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while sprinting hold cto slide是什么意思

2023-07-13 19:38:05

while sprinting hold cto slide







while sprinting hold cto slide的中文翻译_百度翻译

while sprinting hold cto slide





while sprinting hold cto slide的中文翻译




2023-07-13 13:10:114


Sprint 是一间美国的传訉公司。
2023-07-13 13:10:334


敏捷开发模式中的四种会议,Sprint Planning敏捷迭代计划会议,Daily Stand-up Meeting每日站会,Sprint Retrospective敏捷迭代回顾会议,Sprint Review敏捷迭代评审会议
2023-07-13 13:10:422

我的世界怎样加速跑 (注意!是游戏!)

但我不知道怎样做到的高手告诉我一下 详细一点 我不知道你说的加速跑 是什么什么东西。 有很多重可能 1 闪现排除,闪现只是瞬移 不是加速跑的动 2
2023-07-13 13:10:524


2023-07-13 13:11:013

我最爱的运动 英语作业,不要在网上找的,80单词左右,最好带中文翻译,

2023-07-13 13:11:113

我的世界创世神指令是什么 MC创世神指令完全一览

orldEdit(创世神插件)所有指令:手拿木斧,左键一角,右键一角,两角之间的长方体为选择区域:/t id - 将选中的区域变为某物品(如果是不可放置或者没有放置点的物品会成为被扔出的状态)//undo - 还原上一次的WorldEdit行动//redo - 还原上一次的//undo(这个说明可能有误)//move x - 将区域移动x块。移动时需正对着你要移动的区域,他就会帮你移动到你正对的地方//move x up - 将区域向上移动x块//move x down - 将区域向下移动x块/criticalhit [enable|disable]开启关闭致命一击/clouds [enable|disable]是否显示云sprinting [enable|disable]总是冲刺climb无需梯子能攀爬任何墙面spawner改变玩家所在区域刷怪器的怪物种类effect设置水效果fog [tiny|small|normal|far]改变视野距离enderman pickup [enable|disable]Enderman拾取物品开启关闭enchant对当前物品附魔xpXP (player experience)经验值命令hardcore是否开启变态模式(游戏最高难度)calc计算机useportal传送命令特别提示: 输入 “= 算式”可以简单的使用计算机比如: = 4 * 4更多命令帮助信息输入?/help <命令名称>helmet [ITEM] [QTY] [DAMAGE]换头盔和头盔的防御度啥的。。slippery [SLIPPERYNESS]让某个块变得很滑(像冰)longerlegs让腿更长,可以跳2格等atlantis亚塔兰迪斯模式spawnportal制作一个地狱传送门clone [QUANTITY]复制你正在看的npc (鼠标对着的)killall杀掉指定的某个怪flammable [CATCH] [SPREAD]让某个块可燃烧clearwater让水变得清澈confuse [DISTANCE]让附近的怪眩晕confusesuicide让怪互咬 搞内讧cyclepainting可以看你对着的那幅画 (也就是能不把画拿下来再放上去 可以直接更换)bring [ENTITY]让某个物到你这来superpunch [DISTANCE|reset]揍某个npc (越来越邪恶了)phelp [COMMAND]给帮助bindid {ARGS}下面有 设置快捷键unbindid取消快捷键reskin穿皮肤weather天气 这mod无敌了/fly [SPEED]改变飞的速度,5差不多了/music [play|pause|skip|stop]可以换音乐有许多其他的 这几个是最主要的也许会出错的命令指令列表有些被删除或者更改了指令 有些1.4不可用ascend将玩家移到自己上面一层
2023-07-13 13:11:321


i think (that) you cannot run faster than i (run).
2023-07-13 13:11:406


我的世界创世神的使用技巧如下:1.手拿木斧,左键一角,右键一角,两角之间的长方体为选择区域://set id - 将选中的区域变为某物品(如果是不可放置或者没有放置点的物品会成为被扔出的状态)//undo - 还原上一次的WorldEdit行动//redo - 还原上一次的//undo(这个说明可能有误)//move x - 将区域移动x块。移动时需正对着你要移动的区域,他就会帮你移动到你正对的地方//move x up - 将区域向上移动x块//move x down - 将区域向下移动x块/criticalhit [enable|disable]2.开启关闭致命一击/clouds [enable|disable]3.是否显示云sprinting [enable|disable]4.总是冲刺climb5.无需梯子能攀爬任何墙面spawner6.改变玩家所在区域刷怪器的怪物种类effect7.设置药水效果fog [tiny|small|normal|far]8.改变视野距离enderman pickup [enable|disable]Enderman拾取物品开启关闭enchant9.对当前物品附魔xpXP (player experience)经验值命令hardcore10.是否开启变态模式(游戏最高难度)calc11.计算机useportal12.传送命令特别提示: 输入 “= 算式”可以简单的使用计算机比如: = 4 * 413.更多命令帮助信息输入?/help <命令名称>helmet [ITEM] [QTY] [DAMAGE]14.换头盔和头盔的防御度啥的。slippery [SLIPPERYNESS]15.让某个块变得很滑(像冰)longerlegs16.让腿更长,可以跳2格等atlantis17.亚塔兰迪斯模式spawnportal18.制作一个地狱传送门clone [QUANTITY]19.复制你正在看的npc (鼠标对着的)killall20.杀掉指定的某个怪flammable [CATCH] [SPREAD]21.让某个块可燃烧clearwater22.让水变得清澈confuse [DISTANCE]23.让附近的怪眩晕confusesuicide24.让怪互咬 搞内讧cyclepainting25.可以看你对着的那幅画 (也就是能不把画拿下来再放上去 可以直接更换)bring [ENTITY]26.让某个物到你这来superpunch [DISTANCE|reset]27.揍某个npc (越来越邪恶了)phelp [COMMAND]28.给帮助bindid {ARGS}29.下面有 设置快捷键unbindid30.取消快捷键reskin31.穿皮肤weather32.天气 这mod无敌了/fly [SPEED]33.改变飞的速度,5差不多了/music [play|pause|skip|stop]34.可以换音乐有许多其他的 这几个是最主要的也许会出错的命令指令列表有些被删除或者更改了指令 有些1.4不可用ascend35.将玩家移到自己上面一层biome36.告诉玩家在神马环境里 (沙漠,下雪,平原等)bind {COMMANDPARAMS}37.- 给一个指令设置快捷键 格式:bind <键盘的某个键><指令>{指令的参数}个人觉得这个没啥大用 我还是喜欢直接输入- -cannon [STRENGTH]38.这个可以往自己前方发射tnt 格式:cannon 威力/举例 例如cannon 15 就往自己前方15格发射chest39.可以弄一箱子的东西 例如 chest fill 46 就搞了一柜子tnt(1.4没用了貌似)clear40.将聊天窗口清理 (例如你刷了一堆tnt会有一堆give 46 输入了这个全部空白)config41.可以保存你的配置 (不清楚这个干啥)damage42.伤害 开/关defuse [all]43.去掉自己附近所有已点燃的tntdescend44.- 将你移到你下面的一层destroy [all]45.破环东西difficulty46.设置难度 (0~3 例如difficulty 3)drops47.物品掉落 开,关dropstore48.把你身上的东西生成一个箱子放在身旁duplicate [all]49.复制你选择要复制的物品explode [SIZE]50.在自己身边弄个爆炸- – (这翻译囧 例:explode 10 就相当于一颗威力10的tnt在自己身边爆炸 但不会伤到自己)exterminate [SIZE]51.可以杀掉你选取的某个npcextinguish|ext [all]52.在自己附近生成火falldamage扩展资料:WE之前请一定要看清楚这块区域有没有锁的箱子或者商店,如果你直接WE掉,那么这个箱子占用的这两格子将永远被保护,半砖商店的物品将永远卡在那里,消不掉!!!//rotate 【角度】让你复制过的建筑先面对你旋转多少度,记住要在//copy之后,在//paste之前使用
2023-07-13 13:11:561


2023-07-13 13:12:123


2023-07-13 13:12:452


1、生命的意义蕴藏在生命的每一个表达之中,它体现在形式和表现的无限延伸上,存在于一切创造之中。 The meaning of life lies in every expression of life. It is embodied in the infinite extension of form and expression and in all creation. 2、我爱你们。答应我,你们也会永远爱我。 I love you. Promise me that you will always love me. 3、接受教育最有效的方式就是置身现场,亲眼看看那些大师是怎样创作的。 The most effective way to receive education is to be on the spot and see for yourself how the masters created it. 4、孩子们用开心的笑容,告诉我这种恩赐是与生俱来的。这种单纯的善良在他们心底闪耀,照射而出,永恒存在。 With a happy *** ile, the children told me that this gift was innate. This simple goodness shines in their hearts, shines out and exists forever. 5、只要心中有爱,就不会迷失。 As long as there is love in your heart, you will not be lost. 6、在我步入青少年之前,我感觉自己就像一位老人。 Before I entered adolescence, I felt like an old man. 7、我不为成为上帝,只是尽量让上帝之光在我心中闪耀。 I don"t want to be God, I just try to make the light of God shine in my heart. 8、谎言善于冲刺但真理擅长马拉松。在法庭上真相终究赢得这场审判。 Lies are good at sprinting, but truth is good at marathon. The truth won the trial in court. 9、无论你挣了多少钱,无论你有多出名,你仍会觉得空虚。你真正寻找的只是无条件的爱和完全的包容。 No matter how much money you earn, no matter how famous you are, you will still feel empty. What you really want is unconditional love and plete tolerance. 10、对于你爱的恩典,我宁愿谦卑的享受。 For the grace of your love, I would rather enjoy humbly. 11、我再次重申:我永远都不会伤害一个孩子。媒体上写的那些关于我的不实之词让我厌恶。 I repeat: I will never hurt a child. The untrue words about me in the media made me sick. 12、了解我的人都会清楚事情的真相,那就是孩子是我生命中最重要的部分,我绝不会伤害任何一个孩子。 Everyone who knows me knows the truth, that is, children are the most important part of my life, and I will never hurt any child. 13、让我们梦想着一个明天,那里有从心底升腾起的爱,我们终将明白一个真理,爱像一颗充满创造力的心。 Let"s dream of a tomorrow, where there is love rising from the bottom of our heart, and we will finally understand a truth, love is like a creative heart. 14、我继续跳着,永恒的创造之舞,创造者与创作融成完整的喜悦。 I continue to dance, the eternal dance of creation, the creator and creation into a plete joy. 15、印刷成文不能代表它们就是真理。 Printed documents do not mean that they are truth. 16、我很疑惑,为什么人们曲解我到如此的程度。 I wonder why people misinterpret me to such a degree. 17、努力做到最好,不能是第二或者第三。只要你选择了这条路,就一定要做到最好。 To strive for the best is not the second or the third. As long as you choose this road, you must do the best. 18、打击我,憎恨我,永远无法击垮我!利诱我,威胁我,你永远无法打败我! Strike me, hate me, never beat me down! Lure me, threaten me, you can never defeat me! 19、我和普通人一样。会受伤也会流血,也很容易难为情。 I am the same as ordinary people. It can hurt and bleed, and it"s easy to be embarrassed. 20、我知道自己和大多数同龄人不同,因为我经历了很多。但是我不是疯子,我没有疯,人们只是不理解我。 I know I"m different from most of my peers because I"ve experienced a lot. But I"m not mad. I"m not mad. People just don"t understand me. 21、如果你想这个世界变得更美好,那么,先审视自己,然后做出改变。 If you want the world to be a better place, look at yourself first and make a change. 22、我为每一个人真心祈祷。 I sincerely pray for everyone. 23、在一个充满仇恨的世界,我们仍然要满怀希望;在一个充满绝望的世界,我们仍然要敢于梦想。 In a world full of hatred, we still have to be hopeful; in a world full of despair, we still have to dare to dream. 24、我很幸运得到了这份恩赐,我也乐意将它们回报给世界:通过我的音乐和舞蹈感受那份天人合一的喜悦之情。 I am very lucky to have this gift, and I am willing to give them back to the world: through my music and dance to feel the joy of the unity of heaven and man. 25、我现在是一个素食者,而且我瘦了很多。我多年来一直都在严格地节食。我感觉和以前相比,我更健康且更有活力。 I"m a vegetarian now, and I"ve lost a lot of weight. I have been on a strict diet for many years. I feel healthier and more energetic than before. 26、只有秉持着用水源滋润土地的信念,地下水才算是土地所有者的一笔财富。 Only by adhering to the belief that water is the source of water to moisten the land, can groundwater be regarded as a wealth of land owners.
2023-07-13 13:12:521


1、你脑子里装的都是屎吗?You are on my mind is shit? 我脑子里装的都是你啊。I: you are on my mind. 2、希望有一天他亲口叫我马子。I hope one day he call me bitch. 盼望有一天他亲口叫我凯子。Hope one day he asked me to kyle. 3、如果爱情是一场迷局,我愿意当局者迷。If love is a puzzle, I am willing to a distance. 如果婚姻是一座坟墓,我愿意长眠不醒。If marriage is a grave, I am willing to forever. 4、同样的曲子,却怎么也听不出从前的旋律。The same tune, but how also couldn"t hear the former melody. 同样的我们,却怎么也找不到从前的感觉。We are the same, but how also can"t find the Pvious feeling. 5、释怀一些不能释怀的感情。A lingering feelings get some. 忘掉一些不能忘掉的回忆。Cannot forget to forget some memory. 6、任溺水三千我只取一瓢。As a drowning three thousand I only take a gourd ladle. 任群芳百艳我只在乎你。Ren Qunfang hundred I only care about you. 7、年轻时,一见钟情,未见而思,见面畅谈。When young, it was love at first sight, did not see and think, meet to talk. 年老时,相濡以沫,你中有我,我中有你。In old age, dawei, sometimes-complex mix-and-match I have you in. 8、一遍遍的思念。Thinking over and over again. 一遍遍的心碎。A broken heart over and over again. 9、情已欠费爱已停机缘分不在服务区。Feeling already owe the love already stop the fate is not in service area. 思无应答想也占线感情不能再充电。Thought no answer is also busy feelings can"t recharge. 10、既然两情相悦,何不到莪怀里来。Since two of a kind, why don"t you to me my arms. 既然无法逃开,那就到迩怀里去。Since can"t escape, that go into you arms. 11、在某天我穿上拖地白婚纱你娶我可好。In the land one day I put on my white wedding dress to marry you I am. 在某天我穿上西装革履你嫁给我可好。In one day I put on a suit and tie you to marry me just fine. 12、即使有再美的容颜,也有衰老的时候。Even if there are beautiful appearance, also have aging. 即使有再久的爱情,也有终结的时候。Even if there is a long time of love again, also have end of time. 13、我笑我变成了老头子。I laugh I turned into a old man. 我笑你变成了老婆子。I will laugh at you become old. 14、卑微的付出。The humble effort. 廉价的回报。Cheap returns. 15、大手牵小手,十指紧扣到天涯。Big hands holding hands, clasped hands to the end of the world. 小手牵大手,十指紧扣到海角。Hand hold hand and clasped hands to the ends of the earth. 16、如果整个世界都否定了你,我就陪着你否定整个世界。If the whole world deny you, I"ll accompany you deny the whole world. 如果整个世界都否定了你,有你陪着我就什么都不怕。If the whole world deny you, have you accompany I what all not afraid. 17、你的幸福今生我无权参与。Your happiness I don"t have the right to participate in this life. 你的未来今生我无权过问。Your future I have no say in this life. 18、全世界都可以不理我,但是你不可以不要我。The whole world can ignore me, but you can"t not to me. 全世界都可以不理你,但是我不可以不要你。The whole world can ignore you, but can"t I don"t want you. 19、总是执着不该执着的执着。Always persistent shouldn"t persistent persistent. 总是难过不该难过的难过。Always sad not sad sad. 20、爱生活丶爱爷们儿。Love life, love a gentleman. 爱生活丶爱媳妇儿。Love life, love her. 21、还是害怕夜深人静的时候会想起你。Still afraid of the dead of night will think of you. 还是害怕不经意的会听见你的消息。Or fear you will hear your news. 22、我爱过你笑的脸庞。I love you smile face. 我爱过你心地善良。I love you has a kind heart. 23、失去的再挽留便不会像以前那样开心。Lost to retain won"t be as happy as before. 得到过的再失去会比没得到过还伤心。Received will lose than never get sad. 24、我们曾经不哭不闹不炫耀。We used to cry not make not to show off. 我们曾经不打不闹不撒娇。We had not dozen don"t make that whine. 25、贱人永远都是贱人,就算经济危机了,你也贵不了。Bitch is always bitch, even if the economic crisis, you also your not. 贱人永远都是贱人,就算通货膨胀了,你也贵不了。Bitch is always bitch, even if inflation, you also your not. 26、我深知如果我没有帅气的外表,你不会在我身边。I know if I am not handsome appearance, you wouldn"t by my side. 我深知如果我没有美丽的外表,你不会在我身边。I know if I am not a beautiful appearance, you wouldn"t by my side. 27、他说,我对你最好,你又不是不知道。he said, my best for you, you are not I don"t know. 她说,你对我最好,我一直藏在心里。she said, you are my best, I have been hidden in the heart. 28、因为没有你在我身边,所以即使是代表着幸运的四叶草也被折断了。Because without you by my side, so even the clovers rePsents luck has been broken. 每一天每一天我就像拥有四叶草般的幸运,因为上帝让我遇见了你。Every day every day as I have a clover lucky, because god let I met you. 29、谁了解墙壁下他只留背影和孤独。Understands the walls down his stay back and loneliness. 谁了解角落里她回忆痛苦的泪珠。Understands the corner she recalled it is the tears of pain. 30、顾源说眼泪是忠诚。Tears are loyal Gu Yuan said. 顾里说眼泪是盐水。Gu said that tear is salt water. 31、为迩矛盾,为迩纠结,仿佛失去了一切。Contradiction for the family, for you, as if lost everything. 失去想念,失去知觉,为迩颠覆了所有。Miss lost, lost consciousness, overturned for you all. 32、见一次就心动的人怎么做朋友。See a crush of people do friends. 爱一次就舍不得的人怎么放手。Love once is to how to let go. 33、你是一杯毒酒,早已渗入骨髓。Are you a cup of wine, already seeping into the bone marrow. 你是一种毒药,早已要莪性命。You are a kind of poison, has long life to me. 34、勾勾手,垫垫脚,仰起头,么嘛。你是我的哟。Hook hand, shoes, looked up, yao. You are my oh. 握握手,弯下腰,低下头,吧唧。我是你的耶。Shake hands, bent over, head down and yum. I am your. 35、来单挑,输了你嫁我,赢了我娶你。Lost to one-on-one hit, you marry me, beat me to marry you. 来就来,输了你娶我,赢了我嫁你。Lost to come to you to marry me, beat me to marry you. 36、黎明之前很温暖。It"s warm hour is that before the dawn. 黎明以后太冷漠。After the dawn is too cold. 37、我女神是我媳妇啊我特么就骄傲了啊。My goddess is my daughter-in-law I yao is proud. 我男神是我男人啊我特么就骄傲了啊。My male god is my man, I was proud ah. 38、有的路,永远不能走。Some road, can"t go forever. 有的错,永远不能犯。Some wrong, and should never be made. 39、在失去了你的风景里面你却占据了每条大街。In lost your scenery you have occupied every street. 在失去了你的风景里面你却占据了整个世界。In lost your scenery but you fill up the whole world. 40、你说太阳很暖,说明你没见过她的眼睛。You said that the sun is very warm, that means you haven"t seen her eyes. 你说深海很广,说明你没见过他的肩膀。What you said is very wide, deep means that you haven"t seen him on the shoulder. 41、在深的记忆也敌不过一世的时间。In the deep memory, also enemy but th time. 在长的时间也敌不过错过的遗憾。In the long time the enemy but also miss regret. 42、听说鲨鱼可以勘测深海中万分之一的血。The deep, heard that sharks can survey one over ten thousand of the blood. 我想我可以捕捉到人海中闪闪发光的你。I think I can capture the crowd shining you. 43、我满身是刺你别靠近,你会受伤。I"ll is you don"t close to, you will hurt yourself. 你满身是刺你别逃离,我不怕伤。You covered in thorns don"t escape, I fear of injury. 44、你、是我不花心的理由。The reason why you, is I don"t flower heart. 你,是我不滥情的借口。You, is I"m not promiscuous. 45、看到此地的帅哥是男神。See the handsome boy is the male god here. 看到此地的姑娘是女神。See the girl here is a goddess. 46、满身伤痕会否得你半点怜惜。Covered in bruises will get you any pity. 满脸泪痕会否获你半句安慰。A full face of tears will get you half words of comfort. 47、-原谅我,孤独成性,不懂感情。- forgive me lonely, don"t understand the feelings. -原谅我,孤独成性,心软成命。- forgive me, loneliness, melted down. 48、有时像患了忧郁症一样,会突然心情不好。Sometimes like suffering from dePssion, suddenly in a bad mood. 偶尔像患了自闭症似的,会突然不想说话。Occasionally like had autism like, will suddenly don"t want to speak. 49、今天天气这么好你做我男朋友吧。The weather is so good you do today my boyfriend. 明天下雨你岂不是会乱刀砍死我?It rains tomorrow will not disorderly knife chop down dead you I? 50、爱是空白日记,莪是笔,任迩涂鸦着回忆。Love is a blank diary, I am a pen, graffiti as a family memories. 爱是七彩光影,莪是雨,给迩缤纷?雨季。Love is a colorful light, I am the rain, give you color the rainy season. 51、向前跑,迎着冷眼与微笑。Run forward, meet along the way with a smile. 往前冲,顶着嘲讽和蔑视。Sprinting, ridicule and contempt. 52、我会一直在纵使一切苍白。I would have been even if all the pale. 我会一直爱纵使寂寞成海。I will always love even if lonely into the sea. 53、无止境的任性我只对你一个人。Endless capricious I only a person to you. 无止境的宠溺我只对你一个人。Endless spoil me only a person to you. 54、彼时少年,他找到青梅。When young, he find a childhood. 呐年青梅,她拥有竹马。In childhood, she has a sweethearts. 55、不管你的条件有多差,总会有个人在爱你。No matter how bad your conditions, there is always someone in love you. 不管你的条件有多好,也总有个人不爱你。No matter how good your condition, always someone doesn"t love you. 56等不到的晚安就别等了。Don"t wait wait for the good night. 挤不进的世界就别挤了。Don"t squeeze into the world don"t squeeze. 57、我的男人,就必须支持我所想要做的事情。My man, you have to support what I want to do. 我的女人,就必须站在我身后让我来守护。My woman, you have to stand behind me, let me to guard. 58、亲爱的,你答应过我,一辈子都要和我在一起。Dear, you promised me, to the rest of my life with me. 亲爱的,你对我承诺,一辈子都不要和我分开。My dear, you promised to me, don"t and I separated the rest of my life. 59、男人,易承受不住幸福的考验。Man, easy to withstand the test of happiness. 女人,易承受不住痛苦的考验。Woman, easy to bear the pain of the test. 60、少年为我盘起长发陪我在海滩上漫步。Young as I set up the long hair accompany me to walk on the beach. 姑娘为我烫好衬衫陪我在夜晚看星星。Iron good shirt girl for me to accompany me to see the stars at night. 61、我找女朋友不需要多漂亮,只要不离开我就好?I don"t need much more beautiful, to find a girlfriend as long as don"t leave me? 我找男朋友不需要多帅气,只要爱我疼我就好?I find a boyfriend do not need to be more handsome, as long as love me hurt me?
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2023-07-13 13:13:172


赛博朋克2077运动专长是游戏中一系列影响角色移动能力的被动技能,运动专长都有什么效果?下面给大家分享赛博朋克2077运动专长效果详解赛博朋克2077运动专长效果一览 一共有12种技能分支,使用对应技能分支的能力可以获得相应熟练度经验,以提升技能等级。到达相应技能等级会解锁相关技能成长奖励,技能等级上限将为目前的对应主属性值。 例如,反应为10点时,不断使用步枪可提升步枪技能等级,每级将会解锁技能成长奖励,上限为10级。每个技能分支下各有20个左右的专长,使用专长点数可以解锁或提升对应专长能力。专长点数可由等级提升、街头声望提升等方式获取。运动专长移动相关类技能名称 专长效果 解锁需投入点数 可升等级 类型 再生 Regeneration 战斗中会缓慢恢复生命 Health slowly regenerates during combat 1 1 被动 驮马 Pack Mule 提升60点携带物品容量上限 Increase carry capacity by 60 1 1 被动 不屈不挠 Invincible 提升10%生命上限 Increase max health by 10% 1 3 被动 冠军之勇 True Grit 提升10%体力上限 Increases max Stamina by 10% 1 3 被动 身轻如燕 Soft on your feet 减少5%坠落伤害 Reduces fall damage by 5% 7 3 被动 机体重生 Epimorphosis 战斗外生命最多恢复到70%(应该是指自动恢复) Health regenerates up to 70% of max health outside combat 7 3 被动 钢铁之躯 Steel and Chrome 增加10%近战伤害 Increases Melee damage by 10% 9 2 被动 角斗士 Gladiator 近战格挡时,减少20%体力消耗 Reduces the amount of stamina consumed when blocking melee attacks by 20% 9 2 被动 分心二用 Divided Attention 可以在冲刺、滑行、跳跃时装填武器 Allows you to reload weaponss while sprinting, sliding and vaulting 11 1 被动 身轻如蝶 Like a butterfly 闪避时不再消耗体力 Dodging does not drain Stamina 11 1 被动 并行处理 Multitasker 可以在冲刺、滑行、跳跃时射击 Allows you to shoot while sprinting, sliding and vaulting 11 1 被动 团结就是力量 Stronger together 搬运人体时伤害增加(用人体做掩护时) Increases damage you deal while carrying a body 12 1 被动 搬运工 Transporter 搬运人体时可以射击或冲刺(用人体做掩护时) Allows you to shoot and sprint while carrying a body 12 1 被动 核心有氧 Cardio core 移动时生命恢复速度提高25% Health regenerates 25% faster as you move 12 1 被动 人肉盾牌 Human shield 劫持敌人时护甲提升20% Increases armor by 20% when grappling an enemy 14 1 被动 马拉松跑者 Marathoner 冲刺不再消耗体力 Sprinting does not drain stamina 14 1 被动 佣兵天赋 Dog of War 战斗中生命恢复速度提升15% Increases Health Regen in combat by 15% 16 2 被动 金刚狼 Wolverine 战斗中开始生命恢复的间隔减少50% Health regen activates 50% faster during combat 16 2 被动 钢铁外壳 Steel Shell 提升10%护甲 Increases Armor by 10% 18 1 被动 巨石 The Rock 不会被敌人击倒了 Enemies cannot knock you down 20 1 被动 不灭之躯 Indestructible 减少10%所有受到的伤害 Reduce all incoming damage by 10% 20 1 被动
2023-07-13 13:13:361


手拿木斧,左键一角,右键一角,两角之间的长方体为选择区域://set id _ 将选中的区域变为某物品(如果是不可放置或者没有放置点的物品会成为被扔出的状态)//undo _ 还原上一次的WorldEdit行动//redo _ 还原上一次的//undo(这个说明可能有误)//move x _ 将区域移动x块。移动时需正对着你要移动的区域,他就会帮你移动到你正对的地方//move x up _ 将区域向上移动x块//move x down _ 将区域向下移动x块/criticalhit [enable|disable]开启关闭致命一击/clouds [enable|disable]是否显示云sprinting [enable|disable]总是冲刺climb无需梯子能攀爬任何墙面spawner改变玩家所在区域刷怪器的怪物种类effect设置药水效果fog [tiny|small|normal|far]改变视野距离enderman pickup [enable|disable]Enderman拾取物品开启关闭enchant对当前物品附魔xpXP (player experience)经验值命令hardcore是否开启变态模式(游戏最高难度)calc
2023-07-13 13:13:441


2023-07-13 13:14:021


《辐射4》附魔代码怎么用?很多小伙伴表示不会附魔,会是觉得太复杂,今天小编带来“springfield1971”分享的《辐射4》武器装备附魔方法及代码,希望对各位有帮助,下面我们一起来看吧。附魔方法方法其实大家都知,是把武器或防具掉在地上, 看它的"ref ID"再输入以下命令refID.amod 附魔代码但很多人的问题是掉地上后怎麽样按都看不到它的ref ID ...其实很简单,只要你按键抓起你想改的武器或防具,然后进入控制台,打以下命令getplayergrabbedref你就可以看到它的ID了,都是ff开始的,多数是ff00xxxx然后你直接输入附魔命令就可以了ff00xxxx.amod 1e73bd那就变成爆裂物附魔了武器传奇特效代码:Assassin"s Does 50% more damage against humans. 001e6846Automatic Automatic fire mode. (Laser Musket only) 000a4739Berserker"s Does more damage the lower the player character"s Armor Resistance. (Up to 200% at 0 resistance) 001ef5d7Bloodied Does more damage the lower the users health is. 001ec036Cavalier"s Reduces damage by 15% while blocking or sprinting. 001f57e2Crippling 50% more limb damage. 001e6d6bEnraging Critical hits cause target to frenzy. 001f6ad4Explosive Bullets explode on impact doing 15 points area-of-effect damage. 001e73bdExterminator"s Does 50% more damage against Mirelurks and bugs. 001f81ebFreezing Does 10 points cryo damage and will freeze targets on critical hits. 001f5479Furious Increased damage after each consecutive hit on the same target. 001ef481Ghoul slayer"s Does 50% more damage against ghouls. 001e6847Hunter"s Does 50% more damage against animals. 001e6845Incendiary Sets target on fire for 15 points of damage. 001e7173Instigating Does double damage if the target is at full health. 001f04b8Irradiated Does 50 points additional radiation damage. 001cc469Junkie"s Does increased amounts of damage the more withdrawal effects the Sole Survivor is suffering. 001eb99aKneecapper 20% chance to cripple the target"s leg. 001f1048Lucky Weapon Critical shots do double damage and the critical meter fills 15% faster. 001cc2a6Medic"s Heals target instead of hurting them. 001f109cMutant slayer"s Does 50% more damage against Super Mutants. 001e6848Never Ending Sets ammo capacity equal to the amount one is carrying. 001cc2acNimble Provides 75% faster movement while aiming. 001ebabdNocturnal Does increasing amounts of damage as the night grows longer and less damage during the day. 001e8174Penetrating Ignores 30% of the target"s damage and energy resistance. 001f4426Plasma infused Adds 10 points of energy damage and can turn enemies into goo. 001f9b4dPoisoner"s Target is poisoned for 10 seconds. 001f31b9Powerful / Mighty Provides 25% more damage. 001cc2abQuickdraw Costs 25% fewer Action Points. 001f1026Rapid 25% faster fire rate, 15% faster reload. 001ec56dRelentless Refills Action Points on a critical hit. 001ed37eSentinel"s Take 15% less damage while standing and not moving. 001f5995Staggering Chance to stagger on hit. 001e81abStalker"s If not yet in combat, increases V.A.T.S. accuracy but costs more AP. 001f04bdTroubleshooter"s Does 50% more damage against robots. 001f81ecTwo shot Fires an additional projectile. Decrease in accuracy. 001cc2adVATS enhanced Improved V.A.T.S. hit chance, 25% less Action Point cost. 001cc2aaVATS enhanced 40% less Action Point cost. 002056f0Violent Deals +25% damage and limb damage, but has more recoil. 001f7b8aWounding Targets bleed for 25 points of additional damage. 001e7c20防具amod代码001F1DF9 杂技 跳楼伤害减少50%001F1E0C 无坚不摧 四倍的耐用001F1DF3 刺客 受到人类伤害减少15%001F8165 内部衬垫 血量低的时候防御增加(最多+35)001F579D 骑士 格挡或冲刺状态下减少15%的伤害001F4D18 变色龙 潜行下静止不动时隐身{可迭加进行小幅移动}001CF57C 狡猾 敏捷+1,感知+1001F3A49 决斗 攻击有10%几率缴械对手武器{不确定是否需要近战}001F81EB 驱虫剂 受到变种蟹和昆虫伤害减少15%001CF57F 强化 力量+1,耐力+100093BBD 自由落体 无坠落伤害001F1DEE 尸鬼杀手 受到尸鬼伤害减少15%001F3072 草药师 +25毒抗性001F1DEB 猎人 减少来自动物的伤害15%001F1E0B 轻量化 防具重量降低001CF57E 幸运 运气+2001F2D3D 殉道者 血量低于20%进入子弹时间001F1DF4 超变杀手 受到超变的伤害减少15%001F7A75 充电 提高AP回复速度001F1E47 惩罚 近战伤害反弹10%给攻击者001F3CA9 撬锁 增加撬锁时最佳开锁点的范围001F5995 哨兵 站立不动时降低15%的伤害输出{貌似是这样翻译的?}001CF57D 骗子 魅力+1,智力+1001F1C2F 运动员 移动速度提高15%001F57E4 泰坦 站立不动减少15%的伤害001F81EC 机器人杀手 受到机器人的伤害减少15%001F1D62 VATS增强 VAST消耗减少10%
2023-07-13 13:14:091


问题一:飞人乔丹 英语怎么说 骇ir Jordan 我看过他的简介就是这样写的 AIR JORDEN正式的中文名称也就是飞人乔丹 问题二:他被称为飞人。用英语怎么说? 5分 he is called flightman 问题三:牙买加飞人博尔特用英语怎么说 Usain Bolt Lightning Bolt飞人博尔特,直译是“闪电博尔特” 相关资料: Usain Bolt (born 21 August 1986) is a Jamaican sprinter and reigning Olympic champion over 100 m. He is the current world record holder in the 100 m (9.69 s), world junior record holder in the 200 metres (19.93 s), and Jamaican record holder in the 200 m (19.67 s). His name and achievements in sprinting have earned him the media nickname Lightning Bolt. Bolt was born in Trelawny, Jamaica and educated at the William Knibb Memorial High School. At the age of 15 he won a gold and two silver medals at the 2002 World Junior Championships in front of a home crowd in Kingston, being the youngest world junior gold medalist ever. He won another gold medal at the 2003 World Youth Championships, running the 200 m in 20.40 seconds. Usain Bolt and retired Jamaican sprinter Michael Green are the past students of William Knibb. In 2004 Bolt ran the 200 m in 19.93 seconds, being the first junior to break the 20-second mark; breaking Lorenzo Daniel"s world junior record. At the 2007 Jamaican Championships, Bolt ran 19.75, breaking the 36-year-old national record held by Don Quarrie by 0.11 seconds. At the World Championships in Osaka, Bolt won a silver medal in the 200 m behind American Tyson Gay. On 3 May 2008, Bolt ran 9.76 (+1.8 m/s) in the 100 m at the Jamaica Invitational, then the second fastest legal performance in the history of the event, behind 场ompatriot Asafa Powell. Later tha......>> 问题四:“飞人乔丹”用英文怎么翻译啊 air jordan 问题五:“空中飞人”用英语怎么表达? 空中飞人:Air Jordan 或 His Airness. 。Air Jordan也指由其代言的衣服和鞋一系列产品.如Nike运动鞋等 (一般,大家熟悉且常用的是Air Jordan。) 问题六:迈克尔u30fb乔丹的绰号“飞人”在英文中的原文是什么 这个绰号是咱们原创的,乔丹在美国没外号 问题七:乔丹被大家叫做飞人乔丹 翻译英语 Michael Jordan, is called Air Jordan by every people.
2023-07-13 13:14:291


事实表明,骨骼重塑您整个的生活肢体延长手术:肢体延长术是一个很好的例子,证明了骨头,改装,重新建立,成长,增厚,愈合,或延长的原因是拉伸力(由肢体延长装置或重型踝关节度量衡) 。 与肢体延长手术,一个大型骨折时创建的外科医生,减少胫骨的一半。渐渐地,医生用一条腿,延长装置,以舒展出来的骨头作为新骨生长,形成了以填补空缺。 在另一方面,一个大型骨折不能创造与激烈的短跑或运行。不过,微或极细小的裂缝(在胫骨) ,可能会产生以下激烈的短跑或运行。而不是使用一条腿,延长装置,胫骨experimenters ,可申请踝关节的权重,以舒展了胫骨。
2023-07-13 13:14:362


Color The achromatic color of maximum lightness; the color of objects that reflect nearly all light of all visible wavelengths; the complement or antagonist of black, the other extreme of the neutral gray series. Although typically a response to maximum stimulation of the retina, the perception of white appears always to depend on contrast.【色彩】 白色:光亮度最大的一种无色;能反射几乎肉眼可见的所有波长光线的物体颜色;黑色的互补色或对抗色,中性灰色系列的另一种极端色,尽管白色通常是对视网膜所受最大限度刺激的反应,人们对它的感知却总是显得依赖于对比The white or nearly white part, as:白色部分:白色的或几乎是白色的部分,如:The albumen of an egg.蛋白The white part of an eyeball.眼白:眼球的白色部分A blank unprinted area, as of an advertisement.空白处:空白未印字的区域,如广告上的空白部分One that is white or nearly white, as:白色物品:白色的或几乎是白色的物品,如:whites White trousers or a white outfit of a special nature:whites 白衣服:白色长裤或属某种特定专门类型的白色全套服装:tennis whites.白色网球服whites The white dress uniform of the U.S. Navy or Coast Guard.whites 白色女兵服:美国海军或海岸警备队的白色女兵服A white wine.白葡萄酒A white pigment.白涂料A white breed, species, or variety of animal.白种人,白色动物:白种人、白人或动物中的白色种类Also White A member of a racial group of people having light skin coloration, especially one of European origin.See Usage Note at black 也作 White 白人:一个种族群体的成员,拥有浅淡肤色,尤其指有欧洲血缘的人参见 blackOften whites Products of a white color, such as flour, salt, and sugar.常作 whites 白色产品,如面粉、盐和糖Games 【游戏】 The white or light-colored pieces, as in chess.白方:白色或浅色棋子,如国际象棋中The player using these pieces.执白者:走白子的弈棋者The outermost ring of an archery target.白环:箭靶上最外围的部分A hit in this ring.命中靶的白色部分whites Pathology Leukorrhea.whites 【病理学】 白带A politically ultraconservative or reactionary person.极端保守者:极端保守分子或反革命分子adj.(形容词), whit.est缩写 wh.Being of the color white; devoid of hue, as new snow.白色的;洁白无色的,如新雪Approaching the color white, as:接近白色的,如:Weakly colored; almost colorless; pale:色彩很弱的;几乎无色的;苍白的:white wine.白葡萄酒Pale gray; silvery and lustrous:灰白色的;银色有光泽的:white hair.银白色的头发Bloodless; blanched.无血色的;漂白了的Light or whitish in color or having light or whitish parts. Used with animal and plant names.有白色部位的:色彩上淡的或发白的,或有淡色或白色的部分,用于动物名及植物名Also White Of, relating to, or belonging to a racial group having light skin coloration, especially one of European origin:也作 White 白人的:白人的,与白人相关的,或属于拥有浅淡肤色的种族人群,尤指具有欧洲血缘的人的:voting patterns within the white population.白种人内部的选举方式Not written or printed on; blank.没有写过字的:没有写过或印过字的;空白的Unsullied; pure.纯洁的:洁净未受污染的,纯洁的,纯净的Habited in white:穿着白色衣服的:white nuns.白衣修女Accompanied by or mantled with snow:有雪的:雪相伴的,覆盖着雪的:a white Christmas.有雪的圣诞节Incandescent:白炽的,白热的:white flames.白热的火焰Intensely heated; impassioned:炽热的,充满激情的:white with fury.因愤怒而发狂Ultraconservative or reactionary.极端保守的,反革命的With milk added. Used of tea or coffee.加奶的,白色的:加奶的,用于指茶或咖啡及物动词)whit.ed,, whitesPrinting To create or leave blank spaces in (printed or illustrated matter). Often used with out. 【印刷术】 留出空白处:在印刷或插图物中造出或留出空白处常常与out 连用 Archaic 【古语】 To whiten; whitewash.使变白;刷白To blanch.漂白
2023-07-13 13:14:441


most可用作副词、形容词,也可用作名词。most可用作副词、形容词,也可用作名词。most用作副词时有“最;最大程度地”等含义,用作形容词有“多数的”含义,用作名词时有“大部分,最大限度”等含义。一、most用作副词时有三种用法。(1)most是many和much的最高级,通常指两者以上的“最”,但有时也可以表示两者之间的“最”。与形容词连用构成最高级时,前面通常要加the。例如:It was the most exciting holiday I"ve ever had. 那是我经历过的最兴奋的假日。(2)most可表示“十分”、“非常”等意思,用来强调或加强语气。在这种情况下,most前面不加the。例如:We shall most certainly come. 我们一定来。(3)表示“几乎”、“差不多”等意思,相当于almost / nearly。例如: Most everybody talks about it. 几乎每个人都在谈论此事。二、most用作形容词表示“多数的”、“大部分的”、“多半的”等意思,后面可跟复数可数名词。例如:Most people think so. 大多数人都这么想。三、most用作名词常与of连用,放在其他名词前起限定作用。例如:Most of her books were stolen. 她的大部分书被偷走了。双语例句:1、Most tickets have been snapped up, so get cracking if you want one.大部分门票已被抢购一空;所以,如果你想弄一张的话,得赶快行动了。2、I was witness to one of the most amazing comebacks in sprinting history.我目睹了短跑历史上一次最令人称奇的东山再起。3、Debts swallowed up most of the money he had got for the house.债务已经耗尽了他绝大部分准备买房子的钱。4、[as noun harvesting]after harvesting, most of the crop is stored in large buildings.收割之后,大部分收成都被储存在大仓库里。5、His approach is the inverse of most research on ethnic and racial groups.他的研究途径与大多数对少数民族和种族研究方法正好相反。6、Even with £10,000 to invest, you are still small beer for most stockbrokers.即使你有一万英镑可投资,大部分股票经纪人仍把你看作是无足轻重的。7、The green parties have had most of their ideas co-opted by bigger parties.这些绿党的大部分观点都已被大一些的党派吸收借鉴。8、Most residents are cynical about efforts to clean mobsters out of their city.大部分居民对将歹徒清除出城市心存怀疑。9、Unlike most chairmen, he gets his hands dirty working alongside the other managers.和大多数董事长不同,他不辞辛劳,和其他经理们一起干活。10、Most sellers are palmed off with a fraction of what something is worth.大多数店主被骗接受了不及货物价值零头的价格。
2023-07-13 13:15:031


Hello everyone, My name is MM, I am from the hometown of Zhou Enlai - Huaian, I love sports as a girl, for example, I like volleyball, sprinting, skipping and so on, I like red, because red gave me a feeling of home, My hobby is singing, I like listening to music, I like to do is: tease my brother play, I do love to eat fried mother. Although I know that my English not good, but I liked English, I hope in the future I will be an outstanding nurse. Thank you, I will try! ! !
2023-07-13 13:16:163


have the capacity to sum up somethingat the last stage resort to somebody for helpi will be aggressive
2023-07-13 13:17:573


快速奔跑的英文是run fast;race through;fr。run fast奔跑的英文翻译,奔跑用英语怎么说 -... ... 尽情奔跑 run as much as one likes 快速奔跑 run fast 善于奔跑 be good at running ...race throughTOFE听力... ... 107,put up with = 迁就,忍受 108,race through = 快速奔跑 109,race the roof = 喧闹或鼓掌欢呼等,声音震耳欲聋 ...frHIPPI缩写的意思-高性能并行接口_英文缩写查询 ... iri 产业风险保险公司 fr 快速奔跑 ISMS 图像存储管理系统 ...例句筛选A woman"s running along the road very fast, and a man"s running after her. can you see them?周围十分寂静,布莱克夫人说道:“比尔,看,一个女人争沿着大路快速奔跑着,一个男人跟在她后面跑,你看得到他们吗?”Runners of West African descent, which includes Jamaicans, seem to be built for speed.包括牙买加人在内的西非人后裔,似乎天生就具有快速奔跑的能力。Joe Cole was out on the fields of Cobham yesterday running hard, putting real weight bearing pressure on his mending foot.昨天乔科尔已经出现在克博姆的训练场地上做快速奔跑了,他正在恢复中的那只脚已经在承受压力了。The game began at the Suns" favored tempo, with both clubs sprinting up and down for quick baskets.比赛是以太阳最喜欢最擅长的节奏开始,两队都在快速奔跑,迅速出手。At Portsmouth, we counter attacked having Malouda, SWP, Joe Cole and Anelka making quick runs resulting in the goal.对阵朴茨茅斯,凭借马卢达、小赖特、乔科尔和阿内尔卡的快速奔跑,最终导致进球。Running fast while fatigued forces your body to recruit muscle fibers that might otherwise go untrained.在疲劳状态下快速奔跑会促使你的肌肉纤维得到增强,否则就得不到锻炼。I love the oceans. -I love real dirty things. -I love to go fast. -I love Egyptian kings.我爱大海。-我爱污物。-我爱快速奔跑。-我爱埃及法老。
2023-07-13 13:18:041

the potters hand歌词

歌手:wu-tang clan 专辑:the w High potency top, smoke a bag of blackAnd feel the vibe, wanna be wise We, form on a rising corner mean fiveLaws in disguise, throw on your slidesYoung niggas racist, smokers is basicWe seen the eyes, laying up playing the cutWhat, stay in the truck, something told me duckFolding me up, my shoulders struckOut of luck, fuck the potters upFell on a daze like a Golotta snuffNiggas tried to body me upI"m in the lobby bleedingNiggas in the witness office probably eatingAnd sprinting and beefing, when they heard the shotsCalled the precinct and seen barber nieces beastingNiggas shot Shalar features and shocked her was a Elisis, Bent the spinal cordless creaturesI"m gagging and flagging a cab downGuess who in the Benz wagon, dragging my sound downMacking it was Dale Breedy the greedyCaniving ass snake genieWu-Tang ClanCop with a bikini will murder charge and beniniI"m feeling wheezy and the drain from the cheebaGrieving ain"t even looking decentSeeing police niggas reachingThat splash against my hollow bonesThat rocks my...[Inspectah Deck]Fleeing the crime scene speedingBeefing leaving behind creamNot even peeping that I was leakingWon"t see the precinct just got a recent case beatenStill jakes are creepingDon"t blow ya spot, stay the weekendKeep the ruger peeling who"s squealingFew knew the dealingsKeep the steel concealed inCause we got no time for feelingsEyes on the building guards are on the corners illingMillion dollar block villain plotting on a killingFeel like, a superhero talking like a true DeniroThey boost his ego path and broke downReduced to zeroCops feel we poors hoping I"ll reveal my source, sourceThat splash against my hollow bonesThat rocks my soulOh oh, oh ohOutside the check cashing, flashingDipped in fashionFive cherry-faced fagots tried to cash inThey keep laughing, Ghost you get ya face bashed inWho gave you these priveledges son? why you maxing?And we..Feigning to take those move slowI"m hearing how you broke Rob"s noseAnd I heard you keep a banging hammerGolden brass diamonds embroideriesThat was stolen that you haven"t reported gMake very little noise, my shit hiccupDon"t make this big stick up biggerMe and the boys I thought for a second then choseRather than frozeHad the jim star on my handYo what the fuck yo! that"s when I ripped TimothySnatch and dip john like imbaggableHad the mini axe tool, faxed himShots rang off, bing, boggle-de-dumThat splash against my hollow bones
2023-07-13 13:18:342


众所周知,由于我的世界手机版0.11.0正式版更新耗费太久时间,因此游戏制作人Tommaso曾表示说他将不会在下一版本也就是0.12.0版中加入太多内容,不过事情在最近似乎有了转机,因为最近Tommaso在其推特上公布了我的世界手机版0.12版部分更新内容文字版,除了之前已经确认的豹猫以及玩家自定义皮肤之外,还有英文提示,下面就让我们一起来看下吧!我的世界手机版0.12.0更新内容:[0.12.0新内容]【N】Nether-下界/地狱【S】Sprinting-疾跑或者Sneaking-潜行)【C】Cat-猫(已驯服)【O】Ocelot-豹猫【H】Hunger-饥饿值或者Hardcore Mode-极限模式【G】Golems-傀儡或者Ghast-恶魂【E】Enchanting-附魔或者The End-末地【P】Potions-药水【A】Achievement-成就或者Anvil-铁砧或者Adventure Mode-冒险模式【PT】Flower Pot-花盆【CS】Controller Support-手柄定义皮肤:皮肤!上传自己的皮肤或从我们的可下载皮肤包中选择一款,更改你在游戏中的外观特此告知,更新的皮肤与 Minecraft: Skin Studio 相互兼容,Minecraft: Skin Studio 可从 App Store 下载一些皮肤需要付费才能解锁,但还有很多皮肤是免费的,因此不要太有压力哦最后,还有一个好消息要告诉大家的是,制作人已经承认,他们正在加紧赶制我的世界手机版0.11.2IOS版,来修复ios系统老地图载入崩溃问题。
2023-07-13 13:18:411

可不可以说i can run five times as quickly as them?

可以说 "I can run five times as quickly as them",其中"as quickly as"是一个比较等级的结构,表示某个方面的比较。在这个句子中,“five times” 表示你跑的速度是对方的5倍。但是,需要注意的是,如果“them”指的是单数第三人称,那么应该使用“him”或“her”代替“them”,以配合单数人称的语法形式。此外,在口语交流中,也有可能用“five times faster than them”来代替这个句子。
2023-07-13 13:18:516


【篇一】以我喜欢的动物为题英语作文   Dog is my favorite animal. The reason why I like it most is because it"s very competent. Dog is the best friend for mankind. It is also the best companion for the old people.   The dog can feel the human nature. So many old people will raise dogs if their children are not with them. The old can give their love for their children to the dog to make themselves feel warmly. I believe the seeing eye dog is very famous. They are special dogs. Those dogs will guide their owners whose eyes is blind to go the correct way. See, I say dogs are very competent.   我最喜欢的动物是狗。我最喜欢它的原因是因为它很能干。狗是人类的朋友。它也是老人们的伴侣。   狗是通人性的。如果他们的孩子不在他们身边,很多老年人会养狗。老年人可以把对他们孩子的爱放到狗狗的身上,这也能温暖他们的心。导盲犬是非常有名的。他们是特殊的狗。这些狗会引导眼睛看不见的主人找到正确的路。看,我就说狗狗是非常能干的。 【篇二】以我喜欢的动物为题英语作文   There are many animals in the world. They are very lovely . My favourite animals are cats and rabbits. I have a white cat. Its name is Mimi. It can catch mice. It likes eating fish. I have a little rabbit too, I call it lele. Its pink. It has long ears and red eyes.It likes eating carrots. I often play with them after school. They can bring happiness to me. Animals are our friends.We should love them   世界上有许多的动物,他们都很可爱.我最喜爱的动物猫和兔子。我有一只白色的猫。它的名字是咪咪。它会抓老鼠,最喜欢吃鱼.我还有一个兔子,它是粉红色的,我叫它“乐乐”。它有长耳朵和红眼睛,它喜欢吃胡萝卜。我经常在放学后和它们玩耍。它们给我带来了很多的快乐。动物是人类的朋友,我们应该爱护他们。 【篇三】以我喜欢的动物为题英语作文   When I was very small, I had watched a lot of cartoons, and Mickey Mouse was always my favorite character. When I went to the zoo and watched panda, I found Mickey Mouse and giant panda had something in common. Both of them had the lovely ears. Since then, I was so crazy about panda. It was the loveliest animal in the world. I liked to watch it eating bamboo or hanging in the trees. As the more information I get, I realize that panda is dying out, so it is in need of protecting the environment, so as to let these lovely creature live well in the wild.   我小时候看了很多漫画,米老鼠一直都是我最喜欢的角色。我去动物园看了熊猫之后,我发现米老鼠和大熊猫有一个共同点,他们都有可爱的耳朵。从那时起,我就很喜欢熊猫,它是世界上最可爱的动物。我喜欢看它吃竹子或者挂在树上。随着我获得的信息越多,我了解到熊猫面临灭绝,所以需要我们去保护环境,让这些可爱的动物在野外生活得好。 【篇四】以我喜欢的动物为题英语作文   In our common home - the earth, life with a lot of animal, which animal do you like? Anyway, my favorite animal is our most loyal friend - a dog.   My favorite is my neighbor"s dog that Beijing BaGou yuan yuan and collie handsome. They play together every day, it is a good friend of a stick dozen not scattered, I also like them, they saw I was shaking his tail towards me.   Handsome shape tiger is big, the body is about more than 60 centimeters long. Two leg, capable to my shoulders, his eyes, nose, mouth, ears are much older than yuan yuan, I most like to see him running figure - curly float in the sky, like a nice horse. I often and yuan yuan, running with the handsome, every time is handsome first, second, I am the third round. Can literally, handsome running faster than thoroughbred horse. Average dog ran up, send out "clicking" sound, but handsome ran"s voice is very small, not carefully is inaudible. The appearance of the handsome run is also very handsome, curly, bow shaped body. If you want to use a word to describe talent, that is: handsome. If you use a word that was impeccable.   Compared with the handsome, round shape is much smaller, only 30 centimeters in length and a half smaller than talent. The meaning of his name from his eyes, it is too round. Like a shiny black stones. And his legs are very round and round this is name. And his legs are very short, so even if he runs, casting its foot also run fast, but I still like him very much the kind of simple and lovely.   This is what I like animals, do you like? 【篇五】以我喜欢的动物为题英语作文   In the animal world, I most like the cheetah.   The cheetahs really brave. Its flat and smooth, short ears. Two eyes like two, twinkle. There are two prominent muscle in on either side of the face, white, with small black spots, bead point of steel needle of a root beard. There is a a black spots. In addition to the belly is white, the remaining parts of the hair is golden. Its streamline, the whole body presents for sprinting. Its limbs is very rich, full of flexibility. Cheetahs paw is straight, can firmly in the ground, change the running direction. And it is the long tail, can have the effect of acceleration while on the run.   The running speed of cheetah is very surprising, speed is about 130 kilometers per hour, with fast on the highway running car.   But, its endurance is poor, high speed running is limited to a few seconds, so has been hailed as a sprint champion.   Cheetahs hunting is also very interesting. When it found that the deer would be around to look at the first, and see what the intruder. If not, it is with lightning speed to recover to the prey. Easily catch later, it will pull the prey to the grass, enjoy the meal. If the prey in a tree, it jump into the tree to catch the prey, big eat a meal.   The cheetah is really a lovable animals! But, now is trying to catch some criminals for their own interests cheetah, continue like this, will destroy the cheetah. Please act to protect it together.
2023-07-13 13:19:081


【 #英语资源# 导语】光阴似箭,一转眼,一个学期过去了,我们迎来了欢乐的寒假,寒假马上就要来了,在享受假期的同时,小伙伴们也要记得不断学习来积累自己哦。以下是 为大家精心整理的《寒假计划英语作文》,欢迎大家阅读。 1.寒假计划英语作文 篇一   Time is like an arrow leaving the string. In a twinkling of an eye, a semester passes quickly. The new year is coming towards us. The happy winter vacation is about to begin, so how can we make this winter vacation full and meaningful? I thought hard for a day, and finally, I figured out how to spend this winter vacation.   Read some books and make some reading notes; Do some winter vacation homework properly every day; Look at the news to learn about national events and social news; Exercise every day to exercise your body; Go to the library, science and technology museum, Xinhua Bookstore and other places to get parents to do what they can   Reading, in order to let myself read some useful books, I came to the bookstore early. There are all kinds of books in the bookstore. I selected some books that I like to read and filled the bookcase at home. In this way, I"m not afraid of not reading. I went to the stationer"s shop and bought a thick and beautiful notebook. In the winter vacation, I must write it full.   Exercise. Exercise is the source of health, which can strengthen our heart and lung functions; It can help us prevent osteoporosis; It can ease and control our emotions... Exercise for three hours every day to exercise your body. Rope skipping, shuttlecock kicking, sprinting, long-distance running... do a sport every day to make your body healthier.   Help Mom and Dad do what they can. Help my mother wash dishes and sweep the floor. When my mother is tired, make her a cup of tea and let her have a rest. My father is tired from work during the day. When I get home, I will beat my back and legs for my father   This is my winter vacation plan, isn"t it? 2.寒假计划英语作文 篇二   Time flies. In a twinkling of an eye, a semester has passed. We ushered in a happy winter vacation and said goodbye to the tense final. But I am not happy at all. What else? I just failed the exam. Alas.   Plan 1: preview the text   As the saying goes, if you want to learn the text well, you must preview it in advance. But I have already borrowed the book of the second volume of the fourth grade. I preview five texts every day, take notes, and think about the content of the text. Wish you a good result next term.   Plan 2: Do exercises   I bought a lot of preview materials for myself, and I have to do all of them. For my grades and my future career, I will work hard and try again. Come on, I am optimistic about myself.   Plan 3: Learn Skills   This winter vacation, I will learn more skills, help my parents do more work, and solve some difficulties for them.   This is my winter vacation plan. How about it. 3.寒假计划英语作文 篇三   The tense and full semester has finally ended, and the happy winter vacation has finally come. Just as I was about to have a big game, my mother told me that we should make a winter vacation plan. Let"s have a look at my plan.   When I got up at 7:30 in the morning, my mother said that I should not sleep late, but should form the good habit of going to bed early and getting up early. After getting up, read ancient poems and recite ancient poems. You can"t do less exercise. Skip rope and continue punching. After sweating profusely, I brushed my teeth, washed my face, had breakfast, had a rest, and did mental arithmetic and winter vacation homework.   From 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., the dance class had to make up lessons. After class, it was called Reading Clock in. The stories in it were very interesting. I often laughed and laughed. Outdoor sports are indispensable. My mother is very busy and has no time to take me out to play, so this task was entrusted to my grandfather.   In the evening, I will read some books before going to bed. Sometimes I watch by myself, and sometimes my mother will tell me stories.   The above is my winter vacation plan. Do you think it is well arranged?   Winter vacation is a good opportunity for "overtaking at curves". Come on! 4.寒假计划英语作文 篇四   Winter vacation is coming. Many students dream of living in winter vacation. We can play, sleep, eat and get lucky money. The winter vacation also indicates the New Year, the New Year also indicates that we are one year older, and that we should work harder. Before the winter vacation, I am going to make a study plan for myself to make my winter vacation life colorful, instead of boring.   1. Get up early every morning and read English words for 30 minutes to consolidate your basic knowledge.   2. After breakfast, do some housework, such as washing dishes, sweeping the floor, mopping the floor, and sorting things.   3. Write 5 pages of homework for winter vacation beyond the number of words.   4. Then go out for activities and come back to finish other minor homework.   5. Take a rest after lunch to be more energetic in the afternoon.   6. After getting up, read some extra-curricular books, such as: Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Journey to the West, gathering flowers day and night, etc., and make some reflections in time.   7. In the afternoon, there are classes in the tutorial class. If there is no class, I will write 5 pages of winter vacation homework beyond words.   8. When I came back, I watched my mother cook dinner.   9. After dinner, turn on the TV to watch the news broadcast, and then turn on the computer to search for an English feature film to watch.   10. Talk to your parents, talk about your heart, and rest.   According to the above plan, we should earnestly implement it every day, never give up, never be lazy, consolidate the basic knowledge, do a good job of review and preview, and have a happy winter vacation. 5.寒假计划英语作文 篇五   The winter vacation is about to begin. After discussion with my parents, we can have a good start for the fourth grade in order to have a meaningful winter vacation! I"ve decided to draw up a winter vacation plan! I will do as planned.   Rule 1: Get up at 6:00 in the morning and go to bed at 9:00 in the evening.   Rule 2: Get up and run for half an hour, then stick to outdoor activities for two hours every day.   Article 3: Recite 2 wonderful passages of the sample essay every day;   Article 4: One essay per week; Weekly notes are written once a week, and the completion time is optional.   Article 5: Learning New Concept English Volume 1 in computer for half an hour/day;   Article 6: Go out with your parents once a week in the form of shopping malls, cycling outings, mountain climbing, parks, etc; You can selectively watch your favorite TV programs for 2 hours a week.   Article 7: The homework of Chinese and mathematics should be carried out simultaneously.   Article 8: Write a small piece of calligraphy every day. If the time is loose, practice writing one piece of calligraphy every day.   In addition, for my New Year"s money, I will take 20% as "working capital" and 30% as tuition fees. " 50% to the Hope Project. If I finish all the above well, then I will make many plans for myself, so that I can become a very excellent student.
2023-07-13 13:20:131


2023-07-13 13:20:472


[虐杀原形]所有技能升级翻译以及使用注意:1、升级后获得的技能操作,有的是按住某键,有的是点击某键2、因为有些能力是需要故事进行才能升级3、另外关于出招方式,在战斗时,普通攻击和特殊攻击换着按就能出现各种连招,只有部分特殊的招式是需要升级才能学会。 。4、关于按键,常用到的除了方向键外,就是六个键:普通攻击/投掷(attack/throw),特殊攻击(Special),抓取(Grab),跳跃(Jump),冲刺(Sprint)POWER类这一类的技能都是通过F1-F11的热键来完成变形,分成四类:1、武器类,包括肌肉增强。 2、变身类。 3、防御类。 4、视力类。使用武器时,可以同时使用视力类和防御类的技能。但变身后就只能同时使用视力类的技能。出招方式:1、普通攻击键连按;2、特殊攻击键(可蓄力)3、普通攻击和特殊攻击键换着按Claw Power[利爪技能]claw power:F3使用或者隐藏爪子,升级后可以获得利爪,在游戏中按F3使用。变身下使用利爪会变回原形。通过故事进行自动获得。GroundSpike:特殊攻击键地刺。升级后,按特殊攻击键(Special键,游戏默认是滑鼠右键)可以在选定目标身体下面长出地刺,并在短暂的时间内困住敌人。升级需要5W。Groundspike第一级:被动增加地刺的威力和范围。升级需要8W。Groundspike满级:被动增加地刺的威力和范围。升级需要50W。Dashing Slice:在冲刺中按住特殊攻击键。可以在地上滑行一段时间后爪击敌人。升级需要6W5。Defensive Powers[防御技能]Shield Power(护盾能力)升级需要1W。Armor Power(护甲能力)通过故事进行自动获得。这两个通过F10和F11切换,没什么好说的。Hammerfist Power[锤拳技能]Hammerfist Power:F4切换获得双手变成锤子的能力。升级需要4W8。Hammerfist Smackdown:特殊攻击键锤拳状态下,获得特殊攻击,重击地面。升级需要4W8。Hammerfist Elbow Slam:在空中按特殊攻击键。从高空肘击地面的敌人,攻击力非常提高。升级需要67W5。Hammertoss:在冲刺中按特殊攻击键跳起来锤拳顶在脑袋上方,然后像炮弹一样砸向敌人。升级需要90W。Whipfist Power[鞭拳技能]Whipfist Power:获得双手变成长鞭的能力。升级需要5W5。StreetSweeper:普通攻击——特殊攻击。以鞭子横扫身前的范围。升级需要57500。Longshot Grab:在长鞭状态下按Grab键远距离的抓取物品,包括生物和汽车,也能够用来抢直升机和坦克。升级需要25W。Musclemass Power[肌肉增强技]Musclemass Power:获得肌肉增强的变形能力。升级需要8W。Musclemass Boost:被动。提高肌肉的力量,增强伤害。升级需要100W。Musclemass Throw:被动。提高投掷物品的距离和伤害。升级需要25W。Sensory Powers[感官能力]Thermal Vision Power[热感应视觉]:红外线视力,可以在烟雾里看清生物。升级需要3W。Infected Vision Power[感染探视视觉]:可以看清被病毒感染的人们。通过故事进行自动获得。Blade Power[刀刃技能]Blade Power:获得双手变成刀刃的能力。通过故事进行自动获得。Blade Air Slice:在空中单击特殊攻击键。双手握住刀刃刺往地面,在高楼上用这招刺直升机特别HIGH。升级需要1000000Blade Frenzy:特殊攻击键。快速往前挥出三刀。升级需要700000Blade Sprint Frenzy:在冲刺中按住特殊攻击键。一边跑动一边挥刀攻击前面。升级需要1200000移动技能升级列表建议前期先升级此类技能,至少要获得空中二段冲刺和滑翔操作:1、空中冲刺时在空中单击冲刺键即可2、空中滑翔时,在空中单击冲刺键并按住,在冲刺快结束时单击跳跃键并立刻松开,就可以滑翔,松开冲刺键即停止滑翔3、按住冲刺键的效果与双击方向键并按住的效果是一样的Air Upgrades[空中技能]AirDash [空中冲刺]:在空中时按冲刺键或者双击方向键可以在空中冲刺一小段距离。升级需要2500。Glide[滑翔]:在空中时,按住冲刺键后(或者双击并按住方向键),单击跳跃键。可以在空中滑翔一段距离,松开冲刺键或者方向键则停止。升级需要15000。AirDash Boost:被动。在空中冲刺得更快更远。升级需要20000AirDash Double:被动。获得在空中二次冲刺的能力,而且每次冲刺都可以接滑翔。升级需要48000AirDash Double Boost:被动。在空中的二次冲刺,每次都更远更快。需要80000Air Recovery:在被敌人击中后单击跳跃键被击倒后快速起身。需要30000Sprint Upgrades[加速技能]PeRoll[侧翻]:按住方向键并单击Sprint键,或者双击方向键向某个方向翻滚。在战斗中,这是最主要的躲闪技能。需要100。Sprint Speed 1[加速增强]:双击方向键并按住,或者按往方向键和Sprint键可以在墙上跑,并增加速度。需要10000Sprint Speed 2:被动。增加跑动的速度。需要45000Sprint Speed Max:被动。增加跑动的速度。需要100000Jump Upgrades[跳跃技能]Jump Upgrade[跳跃力增强]:按住跳跃键蓄力可以跳得更高。需要10000Jump Upgrade 2:被动跳得再高。需要30000Jump Upgrade 3:被动跳得非常高。 100000Jump Upgrade Max:被动跳得不能再高了。 135000Wall Jump Latch:靠近墙的时候按跳跃键。获得在墙上跳跃的能力,可以面对着墙跳啊跳啊就跳到顶。需要32500(相当鸡肋技能)生存技能升级列表Critical Mass Upgrades[爆发型技能]均为被动技能Critical Mass Ability:当你的血量满时,继续吸血,会获得一段额外的血条。拥有额外的血条时,你可以释放一个大招。大招怎么放下面会告诉你。 15000重要Adrenaline Surge[破斧沉舟]:当血量减少到一定程度时,也可以释放大招。需要20000重要Critical Mass Boost 1:增加能够获得的额外血量长度,使你的额外血量足以释放两个大招。 80000Critical Mass Boost Max:增加额外血量的长度。当额外血量满时,可以释放三个大招。 400000Health Upgrade[生命提升]均为被动技能Health Boost 1:血条长点。 36000Health Boost 2:血条再长点。 130000Health Boost Max:血条再再长点。 550000Health Regeneration[生命恢复]均为被动技能Regen Rate Boost 1:不在战斗中时,你的血会慢慢恢复。 80000Regen Rate Boost Max:血的恢复速度更快一些。 100000Regen Delay 1:受到伤害时会自动回覆血量,并加速血量的恢复速度。 135000Regen Delay Max:受到伤害时回覆血量增多。 475000格斗技能升级列表连招:选中目标,飞踢+踢脸一脚,普通攻击-普通攻击-蓄力普通攻击,跑上前升龙拳(出招方法在下面),空中三连,抓住摔往地面或双手抱拳砸回地面。不过连招感觉用处不大,因为杂兵两刀就死了,Hunter硬直太高不好连。Air[空中技能增强]Flying Kick Boost[飞踢增强]:在空中按攻击键飞踢目标,增加飞踢的伤害、速度、范围。需要10000。Flying Elbow Drop:在墙上跑动时按特殊攻击键以肘击落下并攻击地面。需要100000Flipkick Launcher:在空中选定目标并按住攻击键,可以在很远的距离外飞踢敌人,踢中时再单击攻击键,可以往敌人的脸上再踢一脚。 75000Body Surf:在空中选定目标,按住普通攻击键不放。飞踢并踩在敌人的身体上在地面滑行一段距离。只对人类有效。 12000Air Stomp:在空中时按特殊攻击键快速落下,并对地面目标造成伤害。 50000Cannonball (需学会: Palm Slam):在空中同时按住Grab键和普通攻击键整个人团成球状并飞速轰往地面。 80000BulletPe Drop (需学会: Glide):在滑翔时(不知道滑翔?看上面移动部分的技能),按特殊攻击键,快速落下地面。 1500000Spike Driver (需学会: Air Combo):算是空中连击的终结技,空中三连后继续按普通攻击,可以双手握拳把敌人砸回地面。 550000Area Effect[群攻技能]就是传说中的大招啊。 。 。Groundshatter:同时按普通攻击键和特殊攻击键双拳锤击地面。蓄力威力更大。 40000Groundspike Graveyard Devastator:能够释放大招时,即血条发蓝时,按住普通攻击键和特殊攻击键不放。周围一圈的地面长出无数地刺,天崩地裂。 60000Knuckle Shockwave:同时按Grab键和特殊攻击键双拳互击,可以击退敌人。蓄力威力更大。 24000重要Tendril Barrage Devastator:血条发蓝时,按住Grab键和特殊攻击键这个就是所有人最爱的一招了。 。 。从身上长出无数触须,惊艳啊。 54000重要Groundshatter Drop (需学会:Groundshatter):在空中同时按普通攻击键和特殊攻击键双拳锤击地面。蓄力威力更大。 110000Air Groundspike GraveyardDevastator:血条发蓝时,在空中按住普通攻击键和特殊攻击键不放也是大范围地刺攻击。 540000Air Knuckle Shockwave(需学会: Knuckle Shockwave):在空中同时按Grab键和特殊攻击键双拳互击,可以击退敌人。蓄力威力更大。 380000Air Tendril Barrage Devastator:血条发蓝时,在空中按住Grab键和特殊攻击键不放。从身上长出无数触须进行范围攻击。 450000Attacks[攻击技能增强]Breakdown Smash:普通攻击,普通攻击,蓄力普通攻击。三连击。 45000Uppercut Launcher:升龙拳,可以把敌人打浮空。好吧,这里要详细介绍一下这个技能,这技能跟下面的Snapkick Launcher一样,多半是没什么人能放出来的。出招方法:第一步,选定一个目标。第二步,在足够接近目标的范围,按住普通攻击键,角色右拳向后蓄力。 (如果是Snapkick Launcher,则是按住特殊攻击键,别的一样)第三步,你看到角色的右拳向身后蓄力时,立刻方向键向身后按。如果成功了,就是升龙拳。如果不成功,就是向前的蓄力右直拳。键盘上很难发出来,可能用360手柄会容易一些吧。 。 。注意,蓄力的时间很短,所以大概在按住普通攻击键半秒钟后就可以接着按方向键。Air Combo:空中连击,连按三次普通攻击,可以在升龙拳之后连招。 135000Curb Stomp:对躺在地上的敌人进行追击。 120000Palm Slam:同时按Grab+普通攻击键。向前推掌,把敌人击飞。 5000Critical Pain Devastator:大招之一,蓝血时按住Grab+普通攻击键,即向前直线长出一条又粗又长的触手,可以一击干掉一台大坦克。 475000Air Critical Pain Devastator(需学会: Cannonball):空中的大招,蓝血时,在空中按住Grab+普通攻击键,即向前直线长出一条又粗又长的触手200000Snapkick Launcher:把敌人踢飞。出招方法跟升龙拳差不多,只是换成特殊攻击键。 900000Grab and Throw Upgrades[抓捕投掷技增强]Charged Throw:抓住人或东西后按住攻击键蓄力可以扔得更远。 30000Sprinting Grab:在冲刺中按抓取键。在冲刺中可以抓人或者东西。 5000重要Sprinting Throw:抓住人后在冲刺中按普通攻击键。一边冲刺一边扔出手上的东西。 25000Long Range Throw (需学会: Charged Throw):被动。扔得更远。 50000Hunter Dirtnap:先点抓取键把Hunter(就是那些比较大的变异怪物,一开始不能抓的)抓住后,点普通攻击键拉倒在地。只对Hunter有效。 250000Grapple[缠斗]Grappleslam:按抓取键抓住人类,再按抓取键,可以把人摔在地上。 195000Powerbomb (需学会: Air Combo):抓住敌人在空中,按特殊攻击键,把人重重摔往地面。 500000伪装技能升级列表Consume[吸收类技能]Disguise Power[伪装能力]:抓住敌人,然后按特殊攻击键。吃谁变谁。游戏进程自动获得。Stealth Consume[潜伏:在不触发警报的情况下吸收目标]:在目标身后,按F,然后按Grab键。如果没有士兵看见,就会悄悄把目标吃掉。 3000重要Stealth Consume Boost:被动。偷偷吃人的速度更快。 100000Consume Boost 1:被动。吃人后恢复的血更多。 40000Consume Boost Max:被动。吃人后恢复的血非常多。 550000Artillery Strike[轰炸技能]Artillery Strike:变成士兵时,选定目标,按住F键,按特殊攻击键。可以叫来飞机轰炸目标。在吸收了军事基地里的某特定士兵后获得(似乎是个空军)。用完就没了,要再次吸收某士兵才能再次叫飞机轰炸。Artillery Strike Upgrade 1Artillery Strike Upgrade 2Artillery Strike Upgrade 3Artillery Strike Upgrade 4Artillery Strike Upgrade Max都是通过吸收特定的士兵(似乎是空军)后升级,升级增加轰炸的威力,以及可以呼叫飞机轰炸的次数。Patsy[欺骗技能]Patsy[欺骗]:选定目标,按F,按普通攻击。很好玩的技能,但感觉没有什么实用价值,就是在士兵伪装下可以命令周围的士兵向某个生物集中火力。 100000Patsy Range Boost:可以欺骗更大范围的士兵帮助攻击。 270000游戏前期推荐先升级移动类的技能,升级后跑步类的小任务至少能过白银级。然后是额外血条和范围攻击技能,用这个可以过杀人的小任务。 。 。然后就看各自爱好分别升级了。 。 。同意8#楼的同志,这游戏里根本不给你绝对的单挑机会,如果切换成力量模式,大部分都是一拳就碎成块了,hunter也架不住一个三连拳,经过这俩天玩虐杀,发现里面火箭筒是终极武器,直升机坦克就不说了,supermehunter锁定以后用火箭筒打也很省力。所以,混战的时候别忘了看脚下有没有火箭筒,弹药箱和卡车也要多利用,比你任何技能都管用多了。我就是打起来老忘记投掷技能。另外,不知道大家是不是和我一样,虽然学了很多技能,但真正在战斗中使用的都不是很灵活,昨天我才发现,按R键切换比按F1-F12要方便的多,还有,打得时候多锁定,这样不会无的放矢。最后总结一下alex的异能,常用、实用技能吧:爪子:主战能力,实用技能有,放地刺的大招,其它无所谓了。实战指数:3,时尚指数:5(金刚狼,街头霸王里的二椅子都有爪子,alex怎能没有)锤拳:主战能力,左键三连击威力很大,但是太慢,适合混战,空中按右键的肘击威力相当大,非常实用,锁定敌人后使用效果最佳,单挑、群殴、居家旅行必备技能。冲刺中按右键的技能打架不太实用,经常冲出一条街,不过是逃命的好招。实战指数:4,实用指数:4鞭拳:相当牛X多功能的能力,点完左键点右键一个三连击,周围十米以内全干净了,清杂兵群殴比较管用,其实鞭子的好处很多,多用在辅助上,比如远距离抓取,抢坦克,直升机都可以,alex有一关要吸引supermehunter的注意,用鞭子比较方便,切记!!!实用指数:5,实战指数:4.大砍刀:空中右键威力很大,不次于锤拳的肘击,而且,刀刃的杀伤还是比较可观的,实战指数:5,实用指数:4甲盾:这个要着重说一下,这个技能只要打开是自动防御的,所以,不管你用什么形态打,一定要打开盾牌,就像大家上车就系安全带一样重要。实用指数:5,实战指数:5异形盔甲:这个没什么说的,很拉风,也具有防御效果,但是注意的是变成这种形态,alex不能滑翔,甚至感觉行动能力也会打折扣,不过影响不大。这就是游戏设计的细节了,穿上盔甲后,感觉alex速度和弹跳都要受到影响,而且落地和冲刺的惯性相当大,让我觉得这套盔甲很有质感,赞一个!!!~~~~~~力量模式:也没什么好说的,力量模式加盾+盔甲,攻击和防御的最佳结合。暴力啊暴力,这游戏可惜不能拆楼!否则~~~~~~~~~用力量模式吃人相当残暴,抓住人左右肩膀往两边撕,狮门电影爱好者可以仔细观摩一下每种异能的吃人方法。
2023-07-13 13:20:561


我的世界创造要用的指令怎么批量放砖之类 我的世界创世神指令大全 2013-11-09 10:07来源:游戏狗整理ppcat我要评论 我的世界创世神指令大全,有许多玩家的询问关于我的世界创世神的指令,下面我就为大家整合了全部的我的世界创世神指令,有需要的朋友可以过来看看我的世界创世神指令大全。 我的世界创世神指令大全1手拿木斧,左键一角,右键一角,两角之间的长方体为选择区域: set id - 将选中的区域变为某物品(如果是不可放置或者没有放置点的物品会成为被扔出的状态) undo - 还原上一次的WorldEdit行动 redo - 还原上一次的undo(这个说明可能有误) move x - 将区域移动x块。移动时需正对着你要移动的区域,他就会帮你移动到你正对的地方 move x up - 将区域向上移动x块 move x down - 将区域向下移动x块 /criticalhit [enable|disable] 开启关闭致命一击 /clouds [enable|disable] 是否显示云 sprinting [enable|disable] 总是冲刺 climb 无需梯子能攀爬任何墙面 spawner 改变玩家所在区域刷怪器的怪物种类 effect 设置药水效果 fog [tiny| *** all|normal|far] 改变视野距离 enderman pickup [enable|disable] Enderman拾取物品开启关闭 enchant 对当前物品附魔 xp XP (player experience)经验值命令 *** 是否开启变态模式(游戏最高难度) calc 计算机 useportal 传送命令 特别提示: 输入 “= 算式”可以简单的使用计算机 比如: = 4 * 4 更多命令帮助信息输入?/help helmet [ITEM] [QTY] [DAMAGE] 换头盔和头盔的防御度啥的。。 slippery [SLIPPERYNESS] 让某个块变得很滑(像冰) longerlegs 让腿更长,可以跳2格等 atlantis 亚塔兰迪斯模式 spawnportal 制作一个地狱传送门 clone [QUANTITY] 复制你正在看的npc (鼠标对着的) killall 杀掉指定的某个怪 flammable [CATCH] [SPREAD] 让某个块可燃烧 clearwater 让水变得清澈 confuse [DISTANCE] 让附近的怪眩晕 confusesuicide 让怪互咬 搞内讧 cyclepainting 可以看你对着的那幅画 (也就是能不把画拿下来再放上去 可以直接更换) bring [ENTITY] 让某个物到你这来 superpunch [DISTANCE|reset] 揍某个npc (越来越邪恶了) phelp [MAND] 给帮助 bindid {ARGS} 下面有 设置快捷键 unbindid 取消快捷键 reskin 穿皮肤 weather 天气 这mod无敌了 /fly [SPEED] 改变飞的速度,5差不多了 /music [play|pause|ski......>> 我的世界怎么快速建筑 可以下载一键建筑MOD,里面有许多新东西,都是一键建筑,放在地上踩上去就行了 我的世界怎么快速建造 创世神mod或者一建建造mod ,按shift放东西上去 我的世界如何快速建造东西,比如一次建出10格或更多的物品,因为我想建些大型的建筑,但一格一格建太慢了 20分 下MOD啊 【1.5.1】minecraft1.5.1 快速建造时代~ 懒人必备!!! - Minecraft中文论坛 - Minecraft资讯|MOD|联机|皮肤|材质|作品 mcbbs/thread-118646-1-1 我的世界用什么软件可以快速建造 这个是创世神插件是服务器插件只有op可以使用 我的世界怎么快速建造。。。 电脑版下mod,手机下js,手机版还需要一个启动器启动js 我的世界怎么快速建造? 10分 自己建一个服务器然后安装一个创世神插件,可以用指令建东西。 望采纳~ 我的世界怎么快速的建造房子 你可以去下载模组百度搜索就有 我的世界怎么快速建造 不知道你要怎么建造 单机可以变成创造模式建造 还想要更快就弄服务器装个worldedit创世神插件 我的世界电脑版怎么一次性建一面墙 14年以后的版本可以使用fill命令 按F3以后会出现X,Y,Z轴的座标,你脚踩的位置就是座标显示的位置。 将你想设立的墙的右上、左下角的X,Y,Z轴座标(整数)记住 使用:/give “你的用户ID” minecraft:mand_block 获得命令方块。 在命令方块里输入:fill “右上座标” “左下座标” “你想使用的方块的名称” 石头:minecraft:stone 沙石:minecraft:sandstone 我常用的就是这几个,这些东西的详细名称在网上有,需要的话可以上MinecraftWIKI查。
2023-07-13 13:21:041


升级说明〔Leveling Up〕 详本文**特技点选费思量** 段落。开锁〔Lockpicking〕 想要开锁您首先要有「开锁器」(lockpicks),和前作《Oblivion》一样,开锁器似乎很容易捡到,根本不用买,只要您掌握开锁小游戏的诀窍,基本上开锁器的损耗不会太多。用[LS]左类比摇杆调整开锁器插入的角度,再轻轻地用[RS]右类比摇杆试转锁孔可被转开的幅度,如果锁孔只能转动一点点,控制手把却在震动,代表开锁器插入的角度仍不正确,此时要放开[RS](不然开锁器一会儿之后就会被折断),再调整[LS]之开锁器插入角度后重转[RS]一次看看,当开锁器角度完全正确时,锁孔就可以一转而开。开锁难度分为五级:新手(Novice)、学徒(Apprentice)、熟手(Adept)、专家(Expert)、大师(Master),锁的难度越高,开锁器正确的插入角度越小,反之,当您的「开锁」(Lockpicking)技能越高,将会更容易找到正确的插入角度。人物移动〔Movement〕与冲刺〔Sprinting〕 [LS]左类比摇杆控制玩家角色走路或是快跑,按[Y]是跳跃,如果要快速冲刺,长押[LB]同时推[LS]向前冲,但持续冲刺会一直消耗角色的「体力」(Stamina)。说服〔Persuade〕 为对话中的特别选项,有时您可用说服对方来达成您的目的,说服的方式依情境还有分赞美(Admire)、恫吓(Intimidate)、嘲笑(Mock)等等,说服是否成功由「话术」(Speech)技能高低而定。扒窃〔Pickpocketing〕 和前作《Oblivion》雷同,您必须在潜行(sneaking)状态从人背后下手按[A],即可进入对方物品栏选单,看看苦主有什么好物,此时尚不构物犯罪,唯有选定对方物品执行扒窃动作却被发现时才算有罪,若对方没有发现,您所相中的物品就能成功转移到玩家角色身上。 「扒窃」(Pickpocket)技能越高,扒窃失败率相对越低,不过并非扒取每种物品被发现的机率都一样,若您打算扒金币或是钥匙,最好点选「扒窃」技能树衍生的相关特技(Perk),例如「荷包贼」(Cutpurse)、「摸钥王」(Keymaster)。在一些特殊情况下,您会反过来在潜行状态下,偷偷把某些物品塞到对方的物品栏里,像是点选「扒窃」技能树的「下毒」特技,就可以把毒水放到苦主身上,接下来会发生什么事,嘿嘿...不用笔者赘述您也猜得到。药水〔Potions〕 药水可以用捡的、用买的或是自行调制。调制方式请详前面「炼金术」(Alchemy)的说明。特殊能力〔Powers〕 玩家于创造角色时可选的十个种族,每一种族都有各有一种初始特殊能力(Power),随着冒险的进行,您还会习得其他的特殊能力。特殊能力列表被归在魔法选单(按[B]后进入「MAGIC」)里,选取一种特殊能力装配后,在游戏中只要按[RB]就可以施展,不过和一般魔法不同的是,特殊能力一次只能装配一种,且绝大多数一天只能使用一次。像是笔者爱用的木精灵,一开始的特殊能力为「指挥动物」(Command Animal),一天只能让一只动物成为伙伴60秒,嗯真的有点虚啊!任务日志〔Quest Journal〕 《Skyrim》的日志介面很简洁(按[Start]后选「QUEST」),大大小小的任务名称都会列在日志介面左栏(已完成的在分隔线下方,未完成的上方),选取某项任务时,该任务的内容大要及分段任务目标就会显示在右栏。除了主线任务外,杂项(Miscellaneous)任务实在多到不可胜数,因此要善用[A]键来标记哪些是进行中的任务,也可以先按[X]来了解任务点在世界地图上的位置。凡是被标记的进行中任务(Active Quest),日志介面左栏任务名称上会有一记号,而且在一般游戏画面上方的方位指针,与地图画面都会有对应的记号,照着方向走您一定不会迷路的。龙吼〔Shouts〕 「龙吼」算是与《Skyrim》主线剧情非常相关的特殊设计,「龙吼」的种类列表会被归在魔法选单(按[B]后进入「MAGIC」)里,,据说游戏里有二十四种「龙吼」,但起初玩家角色的魔法选单根本没有这个类别,必须要开始做任务后,才会在一处又一处的「文字之墙」(Word Walls)上搜集到「龙吼文字」(the Words of the Shout);每种「龙吼」皆由三个「龙吼文字」组成,且光习得文字还不够,您得杀龙吸其魂魄才能解除文字封印,进而使用「龙吼文字」。「龙吼」选取装配后,在游戏中只要长押[RB]就可以施展,押越久,会使用越多的「龙吼文字」(the Words of the Shout)。不过当使用完一种龙吼后,会有短暂的冷却时间才能再使用,只要您观察一般游戏画面上方的方位指针,是否不再发光,就可以知道冷却时间结束了没(方位指针变成正常颜色即表示能再次使用龙吼)。当然,您可以押[RB]短一点,也就是只吼出部分文字,虽然龙吼威力会减弱,但冷却时间也会缩短。提升技能〔Skill Increases〕 按[B]后进入技能(Skills)选单,可检视玩家角色目前各种技能数值的状态。其他说明详本文**特技点选费思量** 段落。炼锭炉〔Smelters〕 《Skyrim》的游戏世界里可以采集到不少原矿(Raw Ore),特别是山洞里的矿脉(有的需要工具才能挖取);而炼锭炉(Smelters)的功能就是把原矿炼成金属锭(metal ingots),各种不同的金属锭则是用来铸造与改良武器防具的材料。按[A]进入炼锭炉的互动介面,炼锭所需的材料明细显示于右边,与上述「熔炉」的介面类似。潜行〔Sneaking〕 压[LS]左类比摇杆让玩家角色蹲下,即进入潜行模式(sneak mode),此时您的潜行状态会在画面中心原本的十字指标处显示: 1.指标呈-. -闭眼状,代表没人看得到您。 2.指标呈略微张眼状,代表敌人已经有所警觉,会试图把玩家角色给找出来。 3.指标呈完全睁眼状,代表有人(不一定是敌人)已经侦测到您。 4.如果指标显示「被侦测」(DETECTED),代表敌人已经看到您,并准备要攻击。 5.如果指标显示「隐藏」(HIDDEN),代表敌人找半天找不到您,只好放弃搜索。若您在指标呈略微张眼状即对敌人发动攻击,会被判定为「潜行攻击」(Sneak Attack)而有攻击加乘。玩家角色的潜行是否成功是由下列因子决定: *人物移动:您静止不动时很不容易被发现,如果持续移动就比较容易行踪败露。 *敌人视线:敌人视线被阻挡时,他们比较不容易发现您。 *环境光线:周遭越暗,敌人就越不容易看到您。 *声响:拔剑攻击或施展魔法时会产生声响,很可能惊动附近的敌人;挥动重武器会制造更大的声响,而施法除了会有声响外,还会有引人注目的强光。 *角色防具:您若着重甲,移动时会产生更多噪音。由于敌人并不知道声响是由谁发出来的,所以必要时您可以采取声东击西的作法,例如射箭或触发远端陷阱来误导敌人。灵魂石〔Soul Gems〕 灵魂石(Soul Gems)可用来吸收生物(Living Creatures)的灵魂,吸满灵魂的灵魂石将是制作附魔物品或为附魔武器充能的必须材料,灵魂石至少有四种以上不同的容量大小(例如:PettyLesserCommonGrand),越强生物的灵魂必须用越大容量的灵魂石来装。吸收灵魂的方式为使用「灵魂陷阱」法术(Soul Trap,此法术游戏初期即可购入习得),另外像「召唤术」(Conjuration) 技能的「窃魂者」特技(Soul Stealer,魔缚武器攻击目标并对其施予『灵魂陷阱』)亦有同样效果,您必须在「灵魂陷阱」于目标生物的作用时间内将之击毙,且玩家角色的物品栏要有适合或大于此生物灵魂容量的空灵魂石,才能成功吸收其灵魂;若您物品栏有数颗大小不一的空灵魂石,系统会自动找出能容纳此灵魂之最小容量者,所以千万别带着一堆空的「Grand 」级灵魂石去吸收小老鼠的灵魂,这是非常不划算的。和前作《Oblivion》的设定一样,邪恶的您若想吸收人类(或人形敌人)灵魂为己用,必须找到黑灵魂石(Black Soul Gems)才能捕捉,否则一般的灵魂石不论容量多大都是吸不起来的;至于不死系、矮人魔像(Dwarven Constructs)等这类已无灵魂的敌人,您就不必费心去捕捉了。法术〔Spells〕 按[B]后进入魔法(MAGIC)选单,您可以用[LT]或[RT]来指定角色的哪只手装配哪种魔法,双手配一样的魔法也可以。施展所有的法术都需要消耗「法力」(Magicka),消耗量的多寡由您该系法术的技能数值与是否点选进阶特技(Perks)而定;若您的法力耗尽或过低,您就不能施法。在激战中若要快速充补法力,最常见的方式就是喝补魔药水,否则等法力于战斗中慢慢回复实在缓不济急,假如已经脱离战斗状态,您的法力、血量、与体力值都会自动回复。依施法方式的差异,可将法术分为两型:一类法术属蓄能施放型(例如:「雷霆一击」(Lightning Bolt),每次耗法力XX点),它们在真正被施放前,都有一小段准备时间,长押[LT]或[RT]直到施法手势改变,再放开[LT]或[RT]才算一次施法完毕。您也可以刻意长押[LT]或[RT],使该法术处于随时能施放的状态,但此时玩家角色的法力值完全不会回复。另一类法术则是属持续耗能型(例如:「火焰喷射」(Flames),每秒耗法力XX点),只要长押[LT]或[RT],法术就会马上生效,但您的法力会持续减少,必须放开[LT]或[RT](或等法力耗完)才会停止施法。有些投掷类法术会以游戏画面中心的十字指标为瞄准点,若此法术的投掷距术有限,十字指标显示红色代表此瞄准点无效。制革架〔Tannning Racks〕 制革架是用来把兽皮(animals hides)制成皮革(leather)的工具架,并可以把皮切割成皮革条(strips),两者都是制造及改良武器防具的常见材料。不同种类的兽皮可以制出不同数量的皮革,一般来说,越大型的兽皮能做出越多张的皮革。训练〔Training〕 您可以付费接受技能训练师的指导,来提升您各项技能的数值,不过每种技能的训练师人数是有限的,而且当玩家角色等级越高时,越难找到人帮您训练。 (简单讲就是靠自己比较实在!)工作台〔Workbenches〕 相对于「磨刀石」(Grindstones)可用来永久提升武器杀伤力,「工作台」(Workbenches)则是用来永久提升防具的防御力。同样地,改良防具需要额外材料,例如金属锭或是皮革条;按[A]使用工作台互动介面,左侧选单会显示可以改良的防具,每项防具改良所需材料明细显示于右边,与上述「熔炉」的介面类似。至于防具防御力提升的程度,则是依玩家角色「冶金」(Smithing)技能高低与其衍生的各种特技(Perk)而定。世界地图〔World Map〕 按[B]后进入地图(MAP)选单,世界地图上的地标代表着城市、小镇、地城或其他特殊景点。有时您会与NPC的对话中获得某地点的情报,但由于您还没有造访过,此地点于世界地图上是呈深色标记,实际到过的地点即会以浅白色标记显示。世界地图上也会标出您目前所在位置、方向与任务目标的地点;世界地图介面里还可以再切换区域地图,如果您的任务是要去某城找某某人,入城检视区域地图,通常能更快发现任务目标的位置。前作《Oblivion》就有的自订标记(Custom Marker)功能,《Skyrim》也继承下来,您可以在地图的深色标记或空白处按[A]自订标记(要取消或移动标记的话则再按一次[A])。快速旅行的介面也是在世界地图上操作,方法详前面「快速旅行」(Fast Travel)的说明。退让〔Yielding〕 俗话说刀剑无眼,有时玩家角色会不小心打到NPC(例如:和善的村民或是正在执勤的守卫),他们会进入防御状态或拿起武器准备与您开打,这时您马上按[X]收起武器,就算是做出「退让」动作,一般来说,NPC们会愿意与您停战。如果您是被悬赏(bounty)而与前来缉捕您的管区守卫打起来,即使您后来选择「退让」他还是会逮捕您。
2023-07-13 13:21:391


地球冒险3攻略先起床下楼出门时妈妈会要求你穿好衣服再出门,选择是回楼上穿衣服。下楼快跑(按住B一会,然后松开)撞到妈妈,得到一个道具このみパン(Nut Bread-坚果面包)(Nut Bread-坚果面包)。出门往右走(下边的山路暂时不能通过),找山谷出口的青蛙可以记录。出山谷引发剧情,按住B再放开,快跑冲撞恐龙,然后找人对话。之后与一只昆虫战斗,战胜后妈妈会来找主角们回家吃饭。饭局之后妈妈放飞一只信鸽,天上飞过一个不明飞行物。※按START键 道具、装备、人物状态、睡眠机能;按Select键 查看人物HP、PP。第一章 とむらいの夜(吊唁之夜)发生森林纵火事件,消防员来找警长。※警长房间右上角床可以睡觉。右边高地上的盒子里有道具出门应答,去看情况。找狗狗说话,可得装备ばぅっきれ(Stick-树枝)。右边高地上的盒子里有道具このみパン(Nut Bread-坚果面包)。找广场的大叔说话,会得到地图找广场的大叔说话,会得到地图,用R键查看,画圈的地方就是目的地。往上方走,空地右下角可捡到道具たべられゐキノコ(Edible Mushroom-可食用蘑菇)(Edible Mushroom-可食用蘑菇),左上角道具このみパン(Nut Bread-坚果面包)。仔细在空地上找,可捡道具ナッツ(Nut-坚果)(无限拿)。之后往空地左边出口走。与传教士说完话,通过安检处往上走,碰到一男子,说话后得到道具このみクッキ-(Nut Cookie-坚果饼干)。往上走,猎户屋外有装备ゃざのぅどれ(Aries Bracelet白羊座手镯),左边是温泉,可以回血。向上走穿越火场(小心火堆,烧到会伤血)看到纵火的可疑人物。火场右上方有道具このみパン(Nut Bread-坚果面包)。中途救醒某大叔,被告知小孩被困在房子里。发生剧情战斗,胜利后往上走,发现被困火场的小孩,用快跑撞开门。进去后上楼时发生战斗,胜利后上楼救出小孩(挡路的木头用冲撞撞开),刚离开,房子就塌了。按原路返回,发生下雨灭火事件,将小孩的父亲送至旅店疗养。※旅店右上房间有道具どくけし(Antidote-解毒剂)。出旅店有人来找警长说话。※可先向上去广场左边,帐篷外有道具このみパン(Nut Bread-坚果面包),沙滩上有道具たべられゐキノコ(Edible Mushroom-可食用蘑菇)。广场右边峡谷里有道具クセのあゐチ-ズ(Peculiar Cheese - 特殊的奶酪)。回家后看到妈妈的信鸽送来的信。又有事件,出门带上忠犬。去找广场上方爆炸头的人说话,说完话去神坛。之后往上走,找金发リサ(Lisa)说话可得道具どくけし(Antidote-解毒剂)。先去原来烧毁的小木屋那找只小白鼠,以后找小孩事件会帮你指路标。这个地方有个解毒剂从森林中间某处往左走,下方有道具どくけし(Antidote-解毒剂),上方有道具ほしにく(Beef Jerky-牛肉干)和装备ミニミニぉまもり(mini-mini-charm-迷你吊坠-防御+2)。走到某处发现山路被树木堵住了,去左方山崖处找某大叔说话,会发生小狗学狼叫的事件==|||。发现悬崖上有一件红衣服,派小狗去找自定义人名(这里叫TaTa)-来帮忙。小狗冒着风雨交加来到自定义人名(这里叫TaTa)-处,可是他在睡觉,叫不醒,于是小狗把他一路叼着去悬崖。到了悬崖自定义人名(这里叫TaTa)-会帮你在山壁上做攀岩梯,上去后找他对话会加入队伍。然后去树上拿ふくのきれはし(红衣服),右边山洞有道具このみパン(Nut Bread-坚果面包)和ほしにく(Beef Jerky-牛肉干)。两只猪头在利用动物做生化改造2010-1-17 09:39 回复 a86281504a 0位粉丝 2楼出洞往上走,发现两只猪头在利用动物做生化改造。打败生化改造动物后,得到ブタじるしノト(Pig mark notebook-猪头封面记事本)。继续向上追击,发现敌人乘着飞船逃走了。原路返回,此时山道已经被村民们打通了。往右走发生剧情(右上角有道具ほしにく(Beef Jerky-牛肉干)),警长的2个孩子获救,和所有人对话后,跑来一个人,和他对话。他会告诉你一个好消息,一个坏消息。好消息是,他找到了一个“龙牙齿”可以当作你的武器,而坏消息是,他是从你妻子的心脏上发现的这个武器的。妈妈仙去了,警长悲痛欲绝。拿起火把暴走。警长悲痛欲绝。拿起火把暴走警长醒来后发现自己被关了起来,调查门的时候儿子拿苹果来探望他,吃了苹果,发现里面藏着锯子,调查牢门后可以锯开牢门。出门往右走,与看到的第一个带墨镜的男子对话,要你去上方的墓地。※广场左边房子里的女士会帮你把ナッツ(Nut-坚果)用料理方法做成其他道具。※从广场右边过桥来到山上小屋和白胡子老头说话可得道具イカヅチだま(Thunder Bomb-雷电炸弹)。穿过空地,来到墓地,从村人口中了解到,妈妈的葬礼正在举行,快步跑去右上角参加。之后警长的孩子哭着跑掉了,去找广场的大叔说话,他会帮你在地图上标出木屋位置(见下图),让你山上木屋找(你现在需要的是一直向上走,直到地图最上方的小屋)。经过神坛的时候被训戒,身上留至少一个道具空位。再次与他交谈,交给你道具ドラコのキバ(Drago Fang-龙牙齿)。往上走,途中有一个装备みずがあのうでわ(Aquarius Bracelet 水瓶座手镯)。所在位置可以得到水瓶座手镯(上面同时标出了木屋所在位置)到家以后先找アレツク(Alec-阿里克)交谈,加入后出门。转动门前红色的老鼠转盘,会指示你前进方向。一路向下来到河边一路向下来到河边与岸上的两只青蛙交谈,会找来其他青蛙帮忙你过河。河边与岸上的两只青蛙交谈往右走,从母牛处可得牛奶,不过时间长了会变质。先去海螺屋收集情报,出来后去右上角山洞。途中有道具クセのあゐチ-ズ(Peculiar Cheese - 特殊的奶酪)、ほしにく(Beef Jerky-牛肉干)、はしりだま(Running Bomb-跑跑弹)。走出黑黝黝的山洞,继续往上爬,发现先前的猪头(旁边有道具ほしにく(Beef Jerky-牛肉干))。冲上去之后他们会从旁边跳下去逃跑,继续追,再次被他们乘飞船逃走了。※第一座索桥右侧有道具ばしりだま(Sprinting Bomb-短距离炸弹);第二座索桥左侧有装备あたらしいカクザイ(Fresh Lumber-刚砍下来的木材),右侧有道具ほしにく(Beef Jerky-牛肉干);第三座索桥右侧有道具ほしにく(Beef Jerky-牛肉干)。在往上走,会看到一只小恐龙正在玩弄小孩的鞋子,上去把它捡起来。※往上走有道具このみパン(Nut Bread-坚果面包),在一堆仪器左边有道具ほしにく(Beef Jerky-牛肉干)。继续往上,发现另一只鞋子,此时冒出一只被改造过的生化恐龙。先使用先前得到的道具ドラコのキバ(Drago Fang-龙牙齿),对它的攻击才能奏效,否则一次只能伤它1点。打败后,小恐龙会出来救母亲。序章先起床下楼出门时妈妈会要求你穿好衣服再出门,选择是回楼上穿衣服。下楼快跑(按住B一会,然后松开)撞到妈妈,得到一个道具このみパン(Nut Bread-坚果面包)(Nut Bread-坚果面包)。出门往右走(下边的山路暂时不能通过),找山谷出口的青蛙可以记录。出山谷引发剧情,按住B再放开,快跑冲撞恐龙,然后找人对话。之后与一只昆虫战斗,战胜后妈妈会来找主角们回家吃饭。饭局之后妈妈放飞一只信鸽,天上飞过一个不明飞行物。※按START键 道具、装备、人物状态、睡眠机能;按Select键 查看人物HP、PP。
2023-07-13 13:21:471


现在游戏文件里搜索,在最后见上密码diff_easy.cfg简单 diff_bauer.cfg困难 diff_hard.cfg超级难 v_goliathmode = [0, 1] 车辆是否是不死之身 g_meleeWhileSprinting = [0, 1] 禁用或允许冲刺时的混战攻击 g_playerSuitEnergyRechargeDelay = 0 能量立即回复 g_playerHealthValue = 900.0 附加生命值 pl_fallDamage_SpeedFatal = 13.7 (any number) 你被打死了时的倒下速度 g_godMode = 1 God mode 你是神 pl_swimBaseSpeed = 4 (any number) 你是菲尔普斯(你的游泳速度) g_suitarmorhealthvalue = 200 (any number) 装甲模式的保护值 pl_swimJumpSpeedBaseMul = 1 (any number). 你跳出水面的速度有多快 g_playerSuitEnergyRechargeTimeArmor = 0 装甲模式能量立即回复 g_playerSuitEnergyRechargeTimeArmorMoving = 0 装甲模式跑步中能量立即回复 g_playerSuitArmorModeHealthRegenTime = 0 立即回复生命 g_playerSuitArmorModeHealthRegenTimeMoving = 0 跑步中立即回复生命 ai_UseAlternativeReadability = 0 朝鲜人说韩国话,韩国人说朝鲜话 pl_fallDamage_SpeedSafe = 8 (any number) 你不受伤害的最大速度 g_suitSpeedMult = 1.85 (any number) 速度模式倍增系数,1.85为原来的1.85倍 g_suitCloakEnergyDrainAdjuster = 1 (any number) 隐形模式能源消耗倍增系数 i_noweaponlimit = 1子弹应该是着个不对找我 QQ597948974星期五
2023-07-13 13:21:553


你说的是不是杰西·欧文斯(Jesse Owens) ?我给你找了些,希望对你有用:Jesse Owens(1913-1980), track and field athlete. In three outstanding meets, Owens gained international fame by establishing long-standing world or Olympic records and challenging Adolf Hitler"s conception of Aryan supremacy.Owens was born in Alabama as the tenth child of sharecroppers and moved with his family to Cleveland in the 1920s as part of the massive migration of blacks from the rural South to the urban North.In junior high school, Owens was befriended by Charles Riley, a white teacher and coach, who saw talent in the small, slight black youth. He developed his sprinting, hurdling, and long-jump skills at Cleveland East Tech High School where he dominated Ohio high school track and field. Owens first came to national attention when he tied the world record of 9.4 seconds in the 100-yard dash and long-jumped 24 feet 9 1/2 inches at the 1933 National High School Championship meet in Chicago. In college, Owens continued to excel in track and field, winning a record eight individual ncaa championships. His greatest collegiate performance occurred at the 1935 Big Ten Conference Championship where he tied or established world records in the 100-yard dash, long jump, 220-yard dash, and the 220-yard low hurdles.Owens is most famous for his performance during the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin, Germany. Adolf Hitler had planned to use the games to showcase German prosperity amid the worldwide depression and to demonstrate Aryan physical supremacy by fielding a strong German team. Although Germany did win more medals than any other nation, Owens"s brilliant individual performance overshadowed its achievement. He won four gold medals, tying the 100-meter dash record and establishing new Olympic records in the 200-meter dash, long jump, and 4 X 100-meter relay. His records in the relay and the 200-meter dash were not broken until the 1956 games, and the others stood until 1960.Following the games, Owens returned to the United States and attempted to cash in on his newfound fame by exploiting the offers telegraphed to him in Berlin. He reportedly received ten thousand dollars for supporting Republican presidential candidate Alf Landon in 1936, but few of the other offers materialized. He was reduced to performing in exhibitions such as running races against horses and touring with a band and basketball and baseball teams. These appearances were lucrative, but a laundry he owned failed because of poor management. Owens was taken to court for not paying his income taxes, and he eventually declared bankruptcy.Through the 1950s and 1960s, however, Owens prospered by working in public relations for major corporations. His modesty, patriotism, and sincerity made him an excellent public speaker, much in demand. He remained a hero to black Americans and was acceptable to white people because of his conservative position on race issues. Ironically, he was criticized by many black Americans because he was a spokesman for the U.S. Olympic Committee during racial protests at the 1968 Mexico City Olympic Games. Nevertheless, he remained America"s most popular and famous track and field athlete until his death from cancer in 1980.美国男子田径运动员杰西·欧文斯生于1913年,卒于1980年。他的祖父是奴隶,父亲是一个小佃农。在1935年的全美大学生运动会上,23岁的欧文斯以在45分钟内打破5项世界纪录、平1项世界纪录的惊人表现轰动体坛,其中他在跳远项目中创下的8.13米的世界纪录,直到25年后才被人打破。 1936年,在柏林第11届奥运会上,他在11万观众面前夺得100米、200米、跳远和4×100米接力4枚金牌。在100米比赛中,他在第一轮预赛中就平了当时的世界纪录,决赛中,欧文斯从起跑后就开始领先,到终点撞线时,他已经领先第二名、他的同胞梅特卡夫足足1米的距离。在跳远比赛中,差点没能获得决赛资格的欧文斯进入决赛后却赢得异常轻松,没有一名选手的成绩能够超过他三次成绩中的任何一个。随后,他又获得了200米的金牌。4天后,欧文斯作为第一棒站在了4×100米接力比赛的起跑线上,四个小伙子为本届奥运会增添了一个新的世界纪录,这个纪录保持了20年。 奥运会后,欧文斯过着贫困的生活。为了生活,他曾和狗、马赛跑。欧文斯曾获奥林匹克银质勋章,1980年被欧洲、美国各体育报记者评为20世纪最佳运动员。为了纪念欧文斯对世界体育运动的贡献,美国体育机构以他的名字设立“杰西·欧文斯奖”,每年评选一次,奖给在田径运动中成绩卓著的各国运动员。 For one brief moment, he was white America"s first black athletic hero, his four gold medals (and three world records) at the 1936 Berlin Olympics both a garland of honor for the U.S.and a mortification to Hitler.To TIME, he was variously the "coffee-colored" Owens, "the world"s fastest blackamoor" or the dusky speedster." But to milions of black Americans, he was inspiration and paladin, a sign of things to come. 杰西-欧文斯 杰西-欧文斯是美国第一个黑人英雄,虽然这只持续了很短的一 段时间。在1936年柏林奥运会上,杰西-欧文斯一举夺得4枚金牌 打破3项世界纪录,为美国带来了极大的荣誉,也使希特勒颜面 无光。时代杂志称他为"咖啡"欧文斯、"世界上最快的黑人"或 是"卑微的赛手",但是对于成千上万的美国黑人来说,他的出 现标志着新时代的到来。
2023-07-13 13:22:104


Highly decorated 奖杯Earn 1 of every ribbon in competitive mutiplayer在多人游戏中取得每种缎带各一个备注: 以下[缎带] 条件必须是同一场比赛中达成才能拿到,拿到后可以直接跳出正在进行中的游戏或继续解其他缎带。- No ScopeKill 5 enemies while aiming down the sights of a rifle轻压L2出现十字准心(非狙击镜)杀死5个敌人。- TrapperKill 3 enemies with traps用[陷阱]杀死3个敌人。- CastroGet 3 testicle shots取得3个[睾丸]射杀。- Demolition ManKill an enemy by shooting TNT or a Mine利用射击[TNT炸弹] or [Mine炸弹] 炸死一个敌人。- Long Distance KillerKill 3 enemies over 150m away while scoped在超过150m(公尺)的距离下,杀死三名敌人。- One Bullet Cam...Get the match winning shot拿到赛事胜利。PS:你可以开私人房,然后将[score limit] 设为[100] 分,进入游戏时用狙击枪射对方的头4次(取得100分)来结束游戏即可拿到。- Semi-Automatic SpecialistKill 5 enemies with a semi-automatic sniper rifle使用[半自动狙击步枪(semi-automatic sniper rifle)] 杀死5名敌人。PS:M1 Garand 或 Gewehr 43- TaggerGet 3 tag assists得到3次助攻标签。PS:用[望远镜(R3)]标记(R2)敌人,之后由队友击杀(反覆三次)。这里需要三个人。- Kill StreakKill 5 enemies without dying在没有死亡的情况下连续杀死5个敌人。- GrenadierKill 3 enemies with grenades手榴弹杀死3个敌人。- SprinterKill a sprinting target while scoped杀死一个正在冲刺时的目标。PS:必须在[冲刺(按下L3)中] 击杀才能解到。- OperativeKill 7 enemies with an SMG or Pistol用[冲锋枪]或[手枪]杀死7名敌人。- SurvivalistComplete a match without dying在没有死亡的情况下完成比赛。- Steady AimKill 5 enemies while in empty lung在憋气的情况下杀死5名敌人。- Longest ShotHave the longest shot in a match在当场比赛中,拥有最长的射击距离。- Head HunterGet 5 headshots取得5次爆头。- Bolt-Action SpecialistKill 5 enemies with a bolt action sniper rifle使用[螺栓行动狙击步枪(bolt action sniper rifle)] 杀死5名敌人。PS:Carcano 或 Lee-Enfield- StreakerPerform 3 consecutive kill streaks without dying在没有死亡的情况下连续取得3次[kill streaks] 缎带。PS:[kill streaks] 缎带就是[在没有死亡的情况下连续杀死5个敌人],所以取得3次[kill streaks] 缎带就是要杀死15人(未死亡的情况下)。
2023-07-13 13:22:171


【 #高二# 导语】因为高二开始努力,所以前面的知识肯定有一定的欠缺,这就要求自己要制定一定的计划,更要比别人付出更多的努力,相信付出的汗水不会白白流淌的,收获总是自己的。 高二频道为你整理了《高二优秀英语作文模板》,助你金榜题名! 1.高二优秀英语作文模板   Spare my biggest hobby is sprinting.   I was too small, the foot is relatively small, but the legs more flexible. My mom says I foot is bent, suitable for walking, running.   In kindergarten, I often take part in the school play, the students and the teacher all kua I run fast, I can not proud. On the primary school, to participate in the physical training, to master some skills of my running, sprint speed more and more quickly, I often and students play, but they are not my opponent, in this regard, I have some pride?   During the summer vacation, I watched the Olympic Games athletes, see the flying figure, I envy, especially those that track and field athletes, I often for their success.   My dream is to be a sprinter. I want to strengthen the training of constantly, make your dreams come true. 2.高二优秀英语作文模板   Everyone needs helps and everyone can help others.   For example.If one day,your classmate is on dute.maybe you could help him to clean up the classroom.You may ask me why i help him?It doesn"t have any good ways for me.You are wrong.   When you are on dute,but you have to go home,then what you are going to do?I think you could ask your classmate for help.They may glad to help you.Because you have helped him,so they will helpyou too.   You help him toclean up the classroom also can make the classroom gets bright and clear.It can makes you and your classmates feel well in the classroom,so you will get good grades.   So you see helping others is helping oursevles! 3.高二优秀英语作文模板   I had a good time during this spring festival,thought the weather was very cold,I still went travelling to beijing with my family.   We got there on feb.13,so we had a big dinner at the hotel on New Year"s Eve with strangers over all the city.then,we watched the Spring Festival Gala Evening that night.   The next day was the beginning of New Year ,it was cold.but we kept a happy mind all day.because we had a chance to Wangfujing Street.As we know,it is the most famous commercial area in Beijing.   So we went shopping there and bought many presents .what was more,i even ate beijing was so delicious that we could not forget it·s good taste until we went back home.   I had a good holiday this time. 4.高二优秀英语作文模板   My hometown is Guiyang, a small city in Southwest China, surrounded by rolling green mountains. A river runs through it, with locust trees lining along both banks. In Spring the locust trees all blossom at the same time, spreading the delicate fragrance all around the city. In Summer there will be little boats floating on the river, the laughter of children resonating with the sound of the running water.   I was born and grew up in the city, and I"m very affectionate to it. It rains a lot, but the climate is very mild, neither too cold nor too hot throughout the year. It is small and not very prosperous, but people there are warm-hearted and straightforward. The life pace there is slow and peaceful. It"s a good place for spending hot summer days.   That is my hometown. I love her deeply from the bottom of my heart. 5.高二优秀英语作文模板   Autumn in Countryside   It gradually turns cool. The sunlight is no longer so strong and the cicadas have stopped crying. The hot summer went by at last. The favorite season in the year is coming.   Everywhere we can see the scene of bumper crops: on the fields is golden rice,on the trees are ripe fruits. The farmers faces are full of smiles. They are now expecting a good harvest through a summer"s hard work.   The autumn evening is especially beautiful. When the setting sun goes slowly down to the west, the sky over the mountains is covered with red rays of evening sunlight, which shines upon the blue sky and floating clouds, just as the maple leaves fall onto the sky.   It is getting cool at dusk. The wind blows, the moonlight shines on the ground,the frogs croak and insects chirp in the fields. Such a situation will make you forget all the unhappy things in the daytime.   I love the beautiful season.
2023-07-13 13:22:241


2023-07-13 13:22:581


2023-07-13 13:23:072


目前国外的辐射4玩家已经研究出来了怎么给普通装备添加传奇装备属性,以后再也不用费劲刷传奇生物了!FO4的传奇装备实际上在引擎里是一个看不见的武器配件,如果想要给自己喜欢的普通武器添加传奇装备效果只需要把武器丢到地上并选中,然后输入代码: attachmod ###即可如果要查看传奇装备代码的话比较麻烦,必须要英文版才可以,具体是控制台打入 help “属性名称” 0 搜索配件代码。目前我也没有全部的代码,只有两个可用的(希望有条件的玩家可以试试看刷全):1.双击mod: attachmod 001CC2AD2.煽动mod: attachmod 001F04B8001F1DF9 Acrobat"s 50% reduced damage from falling001F1E0C Almost Unbreakable Quadruples durability001F1DF3 Assassin"s 15% reduced damage from humans001F8165 Bolstering Increases energy and damage resistance as HP diminishes (up to +35)001F579D Cavalier"s 15% reduced damage while blocking or sprinting001F4D18 Chameleon Hard to detect while sneaking and not moving001CF57C Cunning +1 Agility, +1 Perception001F3A49 Duelist"s 10% chance to disarm melee attacker on hit001F81EB Exterminator"s 15% reduced damage from Mirelurks and bugs001CF57F Fortifying +1 Strength, +1 Endurance00093BBD Freefall No falling damage001F1DEE Ghoul Slayer"s 15% reduced damage from Ghouls001F3072 Herbalist"s +25 poison resistance001F1DEB Hunter"s 15% reduced damage from animals001F1E0B Low Weight Low carry weight001CF57E Lucky +2 Luck001F2D3D Martyr"s Temporarily slows time during combat below 20% HP001F1DF4 Mutant Slayer"s 15% reduced damage from Super Mutants001F7A75 Powered Increases AP refresh speed001F1E47 Punishing Reflects 10% of melee damage back on attacker001F3CA9 Safecracker"s Increases size of sweet spot while picking locks001F5995 Sentinel"s 15% less damage while standing and not moving001CF57D Sharp Charisma +1, Intelligence +1001F1C2F Sprinter"s Increases wearer"s movement speed by 15%001F57E4 Titan"s 15% reduced damage while standing and not moving001F81EC Troubleshooter"s 15% reduced damage from robots001F1D62 V.A.T.S. Enhanced -10% AP cost in V.A.T.S. (does not add prefix)Weapon OMODsForm ID Prefix Effect001E6846 Assassin"s +50% damage vs. humans000A4739 Automatic Automatic fire mode001EF5D7 Berserker"s More damage the lower your damage resistance001EC036 Bloodied More damage the lower your health001F57E2 Cavalier"s 15% less damage while blocking or sprinting001E6D6B Crippling +50% limb damage001F6AD4 Enraging Critical hits cause target to frenzy001E73BD Explosive Bullets explode on impact inflicting 15 AOE damage001F81ED Exterminator"s +50% damage vs. Mirelurks and bugs001F5479 Freezing 10 points cryo damage and will freeze targets on critical hits001EF481 Furious Damage increases after each hit on same target001E6847 Ghoul Slayer"s +50% damage vs. Ghouls001E6845 Hunter"s +50% damage vs. animals001E7173 Incendiary Sets target on fire for 15 points of damage001F04B8 Instigating 2x damage if the target is at full health001CC469 Irradiated 50 points additional radiation damage001EB99A Junkie"s Damage increases with the number of withdrawal effects001F1048 Kneecapper 20% chance to cripple the target"s leg001CC2A6 Lucky Weapon 2x critical damage, +15% critical refill rate001F109C Medic"s Heals targets instead of hurting them001E6848 Mutant Slayer"s +50% damage vs. Super Mutants001CC2AC Never Ending Unlimited ammo capacity001EBABD Nimble 75% faster movement while aiming001E8174 Nocturnal Increases damage as night grows longer; decreases damage during the day001F4426 Penetrating Ignores 30% of the target"s damage and energy resistance001F9B4D Plasma Infused Adds 10 points of energy damage and can turn enemies into goo001F31B9 Poisoner"s Target is poisoned for 10 seconds001CC2AB Powerful Provides 25% more damage001F1026 Quickdraw Costs 25% fewer AP001EC56D Rapid Provides 25% faster fire rate, 15% faster reload001ED37E Relentless Refills your AP on a critical hit001E81AB Staggering Chance to stagger on hit001F04BD Stalker"s If you are not yet in combat, increases V.A.T.S. accuracy but costs more AP001F81EE Troubleshooter"s +50% damage vs. robots001CC2AD Two Shot Shoots an additional projectile001CC2AA V.A.T.S. Enhanced Improved VATS hit chance, 25% less AP cost (adds prefix)002056F0 V.A.T.S. Enhanced 40% less AP cost (does not add prefix)001F7B8A Violent Deals +25% damage and limb damage, but has more recoil001E7C20 Wounding Targets bleed for 25 points of additional damage
2023-07-13 13:23:151


  每个人都有喜欢的动物,动物是人类的好朋友,是人类的好伙伴。   我最喜欢的动物   I have a dog. It is my favourite animal. His name is Beibei. His name and my name are the same. I like Beibei very much. He is only one year old now. He is very small. He is black and white. And he has one sister. She is yellow and white. His mother is white. His father is black. It is very clever. And it is very lovely. So I like him. He has a very small nose, two eyes and two small ears. He has a small mouth, too. He has four legs and a small face. He loves meat very much. There is a bowl near his house. There is always some bones or pork in it. And it is always very clean. His house is very beautiful. The door is red. And there are two windows in the wall. The wall is white and pink. There is a lock in the door. The lock is yellow. It is very nice. Beibei loves his house very much. He usually sleeps and rests in helpful. I think so, too 。   我有一只狗。它是我最喜欢的动物。他的名字叫贝贝。他的名字和我的名字都是相同的。我喜欢贝贝非常多。他现在才一岁。他是非常小的。他是黑色和白色。和他有一个妹妹。她是黄色和白色的。他的母亲是白人。他的父亲是黑人。这是非常聪明的。而且它非常可爱。所以我喜欢他。他有一个非常小的鼻子,两只眼睛和两只小小的耳朵。他有一张小嘴巴,太。他有四条腿和一个小的脸。他非常喜欢肉。他爱我,我也这么认为。   我最喜欢的动物   I like animals very much, such as horses, monkeys, cats, tigers and so on. But I like dogs best. Why? Because they are very cute and friendly.   我非常喜欢动物,比如马,猴子,猫,老虎等等。但是我最喜欢小狗。为什么呢?因为他们很可爱很友好。   I have a white dog. Its name is Bobo. She is a female dog. She comes from Beijing, China. She has two big eyes and a small month. She wears white clothes. She often walks around at home. It has nothing to do. She likes eating ice-cream so much, So do I. When I eat ice-cream, she will look at the ice-cream carefully. So I will give her some to eat.   I think Bobo is the cutest dog in the world.   我觉得波波是世界上最最可爱的狗狗。   我最喜欢的动物   In the animal world, I most like the cheetah.   The cheetah"s really brave. It"s flat and smooth, short ears. Two eyes like two, twinkle. There are two prominent muscle in on either side of the face, white, with small black spots, bead point of steel needle of a root beard. There is a a black spots. In addition to the belly is white, the remaining parts of the hair is golden. Its streamline, the whole body presents for sprinting. Its limbs is very rich, full of flexibility. Cheetah"s paw is straight, can firmly in the ground, change the running direction. And it is the long tail, can have the effect of acceleration while on the run.   The running speed of cheetah is very surprising, speed is about 130 kilometers per hour, with fast on the highway running car.   But, its endurance is poor, high speed running is limited to a few seconds, so has been hailed as a sprint champion.   Cheetahs hunting is also very interesting. When it found that the deer would be around to look at the first, and see what the intruder. If not, it is with lightning speed to recover to the prey. Easily catch later, it will pull the prey to the grass, enjoy the meal. If the prey in a tree, it jump into the tree to catch the prey, big eat a meal.   The cheetah is really a lovable animals! But, now is trying to catch some criminals for their own interests cheetah, continue like this, will destroy the cheetah. Please act to protect it together.   在动物世界里,我最喜欢猎豹了。   猎豹长得真威猛。它的头平而滑,耳朵短短的。两只眼睛像铜铃一般,炯炯有神。脸的两边有两块突出的肌肉,白白的,上面有一粒粒小黑点,点上有一根根钢针般的胡须。身上有一个一个黑色的斑点。除了肚皮是白色的,其余部位的毛都是金黄色的。它的整个身躯呈现流线形,适合急速奔跑。它的四肢非常发达,富有弹性。猎豹的爪子比较直,能牢牢地巴住地面,改变奔跑方向。而它的那条长长的尾巴,在奔跑时能起到加速的作用呢。   猎豹的奔跑速度很是惊人,每小时的速度大约有130千米,跟高速公路上飞速奔跑的车子差不多。   但是,它的耐力差,高速奔跑只限于几秒钟,所以被誉为短跑冠军。   猎豹捕食也很有意思。当它发现鹿时,先会向四周观察一下,看看有什么不速之客。如果没有,它就以闪电般的速度向猎物追去。轻而易举地捉住之后,它就把猎物拖到草丛中,美美地饱餐一顿。如果猎物在树上,它就跳到树上把猎物给逮住,大吃一顿。   猎豹真是一种讨人喜欢的动物啊!可是,现在有些不法分子为了自身的利益在大肆抓捕猎豹,再这样下去,猎豹会灭绝的。请大家行动起来,一起来保护它吧。
2023-07-13 13:23:231

r能与韵母a, o, e, i, u组成音节吗?

2023-07-13 13:13:541


2023-07-13 13:13:561


“duang”的意思是“加特效”,含戏谑性“很好玩”味道。常用于漫画作为背景音修饰词。出自2015年2月20日,一部由成龙代言的广告再次被网友们挖出来进行了新一轮恶搞。词语来源这部广告被某知名弹幕网站的一位up主恶搞,将成龙和庞麦郎的《我的滑板鞋》进行了神一般的同步,于2015年2月20日发布了鬼畜视频“【成龙】我的洗发液”。随后有人在微博上分享视频,并被疯狂转发,使得该视频引起上百万的点击。此后各微博大V纷纷转发此视频。于是duang字便被发明了。一句“Duang”成了网络上最新最热门的热门词汇。而在“Duang”红了以后,更有大量的网友跑去成龙最新一条微博下留言刷屏“Duang Duang ”。2015年2月27日,成龙在转发微博时用“duang”自嘲引发网友围观,不少网友称“路转粉”。
2023-07-13 13:13:571


2023-07-13 13:14:0110

people all want to live a happy life……的全文

People all want to live a happy life. But today more and more people think they are unhappy. The study shows that many people would give up their present life if they could. Then what makes people so unhappy? Men complain they work hard, but make little money. Women complain they are too fat and try a lot of ways to lose weight. Children complain they have too much homework and spend too little time doing what they like. It seems that nobody is happy. But is it true? In fact, being happy is not so hard. First, change your mind. Try to cherish what you have. Second, forget those unhappy things and remember things which make you laugh. Last, donu2019t keep othersu2019 mistakes in mind. Then youu2019ll find that to wear a smile on the face is not so difficult.
2023-07-13 13:13:481

-How much chicken do we need for the sandwich ?-Three slices may be OK.为什么在此处要用How much?

这句话中的chicken指的是鸡肉而非动物。从后文的slice可以看出。slice在此相当于是中文里的量词,表示“片”。放在三明治中的肉食材通常用slice 来表示。how much用于修饰的是不可数的事物,如此处的chicken,还有money,water,people等。也可用于表示程度,如how much do you like him.
2023-07-13 13:13:455


英文名: Uptown Girls 中文名: 麻辣宝贝 别 名: 贡上富家女 导 演: ( 布兹·雅金 Boaz Yakin ) 主 演: (布瑞塔妮·墨菲 Brittany Murphy) (达科塔·范宁 Dakota Fanning) (玛丽·谢尔顿 Marley Shelton) (唐纳德·法森 Donald Faison) (杰西·斯宾塞 Jesse Spencer) (奥斯汀·彭德尔顿 Austin Pendleton) 麻辣
2023-07-13 13:13:422