣势,只有更好地发挥优势,才能更好地发挥个人潜力。ENTJ可以通过不断学习和提高专业能力来弥补缺乏的执行力和组织能力,同时要注重协调性和情商的培养。ESTJ可以通过多角度思考和接触新事物来培养创新和领导力,同时要注重开放性和适应性的培养。8. 总结虽然ENTJ和ESTJ非常相似,但它们思考、管理、沟通、取得成功和适合从事的职业的方式都存在一些差异。尽管存在差异,但也要发挥各自的优势,实现个人的发展和职业的成功。

Marie Curie was a great scientist. She was born in Warsaw, Poland, in 1867.

62. Warsaw 63. 1877 64. help Bronya / send (give / offer) Bronya money 65. studied / learned (science) 66. a poor / hard / difficult life 67. graduated 68. twenty-eight / 28 69. killed 70. because of cancer 71. twice

86 fine-tip crayola/laurentian markers是什么东西

86 fine-tip crayola/laurentian markers劳伦- 86小费结束绘画 /标志





各位大虾,请问下NTP conf中的ntp.drift的单位是什么???????us or ms??


North Atlantic Drift是什么意思


drift,current,tide,trend都有趋势的意思 怎么区分哦~~~

drift:trend, movement—a general tendency to change, as of opinion主要指思想方面的变化趋势 not openly liberal but that is the drift of the book并不是公开的自由,但却是该书的思想趋势current: a tendency or course of events that is usually the result of an interplay of forces 主要指各方面相互作用之下产生的某种结果的趋势 currents of public opinion民意的趋势tide: something that fluctuates like the tides of the sea根据tide“潮汐,浪潮”这一意思也能知道tide指的这种趋势应该是一时的大起大落的趋势 the tide of history 历史的潮流 The tide turns.形势转变, 局面改观。trend: a prevailing tendency or inclination指一般的趋势

There is a general sense that the country and economy alike are drifting

general sense 英[u02c8du0292enu0259ru0259l sens] 美[u02c8du0292u025bnu0259ru0259l su025bns] [词典] 一般含义; [例句]There is a general sense that the country and economy alike are drifting.

Constantly Drifting 歌词

歌曲名:Constantly Drifting歌手:Echoes专辑:TransitionsEven through the darkest phaseBe it thick or thinAlways someone marches braveHere beneath my skinConstant cravingHas always beenMaybe a great magnet pullsAll souls towards truthOr maybe it is life itselfFeeds wisdomTo its youthConstant cravingHas always beenCravingAh haConstant cravingHas always beenHas always beenConstant cravingHas always beenConstant cravingHas always beenCravingAh haConstant cravingHas always beenHas always beenHas always beenhttp://music.baidu.com/song/18260265

Tori Amos的《Winter》 歌词

歌曲名:Winter歌手:Tori Amos专辑:Legs And Boots: Vancouver, Bc - December 3, 2007snow can waiti forgot my wittenswipe my noseget my new boots oni get a little warm in my heart when i think of winteri put my hands in my father"s clothi run off where the drifts get deepersleeping beauty trips me with a frowni hear a voice you must learn to stand upfor yourself cause i can"t always be aroundhe says when you gonna make up your mindhe says when you gonna love you as much as i dowhen you gonna make up your mindcause things has changedso fastall the white horsed are still in bedi tell you that i"ll alwayswant you near you say that things changemy dearboys has discovered winter as meltsflowers competing for the sunyears go by and i"m still here waitingwithering where some snowman wasmiror miror when is the christ still proud of usbut i only can see my sonskatting around the treebut i know dadlet"s skattingwhen you gonna make up your mindwhen you gonna love as much as i dowhen you gonna make up your mindcause things has changed so fastall the white horses are still in bedi tell you that i"m alwayswant you nearcause things has changedmy dearhair is grey and the fires are burningso many dreamson the shelfi say i wanted you to be proud of mei always wanted that myselfwhen you gonna make up your mindwhen you gonna love as much as i dowhen you gonna make up your mindthings has gonna changed so fasthttp://music.baidu.com/song/7895376

Winter(Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Winter(Live)歌手:Tori Amos专辑:Manchester Apollo, Manchester, UK 6/4/05 [live]snow can waiti forgot my wittenswipe my noseget my new boots oni get a little warm in my heart when i think of winteri put my hands in my father"s clothi run off where the drifts get deepersleeping beauty trips me with a frowni hear a voice you must learn to stand upfor yourself cause i can"t always be aroundhe says when you gonna make up your mindhe says when you gonna love you as much as i dowhen you gonna make up your mindcause things has changedso fastall the white horsed are still in bedi tell you that i"ll alwayswant you near you say that things changemy dearboys has discovered winter as meltsflowers competing for the sunyears go by and i"m still here waitingwithering where some snowman wasmiror miror when is the christ still proud of usbut i only can see my sonskatting around the treebut i know dadlet"s skattingwhen you gonna make up your mindwhen you gonna love as much as i dowhen you gonna make up your mindcause things has changed so fastall the white horses are still in bedi tell you that i"m alwayswant you nearcause things has changedmy dearhair is grey and the fires are burningso many dreamson the shelfi say i wanted you to be proud of mei always wanted that myselfwhen you gonna make up your mindwhen you gonna love as much as i dowhen you gonna make up your mindthings has gonna changed so fasthttp://music.baidu.com/song/52296967

林凡唱的Winter 歌词, 要中文翻译.. 哪位大神知道哇.. 谢谢了亲。


Winter (live) 歌词

歌曲名:Winter (live)歌手:Tori Amos专辑:B of a Pavillion Bostonsnow can waiti forgot my wittenswipe my noseget my new boots oni get a little warm in my heart when i think of winteri put my hands in my fathers clothi run off where the drifts get deepersleeping beauty trips me with a frowni hear a voice you must learn to stand upfor yourself cause i cant always be aroundhe says when you gonna make up your mindhe says when you gonna love you as much as i dowhen you gonna make up your mindcause things has changedso fastall the white horsed are still in bedi tell you that ill alwayswant you near you say that things changemy dearboys has discovered winter as meltsflowers competing for the sunyears go by and im still here waitingwithering where some snowman wasmiror miror when is the christ still proud of usbut i only can see my sonskatting around the treebut i know dadlets skattingwhen you gonna make up your mindwhen you gonna love as much as i dowhen you gonna make up your mindcause things has changed so fastall the white horses are still in bedi tell you that im alwayswant you nearcause things has changedmy dearhair is grey and the fires are burningso many dreamson the shelfi say i wanted you to be proud of mei always wanted that myselfwhen you gonna make up your mindwhen you gonna love as much as i dowhen you gonna make up your mindhttp://music.baidu.com/song/54120587

drift into中drift做名词时有这个短语吗?什么意思?

做名词时这短语应该不成立的,拿漂移来说,名词的用法譬如电影”Tokyo Drift“...也用不上 into...drift 英[dru026aft] 美[dru026aft] vi. 漂泊; 流动; 随意移动; 浮现; vt. 漂流; 堆积成堆; n. 漂移,偏移; 趋势,动向; 大意; 放任自流; [例句]Now we drift from one far region to another.漂泊到一个又一个偏远的地区。[其他] 第三人称单数:drifts 复数:drifts 现在分词:drifting 过去式:drifted过去分词:drifted

drill point是什么意思

翻译过来的意思是 钻孔点


eternity 永恒enternity (错误的拼写)

A new broom sweeps clean,to say nothing of a new governement. 这句子成分怎么划分?

A new broom (主语) sweeps (谓语) clean(宾语), to say nothing of a new government. (不定式做状语)of a new government 是nothing的定语。

It was_(drill) into us at an early age that we sh

用drilling,drill 还有钻头的意思,就是五金工具里面铣刀,钻花之类的东西。

Internet browser是什么意思

Internet browser网路浏览器;网络浏览器;互联网浏览器例句1.Use your Internet browser to open and view the file.使用Internet浏览器打开并查看该文件。2.Open your Internet browser and open any Web site.打开Internet浏览器并打开任意网站。3.Please use the newer internet browser!请使用较新版本的因特网浏览器!4.I am interested in the Internet browser information, listen to music.我的兴趣是上网浏览信息,听音乐。5.Select document types to view from an Internet browser选择要通过Internet浏览器查看的文档类型



一个英语职业名称 denterny

您说的是“defense attorney”吗?

怎么理解下面这句话中的“cut into”呢?

cut into这里不是“把......切成……”的的意思,而是指“扰乱……的进程”。句意:聚焦于学业技巧和练习已经深深地扰乱了学生的课间休息和其他可以自由玩耍的时间。

if you want to do that, go to the brothel

C will go

internet explorer如何升级?

直接去微软官网下载IE高版本,然后双击安装即可!微软官方下载中心:http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/zh-cn/default.aspx微软Edge现在还提供了网络表单的信息自动填充功能。这意味着,当你浏览网页时,微软Edge可以保存已输入过的信息,当需要再次输入时能自动填充,从而帮助你节省时间,Edge也提供了地址字段的表单填充,就像在第三方浏览器中一样。微软还改进了inPrivate模式,从Spring Creators更新开始,你可以运行扩展,并在网站上自动填写密码。在此之前,扩展在inPrivate模式中是被禁止的,用于表单填充的数据也被禁用,作为增强安全性的一种方式。另一方面,你现在可以选择取消网站的密码保存,这当然是一个受欢迎的功能,尤其是在多人共用一台电脑时。微软Edge,通常被认为是Windows 10上最好的PDF阅读器,现在也可以保存免费的EPUB图书。微软一直在努力改进这一方面,Spring Creators的更新也将再接再厉。此外,EPUB和PDF的界面也得到了改进,读者会看到一个新的UI,其中有深色和浅色的模式。微软表示,在Windows 10设备上,阅读进度也会更快地同步。从Spring Creators更新开始,微软Edge推出了一个重新设计的功能,有助于显示更多内容。同样,当打开新的标签页时,收藏夹会自动显示出来。这也是谷歌Chrome提供的一个功能,它可以让你更方便的进入最喜欢的网站。

急求 我下载了个ethereal 我点击capture_start怎么显示no capture interface selected


翻译:Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?


我用Ethereal抓包工具,问题:第一个问题总出现X11协议?第二个出现“TCP previous segment lost"?怎么解

Ethereal 只能抓取有线的数据,不能抓取无线的数据。TCP previous segment lost" 意思应该是 上一段的tcp数据丢失了。

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英语The most enchanting of mystical creature怎么翻译?

The most enchanting of mystical creature最迷人的神话生物

brownie points 什么意思

你好 就是“加分”的意思上面数的是:如果你看了这里输入的东西,谁真正的通过这个获胜,谁做他们应该做的每一件事,谁就会获得所有加分,

《Driven Incident Response》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Intelligence-Driven Incident Response》(Scott Roberts/Rebekah Brown)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1KgxNfqwSsN9e1CUpB8sLZQ 提取码: kema书名:《Intelligence-Driven Incident Response》作者:Scott Roberts/Rebekah Brown出版社:O′Reilly出版年份:2017-9-30页数:256内容简介:Using a well-conceived incident response plan in the aftermath of an online security breach enables your team to identify attackers and learn how they operate. But, only when you approach incident response with a cyber threat intelligence mindset will you truly understand the value of that information. With this practical guide, you"ll learn the fundamentals of intelligence analysis, as well as the best ways to incorporate these techniques into your incident response process.

Driven by great interest为什么要用driven而不用driving?

打开电视和机顶盒,并确认是否有红灯亮,如果有红灯亮,则 我去表明AV电缆连接不良,确认 正常后,开始下一我去步;长按遥控器设置键,使机顶盒和遥控器成功配对;按遥控器上的电视节目源,调用信号源,找到电视节目台即可。

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Astra International 网络 阿斯特拉国际企业集团; 拉国际公司; 阿斯特拉国际; 阿斯特拉国际团体;

Browning element是什么意思


欧宝Astra Country Tourer假想图 融入跨界风格/2023年亮相

易车讯 近日,我们从相关渠道获得了欧宝Astra Country Tourer假想图,该车有望于2023年一季度亮相,将会融入SUV的跨界元素打造,同时未来或许也将推出纯电版车型。当年,在国内市场中进口销售时,“Astra”译名为“雅特”,接下来欧宝品牌或许还将重返中国市场。外观方面,新车预计将会基于欧宝Astra Sports Tourer旅行版打造,新车最大的亮点就是融入了SUV的跨界元素,D柱可能会更加倾斜,进一步提升整车的运动感。正式亮相后,预计新车将会提供汽油、柴油、插混版车型等丰富的动力系统选择。Astra Sports Tourer谍照除此之外,我们知道欧宝Astra-e纯电版车型将会在2023年亮相,因此预计该车也会推出纯电版,虽然可能会使用与燃油版车型不同的纯电平台打造,但是预计外观和内饰设计不会有本质的区别。

求助:安装flash player失败,显示 “certificate authentication failed........." 谢谢了


那位英语高手帮我3下,急................ I. Complete the sentences with these words. 用下列词组完成


原理图设计工具 allegro design entry HDl中Component browsers 无法显示PCB封装信息 并提示如下图所示。

根据提示“may require uprev”,可能你的PCB封装的版本比你的软件版本高,所以无法显示。

浏览器Internet Explorer里面的lnprivate是什么,要怎么用它,请帮忙详细的讲解下,谢谢

匿名浏览网页时或许会有一些敏感数据,可比如cookies等个人信息,以及浏览过的历史。无论你做过什么,这些都是个人隐私。而IE9的InPrivate功能,可以使cookies和其他文件都不会保存在你的硬盘驱动器上。英文原文如下:Anonymity when browsing the Web can be important for a variety of reasons. Perhaps you are concerned that your sensitive data may be left behind in temporary files such as cookies, or maybe you just do not want anyone to know where you have been.No matter what your motive for privacy might be, IE9"s InPrivate Browsing may be just what you are looking for. While utilizing InPrivate Browsing, cookies and other files are not saved on your hard drive. Even better, your entire browsing and search history is automatically wiped out.InPrivate Browsing can be activated in just a few easy steps. This tutorial shows you how it is done.First, open your IE9 browser.

astral ascent玩家二只能用手柄吗



I came to dig dig dig digI"ll build a city oh so big big big bigjust wait a sec,gotta kill this pig pig pig pigcook me some bacon and take a swig swig swig swigyeah,yeahthere must be something I can craftto ease the burden of tjis taskyeahI shoot my arrows in the air sometimessaying ay_oh,that creeper"s K.O.loot his remains and now his sulphur"s minesaying ay_oh,not today noand then I"ll go to the workunder the birch treeand I"ll make myselftons of TNTcause ill use these blocksI"ll build a big cityand I"ll mine it allusing TNTI can to blow blow blow blowup everything you"ve ever knowo knowo knowo knowoexpel you out of house and home home home homebiome to biome you shall roam roam roam roamyeah,yeahcause I"m a creeper I will roball of your items it"s my jobyeahI shoot my arrows in the air sometimessaying ay_oh,creeper"s K.O.teabag his ghost and now his sulphur"s minesayin"ay_oh,MLG proand then I"ll head back homewhere I"ll smile with gleethat now I can makelost of TNTcause I rule my worldmade in 3 by 3I"m_a blow stuff upwith my TNTI"m gonna blow it all upevery mountain every valleyruler of the world,yupall of the animals will fear meCause TNT iss awesomeand TNT,is just really cool,is just really coolI"m gonna shoot my arrows in the air,yeaharrows in the airshoot your arrows in the air_air_air_air...I shoot my arrows in thee air sometimessaying ay_oh,MLG proand then I"ll head back homewhere I"ll smile with gleethat now now I can makelost of TNTcause I rule my worldmade in 3 by 3I"m_a blow stuff upwith my TNT



谁知道God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen这首歌的来历,以及翻译?

http://www.carols.org.uk/god_rest_ye_merry_gentlemen.htm来由英国15世纪的圣诞颂歌,希望你会看下面的英语呢:(:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen was first published in 1833 when it appeared in "Christmas Carols Ancient and Modern," a collection of seasonal carols gathered by William B. Sandys. The lyrics of God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen are traditional olde English and are reputed to date back to the 15th century although the author is unknown.. It is believed that this particular carol was sung to the gentry by town watchmen who earned additional money during the Christmas season. God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen continues to be enjoyed. The lyrics to this simple carol are reputed to be one of the oldest carols.

求一首英文歌,歌词头两句是into my room, you creeps,with....into my heart you sweeps

The Bells 唱的 ≪stay a while≫

求thousand foot krutch的hrut的歌词,有歌词的给我一下,谢谢(是专辑TFK Anthology中的)

"Hurt"Drop the ball, watch it fall far belowSuck you in, hold your breathThe undertow creeps in slowEveryone owns a gun deep insideIt"s just a matter of how much you let it slideDrop the ball, watch it fall far belowSuck you in, hold your breathThe undertow creeps in slowEveryone owns a gun deep insideIt"s just a matter of how much you let it slideHelp me help you they wont be thereHelp me help you they won"t seeIt hurts when you need meAnd I can"t break your fallIt hurts when you can"t seeAnd it hurtsDrop the switch, scratch the itch, watch it growInch by inch, the cutting board, watch it swing to and froEveryone carries one deep insideIt"s just a matter of how much you let it slideWash it off, take the loss, let it goTake it in, drink it up, we can just take it slowEveryone carries one deep insideIt"s just a matter of how much you let it slideHelp me help you they wont be thereHelp me help you they won"t seeIt hurts when you need meAnd I can"t break your fallIt hurts when you can"t seeAnd it hurtsIt hurts when you need meAnd I can"t break your fallIt hurts when you can"t seeAnd it hurtsAnd it hurts when you"re lonelyAnd I"m standing right beside you thereAnd it hurt when you told meThat you told me that you tried this on your ownHope you never hurtHope you never cryHope you never lose your way tonightHope you never crumbleHope you never fallHope you never throw away theDrop the ball, watch it fall far belowSuck you in, hold your breath, watch it swingIt hurts when you need meAnd I can"t break your fallIt hurts when you can"t seeAnd it hurtsIt hurts when you need meAnd I can"t break your fallIt hurts when you can"t seeAnd it hurtsAnd it hurtsAnd it hurtsAnd it hurtsAnd it hurtsAnd it hurtsAnd it hurts

u200bETUDE爱丽小屋Rosy tint玫瑰花园口红唇彩真假辨别图

ETUDE HOUES爱丽小屋新产品Rosy tint玫瑰花园口红唇彩上市之后一直销量不错,即使在实际的使用之中大家给这款ETUDE爱丽小屋Rosy tint玫瑰花园口红唇彩好不好用给予正面评价,但是对于国内假货充斥之时,我就需要给大家科普一下如何进行ETUDE爱丽小屋Rosy tint玫瑰花园口红唇彩真假辨别了,想学习的了解一下吧!爱丽小屋玫瑰花园口红真假 1.看纸盒包装的正面和反面,假货的图案与文字可能与正品不一样。 大家看上面的盒子正面相同位置的真假对比,看下正品与假货盒装正面的图案,通过对比可知道,无论是字体,还是玫瑰花的颜色,右边的假假货与左边的正品两者之间还是有很大的区别。总体来讲,正品包装无论是哪个色号,都会做的较为标准,大家看下面这张是正品的8个色号的包装正面实拍:来到反面,情况与正面的基本一致,假货的纸盒说明文字与正品不一致,对比下正品与假货盒装背面的文字,正品的文字是灰色的,而假货的文字却是黑色的。2.检查瓶身的情况,假货爱丽小屋Rosy tint玫瑰花园口红唇彩的瓶身与正品相比也是有不同之处的。 从高度上来讲,大家看左边正品与右边假货高度上对比感觉如何?通过对比瓶身就可知道,假货的瓶盖部分是会比正品还要长的,因此假货的整体高度稍微比正品的还要高些。大家看上面是正品的瓶身高度情况,8个色号都摆这里了,正品的质感真的不错,ETUDE毕竟是大品牌了,做出的产品是较为标准的。实测正品玫瑰花园唇彩瓶身高度为10厘米,瓶口直径为18毫米。当我看到瓶身背面时,发现一个明显的突兀,大家看上面瓶盖背面的真假对比图,正品的瓶身背面是没有印可回收的标志的,而假货则画蛇添足,在瓶身背面印了个回收的图案,大家要以左边的为判断的依据。大家看正品的原装韩国进口纸盒外包装,开口上有对应的色系。挤压式瓶身使用更方便。 3.最后说说瓶嘴的事,这款产品的瓶嘴工艺是很有特点的,但显然假货做的一好。 大家看上面红色方框区域的位置,正品在此处是有一圈凸出来的白色的小环的,而假货在该位置却没有白色小环。另外,实测还发现假货的瓶嘴相当硬,画的时候不但让唇部感觉不舒服,而且还难于画出理想效果。


客票有效期过了吧?是不是改签的是特殊票,比如往返的票有效期不是1年,所以在改的时候必须修改客票的有效期。你有修改客票有效期的权限么?36级别以上的工作号有个指令可以修改,或者直接联系航空公司电子商务,也可以进行修改。 首先用“DETR:TN/票号”提取状态。 修改生效日期:“ETV:航段号/B-18NOV”。 修改截止日期:“ETV:航段号/A-21NOV”。 两者一起修改:“ETV:航段号/B-18NOV/A-21NOV”


国家(coutry) 首都名称(capital) 阿尔巴尼亚 Albania 地拉那 Tirana 奥地利 Austria 维也纳 Vienna 比利时 Belgium 布鲁塞尔 Brussels 保加利亚 Bulgaria 索非亚 Sofia 克罗地亚 Croatia 萨格勒布 Zagreb 塞浦路斯 Cyprus 尼克西亚 Nicosia 丹麦 Denmark 哥本哈根 Copenhagen 芬兰 Finland 赫尔辛基 Helsinki 法国 France 巴黎 Paris 德国 Germany 柏林 Berlin 希腊 Greece 雅典 Athens 匈牙利 Hungary 布达佩斯 Budapest 冰岛 Iceland 雷克亚未克 Reykjavik 爱尔兰 Ireland 都柏林 Dublin 意大利 Italy 罗马 Rome 列支敦士登 Liechtenstein 瓦杜兹 Vaduz 卢森堡 Luxembourg 卢森堡 Luxembourg 马其顿 Macedonia Skopje 马耳他 Malta 瓦莱塔 Valletta 摩纳哥 Monaco 摩纳哥 Monaco 荷兰 Netherlands 阿姆斯特丹 Amsterdam 挪威 Norway 奥斯陆 Oslo 波兰 Poland 华沙 Warsaw 葡萄牙 Portugal 里斯本 Lisbon 罗马尼亚 Romania 布加勒斯特 Bucharest 俄罗斯 Russia 莫斯科 Moscow 圣马利诺 San Marino 圣马力诺 San Marino 斯洛文尼亚 Slovenia Ljubljana 西班牙 Spain 马德里 Madrid 瑞典 Sweden 斯德哥尔摩 Stockholm 瑞士 Switzerland 伯尔尼 Bern 大不列颠联合王国 伦敦 London United Kingdom 南斯拉夫 Yugoslavia 贝尔格莱德 Belgrade 世界各国及首府中英文对照-大洋州 国家(country) 首都(capital) 澳大利亚 Australien 堪培拉 Canberra 斐济 Fidschi 苏瓦 Suwa 基里巴斯 Kiribati 塔拉瓦 Tarawa 瑙鲁 Nauru 亚伦 Yaren 新西兰 Neuseeland 惠灵顿 Wellington 巴布亚新几内亚 莫尔兹比港 Moreaby Papua-Neuguinea Port 所罗门群岛 Salomonen 霍尼亚拉 Honiara 汤加 Tonga 努库阿洛法 Nuku′alofa 瓦努阿图 Vanuatu 维拉港 Vila 西萨摩亚 Westsamoa 阿皮亚 Apia 世界各国及首府中英文对照-美洲 国家(Country) 首都(capital) 安圭拉岛 Anguilla The Valley 安提瓜岛Antigua and Barbuda 圣约翰 Saint John"s 阿根廷 Argentina 布宜诺斯艾利斯 Buenos Aires 巴哈马 The Bahamas 拿骚 Nassau 巴巴多斯岛 Barbados 布里奇顿 Bridgetown 伯利兹 Belize 贝尔莫潘 Belmopan 百慕大群岛 Bermuda 哈密尔顿 Hamilton 玻利维亚 Bolivia 拉巴斯 La Paz 巴西 Brazil 巴西利亚 Brasilia 英属维尔京群岛 罗德城 Road Town British Virgin Islands 加拿大 Canada 温哥华 Ottawa 智利 Chile 圣地亚哥 Santiago 哥伦比亚 Colombia 巴哥达 Bogota 哥斯达黎加 Costa Rica 圣约瑟 San Jose 古巴 Cuba 哈瓦那 Havana 多米尼加 圣多明各 Santo Domingo Dominican Republic 厄瓜多尔 Ecuador 基多 Quito 萨尔瓦多 El Salvador 圣萨尔瓦多 San Salvador 格陵兰 Greenland Nuuk (Godthab) 格林纳达 Grenada 圣乔治 Saint George"s 瓜德罗普岛 Guadeloupe 巴斯特尔 Basse-Terre 危地马拉 Guatemala 危地马拉 Guatemala 圭亚那 Guyana 乔治敦 Georgetown 海地 Haiti 太子港 Port-au-Prince 洪都拉斯 Honduras 特古巴加尔巴 Tegucigalpa 牙买加 Jamaica 金斯敦 Kingston 马提尼克岛 Martinique 法兰西堡 Fort-de-France 墨西哥 Mexico 墨西哥城 Mexico 蒙特塞拉特岛 Montserrat 普利茅斯 Plymouth 尼加拉瓜 Nicaragua 马那瓜 Managua 巴拿马 Panama 巴拿马城 Panama 巴拉圭 Paraguay 亚松森 Asuncion 秘鲁 Peru 利马 Lima 波多黎各岛 Puerto Rico 圣胡安 San Juan 圣卢西亚岛 St. Lucia 卡斯特里 Castries 圣文森特岛 金斯敦 Kingstown St. Vincent and the Grenadines 苏里南 Suriname 帕拉马里博 Paramaribo 特立尼达和多巴哥 西班牙港 Port-of-Spain Trinidad and Tobago 特克斯群岛和凯科斯群岛 大特克 Grand Turk Turks and Caicos Islands 美国 United States 华盛顿 Washington, DC 乌拉圭 Uruguay 蒙得维的亚 Montevideo 委内瑞拉 Venezuela 加拉加斯 Caracas 美属维尔京群岛 夏洛特阿马利亚 Charlotte Amalie Virgin Islands 世界各国及首府中英文对照-非洲 国家(Country) 首都(capital) 阿尔及利亚 Algeria 阿尔及尔 Algiers 安哥拉 Angola 罗安达 Luanda 贝宁 Benin 波多诺夫 Porto-Novo 博茨瓦纳 Botswana 哈伯罗内 Gaborone 布隆迪 Burundi 布琼布拉 Bujumbura 喀麦隆 Cameroon 雅温得 Yaounde 中非 班吉 Bangui Central African Republic 乍得 Chad 恩贾梅纳 N"Djamena 刚果共和国 Congo Rep. 布拉柴维尔 Brazzaville 吉布提共和国 Djibouti 吉布提 Djibouti 埃及 Egypt 开罗 Cairo 赤道几内亚Equatorial Guinea 马拉博 Malabo 厄立特里亚 Eritrea 阿斯马拉 Asmara 埃塞俄比亚 Ethiopia 亚的斯亚贝巴 Addis Ababa 加蓬 Gabon 利伯维尔 Libreville 冈比亚 The Gambia 班珠尔 Banjul 加纳 Ghana 阿克拉 Accra 几内亚 Guinea 科纳克里 Conakry 几内亚比绍共和国 比绍 Bissau Guinea-Bissau 肯尼亚 Kenya 内罗毕 Nairobi 莱索托 Lesotho 马塞卢 Maseru 利比里亚 Liberia 蒙罗维亚 Monrovia 利比亚 Libya 的黎波里 Tripoli 马达加斯加 Madagasca 安塔那利佛 Antananarivo 马拉维 Malawi 利隆圭 Lilongwe 马里 Mali 巴马科 Bamako 毛里求斯 Mauritius 路易港 Port Louis 毛里塔尼亚 Mauritania 努瓦克肖特 Nouakchott 摩洛哥 Morocco 拉巴特 Rabat 莫桑比克 Mozambique 马普托 Maputo 纳米比亚 Namibia 温得和克 Windhoek 尼日尔 Niger 尼亚美 Niamey 尼日利亚 Nigeria 拉各斯 Abuja 留尼旺岛 Reunion 圣但尼 Saint-Denis 刚果民主共和国(扎伊尔) 金沙萨 Kinshasa Republic of the Congo 卢旺达 Rwanda 基加利 Kigali 圣多美及普林西比民主共和国 圣多美 Sao Tome Sao Tome and Principe 塞内加尔 Senegal 达喀尔 Dakar 塞舌尔 Seychelles 维多利亚 Victoria 塞拉里昂 Sierra Leone 弗里敦 Freetown 索马里 Somalia 摩加迪沙 Mogadishu 南非 South Africa 比勒陀利亚Pretoria 苏丹 Sudan 喀土穆 Khartoum 斯威士兰 Swaziland 姆巴巴内 Mbabane 坦桑尼亚 Tanzania 达累斯萨拉姆 Dar es Salaam 多哥 Togo 洛美 Lome 突尼斯 Tunisia 突尼斯 Tunis 乌干达 Uganda 坎帕拉 Kampala 西撒哈拉 Western Sahara 无 赞比亚 Zambia 卢萨卡 Lusaka 津巴布韦 Zimbabwe 索尔兹伯里 Harare





高手,请帮我翻译一下,in both drop-in and undermount installation

drop-in 好象是说在水槽边缘"放在/压在"台子的上面.方便安装.unermount好象是说水槽边缘在装修好的台子边缘的下面(台面上看不到水槽的边缘)台面更加美观,平滑.

spring eureka可以配置server.contextpath吗

可以 比如你配置了为:server.context-path=/eurekaproject那么你需要在配置访问注册中心的地址的时候带上/eurekaproject特别注意的是注册中心的地址必须要以/eureka结尾比如我上面配置了contexpath为eurekaproject那么 配置注册中心的访问地址 为:eureka.client.serviceUrl.defaultZone=http://scanner:scanner123@这个是为加入的安全认证的账号密码

Eureka Client启动后自动停止的问题

在本地部署了一个Eureka Server的服务,端口为9199,相关yaml配置文件如下: 另外再启动一个Eureka Client的客户端服务,并且注册到上面的Eureka Server,名为User-Service。然后发现,启动这个服务后就会马上停止,并且日志如下 经过一番排查(baidu)后,发现是由于缺少了web的相关依赖导致。后再在pom.xml中添加web相关依赖: 之后便能正常启动User-Service,启动日志如下: 并且在Eureka中成功注册,如下图:

drop in at和drop into的区别


聊聊eureka client的serviceUrl

本文主要研究一下eureka client的serviceUrl eureka-client-1.8.8-sources.jar!/com/netflix/discovery/DiscoveryClient.java eureka-client-1.8.8-sources.jar!/com/netflix/discovery/shared/transport/EurekaHttpClients.java eureka-client-1.8.8-sources.jar!/com/netflix/discovery/shared/resolver/AsyncResolver.java eureka-client-1.8.8-sources.jar!/com/netflix/discovery/shared/resolver/aws/ZoneAffinityClusterResolver.java eureka-client-1.8.8-sources.jar!/com/netflix/discovery/shared/resolver/aws/ConfigClusterResolver.java 则最后得到两个AwsEndpoint eureka-client-1.8.8-sources.jar!/com/netflix/discovery/endpoint/EndpointUtils.java spring-cloud-netflix-eureka-client-2.0.0.RC1-sources.jar!/org/springframework/cloud/netflix/eureka/EurekaClientConfigBean.java eureka-client-1.8.8-sources.jar!/com/netflix/discovery/shared/transport/decorator/RetryableEurekaHttpClient.java


本文主要研究下netflix的EurekaHttpClient eureka-client-1.8.8-sources.jar!/com/netflix/discovery/shared/transport/EurekaHttpClient.java eureka-client-1.8.8-sources.jar!/com/netflix/discovery/shared/transport/decorator/EurekaHttpClientDecorator.java eureka-client-1.8.8-sources.jar!/com/netflix/discovery/shared/transport/EurekaHttpClientFactory.java eureka-client-1.8.8-sources.jar!/com/netflix/discovery/shared/transport/TransportClientFactory.java 上面这三个是有专门的类实现,下面这几个是匿名类实现 netflix的eureka关于httpClient的接口为EurekaHttpClient,其工厂方法主要分类top level的EurekaHttpClientFactory以及low level的TransportClientFactory。


减少更换双语例句1Nowaday developments show that it can be drop in replacement of methylenechloride. 目前的发展表明,它在一定程度上可以作为二氯甲烷的直接代用品。2Those forecasts already take into account the planned rise in retirement ages and alikely drop in replacement ratios and thus assume that voters will approve ofpension reform even as the baby-boomers become a potentially powerful votingblock of retired people. 该预计已经考虑了计划中的推迟退休年龄政策和人口替换率可能下降的情况,所以尽管婴儿潮一代在退休后会成为可能成为反对者,仍可假设选民会批准退休金改革。

drop in at和drop into的区别



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