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drain current

不是漏电,漏电是leakage current.drainage是消耗电的意思. 这个drain是MOSFET电晶体的汲极,drain current是汲极电uf9ca.


基线(baeseline),坡顶(ascenter),坡底(descenter)上坡度(ascent),下坡度(descent)行间距(leading):坡底到下一行坡顶的距离字体的高度=上坡度+下坡度+行间距ascent是指从一个字的基线(baseline)到最顶部的距离,descent是指一个字的基线到最底部的距离注意, ascent和top都是负数

《The Ascent 上行战场》PS4/PS5 中文版追加内容正式上市

H2 Interactive 宣布,于今(19)日在 PlayStation Store 上正式上市由 Neon Giant 开发的射击类 RPG 游戏《The Ascent 上行战场》PS4/PS5 简体中文版的追加内容「Cyber Heist」。同时也上市完整版《The Ascent: Cyber Edition》。《The Ascent: Cyber Edition》包含游戏本篇、「Cyber Heist」追加内容、 CyberSec 套件与Cyber Warrior 套件。 《The Ascent:Cyber Heist》的背景设定在《The Ascent》主线之后,开放给完成主线剧情并跃跃欲试想接下新合约的玩家!接下这件充满挑战性的工作,考验自己的技术吧。探索新奇的环境、和前所未见的敌人交火杀出一条路,并使用近战武器体验全新的战斗方式! 《The Ascent 上行战场》是一款动作射击类 RPG 游戏。游戏背景设置在维勒斯,一个拥挤不堪的赛博朋克世界。欢迎来到上行集团的生态建筑,一个企业运营的大都会,庞大宏伟,高耸入云,塞满了来自整个银河系的各种生物。玩家的身份是一名工人,受着公司的奴役,而公司掌控着玩家和街区里的所有人。有一天,突然被卷进了灾难事件的漩涡:上行集团突然莫名其妙地倒闭了,整个街区的生存受到了威胁。玩家必须拿起武器,着手新的任务,追溯整起事件的源头。 游戏特色 - 单机和联机,不一样的体验,一样的快感:自己完成整个游戏,或者通过本地或在线合作模式,最多四名玩家可游玩。 - 爆炸射击:向高处瞄准,或向低处扫射,随时切换武器,装备致命配件,寻找掩护,充分利用易损坏的环境,在面对新敌人时不断调整战术。 - 角色扮演元素:使用网络控件定制角色,配合自己的游戏风格。升级时分配新技能点,尝试不同的外植,用新颖的创意方式击倒每一个敌人。 - 充满生机的赛博朋克世界探索:《The Ascent(上行战场)》的拥挤世界,穿越广阔的街区,向下深入底层的贫民窟,向上一览奢糜的上流社会,路上会遇到新的敌人,结实新的盟友,还有收获战利品。 - 对应 PS4 / PS5 跨平台购买(Cross-Buy)功能。










assent vi. 同意;赞成n. 同意;赞成ascentn. 上升;上坡路;登高accentn. 口音;重音;强调;特点;重音符号vt. 强调;重读;带…口音讲话n.口音;[语]重音;强调;特点;重音符号







ascent 和acsent 是两个英文单词吗?分别是什么意思?



n. 上升;上坡路;登高



控制wordpress的control panel(c panel)是什么?


如何在 CentOS 7 用 cPanel 配置 Nginx 反向代理


postponement; drainage; momentarily 这英语用谐音怎么读?

剖丝跑嗯门特 追呢只 某门特瑞

如何在 CentOS 7 用 cPanel 配置 Nginx 反向代理

注:本配置环境CentOS实现其请参考官帮助文件、安装Nginx软件Nginx官网站:我使用yum安装(配置升级便)需要配置官yum源Nginx官源配置提供配置:1.创建更新源#vim /etc/yum.repos.d/nginx.repo2.加入内容:[nginx]name=nginx repo baseurl=/packages/OS/EOSRELEAS/$basearch/gpgcheck=0L

如何在 centos 7/cpanel 服务器上配置 nginx 反向代理

注:本配置环境在CentOS下实现,其他方法请参考官方帮助文件一、安装Nginx软件Nginx官方网站:http://nginx.org我们使用yum安装(配置和升级方便),需要配置官方的yum源,Nginx官方源配置提供的配置方法如下:1.创建一个更新源#vim /etc/yum.repos.d/nginx.repo2.加入如下内容:[nginx]name=nginx repo baseurl=http://nginx.org/packages/OS/EOSRELEAS/$basearch/gpgcheck=0enabled=13.把上面蓝色字段换成的操作系统类型,比如rhel或者centos,把绿色部分替换成发行的主版本号,比如“5” 或者 “6”, 分别代表 5.x 或 6.x 对应的版本。其他版本的系统(Debian/Ubuntu)也可以参考nginx官方的方法配置(英文内容)。4.配置完以上三部,就可以开始用我们熟悉的yum命令安装nginx了(默认安装最新的nginx稳定发行版本)。#yum install nginx5.安装完毕看看都生成了哪些文件,配置文件都放在哪里#rpm -ql nginx/etc/logrotate.d/nginx/etc/nginx/etc/nginx/conf.d/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf/etc/nginx/conf.d/example_ssl.conf/etc/nginx/fastcgi_params/etc/nginx/koi-utf/etc/nginx/koi-win/etc/nginx/mime.types/etc/nginx/nginx.conf/etc/nginx/scgi_params/etc/nginx/uwsgi_params/etc/nginx/win-utf/etc/rc.d/init.d/nginx/etc/sysconfig/nginx/usr/sbin/nginx/usr/share/nginx/usr/share/nginx/html/usr/share/nginx/html/50x.html/usr/share/nginx/html/index.html/var/cache/nginx/var/log/nginx以上是我安装完的配置文件位置,安装的版本是1.4.2版本(查看版本:nginx -v) ,如下图:6.检查是否安装成功启动nginx服务,输入服务器ip访问是否能打开默认网站:#service nginx restart如果nginx服务启动成功,但打不开网站,排除如果不是网络问题,可能是因为iptables,iptables开放80端口即可:#vim /etc/sysconfig/iptables加入:-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT 如下图:二、配置文件1.由上面的步骤,我们看到配置文件放置在/etc/nginx/目录下:主要配置文件:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf 内容如下图扩展配置文件:/etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf图中的主配置文件的末尾,加载所有扩展配置文件里面以.conf结尾的文件。所以我们不要修改主要配置文件(不需要修改),用户配置都放到了/etc/nginx/conf.d/目录下,里面默认有两个配置文件,一个普通的配置,一个是ssl配置。2.为一个域名配置一个文件(文件名任意,以.conf结尾即可)#cd /etc/nginx/conf.d/#vim www.test.com.conf把内容修改如下:---------------------------------------------------------------------------server { listen 80; server_name www.test.com; charset utf8; access_log /var/log/nginx/www.test.com.access.log main; location / { proxy_pass; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; }}---------------------------------------------------------------------------如图:3.重启nginx服务,检查配置文件并生效(nginx -t)#service nginx restart4.如果没出意外,你应该已经成功实现Nginx反向代理服务了!三、其他帮助1.帮助命令2.官方帮助文档:http://nginx.org/en/docs/


cpanel好像是收费的,推荐你用 dhcp或者amh4,玩玩就好了。

如何在 CentOS 7 用 cPanel 配置 Nginx 反向代理

第一步: 安装 EPEL 库root@server1 [/usr]# yum -y install epel-releaseLoaded plugins: fastestmirror, tsflags, universal-hooksLoading mirror speeds from cached hostfile* EA4:* base: mirrors.linode.com* extras: mirrors.linode.com* updates: mirrors.linode.comResolving Dependencies--> Running transaction check---> Package epel-release.noarch 0:7-5 will be installed--> Finished Dependency ResolutionDependencies Resolved========================================================================================Package Arch Version Repository Size========================================================================================Installing:epel-release noarch 7-5 extras 14 k第二步: 安装 nDeploy 的 CentOS RPM 库可以安装 nDeploy 的 CentOS RPM 库来安装我们所需的 nDeploy Web 类软件和 Nginx 插件root@server1 [/usr]# yum -y install http://rpm.piserve.com/nDeploy-release-centos-1.0-1.noarch.rpmLoaded plugins: fastestmirror, tsflags, universal-hooksnDeploy-release-centos-1.0-1.noarch.rpm | 1.7 kB 00:00:00Examining /var/tmp/yum-root-ei5tWJ/nDeploy-release-centos-1.0-1.noarch.rpm: nDeploy-release-centos-1.0-1.noarchMarking /var/tmp/yum-root-ei5tWJ/nDeploy-release-centos-1.0-1.noarch.rpm to be installedResolving Dependencies--> Running transaction check---> Package nDeploy-release-centos.noarch 0:1.0-1 will be installed--> Finished Dependency ResolutionDependencies Resolved========================================================================================Package Arch Version Repository Size========================================================================================Installing:nDeploy-release-centos noarch 1.0-1 /nDeploy-release-centos-1.0-1.noarch 110第三步:安装 nDeploy 和 Nginx nDeploy 插件root@server1 [/usr]# yum --enablerepo=ndeploy install nginx-nDeploy nDeployLoaded plugins: fastestmirror, tsflags, universal-hooksepel/x86_64/metalink | 9.9 kB 00:00:00epel | 4.3 kB 00:00:00ndeploy | 2.9 kB 00:00:00(1/4): ndeploy/7/x86_64/primary_db | 14 kB 00:00:00(2/4): epel/x86_64/group_gz | 169 kB 00:00:00(3/4): epel/x86_64/primary_db | 3.7 MB 00:00:02Dependencies Resolved========================================================================================Package Arch Version Repository Size========================================================================================Installing:nDeploy noarch 2.0-11.el7 ndeploy 80 knginx-nDeploy x86_64 1.8.0-34.el7 ndeploy 36 MInstalling for dependencies:PyYAML x86_64 3.10-11.el7 base 153 klibevent x86_64 2.0.21-4.el7 base 214 kmemcached x86_64 1.4.15-9.el7 base 84 kpython-inotify noarch 0.9.4-4.el7 base 49 kpython-lxml x86_64 3.2.1-4.el7 base 758 kTransaction Summary========================================================================================Install 2 Packages (+5 Dependent packages)通过以上这些步骤,我们完成了在我们的服务器上 Nginx 插件的安装。现在我们可以配置 Nginx 作为反向代理和为已有的 cPanel 用户账户创建虚拟主机,为此我们可以运行如下脚本。第四步:启动 Nginx 作为默认的前端 Web 服务器,并创建默认的配置文件root@server1 [/usr]# /opt/nDeploy/scripts/cpanel-nDeploy-setup.sh enableModifying apache http and https port in cpanelhttpd restarted successfully.Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/nginx.service to /usr/lib/systemd/system/nginx.service.Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/ndeploy_watcher.service to /usr/lib/systemd/system/ndeploy_watcher.service.Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/ndeploy_backends.service to /usr/lib/systemd/system/ndeploy_backends.service.ConfGen:: saheethaConfGen:: satest你可以看到这个脚本将修改 Apache 的端口从 80 到另一个端口来让 Nginx 作为前端 Web 服务器,并为现有的 cPanel 用户创建虚拟主机配置文件。一旦完成,确认 Apache 和 Nginx 的状态。Apache 状态:root@server1 [/var/run/httpd]# systemctl status httpd● httpd.service - Apache Web ServerLoaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/httpd.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)Active: active (running) since Mon 2016-01-18 06:34:23 UTC; 12s agoProcess: 25606 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/apachectl start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)Main PID: 24760 (httpd)CGroup: /system.slice/httpd.serviceu2023 24760 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -k startJan 18 06:34:23 server1.centos7-test.com systemd[1]: Starting Apache Web Server...Jan 18 06:34:23 server1.centos7-test.com apachectl[25606]: httpd (pid 24760) already runningJan 18 06:34:23 server1.centos7-test.com systemd[1]: Started Apache Web Server.Nginx 状态:root@server1 [~]# systemctl status nginx● nginx.service - nginx-nDeploy - high performance web serverLoaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/nginx.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)Active: active (running) since Sun 2016-01-17 17:18:29 UTC; 13h agoDocs: http://nginx.org/en/docs/Main PID: 3833 (nginx)CGroup: /system.slice/nginx.service├─ 3833 nginx: master process /usr/sbin/nginx -c /etc/nginx/nginx.conf├─25473 nginx: worker process├─25474 nginx: worker process└─25475 nginx: cache manager processJan 17 17:18:29 server1.centos7-test.com systemd[1]: Starting nginx-nDeploy - high performance web server...Jan 17 17:18:29 server1.centos7-test.com nginx[3804]: nginx: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is okJan 17 17:18:29 server1.centos7-test.com nginx[3804]: nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successfulJan 17 17:18:29 server1.centos7-test.com systemd[1]: Started nginx-nDeploy - high performance web server.Nginx 作为前端服务器运行在 80 端口,Apache 配置被更改为监听 http 端口 9999 和 https 端口 4430。请看他们的情况:root@server1 [/usr/local/src]# netstat -plan | grep httpdtcp 0 0* LISTEN 17270/httpdtcp 0 0* LISTEN 17270/httpdtcp6 0 0 :::4430 :::* LISTEN 17270/httpdtcp6 0 0 :::9999 :::* LISTEN 17270/httpdroot@server1 [/usr/local/src]# netstat -plan | grep nginxtcp 0 0* LISTEN 17802/nginx: mastertcp 0 0* LISTEN 17802/nginx: master为已有用户创建的虚拟主机的配置文件在 “/etc/nginx/sites-enabled”。 这个文件路径包含了 Nginx 主要配置文件。root@server1 [/etc/nginx/sites-enabled]# ll | grep .conf-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 311 Jan 17 09:02 saheetha.com.conf-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 336 Jan 17 09:02 saheethastest.com.conf一个域名的示例虚拟主机:server {listen;#CPIPVSIX:80;# ServerNamesserver_name saheetha.com www.saheetha.com;access_log /usr/local/apache/domlogs/saheetha.com main;access_log /usr/local/apache/domlogs/saheetha.com-bytes_log bytes_log;include /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/saheetha.com.include;}我们可以启动浏览器查看网站来确定 Web 服务器的工作状态。安装后,请阅读服务器上的 web 服务信息。root@server1 [/home]# ip a | grep -i eth03: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP qlen 1000inet brd scope global dynamic eth0root@server1 [/home]# nginx -vnginx version: nginx/1.8.0Nginx 将会为任何最新在 cPanel 中创建的账户创建虚拟主机。通过这些简单的的步骤,我们能够在一台 CentOS 7 / cPanel 的服务器上配置 Nginx 作为反向代理。Nginx 作为反向代理的优势便于安装和配置。效率高、性能好。防止 Ddos 攻击。支持使用 .htaccess 作为 PHP 的重写规则。

frente 的try to think less歌词

分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 音乐 问题描述: 这首歌可能叫try to think less 解析: 不知道是哪个,你对照下看看! 第一个: if i got scared i don"t knowit just didn"t feel right anymore something"s changed from before i wish i knew i did not want to hurt you i don"t want to still but i"ll be around you know i will i just have to face the day now all i can say all i can say is, i need more all i can say is, i"m so sorry for the promises i made to you what i said i would do i could make it all good i could say that i"d try but that would be a lie you don"t deserve i got lost in the moment i was lost in you i tried to ignore it but then i had to had to face the day and i"m hoping that you can five me and i"m praying that you don"t think less of me and i"m hoping that you, will see it too see that it is for the better (all i can say is) ha~ <end> 第二个: it seemed to be like the perfect thing for you and me it"s so ironic you"re what i had pictured you to be but there are facts in our lives we can never change just tell me that you understand and you feel the same this perfect romance that i"ve created in my mind i"d live a thousand lives each one with you right by my side but yet we find ourselves in a less than perfect circumstance and so it seems like we"ll never have the chance ain"t it funny how some feelings you just can"t deny and you can"t stop move on even though you try ain"t it strange when your feeling things you shouldn"t feel oh, i wish this could be real ain"t it funny how a moment could just change your life and you don"t want to face what"s wrong or right ain"t it strange how fate can play a part in the story of your heart sometimes i think that a true love can never be i just believe that somehow it wasn"t meant for me life can be cruel in a way that i can"t explain and i don"t think that i could face it all again i barely know you but somehow i know what you"re about a deeper love i"ve found in you and i no longer doubt you"ve touched my heart and it altered every plan i"ve made and now i feel that i don"t have to be afraid ain"t it funny how some feelings you just can"t deny and you can"t stop move on even though you try ain"t it strange when your feeling things you shouldn"t feel oh, i wish this could be real ain"t it funny how a moment could just change your life and you don"t want to face what"s wrong or right ain"t it strange how fate can play a part in the story of your heart i locked away my heart but you just set it free emotions i felt held me back from what my life should be i pushed you far away and yet you stayed with me i guess this means that you and me were meant to be 第三个: I need this to get me through can"t resist and don"t want to believe it I know it"s true I can"t beat and don"t want to try perfect hell it"s more to me than you ever will know down here where the rest of us fell waste away with nothing left to show while I"m in this perfect hell obsession has begun possessed by destruction how did I get so low believe me no one knows sometimes I can"t hold on and no one can help me now it"s got a hold of me I don"t think I can make it through this now it"s got a hold of me the less I do the more it makes no sense I"m walking pollution who"s drained by delusions on the verge of destruction I cave in to abduction thin blood I"m bleeding my pulse won"t stop racing just as my heart explodes no chance that I could win too hard to not give in I just don"t feel the same cause I"m the one to blame sometimes I can"t hold on and no one can help me now it"s got a hold of me I don"t think I can make it through this now it"s got a hold of me the less I do the more it makes no sense I need this to be myself it feels like I need some help it"s too late to save myself or it"s just in my head now it"s got a hold of me I don"t think I can make it through this now it"s got a hold of me the less I do the more it makes no sense now it"s got a hold of me I don"t think I can make it through this now it"s got a hold of me the less I do the more it makes no sense 第四个: I don"t mean to make obscene But even the mob, know what the hell i mean The knot is tight, on my blindfold I got my flesh full of blood, i hate rock n roll Some think too much, then e too soon I just curse the sun, so i can howl at the moon Don"t wanna love you no more Don"t wanna love you less I wanna be crushed by your sweet caress What"s the *** in" difference, we all gonna die You gonna do something killer? C"mon give it a try Got no good plans but a good idea Let"s put this town in my rearview mirror Yeah, i got enemies, but they don"t know They won"t get no glory on that side of the hole We are united, by drifting alone This is the army of none, got no flag, got no home Just witches & scabs, an awful mess, i confess... Let"s do it again. 要是没有 那你去这里看看 mp3.baidu/m?f=ms&tn=baidump3lyric&ct=***********&lf=2&rn=10&word=try+to+think+less+&lm=-1

黑眼豆豆dont lie 中文歌词

yeah, uhuh, la da da da da hey, baby my nose is getting big i noticed it be growing when i been telling them fibs now you say your trust`s gettin weaker probably coz my lies just started gettin deeper and the reason for my confession is that i learn my lesson and i really think you have to know the truuth because i lied and i cheated and i lied a little more but after i did it i don`t know what i did it for i admit that i have been a little immature fucking with your heart like i was the pre-dit-tor in my book of lies i was the editor and the author i forged my signature and now i apologise for what i did to ya cos what you did to me i did to you nononono baby, nononono don`t lie nononono, yeah you kno kno kno know you gotta try what you gonna do when it all comes out when i see you & what you`re all about nonono babe, nononono don`t lie yeah you kno kno kno know you gotta try she said i`m leaving cos she can`t take the pain it`s hard to continue this love it ain`t the same can`t forget the things that i`ve done inside her brain too many lies committed too many games she feeling like a fool getting on the last train tryin to maintain but the feeling won`t change i`m sorry for the things that i`ve done and what i became caught up in living my life in the fast lane blinded by lights, cameras, you know the fame i don`t know the reason why i did these things and i lie and i lie [2] and now our emotions are drained cos i lie and i lie and a little lie lie and now your emotions are drained nononono babe, nononono don`t lie nononono, yeah you kno kno kno know you gotta try what you gonna do when it all comes out when i see you & what you`re all about nonono babe, nononono don`t lie because you kno kno kno know you gotta try ooh ooh ooh ooh, ooh ooh ooh ba da ba da ba da ba da badabada yo, i`m lying to my girl even though i love her and she`s all in my world i give her all my atention and diamonds & pearls she`s the one who makes me feel on top of the world still i lie to my girl, i do it and i lie and i lie and i lie til there`s no turning back i don`t know why,[and i lie and i lie til i don`t know who i am 中文歌词:是的, uhuh, la da da da da 嗨, 纵容我的鼻子变得大 我注意它增加当我告诉他们小谎 现在你说你的信赖s gettin 比较弱的 或许我的谎言刚刚更深入地开始了 gettin 的 cousin 的缩写 而且我的自认的理由是我学习我的课 而且我真的认为你必须知道 truuth 因为我说谎,而且我欺骗了和我说谎了一些更多 但是在我之后做了它我着t 知道什么我做了它 我承认我已经稍微不成熟 以你的像我的心性交是前摩尔斯讯号的短音-岩山 在我是编者的我的谎言的书中 而且作家 我伪造了我的签字 而且现在我道歉为什么我对 ya 做 cos 什么你对我对你做的我做 Nononono 宝贝, nononono 君t 谎言 nononono, 是的你 kno kno kno 知道你必须试 什么你去做当它全部出来 当我见到你的时候 & 什么你关于所有的大约 nonono 小孩, nononono 君t 谎言 是的你 kno kno kno 知道你必须试 她说我m 离开 Cos 她能t 拿痛苦 它s 难的继续这爱它 aint 一样的 能t 忘记事物哪一 ive 完成了内部她的脑 太多谎言犯了太多游戏 她像一个愚人上最后一班火车一样的感觉 tryin 维持但是感觉嬴得t 变化 我m 难过的为事物我做的 ve 和什么我变成 在快速的小路中住我的生活方面追赶 根据光,照相机盲人, 你知道名望 我着t 知道理由为什么我做了这些事物 而且我躺着和我躺着 [2] 而且现在我们的情绪被排出沟外 cos 我躺着,而且我躺着和一则小谎言谎言 而且现在你的情绪被排出沟外 Nononono 小孩, nononono 君t 谎言 nononono, 是的你 kno kno kno 知道你必须试 什么你去做当它全部出来 当我见到你的时候 & 什么你关于所有的大约 nonono 小孩, nononono 君t 谎言 因为你 kno kno kno 知道你必须试 ooh ooh ooh ooh, ooh ooh ooh ba da ba da ba da ba da badabada Yo, 我m 对我的女孩说谎 即使我爱她 而且她s 所有的在我的世界中 我给她我所有的 atention 和钻石和珍珠 她s 使我在世界的顶端上感觉的人 使我对我的女孩说谎安静, 我做它

关于sterilize,disinfect,antisepticise 意思和用法的区别

sterilizein BRIT, also use 英国英语亦用 sterilise1[VERB 动词] 对…作灭菌(或消毒)处理;If you sterilize a thing or a place, you make it completely clean and free from germs. [V n]Sulphur is also used to sterilize equipment...硫也可用来给器材消毒。The milk was sterilized and sealed in bottles.牛奶经过灭菌处理后被封装在瓶子里。sterilization//...the pasteurization and sterilization of milk.牛奶的巴氏消毒和灭菌处理2[VERB 动词] 使绝育;If a person or an animal is sterilized, they have a medical operation that makes it impossible for them to have or produce babies. [be V-ed] [usu passive]My wife was sterilized after the birth of her fourth child.我妻子生完第4个孩子后做了绝育手术。sterilizationIn some cases, a sterilization is performed through the vaginal wall.有些情况下,可以经阴道壁施行绝育手术。disinfect1[VERB 动词] 为…消毒或杀菌;If you disinfect something, you clean it using a substance that kills germs. [V n]Chlorine is used to disinfect water...氯用来给水消毒。Make sure the draining board, sink and plug hole are regularly disinfected.滴水板、水槽和塞孔一定要定期消毒。antiseptic1[N-MASS 物质名词] 杀菌剂;防腐剂;消毒剂;Antiseptic is a substance that kills germs and harmful bacteria.She bathed the cut with antiseptic.她用消毒剂浸洗伤口。2[ADJ 形容词] 杀菌的;防腐的;Something that is antiseptic kills germs and harmful bacteria.These vegetables and herbs have strong antiseptic qualities.这些蔬菜和草本植物有很强的杀菌性。

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目前,实现宽带接入技术主要有以下几种方式:xDSL、Cable Modem、吉比特以太网、无线接入技术和光纤接入技术。1 xDSL xDSL是HDSL、ASDL、VDSL等技术的统称。在xDSL的这几项技术中,由于HDSL主要支持2Mbit/s及以下的速率,VDSL提供的速率虽然很高(可达25Mbit/s以上),但线路长度较短(25 Mbit/s时约为1km),已部分技术尚未完全确定,故在实际使用中,ADSL(Asymmetric Digital SubscribeLine)相比最为普遍。我们以ADSL为例介绍xDSL技术。 ADSL即非对称数字用户线路,是一种在普通电话线上进行宽带通信的技术。ADSL的技术标准出台于1997年,它在HDSL技术的基础上,根据网络和用户间的业务流量特点,在信号调制、数字相位均衡。回波抵消等方面采用了更为先进的器件和动态控制技术,因而成为接入网由窄带向宽带过渡的主流技术,近年来发展迅猛。ADSL是利用现有的电话网络,以市话双绞铜线为传输介质的点到点的宽带传输技术,为用户提供上、下行非对称的传输速率,上行(从用户到网络)为低速的传输,可达1.5Mbit/s;下行(从网络到用户)为高速传输,可达8Mbit/s,非常符合普通用户联网的实际需要。ADSL的传输速率比传统的模拟调制解调器快100多倍,也是传输速率达128kbit/s的ISDN(综合业务数字网)所无法比拟的。 ADSL最初主要是针对视频点播业务开发的,随着技术的发展,逐步成为了一种较方便的宽带接入技术。ADSL满足了用户即时接入Internet服务的需求。这一技术极大地推动了高速数据传输如会议电视、VOD、HDTV等业务的增长。 更为吸引人的地方是,ADSL能够利用数字编码技术从现有铜质电话线上获取最大数据传输容量,同时又不干扰在同一条线上进行的常规话音服务。因此可以与普通电话共存于一条电话线上,在一条普通电话线上打电话或发传真的同时上网“冲浪”而不会影响通话质量或降低下载Internet内容的速度。它能够在同一铜线上使用不同的频率分别传送数据和话音信号,数据信号并不通过电话交换设备,因此减轻了电话交换机的负担,而不通过电话交换机则意味着使用ADSL上网不需要交纳电话费并且不需要拨号,一直在线,属于专线上网方式。 ADSL接入网有两种类型:一种是基于计算机网络的IP over ADSL方式,另一种是ATM over ADSL方式。构筑ADSL技术的核心是编码技术,目前有离散多音频调制DMT(Discrete MultiTone)及无载波调幅/调相CAP(Carrierless Amplitude/Phase Modulation)两种主要方法。其中,DMT已经被ANSI采纳为标准,而CAP技术还在进一步完善。 ADSL安装包括局端线路调整和用户端设备安装,在局端方面由服务商将用户原有的电话线接入ADSL局端设备,操作极其简单;用户端的ADSL安装也非常简易方便,只要将电话线接上分离器,分离器与ADSL调制解调器之间用一条之芯电话线连上,ADSL调制解调器与计算机网卡之间用一条双绞网线连接即可完成硬件安装,再将TCP/IP协议中的IP、DNS和网关参数项设置好,便完成了安装工作。ADSL的使用就更加简易了,由于ADSL不需要拨号,一直在线,用户只需接上ADSL电源便可享受高速网上冲浪的服务了。但ADSL业务的信号在从局端发送到用户端的途中会迅速衰减,有质量保证的一般在3km以内(如对0.4mm线径的双绞线,速率为3Mbit/s时的传输距离约为2.7km)。而目前市话端局的覆盖面积一般在5km以内,对于3~5km的用户必须考虑采用其他方法。 如今,我国的部分城市已开通了ADSL业务,如上海、广州和深圳等地,例如上海电信新开放的宽带信息网——上海热线Ⅱ,允许用户以ADSL方式接入。用户的数据终端设备(如PC机)通过以太网卡以10Base-T接入本端的ADSL设备,以此接入上海热线Ⅱ,享受到多种宽带服务。北京市的宽带商用实验网也即将建成。它建成后即可为北京市的广大用户提供高速的ADSL接入。 2 Cable Modem 另外一种宽带接入技术则是利用现有的有线电视(CATV)网络,以Cable(同轴电缆)或HFC(Hybrid Fiber/Coax光纤同轴混合)网络作为传输通道,采用Cable Modem(电缆调制解调器)技术接入网络,它最大的优势在于速度快,占用资源少,其下行传输速率根据频宽和调制方式不同可以达到27~56Mbit/s,上行传输速率可以达到10Mbit/s。在实际运用中,Cable Modem只占用有线电视系统可用频谱中的一小部分,因而上网时不影响收看电视和使用电话。计算机可以每天24小时停留在网上,不发送或接收数据时不占用任何网络和系统资源。Cahle Modem本身不单纯是调制解调器,它集Modem、调谐器、加/解密设备、桥接器、网络接口卡、SNMP代理和以太网集线器的功能干一身,无需拨号上网,不占用电话线,只需对某个传输频带进行调制解调,这一点与普通的拨号上网是不同的(普通的Modem的传输介质在用户与交换机之间是独立的,即用户独亨通信介质)。 利用Cable Modem技术实现宽带接人还有一些其他优势。同利用ADSL等电信网络实现宽带接入的成本相比,它的成本费用很低。因此,由它提供宽带接入的费用会明显低于xDSL等的接入费用。这是它在应用中最大的优势。另外,有线电视覆盖范围有广泛的大众基础,而已与丰富的可提供服务的信息内容联系在一起,通过有线电视网络提供语音服务已经成为极具前景的发展方向,是最佳的实现三网融合的接入方案。Cable Modem融数、模传输为一体,既能同时支持目前的模拟与数字服务,又能平滑过渡到今后的光纤到户和全数字化服务。 有线电视网络原本就是宽带网络,其传输数据的HFC网连接用户端的传输频宽可高达750MHz,但由于传统的有线电视网络只能传输单向数据,必须对现有网络进行大规模的双向传输改造及其他相关系统互联设备改造才能提供普通电话,快速Internet接入、VOD、远程教学等业务。当然,这种升级改造对进一步推广交互式数字电视也是必须的。Cable Modem不存在由于电话线质量和串扰引起的开通率低的问题,但由于共享用户数的增多,会降低每个用户的可用带宽,而且需要切实解决回传噪声问题。 除此之外,有线电视网的带宽为所有用户所共享,即每一用户所占的带宽并不同定,它取决于某一时刻对带宽进行共享的用户数。随着用户的增加,每个用户分得的实际带宽将明显降低,甚至低于用户独享的ADSL带宽。由于其现为共享型网络,数据传送基于广播机制,通信的安全性不够高。另外,它主要铺设在住宅小区,显然不及市话双绞线覆盖的范围广泛。 据了解,目前全球较著名的Cahle Modem系统试验已达数十个,经过近几年的先期运行和试验,Cable Modem系统服务也进入了活跃的试用阶段。我国有线电视经历了20多年的发展,全国有线电视网络线路总长度超过了300万公里,光纤干线达到26万公里,近2000个县开通了有线电视,其中600多个县已实现了光纤到乡、到村,HFC网正在成为发展的主流。目前,有线电视用户总数已超过8000万,并以每年500万户以上的速度增长,有线电视用户数已位居世界第一。在这种条件下,依托有线电视网络资源,利用PC/Cable Modem或TV/STB组合实现宽带接入,提供图像、语音、数据“三合一”的多媒体信息服务具有更加特殊的意义。现在,我国部分省市的有线电视台,如重庆的合川市、深圳有线电视台等已开始利用有线电视网为用户提供宽带信息服务。合川市在有线电视网上现已成功地实现了有线电视、多媒体数据通信和网络电话“二网合一”,通过Cahle Modem实现的下载速率可达300kbit/s,而用户每月只需缴纳100元的网络使用费,即可随意上网。一些省市的电信部门也在用类似的技术为用户提供宽带接入服务。 3 吉比特以太网 关于以太网模式的高速接入大家都比较熟悉,以太网和快速以太网已经被证明是最广泛和占主导地位的LAN技术。 吉比特以太网是一种新型高速局域网,它可以提供高达1Gbit/s的通信带宽,采用和传统10兆比特、100兆比特以太网同样的CSMA/CD协议、帧格式和帧长,因此可以实现在原有低速以大网基础上平滑、连续性的网络升级,从而能最大限度地保护用户以前的投资。利用光纤接入用户局域网,用户接人速度只受限于光纤的接入速率。另外,吉比特以太网总体的开销,包括购置和维护开销都比较低,具备可支持新应用和新数据类型的能力,网络设计可以有相当的灵活性,还能够提供内部局域网通信。 它的缺点则是需要重新布线,对环境有要求(如交换机位置、保护、噪声、电源、温度),设备安装维护比较困难,维护费用较高,运营方式相对复杂,而且从方向上不符合利用现有网络资源推进三网融合的大趋势。 4 无线接入技术 无线接入是指从交换节点到用户终端部分或全部采用无线手段接入技术,无线接入技术可以分为移动接入和固定接入两大类。 移动无线接入网包括蜂窝区移动电话网、无线寻呼网、无绳电话网、集群电话网、卫星全球移动通信网直至个人通信网等等,是当今通信行业中最活跃的领域之一。其中移动接入又可分为高速和低速两种。高速移动接入一般可用蜂窝系统、卫星移动通信系统、集群系统等。低速接入系统可用PGN的微叫、区和毫微小区,如CDMA的WILLJACS、PHS等。 固定接入是从交换节点到固定用户终端采用无线接入,它实际上是PSTN/ISDN的无线延伸。其目标是为用户提供透明的PSTN/ISDN业务,固定无线接入系统的终端不含或仅含有限的移动性。接入方式有微波一点多址、蜂窝区移动接入的固定应用、无线用户环路及卫星VSAT网等。固定无线接入系统以提供窄带业务为主,基本上是电话业务。主要的固定无线接入技术有三类,即已经投入使用的多路多点分配业务(MMDS)和直播卫星系统(DBS)以及本地多点分配业务(LMDS)。前两者已为人熟知,而LMDS则是刚刚兴起,近来才逐渐成为热点的新兴宽带无线接入技术,LMDS通常使用20~40GHz频带的高频无线信号,在用户前端设备和基站间收发数字信号,上/下行传输速率可以达到数兆比特每秒。其主要优势是几乎无需外部电缆线路,而且安装迅速灵活,但除了频道干扰外还存在雨衰、视距传输等问题,另外设备价格也还比较贵。 总地来看,宽带固定无线接入技术代表了宽带接入技术的一种新的不可忽视的发展趋势,不仅开通快、维护简单、用户较密时成本低,而且改变了本地电信业务的传统观念,最适于新的本地网竞争者与传统电信公司和有线电视公司展开有效竞争,也可以作为电信公司有线接入的重要补充而得到应有的发展。 5 光纤接入技术 光纤接入技术是指局端与用户之间完全以光纤作为传输媒体的接入方式,用户网光纤化有很多方案,有光纤到路边(FTTC)、光纤到小区(FTTZ)。光纤到办公室(FTTO)、光纤到大楼(FTTF)、光纤到家庭(FTTH)。但不管是何种领域的应用,实现光纤到户都是为了满足高速宽带业务以及双向宽带业务的客观需要。 光纤用户网的主要技术是光波传输技术,目前光纤传输的复用技术发展相当快,多数已处于实用化。复用技术用得最多的有时分复用(TDM)、波分复用(WDM)、频分复用(FDM)、码分复用(CDM)等。 值得一提的是,光纤进入家庭是未来必然的趋势,但由于种种原因,短期内尚不能形成主流。

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current drains电流消耗;耗用电流为你解难,满意请及时采纳,谢谢

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  n.油漆;颜料;绘画作品;涂料;(paint的复数)   vi.绘画;描绘;化妆   vt.绘画;涂色于;(用语言、文字等)描写;擦脂粉等;(paint的第三人称单数)原形:paint   近义词n.pictures   双语例句   Thestorypaintsasordidpictureofbribesandscams.   这个故事刻画了一幅贿赂和阴谋的肮脏画面。   Oncedry,thepaintsbecomeinsolubleinwater.   这些颜料一旦干了就不溶于水了。   Thinnerpaintsneedblackaddedtoincreaseopacity.   稀一点的颜料需要加点黑色来减少透明度。

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1.右键单击工程->properties->C/C++build->Setting->ARM v7 gcc compiler->Miscellaneous 把-mfloat-abi的值改成softfp;2........................................................................................->ARM v7 gcc linker->Miscellaneous 把-mfloat-abi的值改成softfp;3.在工程bsp包里同样把-mfloat-abi的值改成softfp。

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填空求解答 More than $20,000 has been paid in to victims of another poisoned water accident in the

1.compassion 同情2.bribes(take bribes 收受贿赂)3.objective目标,宗旨4.clapped 轻轻拍打某人5.tame 驯服的6.exaggerated夸张,夸大7.adapt (adapt to 使适应于)8.sit idle闲坐9.dumb 哑的,不说话的10.adopted 采纳,采用你的原句没有给出填词的空,我把这些句子重新整理了一下:1.More than $20,000 has been paid in 【compassion】 to victims of another poisoned water accident in the 2.A court has sentenced two Thai men to two years in prison for taking【bribes】 to help a German criminal escape.3.The【objective】 of the new organization was to provide free legal aid to the poor.4.Everyone laughed, and the captain【clapped】 me on the back and called me a good fellow.5.That wild animal is now so【tame】 that it will eat out of your hand.6.He【exaggerated】 the dangers of the trip to the mountain in order to frighten them into not going.7.For a moment she stood in the doorway, allowing her eyes to【adapt 】 to the dark interior.8.Hundreds of workers sat 【idle】 on the factory floor waiting for the assembly line to start again.9.For those who are【dumb】, a sign language is useful and especially so for mentally disabled people who have speech difficulties.10.The proposed method has, today, been【adopted】 to measure the effectiveness of operational research.

为什么日月光中心的英文是ase center?


电影笔记 | 分歧者:异类觉醒 Divergent (2014)

时间:20170515 地点:车里 评分:★★★★ 简评: 一部有启发性的电影,虽然中间和结尾有点无聊。不过还是非常值得一看。 《分歧者:异类觉醒》(英语:Divergent)是一部于2014年上映的美国科幻冒险青春电影,为尼尔·博格执导,剧情改编自韦罗妮卡·罗思(Veronica Roth)同名畅销小说三部曲的第一部作品《分歧者》 故事发生在未来末日后一个反乌托邦的世界。 在未来,人们16岁时要在无私派(Abnegation)、友好派(Amity)、无畏派(Dauntless)、诚实派(Candor)以及博学派(Erudite)五个派系之间选定成其中一员,但翠丝(碧翠丝)在检查中被测定为异类(分歧者),表示无法单纯的归于某一派系,而她也会对社会带来威胁,因此她必须在追捕中生存下来。 朋友有提到过,一直没时间看。终于有空了。 做一个“非主流”,做一个“异类”,做自己。 认识你自己,知道自己是何处的人。而不是随波逐流。 这个我反对。 不想被控制就要有独立思考的能力。 做一个全面发展的“社会主义事业的接班人”。 博学派(Erudite),聪明的看重知识和逻辑的人,他们上知天文下知地理。 典型:科学家 友好派(Amity),负责农耕,他们都很善良和谐,永远都很开心。 典型:农民、农民工 诚实派(Candor),看重正直与规则,无论在任何情况下,他们都不会说谎。 典型:法官、律师 无畏派(Dauntless),他们是我们的守护者,他们勇敢、无畏、自由、疯狂。 典型:军人、警察 无私派(Abnegation),过着简单生活,无私、乐于助人、给无派系的人事物。 典型:志愿者、支教教师 下面是一些剧照,不想剧透的同学可以拉到最底下点个赞或者评论,谢谢。 女主角的哥哥跟她说:“明天当我们选择的时候,你必须要想想我们的家人,但你也要为你自己想想。” 第二天,他哥哥选择了成为“博学派”,妹妹选择成为了“无畏派”。 结果出来的时候他们父母(无私派)一脸懵逼,儿女都离开了自己。 感谢您的阅读,如果你有什么想法,欢迎留言,期待与你的交流。

china-asean free trade agreement是什么意思

china-asean free trade agreement中国—东盟自由贸易协定,缩写CAFTA,是中国与东盟十国组建的自由贸易区。相关信息ASEAN:东南亚国家联盟(Association of Southeast Asian Nations),简称东盟(ASEAN)。成员国有马来西亚、印度尼西亚、泰国、菲律宾、新加坡、文莱、越南、老挝、缅甸和柬埔寨。Free Trade Agreement:自由贸易协定(Free Trade Agreement)。是两国或多国间具有法律约束力的契约,目的在于促进经济一体化,其目标之一是消除贸易壁垒,允许产品与服务在国家间自由流动。这里所指的贸易壁垒可能是关税,也可能是繁杂的规则等等。

so disappointed翻译

After bricked our car glass ,stolen all things so disappointed After bricked our car glass ,stolen all things so disappointed

words are the bricks ( )we build sentences to e

C.of which build sth of sth 用。。。建构。。。。如不明白请追问,如果满意请【采纳】祝学习进步

【dramatic mountains,rolling hills】如何翻译?


Dramatic present是什么,讲清楚点,没学过。

翻译这回事只可意会不可言传present in an overly dramatic manner.用过分戏剧化的方式来表明。

英语这里dramatic endorsement什么意思?


英语introducing a dramatic new look怎么翻译?


what do you want to(eat.ate.drank) 哪个是对的



1,应该是donot make me drunk? 不要让我喝醉/沉醉



dietary supplement是什么意思

dietary supplement英[u02c8dau026au026au02ccteri: u02c8su028cpliment]美[u02c8dau026au026au02cctu025bri u02c8su028cplu0259mu0259nt]膳食补充品Innovative Beverage says that its Drank is a dietary supplement and that it is working closely with FDA to"clear up any confusion. "该公司说,Drank是一种膳食补充品,它正在与FDA密切合作,澄清任何疑惑。

我怎么进CS就自动退出来了,他说是net_sendpacket错误:wsaeintr,我把QOS RSVP停了也没用,是怎么回事啊

此问题非常简单,是英文你用的CS版本造成,你可能安装的版本过高,建议安装Esai 3248版本,Esai是国内最早,最正规的Esai版本 最后升级版本为3248并且声明,从此不再更新,到目前为止,Esai3248还是最稳定,最好用的版本。然后就是其他人搞的什么OKgogogo 迪酷 等等,,而且都还打的照片什么什么版本,甚至3999版本都出来了,最多3266就可以了。高了就会出现很多问题,因为我们平常进的CS服务器都是在3248的基础上建立的。其他所谓的高级版本只不过是进行了优化,添加了地图,还有中文输入法等工具而已。完全没必要!最终解决方法:更换版本,建议3248 或者 3266

what do you want to drank?

drank? or drink

I want to be you bride是什么意思


asg评级 Mint是有背胶还是无背胶


Ferroptosis: An Iron-Dependent Form of Nonapoptotic Cell Death

本文选自CELL,2012,铁死亡开山之作。摘要:非凋亡形式的细胞死亡可能促进某些肿瘤细胞的选择性清除或在特定的病理状态下被激活。致癌的RAS选择性致死小分子Erastin触发了一种独特的铁依赖的非凋亡细胞死亡形式,我们称之为铁死亡。 铁死亡依赖于细胞内的铁,而不依赖于其他金属,在形态、生化和基因上与凋亡、坏死和自噬不同 。我们发现小分子铁抑素-1是一种有效的抑制癌细胞铁下垂和谷氨酸诱导的器官型大鼠脑片细胞死亡的抑制剂,提示这两个过程之间有相似之处。事实上,与谷氨酸一样,Erastin也能抑制胱氨酸/谷氨酸逆向转运蛋白(系统x?)对胱氨酸的摄取,在细胞的抗氧化防御系统中造成空洞,最终导致铁依赖的氧化性死亡。因此,铁死亡的激活会导致某些癌细胞的非凋亡破坏,而抑制这一过程可能会保护生物体免受神经退化的影响。 首先作者研究的方向是非凋亡的死亡形式,其次,在针对RAS突变基因的药物筛选中找到了两个药物ERASTIN 和RSL3,进一步探寻这两种药物作用机制以及对RAS基因突变的治疗效果。 RSL诱导的细胞死亡原因不明,涉及来自未知来源的ROS的积累和铁螯合作用对细胞死亡的抑制。我们观察到这两个过程是相互联系的。用RSL分子erastin(10 mM)处理NRAS突变HT-1080纤维肉瘤细胞后,胞液和脂质ROS从2小时开始呈时间依赖性增加, 这一结果通过分别使用荧光探针H2DCFDA和C11-BODIPY的流式细胞术检测到 (图1B和图1C)。在细胞脱落和明显死亡之前,ROS的增加开始于6小时。与铁螯合剂去铁胺(DFO,100mM)共处理可以抑制ROS的积累和细胞死亡, 而与三种不同的外源铁源孵育 ,但不与其他二价过渡金属离子(Cu2+,Mn2+,Ni2+和Co2+)孵育,则加强了Erastin诱导的死亡(图S1A和S1B可从网上获得)。由于erastin处理的细胞在长时间积累ROS后发生细胞死亡,并被抗氧化剂抑制,表明铁依赖的ROS积累是杀死这些细胞的原因。 由于两个Erastin靶标VDAC2和VDAC3驻留在线粒体中,我们推测Erastin诱导的死亡与线粒体电子传输链(ETC)产生的ROS异常有关。然而, 在Erastin处理(10mM,6小时)的HT-1080细胞中,我们没有观察到MitoSOX敏感的线粒体ROS产生增加 。 ETC复合物I抑制剂鱼藤酮(250 nM,6小时)促进了MitoSOX敏感ROS的产生,但对DFO不敏感 。此外, KRAS突变的143B骨肉瘤细胞由于线粒体DNA(MtDNA)编码转录本(r0细胞)的耗尽而不能形成ETC依赖的ROS,对erastin和RSL3的敏感性与匹配的mtDNA野生型(r+)细胞一样敏感 。因此, 在人类癌细胞中,Erastin诱导的细胞死亡涉及DFO敏感的ROS积聚,并可发生在缺乏功能线粒体等的细胞中 。(一般的氧化应激可能更加依赖线粒体功能,但是线粒体功能与铁死亡发生无关,所以,理论上在所有细胞中都可以诱导铁死亡的发生。) 我们检查了铁死亡是否与凋亡或坏死性死亡或自噬有形态、生物能量或其他相似之处。在透射电镜下,我们观察到, 经erastin处理的HRAS突变体BJeLR工程肿瘤细胞没有表现出与星形孢子素(STS)诱导的凋亡(例如,染色质凝聚和边集)、过氧化氢(H2O2)诱导的坏死(例如,细胞质和细胞器肿胀、质膜破裂)或雷帕霉素诱导的自噬(例如,形成双膜包裹的囊泡)相关的特征形态学特征 。经 erastin处理的细胞中唯一独特的形态学特征是线粒体看起来比正常小,膜密度增加 ,这与我们以前的报告是一致的。 通过对细胞能量代谢来看,erastin,sts细胞内ATP与H2O2处理后完全不同,使用最近报道的调制图谱策略的变体,测试了12种已建立的小分子细胞死亡抑制剂在HT-1080细胞、BJeLR细胞和KRAS突变的CALU-1非小细胞肺癌细胞中预防铁死亡的能力。我们计算了每种抑制剂(按10点4倍稀释系列测试)对致死剂量的erastin(Me<0,死亡致敏;Me=0,无效;Me>0,死亡钝化)处理的细胞归一化活性的调节作用(Me<0,死亡致敏;Me=0,无效;Me>0,死亡钝化)。结果值以无人监督的方式分层聚类,并显示为热图。使用这种方法,我们观察到,erastin诱导的死亡并不一致地受到caspase、组织蛋白酶或calain蛋白酶(z-VAD-fmk、E64d或ALLN)、RIPK1(Necrostatin-1)、亲环素D(环孢素A)或溶酶体功能/自噬(bafilomycinA1、3-甲基腺嘌呤、氯喹)抑制剂的调节。 在HT-1080、BJeLR和CALU-1细胞中,DFO、抗氧化剂Trolox、MEK抑制剂U0126,以及较弱程度的蛋白质合成抑制剂放线菌亚胺(CHX),都从Erastin诱导的死亡中挽救出来。在野生型和凋亡缺陷型Bax/Bak双基因敲除(DKO)小鼠胚胎成纤维细胞中,这些抑制剂也能有效地阻止Erastin诱导的铁死亡,表明铁死亡可以在人和小鼠来源的细胞中被激活,并且不依赖于Bax和Bak调控的核心凋亡机制。DFO、Trolox和U0126都可以阻止H2 DCFDA敏感的ROS在经erastin处理的HT-1080细胞中积累,表明这些抑制剂在上游或在ROS产生的水平上起到了防止死亡的作用。由于Trolox、U0126和膜透性铁螯合剂2,2-联吡啶可以在erastin后6小时加入HT-1080细胞中,并且仍然可以提供实质性的死亡保护, 因此铁死亡可能需要在很长一段时间内持续形成铁依赖的ROS才能触发死亡 。( 铁死亡时ROS积累的过程 ) 最后,在一项调制图谱实验中,测试了DFO、Trolox、U0126、CHX、膜透性铁螯合剂ciclopiroxolamine(CPX)和谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶模拟物ebselen(EBS)调节erastin、RSL3或其他16种被认为通过各种ROS依赖和ROS非依赖机制杀死细胞的机械上不同化合物的致命性的能力,我们观察到erastin和RSL3形成了一个与所有其他细胞死亡诱导剂分开的独特的簇。总之,这些数据支持这样的假设, 即RSL诱导的铁死亡不同于凋亡、各种形式的坏死和自噬 。 为了探索铁死亡的遗传基础,我们试图识别这一过程中唯一需要的基因。我们把重点放在线粒体的潜在作用上,因为这个细胞器在用erastin处理的细胞中表现出异常的形态。 线粒体基因功能被针对1087个基因的定制arrayedshRNA文库干扰,其中大多数(901个,88%)编码预测的线粒体蛋白(高大上的技术) 。利用这个文库,我们首先比较了erastin(7.3mM)诱导的铁死亡和STS(1 MM)诱导的CALU-1细胞凋亡的遗传抑制能力。在所有5817个信息性发夹中,我们观察到那些从erastin诱导的铁死亡中拯救出来的shRNA和那些从STS诱导的凋亡中拯救出来的shRNA之间没有显著的相关性(Spearman秩和检验,r=0.01,p=0.46),证实了不同的基因网络控制着erastin诱导的铁死亡和STS诱导的凋亡。 接下来,我们在HT-1080细胞中进行了第二次erastin抗性筛选,通过使用严格的确认管道,鉴定了六个高信度基因,每个基因至少有两个独立的shRNA支持,这些基因在HT-1080和CALU-1细胞中都是诱导铁死亡所必需的:核糖体蛋白L8(RPL8)、铁反应元件结合蛋白2(IREB2)、ATP合成酶F0复合亚单位C3(ATP5G3)、柠檬酸合成酶(CS)、四肽重复结构域35(TTC35)和酰辅酶A合成酶家族成员2(ACSF2)。与已建立的erastin诱导的铁死亡对CHX和DFO敏感的本质一致,RPL8是编码翻译所需的60S核糖体亚基的一个组成部分,而IREB2是编码铁代谢的主要调节因子。我们进一步验证了这些结果,表明shRNA介导的 IREB2和IREB2负调控因子FBXL5的沉默导致了已知的铁吸收、代谢和储存基因TFRC、ISCU、FTH1和FTL的表达以及erastin敏感性的交互变化。 这些结果为筛查和确认程序的质量提供了信心。为了建立这些结果在HT-1080和CALU-1细胞中的普适性,我们观察了这些基因在HT-1080、CALU-1和另外6个细胞株中的沉默效果。通过使用每个基因的最有效发夹(由HT-1080细胞中mRNA沉默水平定义)沉默这六个高置信度基因,通过细胞系组合可使79%(38/48)的shRNA获得R20%的挽救。因此, 这些基因似乎是erastin诱导的铁死亡广泛需要的。 接下来,我们测试了这些基因的沉默是否特定地减弱了erastin诱导的铁死亡,或者更广泛地调节了各种致死效应。沉默这六个基因可以防止Erastin诱导的铁死亡(6/6个发夹的R40%挽救),但不能防止STS、鱼藤酮、雷帕霉素、蛋白酶体抑制剂MG132、DNA损伤剂喜树碱或Ca2+依赖的ATP酶抑制剂thapsigargin(0/6个发夹的R40%挽救)诱导的细胞死亡/细胞抑制。 总而言之,这些数据支持这样一种假设,即与其他形式的细胞死亡相比,一个独特的遗传网络控制着erastin诱导的铁死亡 。 ACSF2和CS都与线粒体脂肪酸代谢的调节有关,我们想知道这一过程是否会导致铁死亡。在癌细胞中, 脂肪酸的合成部分依赖于谷氨酰胺(Gln)到α-酮戊二酸的代谢 ,这一过程可以被小分子转氨酶抑制剂氨基氧乙酸(AOA)抑制。在同时含有葡萄糖和谷氨酰胺的细胞培养液中, 我们发现AOA(2 MM)可以将HT-1080和BJeLR细胞从Erastin诱导的铁死亡中解救出来 ,类似于沉默CS和ACSF2的效果。在AOA处理的HT-1080细胞中,通过与α-酮戊二酸二甲酯(DMK)共同孵育恢复了erastin的致死性,DMK提供了下游代谢物,其从Gln的产生被AOA阻断。二氯乙酸(DCA)是一种不相关的线粒体功能调节剂,不会直接影响Gln代谢,但对Erastin诱导的铁死亡没有影响。 这些结果表明,依赖于Gln、CS和ACSF2的脂质合成途径可以提供铁死亡所需的特定脂质前体 。 我们最终的目的是研究体内铁死亡的潜在作用,因此我们试图找出一种有效和特异的药物样小分子抑制剂来抑制这一过程。为了克服许多单个小分子收藏的固有限制,我们组装了一个由9,517个小分子组成的自定义筛选文库,这些小分子来自3,372,615个商业可获得化合物的起始池,这些化合物根据药物的相似性、溶解性、支架多样性和其他参数在硅胶中过滤。对这个铅优化化合物(LOC)文库的筛选和随后的确认研究确定了一种化合物,我们将其命名为铁抑素-1(Fer-1), 它是对erastin诱导的HT-1080细胞(EC50=60nM)中铁死亡最有效的抑制剂。 据我们所知,Fer-1的活性在任何生物系统中都没有报道。我们进行了Fer-1的全合成, 并用这一材料证实了Fer-1的活性,并证明它特异性地抑制了RSL诱导的死亡,但不能抑制其他氧化致命化合物和凋亡诱导剂诱导的细胞死亡 。接下来我们试图确定Fer-1的作用机制, Fer-1不抑制细胞外信号调节激酶(ERK)的磷酸化或阻止HT-1080细胞的增殖,这表明它不抑制MEK/ERK途径,不螯合铁,也不抑制蛋白质的合成 。然而, FER-1确实阻止了Erastin诱导的胞浆和脂质ROS的积累 。此外,与阳性对照抗氧化剂Trolox类似, Fer-1在无细胞条件下很容易氧化稳定的自由基2,2-二苯基-1-苦基肼(DPPH),这是内在抗氧化潜力的测试 。 用伯芳胺取代硝基(SRS8-24)或消除N-环己基(CA-1)破坏了Fer-1的抗氧化能力 以及它防止erastin(10 MM)诱导HT-1080细胞死亡的能力。因此,Fer-1需要这两种芳香胺来防止RSL诱导的死亡,这一功能似乎与其清除自由基的能力有关。我们的结果提示脂质ROS在Eastin诱导的死亡中起关键作用。因此, 我们假设Fer-1是一种脂质活性氧清除剂,N-环己基部分在生物膜中起到亲脂性锚定的作用。 与这一假设一致的是,在N-取代环状部分的碳数系统变化的一系列10个FeR-1类似物中,我们观察到预测的亲脂性(辛醇-水分配系数,logP)与每个分子的擦除死亡抑制能力之间存在显著的相关性(Spearman R=0.85p=0.002)。在这些类似物中,我们观察到预测的亲脂性(辛醇-水分配系数,logP)与每个分子的erastin-死亡抑制能力之间存在显著的相关性(Spearman R=0.85p=0.002)。值得注意的是,SRS8-72,一种Fer-1类似物,用N-环丙基代替N-环己基,在防止死亡方面比Fer-1弱一个数量级,但在无细胞DPPH试验中仍保持了同等的固有抗氧化能力,潜在的可能是促进Fer-1在脂质膜内的拴系,而不是影响该分子的内在抗氧化潜力。 有趣的是,仅靠脂质分配似乎不足以解释Fer-1的效力。 FER-1具有类似的预测亲脂性,但比两种典型的亲脂性抗氧化剂(Trolox和丁基羟基甲苯[BHT])具有更强的erastin抑制效力 ,同时比两种代表性的可溶性抗氧化剂(TIron和Tempo)亲脂性和效力都要强得多。曲洛克斯和BHT都是酚类抗氧化剂,而Fer-1含有芳香胺。我们假设,这种差异可能赋予Fer-1一个独特的自由基反应性轮廓,使其更好地适应RSL机制。 在癫痫、中风和其他创伤情况下发生在神经系统中的激毒性细胞死亡被描述为一个氧化的、铁依赖的过程。我们推测神经死亡可能与erastin诱导的铁死亡有关。我们通过使用大鼠器官型海马切片培养(OHSC)模型验证了这一假设,该模型通过保留抑制性和兴奋性神经元连接及其支持细胞(包括星形胶质细胞和小胶质细胞)的完整性,与活体中的海马非常相似。OHSCs已被证明是铅化合物鉴定和验证的理想复杂制剂,能够预测体内疗效。OHSC用致命的兴奋性刺激(5 mM L-谷氨酸,3小时)治疗,模拟中风和神经退行性疾病的后果。这些切片与谷氨酸和溶剂单独孵育,或与谷氨酸+Fe1(2 MM)、铁螯合剂CPX(5 MM)或N-甲基-D-天冬氨酸(NMDA)受体拮抗剂MK-801(10MM)共同孵育。在谷氨酸治疗结束24小时后,我们分析了这些复合处理对作为细胞死亡指标的碘化丙啶(PI)摄取的影响,这些区域位于OHSCs的三个确定的区域:齿状回(DG)、CA1和CA3。双因素方差分析显示,脑区因素(F2,75=19.23,p<0.0001)和综合治疗因素(F4,75=67.8p<0.0001)均有显著性差异。着眼于复合治疗效果,Bonferroni后测表明,谷氨酸诱导了脑组织所有三个区域的显著细胞死亡,而与Fer-1、Cpx或MK-801联合处理后,这种死亡明显减弱,且程度几乎相同(P<0.001),但DG内除谷氨酸+MK-801外,其他所有相互作用均显著减弱(图5B-5E)。这些结果表明,谷氨酸诱导的OHSCs死亡和Erastin诱导的癌细胞死亡具有共同的核心致死机制,可以被铁螯合或Fer-1抑制。 CPX和Fer-1抑制Erastin诱导的癌细胞死亡和谷氨酸诱导的OHSCs毒性,这与常见的铁和ROS依赖的死亡执行机制一致。我们想知道这两个过程是否也可以共享任何启动死亡的机制。谷氨酸诱导的脑细胞死亡可以通过离子型谷氨酸受体的钙内流和Na+非依赖性的胱氨酸/谷氨酸逆向转运体系统XCT。钙螯合剂BAPTA-AM、Fura-2和EGTA对Erastin诱导的死亡没有影响,排除Ca2+内流在这一过程中的作用。然而,我们观察到erastin和系统XCT的特异性抑制剂柳氮磺胺吡啶(SAS)的显著聚集。在HT-1080细胞中产生的19个氧化和非氧化致死分子的调控谱中。如果xct抑制可以引发铁死亡,然后通过另一种方式将这种代谢物提供给细胞,应该可以挽救死亡。 b-巯基乙醇(b-ME)可以绕过XCT通过另一种途径促进胱氨酸摄取 ,强烈抑制由erastin、SAS和谷氨酸诱导的HT-1080细胞死亡。正如这些结果预测的那样,SAS和Erastin一样,表现为RSL化合物,尽管其效力比Erastin低得多,这仍然值得注意, 因为SAS是FDA批准的药物,以前没有显示出这种活性 。 XCT是一种由SLC7A11(XCT)和SLC3A2(4F2hc和CD98hc)组成的二硫键连接的杂二聚体 。xct抑制可以导致SLC7A11的补偿性转录上调。 与此一致,我们观察到在用erastin或SAS处理的HT-1080细胞中SLC7A11的显著上调 , 这一效应可被b-ME抑制,但不能被DFO或Fer-1抑制 。带有两个独立的siRNA的siRNA介导的SLC7A11沉默使HT-1080细胞对Erastin诱导的死亡敏感,而将编码DDK标记的SLC7A11的质粒转染HT-1080细胞可保护HT-1080细胞免受erastin和SAS诱导的死亡。鉴于这些结果,我们直接检测了HT-1080细胞摄取胱氨酸的情况。Erastin(10MM)、谷氨酸(50 MM)和SAS(1MM)可阻断Na+非依赖性摄取胱氨酸,而RSL3对此过程无影响。擦除蛋白是如何抑制XCT?亲和纯化数据的分析鉴定SLC7A5(LAT1,4F2lc和CD98lc)是在HRAS野生型BJeH和HRAS突变体BJeLR细胞的裂解物中被活性的erastin亲和类似物结合的唯一蛋白(图6G)。SLC7A5(和SLC7A11一样)是与SLC3A2结合形成不同底物选择性氨基酸转运蛋白的6条轻链之一。 SLC7A5/SLC3A2复合体(系统L)运输大量的中性氨基酸 。在用erastin(1 mM,25分钟)处理的123种人JurkatT淋巴细胞代谢物的图谱中, 观察到系统L底物水平非常显著的降低 ,而非系统L底物水平不变或增加。然而,与系统x的抑制不同的是,由于过量的谷氨酸(12.5mM),使用过量的D-苯丙氨酸(12.5mM)抑制系统L(Kanai和Endou,2003)对erastin没有强烈的敏感性。总之, 这表明erastin抑制系统L介导的氨基酸摄取 ,但这并不直接导致铁死亡。相反, erastin与SLC7A5或SLC7A5/SLC3A2复合物的结合可能干扰SLC3A2/SLC7A11复合物在反式中对胱氨酸的摄取 。 XCT阻断抑制半胱氨酸依赖的谷胱甘肽(GSH)的合成,也抑制跨质膜半胱氨酸氧化还原穿梭,这两种作用都会损害细胞的抗氧化防御,从而促进有毒ROS的积累。 在排除了线粒体等作为Erastin处理细胞中诱导死亡的ROS的来源后, 我们检查了烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸磷酸(NADPH)氧化酶(NOX)超氧化物产生酶(NOX1-5,DUOX1,2)家族的作用 ,该家族在几个RAS突变肿瘤中上调。典型的NOX抑制剂二苯基碘(DPI)、NOX1/4特异性抑制剂GKT137831和NADPH生成戊糖磷酸途径(PPP)的抑制剂6-氨基烟酰胺(6-AN)可强烈抑制Erastin诱导的CALU-1细胞铁死亡。在CALU-1细胞中,Erastin诱导的铁死亡被典型的NOX抑制剂DPI、NOX1/4特异性抑制剂GKT137831和NADPH生成戊糖磷酸途径的抑制剂6-氨基烟酰胺(6-AN)强烈抑制。鉴于CALU-1细胞表达NOX1的水平比NOX4高得多,NOX1最有可能在这些细胞中介导观察到的NOX依赖的致死效应。此外,shRNA介导的两种PPP酶,葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶(G6PD)和磷酸甘油脱氢酶(PGD)的沉默,也可以与沉默VDAC2一样防止Erastin诱导的CALU-1细胞铁死亡。 6-AN还可以阻止BJeLR细胞的死亡和ROS的产生,这表明这一途径在这些细胞类型中发挥了重要作用 。另一方面, NOX和PPP抑制剂在防止erastin诱导的HT-1080细胞铁死亡方面只有部分效果 (图7B),这表明除了PPP/NOX途径之外,其他途径也可能对发病起作用。 本文结束,大佬的文章作为开山之作就是不一样,结合我看过的文献,基本上都没有超过这篇所讲述的范畴,看来考古确实比较重要,欢迎批评指正。




paint,drawpaint指用颜色画,如油画颜料、水彩或者水墨画,而draw 通常指用铅笔、钢笔或者粉笔画,后者一般并不涂上颜料。两动词的相应名词分别为painting和drawingI am an art student and I paint a lot of pictures.我是学美术的学生,我画许多画。He is painting in oils.他正在用油画颜料画画。注:paint的引伸含义是“描述”He is not so black as he is painted.他并不象人们所说的那么坏。She draws very well.她画得很好。These pictures are drawn by children.这些画是孩子们画的。注:drawing除了“图画”外,还有“工程图”的意思。an engineering drawing


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Ja Rule&Ashanti的《Mesmerize》 歌词

歌曲名:Mesmerize歌手:Ja Rule&Ashanti专辑:exdousJa Rule - Mesmerizefeat. AshantiHaha yeahWhat up maYea I know, I knowIts all goodMurder inc Girl your stare those eyes I Love it when you look at me baby Your lips, your smile I Love it when you kiss me baby Your hips those thighs I Love it when you hug me baby And I cant deny I Love it when Im with you babyI got a fetish with fucking you with the skirt onOn a back street in the back seat of a YukonWhats taking so long?Im getting extra impatient waiting for youto tell a nigga to move onBetween me and you we can find a jetto fly in my private g2Im not trying to g you ma, Im trying to see youBend over you know how we do it, fleet to showsBring heat to the coldest night So ferociousNow you street promotin" the dick game is potentCause in the bed nigga go hard like sweat pouringloving the way you be moaning, gripping the sheets,Looking at me, Licking at meCause every woman just want to be happyIts crazy but baby I love it when Im with you baby Girl your stare those eyes I Love it when you look at me baby Your lips, your smile I Love it when you kiss me baby Your hips those thighs I Love it when you hug me baby And I cant deny I Love it when Im with you babyNow ima get awayCause you know like I knowAnd theres a better day comingAnd I hope you love itBelieve meAnd when you want my bodyI know you need meWait for me babyI been going half crazy for your loveAnd I been told that the sex is better then drugsYour the only piece of the puzzle been missingYou got a girl thatll ride, ride, rideSo take me tonight and do what you do to me baby Girl your stare those eyes I Love it when you look at me baby Your lips, your smile I Love it when you kiss me baby Your hips those thighs I Love it when you hug me baby And I cant deny I Love it when Im with you babyShorty Are you really getting bored with meAh hell Cause though I play a lot of gamesI play them to win But then again Im still youngand willing to love, love Your know you ride and Im the tigerpull up to your bumper get your number Baby I can only help but wonder life would be without my sweet baby and youre my baby Holler if you hear meOooooh oooh ooohYou can understand that my love is painAnd how I feel babe is a women pain Its a mans world but I understand But there still nothing differentboy lets go through the flame Be my down ass with your round ass I know Im feeling you Like you feeling mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/54740803

thank you-ashanti中文歌词

I just wanna say that我只是想说I"m thanklul for having you in my life,我thanklul因为有你在我的生命,I wanna say thank you,我想说谢谢,I wanna say,我想说,I wanna thank you for being in my life,我要感谢你在我的生命中,I wanna say thank you.我想说谢谢。I miss you,我想念你,I wish you were here with me我希望你和我在一起saying thank you,说谢谢,and I love you for being in my life.我爱你在我的生命里。I don"t know我不知道I don"t know,我不知道,I don"t know what I would do我不知道我会做什么if I didn"t have you in my life,如果我没有你在我的生活,In my life,在我的生活中,I just wanna say thank you,我只是想说谢谢,I love you and I miss you,我爱你,我想念你,I just wanna say thank you,我只是想说谢谢,I love you and I miss you我爱你,我想念你http://www.meile.com/song/624328


Artist: Ashanti Song: I Love You Album: Collectables By Ashanti i love you (x4)(chorus)i love you cuz you mean everything to me and i i love you i thank you for just being in my life i love you i love the way you can always make me smile i love you and wherever i go you"re always in my heart (verse #1)nobody ever bring the joy you bring to me you make me feel the way you do and there aint nothing like your love that sometimes makes you stop and think like do i deserve such a love that can now move heaven and earth for my lovin i could never surround my life without the things that you provide ever since you came into my life and it feels like my whole world is happening i cant stress how much i"ve been blessed see what you came and done to me you make my life complete i know sometimes i might forget that even when i dont say it you know that i mean it i (chorus)i love you cuz you mean everything to me and i i love you i thank you for just being in my life i love you i love the way you can always make me smile i love you and wherever i go you"re always in my heart (verse #2)see i dont minding wake up everyday and see your face and wanting to lay inside your arms cause there aint nothing like your touch it"s so good never seems like enough i didnt know that a love could grow and take over your soul dont advise much more only when you"re apart if feels like living life is hard your entire world just seems so dark then it lights up cuz you are my shining star and i dont know what i"d do without you see what you came and done to me you make my life complete i know sometimes i might forget but even when i dont say it you know that i mean it i (chorus)i love you cuz you mean everything to me and i i love you i thank you for just being in my life i love you i love the way you can always make me smile i love you and wherever i go you"re always in my heart (bridge)when you love somebody you can share everything because you understand that you"ll be right there anytime, any place, anywhere when you love somebody you can be only me if they cry you"ll be right by their side to make everything alright (chorus)i love you cuz you mean everything to me and i i love you i thank you for just being in my life i love you i love the way you can always make me smile i love you and wherever i go you"re always in my heart i love you (x3)(chorus)i love you cuz you mean everything to me and i i love you i thank you for just being in my life i love you i love the way you can always make me smile i love you and wherever i go you"re always in my heart

Ashanti的《Show You》 歌词

歌曲名:Show You歌手:Ashanti专辑:Collectables By Ashanti江若琳 - Show You作曲:Edward Chan / Charles Lee填词:夏至编曲:Edward Chan / Randy Chow / Mica监制:Edward Chan / Charles LeeHey baby show me show me your loveI will promise to show you show you all my love爱变化的我 有个性的我看意态发光 贴近我拍和闪出了花火远看 人潮聚满四处在跳舞引起巨浪伴着我声音曲线像置身在浮床行前望向我 让我蒸发着你 每滴冷汗兴奋怎样对抗 来撩动你眼尾遇上了我的愿望就任你欣赏这片自信的目光越来越放 不要遮挡 挨近些对望Hey baby show me show me your loveI will promise to show you show you all my love试试看穿我 引你赞赏我要爱上刺激 跳动别来懒惰Hey baby show me show me your loveI will promise to show you show you all my love爱变化的我 有个性的我看意态发光 贴近我拍和闪出了花火跳上 从萤幕看见我带我去跳出录像就让你高高升上让你心动磁场怀疑就缺氧 令气温也上涨 炽热发亮激素不断再上 眉来或眼去这动作每秒钟荡漾就让我率先给你耀眼的卖相尽情地唱 给你欣赏 高贵的叫嚷Hey baby show me show me your loveI will promise to show you show you all my love试试看穿我 引你赞赏我要爱上刺激 跳动别来懒惰Hey baby show me show me your loveI will promise to show you show you all my love爱变化的我 有个性的我看意态发光 贴近我拍和闪出了花火留低 红黄蓝灯光闪烁布满了天际来环回摆出姿势让我彻底 倾出一切 超出美丽Hey baby show me show me your loveI will promise to show you show you all my love试试看穿我 引你赞赏我要爱上刺激 跳动别来懒惰Hey baby show me show me your loveI will promise to show you show you all my love爱变化的我 有个性的我看意态发光 贴近我拍和闪出了花火http://music.baidu.com/song/2142538

Ashanti的《Scared》 歌词

歌曲名:Scared歌手:Ashanti专辑:AshantiMa what"s going on We sitting here man Digging on each other I"m feeling the shit out of you You feeling the shit out of me What you scared don"t be scared It was around 11:30 when I realized I miss you, sitting at home all alone thinking what did I just do, feeling was strong coming on and I knew I wanted you, something inside me held me back, boy you got me scared of you. You got me afraid to let my love go. Is it my heart that I should follow. Got me afraid to let myself go. Got me scared of you. See,see what what it"s like it"s like we got to get over this hump ma until we get over this hump, it"s going to be fucked up! If I let go I don"t know if my heart will remain strong cause you the type that just might give right and get me strong I couldn"t be just a girl that your"re seeing once a month cause if it goes down better believe I"m gonna be your only one Should I let it go, Should I let it go no no no no Should I let it go, Should I let it go no no no no no noWhat"s the problem ma, I can see it in ya eyes you want me just how I want you, you still scared, you still scared it"s cool though, I"ll be scared too fuckin" with a nigga like me, I"ll be scared too, it"s aight though, I"m a wait on you, just holla back aighthttp://music.baidu.com/song/7571468

Ashanti的《Good Good》 歌词

歌曲名:Good Good歌手:Ashanti专辑:Radioplay Pop Express 785PGood GoodAshantiThe Declarationuh uh when you hear it knockin" like thatya"ll know what this iswhen my man leave the housei know he"s coming right backi got that good goodno matter how much he might try to acthe know just where it"s ati got that good good (yup)i put it on him righti do it every nighti leave him sittin"mouth open like,"whoa!"so i don"t worry bout (uh)nobody takin my (okay)cause i know just the right thang to doi never had a problem with the onenever been worry about him ever cheating on mecause when i say i got that pop lock and drop itbelieve meif i"m with you it"s gonna kill youon the days you don"t see mesee the things i possess a lot of women don"t (don"t)and the things i"mma do for my most wont (won"t)i hear em talking bout it when i"m up on the saloncrying cause they man aint come homei try to tell emwhen my man leave the housei know he"s coming right backi got that good good (uh)no matter how much he might try to acthe know just where it"s ati got that good good (yup)i put it on him righti do it every nighti leave him sittin"mouth open like,"whoa!"so i don"t worry bout (haha)nobody takin mycause i know just right thang to doladies don"t believe half what you hearcause it"s all a waste of timeif you know you got that good good goodeverything will be just fineso let your man be the man when he in publiceven though behind the scenes yall be runninlet him run with his boyslet him play his little gameslet him drive his cadillacdon"t worry hell be backwhen my man leave the housei know he"s coming right backi got that good goodno matter how much he might try to acthe know just where it"s ati got that good good (yup)i put it on him righti do it every nighti leave him sittin"mouth open like,"whoa!"so i don"t worry bout nobody takin mycause i know just the right thang to doi got that good goodif you got that good goodand you know it ladies show em where it"s atright herewhere it"s at right hereif you got that good goodand you know it ladies show em where it"s atright herewhere it"s at right heresee i don"t know what them otha girls be doingthey be crying bout they man cause they always losingyou need that good goodgotta have that good goodso keep on good goodthey need that good goodwhen my man leave the housei know he"s coming right backi got that good goodno matter how much he might try to acthe know just where it"s ati got that good good (yup)i put it on him righti do it every nighti leave him sittin"mouth open like,"whoa!"so i don"t worry bout (uh)nobody takin my (okay)cause i know just the right thang to doi got that good goodwhen my man leave the housei know he"s coming right backi got that good goodno matter how much he might try to acthe know just where it"s ati got that good good (yup)i put it on him righti do it every nighti leave him sittin"mouth open like,"whoa!"so i don"t worry bout (uh)nobody takin my (okay)cause i know just the right thang to doi got that good goodhttp://music.baidu.com/song/59373483

Ashanti的《Love Again》 歌词

歌曲名:Love Again歌手:Ashanti专辑:Concrete RoseAshanti - Love AgainYeah YeahI got somebody..He just got me feelin" crazyI mean he really really did his thangI think I feel in love againYou came into my world and thought me thingsAnd I can"t lie cause boy you did your thingFeel like i"m floating when I hear your nameI think you made me fall in love againI ain"t know it could be done like this, yeahA simple touch could feel just like a kiss, yeahAnd when you put your hands in certain placesBoy I can"t help but make them silly facesCause what your doing to me it should be a sinIt feels so good that I could barely hold it inBoy you...You came into my world and thought me thingsAnd I can"t lie cause boy you did your thingFeel like i"m floating when I hear your nameI think you made me fall in love againI love to feel your heart beat next to mine, yeahIt always seems to heat me up inside, yeahIt"s crazy how we worked up such a sweat, yeahAnd I ain"t ever had it better since, yeahCause what your doing to me it should be a sinIt feels so good that I could barely hold it inBoy You...You came into my world and thought me thingsAnd I can"t lie cause boy you did your thingFeel like i"m floating when I hear your nameI think you made me fall in love againYou, Stay on my mind causeBoy, I just can"t find noOne, To do those things that you oohEver since you came into my lifeYou came into my world and thought me thingsAnd I can"t lie cause boy you did your thingFeel like i"m floating when I hear your nameI think you made me fall in love againhttp://music.baidu.com/song/54195191

Ashanti的《So Hot》 歌词

歌曲名:So Hot歌手:Ashanti专辑:Concrete RoseAshanti - So Hotyou drive me crazyso I wanna take it to the topohh can you make it so hot so hotlet the fire burn babycuz I wanna get close tonightbaby wen you come insidedont forget to turn off the lightcome on over lemme make a little rooommeaning to hold you real real tightyou kissing on my shoulders over and over and overand everything is rite cuz baby only youyou drive me crazyso I wanna take it to the topohh can you make it so hot so hotnow let the water run babyyou can fill it up to the rimand when it bublles all overbaby lets get inand I cant help but lookin in your eyesand wanting to show you these things I likewith your hands inside mine and your lips against mineI almost wanna cry cuz baby only youyou drive me crazyso I wanna take it to the topohh can you make it so hot so hotsee nobody ever made me lose my mindand I"m so addicted to you babeI wanna say your namemake me say your namecuz your driving me crazyyou kno that you make me let go of wateva I"m scared ofwhen I am around you, only youyou drive me crazyso I wanna take it to the topohh can you make it so hot so hotI dont wanna stopbaby cuz your so hotdo it when its rightgive it to me all nightI just wanna loveeverything about yousent you from aboveand I"m glad I found youyou drive me crazyso I wanna take it to the topohh can you make it so hot so hothttp://music.baidu.com/song/54195034

Ashanti的《Voodoo》 歌词

歌曲名:Voodoo歌手:Ashanti专辑:AshantiI"m not the one who"s so far awayWhen I feel the snake bite enter my veins.Never did I wanna be here again,And I don"t remember why I came.Godsmack ---- voodooCandles raise my desire,Why I"m so far away.No more meaning to my life,No more reason to stay.Freezing, feeling,Breathe in, breathe in...I"m coming back again...I"m not the one who"s so far awayWhen I feel the snake bite enter my veins.Never did I wanna be here again,And I don"t remember why I came.Godsmack ----- voodooHazing clouds rain on my head,Empty thoughts fill my ears.Find my shape by the moonlight,Why my thoughts aren"t so clear.Demons dreaming,Breathe in, breathe in...I"m coming back again...I"m not the one who"s so far awayWhen I feel the snake bite enter my veins.Never did I wanna be here again,And I don"t remember why I came.Godsmack ----- voodooVoodoo, voodoo, voodoo, voodoo.So far away...I"m not the one who"s so far away...I"m not the one who"s so far away...I"m not the one who"s so far away...http://music.baidu.com/song/1364087

50cent的hate it or love it中文歌词

歌曲:Hate It Or Love It - Album Version (Explicit)歌手:The Game / 50 Cent所属专辑:The DocumentaryComin" up I was confused, my mama kissin" a girl来了我很困惑,我妈妈亲吻一个女孩Confusin" occurs, comin" up in the cold worldconfusin”时,会在冰冷的世界Daddy ain"t around, prolly out committin" felonies爸爸不在身边,想出去committin的重罪My favorite rapper used to sing ch-check out my melody我最喜欢的歌手唱过的检查出我的旋律I wanna live good, so shit I sell dope我想活的很好,所以我卖毒品For a fo" finger ring, one of them gold ropes对于一个佛的手指戒指,他们其中的一个金绳Nanna told me if I pass I"ll get a sheep skin coat奶奶告诉我如果我通过了我会得到一个羊皮大衣If I can move a few packs and get the hat, now that"ll be dope如果我可以移动几包,得到的帽子,现在将是兴奋剂Tossed and turn in my sleep at night在我的夜晚,在我的睡眠中Woke up the next mornin" niggas done stole my bike醒来的第二天早上黑鬼做偷了我的自行车Different day, same shit, ain"t nothin" good in the hood不同的日子,同样的结果,没什么好的油烟机I"d run away from this bitch and never come back if I could我会逃离这个婊子,如果我可以的话,永远不会回来Chorus - 50 Cent (Then Game)合唱- 50分(然后游戏)Hate it or love it, the underdog"s ontop讨厌还是喜欢,在失败者的And I"m gon" shine homie until my heart stops我会照兄弟,直到我的心脏停止Go ahead, envy me, I"m rap"s MVP去吧,羡慕我,我说唱的MVPAnd I ain"t goin" no where so you can get to know me我不去任何地方,你能了解我Hate it or love it, the underdog"s ontop讨厌还是喜欢,在失败者的And I"m gon" shine homie until my heart stops我会照兄弟,直到我的心脏停止Go ahead, envy me, I"m rap"s MVP去吧,羡慕我,我说唱的MVPAnd I ain"t goin" no where so you can get to know me (G-G-G-G-Unit!)我不去任何地方,你可以了解我(g-g-g-g-unit!)Verse 2 - The Game2节-游戏I told Dre from the gate, I carry the heat fo" ya我告诉Dre从门,我把热的"雅First mixtape song, I inheirited beef fo" ya第一个mixtape歌曲,我inheirited牛肉"雅Gritted my teeth fo" ya, G-G-G"d fo ya咬紧牙关,你,g-g-g会佛崖Put Compton on my back when you was in need of soldiers把我背上的时候,康普顿需要士兵At my last show, I threw away my NWA gold在我的最后一场演出,我扔掉我的美国金And had the whole crowd yellin" free Yayo就整个人群尖叫的自由YayoSo niggas better get up outta mine所以你起床,离开我Before I creep and turn ya projects into Collumbine在我把你的项目为collumbine蠕变And I"m rap"s MVP我说唱的MVPDon"t make me remind ya"ll what happened in D.C.不要让我提醒你在D.C.发生了什么This nigga ain"t Gotti, he pretend这小子不是高帝,他假装Mad at us, cause Ashanti got a new boyfriend在生我们的气,因为Ashanti有了新的男朋友And it seems your little rat turned out to be a mouse似乎你的小老鼠变成了一只老鼠This beef shit is for the birds and the birds fly south这牛肉是为鸟和鸟飞南Even Young Buck can vouch, when the doubts was out即使Young Buck可以担保,当怀疑了Who gave the West Coast mouth to mouth谁给西海岸口到口Chorus - 50 Cent (Then Lloyd Banks)合唱- 50分(然后Lloyd Banks)Hate it or love it, the underdog"s ontop讨厌还是喜欢,在失败者的And I"m gon" shine homie until my heart stops我会照兄弟,直到我的心脏停止Go ahead, envy me, I"m rap"s MVP去吧,羡慕我,我说唱的MVPAnd I ain"t goin" no where so you can get to know me我不去任何地方,你能了解我Hate it or love it, the underdog"s ontop讨厌还是喜欢,在失败者的And I"m gon" shine homie until my heart stops我会照兄弟,直到我的心脏停止Go ahead, envy me, I"m rap"s MVP去吧,羡慕我,我说唱的MVPAnd I ain"t goin" no where so you can get to know me我不去任何地方,你能了解我Bridge - 50 Cent桥- 50分From the beginnin" to end从开始到结束Losers lose, winners win失败者输了,赢家赢了This is real, we ain"t got to pretend这是真的,我们不可以假装The cold world that we in我们在寒冷的世界Is full of pressure and pain充满压力和痛苦I thought it would change我以为它会改变But its stayin" the same但在相同的Verse 3 - Lloyd Banks3节- Lloyd BanksHow many of them boys is with ya他们有多少个男孩和你在一起When you had that little TV you had to hit on to get a picture当你有那台小电视时,你必须打上一张照片I"m walkin" with a snub, cause niggas do a lotta slip talkin" in the club我走在一个冷落,因为黑鬼在俱乐部做很多滑说Till they coughin" on the rug, ain"t never had much but a walkman and a bud直到他们coughin的地毯上,从没有过多但随身听和一个芽My role model is gone, snortin" up his drug, bad enough they want me to choke我的榜样了,snortin了他的药,足够好,他们想让我窒息My boy just got poked in the throat, now its a R.I.P. Shirt in my coat我的孩子刚把卡在喉咙里,现在它的安息在我的外套衬衫Now I"m speedin" reminiscin", holdin" my weed in never listen现在我在“reminiscin ",我从来没有听着杂草If I see him and lift him and maybe that"ll even the score如果我看见他,把他抬起来,也许那就连分数都会And if not, then that"ll be me on the floor如果不是,那将是我在地板上Chorus - 50 Cent (Then Tony Yayo)合唱- 50分(Tony Yayo)Hate it or love it, the underdog"s ontop讨厌还是喜欢,在失败者的And I"m gon" shine homie until my heart stops我会照兄弟,直到我的心脏停止Go ahead, envy me, I"m rap"s MVP去吧,羡慕我,我说唱的MVPAnd I ain"t goin" no where so you can get to know me我不去任何地方,你能了解我Hate it or love it, the underdog"s ontop讨厌还是喜欢,在失败者的And I"m gon" shine homie until my heart stops我会照兄弟,直到我的心脏停止Go ahead, envy me, I"m rap"s MVP去吧,羡慕我,我说唱的MVPAnd I ain"t goin" no where so you can get to know me我不去任何地方,你能了解我Verse 4 - Tony Yayo4节Tony YayoI started out at fifteen, scared as hell我十五岁开始,吓得像地狱I took thirty off a pack and I made them sell我拿了三十个包,我让他们卖As a youth, man I used to hustle for loot作为一个年轻人,我曾经为战利品忙碌With that little duece duece and my triple fat goose那小Duece Duece和我三肥鹅Sippin" easy Jesus rockin" the laces喝一点简单的Jesus摇滚的鞋带Mama whipped me and when she found my pieces妈妈鞭打我,当她发现我的碎片I look back on life and think God I"m blessed我回顾生活,并认为上帝我是有福的We the best on the planet so forget the rest我们最好的在这个星球上,所以忘记了休息Verse 5 - Young Buck5节- Young BuckYou know I"m still nice with my cooked game你知道我仍然很好,我的烹饪游戏Look mayn, its a hood thang thats why I"m loved in Brooklayn看起来可以,其罩的事这就是为什么我爱BrooklaynI handle mine just like a real nigga should我处理我的就像一个真正的哥们应该If I do some time, homie I"m still all good如果我做了一段时间,我还是好兄弟Let me show what a thug that born to die让我告诉你无赖,向死而生I took the bullets outta 50 and put "em in my four five我把子弹离开50,把它们放在我的四五And I ain"t even got my feet wet yet我甚至还没有得到我的脚湿了A seven figure nigga who ain"t seen a royalty check bitch图一七兄弟谁没见过版税支票的婊子Chorus - 50 Cent (Then Young Buck)合唱- 50分(然后Young Buck)Hate it or love it, the underdog"s ontop讨厌还是喜欢,在失败者的And I"m gon" shine homie until my heart stops我会照兄弟,直到我的心脏停止Go ahead, envy me, I"m rap"s MVP去吧,羡慕我,我说唱的MVPAnd I ain"t goin" no where so you can get to know me我不去任何地方,你能了解我Hate it or love it, the underdog"s ontop讨厌还是喜欢,在失败者的And I"m gon" shine homie until my heart stops我会照兄弟,直到我的心脏停止Go ahead, envy me, I"m rap"s MVP去吧,羡慕我,我说唱的MVPAnd I ain"t goin" no where so you can get to know me我不去任何地方,你能了解我

求和Ashanti的《The Way That I Love You 》风格相近的歌曲,或者她本人的好听的歌

Ashanti的Always on Time



Ashanti唱的 Where I Stand 中文歌词!


请高手将 ashanti - 《body on me》 歌词英文译成中文

body on methe way that you walkin, the way that you talkin你走路的样子,你说法的方式you"re the one i want to spend this night with你就是我想要共度今夜的人tryna get in them draws and bang it out til the morning试着到达那个G点,并且缠绵到天亮i can already tell you want it我真的能够向你开口要它了cause you shakin it all for me, givin it all to me因为你让我在颤动,给予我全部rubbin dat body on me不停地与我的身体摩擦着keep on shakin it all for me, givin it all to me让我不停的摇晃着,给我,全部hey boy嘿,男孩i think i just might wanna come see you tonight我想我今晚想要来这里与你相会and you can have your way boy并且你可以得到你想的i know its been a while since you made my body right我知道这是你让我感到High的瞬间now i"ve been waiting patiently现在我在耐心的等待anticipating you and me适合于你与我and it aint no question cuz boy i love you这是毫无疑问的,因为我爱你,男孩when you put that body on me当你"压"着我的时候 (do Bam chi ga bon-bon)hey how you doin mama嘿,你好吗?i need to know ur name我需要知道你的名字you givin me the eye eye你给我的是im givin you the same我同样给你it just hit me right now只要马上"撞击"我 (do Bam chi ga bon-bon)what we should do today这是我们今天所要做的go tell you friends bye bye去告诉你的朋友,再见and lets go hop a plane并且让我们见面its no mistaken the attractions ironic我们出乎意料的相互吸引是没错的i wanna make you someone more then just a a bon in my closet我想要让你成为我的私密中的某人i wanna win that type of relationship我想要得到更典型的关系where you wanna come hang when your man is trippin当你的男人不在之时你想要来这里逗留的地方you say your short this month and your late on your rent你说你这个月没空,并且推迟你....he took your car watchin me hold this他坐你的车里面抱着它同时也看着我hey hey you see oohhh嘿嘿.你看,you see lil mama outta control你看到唇蜜失去了控制(注lil mama是一个国年轻女饶舌歌手Lil" Mama的Lip Gloss ,Lip Gloss的意思就是我们所谓的唇蜜 MV中特殊的唇蜜可以让一个女生从普通女孩变成一个cool girl)。。让我想起另首:Sex(Im"A)

Ashanti的《Body On Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Body On Me歌手:Ashanti专辑:The DeclarationAshanti Feat. Akon & Nelly - Body On Me (Ashanti Version)Made by Bo Yuan - Love YuanYuan forever3112410 1314 YYB For my baby YY: Hey baby, I know I"ve done something I shouldn"t have done in the past I know I"ve hurted you, I"m so sorry... But thank god we get a second chance to be together I will never let you go again, you are the one and only in my life Lov u~ BoSTARTThe way that you walkin the way that you talkinyou"re the one i want to spend this night withtryna get in them draws and bang it out til the morningi can already tell you want itcause you shakin it all for me, givin it all to merubbin dat body on mekeep on shakin it all for me, givin it all to merubbin dat body on meVerse 1(Ashanti)Hey boyI think i just might wanna come see you tonightand you can have your way boyi know its been a while since you made my body rightnow i"ve been waiting patiently, anticipating you and meand it aint no question cuz boy i love youwhen you put that body on meThe way that you walkin, the way that you talkinyou"re the one i want to spend this night withtryna get in them draws and bang it out til the morningi can already tell you want itcause you shakin it all for me, givin it all to merubbin dat body on mekeep on shakin it all for me, givin it all to merubbin dat body on meVerse 2(Nelly)Hey how you doin mamaI need to know ur nameYou givin me the eye eyeIm givin you the sameIt just hit me right nowWhat we should do todayGo tell you friends bye byeAnd lets go hop a planeIts no mistaken the attractions ironicI wanna make you someone more then just a a bon in my closetI wanna win that type of relationshipWhere you wanna come hang when your man is trippinYou say your short this month and your late on your rentHe took your car watchin me hold thisHey hey you see oohhhYou see lil mama outta controlThe way that you walkin, the way that you talkinyou"re the one i want to spend this night withtryna get in them draws and bang it out til the morningi can already tell you want itcause you shakin it all for me, givin it all to merubbin dat body on mekeep on shakin it all for me, givin it all to merubbin dat body on meVerse 3(Nelly)Shorty movin closer and closerAnd slower and lower yeahI think she know she makin me hardGot every man in the club like oh my GodShe slicker then lody dodyShe work her body bodyWhen you done her at the partyMeet me down there in the lobbyAnd ill be waitin on yahAnd no debatin on yahI got a seat for yahWe can let the top back and ohhhhhhhWe don"t have to stop girl noooooooI got a lil something I wanna shoooooowwwBelieve me your strongLil mama please don"t make me wait too longThe way that you walkin, the way that you talkinyou"re the one i want to spend this night withtryna get in them draws and bang it out til the morningi can already tell you want itcause you shakin it all for me, givin it all to merubbin dat body on mekeep on shakin it all for me, givin it all to merubbin dat body on meThe way that you walkin, the way that you talkinyou"re the one i want to spend this night withtryna get in them draws and bang it out til the morningi can already tell you want itcause you shakin it all for me, givin it all to merubbin dat body on mekeep on shakin it all for me, givin it all to merubbin dat body on mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7653051


分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 音乐 问题描述: 请哪位好心人帮忙谢谢谢谢谢谢..... 解析: Artist: Ashanti Song: I Love You Album: Collectables By Ashanti i love you (x4) (chorus) i love you cuz you mean everything to me and i i love you i thank you for just being in my life i love you i love the way you can always make me *** ile i love you and wherever i go you"re always in my heart (verse #1) nobody ever bring the joy you bring to me you make me feel the way you do and there aint nothing like your love that sometimes makes you stop and think like do i deserve such a love that can now move heaven and earth for my lovin i could never surround my life without the things that you provide ever since you came into my life and it feels like my whole world is happening i cant stress how much i"ve been blessed see what you came and done to me you make my life plete i know sometimes i might fet that even when i dont say it you know that i mean it i (chorus) i love you cuz you mean everything to me and i i love you i thank you for just being in my life i love you i love the way you can always make me *** ile i love you and wherever i go you"re always in my heart (verse #2) see i dont minding wake up everyday and see your face and wanting to lay inside your arms cause there aint nothing like your touch it"s so good never seems like enough i didnt know that a love could grow and take over your soul dont advise much more only when you"re apart if feels like living life is hard your entire world just seems so dark then it lights up cuz you are my shining star and i dont know what i"d do without you see what you came and done to me you make my life plete i know sometimes i might fet but even when i dont say it you know that i mean it i (chorus) i love you cuz you mean everything to me and i i love you i thank you for just being in my life i love you i love the way you can always make me *** ile i love you and wherever i go you"re always in my heart (bridge) when you love somebody you can share everything because you understand that you"ll be right there anytime, any place, anywhere when you love somebody you can be only me if they cry you"ll be right by their side to make everything alright (chorus) i love you cuz you mean everything to me and i i love you i thank you for just being in my life i love you i love the way you can always make me *** ile i love you and wherever i go you"re always in my heart i love you (x3) (chorus) i love you cuz you mean everything to me and i i love you i thank you for just being in my life i love you i love the way you can always make me *** ile i love you and wherever i go you"re always in my heart

Ashanti的《Wonderful》 歌词

歌曲名:Wonderful歌手:Ashanti专辑:Concrete RoseAshanti - Wonderful (Remix) (Feat. Ja Rule & R. Kelly)If it wasn"t for the money, cars and movies stars and jewelsAnd all these things I gotI wonder, heyWould you still want me (Want you)Would you still be calling me (Still calling you)You be loving me? (I"ll be loving you)Wanna keep you flawed with no doughPimpin ain"t easyTrust me I knowWhen gangstas and hosGo go go go go go togetherLike chinchilla and bad weatherI"m good but been betterAll my bros, chedda and glamorous thingsCopped a few carsA crib with a east and west wingCuz this is how I"m livin and y"all women know the secretsOf how to get it and keep itHow to prey on my weaknessCuz I want the p-u-s-s-yGot a lotta niggaz wonderin it ain"t just iGotta keep ya cash comin and that"s on my lifeIf it wasn"t for the money and the things I gotShit, she probably wouldn"t like meBut I keep her and irv and jeffrey quite icySip seraphinWho doesn"t like meAnd the murderous I-n-cIf it wasn"t for the money, cars and movies stars and jewelsAnd all these things I gotI wonder, heyWould you still want me (Want you)Would you still be calling me (Still calling you)You be loving me? (I"ll be loving you)I wonder why love is about moneyAnd why wou wanna take it all from meHoneyMy life is dark but its lovelyCrimes cars cribs aint that right kelly?(Oh oh oh oh oh oh)Yall bitches don"t knowMoney aint a thangMami need a lil changeGirl im pitchin quartersClosest to the arches but live in a fortressNew benzes new porschesNew cases new lawyersim becoming the infamous notorious ruleNiggaz couldn"t walk a mile in my shoesNiggaz don"t possess the heart that I doAnd it"s a wonder that im still hereThought I was gone but im still hereAnd all you bitches that left me hereIts kinda funny how you right back thereIf it wasn"t for the money, cars and movies stars and jewelsAnd all these things I gotI wonder, heyWould you still want me (Want you)Would you still be calling me (Still calling you)You be loving me? (I"ll be loving you)mmmmmmmm yeaahhhh ooohhh yeaahhhh ooohhhhhnow how many nights does it taketo make you believe my love through all this yearsdone have ur kids how could u wonder yeaaahhsee i was with you through the rain and the thunderan all the crying and the pain who u frontanow tell me baby do you still wonder yeahhcuz" im dat chick frum I- N -Cstraight to the top yall all gon seeall my ladies say ooohhhhhhhhhhis no wonder why (were still here)and all this hatin (and were still here)u didnt think (that will be here)aint no mistake this is our yearrIf it wasn"t for the money, cars and movies stars and jewelsAnd all these things I gotI wonder, heyWould you still want me (Want you)Would you still be calling me (Still calling you)You be loving me? (I"ll be loving you)ooh oh oooohhhhhhhhhhhttp://music.baidu.com/song/54195215

保时捷汽车提示“check coolant level”是什么意思?


make an introduction of还是about


briefing documents是什么意思

简报文件1.Preparation Are there briefing documents for the meeting? Will people readthem?准备有没有会议的简报?与会者会读吗?

“make a short introduce of/about...”这两种说法对吗?都是“对……做简介”的意思吗?

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