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小飞侠乐队的成员:Dougie Poynter

出生年月:1987年11月30日出生地:Orset Hospital身高:175.26 cm星座:人马座乐队位置:贝斯相貌特征:漂白了的头发?很酷的衣服!!家庭成员:母亲,姐姐宠物:两只蜥蜴,两只猫,两只狗,一只东欧或亚洲产的大颊的鼠类和一只青蛙随身会带什么:吉他弦片最喜欢的……男演员:Brad pitt女演员:任何人都可以. Hillary Duff电影:Urethra Chronicals - Blink 182电视节目:任何(Diary, Cribs, Making of)歌曲:“Don"t tell me it"s over”- Blink 182乐队:Blink 182男歌手:Tom Delonge女歌手:That bird from Evenescence第一次听的演唱会:Wet wet wet at Wembley听过最好的演唱会:New Found Glory, Finch, Starting Line座右铭:座右铭是什么饮料:Lucozade(一种运动型饮料)食物:Greek, seafood(海鲜类)坏习惯:吃一些死人的皮形容自己:一只黑马最感兴趣的:女孩带皮带最讨厌的:Cammel toe, Richard梦想的车:我不喜欢车学校里喜欢的课程:任何一件事你都不须作太多对自己影响最大的人:Gareth Gates最局促不安的时刻:最尴尬的时刻:当我用后来被命名为jeff的尿壶垫高厕所最幸运的事:在Juon Henry"s遇见Blink 182最喜爱的处世方式:我还没有一个,那就是为什么我还没有女朋友爱好和运动:在晚上跟踪Harry其他:无----------------------

add to 和add in,add into?

add to(add 作不及物动词用)表示“增加;增添”,其中to是介词,后接名词或代词. This latest incident will add to the pressure on the government. 最近的这次事件将会给 *** 增加压力. add in 加进去,计算在内,包括 We"d better add in some lemon juice before mixing the flour with sugar. 在面粉里放糖之前,我们最好放进一些柠檬汁. add into 添加到,加入到 Then type the particular account name that you want to add into the text box. 然后在文本框中键入要添加的特定帐户名.,5, dekapri 举报 所以add to 和add into都对/? add into一般多指食物中的添加、混合,而add to只是单纯“增添”。另外,add to更常用,add into用得很少。,add to 和add in,add into 这几个都是加上去的意思,求区别 比如 You need to add it [ ] your list. 我觉得3个都行,一个是加上去,俩个加进去.答案是add to. 不是3个意思都可以吗,why!

add的用法是什么 有add into吗

1. add表示"加;增加",常与介词to连用,即"add ... to ...","把......加到......中去;往......中加......"。例如:If you add 4 to 6, you get 10. 4加6等于10。Add some hot water if you think the coffee is much too strong. 如果你觉得这咖啡太浓,就加点儿热水。2. add表示"补充(说道)",即"又说;继续说"。例如:"And I expect your little sisterwill come, too," added she. 她接着又说:"而且我希望你的小妹妹也能来。"Mother added that we must get back as soon as possible. 妈妈接着又说我们必须尽早回来。3. add to表示"增加;增添",其中to是介词,后接名词或代词。有时也可用来表示"(房屋的)扩建"或"(书的)续写"等。例如:Each girl present at the party was wearing a flower in the hair, which added to their beauty. 参加晚会的姑娘人人头上都戴有一朵花,使得她们显得愈加漂亮。The soldiers were extremely tired and the heavy rain added to their difficulty. 战士们累极了,而大雨更是增加了他们的困难。This old house has been added to from time to time. 这幢老房子曾一再扩建。Has that book of his been added to later? 他的那本书后来曾续写过吗?4. add ... up 表示"把......加起来";add up to ... 则表示"加起来总和为......"。例如:Can you add these ten figures up? 你能把这十个数字加起来吗?All these figures add up to 5,050. 所有这些数字加起来总和为5,050。此外,add up (to) 在口语中还有以下两种用法:1) 作"含义是;表示;等于;总而言之"讲。例如:His remarks added up to a condemnation of my plan. 他的意见总之就是谴责我的计划。2) 作"有意义;讲得通"。例如:I don"t think what she said added up at the meeting. 我认为她在会上的发言没有意义

Fundamentals of Power Electronics 有中文版吗

这本书,无论第一版还是第二版,从来没有。fundamentals of power electronics 电力电子基础;

求《有机化学基础》第六版( Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry) 的电子版,或扫面件


add into和add to的区别

意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。add to:增加,是对…的增添,加强。add into:添加到。add to:侧重于两者是平等关系,加到一起。add into:侧重于是把一个加到另一个里去。 add into和add to的区别 add to:add用作及物动词时的基本用法是add sth to sth 或add sth,可以把add sth 看作是省略了to sth,这主要用在适当的上下文中,特别是在说话双方对to sth 都很明确时。 add into:add既是普通用语,也是科技用语,主要指运用算术中的加法运算求出一系列数字或数量之和,广义则指把一物“加入”或“添加”到另一物中以“增加”原物的重量、规模、总量或重要性等。add还可表示“接着说”“还说”。 add用作动词 add主要指运用算术中的加法运算求出一系列数字或数量之和,广义则指把一物“加入”或“添加”到另一物中以“增加”原物的重量、规模、总量或重要性等。add还可表示“接着说”“还说”。 add用作不及物动词的情况不多。用作及物动词时,宾语可以是数字;也可以是有形的东西,如糖、水等;还可以是无形的东西,如麻烦等。 add用作及物动词时的基本用法是add sth to sth或add sth,可以把add sth看作是省略了to sth,这主要用在适当的上下文中,特别是在说话双方对to sth 都很明确时。

add into和add to的区别

意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同 。 add to:增加,是对…的增添,加强。add into:添加到。add to:侧重于两者是平等关系,加到一起。add into:侧重于是把一个加到另一个里去。 add into和add to的区别 1、add to:add用作及物动词时的基本用法是add sth to sth或add sth,可以把add sth看作是省略了to sth,这主要用在适当的上下文中,特别是在说话双方对to sth都很明确时。 2、add into:add既是普通用语,也是科技用语,主要指运用算术中的加法运算求出一系列数字或数量之和,广义则指把一物“加入”或“添加”到另一物中以“增加”原物的重量、规模、总量或重要性等。add还可表示“接着说”“还说”。 add用作动词 add主要指运用算术中的加法运算求出一系列数字或数量之和,广义则指把一物“加入”或“添加”到另一物中以“增加”原物的重量、规模、总量或重要性等。add还可表示“接着说”“还说”。 add用作不及物动词的情况不多。用作及物动词时,宾语可以是数字;也可以是有形的东西,如糖、水等;还可以是无形的东西,如麻烦等。 add用作及物动词时的基本用法是add sth to sth或add sth,可以把add sth看作是省略了to sth,这主要用在适当的上下文中,特别是在说话双方对to sth 都很明确时。

add to和add into的区别,还有其实add into有没有的

好象没有add into 这个用法

add to 还是add into有什么区别 add water( )dried food

1.add to 一般是广义的把 什么 加到什么上去 比如 add 3 to 5 -- 3加5 或者是把一个东西垒到另一个东西上,让体积增加 2.add into 则侧重 到什么里面去 ,比如 把 水加到瓶子里面去,瓶子有口 into 就表示出来了一个“到--里面”的 动作.

add to ,add into,add...to...区别

add to =increase 表示数量规模增加增添 add into 把...加到...中 有混合均匀之意 add ...to.. 把...加到..上

add to 和add in, add into

add in1. 加进,插入;包括 2. 吸收(某人)为成员 →add into把什么加入到什么中(有混匀之意思。一般是在食物中添加)add on[美国英语]加上,附加;包括 → add to增加;加到…上 → add up1. 把…加起来;加起来,合计 1. 把…加起来;加起来,合计 2. 得出所求的总数,(与预期的总数)相符;合乎要求 →add up to1. 加起来共计,加起来等于,总计达;有一定的价值 2. (总起来)意味着,意思是;等于是 → add add together把…加起来;加起来,合计 → add

关于外号 the big fundamental 是什么意思


add to和add into区别

add to:增加,是对…的增添,加强; add into:添加到; add:v.增加;加添;加;补充说;继续说; 第三人称单数: adds现在分词: adding过去式: added过去分词: added 扩展资料   A glass or two of wine will not significantly add to the calorie count.   喝一两杯葡萄酒不会增加多少热量。   Pale wooden floors and plenty of natural light add to the relaxed atmosphere.   淡色木地板和充足的自然光平添了几分轻松的氛围。   This would add to the disarray in world markets.   这会给世界市场乱上添乱。   A glass or two of wine will not significantly add to the calorie count.   喝一两杯葡萄酒不会增加多少热量。

add into和add to的区别是什么?

add into和add to的区别是:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1、add to:增加,是对…的增添,加强。2、add into:添加到。二、用法不同1、add to:add用作及物动词时的基本用法是add sth to sth或add sth,可以把add sth看作是省略了to sth,这主要用在适当的上下文中,特别是在说话双方对to sth都很明确时。2、add into:add既是普通用语,也是科技用语,主要指运用算术中的加法运算求出一系列数字或数量之和,广义则指把一物“加入”或“添加”到另一物中以“增加”原物的重量、规模、总量或重要性等。add还可表示“接着说”“还说”。三、侧重点不同1、add to:侧重于两者是平等关系,加到一起。2、add into:侧重于是把一个加到另一个里去。


基本原理fundamentals英 [ˌfʌndə"mentlz] 美 [ˌfʌndə"mentlz] n.原理;基本原则,基本法则( fundamental的名词复数)希望对你有帮助!


fundamental a. 1.基础的;根本的,十分重要的[(+to)] The fundamental cause of his success is his hard work. 他成功的根本原因是他工作努力. 2.原始的;主要的[(+to)] 3.【音】基音的,原音的 n. 1.基本原则(或原理),根本法则(或规律);纲要[P][(+of)] In three days,she had learned the fundamentals of cooking. 三天之内她就学会了烹调的基本知识. ultimate a.[Z][B] 1.最后的,最终的 After many defeats,the war ended for us in ultimate victory. 经过多次失败,战争以我们的最终胜利而结束. 2.基本的,根本的;最初的,最早的 Hard work is the ultimate source of success. 努力工作是成功之本. 3.【口】最大的,极限的 He gave his life and thereby paid the ultimate price. 他牺牲了生命,从而付出了最大的代价. n. 1.最终的事物,终极,结局;极限;顶点[the S][(+in)] This car is the ultimate in luxury. 这是最奢华的汽车. 2.基本原则[C] The denial of these ultimates results in mass selfishness. 否定这些基本原则会导致普遍的自私.


fundamental [英][u02ccfu028cndu0259u02c8mentl][美][u02ccfu028cndu0259u02c8mu025bntl] adj.基础的,基本的,根本的,重要的,原始的,主要的,十分重大的; [物]基频的,基谐波的; [乐]基音的; n.原理,原则,基本,根本,基础; [乐]基音; [物]基频,基谐波; 复数:fundamentals最高级:most fundamental比较级:more fundamental 以上结果来自金山词霸


fundamental基本的双语对照词典结果:fundamental[英][u02ccfu028cndu0259u02c8mentl][美][u02ccfu028cndu0259u02c8mu025bntl]adj.基础的,基本的,根本的,重要的,原始的,主要的,十分重大的; [物]基频的,基谐波的; [乐]基音的; n.原理,原则,基本,根本,基础; [乐]基音; [物]基频,基谐波; 复数:fundamentals最高级:most fundamental比较级:more fundamental以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Facebook"s problem is more fundamental. facebook的问题更为根本。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


fundamental 英[u02ccfu028cndu0259u02c8mentl] 美[u02ccfu028cndu0259u02c8mu025bntl] adj. 基础的,基本的,根本的,重要的,原始的,主要的,十分重大的; [物] 基频的,基谐波的; [乐] 基音的; n. 原理,原则,基本,根本,基础; [乐] 基音; [物] 基频,基谐波; [例句]But on this question, the two leaders have very fundamental differences但在这个问题上,两位领导人有着根本性的分歧。[其他] 比较级:more fundamental 最高级:most fundamental 复数:fundamentals


adj. 基础的,基本的,根本的,重要的,原始的,主要的,十分重大的;[物... n. 原理,原则,基本,根本,基础;[乐]基音;[物]基频,基谐波

求英语作文:at that moment,I smiled


score 可以什么时候+s 什么时候不+ s 比如 add up your score and see how much point you get .

个人认为 这个句子为了让前后保持一致性 point 没有加S 而其实的话point 其实也是可以加s 的,另外一点 这里是个抽象的概念 属于不可数名词范畴 所以不加S


英[pu0259"sent];美[pu025a"su025bnt]。percent,英语单词,名词、形容词、副词,作名词时意思是“百分比,百分率;部分;百分数”,作形容词时意思是“百分之…的”,作副词时意思是“以百分之…地”。短语搭配:PCT PerCenT百分比 ; 每百 ; 百分之 ; 百比。percent双语例句:1、Be in that elite one percent.要进入那百分之一的精英行列。2、At the end of the day, add up the percent DVs.在一天结束后,把所有营养素的百分比加起来。3、As I understand it, you want fifty percent of the shares.就我所理解的,您是想获得百分之五十的股份。

街头篮球有一首音乐有句ladies and gentlemen 是什么歌

Street Ball Challanges 能给分吗 我敢确定是这首

翻译:I want you to work correctly and add up all the amounts quickly .


add into和add to的区别


Add up your score and see how many points you get


求Fundamentals of Corporate Finance (Ross) 7th英文版

书名:Fundamentals of Corporate Finance作者:Stephen A. Ross, Randolph Westerfield, Bradford D. Jordan目前只有第5版,第6版,第8版,第9版,第10版的,没有找到第7版的。

market fundamentals


data science fundamentals证书是什么


英语if we get down to fundamentals怎么翻译?


国际金融里面的Economic fundamentals是什么意思

Economic fundamentals,可以翻译为”基本经济要素“或者”经济基本面“。从一家公司的角度出发,经济基本面就是公司的经营业绩、盈利能力、财务状况以及成长潜力等要素。从更宏观的角度出发,经济基本面包括国家宏观经济指标、经济政策走势、行业发展状况等等经济基础要素。希望采纳

英语would spur fundamental economic怎么翻译?

would spur fundamental economic会刺激基础经济






fundamental_百度翻译fundamental英[u02ccfu028cndu0259u02c8mentl]美[u02ccfu028cndu0259u02c8mu025bntl]adj. 基础的,基本的,根本的,重要的,原始的,主要的,十分重大的;[物...n. 原理,原则,基本,根本,基础;[乐]基音;[物]基频,基谐波名词复数:fundamentals;最高级:most fundamental;比较级:more fund...[例句]Facebook "s problem is more fundamental.facebook的问题更为根本。您好,答题不易如有帮助请采纳,谢谢


fundamentals英 [,fu028cndu0259"mentlz]美 [,fu028cndu0259"mu025bntl]n. 基本面;基本原理(fundamental的复数)



&*%#)&547英语啊 add to,add in,add into,put in有什么区别啊?

add to :增加,加到 add in:算入; 包括(add into不知道.) put in:放进,提出,提交,插入,进入,使就职,种植,进港 另外类似的词组还有:add on:加到上; 附加; 包括add up:加起来,总计; 和预期产总数相等; [口]有意义,有道...

B2M Entertainment的发表作品

艺人:许永生专辑名:Let It Go发行日期:2011-05-12语言:韩语 艺人:金圭钟专辑名:Turn Me On发行日期:2011-09-09语言:韩语 艺人:SPICA专辑名:狠毒地发行日期:2012-01-10语言:韩语 艺人:SPICA专辑名:Russian Roulette发行日期:2012-02-08语言:韩语 艺人:SPICA专辑名:Painkiller发行日期:2012-03-29语言:韩语 艺人:许永生专辑名:SOLO发行日期:2012-05-22语言:韩语 艺人:金圭钟专辑名:Meet Me Again发行日期:2012-07-18语言:韩语 艺人:SPICA专辑名:I"ll Be There发行日期:2012-09-19语言:韩语 艺人:许永生专辑名:Overjoyed发行日期:2012-09-19语言:日语 艺人:SPICA专辑名:Lonely发行日期:2012-11-21语言:韩语 艺人:Eric Nam专辑名:Cloud 9发行日期:2013-01-23语言:韩语 艺人:许永生专辑名:Life发行日期:2013-03-13语言:韩语 艺人:李孝利专辑名:MONOCHROME发行日期:2013-05-21语言:韩语 艺人:许永生专辑名:Memories To You发行日期:2013-07-03语言:日语 艺人:SPICA专辑名:Tonight发行日期:2013-08-28语言:韩语 艺人:许永生专辑名:She发行日期:2013-10-16语言:韩语 艺人:金宝亨(SPICA)专辑名:我是个疯女人发行日期:2013-10-17语言:韩语 艺人:SPICA专辑名:You Don"t Love Me发行日期:2014-01-26语言:韩语 艺人:Eric Nam专辑名:Ooh, Ooh发行日期:2014-04-07语言:韩语 艺人:SPICA专辑名:I Did It发行日期:2014-08-07语言:英语 艺人:SPICA.S专辑名:让给别人可惜吗? (Give Your Love)发行日期:2014-09-12语言:韩语 艺人:SPICA专辑名:Autumn X Sweetune special GHOST发行日期:2014-11-05语言:韩语 艺人:郑妮可专辑名:First Romance发行日期:2014-11-19语言:韩语 艺人:Eric Nam 专辑名:让我融化 (Melt My Heart)发行日期:2014-12-10语言:韩语 艺人:Eric Nam专辑名:没关系没关系发行日期:2015-03-05语言:韩语 艺人:Eric Nam 专辑名:DREAM (Feat. 白智敏 of 15&)发行日期:2015-05-29语言:韩语 艺人:郑妮可专辑名:Something Special发行日期:2015-06-24语言:日语 艺人:金圭钟专辑名:爱を描く(描绘爱情)发行日期:2015-07-21语言:日语

The generation gap between students and teachers

套用写作模板进行写作:1. 拟出标题:Love and Concern Make Ideal Relationship2. 进行概括:Students are becoming unwilling to confess to their teachers because they are not equal in position and teachers lay too much emphasis on the academic performances of the students.3. 自然过渡。回答“你是否愿意告诉老师你内心的想法”,给出观点(愿意或不愿意),直截了当,一语概之。如“我愿意告诉老师我的内心想法”。While some students might have doubts,I am willing to share my inner thoughts with my teachers.4. 列举例证。回答“为什么”, 给出一两个理由。They show love and concern for their students and they are also good listeners. I always find it easy to seek support and advice from them, from which I benefit and learn a lot.5. 回答“你希望你与你的老师之间的关系是怎样的”,可以是“重要的, 和谐的, 朋友式的”等等。In this case, an ideal relationship between teachers and students is very important. In my opinion, this relationship should be one filled with love, care and understanding, in which teachers and students show respect for each other and exchange ideas freely.6. 回答“如何才能建立这种关系”,即师生双方应该如何做。To build a relationship of this kind, teachers should become friends of students while students ought to place more trust in their teachers and give voice to their feelings frankly.7. 总结。如可说“只有这样,我们才能拥有和谐的师生关系。”Only in this way can we enjoy a warm relationship between teachers and students.全文整理如下:Love and Concern Make Ideal RelationshipStudents are becoming unwillingto confess to their teachers because they are not equal in position and teachers lay too much emphasis on the academic performances of the students.While some students might have doubts, I am willing to share my inner thoughts with my teachers. They show love and concern for their students and are good listeners. I always find it easy to seek support and advice from them, from which I benefit and learn a lot.In this case, an ideal relationship between teachers and students is very important. In my opinion, this relationship should be one filled with love, care and understanding, in which teachers and students show respect for each other and exchange ideas freely. To build a relationship of this kind, teachers should become friends of students while students ought to place more trust in their teachers and give voice to their feelings frankly. Only in this way can we enjoy a warm relationship between teachers and students.

有首歌中反复唱这句cant read me 是哪首啊 谢谢啊

lady gaga - poker facei wanna hold em" like they do in texas playsfold em" let em" hit me raise it baby stay with me (i love it)luck and intuition play the cards with spades to startand after he"s been hooked i"ll play the one that"s on his heartoh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, ohh-oh-e-ohh-oh-ohi"ll get him hot, show him what i"ve gotoh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, ohh-oh-e-ohh-oh-oh,i"ll get him hot, show him what i"ve gotcan"t read my,can"t read myno he can"t read my poker face(she"s got to love nobody)can"t read mycan"t read myno he can"t read my poker face(she"s got to love nobody)p-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face(mum mum mum mah)p-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face(mum mum mum mah)i wanna roll with him a hard pair we will bea little gambling is fun when you"re with me (i love it)russian roulette is not the same without a gunand baby when it"s love if its not rough it isn"t fun, funoh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, ohh-oh-e-ohh-oh-ohi"ll get him hot, show him what i"ve gotoh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, ohh-oh-e-ohh-oh-oh,i"ll get him hot, show him what i"ve gotcan"t read my,can"t read myno he can"t read my poker face(she"s got to love nobody)can"t read mycan"t read myno he can"t read my poker face(she"s got to love nobody)p-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face(mum mum mum mah)p-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face(mum mum mum mah)(mum mum mum mah)i won"t tell you that i love youkiss or hug youcause i"m bluffin" with my muffini"m not lying i"m just stunnin" with my love-glue-gunningjust like a chick in the casinotake your bank before i pay you outi promise this, promise thischeck this hand cause i"m marvelouscan"t read my,can"t read myno he can"t read my poker face(she"s got to love nobody)can"t read mycan"t read myno he can"t read my poker face(she"s got to love nobody)can"t read my,can"t read myno he can"t read my poker face(she"s got to love nobody)can"t read mycan"t read myno he can"t read my poker face(she"s got to love nobody)can"t read my,can"t read myno he can"t read my poker face(she"s got to love nobody)can"t read mycan"t read myno he can"t read my poker face(she"s got to love nobody)p-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker facep-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker facep-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker facep-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker facep-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker facep-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face



Not For A Moment (After All) 歌词

歌曲名:Not For A Moment (After All)歌手:Meredith Andrews专辑:Worth It AllNot For a Moment (After All)You were reaching through the stormWalking on the waterEven when I could not seeIn the middle of it allWhen I thought You were a thousand miles awayNot for a moment did You forsake meNot for a moment did You forsake meAfter all You are constantAfter all You are only goodAfter all You are sovereignNot for a moment will You forsake meYou were singing in the darkWhispering Your promiseEven when I could not hearI was held in Your armsCarried for a thousand miles to showNot for a moment did You forsake meAfter all You are constantAfter all You are only goodAfter all You are sovereignNot for a moment will You forsake meNot for a moment will You forsake meYou were singing in the darkAnd every step every breath you are thereEvery tear every cry every prayerIn my hurt at my worstWhen my world falls downNot for a moment will You forsake meEven in the darkEven when it"s hardYou will never leave meAfter allAfter all You are constantAfter all You are only goodAfter all You are sovereignNot for a moment will You forsake meNot for a moment will You forsake meNot for a moment will You forsake mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/53884984

sqlserver 非空约束 下列 ALTER TABLE Student ADD CONSTRAINT C3 (Sname) NOT NULL; 那地方错了




Anti-Flag的《No Warning》 歌词

歌曲名:No Warning歌手:Anti-Flag专辑:The Bright Lights Of AmericaAnti-Flag-No Warning lyricsThe call... The call...Heed up and you will fallThe call... The call...No warningI write in white on the black blockNo warningTime bomb contemporaries" tick-tockNo warningI write in white on the black blockNo warning, no warningThis is Critical Mass DestructionPro-active Communista sin documentosThe anarchist conspirators are downloading this cookbooksKeep your politics out of my apathyIt"s just the same sad and boring,melancholy storyNo warningI am a parasite, I am a hypocrite (hypocrite)It"s not an option to be pragmatic (matic)We live and die by opinion publicNo warningI write in white on the black blockNo warningTime bomb contemporaries" tick-tockNo warningI write in white on the black blockNo warning, no warningAnti-Flag QQ群52280959全国首发This is Critical Mass DestructionThere is no room to grow inside this cageThey cannot know the animal that they bred out of rageI heard that fucker"s hungry and he loves the taste of fleshRipped from the bone of the close-minded, ignorantNo warningI am a parasite, I am a hypocrite (hypocrite)It"s not an option to be pragmatic (matic)We live and die by opinion publicOh yeah喜欢Anti-Flag的朋友请加入Anti-Flag中国FANS群52280959The call... The call... Heed up and you will fallThe call... The call... Heed up and you will fallThe call... The call... Heed up and you will fallThe call... The call...No warningI write in white on the black blockNo warningTime bomb contemporaries" tick-tockNo warningI write in white on the black blockNo warningTime bomb contemporaries" tick-tockNo warningI write in white on the black blockNo warningTime bomb contemporaries" tick-tockNo warningI write in white on the black blockNo warning, no warningThis is Critical Mass...Hey... hey... hey...http://music.baidu.com/song/2143226

sql中创建表的时候,为什么not null要放在comment后面呢?


恒强制版系统安装提示runtime error 错误,怎么解决

息栏的状态显示包含特定的错误代码以及相应的解释.一般来说发生前用户会感到电脑明显的缓慢. 当信息栏被关闭后程序一般会自动关闭或者失去响应,有时会导致电脑重启 有多种情况会导致这些问题,包括 tsr程序(终止并驻留程序)之间的冲突 其他正在运行的程序(常见于扩展程序以及软件的其他附加程序例如google工具拦) 软件问题 内存问题 危险程序例如病毒如果你所经历问题的是由tsr程序所引起的那么可以简单的使用任务管理器终止问题进程。 如果问题长期出现那么可能是软件本身的问题。可以通过升级和打补丁的方法解决。但是如果完成上述操作问题仍然存在可以重新安装软件。有时也会由操作系统产生,这时需要重新安装操作系统。 另一种run time error经常是由内存带来的。在这种情况下,应该优先联系软件作者/开发商。他们会给你解决途径。不过如果他们所提供的方法仍然没有效果应该联系电脑生产商,主板厂家或者其他硬件生产商获得技术咨询。 还有一种run time error是由危险程序例如病毒或者其他恶意软件带来的。这些危险程序能够改变电脑设置。通过这种能力他们能够制造run time error。预防病毒产生的run time error应该经常性的升级杀毒软件。如果你的电脑没有相应的软件应该安装并且扫描你的电脑以预防对你电脑以及个人信息的隐藏风险 解决步骤:1,终止问题进程。2,安装更新补丁升级到最新版本或者重新安装应用软件。3,联系软件作者/开发商。4,扫描病毒。5,重新安装操作系统。6,联系硬件厂商。常见错误以及错误代码 5 Illegal function call Program error, verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer. 确认程序以升至最新版本,如未解决重新安装,如果仍然存在应联系软件开发商. 6 Overflow Program error, verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer. 同5 7 Out of memory ,This issue can be caused when the computer does not meet the programs system requirements or to much memory is already being used for the program to run. 可能由系统配置不达标引起,无法提供足够的内存. If your computer meets the requirements try first reinstalling the program to make sure it"s not an issues with the program installation..如果系统配置合格那么重新安装软件确保不是软件自身的问题 9 Subscript out of range Program error, verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer. 同5 10 Duplicate definition Program error, verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer. 同5 11 Division by zero Problem with a math formula in the program or the programs code. Verify no software updates are available for the program causing this error. 13 Type Mismatch Make sure your system regional settings are setup correctly and that the program you"re running is made for your version of Windows. 确保你的系统区域设置正确并且软件是为你的系统所设置的 14 Out of string space Program error, verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer. 同5 19 No Resume Program error, verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer. 同5 20 Resume without error Program error, verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer. 同5 28 Out of stack space This issue can be caused by a program or memory error. First try going through the out of memory troubleshooting , if this does not resolve the issue try reinstalling / updating the program. 同7,必要时升级/重装软件 35 Sub or Function not defined Program error, verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer. 同5 48 Error in loading DLL This issue is often caused with a bad installation or an issue caused after another program has been installed that replaced the programs DLL. Close all programs and TSRs and try installing the program again. 多由错误的安装或者第三方程序修改/覆盖原dll程序引起.关闭程序以及相关进程然后重新安装软件 52 Bad file name or number Program error, verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer. 同5 53 File not found File required by the program to run is not found. Program needs to be reinstalled or missing file(s) need to be copied back to the computer. 软件需要重新安装或者有文件缺失. 54 Bad file mode Program error, verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer. 同5 55 File already open Program or file associated with program is being used and program does not have access to use it. Try closing all open programs and run program again. 尝试关闭所有程序以及相关进程然后重新运行程序. 58 File already exists Program error, verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer. 同5 61 Disk full The disk, for example, the hard disk drive does not have enough space for the program to run or for associated files to be copied to. Free up disk space on the computer hard drive. 例如没有足够的硬盘空间运行程序或者存储相关文件,尝试清理硬盘. 62 Input past end of file Program error, verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer. 同5 63 Bad record number Program error, verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer. 同5 64 Bad file name Program error, verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer. 同5 68 Device unavailable A hardware device or necessary requirement for the program is not being found. Verify all hardware and software required by the program is installed. If you continue to have the same issues verify the latest updates are installed for the program as well as any hardware device the program needs. 确保所有硬件软件配置符合软件运行的最低要求,如果无法解决那么确保升级到最新版本并且检查驱动程序. 70 Permission denied The location of where the program is being copied to does not have proper rights. Or a file that is trying to be copied over because it"s currently being used. Try closing all programs and TSRs and running/installing the program again. 关闭所有程序以及相关进程然后再次运行/安装程序 71 Disk not ready Verify you have proper rights to the location you are attempting to install the program to. 确保你有足够的权限 74 Can"t rename with different drive Program error, verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer. 同5 75 Path/File access error, Program does not have rights or access to a file. Often this is caused when a program is trying to access a network file it doesn"t have proper access to either because of network privileges or something is blocking the program. This issue can also be caused when the file is being used by another program or is read-only. 多发生于程序试图连接网络但是由于网络权限或者其他因素阻止其访问时. 也可能由于网络文件同时被其他程序占用或者是只读的. 76 Path not found Directory of where the program needs to be copied to or files associated with the program need to be copied to is missing. Try reinstalling the program. 重新安装程序 91 Object variable set to Nothing Program error, verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer. 同5 93 Invalid pattern Program error, verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer. 如果已经升级到最新版本那么重新安装该程序.如果仍未解决那么应联系软件开发商 94 Illegal use of NULL Program error, verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer. 同5 102 Command failed Program error, verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer. 同5 339 A file is missing or invalid An associated program file is missing or corrupt. Try reinstalling the program. 重新安装该程序 429 Object creation failed Program is corrupted, try reinstalling the program generating the runtime error. 重新安装问题程序 438 No such property or method Program error, verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer. 同5 439 Argument type mismatch Program error, verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer. 同5 440 Object error Program error, verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer. 同5 901 Input buffer would be larger than 64K Program error, verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer. 同5 902 Operating system error Verify the program is compatible with your version of Windows and/or has any software updates. 确保该程序兼容你的操作系统或者已经升级到最新版. 903 External procedure not found Program error, verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer. 同5 904 Global variable type mismatch Program error, verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer. 同5 905 User-defined type mismatch A setting either in the program shortcut or being defined by the user is correct. Try running just the program without any additional settings or variables. 尝试启动原程序而不进行任何改动. 906 External procedure interface mismatch Program error, verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer. 同5 1001 Out of memory This issue can be caused when the computer does not meet the programs system requirements or to much memory is already being used for the program to run. 系统不符合该程序的最低系统要求或者过多内存被其他软件所占用. If your computer meets the requirements try first reinstalling the program to make sure it"s not an issue with the program installation. 如果系统配置足够那么尝试重新安装程序以确保不是软件自身问题. 1025 DLL is not supported This issue is often caused with a bad installation or an issue caused after another program has been installed that replaced the programs DLL. Close all programs and TSRs and try installing the program again. 同48

sql语句 id INT NOT NULL是什么意思?

你这个应该是建表时字段定义的一部份吧,是定义一个字段,字段名是id ,类型 是int 整型,not null 是说字段不允许为空值

is there a generation gap between you and your parents?用英语回答,口语考试用


The day you went away歌词翻译


the day you went away是哪首中文歌的翻唱?

王心凌的 同名歌曲

the day you went away中英歌词

Well I wonder could it be我想知道这是真的吗When I was dreaming about you baby当我梦到你的时候You were dreaming of me你的梦中也有我吗Call me crazy有人说我疯狂Call me blind有人说我盲目To still be suffering is stupid after all of this time在这次事情过去以后仍然为此伤痛很傻Did I lose my love to someone better我该将属于我的爱给她吗And does she love you like I do她会像我那样爱你吗I do, you know I really really do是的,我是真的真的很爱你Well hey是的So much I need to say我多么想告诉你Been lonely since the day那一天起我是多么的孤独The day you went away你离去的那一天So sad but true我是真的很难过For me there"s only you对我来说你是唯一Been crying since the day那一天起我就一直哭泣The day you went away你离去的那一天I remember date and time我记得那一天那一刻september twenty second 9月22日sunday twenty five after nine星期天9点25分in the doorway with your case你带着行李站在门口No longer shouting at each other我们不再争吵There were tears on our faces泪水挂在我们脸上And we were letting go of something special我们因为特殊的事分手Something we"ll never have again那些事情在我们之间不会再发生I know, I guess I really really know我明白,我想我是真的真的明白了Why do we never know what we"ve got till it"s gone为什么直到失去我们还是搞不懂究竟发生了什么How could I carry on 我该怎样继续Cause I"ve been missing you so much I have to say 我不得不说我是多么的想你我在网上找到很多,也有几句话是错误的,也没有人改,一定都是复制来复制去的,我都改过了,都是自己打的,希望可以帮助到你

gentle cold hand wash separately do not soak.blea


the day went away英文版谁能把英文写成汉文.唱


谁能帮助我说一下。id int not null,

id为int类型 不能为空 具体的是 数据库还是什么地方的

Autumntales 歌词

歌曲名:Autumntales歌手:LYRIEL专辑:VA Mystic Spirits Vol.16farewell, oh farewellSweet dancers in the windI see you are prepared to come with meThe long way home againFarewell, my beloved(Farewell to you)I whisper to a fading flower(I greet your embrace)There"s so much life in dyingAfter all this time you can go to sleep(After all this time that passedI can go to sleep)This well-known melodyRises up above the orphaned treesRejoining the restless windBequeath scarlet rain to hunted leavesThrough this decay, you can see herHow she wandersHow she cries silent tearsMidnight"s coming all too soonAnd she has to end what she"s begunCome near come near to meI know you are frightenedAnd I can"t keep you safeBut see there"s nothing holding you anymoreSo please, don"t insist on the wasteAnd now I see your eyes(I"m waiting for you)Your broken beauty is my guide(I welcome your kiss)There"s so much life in dyingTake my hand,Rest your head and seek relief(I"ve saved my life for you,Oh come near, let me seek relief)Hope in her hairAnd her fingers borrow pity out of your heartHer eyes are staring right through youAnd you can see yourself in themSweet dancersThere is nothing holding you anymorePlease come with me, my dearNow autumn"s tears begin to freezeAnd I"m willing to leave againhttp://music.baidu.com/song/59384123



Seventeen Forever 歌词

歌曲名:Seventeen Forever歌手:Metro Station专辑:Metro StationMetro Station - Seventeen ForeverYou are young and so am IAnd this is wrongBut who am I to judge?You feel like heaven when we touchI guess for me this is enoughWe"re one mistake from being togetherBut let"s not ask why it"s not rightYou won"t be seventeen foreverAnd we can get away with this tonightYou are young and I was scaredYou"re wise beyond your yearsBut I don"t careAnd I can feel your heartbeatYou know exactly where to take meWe"re one mistake from being togetherBut let"s not ask why it"s not rightYou won"t be seventeen foreverAnd we can get away with this tonight"Will you remember me?"You ask me as I leave"Remember what I said?"Oh, how could IOh, how could I forget?We"re one mistake from being togetherBut let"s not ask why it"s not rightYou won"t be seventeen foreverAnd we can get away with this tonightWe"re one mistake from being togetherBut let"s not ask why it"s not rightYou won"t be seventeen foreverAnd we can get away with this tonightWe"re one mistake from being togetherBut let"s not ask why it"s not rightYou won"t be seventeen foreverAnd we can get away with this tonightLarry Cheng & Kevin Boul, share with u!http://music.baidu.com/song/692162

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global radiation horizontal是什么意思global radiation horizontal译为:全球辐射水平================================================================您好!我fengteng1314很高兴为您解答,解决您的疑问您提出的问题,我的答案已经给出,请您浏览一遍!如果您对这个答案有什么疑问,有什么不懂的地方欢迎追问我,我再为您解答。希望我的答案对您有所帮助!答题不易,如果满意请及时点击【采纳为满意答案】按钮若是客户端的朋友在右上角评价点【满意】您的采纳!是我答题的动力也同时给您带来知识和财富值祝您生活愉快,学习进步O(∩_∩)O谢谢您!!!================================================================

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译文:Kant:What is Enlightenment?康德:何谓启蒙

  What Is Enlightenment?Immanuel Kant 1Enlightenment is man"s emergence from his self-imposed nonage. Nonage is the inability to use one"s own understanding without another"s guidance. This nonage is self-imposed if its cause lies not in lack of understanding but in indecision and lack of courage to use one"s own mind without another"s guidance. Dare to know! (Sapere aude.) "Have the courage to use your own understanding," is therefore the motto of the enlightenment.Laziness and cowardice are the reasons why such a large part of mankind gladly remain minors all their lives, long after nature has freed them from external guidance. They are the reasons why it is so easy for others to set themselves up as guardians. It is so comfortable to be a minor. If I have a book that thinks for me, a pastor who acts as my conscience, a physician who prescribes my diet, and so on--then I have no need to exert myself. I have no need to think, if only I can pay; others will take care of that disagreeable business for me. Those guardians who have kindly taken supervision upon themselves see to it that the overwhelming majority of mankind--among them the entire fair sex--should consider the step to maturity, not only as hard, but as extremely dangerous. First, these guardians make their domestic cattle stupid and carefully prevent the docile creatures from taking a single step without the leading-strings to which they have fastened them. Then they show them the danger that would threaten them if they should try to walk by themselves. Now this danger is really not very great; after stumbling a few times they would, at last, learn to walk. However, examples of such failures intimidate and generally discourage all further attempts.Thus it is very difficult for the individual to work himself out of the nonage which has become almost second nature to him. He has even grown to like it, and is at first really incapable of using his own understanding because he has never been permitted to try it. Dogmas and formulas, these mechanical tools designed for reasonable use--or rather abuse--of his natural gifts, are the fetters of an everlasting nonage. The man who casts them off would make an uncertain leap over the narrowest ditch, because he is not used to such free movement. That is why there are only a few men who walk firmly, and who have emerged from nonage by cultivating their own minds.It is more nearly possible, however, for the public to enlighten itself; indeed, if it is only given freedom, enlightenment is almost inevitable. There will always be a few independent thinkers, even among the self-appointed guardians of the multitude. Once such men have thrown off the yoke of nonage, they will spread about them the spirit of a reasonable appreciation of man"s value and of his duty to think for himself. It is especially to be noted that the public which was earlier brought under the yoke by these men afterwards forces these very guardians to remain in submission, if it is so incited by some of its guardians who are themselves incapable of any enlightenment. That shows how pernicious it is to implant prejudices: they will eventually revenge themselves upon their authors or their authors" descendants. Therefore, a public can achieve enlightenment only slowly. A revolution may bring about the end of a personal despotism or of avaricious tyrannical oppression, but never a true reform of modes of thought. New prejudices will serve, in place of the old, as guide lines for the unthinking multitude.This enlightenment requires nothing but freedom--and the most innocent of all that may be called "freedom": freedom to make public use of one"s reason in all matters. Now I hear the cry from all sides: "Do not argue!" The officer says: "Do not argue--drill!" The tax collector: "Do not argue--pay!" The pastor: "Do not argue--believe!" Only one ruler in the world says: "Argue as much as you please, but obey!" We find restrictions on freedom everywhere. But which restriction is harmful to enlightenment? Which restriction is innocent, and which advances enlightenment? I reply: the public use of one"s reason must be free at all times, and this alone can bring enlightenment to mankind.

译文:Kant:What is Enlightenment?康德:何谓启蒙

Enlightenment is man"s emergence from his self-imposed nonage. Nonage is the inability to use one"s own understanding without another"s guidance. This nonage is self-imposed if its cause lies not in lack of understanding but in indecision and lack of courage to use one"s own mind without another"s guidance. Dare to know! (Sapere aude.) "Have the courage to use your own understanding," is therefore the motto of the enlightenment.Laziness and cowardice are the reasons why such a large part of mankind gladly remain minors all their lives, long after nature has freed them from external guidance. They are the reasons why it is so easy for others to set themselves up as guardians. It is so comfortable to be a minor. If I have a book that thinks for me, a pastor who acts as my conscience, a physician who prescribes my diet, and so on--then I have no need to exert myself. I have no need to think, if only I can pay; others will take care of that disagreeable business for me. Those guardians who have kindly taken supervision upon themselves see to it that the overwhelming majority of mankind--among them the entire fair sex--should consider the step to maturity, not only as hard, but as extremely dangerous. First, these guardians make their domestic cattle stupid and carefully prevent the docile creatures from taking a single step without the leading-strings to which they have fastened them. Then they show them the danger that would threaten them if they should try to walk by themselves. Now this danger is really not very great; after stumbling a few times they would, at last, learn to walk. However, examples of such failures intimidate and generally discourage all further attempts.Thus it is very difficult for the individual to work himself out of the nonage which has become almost second nature to him. He has even grown to like it, and is at first really incapable of using his own understanding because he has never been permitted to try it. Dogmas and formulas, these mechanical tools designed for reasonable use--or rather abuse--of his natural gifts, are the fetters of an everlasting nonage. The man who casts them off would make an uncertain leap over the narrowest ditch, because he is not used to such free movement. That is why there are only a few men who walk firmly, and who have emerged from nonage by cultivating their own minds.

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relational contract 关系契约 为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

Mercadante Flute Concerto in e minor


高中英语panic的用法问题我想问下panic *** into doing sth和be panicked into d

这个区别和interested 和interest的区别是一样的 A + panic *** into doing sth 翻译是A 让某人惊慌失措做某事 B + be panicked into doing sth 是B 被恐吓做某事. The horrible story panics us into screaming.惊叫 We are panicked into screaming.

My sister wants to see the comedy变一般疑问句

Does your sister want to see the comedy 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!

My sister wants to see the comedy变一般疑问句

Dose your sister want to see the comedy?

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没有可能的啊~~~~侠盗4要求太BT了~~~~CPU一定要4核~~~显卡必须要独立~~~起码要HD 3690以上才可以玩~~

请教会计达人~~provisions in the accounts怎么解释?(20分)

更新1: 我想知道它的definition,例如provisions是什么、有什么例子、为什么公司的accounts要有provisions等等... ,Provision 是拨备金, 因prudent concept & fair view 才会做一些provision 令account amount 会合理些. Example of provision is: Provision of Bad & Doubtful Debts, Provision of impairment loss, Provison of contingent liabilities. 如 Provision of bad debts 是巳预期到某些debtor不会还款, 而做拨备令AR 会合理些.,可以详细解释一下吗?我不是要它的中译...,每间组织有会计的调整准备金,参考: ME,

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