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A Pregnant Woman in the sun

  She had nearly dozed away the whole lazy afternoon, with her eyelash loose down and some naughty hairs playing and rejoicing on her forehead.   Occasionally, she would knit her brows out of a surge of pain. But when relief came she would smile again and relish once more the enchanting curve of her abdomen, feeling the fresh pulse of the child inside.   The afternoon went by quietly, of which the highlight might be butterfly that kept pestering her. Now it had alighted on her chair, wings shining in the setting sun, triggering her childlike fantasy. Her finger could not help but snail its way toward the little creature. Nearer and nearer, until the butterfly was finally between her delicate fingers. After a while, she decided to release it. No sooner had she slightly opened her fingers than the little creature sprang right up into the air, as vigorous, she thought, as her future child would be.   So, always, true vitality resides in tranquility, as real beauty in love.   简 评   文章篇幅虽短,但对孕妇的描写非常到位,有外表、神态、动作和心理状态的描写,勾勒出了一位充满爱心的准妈妈的形象,非常鲜明饱满。   文章的最后一段点明主题:真正的美在于爱这份高尚的情感中。   此外,值得一提的是文章的用词非常优美而准确,如some naughty hairs playing and rejolcmg on her forehead;knit her brows out Of a surge Of para;the enchanting curve Of her abdomen等。在描写抓蝴蝶的动作时Her finger could not help but snail its way toward the little creature.Nearer and nearer,until the butterfly was finally between her delicate fingers.无不充满了生活的情趣。   (点评教师:黄莺)

Central sea 是什么意思 还有Inspiration, 是什么意思

Central sea 中海inspiration [,inspu0259"reiu0283u0259n]基本翻译n. 灵感;鼓舞;吸气;妙计网络释义INSPIRATION:灵感 | 启发 | 吸气

The lovely girl is pregnant with a baby


be pregnant with是什么意思


请您帮忙翻译:Do not use if you are pregnant,lactating,

1,警告 :如果你是怀孕者,分泌乳汁,不要使用,接受药物治疗,让医生为条件或者在 physicans 照料之下。 2,这些使泄气还没有被食物药品管制局评估。这些产品不想要的是诊断,对待,治疗,或避免任何的疾病。Do not use if you are pregnant,lactating,:如果你是怀孕者,分泌乳汁,不要使用,

would precum get me pregnant

No, I don"t think so.to make sure and offical, i quote a short passage here:Can You Get Pregnant With Precum?Precum is more accurately known as pre-ejaculate. This is a bodily fluid that seeps out of the penis during intercourse. Most men don"t even notice it, and more importantly, they do not have any control over it. While it was originally thought that pre-ejaculate contained sperm, further investigation revealed that the majority of pre-ejaculate fluid had dead or no sperm at all.However, it is possible for small amounts of sperm to exit your reproductive system and make its way into the precut. So, can you get pregnant with precum? Well, generally-speaking, the answer is NO. However, there are rare cases in which living sperm can be present in precum, making conception possible.


heavily pregnant已怀孕多时; 挺着大肚子双语例句1Heavily pregnant by now, Alice and her bump went shopping.爱丽丝现在已怀孕多时,还挺着肚子去买东西。2When a woman was heavily pregnant or otherwise indisposed, she and her children were dependent on other women in the group.当妇女孕期到达一定的时候或者是身体不舒服的时候,她与她的孩子们都要依赖于群体中其他的妇女照顾。

pregnant mom什么意思


A Pregnant woman_一个怀孕的女人英语作文400字

One day, after school on A weekend, I got on a 262nd bus with my heavy backpack. The trunk was so crowded that the dull air was stifling. I gripped the handrail tightly in order not to fall. The bus got the Shuanghu station,A woman came up with a big belly. She carried a bag in her left hand and A little kid about five or six years old in her right hand. When she got into the car, she grabbed the handrail and staggered out of the bag, pulled out a bus card and put it on the sensor with a swipe of the card. I looked at her sympathetically, wondering how she would choose to ride in the car at this time during the rush hours and also it was the weekend. If I had a seat, I would stand up and let her sit down for a while. "Enyone could help her and let the lady a seat." The conductor was shouted on the megaphone. The people in the car were surging up, and they all looked at the pregnant woman. The girl nearest to her stood up and helped the aunt to sit carefully in her seat. The woman thanked her and asked her daughter to sit on her lap. The little girl seemed to have never been A countryside. She kept asking lots of questions, an and her mother was reluctant to use "um, ah" to the curious child. I have a grudge against this little girl who didn"t care for her mother . The bus bumped along the road . The setting sun shone warm through the Windows into the car. How wonderful this world is, everyone helped each other, has a beautiful mind, full of positive energy. "Dong", a sound coming, people wondered what was going on. Just heard the little girl said, "mom, how do you put my balloon in your stomach and you broke it now? You must buy me A new one!" The "pregnant woman" blushed and said nothing. The bus arrived at A busstop and the woman took the baby quietly off the bus. Aseries of murmurs and curses behind them.

求来自星星的你Every Moment Of You 音译歌词

Everytime I leave to head out on the road 每次当我上路I wanna take you with me to save me from the cold 都想与你同去,让我风寒无惧No matter where I go wrong 无论做错何事You"ll be there to turn it into right 你都及时出现,帮我搞定一切I will love you every moment of my life 我将爱你终生When I"m on an airplane, flyin" cross the sky 当我乘坐飞机,飞越九霄云外I know you"re on a trainride, stations passin" by 你却挤上火车,经过每个小站No matter what the signs say 无论命运如何However in my mind you are by my side 你都在我心里,时刻形影不离will love you every moment of my life 我将爱你终生Everyone misses something 思念无处不在And I know time changes everything 我知道时间能改变一切All the love that you have to give 包括你对我的一片深情You should give just as lost as you"re holding that someone 但你在我身边,就要好好对我I"d travel cross the great lakes to get to where you are 我愿穿越万水千山,只为追随你的脚步And even if forever wouldn"t be too far 即使永远没有多远,为你我也在所不惜So baby when you asked me 所以每当你恳求我To be the leading lady by your side 做你身边的女主角I promised to love you every moment of my life 我都许下承诺,我将爱你终生Everyone misses something 思念无处不在And I know time changes everything 我知道时间能改变一切All the love that you have to give 包括你对我的一片深情You should give just as lost as you"re holding that someone 但你在我身边,就要好好对我Everytime I leave to head out on the road 每次当我上路I wanna take you with me to save me from the cold 都想与你同去,让我风寒无惧No matter where I go wrong 无论做错何事You"ll be there to turn it into right 你都及时出现,帮我搞定一切I will love you every moment of my life 我将爱你终生When I"m on an airplane, flyin" cross the sky 当我乘坐飞机,飞越九霄云外I know you"re on a trainride, stations passin" by 你却挤上火车,经过每个小站No matter what the signs say 无论命运如何However in my mind you are by my side 你都在我心里,时刻形影不离I will love you every moment of my life 我将爱你终生I will love you every moment of my life 我将爱你终生Love you every moment of my life…… 爱你终生……


是都表示怀孕.表示怀孕的动 作只能用conceive,pregnant 表示状态,可表示怀孕有多 长时间.如果你对此答案满意的话,

pregnant的过去分词 紧急!快点告诉我!谢谢啦! 那么“怀孕”的英语以及过去分词是什么?

pregnant是形容词,所以过去式是was pregnant. pregnant-pregnant-pregnant,动词不常用,要用也多是被动语态.


她很含蓄。 吧?这句话只有一段内容吗?






pregnant的意思是:怀孕的;富有意义的。双语例句1、She"s pregnant。她怀孕了。2、Lisa was, unbelievably, pregnant again。莉萨又怀孕了,真让人难以相信。3、She"s six months pregnant。她怀孕6个月了。4、Marianne had told me that she was pregnant again。玛丽安娜告诉我她又怀孕了。5、Never douche if you are pregnant。怀孕期间不能采用冲洗治疗。6、How long has she been pregnant?她怀孕多久了?7、She got pregnant and was turned out of the house by her parents。她怀孕了,父母把她赶出了家门。8、Women who do not ovulate regularly have difficulty in becoming pregnant。妇女排卵期不正常就不易受孕。

有一首英语歌,是女的唱的,一开始就唱,有些歌词大概是every monent all my

Whenever I say your name,whenever I call to mind your faceWhatever bread"s in my mouth,whatever the sweetest wine that I tasteWhenever your memory feeds my soul,whatever got broken becomes wholeWhenever I"m filled with doubts that we will be togetherWherever I lay me down,wherever I put my head to sleepWhenever I hurt and cry,whenever I got to lie awake and weepWhenever I kneel to pray,whenever I need to find a way I"m calling out your nameWhenever those dark clouds hide the moonWhenever this world has gotten so strangeI know that something"s gonna changeSomething"s gonna changeWhenever I say your name, Whenever I say your name, I"m already praying, I"m already prayingI"m already filled with a joy that I can"t explainWherever I lay me down, wherever I rest my weary head to sleepWhenever I hurt and cry, whenever I got to lie awake and weepWhenever I"m on the floorWhatever it was that I believed beforeWhenever I say your name, whenever I say it loud, I"m already prayingWhenever this world has got me down, whenever I shed a tearWhenever the TV makes me mad, whenever I"m paralyzed with fearWhenever those dark clouds fill the sky, whenever I lose the reason whyWhenever I"m filled with doubts that we will be togetherWhenever the sun refuse to shine, whenever the skies are pouring rainWhatever I lost I thought was mine whenever I close my eyes in painWhenever I kneel to pray, whenever I need to find a wayI"m calling out your nameWhenever this dark begins to fallWhenever I"m vulnerable and smallWhenever I feel like I could dieWhenever I"m holding back the tears that I cryWhenever I say your name, whenever I call to mind your faceI"m already prayingWhatever bread"s in my mouth, whatever the sweetest wine that I tasteWherever I lay me down, wherever I rest my weary head to sleepWhenever I hurt and cry, whenever I"m forced to lie awake and have to weepWhenever I"m on the floorWhatever it was that I believed beforeWhenever I say your name, whenever I say it loud, I"m already prayingWhenever I say your name,No matter how long it takes,One day we"ll be togetherWhenever I say your name,let there be no mistake that day will last foreverlet there be no mistake that day will last foreverWhenever I say your name,No matter how long it takes,One day we"ll be togetherWhenever I say your name,let there be no mistake that day will last foreverlet there be no mistake that day will last foreverWhenever I say your name,No matter how long it takes,One day we"ll be togetherWhenever I say your name,let there be no mistake that day will last foreverlet there be no mistake that day will last forever


adj. 怀孕的, 怀胎的 She is a pregnant woman. 她是一名孕妇。 含蓄的, 意味深长的 His words were followed by a pregnant pause. 他说完话, 接着是一段意味深长的停顿。 孕育着…的, 预示着…前景的




pregnant [u02c8pregnu0259nt]a.怀孕的,妊娠的


adj. 怀孕的;孕育着…的;富于想象的;富于成果的 See your practitioner before becoming pregnant.怀孕前咨询下你的护理师。一般是说怀孕的


pregnant:怀孕She is pregnant.

有首歌的歌词有一句歌词叫loving you everymoment on my life ? everyone miss something?

莎拉蔻娜阿姨的歌。。。专辑《Key To My Soul》 。。。歌名就是Every Moment Of My Life


pregnant 英[u02c8pregnu0259nt]美[u02c8pru025bɡnu0259nt]adj. 怀孕的;孕育着…的;富于想象的;富于成果的[例句]See your practitioner before becoming pregnant.怀孕前咨询下你的护理师。

Every Moment Of My Life Sarah Connor 要这首歌的中文谐音 ,我不懂英文,但是很想学,希望大家帮个忙

诶吴瑞 木门特 噢付 买 睐付 撒吃 靠呢

I will love you every moment of my life 可否翻译成:我将在此生的每时每刻爱你



pregnant的读音:英 [u02c8preɡnu0259nt],美 [u02c8preɡnu0259nt]。释义:adj.怀孕的;妊娠的;含义深远的;意义重大的;意味深长的;怀孕一段时间的。短语搭配:pregnant women孕妇。pregnant woman孕妇;妊妇;怀孕妇女。pregnant wife怀孕的妻子。pregnant mother孕妇。pregnant girl怀孕的女孩;怀孕的女生。双语例句:She was heavily pregnant with her second child.她沉甸甸地怀着第二胎。Pregnant women lusting for pickles and ice cream.特想吃泡菜和冰淇淋的孕妇。Most pregnant women abstain or drink very little.大多数孕妇都戒酒或只喝很少的一点。Smoking when pregnant can harm your baby.怀孕期间吸烟可能对婴儿有害。She is pregnant. / She got herself in the family way./ She"s expecting.她有喜了。She is pregnant and can"t do heavy work any more.她现在身怀六甲,不能再干重活儿。

be pregnant with是什么意思


Capturing every moment of my life.是什么意思?非常感谢!

Capturing every moment of my life.

《Every moment of my life》的中文歌词?

[00:00.07]Rebecca Black - My Moment 我的时刻[00:08.85]Weren"t you the one who said that I would be nothing 你不是那个说我一无是处的人么[00:13.99]Well, I"m about to prove you wrong 但是现在我要向你证明我自己[00:16.64]I"m not the only one who believes in something 我不是那个唯一相信有奇迹的人[00:21.85]My one wish is about to come true 我的愿望将要实现[00:25.15]I"m not stopping for you 我不会因为你而停止[00:27.41]No matter what you do 不论你做什么[00:29.15]I"ll just keep on dreaming 我将一刻不停地怀有我的梦想[00:32.89]My head up in the clouds when nobody"s around to see... 即使没有人加油驻足,我也会昂起我的头[00:39.54][00:40.24]This is my moment, my moment 这是属于我的一刻,我的一刻[00:43.91]It"s my time, flying high, lime light 这是我的时刻,在高空飞翔,成为万众瞩目的焦点[00:48.04]Feels like my moment, my moment 感觉我的时刻,我的这一刻[00:51.76]I"ve waited for so long 我等待了太长时间[00:54.38]But now everybody knows this is my moment, my moment 但是每个人都知道,这是我的时刻,这是我的一刻[00:59.36][01:00.53]It"s my time, flying high, lime light 这是我的时刻,在高空飞翔,成为万众瞩目的焦点[01:04.23]Feels like my moment, my moment 感觉我的时刻,我的这一刻[01:07.84]I"ve waited for so long 我等待了太长时间[01:10.66]But now everybody knows this is my moment,但是每个人都知道,这是我的时刻,这是我的一刻[01:14.55][01:22.07]You knew it all along, I was afraid of you 你一直都知道,我有些害怕你[01:26.89]I thought I couldn"t be myself 我想这不是我自己[01:29.69]You tried to be my friend 你想做我的朋友[01:32.54]But I wouldn"t let you 但是我不会同意[01:34.79]Remember what you said 你记得你说过什么[01:37.95]Don"t miss out on your chance 不要错失你的机会[01:40.76]Your life is in your hands 你的生命在你自己手中掌握[01:42.70]So take it just as far as you can 那么尽你全力达到更远的地方[01:46.30]But trusting in youself, forget everyone else 要一直相信自己,忘记其他所有人[01:51.24][01:51.74]Believe... 相信```(以下是重复)[01:53.48]This is my moment, my moment [01:56.98]It"s my time, flying high, lime light [02:01.18]Feels like my moment, my moment [02:04.68]I"ve waited for so long [02:07.47]But now everybody knows this is my moment, my moment [02:12.87][02:14.13]It"s my time, flying high, lime light [02:17.36]Feels like my moment, my moment [02:21.18]I"ve waited for so long [02:23.56]But now everybody knows (重复至此)[02:26.13]Haters, said I"ll see you later 对我怀恨于心的人们,我要和你们说再见了[02:29.58]Can"t talk to you right now 我现在不愿和你们讲话[02:31.58]I"m getting my paper 我有自己的任务[02:33.42]Said I"m doing big things 我有重要的事情去做[02:35.64]Things you never dreamed of 那些你们想也想不到的大事[02:37.75]I hope you are happy cause I"m "bout to blow up 我希望你们会感到高兴,因为我将会一飞冲天[02:41.96](以下又重复)[02:43.92]This is my moment, my moment [02:48.15]It"s my time, flying high, lime light [02:52.12]Feels like my moment, my moment [02:55.97]I"ve waited for so long [02:58.43]But now everybody knows this is my moment, my moment [03:03.55][03:05.40]It"s my time, flying high, lime light [03:08.16]Feels like my moment, my moment [03:11.96]I"ve waited for so long [03:14.64]But now everybody knows this is my moment[03:20.09](至此结束)我帮忙凑了个数 翻译的不到位的地方见谅啊~~嘿嘿

Every Moment Of My Life是什么意思

Every Moment Of My Life 我生命中的每一刻

50 Cent的《New Day》 歌词

歌曲名:New Day歌手:50 Cent专辑:New DayParty people say, party people sayAy it"s a new day, it"s a new dayWorld is gettin" ready, everybody"s ready, yeah!For a new day, for a new day, celebrate and sayA-A-A-A-A-A-A-AyeI woke up this morning thinking "bout the old meWhen I was feeling like, miller light and OEBut now I ride on some conscious shitI"m getting bread while I toast to my accomplishmentsOnly one I can have a problem with is myselfIt"s probably why my only competition is myselfFrom today to the morningThe Doctor just rock to the same drumFuck the past, forgot where I came fromI got the club rockin", uhI got your girl jockin, uhMe and Fif" still in this bitchWe going the distance with you party people come"onParty people say, party people sayAye it"s a new day, it"s a new dayWorld is gettin" ready, everybody"s ready, yeah!For a new day, for a new day, celebrate and sayA-A-A-A-A-A-A-AyeNow you can get your knees on the Church floor break it betterOr push the door on the liquor store, see where it get yaBut me I got to be on topI said me I get to be on topI got the street on lockI"m on automatic pilotAint nobody stopping meGrowing up in poverty aint filled my heart with larcenyNiggas ride out on high, I dump to get "em offa meI"m a leader, natural born boss of meThey from Bel Air, I"m from the bottomSoon as I spot "em I get to drop "emI got "em I cut my piece and I dot "emIt"s dinner time when the 9 come outIt"s off the chain off, offa the brain moveBang, off with ya brainClocks on the wallIt"s now or never at allI"m gonna give it my all, oh-ooohWhether I rise or fall, oh-ooohTrue story I said I"d get rich or die tryingI did it, good luck sucker, tryna stop my shineNothing matters but the musicMusic my first loveWe paper chasin", I"m always coming in first cuzI"m built for it, see I"m better under pressureI react like a maniac when I"m coming to get yaI got to win, Em" watch and Dre watch and my son watchingFuck that, losing aint an optionI"m sharp I"m on pointThe ink from my ballpointThrowing out my painI"m back on my A-gameI"m focused, for me this is just another victoryExcept that I"m stronger than an ox now mentally50 Cent - New Day (feat Dr. Dre & Alicia Keys)SplendidyangQ:199651031http://music.baidu.com/song/16591368

Pregnant person是什么意思?


economic(依靠农民) pregnant(扑来个男的)


love is pregnant什么意思

love is pregnant爱是怀孕了例句:1.Even loved ones from your midst, love will never die, life is like a dream, the dream always was pregnant with sorrow, although joy and tears, nightmare association wants not to stay, to continue your footsteps. 即使所爱的人离你远去,爱永不消失,人生就像一场梦,梦境中总是有喜有悲,尽管欢乐与泪水交织,噩梦总会消逝,不要停留,继续你的脚步。



pregnt woman什么意思

孕妇pregnant 简写成了pregnt

be pregnant什么意思

怀孕啦!举个栗子:Tracy was pregnant

(She Got Me) Pregnant 歌词

歌曲名:(She Got Me) Pregnant歌手:Sparks专辑:Exotic Creatures Of The DeepR. Kelly featuring Tyrese, Robin Thicke and The-Dream - PregnantGirl you make me wanna get you pregnantGirl you make me wanna get you pregnantLay your body down and get you pregnant (Knock you up)Pregnant (Knock you up)Now usually I leave the club with a girl who has a manAnd take her to a hotel for just a one night standSee I"m a playa so I ain"t tryna take her on no datesBut much like my patron, man I"m just tryna take it straightUntil I met this girl in the club with an unbelievable bootyThe sweetest girl in the world and I mean it on top of that she"s a cutieI ain"t seen nothing like her around here in a whileAnd if I had a girl she"d be the one to bear my childTelling myself I"m a playa so I keep tryna shake it offBut I keep seeing this big old house with a picket fence and a dogNever felt nothing like this, she"s more than a mistressI"m "bout to handle my business, then put that girl in my kitchenGirl you make me wanna get you pregnant (Oh, that"s what I told her)Girl you make me wanna get you pregnant (Ooh ooh ooh)Lay your body down and get you pregnant (Knock you up)Pregnant (Knock you up)All the pretty ladies please line up right next to meHow would you like to go on a little trip with your boy TyreseRaise your hand if you want me to fulfill your fantasiesI can have you co-starring in one of my moviesTell me what your name is, I can make you famousWe can pop champagne and, get right down to sexingNow I ain"t got nothing to do, tonight I got away from my crewI just wanna put some in you, and I can tell that you want it too(Eh eh eh eh eh) Eh (Eh eh eh eh eh)I"m rea-eh-eh-dy babe, you"re rea-eh-eh-dy babeSo come on ladies, get up out of this clubKells" dreaming, "Rese after party, come on, fuck with usGirl you make me wanna get you pregnant (You make me wanna)Girl you make me wanna get you pregnant (Get you pregnant)Lay your body down and get you pregnant (Pregnant babe) (Knock you up)Pregnant (Knock you up)Ooh this song"s got me hungry baby babySo tell me that you want me baby babyAnd girl I"ll love you till the sun shines (Sun shines)And girl I promise I will make you mine (Mine, babe)Around the world in and out of clubs hanging with chicks (Oh oh)And I don"t see nothing wrong with having a kid (Ooh ooh)Sounds like heaven"s calling us (Ooh ooh)And girl well it"s about making loveIf you choose me I guarantee that the rest of your life would be man drama free(Oh oh oh oh oh) Wow (Oh oh oh oh oh)I think both of us should leave this clubAnd get somewhere alone with meWhere there"s no phones to ring, and plant this magic seedGirl you make me wanna get you pregnant (You make me wanna)Girl you make me wanna get you pregnant (Get you pregnant)Lay your body down and get you pregnant (Knock you up)Pregnant (Knock you up)Your house, my house, don"t matter, heat it upYour city, my city, don"t matter, give it upSomething about being with you make me wanna babyPut them pills on chill, and girl give me my babyYou can play all you want, but I know you feel it tooFor 3 weeks you"ve been talking about extra bedroomsIn New York meeting with the realtorThere"s something you wanna tell me, just say it, I"ll pay itOh girl, I"ma take care of youAnd I"ma still hold you like we"re brand newSo don"t get it twisted for 30 some weeksI"m still gon" hit it, and baby sit it, baby sit itGirl you make me wanna get you pregnant (You make me wanna*2)Girl you make me wanna get you pregnant (Pregnant)Lay your body down and get you pregnant (Knock you up)Pregnant (Knock you up)Take you out to eat uh uh, wine and dine uh uhShopping spree uh uh, you"re sexing me uh huhSee I"m not cheap or selfish babeGirl I"m just thirst for that booty babeAnd it"s all you fault, baby you look so goodIt"s all your fault that it feels like woodAnd you look so bored up in this club, so let"s goWe can hop in Lamborghini, roll to my big homeEh eh eh eh babe (Shawty), let"s go crazy (Oh)Let"s make eh eh girl, lilttle KellyBaby I got goodies and I want you to have someAll I ask is you let me explore your secret gardenGirl you make me wanna get you pregnant (Get you pregnant)Girl you make me wanna get you pregnant (Oh, pregnant)Lay your body down and get you pregnant (Knock you up)Pregnant (Knock you up, girl)http://music.baidu.com/song/7568086

pregnant 英语单词怎么背



先看同一句话表达法:She is expecting (ie is pregnant with) her first child. 她不久要生头胎. 都有怀孕的意思,区别如下expecting v.intr.(不及物动词) (1) To look forward to the birth of one"s child. Used in progressive tenses: 期望孩子诞生:期待某人小孩的降生。用于进行时: His sister is expecting in May. 他的姐姐将在五月分娩 (2) To be pregnant. Used in progressive tenses: 怀孕,用于进行时: My wife is expecting again. 我妻子又怀孕了 pregnantpregnant: [ "pregnu0259nt ] a. 怀孕的She got pregnant and was turned out of the house by her parents. 她怀孕了, 父母把她赶出了家门. vt. 怀孕How long has she been pregnant? 她怀孕多久了?


maternityn.母性, 母道adj.孕妇的, 产妇的, 产科的pregnantadj.怀孕的, 重要的, 富有意义的, 孕育的一个指具体,一个指抽象

R. Kelly的《Pregnant》 歌词

歌曲名:Pregnant歌手:R. Kelly专辑:UntitledR. Kelly featuring Tyrese, Robin Thicke and The-Dream - PregnantGirl you make me wanna get you pregnantGirl you make me wanna get you pregnantLay your body down and get you pregnant (Knock you up)Pregnant (Knock you up)Now usually I leave the club with a girl who has a manAnd take her to a hotel for just a one night standSee I"m a playa so I ain"t tryna take her on no datesBut much like my patron, man I"m just tryna take it straightUntil I met this girl in the club with an unbelievable bootyThe sweetest girl in the world and I mean it on top of that she"s a cutieI ain"t seen nothing like her around here in a whileAnd if I had a girl she"d be the one to bear my childTelling myself I"m a playa so I keep tryna shake it offBut I keep seeing this big old house with a picket fence and a dogNever felt nothing like this, she"s more than a mistressI"m "bout to handle my business, then put that girl in my kitchenGirl you make me wanna get you pregnant (Oh, that"s what I told her)Girl you make me wanna get you pregnant (Ooh ooh ooh)Lay your body down and get you pregnant (Knock you up)Pregnant (Knock you up)All the pretty ladies please line up right next to meHow would you like to go on a little trip with your boy TyreseRaise your hand if you want me to fulfill your fantasiesI can have you co-starring in one of my moviesTell me what your name is, I can make you famousWe can pop champagne and, get right down to sexingNow I ain"t got nothing to do, tonight I got away from my crewI just wanna put some in you, and I can tell that you want it too(Eh eh eh eh eh) Eh (Eh eh eh eh eh)I"m rea-eh-eh-dy babe, you"re rea-eh-eh-dy babeSo come on ladies, get up out of this clubKells" dreaming, "Rese after party, come on, fuck with usGirl you make me wanna get you pregnant (You make me wanna)Girl you make me wanna get you pregnant (Get you pregnant)Lay your body down and get you pregnant (Pregnant babe) (Knock you up)Pregnant (Knock you up)Ooh this song"s got me hungry baby babySo tell me that you want me baby babyAnd girl I"ll love you till the sun shines (Sun shines)And girl I promise I will make you mine (Mine, babe)Around the world in and out of clubs hanging with chicks (Oh oh)And I don"t see nothing wrong with having a kid (Ooh ooh)Sounds like heaven"s calling us (Ooh ooh)And girl well it"s about making loveIf you choose me I guarantee that the rest of your life would be man drama free(Oh oh oh oh oh) Wow (Oh oh oh oh oh)I think both of us should leave this clubAnd get somewhere alone with meWhere there"s no phones to ring, and plant this magic seedGirl you make me wanna get you pregnant (You make me wanna)Girl you make me wanna get you pregnant (Get you pregnant)Lay your body down and get you pregnant (Knock you up)Pregnant (Knock you up)Your house, my house, don"t matter, heat it upYour city, my city, don"t matter, give it upSomething about being with you make me wanna babyPut them pills on chill, and girl give me my babyYou can play all you want, but I know you feel it tooFor 3 weeks you"ve been talking about extra bedroomsIn New York meeting with the realtorThere"s something you wanna tell me, just say it, I"ll pay itOh girl, I"ma take care of youAnd I"ma still hold you like we"re brand newSo don"t get it twisted for 30 some weeksI"m still gon" hit it, and baby sit it, baby sit itGirl you make me wanna get you pregnant (You make me wanna*2)Girl you make me wanna get you pregnant (Pregnant)Lay your body down and get you pregnant (Knock you up)Pregnant (Knock you up)Take you out to eat uh uh, wine and dine uh uhShopping spree uh uh, you"re sexing me uh huhSee I"m not cheap or selfish babeGirl I"m just thirst for that booty babeAnd it"s all you fault, baby you look so goodIt"s all your fault that it feels like woodAnd you look so bored up in this club, so let"s goWe can hop in Lamborghini, roll to my big homeEh eh eh eh babe (Shawty), let"s go crazy (Oh)Let"s make eh eh girl, lilttle KellyBaby I got goodies and I want you to have someAll I ask is you let me explore your secret gardenGirl you make me wanna get you pregnant (Get you pregnant)Girl you make me wanna get you pregnant (Oh, pregnant)Lay your body down and get you pregnant (Knock you up)Pregnant (Knock you up, girl)http://music.baidu.com/song/540597




pregnant adj怀孕的,意味深长的,思想丰富的,足智多谋的expect v 期望,预期两个词的词性不一样


怀孕的 n. 1,(同)conception 2,丰富,丰硕,多产


你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题:. 怀孕的 重要的 孕妇 有喜短语Pregnant rate 受孕率 ; 胎鼠 ; 妊娠率become pregnant 怀孕 ; 不受胎pregnant uterus 妊娠子宫


英[u02c8pregnu0259nt]美[u02c8pru025bɡnu0259nt]adj. 怀孕的;孕育着…的;富于想象的;富于成果的[例句]See your practitioner before becoming pregnant.怀孕前咨询下你的护理师。

很老的一首英文歌,里面有句词是remember me to want ..这首歌的歌名是什么?


Hannah Montana的no body is perfect歌词

这个是我千千静听下载的歌词,有时间标示的。[ti:Nobody"s Perfect][ar:Hannah Montana][al:Hannah Montana][by:elvenchun QQ:172189149][00:00.01]Nobody"s Perfect[00:00.02]Hannah Montana[00:01.13][00:02.03]By:Elvenchun QQ:172189149[00:03.13][00:04.17]Everybody makes mistakes...[00:09.55]Everybody has those days...[00:12.95]{1,2,3,4}[00:14.57][00:14.96]Everybody makes mistakes...[00:16.75]Everybody has those days...[00:18.44]Everybody knows what what I"m talkin about[00:20.48]Everybody get"s that way..[00:21.97]Everybody makes mistakes...[00:23.73]Everybody has those days...[00:25.65]Everybody knows what what I"m talkin about... Everybody get"s that way..[00:28.74][00:29.35]Sometimes I"m in a jam[00:31.29]I"ve gotta make a plan[00:33.28]It might be crazy[00:35.01]I do it anyway[00:36.70]No way to know for sure[00:38.39]I"ll figure out a cure[00:40.08]I"m patchin" up the holes[00:42.20]But then it overflows[00:43.93]If I"m not doin" to well[00:47.84]Why be so hard on my self?[00:50.03][00:50.28][00:50.56]Nobody"s Perfect![00:52.23]I gotta work it![00:54.00]Again and again till I get it right[00:57.12]Nobody"s Perfect![00:59.18]You live and you learn it![01:01.14]And if I mess it up sometimes.[01:04.76]Nobody"s perfect.......[01:07.62][01:07.90]Sometimes I work a scheme[01:11.39]But then it flips on me[01:13.32]Dosen"t turn out how I planned[01:15.07]gets stuck in quick sand[01:16.90]No problem, can be solved[01:18.56]Once I get involved[01:20.41]I try to be delicate[01:22.30]Then crash right into it[01:24.22]But my intentions are good[01:26.44]{yeah yeah yeah}[01:27.80]Sometimes just mis-understood[01:29.65][01:30.58]Nobody"s Perfect![01:31.92]I gotta work it![01:34.05]Again and again till I get it right[01:36.88]Nobody"s Perfect![01:39.18]You live and you"ll learn it![01:41.28]And if I mess it up sometimes...[01:44.25][01:44.63][01:44.92]Nobody"s perfect[01:46.58]I gotta work it![01:48.72]I know that i"ll find a way.[01:51.86]Nobody"s perfect![01:53.20][01:54.00]Sometimes I fix things up[01:56.09]And they fall apart again.[01:59.49]Nobody"s perfect[02:01.42][02:01.69]I know I mix things up[02:03.68]But I always get it right in the end.[02:06.52]{you know I do}[02:07.74][02:08.02][02:09.46]Next time you feel like its just one of those days[02:12.99]when you just can"t seem to win[02:15.37]If things don"t turn out the way you planned,[02:17.41]FIGURE SOMETHING ELSE OUT![02:18.86]Don"t stay down! Try again!{yeah}[02:20.64][02:21.33][02:21.88]Everybody makes mistakes...[02:23.64]Everybody has those days...[02:25.60]Everybody knows what what I"m talkin" about...[02:27.82]Everybody get"s that way...[02:29.27]Everybody makes mistakes...[02:31.08]Everybody has those days...[02:32.87]Everybody knows what what I"m talkin" about...[02:35.12]everybody gets that way[02:36.04][02:36.28][02:36.53]Nobody"s Perfect![02:37.72]I gotta work it![02:39.42]Again and again till I get it right[02:42.96]Nobody"s Perfect![02:44.81]You"ll live and you"ll learn it![02:46.86]And if I mess it up sometimes...[02:50.13]Nobody"s perfect[02:51.89]I gotta work it[02:53.96]I know that I"ll find a way[02:57.26]nobody"s perfect[02:59.27]you"ll live and you"ll learn it[03:01.20]cause everybody makes mistakes[03:04.32][03:04.57]Nobody"s Perfect[03:07.18]Nobody perfect no no[03:11.80]Nobody"s perfect[03:15.80][03:17.34]By:Elvenchun QQ:172189149



求德国战车 mein herz brennt 的歌词

Nun liebe Kinder gebt fein Achtich bin die Stimme aus dem Kissenich hab euch etwas mitgebrachthab es aus meiner Brust gerissenmit diesem Herz hab ich die Machtdie Augenlider zu erpressenich singe bis der Tag erwachtein heller Schein am FirmamentMein Herz brenntSie kommen zu euch in der NachtD?monen Geister schwarze Feensie kriechen aus dem Kellerschachtund werden unter euer Bettzeug sehenNun liebe Kinder gebt fein Achtich bin die Stimme aus dem Kissenich hab euch etwas mitgebrachtein heller Schein am FirmamentMein Herz BrenntMein Herz BrenntSie kommen zu euch in der Nachtund stehlen eure kleinen heissen Tr?nensie warten bis der Mond erwachtund drücken sie in meine kalten VenenNun liebe Kinder gebt fein Achtich bin die Stimme aus dem Kissenich singe bis der Tag erwachtein heller Schein am FirmamentMein Herz brennt

physical and mental cultivation怎么翻译更加优美?


downtown girl意思

我的理解是: UPTOWN是郊区 外国的有钱人没几个是住在市中心的 大多是住在郊区(或是比较偏僻的地方) 而住在市中心的人应该都是打工一族 所以会出现UPTOWNGIRL和DOWNTOWNMAN

people all want to live a happy life……的全文

People all want to live a happy life. But today more and more people think they are unhappy. The study shows that many people would give up their present life if they could. Then what makes people so unhappy? Men complain they work hard, but make little money. Women complain they are too fat and try a lot of ways to lose weight. Children complain they have too much homework and spend too little time doing what they like. It seems that nobody is happy. But is it true? In fact, being happy is not so hard. First, change your mind. Try to cherish what you have. Second, forget those unhappy things and remember things which make you laugh. Last, donu2019t keep othersu2019 mistakes in mind. Then youu2019ll find that to wear a smile on the face is not so difficult.

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while sprinting hold cto slide的中文翻译虽然短跑持有CTO滑

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Sprint 是一间美国的传訉公司。



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固定搭配不要纠结 平时把这类搭配记住就行了

If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal. Not to people or things.这句话有语病么?


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你看看是不是until you

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基本介绍 中文名称 :superstar 所属专辑 :Carpenters (1971-05) 发行时间 :1971年 音乐风格 :流行,布鲁斯 歌曲语言 :英语 唱片公司 :环球唱片 地区 :美国 歌手简介,歌词及翻译, 歌手简介 卡朋特乐队(Carpenters)是美国歌星理察·卡朋特和卡伦·卡朋特兄妹二人组成的演唱组合,1970年代和1980年代初期风靡一时。卡朋特兄妹于1965年开始组织乐队,1969年11月15日,卡朋特乐队的单曲《Close to You》(靠近你)一举走红,其后,他们在整个1970年代大获成功。《Yesterday Once More》(昨日重现)、《Top of the World》(世界之颠)、《Please Mr. Postman》(请等一下,邮差先生)等歌曲广为人知。1983年2月4日,卡伦·卡朋特因长期严重神经性厌食症而突然去世,卡朋特乐队随之告终。 卡朋特 歌词及翻译 Long ago, and, oh, so far away 很久以前,那么遥远 I fell in love with you before the second show. 在第二场演出前我爱上了你 Your guitar, it sounds so sweet and clear, 你的吉他声,那么甜蜜清晰 but you"re not really here. 但如今你已不在 It"s just the radio. 空余收音机的回响 Don"t you remember you told me you loved me baby? 你可曾记得你说过爱我 You said you"d be coming back this way again baby. 你说你会这样再回来 Baby, baby, baby, baby, oh, baby.喔,爱人,爱人 I love you, I really do.我真的爱你 Loneliness is such a sad affair, 孤独是一件伤感的事情 and I can hardly wait to be with you again.我迫不及待想再与你一起 What to say, to make you come again? 该说什么你才会回来 Come back to me again, 回到我的身边 and play your sad guitar. 重弹那忧伤的吉他 Don"t you remember you told me you loved me baby? 你可曾记得你说过爱我 You said you"d be coming back this way again baby. 你说你会这样再回来 Baby, baby, baby, baby, oh, baby.喔,爱人,爱人 I love you, I really do.我真的爱你







求Antichrist Superstar英文&中文歌词

中文的基督巨星歌手:marilyn manson 专辑:antichrist 巨星您建立我与你许愿的地狱我没有要卖给你你扔在蹲好你的钱玛丽莲曼森你只是他们告诉你什么你们要悔改,这是我在说什么我流下的皮肤来喂假你们要悔改,这是我在说什么其错误我反正之处?切断头我是水螅现在,您将看到您的明星刺破的手指做到月亮现在已超越太阳天使已展开翅膀时候了苦的东西刺破的手指做到有的时候很清楚我们基督几乎在这里...

Carpenters的《Superstar》 歌词

歌曲名:Superstar歌手:Carpenters专辑:Yesterday Once More: Greatest Hits 1969-1983SuperstarLong ago and oh so far awayI fell in love with you before the second showYour guitar, it sounds so sweet and clearBut you"re not really hereIt"s just the radioDon"t you remember you told me you loved me babyYou said you"d be coming back this way again babyBaby, baby, baby, baby, oh, baby,I love you I really doLoneliness is a such a sad affairAnd I can hardly wait to be with you againWhat to say to make you come againCome back to me againAnd play your sad guitarThe Endhttp://music.baidu.com/song/52689025

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Teach Me How To Dougie (Instrumental) 歌词

歌曲名:Teach Me How To Dougie (Instrumental)歌手:California Swag District专辑:Teach Me How To DougieCalifornia Swag District - Teach Me How To DougieAye! aye!Teach me how to dougie (aye!)They be like smooth (what?)Can u teach me how to dougie?You know why?Cause all da bitches love me (aye)All I need is a beat that"s super bumpinAnd for you, you, and you to back it up and dump it!Put your arms out front, lean side to sideThey gona be on you when they see you hit dat dougie right?Aint nobody fuckin wit my bro from morningsideHe go by bubba and he hit dat dance wit thunderI aint from dallas but I d-town boogieI show my moves off and everybody tryna do meI leave da function and all da ladies tryna screw meYou just do you and ima do me(all day)Niggas love to hate so they try to screw meBitches be stuck to me I think they tryna glue meI make the party shine bright when it start to boominDis beat was bubblegum so I had to chew itTeach me how to dougieT-teach me how to dougieTeach me how to dougieT-teach me how to dougieAll my bitches love meAll my, all my bitches love meAll my bitches love meYou aint fuckin wit my dougie!Teach me how to dougieT-teach me how to dougieTeach me how to dougieT-teach me how to dougieAll my bitches love meAll my, all my bitches love meAll my bitches love meYou aint fuckin wit my dougie!My name is young!For da dudes who don"t know meI know I"m from da west but I can teach you how to dougie!Step up in da club and all these bitches bug meAll da niggas dancin and none of them know meI hear da crowd screamin like "aye! get it brody!"So I"m on my and I take it real lowDey like "how you da dat?" he can dougie on the floorAnd when dat nigga stop they like "dougie somemore!"I"m like a nigga kinda tired so, I pass it to da bro!M-bone! show these cats how to do dat down south danceDat we learned a lil too fastand bought it to da hoodAnd got da whole crew askin...Teach me how to dougieT-teach me how to dougieTeach me how to dougieT-teach me how to dougieAll my bitches love meAll my, all my bitches love meAll my bitches love meYou aint fuckin wit my dougie!Teach me how to dougieT-teach me how to dougieTeach me how to dougieT-teach me how to dougieAll my bitches love meAll my, all my bitches love meAll my bitches love meYou aint fuckin wit my dougie!Back of the party ion really like to boogieI"m just tryna get bent and meet a thick redbone(Mmm) we do da dougie and da niggas hatin but I"m boutTo act a skateboard a bitch and head home(fuck it)She bout to dougie and hit wit 2 handsAnd I run it run it even if her legs longShe like you my hubby and I think she love me but,I change da subject and I do my dougieBut, ion give a fuck, blow trees, get moneyLeave 2 heifers feinin like sum playboy bunniesDey gon make us do da dougie in da middle of da danceAnd when I asked for some head da bitch looked at me funnyBye! bitch you can"t tell me nothin starr baked da beatAnd I just took it out the oven, I just hit the dougie when everybodyClubbin and I hate skinny jeans cuz da burner keep rubbin! (oh! )Teach me how to dougieT-teach me how to dougieTeach me how to dougieT-teach me how to dougieAll my bitches love meAll my, all my bitches love meAll my bitches love meYou aint fuckin wit my dougie!Teach me how to dougieT-teach me how to dougieTeach me how to dougieT-teach me how to dougieAll my bitches love meAll my, all my bitches love meAll my bitches love meYou aint fuckin wit my dougie!maxrnb - 你的欧美音乐首选http://music.baidu.com/song/2834599

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