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the most important day in my life 文章翻译

2023-06-07 09:37:39
TAG: nt rta mpo




2023-06-07 08:14:331


Pass the New Year "s Eve
2023-06-07 08:14:423

遥不可及,可以用来形容过去 ? 。

遥不可及,可以用来形容过去 ? 。 过去就过去吧 major可以用来形容人么? major的意思是“少校”,多指陆军、海军、空军中军衔低于中校高于上尉的官职,是可数名词。可用作称呼语。 major的另一个意思是“专业”,指高等学校的一个系里根据科学分工或生产部门的分工把学业分成的门类,是可数名词。 eventful可以用来形容family吗? eventful用于修饰家庭(尤其是有名望的大家庭)是可以的,但event通常指大事件,而不是指鸡毛蒜皮的小事,这和family是不是event itself无关。 温顺可不可以用来形容人 温顺wēn shùn 【释义】 温和顺从。 【出处】《后汉书·宋弘传》:“ 弘 少而温顺, 哀 平 闲作侍中, 王莽 时为共工。” 【示例】梁斌 《红旗谱》四:“ 志和 脾气倒是温顺,知道怎样爱她,体贴她。” 【示例】福楼拜 《包法利夫人》第三部 二 “她怕夏尔等得着急;她已经感到心虚,像许多做了亏心事的女人一样,她的温顺既是对奸淫罪的惩罚,也是赎罪。” 词性:形容词,可形容人和动物,性格温和,顺从。 梦---遥不可及 想她,就告诉她,也许,她也正在彼岸苦苦的期盼! 如果她和你永远是平行线,那就放手,别虐待自己! 也别给她压力! 把字可以用来形容笔吗? 可以的,一把笔(表示一手可以握住的多支笔) 潺可以用来形容雨水吗? 瑕不揜瑜 发音 xiá bù yǎn yú 释义 比喻缺点掩盖不了优点,缺点是次要的,优点是主要的。同“瑕不掩瑜”。 出处 无 示例 无 崩可以用来形容后妃吗 清代皇室成员中,皇帝皇后和皇太后等身故称“崩”,皇贵妃以下到嫔称“薨”。 按照《八旗通志》<典礼志十>,和硕亲王,世子,多罗郡王,长子,贝勒,贝子,都是用薨。公主和亲郡王福金、贝勒贝子夫人也是薨。 清史稿和会典也有相关内容。 its可以用来形容人吗 it一般指它,就是指代物还可以是一件事,但不用于指人,所以Its也不可以用在人身上 嫣字可以用来形容花吗? 可以啊 “姹紫嫣红”形容各种颜色的花卉鲜艳美丽。“姹”和“嫣”都是艳丽的意思。
2023-06-07 08:15:031

多事之秋 英文怎么讲?

troubled timestroublesome times
2023-06-07 08:15:136


2023-06-07 08:15:353


2023-06-07 08:15:585


  大学英语作文写作中,如果我们使用到的词汇是高级的,阅卷老师一般会多给我们一点分数。下面是我给大家整理的大学英语写作词汇,供大家参阅!   大学英语写作词汇1   1. 互信 mutual trust   2. 诚信 credibility   3. 品德 morality   4. 创新 innovation   5. 共赢 all-win   6. 欺诈 fraud   7. 代价 cost   8. 社会文明 social civilization   9. 假冒伪劣产品 fake commodities   10. 社会危害 harm to society   11. 学术造假 academic cheating   12. 诚实为上策 Honestly is the best policy.   13. 减少浪费 reduce waste   14. 促进改革 promote reform   15. 减轻负担 reduce the burden ofu2026u2026   16. 调整产业结构 adjust the industrial structure   17. 物质文明、精神文明一起抓pay equal attention to the material progress and cultural progress   18. 形成文明、健康、崇尚科学的良好社会风尚 form civilized, healthy and science-upholding social practice   19.网恋cyber romance   20. 网购online shopping   21. 团购Group shopping   22. 秒杀Sec-kill   23. 网店online shop/store   24. 信誉credit   25. 退款refund   大学英语写作词汇2   1. be confident in 对u2026有信心   2. be characterized by 以u2026为特征   3. be clever at 擅长于   4. be combined with 与u2026结合   5. be composed of 由u2026u2026组成   6. be concerned about 关心,挂念   7. be curious to (do) 很想(做)   8. be dependent on/upon 取决于,依赖   9. be determined to (do) 决心(做)   10. be different from 与u2026不同   11. be eager for 渴望   12. be eager to (do) 急于要(做)   13. be equal to 等于   14. be famous for 以u2026著名   15. be fond of 喜欢,爱好   16. be free from 无u2026的,摆脱了u2026的   17. be friendly to 对u2026友好   18. be glad to (do) 乐于(做),对u2026感到高兴   19. be good at (doing) 善于,擅长   20. be good for 适于,在u2026期间有效   21. be grateful to 感谢,感激   22. be independent of 脱离u2026而独立,与u2026无关   23. be indispensable for 对u2026必不可少的   24. be interested in 对u2026感兴趣   25. be kind enough to (do) 承u2026好意,恳请   大学英语写作词汇3   1. 认为,主张argue, maintain, hold, believe   2. 考虑takeu2026sth. into consideration, consider, ponder, meditate, contemplate, think over, reflect on/ upon, meditate on the matter(思考这问题), ponder over   3. 下结论,断定come into conclusion, arrive at the conclusion, draw the conclusion, conclude, decide, assert(宣称)   4. 获得acquire, obtain, attain, reap   5. 赢得,取得earn, gain, procure   6. 支持,赞成approve of, in favor of, uphold, stand by one"s side, agree with, give one"s assent   7. 提倡advocate, recommend   8. 反对opposite, object to   9. 抵制resist   10. 意义深远的,重大的far-reaching, profound, significant, eventful(变故多的,重要的)   11. 重要的,有决定性的vital, crucial, critical, decisive   12. 充分运用optimize, make best use of, make full use of,   13. 使用employ, utilize(vt.)   14. 应用apply   15. 后来,然后 afterwards, later on, later, after all   16. 高兴的,心情好的be in a good mood, happy, cheerful, joyful, Joyous, pleased, delighted   17. 当前,目前nowadays, at present, currently, presently   18. 表达voice, convey, express, deliver, communicate   19. 描绘,描述,描写depict, describe, picture   20. 勤奋的,勤勉的diligent, studious(慎重的), industrious, assiduous   21. 认真的,谨慎的conscientious, cautious   22. 冷静的,清醒的sober, reasonable, sensible, rational   23. 聪明的,有才智的intelligent,bright,wise,brilliant   24. 疲惫不堪的exhausted,fatigued,run-down,worn-out,weary   25. 适应be adapted to,be accustomed to,be adjusted to   26. 阻碍,阻止hinder(后面的), curb(路边), hamper, restrain, prevent, ward off, avoid   27. 好处,优点advantage,merit,benefit   28. 坏处,缺点disadvantage, defect, flaw, drawback, deficiency   29. 参加participate in, attend, take part in, go in for, engage in   30. 集中精力于 focus on, center on, concentrate on   
2023-06-07 08:16:281

日剧 单身情歌 女校医

2023-06-07 08:16:364


莎士比亚对英语的影响如下:(1)莎士比亚创造了许多常用的成语和格言,如:play fast and loose 反复无常。cold comfort 无用的慰藉。as good luck would have it 碰巧,不幸的是。Brevity is the soul of wit. 言以简为贵。I must be cruel only to be kind. 我的残酷是为了你好。Love is blind. 爱是盲目的。It"s Greek to me. 我完全不懂。(2)莎士比亚为英语增添了许多新词。莎士比亚是迄今为止词汇量最大的英语作家,他的作品吸收了难以计数的外来词,其中有许多是第一次进入书面英语的外来词。莎士比亚是许多英语单词的创始人,通过他的作品,这些单词得以保存并延续使用至今。最先由莎士比亚使用的单词很多,其中包括:assassination 暗杀 counterpart 相对应的人。eventful多事故的 fancy-free 任凭想象的。hostile敌对的 impede妨碍。majestic庄严的 negotiate 谈判。operate操作 pious虔诚的。prophetic预言性的 savagery 野性。torturer虐待者 tranquil安宁的。(3)莎士比亚用词灵活,他常将英语中的简单名词用作动词(如strangered with an oath)。在莎士比亚的影响下,将名词用作动词的灵活风格成为了社会快速转型期许多人效仿的楷模。以下引文均出自莎士比亚剧本,是名词作动词的例子;下划线单词本是名词,此处作动词用,如:名词作动词是莎士比亚语言的传统,这种传统至今仍在流传,例如:中文的“孩子们乘校车上学”这个意思可以用The children go to school by bus来表达,但也可以在适当的场合用Parents can bus their children to school来表达(家长用校车送孩子上学)。再比如英语句子They dogged his footsteps,dog(狗,名词)在此处作动词,意思是“跟在后面走”(步他的后尘)。类似的既可作名词、又可作动词的英文单词还有:drink,drive,fight,fire,sleep,run,walk,fund,look,act,view,ape,silence,worship,copy,blame,comfort,bend,cut,reach,like,dislike等等。(4)莎士比亚在他的作品中使用了很多合成词。莎士比亚是个造词、造句的能手,在历史剧《约翰王》(King John)中能找到很多带有连字符的合成词(在其他剧本中也有很多),例如以下这些合成词在《约翰王》中的不重复使用,这是他的风格。
2023-06-07 08:17:001

《Eventful Narratives...》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Eventful Narratives ...》(Robert, Aveson)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: 8mdz书名:Eventful Narratives ...作者:Robert, Aveson页数:110
2023-06-07 08:17:211

i am friendly英语作文

I, a pair of degrees with the eyes, face a melon, with the exception of hair, the other and no different from others, but has a special假小子head. Although there is no introduction of "new equipment", but also considered as a "parts" complete. I was an ordinary person, nothing is different with others, life, is also a hard-working, studious, usually is good, cheerful, but in a time when ordinary, but also of the unusual. I sometimes warm and tolerant, and sometimes eventful stingy. But I always consider myself an eventful, not only appearance, as well as hearts, their own personality and mood. I think that I am what I am, no one can replace. I, a broad range of loving me, and others, listen to music, reading, painting, but with some different, I also like playing the piano, I think it is to cultivate a culture of character, unique art, is that I can reflect their own personality, increasing a skill, have an ordinary way, but also some extraordinary talent. I experienced the ups and downs, experienced scenery, there have been self-confidence, have been proud of, and there was a cheerful day. But today, due to the failure of an examination, I become pessimistic, inward change. And I still use the original vision, to look at themselves, a "skin touch" of its own. But I still was convinced that I am what I am, as long as I try, I was the original myself. I, a very elusive, and I want everyone to be able to thoroughly know me, everyone can become my friend, I do not want to Forever, I was a vast sea of humanity in the sand, but brilliant night sky, a beautiful meteor, though short, has a brilliant moment. In the ordinary and extraordinary in there is a me, an ordinary and extraordinary crystal.
2023-06-07 08:17:331


1significant 2important3of vital importance4Major5matter
2023-06-07 08:17:424

I am who I am我就是我英文作文200字左右 我就是我英文作文200字左右!

I,a pair of degrees with the eyes,face a melon,with the exception of hair,the other and no different from others,but has a special假小子head.Although there is no introduction of "new equipment",but also considered as a "parts" complete. I was an ordinary person,nothing is different with others,life,is also a hard-working,studious,usually is good,cheerful,but in a time when ordinary,but also of the unusual.I sometimes warm and tolerant,and sometimes eventful stingy.But I always consider myself an eventful,not only appearance,as well as hearts,their own personality and mood.I think that I am what I am,no one can replace. I,a broad range of loving me,and others,listen to music,reading,painting,but with some different,I also like playing the piano,I think it is to cultivate a culture of character,unique art,is that I can reflect their own personality,increasing a skill,have an ordinary way,but also some extraordinary talent. I experienced the ups and downs,experienced scenery,there have been self-confidence,have been proud of,and there was a cheerful day.But today,due to the failure of an examination,I become pessimistic,inward change.And I still use the original vision,to look at themselves,a "skin touch" of its own.But I still was convinced that I am what I am,as long as I try,I was the original myself. I,a very elusive,and I want everyone to be able to thoroughly know me,everyone can become my friend,I do not want to Forever,I was a vast sea of humanity in the sand,but brilliant night sky,a beautiful meteor,though short,has a brilliant moment. In the ordinary and extraordinary in there is a me,an ordinary and extraordinary crystal.The feelings of old and new changes trying to struggle with the future in the past good-bye days,but I would also like to learn from each other,and strive to be re-perfect,I make a disguise themselves,or those of my good,bad ,let it come to naught!
2023-06-07 08:17:501

日本组合AAA(Attack All Around)

日本艾回音乐A字招牌3倍推荐的五男三女新人组合“AAA”(念法为Triple A),团名AAA (TRIPLE A) 的由来是[color=DarkRed]“ATTACK ALL AROUND”(全方位出击)的简称。正如同字义所示,这是一个全方位出击与挑战,充满无限可能性的团体。 西岛隆弘(にしじま たかひろ) 生年月日:1986年9月30日 身长:170cm 体重:50kg 血液型:O型 出身地:北海道札幌市 喜欢的颜色:白、红 所属组合:Attack All Around 喜欢的食物:刺身、纳豆玉子かけごはん、焼肉、アボカドマグロ丼、和菓子系のお菓子。 讨厌的食物:きゅうり、ドラゴンフルーツ、 喜欢的运动:排球、足球、滑雪、滑板 昵称:Nissy、タカ 四人家族,喜欢wine,不吸烟 座右铭:大事なことは大切に、music and love、一所悬命 常听的音楽:邦楽(就是日本音乐)铃木亜美、EXILE、SMAP 喜欢的品牌:miss sixty、DIESEL、COCO 经历: 代表札幌アクターズスタジオ的[JAPS]的初期成员。 ([JAPS曾经是独立制作人单元中获得FANS最多的)(当时的成员有同属AVEX的北村和也和STAR DUST PROMOTION所属的松岛洋平) 上面提到的单元还发行了CD和DVD,取名为「プレシャスラヴ/止まらナイ」 2003年AVEX的试聼选拔中合格。 2004年2月出演了18BACKEN RECORD vol.1319以后,去了东京。 (这次现场表演是作为EXILE的歌的个人表演填补。) NTT DO CO MO 北海道的 [iproject] 的 Image character. 铃木亜美的「Delightful」、「Hopeful」、「Eventful」中作为伴舞演出。 上面提到的「Eventful」,AAA成员的浦田直也、日高光启、与真司郎、末吉秀太也在其中伴舞。 2005年的红白歌合戦和CDTV中,上诉成员也作为铃木亚美的伴舞演出。 8月18日放送的恋するハニカミ,[西岛]和金子さやか在节目中约会。 AAA的第11张单曲中,与成员的浦田直也合唱了中村中提供的[CHEWING GUM]。 1月17日,舞台「LOVE LETTERS」的时候,和大沢あかね一起演出。 2007年4月2日,与成员与真司郎一起出演了电视剧「美味学院」。 2007年4月3日,与成员宇野実彩子一起作为「音时间」的MC。 =3=最爱与真司郎所以详细些 1988年11月26日出生 O型 京都府出身 身高: 169cm 昵称: しんじろう, 真ちゃん, 真くん, じろう, あぱっち等. 兴趣: 舞蹈,买东西(汗....|||....这个也算.....|||) 特技: 舞蹈 喜欢的运动: 篮球 (其他所有运动也都 喜欢) 座右铭: 希望 喜欢的颜色:灰 白 黒 蓝 银 喜欢的食物:西红柿 水果 甜食(特别是 蛋糕类的) 讨厌的食物: 茄子 香菇 觉得自己像什麼动物: 印度豹 喜欢的歌手: DA PUMP, EXILE, 安室奈 美恵, NELLY 喜欢的电影: Harry Potter, You Got Served 家族成员: 父,母,兄,姐,风(玩具贵宾犬 ),雷(吉娃娃) 最喜欢自己的身体部位: 眼睛 发生过最严重的事:去纽约的时候背包跟 钱包被偷了 小时候的梦想:当哆啦A梦的好朋友 如果现在不是AAA团员,大概会做什麼工 作:发型师或服装师 最喜欢的学校科目:体育 最不擅长的学校科目:历史 【个人特色】 - AAA里年纪最轻的团员 - 左边鼻翼上银色的鼻环 - 跟队长浦田直也一起担任担任AAA的编 舞 【个人活动履歴】 ?2002年曾出演京都电视台、チョコレー トホール(舞蹈学校)的广告 ?出道前曾在京都?大阪的社团组团活动 ?进入AVEX后曾跟AAA其他男性团员在铃 木亚美的「Eventful」PV中担任舞者。 ?2006年2月与AAA成员末吉秀太,伊藤千 晃,宇野实彩子演出单元剧"彼らの海 IIIV~Sentimental Jounrney"2006年4月主演连续剧「心灵侦探 八云,是目前唯一有单独主演过连续剧的 AAA团员。2007年一月出演「研修医魂」舞台剧 2007年春季跟团员西岛隆弘一起出演午 后剧「美味学院」在日本还可以.以前是5男3女,现在是5男2女 后藤友香里由于身体问题退出了.
2023-06-07 08:17:581


2023-06-07 08:18:195

Attack All Around的成员有哪些?

西岛隆弘西岛隆弘(にしじま たかひろ)NISHIJIMA TAKAHIRO生年月日:1986年9月30日身长:170cm体重:50kg血液型:O型出身地:北海道札幌市喜欢的颜色:白、红 所属组合:Attack All Around (在家乡曾是japs组合的成员) 喜欢的食物:刺身、纳豆玉子かけごはん、焼肉、アボカドマグロ丼、和菓子系のお菓子讨厌的食物:きゅうり、ドラゴンフルーツ喜欢的运动:排球、足球、滑雪、滑板昵称:Nissy、タカ 四人家族,喜欢wine,不吸烟 座右铭:大事なことは大切に、music and love、一所悬命 常听的音楽:邦楽(就是日本音乐)铃木亜美、EXILE、SMAP 喜欢的品牌:miss sixty、DIESEL、COCO经历: 代表札幌アクターズスタジオ的[JAPS]的初期成员。 ([JAPS曾经是独立制作人单元中获得FANS最多的)(当时的成员有同属AVEX的北村和也和STAR DUST PROMOTION所属的松岛洋平) 上面提到的单元还发行了CD和DVD,取名为「プレシャスラヴ/止まらナイ」 2003年AVEX的试聼选拔中合格。 2004年2月出演了uff62BACKEN RECORD vol.13uff63以后,去了东京。 (这次现场表演是作为EXILE的歌的个人表演填补。) NTT DO CO MO 北海道的 [iproject] 的 Image character. 铃木亜美的「Delightful」、「Hopeful」、「Eventful」中作为伴舞演出。 上面提到的「Eventful」,AAA成员的浦田直也、日高光启、与真司郎、末吉秀太也在其中伴舞。 2005年的红白歌合戦和CDTV中,上诉成员也作为铃木亚美的伴舞演出。 8月18日放送的恋するハニカミ,[西岛]和金子さやか在节目中约会。 AAA的第11张单曲中,与成员的浦田直也合唱了中村中提供的[CHEWING GUM]。 1月17日,舞台「LOVE LETTERS」的时候,和大沢あかね一起演出。 2007年4月2日,与成员与真司郎一起出演了电视剧「美味学院」。 2007年4月3日,与成员宇野実彩子一起作为「音时间」的MC。 只知道一个......
2023-06-07 08:18:341


2023-06-07 08:19:461


The Seven Ages of Man All the world"s a stage, 大千世界是个舞台, And all the men and women merely players; 所有男男女女不外是戏子; They have their exits and their entrances; 各有登场和退场, And one man in his time plays many parts, 一生扮演着那么些角色, His acts being seven ages. At first the infant, 七样年龄分七幕.首先是婴儿, Mewling and puking in the nurse"s arms; 在奶妈怀中啼哭着,呕吐着。 Then the whining school-boy, with his satchel 接着是怨天尤人的小学生,背着书包, And shining morning face, creeping like snail 挂着洁亮晨光的面孔,象蜗牛般 Unwillingly to school. And then the lover, 勉强爬行上学。跟着是情人, Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad 叹息得象锅炉,专为情妇的 Made to his mistress" eyebrow. Then a soldier, 娥眉作悲歌。随后是士兵, Full of strange oaths, and bearded like the leopard, 胡子象豹的, 满是新奇的骂人话, Jealous in honour, sudden and quick in quarrel, 吵架时鲁莽冲动,却热衷荣誉, Seeking the bubble reputation 追求那泡沫般的名声 Even in the cannon"s mouth. And then the justice, 连火炮口也不怕。然后是法官, In fair round belly with good capon lined, 那好圆的肚子用上等的阉鸡填满, With eyes severe and beard of formal cut, 眼色严峻,胡须正经, Full of wise saws and modern instances; 多的是智慧的格言,日常的事例 —— And so he plays his part. The sixth age shifts 演着自己。第六样年龄 Into the lean and slippered pantaloon, 化作瘦削的,穿拖鞋的傻老头, With spectacles on nose and pouch on side, 鼻子戴眼镜, 身边挂钱袋; His youthful hose, well saved, a world too wide 好好的储存的年少时代的裤子, For his shrunk shank; and his big manly voice, 对收缩了的小腿,已太宽松; 雄壮的嗓子 Turning again toward childish treble, pipes 转向小孩的高音,听来 And whistles in his sound. Last scene of all, 象打呼哨。最后的一场戏 —— That ends this strange eventful history, 结束这变化莫测的戏剧的一场 —— Is second childishness and mere oblivion; 是再来的幼稚,全然的健忘, Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans every thing. 没牙齿,没眼力,没口味,没一切。 :The Seven Ages of Man - from As You Like It(皆大欢喜—人生七阶) 如果是这个清你采纳我的答案 谢谢
2023-06-07 08:20:002


2023-06-07 08:20:154


I, a pair of degrees with the eyes, face a melon, with the exception of hair, the other and no different from others, but has a special假小子head. Although there is no introduction of "new equipment", but also considered as a "parts" complete. I was an ordinary person, nothing is different with others, life, is also a hard-working, studious, usually is good, cheerful, but in a time when ordinary, but also of the unusual. I sometimes warm and tolerant, and sometimes eventful stingy. But I always consider myself an eventful, not only appearance, as well as hearts, their own personality and mood. I think that I am what I am, no one can replace. I, a broad range of loving me, and others, listen to music, reading, painting, but with some different, I also like playing the piano, I think it is to cultivate a culture of character, unique art, is that I can reflect their own personality, increasing a skill, have an ordinary way, but also some extraordinary talent. I experienced the ups and downs, experienced scenery, there have been self-confidence, have been proud of, and there was a cheerful day. But today, due to the failure of an examination, I become pessimistic, inward change. And I still use the original vision, to look at themselves, a "skin touch" of its own. But I still was convinced that I am what I am, as long as I try, I was the original myself. I, a very elusive, and I want everyone to be able to thoroughly know me, everyone can become my friend, I do not want to Forever, I was a vast sea of humanity in the sand, but brilliant night sky, a beautiful meteor, though short, has a brilliant moment. In the ordinary and extraordinary in there is a me, an ordinary and extraordinary crystal. The feelings of old and new changes trying to struggle with the future in the past good-bye days, but I would also like to learn from each other, and strive to be re-perfect, I make a disguise themselves, or those of my good, bad , let it come to naught!
2023-06-07 08:20:391


2023-06-07 08:21:114


多事的解释(1) [eventful]∶ 事故 或事变多的 多事之秋 (2) [interfering]∶ 干涉 别人 的事 你不必多他的事 (3) [meddlesome]∶做多余的或不应该做的事 他总爱多事 详细解释 (1).多事故;多事变。 《庄子·天地》 :“多男子则多惧,富则多事,寿则多辱。” 《汉书·平帝纪》 :“分界郡国所属,罢置改易, 天下 多事,吏不能纪。” 唐 韩愈 《与冯宿论文书》 :“近 李翱 从仆学文,颇 有所 得。然其人家贫多事, 未能 卒其事。” 宋 吴曾 《能改斋漫录·地理》 :“ 今朝 廷命帅,举 利 益 二路以付之。万一 中国 多事,奸雄恃险, 无以 分制。” 清 黄遵宪 《二十初度》 诗:“堕地添丁日,时平万户春。我生遂多事,臣壮不如人。” (2).做多余的事,做不应该做的事。 《庄子·渔父》 :“今子既上无君侯 有司 之势,而下无大臣职事之官,而擅饰 礼乐 ,选人伦,以化齐民,不泰多事乎?” 唐 张鷟 《游仙窟》 :“ 无情 明月 ,故故临窗;多事春风,时时动帐。” 宋 苏轼 《徐州谢上表》 :“知臣者谓臣爱君, 不知 臣者谓臣多事。” 《儿女 英雄 传》 第五回:“我是天生这等一个多事的人。” 茅盾 《子夜》 七:“他听出了 屠维岳 这番话的背后的意思是在说他这一来 乃是 多事。” 词语分解 多的解释 多 ō 数量大,与“少”、“寡” 相对 :人多。多年。多姿。多层次。多角度。多难(刵 )兴(塶 )邦。 多多 益善。多行不义必自毙。 数目在二以上:多年生草。多项式。多义词。多元论。 有余,比 一定 的数目大:多 事的解释 事 ì 自然 界和 社会 中的现象和活动:事情。 事件 。事业。 变故:事故( 出于 某种 原因 而发生的 不幸 事情,如工作中的死伤等)。事端。 职业 :谋事(指找职业)。 关系和 责任 :你走吧,没你的事了。
2023-06-07 08:25:291

多事之秋 英文怎么讲?

troubled timestroublesome times
2023-06-07 08:25:386


同义词替换 表数量 一些 a range of ; a variety of ; a series of ; an array of 无数 innumerable ; countless 许多 plenty of ; a great deal of ; a lot of ; ample 非常多(大)的 tremendous ; immense ; huge ; gigantic ; giant ; enormous 扩展,扩大 expand ; broaden ; widen ; extend ; enlarge ; spread 表时间 过时的 outdated ; antiquated ; outmoded ; obsolete ; anachronistic ; go out of style ; go out of fashion 永久的,长期不变的 permanently ; enduringly ; lastingly ; constantly 短暂的 ephemeral ; transitory ; transient ; short-lived 不合时宜的 anachronism 可持久的 durable ; able to stand wear ; last a long time 一再 time after time ; again and again 前述的 aforementioned ; aforesaid ; former 自古到今 from ancient times to the present day ; down through the ages 年轻人 young people ; youngster ; youth ; young adult 老式的 old- fashioned ; out of date ; dated 偶尔 from time to time ; now and then ; once in a while ; at times 时常 often ; frequently ; repeatedly 永远的 eternal ; perpetual ; lasting throughout life 目前 so far ; by far 后来,然后 afterwards ; later on ; later, after all 当前,目前 nowadays ; at present ; currently ; presently 迟早,最终 eventually ; sooner or later ; at length ; ultimately ; finally 抛弃,放弃 desert ; abandon ; quit 表评价 认为,主张 argue ; maintain ; hold ; believe 表达 voice ; convey ; express ; deliver ; communicate 描绘,描述,描写 depict ; describe ; picture 考虑 take…..sth. into consideration ; consider ; ponder ; meditate ; contemplate ; think over ; reflect on/ upon ; meditate on the matter(思考这问题) ; ponder over 下结论,断定 come into conclusion ; arrive at the conclusion ; draw the conclusion ;conclude ; decide ; assert 好处,优点 advantage ; merit ; benefit 坏处,缺点 disadvantage ; defect ; flaw ; drawback ; deficiency 获得 acquire ; obtain ; attain ; reap 赢得,取得 earn; gain ; procure 支持, 赞成 approve of ; in favor of ; uphold ; stand by one"s side ; agree with ; give one"s assent ; support ; endorse ; back up ; uphold 提倡 advocate ; recommend 真诚的,衷心的 hearty ; sincere ; frank (honest) 有用的 useful ; of use ; serviceable ; good for ; instrumental ; productive 使…受益 benefit… ; do good to… ; is good for… is of great benefit to… 于事无补 of no help ; of no avail ; no use 有意义的 meaningful ; fulfilling ; far-reaching ; profound ; significant ; eventful 骂 yell at ; reprimand ; chide ; scold ; reprove 谴责 condemn ; express strong disapproval of 否定 deny ; withhold ; negate 承认 admit;acknowledge ; confess ; concede 反对 opposite ; object to ; resist 错的 mistaken ; erroneous ; wrong ; incorrect 错事 wrongdoing ; bad acts ; misbehavior 违反,侵犯 violate ; disobey ; infringe ; break 责备,斥责 blame ; accuse ; denounce ; scold 做相反的 do the reverse of ; do the opposite 归咎 blame…on ; put the blame on … ; …is to blame 瓦解 disintegrate ; break up ; separate into small parts 支持某一方 in favor of ; on the side of 一致的 unanimous ; in complete agreement 不恰当 inappropriate ; improper ; unsuitable ; inadequate 批判 criticize ; blame ; find fault with ; make judgments of the merits and faults of… 重要的,有决定性的 vital ; crucial ; critical ; decisive 充分运用 optimize ; make best use of ; make full use of 使用 employ ; utilize ; apply (应用) 我们相信… We are convinced / certain that…;by common consent of… 我愿意(倾向) I incline to ; I am inclined to ; I am willing to ; I tend to 他们不愿承认这一点 They have always been reluctant to admit this… 想法frame of mind ; mind set ; the way one is thinking 找出 come up with ; find out ; figure out 利用 use ; take advantage of 夸耀 brag about ; boast about ; show off ; speak highly of 照顾 take care of ; take charge of ; attend to ; watch over 对…很了解 have a deep knowledge of… ; know well 对抗权威 stand up against authority ; resisit boldly the authority 说清楚 articulate ; verbalize ; put in words ; utter 选择 choose ; elect ; opt for ; pick ; single out 复杂的 complicated ; complex 费解的 mysterious ; incomprehensible ; obscure ; unintelligible 混杂的,不清楚地,迷惑的 confused ; bewildered ; perplexed 其他用的着的 在我看来,就我而言 in my view ; in my belief ; as far as I can see ; in my mind ; as far as I am concerned ; in my opinion 明智的,合理的 advisable ; sensible ; rational ; sane ; logical ; reasonable 提高 improve ; increase ; enhance ; raise ; elevate ; grow 使信服 convince ; persuade ; assure ; confirm 有敌意的,反对的 hostile ; adverse ; aggressive 方法,手段 method ; approach ; means ; measure ;mode 熟悉,知道 be acquainted with ; be familiar with ; be informed of 解决,处理 resolve ; settle ; deal with ; cope with ; manage ; work on 减少,削弱 reduce ; decrease ; diminish ; lessen ; lower 建立 construct ; build ; set up ; put up ; found ; establish 想出,想到 come up with ; cross one"s mind ; occur to sb. ; put forward ; point out 具体的,明确的 concrete ; specific ; particular ; definite ; special 逐步的,逐渐的 step by step ; little by little ; bit by bit ; gradually 必要的,不可缺少的 indispensable ; essential ; necessary 合作 cooperate ; join forces ; work side by side ; make joint efforts 把…看作,当做 regard as ; consider as ; look on….as ; treat… as ; view …as 遵守 abide by ; observe ; conform 努力做,尽力做 attempt to ; make efforts to ; endeavor to ; manage to do 开展,实施,做 practice ; carry on ; conduct ; perform ; implement ; bring into effect ; put in practice 强调,突出 lay/ place emphasis on ; attach emphasis to ; stress on ; highlight ; underline 实现,完成 achieve ; accomplish ; fulfill ; complete 起作用 play a role ; perform ; function ; serve ; play a part 证实,证明 testify ; confirm ; verify ; turn out 建设性的,有益的 constructive ; helpful ; valuable ; useful 目的,目标 purpose ; objective ; aim ; goal 影响 affect; impact ; have effect on 意识到 be aware of ; be conscious of ; realize ; recognize 经典句式 开篇常用 Along with the advance of the society, more and more problems are brought to our attention, one of which is that.... 随着社会的不断发展,出现了越来越多的问题,其中之一便是____ As society develops, people are attaching much importance to.... 随着社会的发展,人们开始关注... Recently the phenomenon has aroused wide concern, some people are in alarm that.... 最近,这种现象引起了人们的广泛关注,有人开始担心_____。 ...... plays such an important role that it undeniably becomes the biggest concern of the present world, there comes a question, is it a blessing or a curse?" ______显得非常重要而为当今世界所关注。问题是:"这是福是祸?" As to whether it is worthwhile ....., there is a long-running controversial debate. It is quite natural that people from different backgrounds have divergent attitudes. 关于是否值得______的问题,一直以来争论不休。当然,不同的人对此持不同的观点。 As to whether it is a blessing or a curse, however, people take different attitudes (hold different attitudes/ come up with different attitudes). 然而,对于此类问题,人们持不同的看法。 In the process of modern urban development, we often find ourselves in a dilemma. 在都市的发展中,我们往往会陷入困境。 The human race has entered a completely new stage in its history, with the increasingly rapid economic globalization and urbanization, more problems are brought to our attention. 人类进入了一个历史的崭新的阶段,经济全球化、都市化的速度不断加快,随之给我们带 来了很多问题。 Now we are entering a new era, full of opportunities and challenges, 现在我们正在进入一个充满机会和挑战的新时代。 表达正反两方看法 观点的用词:attitude, opinion, interpretation, view, claim 与其搭配的动词以及词组:take, have, come up with, set forth, put forward, prefer, hold, be of People from different backgrounds would put different interpretations on the same case. 不同行业的人对同一种问题的解释不尽相同。 The controversial issue is often brought into public focus. People from different backgrounds hold different attitudes towards the issue. 这中极具争议性的话题往往很受社会的关注。不同的人对此问题的看法也不尽相同。 To this issue, different people come up with various attitudes. 对于这个问题,不同的人持不同的观点。 Just as the saying goes: "so many people, so many minds". It is quite understandable that views on this issue vary from person to person. 俗话说,"一人一个想法"。不同的人对此有不同的看法是可以理解的。 There is a good side and a bad side to everything, it goes without saying that... 万事万物都有其两面性,所以,勿庸置疑,______。 When asked ..., some people think..... while some prefer... 说到____,有人认为____,而另一些人则认为_____。 When it comes to ... , most people believe that ... , but other people regard ... as .... 提到_____问题,很多人认为_____,不过,一些人则认为___是____. When faced with...., quite a few people claim that ...., but other people think as... 提到____问题,仅少数人认为____,但另一些人则认为____。 【a majority of 绝大多数 a large number of 很多人】 Some people advocate/claim / hold that ....But on the other hand, there are also quite a few people who strongly advocate/maintain that..,. 有些人认为________。不过,另一方面,也有少部分人坚持认为_______。 Those who strongly approve of ... have cogent reasons for it. 强烈认同_____的人有很多原因。 People who support ... give some or all of the following reasons. 那些支持_____观点的人列出了如下原因:_____。 表原因 1)There are three reasons for this. 2)The reasons for this are as follows. 3)The reason for this is obvious. 4)The reason for this is not far to seek. 5)The reason for this is that ... 6)We have good reasons to believe that ... 例如: There are three reasons for the changes that have taken place in our life. Firstly, people"s living standard has been greatly improved. Secondly, most people are well paid, and they can afford what they need or like. Last but not least, more and more people prefer to enjoy modern life. 表好处 1)It has the following advantages. 2)It does us a lot of good. 3)It benefits us quite a lot. 4)It is beneficial to us. 5)It is of great benefit to us. 例如: Books are like friends. They can help us know the world better, and they can open our minds and widen our horizons.Therefore, reading extensively is of great benefit to us. 表弊端 1)It has more disadvantages than advantages. 2)It does us much harm. 3)It is harmful to us. 例如: However, everything divides into two. Television can also be harmful to us. It can do harm to our health and make us lazy if we spend too much time watching television. 表措施 1)We should take some effective measures. 2)We should try our best to overcome(conquer)the difficulties. 3)We should do our utmost in doing sth. 4)We should solve the problems that we are confronted(faced)with. 例如: The housing problem that we are confronted with is becoming more and more serious. Therefore, we must take some effective measures to solve it. 表结论 1)In short, it can be said that ... 2)It may be briefly summed up as follows. 3)From what has been mentioned above, we can come to the conclusion that ... 例如: From what has been mentioned above, we can come to the conclusion that examination is necessary, however, its method should be improved.
2023-06-07 08:25:531


eve [i:v] 前夕,前夜念:意--午如christmas eve 圣诞前夕
2023-06-07 08:26:213

英语作业急死了 大家帮帮忙

2023-06-07 08:26:393


  1、think认为,思考=take。intoconsideration,consider,ponder,meditate,contemplate,thinkover,reflecton/upon。   2、decide:断定=cometotheconclusion,arriveattheconclusion,drawtheconclusion,conclude,judge,assert,windup。   3、get:得到=acquire,obtain,attain,reap,earn,gain,procure   4、support:支持=approveof,infavorof,uphold,standbyonesside,agreewith,giveonesassent,advocate,recommend   5、saynoto:反对=oppose,objectto,beagainst,resist,   6、important:重要的=far—reaching,profound,significant,eventful,key,essential,fundamental,crucial,decisive,vial,substantial,playanimportantpartin。   7、use:使用=optimize,makebest/fulluseof,employ,utilize,apply   8、glad,happy:高兴的=beinagoodmood,cheerful,joyful,joyous,pleased,delighted   9、hard—working:勤奋的=diligent,studious,industrious   10、serious:认真的=conscientious,cautious   11、calm:平静的=sober,reasonable,sensible,rational   12、clever:聪明的=intelligent,bright,wise,brilliant,smart,ingenious   13、tired:累的=exhausted,fatigued,run—down,worn—out,weary   14、beusedto:适应=beadaptedto,beaccustomedto,beadjustedto   15、stop:阻止=hinder,curb,hamper,restrain,prevent,wardoff,avoid   16、好处:goodside坏处:badside   好处,优点:advantage,merit,benefit   坏处,缺点:disadvantage,defect,flaw,drawback,deficiency   17、join:参加=participatein,attend,takepartin,goinfor,engagein   18、payonesattentionto:注意=focuson,centeron,concentrateon,setonesmindon,belostin,beoccupiedin,beattentiveon   19、dependon:依赖,依靠=relyon,leanon   20、ability:能力=capability   21、aim:目的=objective   22、always:始终=invariably   23、ancient:古老的=archaic   24、angry:生气的=enraged   25、appear:出现=emerge   26、arrest:逮捕=detention   27、attack:攻击=assault   28、attractive:吸引力=fascinating   29、avoid:避免=shun   30、bad:坏的=decayed   31、bear:承担=tolerate   32、beautiful:美丽的=elegant   33、best:最好的=optimal   34、big:大的=massive   35、blame:责怪=condemn   36、boring:闷=tedious   37、brave:勇敢的=bold   38、brief:简要=concise   39、build:建造=construct   40、busy:繁忙=occupied   41、buy:买=purchase   42、careful:小心的=cautious   43、catch:抓住=capture   44、change:改变=convert   45、clean:清洁=purified   46、clever:聪明的=intelligent   47、cold:冷的=chilly   48、common:常见的=universal   49、danger:危险=peril   50、dangerous:危险的=hazardous   51、difficult:困难的=burdensome   52、difficulty:困难地=challenge   53、dislike:不喜欢=disgust   54、enlarge:增大=magnify   55、expensive:贵的=costly   56、fair:公平=impartial   57、fame:成名=prestige   58、famous:著名的`=distinguished   59、field:领域=domain   60、force:强迫=compel   61、forever:永远=perpetual   62、form:形式=constitute   63、free:自由=liberal   64、good:好的=beneficial   65、greatly:非常=increasingly   66、hot:热的=boiling   67、lonely:孤单的=solitary   68、method:方法=approach   69、near:靠近=adjacent   70、nowadays:现今=currently   71、obey:服从=complywith   72、obvious:明显=apparent   73、only:只有=unique   74、opinion:意见=standpoint   75、part:部分=component   76、partner:拍档=associate   77、poor:贫穷的=pathetic   78、possible:可能=feasible   79、problem:问题=issue   80、quite:相当=fairly   81、rapid:快速=swift   82、result:结果=consequence   83、rich:富有的=abundant   84、ruin:毁灭=devastate   85、run:跑=chase   86、sharp:锋利的=acute   87、short:短的=deficient   88、show:表明=demonstrate   89、so:所以=consequently   90、stop:停止=cease   91、strange:奇怪=weird   92、top:顶部=peak   93、ugly:丑陋的=hideous   94、use:利用=utilize   95、vague:模糊的=obscure   96、wet:湿的=humid   97、whole:整个=entire   98、wrong:错的=erroneous   99、smelly:臭的=unpleasant   100、surprise:惊奇=startle
2023-06-07 08:28:011


不 认识。
2023-06-07 08:28:093

No More Lies 歌词

No More LiesIROM MAIDENDance Of Death歌曲:No More Lies乐队:IROM MAIDEN年代:2003There"s a darkened sky before meThere"s no time to prepareSalvage a last horizonBut no regrets from meMaybe I"ll be back some other dayTo live again just who can sayIn what shape or form that I might beJust another chance for meA hurried time no disgraceInstead of racing to conclusionAnd wishing all my life awayNo-one can stop me nowTime is up it couldnt lastBut there"s more things I"d like to doI"m coming back to try againSomeday maybe I"ll wait till thenNo more liesNo more liesNo more liesNo more liesThey"re all sitting at my tableTalking tall and drinking wineTheir time is up just like meBut they just dont know it yetSo just a word of warningWhen you"re in your deepest dreamThere"s nothing you can hide fromI"ve got my eye on youThe clock is fast the hour is nearEventful past is everclearMy life is set the time is hereI think I"m coming homeNo more liesNo more liesNo more liesRIFF&SOLOA hurried time no disgraceInstead of racing to conclusionsAnd wishing all your life awayNo-one can stop me nowTime is up it couldnt lastBut there"s more things I"d like to doI"m coming back to try againSomeday maybe I"ll wait till thenNo more liesNo more liesNo more liesNo more liesNo more lies
2023-06-07 08:28:161


All the world"s a stage and all the men and women merely players.这才是原文
2023-06-07 08:28:233


多事: 事故 或事变多;秋:时期。事故或事变很多的时期。 成语出处: 宋·孙光宪《北梦琐言》卷 十二 :“所以 多事之秋 ,灭迹匿端, 无为 绿林之嚆矢也。” 成语例句: 现在 国家 正当 多事之秋 ,那王公大臣只是 恐怕 耽处分,多一事不如少一事,弄得百事俱废,将来又是怎样个了局? 繁体写法: 多事之秌 注音: ㄉㄨㄛ ㄕㄧˋ ㄓㄧ ㄑㄧㄡ 多事之秋的近义词: 多灾多难 经常发生天灾人祸啊!多灾多难的国家,有着一个不配掌权的暴君 风雨飘摇 ∶飘摇:本作“漂摇”,一作飘荡。形容动荡不安,形势很不稳定死生契阔心如铁,风雨飘摇鬓欲丝。——宋· 内忧外患 一国内部存在令人担忧的不稳定因素,外部存在被侵略和战争骚扰的危害之患。形容政局不稳,危机四伏 成语语法: 偏正式;作宾语;含贬义 常用程度: 常用成语 感情.色彩: 中性成语 成语结构: 偏正式成语 产生年代: 古代成语 英语翻译: eventful period <period of turbulence> 俄语翻译: тревóжные гóды 日语翻译: 多事(たじ)の时 其他翻译: <法>année fertile en événements <période mouvementée,agitée> 成语谜语: 第三季度任务忙
2023-06-07 08:28:301

those eventful months and years are still vivid in my memory 是毛泽东哪句诗的翻译

2023-06-07 08:28:372


没有找到“什么事什么物”的成语第二个字与事同音的成语——傲世轻物读音: ào shì qīng wù释义: 傲世:傲视当世;轻:轻视;物:他人或环境。鄙弃世俗,看不起别人。指孤高自傲,处世不与一般流俗苟同暗室求物读音: àn shì qiú wù释义: 在没有光亮的房间寻找东西。比喻读书不得要领,难见成效。矫时慢物读音: jiǎo shí màn wù释义: 矫时,矫正时俗。慢,傲慢。指对现实不满,态度傲慢。轻视傲物读音: qīng shì ào wù释义: 轻:轻慢;世:世人;傲:傲慢;物:人,公众。对世俗之事一概不放在眼里。抚世酬物读音: fǔ shì chóu wù释义: 谓治政理事,待人接物。轻世傲物读音: qīng shì ào wù释义: 藐视世俗,为人傲慢。
2023-06-07 08:28:451


William Shakespeare - 所有世界是阶段(从如同您喜欢) 所有世界是阶段, 并且所有人和妇女仅仅球员: 他们有他们的出口和他们的入口; 并且一个人在他的时间起许多作用, 他的行动是七年龄。 起初婴儿, Mewling 和puking 在护士的胳膊。 并且然后抱怨的男小学生, 与他的satchel 并且发光的早晨面孔, 爬行象蜗牛 不愿意地教育。 并且然后恋人, Sighing 象熔炉, 以一首悲惨的民谣 做对他的女主人的眼眉。 然后战士, 充分奇怪的誓言和有胡子象pard, 嫉妒在荣誉, 突然和快在争吵, 寻找泡影名誉 在大炮的嘴。 并且然后正义, 在公平的圆的腹部与好阉鸡排行了, 与正式裁减眼睛严厉和胡子, 充分明智的锯和现代事例; 并且他如此起他的作用。 第六个年龄转移 入倾斜和slipper"d pantaloon, 与眼镜在鼻子和囊在边, 他年轻的水喉, 井被保存, 世界太宽 为他的收缩的小腿; 并且他的大男子气概的声音, 再转动往幼稚高音, 管子 并且口哨在他的声音。 所有的前个场面, 那结束这奇怪的充忙历史, 是第二童稚和仅仅忘却, Sans 牙, sans 眼睛, sans 口味, sans 一切。
2023-06-07 08:29:043


2023-06-07 08:29:133


饱餐一顿bǎo cān yī dùn【解释】指大吃一顿【出处】明·兰陵笑笑生《金瓶梅》第70回:“何千户又预备头脑小席,大盘大碗,齐齐整整,连手下人饱餐一顿。”【结构】动宾式【用法】作谓语、宾语;指大吃一顿【近义词】大饱口福【例句】蔡东藩《五代史演义》第九回:“饬各军饱餐一顿,俟至黎明,一声鼓角,全营涌出。”
2023-06-07 08:29:373


《The Seven Ages of Man》《人生七阶》All the world"s a stage,全世界是一个舞台,And all the men and women merely players;所有的男男女女不过是一些演员;They have their exits and their entrances;他们都有下场的时候,也都有上场的时候。And one man in his time plays many parts,一个人的一生中扮演着好几个角色,His acts being seven ages. At first the infant,他的表演可以分为七个时期。最初是婴孩,Mewling and puking in the nurse"s arms;在保姆的怀中啼哭呕吐。Then the whining school-boy, with his satchel然后是背着书包、满脸红光的学童,And shining morning face, creeping like snail像蜗牛一样慢腾腾地拖着脚步,Unwillingly to school. And then the lover,不情愿地呜咽着上学堂。然后是情人,Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad像炉灶一样叹着气,写了一首悲哀的诗歌咏着Made to his mistress" eyebrow. Then a soldier,他恋人的眉毛。然后是一个军人,Full of strange oaths, and bearded like the pard,满口发着古怪的誓,胡须长得像豹子一样,Jealous in honour, sudden and quick in quarrel,爱惜着名誉,动不动就要打架,Seeking the bubble reputationEven in the cannon"s mouth. And then the justice,在炮口上寻求着泡沫一样的荣名。然后是法官,In fair round belly with good capon lin"d,胖胖圆圆的肚子塞满了阉鸡,With eyes severe and beard of formal cut,凛然的眼光,整洁的胡须,Full of wise saws and modern instances;满嘴都是格言和老生常谈;And so he plays his part.他这样扮了他的一个角色。The sixth age shiftsInto the lean and slipper"d pantaloon,第六个时期变成了精瘦的趿着拖鞋的龙钟老叟,With spectacles on nose and pouch on side;鼻子上架着眼镜,腰边悬着钱袋;His youthful hose, well sav"d, a world too wide他那年轻时候节省下来的长袜子,For his shrunk shank; and his big manly voice,套在他皱瘪的小腿上显得宽大异常;他那朗朗的男子的口音Turning again toward childish treble, pipes又变成了孩子似的尖声,And whistles in his sound. Last scene of all,像是吹着风笛和哨子。That ends this strange eventful history,终结着这段古怪的多事的历史的最后一场,Is second childishness and mere oblivion;是孩提时代的再现,全然的遗忘,Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything.没有牙齿,没有眼睛,没有口味,没有一切。赏析:没有人会说一个有童年,壮年,老年地人生不是一个美满的人生。一天有上午,中午,日落之分,一年有四季之分。可是我现在想想人生真没有所谓好坏之分。有钱没钱的到最后都一样。我想只有“你人生之中的哪段经历或者是哪些东西在你人生中的哪一个季节是最好的”的问题。如果我们抱着这种生物学的人生观,而循着季节去生活,那么,除了夜郎自大的呆子和无可救药的理想主义者之外,没有人会否认人生可以像一首诗那样地度过去。莎士比亚曾经在他的人生七阶段那段文章里,把这个观念更明了地表现出来,许多中国的作家也曾经说过同样地话。我尊敬莎士比亚先生,因为他把人生当作人生看,正如他不打扰他的戏剧中的人物一样,他也不打扰时间一切事物的一般配置和组织。他就活得和大自然本身一样。他仅仅是活在世界上,观察人生,最终根据生命活动的最后规则离开了世界。
2023-06-07 08:29:452


百度百科目录声明:词条人人可编辑,创建、修改和认证均免费详情2 编辑峥嵘岁月 [zhēng róng suì yuè]汉语成语本词条是多义词,共8个义项展开峥嵘岁月是一个汉语词语,读音为zhēng róng suì yuè,形容不平凡的年月。出自宋·陈杰《自堂存稿·仲宣楼》:“峥嵘岁月欺人事,浩荡乾坤入客愁;”宋·王珪《谢赐生日礼物表》:“岁月峥嵘,而屡更精力勤劳。”中文名峥嵘岁月外文名the most uncommon years and months of one"s life注音zhēng róng suì yuè解释不平凡的年月中文解释发音zhēng róng suì yuè解释峥嵘:山势高峻奇特的样子,引申为不平凡、不寻常。形容不平凡的年月。出处宋·陈杰《自堂存稿·仲宣楼》:“峥嵘岁月欺人事,浩荡乾坤入客愁。”宋·王珪《谢赐生日礼物表》:“岁月峥嵘,而屡更精力勤劳。”示例携来百侣曾游。忆往昔~稠。 ★毛泽东《沁园春·长沙》词用法作主语、宾语、定语;形容不平凡的日子英文解释词语解释the most uncommon years and months of one"s life;crowded months and years of endeavour;eventful years;extraordinary times ;例句我要把它镶在镜框里,以纪念这些峥嵘岁月,同时它也是我们友谊的标志。I shall have it framed as a souvenir of these tremendous days, and as a mark of our friendly relations.
2023-06-07 08:30:003

I am who I am我就是我英文作文200字左右

I, a pair of degrees with the eyes, face a melon, with the exception of hair, the other and no different from others, but has a special假小子head. Although there is no introduction of "new equipment", but also considered as a "parts" complete. I was an ordinary person, nothing is different with others, life, is also a hard-working, studious, usually is good, cheerful, but in a time when ordinary, but also of the unusual. I sometimes warm and tolerant, and sometimes eventful stingy. But I always consider myself an eventful, not only appearance, as well as hearts, their own personality and mood. I think that I am what I am, no one can replace. I, a broad range of loving me, and others, listen to music, reading, painting, but with some different, I also like playing the piano, I think it is to cultivate a culture of character, unique art, is that I can reflect their own personality, increasing a skill, have an ordinary way, but also some extraordinary talent. I experienced the ups and downs, experienced scenery, there have been self-confidence, have been proud of, and there was a cheerful day. But today, due to the failure of an examination, I become pessimistic, inward change. And I still use the original vision, to look at themselves, a "skin touch" of its own. But I still was convinced that I am what I am, as long as I try, I was the original myself. I, a very elusive, and I want everyone to be able to thoroughly know me, everyone can become my friend, I do not want to Forever, I was a vast sea of humanity in the sand, but brilliant night sky, a beautiful meteor, though short, has a brilliant moment. In the ordinary and extraordinary in there is a me, an ordinary and extraordinary crystal. The feelings of old and new changes trying to struggle with the future in the past good-bye days, but I would also like to learn from each other, and strive to be re-perfect, I make a disguise themselves, or those of my good, bad , let it come to naught!
2023-06-07 08:30:411


2023-06-07 08:31:235


以下是我在邮件中会用到的一些例句我分先后分语境的给你列好了希望能对你有帮助~~~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------邮件的开头1. Most formal (最正规的,再给外部或者领导根据这个人的title不同视情况而定)Dear Mr. Bourne,Dear Prof. Bourne,Dear Dr. Bourne,2. Appropriate (中规中矩,一般同事之间就这样就好了)Hi Jason,Dear Jason,3. Informal (不是很正规,比较要好的相互了解比较深的人之间)Hi,Hi there,Hi boss,称谓下面的祝福话(显得客气友善) 首先,第一种情况,就是初次写信给一个人,那么有以下几种情况可以借鉴:1. Warmly greeting from Beijing! (给不太熟的老外,北京发来的诚挚的问候)2. How are you? How"s everything? How"s going?(中规中矩,一般同事之间)3. Hope this email find you all well (很客气,就跟我们的“展信笑”差不多)其次,第二种情况,就是这个人帮助了你,你现在回信开头就要感谢人家:Thank you for your promptreply.当一个同事很快就回复了你的邮件,一定记得要感谢他们(比如那个今天早上9点回复你的家伙你就要给人家说这句话哟)。如果回复并不及时,只要将“prompt”除去即可,你还可以说,“Thank you for getting back to me.”Thank you for providingthe requested information.如果你询问某人一些信息,他们花了点时间才发送给你,那就用这句句子表示你仍然对他们的付出表示感激。Thank you for all yourassistance.如果有人给了你特别的帮助,那一定要感谢他们!如果你想对他们表示特别的感激,就用这个句子,“I truly/ highlyappreciate your help in resolving the problem.”Thank you raising your concerns.I sincerely appreciateyour warmly help to improve my Chinese grammar. 诚挚的感谢你为我帮助我提高语文语法(我爸妈从小就没有教好我 55555)就算某个人对你的工作提出了一定的质疑,你还是要感谢他们。这样你能表现出你对他们的认真态度表示尊重及感激。同时,你可以用“Thank you for yourfeedback.”以下还有一些常见的开头,在特定的语境下可以使用Hope you have a good tripback. 祝旅途愉快。How is the project goingon? 项目进行顺利吗?邮件里面经常涉及的内容1. Initiate a meeting 发起会议(我想这应该是你最常用的了吧~~我总结了几种场景,特别希望涵盖全部,但是由于能力有限,只能尽全力啦!嘿嘿~)Hi Boss,I suggest we have a call tonight at 9:30 pm (China Time) with Mr.Lu. Please kindly let me know if the time is okay for you. 我建议我们今晚九点半和陆先生小聚一下,请您告知您是否有时间。Dear Hugh,I would like to hold a meeting in the afternoon about ourdevelopment planning for the project A. May I have to know if you"ll beconvenience to attend? 今天下午我建议我们就A项目的发展计划开会讨论一下,不知道您是否有时间出席。Dear AllWe"d like to have the meeting on Feb 30. Same time. 2月30号,老时间开会。Dear Mr. LuLet"s make a meeting next Monday at 5:30 PM (SLC time). I want to talk to you over the phone regarding issues about report development and the B project. 下周一盐湖城时区下午五点半开会。我想跟你电话讨论下报告进展和B项目的情况。2. Seeking for moreinformation/feedbacks/suggestions 咨询信息/反馈/建议(相信这个你也经常需要,我最喜欢有效地沟通能够用一封邮件把所有想知道的事情都弄明白)a. 询问信息:Hi Yufei, Could youplease warmly help with the following issues? 宇飞,你能帮我以下的问题嘛?(然后罗列你想知道的问题,以后慢慢我们具体问题具体分析)Hi Yufei, Can I checkwith you if there is any update about XXX project? 宇飞,我能问下这个XXX项目有什么进展嘛?Hi Yufei, I wonder if you could help me outfor this problem. 宇飞,你能帮我个忙嘛?(我的回答必须是乐意之极:))Regards with this issue, I"m not comfortableto make this decision based on the current files, and I may need moreinformation. 关于这个问题,根据目前所了解的文件我不太想草率的做决定,我需要更多的信息。b. 寻求反馈:Hi Huge, shall you haveany problem accessing the folders, please let me know. 辉啊,如果存取文件有任何问题请和我联系。Dear Huge, thank you andlooking forward to have your opinion on the schedule. 老板谢谢您,并希望能听到您对日程计划的建议。What is your opinion on the schedule and next steps we proposed?您对计划方面有什么想法?下一步我们应该怎么做?Please feel free to give your comments. 请随意提出您的建议。Any question, please don"t hesitate to let me know.Please contact me if you have any questions.Please let me know if you have any question on this. 有任何问题,欢迎和我联系。Your comments and suggestions are welcome! 欢迎您的评论和建议! It would be nice if you could provide a bit more information on XXX.您若是能够就XXX方面提供更多的信息就太感激了!At your convenience, I would really appreciate you looking intothis matter/issue. 如果可以,我希望你能负责这件事情。c. 提出建议:Please see my commentsbelow: (这个一般是别人问了你问题,你在别人的原问题下面作出回答需要具体问题具体分析)I add some comments tothe document for your reference. 我给文档加了一些备注,仅供参考。As far as I know/ aware, Sunnyis the most perfect girl in the world with a kind-heart and diligent. 我的心里话~~~Please allow us toinvestigate and then we can make a decision to go or not go. 请让我们进行调查,这样我们才能决定去留。(嘿嘿,这句话我老用,不知道你适不适用)We must take thefeasibility into consideration when drafting the plan. 在做计划的时候,我们必须考虑它的可行性。It is to our mutualbenefit to continue working with local partners to delivery this solution. 我们需要坚持和当地的合作和半去解决这个问题,这样做是为了我们好。3. Confirm Information (去核实信息)I am writing to confirm youthat we"ll have dinner on Tuesday before I go to Xi"An我写信跟你确认下我们周二在我去西安之前一起吃晚饭。Could you confirm byreturn if the following will be arranged? 请回邮确认下列事项是否已安排。(罗列事项)I assume you mean that wewill have dinner on Tuesday before I go to Xi"an. If my understand isincorrect, please your warmly correct. Sincerely appreciate. 按我理解,你的意思是我们会在周二晚上一起吃晚饭在我去西安之前,如果我会错意,请您指正。万分感谢。4. Notification (通知---相信这个你也总是用的到哟哈哈~~)Please be informed thatSunny is the best girl in the world. 李杨是世界上最棒的女孩。Please take note this bitchange. 请留意这一点点改动。This is a key initiative2012, please render your full support to ensure a successful and eventful rollout. 这个是2012重要的变革,请您全力支持,确保成功展开行动。5. Raising question (提出问题)I have some questionsabout the report XXX我对XXX报告有一些疑问。For the assignment XXX, I have the following questions:…就XXX协议,我有以下几个问题:……I"m looking forward for the concrete step of improvements 期待具体的改善措施。6. Emphasis (强调问题)首先,是强调事实问题,As far as I know, Lenovois a global fortune 500 company.Generally speaking/ To befrankly, if you leave Lenovo, I"m gonna miss you so much.其次,是强调对方的建议,(开头的都是固定句式,可以借鉴哟)According to our last discussion, I"ll quit to eat the spicy food. 根据我们上次说的,我决定不吃辣了。This is in reply to yourmail of Apr 16 2012 in which you inquire to have a vacation for work. 这封邮件是回复你在4月16号写的关于想休假的邮件。With reference to ourface-to-face talk on Apr. 1st, 7. Attachment (需要别人看附件)Please kindly find theattached……Attached please kindlyfind the ……Enclosed is the ……, please kindly find it.Attached you will find……,8. Apology (道歉,我本来犹豫要不要写,我可不想你犯错误嘿嘿)I sincerely apologize forthis misunderstanding! 对造成的误解我真诚道歉!I apologize for the lateasking but we want to make sure the correctness of our implementation ASAP. 很抱歉现在才进行询问,但是我们需要尽快核实执行信息。-----------------------------------------------------END-----------------------------------------------------------自己归纳总结的 一直留着自己看 分享给你~希望可以帮到你 望采纳!谢谢
2023-06-07 08:31:451


2023-06-07 08:33:103


2023-06-07 08:33:3113

铁娘子 no more lies 歌词f翻译

There′s a darkened sky before me 我的面前,是一个正在变黑的天空There′s no time to prepare 没有时间准备了Salvage a last horizon 拯救最后一条地平线But no regrets from me 但我绝不遗憾Maybe I′ll be back some other day 可能我会将有一天回来To live again just who can say 再次生存,谁能说In what shape or form that I might be 我会以什么形状或形式Just another chance for me 它是我的另一次机会A hurried time no disgrace 时间匆忙,但不因此丢脸Instead of racing to conclusion 不是冲向终点And wishing all my life away 或是用终生去许愿No-one can stop me now 现在没有人能阻止我Time is up it couldnt last 时间到了,最也没有时间持续But there′s more things I′d like to do 但我还想做更多I′m coming back to try again 我会有一天回来再试一次Someday maybe I′ll wait till then 某天吧,可能,反正我会等到那一天No more lies 不要再说谎No more lies 不要再说谎No more lies 不要再说谎No more lies 不要再说谎They′re all sitting at my table 他们都坐在我的桌边Talking tall and drinking wine 大声说话,正喝着葡萄酒Their time is up just like me 他们的时间也到了,就像我一样But they just dont know it yet 只是他们不知道而已So just a word of warning 只是给你一个简单的警告When you′re in your deepest dream 当你在你最深的梦里There′s nothing you can hide from 你就没有可隐藏的事I′ve got my eye on you 我在留意着你The clock is fast the hour is near 时间在快走,时候在靠近Eventful past is everclear 多事故的过去是如此清晰My life is set the time is here 我的生命终结了,时候到了I think I′m coming home 我想,我要回家了No more lies 不要再说谎No more lies 不要再说谎No more lies 不要再说谎No more lies 不要再说谎A hurried time no disgrace时间匆忙,但并不羞耻 Instead of racing to conclusions 不是冲向终点And wishing all your life away 或终生许愿No-one can stop me now 现在没有人能阻止我Time is up it couldnt last 时间到了,再没有更多时间了But there′s more things I′d like to do 但我还想做更多I′m coming back to try again 我会有一天回来再试一遍Someday maybe I′ll wait till then 某天吧,可能,反正我会等到那天No more lies 不要再说谎No more lies 不要再说谎No more lies 不要再说谎No more lies 不要再说谎No more lies不要再说谎
2023-06-07 08:34:311


  Unit 1 Personality  Vocabulary (P16)  1. 1) self-conscious 2) self-confidence 3) self-esteem 4) self-destructive 5) self-worth  6) self-concept 7) Self-awareness 8) self-assurance/self-confidence  2. 1)B 2)I 3)L 4)A 5)H 6)D 7)E 8)N 9)J 10)M 11)C 12)F 13)G 14)K  3. 1) profound 2) jealousy 3) numerous 4) overweight 5) overcome 6) eventually 7) slim  8) compliments 9) diminish 10) reassurance 11) detrimental 12) isolated 13) self-esteem 14) accented  4. 1) reflected 2) concerned/worried 3) profound effect/influence 4) viewed/regarded 5)sensitive  6) respond/react 7)eliminated 8)overcome my fear 9) concentrate on 10) made no comment  Translation (P17)  1) You should spend a reasonable amount of time relaxing and exercising.  2) In general children are healthier and better educated than ever before.  3) When the right opportunity comes along, he"ll take it.  4) Every day he sets aside some time to be with his family and enjoy life.  5) I remember those dark streets and walking hand in hand with my father.  6) He finally failed to live up to his parents" expectations.  7) In contrast, our use of oil has increased enormously.  8) He succeeded in his efforts to overcome his fatal weakness.  Part Four Writing and Translation (P46)  2. Translation Practice  1) It is believed that pessimism often leads to hopelessness, sickness and failure.  2) Optimism, by contrast, can make you happy, healthy and successful.  3) When you fail in something, profit from the failure as a learning experience.  4) Think about your strengths and build up self-confidence in front of problems or difficulties.  5) Don"t let negative thoughts hold you back.  6) Everyone has experienced failures and disappointments, so don"t blame yourself too much.  Unit 2 Myths and Legends  Vocabulary (P62)  1. 1) A. invitation B. invited C. inviting 2) A. prepare B. prepared C. preparation D. preparatory/preparation  3) A. discoveries B. discoverers C. discovered  4) A. approval B. approve C. approved D. approving E. disapprove  5) A. eloquent B. eloquence C. eloquently  6) A. faithful B. unfaithful/faithless C. faith d. faithfully  7) A. occasional B. occasionally C. occasion  8) A. delivery B. delivering C. delivered  9) A. troublesome B. troubled C. troubled D. troubling  10) A. assurance B. assured C. assure  2. 1) got/ran into trouble 2) no trouble 3) asking for trouble 4) have … trouble 5) trouble with  6) in serious/deep/big trouble 7) get/getting … into trouble 8) took the trouble  3. 1) with a pattern of roses 2) prepared a wonderful/goof meal for us  3) promised faithfully 4) deliver this letter  5) a selection of milk and plain chocolate 6) keep out of mischief/behave themselves  7) the sound of distant thunder 8) received approval from the government  9) in spite of the fact that he drank too much 10) agree whether the drug is safe or not  Part Three Further Development  5. Complete the following Ancient Chinese story by translating the Chinese into English(P93)  1) the true reason why there was no such animal in Guizhou  2) they were of no use at all in this place  3) when he saw the donkey all of a sudden, he thought it was a monster  4) he hid himself in the trees while looking at the donkey  5) what kind of animal is this and why does it look different from other animals that I"ve seen?  6) But one day the donkey stretched its thin neck and cried  7) the tiger discovered that the donkey didn"t have any other skills besides crying  8) But he dared not rush to it and eat it just as he did to other animals  9) This did irritate the donkey (made the donkey angry), who raised its hind leg and kicked the tiger  10) This time he rushed to it without hesitation and bit its rhroat  Part Four Writing and Translation  2. Translation Practice(P96)  万物之初,天地还是一体,充满混沌。宇宙如同一个大黑蛋,盘古就在黑蛋里。一万八千年以后,盘古长睡醒来,他感到窒息,于是他拿起一把斧子,用尽全身力量砸开黑蛋。轻的、透明的部分冉冉上升,变成了天;而冷的、浑浊的物体依然在下面,变成了大地。盘古站在中间,顶天立地。天地开始 以每天一长的速度分开,盘古的身子也随着长高。一万八千年后,天更高,地更厚,盘古像一根九百万里高的柱子伫立其间,田地永远也无法再合在一起。  Unit 3 Social Problems  Vocabulary (P112)  2. 1) constantly 2) impact 3) burden 4) Candidly 5) fulfillment  6) salaried 7) resentment 8)assistance 9)perfect 10) suppress  3. 1) successfully 2) resentment 3)security 4) necessity 5) advisable  6) access/accessibility 7) athletic 8) maturity 9) emotional 10) effectively  Translation (P113)  1) Because of an emergency, the doctor will not be available for several hours.  2) How will taxes affect people with low income?  3) My mother always told me that in the long run I would be glad I didn"t give up practicing the piano.  4) These books range in price form $10 to $20.  5) It seems to me that you don"t have much choice.  6) Given their inexperience, they have done quite a good job.  7) For such a big house the price is fairly cheap/low, but you"ve got to take into consideration the money you will spend on repairs.  8) Can we begin with discussing questions/problems arising from the last meeting?  Part Four Writing and Translation  2. Translation Practice (P142)  1) 孩子最好远离毒品  一个电话报警者打来三个电话,报告毒品交易。他还对交易场所中小孩子的健康表示忧虑。有两个人被发现因吸入过量毒品而深度中毒,现场还发现大量被使用过的注射器。屋内情况非常糟糕,孩子们立即得到了保护。  2) 在逃的武装抢劫犯落入法网  四名武装抢劫犯在逃离现场时,开枪打伤一名警察。警察抓住了两名罪犯,但是不能确认另两名逃走的罪犯的身份。打进警察热线的一个电话准确、详细地描述了这起事件和其中一个逃走的罪犯。不久,一名男子被抓获,他被指控企图谋杀及武装抢劫。  Unit 4 Career Planning  Vocabulary (P161)  1. 1) acceptable 2) efficiency 3) implications 4) instability 5) rationalize 6) evaluation 7) foreseeable  8) invention 9) hastily 10)probability 11) professional 12)challenging 13)defensive 14) personality  2) 1) in case 2) Every so often 3) resort to 4) talk over 5) start over 6) in reality 7) at stake 8) seized on  9) leading to 10) take stock of  3. 1) programs 2) way 3) technical 4) both 5) provided 6) who 7) such 8) needed 9) opportunities  10) when 11) to 12) Completion 13) holding 14) early 15) hire 16) promote 17) up 18) educating  Translation (P163)  1) He underwent a major heart surgery several years ago.  2) We estimated that it would take a week to finish the work.  3) I used to enjoy photography, but I now have no time to pursue any hobbies.  4) You may love someone but not necessarily have to marry him.  5) Terrorists resort to violence to achieve their political aims.  6) He says he"ll stay in the office this afternoon in case you want to see him.  7) Scientists have identified the gene that causes abnormal growth.  8) These examples demonstrate how badly some students write their resumes.  Part Four Writing and Translation  2. Translation Practice (P195)  A = Applicant I = Interviewer  A  I: Do you have a boyfriend?  A: Yes.  I: Is he here, in this city?  A: No, he is in another city.  I: Sorry, we will not employ you?  A: Why not?  I: You would not be keeping your mind on your work. What"s more, we do not want to see our telephone bill increase enormously because of you.  B  I: Do you have a girlfriend?  A: No. Have you ever dated a girl?  I: Yes, but she didn"t want to date me?  A: Do you want to date girls after you have a job?  I: I will set my mind on work first. I will not consider my marriage now.  A: Sorry, we will not employ you.  I: Why not?  A: You are lacking in the ability of dealing with interpersonal relationships. Also, you lack self-confidence.  C  I: Do you have a girlfriend?  A: Yes.  I: Is she pretty?  A: Not quite.  I: Sorry, we will not employ you.  A: Can it be that a plain girlfriend will affect your company"s image?  I: It"s not that. But our company engages in works of art. Your aesthetic judgment does not satisfy our company"s need.  D  I: Do you have a girlfriend?  A: Yes.  I: Is she pretty?  A: Very.  I: Is she your first love?  A: Yes.  I: Sorry, we will not employ you, because you lack the initiative in pursuing the better unceasingly.  E  I: Do you have a girlfriend?  A: Yes.  I: Is she your first love?  A: No, I have a couple of girlfriends before.  I: Sorry, we will not employ you, because you would soon job-hop.  F  I: Do you have a boyfriend?  A: Yes.  I: Is he very rich?  A: No.  I: Sorry, we will not employ you, because your job is to work with money. I am afraid you cannot resist the temptation.  G  I: Do you have a boyfriend?  A: Yes.  I: Is he very rich?  A: Yes, he has his own company.  I: Sorry, we will not employ you, because even your boyfriend"s company doesn"t employ you.  A: but that"s because his company doesn"t have a position suitable for me.  I: What"s your major then?  A: Secretary.  I: Sorry, we still cannot employ you. Pretty girls affect our manager"s work.  A: But I am not pretty.  I: That"s even worse. If you are not pretty, our manager will not be interested in you.  Unit 5 Language  Vocabulary (P215)  1. Section A 1) A 2) B 3) A 4) B 5) C 6) B 7) C 8) C 9) A 10) A  Section B 1) renewed 2) apply 3) persist 4) succeeded 5) drop  6) revealed 7) wonder 8) keenly 9) vainly 10) impressed  2. 1) unconsciously 2) expectant 3) eventful 4) immeasurable  5) imitation/imitating 6) continually 7) tenderness 8) impatient  Translation (P216)  1) Seeing all the people walking to and fro outside the office, I became more worried.  2) In time he will see who is his true friend.  3) That scientist"s experiment gave birth to a new drug.  4) He had been shut in by illness during much of the winter.  5) They would practice spoken English at the first opportunity.  6) Everything she valued might be swept away overnight.  7) Towards the close of the term, all the students are busy preparing for the finals.  8) It is a very cold winter and we long for it to be over.  Part Four Writing and Translation  2. Translation Practice (P239)  1) 他钦佩布朗太太,这使我很惊奇。  2) 暴风雨持续了一整天;就在这段时间里船破裂了。  3) 虽然那个学生在做试验前已仔细阅读过实验说明,但由于他生搬硬套,未能得到满意的结果。  4) 我知道萨拉会将那个好消息告诉她姐姐的,而她姐姐又很可能将它告诉她的同学。  5) 史密斯先生很有教学经验,他将在春天和我们一起工作。  6) 邮递员早晨6点30分来。这个时候我通常还在睡大觉呢。
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形容 不平凡的年月。 成语出处: 宋·王珪《谢赐生日礼物表》:“岁月峥嵘,而屡更精力 勤劳 。” 成语例句: 真是 繁体写法: 岁月峥嵘 注音: ㄙㄨㄟˋ ㄩㄝˋ ㄓㄥ ㄖㄨㄙˊ 岁月峥嵘的近义词: 峥嵘岁月 峥嵘:不平凡,不寻常。形容不平凡的年月。 成语语法: 作宾语;用于书面语 常用程度: 常用成语 感情.色彩: 中性成语 成语结构: 主谓式成语 产生年代: 古代成语 英语翻译: eventful years <extraordinary years>
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当然可以,比如 what a day!又比如, what a silly question!
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题库内容:多事: 事故 或事变多;秋:时期。事故或事变很多的时期。 成语出处: 宋·孙光宪《北梦琐言》卷 十二 :“所以 多事之秋 ,灭迹匿端, 无为 绿林之嚆矢也。” 成语例句: 现在 国家 正当 多事之秋 ,那王公大臣只是 恐怕 耽处分,多一事不如少一事,弄得百事俱废,将来又是怎样个了局? 繁体写法: 多事之秌 注音: ㄉㄨㄛ ㄕㄧˋ ㄓㄧ ㄑㄧㄡ 多事之秋的近义词: 多灾多难 经常发生天灾人祸啊!多灾多难的国家,有着一个不配掌权的暴君 风雨飘摇 ∶飘摇:本作“漂摇”,一作飘荡。形容动荡不安,形势很不稳定死生契阔心如铁,风雨飘摇鬓欲丝。——宋· 内忧外患 一国内部存在令人担忧的不稳定因素,外部存在被侵略和战争骚扰的危害之患。形容政局不稳,危机四伏 成语语法: 偏正式;作宾语;含贬义 常用程度: 常用成语 感情.色彩: 中性成语 成语结构: 偏正式成语 产生年代: 古代成语 英语翻译: eventful period <period of turbulence> 俄语翻译: тревóжные гóды 日语翻译: 多事(たじ)の时 其他翻译: <法>année fertile en événements <période mouvementée,agitée> 成语谜语: 第三季度任务忙
2023-06-07 08:35:011


成语名称: 岁月峥嵘 suì yuè zhēng róng 欢迎您访问本页,本页的主要内容为解释成语【岁月峥嵘】的出处和来源,以及回答岁月峥嵘的意思是什么,其中包含英语翻译和造句,同时提供了百度百科和SOSO百科的链接地址,为您全方位的诠释岁月峥嵘成语。如果本页找不到内容,在页尾点击回百度搜索。 [成语解释] 峥嵘:形容山势高峻突出。比喻不平凡,超越寻常。形容不平凡的年月。亦作“峥嵘岁月”。 百科解释如下: ◎岁月峥嵘    [拼音]: suìyuè-zhēngróng    [英文]: eventful years;extraordinary years    [解释]: 峥嵘:山势高峻突兀的样子,比喻不平凡,超越寻常。形容不平凡的年月    [出处]: 宋·王珪《谢赐生日礼物表》:“岁月峥嵘,而屡更精力勤劳。”    [用法]: 作宾语;用于书面语 百度百科地址 SOSO百科地址 百度搜索:《 点击此处 》
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