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c:program filesapoint2kapmsgfwd.exe是什么?

进程文件: ApMsgFwd.exe 进程名称: ApMsgFwd.exe 英文描述: N/A进程分析: ALPS触控板驱动相关程序。 进程位置: unknown 程序用途: unknown 作者: unknown 属于: unknown 安全等级 (0-5): N/A (N/A无危险 5最危险) 间谍软件: 否 广告软件: 否 病毒: 否 木马: 否 系统进程: 否 应用程序: 否 后台程序: 否 使用访问: 否 访问互联网: 否


不是好东西,是篡改IE的恶意程序 如果无法删除 建议使用Killbox删除



You have get a point there什么意思?

你讲的有点道理。You have GOT a point there.

though the gleams blind and dazzle yet do they convey a hint of beauty and serenity

gleam 是“闪光”,貌似可数。反正在这个句子里,作者当它可数了....blind 致盲(因为太亮了),dazzle 闪到花眼,俩词都是动词。全句是说 虽然这些光芒令人炫目,但它们展现出一种我们前所未见的美丽与宁静(估计是说恒星的吧?)比较有意思的是这里用了个倒桩:yet do they convey....blablabla,挺有意思,值得学习。

point a中文是什么意思

haveapoint的意思是:正确;中肯;很有道理;有一点。例如:  1、maybehe,andthey,haveapoint.  也许他和他们都有这样一个观点。 2、butihaveapoint.  但是我有一个点。 3、iwantthemtohaveapointofviewandcharacter.  我想让这些照片带有自己的观点和特色。


CWnd::GetClientRectvoid GetClientRect( LPRECT lpRect ) const;此函数用来获取对话框客户区大小。按你的代码,通过rc.Width()和rc.Height()就可以获得客户区的宽度和高度。示例:绘制一条正弦曲线void CMainWindow::OnPaint(){CPaintDC dc(this);CRect rect;GetClientRect(rect);int nWidth = rect.Width();int nHeight = rect.Height();CPoint aPoint[SEGMENT];for (int i=0; i<SEGMENT; i++){aPoint[i].x = (i * nWidth) / SEGMENT;aPoint[i].y = (int) ((nHeight / 2) * (1 - (sin((2*PI*i)/SEGMENT))));}dc.Polyline(aPoint,SEGMENT);}

void ccoordinate:onpaint 怎么画两曲线

在MFC中并没有现成的类或函数实现这一功能。不过有类似的函数,比如:CDC::PolylineToBOOL PolylineTo( const POINT* lpPoints, int nCount );CDC::Polyline BOOL Polyline( LPPOINT lpPoints, int nCount );你可以利用这两个函数,自己编写一个类或函数,实现你想要的画平滑曲线的功能。示例:折线的作用示例——绘制一条正弦曲线#include <math.h>#define PI 3.#define SEGMENT 500void CMainWindow::OnPaint(){CPaintDC dc(this);CRect rect;GetClientRect(rect);int nWidth = rect.Width();int nHeight = rect.Height();CPoint aPoint[SEGMENT];for (int i=0; i<SEGMENT; i++){aPoint[i].x = (i * nWidth) / SEGMENT;aPoint[i].y = (int) ((nHeight / 2) * (1 - (sin((2*PI*i)/SEGMENT))));}dc.Polyline(aPoint,SEGMENT);}


It seems what you said has a point.


Nine points like a point of dignity to give up you a九点像一个尊严点,放弃你

once apoint a time

1 Once in a lifetime 千载难逢的,一生一次的 2 you"ll reach a point Where being a slave is no longer enough你会达到一种不满足于当个奴隶的地步. 3.现在打破锁链的时刻来到了. 4.说出你的想法,照直说.

have a point是什么意思

haveapoint的意思是:正确;中肯;很有道理;有一点。例如:  1、maybehe,andthey,haveapoint.  也许他和他们都有这样一个观点。 2、butihaveapoint.  但是我有一个点。 3、iwantthemtohaveapointofviewandcharacter.  我想让这些照片带有自己的观点和特色。

make apoint of的同义词

make apoint of的同义词lay stress on强调

up to a point,什么意思,是固定用法吗


have a point是什么意思

haveapoint的意思是:正确;中肯;很有道理;有一点。例如:  1、Maybehe,andthey,haveapoint.  也许他和他们都有这样一个观点。 2、ButIhaveapoint.  但是我有一个点。 3、Iwantthemtohaveapointofviewandcharacter.  我想让这些照片带有自己的观点和特色。

make it apoint是什么意思啊?

make it a point对某事特别注意祝学习进步!工作顺利!望采纳!^ _ ^

开机报错 failed to load apoint.dll

动态链接库(Dynamic Link Library,缩写为DLL)是一个可以被其它应用程序共享的程序模块,其中封装了一些可以被共享的例程和资源。动态链接库文件的扩展名一般是dll,也有可能是drv、sys和fon,它和可执行文件(exe)非常类似,区别在于DLL中虽然包含了可执行代码却不能单独执行,而应由Windows应用程序直接或间接调用。在Windows中,许多应用程序并不是一个完整的可执行文件,它们被分割成一些相对独立的动态链接库,放置于系统中。当我们执行某一个程序时,相应的DLL文件就会被调用。DLL文件一般被存放在C:WindowsSystem32目录下。有时在卸载文件时会提醒你删除某个DLL文件可能会影响其他应用程序的运行。所以当你卸载软件时,就有可能误删共享的DLL文件。一旦出现了丢失DLL文件的情况,如果你能确定其名称,可以在Sy**ckup(系统备份文件夹)中找到该DLL文件,将其复制到System32文件夹中。你还可以把系统安装盘中system32中的文件复制到C:WindowsSystem32目录。


You have a point there. I just got the notice.你说对了。我刚才看到通知了。





on the apoint of和 be about to do ,be going to do ,be to do 区别?


具体路径 C:Program FilesApoint2KHidFind.exe 不是好东西,是篡改IE的恶意程序 如果无法删除 建议使用Killbox删除 killbox下载地址: http://fsdown2.it.com.cn/39944//software/firewall/antivirus/20052/IT_ha-killbox20017.rar KillBox 实质是一个删除任意文件的利器,它不管这个文件是EXE还是DLL等其它文件,也不管这个文件是正在运行中,还是被系统调用了,KillBox 都可以简单几步就将文件删除。正因如此,KillBox 在反病毒方面使用非常之棒。现时流行类病毒(蠕虫、木马)很多均为单独的病毒文件,与系统无关,可以安全删除此类病毒文件。但在删除过程,由于病毒的狡滑,总是很难删除,这连国际知名安全软件产商也推荐在安全模式杀毒。有了 KillBox ,一切变得简单多了

make apoint of造句

make a point of doing sth. 重视做某事。为了实现四个现代化,我们要重视学习其他国家的先进科学和技术。 其它例子:I knew her well, and I make a point of drinking a glass of sherry with a couple of eggs beaten up in it before I come.我很了解她,因此我来赴宴之前,决心先喝了一杯雪利酒,还搅了两个鸡蛋在里面。Coaches make a point of supporting and inspiring their team members, helping them to consistently bring their best efforts to their jobs.教练鼓励、支持自己的员工,可以帮助他们坚持不懈地尽全力努力来从事工作。If someone sends you a gift, make a point of thanking them the next time you meet.当有人送你礼物时,下次见面时一定要谢谢他。Maybe you should make a point of soliciting alternative views, or consciously stop yourself from doing all the talking.或许你应该想方设法寻求不同的观点,或许你要有意识地克制自己停止唠唠叨叨。Birdsong seemed to make a point of sounding uncultured and dressed the same way.伯德桑说话时好象故意显得没文化并且打扮得也一样。They make a point of paying me for my trouble.他们必须给我钱来酬劳我的辛苦。Punctual people always make a point of being a little early.准时的人总是有意识地稍微早一点儿。I always make a point of checking that all the windows are close before I leave.出门前我总是要检查所有的窗户是否都关好了。Some women like to mastermind total makeovers, so they make a point of dating fixer-uppers.一些女性希望能彻底整容,于是她们就跟整容医师预约时间了。Make a point of seeing the Great Wall when you are in Beijing.你去北京的话,长城值得一看。

Java问题 为一个Cricle类添加一个方法,计算一个点(point对象)是否在圆(Cricl

已知圆心坐标cx,cy;半径r;点坐标px,py点相对圆心坐标p2x = px-cx;p2y = py-cy;点到圆心距d*d = p2x*p2x+p2y*p2yd-r<0则在圆内


三角形的周长和面积:public class point { private Double intx; private Double inty; public point(Double intx, Double inty) { super(); this.intx = intx; this.inty = inty; } public Double getIntx() { return intx; } public void setIntx(double intx) { this.intx = intx; } public Double getInty() { return inty; } public void setInty(double inty) { this.inty = inty; }}public class trianglete {private point aPoint = new point(new Double("0"),new Double("0")); private point bPoint = new point(new Double("0"),new Double("0")); private point cPoint = new point(new Double("0"),new Double("0")); private Double A = new Double("0"); private Double B = new Double("0"); private Double C = new Double("0"); public boolean setri (Double ax,Double ay,Double bx,Double by,Double cx,Double cy) { if ((ax.equals(bx) && ax.equals(cx)) || (ay.equals(by) && ay.equals(cy))){ // 这里可以追加其他的判断 三点不在一条直线 任意两点的坐标相同 等等 return false; } else { aPoint.setIntx(ax); aPoint.setInty(ay); bPoint.setIntx(bx); bPoint.setInty(by); cPoint.setIntx(cx); cPoint.setInty(cy); return true; } } public double getGirth() { A = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(aPoint.getIntx()-bPoint.getIntx(),2)+Math.pow(aPoint.getInty()-bPoint.getInty(),2)); B = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(aPoint.getIntx()-cPoint.getIntx(),2)+Math.pow(aPoint.getInty()-cPoint.getInty(),2)); C = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(bPoint.getIntx()-cPoint.getIntx(),2)+Math.pow(bPoint.getInty()-cPoint.getInty(),2)); return A+B+C; } public double getArea(){ Double z; Double H; z = (-Math.pow(B,2) + Math.pow(C,2)+Math.pow(A,2)) / 2 / C; H = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(A,2)-Math.pow(z,2)); return H*C/2; }}public class testmain { public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub trianglete mainMethod = new trianglete(); boolean checkResult = mainMethod.setri(new Double(0),new Double(0), new Double(0), new Double(3), new Double(4), new Double(0)); if (checkResult) { System.out.println("Girth:" + mainMethod.getGirth()); System.out.println("Area:" + mainMethod.getArea()); } else { System.out.println("坐标不正确"); } }}输出该对象的属性:public class person { private String name; private String sex; private Integer age; public person(String name, String sex, Integer age) { super(); this.name = name; this.sex = sex; this.age = age; System.out.println("姓名:" + this.name); System.out.println("性别:" + this.sex); System.out.println("年龄:" + this.age); } public person() { super(); }}public class testPerson { public static void main(String[] args) { person personInfo = new person("张三","男",18); }}打字也挺累的,给分吧



apoint g700 左键带震动的鼠标怎么样


up to a point,什么意思,是固定用法吗


have a point是什么意思


appoint sb. (to sth.)





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win10系统提示apoint.exe开机报错 找不到dll文件

是不是软件或文件损坏了?如果是软件卸载重装。请问原不这样吧?如果是,出事前您在电脑上干了什么,下载什么了,什么东西有异常,如果想起什么追问我说说,如果您己也不知怎么引起的,建议还原系统或重装。Win7810还原系统,右击计算机选属性,在右侧选系统保护,系统还原,按步骤做就是了,如果有还原软件,带的映像备份,并且进行了备份,也可以用软件、映像备份还原系统Apoint.dll控件常规安装方法(仅供参考):一、如果在运行某软件或编译程序时提示缺少、找不到Apoint.dll等类似提示,您可将从脚本之家下载来的Apoint.dll拷贝到指定目录即可(一般是system系统目录或放到软件同级目录里面),或者重新添加文件引用。二、您从我们网站下载下来文件之后,先将其解压(一般都是rar压缩包), 然后根据您系统的情况选择X86/X64,X86为32位电脑,X64为64位电脑。默认都是支持32位系统的, 如果您不知道是X86还是X64,您可以看这篇文章。三、根据软件情况选择文件版本。此步骤比较复杂如果是Windows的dll文件版本号以5.0开头的或含有 nt 一般是windows2000的文件。版本号以5.1开头的或含有 xp、xpsp1、xpsp2、xpsp3 信息的一般是windowsXP的文件。版本号以6.0开头的或含有 longhorn、vista 信息的一般是windowsVista的文件。版本号以6.1开头的或含有 win7 信息的一般是windows7的文件。版本号以6.2开头的或含有 win8 信息的一般是windows8的文件。版本号以6.3开头的或含有 win8.1 信息的一般是windows8.1的文件。版本号以10.0开头的或含有 win10 信息的一般是windows10的文件。如果不是windows的dll文件则需要灵活查看版本号、描述、网友提供的信息、以及相关dll的版本号去判断。四、直接拷贝该文件到系统目录里:1、Windows 95/98/Me系统,将Apoint.dll复制到C:WindowsSystem目录下。2、Windows NT/2000系统,将Apoint.dll复制到C:WINNTSystem32目录下。3、Windows XP/WIN7/win10系统(64位系统对应64位dll文件,32位系统对应32位dll文件),将Apoint.dll复制到C:WindowsSystem32目录下。

开机报错 Apoint.exe






关于Antenna Port的理解

经常有朋友问,什么是“Antenna Port”,怎么理解这个概念?是物理天线么?是DMRS Port么?究竟该怎么理解呢?下面介绍一下这个概念。 在3GPP协议里面,"Antenna Port"的定义如下: “An antenna port is defined such that the channel over which a symbol on the antenna port is conveyed can be inferred from the channel over which another symbol on the same antenna port is conveyed. There is one resource grid per antenna port.” "There is one resource grid per antenna port.The set of antenna ports supported depends on the reference signal configuration in the cell" 其实这个是个逻辑概念,它具体的含义是对应了其关联的Reference Signal.而且一个antenna port占用一个资源格。 从LTE的MIMO的演进来看,随着其关联的Reference Signal的变化,它对应的指代也有所变化: 从上面的定义可以看出来,LTE的MIMO的演变过程: (1)对于常见的传输模式TM3/TM4,其Antenna Port关联的是CRS,这里的Precoding Matrix定义的是Layer 到 Antenna Port(即CRS Port)之间的转换。仅Data 进行Precoding的处理,而CRS Port并不进行Precoding处理,它们与Precoding之后的Data在频域上进行组合。如果实际的物理天线,或者TxU 有多个,可以在设计Antenna Port到物理天线转换(TxRu)的矩阵。 (2)因Beamforming的引入,到了TM7/TM8,引入了UE Specific RS, 其Antenna Port关联的是UE Specific RS,这里协议没有规定特定的Precoding Matrix,是由基站可以基于TDD的互易性来自行设计Beamforming Weight(也可以称Precoding matrix),Layer 数目等于UE Specific DMRS Port数目,Layer mapping 到 precoding 模块,数据是透传,再跟UE Specific的DMRS 进行组合后,再进行beamforming,这里的beamforming实际上是完成的 从Antenna Port(UE-Specific DMRS)到物理天线(TxRu)转换的过程,这个过程可以通过乘以 TxRu数目*Antenna Port 数目 的矩阵实现。这里的Antenna Port数目就是DMRS port数目。 从下图可以看出来,Data和UE-specific DMRS 都进行了beamforming (3)到了TM9以后,将原来由CRS完成的两个功能拆分开来: - UE-Specific DMRS 完成数据解调功能: 对应Antenna Port 7~14 - CSI-RS 完成信道测量功能:对应Antenna Port 15~22 (rel14 扩展到最多32 Port,15~46) 从上面更清楚的看到Antenna Port是与其关联的RS 符号相关联的。所以不要脱离关联的RS符号谈Antenna Port。 而UE上报的PMI对应指示的Precoding Matrix 其对应的antenna port是指CSI-RS ports. 其UE-Specific DMRS Port则跟Layer数目一一对应。 所以TM9 数据处理过程与TM8类似,layer到UE-Specific DMRS port是一一映射,并且同时进行beamforming,或者说这里的precoding是在layer(UE-Specific DMRS port)到Antenna Port之间的转换,这里的Antenna Port对应的是DL 发送的CSI-RS Port。如果CSI-RS Port跟TxRU 数目一致的话,那么这里的Antenna Port就对应于一个射频通道。 TM9 with PMI/RI report的工作机制如下: 发送None-BF 的CSI-RS信号给UE,UE 对CSI-RS port进行测量,遍历不同layer对应的Precoding matrix (维度为CSI-RS port number * layer number),选出对应的PMI/RI进行上报,eNB根据UE上报的PMI确定其layer 到 Antenna Port 转换的precoding matrix NR的mimo是从LTE的TM9/TM10演进的,NR完全抛弃了CRS信号,直接借用LTE后续演进的TM9/TM10, 分别定义UE-Specific DMRS和CSI-RS 对应完成不同的功能。同时也支持None-BF CSI-RS 和 BFed CSI-RS信号。

1 It is( )thought to be a plant of africa,but no one knows exactly the( )of this plant,because w

It is( originally 副词,修饰动词think )thought to be a plant of africa,but no one knows exactly the( origin名词。起源)of this plant,because we don"t have any( original 形容词 原始的 )materiabl about it它一开始被认为是非洲的一种植物但是没有人确切的知道这种植物的起源。因为我们没有任何关于它的原始资料。 Kelly wrote a letter to him to(apoloize动词不定式 )for her calling her nickname,,but him didn"t accept her(apology名词。道歉 )凯利写封信为喊他绰号的事道歉。但是他不接受她的道歉。第二句有两个错误纠一

the brace position is oneof the most important t

自我保护姿势是乘客在飞行途中应该会做的几件事之一。brace positions:

英语翻译要全文的,首句是when I was a boy,there was but one permanent amb

棰樼洰搴旇?鏄疶he Boys" Ambition鍟? When I was a boy,there was but one permanent ambition among my rades in our village on the west bank of the Mississippi River.That was,to be a steamboatman.We had transient ambitions of other sorts,but they were only transient.When a circus came and went,it left us all burning to bee clowns; the first negro minstrel show that came to our section left us all suffering to try that kind of life; now and then we had a hope that if we lived and were good,God would permit us to be pirates.These ambitions faded out,each in its turn; but the ambition to be a steamboatman always remained. Once a day a cheap,gaudy packet arrived upward from St.Louis,and another downward from Keokuk.Before these events,the day was glorious with expectancy; after them,the day was a dead and empty thing.Not only the boys,but the whole village,felt this.After all these years I can picture that old time to myself now,just as it was then:the white town drowsing in the sunshine of a summer"s morning; the streets empty,or pretty nearly so; one or two clerks sitting in front of the Water Street stores,with their splint-bottomed chairs tilted back against the wall,chins on breasts,hats slouched over their faces,asleep-- with shingle-shavings enough around to show what broke them down; a sow and a litter of pigs loafing along the sidewalk,doing a good business in watermelon rinds and seeds; two or three lonely little freight piles scattered about the "levee;" a pile of "skids" on the slope of the stone-paved wharf,and the fragrant town drunkard asleep in the shadow of them; two or three wood flats at the head of the wharf,but nobody to listen to the peaceful lapping of the wavelets against them; the great Mississippi,the majestic,the magnificent Mississippi,rolling its mile-wide tide along,shining in the sun; the dense forest away on the other side; the "point" above the town,and the "point" below,bounding the river-glimpse and turning it into a sort of sea,and withal a very still and brilliant and lonely one.Presently a film of dark *** oke appears above one of those remote "points;" instantly a negro drayman,famous for his quick eye and prodigious voice,lifts up the cry,"S-t-e-a-m-boat a-in"!" and the scene changes!The town drunkard stirs,the clerks wake up,a furious clatter of drays follows,every house and store pours out a human contribution,and all in a twinkling the dead town is alive and moving.Drays,carts,men,boys,all go hurrying from many quarters to a mon center,the wharf.Assembled there,the people fasten their eyes upon the ing boat as upon a wonder they are seeing for the first time.And the boat is rather a handsome sight,too.She is long and sharp and trim and pretty; she has two tall,fancy-topped chimneys,with a gilded device of some kind swung between them; a fanciful pilot-house,a glass and "gingerbread",perched on top of the "texas" deck behind them; the paddle-boxes are gorgeous with a picture or with gilded rays above the boat"s name; the boiler deck,the hurricane deck,and the texas deck are fenced and ornamented with clean white railings; there is a flag gallantly flying from the jack-staff; the furnace doors are open and the fires glaring bravely; the upper decks are black with passengers; the captain stands by the big bell,calm,imposing,the envy of all; great volumes of the blackest *** oke are rolling and tumbling out of the chimneys-- a hu *** anded grandeur created with a bit of pitch pine just before arriving at a town; the crew are grouped on the forecastle; the broad stage is run far out over the port bow,and an envied deckhand stands picturesquely on the end of it with a coil of rope in his hand; the pent steam is screaming through the gauge-cocks,the captain lifts his hand,a bell rings,the wheels stop; then they turn back,churning the water to foam,and the steamer is at rest.Then such a scramble as there is to get aboard,and to get ashore,and to take in freight and to discharge freight,all at one and the same time; and such a yelling and cursing as the mates facilitate it all with!Ten minutes later the steamer is under way again,with no flag on the jack-staff and no black *** oke issuing from the chimneys.After ten more minutes the town is dead again,and the town drunkard asleep by the skids once more. My father was a justice of the peace,and I supposed he possessed the power of life and death over all men and could hang anybody that offended him.This was distinction enough for me as a general thing; but the desire to be a steamboatman kept intruding,nevertheless.I first wanted to be a cabin-boy,so that I could e out with a white apron on and shake a tablecloth over the side,where all my old rades could see me; later I thought I would rather be the deckhand who stood on the end of the stage-plank with the coil of rope in his hand,because he was particularly conspicuous.But these were only day-dreams,-- they were too heavenly to be contemplated as real possibilities.By and by one of our boys went away.He was not heard of for a long time.At last he turned up as apprentice engineer or "striker" on a steamboat.This thing shook the bottom out of all my Sunday-school teachings.That boy had been notoriously worldly,and I just the reverse; yet he was exalted to this eminence,and I left in obscurity and misery.There was nothing generous about this fellow in his greatness.He would always manage to have a rusty bolt to scrub while his boat tarried at our town,and he would sit on the inside guard and scrub it,where we could all see him and envy him and loathe him.And whenever his boat was laid up he would e home and swell around the town in his blackest and greasiest clothes,so that nobody could help remembering that he was a steamboatman; and he used all sorts of steamboat technicalities in his talk,as if he were so used to them that he forgot mon people could not understand them.He would speak of the "labboard" side of a horse in an easy,natural way that would make one wish he was dead.And he was always talking about "St.Looy" like an old citizen; he would refer casually to occasions when he "was ing down Fourth Street," or when he was "passing by the Planter"s House," or when there was a fire and he took a turn on the brakes of "the old Big Missouri;" and then he would go on and lie about how many towns the size of ours were burned down there that day.Two or three of the boys had long been persons of consideration among us because they had been to St.Louis once and had a vague general knowledge of its wonders,but the day of their glory was over now.They lapsed into a humble silence,and learned to disappear when the ruthless "cub"-engineer approached.This fellow had money,too,and hair oil.Also an ignorant silver watch and a showy brass watch chain.He wore a leather belt and used no suspenders.If ever a youth was cordially admired and hated by his rades,this one was.No girl could withstand his charms.He "cut out" every boy in the village.When his boat blew up at last,it diffused a tranquil contentment among us such as we had not known for months.But when he came home the next week,alive,renowned,and appeared in church all battered up and bandaged,a shining hero,stared at and wondered over by everybody,it seemed to us that the partiality of Providence for an undeserving reptile had reached a point where it was open to critici *** . This creature"s career could produce but one result,and it speedily followed.Boy after boy managed to get on the river.The minister"s son became an engineer.The doctor"s and the post-master"s sons became "mud clerks;" the wholesale liquor dealer"s son became a barkeeper on a boat; four sons of the chief merchant,and two sons of the county judge,became pilots.Pilot was the grandest position of all.The pilot,even in those days of trivial wages,had a princely salary--from a hundred and fifty to two hundred and fifty dollars a month,and no board to pay.Two months of his wages would pay a preacher"s salary for a year.Now some of us were left disconsolate.We could not get on the river-- at least our parents would not let us. So by and by I ran away.I said I never would e home again till I was a pilot and could e in glory.But somehow I could not manage it.I went meekly aboard a few of the boats that lay packed together like sardines at the long St.Louis wharf,and very humbly inquired for the pilots,but got only a cold shoulder and short words from mates and clerks.I had to make the best of this sort of treatment for the time being,but I had forting daydreams of a future when I should be a great and honored pilot,with plenty of money,and could kill some of these mates and clerks and pay for them.

the who eminence front 歌词 有中文的更好

呵呵 侠盗猎车里面的主题曲The 1 shinesAnd people forgetThe spray flies as the speedboat glidesAnd people forgetForget they"re hidingThe girls smileAnd people forgetThe snow packs as the skier tracksAnd people forgetForget they"re hiding.Behind an eminence frontEminence front - It"s a put on.Come on join the partyDress to killWon"t you come and join the partyDress to kill.The drinks flowPeople forgetThat big wheel spins, the hair thinsPeople forgetForget they"re hidingThe news slowsPeople forgetThe shares crash, hopes are dashedPeople forgetForget they"re hiding.Behind an eminence frontEminence front - it"s a put onCome on join the partyDress toCome on join the partyDress toCome on join the partyDress toCome on join the partyDress to killDress yourself, dressed to kill不好意思没有中文

Eminence Front 歌词

歌曲名:Eminence Front歌手:The Who专辑:It"S HardThe Who - Eminence FrontThe sun shinesAnd people forgetThe spray flies as the speedboat glidesAnd people forgetForget they"re hidingThe girls smileAnd people forgetThe snow packs as the skier tracksAnd people forgetForget they"re hiding.Behind an eminence frontEminence front - It"s a put on.Come on join the partyDress to killWon"t you come and join the partyDress to kill.The drinks flowPeople forgetThat big wheel spins, the hair thinsPeople forgetForget they"re hidingThe news slowsPeople forgetThe shares crash, hopes are dashedPeople forgetForget they"re hiding.Behind an eminence frontEminence front - it"s a put onCome on join the partyDress toCome on join the partyDress toCome on join the partyDress toCome on join the partyDress to killDress yourself, dressed to kill.http://music.baidu.com/song/7993417



英语Eminence Front怎么翻译?

eminence front隆起前沿前方的高地

Apology (Monty Python And The Holy Grail) 歌词

歌曲名:Apology (Monty Python And The Holy Grail)歌手:Monty Python专辑:Monty Python And The Holy GrailChris Brown - ApologyYou don"t even call anymoreIt"s so different from the way it was beforeEveryday I hear your pretty voiceI have no choice but to be all alone without youThere"s so many mistakes we make in loveCause still im thinking this is something we can salveI take all the blame for breaking your heartBut you can"t let it tear us apartBecauseShe didn"t mean anything to me (nothing)She wasn"t the one I see in my dreams (oh noo)Girl you know it ‘aint trueIf you believe (yeeah)Please except my apology (please except my apology)I didn"t mean to hurt you girlI didn"t se myself settle downBut I knew from the first time you came aroundFrom the moment I looked into your eyesI never want to see you cry over meBut I knew if we got serious in loveWe would never ever wanna break it upI wasn"t ready for you until this dayCould you believe when I say thatShe didn"t mean anything to me (no she didn"t)She wasn"t the one I see in my dreams (no she was not)Girl you know it ‘aint true (yeeah)If you believePlease except my apology (baby I didn"t mean)I didn"t mean to hurt you girlShe didn"t mean anything to me (no she didn"t)She wasn"t the one I see in my dreams (no she was not)Girl you know it ‘aint true (yeeah)If you believePlease except my apology (baby I didn"t mean)I didn"t mean to hurt you girlShaGuar & Moyilehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2683570

Introduction to 与Introduction of 有什么区别

to后面跟的是introduction所要介绍给的对象of 跟的是introduction的所属事物例:This is the introduction to the machine. 这是对这款机器的介绍。This is the introduction of myself. 这是我的自我介绍。


这个是加泰罗尼亚语突出的 主要的 意思能给满意么?



preeminent 与 eminent 的区别


Eminent雅士的行李箱密码一般是多少 ?

xgǒu订Аacゎl酡u订АcゎqЯyㄙ舀 可以4考虑在淘宝购买呀。价格还便宜。只要慎重选择,不z会买到假货的。



imminent;eminent;eminence 这英语在美式英语中怎么读?求谐音的读法~

imminent 谐音 依咪能特eminent 谐音 埃米能特eminence 谐音 埃米能斯

famous eminant notable有什么区别

famous指受到公众广泛的公认,并为大家所熟悉、热爱和尊敬,含有名气、名声在外的意思,可用于人、事物等; eminent, distinguished, prominent这三个词都可表示“某事物处于比较突出的地位”。prominent强调与别人相比而显得“重要”或“著名”; eminent和distinguished则指因本身的卓越才能或优良素质而显得“著名”或“与众不同”。notable多形容物用作形容词 (adj.)The difference contrast is notable.差别对比是显著的。This book had a notable impact on literature and art.这本书对文学艺术产生显著的影响。Tsim Sha Tsui is a notable tourist destination.尖沙咀是著名的游客区。You can also take in some of the notable architectural monuments.你也可以将一些著名的纪念性建筑包括在参观的项目中。收起用作名词 (n.)He is the most notable son of Manchester.他是曼切斯特最显赫的名人。


高档级别知名品牌。Eminent开创于1979年,公司总部iwc万国通道有限责任公司坐落于中国台湾台南市,迄今早已发展趋势变成世界上最大的PC、ABS、PP、涤纶、聚脂类的旅行箱、包、袋及休闲用品之相关工作人员进行安装、生产制造及营销公司。 「Eminent 雅士旅行箱」的商品曾一度得到中国台湾经济部的「精典奖」及外贸协会的「优质产品设计奖」,并获经济发展部颁「前十名商品设计奖」荣誉,也得到日本国「通产省」多选「最出色赏」,2012北京一跃喜获我国箱包皮具领跑知名品牌头衔。人们坚信,惟有艺术创意的设计方案,能够把握住顾客苛刻的食欲,从艺术创意明确提出、制图设计方案、模具加工、烧录交货等每一环节,速率均比同行业快一歩,这都是iwc万国通道的核心竞争力。

eminent是什么意思 《德语助手》德汉

adj. 卓越的,杰出的,非凡的


eminent和imminent都是形容词,词形相似,但词义不同。eminent指“著名的”,“卓越的”,“杰出的”;imminent指“即将发生的”,“迫在眉睫的”。 eminent例句 1.The order was created in 1902 as a special distinction for eminent men and women 该勋位设立于1902年,作为一项殊荣授予杰出的男性和女性。 2.He is an eminent dancer/ doctor/ lawyer. 他是位杰出的舞蹈家/医生/律师。 3.She invoked several eminent scholars to back up her argument. 她援引了几位赫赫有名的学者来支持她的论点。 4.He is eminent among architects. 他在建筑师中声誉卓著。 5.He is one of the three eminent professors in the college. 他是这所大学三名杰出教授之一。

【英语】prominent和eminent的区别 请问这两个词的区别.

eminent: 显赫的,有名的,优良的(形容人或人的品质) prominent . 卓越的, 显著的, 突出的, 凸出的 (形容人或物) 区别在于:后者可以形容物,有凸出或打眼的意思. 比如The building is prominent. Your nose is prominent in the face. Her photo was prominently displayed on his desk eminent形容人时有"尊敬"的意思,有道德高尚的意思. Eminent contains the idea of respected. Prominent has the idea of being well-known and important. 从上面的解释可以看出,他们的一点差别.例如: For example, a pop star might be prominent but they probably wouldn"t be described as eminent.


「Eminent 」创立于1979年,总公司万国通路股份有限公司(2004年上市)位于台湾台南市,至今已经发展成为世界最大的PC、ABS、PP、尼龙、聚酯类的旅行箱、包、袋及休闲用品之专业设计、制造及销售公司。年产量达600万只提箱,90%出口欧美日等已开发国家。两岸三地的三家工厂总计员工逾5000名。 基本介绍 外文名 :Eminent 中文名 :雅士箱包 品牌公司 :万国通路 子品牌 :eminent拉杆箱,eminent旅行箱 品牌理念,品牌故事,获奖情况,行销通路,重要纪事,旗舰店, 品牌理念 【 品牌名称】 EMINENT 「万国通路」(为亚洲业界第一家通过ISO 9001:2008国际质量认证。「责任、荣誉」是我们秉持的宗旨,「确保质量,满足顾客」是我们努力的大目标,我们拥有严谨完整的质量保证制度及作业系统;由进料到制造,再经由严格检验完成出货,每个步骤都灌注了「Eminent 雅士」无尽用心和无限期许。为了维持最好的质量,所有产品在出厂前,都必须经过最严格的检验,本着求真、求善、求美的精神与承诺,在广大市场中不断耕耘,造就了客户对 「Eminent 雅士」的品牌忠诚度。 品牌故事 以制造专业旅行箱起家的「万国通路与eminent雅士」,早在三十年前,就已经用自创品牌EMINENT(雅士)行销世界,并将台湾人的名声逐渐传遍全球五大洲八十多个国家,若以国际箱包袋的市场占有率来看,EMINENT 更是名例世界前五大品牌。此外,万国通路的代工设计品牌(ODM)的旅行箱更是其它世界大品牌的最爱,日本的DUNLOP、义大利的BENETTON、法国的DELSEY、甚至旅行箱界天王,美国的Samsonite,都是万国通路的客户。若依产量来说,全球每年有六百万个旅行箱出自万国,产量全球数一数二。一九八0 年代初期,接下日本百货通路业者协和株式会社(KYOWA)的订单是万国进军国际的转折点。创办人谢明振董事长为了稳住协和这个难得客户,除了投资设备并强化流程管理,后来才渐渐获得协和的信任。时至今日,协和已经成为EMINENT 雅士全球前三大的代理商。日本虽是EMINENT雅士攻下的第一座城池,但真正让EMINENT雅士跻身为国际名牌的一仗,是在欧洲。 一九九四年,谢董事长挟著在日本锐不可挡的气势,长驱直入欧洲。「当时连找个代理商都没人愿意!」谢董事长说,为了在欧洲立稳脚步,他深知在当地找代理商,「以夷制夷」的策略势在必行,因此在整个欧洲景气最萧条的时候,于英国购买一笔占地一万三千平方米的仓库作为据点;而为了吸引代理商与万国合作,甚至将股份分给代理商,并以EMINENT 为名成立公司,打着英国人经营,英国人的公司为旗帜,淡化当地消费者对有色人种东方产品的岐见,并由品牌概念较弱的乡村经营起,亦步亦趋地蔓延到整个英国。同时为了强化品牌知名度,只要有机会参加大型展览,谢董事长必定尽最大的努力,让摊位更大、更美,不惜耗费巨资,让EMINENT 成为知名品牌。凭著既有的优良质量,加上越发强势的品牌知名度与品牌忠诚度,EMINENT 在欧洲简直无往不利。其中,在全欧拥有近两百家百货公司通路的Kaufhof(K.F.),成为EMINENT全球最大的代理商,进而将整个商品铺陈在全欧的K.F.体系据点,一路由德国挺进了东欧,K.F.更在许多据点将其它品牌撤柜,独卖EMINENT,使得EMINENT 在德国成为名副其实的箱包第一品牌。 获奖情况 「Eminent 雅士拉杆箱」的产品曾多次获得台湾经济部的「精品奖」及外贸协会的「优良设计产品奖」,并获经济部颁「十大产品设计奖」殊荣,也获得日本「通产省」多项「最优秀赏」,2012在北京一举荣获中国箱包领先品牌称号。我们相信,唯有创意的设计,才能抓住客户挑剔的胃口,从创意提出、绘图设计、模具开发、量产出货等每个阶段,速度均比同业快一步,这也是万国通路的竞争优势。 行销通路 「Eminent 雅士」于欧洲、亚洲大部份国家,均设立各销售通路点,并点、线连成的全球销售网路,提供全球旅客旅行箱的销售服务。 产品外销比重高达90%,主要市场集中在欧、美、日。本着自创品牌及自行开拓的行销通路,坚持「品牌是根、通路是脚」的理念,行销全球五大洲八十余国三十多年而倍受肯定。在欧盟,尤其是德国的通路行销,则是与KAUFhOF连锁百货集团合作以「百货专柜」性质设立据点。这也是台湾箱包界,甚至业界在欧洲唯一,以自创品牌设立百货专柜的公司。而其它欧盟国家如英国、法国、义大利、西班牙、丹麦、瑞典等地,也以各区代理独立经营的行销模式,运用在整个欧陆而大放异彩! 「Eminent 雅士」在品牌成立之初,首先就选择这日本及欧洲市场,做为迈入品牌国际大门的钥匙。因为董事长谢明振深深体会市场的竞争,不能再以「低价格」为导向,消费型态大幅度的改变,以及产品生命周期的短促,主流市场将以「设计」与「质量」来进行产品的评价;因此,「Eminent 雅士」坚持走出一条属于自己、适合自身企业体质的路。如今每年对日本市场的出口额,高居总营业额的25%,而欧洲市场的销售额也与前者不相上下,再次印证谢董事长的前瞻性理念!在欧洲,德国的地理位置居于欧陆中心,交通网四通八达,故德国的市场通路是最具代表的行销据点。德国最大的A级百货公司─KAUFhOF遍布全欧陆。单单在德国本土,即有120余家连锁百货公司,其规模之庞大并不是一般人可以想像的,而万国通路(9950)则以其EMINENT品牌,突破传统的打独斗销售模式,也摒除「好东西一定贵」的迷思,与KAUFhOF百货集团合作,以专柜性质于其各大百货公司设立据点,并在各个百货公司的一楼黄金地点进行统一装潢包装品牌形象,正式推出高贵不贵的EMINENT品牌形象,这也是台湾箱包界,甚至制造业在欧洲唯一以自创品牌设立百货专柜的公司;也由各区代理独立经营,将这样的行销模式运用在整个欧陆而大放异彩!至于美国市场,虽然起步较慢,但却在交出一份亮丽的成绩单,急起直追的与世界各大品牌策略联盟合作,不仅借力使力,也同时分食并大幅提升市场占有率,这形同如虎添翼,将提箱销售版图再次扩大。 谢明振董事长认为,虽然万国通路的自有品牌与OEM/ODM之比率为6:4,但他说他个人的目标是:「市售各类箱包袋产品,消费者选来选去都是万国通路制造的箱包!」。万国通路就如同它的名字,要让全球每个国家都看到EMINENT制造的箱包,来塑造“MADE INEMINENT”之品牌专业形象进行全球行销! 重要纪事 1979 成立「万国提箱股份有限公司」 1984 台湾第二期扩厂,投资巨资增建新厂房 1985 开始以自创品牌Eminent雅士成功外销日本 1987 台湾第三期扩厂,扩充ABS生产产能 1990 系列产品荣获贸协「台湾优良设计产品奖」 1991 董事长荣获「台湾十大青年创业楷模」殊荣 1991 斥资千万美元于台湾成立PP射出厂与全自动化生产设备 1992 台湾业界产品唯一获得「最佳产品设计奖」 1995 斥资千万美元成立海外厂─「安迈特提箱(东莞)有限公司」 1997 射出箱E777荣获「十大产品设计奖」 2000 台湾公司更名为「万国通路股份有限公司」 2004 台湾业界唯一股票挂牌上市公司(代号:9950) 2004 获台湾经济部选为「台湾潜力优良品牌」 2005 台湾第一家专业旅行生活馆于台南开幕并陆续展店 2006 董事长入围「第一届致远年度创业家(EOY)」大奖 2007 连续二年获经济部选为「台湾优良品牌」 2008 连续12年入围「天下杂志1000大」 2008 董事长荣任「台湾区手提包输出业同业公会」理事长 2010 董事长荣任台湾上市公司企业主组织─「亿载会」第八届会长 2010 台湾高铁各站专柜同步开幕 2011 董事长续任「台湾区手提包输出业同业公会」理事长 2011 与台湾台南市 *** 签订投资12亿意向书于台南归仁区设定新厂 2012 荣获2012中国箱包领先品牌称号 2012年,Emi雅士先后建立官网商城和天猫旗舰店,全面启动B2C网路零售市场 旗舰店 EMINENT雅士旗舰店 万国通路于1979年成立,一开始就打自有品牌,历经时间的累积,坚持不断创新、开发、专业的精神指标,深获全球客户之肯定,「Eminent 雅士」品牌通过和德国百货通路商的合作,顺利在欧洲打下江山,尔后接续于日本、美国建立通路,拥有全球性销售网,许多人于国外买了高档旅行箱包回国后,却完全不知真正生产厂商位于中国。 2005年9月第一家旅行用品专卖旗舰店─「万国通路旅行生活馆」在台湾台南市成立。无论商品需求、销售方式及后勤补给、客户服务等,均已订出一套标准作业程式。如今以稳定速度扩充各城市据点,提供最好之商品及销售环境以满足广大之消费者需求。 至今已经在全台湾各地陆续设立了近50家直营专卖店,秉持着「人潮即钱潮」的理念,2010年七月又在台湾高铁全台六大站,同步设立了直营专卖据点,而在中国大陆的北京、上海、深圳、天津、广州、成都、武汉、青岛、大连、西安、南京……等一线城市的百货店设有专柜,再加上其他各省各代理商及批发商的营业点,几乎已涵盖全中国的行销通路,以服务「Eminent 雅士」品牌的忠实冬粉。


eminent: 显赫的,有名的,优良的(形容人或人的品质)prominent . 卓越的, 显著的, 突出的, 凸出的 (形容人或物)区别在于:后者可以形容物,有凸出或打眼的意思。比如The building is prominent.Your nose is prominent in the face.Her photo was prominently displayed on his deskeminent形容人时有"尊敬"的意思,有道德高尚的意思.Eminent contains the idea of respected.Prominent has the idea of being well-known and important.从上面的解释可以看出,他们的一点差别.例如:For example, a pop star might be prominent but they probably wouldn"t be described as eminent.


eminent是一个英语单词,形容词,作形容词时意为“ 杰出的;有名的;明显的”。单词发音:英[u02c8emu026anu0259nt]美[u02c8emu026anu0259nt].短语搭配1.eminent domain 征收 ; 征用权 ; 土地征用权2.eminent t 着名的 ; 卓越的 ; 雅士 ; 杰出的3.Eminent Clan 望族4.eminent physician 医中翘楚5.eminent economist 着名经济学家6.eminent virtue 特殊功效7.eminent scholars 知名学者双语例句1.Eminent painters all excel at poetry and calligraphy.杰出的画家都擅长诗歌和书法。2.If Faust and Don Quixote are eminent creations of art, this is because of the immeasurable nobilities they point out to us with their earthly hands.如果说浮士德和堂吉诃德是艺术创作的杰出代表,这是因为他们用尘世的双手向我们指出了无限崇高之处。3.All goddesses have an eminent status in the ancient myths and legends in the world.在世界各民族的神话传说中,女性神都具有十分显赫的地位。


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谁能详细跟我解释下garment clothing clothes costume apparel dress wear这些单词的区别...

garment 一件衣服apparel 服饰clothing ing 表示总称clothes 口语costume 戏服,特殊服饰dress 女士礼服wear 动词名词化,穿戴之物

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Apparel Garment amp;Clothing 三者有什么区别吗,请教

首先这三个词都是服装的统称。Garment 有点老,类似于我们中午民国时期的半白话时的用法。Clothing 比较口语话。 Apparel 比较中性,比较客观,现在比较常用。



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谁能说明一下 apparel,garment,textile 的区别,谢谢


安室奈美惠的want me的中文翻译是什么???


安室奈美惠 want me want me的中文歌词

*Want me, want me 扯掉了 胸前的钮扣 兴奋过头  Wait a minute 暂停一下 稍安勿躁冷静下来 手足无措的两人 like a virgin 不过可别忘了 TrojanI am oochie, la la poppin" coochie 难以压抑地 want me, baby Oh boy, you are sooooo hot 好久不曾有这样的心情 已经不知重覆了多少回Ah, hey. gimme one mo" stroke Ah, ah, I can do you Yeah, yeah, you can do meAnything you want me to go I can do you, I can do you 探索每一个细节 从头到脚全不放过 Baby, let me taste it, taste it 没有言语的交谈 Up & down, in & out 就这样 bounce with me *Repect Oh boy, 有一点high过了头Why don"t we tryna go nice & slow1 2 3 4 take a breath, look at my eyes直到习惯了刺激 slow down 探索每一个细节 从头到脚全不放过 Baby, let me taste it, taste it 不怕厌倦地 *RepectHa, ha, ha, ha, touch it, touch it, touch it × 4 No body can do you, do you like me No body can do me, do me like youHa, ha, ha, ha, touch it, touch it, touch it × 2Want Me, Want Me作词:MICHICO作曲:MICHICOWant me, want me はじく飞ぶ胸のボタン 焦りすぎてwaitaminute ちょっと待った落ち着いて手取り足取り手こずる二人は like a virginでも忘れないでね TrojanI am oochie. la la poppin" coochie押さえ切れずに want me. babyoh boy. you are sooooo hotこんな气分は久しぶりもう何度も缲り返してるのにAh..... hey gimme one mo" strokeAh ah I can do youYeah yeah You can do meAnything you want me to doI can do you. I can do youすみからすみまでうらから おもてまでどこもかしこもBaby, let me taste it. taste it.言叶の无い会话Up & down. in & outこうやってbounce wit meWant me, want me はじく飞ぶ胸のボタン 焦りすぎてwaitaminute ちょっと待った落ち着いて手取り足取り手こずる二人は like a virginでも忘れないでね TrojanI am oochie. la la poppin" coochie押さえ切れずに want me. babyOh boy. 少し飞ばしすぎWhy don"t we tryna go nice & slow1 2 3 4 take a breath. look at my eyes刺激に惯れてくるまで slow downOoo~~~スミカラスミマデウラカラオモテマデドコモカシコモBaby, let me taste it. taste it.あきれるほどにWant me, want me はじく飞ぶ胸のボタン 焦りすぎてwaitaminute ちょっと待った落ち着いて手取り足取り手こずる二人は like a virginでも忘れないでね TrojanI am oochie. la la poppin" coochie押さえ切れずに want me. babyHa ha ha ha touch it. touch it. touch it. ×4No body can do you do you like meNo body can do me do me like youHa ha ha ha touch it. touch it. touch it. ×2(罗马)* Want me, want me hajike tobumune no BOTAN aserisugiteWaitaminute chotto mattaochitsuite tedori ashidoritekozuru futari wa like a virgindemo wasurenaide ne TrojanI am oochie, la la poppin" coochieosaekirezu ni want me, babyOh boy, you are sooooo hotkonna kibun wa hisashiburimou nando mo kurikaeshiteru noniAh..... hey gimme one mo" strokeAh ah I can do youYeah yeah you can do meAnything you want me to doI can do you, I can do yousumi kara sumi made ura karaomote made doko mo kashiko moBaby, let me taste it, taste itkotoba no nai kaiwaUp & down, in & outkouyatte bounce wit me* repeatOh boy, sukoshi tobashisugiWhy don"t we tryna go nice & slow1 2 3 4 take a breath, look @ my eyesshigeki ni narete kuru made slow downOoo~~~?sumi kara sumi made ura karaomote made doko mo kashiko moBaby, let me taste it, taste itakireru hodo ni* repeatHa ha ha ha touch it, touch it, touch it x4No body can do you do you like meNo body can do me do me like youHa ha ha ha touch it, touch it, touch it x2

Apparel ,Garment & Clothing 三者有什么区别吗,请教?

apparel是衣服的卖家用的比较多,如商场楼层指示牌上或者购物网站的类别写成women"s apparel, children"s apparel,clothing特指某种衣服,如sports clothing.garment比较正式,一般是服装行业和时尚行业用。修饰另一个名词的时候用的比较多,如garment manufacturer,garment rack其实区别不大,很多时候两两之间可以混用

Emission footprint 是什么意思

....Emission footprint ....排放的覆盖区前面可用定语表示。。。的排放满意的话请点击“满意”【采纳】

Translate the following sentences into English,using the words and phrases in brackets.

She realized the potential risks of her situation for the first time.Unless I am very busy,i will go shopping tomorrow.I"m sorry that this coat of the color and size you need is not available.This medicine have an instant effect on the patient.The approaches of teachers vary from one to another

matlab for循环的Unbalanced or misused parentheses or brackets


omplete the sentences according to the statements given in the brackets(根据括号中的语句完成句子)

你好,很高兴回答你的问题,正确答案为:① what did nancy like doing when she was free② we enjoyed ourselves last summer holiday ③ sometimes parents have different ideas ④ what kind of music did you like in the past?⑤ which band is your favorite?**************************************************************************^__^真心祝你学习进步,如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问,另外如果你觉得我的回答对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟!**************************************************************************
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