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so disappointed翻译

2023-06-09 08:03:21
TAG: nt appoint

Terry was a middle-aged leather trader whose repeated failures in career made him a bad-tempered and disappointed man,often complaining that hehad been cheated by others.One day he told his wife he was so disappointed with the city that he had to leave.



After bricked our car glass ,stolen all things so disappointed

After bricked our car glass ,stolen all things so disappointed



  七龙珠里面的角色大部分战斗力都很强,破坏力也很大。下面我为大家带来破坏的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习!   破坏的英语意思   destroy   破坏的相关英语例句   1. Drugs are a scourge that is devastating our society.   毒品是破坏我们社会的一大祸害。   2. Wind turbines are large and noisy and they disfigure the landscape.   风力涡轮机个头大、噪音响,还会破坏周边风景。   3. All the doors have been bricked up to deter vandals.   所有的门都用砖堵了起来,防止破坏分子闯入。   4. Argentina"s erratic inflation rate threatens to upset the plans.   阿根廷动荡不定的通货膨胀率可能会破坏那些计划。   5. This may help to undermine the brittle truce that currently exists.   这也许会火上浇油,破坏当前脆弱不稳的休战局面。   6. The blast caused extensive damage, shattering the ground-floor windows.   爆炸造成了巨大的破坏,震碎了一楼的窗户。   7. The violation of the graves is not the first such incident.   像这种破坏墓地的行为不是第一次出现了。   8. I apologise if your enjoyment of the movie was spoiled.   如果破坏了你看电影的兴致,我道歉。   9. These attacks are seen as an effort to torpedo the talks.   人们认为这些袭击是为了故意破坏会谈。   10. The Security Council will consider taking future actions against sanction-busters.   安理会将考虑未来采取措施打击破坏制裁的人。   11. A vandal with a chainsaw cut down a tree.   一个故意破坏公物的人用链锯伐倒了一棵树。   12. One of the journalists queried whether sabotage could have been involved.   其中一位新闻记者询问是否有人为破坏的可能性。   13. Sensitive Cream will not strip away the skin"s protective layer.   敏感肌肤专用面霜不会破坏面板表面的保护层。   14. Further to the south are some of the island"sloveliest unspoilt coves.   再往南走有一些这个岛上尚未被破坏的迷人小海湾。   15. The fragile economies of several southern African nations could be irreparably damaged.   一些南非国家的脆弱经济可能会被彻底破坏,无法挽回。   破坏的英文例句   暴风雨的破坏力是巨大的。   The destructive force of the storm is huge.   科学知识被滥用于破坏和战争。   Scientific knowledge was perverted to help cause destruction and war.   那些组织受到破坏,形成一道疤痕。   The tissues have been destroyed and a scar has formed.   污染破坏了臭氧层,并引起了许多天气变化。   The pollution had destroyed ozone layer and caused many changes in weather.   据报道,珊瑚礁正遭受破坏。   It is reported that the coral reefs are being destroyed.   和解的机会事实上被他的演讲破坏了。   Chances of a settlement were effectively wrecked by his speech.   破坏会随着战争而来,有战争就有破坏。   Destruction is an acpanimentof war.   试验梁的破坏形态为典型的弯曲破坏。   The typical damage of the box girder is flexural failure.   因为线段必须要被线段破坏才是真破坏。   Because the line segment must be line failure is really damage.   破坏的双语例句   根据他在科索沃战争期间的观察,他对破坏情况作了记述性报道。   He documented the destruction he observed during the Cosovo War.   在这样的破坏之后重新定居中的许多问题常常由此产生。   After such destruction many problems in resettlement often arise.   许多物种由于我们破坏了它们的自然环境,现在正面临灭绝的危险。   Many species are in peril of extinction because of our destruction of their natural habitat.   我们通过向后的过程破坏它。   We destroy it through the backwards process.   但是他说只要我们保持在我们的星系中是唯一有智力的生命并且避免破坏我们自己,我们就会安全。   But he said as long as we remained the only intelligent life in our galaxy and avoided destroyingourselves we should be safe.   他们带来的只是仇恨和破坏。   They offer nothing but hatred and destruction.   在英国,垃圾填埋场被征的税,和他们对环境造成的破坏完全不成比例。   In Britain landfills are taxed out of all proportion to the damage they do the environment.   损耗:这项告诉我们在不破坏阵列的功能和资料丢失的前提下,我们阵列中的装置会损失多少。   Attrition: this tells us how many devices in the array can be lost without breaking the functionalityof the array and losing data.   但是,我们正在破坏我们的海洋。   But we are destroying our oceans.   反对吸菸的游说活动是要破坏我们的生活方式,而 *** 对吸菸这件事应该置身事外吗?   That the anti *** oking lobby was out to destroy our way of life and the government should stay out of the way?    看过破坏的英语相关知识人还:
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brick: [ brik ] a. 砖似的n. 砖v. 用砖围砌,用砖填补vt. (up)用砖砌,用砖堵住词形变化: 形容词:bricky 名词复数:bricks 动词过去式:bricked 过去分词:bricked 现在分词:bricking 第三人称单数:bricks
2023-06-08 12:45:021


  防止,指的是事先行动或做好准备以阻止某事的发生或可能发生某事的成功。下面就由我为大家带来关于防止的英语短语集锦,希望大家能有所收获。   关于防止的相关短语   防止摆动 antihunting;   防止冲刷 erosion control;   防止电晕 corona protection;   防止发酵进行 mutage;   防止共振 prevention of resonance;   防止过电压 overvoltage protection;   防止过载 overload protection;   防止过载放大器 anti-overloading amplifier;   防止核扩散 nonproliferation of nuclear weapons;   防止核扩散条约 the nonproliferation treaty ***NPT***;   防止滑移 slide prevention;   防止混线 cross protection;   防止接触 contact protection;   防止结冰 deicing;   防止空转器 wheel antislip device;   防止磨损 wear prevention;   防止碰线 cross-protection;   防止碰撞 collision prevention;   防止失速 antistall;   防止失速装置 antistall gear;   防止事故 fault prevention; forestall trouble; prevention of accidents;   防止损失 prevention of loss;   防止性监禁 preventive detention;   防止者 preventer;   防止自杀中心 suicide prevention centre   关于防止的相关短句   protect from infection; prevent infection;   防止感染   avoid waste of manpower;   防止浪费人力   guard against gas poisoning;   防止煤气中毒   guard against conceit and placency;   防止骄傲自满   a safeguard against mistakes;   防止错误   non-proliferation of nuclear weapons;   防止核扩散   the prevention of juvenile crimes;   防止青少年犯罪   prevent a disease from spreading;   防止疾病蔓延   Education would be the best and final prevention against social evils.   教育是防止社会罪恶的最好和最终的方法。   We must prevent the trouble from spreading.   我们必须防止这个乱子扩大。   关于防止的相关例句   1. All the doors have been bricked up to deter vandals.   所有的门都用砖堵了起来,防止破坏分子闯入。   2. The security zone was set up to prevent guerrilla infiltrations.   设立了安全区以防止游击队员的渗入。   3. Smear Vaseline on to your baby"s skin to prevent soreness.   给孩子面板上抹些凡士林以防止肿痛。   4. In case anyone was following me, I made an elaborate detour.   为了防止有人跟踪我,我特地绕了弯路。   5. I lay the painting flat to stop the wet paint running.   我把油画平放以防止未干的颜料流动。   6. The security forces had to intervene to prevent the situation worsening.   安全部队不得不介入,以防止局势进一步恶化。   7. Police are out in force to prevent a recurrence of the violence.   警方出动大量警力防止暴力事件再次发生。   8. He needs them to stop the country sliding into chaos.   他需要他们来防止这个国家陷入混乱。   9. To keep their bees from wandering, beekeepers feed them sugar solutions.   为了防止蜜蜂迷路,养蜂人给它们喝糖水。   10. Riot police are being deployed throughout the city to prevent any trouble.   正在全城部署防暴警察以防止发生骚乱。   11. Family control would prevent any hostile takeover or greenmail attempt.   家族管理可以防止任何恶意收购或绿票讹诈的企图。   12. All blood products are now heat treated to kill off any infection.   目前所有血液制品均经过热处理,以防止各种感染。   13. The house has been barred and bolted to prevent re-entry.   房子已经被封了,门被闩上,防止有人入内。   14. Peg down netting over the top to keep out leaves.   用销钉在顶上加固防护网,防止叶子落入。   15. Stir the custard occasionally to prevent a skin forming.   要不时地搅拌牛奶蛋糊,防止其表面结皮。   关于防止的双语例句   为了防止牟取暴利而实行了租金管制。   Rent controls were introduced to prevent profiteering.   【谚】与其补救于已然,不如防止于未然。   Prevention is better than cure.   他们已经开始防止犯罪行为。   They have begun to do the prevention of crime.   我们能做什么来防止这种疾病蔓延呢?   What can we do to prevent the disease spreading?   他们刷了一层油漆以防止船只被海水氧化。   They painted a coat of paint to prevent the oxidation of the ship by seawater.   抗毒素是抵抗有毒物质并防止其产生有害作用的物质。   Antitoxin is substance that acts against a poisonous substance and prevents it from having a harmful effect.   所以,防止疲劳可以防止忧虑。   So preventing fatigue tends to prevent worry.
2023-06-08 12:45:091


Bricklayer"s Boy砖瓦匠的儿子Alfred Lubrano艾尔弗雷德u2022卢布拉诺1 My father and I were both at the same college back in the mid 1970s. While I was inclass at Columbia, hewas laying bricks not far up the street, working on a campus building.二十世纪七十年代中期我和父亲同在一所大学里。我在哥伦比亚大学上学他在同一条街不远的地方砌砖 .在校园的一处建筑工地上干活。2 Sometimes we"d hook up on the subway going home, he with his tools, I with my books. We didn"t chatmuch about what went on during the day. My father wasn"t interested in Dante, Iwasn"t up on arches. We"d share aNew York Post and talk about the Mets.有时我俩一起坐地铁回家他提着工具我拿着书本。我俩不怎么聊白天的事。我父亲对但丁没有兴趣我也不懂拱门什么的。我俩看一份《纽约邮报》谈论大都会棒球队的比赛情况。3 My dad has built lots of places in New York City he can"t get into: colleges, apartments,office towers. Hemakes his living on the outside. Once the walls are up, a place takes on a different feel for him, as if he"s notwelcome anymore. It doesn"t bother him, though. For my father, earning the cash that paid for my entry into afancy, bricked-in institution was satisfaction enough. (1) We didn"t know it then, but those days were the start of abranching off, a redefining of what it means to be a workingman in our family. Related by blood, we"re separatedby class, my father and I. Being the white-collar son of a blue-collar man means being the hinge on the doorbetween two ways of life.我爸爸建造了纽约市的许多他进不去的建筑大学公寓办公大楼。他在建筑物的外面谋生。一旦高墙耸起这建筑给他的感受就变了他好像不再受到欢迎。不过他对此并不在意。对我父亲来说挣点钱好让我进入一所高档的、用砖墙围起来的大学就读就挺满足了就像他自己进去一样。当时我俩并未意识到这一点但那就是我们之间开始拉开距离的日子是开始在家庭内部重新界定劳动者的意义的日子。我们父子俩血脉相连却分属不同的阶级。作为一个蓝领工人的白领儿子就等于是两种不同生活方式之间的大门上的铰链。4 It"s not so smooth jumping from Italian old-world style to U.S. yuppie in a single generation. Despite themyth of mobility in America, the true rule, experts say, is rags to rags, riches to riches. Maybe 10 percent climbfrom the working to the professional class. My father has had a tough time accepting my decision to become amere newspaper reporter, a field that pays just a little more than construction does.He wonders why I haven"tcashed in on that multi-brick education and taken on some lawyer-lucrative job. After bricklaying for thirty years,my father promised himself I"d never lay bricks for a living. He figured an education would somehow rocket meinto the upwardly mobile, and load some serious money into my pockets. (2) What he didn"t count on was hiseldest son breaking blue-collar rule No. 1: Make as much money as you can, to pay foras good a life as you canget.仅在一代人的时间里仍旧的意大利生活方式一跃而成为美国的雅皮士不是件容易事。虽说美国有社会阶层上下流动的神话专家们却指出真实的情况是穷者穷富者富。或许有百分之十的人仍工人阶级爬到专业技术阶层。我父亲好不容易才接受了我当一名普通报纸记者的决定因为这个行当的收入只略高于建筑业。他不明白我为什么不利用他砌砖赚钱付学费让我获得的大学教育找一份诸如律师那种收入丰厚的工作。我父亲砌了30 年的墙他发誓不让我靠砌墙谋生。他以为我受过教育就能一步登天加入向上流社会流动的行列并赚上大把大把的钞票把衣袋装得鼓鼓的。他没有想到的是他的大儿子打破了蓝领规则的第一条赚尽可能多的钱过尽可能好的生活。5 He"d tell me about it when I was nineteen, my collar already fading to white. I was the college boy whohanded him the wrong wrench on help-around-the-house Saturdays. "You better make a lot of money," myblue-collar handy dad warned. "You"re gonna need to hire someone to hammer a nail into a wall for you."我19 岁时他就跟我这么说了那时我的衣领已经开始变白。我是在大学念书的儿子星期六在家里帮忙时递给他的扳手总是不对。“你最好赚好多好多钱”我的手巧的蓝领父亲告诫道。“你将来连墙上钉个钉子也要雇人帮忙。”6 In 1980, after college and graduate school, I was offered my first job, on a daily paper in Columbus, Ohio. Ibroke the news in the kitchen, where all the family business is discussed. My mother wept as if it were Vietnam.My father had a few questions: "Ohio? Where the hell is Ohio?"1980 年我读了大学又读了研究生毕业后俄亥俄州哥伦比亚市的一份日报给了我第一个工作。我在厨房里说了这事因为家里的事都是在厨房里谈论的。我母亲哭了好像是去越南打仗似的。我父亲问了几个问题“俄亥俄俄亥俄到底在哪儿”7 I said it"s somewhere west of New York City, that it was like Pennsylvania, only more so. I told him Iwanted to write, and these were the only people who"d take me.我说是在纽约城西面一个地方就像宾夕法尼亚州一样只是更往西。我跟他说我想写作只有他们肯给我这份工作。8 "Why can"t you get a good job that pays something, like in advertising in the city, and write on the side?"“为什么你就不能找个收入高一点的好工作呢比如在纽约做广告边工作边写作”9 "Advertising is lying," I said. "I wanna tell the truth."“广告是撒谎”我说。“我要报道事实。”10 "The truth?" the old man exploded, his face reddening as it does when he"s up twenty stories in high wind."What"s truth?" I said it"s real life, and writing about it would make me happy."You"re happy with your family,"my father said, spilling blue-collar rule No. 2. "That"s what makes you happy. After that, it all comes down todollars and cents. What gives you comfort besides your family? Money, only money." “事实”老头气炸了脸涨得通红就像他顶着狂风站在20 层楼高的地方。“什么是事实”我说就是真实的生活报道真实的生活会使我幸福。“你跟家人一起就是幸福”我父亲说无意中道出了蓝领规则的第二条。“那才是让你幸福的东西。除了这一切都归结为美元、金钱。除了你的家还有什么给你安慰钱只有钱。”11 During the two weeks before I moved, he reminded me that newspaper journalism is a dying field, and Icould do better. No longer was I the good son who studied hard. I was hacking people off.临行前的两个星期里他提醒我说报纸新闻是个行将消亡的行当我完全可以有个更好的前程。我不再是那个用功听话的孩子。我让人大失所望.12 One night, though, my father brought home some heavy tape and that clear, plastic bubble stuff you packyour mother"s second-string dishes in. "You probably couldn"t do this right," my father said to me before he sealedthe boxes and helped me take them to UPS. "This is what he wants," my father told my mother the day I left forColumbus. "What are you gonna do?" after I said my good-byes, my father took me aside and pressed five $100bills into my hands. "It"s okay," he said over my weak protests. "Don"t tell your mother."可是一天晚上我父亲带回家一些粗胶纸和透明的塑料泡沫材料就是人家用来装母亲的备用餐具的那种。“看来你做不了这个事”父亲对我说。接着他封好箱子并帮我把箱子拿到联邦快运公司。“这是他要做的事”我动身去哥伦比亚那天父亲对母亲说。“你有什么办法呢”我道别后父亲把我拉到一边往我手里塞了5 张100 元的票子。我稍微推辞了一下。他就说“拿着吧别告诉你妈就是了。”13 When I broke the news about what the paper was paying me, my father suggestedI get a part-time job tosupplement my income. "Maybe you could drive a cab." Once, after I was chewed out by the city editor forsomething trivial, I made the mistake of telling my father during a visit home. "They pay you nothin", and theypush you around too much in that business," he told me, the rage building. "Next time, you gotta grab the guy bythe throat and tell him he"s a big jerk."当我跟他们说了报社给我多少薪水时父亲建议我找个兺职以弥补工资的不足。“也许你可以开出租车。”有一次为了件小事我被本地新闻编辑责骂我犯了个错回家时把这事跟父亲讲了。“他们简直就不付你什么工钱把你差来差去欺人太甚了”他跟我说着火气就上来了。“下一次你要卡着那家伙的脖子告诉他他是个大混蛋。”14 My father isn"t crazy about his life. He wanted to be a singer and actor when he was young, but his Italianfamily expected money to be coming in. (3) My dad learned a trade, as he was supposed to, and settled into a lifeof pre-scripted routine.我父亲对自己的生活并不心满意足。他年轻时想当歌唱家和演员可他的意大利家庭等着钱用。爸爸就像家人期望的那样学了一门手艺过上了一种预先设计好的生活。15 Although I see my dad infrequently, my brother, who lives at home, is with the old man every day. Chrishas a lot more blue-collar in him than I do, despite his management-level career. Once in a while he"ll bag a lunchand, in a nice wool suit, meet my father at a construction site and share sandwiches. 我虽然不经常见到爸爸但我弟弟住在家里天天和老爸在一起。克里斯虽然身为管理人员却比我更像蓝领。他不时地会装上一袋午餐穿着考究的毛料西装在建筑工地上与父亲相会跟他一起吃三明治。16 It was Chris who helped my dad most when my father tried to change his life several months ago. My dadwanted a civil-service bricklayer foreman"s job that wouldn"t be so physically demanding. There was a written testthat included essay questions about construction work. My father hadn"t done anything like it in forty years. Everymorning before sunrise, Chris would be ironing a shirt and my father would sit at the kitchen table and read aloudhis practice essays on how to wash down a wall, or how to build a tricky corner. Chris would suggest words andapproaches.几个月前当父亲想改变一下自己的生活时是克里斯给了父亲最大的帮助。父亲想当行政部门砌砖工人的领班这活儿对体力的要求不是太高。想做这份工作要参加笔试回答有关建筑工作的一些问题。父亲有40 年没做过这样的事情了。每天太阳还没有出来克里斯在一边熨烫衬衣父亲坐在厨房餐桌旁大声朗读他练习写的怎么洗刷墙壁怎么砌一个难砌的墙角的回答。扩展资料:bricklayer n.砖匠He worked as a bricklayer"s mate他给瓦工打下手。He was a bricklayer — a big, strapping fellow.他是位砌砖工——一个高大健壮的小伙子。After he left school, he tried his hand at a variety of jobs — bricklayer, cinema usher, coal man.离开学校后,他尝试过各种工作,如泥瓦匠、电影院引座员、运煤工。
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具体取决于单词在句中意思您好,很高兴回答您的问题!大写情况窗户作为首字母时:Windows in our school was broken last night. 昨晚学校的窗户被打破了。特指,这时它的意思为 微软公司生产的"视窗"操作系统窗口;操作系统;窗口,如:Microsoft"s Windows system sells like hot cakes. 微软的Windows系统很畅销。小写情况意为n. 窗户。如:She rolled up all the windows.她摇上了所有的窗户。The windows had been bricked up.那些窗户用砖堵住了。 参考资料:有道网(dictionary. you do. com)
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Sanjiang College definitely has a very negative aura. So the construction of the school is based on the Eight Diagrams. Students there all wear stuff for protection like talismans. Each floor has bathrooms on the southwest end of the Eight-Diagram-shaped building. Men"s Room has three stalls seperated from one another by wood-board walls. Students are only allowed to use bathrooms on the first floor when they study by themselves at night. One night, a boy got a sudden urge to go to the bathroom during his study. But all stalls of the men"s room on the first floor were occupied. For fear of losing it, he raced to the bathroom on the second floor. Opening the door, he saw a woman with long hair dressed in white. (I never get it why all ghosts dress this way.) She sat on the wall of the middle stall and seemed like she was dangling on the ceiling. The woman gave him a glance and was like: “What are you doing here?” The boy first thought he went to the Lady"s Room and hurried out. But then he found he didn"t and suddenly realized what he witnessed. Scared to death, he ran for his life三江学院阴气重是肯定的了,所以学校的建筑都是按照八卦的样式造的,在那里上学的人也都会戴护身符之类的.就是那懂八卦状的教学楼,西南角是卫生间,从上到下都是的,男厕所里有三格蹲位,用木板隔开的.学生上自习一般只允许在一楼上.有一天晚上,一个男生上自习上到一半突然想上厕所,就到一楼的厕所去,结果三格都没满了,他憋不住,就跑到二楼的厕所,一进门就看见一个长发白衣的女子(一直很费解为什么鬼都是这种打扮)坐在中间一格的档板上,似乎是吊在天花板上的.那女子看了他一眼,说“你来干什么?“那个男生第一反应是自己走错厕所了,赶紧退出来,发现自己没走错,这才反应过来自己看见了什么,拔腿就跑~~~~
2023-06-08 12:46:142


你现在保修无效。  *  *我不负责给设备,SD卡死了,  *热核战争,或者你被解雇,因为闹钟应用程序失败。请  *如果你有任何担心做些研究特性包括在这罗  *在闪烁!你选择让这些修改,如果  *你的手指指向我扰乱你的设备,我会嘲笑你。  *  *提交错误报告在夜间构建是最主要的  *男性阳痿的原因。  * /
2023-06-08 12:46:233

三分之一杯水 英语怎么说?

2023-06-08 12:46:313


  “门”指建筑物的出或安装在出能开关的装置,门是分割有限空间的一种实体,它的作用是可以连线和关闭两个或多个空间的出。那么你知道吗?下面来学习一下吧。   门英语说法1:   door    门英语说法2:   gate   门英语说法3:   gateway   门的相关短语:   松柏门 Pinophyta ;   气候门 Climatic Research Unit email controversy ; Incident des emails du Climatic Research Unit ;   地狱门 Gate of Hell ; La Porte de l"enfer ;   传送门 Warp Gate   门农 Memnon ; Agin the morningemnon   石松门 Lycopodiophyta ;Microphynaphyta    门的英语例句:   1. A special locking system means the door cannot be opened accidentally.   特殊的锁定系统使门不会被意外开启。   2. The savoury *** ell greeted them as they went through the door.   他们进门时一阵香味扑鼻而来。   3. Charles and I were closeted in his study for the briefing session.   我和查尔斯在他的书房里闭门开简介会。   4. She"d half expected him to withdraw from the course.   她多少已经预料到他会中途就退出这门课程。   5. Grace tapped on the bedroom door and went in.   格雷丝轻轻敲了敲卧室的门,走了进去。   6. All the doors have been bricked up to deter vandals.   所有的门都用砖堵了起来,防止破坏分子闯入。   7. He activated the door with the miniature sonic tran *** itter.   他用微型声波发射器开启了门。   8. We had this understanding that courses were roughly the same weight.   我们已经了解到各门功课差不多一样重要。   9. She is currently doing a business studies course at Leeds.   她目前在利兹大学修读一门商科课程。   10. There was a heavy thudding noise against the bedroom door.   卧室门上发出一声沉重的撞击声。   11. I let myself out into the street and pulled the door shut.   我出门上街并拉上了门。   12. Rachel burst out as the door was flung open again.   当门被再次猛地推开时,雷切尔冲了出去。   13. All deck fittings, windows, hatches and doors had been fastened.   甲板上所有的装置、窗户、舱口盖和门都已经关牢了。   14. Bob tried the door. To his surprise it opened.   鲍勃试着推了推门。令他吃惊的是,门竟然开了。   15. Outside, Bruce glanced at his watch: "Dear me, nearly oneo"clock."   出了门,布鲁斯瞥了一眼自己的手表,“天哪,快一点了。”
2023-06-08 12:46:391


  窗户,在建筑学上是指墙或屋顶上建造的洞口,用以使光线或空气进入室内。那么你知道窗户用英语表达是什么吗?下面跟我一起学习窗户的英语说法及造句吧。    窗户英语说法   window   casement    窗户的英语例句   陡坡就在我窗户外面。   There was a sheer drop just outside my window.   她拉开卧室的窗户,探出身去。   She hauled up her bedroom window and leaned out.   朱迪丝正坐在窗户边的一张摇椅里。   Judith was sitting in a rocking-chair by the window.   透过寝室的窗户,我能看到 *** 的人群。   I could see them from my dorm room window.   藤本月季的芳香飘进了窗户。   The scent of climbing roses wafts through the window.   出门之前把窗户关严。   Make the windows secure before leaving the house.   窗户上涂上了浅色以减少强光。   The windows were tinted to reduce the glare.   一楼窗户装有铁栅的砖砌建筑   A brick building with bars across the ground floor windows   窗户外边是一块草地,高高的草随风摇摆。   The windows overlooked a lawn of tall waving grass.   迟来者就在门外和窗户外站着。   The lateers stood just outside at door and window.   那扇大窗户使这间房间显得很通风。   The large window makes the room seem airy.   所有的窗户都用砖堵住了。   All the windows were bricked up.   开启窗户,让新鲜的空气进来。   Open the window and let in some fresh air.   他们清除了窗户上的喷漆直并且用力的擦洗直到窗户干净透明为止。   They removed paint from the windows and scrubbed them until they sparkled.   每天早上开启窗户,每天晚上开灯时分关上窗户。   Open all windows in the morning and close them before turning on the lights.   这个窗户正好和那个窗户一样宽。   This window is just as wide as that one.   破旧的松木地板歪歪斜斜地铺到一个乔治王时代风格的窗户跟前。   Battered pine floors slanted down to a Georgian window.   他由于忘了带钥匙,便以简单的应急办法从窗户爬进屋里。   As he had forgot his keys, he got into the house by the simple expedient of climbing through the window.   这栋石砌房屋的条件很不错,有新铺的瓦片屋顶,装有百叶窗的窗户还有电力供暖系统。   The stone-built property is in good condition, with a new tiled roof, shuttered windows and electric heating.   窗户相关英语对话:挑选靠窗户的桌子   Table Next to the Window   挑选靠窗户的桌子   Red restaurant.Do you wint to make a reservation?   红色饭店,您想预约吗?   Yes,I"d like to book a table for two this evening.   是的,我想预订张今晚的双人桌。   At what time?   几点?   7:30.By tho way,I would like a table next to the window.   7点30分。顺便说一下,我想要张靠窗户的桌子。   No problem.sir.   没问题,先生。 1.玻璃用英语怎么说 2.梳妆台用英语怎么说 3.方框用英语怎么说 4.并且用英语怎么说 5.背景墙用英语怎么说 6.平台用英语怎么说
2023-06-08 12:46:451


(一) 汉语和英语中有些没有对应词的例子   汉语中有个谚语“夏练三伏,冬练三九”。激励人们坚持锻炼身体。“三伏”和“三九”在英语里是什么呢?一个年轻翻译对几个加拿大人说 three fu和 three nine。听的人当然莫名其妙。他只要说 In summer keep exercising during the hottest days; In winter do the same thing during the coldest weather就可以了。   一个中国青年到附近游泳池去游泳,一会儿就回来了。和他同住一室的中国人和一个外国朋友都感到奇怪。他解释说:“游泳池里人太多,水太脏,早该换了。”这个比喻很别致,很生动,和他同住一室的中国朋友笑了,而那个外国人既没有吃过“芝麻酱”也没有见过“煮饺子”,丝毫不觉得这个比喻幽 默,难怪他显出一副茫然不解的神情。西方人形容某地人多、拥挤不堪,常说 It was packed like sardines(塞得象沙丁鱼罐头一样,拥挤不堪)。这种比喻有些中国人可以理解,但不一定能欣赏其妙处,因为见过打开的沙丁鱼罐头的人很少,看到过一个又小又扁的罐头盒里,紧紧塞满整整齐齐的几排手指头长的沙丁鱼的人是不多的。   还可以举出很多例子说明某些事物或概念在一种文化中有,在另一种文化中则没有。   例如,汉语中“干部”这个词译成英语时往往用cadre。但是英语中的 cadre与汉语中的“干部”不同。而且 cadre不是常用词,许多讲英语的人都不知道它是什么意思。即使认识它的人,在说到它时,发音也不一样--有三四种读法。因此有人建议用 official(官员;行政人员;高级职员人functionary(机关工作人员;官员),administrator(行政官员)等代替 cadre,但这些词没有一个与汉语中的“干部”完全相同。   同样,汉语中没有表达 cowboy 和hippie(或hippy)的意思的对应词。这两个词是美国社会特有的产物。cowboy与美国早期开发西部地区有关,关于他们的传说总带有浓厚的浪 漫主义和传奇色彩。在汉语中译为“牧童”或“牛仔”,反映不出这些意义。汉语中把 hippie音译成“希比士”或“希比派” 也没反映出60年代那些中国人觉得行为古怪的美国青年的特点。译成“嬉皮士”可能稍好一些,不过这个词也会造成误解,因为那批青年并不都是“嬉皮笑脸”的 人,其中有不少人对待社会问题很严肃,对社会怀有某种不满情绪,尽管他们的生活方式与众不同:往往蓄长发,身穿奇装异服,甚至行为颓废,染上吸毒恶习,等 等。这就要在词典上或译文中加解释性说明了。   在社会活动和政治活动方面的用语中也可以举出不少例子。例如汉语中的“斗争会”这个词可以译成 struggle meeting,但这种译法说明不了这种会的内容。反过来,美国的revival meeting是什么样的活动,中国人很难猜测,除非亲自到现场看过这种宗教气氛极浓、歇斯底里般的信仰复兴集会。同样,中国人对bingo party和 bingo game往往一无所知,有些词典中bingo的汉语注释是:“一种用纸牌搭成方块的赌博”(《新英汉词典》),“排五点一种赌博性游戏」”(《英华大辞 典》),读者查到此词仍然不得要领。   日常生活中的用语也有类似现象。多数英美人从来投有睡过中国的“炕”(kang, a heatable bricked),没有吃过“冰糖葫芦”,(candied haws on a stick),也没有用过中国的“秤”(steelyard)。大部分中国人没有住过美国的 motel(专为开汽车的游客开设的、有停车场的旅馆),没有吃过 hamburger(牛肉饼;汉堡牛排;汉堡包),也不需要在上班时由time clock,(出勤记录钟)证明他们是否按时上班。类似这样的英语词在汉语中都找不到对应词,连词义相近的词也没有,因为根本没有这种概念。这种情况十分 普遍,无需在此多说。   一在表示自然现象的语言中,汉语中“节气”的概念在英语中是没有的。(应当指出,把“节气”译成 solar terms,大部分西方人仍然不懂。)如一部常用的现代《汉英词典》中,把“雨水”译成 Rain Water(2nd Solar Term),把“惊蛰”译成 Waking of Insects (3rd Solar Term),把“清明”译成,Pure and Brightness(5th Solar Term)。这些名称不另加解释就没有什么意义。但有些“节气”的名称在英语中确实有对应词:春分=Spring Equinox;夏至=Summer Solstice;秋分=Autumnal Equinox;冬至=Winter Solstice。   在表示自然力和宇宙方面,汉语里有些传统的古老的词,如“阴”“阳”,在英语里没有对应词,《朗曼现代英语词典》对“阴”和“阳”的解释是:“按道教的宇宙观,"阴"和"阳"是两种力量,这两种力量的本质产生了宇宙,保持宇宙和谐。"阴"表示黑暗、雌性、消极的。"阳"表示光明、雄性、积极的。”   “阴”和“阳”的概念作为中医治疗基本原理的一部分已沿用了许多世纪,然而,这些原理却很难对西方人讲清楚。中医理论里所说的“寒”、“上火”等概念,也 很难用英语词表达,只能做些解释。如“上火”,就说是“内热过多”,然后再描写一下症状。在《汉英词典》中“阴”、“阳”两词只好分别注释为:(in Chinese philosophy, medicine,etc.) yin, the feminine or negative principle in nature;与《朗曼现代英语词典》一致,但西方人还是不易明白。   以上例证足以说明差别之大。造成这些差别原因是多方面的:或是由于环境和传统有所不同,或是由于工业和技术发展的水平有差异,或是由于政治制度和社会制度不一样,等等。   (二) 有些概念在英语和汉语中都有,但它们又不是完全同义的   有些懂一点英语的中国人介绍自己的爱人时用lover一词,外国人对此颇为惊讶(因为lover表示信夫或情妇的意思)。外国人不理解,一向在这类问题上 谨慎小心的中国人,为何公开声明自己有 lover呢?应该记住,相当于汉语中“爱人”这个词的英语词就是:husband(丈夫)或wife(妻子);fiancé(未婚夫)或 fiancée(未婚妻)。   美国总统的夫人和州长的夫人常称为First Lady,有时译作“第一夫人”,但一些中国人看到“第一夫人”字样会发生误解,以为既然有“第一夫人”就 有“第二夫人”甚至有“第三夫人”、“第四夫人”等,从而得出一种错误的印象:“白宫的主人居然搞了好几个老婆!”   中国人问别人的“籍贯”时,可能指place of birth或where a person is from(本人的出生地或来自某地),也往往指where a person"s parents or ancestors came from originally(父母或祖先来自何地)。有时候两个地方是相同的,但也常常不同。在英语中没有与“籍贯”对应的词。Place of birth 只表示本人出生的地方,与祖先的任何情况无关。这种差别有时会造成混乱,填写身份证、个人履历表、护照等时尤其如此。   下面再举一些英汉两种语言中“貌合神主”的词语的例子。   1、指“处所”、“机构”等的词语:   high school ≠高等学校 high school 是美国的中学。英国的中学叫 secondary school, service station≠服务站 service station 是给汽车加油及进行简单维修的地方。   Rest room ≠休息室 在美国英语中,rest room 是剧院、大商店或大建筑物中的一间房子,里面设有厕所、盥洗设备等,供顾客、雇员等使用。这是浴室、厕所的委婉说法。汉语中的“休息室”应译为英语中的lounge 或 lobby。   2、指“人”的词语:   busboy ≠ 公共汽车上的售票员或司机 busboy 与公共汽车没有任何关系,它指的是在餐馆中收拾的碗碟,擦桌子的杂工。(美国英语)   goldbrick ≠ 金锭 goldbrick 不是用以称赞人的词,它是美国英语中的俚语,指逃避工作的人,尤其是爱偷懒的士兵、懒汉。   大忙人≠ busybody 英语的busybody相当于汉语的“爱管闲事的人”。汉语中为“大忙人”可译为 a very busy person,也可以直接说: He/She is always busy. He/She is always busy with something.从词的组成看,人们会认为 goldbrick和 busybody是褒义词,其实都是贬义词。指“政治活动”、“社会活动”等的词语:political campaign≠政治运动 political campaign指英美政府职务的候选人为了树立自己的形象,争取选票而组织的活动,即竞选活动。   改善生活≠improve one"s standard of living 在英语中improve one"s standard of living表示“提高生活水平”的意思,而汉语中的“改善生活”则不然;《人民日报》一则新闻中说:“我的邻居是一位六十多岁的老太太,隔三差五,到街 头饭馆改善一次生活。但每次都是去一家私人饭馆。她说,原因不是别的,就是这家小饭馆服务态度好,总听到一声"里边请"。”按中国的习惯用法,“改善生 活”在一般情况下指吃一顿或几顿比常吃的伙食较好的饭菜等。   3、成语,谚语,常用语法:   令人发指≠to make one"s hair stand on end 前者用于看到或听到某种暴行等而十分“气愤”的场合,后者用于看到或听到某种可怕的事物而十分“害怕”的场合,相当于“令人毛骨惊然。”例如:The sight made his hair stand on end -he thought it was his dead brother"s ghost.(这个景象使他毛骨谏然,他以为这是他哥哥[或弟弟]的鬼魂出现了.)英语中有 to bristle with anger一语,表示“气得毛发竖起来”,但多用于动物,不用干人,除非用作比喻。   自食其言≠to eat one"s own words 前者指说了话不算数,答应了的事不去做。后者指收回自己说的话,一般多用于强迫别人收回所说的话,使他丢脸。例如:He told everyone he was absolutely certain that his article would be published by the Times,but when the letter of rejection came, he had to eat his own words.(他逢人就说《泰晤士报》必将发表他的文章。退稿之后,他只好收回自己的话。)   to get a kick out of something≠被踢出去 前者是非常道地的英语成语,多用于口语,意思是“欣赏…或从…中得到极大愉快”。如:I got a kick out of watching those kids perform; their play made me realize how strange and funny we grown-ups must seem to them.(我非常欣赏孩子们的表演。他们演的戏使我意识到。在他们看来,我们这些成人多么古怪和可笑。)这与“踢”这一动作本身毫无关系。   To blow one"s own horn (or trumpet) ≠各吹各的号 前者是个成语,表示“自吹自擂”,一般用来形容某人炫耀自己的成就、技能、智力等。很象汉语中的“老王卖瓜,自卖自夸。”如: If he"s so successful,why does he have to keep blowing his own trumpet?(既然他干得很出色,干吗要整天自我吹嘘呢?)汉语中的“各吹各的号,各唱各的号”则表示两个或几个人各于各的事或各自坚持自己的看法, 不能协调一致,与英语中的 each doing his own thing相近。   (三) 同一个事物、生物或概念,在某些语言中可能只用一个词来表达,在另一种语言中可能有几个或更多的词来表达。   一般地说,表示同一概念的词越多,词义就区分得越细。如汉语中只有“骆驼”一个词,它相当于英语中的camel,可细分为dromedary(单峰骆驼) 和Bactrian camel(双峰骆驼)。但据说,阿拉伯语中有400多个词来表示“骆驼”,因为骆驼曾是大多数阿拉伯人的重要交通工具。这400多个词可以区分骆驼的年 龄、性别、品种、大小等,甚至还可以区分骆驼能否驮重物。据说最少有一个词指怀了孕的骆驼。   在用汉语与不同文化背景的人进行交际时,表示亲属的词语常常在彼此理解对方的意思方面会造成很大困难,因为不是所有的称呼都可以找到令人满意的对应词。英 语中Linda"s brother married Michael"s sister 这句话就和很难译成汉语,因为不知道brother 是指Linda 的哥哥还是弟弟;sister是指Michael的姐姐还是妹妹。
2023-06-08 12:46:521

dd wrt刷tomato前没有清nvram,导致登陆密码错误.本来的密码是root,现在死活进不去路由管理界面

2023-06-08 12:47:112

all the days have gone是什么意思

2023-06-08 12:47:204

lift shaft是什么意思

lift shaft 升降机井;电梯竖升;电梯井道;升降机槽短语lift rack shaft 提升轴 ; 电梯竖井 ; 升降机竖井lift rack shaft arm 提升轴臂lift rack shaft locking screw 提升轴锁定螺杆例句:The wire ropes which support the car are fixed to a heavy counterweight which moves up and down the lift shaft on separate guide rails. 支撑电梯厢的钢丝绳另一端固定在一个平衡配重上。平衡配重在升降井里沿着单独的导轨上下移动。
2023-06-08 12:47:491

在MIUI中如何让Google play链接跳转至Google play而不是小米应用...

建议一般先学会排版布局吧。这个是最最有用的。从最基本的bootstrap框架开始学习。首页上的其他一些都是扩展性的框架可以先不学。等完全了解了bootstrap基本的一些排版布局以及样式,学习其他的也就不难了。其实bootstrap学习起来还是很简单的吧。布局的话就是百分比布局和栅栏式布局为主。其他的类似 按钮 .btn 报错提示 .alert-block 都是利用了组合式的class如 。.btn .btn-success就是绿色按钮。.btn+后缀(其实就是一个色系)。个人任为bootstrap最强大的一点就是组合式class,随心搭配。从排版布局到css最后到bootstrap.js(个人认为使用的几率不大,兼容性和实用性并不是最好。js初学者用用很不错。常用的也就那几个,毕竟万恶的ie在国内还是根深蒂固的)按照这个步骤看完,再自己做一些小的demo很快上手的。祝你学习顺利。
2023-06-08 12:47:571

"up to" 是什么意思

2023-06-08 12:48:237


I ran to school yesterday.
2023-06-08 12:48:434

bricked system是什么意思

bricked system一程序块 系统重点词汇释义:bricked一程序块,砖。
2023-06-08 12:49:021

brick up是什么意思及用法

你好!brick up 英[brik u028cp] 美[bru026ak u028cp] [词典] 用砖砌住; [例句]We bricked up our windows我们用砖把窗户堵起来了。
2023-06-08 12:49:101


Golden bricked cheese.
2023-06-08 12:49:421


For example: Most chimneys in the west are made from bricks.
2023-06-08 12:50:012


Bricklayer"s Boy砖瓦匠的儿子Alfred Lubrano艾尔弗雷德u2022卢布拉诺1 My father and I were both at the same college back in the mid 1970s. While I was inclass at Columbia, hewas laying bricks not far up the street, working on a campus building.二十世纪七十年代中期我和父亲同在一所大学里。我在哥伦比亚大学上学他在同一条街不远的地方砌砖 .在校园的一处建筑工地上干活。2 Sometimes we"d hook up on the subway going home, he with his tools, I with my books. We didn"t chatmuch about what went on during the day. My father wasn"t interested in Dante, Iwasn"t up on arches. We"d share aNew York Post and talk about the Mets.有时我俩一起坐地铁回家他提着工具我拿着书本。我俩不怎么聊白天的事。我父亲对但丁没有兴趣我也不懂拱门什么的。我俩看一份《纽约邮报》谈论大都会棒球队的比赛情况。3 My dad has built lots of places in New York City he can"t get into: colleges, apartments,office towers. Hemakes his living on the outside. Once the walls are up, a place takes on a different feel for him, as if he"s notwelcome anymore. It doesn"t bother him, though. For my father, earning the cash that paid for my entry into afancy, bricked-in institution was satisfaction enough. (1) We didn"t know it then, but those days were the start of abranching off, a redefining of what it means to be a workingman in our family. Related by blood, we"re separatedby class, my father and I. Being the white-collar son of a blue-collar man means being the hinge on the doorbetween two ways of life.我爸爸建造了纽约市的许多他进不去的建筑大学公寓办公大楼。他在建筑物的外面谋生。一旦高墙耸起这建筑给他的感受就变了他好像不再受到欢迎。不过他对此并不在意。对我父亲来说挣点钱好让我进入一所高档的、用砖墙围起来的大学就读就挺满足了就像他自己进去一样。当时我俩并未意识到这一点但那就是我们之间开始拉开距离的日子是开始在家庭内部重新界定劳动者的意义的日子。我们父子俩血脉相连却分属不同的阶级。作为一个蓝领工人的白领儿子就等于是两种不同生活方式之间的大门上的铰链。4 It"s not so smooth jumping from Italian old-world style to U.S. yuppie in a single generation. Despite themyth of mobility in America, the true rule, experts say, is rags to rags, riches to riches. Maybe 10 percent climbfrom the working to the professional class. My father has had a tough time accepting my decision to become amere newspaper reporter, a field that pays just a little more than construction does.He wonders why I haven"tcashed in on that multi-brick education and taken on some lawyer-lucrative job. After bricklaying for thirty years,my father promised himself I"d never lay bricks for a living. He figured an education would somehow rocket meinto the upwardly mobile, and load some serious money into my pockets. (2) What he didn"t count on was hiseldest son breaking blue-collar rule No. 1: Make as much money as you can, to pay foras good a life as you canget.仅在一代人的时间里仍旧的意大利生活方式一跃而成为美国的雅皮士不是件容易事。虽说美国有社会阶层上下流动的神话专家们却指出真实的情况是穷者穷富者富。或许有百分之十的人仍工人阶级爬到专业技术阶层。我父亲好不容易才接受了我当一名普通报纸记者的决定因为这个行当的收入只略高于建筑业。他不明白我为什么不利用他砌砖赚钱付学费让我获得的大学教育找一份诸如律师那种收入丰厚的工作。我父亲砌了30 年的墙他发誓不让我靠砌墙谋生。他以为我受过教育就能一步登天加入向上流社会流动的行列并赚上大把大把的钞票把衣袋装得鼓鼓的。他没有想到的是他的大儿子打破了蓝领规则的第一条赚尽可能多的钱过尽可能好的生活。5 He"d tell me about it when I was nineteen, my collar already fading to white. I was the college boy whohanded him the wrong wrench on help-around-the-house Saturdays. "You better make a lot of money," myblue-collar handy dad warned. "You"re gonna need to hire someone to hammer a nail into a wall for you."我19 岁时他就跟我这么说了那时我的衣领已经开始变白。我是在大学念书的儿子星期六在家里帮忙时递给他的扳手总是不对。“你最好赚好多好多钱”我的手巧的蓝领父亲告诫道。“你将来连墙上钉个钉子也要雇人帮忙。”6 In 1980, after college and graduate school, I was offered my first job, on a daily paper in Columbus, Ohio. Ibroke the news in the kitchen, where all the family business is discussed. My mother wept as if it were Vietnam.My father had a few questions: "Ohio? Where the hell is Ohio?"1980 年我读了大学又读了研究生毕业后俄亥俄州哥伦比亚市的一份日报给了我第一个工作。我在厨房里说了这事因为家里的事都是在厨房里谈论的。我母亲哭了好像是去越南打仗似的。我父亲问了几个问题“俄亥俄俄亥俄到底在哪儿”7 I said it"s somewhere west of New York City, that it was like Pennsylvania, only more so. I told him Iwanted to write, and these were the only people who"d take me.我说是在纽约城西面一个地方就像宾夕法尼亚州一样只是更往西。我跟他说我想写作只有他们肯给我这份工作。8 "Why can"t you get a good job that pays something, like in advertising in the city, and write on the side?"“为什么你就不能找个收入高一点的好工作呢比如在纽约做广告边工作边写作”9 "Advertising is lying," I said. "I wanna tell the truth."“广告是撒谎”我说。“我要报道事实。”10 "The truth?" the old man exploded, his face reddening as it does when he"s up twenty stories in high wind."What"s truth?" I said it"s real life, and writing about it would make me happy."You"re happy with your family,"my father said, spilling blue-collar rule No. 2. "That"s what makes you happy. After that, it all comes down todollars and cents. What gives you comfort besides your family? Money, only money." “事实”老头气炸了脸涨得通红就像他顶着狂风站在20 层楼高的地方。“什么是事实”我说就是真实的生活报道真实的生活会使我幸福。“你跟家人一起就是幸福”我父亲说无意中道出了蓝领规则的第二条。“那才是让你幸福的东西。除了这一切都归结为美元、金钱。除了你的家还有什么给你安慰钱只有钱。”11 During the two weeks before I moved, he reminded me that newspaper journalism is a dying field, and Icould do better. No longer was I the good son who studied hard. I was hacking people off.临行前的两个星期里他提醒我说报纸新闻是个行将消亡的行当我完全可以有个更好的前程。我不再是那个用功听话的孩子。我让人大失所望.12 One night, though, my father brought home some heavy tape and that clear, plastic bubble stuff you packyour mother"s second-string dishes in. "You probably couldn"t do this right," my father said to me before he sealedthe boxes and helped me take them to UPS. "This is what he wants," my father told my mother the day I left forColumbus. "What are you gonna do?" after I said my good-byes, my father took me aside and pressed five $100bills into my hands. "It"s okay," he said over my weak protests. "Don"t tell your mother."可是一天晚上我父亲带回家一些粗胶纸和透明的塑料泡沫材料就是人家用来装母亲的备用餐具的那种。“看来你做不了这个事”父亲对我说。接着他封好箱子并帮我把箱子拿到联邦快运公司。“这是他要做的事”我动身去哥伦比亚那天父亲对母亲说。“你有什么办法呢”我道别后父亲把我拉到一边往我手里塞了5 张100 元的票子。我稍微推辞了一下。他就说“拿着吧别告诉你妈就是了。”13 When I broke the news about what the paper was paying me, my father suggestedI get a part-time job tosupplement my income. "Maybe you could drive a cab." Once, after I was chewed out by the city editor forsomething trivial, I made the mistake of telling my father during a visit home. "They pay you nothin", and theypush you around too much in that business," he told me, the rage building. "Next time, you gotta grab the guy bythe throat and tell him he"s a big jerk."当我跟他们说了报社给我多少薪水时父亲建议我找个兺职以弥补工资的不足。“也许你可以开出租车。”有一次为了件小事我被本地新闻编辑责骂我犯了个错回家时把这事跟父亲讲了。“他们简直就不付你什么工钱把你差来差去欺人太甚了”他跟我说着火气就上来了。“下一次你要卡着那家伙的脖子告诉他他是个大混蛋。”14 My father isn"t crazy about his life. He wanted to be a singer and actor when he was young, but his Italianfamily expected money to be coming in. (3) My dad learned a trade, as he was supposed to, and settled into a lifeof pre-scripted routine.我父亲对自己的生活并不心满意足。他年轻时想当歌唱家和演员可他的意大利家庭等着钱用。爸爸就像家人期望的那样学了一门手艺过上了一种预先设计好的生活。15 Although I see my dad infrequently, my brother, who lives at home, is with the old man every day. Chrishas a lot more blue-collar in him than I do, despite his management-level career. Once in a while he"ll bag a lunchand, in a nice wool suit, meet my father at a construction site and share sandwiches. 我虽然不经常见到爸爸但我弟弟住在家里天天和老爸在一起。克里斯虽然身为管理人员却比我更像蓝领。他不时地会装上一袋午餐穿着考究的毛料西装在建筑工地上与父亲相会跟他一起吃三明治。16 It was Chris who helped my dad most when my father tried to change his life several months ago. My dadwanted a civil-service bricklayer foreman"s job that wouldn"t be so physically demanding. There was a written testthat included essay questions about construction work. My father hadn"t done anything like it in forty years. Everymorning before sunrise, Chris would be ironing a shirt and my father would sit at the kitchen table and read aloudhis practice essays on how to wash down a wall, or how to build a tricky corner. Chris would suggest words andapproaches.几个月前当父亲想改变一下自己的生活时是克里斯给了父亲最大的帮助。父亲想当行政部门砌砖工人的领班这活儿对体力的要求不是太高。想做这份工作要参加笔试回答有关建筑工作的一些问题。父亲有40 年没做过这样的事情了。每天太阳还没有出来克里斯在一边熨烫衬衣父亲坐在厨房餐桌旁大声朗读他练习写的怎么洗刷墙壁怎么砌一个难砌的墙角的回答。扩展资料:bricklayer n.砖匠He worked as a bricklayer"s mate他给瓦工打下手。He was a bricklayer — a big, strapping fellow.他是位砌砖工——一个高大健壮的小伙子。After he left school, he tried his hand at a variety of jobs — bricklayer, cinema usher, coal man.离开学校后,他尝试过各种工作,如泥瓦匠、电影院引座员、运煤工。
2023-06-08 12:50:081


骸骨护符种类随机但是位置固定High Overseer CampbellBONE CHARM 001Gun position on the guarded bridge. Swim to the chain to sneak to it.BONE CHARM 002Floor above where you found Griff being held by the gang; the Fishmonger building.BONE CHARM 003Dunwall Distillery; Get past the front yard and explore the rafters in the casket room. Use Blink to warp to the caskets and reach the charm.BONE CHARM 004A bricked up storage shed in the "Backyard" of the compound has a charm next to the dead Overseer. Shed is near the extraction point and can be opened using the valve wheel or by skilled platforming (and blinking) through the open window in the building"s back.BONE CHARM 005Overseer Compound Backyard"s Warehouse A. You can use Blink to access the roof and go inside.House of PleasureBONE CHARM 006The room occupied by one of three of Daud"s assassins waiting for Corvo above the Distillery entrance; take out the assassin on the mid-level, then the top-level; the charm is in the top-most room"s storage closet.BONE CHARM 007Find the distillery reserve key (in the same room with the Incendiary Paste schematic); head back outside the distillery"s front yard and open the side gate to the charm.BONE CHARM 008In Granny Rag"s new hangout, the dead-end under the main road past the infected Weepers. The charm is atop her stove.BONE CHARM 009In the Captain"s Chair Hotel, there is a charm under the stairs from the first floor to the second.BONE CHARM 010The locked room on the brothel"s second floor; there is a charm on the fireplace mantle.The Royal PhysicianBONE CHARM 011A side door near the exit from the Southside Gate to Drawbridge Way has a path that goes over a canal lock to a Weeper inhabited room with a charm. Use the top of the raised lock to get the height you need to Blink to the room.BONE CHARM 012At the Midrow Substation, before exiting towards Sokolov"s house (the North End Map), check the basement of the large warehouse for a charm. The rats can be lured to a corpse, then the mass blown up with a grenade. BONE CHARM 013Upon entering the North End map, there is a charm in the building to your left. Jump through the second story window from the street, go through the building, and use the AC units and balconies to reach the third floor where the charm is.
2023-06-08 12:50:211


  窗户,在建筑学上是指墙或屋顶上建造的洞口,用以使光线或空气进入室内。那么你知道窗户用英语表达是什么吗?下面跟我一起学习窗户的英语说法及 造句 吧。    窗户英语说法   window   casement    窗户的英语例句   陡坡就在我窗户外面。   There was a sheer drop just outside my window.   她拉开卧室的窗户,探出身去。   She hauled up her bedroom window and leaned out.   朱迪丝正坐在窗户边的一张摇椅里。   Judith was sitting in a rocking-chair by the window.   透过寝室的窗户,我能看到抗议的人群。   I could see them from my dorm room window.   藤本月季的芳香飘进了窗户。   The scent of climbing roses wafts through the window.   出门之前把窗户关严。   Make the windows secure before leaving the house.   窗户上涂上了浅色以减少强光。   The windows were tinted to reduce the glare.   一楼窗户装有铁栅的砖砌建筑   A brick building with bars across the ground floor windows   窗户外边是一块草地,高高的草随风摇摆。   The windows overlooked a lawn of tall waving grass.   迟来者就在门外和窗户外站着。   The latecomers stood just outside at door and window.   那扇大窗户使这间房间显得很通风。   The large window makes the room seem airy.   所有的窗户都用砖堵住了。   All the windows were bricked up.   打开窗户,让新鲜的空气进来。   Open the window and let in some fresh air.   他们清除了窗户上的喷漆直并且用力的擦洗直到窗户干净透明为止。   They removed paint from the windows and scrubbed them until they sparkled.   每天早上打开窗户,每天晚上开灯时分关上窗户。   Open all windows in the morning and close them before turning on the lights.   这个窗户正好和那个窗户一样宽。   This window is just as wide as that one.   破旧的松木地板歪歪斜斜地铺到一个乔治王时代风格的窗户跟前。   Battered pine floors slanted down to a Georgian window.   他由于忘了带钥匙,便以简单的应急办法从窗户爬进屋里。   As he had forgot his keys, he got into the house by the simple expedient of climbing through the window.   这栋石砌房屋的条件很不错,有新铺的瓦片屋顶,装有百叶窗的窗户还有电力供暖系统。   The stone-built property is in good condition, with a new tiled roof, shuttered windows and electric heating.   窗户相关英语对话:挑选靠窗户的桌子   Table Next to the Window   挑选靠窗户的桌子   Red restaurant.Do you wint to make a reservation?   红色饭店,您想预约吗?   Yes,I"d like to book a table for two this evening.   是的,我想预订张今晚的双人桌。   At what time?   几点?   7:30.By tho way,I would like a table next to the window.   7点30分。顺便说一下,我想要张靠窗户的桌子。   No problem.sir.   没问题,先生。 猜你喜欢: 1. 玻璃用英语怎么说 2. 梳妆台用英语怎么说 3. 方框用英语怎么说 4. 并且用英语怎么说 5. 背景墙用英语怎么说 6. 平台用英语怎么说
2023-06-08 12:50:281

Help! 翻译

室内地面排水坡度0.5%,坡向排水孔。flooring drainage grade is 0.5%, slope direction weep hole.室外砖砌排水沟200*200,长约6m。the demension for ourdoor bricked drainage ditch is 200X200, the length is about 6m.按实量计,沟内侧用1:3水泥砂浆抹面。calculating according to real quantity, mud and sand with the ratio of 1:3 is needed to be plastered onto the inner ditch.
2023-06-08 12:50:471


模型:IPHONE 5的16 gb的黑色  IMEI:013352002296176  系列:C34JJ9BRDTWD  MAC地址:04 f7e4572d08  蓝牙MAC地址:04:f7:e4:57:2d:09   卡通:8618648473877  ICCID:89860015111154021179  产品版本:. x  第一Unbrick日期:10/19/12  去年Unbrick日期:10/19/12  Unbricked:true  解锁:true  解锁日期:10/19/12  活化载体:中国移动——中国中文  原始载体:零售解锁。  初始活化政策描述:79——香港和澳门苹果通道默认激活波里 新机
2023-06-08 12:51:051


为什么天天都有iPhone被偷的啊 下载 查找我的iPhone可以找回
2023-06-08 12:51:122

Beating On Deaths Door 歌词

歌曲名:Beating On Deaths Door歌手:Lamb Of God专辑:SacramentBeating On Death"s DoorLamb of GodSacramentLamb Of God - Beating On Deaths DoorShe"s a slack one, born of greed.Speaking endless words, long and empty.A beggar who still wants to choose,A dethroned queen still demands her dues.If you want something for nothing you take what you get,A virgin whore in a dirty wedding dress.Scream for salvation, beating on death"s door.But just be careful what you wish for.There"s blood stain on the ceiling,But you"re the only duck in the shooting gallery.Trying to look out a bricked-in window,Your destiny lies in the alley below.Trying to see yourself in a shattered mirror,When all else fails, she holds you with broken arms.There"s poison in her veins, but the bitch comes for free,A quick fix for all that you think that you need.Scream for salvation, beating on death"s door.But just be careful what you wish for.The patron saint of fools answers all your request,She"s all yours now, so deal with it.She"s all yours nowShe"s all yours now , so deal with it.She"s all yours nowShe"s all yours now , so deal with it.There"s no shoulder left to cry wolf on,You"re tied in knots that can"t be undone.No more warnings will fall on deaf ears,You lied too many times now no one cares.No one cares.No one cares.No one cares.No one cares.An empty promise with a heart of tin,Her crooked smile beguiles and it draws you within.The hope for something more, all that you wish for,A kick to the head and a boot to the door.Chasing a dragon in a ladies clothes,A paper trail ends in choking smoke.But you know that you lit the match yourself,Play the burning cards you dealtScream for salvation, beating on death"s door.But just be careful what you wish for.The patron saint of fools answers all your request,She"s all yours now, so deal with it.She"s all yours now, so deal with it.She"s all yours now, so deal with it.Broken.Broken.Broken.Broken.Broken.Broken.Broken.
2023-06-08 12:51:191

iphone 3gs软件

现在还没解锁的,更加不会有越狱了。千万别动系统,一旦刷到3.1.3就麻烦了。我的是今年1月买的,昨天刚bricked my device-_-~可以尝试改写下系统包,将验证部分改写为3.1.2,我的已经刷过了才发现这一方法,郁闷~
2023-06-08 12:51:274

鬼妈妈英文简介 100词数

When Coraline moves to an old house, she feels bored and neglected by her parents. She finds a hidden door with a bricked up passage. During the night, she crosses the passage and finds a parallel world where everybody has buttons instead of eyes, with caring parents and all her dreams coming true. When the Other Mother invites Coriline to stay in her world forever, the girl refuses and finds that the alternate reality where she is trapped is only a trick to lure her. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, BrazilA young girl walks through a secret door in her new home and discovers an alternate version of her life. On the surface, this parallel reality is eerily similar to her real life - only much better. But when her adventure turns dangerous, and her counterfeit parents (including Other Mother) try to keep her forever, Coraline must count on her resourcefulness, determination, and bravery to get back home - and save her family.望采纳~
2023-06-08 12:51:341


东南亚国家联盟的前身是由马来西亚、菲律宾和泰国3国于1961年7月31日在曼谷成立的东南亚联盟。1967年8月7日至8日,印度尼西亚、新加坡、泰国、菲律宾四国外长和马来西亚副总理在泰国首都曼谷举行会议,发表了《东南亚国家联盟成立宣言》,即《曼谷宣言》,正式宣告东南亚国家联盟(简称东盟,Association of Southeast Asian Nations -- ASEAN)的成立。东盟成为东南亚地区以经济合作为基础的政治、经济、安全一体化合作组织,并建立起一系列合作机制。东盟的宗旨和目标是本着平等与合作精神,共同促进本地区的经济增长、社会进步和文化发展,为建立一个繁荣、和平的东南亚国家共同体奠定基础,以促进本地区的和平与稳定。东盟成立之初只是一个保卫自己安全利益及与西方保持战略关系的联盟,其活动仅限于探讨经济、文化等方面的合作。1976年2月,第一次东盟首脑会议在印尼巴厘岛举行,会议签署了《东南亚友好合作条约》以及强调东盟各国协调一致的《巴厘宣言》。此后,东盟各国加强了政治、经济和军事领域的合作,并采取了切实可行的经济发展战略,推动经济迅速增长,逐步成为一个有一定影响的区域性组织。除印度尼西亚、马来西亚、菲律宾、新加坡和泰国5个创始成员国外,20世纪80年代后,文莱(1984年)、越南(1995年)、老挝(1997年)、缅甸(1997年)和柬埔寨(1999年)5国先后加入东盟,使这一组织涵盖整个东南亚地区,形成一个人口超过5亿、面积达450万平方公里的10国集团。巴布亚新几内亚为其观察员国。东盟10个对话伙伴国是:澳大利亚、加拿大、中国、欧盟、印度、日本、新西兰、俄罗斯、韩国和美国。东盟主要机构有首脑会议、外长会议、常务委员会、经济部长会议、其他部长会议、秘书处、专门委员会以及民间和半官方机构。首脑会议是东盟最高决策机构,自1995年召开首次会议以来每年举行一次,已成为东盟国家商讨区域合作大计的最主要机制,主席由成员国轮流担任。20世纪90年代初,东盟率先发起区域合作进程,逐步形成了以东盟为中心的一系列区域合作机制。1994年7月成立东盟地区论坛,1999年9月成立东亚-拉美合作论坛。此外,东盟还与美国、日本、澳大利亚、新西兰、加拿大、欧盟、韩国、中国、俄罗斯和印度10个国家形成对话伙伴关系。2003年,中国与东盟的关系发展到战略协作伙伴关系,中国成为第一个加入《东南亚友好合作条约》的非东盟国家。根据2003年10月在印尼巴厘岛举行的第九届东盟首脑会议发表的《东盟协调一致第二宣言》(亦称《第二巴厘宣言》),东盟将于2020年建成东盟共同体。为实现这一目标,2004年11月举行的东盟首脑会议还通过了为期6年的《万象行动计划》(VAP)以进一步推进一体化建设,签署并发表了《东盟一体化建设重点领域框架协议》《东盟安全共同体行动计划》等。会议还决定起草《东南亚国家联盟宪章》以加强东南亚国家联盟机制建设。为了早日实现东盟内部的经济一体化,东盟自由贸易区于2002年1月1日正式启动。自由贸易区的目标是实现区域内贸易的零关税。文莱、印度尼西亚、马来西亚、菲律宾、新加坡和泰国6国已于2002年将绝大多数产品的关税降至0-5%。越南、老挝、缅甸和柬埔寨4国于2015年实现这一目标。 东盟总面积约444万平方公里,人口5.91亿。候选国:东帝汶 观察员国:巴布亚新几内亚(自1976年起) 。 东盟拥有众多定期或不定期发行的出版物,如《东盟年度报告》、《东盟商务通讯》等。
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ROM是只读内存(Read-Only Memory)的简称,是一种只能读出事先所存数据的固态半导体存储器。其特性是一旦储存资料就无法再将之改变或删除。通常用在不需经常变更资料的电子或电脑系统中,资料并且不会因为电源关闭而消失DRAM(Dynamic Random Access Memory),即动态随机存取存储器最为常见的系统内存。DRAM 只能将数据保持很短的时间。为了保持数据,DRAM使用电容存储,所以 必须隔一段时间刷新(refresh)一次,如果存储单元没有被刷新,存储的信息就会丢失。 (关机就会丢失数据)SRAM是英文Static RAM的缩写,它是一种具有静止存取功能的内存,不需要刷新电路即能保存它内部存储的数据SRAM是single-transistor DRAM的缩写,中文全称是单晶体管DRAM。[1]   SRAM不需要刷新电路即能保存它内部存储的数据。而DRAM(Dynamic Random Access Memory)每隔一段时间,要刷新充电一次,否则内部的数据即会消失,因此SRAM具有较高的性能,但是SRAM也有它的缺点,即它的集成度较低,相同容量的DRAM内存可以设计为较小的体积,但是SRAM却需要很大的体积,且功耗较大。所以在主板上SRAM存储器要占用一部分面积SDRAM:Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory,同步动态随机存储器,同步是指 Memory工作需要同步时钟,内部的命令的发送与数据的传输都以它为基准;动态是指存储阵列需要不断的刷新来保证数据不丢失;随机是指数据不是线性依次存储,而是自由指定地址进行数据读写
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东盟——东南亚国家联盟。内有具体设计军事的条款,也不是单指经贸关系,现在主要是东南亚地区和国家之间以及与大国之间对话的群体组织,他们内部没有大国支撑无法形成有效的军事联盟,即使形成也没有大的影响力。 英文Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)。东盟的前身是马来亚(现马来西亚)、菲律宾和泰国于1961年7月31日在曼谷成立的东南亚联盟。1967年8月7-8日,印度尼西亚、泰国、新加坡、菲律宾四国外长和马来西亚副总理在曼谷举行会议,发表了《曼谷宣言》,正式宣告东南亚国家联盟成立。东南亚国家联盟成为政府间、区域性、一般性的国家组织。1967年8月28-29日,马、泰、菲三国在吉隆坡举行部长级会议,决定由东南亚国家联盟取代东南亚联盟。
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2023-06-08 12:48:011

马来西亚和新加坡 原来是一个国家?

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2023-06-08 12:48:081

DRAM与 Mobile DRAM 与NAND三者的区别?

DRAM(Dynamic Random Access Memory),即动态随机存取存储器,最为常见的系统内存。DRAM 只能将数据保持很短的时间。为了保持数据,DRAM使用电容存储,所以必须隔一段时间刷新(refresh)一次,如果存储单元没有被刷新,存储的信息就会丢失。 (关机就会丢失数据)Mobile DRAM(行动内存)是DRAM的一种。DRAM按照产品规格可分为标准型DRAM、利基型DRAM及Mobile DRAM三种。NAND闪存是一种比硬盘驱动器更好的存储方案,这在不超过4GB的低容量应用中表现得尤为明显。随着人们持续追求功耗更低、重量更轻和性能更佳的产品,NAND正被证明极具吸引力。NAND闪存是一种非易失性存储技术,即断电后仍能保存数据。它的发展目标就是降低每比特存储成本、提高存储容量。
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问题一:菲律宾在哪里? 菲律宾共和国(他加禄语:Republika ng Pilipinas),简称菲律宾,位于西太平洋,是东南亚的一个群岛国家,也是一个多民族国家。 简介: 菲律宾人的祖先是亚洲大陆的移民。在14世纪前后,建立了海上强国苏禄王国。1565年,西班牙侵占菲律宾,统治菲300多年。1898年美国占领菲律宾。1942年,日本占领菲律宾。二战后,菲律宾重新沦为美国殖民地。1946年,菲律宾独立。 菲律宾主要分吕宋、米沙鄢和棉兰老三大部分,是东南亚国家联盟(ASEAN)主要成员国,也是亚洲太平洋经济合作组织(APEC)的24成员国之一。 菲律宾为发展中国家,新兴工业国家及世界的新兴市场之一,但贫富差距很大。独立至今,菲律宾经历数次经济快速成长。然而政局时常动荡, *** *** ,社会的不安定已成为阻碍其继续发展的一大因素。 菲律宾是东南亚国家联盟主要成员国,也是亚洲太平洋经济合作组织21个成员国之一。 参考百度百科 问题二:菲律宾靠近中国哪里 海南,南海,他是一个细长的国家,靠大海,四周,海景特别美,环境也不错,不像中国,为了发展牺牲环境。消费极低,人很热情,有必要去玩一下。当地人对游客都不错,政治是当官的事情。但国人一定注意。 问题三:菲律宾在马尔代夫哪边 马尔代夫在西,菲律宾在东 问题四:菲律宾位于中国哪里 在中国 *** ,拉屎的地方,菲律宾就相当于厕所 问题五:菲律宾和中国哪一省交界 菲律宾与中国隔海相望!与中国隔海相望的国家与中国隔海相望的国家有 6 个: 韩国、 日本、 菲律宾、 马来西亚、 文莱、印度尼西亚 与中国距离最近的省是海南省,最近的市是三沙市! 问题六:DAGUPAN在菲律宾的哪里? 达古潘(Dagupan)菲律宾直辖市,位于吕宋岛南部的一个城市,属伊卡洛斯大区班诗兰省,为一市级城市。 问题七:菲律宾哪座城市的华人最多 菲律宾马尼拉人比较多,是菲律宾的首都,那边到处都可以看到中国人,还有很多中国人开的餐馆,商店,公司等等 问题八:菲律宾哪里旅游最好玩? 1.长滩岛 长滩岛(Boracay,也叫做波拉克岛)位于菲律宾中部,马尼拉南部,处于班乃岛的西北尖端,形状如同一个哑铃。整座岛不过7公里长,却有一片长达4公里的白色沙滩,被誉为“世界上最细的沙滩”,还曾被誉为世界七大美丽沙滩之一的岛屿。为了保存小岛的原始风貌,当地人没有兴建码头,所以当游客乘船在岛边靠岸时,会发现没有码头让他们登陆,只能在离岸还有三四十米的浅水中,脱了鞋子,卷起裤脚,背起行李,向岸上慢慢走去。长滩岛是进行水上运动的理想场所,也是可以在海滩上放松身心的极好地方,这里的风格就是摒弃一切束缚 2.爱妮岛 爱妮岛面积为96000公顷,以拥有多样的生态系统而自豪,如热带雨林、红树林、白色的海滩、珊瑚带、石灰石暗礁。现在,它已成为游客首选的旅游目的地。独一无二的自然景观,野生动物自然保护区,不计其数鱼类,都能在爱妮岛找到。Manta rays 是共同的风景线。尤其到了适当的时节,潜水者可看到世界上珍稀海洋哺乳动物的之一-the sea cow,当地人称它为“dugong”。在爱妮岛,食宿随时可供使用,而它有两处胜地-Miniloc island和lagen island。Miniloc island坐落在山坳里,周围为峻峭的石灰石悬崖围绕。 3.巴拉望 巴拉望旅游简介巴拉望岛(Palawan)是菲律宾西南部一个狭长形的海岛,以它的自然和探险吸引着越来越多的游客,这块亚马逊式的丛林内陆地区是菲律宾的最后一块生态处女地,加上周围还有一千多个大小岛屿,被称为海边乌托邦。普林塞萨港(公主港)(Puerto Princesa)是巴拉望的首府,它的地下河公园世界闻名。巴拉望周围有许多大小岛屿,因此也是潜水和浮潜的乐园,较著名的潜水地点有里塔岛 (Rita)、潘丹岛(Pandan)、邦里玛群礁(Panglima)和图巴塔哈群礁(Tubbataha)等,其中图巴塔哈是观赏大海龟和飞禽的好地方。来到此地,除了一定要一探本岛巴拉望上热带丛林与知名的石灰岩地下洞穴水道奇景之外,本岛周遭众多的幽静小岛,如可可乐克小岛千变万化的海底世界与白皙沙滩,如绿岛村民所构成的原始村落景观,更是不能错过的停站地点,是避开人潮,体验巴拉望原始净土风情的最佳方式。 问题九:菲律宾旁边的国家有哪一些 马来西亚,印度尼西亚,中国,日本,澳大利亚,文莱,越南,新加坡
2023-06-08 12:47:222


37毫升。dram[drAm]n.打兰, 英 钱(衡量单位; 在药衡中为1/8 英两=3.887克; 在常衡中为1/16英两=1.771克; 液量打兰=0.037公升)(威士忌酒等的)少许, 一口, 少量a dram drinker爱浅斟慢饮的人DRAM(Dynamic Random Access Memory),即动态随机存取存储器,最为常见的系统内存。DRAM 只能将数据保持很短的时间。 为了保持数据,DRAM使用电容存储,所以必须隔一段时间刷新一次,如果存储单元没有被刷新,存储的信息就会丢失。
2023-06-08 12:47:161


东南亚国家联盟(Association of Southeast Asian Nations),简称东盟(ASEAN)。成员国有马来西亚、印度尼西亚、泰国、菲律宾、新加坡、文莱、越南、老挝、缅甸和柬埔寨。其前身是马来亚(现马来西亚)、菲律宾和泰国于1961年7月31日在曼谷成立的东南亚联盟。总部在印度尼西亚首都雅加达
2023-06-08 12:47:131

东盟十国包括哪些国家 东盟十国的国家是哪些

1、东盟十国:南亚国家联盟(Association of Southeast Asian Nations),简称东盟(ASEAN)。成员国有马来西亚、印度尼西亚、泰国、菲律宾、新加坡、文莱、越南、老挝、缅甸和柬埔寨。 2、其前身是马来亚(现马来西亚)、菲律宾和泰国于1961年7月31日在曼谷成立的东南亚联盟。 3、1967年8月7-8日,印度尼西亚、泰国、新加坡、菲律宾四国外长和马来西亚副总理在曼谷举行会议,发表了《曼谷宣言》(《东南亚国家联盟成立宣言》),正式宣告东南亚国家联盟成立。
2023-06-08 12:47:051


区别:1、集成功耗:SRAM集成度较低,功耗较大。DRAM集成度较高,功耗也较低。2、工作特点:SRAM的特点是工作速度快,只要电源不撤除,写入SRAM的信息就不会消失,不需要刷新电路,同时在读出时不破坏原来存放的信息,一经写入可多次读出。DRAM是动态随机存储器(Dynamic Random Access Memory),它是利用场效应管的栅极对其衬底间的分布电容来保存信息,以存储电荷的多少,即电容端电压的高低来表示“1”和“0”。DRAM每个存储单元所需的场效应管较少,常见的有4管,3管和单管型DRAM。3、用处:采用 DRAM的计算机必须配置动态刷新电路,防止信息丢失。DRAM一般用作计算机中的主存储器。SRAM一般用来作为计算机中的高速缓冲存储器(Cache)。扩展资料:SRAM来作为内存的好处:SRAM存储一位需要花6个晶体管,而DRAM只需要花一个电容和一个晶体管。cache追求的是速度所以选择SRAM,而内存则追求容量所以选择能够在相同空间中存放更多内容并且造价相对低廉的DRAM。DRAM的数据实际上是存在电容里的。而电容放久了,内部的电荷就会越来越少,对外就形成不了电位的变化。而且当对DRAM进行读操作的时候需要将电容与外界形成回路,通过检查是否有电荷流进或流出来判断该bit是1还是0。所以无论怎样,在读操作中我们都破坏了原来的数据。参考资料:百度百科——SRAM百度百科——DRAM
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2023-06-08 12:46:473

one way ticket 有没有中文翻唱朱老师版本的中文歌词

Eruption乐队和大名鼎鼎的Boney M其实可以说是师兄弟的关系, 这两个乐队有一个共同的老板- Frank Farian,组建完Boney M后, Frank Farian又将 Eruption收归旗下,其主唱是后来单飞的著名歌手Precious Wilson, Eruption由于Frank Farian的大力运作,在美国获得巨大成功,正是因为这个原因, Frank Farian没有化太多的精力在美国推广Boney M, 所以Boney M在欧洲的知名度远大于美国. 风格如此的接近,甚至有人认为One Way Ticket来自Boney M也就不足为奇了. 不过它们也确实合作过HOLD ON I"M COMING及LET IT ALL BE MUSIC等曲目。所以~这首歌原唱是Eruption乐队,女主唱Precious Wilson,“One Way Ticket”《单程车票》是他们1979年推出的著名单曲。80年代初期及中期流入中国 脍炙人口。
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