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关于sterilize,disinfect,antisepticise 意思和用法的区别

2023-06-09 08:14:36

in BRIT, also use 英国英语亦用 sterilise

1[VERB 动词]
对…作灭菌(或消毒)处理;If you sterilize a thing or a place, you make it completely
clean and free from germs. [V n]

Sulphur is also used to sterilize equipment...


The milk was sterilized
and sealed in bottles.



//...the pasteurization and sterilization of milk.


2[VERB 动词]
使绝育;If a person or an animal is sterilized, they have a medical operation that
makes it impossible for them to have or produce babies. [be V-ed] [usu passive]

My wife was sterilized
after the birth of her fourth child.



In some cases, a sterilization is performed through the
vaginal wall.



1[VERB 动词]
为…消毒或杀菌;If you disinfect something, you clean it using a substance
that kills germs. [V n]

Chlorine is used to disinfect water...


Make sure the draining board, sink and plug hole are
regularly disinfected.



1[N-MASS 物质名词]
杀菌剂;防腐剂;消毒剂;Antiseptic is a substance that kills germs and
harmful bacteria.

She bathed the cut with antiseptic.


2[ADJ 形容词]
杀菌的;防腐的;Something that is antiseptic kills germs and harmful bacteria.

These vegetables and herbs have strong antiseptic qualities.




draining的意思是排水,泄水,排泄。1、The pesticide content of surface water draining from agricultural fields a review.2、Sources of nitrate in rivers draining sixteen watersheds in the northeastern U.S.: Isotopic constraints3、Regulation of dendritic cell migration to the draining lymph node: impact on T lymphocyte traffic and priming.4、Plasmacytoid dendritic cells from mouse tumor-draining lymph nodes directly activate mature Tregs via indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase.
2023-06-08 13:59:471


draining英["dreu026anu026au014b]美["dreu026anu026au014b]n.排水,泄水,排泄v.(使)流干, (使)逐渐流走( drain的现在分词 ); 喝光,喝干; 使(精力、金钱等)耗尽网络葡萄汁流出; 排泄; 滤水双语例句 I"d like to run the liner and gloves and still use my high beam without draining my battery.我想运行班轮和手套和仍会使用我的远光灯不排水我国电池。
2023-06-08 14:00:091


2023-06-08 14:00:193

DRG. 什么意思

drg. (=drainage) 引流(法), 导液(法), 排水(设备)(=draining) 引流,排水
2023-06-08 14:00:272


2023-06-08 14:00:462


平房格罗夫化学记录肩损伤(inc-71986)排水fc4400进罐码垛(bc-33)initialincident日期:3 / 15 / 15发生了什么:操作员紧张和受伤的theirshoulder同时进行重复运动提升44磅壶的液体。这些水壶需要抬进箱,然后托盘两水平。因素促成了这一事件环境- N / A行为u2022jobnot停止时,肩膀开始疼了。运营商应该跟人停止或调整操作。u2022工作由2人完成。adjustmentscould已切换运营商在设定的时间间隔。设计u2022jugsare称重量而填充。jugsare堆叠二辊在一个托盘。当罐填充和覆盖,码垛二级结果需要运营商提起水壶到箱。这会导致重复提。教训―jobshould采取两人3-4小时。没有一个人提起水壶,决定开关offevery小时。―ergoevaluation所做的报道表明,改变损伤后应减少人机工程风险。采取的行动―pursuinga升降台的使用规模和托盘之间。―determiningif可以单堆托盘。可能需要顾客评论。―fopwill被更新以表明该任务强制轮换。
2023-06-08 14:03:121


2023-06-08 14:03:422


1. Raw Material reception on Pier(Whole round Giant Squid or Tube only) 在码头接收原材料 (整个圆乌贼或只要管) 2. Plant Reception and Storage of Raw Material 在工厂接收并储藏原料 3. Head off/Wing off/Guts off-Skin off 去头/去翅/去内脏-去皮 4. Washing with santitized water and obtaining theGiant Squid fillet,wing and tentacle 用卫生水清洗,得到无骨的肉,乌贼和触手 5. Laminating 层压 6. Pre-cooking 预处理 7. Lowering temperature 降低温度 8. Draining 排水 9. Weighting 称重 10. Packing 包装 11. Freezing 冷冻 12. Deblocking 解封13. Storage in freezing room 冷冻储藏不太专业,乌贼一词是参考的楼上的,不好意思啦~~
2023-06-08 14:04:223


为您解答这里是drain sth of water的用法,是排干水经常用的用法,被动是be drained of water
2023-06-08 14:04:451


On the metal drainage channel lift hook or the clip should fix in the load-bearing member. The fixed spacing crossing canal is not bigger than 2muff0cThe pipe riser is not bigger than 3m. The dew once highly was smaller than or was equal to the 4m pipe riser might install 1 fixed. The pipe riser base elbow piece should suppose the support or take the fixed measure.Draining water plastic pipeline, hanging bracket spacingThe structure is correct,Installs underground straightly reliable
2023-06-08 14:05:223


变动型模糊限制语是指那些可以改变话语的词语。在言语交际中,说话人根据实际情况使用这类限制语,改变原来话语意思,达到交际目的。变动型模糊限制语又可分为两类: 程度变动语(adaptors)和范围变动语(rounders)。 程度变动语是指那些能揭示话语真实程度差别的词语。具体有这样一些常用的词和短语:sort of , a little bit, almost, entirely, kind of, more or less, quite, really, some, somewhat, to some extent,等等。使用这些词语可以把一些接近正确,但又不敢肯定完全正确的话说得更得体一些,更接近真实。A: What about his ears? Is he still draining fluid? It"s just sort of crusted, not really draining?A: How did you like that film? I kind of like it?Sort of, really, kind of 的使用修正了原话语的真实程度,削弱了句子的肯定语气,使话语更真实,更客观。 范围变动语是指限制变动范围的词和短语。具体有:about, around, approximately, essentially, in most respects, loosely/strictly speaking, par excellence, roughly, something between x and y, over,,等等。这类词往往和具体数字一起使用,听话人可以在一定的范围内去理解话语,不必讲究实际情况与话语的接近程度。例如:His weight was approximately three point two kilograms, which is was essentially what his birth weight?The baby"s blood pressure was also about something between forty and fifty palpable?当说话人不想把话说得太死,以免与事实有距离,或者因无法一下子说出一个准确的数字,于是就使用了范围变动语,让听话人在一定范围内去理解话语。在言语交际中正确使用程度变动语和范围变动语,可以避免说话武断,做到说话得体,从而顺利实现交际目的。
2023-06-08 14:05:331


QQ音乐搜 就是这个感觉
2023-06-08 14:06:065

when you are faced with so many negative and draining situations中的face with是什么意思为什么用被动

2023-06-08 14:06:221


最快的那条回答语法不对。Lychee is praised as "The King of the fruits". However, if leaving the twig, it will discolor in the 1st day, smell less fragrant in the 2nd day, taint in the 3rd day, and become unpalatable after four or five days. Some ancient medicine records indicate that lychees have the functions of slaking thirst and dreging blood circulation. The sentence "One would sacrifice everything and live in Lingnan just in order to taste as much lychee as he could" is used by the ancient people to appraise lychee. Lychee liquor is made from fresh and nice lychees, by cleaning, drying, peeling, stoning, juicing and brewing the liquor under low temperature in jars. The whole process is controlled to be finished within 30 minutes, which remains lychee"s fragrance and abundant nutrition. As a healthy fruit wine turning people"s common sense, the lychee liquor is prominent and gains lots of hard-won awards. It can satisfy people"s need for drinking as well as the expectation of healthy.
2023-06-08 14:06:423


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: colander, percolator, strainer都是漏器,可是它们有啥区别呢?我们中国人的厨房没有这么专业和细分,希望熟悉西方生活方式的人帮忙解释一下,最好有配图! 谢谢! 解析: colander A bowl-shaped kitchen utensil with perforations for draining off liquids and rinsing food.滤器, 漏锅:碗状的一种厨房用具,有孔,用来滴漏液体及清洗食物 sincerecolander sincerecolander-1 sincerecolander-2 sincerecolander-3 answers/colander percolator A coffeepot in which boiling water is forced repeatedly up through a central tube to filter back down through a basket of ground coffee beans. 咖啡渗滤壶:一种咖啡壶,使开水反复通过一中心管,再返回滤过的磨好的咖啡豆 answers/percolator strainer One that strains, as a device used to separate liquids from solids. 滤器,滤网,滤筛, 网式过滤器:一种通过过滤将固体从液体中分离的器具 sincerestrainer sincerestrainer-B sincerestrainer-C sincerestrainer-D
2023-06-08 14:06:551


我百度了一下,不知道这个是不是来源。至于你说的西方先哲,大概是你想太多了。" A" was the architectural letterform of leisure building in postwar America. Eager to stake out mountain and lakeside retreats, an entire generation of high-end homebuilders and weekend handymen found the A-frame an easy and affordable home to construct; “A”是战后美国休闲建筑的建筑形式。渴望把山和湖畔撤退,整个一代的高端房屋建筑商和周末工匠发现A框架是一个简单和负担得起的家园建设;An A-frame ladder comprises two side rail assemblies and a platform guard rail assembly each provided in their rail members with elongate oval apertures defining handholds or hand grips. Steps of the side rail assemblies and the platform of the platform guard rail assembly are formed with elongate openings for draining water from the upper surfaces of the steps and the platform and for augmenting the gripping of users" feet by those upper surfaces. The steps are connected to the side rails by snap lock pins and the side rail assemblies are connected to guard rail members of the platform guard rail assembly by twist-ock pins, whereby an outer side rail assembly may be removably disconnected from the platform to prevent access to a swimming pool by youngsters. Brackets are attachable to the guard rail members of the platform guard rail assembly for connecting the platform guard rail assembly to sections of a perimetrally extending fence, whereby the ladder becomes an integral part of the fence. The A-frame ladder may be separated into two sections, namely, an in-pool ladder and a staircase ladder, for use with a pool deck.一架梯子包括两纵梁组件和平台护栏组件分别在他们的轨道拉长的椭圆形孔的成员定义的扶手或把手。在侧轨组装步骤和平台护栏装配平台形成细长的开口从台阶和平台,增强用户的脚夹的上表面上的表面排水。步骤是用弹簧锁销和侧轨组件连接到侧轨连接保护平台的护栏装配轨道成员通过捻玉珠引脚,即外侧轨道组件可拆卸地断开平台,防止进入一个游泳池年轻人。支架连接到平台的护栏安装护栏构件连接平台护栏装配到一个perimetrally延伸的围墙段,其中梯成为篱笆的一个组成部分。A形梯可分为两部分,即一个池中的阶梯和楼梯梯,使用一个游泳池甲板。
2023-06-08 14:07:131


水就是path,水道的意思。paths与taken是被动关系。taken在这里可以译为“造成的”,“带来的”,“冲刷而成的”。Instead, they are probably the paths taken by huge volumes of water draining from the southern highlands into the northern plains.意思是:相反,它们可能就是从南方高原涌出来的大量的水向北方平原流动时冲刷而成的水道。不明白的可以再问哟!祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)
2023-06-08 14:07:211


  若是我们对于英语的兴趣逐渐消失,也意味着我们的 英语学习 动力可能会下降吧。下面就由我为大家带来逐渐消失的 英语 短语 表达,希望大家能有所收获。   逐渐消失的英语(短语篇)   1、当初,怀疑论如同蛙汤的香味逐渐消失。   At first, skepticism lingered like the aroma of frog soup.   2、虽然公司的欧元收入不会有直接损失,但即便是开据美元发票的企业也正发现,它们的竞争力随着欧元的走弱而逐渐消失.   While they do not suffer a direct hit by earning euros, even firms that invoice in dollars arefinding that their competitiveness has been eroding along with the weaker euro.   3、我的希望是,通过这些步骤将重新建立近几年来逐渐消失的某种安全感,因为毕竟这是我和乔最后衡量经济是否进步的一个标准。   Hopefully, some of these steps will re-establish some of the security that has slipped away inrecent years. Because in the end, that is how Joe and I measure progress.   4、无论在办公室还是学校,几乎人手一台电脑,所以人们对家用 台式机 的需求正逐渐消失。   Since almost everyone uses a computer in the office or at school, the need for the traditional desktop model at home is vanishing.   5、我曾相信,所有值得知道之事,我在剑桥都知道了。在我旅行的过程之中,这一想法逐渐消失了。   Against my will, in the course of my travels, the belief that everything worth knowing was knownat Cambridge gradually wore off.   6、直到我看见了自己,我才认识到,很多我曾经看到的事物在我的记忆中逐渐消失。   It was not until I saw myself that I realized how much my memory had faded of things I once couldsee.   7、如果我的圈子里人数太多,我就无法集中精力和每个人联系,无法集中精力,这种关系也就会逐渐消失。   If I have too many people in my social network, I cannot pay enough attention to each of them,and without attention, relationships fade.   8、“短期内,那些物种仍可以生存下来,但在较长时间以后,这些物种就会逐渐消失。”刘建国说道。   "In the short term, you see the species still there, but in the long term you could see [them]disappear, " Liu says.   9、未来的住房行业数据将加强或者驳斥房屋市场的疼痛是否会开始逐渐消失。   Future housing data will confirm or refute whether the housing market"s pain is starting to fade.   10、但是当我们每天花费片刻与天主在一起,我们受到的那种无尽的干扰就会逐渐消失。   But when we spend a few moments every day just being with God, our endless distractions willgradually disappear.   逐渐消失的英语( 句子 篇)   1、如果我们选择忽视它,那么它将逐渐消失。   And should we choose to neglect it, it will simply fade away.   2、你现在能否觉得当你关注这一刻时,自己的烦恼也逐渐消失了呢?   Can you feel your worries fade away when you focus on this moment, right now?   3、由此,沟通问题得以改善,愤怒与怨恨逐渐消失,而你们自然想要有更多的时间呆在一起。   As a result, communication problems begin to improve, anger and resentment fade away andyou naturally want to spend more time together.   4、这意味着,当经济刺激效应逐渐消失之后,中国的经济仍然面临着暴跌的危险。   This means China"s economy still faces the danger of nose-diving when the stimulus effectsfade away.   5、拉詹先生在接受《金融时报》采访时表达了一种新的忧虑,即随着新的政策改革陷入停滞,一度支撑了世界经济的生产率增长可能会逐渐消失。   A new concern Mr Rajan expressed while talking to the FT Financial Times, was that theproductivity gains that have underpinned the world economy might peter out as fresh policyreforms stall.   6、街道上大量的人群,以及一些人员死亡的报道,似乎打破了早先关于过去三天的动乱将逐渐消失的预言。   The presence of huge crowds on the streets, and reports of other fatalities, appeared to dashearlier predictions that the unrest of the past three days would fade away.   7、林肯似乎逐渐消失在历史深处,我们想要接近,而他在渐离我们而去。   Lincoln seems to be disappearing into history, slipping away from us as we try to approach him.   8、正像我们每天早晨从床上起来,我们的性欲冲动逐渐消失一样,真正的男人应欣然接受僵硬的肌肉。   Real men embrace the stiffness in our muscles as we rise from bed each morning and thegradual loss of our sexual drive.   9、首先,贸易逐渐消失,然后完全停止。   First, trade petered out and then ceased altogether.   10、但我预测这个惯例将会逐渐消失。   I predict this practice will gradually disappear though.   11、我们的迷信逐渐消失,我们对美和健康的思想越来越尊重,我们也就不那么崇敬他们了u2026u2026   And the less we honour them as our superstitions dwindle and our respect for beauty and healthof mind increases. . .   12、事实上我可以想象当推特在一些更新更好手段出现后逐渐消失后的那样一个世界。   I can actually imagine a world where Twitter fades after some new device comes along that does what it does better.   逐渐消失的英语(例句篇)   1. Then the din gradually dies down and the music stops.   接着喧闹声逐渐消失,音乐也终止了.   2. The organization tapered off in about half a year.   那个组织大约半年内就逐渐消失了.   3. The rumble of thunder died off.   隆隆雷声逐渐消失.   4. The coastline faded into darkness.   海岸线在黑暗中逐渐消失了.   5. The scar died away.   创痕逐渐消失.   6. The sound of their footsteps died away.   他们的脚步声逐渐消失了.   7. His passion was slowly draining from him.   他的热情逐渐消失了.   8. The sound faded into nothing.   声音逐渐消失了.   9. As I got about , the stiffness in my left leg gradually worked off.   由于我四处走动, 左腿僵硬的情况逐渐消失了.   10. His vanishing sum suggested that he would need sustenance.   他那逐渐消失的钱提醒他,需要找点生计了.   11. His voice faded off and Tom glanced impatiently around the garage.   他的声音逐渐消失,同时汤姆不耐烦地向车行四面张望.   12. Everything was gradually disappearing into a pall of grey.   街上的一切逐渐消失在灰暗的暮色里.   13. Another new development is eroding the age - old stereotype of the male warrior.   另一个新现象是,久已形成的男人皆武士的形象正逐渐消失.   14. The pain and drama ebbed from her small face.   痛苦和受刺激的表情从她脸上逐渐消失了.   15. As the programme ended, their conversation was faded out.
2023-06-08 14:07:361


knife 小刀bowl 碗chopsticks 筷子spoon 汤匙pot 锅,罐,壶,瓶,盆glass 玻璃杯kettle 水壶
2023-06-08 14:17:074


2023-06-08 14:17:154


water thing 用于口语表达“与水有关的事”。例:It"s a water thing to set up a drinking fountain. There are five water things to be taken care of: water supply, locations, piping, draining, and containers.
2023-06-08 14:17:221

如何翻译 不要在线词典的翻译

2023-06-08 14:17:293

强电、弱电、空调给排水、管井、系统配置、后勤区、配电井、设备机房、配电盘 用英语怎么说呢

强电Strong electricity 弱电Weak electricity 空调给排水Spatially furnishes draining water 管井Tube well 系统配置System disposition 后勤区Rear service area 配电井Matches the electric-pump well 设备机房Equipment engine room 配电盘Distributor
2023-06-08 14:17:361


now that 既然 由于例子:1. Now that I am free, I can enjoy music for a while.既然有空,我可以享受一下音乐。 2. Now that prices are rising so fast, all my money is draining away.由于价格上涨太快,我的钱都快花光了。 3. Now that she has a job in France she can gratify her desire to see Europe.既然现在她在法国工作,那就可以满足她游览欧洲的愿望了。seeing that 鉴于,由于例子:1. Seeing that she"s legally old enough to get married, I don"t see how you can stop her.鉴于她已经到了法定的结婚年龄,我想象不出你怎么可以阻止她。 2. I can"t forbid you/your seeing that man again.我无法禁止你再和那个男人来往 3. Seeing that it"s raining hard, the fete will probably be cancelled.因为雨下得很大,游园会很可能被取消。considering that 考虑到例子:4. Considering that,I should say the price is reasonable.考虑到这一点,应该说这价格是公道的。 5. Considering that she"s gone eighty she"s very vigorous.就她过了八十岁而言,她算是非常健壮的。 6. When did you begin considering that you had to leave Real Madrid?你是什么时候开始考虑离开你要离开皇马的? 7. Even this was remarkable, considering that she had had so many delays.但考虑到路上的多次耽搁,这个成绩也已很不容易了。 in that 这一点上(由于,因为)例子:1. He didn"t attend the negotiation in that he was ill.他因为有病,没有参加谈判。 2. Most of them accord in that opinion.在这一点上他们多数意见是一致的。 3. I have given up my fob in that firm, what with one thing or another.由于某些原因,我已放弃了那家商行里的工作。 呵呵 区别有一些 但不很大 你自己通过例子体会下吧 希望帮了你的忙 ;p
2023-06-08 14:17:441

麻烦请问下一个专业的消防词汇“末端放水装置”英文怎么说? 谢谢!

the device discharging water at the end
2023-06-08 14:18:078


 是Ggrnie客lighteye适合我?    是的,如果你正经受着眼睛puttiness及黑眼圈,使你的circless使你的眼睛暗,无聊和疲倦。    doesit如何工作?    光眼rooll-on歌剧院相结合的咖啡因和排水效果的按摩以减少眼袋、黑眼圈和亮眼cintour闻名于世,公式活动地板刺激性质的微循环。    如何使用它吗?    适用于innediately醒来后循环movenment随时光时使用    眼睛感觉很累。    最好使用前36个月从PKD日期。
2023-06-08 14:18:242


nineteen英[u02ccnau026anu02c8tiu02d0n]美[u02ccnau026anu02c8tiu02d0n]释义:num. 十九n. 十九个;十九岁;十九号1.It"s nineteen hour Beijing time.现在是北京时间19点.来自——期刊摘选2.At the age of nineteen he began his duty.他19岁时开始服兵役.来自——《现代英汉综合大词典》3.She is coming nineteen.她快要满十九岁了.来自——期刊摘选4.He revolutionized medicine in the nineteen fifties and sixties.他在二十世纪五六十年代对药物进行改进.来自——期刊摘选5.Attendant: At nineteen minutes past eight.服务员: 八点十九分.来自——期刊摘选6.The women"s liberation movement in the nineteen sixties and seventies also changed American life.二十世纪六七十年代的妇女解放运动也改变了美国人的生活.来自——期刊摘选7.The group says that was double amount raised in the nineteen nineties.这个数字是上世纪九十年代的两倍.来自——期刊摘选8.He lived in Shanghai until he was nineteen.他在上海一直住到十九岁.来自——期刊摘选9.They talk nineteen to the dozen about all they have do in that time.他们喋喋不休地谈著那段时间里他们所做过的一切.来自——期刊摘选10.We are being whirled around the sun at a speed of nineteen miles a secend.我们正以每秒19英里的速度围绕大阳运行.来自——期刊摘选11.He was talking nineteen to the dozen.他喋喋不休地说个没完.来自——期刊摘选12.Nineteen patients , including 6 of 7 patients with fungal septicemia died.死亡19例(20.5%), 其中7例真菌性败血症6例死亡.来自——期刊摘选13.Draining mountains of everlasting snow, the river twists for nineteen hundred miles.这条河把终年积雪的群山上的融雪带走, 蜿蜒1900英里长.来自——《简明英汉词典》14.Perseverance is failing nineteen times and succeeding the twentieth.十九次失败,直到第二十次才获成功,这就是坚持.来自——《简明英汉词典》15.The two old friends were talking nineteen to the dozen.这两个老朋友聊起来没完没了.来自——《简明英汉词典》16.The book consists of nineteen chapters.全书共分19章.来自——《简明英汉词典》
2023-06-08 14:18:311


  drain英 [dreu026an] 美 [dren]  vi.排水; 流干;  vt.喝光,喝干; 使(精力、金钱等)耗尽; 使流出; 排掉水;  n.排水; 下水道; 排水系统; [医] 引流;  [例句]The drain was choked up with dirt.  排水管被污物堵住了。  [其他]第三人称单数:drains 复数:drains 现在分词:draining 过去式:drained 过去分词:drained
2023-06-08 14:18:581


drain[英][dreu026an][美][dren]vi.排水; 流干; vt.喝光,喝干; 使(精力、金钱等)耗尽; 使流出; 排掉水; n.排水; 下水道; 排水系统; [医]引流; 第三人称单数:drains过去分词:drained复数:drains现在进行时:draining过去式:drained例句:1.God, look what I found in the drain! 天啊,你看我在排水管里发现什么?
2023-06-08 14:19:511


drain[英][dreu026an][美][dren]vi.排水; 流干; vt.喝光,喝干; 使(精力、金钱等)耗尽; 使流出; 排掉水; n.排水; 下水道; 排水系统; [医]引流; 第三人称单数:drains过去分词:drained复数:drains现在进行时:draining过去式:drained易混淆单词:Drain例句:1.God, look what I found in the drain! 天啊,你看我在排水管里发现什么?
2023-06-08 14:19:591


2023-06-08 14:20:083


  drain英 [dreu026an] 美 [dren]  vi.排水; 流干;  vt.喝光,喝干; 使(精力、金钱等)耗尽; 使流出; 排掉水;  n.排水; 下水道; 排水系统; [医] 引流;  [例句]The drain was choked up with dirt.  排水管被污物堵住了。  复数:drains 过去式:drained 现在分词:draining 过去分词:drained 第三人称单数:drains  相关单词: Drain  -------------------------------如有疑问,可继续追问,如果满意,请采纳,谢谢。
2023-06-08 14:20:161

draining lymph nodes,是什么意思啊?

2023-06-08 14:20:243

drain off有过去时吗

有 drained off复数:drains过去式:drained过去分词:drained现在分词:draining第三人称单数:drains
2023-06-08 14:20:421


离职率 = 流失率 = turnover rate 人事变动大 = significant movements in human resources 人事 = personnel matters。但在此例不大合适。 re-anization / anization restructure = 机构(结构)重组 corporate re-anization = 公司(企业)重组 2007-10-01 01:09:24 补充: corporate re-structuring = 公司(企业)重组 ...较正统的说法 参考: mon sense only 学多个phrase! thanks! 离职率 = 流失率 = turnover rate 人事变动 = re-anization / anization restructure 流失率 -turnover rate 离职率 -separation rate 2007-09-30 21:38:34 补充: 人事变动大-great personnel arrangement 离职率=Leaving job rate 流失率=draining rate 人事变动大=The human affairs change in a big way 离职率=to leave office 流失率=flow away 人事变动大=personnel matters change 参考: yahoo!字典
2023-06-08 14:20:491


歌名:Bleeding Love填词:Jesse McCartney谱曲:Ryan Tedder原唱:Leona LewisClosed off from loveI didn"t need the painOnce or twice was enoughAnd it was all in vainTime starts to passBefore you know it you"re frozenBut something happenedFor the very first time with youMy heart melts into the groundFound something trueAnd everyone"s looking roundThinking I"m going crazyBut I don"t care what they sayI"m in love with youThey try to pull me awayBut they don"t know the truthMy heart"s crippled by the veinThat I keep on closingYou cut me open and IKeep bleedingKeep, keep bleeding loveI keep bleedingI keep, keep bleeding loveKeep bleedingKeep, keep bleeding loveYou cut me openTrying hard not to hearBut they talk so loudTheir piercing sounds fill my earsTry to fill me with doubtYet I know that the goalIs to keep me from fallingBut nothing"s greaterThan the rush that comes with your embraceAnd in this world of lonelinessI see your faceYet everyone around meThinks that I"m going crazy, maybe, maybeBut I don"t care what they sayI"m in love with youThey try to pull me awayBut they don"t know the truthMy heart"s crippled by the veinThat I keep on closingYou cut me open and IKeep bleedingKeep, keep bleeding loveI keep bleedingI keep, keep bleeding loveKeep bleedingKeep, keep bleeding loveYou cut me openAnd it"s draining all of meOh they find it hard to believeI"ll be wearing these scarsFor everyone to seeI don"t care what they sayI"m in love with youThey try to pull me awayBut they don"t know the truthMy heart"s crippled by the veinThat I keep on closingYou cut me open and IKeep bleedingKeep, keep bleeding loveI keep bleedingI keep, keep bleeding loveKeep bleedingKeep, keep bleeding loveYou cut me open and IKeep bleedingKeep, keep bleeding loveI keep bleedingI keep, keep bleeding loveKeep bleedingKeep, keep bleeding loveYou cut me open and IKeep bleedingKeep, keep bleeding love
2023-06-08 14:21:191


确信英文是sure。sure例句如下:1、She was somewhat unapproachable but I"m sure she wanted to be friendly.她有些不好接近,但我确信她想表现得友好一些。2、Make sure the draining board, sink and plug hole are regularly disinfected.滴水板、水槽和塞孔一定要定期消毒。3、Make sure that your meal won"t be smothered with white sauce.千万不要把自己的饭菜上都涂满白汁沙司。4、Be sure to read about how mozzarella is made, on page 65.务必看看莫泽雷勒干酪是怎么制成的,在第65页。5、I"m sure you will remember from the hellish years of your boyhood.我相信你一定记得自己梦魇般的童年时代的事情。6、If something"s a sure-fire hit then Radio One will play it.如果哪首歌一定会火,那么第一频道肯定会播出。7、But legal experts are not sure if such a charge can stick.但法律专家们不能肯定这一指控是否成立。
2023-06-08 14:21:261


bleeding love
2023-06-08 14:21:562

《The Draining Lake》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Draining Lake》(Indridason, Arnaldur)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: psi2书名:The Draining Lake作者:Indridason, Arnaldur译者:Scudder, Bernard出版年份:2008-9页数:312内容简介:An international sensation, published in over twenty five countries around the world, Arnaldur Indridason attained instant fame in the English-speaking mystery world after winning the Gold Dagger Award for "Silence of the Grave." His other crime novels in the series, "Jar City" and "Voices," have also been published to highest acclaim--U.S. readers who have already discovered this extraordinary writer are eagerly anticipating this latest Inspector Erlendur Sveinsson thriller. Following an earthquake, " "the water level of an Icelandic lake suddenly falls, revealing a skeleton that is weighed down by a heavy radio device bearing inscriptions in Russian. Inspectors Erlendur, Elinborg, and Sigurdur Oli"s investigation takes them back to the Cold War era, when bright, left-wing students in Iceland were sent to study in the "heavenly state" of Communist East Germany. But one of the students went missing, and her friends suspected that her "heavenly state" was all too real. Erlendur follows a long cold trail that leads back to Iceland, international espionage, and murder. Another astonishing thriller from one of crime fiction"s brightest stars, "The Draining Lake" is Arnaldur Indridason"s most gripping book yet.
2023-06-08 14:22:031


2023-06-08 14:23:044


  bleeding love 流血的爱  Closed off from love 从爱情中解脱  I didn"t need the pain 我不想再痛苦  Once or twice was enough 一两次就够了  And it was all in vain 但是一切都是徒劳  Time starts to pass 时间开始流逝  Before you know it you"re frozen 在你明白之前,你已经冰冻了  But something happened 但是很多事情都已发生  For the very first time with you 第一次和跟你在一起  My heart melts into the ground 我的心已融化入土地  Found something true 我找到了真情  And everyone"s looking round所有人都看着我  Thinking I"m going crazy都认为我已经快疯了  But I don"t care what they say 但是,我一点都不在乎他们在说什么  I"m in love with you 我爱你  They try to pull me away 他们都试图让我解脱痛苦  But they don"t know the truth 但是他们根本不知道真相  My heart"s crippled by the vein 我的血管连着的心已残缺不全  That I keep on closing 我继续封闭自己  You cut me open and I 你将我割裂开  Keep bleeding 我一直在流血  Keep, keep bleeding love 一直在流血的爱  I keep bleeding 我一直在流血  I keep, keep bleeding love 一直在流血的爱  Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love You cut me open 你将我割裂开 Trying hard not to hear 艰难的试着不去听  But they talk so loud 但是他们说话的声音是那么大  Their piercing sounds fill my ears 他们刺耳的谈话声充斥着我的耳朵  Try to fill me with doubt 试图将我带入犹豫中  Yet I know that the goal 然而我知道他们的目的  Is to keep me from falling 是想让我不要继续堕落  But nothing"s greater 你的拥抱给我带来了很大的冲击,没有任何东西比这种感觉强烈  Than the rush that comes with your embrace And in this world of loneliness 在这个孤寂的世界里  I see your face 我看到了你的脸庞  Yet everyone around me 虽然环绕着我的每一个人  Thinks that I"m going crazy, maybe, maybe 都在想我是否疯了,也许,也许  But I don"t care what they say 但是我根本就不在乎他们在说什么  And it"s draining all of me 我所有的需也已经流干  Oh they find it hard to believe 他们觉得难以置信  I"ll be wearing these scars 我覆盖着这些伤疤  For everyone to see 为了每个人都能看见  I don"t care what they say我一点都不在乎他们在说什么  I"m in love with you 我爱上你  They try to pull me away 他们都试图让我解脱痛苦  But they don"t know the truth 但是他们根本不知道真相  My heart"s crippled by the vein 我的血管连着的心已残缺不全  That I keep on closing 我继续封闭自己  You cut me open and I 你将我割裂开  Keep bleeding 我一直在流血  Keep, keep bleeding love 一直在流血的爱  I keep bleeding 我一直在流血  I keep, keep bleeding love 一直在流血的爱
2023-06-08 14:23:141


2023-06-08 14:23:321


2023-06-08 14:23:495


Cai Lun was born in Guiyang (modern day Leiyang) during the Eastern Han Dynasty. After serving as a court eunuch since AD 75, he was given several promotions under the rule of Emperor He of Han. In AD 89 he was promoted with the title of Shang Fang Si, an office in charge of manufacturing instruments and weapons; he also became a paperwork secretary . In AD 105, along with help from an imperial consort Deng, Cai invented the composition for paper along with the papermaking process - though he may have been credited with an invention of somebody from a lower class.[4] Though tools and machinery of papermaking in modern times may be more complex, they still employ the ancient technique of felted sheets of fiber suspended in water, draining of the water, and then drying into a thin matted sheet.[5] For this invention Cai would be world-renowned posthumously, and even in his own time he was given recognition for his invention. 拜托,这不是用软件翻译的,谢谢!
2023-06-08 14:24:271


2023-06-08 14:24:352


colander, percolator, strainer漏, 过滤器, 过滤
2023-06-08 14:24:422


建筑卫生陶瓷产品名词术语1 产品名称及定义 1.1 建筑陶瓷 architectural pottery 用于建筑物饰面或作为建筑构件的陶瓷制品。 1.1.1 釉面内墙砖 glazed interior tile 简称釉面砖。用于建筑物内墙有釉的精陶质饰面砖。 1.1.2 外墙砖 exterior wall tile 用于地面装饰的耐磨陶瓷质砖。 1.1.4 陶瓷锦砖 ceramic mosaic tile 长边一般不大于40 mm,具有多种几何形状的小瓷片,可以拼成织锦似的图案,用于贴 墙和铺地的装饰砖。 1.1.5 异形配件砖 timmers 用在建筑物边、角、沿处,具有异形的砖。包括压顶条、压顶阳角、压顶阴角、阳角条 、阴角条、阳角座、阳三角、阴三角、阳角砖、阴角砖和阶梯沿砖等。 1.1.6 有釉砖 glazed tile 正面有釉的砖。 1.1.7 无釉砖 unglazed tile 正面无釉的砖。 1.1.8 有光釉砖 bright glazed tile 釉面呈高光泽的砖。 1.1.9 无光釉砖 mat glazed tile 釉面呈低光泽的砖。 1.1.10 单色砖 single colour tile 正面呈单一颜色的砖。 1.1.11 花色砖 multi-colour tile 正面由两种以上颜色组成花纹或彩点的砖。 1.1.12 图案砖 pattern tile 正面单独或经组合形成一定的图案的砖。 1.1.13 立体花纹砖 stereogram tile 正面呈凹凸纹样且具有立体感的砖。 1.2 卫生陶瓷 ceramic dsanitary ware 用作卫生设施的有釉陶瓷制品。 1.2.1 大便器 w.c.pan 用于承纳并冲走人体排泄物的有釉陶瓷质卫生设备。安排污口部位,有前排污、后排污 和下排污之分。 蹲式便器 squatting w.c.pan 使用时以人体取是蹲势为特点的便器。有无挡和有挡之分。 坐式便器 sitting w.c.pan 使用时以人体取坐势为特点的便器。 冲落式便器 washdown w.c.pan 借冲洗水的冲力直接将污物排出的便器。 虹吸式便器 siphonic w.c.pan 借冲洗水在排水道所形成的虹吸作用将污物排出的便器。 喷射虹吸式便器 siphon jet w.c.pan 在水封下设有喷射道,借喷射水流而加速排污的虹吸式便器。 旋涡虹吸式便器 siphon vortex w.c.pan 利用冲洗水流形成的旋涡将污硪排出的虹吸式便器。 连体式坐便器 integral siting w.c.pan 与水箱为一体的坐便器。 1.2.2 水箱 cistern 与大便器配套,用以盛装冲洗水的有釉陶瓷质容器。 高位水箱 upper cistern 与蹲式便器配套的水箱。 低位水箱 lower cistern 与坐式便器配套的带盖水箱。根据安装方式有挂式和坐式之分。 1.2.3 小便器 urinal 专供男性小便用的有釉陶瓷质卫生设备。 壁挂式小便器 wall hung urinal 安装于墙壁上的小便器。 落地式小便器 stall urinal 直立于地面的大型小便器。 1.2.4 洗面器 wash basin 供洗脸、洗手用的有釉陶瓷质卫生设备。 壁挂式洗面器 wall hung wash basin 安装于墙壁上的洗面器。 托架式洗面器 bracket wash basin 安装于托架上的洗面器。 立柱式洗面器 padestal wash basin 下方带有陶瓷立柱的洗面器。 台式洗面器 vanity wash basin 镶嵌于化妆台面的洗面器。 1.2.5 浴盆 bath 专供洗浴用的有釉陶瓷质卫生设备。 1.2.6 净身器 bidet 带有喷水和排水系统,洗涤人体排泄器官的有釉陶瓷质卫生设备。按洗涤水喷出方向, 有斜喷式和上喷式之分。 1.2.7 洗手盆 handrinse basin 专洪洗手用的小型有釉陶瓷质卫生器具。 1.2.8 洗涤槽 sink 承纳厨房、实验室等用水,并可以洗涤物件的槽形有釉陶瓷质卫生设备。 1.2.9 存水弯 trap 内表面有釉,存水防臭的陶瓷质排污管道。有“S”形和“P”形之分。 1.2.10 配件卫生陶瓷 sanitary assembly articles 供卫生间配套的有釉陶瓷质器件。有衣帽钩、手纸盒、皂盒、毛巾架托和化妆台板等。 2 产品部位名称及定义 2.1 坯体 body 构成制品的陶瓷质主体。 2.2 釉面 glaze 熔融于坯体表面的玻璃质致密层。 2.3 正面 front side 砖体铺贴后,能够看见的面。 2.4 背面 back dside 与正面相反的面。 2.5 侧面 side side 与正面相垂直的面。 2.6 正面边 front side edge 正面与侧面的交线。 2.7 背面边 back side edge 相邻两正面边的夹角。 2.9 背面角 back side angle 相邻两背面边的夹角。 2.10 背纹 back side pattern 制作在砖背面上的凸起或沟槽。 2.11 可见面 visual surface 卫生设备安装后,观察者站在一般位置能够看见的表面。 2.12 洗净面 washable surface 卫生设备使用时,水能冲洗到的可见面。 2.13 隐蔽面 concealed surface 卫生设备可见面以外的表面。 2.14 安装面 installed surface 卫生设备与墙、地或其他配件接触的隐蔽面。 2.15 挡 fender 蹲式便器前部起遮挡作用的高出部位。 2.16 圈 hollow ring 便器上部通涤水的空心边圈。 2.17 池 pit 卫生设备主体由凹曲面构成的存水和冲洗部位。 2.18 尿斗 urinal funnel 小便器承接便弱的部位。 2.19 排污道 sewage draining passage 坐式便器内排污的通道。 2.20 陶蔽溢水道 concealed spilway 卫生器内与溢水孔相连的溢水暗道。 2.21 进水口 water inlet 便器冲洗水的进入口。 2.22 排水口 drainage exit 卫生设备的废水排出口。 2.23 出水口 water exit 水箱向配套器件供水的出口。 2.24 排污口 sewage draining exit 便器的污物排出口。 2.25 承口 upward socket 存水弯上与蹲式便器排水口相连的内径扩大的端部。 2.26 插口 downward socket 存水弯插入配套承口内的部位。 2.27 进水嘴 water inlet tap 凸出于便器主体,与洪水管相连的部位。 2.28 溢水孔 spillway hole 为控制最高水位而在卫生器池上部设置的与陶蔽溢水道相连的孔眼。 2.29 泄水孔 spilled water hole 与隐蔽溢水道和排水口相连、泄出溢流水的孔眼。 2.30 安装孔 installing hole 卫生设备上用于固定本身或安装配件的孔眼。有底座安装孔、圈盖安装孔、喷水管安装 孔、水嘴安装孔、链条安装孔、进水管安装孔和手柄安装孔。 2.31 布水眼 water distribution holes 便器圈下部,分配冲洗水的小孔。 2.32 挡水板 water fender 在便器进水口正面并改变水流方向的部位。 2.33 安装板 installing plate 壁挂式小便器两侧带有安装孔的板状部位。 3 卫生陶瓷功能名称及定义 3.1 冲洗功能 washing function 用规定水量将便器内污物排出并将便器洗净的能力。 3.2 水封功能 water seal resistance 便器内储存一定量水,封闭上下通道的隔臭能力。 4 产品缺陷名称及定义 4.1 裂纹 crackle 不贯通坯、釉的细小缝隙。 4.2 釉裂 crazing 釉面出现裂纹。 4.3 开裂 crack 贯通坯和釉的裂缝。 4.4 磕碰 chip 因冲击而造成的残缺。 4.5 剥边 edge peeling 釉层边沿的条状剥落。 4.6 缺釉 glaze peels 有釉制品表面局部无釉。 4.7 釉缕 excess glaze 釉面突起的釉条或釉滴痕迹。 4.8 桔釉 orange peel 釉面似桔皮状,光泽较差。 4.9 釉粘 glaxe sticking 有釉制品在烧成时相互粘连或与窑具粘连而造缺陷。 4.10 釉泡 glaze bubble 釉面可见的气泡。有破口泡、不破口泡和落泡。 4.11 棕根 pinhole 釉面出现的针刺样小孔,又称针孔、毛孔。 4.12 波纹 ripple glaze 釉面呈波浪纹样的缺陷。 4.13 烟熏 smoke staining 烧成中因烟气造成制品表面局部或全部呈灰、褐、黑等异色。 4.14 色差 tint unevennees 单件制品或同批制品之间感受面色调不一致。 4.15 斑点 speck 制品表面的异色污点。 4.16 熔洞 fusion hole 因易熔物熔融使制品表面产生的凹坑。 4.17 坯粉 body refuse 又称泥渣、釉渣。釉下有未除净的泥屑、釉悄而造成的缺陷。 4.18 落脏 ash contamination 釉面附着的异物。 4.19 变形deformation 制品形状与规定不符。
2023-06-08 14:24:511


I did what I should doI was wakling to school on Monday morning .I saw an old man falling off his bike. He lay on the ground and couldn"t move. I went to him and called up the old man"s family. Then I took him to the hospital . Though I was late for school, I think I did what I should do.
2023-06-08 14:25:003

爱心发泄屋 英文怎么说?

Love vent housing
2023-06-08 14:25:072


  “人之子孙,富贵贫贱,莫不各有一定之命。”下面就由我为大家带来关于一定的英语短语集锦,希望大家能有所收获。   关于一定的相关短语   一定 by all means   一定 without fail   一定 must be   一定 be sure toI   一定 dare swear   一定 a certain (extent, etc.)   一定会 be bound to ;   一定地 for certain   一定不要 MUST NOT   一定条件 controlled condition ; certain condition   关于一定的相关单词   surely   certainly   关于一定的相关短句   established rules and regulations;   一定的规章制度   fixed production quota;   一定的生产指标   work according to specifications;   按照一定的规格进行生产   There are fixed times for study and for work.   学习、 工作都有一定的时间。   关于一定的相关例句   1. The happiest are not those who own all the best things, but those who can appreciate the beauty of life.   最幸福的人们并不一定什么都是最好,只是他们懂得欣赏生活的美好。   2. You must have noticed how tired he sometimes looks.   你一定注意到他有时候显得特别疲惫。   3. "His memory must be completely back, then?" — "Just about."   “这么说,他的记忆一定是完全恢复了?”——“差不多。”   4. If something"s a sure-fire hit then Radio One will play it.   如果哪首歌一定会火,那么第一频道肯定会播出。   5. There must be any number of people in my position.   一定有很多人处在我这种境况。   6. They issue a fixed number of shares that trade publicly.   他们发行一定数量的可公开交易的股票。   7. Over the years he"s demonstrated a certain prescience in foreign affairs.   这些年来,他已经在外交事务方面表现出一定的预见性。   8. "You must come to Tinsley"s graduation party." — "I"d be delighted."   “你一定要来参加廷斯利的毕业聚会。”——“我很乐意。”   9. The result reflects a modest rightward shift in opinion.   结果显示舆论出现一定程度的右倾。   10. "You must be expecting a young man," she teased.   “你一定是在等哪位小伙子吧,”她揶揄道。   11. Make a point of backing up your files at regular intervals.   一定要定期备份文件。   12. He must have been aware that my parents" marriage was breaking up.   他一定已经知道我父母的婚姻即将破裂。   13. Make sure the draining board, sink and plug hole are regularly disinfected.   滴水板、水槽和塞孔一定要定期消毒。   14. She was a volunteer, she hadn"t had to be press-ganged.   她是一个志愿者,不一定非是受人迫使的。   15. Now sit down and make yourself comfortable. You must be very tired.   现在坐下来,让自己舒服些,你一定很累了。   关于一定的双语例句   他们对办理的每项业务收取一定的费用。   They charge a fixed rate for each transaction.   无疑,他们一定知道这样讲话可能产生的后果。   Certainly they must know the probable result of such speeches.   你在发动引擎时,一定要让汽车处于空档。   When you start the engine, be sure the car is in neutral.   我父母发现窗子被打破后,一定会有一番斥责。   There is sure to be a fuss when my parents find the window is broken.   她一定会通过考试。   She is sure to pass the examination.   原始社会的结构并不一定就是简单的。   The constitution of a primitive society is not necessarily simple.   扩压段应具有一定的长度以保证主气流减速到一定程度。   The diffuser length should be long enough to ensure the main flow deceleration.   你身上一定存在可以展示的东西,也一定存在可以口头表述的东西。   There are certain things you demonstrate and certain things you verbalize.   出来看猫头鹰一定要安静一定要坚强。   If you go owling you have to be quiet and make your own heat.
2023-06-08 14:25:261