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大西洋的。释义:n. 大西洋,adj. 大西洋的。例句:1、I want to fly across the Atlantic in a hot air balloon.我想乘坐热气球飞越大西洋。例句:2、This paper on Atlantic climate has attracted the attention of many professionals.这篇关于大西洋期气候的论文引起了很多专业人士的关注。例句:3、Atlantic tuna tastes good, but it is also expensive.大西洋的金枪鱼口感很好,但价格也贵。例句:4、The Atlantic is between the European and American continents.大西洋在欧美大陆之间。例句:5、Aviation trailblazer Amelia Earheart was the first woman to fly a plane solo across the Atlantic Ocean.航空先驱Amelia Earheart是第一位独自驾驶飞机飞越大西洋的女性。

江诗丹顿croma constantin swiss made725215p30080不知道是真假

你是有钱人吗?是就是真的 ,要是不是就是假的






农行流水上面显示渠道EPAY、ATMP、IBPS、DCNT,意思如下:1、ATMP 柜员机2、AUTT 自助终端3、BTER 小额支付系统4、EBNK 网上银行5、POSP POS机6、TERM 柜台7、ZZDH 转账电话扩展资料:网上支付跨行清算系统主要支持网上跨行零售业务的处理,业务指令逐笔发送、实时轧差、定时清算。客户可通过在线方式提交支付业务,并可实时获取业务处理结果。系统支持商业银行以及经中国人民银行批准的非金融支付服务机构接入,并向客户提供7×24小时全天候服务。从业务管理方面来讲,网上支付跨行清算系统是小额支付系统在网上支付方面的延伸,从系统管理方面来讲,网上支付跨行清算系统是与大、小额支付系统并行的人民币跨行清算系统。网上支付跨行清算系统投入使用后,将实现网银跨行支付的直通式处理,满足网银用户全天候的支付需求,有效支持电子商务的发展。支持符合条件的非银行支付服务组织接入,为其业务发展和创新提供公共清算平台。


1.快e付,全称是ABC Express ePay,这是农行提供的快捷转账支付产品当转账、支付、缴费的金额在一定额度内时,可以直接使用快e付功能完成交易,支付流水账单上就会有epay字眼。2.ATMP:ATM终端处理系统3.IBPS:Internet Banking Payment System,网上支付跨行清算系统4.DCNT:数据中心发起





pavement和crossing的区别,还有pavement和zebra crossing的区别?

pavement路面crossing十字路口pavement路面zebra crossing斑马线

crossing.intersection 有什么区别

区别:crossing英 [u02c8kru0252su026au014b]美 [u02c8kru0254:su026au014b]n.人行横道,十字路口;交叉,相交;横越;渡口v.交叉(cross的现在分词)例句:She was mown down on a pedestrian crossing.她在人行横道上被撞死了。intersection英 [u02ccu026antu0259u02c8seku0283n]美 [u02ccu026antu0259ru02c8seku0283n]n.横断,横切;交叉,相交;交叉点,交叉线;[数]交集例句:A busy highway intersection交通繁忙的公路交叉口

crossing.intersection 有什么区别

intersection是指多方向的交通路口 不一定非要是十字的,5个方向也有,3个方向也有。 crossing 专指十字路口

谁能介绍一下英文书的ATOS Book Level,Interest Level

ATOS Book Level (文字难度等级)BL代表Book Level,文字难度等级,由数字组成。例如,Biscuit这本书的BL值是 1.4,代表孩子的阅读水平相当于美国大部分1年级第4个月的孩子的水平。2. IL代表Interest Level(兴趣等级)里面包含4个等级:LG:Lower Grades (K-3)MG: Middle Grades (4-8)MG+: Upper Middle Grades (6 and up)UG: Upper Grades (9-12)


What did the crow want to do?(当时 - 过去式)那只乌鸦想做什么?


redhat linux的命令一. 启动,关机,登入,登出相关命令login 登录logout 登出exit 登出shutdown 停止系统halt 停止系统reboot 重启动poweroff 切断电源sync 把内存里的内容写入磁盘lilo 安装lilo启动管理程序grub 安装lilo启动管理程序二. Shell相关命令chsh 切换Shellhistory 显示命令履历alias 设置命令别名unalias 取消命令别名which 显示命令所在位置type 查询命令种类echo 显示字符串或者变量内容set 设置/显示Shell变量printenv 显示环境变量export 设置环境变量env 设置临时环境变量unset 释放环境变量setenv 设置环境变量unsetenv 释放环境变量source 执行文件当中的命令man 查询命令手册info 查询超文本命令手册whatis 显示命令简介apropos 通过关键字查询手册三. 用户管理相关命令su 切换到其他用户useradd 追加用户adduser 追加用户userdel 删除用户usermod 修改用户设置 chfn 修改用户私人信息 groupadd 追加组groupdel 删除组groupmod 修改组设置passwd 更改密码whoami 显示用户名logname 显示登录用户帐号users 显示所有登录用户信息who 查询登录用户信息w 查询登录用户信息id 显示指定用户的ID信息groups 显示指定用户的所属组finger 显示指定用户的个人信息mesg 开关与他人收发消息write 给其他用户发消息wall 给所有用户发消息talk 和其他用户聊天四. 系统消息相关命令date 显示/设置当前时间uptime 显示系统运行时间arch 显示机器的核心构架(如i386)uname 显示操作系统信息tty 显示终端名last 显示登录/登出在履历lastb 显示非法登录信息dumpkeys 显示当前键盘配置loadkeys 变更键盘配置df 查询磁盘使用信息du 查询磁盘使用信息dmesg 显示系统启动消息script 保存输入输出到文件五. 文件操作相关命令ls 显示文件列表tree 显示目录树 pwd 显示当前路径cd 更改当前路径pushd 追加路径到目录堆栈popd 从目录堆栈删除路径dirs 显示目录堆栈的内容mkdir 创建路径rmdir 删除路径cp 复制文件/目录rm 删除文件/目录mv 移动文件/目录,修改文件名chown 更改文件/目录的所有者chgrp 修改文件/目录的所有组chmod 修改文件/目录的权限touch 更改文件时间ln 建立文件/目录链接find 查找文件whereis 显示文件存在的路径名file 查询文件种类size 查询文件大小六. 文件编辑相关命令cat 显示文件内容tee 输出到文件和屏幕more 分屏显示文件内容less 分屏显示文件内容head 显示文件头部内容tail 显示文件尾部内容fold 折叠显示长行sort 排列文件的行cmp 比较文件内容diff 显示文件差异nkf 更改日语文件编码dd 变更文件之后复制wc 统计文本单词数,文件大小等split 分割文件paste 以行连接文件join 以字段连接文件grep 查询文字uniq 过滤重复部分显示文件内容tr 替换文字sed 替换文字七. 压缩/解压缩相关命令ar 压缩/解压缩文件tar 压缩/解压缩文件compress 压缩/解压缩文件uncompress 解压缩gzip 压缩/解压缩文件gunzip 解压缩zcat 显示压缩文件的内容lha 压缩/解压缩文件uuencode 把二进制文件编码为文本文件uudecode 把经过编码的文本文件还原为二进制文件八. MS-DOS工具集[mtools]命令mdir 显示文件列表mcd 改变当前目录mmd 新建目录mrd 删除目录mdeltree 删除目录树mcopy 复制文件mdel 删除文件mmove 移动文件mren 更改文件或目录名mattrib 修改文件属性mtype 显示文件内容mdu 查询文件或目录大小minfo 显示磁盘信息mformat 以MS-DOS方式格式化磁盘mlabel 设置磁盘标签九. 控制外部设备相关命令mount mount上设备umount 解除已经mount上的设备eject 弹出(CD/DVD等)fdformat 格式化软盘fdisk 配置/显示硬盘分区mkfs 格式化磁盘分区fsck 检查/修复磁盘错误lpr 打印到打印机lprm 中断打印任务lpq 显示打印任务的状态lpc 管理/控制打印任务ifconfig 显示/设定NIC配置十. 进程及任务管理相关命令ps 显示正在运行的进程jobs 显示后台运行任务fg 把任务切换到前台bg 把任务切换到后台kill 中止进程或任务killall 中止进程或任务wait 等待进程或任务的结束at 设置定时执行任务atq 显示尚未执行的任务atrm 删除定时执行任务batch 在系统负荷减轻的时候执行任务nice 改变优先度并执行任务nohup 在后台执行任务,Logout之后也不退出sleep 休眠一定的时间十一. 网络管理相关命令netstat 显示当前网络连接状况route 显示/设置路由host 显示网络主机情况hostname 显示/设置当前主机的名字ping 确认和远程机器的连接情况traceroute 显示路由信息rwho 查询网上机器的登陆用户ruptime 查询网上机器的系统运行时间rlogin 登陆到远程机器telnet 用telnet登陆到远程机器rsh 给远程机器发送命令rcp 在远程机器之间复制文件mail 收取邮件sendmail 发送邮件mailq 确认邮件队列ftp 用ftp传输文件十二. 其他命令cal 显示日历clear 清屏gcc 编译C语言代码as 汇编bc 计算rpm Redhat的包管理dpkg Debian的包管理installpkg Slackware的包安装(删除命令则是removepkg)XF86Setup,turboxfg,Xconfigurator 配置 X 服务器startx 启动 X-Window 系统附:组合命令重定向,如$ ls -l /bin ls-output$ more ls-output管道命令,如$ cat file1 file2 | sort | uniq经常被用于管道的命令awk, fold, grep, head, nnkf, pr, sed, sort, tail, tee, tr, uniq, wc 很多了


1. at和crontab这两个命令:1.1 at:它是一个可以处理仅执行一次就结束的指令2.2 crontab:它是会把你指定的工作或任务,比如:脚本等,按照你设定的周期一直循环执行下去

Love The Way You Lie joseph vincent歌词

You gonna stand there and watch me burnIt"s all right because I like the way it hurtsYou gonna stand there and hear me cryThat"s all right because I love the way you lieLove the way you lieAlways thought you and I were perfectI could tell you from the startThought you were gonna be my wife, but then yo left tore me apartAnd now you"re goneYou ain"t by my side, got me askin" questionsCause everything we were was all a lieWhen were you gonna tell meoh how you feelWhy you gotta wait so long to tell me it was all unreal You gonna stand there and watch me burnIt"s all right because I like the way it hurtsYou gonna stand there and hear me cryThat"s all right because I love the way you lieLove the way you lieLove the way you lieLove the way you lie

color的 Lost Moments ~置き忘れた时平罗马音歌词

How can I forgetWonder where you arOh yeah, I know yoCould be here with mStanding in the raiKnowing what I"ve losI don"t care, just want yoBack into my armCuz I know I want you the samEvery day, every night is for yoCuz I know I made a mistak]Every breach, every words are for yoOh yeaI"ll be here for you on rainy nightCan"t let you go, babe, I want you to staI"ll be the man to love you righ]Oh yeah, I know now I love you my girOh yeah...Oh yeah..ko no ma ma ja o wa re na i ki mi wo da re ka ni wa ta se na ii ra da chi wo ka ku se zu nian ni a i jo u wo bu tsu ke te taki mi ga da i ji da to i tsu mo wa katte ta no niki mi wo ko ma ra se te ba ka ri datta ta o wa Oh no..Oh yeatsu ta e ta i ge n ka no u wamotto ya sa shi i ge n ka no u deI can tell you so u i ma na raTo your hearki mi ni to do ke ta iOh yeaI"m thinking of youi mademoko no o mo i tsu ta e ki re zui ma ki mi ni to do ke yo uki mi wo zutto a i shi te ruOh yeaI"ll be here for you on rainy nightCan"t let you go, babe, I want you to staI"ll be the man to love you righOh yeah, I know now I love you my girOh yeatsu ta e ta i ge n ka no u wamotto ya sa shii ge n ka no u deI can tell you so u i ma na raTo your hearki mi ni to do ke ta iOh yea

IBM服务器不能开机了 提示controllor monitor initializing.. 卡主不动了 DASD/RAID亮红灯


如何在 ViewPager 中获取当前可见fragment的实例

public void intialiseViewPager() { List<Fragment> fragments = new Vector<Fragment>(); numberOfTabs = application.currentReport.getODTabsList().size(); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfTabs; i++) { ODTab tempTab = application.currentReport.getODTabsList().get(i); if (tempTab.getTabType().equals(ODGrid.XML_GRID_ELEMENT)) { GridFragment gridFragment = GridFragment.newInstance(tempTab.getTabId()); fragments.add(gridFragment); } else if (tempTab.getTabType().equals(ODChart.XML_CHART_ELEMENT)) { NewChartFragment chartFragment = NewChartFragment.newInstance(tempTab.getTabId()); fragments.add(chartFragment); } } Log.d(TAG, "Current report fragments set to adapter: "+fragments.toString()); mPagerAdapter = new ViewPagerAdapter(getSupportFragmentManager(), fragments); mViewPager = (ViewPager)findViewById(R.id.pager); mViewPager.setAdapter(mPagerAdapter); mViewPager.setOffscreenPageLimit(0); mViewPager.setOnPageChangeListener(this);}你可以看到我将字符串传递到片段 ( tempTab.getTabId() ),在这一行:GridFragment gridFragment = GridFragment.newInstance(tempTab.getTabId());当片段中它自已我这样做对其进行初始化:public static final GridFragment newInstance(String tabId){ GridFragment f = new GridFragment(); Bundle bdl = new Bundle(2); bdl.putString(TAB_ID, tabId); f.setArguments(bdl); return f;}@Overridepublic void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { String tabId = getArguments().getString(TAB_ID); if (application.currentReport != null) { this.odTab = application.currentReport.getODTabByTabId(tabId); } else { startActivity(new Intent(getActivity(), LoginScrActivity.class)); } super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);}所有这一切被执行,不会覆盖默认空的构造函数的片段,按照我的理解这非常不建议。现在我需要获取实例的 odTab 对象放进这行中的当前可见片段:this.odTab = application.currentReport.getODTabByTabId(tabId);可能有些人请给我解释如何做到这吗?所以我可以把它的 odTab 对象,如何获取当前可见片段实例?更新:这里提出的意见与我加入了 odTab 到调用的应用程序类的对象实例 currentVisibleTab 和我设置 odTab 这样的实例:@Overridepublic void setUserVisibleHint(boolean isVisibleToUser) { Log.d(TAG, "setUserVisibleHint invoked!"); super.setUserVisibleHint(isVisibleToUser); if (isVisibleToUser) { if (odTab != null && getActivity() != null) { Log.d(TAG, "Currently visable tab: "+odTab.getTabTitle()); application.currentVisibleTab = odTab; } } }更新 2:我有一种 ViewPagerAdapter :public class ViewPagerAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter {private List<Fragment> fragments;/** * @param fm * @param fragments */public ViewPagerAdapter(FragmentManager fm, List<Fragment> fragments) { super(fm); this.fragments = fragments;}/* (non-Javadoc) * @see android.support.v4.app.FragmentPagerAdapter#getItem(int) */@Overridepublic Fragment getItem(int position) { return this.fragments.get(position);}/* (non-Javadoc) * @see android.support.v4.view.PagerAdapter#getCount() */@Overridepublic int getCount() { return this.fragments.size();}@Overridepublic int getItemPosition(Object object) { return POSITION_NONE;} public void removeAllFragments(){ this.fragments.clear();}public void addFragmentsListToAdapter(List<Fragment> fragments){ this.fragments.addAll(fragments);}public List<Fragment> getFragments(){ return fragments;}}在它正如你看到的我有 List 的片段所示的 ViewPager ,此列表初始化像这样:List<Fragment> fragments = new Vector<Fragment>();我不明白的是如何获取对当前段落触发从该列表中的接口方法的引用。不相关的问题,但也许你知道答案,有什么区别之间List 和 Vector ?我还查阅了此选项。先谢谢了。解决方法 1:我找到的方法 visbile 片段当前正在使用 setUserVisibleHint 和回视图寻呼机的接口。此方法是在类中片段。重写它和使用回叫您查看传呼机的接口。如果该片段是可见-即它返回 true-只使用对您片段 (无论是从列表中备份您的适配器或一个您存储为一个实例变量) 的引用以获取您需要的任何从片段本身。我已经添加下面的代码。声明有关的无论你想做一个接口。我的情况我用这来禁用 ViewPager 默认 x 方向侦听器时一个谷歌地图实例是可见的因此滚动地图没有触发片段的变化。public interface OnMapFragmetnVisibleListener{ public void mapVisible(boolean visible);}在片段:@Override public void onAttach(Activity activity){ super.onAttach(activity); try{ mapFragmentVisibilityListener = (OnMapFragmentVisibleListener) activity; isAttached = true; //flag for whether this framgnet is attache to pager } catch (ClassCastException e){ throw new ClassCastException(activity.toString() + " must implement interface onAttach"); }@Overridepublic void setUserVisibleHint(boolean isVisibleToUser){ if(isVisibleToUser && isAttached){ //if listner is called before fragment is attached will throw NPE mapFragmentVisibilityListener.mapVisible(true); }}直到我试过这个是不明显的一件事是 isAttached 变量的加法。我也重写片段 onAttach 方法,并将其设置为 true,一旦它被称为。否则会发生什么是您片段将对用户是可见的和尝试调用的接口向您 ViewPager 接口初始化之前。在我 ViewPager 我只是实现了 OnMapFragmentVisibleListener,然后添加所需的方法 @Overridepublic void mapVisible(boolean visible) { if(visible) viewPager.allowSwipe(false); //turn off viewPager intercept touch if map visible}在我的案子我用它来关闭 ViewPager 刷功能但是,我可以轻松地叫回来的公共方法中我 mapFragment。我碰巧有 3 片段我 ViewPager 我保持对的引用更新要查找当前的片段首先显示你需要找出哪个片段正在显示你可以通过多种方式。最简单的方法就是通过一些描述符返回到您ViewPager / FragmentActivity 与您之前创建的接口。public interface OnFragmentVisibleListener{ public void fragmentVisible(boolean true, String tag);}那您设置的问题是您正在使用 Vector ,是真的同步 List 来存储您片段 rerefences。其结果是,没有通过,你可以找到你片段以后的密钥值。片段有确定的一个标签,创建在片段获利的能力,它们被添加到该片段活动期间。然而,在 ViewPager设置,您没有添加片段分别,所以无法添加标签在获利。我的解决方案一直是回我 BasePagerAdapter 与 HashMap 在其中存储由一个唯一的密钥标识每个片段。LinkedHashMap<String, Fragment> tabs = new LinkedHashMap<String, Fragment>(); tabs.put("Frag1", fragment1); tabs.put("Frag2", fragment2); tabs.put("Frag3", fragment3);然后用此适配器private class BasePagerAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter{ private LinkedHashMap<String, Fragment> tabs; public BasePagerAdapter(LinkedHashMap<String, Fragment> tabMap, FragmentManager fm) { super(fm); this.tabs = tabMap; } // other basic methods因为您的引用存储到一个密钥值、 容易找到因为你只是可以通过从键值哈希映射和返回键搜索你要找的 framgment。如果您不能更改设置要逃离 Vector 你需要到任一 (1) 跟踪的哪个片段你添加的顺序 (假设片段不添加和删除动态) 这样,你可以通过对每个片段 (2) 保持单独引用或索引private Fragment x;//in onCreatex = new Fragment();//in interfaceif(tag.equals("x"){ x.doSomething();}

信用证付款, 客户的唛头太长,写不开, 在做单证时,唛头可不可以写: SEE ATTACHEMNT, 然后附上一页纸只写


信用证付款, 客户的唛头太长,写不开, 在做单证时,唛头可不可以写: SEE ATTACHEMNT, 然后附上一页纸只写


enter the dragon 是什么意思 帮忙翻译一下

龙争虎斗 龙行天下 2个意思都可以

为什么我的邮件发不出去啊?Delivery has failed to these recipients or distribution lists: jialili@doo


crowds of people stand on the shore watching the lanterns drifting away


The following attachemnt nodes have zero rotational mode......如下图所示,是怎么回事?怎么办?


找首英文歌,歌里面有类似I want to move it 的歌词!!

http://v.ku6.com/show/i5sj4GkpPoMjvARjmw97GA...html i like to move it

attache great important to 这个短语什么意思,后面跟什么,还有是important还是importance


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LogicGate逻辑组件有五种类型,每一种都是不同的。AND(与)两个输入的信号都为真,输出才为真。OR(或)两个输入的信号一个为真,输出就为真。NOT(反信号)输入1,输出0,输入0,输出1。NOP(延时信号)输入是什么,输出就是什么,可以设置间隔的时间。2.LogicSRLatch(set,Reset)把信号固定主,如果输入是1,那么就一直是一,不会是短短的脉冲信号。3.Comparer(比较)那数值进行比较,比较结果为真,输出1,为假,输出0。4.Timer(间隔时间输出脉冲)只要一直给信号,那么就会间隔性输出脉冲,时间可以设置。5.CollisionSensor(碰撞检测)把需要碰撞的进行停止的工件给到CollisionSensor的第二个对象,只要检测到了第二个对象碰撞到物体,那么就会输出1。6.LineSensor(线传感器)可以设置线的长和宽,如果检测到工件就会输出1,前提是被检测的物体需要勾选可由传感器检测。7.PlaneSensor(面传感器)可以设置一个面的长、宽和高,如果检测到工件就会输出1,前提是被检测的物体需要勾选可由传感器检测。8.Attacher(安装)需要明确的设定父对象,当父对象和子对象安装成功,输出1。9.Detacher(拆除一个以安装的对象)一般跟安装的组件共同使用,只要明确知道要拆除的对象(是已用安装组件进行安装过的对象),拆除成功,输出1。10.Source(拷贝)拷贝一个工件的一个组件,如果勾选Transient(在临时仿真过程中对已创建的复制对象进行标记,防止内存错误的发生)。11.Sink(删除图形)只要明确要删除的是哪一个对象,一旦执行就会删除掉指定的对象,也可以删除其他组件。12.LinearMover(把对象从当前位置移动到一条直线上)设定方向和速度进行移动。13.LinearMover2(把对象从当前位置移动到指定的地点)设定到底是几秒钟到达指定的距离。14.Rotator(按照指定的速度,对象绕着轴旋转)只按照一个轴进行旋转,跟据转动的速度和转动的距离来决定快慢。15.Rotator2(对象绕着一个轴旋转指定的角度)可以旋转指定的角度,跟据设定的时间来决定快慢。16.PoseMover[0](运动机械装置关节到一个已定义的姿态)可以是原位置,也可以是移动后的位置,但是必须要知道当信号为0的时候姿态是什么,信号为1的时候姿态是什么。17.JoinMover(运动机器装置的关节)可以对机器装置的关节进行运动。18.Queue(表示为对象的队列,可以为组进行操纵)如果产生多个拷贝的对象,并且想产生的对象统一的进行移动,就把产生的对象都装进一个队列里面,进行移动这个队列可以实现统一移动。19.ObjectComparer(设定一个数字信号输出对象的比较结果)对象一与对象二比较如果为真则输出1,为假则输出为0。20.Highlighter(临时改变对象的颜色)当信号为1可以改变选定对象的颜色。实验的结果改变Opacity的参数到100,那么选择的对象会变为透明,最大值是255,最小值为0,改变Color的参数 150 100 200(颜色是紫色) 50 100 200(颜色是蓝色) 30 100 100(颜色是绿色)21.Logger(在输出窗口显示信息)该组件每得到一次信号就会在仿真窗口输出一次信息,可以用作提升工艺到达哪一步。22.StopSimulation(停止仿真)有信号到来就停止仿真23.TraceTCP(开启/关闭机器人的TCP跟踪)如果想在机器人运动过程中间突然需要用到机器人TCP跟踪以显示机器人的运动轨迹,这是不二的选择,当然需要把信号置位1才能用。24.SimulationEvents(仿真开始和停止时发出的脉冲信号)当仿真开始该组件可以发出开始和停止的脉冲信号,开始为1,停止为0的信号。其余的组件几乎没有使用过就不进行介绍,如有疑问可以在下方留言。

be crowed into什么意思

.Yang Chen crowed into the goalmouth and created a dangerous scramble in the penalty area杨晨挤进球门区,在禁区内制造了危险的门前混战局面.be crowed into 被挤进去...be crowded with 拥挤

The word enemy in Paragraph 3 refers toA.attackerB.huntedC.hunter



这款游戏中只为我们提供了英文字幕,这就让许多玩家在理解游戏内容上造成了很大的困难,为了让大家可以更好的理解游戏内容,于是深空高玩这里就为大家大家提供了流浪Vagante各装备属性介绍中文翻译一览,若你也对此有疑问的话就一起了解下吧。所有装备属性中文翻译帽子Flame aura 火焰光环 随机对身边的敌人造成火焰伤害freezing aura冷冻光环 随机身边的敌人会被冰冻或者受到1点冰系伤害slow aura 减速光环,身边的敌人速度变慢boulder protection 落石陷阱对你无效underwater breathing 水下呼吸手套Improved Archery 弓箭专精,提高弓箭伤害heavy punches 徒手攻击加强,击退敌人wall phasing 穿墙手套 只能穿水平方向的墙 贴墙长按要穿的方向discretely increase reach of weapons加强武器攻击范围grab walls 可以吸住墙壁,会缓慢下落项链soul of a retaliatory familiar 召唤一只红色的妖精,在你受伤后,会主动碰撞敌人造成伤害soul of a compassionate familiar 召唤一只绿色的妖精,在你受伤后有机会恢复HPsoul of a demonic familiar 召唤一只蓝色的妖精,会对视野范围内的敌人发射魔法飞弹,固定1点伤害unbounded sight 视野不会被障碍物阻挡berserkitis 狂暴化,攻击时会变红,攻击和速度提高,但是无法使用法术和打开背包。然后会进入EX虚弱状态,攻击和速度下降。衣服damage reflection 反射伤害attacker will get pushed back 击退攻击者attacker will sometimes be burned 攻击者会被点燃attacker will sometimes be shocked受到攻击时有机会放电attacker will sometimes be poisoned攻击者会中毒coins sometimes seem to heal injuries 拾取金币时会回血death becomes easier to encounter HP变成1 伤害大幅提高Spike protection 不怕刺,落上去可以破坏掉。但是如果是会造成掉落伤害的高度掉到刺上面还是会秒杀。Timing jumps allows for unlimited mid-air jumps 无限跳跃Chance to turn into mist when hurt受伤后变成雾气,防止被连续攻击鞋子Charge up extra damage by walking 移动中蓄力 攻击可以造成额外伤害trailblazer 走过的地面会有火,对敌人造成伤害light feet 脚步更轻,不会引发落石陷阱,食人花,魔法陷阱bouncy 弹跳,按住跳跃键,落地时会自动跳跃high jump 跳的更高jumping on enemies deals damage 踩踏对敌人造成伤害Super Speed 超快速 移动速度加快很多Floor phasing 穿墙鞋子,只能穿下方的墙,长按下和跳武器fire wand火球法杖wand of pestilence 毒雾法杖,挥动会对正前方放出一片毒雾wand of chaos 随机效果法杖,挥动一次范围内的所有人都会受到2个随机效果或释放法术(8颗魔法飞弹或者闪电术),可以随机出所有药剂效果还有燃烧效果spirit emitter 攻击时有机会出现自动追踪的小魔法飞弹burneing 攻击时有机会让敌人燃烧lifesteal 攻击时有机会吸血,回复1HPshocking 攻击时有机会电击敌人freezing 攻击时有机会冰冻敌人fairy magic 妖精魔法,点亮敌人,防御下降+knockback 击退敌人弓箭weightless arrows 射出去的箭无重量,直线射出Glowing arrows 光亮箭arrow Trajecftory 瞄准线homing arrows 追踪箭戒指reflect projectiles 反射远程攻击,有CDgold collector 金币会自动飞向你luminous 光亮度提高Increased chance of finding magic items 有机会找到魔法物品

attain victory over the opponent中的attain还可以换成什么?


attain achievement

我感觉we can attain more achievements 这句挺好的

attain, achievement, acquisition, gain, obtain有什么区别吗?



attend 的名词形式有两种attention和 attendance,ion和ance是很常用的词根,attention是注意,专注的意思,attendance是 参加,出席的意思

attend enter区别

take part in: take in: 让...进入 接纳 吸收等. take part in 可译为允许一部分加入.join:可译为直接参与,加入.attend:可译为应邀出席.enter:可译为进入.一般enter to, enter for, enter up, enter upon等有进入 登记 登录等意思


这句话的意思应该是Fill in the bubbles填充气泡希望能够帮到你!祝你学习进步,


attend 用法说明1. 表示“参加”、“出席”,通常用作及物动词,其宾语通常是meeting, party, show, wedding, class, lecture, school, church等(以及类似具有“活动”意义的名词)。attend class (学习者)上课2. 表示医生或护士等的“治疗”、“护理”、“照顾”等,可用作及物或不及物动词;用作不及动词时其后通常接介词 on(若省略,即为及物)。3. 用于短语 attend to, 主要用来表示。 ①注意听。。②处理;办理。③照顾;照看。④接待;招待。。⑤专心;关心。。⑥治疗;医治。 详见以下网址:http://www.90house.cn/yingyu/CiFa_DuanYu/8775.html

Count Basie的《Bubbles》 歌词

歌曲名:Bubbles歌手:Count Basie专辑:King Of SwingJames - BubblesBY Larry Cheng & Kevin BoulTake an axe to your pastTo your family treeCarve a face from the woodAn effigyMake wings from the leavesHide from the barkKindlingfor the hairRose for his heartSomeone to draw you rightSomeone to catch the lightDraw the blue from the skiesinto his eyesCarve the lines on his faceA map of the raceJuice from the rootof a beet for his skinSet the tidesof the bloodwith the pulse of the drumSomeone to draw you rightSomeone to catch the lightI"m aliveI"m aliveWash the boy in the streamSo tenderlyPress his lips to your lipsGive him your breathHe awakes with the weightof the vision he holdsSees the rent in timethrough which he must foldSomeone to draw you rightSomeone to catch the lightI"m aliveI"m alive...Stir the heart with a drumKiss smoke in his mouthShow him signs of a lifeThat"s a whole lot betterAnd he calls down the rainTornadoes & hurricanesThere"s a world in his veinsThat"s a whole lot betterI"m aliveI"m alive...Fingers raised to the skyA snake for a spineHe"s drunk on a lifeThat"s a whole lot betterTeach him songs of the beesDouble helix and honey combPlay him wind through the leavesThat"s a whole lot betterAlive, I"m alive...Larry Cheng & Kevin Boul, share with u!http://music.baidu.com/song/8199105

Counting Crows的《Mercury》 歌词

歌曲名:Mercury歌手:Counting Crows专辑:Across A Wire - Live From New YorkBloc Party - Mercurymy mercury"s in retrogrademy mercury"s in retrogrademerc-merc-mercury"s in retrogrademy mercury"s in retrogrademercury mercu-mercury"s inmercury merc-merc-mercury"s inmercury mercu-mercury"s inmercury"s in retrogradethis is not the time, the time to start a new lovethis is not the time, the time to sign a leasetry not to worry about what"s forgottentry not to worry about what"s being missedscars on my shins, scars on my knucklestoday i woke up in the basketball courtjohn joe"s in sydney and he ain"t returningi"m sitting in soho trying to stay drunkin any part of the worldfrom silver lake to williamsburgyou can pick another strangerand fall in lovemercury mercu-mercury"s inmercury"s in retrogrademercury mercu-mercury"s inmercury"s in retrogradethis is not the time, the time to start a new lovethis is not the time, the time to sign a leasetry not to worry about what"s forgottentry not to worry about what"s being missedbleeding gums and v-veins protrudingyou try to hate all of your clothesthe mayor"s in l.a. and she ain"t returningi"m sleeping with people i don"t even likein any part of the worldfrom silver lake to williamsburgyou can pick another strangerand fall in lovemercury mercu-mercury"s inmercury"s in retrogrademercury mercu-mercury"s inmercury"s in retrogrademercury mercu-mercury"s inmercury"s in retrogrademercury mercu-mercury"s inmercury"s in retrogradewhen i saw you last night, i wanted to say,‘run away with me, away from the cynicsthat this could be the start of something truly real"but all that i could say was, ‘hey",was, ‘hey", was, ‘hey", was, ‘hey"mercury mercu-mercury"s inmercury"s in retrogrademercury mercu-mercury"s inmercury"s in retrogrademercury mercu-mercury"s inmercury"s in retrogrademercury mercu-mercury"s inmercury"s in retrogrademercury"s in retrogrademy mercury"s in retrogrademerc-merc-mercury"s in retrogrademy mercury"s in retrogradehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7993292

Count on Crows这篇了课文的翻译

事实上,乌鸦似乎统治整个世界。不仅他们把其他鸟类变成乌鸦,而且他们拥有人类社会最重要的公司。他们雇佣的男性晋升无处不在。他们想做的广告来改变传统的对他们的意见。作者成为imployee aritical。 他的实际目的是讽刺我们的人。正如你所看到的在我们的日常生活中,他们不好的现象太多了。例如,公司生产许多产品同时产生严重污染,但是人们通过广告欺骗。你可以找到许多例子在这段,特别是作者的口号。

Counting Crows的《1492》 歌词

歌曲名:1492歌手:Counting Crows专辑:Saturday Nights & Sunday MorningsI"m a Russian Jew AmericanImpersonating African Jamaican What I want to be is an IndianI"m gonna be a cowboy in the endI guess I bought a gunbecause it impresses all the litle girls I seeand then they all wanna sleep with meOh whre did we disappearinto the silence that surrounds us and then drowns us in the endWhere these people who impersonate our friendsSay come again come again come againInto the dark Italian undergroundwith disco lights and disco sounds and skinnygirls who drink champagneThen they take me on their knees again,and pull me up and out the doorpast railway cars and tranny-whoresAnd mornings spreading out across the feathered thighs of angelsOh were did we disappear tothe silence that surrounds us and then drowns us in the endWill they try to get you out to pull you inAnd all these people, they"ve been? come againIn 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blueIn 1493 he came home across the deep blue seaIn 1494 he did it with the girl next doorIn 1495 he barely made it out aliveIn 1964 these sailors left me out the doorIn 1970 some people got their hands on meNow I am the king of everythingI am the king of nothing nowI am the king of everythingI am the king of nothingOh where did we disappearto the silence that surrounds us and then drowns us in the end Where these peoplewho impersonate our friends Say come again come again comecome again Oh where did we disappearto the silence that surrounds us and then drowns us in the end When they try to push you out to get you inand all these people who impersonate our friends Say come again come again comecome again come again come againhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7541295

if it is really attended by the illumintion of 中的attend什么意思


count on crows乌鸦如何保持竞争力



1. attend在此处是及物动词. 2. 从此句的结构就可以明显看出. 非谓语结构attended by over five thousand people的逻辑主语就是句子的主语the meeting. 如果变成谓语结构的句子即: The meeting was attended by over five thousand people. 再变成主动句即: Over five thousand people attended the meeting. 3. attended the meeting即是典型的动宾结构,那当然说明attend在此题中是及物动词.

count on crow

In fact,it seems that the crows have governed the whole world.Not only they turn the other birds into crows,but also they own the most important companies in the human society.They hire the men for promotion everywhere.They want to do the wonderful advertises to change the traditional opinions toward them.The author become the imployee in this aritical.His actual purpose is to satirize us people.As you can see in our daily life,they are too many bad phenomena.For example, the companies produce many productions at the meantime create serious polution,but through advertising,the people are cheated by them.You can find many examples in this passage,especially the slogans made by the author.

attended的近义词是enter for还join还是get ready还是take part?

attend是出席、参加的意思,enter for 是参加竞赛,报名参与之意,join是参加的意思,get ready是准备好,take part in 参加,参与。近义词应该是take part in.

概括大意: A little boy didn’t say a word until he was three years old.


jion、join in、take part in、attend、enter辨析

这几个词或短语都有“参加”的意思,但用法不同。1)join有两个用法:(1)指加入某个党派,团体组织等,成为其成员之一,意为:“参军、入团、入党”等。如:①When did your brother join the army? 你哥哥什么时候参军的?②She joined the Young Pioneers. 她加入了少先队。(2)和某人一道做某事,其结构为:join sb. in (doing) sth.,根据上下文,in (doing) sth. 也可以省去。如:①Will you join us in the discussion? 你参加我们的讨论吗?②He"ll join us in singing the song. 他将和我们一道唱歌。③We"re going to the East Lake Park on Sunday. Will you join us?我们打算星期天去东湖公园。你跟我们一道去好吗?2)join in多指参加小规模的活动如“球赛、游戏”等,常用于日常口语。如:①Come along, and join in the ball game. 快,来参加球赛。②Why didn"t you join in the talk last night? 昨晚你为什么没参加座谈?3)take part in 指参加会议或群众性活动等,着重说明句子主语参加该项活动并在活动中发挥作用。如:①We"ll take part in social practice during the summer vacation.暑假期间我们将参加社会实践。②We often take part in physical labour. 我们经常参加体力劳动。【注意】take part in是惯用词组,part前一般不用冠词,但part前有形容词修饰时,要用不定冠词。如:①Lincoln took an active part in polities and was strongly against slavery.林肯积极参加政治活动,强烈反对奴隶制。4)attend是正式用语,及物动词,指参加会议,婚礼,葬礼,典礼;去上课,上学,听报告等。句子的主语只是去听,去看,自己不一定起积极作用。如:①He"ll attend an important meeting tomorrow.他明天要参加一个重要的会议。②I attended his lecture. 我听了他的讲课。

一首男生唱的英文歌,副歌一直在重复tell me what you want now

歌名:Bow chicka wow wow

attended=went to吗?


the oriental oasis 英语作文

TheOrientalOasis (东方绿洲)以下是新浪博客里的一篇短文 权当素材了 这个题材没写过。。On behalf of the national campaign of “keeping the advancement of the Party”, my college organized all Party members to visit Mr. Chen Yun"s house in QingPu District and then go to theOrientalOasis nearby. I hadn"t given this activity a high expectation since the weather was pretty bad the day before and the objective of the outing was kinda serious. However, it just made me wishing to pay a revisit after touring there.theOrientalOasis" TheOrientalOasiswas a large space sitting right beside the beautiful Lake Dian Shan of Shanghai and Su Zhou, though artificially constructed, one can still gain lots of fun from wandering through those decorate green woods arrangements; disguising as one of those elaborate brass figurines of both Chinese and foreign well-known people; enjoying the success of flying the kite high enough in the sky; lying in the sun on the grassy grounds and having a picnic; feeling the courage rising when standing on a huge warship; and tasting the excitement of a boat racing competition, etc. theOrientalOasis" To me, the most interesting parts of the site were called “Road of Courage” and “Interesting Bridges”. I believe most children must have tried that road before, but the one there was the most complete one in Shanghai. You never know how nets and stairs only can suffer you before taking the Road. Well, my back was “disabused” by keeping a half bended posture while crossing through a triangle channel. And the labyrinth followed gave me more spirits coz we took it as a game, and my partner and I got the second prize at last despite that there were only 3 teams in all. theOrientalOasis" We didn"t get to the “Interesting Bridges” until 3 o"clock, maybe it was really too big a place for walkers. theOrientalOasis" But as soon as we saw those bridges, our tiredness suddenly flew out of the universe. Well, these bridges are not traditional bridges; instead, they are mostly iron chains and strings. Therefore, they were “dangerous” to get across. But of course, they were very safe if you were careful. For example, one bridge was only two lines standing up and down on the river, what you need to do is to grasp the top line and step on the bottom line and then get moving with your body side headed. It looks scary that a man doing this 5 meters above the river, nevertheless, it was neither scary nor difficult. But there was some “bridges” that were extremely hard to deal with. Had it not been carrying a big bag and wearing a long coat, I would very much like to try them.Besides the above two, I also took much interest in a body strength testing program, boys all tried it but I gave it up in the end. It was a series of large constructions like a training site in the military, and each attendee will be given an electrical bracelet which was used to record the time of one"s completing the program so that one can get an analysis of their body quality by computer software. This is for one thing that attracts each visitor, for another, the “mount Everest climbing” part was most challenging. Tightly rolled strings made up a “mount Everest”, and one guy told me that it was really scary when looking down from standing on one suspended step. I do like to compete in this program if more close friends come with me. Without them, I just do not have the mood to do it.I fell into deep sleep on the return bus after such a tiring but wonderful day. It was like a time machine that brought me to the period when I was in the kindergarten or primary school. A feeling, much wonderful than taking part in a fashionable party or having a great meal in a fancy restaurant, surges up in my heart and whispering in my ears that welcome back dear!


while "pupil" refers to an attendee of a lower educational institute; the same was typically true in the United States previously where student was considered

package agreement造句 package agreementの例文 "package agreement"是什麼意思

Aastocks subscription package agreement Aastocks专业会员服务订户协议书 As a general attendee , we china has signed the package agreements including trips , our intellectual property protection system will tend to consistency with the world 我国作为“乌拉圭回合”的全面参加方,已经签署了包括知识产权协议在内的一揽子协议。为了实现与世界经济的接轨,我国知识产权保护制度必将进一步同国际趋同。 It"s difficult to find package agreement in a sentence. 用 package agreement 造句挺难的


企业家精神。 商务英语中经常出现

Andy Hunter的《Amazing》 歌词

歌曲: amazing 艺术家:andy hunter 唱片公司:Nettwerk风格流派:电子乐【Electronic Music】You take me high above the world I seeWay beyond the clouds, beautiful colours surround meYou show me dreams I never dreamt beforeUnspeakable feelings evermore<music>You take me high above the world I seeWay beyond the clouds, beautiful colours surround meYou show me dreams I never dreamt beforeUnspeakable feelings evermoreFly with meAcross the heavensFeel the breezeAbove the skiesCome with meAcross the heavensSpirit breathe<music>Every time I look into Your eyesRevelation eyesHeavenly visions, paradiseI feel a love I"ve never felt beforeTouch my emotions evermore(evermore)Fly with meAcross the heavensFeel the breezeAbove the skiesCome with meAcross the heavensSpirit breatheYou"re so amazingYou"re so amazingYou take me high above the world I seeWay beyond the clouds, beautiful colours surround meAh, flyFeel the breezecome with me<music>Fly with meAcross the heavensFeel the breezeAbove the skiesCome with meAcross the heavensSpirit breatheYou"re so amazing(You"re so amazing)You"re so amazingYou"re so amazing(You"re so amazing)You"re so amazing<music>(fly...)fly<music> qianbanana 制作 谢谢:)http://music.baidu.com/song/2654865

Andy Hunter的《Amazing》 歌词

歌曲: amazing 艺术家:andy hunter 唱片公司:Nettwerk风格流派:电子乐【Electronic Music】You take me high above the world I seeWay beyond the clouds, beautiful colours surround meYou show me dreams I never dreamt beforeUnspeakable feelings evermore<music>You take me high above the world I seeWay beyond the clouds, beautiful colours surround meYou show me dreams I never dreamt beforeUnspeakable feelings evermoreFly with meAcross the heavensFeel the breezeAbove the skiesCome with meAcross the heavensSpirit breathe<music>Every time I look into Your eyesRevelation eyesHeavenly visions, paradiseI feel a love I"ve never felt beforeTouch my emotions evermore(evermore)Fly with meAcross the heavensFeel the breezeAbove the skiesCome with meAcross the heavensSpirit breatheYou"re so amazingYou"re so amazingYou take me high above the world I seeWay beyond the clouds, beautiful colours surround meAh, flyFeel the breezecome with me<music>Fly with meAcross the heavensFeel the breezeAbove the skiesCome with meAcross the heavensSpirit breatheYou"re so amazing(You"re so amazing)You"re so amazingYou"re so amazing(You"re so amazing)You"re so amazing<music>(fly...)fly<music> qianbanana 制作 谢谢:)http://music.baidu.com/song/3471199


分类: 教育/科学 >> 学习帮助 问题描述: 都有出席的意思,但是我们组织的会议,出席的代表应该用什么 解析: 应该用attendee participant是参与,即,不一定要本人在场。例参与网上调查,就只能用participant不能用attendee attendee强调一定要在场,不需要参与活动。比如去一场演出,就可以用attendee而不能用participant




entrepreneurship企业家能力/职能; 企业家[主办人等]的身份[地位、职权、能力]; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Only entrepreneurship can save the world. 只有企业家精神才可以拯救世界。

请教关于payment reference

payment reference付款参考双语例句1Please quote the student"s University Number and Name in the bank payment reference.请注明姓名在银行付款参考学生的数目和大学。2Please enter Attendee Name and Phone No. or Payment Reference No. and click “ Search ”.请输入出席者姓名和电话号码或付款参考编号,然后按“搜寻”。

使用Citrix Guest Attendee Site时候出现错误:The supplied credentials were invalid



attendee n. 1. 出席者;在场者2. 参加单位participant [pB:5tisipEnt] n. 参与者, 共享者 adj. 参与的

take full advantage of them is crucial 这句话对吗?


请问patent agent 和patent attorney有什么区别

patent agent 是受企业委托代为办理专利申请的专业人员,尽管不需具备律师资格,很多 agent 也都由专业律师兼任。paten attorney 则是除了“专利申请”的业务外,还能代表企业(或个人)对和专利权相关的案件进行合同磋商和法律诉讼的专业律师。

crucial,vital important三者有什么区别


crucial,vital ,important三者有什么区别?

crucial:决定性的,紧要关头的,至关重要的;关键性的 vital:极重要的,必不可少的 important:重要的

crucial,vital ,important三者有什么区别?


attorney agent 有什么区别

attorney 法定代理人,律师AGENT 代理人,中介

relentless ruthless cruel区别。

relentless refusing to give up or be less strict or severe 不放弃的;严格的;苛刻的;无情的 : a relentless enemy 残酷的敌人 ruthless adj. (disapproving) (of people or their behaviour 人或其行为) hard and cruel; determined to get what you want and not caring if you hurt other people 残酷无情的;残忍的 : a ruthless dictator 残酷无情的独裁者cruel → 一般用词,指行动或态度的残忍。

安装新字体命令attrib +s +r fonts输入后按回车然后怎么做?

attrib 这个是更改系统属性的+s 是变成系统文件的你可以attrib空格/?你就可以查看了全部是中文的

SPCA(Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)是什么意思啊??


Linux Xubuntu 12.04,如何使用Audacity录制声卡播放的声音?


关于contrast 和contrary 的词组有哪些,有嘛区别?



使用HTK过程中,第一步使用HSLab录音和标签功能时,提示找不到/dev/dsp。显然只有旧的内核才支持OSS声音架构。最新的ALSA是没法被HSLab使用的。怎么办呢?网上提供了一些解决方法,但都不太彻底。索性换个思路,使用其他软件来替换录音和标签功能。很容易就选中了Audacity。图文并茂的教程:Audacity 音频编辑器教程 http://teliute.org/linux/Teauda/lesson7/lesson7.html遇到了问题。pulseaudio服务器的问题。sudp apt-get install audacity 安装很顺利。可是一直有一个问题没解决,就是录音文件存哪里去了?Audacity 录音放哪里了。看来还是命令行的思路。audacity录音后,可以通过菜单下面的file-export来存到磁盘。http://yulife.blog.163.com/blog/static/120333049200972810395446/ 录音质量问题: ubuntu 下的录音软件Audacity http://www.voxforge.org/home/forums/message-boards/speech-recognition-engines/can-htk-only-process-the-audio-files-generated-by-hslab-the-.sig-format 老外遇到类似问题1.安装并打开pavucontrol(pulse音频管理程序)2.打开Audacity,设置音频主机平台为ALSA,输出为default,录音音频输入default:3.按下audacity,在pavucontrol的录音选项卡,将audacity的录音来源设置为:moniter4.如果进行以上操作后,仍然无法录音,则删除 ~/.pulse,再重新启动机器修复pulse音频管理再试试。在删除~/.pulse目录后,运行pavucontrol 提示。How to fix “connection to pulseaudio failed” logout/login就可以了。再不行的话,另一个解决思路:在使用cmusphinx 时,用到了一个录音工具:

fortran问题:error FOR1768: missing END statement or missing program unit (pos

可能是少写了一个 end 吧

有谁知道了解the American International School of Budapest?最好是在哪里就读过的


VHDL智力抢答器总是出现一个错误:expected an integer value 怎么解决?急急急 马上就要验收啦!!!!

不要给信号赋予仿真初值。信号的赋值应当在结构体中通过不同情况下的赋值语句来完成。 去掉信号的赋值

appointment of auditor & tax representative 什么意思 求指点

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