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〔求歌名〕英文快歌,每句前面都是you want to be

B what U wanna B

SUSE Linux Enterprise彰显多模操作系统魅力

持续多年的IT转型,如今依然热度不减。在SUSE全球产品营销经理Raj Meel的眼里,IT转型在未来还将会持续进行下去,而且是很长的时间。AI的部署是IT数字化转型比较具有代表性的一个项目,从它部署在数据中心的占比来看,尽管2018年只有4%,但据Gartner预测到2022年能够达到50%。 此外,在转型过程中,AI部署将会推动IT工具和软件的变革。制造业,经过数字化转型的公司,能够实现每年2.3%的利润增长。而与之相对的,没有做数字化转型的制造性企业,在同期的利润反而是减少,减少的损失是年均2.1%。Raj Meel认为,对比拥抱数字化转型的企业,不拥抱IT转型的企业会在竞争当中处于下峰。 多模操作系统的魅力 随着越来越多的企业开始向更加敏捷的混合云与多云基础设施转型,他们对简化的、集中的基础设施管理解决方案的需求也与日俱增。在DevOps时代,企业需要具备设计、部署、运行云原生和以微服务为基础应用的能力。为此,企业必须能够利用Kubernetes这类的编排工具交付现代容器化应用程序,确保从边缘、本地到混合云和多云环境下都能安全且灵活地开发和部署。 同时,传统系统被广泛用于承载关键任务工作负载,如数据库和ERP系统。目前企业拥有能够运行多模工作负载的多模IT基础设施,而SUSE Linux Enterprise为传统基础设施与云基础设施之间架起桥梁,是全球首款多模操作系统,助力企业持续创新、竞争和成长。 据悉,SUSE Linux Enterprise可以直接从开发者社区下载开发版本,直接进行开发和适用。SUSE非常重视开发者社区,不仅可以与开发者进行深度交互,在帮助开发者工作的同时,开发者也为SUSE带来很多创新。 为企业容器化工作负载奠基 值得一提的是, SUSE在KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit 2019媒体沟通会上,正式宣布推出了对多模操作系统模型进行改善的SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 Service Pack 1操作系统,包括加强通用代码库的核心原则、模块度和社区开发,同时强化关键业务的特性,例如优化工作负载、加强数据安全以及缩短停机时间。亮点如下: 从社区级Linux到企业级Linux的转型更为快速和简单——开发者和运营者只需几次点击即可将openSUSE Leap系统转移至SUSE Linux Enterprise Server。完善的SUSE Package Hub也给企业带来巨大帮助,使其成为社区在企业平台上建设一流应用程序的首选产品。这些服务给企业的生产系统和基于社区级openSUSE Leap开发系统带来了巨大的支持。 强化对边缘到HPC工作负载支持——在Service Pack 1中,SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for Arm 15对系统芯片(SoC)的处理器支持数量增加了一倍,提高了对存储的支持,以及对64位Arm服务器和物联网设备上的工业自动化应用程序的支持。以64位Raspberry Pi设备为例,现在可支持全HDMI音频和视频,并提供ISO镜像以便快速安装。 SUSE亚太区首席技术专家Peter Lees强调,模块化系统的概念就是可以从最基本的系统骨架开始,根据需求逐一增加模块,然后达到想要定制的功能。这就是SUSE现在进一步往前走的思路,也就是说有共同代码库,从共同的基础开始,根据需求逐一增加模块或者功能。 服务与保障 目前,SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 Service Pack 1提供社区和企业两个版本。SUSE公司副总裁,亚太区及日本总经理江永清接受赛迪网采访时表示,企业版和社区版的支持和工具是两个版本,这是最大的不同。对于企业来说,就商业环境的使用,他们最在乎的是在支持方面是不是能够有这么一家公司在出现问题的时候提供帮助。同时和软硬件的供应商一起合作提供能够让客户满意的解决方案。所以功能上和内核上是没有区别的,只是在支持层面的不同。 江永清强调,SUSE致力于开源,无论做了什么改进,在技术层面终究还是开源的。但是在使用支持方面是有很大的区别,系统是开发的是可以免费下载下使用的。但是如果用在一个企业级的关键业务场景内,发生跟安全有关的漏洞问题、有了新的版本出现、或者遇到bug的时候,如果没有与开放软件做分销的厂商订阅的话,那就只能自己去解决问题。所以,这个业务模式是通过订阅来保证权益,订阅了产品之后,就不存在知识产权的问题,而且SUSE还有责任和义务向客户提供支持或者补丁,这是SUSE主要的业务模式,与社区里拿过来自己做的区别。(文/徐培炎)




  大家都知道,Linux发行版本众多,每个版本各具有不同的优势和用途,不过综合情况来说无非就是桌面系统、服务器系统,而SUSE和Ubuntu就是其发行版本,对于这两个发行版本你会选择哪一个呢?   Linux发行版本之SUSE,企业级首选   企业级的应用,需要高度可靠性以及稳定性,要求构建企业级应用系统更高的安全和稳定,SUSE这个版本就可以解决问题。   SUSE是德国著名的Linux发行版本,发布于2003年。SUSE被命名为SUSE Linux,获得收购之后,加速了该版本的发展,根据不完全统计, SUSE Linux现在欧洲 Linux市场占有将近80%的份额,大部分关键性应用都是建立在 SUSE Linux下的。   Linux发行版本之Ubuntu,桌面环境的代表   提及Linux桌面市场,Ubuntu Linux几乎占据了很大的市场份额。Ubuntu Linux主打Linux桌面发展,界面美观简洁,在Linux系统上进行休闲娱乐,Ubuntu是首选。   Ubuntu的安装非常人性化,只需要按照要求进行操作。Ubuntu被称为对硬件支持最全面的Linux发行版本之一,许多其他发行版本无法使用,或者默认配置无法使用的硬件,Ubuntu都可以轻松使用,因此用户可以像安装Windows一样轻松地安装Ubuntu Linux。


TN-S TN-C TN-C-S TT IT接地系统的接线图解TN-S接地系统 (整个系统的中性线和保护线是分开的) TN-C接地系统 (整个系统的中性线和保护线是合一的)TT接地系统(TT接地系统有一个直接接地点,电气装置外露可导电部分则是接地) TN-C-S接地系统 (整个系统有一部分的中性线和保护线是合一的) IT接地系统 (IT接地系统的带电部分与大地间不直接连接,而电气装置的外露可导电部分则是接地的) 字母标识第一字母表示 电力系统的对地关系T-----一点接地I-----所有带电部分与地绝缘,或一点经阻抗接地第二字母表示装饰的外露可导电部分对地关系T-----外露可导电部分对地直接电气连接,与电力系统的任何接地点无关N-----外露可导电部分与电力系统的接地点直接电气连接(在交流系统中,接地点通常就是中性点)如果后面还有字母,这个字母表示中性线和保护线的组合S-----中性线和保护线是分开的C-----中性线和保护线是合一的(PEN线) 简单说来,TN-C就是把工作O线与保护接地共用,TN-S就是把工作的O线和保护接地分开各使用一条线路. 这两种供电系统都有各自的规范和要求. 所以我们国家的配电系统中,使用后一种的情况即TN-S的更多一些. 下面是详略的资料,有时间你可以慢慢看: 如何区别:TN-C系统、TN-S系统、TN-C-S系统、TT系统 建筑工程供电使用的基本供电系统有三相三线制三相四线制等,但这些名词术语内涵不是十分严格。国际电工委员会( IEC )对此作了统一规定,称为 TT 系统、 TN 系统、 IT 系统。其中 TN 系统又分为 TN-C 、 TN-S 、 TN-C-S 系统。下面内容就是对各种供电系统做一个扼要的介绍。 TT 系统 TN-C 供电系统→ TN 系统→ TN-S IT 系统 TN-C-S (一)工程供电的基本方式 根据 IEC 规定的各种保护方式、术语概念,低压配电系统按接地方式的不同分为三类,即 TT 、 TN 和 IT 系统,分述如下。 ( 1 ) TT 方式供电系统 TT 方式是指将电气设备的金属外壳直接接地的保护系统,称为保护接地系统,也称 TT 系统。第一个符号 T 表示电力系统中性点直接接地;第二个符号 T 表示负载设备外露不与带电体相接的金属导电部分与大地直接联接,而与系统如何接地无关。在 TT 系统中负载的所有接地均称为保护接地,如图 1-1 所示。这种供电系统的特点如下。 1 )当电气设备的金属外壳带电(相线碰壳或设备绝缘损坏而漏电)时,由于有接地保护,可以大大减少触电的危险性。但是,低压断路器(自动开关)不一定能跳闸,造成漏电设备的外壳对地电压高于安全电压,属于危险电压。 2 )当漏电电流比较小时,即使有熔断器也不一定能熔断,所以还需要漏电保护器作保护,困此 TT 系统难以推广。 3 ) TT 系统接地装置耗用钢材多,而且难以回收、费工时、费料。 现在有的建筑单位是采用 TT 系统,施工单位借用其电源作临时用电时,应用一条专用保护线,以减少需接地装置钢材用量。 把新增加的专用保护线 PE 线和工作零线 N 分开,其特点是:①共用接地线与工作零线没有电的联系;②正常运行时,工作零线可以有电流,而专用保护线没有电流;③ TT 系统适用于接地保护占很分散的地方。 ( 2 ) TN 方式供电系统 这种供电系统是将电气设备的金属外壳与工作零线相接的保护系统,称作接零保护系统,用 TN 表示。它的特点如下。 1 )一旦设备出现外壳带电,接零保护系统能将漏电电流上升为短路电流,这个电流很大,是 TT 系统的 5.3 倍,实际上就是单相对地短路故障,熔断器的熔丝会熔断,低压断路器的脱扣器会立即动作而跳闸,使故障设备断电,比较安全。 2 ) TN 系统节省材料、工时,在我国和其他许多国家广泛得到应用,可见比 TT 系统优点多。 TN 方式供电系统中,根据其保护零线是否与工作零线分开而划分为 TN-C 和 TN-S 等两种。 ( 3 ) TN-C 方式供电系统 它是用工作零线兼作接零保护线,可以称作保护中性线,可用 NPE 表示 ( 4 ) TN-S 方式供电系统 它是把工作零线 N 和专用保护线 PE 严格分开的供电系统,称作 TN-S 供电系统, TN-S 供电系统的特点如下。 1 )系统正常运行时,专用保护线上不有电流,只是工作零线上有不平衡电流。 PE 线对地没有电压,所以电气设备金属外壳接零保护是接在专用的保护线 PE 上,安全可靠。 2 )工作零线只用作单相照明负载回路。 3 )专用保护线 PE 不许断线,也不许进入漏电开关。 4 )干线上使用漏电保护器,工作零线不得有重复接地,而 PE 线有重复接地,但是不经过漏电保护器,所以 TN-S 系统供电干线上也可以安装漏电保护器。 5 ) TN-S 方式供电系统安全可靠,适用于工业与民用建筑等低压供电系统。在建筑工程工工前的“三通一平”(电通、水通、路通和地平——必须采用 TN-S 方式供电系统。 ( 5 ) TN-C-S 方式供电系统 在建筑施工临时供电中,如果前部分是 TN-C 方式供电,而施工规范规定施工现场必须采用 TN-S 方式供电系统,则可以在系统后部分现场总配电箱分出 PE 线, TN-C-S 系统的特点如下。 1 )工作零线 N 与专用保护线 PE 相联通,如图 1-5ND 这段线路不平衡电流比较大时,电气设备的接零保护受到零线电位的影响。 D 点至后面 PE 线上没有电流,即该段导线上没有电压降,因此, TN-C-S 系统可以降低电动机外壳对地的电压,然而又不能完全消除这个电压,这个电压的大小取决于 ND 线的负载不平衡的情况及 ND 这段线路的长度。负载越不平衡, ND 线又很长时,设备外壳对地电压偏移就越大。所以要求负载不平衡电流不能太大,而且在 PE 线上应作重复接地。 2 ) PE 线在任何情况下都不能进入漏电保护器,因为线路末端的漏电保护器动作会使前级漏电保护器跳闸造成大范围停电。 3 )对 PE 线除了在总箱处必须和 N 线相接以外,其他各分箱处均不得把 N 线和 PE 线相联, PE 线上不许安装开关和熔断器,也不得用大顾兼作 PE 线。 通过上述分析, TN-C-S 供电系统是在 TN-C 系统上临时变通的作法。当三相电力变压器工作接地情况良好、三相负载比较平衡时, TN-C-S 系统在施工用电实践中效果还是可行的。但是,在三相负载不平衡、建筑施工工地有专用的电力变压器时,必须采用 TN-S 方式供电系统。 ( 6 ) IT 方式供电系统 I 表示电源侧没有工作接地,或经过高阻抗接地。每二个字母 T 表示负载侧电气设备进行接地保护。 TT 方式供电系统在供电距离不是很长时,供电的可靠性高、安全性好。一般用于不允许停电的场所,或者是要求严格地连续供电的地方,例如电力炼钢、大医院的手术室、地下矿井等处。地下矿井内供电条件比较差,电缆易受潮。运用 IT 方式供电系统,即使电源中性点不接地,一旦设备漏电,单相对地漏电流仍小,不会破坏电源电压的平衡,所以比电源中性点接地的系统还安全。 但是,如果用在供电距离很长时,供电线路对大地的分布电容就不能忽视了。在负载发生短路故障或漏电使设备外壳带电时,漏电电流经大地形成架路,保护设备不一定动作,这是危险的。只有在供电距离不太长时才比较安全。这种供电方式在工地上很少见。 (二)供电线路符号小结 1 )国际电工委员会( IEC )规定的供电方式符号中,第一个字母表示电力(电源)系统对地关系。如 T 表示是中性点直接接地; I 表示所有带电部分绝缘。 2 )第二个字母表示用电装置外露的可导电部分对地的关系。如 T 表示设备外壳接地,它与系统中的其他任何接地点无直接关系; N 表示负载采用接零保护。 3 )第三个字母表示工作零线与保护线的组合关系。如 C 表示工作零线与保护线是合一的,如 TN-C ; S 表示工作零线与保护线是严格分开的,所以 PE 线称为专用保护线,如 TN-S 。

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shipment waybill是什么意思


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为什么说France Sozzani是时尚圈内公认唯一能与Anna Wintour匹敌的的人?


喜欢“作”的女人(High-maintenance woman),是一个怎样的群体?

作”,具体表现是什么?在决定回答的第一时间,我就尝试回忆自己曾经比较“作”的具体事件,毕竟我们“作”家也不是时刻知道自己在“作”嘛!“喜欢‘作"的女人(high-maintenance woman/高保养需求的的女人),他们不安于平凡平淡的生活,通过“作”来渴望别人的关爱,最突出的表现是爱跟亲密的人无端闹别扭,不过“作”过头就被认为是无理取闹,难以伺候的表现。”“作”更多地被看作是一种行为,并且是一种有负面倾向的行为。也就是说,“作”既是动词,也可做形容词。“作”似乎更多地指向女性,但是正如镜像问题所说,在男性中也不乏“作家”。2.“作”的原因分析以下,我尝试从理论角度解释一下自己的“作”。如果把“作”作为一种行为来理解,需要考虑诸如环境(诱因)、认知和情绪、需要和动机等内外部因素。总体来说,人的行为是人的内在因素和外在环境相互作用的结果。1)环境(诱因)环境(诱因)——和其他女生接触,丢了我送的东西,没有及时回复信息——是“作”的直接原因,是导火索,是“作”产生的外部条件。2)认知和情绪首先,个体在受诱因刺激时,会产生一系列认知和情绪活动。“你和异性接触——你喜欢她=你不喜欢我——伤心和难过”。通过行为,可以表达自己的情绪;通过行为的结果可以验证认知——“你不爱我”——的准确性。其次,认知失调。个体对于自我本质的认知是“不值得被爱的”,且不管怎样努力,都不可能改变“自己本质上不值得被爱”(习得性无助)。两个人关系的建立(有人爱我)动摇了个体对自己的已有认知,并造成了个体的认知失调。个体通过“作”可以应对这种认知失调。最后,个人观点。我认为人的本质焦虑是源于对未知的不确定或者不稳定(而不是存在主义的死亡、自由、孤独和无意义)。因此,当个体无法明确自己是否被爱的时候是最痛苦的,也是最焦虑的。而“作”的结果(不管是好的还是坏的)可以使个体有确定或者稳定感,也就是“作”可以用来应对这种不确定或者不稳定带来的焦虑。3)需要和动机需要和动机被认为是行为的主要内部原因。马斯洛说人有爱和被爱的需要。我赞同很多人所说的“作是想证明自己是值得无条件被爱的”,个体“被爱的需要”是“作”这种行为背后动机的主要来源。只是很多时候,“作”不仅无法满足需要,还会事与愿违。3. 如何应对?如果你是“作”的人如果正在“作”的你也很痛苦和无助,并且非常想应对自己的“作”,只是不知道该怎么做。(不要怕,你永远不是一个人!)首先,了解、理解并接纳你的“作”。你可以尝试着不带评判的去思考自己的“作”。“不评判”这一点很重要,但估计也很困难,因为当我意识到自己“作”的时候,我真的非常内疚和自责。你可以尝试多问自己几个“为什么”,目的在于寻找自己“作”的原因及其形成的过程(请慎重,因为这个过程可能会很痛苦)。然后,了解了自己的“作”后,你会看清自己真实的需要。接着,你可以在安全的关系中尝试直接表达自己的需要,尽量别把需要进行包装后再展示。可能对于我们来说,建立真正安全的关系本身就很困难了。但相信我,如此继续“作”,也不会有更好的结果。


high-maintenance[英][hai u02c8meintinu0259ns][美][hau026a u02c8mentu0259nu0259ns]耗费精力的;耗神的; 例句:1.Do you have to be so high-maintenance? 你有必要这样保养吗?


high-maintenanceadj.耗费精力的;费神费力的费钱费工夫的;难伺候的;高消费例句1.High maintenance frequency is not a bad thing would be more effective in protecting the performance of the vehicle.高维修频率不是一件坏事情将会更有效地保障车辆的性能。2.while technical standards is not open, leading to software management difficulties, hardware scalability and high maintenance costs later.技术标准不开放,导致软件管理困难,硬件扩展性不佳,后期维护成本高昂。3.My guess is that this Frankfurt program won"t go too far, due to charging infrastructure limitations and high maintenance costs.我个人认为,受累于充电设施有限和高昂的维护成本,这个法兰克福计划不会走太远。4.However acquiring water from outside entails high maintenance costs for the supply system as well as an unsteady or inadequate water supply.但从校外取水,供应系统的保养费用巨大,且供水量亦可能不稳定或不足。5.Nor should a girl overaccessorise, as the reality star believes too much jewellery makes a woman look high-maintenance .女孩子也不要佩戴过多首饰,这位真人秀明星认为太珠光宝气的女人会让人觉得养不起。

Why will Mr. Johnson sell out the restaurant?Because he Wanted to______.

【答案】:retire from businessretire from business 解析:本题问的是约翰逊先生想卖掉饭店的原因是什么。根据文章第一段第一句话后半部分Mr. Johnson,the boss of the Chinese Food Restaurant has decided to retire from business and sell out.可以得知Mr. Johnson想从商界退出,因而想卖掉饭店。

如何将 florence 放在ubuntu 桌面

在你的主文件夹下有个叫桌面的目录打开桌面目录,然后把你要放在桌面的程序从那个类似开始菜单的地方到目录下。或着直接把你要放到桌面的程序,从那个左上角的按钮中,拖动到桌面上,更方便。然后打开终端进入到桌面目录下cd /home/用户名/桌面用命令把桌面文件添加执行权限。sudo chmod +x *然后就行了~~

My husband, Micheal, and I were at a restaurant with his boss, a rather stern(严厉的) elderly man.

小题1:C小题2:C小题3:D小题4:B 文章介绍了一个有趣的小故事。小题1:C 细节题。根据第2行Micheal began a story I was sure he had told before,可知C正确。小题2:C 细节题。根据2,3行, I gave him a kick under the table. There was no response, so I gave him another kick.我踢了他两次。小题3:D 推理题。根据文章可知我丈夫讲了一个旧故事,被踢了以后,他知道这个故事已经讲过了,而我和老板都知道这是一个旧故事。所以要做一些更有意思的事情了。故D正确。小题4:B 推理题。根据文章最后一段可知我踢了老板两次,踢了第二次以后老板知道我是想踢我的丈夫,所以他就踢了我的丈夫。这里有一个过程,再根据第一段Still the story went on.故B正确。

Anna Wintour为什么会被称为时尚圈最招人憎恨的人之一?


He resented ____C____ by the boss 理由

首先【现在完成时】不是随便乱用的,它需要一定的标志比如【since、ago、before等】因此排除干扰选项【B】和【D】那么再看【he】和【criticize】的关系了,由于句子有【by】这个被动语态的标志,因此排除【A】答案选【C】【resent doing sth】讨厌做某事翻译:他讨厌被老板批评。欢迎追问,在线为你解答【帮到你望及时采纳,你的10分满意,我们团队的无限动力】

In the past,the boss made the workers ____ (work) twenty hours a day


the boss wants to see you 变否定句

The boss doesn"t want to see you

连词成句英语 the,boss,you,to,wants,office,his,once,at

应该连接成: the boss wants you to his office at once 老板要你马上去他的办公室 ~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳!~


intheboat意思是在船里;比如:"We"ll put the gear in the boat and then get some."“我们把家什放在船里,然后喝一点吧。”ontheboss意思关于老板比如: She worked hard andmade a good impressionon the boss.她努力工作,给老板留下了好印象.

the boss sent me out to cover the big fire 是什么意思啊?


The boss told his secretary to the documents for later use.

【答案】:B【解析】本题考查动词词组的辨析。句意为:老板告诉秘书把文件收好,以备以后使用。turn on打开;make up弥补,化妆;break out爆发。只有put away“收好,整理”符合原题要求。





The boss ______ the worker how to do it, or the accident couldn’t have happened. A.can’t hav

A 试题分析:意为:当时老板不可能告诉工人如何做这件事(是对过去的推测),否则这个事故不可能发生。在英语中,我们对过去的推测,常使用情态动词(not)+have done 结构,故选 A点评:情态动词对中国学生来讲是一个难点,而情态动词+have done(表对过去的一种推测)更是一个难点和重点,学生要注意区别。

The boss ___ department Ms.King worked ten years ago look down upon women. A.in which B:in that.

C:in whose引导定语从句


Fiorentina 直译其实是费伦天拿。佛罗伦萨足球俱乐部(Associazione Calcio Fiorentina,简称ACF Fiorentina)。还有佛罗伦萨的丁骨牛排bistecca alla fiorentina。都是这个词。Firenze 翡冷翠,意大利语发音直译,徐志摩翻译的。意大利语直译是百花之城。Florence 英语 佛罗伦萨,佛罗伦斯。Florenz 德语。

Ante Up (Robbin Hoodz Theory) 歌词

歌曲名:Ante Up (Robbin Hoodz Theory)歌手:M.O.P.专辑:Heavy BeatzOhAttention please, attention please!!This shit here feels like a whole entire WORLD collapsed!Motherfuckerrrrrrrrrr! Yeah, yeah, yeah (yeah) yeah!Motherfuckerrrrrrrrrr! Yeah, yeah, yeah (yeah) yeah!Motherfuckerrrrrrrrrr! Yeah, yeah, yeah (yeah) yeah!http://music.baidu.com/song/7519544

print full name什么意思



fountain音箱是英国的音响品牌,至于产地,现在由于地域化的分工,可能在世界的不同地点地点都有工场生产的。英国天朗(TANNOY),一个注定和音响发烧友有着某种姻缘的世界著名品牌,可谓是音响的文化、历史、科技进步的浓缩与写照。天朗的历史可追朔至上个世纪,即英国伦敦开始使用无线电广播不久的1926年。那是一个电子管收音机的灯丝电压还在采用低压直流供电的时代。而且一切使用电能的电器几乎都采用电池供电形式,所以需要经常充电的铅板式蓄电池被广为采用。天朗的创始人Guy R Fountain(天朗贵族系列GRF音箱的命名由此而来),因采用钽(tantalum)和铅(lead alloy)两种金属而发明了可用于充电的整流器,继而在当时伦敦的DALTON路开设了一间小型工厂来专门加工生产这种整流器,其工厂的命名采用了两种金属英文的合并缩写即TANNOY,从而标志着天朗公司的最早雏型形成。


《Many Men》歌词里都有http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/hJXZRZ7aQys/many men 歌手:50 cent [Lloyd Banks]Man we gotta go get something to eat manI"m hungry as a motherfucker![50 Cent]Ay yo man, damn what"s taking homie so long son?[Lloyd Banks]50, calm down, here he come.[9 Shots][Banks and 50]Ahh, ohh, what the fuck?![50 Cent]Ahh! son, pull up! pull up![50 Cent]Many men, wish death upon meBlood in my eye dog and I can"t seeI"m try"n to be what I"m destined to beAnd niggas try"n to take my life awayI put a hole in a nigga for fuckin" wit" meMy back on the wall, now you gon" seeBetter watch how you talk, when you talk about me"Cause I"ll come and take your life awayMany men, many, many, many, many menWish death "pon meLord I don"t cry no moreDon"t look to the sky no moreHave mercy on meNow these pussy niggas putting money on my headGo on and get your refund motherfucker, I ain"t deadI"m the diamond in the dirt, that ain"t been foundI"m the underground king and I ain"t been crownedWhen I rhyme, somethin" special happen every timeI"m the greatest, somethin" like Ali in his primeI walk the block with the bundlesI"ve been knocked on the humbleSwing the ox when I rumbleShow your ass what my gun doGot a temper nigga, go"head, lose your headTurn your back on me, get clapped and lose your legsI walk around gun on my waist, chip on my shoulderTill I bust a clip in your face, plus, hey, this beef ain"t overMany men, many, many, many, many menWish death "pon meLord I don"t cry no moreDon"t look to the sky no moreHave mercy on meHave mercy on my soulSomewhere my heart turned coldHave mercy on many menMany, many, many, many menWish death "pon meSunny days wouldn"t be special, if it wasn"t for rainJoy wouldn"t feel so good, if it wasn"t for painDeath gotta be easy, "cause life is hardIt"ll leave you physically, mentally, and emotionally scarredThis if for my niggas on the block, twisting trees and cigarsFor the niggas on lock, doing life behind barsI don"t see only god can judge me, "cause I see things clearQuick these crackers will give my black ass a hundred yearsI"m like Paulie in Goodfellas, you can call me the DonLike Malcolm by any means, with my gun in my palmSlim switched sides on me, let niggas ride on meI thought we was cool, why you want me to die homie?(homie echoes once)Many men, many, many, many, many menWish death "pon meLord I don"t cry no moreDon"t look to the sky no moreHave mercy on meHave mercy on my soulSomewhere my heart turned coldHave mercy on many menMany, many, many, many menWish death u"on meEvery night I talk to god, but he don"t say nothing backI know he protecting me, but I still stay with my gatIn my nightmares, niggas keep pulling techs on mePsych says some bitch dumb, put a hex on meThe feds didn"t know much, when Pac got shotI got a kite from the pens that told me, Tuck got knockedI ain"t gonna spell it out for you motherfuckers all the timeAre you illiterate nigga? You can"t read between the linesIn the bible it says, what goes around, comes aroundAlmost shot me, three weeks later he got shot downNow it"s clear that I"m here, for a real reason"Cause he got hit like I got hit, but he ain"t fuckin" breathingMany men, many, many, many, many menWish death "pon meLord I don"t cry no moreDon"t look to the sky no moreHave mercy on meHave mercy on my soulSomewhere my heart turned coldHave mercy on many menMany, many, many, many menWish death "pon me"


made in UKdo sth in the UK两者都有

Count Basie And His Orchestra的《Easy Money》 歌词

歌曲名:Easy Money歌手:Count Basie And His Orchestra专辑:Best Of The Roulette YearsArtist: Brad PaisleySong: Easy MoneyAlbum: Time Well WastedI remember working on a rooftopIn the hot summer sun all dayNow I work two hours a nightIt feels a lot more like playFore Kenny joined the bandHe used to hang dry wallBen worked down at Valentino"sSo when you see us up here and thinkMan they"re luckyYou don"t have to tell us cause we knowYeah, we"re laughing all the way to the bankCause it all just seems so funnyA bunch of guys like usIn a big tour busMaking that easy moneyDesperado hauled cattleGrady drove trucksJustin had a hot dog standKevin sold recordsAnd Brent sold shoesAnd Gary was a garbage manYeah, we"re laughing all the way to the bankCause it all just seems so funnyA bunch of guys like usIn a big tour busMaking that easy moneyI used to have an ex-girlfriendThat didn"t understandShe said boy you"re going nowhere fastYou oughta get a real jobWhy don"t you quit that bandNow she can kiss my backstage passYeah, we"re laughing all the way to the bankCause it all just seems so funnyA bunch of guys like usIn a big tour busMaking that easy moneyYeah, we"re laughing all the way to the bankCause it all just seems so funnyA bunch of guys like usIn a big tour busMaking that easy moneyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2692387

Shenzhou V flew into space and .a taikonaut.




求一首女声英文歌,开头曲调大概像动次打次,曲中有long time ,i want的,好像还有some

Shakira - Long Time里有你说的不知道是不是要这个Hold meShow me all the talent God has given youI want us thinking outside the box (all night long)Just keep on goingYou"ve done good things for meThough I"m not an easy girl to pleaseI"ll never run out of faith in you (all night long)Just keep on goingLong time long timeThat"s the way I"ve loved you babyLong night it"s been a long nightI"m breaking the record, told yaLong time long timeThe minutes are eternal latelyLong night it"s been a long nightCan"t wait to touch you, touch youI wish I had longer legsThat I could fasten to your bodyso you"d take me with you everywhereAnd when you think I can take no more (all night long)Just keep on goingIf I let you have your way don"t think I"m weakYou got the stamina and the techniqueSo let those eloquent hands of yours (all night long)Just keep on goingLong time long timeThat"s the way I"ve loved you babyLong night it"s been a long nightI"m breaking the record, told ya


XML中Node和Element的区别 1.元素(Element)和结点(Node)的区别,元素是一个小范围的定义,必须是含有完整资讯的结点才是一个元素,例如<div>...</div>。但是一个结点不一定是一个元素,而一个元素一定是一个结点。 什么是node: NODE是相对TREE这种资料结构而言的。TREE就是由NODE组成。这个部分你可以参考离散数学的树图。 什么是element ELEMENT则是XML里的概念,<xxx>就是元素,是XML中的资料的组成部分之一。 素(Element)和结点(Node)的区别,元素是一个小范围的定义,必须是含有完整资讯的结点才是一个元素,例如<div>...</div>。但是一个结点不一定是一个元素,而一个元素一定是一个结点。 <a> <b> </b> <b> </b> <a> DOM将文件中的所有都看作节点 node>element 1DOM在解析文件的时候按整个文件的结构生成一棵树,全部储存在记忆体 优点就是整个文件都一直在记忆体中,我们可以随时访问任何节点,并且对树的遍历也是比较熟悉的操作;缺点则是耗记忆体,并且必须等到所有的文件都读入记忆体才能进行处理。 2一个需要注意的地方就是,XML文件两个标签之间的空白也是这棵树的一个节点(Text节点)。 <a> <b></b> <a> a有三个节点 Element root = doc.getDocumentElement();:root是什么???? NodeList list = root.getChildNodes(); root 到底是节点还是元素我不清楚????? node有几个子型别: Element, Text, Attribute, RootElement, Comment, Namespace等 Element是可以有属性和子节点的node。 Element是从Node继承的 转换 if (node.getNodeType() == Element.ELEMENT_NODE) { Element e = (Element) node; } ?元素有孩子吗 elemen et 性质 1 e.getAttributes() 2 e.getChildNodes() 3 e.getTagName() Element root = doc.getDocumentElement();:root是什么???? NodeList list = root.getChildNodes(); root 到底是节点还是元素我不清楚??? ······················································ public void domParse(String fileName) throws Exception { DocumentBuilderFactory f = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder db = f.newDocumentBuilder();builder Document docment = db.parse(new File(fileName));parese Element el = docment.getDocumentElement();root domRead(el); } public void domRead(Element currentNode) { if ("struts-config".equals(currentNode.getNodeName())) { config = new StrutsConfig(); } NodeList list = currentNode.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < list.getLength(); i++) { Node node = list.item(i); if (node.getNodeType() == Element.ELEMENT_NODE) { Element e = (Element) node;???? if ("form-beans".equals(e.getTagName())) { formBeans = new ArrayList<FormBeanConfig>(); domRead(e); } if ("form-bean".equals(e.getTagName())) { FormBeanConfig fc = new FormBeanConfig(); NamedNodeMap attrs = e.getAttributes(); for (int j = 0; j < attrs.getLength(); j++) { Attr attr = (Attr) attrs.item(j); if ("name".equals(attr.getName())) { fc.setName(attr.getValue()); } else { fc.setType(attr.getValue()); } } formBeans.add(fc); } if ("action-mapping".equals(e.getTagName())) { actions = new ArrayList<ActionConfig>(); domRead(e); } if ("action".equals(e.getTagName())) { ActionConfig ac = new ActionConfig(); NamedNodeMap attrs = e.getAttributes(); for (int k = 0; k < attrs.getLength(); k++) { Attr attr = (Attr) attrs.item(k); if ("path".equals(attr.getName())) { ac.setPath(attr.getValue()); } else if ("type".equals(attr.getName())) { ac.setType(attr.getValue()); } else { ac.setName(attr.getValue()); } } actions.add(ac); } } } } xml中 node和element的区别 Node 物件是整个 DOM 的主要资料型别。节点物件代表文件树中的一个单独的节点。节点可以是元素节点、属性节点、文字节点。 Element 物件表示 XML 文件中的元素。元素可包含属性、其他元素或文字。 XML树结构中只有NODE,Element的属性,文字等都是节点。 XML中Element,Node,Attr的区别和联络 1.元素(Element)和结点(Node)的区别,元素是一个小范围的定义,必须是含有完整资讯的结点才是一个元素,例如<div>...</div>。但是一个结点不一定是一个元素,而一个元素一定是一个结点。 什么是node: NODE是相对TREE这种资料结构而言的。TREE就是由NODE组成。这个部分你可以参考离散数学的树图。 什么是element ELEMENT则是XML里的概念,<xxx>就是元素,是XML中的资料的组成部分之一。 素(Element)和结点(Node)的区别,元素是一个小范围的定义,必须是含有完整资讯的结点才是一个元素,例如<div>...</div>。但是一个结点不一定是一个元素,而一个元素一定是一个结点。 <a> <b> </b> <b> </b> <a> DOM将文件中的所有都看作节点 node>element 1DOM在解析文件的时候按整个文件的结构生成一棵树,全部储存在记忆体 优点就是整个文件都一直在记忆体中,我们可以随时访问任何节点,并且对树的遍历也是比较熟悉的操作;缺点则是耗记忆体,并且必须等到所有的文件都读入记忆体才能进行处理。 2一个需要注意的地方就是,XML文件两个标签之间的空白也是这棵树的一个节点(Text节点)。 <a> <b></b> <a> a有三个节点 Element root = doc.getDocumentElement();:root是什么???? NodeList list = root.getChildNodes(); root 到底是节点还是元素我不清楚????? node有几个子型别: Element, Text, Attribute, RootElement, Comment, Namespace等 Element是可以有属性和子节点的node。 Element是从Node继承的 转换 if (node.getNodeType() == Element.ELEMENT_NODE) { Element e = (Element) node; } ?元素有孩子吗 elemen et 性质 1 e.getAttributes() 2 e.getChildNodes() 3 e.getTagName() 请问xml中,Document node 和document element的区别 第一个表示节点,第二个表示节点中的元素. 如 <book type=c>书</book>表示节点,book就是element Node和Element的区别 Node 物件是整个 DOM 的主要资料型别。节点物件代表文件树中的一个单独的节点。节点可以是元素节点、属性节点、文字节点。 Element 物件表示 XML 文件中的元素。元素可包含属性、其他元素或文字。 dom4j简单学习 element和node的区别 由此可以这样理解Node和Element,Node是节点,一个属性、一段文字、一个注释等都是节点,而Element是元素,是比较完整的一个xml的元素,即我们口头上说的xml“结点”(此处故意使用“结”字,以示与“节点”Node区别),呵呵…… dom4j帮助文件在dom4j-1.6.1/docs/guide.档案里面,全部是英文,但是基本上应该能看懂。 1、 四种操作xml的方式:SAX,DOM,JDOM,DOM4J. 2、 DOM(Document Object Model):意思是把整个xml做为一个整体物件,直接全部放到记忆体里面,不管xml档案有多大; 3、 SAX=Sample API for XML:假如xml档案有2G,用第一种方式,是很困难的,SAX用的是一种类似流媒体方式进行的。 DOM和SAX是java的API,处理xml档案的时候,相对来说是比较困难的,于是出现了下面两种框架,包装了上面两个框架。 4、 JDOM: 5、 DOM4J: 6、 利用DOM4J解析xml档案(读取所有的属性节点)。 Document可以理解为整个文件物件 取root节点。Document.getRootElement()返回的是一个Element(元素) 7、 理解运用xpath,path就是路径,xpath在xml档案里面找到特定的节点。 Document.selectNodes(“hibernate-mapping/class/property”) 其中hibenate-mapping是根节点。做变.dom4j.Node物件返回的。 Document.selectSingleNodes(“hibernate-mapping/class/property”)只拿第一个。 基中@name是property的属性名valueOf是拿出name的值; 需要加入DOM4J里面的jaxen包 8、 DOM4J的生成xml档案 9、 用FileWriter生成xml档案的时候,可能没有格式,可以用XMLWriter类,这样自动进行美化。 10、 DOM4J修改xml档案;很少用。 11、 自动生成程式码往往用的是:freemarker或velocity,这是常用的。用dom4j生成也很少用。 12、 怎么用表里面的结构生成xml档案。 13、 JavaDB a) Properties物件:可以理解为一个表格对应key,value 14、 Databasemetadata,可以能过这个JDK类,读取资料库的表结构,通过这个表结构做一些自己的事情。(熟悉用法)通过JDK文件和google学习 15、 元资料就是资料的资料,用来描述资料的资料。 16、 DWR,对Ajax框架封住得比较好,是类和java的结合。 文件由节点node构成。元素节点 element node,如 ,是节点node的一种型别。还有文字节点,属性节点。如 望采纳。p是元素节点,title="tips" 是属性节点,中文的文字是文字节点。


宋体 SimSun 黑体 SimHei 微软雅黑 Microsoft YaHei 微软正黑体 Microsoft JhengHei 新宋体 NSimSun 新细明体 PMingLiU 细明体 MingLiU 标楷体 DFKai-SB 仿宋 FangSong 楷体 KaiTi 仿宋_GB2312 FangSong_GB2312 楷体_GB2312 KaiTi_GB2312 宋体:SimSuncss中中文字体(font-family)的英文名称 Mac OS的一些: 华文细黑:STHeiti Light [STXihei] 华文黑体:STHeiti 华文楷体:STKaiti 华文宋体:STSong 华文仿宋:STFangsong 俪黑 Pro:LiHei Pro Medium 俪宋 Pro:LiSong Pro Light 标楷体:BiauKai 苹果俪中黑:Apple LiGothic Medium 苹果俪细宋:Apple LiSung Light Windows的一些: 新细明体:PMingLiU 细明体:MingLiU 标楷体:DFKai-SB 黑体:SimHei 新宋体:NSimSun 仿宋:FangSong 楷体:KaiTi 仿宋_GB2312:FangSong_GB2312 楷体_GB2312:KaiTi_GB2312 微软正黑体:Microsoft JhengHei 微软雅黑体:Microsoft YaHei 装Office会生出来的一些: 隶书:LiSu 幼圆:YouYuan 华文细黑:STXihei 华文楷体:STKaiti 华文宋体:STSong 华文中宋:STZhongsong 华文仿宋:STFangsong 方正舒体:FZShuTi 方正姚体:FZYaoti 华文彩云:STCaiyun 华文琥珀:STHupo 华文隶书:STLiti 华文行楷:STXingkai 华文新魏:STXinwei

CSS font-family字体大合集

以下为font-family常用合集以及一部分文字效果: windows常见内置中文字体 宋体 SimSun 黑体 SimHei 微软雅黑 Microsoft YaHei 微软正黑体 Microsoft JhengHei 新宋体 NSimSun 新细明体 PMingLiU 细明体 MingLiU 标楷体 DFKai-SB 仿宋 FangSong 楷体 KaiTi 仿宋_GB2312 FangSong_GB2312 楷体_GB2312 KaiTi_GB2312 宋体:SimSuncss中中文字体(font-family)的英文名称 Mac OS的一些: 华文细黑:STHeiti Light [STXihei] 华文黑体:STHeiti 华文楷体:STKaiti 华文宋体:STSong 华文仿宋:STFangsong 俪黑 Pro:LiHei Pro Medium 俪宋 Pro:LiSong Pro Light 标楷体:BiauKai 苹果俪中黑:Apple LiGothic Medium 苹果俪细宋:Apple LiSung Light Windows的一些: 新细明体:PMingLiU 细明体:MingLiU 标楷体:DFKai-SB 黑体:SimHei 新宋体:NSimSun 仿宋:FangSong 楷体:KaiTi 仿宋_GB2312:FangSong_GB2312 楷体_GB2312:KaiTi_GB2312 微软正黑体:Microsoft JhengHei 微软雅黑体:Microsoft YaHei 装Office会生出来的一些: 隶书:LiSu 幼圆:YouYuan 华文细黑:STXihei 华文楷体:STKaiti 华文宋体:STSong 华文中宋:STZhongsong 华文仿宋:STFangsong 方正舒体:FZShuTi 方正姚体:FZYaoti 华文彩云:STCaiyun 华文琥珀:STHupo 华文隶书:STLiti 华文行楷:STXingkai 华文新魏:STXinwei font-family,好看常用的字体 例1(小米米官网):font-family: "Arial","Microsoft YaHei","黑体","宋体",sans-serif; 例2(淘宝技术研发中心):font: 12px/1.5 Tahoma,Helvetica,Arial,"宋体",sans-serif; 例3(加网 ):font: 14px/1.5 "Microsoft YaHei",arial,tahoma,5b8b4f53,sans-serif; 例4(淘宝UED):font: 12px/1 Tahoma,Helvetica,Arial,"5b8b4f53",sans-serif; 例5(一淘UX):font-family: Helvetica, "Hiragino Sans GB", "Microsoft Yahei", "微软雅黑", Arial, sans-serif;

Supplementary reading material:Volcanic Systems

Previous models formally defined a volcanic system to include: ( 1) the melting anomaly at the magma source; ( 2) the conduits through which magma rises to the surface; ( 3) the magma chambers ( if any is formed) ; ( 4 ) the zones of geothermal influence; and ( 5 ) the volcanic edifice. Using this definition of a volcanic system,Walker grouped basaltic volcanoes into five distinctive system-types based on variations on the time-averaged magma supply rate and on the frequency of incoming magma batches. In his classification scheme,lava shield volcanoes and flood basalt fields form at the highest time-averaged output rate ( ~ 1 km3of lava produced each year) . The distinction between these two systems resides in the frequency of incoming magma batches,being much higher on lava shields ( ~ 1 episode / year) than on flood basalt fields ( ~ 1 episode every 10000 years) . Central volcanoes and stratovolcanoes form at intermediate time- averaged output rates ( ~ 10- 3km3of magma produced each year) ,but are distinguished from each other in terms of the frequency of magma batches ( 1 episode every 1000 years and 1 episode every 100—500 years,respectively) . The fifth type of volcanic system in this scheme includes monogenetic volcanic fields,in which both the frequency of magma batches and the time-averaged magma supply rate are low ( ~ 10- 6km3of magma produced each year and 1 episode every few thousand years,respectively) . Although the classification proposed by Walker accounts for the most obvious differences in the morphology of basaltic volcanoes in the Earth,it does not explain the characteristics of the magma source or the processes responsible for the variation of the two main parameters considered ( magma supply rate and frequency of incoming magma batches) . Additionally,this model does not attempt to link the processes responsible for volcanic activity with a tectonic setting,or any other tectonic variable.An independent formulation of the concept of a volcanic system was made by Gudmundsson. His model is based on his long-term observations of Icelandic volcanic activity. According to Gudmundsson"s model,the surface expression of a volcanic system in divergent plate boundaries consists of tension fractures,normal faults and volcanic fissures,regardless of the volcano-type formed ( fissure swarm,central volcano or caldera; Fig. 1) . The relative independence between the morphology of the edifice and the general surface expression of the system is explained on this model as the result of the implied progressive evolution of the system. Accordingly,the birth of a volcanic system is marked by the formation of a dome-shaped magma reservoir at the crust-upper mantle boundary. During early activity,the system lacks a shallow crustal magma chamber,so that all intrusions ( dykes) and extrusions ( eruptive episodes) are fed from the deep reservoir, thus developing a regional dyke swarm. The rapid emplacement of many dykes may,in principle, shift the relative importance of horizontal and vertical stresses with time. If the horizontal compressive stresses become higher than the vertical stress as the result of either tectonic or volcanic events,the emplacement of magma to form a sill will be favored and a crustal magma chamber might be formed eventually by the system. Upon formation of the shallow magma chamber,the conditions would be set for the system to evolve into a central volcano,and further evolution of the system would lead to the development of a caldera.Fig. 1 Scheme showing the main components of volcanic systems in rift zones and the three morphologic types of volcanoes at the surface according to Gudmundsson ( 1995) .In analogy with Walker"s model,in Gudmundsson"s version of a volcanic system both the deepseated magma reservoir and most of the plumbing of the system are common features of all the identified morphologically distinct volcano-types. Unlike Walker"s model, Gudmundsson incorporates some variables of tectonic origin although the explicit relation between a volcanic system and plate tectonics still remains limited to rift scenarios. The combined effect of the relative timing of magma incursions into the upper crust and the influence of the regional stress- field,however,can be used to further explore the relationship existing between plate tectonics and volcanism at a global scale as shown in this paper.Another aspect of particular importance is the recent shift concerning the concept of magma chambers. Various lines of seismic and petrologic evidence have led some authors to replace the view of isolated pools of magma beneath volcanoes and ocean ridges with a concept that portrays magma chambers as vertically distended mush columns. This change in how we envisage the physical aspect of a magma chamber also imposes some constraints to the processes that are significant in a volcanic context. Consequently,the characteristics of the deep reservoir envisaged by Gudmundsson have to be modified to incorporate recent advancements in the understanding of magmatic systems. The consequences of incorporating key aspects of the magmatic system into the context of a volcanic system as envisaged by Walker and Gudmundsson are far reaching,as will be shown in the remainder.Although each of the two available versions of a volcanic system were inspired by volcanoes with specific characteristics ( of basaltic composition in Walker"s case and restricted to rift scenarios in Gudmundsson"s case) ,both models offer a very convenient framework that can be used as a starting point of a more general version in which the volcanic system is inserted more clearly within the plate tectonics paradigm. In Section 3,we combine key aspects of both models to develop an updated version of a volcanic system that is independent of chemical composition and that evidences the effects of the tectonically controlled variables.Selected from: Global aspects of volcanism: the perspectives of “plate tectonics ” and “volcanic systems”,Earth-Science Reviews,66 ( 2004) : 163—182.By: Edgardo Canon-Tapiaa,Department of Geology,CICESE,P. O. Box 434843,San Diego,CA 92143,USA. andGeorge P. L. Walkerb b Geology Department,University of Bristol,Bristol BS8 1JR,UKNew words and expressionsPart A地球科学专业英语Part B地球科学专业英语地球科学专业英语

Kentucky Fried Chicken 怎么读?

Kentucky Fried Chicken Kentucky [简明英汉词典][ken5tQki]n.肯塔基州Fried [简明英汉词典][fri:d]弗里德(Alfred Hermann, 1864-1921, 奥地利著述家、记者, 曾获1911年诺贝尔和平奖)chicken [简明英汉词典][5tFikin]n.小鸡, 小鸟, 鸡肉

Kentucky Fried Chicken是什么意思

Kentucky Fried Chicken肯塔基炸鸡例句:1.So popular is kentucky fried chicken over the festive season that the fast-food chain"s christmas party barrels can be ordered up to two months in advance in japan. 在日本,肯德基在节日期间非常受追捧,这家快餐连锁店的圣诞派对桶需要提前两个月预订。




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单击“开始/运行”,输入regedit,弹出注册表编辑器,寻找【HKEY_CURRENT_USERControlPanelDesktop】,在右边的窗口中选择AutoEndTasks,按鼠标右键,选择“修改”,将其数值资料改为1(默认值为:0)。 重启一次后生效



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求歌词里有winter 、summer或者夏天、冬天的歌






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The University Press of Kentucky (UPK) is the scholarly publisher for the Commonwealth of Kentucky, and was organized in 1969 as successor to the University of Kentucky Press.Kentucky






Kentucky:美 [ken"t?ki],英 [ken?t?ki].路易斯维尔〔美国城市〕。 "kentucky"中文翻译 n. 肯塔基〔美国州名〕。 自1875年以来,这场赛事每年都在路易斯维尔市邱吉尔唐斯的赛马场上举行。 1912年,奥斯卡影后贝瑞的外祖母在还未满周岁时从英国西北部的利物浦港登上前往美国的“米里恩”号客船。


kentucky的读音:英 [ken"tu028cku026a];美 [ku0259n"tu028cku026a];释义:n.肯塔基州(美国)肯塔基州是美国中东部的一个州,正式名称为“肯塔基联盟”。其面积104749平方公里,在全美国排名37,而人口在2005年则是4041769,在美国排名第26位。肯塔基州在美国革命时属弗吉尼亚州一部分,至1792年脱离弗吉尼亚州,成为美国的第十五个州。肯塔基州以纯种马和威士忌闻名。东面是西弗吉尼亚州和弗吉尼亚州,南连田纳西州,西接密苏里州,以密西西比河为州界。北面隔俄亥俄河与伊利诺伊州、印第安那州、俄亥俄州相望。肯塔基的气候温和,全年的温度都颇为适中。肯塔基州全州一月的平均气温是摄氏三度,七月的均温则为二十五点三度。属大陆性气候(严格地说,是亚热带湿润气候),Ohio河位于Kentucky州的北部边界,是该区域亚热带气候和东部大陆性气候的分界线。肯塔基州多数葡萄园都要防御频繁的春季霜冻。路易斯维尔的平均降水量为一百零九公分。除了山区之外 ,肯塔基冬季的降雪量通常不多。









情人节英语作文: Valentines Day

Valentine"sDay is on the February 14 each year. It is celebrated in many countries aroundthe world, although it remains a working day in most of them. After New Year"sDay, it is the most celebrated holiday around the world. It"s a holiday forlovers or couples. This is a festival of love and romance, as well as flowers,chocolates, greeting cards. On that day, there are many activities for couplesto celebrate, showing their love to mate. Gift exchanging is the most common. Inrecent years, February 14 become much more popular than before, although thereis another Valentine"s Day in China. Besides, there are many people choose thatday to propose marriage or get married. In short, it"s a day of love. 情人节在每年的2月14日,世界上的许多国家都庆祝这个节日,虽然那一天在许多国家都是工作日,情人节 Valentines Day英语作文。新年过后,这是全世界范围内最隆重的专属于情人们的日子。这是一个关于爱、浪漫以及花、巧克力、贺卡的节日。在情人节当天,情侣们会有许多庆祝活动,向另一半表达爱意。交换礼物是最为常见的。近些年,虽然我国已经有了七夕情人节,但是2月14情人节依然比以前盛行。此外,也有很多人选择在这一天、求婚或结婚。简单来说,这是一个爱的节日。3.14白色情人节简介brief introduction of White Valentine"s Day Today is March 14ththat isWhiteValentine"s Day. White is regarded as naive, pure, spiritual in Europeancountries, just like Westerners will wear white wedding dress when they getmarried. Gradually, "white" represents hope and happiness, which is blessingto lovers.This has become one of the most important source for the coming WhiteValentine"s Day. White Valentine"s Day is popular in Japan, Taiwan and otherregions. what we know about it is a continuation of the Western Valentine"sday. There are big differences in giving gifts between those two Valentines" day: in Chinese mainland, England, America and Canada, the boy will send a giftto the girl on February 14th, Valentine"s day. Most of the gifts arerose or chocolate. In Japan and Taiwan, the situation is opposite. In Japan,usually the female would like to express her love to her lover would send giftsto the male on t Valentine"s Day (February 14th). And the male will returngifts and tells the girl his love on March 14th. Of course, he will only sendgifts to the one he would like to. In some places of Asia, the young peoplewill celebrate this festival, too. All the lovers, enjoy your day! 今天是3月14日是白色情人节。白色在欧洲国家看来是纯洁、清纯、有灵性的,就像西方人结婚要穿白色婚纱。因为逐渐的流传与发展,“白色”所代表的更是期盼与幸福,是对恋人的祝福。这便成为了“白色情人节”名称的重要来源之一。白色情人节流行于日本、中国台湾等地区,是我们所知道的西方情人节的延续。在送礼方面也不同:具体为2月14日的情人节男方会送女方一份礼物,主要是玫瑰花或者巧克力。(只是中国大陆和英美法)3月14日的白色情人节,就该轮到女方送男方礼物了。日本,中国台湾是刚好相反的(2月14日是女生送巧克力,3月14日是男生回礼) 在日本,通常欲告白的女方会在情人节(2月14日)的时候送礼给心仪的对象,而收到礼物的一方,则会在3月14日回礼并告诉女方自己的心意。当然仅仅是回馈你想回的那个人.亚洲部分地区的年轻人亦会庆祝这个节日。情人们,享受你们的节日吧。 英语散文:一个人的情人节A person"s Valentine"s Day Valentine"s day, looking at one couple out the door, I really, very upset. Because mom and dad out the valentine"s day, just put my soul in the home, my in the mind of course right away. More hate the, ssi cast me into the home was the reason for valentine"s day, two men to eat western food specials, take me to spend a money. I was angry to mad. They also say, valentine"s day with a child out is not like a lover. Alas, I had to stay at home. 情人节,看着一对一对情侣走出门外,我真的,烦躁极了。因为老爸老妈出去过情人节了,单单把我撇在家里,我心里当然不是味儿。更可恨的是,老爸老妈把我扔在家里的理由竟然是,情人节两个人去吃西餐特价,带我还要多花一份钱。我简直气的要发疯。他们还说,情人节带一个小孩子出去就不像情人了。唉——我就只好在家里呆着了。 I was at home is boring, just want to make a phone call for your mother a go out to play. But old mama had agreed, and then she actually said to me: "don"t call me! I want to shut down!" Alas, forget it, and she said no, go out to play. 我在家实在无聊,就想给老妈打个电话申请一下出去玩。不料老妈竟然同意了,然后她竟然跟我说:“别给我打电话啦!我要关机啦!”唉——算了,和她说也没用,出去玩吧。 After I had found out and I like the fate of "NanYou"--and parents out the valentine"s day, the child in the home the throw. I"m and friends to play, a phone call, friends to say: "you go to call, we play first, saving you again to talk on the phone." I haven"t talk, they have play. I picked up the phone, so it"s mother, she said, "hello! We come back at night, you first, food is doing porridge, no." Say that finish will mow the phone, I have a secondary mad, and do not say first play of problem, is her out the valentine"s day the calculate, come back to me that cooking. Alas--well, anyway, just for one day, do it well. I just do porridge, my friends called me: "feed! Play games bad you!" My heart was itching, he said: "you wait me 10 minutes to play." I put a set of clothes, look at the pot, thought: ok, just to play. I will go on, and, behold, playing, forget time, until I come to think of it, just Shouting: "no!" Will run back to. Go upstairs and a look, over, porridge into rice crust. I worry dead, if mom back found, still must not scold me dog blood shower head! At this time, my heart had an idea, take out a big cardboard, top write: characteristics food, welcome to taste. And then put it in the rice cooker made the. And I took out my newly bought the cross embroider, the top painting with a heart, I but the cross embroider masters, embroidered quite fast, I looked at his watch, the distance from mom and dad back there are about seven hours, I completely embroider them all, I rapid embroidery, and after an hour later, finally finished with. I put it in the rope, hang from the ceiling, and I"m happy to look at. Suddenly, I think, if I put the dishes do, mom cannot be angry. So, I"ll do a the best of "persimmon egg soup", and then do a lot of a lot of food, and I think that year but said "the cook king" river. I then and took a cardboard, write: valentine"s day dishes. I think: this time can no risk at all. Look at my work achievement, I was very happy. 出去后我竟然发现了和我一样命运的“难友”——也是父母出去过情人节,把孩子扔在了家里面的, 英语作文《情人节 Valentines Day英语作文》(http://www.unjs.com)。我正在和小伙伴们玩时,一个电话打来了,小伙伴们说:“你去接吧,我们先玩,省着你又要煲电话粥。”我还没说话,他们已经玩上了。我接起电话,原来是老妈,她说:“喂!我们晚上回来,你先把粥做上,菜就不用了。”说完就撂了电话,我又一次要发疯了,先不说玩的问题,就是她出去过情人节了就算了,回来居然还要我做饭。唉——算了,反正就一天,做一下算了。我刚刚做上粥,我的朋友们就喊我:“喂!玩游戏就差你啦!”我心里痒痒极了,就说:“你们先等我10分钟再玩。”我把衣服一套,看了一眼锅,心想:没事,就玩一会儿。我就下去了,不料,玩着玩着,忘了时间,直到我想起来,才大喊一声:“糟了!”就跑回去了。上楼一看,完了,粥成锅巴了。我着急死了,要是老妈回来发现了,还不得骂我狗血淋头啊!这时,我心生一计,拿出了大卡纸,上面写着:特色食物,欢迎品尝。然后把它立在了电饭锅旁。我又拿出了我新买的十字绣,上面画着一颗心,我可是十字绣高手,绣的相当快了,我看了看表,距离老爸老妈回来大约还有7个小时,我完全绣得完,我飞速的绣,在一个小时以后,终于绣完了。我把它上面穿了根绳子,挂在了天花板上,我高兴的看着。突然,我想,我要是把菜做了,妈妈就更不能生气了。于是,我先做一个最拿手的“柿子鸡蛋汤”,然后又做了好多好多菜,我想当年可是江湖人称“厨师王”。我这时又拿了一张卡纸,写上:情人节菜肴。我想:这次可万无一失了。看着我的劳动成果,我高兴极了。 Mom and dad can be back again, and looking at hanging the cross embroider, look at my food, was very happy, but my heart is suspended for fear of mother saw "porridge" said I. As he had what I expected, old mama see after porridge said: "what"s this? It or porridge?" The results I still be scolded, although scold also to scold, said also said, can this a pot with crispy Fried rice crust or can"t throw ah, so, we sent the home "cabarete has one main spot cabarete has one main spot" chew with crispy Fried rice crust sound, the results we home two days of rice crust chew, chew teeth are sore. But mom or said: "ok performance, small award once!" Hey hey, but award to my hand, and will not "small award", I to old mama to me the crush of new doll, old mama ao however I, have to promise. 老爸老妈可回来啦,看着悬挂的十字绣,看着我的菜,高兴极了,可我的心却悬着,怕妈妈看到“粥”后说我。果然不出我之所料,老妈看到粥后说:“这是什么?这还是粥吗?”结果我还是被骂了,虽然骂也骂了,说也说了,可这一锅锅巴还是不能扔啊,于是,我们家发出了“咔吧咔吧”的嚼锅巴声,结果我们家嚼了两天的锅巴,牙都嚼疼了。不过老妈还是说:“表现得还行,小奖一下吧!”嘿嘿,不过奖到我手里,就肯定不是“小奖”了,我向老妈要了我心仪已久的新式娃娃,老妈拗不过我,只好答应了。 Hey hey! Although the valentine"s day is lonely, but afterwards, as long as there is reward, the valentine"s day a little lonely, value! 嘿嘿!虽然情人节过的比较孤独,但是,事后只要有奖励,这个情人节孤独一点,值!

求堀江由衣Peppermint Days日语歌词,多谢~

Peppermint Days作词:椎名可怜 作曲:上田晃司 编曲:佐藤 准歌:堀江由衣やわらかな风が吹く Have a day!Lovely days.so beautiful daysあの日くれたミント ポケットに残ってた1口かじったら きみがそばにいる気がした flavor窓辺のフリズム反射したら 飞び込む光が部屋に虹を描いて足踏みしていた昨日までのこと 动き出す予感がしたの部屋のドアを开けた时人差指で叩くピアノみたい つたなくてだけどあったかいね そんなとこにひかれてゆく may be日曜 早起き 自転车の后ろ だいすきな道の街路树ever evergreen耳をすり抜ける 风の匂いほら 辉きはじめたいちばんまぶしい季节感じてるpeppermint 一粒で新しい风が生まれるように lalalalalapeppermint 今日もしあわせなスパイスをふりかけて 进んでこうwow... good days! wow... nice days!歌うように はしゃぐように ずっとずっと 笑っていたいね深呼吸するたびに 生まれる あの空気みたいうまくゆからくても 颜を上げて笑えたら少しずつ何かが 変わりだした そんなsomething new...may be読みかけの本と 蔷薇色のチークオレンジの红茶 ほらhappinessの种ウサギが飞び出すシルクハットに 隠したカードはまだまだ尽きない 饱きない そうでしょう?peppermint 一粒でちいさな元気が生まれるように lalalalalapeppermint 今日もしあわせのピースいくつ见つけよう 集めようpeppermint 一粒で新しい风が生まれるように lalalalalapeppermint 今日もしあわせなスパイスをふりかけて 进んでこう good days!青空に手を伸ばし 太阳の光を集めてLike a peppermint, the wind is blowingThe sun is shiningLovely days, so beautiful daysつなぎあう指に また ぎゅっときゅっとちからをこめるよ歌うように はしゃぐように ずっとずっと 笑っていたいね深呼吸するたびに 生まれる あの空気みたいやわらかな风が吹く Have a good day!Lovely days, so beautiful days终わり

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大学英语作文:世界环境日 World Environment Day

  【篇一】世界环境日 World Environment DayThe environment has been polluted badly today and the nature punishes the human being by all kinds of disasters, such as the heavy haze in Beijing, which damages people"s health. World Environment Day is on June 5th. It pays attention to call for the public to make an effort to bring the world a clean environment. 在环境被污染严重的今天,大自然用各种自然灾害惩罚人类,像北京的雾霾,严重损害人们的健康。世界环境日是在6月5日,呼吁公众努力为世界带来一个干净的环境。 Look at the pollution around us, which exists everywhere. The cars release the gas which pollutes the air and the rubbish can be found in every corner of the street. All of these daily incidents hurts the world we live. Especially the factories, they release the heavy smoke and make the sky becomes dark. What"s more, the wasted water flows to the clean river. 看看我们周围的污染,真是无处不在。汽车排放的废气污染了空气,而且街道的每一个角落都能找到垃圾。这些日常的存在都伤害了我们所生活的世界。特别是那些工厂,释放出大量的烟雾,使天空变得黑暗,而且,废弃的水流向了干净的河流。 Though the government has made some action to punish the businessmen for releasing the polluted sources, they still dare to take the risk of earning the biggest profit. If we hurt the environment, it will hurt ourselves, because we live together. The polluted environment threatens our health. If we want to live the comfortable life, then the only way is to be nice to the environment. 虽然政府已经采取了一些措施来惩罚那些释放污染源的商人,但是他们仍然敢于冒着获得利润的风险。如果我们伤害了环境,那就是伤害我们自己,因为我们生活在一起。被污染过的环境威胁着我们的健康,如果我们想过舒适的生活,那么的办法就是善待环境。   【篇二】全国爱眼日 National Eye Caring DayNational Eye Caring Day is on June 6th, which originated in the 1996. At that time the doctors proposed the government to name a day, hoping to catch the public"s attention to protect their eyes. Nowadays, many young people haven"t realized the loss of sight, and have no idea to protect their eyes. So it is important to let the public know the ways to protect eyes. 6月6日是全国爱眼日,起源于1996年。当时医生们建议政府确定那么一个日子,希望能通过特殊日子的提醒引起公众保护眼睛的意识。现在,许多年轻人还没有意识到所失去的视力,也不知道如何保护自己的眼睛。因此,让大家了解如何保护眼睛很重要。 Most people are born with good eyesight, but look at the students in college, over ninety percents of them are wearing glasses. For the young generation, they have access to the electronic products and watch them for a long time, so it is easy to get short sight. Though the students are asked to do eye exercise during the break time, still their sight becomes weaker. 大多数人出生时候视力都很好,但是看看大学里的学生,90%都在戴眼镜。对于年轻一代来说,他们可以长时间玩电子产品,所以很容易近视。虽然学生在休息时间要做眼保健操,但他们的视力仍然变得越来越弱。 Parents have the responsibility to supervise kids to protect their eyes. They should let children know the beauty of nature and spend more time to appreciate the scenery. While some parents just give their children ipads when they feel annoyed. Seeing different colors and taking a break after reading for a long time, we can protect our eyes. 父母有责任督促孩子保护自己的眼睛。他们应该让孩子们多了解大自然的美,花更多的时间去欣赏风景。而有些家长则会在孩子烦他们的时候让他们去玩ipad。看看不同的颜色,长时间工作后的休息,都可以让我们保护眼睛。   【篇三】儿童节 Children"s DayChildren"s day is on the first day of June. On that day, every child will celebrate it in their ways. The school always prepare some funny games for students, and all of these leave the children a happy childhood. For most parents, they are very busy and don"t take Children"s Day seriously. The time to spend with children matters so much. 儿童节是六月的第一天。在那一天,每个孩子都会用他们自己的方式来庆祝。学校总是为学生准备一些有趣的游戏,所有这些都是为了给孩子们一个快乐的童年。对大多数父母来说,他们很忙所以并没有很认真的对待儿童节。在孩子身上花些时间是很重要的。 Most parents believe that they live with the children every day, so there is no need to spare extra time to play with them. It is totally wrong thought. Every parent is busy, but some of them will spare some time to play with their kids, because they don"t want to miss every important moment for their children. Everything the elders do will be remembered by the young hearts. It is the best love for them. 大多数父母认为因为他们每天都和孩子们一起生活,所以不需要额外抽时间和孩子们玩耍。这完全是错误的观念。每个父母都很忙,但是有些人会抽时间和孩子玩耍,因为他们不想错过孩子的每一个重要时刻。大人们所做的每一件事,都将被幼小的心灵所铭记。这是对他们的爱。 Some parents satisfy their kids by giving money and buying what they want. Actually, it is better to spend some time with children, or have communication with them. It is said that company is the best love. 有些父母通过给孩子钱或买他们想要的东西来满足他们的孩子。实际上,花些时间和孩子们在一起,或者和他们沟通交流是的选择。据说陪伴就是的爱。

I dont give a fuck


初二英语作文 (5篇)1.the life in the winter holidays2.how can we kee

1.the life in the winter holidays This holiday season is the happiest I have been a holiday,this holiday season,I often go to the library to study,learn a lot of knowledge.At the same time,my mother in order to allow me to study hard and also acpany me Hangzhou touri *** ,we are playing very happy.I after dinner,we watch TV and see a lot of news,all I did not know,the holidays are too meaningful,and I will never forget this holiday 2.How can we keep Healthy in the winter Holidays It"s important and problem to keep our health.So,frist we must sleep over seven hours every day.Then we can not only eat meat but also some vagetables.It can make us stronger than befer.Doing some sports are also good for our health.But please do it every day.And have a piic is a good way that can keep our health.Finally,Don"t sit to long and eat somgthing which are bad,it"s not good for your health. 3.spring festival Spring Festival,Chinese New Year,is the most important festivalfor all of us.All family members get together on New Year"Eve to have a big meal.At the same time,everyone celebrates to each other.At about 12 o"clock,some parents and children light crackers.The whole sky is lighted brightly.We may watch the fireworks excitedly.How busy it is! On the first early moring of one year,many senior citizen get up early and they stick the reversed Fu or hang some couplets on the front door.Some house"s windows are sticked on red paper cutlings.The Chinese New Year lasts fifteen days.So during the fifteen days,we always visit our relatives from door to door.At that time,children are the happiest because they can get many red packets form their parents,grandparents,uncles,aunts and so on.The last day of the Chinese New Year is another festival.It names the Lantern Festival.So the Chinese New Year es to the end. 4.Protecting the Environment around us Environmental problems are being more and more serious all over the world.For example,cars have made the air unhealthy for people to breathe and poisonous gas is given off by factories.Trees on the hills have been cut down and waste water is being poured continuously into rivers.Furthermore,wherever we go today,we can find rubbish carelessly disposed.Pollution is,in fact,threatening our existence. The earth is our home and we have the duty to take care of it for ourselves and for our later generations.Fortunately,more and more people have realized these problems.Measures have been taken to cope with these problems by the government.Laws have been passed to stop pollution.I hope the problem will be solved in the near future and our home will bee better and better. 5.Changes in our Hometown In the past ten years,great changes have taken place in our hometown.Take my family for example.My parents contacted others mainly by sending them letters in the past,but now we call long distancd at home.And once my parents listened to radio for news and other information,but now we watch the news and other programs on TV.Another big change is in the housing conditions.When they got married about ten years ago,my parents lived in a samll room crowded with furniture,but now we have moved intwo a big new three-room apartment. In short,changes in our hometown in the past ten years have brought us fort and convenience. 我也是九中的 为了找这5篇作文 搞的头都是大的

以the important day in my life为题写一篇作文

One day in winter holiday,all my family went to climb a mountain.Father told my elder sister and I that the first one to get to the top of the mountain would be given a toy.Hearing this ,we began to climb.I was soon tired.I didn"t give up.That toy attracted me to run foaward,in the end I reached the top first.On the top we enjoyed the beautiful view and had a picnic.At dusk,we went down the mountain happily.I was the happist one.What an importantday!Iwill never give up!



英语作文 one day of my most interesting 最有趣的一天,用过去时 (70~80词)谢谢

英语作文 one day of my most interesting 最有趣的一天,用过去时 (70~80词)谢谢 The most interesting day in my summer vacation is to visit the beautiful city---Guang Zhou.I was very glad there. The day after I reached Guang Zhou,my mum took me to the Guangzhou Ocean Aquarium. I walked into the aquarium.It was just like swimming in the colorful ocean like a *** all pretty fish.Blue water went around me.How wonderful the feeling is! The aquarium is really large.Fishes were beautiful and colorful and let me be happy all the way。 My favourite animal is dolphins.Dolphin, bodily form looks like the fish, the mouth is thin and long, upper and lower jaws have 46- 6 sharp and thin teeth respectively, the body is thin and long , generally about 2- 2. meters long. The back in the shape health of streamline, the dorsal fin with sickle form . The back is greyish black, the belly is white, the place close to head of belly has a pair of pectoral fins. The weight is beeen 100- 20 kilograms. Although its mouth is kissed long, there are so many teeth in the mouth, it can"t chew the food , just consume *** all fish , shrimp , cuttlefish ,etc.. a day in the life of my father 这篇英语作文要用过去时吗 如果是回忆以前的一天,则使用过去式。 如果是今天,也可以用一般现在时。 用过去时态写一篇英语作文“mg interesting dag” My Day I had a tired but happy Saturday.I went to the beach with my friends last Saturday, It was a sunny and we were very happy.We went there by bus.We arrived there at 7o"clock.We sang mang songs.And played many interesting games.We ate lunch at 12 o"clock.We cooked many delicious food for ourselves.At 6 o"clock.We must went home.Because it was too late. We were having a good time last Saturday. 以 The Best Day(过去时)为题 英语作文 The best day that I ever had was my 13th birthday. That day, my friends planned a surprise birthday party for me. I was both surprised and happy. We sang and danced. We ate a huge birthday cake. We also played games that were very fun. My best friend gave me the newest album of my favourite singer as a present. I was very happy that day. I felt that I had such wonderful friends. That was the best day of my life. 我是美国高一学生,水平与初二更相近~我英文都快比中文好了 P.S. granparents应该是grandparents dumplins应该是dumplings sponsered应该是sponsored medy应该是edy 纠正一下一楼的拼写 有趣的事,英语作文,要用过去式 the most interesting subjuct and the most did To me ,the most interesting subject is English.But I find studying English is very difficult.So if you ask which subject is the most difficult to me.My answer will be English.Now I am a student,everyday I have more than one English classes,I like studying it very much and I hope I can study it very well,so I can talk with foreigners and know the foreign countries things,it is very useful. (采纳我的答案) 英语作文:中秋节的一天 用过去时态写 100字 During the festival, my family members got united and have mooncakes together. THere were various kind of mooncakes, such as bean paste, egg-yolk or meat. The shape of a mooncake was round as it symbolizes a big moon. Moreover, in the evening of the Middle-Autumn Festival, we got together in a vacant place, eating delicious mooncakes while appreciating the beautiful moon hanging in the dark sky. To conclude, my Midde-Autumn Festival is a very nice festival . 英语作文《最有趣的一堂课》70字 一节有趣的英语课 An interesting English lesson 今天,我们上了一节非常有趣的英语课。 Today, we had a very interesting English lesson. 上课 *** 响了,陈老师却带着各种各样的食品和饮料走进教室,我既惊喜又好奇,心里砰砰地跳,想:出什么事了,上英语课干什么要带这些东西来呢? When the bell rang, Chen took a variety of food and drink into the classroom, I was very surprised and curious, heart thumping, like: what happened, what the English want to take these things? 只见陈老师宣布了今天要玩的游戏规则,要求一个同学走到讲台上闻出咖啡、橘子汁、茶、牛奶……等等的味道,用英文说出它的名字,说对了,就可以任意选一样自己喜欢的饮料喝。就这样一个个同学都美美地喝到了饮料,可一直没有轮到我。 Chen saw announced today to play the game rules, ask a student went to the podium to *** ell Coffee, orange juice, tea, milk...... And so the taste, name it with English, right, you can arbitrarily choose as your love drink. So the students one by one nice drink to drink, has not my turn. 不一会儿第一个游戏结束,陈老师又开始和我们玩第二个游戏,老师请一位同学上台和老师对话,如果对话很流利的话,也可以获得一份奖品。又一个个同学得到奖品了。终于,轮到我了。我怀着激动的心情走上讲台,和老师对话了一番,最后,得到了cake,我开心地跑下了讲台。 After a while the first game ended, Chen started to play our second game, the teacher invited a dialogue students and teachers came to power, if the dialogue is very good, can also get a prize. After all students receive prizes. Finally, it was my turn. I am excited to the podium, and teachers a lot of dialogue, finally, get the cake, I"m happy to run down the platform. 这节课真有趣,它在同学们的笑声中很快结束了。 This class is really interesting, it quickly at the end of the students laugh. 英语作文用过去时45词初一简单的3篇 1 In ten years,I think I "ll be a reporter.I wiil live in an apartement with my sister.Because I don"t like living alone.And I can play with her inth aparement.So in ten years,I willba a good reporter.I will meet a lot of interesting and faous people and I willgo to another places on business.In ten years,i will have many different pets.Maybe I will keep a pet turtle.I think I will go shopping with my sister as long as I have time.And I will go to london on my vacation. So,my life in ten years will be better and better! 2 A Rainy Day the weather was so bad today as well as my mood.i failed in my test and was scolded by my teacher.i was so upset because i had try my best and spent a lot of time doing exercise.to make things worse,it started to rain when the class is over. i stared at the gray sky,wondering whether i should to run in the rain.suddenly,someone patted my shoulder.i turned back immediately and find it was my best friend.saying nothing,he give me his umbrella with a *** ile.i felt so moved and warm. 3 I had a dream that I wanted to be a dancer .But now it"s just a dream in my heart. I lost my both legs in an aident.I had cried for a long time for I couldn"t aept this truth.I like dancing on the platform where I can show myself well. Three years has passed since that terrible thing.I began to learn how to make myself happy and mature.Even I still want to dance but I love my new job better. And I believe that trust yourself and you will do it best. Last sunday. I and tom, went to Superior Lake by bus. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired,it began to rain,My West Lake silk umbrella missed,. tom said to me,“Jill, don"t do anything halfway.”at last,So I insisted reached the , the of the scenery so beautiful.We were flying kites, ate cold rice noodles .finally we went to the lake boating,Since then, I"ve kept the umbrella。I was very happy 寒假计划英语作文要用过去时的 那就用呗

a day in the life of a college student 翻译


求好听的英语歌曲,就像I wanted you这样,谢谢!!!



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