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cup up and cut off and cut into的区别

cut down1. 削减He tried to cut down on smoking but failed.他试图少抽烟,但没成功。2. 缩短Cut down the article so as to make it fit the space available on the paper.把文章缩短一些,这样就能排进报纸有限的版面中。3. 砍倒cut up1. 切开;切碎Cut up the carrots before you put them into the pot.把胡萝卜切碎后再放进锅内。2. 抨击The article was severely cut up by some critics.那篇文章曾受到一些评论家严厉的抨击。cut off1. 切除He had a finger cut off by a machine while working.他在工作时被机器切掉了一个手指。2. 切断;中断I was cut off on my line to London.我打伦敦长途时,电话线被切断了。3. 使死亡He was cut off in his prime.他在壮年时过世。请采纳 给好评哦 祝福你取得好成绩


76. 正确 77. 去掉 an 78. leave 前加 to 79. on 改为 off 80. wise 改为 wisely 81. all 改为 both 82. cup 改为 cups 83. 去掉 up 84. but 改为 and 85. making 改为 make

语言学任意性分哪几类 entire arbitrary absolute arbitrary 是什么意思

absolute arbitrary refers to the onomatopoeic words and the compound words.entire arbitrary refers to the other words.

shipment per m/s 是什么意思,外贸高手都帮着翻译一下啊

意思是:XX轮船(XX是船 的名字)。例句如下:It is a matter for regret that we have to complain of the quality of shipment of wheat, per m/s" nanyo maru."实在遗憾,我们不能不提出“南洋号”轮船所运载的小麦质量确有问题。We inform you that we have today send the goods to the american wharf addressed to you for shipment per m.s."London maru".今日已将下列物品装于“伦敦号”货轮,运到美国码头,以贵公司为收货人,特此通知。The bill of lading is all found to be in order, and I shall expect the particulars of the shipment per m. s." Henrietta".本人正期待货轮“henrietta”号带来的有关提单以及其它有关装船的详细消息。we inform you that we have today sent the goods to the American wharf addressed to you for shipment per M. S. " London Maru ":今日已将下列物品装于“伦敦号”货轮,运到美国码头,以贵公司为收货人,特此通知。Yes, may I now repeat our offer as 5 000 M/T steel, specifications as shown in our catalogue at Us $ 192.00 per M/T FOB Hamburg, shipment Sep. /Oct. 1992.是的。我现在将我们的报盘重复一下:报钢材5000公吨,规格按照我们的目录,价格每公吨192美元,fob汉堡,1992年9、10月装船。To arrive per s.s( m.s)......于……轮到达时交货I confirm the receipt of your shipment by m.s. " o ", and now send you a cheque, values $550.兹确认已收到“o”号轮船送来的货物,现寄去550美元的支票一张。请查取。I"m terribly worried about late shipment.我非常担心货物迟交。I"m a hundred per cent certain(that) he"s fallen in love with Jane.我百分之百地肯定他爱上了简。

country of residence是什么意思

country of residence居住国比如有美国绿卡的人,国籍是中国,居住国是美国。

city and country of residence是现住址还是户口登记的住址?


Country of Residence是什么意思?


倒装 第一个snow阐述 一般现象, 不讲时态后面的snow讲今年冬天,已经过去的事情用过去时

签证过程中“Country of Residence”的意思?

"Country of Residence" 意思是:居住国,指你现在居住的国家。

留学生回国的机票上有一项 COUNTRY OF RESIDENCE(, 要填中国还是留学的国家

Country of residence 表示目前居住的国家。Country of Residence这个说的就是目前居住在哪个国家,如果家在中国, 而临时到国外读书, 就应该写中国, 如果已经成为美国绿卡持有者, 就可以写美国了。country of residence 英[u02c8ku028cntri u0254v u02c8rezidu0259ns] 美[u02c8ku028cntri u028cv u02c8ru025bzu026adu0259ns] [释义] 侨居国; 驻在国; [例句]Thus, for someone saying Asia, the only tax liability applicable on their investment into such funds is that applied by their country of residence.因此,对亚洲投资者来说,他们在所居地缴税,是投资于这类基金的唯一税务负担。



resident 和residence 有什么区别啊``

该用residence 名词 n. 居住,驻留,居留 resident 可数名词 n.[C] 居住者,居民; 侨民 可数名词 n.[C] 驻在外国的事务官 可数名词 n.[C] [R~] (从前派驻印度土邦宫廷的) 英国总督代表 可数名词 n.[C] 旧荷属东印度群岛的行政官 可数名词 n.[C] <美>住院医师((做完实习医师 (intern) 后开业前的医师; 参看 house physician 1))

Linda (I Want You) 歌词

歌曲名:Linda (I Want You)歌手:Glenn Fredly专辑:Lovevolution张学友 - LINDA门外那晚空门后零时的钟仿佛知我渴望你的抱拥无奈你偏要轻轻说很夜了要别离去催促我相送其实你眼中浮着柔情千种遮掩不到背后爱的暗涌其实我心思一早已不受控午夜时更交给你操纵LINDA,LINDA,LINDA,LINDA可不可不要走美丽长夜不应有这缺口缠绵时辰因还没见尽头LINDA,LINDA,LINDA,LINDA可不可不要走这是时候交出以及接收当你我被爱占有明月挂半空斜射朦胧街中窗纱卷满爱望你的晚风如若这刻你推搪说很夜了我是难以衷心去相信LINDA,LINDA,LINDA,LINDA可不可不要走美丽长夜不应有这缺口缠绵时辰因还没见尽头LINDA,LINDA,LINDA,LINDA可不可不要走这是时候交出以及接收当你我被爱占有LINDA,LINDA,LINDA,LINDA可不可不要走美丽长夜不应有这缺口缠绵时辰因还没见尽头LINDA,LINDA,LINDA,LINDA可不可不要走这是时候交出以及接收当你我被爱占有这是时候交出以及接收当你我被爱占有LINDA,LINDA,LINDA,LINDALINDA,LINDA,LINDA,LINDAhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7500781

paint造句 paintの例文 "paint"是什麼意思

She paints with bold strokes of the brush . 她用雄健有力的笔触绘划。 The piping outside the house needs painting . 室外的管道需要油漆了。 He shows a great aptitude in painting . 他在绘画上表现出很高的才能。 The interiors were plastered but not painted . 内部经过粉刷但未油饰。 This painting is a typical rembrandt . 这幅画是一幅典型的伦勃朗作品。 He shows a great aptitude for painting . 他在绘画上表现出很高的才能。 Someone stole a painting from the museum . 有人从博物馆盗走了一幅画。 The heat has taken the paint off the doors . 门上的油漆受热而剥落。 Burn the old paint off before the door . 先把门上的旧漆烧掉再上新漆。 You do the painting and i will do the papering . 你上油漆,我贴壁纸。 It"s difficult to see paint in a sentence. 用 paint 造句挺难的 The paint on the ship"s sides was ing off . 舰壳两边的漆开始脱落。 Don"t go splashing paint over me pke that ! 别这样把颜料溅到我身上! He is a paint sprayer in the local factory . 他在当地工厂当喷漆工。 The airport hangar was freshly painted . 机场的飞机库是新油漆过的。 That painting must be worth a king "s ransom . 那幅画一定价值连城。 He paints landscapes with great facipty . 他画起山水画儿来得心应手。 They are going to have their house painted . 他们准备把房子粉刷一下。 I am sorry this painting "s not for sale . 很抱歉,这幅画是非卖品。 Her tears washed away the paint from her 泪水把她脸上的脂粉都冲掉了。 Mend the hole and paint some sealant on 先把洞补好,再涂上一些密封胶。 The parison with painting is important . 用绘画来比喻是重要的。 Paint was a big fact in their pves . 彩绘是她们生活中的一件大事。 Facial painting is an adaptation of the mask . 脸谱是由面具演变而来的。 Rub the walls down well before painting them . 先把墻面打磨光滑再粉刷。 Painting has not been her exclusive occupation . 绘画并非她唯一的职业。 The frame sets off your painting very well . 这个框把你的画陪衬得很美。 Fred : what color are you going to paint it ? 弗雷德:你打算漆什么颜色? I"m not as black as you paint me . 我并不是如你所想象的那样坏。 She paints in the fashion of picasso . 她模仿毕加索的绘画风格。 Is that painting an original or a reproduction ? 那幅画是原作还是复制品? It"s difficult to see paint in a sentence. 用 paint 造句挺难的 The room is painted white with moonshine . 月光使房间洁白如洗。 This is the very painting of your fear . 这就是你的恐惧的肖像。 She was really a consummate piece of painting . 她实在是一幅精美绝伦的画。 The artist dabbed paint on the canvas . 那个画家在油画布上轻轻地涂著颜色。 It must be painted on a wooden case . 它必须画在一只木盒子上。 The white paint was scapng from the brick walls . 砖墻上的白漆已开始剥落。 The west lake is as beautiful as a painting .. 西湖风景如画。 He gave the wall a coat of white paint . 他将墻涂上一层白漆。 The paint is sold in powdered form . 该油漆以粉制品形式出售。 Her painting won a mendation from the teacher . 她的画博得了老师的赞扬。 This painting leaves nothing to be desired . 这幅画十分美好。 He painted a tiger but it turned out a dog . 画虎不成反类犬。 He was studying a painting with narrowed eyes .. 他觑著眼睛仔细地看一幅画。 This landscape painting is a consummate work of art ... 这幅山水画已臻化境。 He painted the pd of the piano with absorption . 他专心致志地油漆著钢琴盖。 The painting would fetch quite a lot if you sold it now . 一定能卖个好价钱。 He is not so black as he is painted . 他并不像所说的那样坏。 Above it there is an oil painting by rapheal . 它的上方挂著一幅拉斐尔的油画。 This painting is really true to pfe . 这幅画画得十分逼真。 Riccardo painted a bleak picture before me . 里卡多给我谈的情况是颇为暗淡的。 It"s difficult to see paint in a sentence. 用 paint 造句挺难的


She paints with bold strokes of the brush . 她用雄健有力的笔触绘划。 The piping outside the house needs painting . 室外的管道需要油漆了。 He shows a great aptitude in painting . 他在绘画上表现出很高的才能。 The interiors were plastered but not painted . 内部经过粉刷但未油饰。 This painting is a typical rembrandt . 这幅画是一幅典型的伦勃朗作品。 He shows a great aptitude for painting . 他在绘画上表现出很高的才能。 Someone stole a painting from the museum . 有人从博物馆盗走了一幅画。 The heat has taken the paint off the doors . 门上的油漆受热而剥落。 Burn the old paint off before the door . 先把门上的旧漆烧掉再上新漆。 You do the painting and i will do the papering . 你上油漆,我贴壁纸。 The paint on the ship"s sides was ing off . 舰壳两边的漆开始脱落。 Don"t go splashing paint over me pke that ! 别这样把颜料溅到我身上! He is a paint sprayer in the local factory . 他在当地工厂当喷漆工。 The airport hangar was freshly painted . 机场的飞机库是新油漆过的。 That painting must be worth a king "s ransom . 那幅画一定价值连城。 He paints landscapes with great facipty . 他画起山水画儿来得心应手。 They are going to have their house painted . 他们准备把房子粉刷一下。 I am ashamed to let you see my paintings . 让你看我的画,很难为情。 I am sorry this painting "s not for sale . 很抱歉,这幅画是非卖品。 Her tears washed away the paint from her 泪水把她脸上的脂粉都冲掉了。 How much did you reapze on those paintings ? 那些画你卖了多少钱? Mend the hole and paint some sealant on 先把洞补好,再涂上一些密封胶。 The parison with painting is important . 用绘画来比喻是重要的。 Paint was a big fact in their pves . 彩绘是她们生活中的一件大事。 Facial painting is an adaptation of the mask . 脸谱是由面具演变而来的。 Rub the walls down well before painting them . 先把墻面打磨光滑再粉刷。 Painting has not been her exclusive occupation . 绘画并非她唯一的职业。 The frame sets off your painting very well . 这个框把你的画陪衬得很美。 Fred : what color are you going to paint it ? 弗雷德:你打算漆什么颜色? She crowds too much detail into her paintings . 她的画过于繁杂。 The fire did not touch the valuable paintings . 那场火并未波及这些名画。 I"m not as black as you paint me . 我并不是如你所想象的那样坏。 She paints in the fashion of picasso . 她模仿毕加索的绘画风格。 Is that painting an original or a reproduction ? 那幅画是原作还是复制品? The room is painted white with moonshine . 月光使房间洁白如洗。 This is the very painting of your fear . 这就是你的恐惧的肖像。 She was really a consummate piece of painting . 她实在是一幅精美绝伦的画。 The artist dabbed paint on the canvas . 那个画家在油画布上轻轻地涂著颜色。 It must be painted on a wooden case . 它必须画在一只木盒子上。 The white paint was scapng from the brick walls . 砖墻上的白漆已开始剥落。 The west lake is as beautiful as a painting .. 西湖风景如画。 He gave the wall a coat of white paint . 他将墻涂上一层白漆。 The paint is sold in powdered form . 该油漆以粉制品形式出售。 Her painting won a mendation from the teacher . 她的画博得了老师的赞扬。 This painting leaves nothing to be desired . 这幅画十分美好。 He painted a tiger but it turned out a dog . 画虎不成反类犬。 He was studying a painting with narrowed eyes .. 他觑著眼睛仔细地看一幅画。 This landscape painting is a consummate work of art ... 这幅山水画已臻化境。 He painted the pd of the piano with absorption . 他专心致志地油漆著钢琴盖。 They would look at paintings together . 他们将一起观赏油画。

Country of residence是指居住地的国家还是我的国籍?


什么是Account_service?拜托各位了 3Q

顾客服务(Customer Service/Customer servicing)—— 市场营销 的新杠杆 顾客服务(Customer servicing)又称客户服务,作为 市场营销 第五个因素的服 务,从 产品的整体概念 中延伸出来, 服务的对象及内容出现了新的变化。它不仅包括对现实顾客的服务, 而且也包括对潜在顾客的服务;不仅要提高 顾客 的现实的(售后的) 满意程度,还要提高预期的(售前的)满意程度。 把服务作为第五个因素,进一步体现了市场营销的核心思想, 即以消费者为中心。服务可以使企业创立个性,增加竞争优势, 有效地增加企业的新销售和再销售的实现机率。

He lived in London for 3 months,during_time he learned some English

1、which 可以指代 that time ,但是并不是说,它一定要指代 that time 。2、which time 是一个完全可以的用法,并且也为大家所认可。语言本身就是人们交流的工具,语法则是为了使我们更好明白语言怎么使用而做出的总结。既然大众认可,那么which time 完全 可以使用。3、这个就是非限制性定语从句了,用that显然不行,这个不用多做解释了吧。如果不明白,记住就行了,大家的语言习惯,可以没有任何道理的,有些东西可以讲出个一二三,但是有些东西就是大家的习惯,不需要什么高深的理由。


I 都不知道

in about 3 months用什么提问how longhows oon

in about 3 months用how soon;for about 3 months用how long

apple arcade free for 3 months是什么意思

apple arcade free for 3 months是苹果街机免费3个月的意思

3months ago是什么意思?

你好!3 months ago3个月前

侧田的《3 Months》 歌词

歌曲名:3 Months歌手:侧田专辑:红牛新能量音乐计划top45侧田 - 3 Months词:侧田 曲:侧田你很久没有说 你说你多爱我在北京的世界 难过的只有我我爱你的野蛮 babe爱你的麻烦和你快有两年 好想没人在身边我因为太爱你才这么罗嗦我一直一直说不要在难过快赶走我们心里面的寂寞不要再跟你离开 冷漠已经三个月零五天没有说已经三个月零五天没有说已经三个月零五天没有说已经三个月零五天没有说爱我已经三个月零五天没有说http://music.baidu.com/song/27905260

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苹果手机3months sale扣款啥意思?

苹果手机3months sale扣款啥意思?非常棒

the compass:the compass was invented by the chin

the compass:the compass was invented by the Chinese it has中文意思是:指南针:指南针是由中国人发明的也可以读作:The compass: the compass was invented by the Chinese.compass英 [u02c8ku028cmpu0259s] 美 [u02c8ku028cmpu0259s, u02c8kɑm-] n.罗盘;指南针;圆规;界限复数: compassesinvented英 [u026an"ventu026ad] 美 [u026an"ventu026ad] n.虚拟v.编造;发明,创造( invent的过去式和过去分词 )Chinese英 [u02cctu0283au026au02c8ni:z] 美 [tu0283au026au02c8niz, -u02c8nis] n.中文;汉语;华人;中国人adj.中国的;中文的;中国人的;中国话的

英语大神,求解释!!!!in+3 months,表示之后三个月以内的日子还是三个月后的日子?




apple tv+free for 3 months什么意思

: apple arcade free for 3 months是苹果街机免费3个月的意思。Apple TV以HDMI、色差端子连接宽屏幕电视或其他视听设备,该产品不附带任何线材(电源线除外),因此用户必须自备HDMI或色差端子连接线。 苹果网站标明,Apple TV仅支持增强或高分辨率型的宽屏幕电视,经过Maclife指出,如果电视机不支持宽屏失真以及使用视频编码优化垂直图像宽高比,那么以色差端子连接非增强或高分辨率型的电视机,将会发生纵向变形的情况。 音频方面支持数字光纤及模拟音频( RCA端子 )。

12 years 3months什么意思

12 years 十二年3 months 三个月请采纳

Tencent QQMail Plugin 是什么东西,可不可以把它卸载掉。后果怎样?



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linear-gradient的参数不包括() background-color background-image background-repeat background-size(正确答案)

求心游汉化PC版游戏《Si-Nis-Kanto-至上之空》汉化版和全开存档 QAQ



Solution:This error is due to the "x" data given for INTERP1 repeating at one or more data points. INTERP1 will not be able to interpolate if there are multiple values of "y" for every "x". The workaround is to either obtain new data, or exclude the duplicate data points in all the repeated values of "x". You can do this using the UNIQUE function. The three-output syntax for UNIQUE will allow you to obtain a vector with distinct "x" values and the corresponding "y" values for those points.As an example:x = [1:10 5]; % x has a duplicate 5 in ity = x.^2;x55=interp1(x, y, 5.5) % Obtain the interpolated value at x=5.5 - this errors[b,i,j]=unique(x); % Remove duplicates from xx55=interp1(b, y(i), 5.5) % Obtain the interpolated value at x=5.5 - this succeedsIf the values in the "y" vector corresponding to values in "x" are different, you will need to choose a method by which to resolve this ambiguity. The example above using UNIQUE selects the "y" value corresponding to the location of the last value in the "x" vector with the nonunique value.

求助 心游 汉化的 《Si-Nis-Kanto 至上之空,最好是百度云资源,谢谢!



complain -vi 1.表示不满;抱怨,埋怨 2.(病人等)诉说(of) 3.投诉,申诉 -vt 表示不满说,抱怨说;诉说;

spy 和 agent又什么区别?用法

agent,用的更广阔些,可以公开也可以秘密,间谍、探员、特工等spy[英][spau026a][美][spau026a]n.间谍; 密探;vt.看见; 秘密监视; 精心调查;vi.当间谍; 从事间谍活动; 暗中监视; 详察

chief complaint是什么意思

chief complaint [英]tu0283i:f ku0259mu02c8pleint [美]tu0283if ku0259mu02c8plent 主诉 [例句]But mr mcconnell "s chief complaint is with the means mr reid would have to use to impose his plan.不过mcconnell先生主要的不满是reid先生硬要计划实施而用的手段。请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助

It was not until the subprime loan crisis(次贷危机) ____ great damage to the American financial

B 考查时态。not until引导的状语从句,从句用过去完成时,主句用一般过去时,故选B。

Siuff65Nisuff65Kanto―シニシカント― 声优表

マキ(CV:波多野和俊)エシカ(CV:皇帝) 立花慎之介イリヤ(CV:ペロペロンチーノ) 花江夏树イグナート(CV:世良公一) 渋谷茂ミカ(CV:皇达磨) エド(CV:先割れスプーン) 鸟海浩辅ユーゴ(CV:鸠万军曹) 川原庆久千冬(CV:ワッショイ太郎) 川田绅司伊贺(CV:小山刚志)シュウ(CV:月黒斗夜) 箭内仁鸿上(CV:髭内悪太) 竹内良太ヘンリー(CV:祭大!) 上别府仁资ジーゴ(CV:戸冢和也)カルロ(CV:大石恵三) 近藤隆ヴァレンタイン(CV:皇达磨)アダムス(CV:ワッショイ太郎)川田绅司ミラー(CV:戸冢和也)ニコライ(CV:早川凛太) 松田健一郎セルゲイ(CV:世良公一) 渋谷茂


翻译成英语:We received a complaint from you

make a complaint是什么意思

翻译:抱怨She always makes a complaint about the noise in the neighbourhood.

make a complaint是什么意思

make a complaint投诉双语对照词典结果:make a complaint[英][meik u0259 ku0259mu02c8pleint][美][mek e ku0259mu02c8plent]抱怨; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.He has streamlined the local bureaucracy, put every child in school and opened his office to anyone who wants to make a complaint. 他一改当地官僚作风,保证每一个孩子都有学上,对所有提意见的公众敞开他的办公室。



complaint 与 complanation的区别



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英文作文 complaint letter

格式: sender"s address date receiver"s titer receiver"s address greeting reason for writing plain (s) subject ask for action closing signature sender"s name ============================================================= 我作的 12 Hong Kong Road Chai Wan Hong Kong 4th June 2007 The Manager XX Restaurant 8/F Golden Plaza 24-28 Sugar Street Chai Wan Hong Kong Dear Sir/Madam: Re : Complaint about XX Restaurant I am writing to plain about XX Restaurant. My friend and I went to your restaurant to have our dinner on 3 June at seven o"clock. I thought your restaurant is the highest quality"s restaurant. So we came into your restaurant to celebrate my friend"s birthday. When I came into your restaurant I felt so disappointed. First I wanted to plain the quality of the food services hygienic situation and your manager. When we came into your restaurant the floor is wet. And I saw the corner by o walls had a rat. Then I went to the toilet. The toilet was so dirty and a rat was eating some food in there. The hygienic situation had to improve. After that we ordered the dinner of the set A and B. Your waiter was so loudly to tell us their dinner of the set B had already sold out. It is so rude for us. When I was eating my dinner I found a dead cockroach in my soup. And the quality of the food was so bad. The vegetables were not fresh and the meet was *** elly. When I told to your restaurant"s manager about the waiter"s behavior and the food"s problem. He told to us and said “If you have any problem you can go to plain our pany. ” Finally I wanted to have a refund with my dinner .And I want your waiter to write an apology letter for me. If you don"t do that I would go to the consumer council to plain about your pany. Yours sincerely Raymond Chan Raymond Chan 参考: 格式系向我本英文书度既(Target).... 格式 Jim Smith ABC Company 123 Main Street New York City NY 12345 Dear Mr. Smith: I have been a pleased customer with your ABC Friendly Mart for seven years. On my most recent visit June 1 2000 at 2 PM I received poor service that I felt I should bring to your attention. I was in the store to purchase a *** all bag of chips and a *** all fountain soda. When I got into the checkout lane the cashier who was wearing a nametag that read "Jane" told me that I would have to wait for a few minutes until her freshly painted fingernails had dried before she could ring me up. She was also on the phone talking to a friend during this time. After ten minutes she got off the phone and proceeded to ring me up. Imagine my surprise when my bag of chips and *** all drink totaled $7.98. I told her that I thought there must be some sort of error. She proceeded to tell me that she didn"t set the prices and that if I didn"t like the prices that I should shop elsewhere. Needless to say I went across the street to the XYZ Quick Shop for my purchase. I was extremely disappointed with the service I received that day. If you would please address this issue with your cashiers I would greatly appreciate it. I enjoy shopping at your store however if I receive this type of treatment again I will take my business elsewhere. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. 2007-06-03 21:13:23 补充: 注意唔好用怒的语气 客气小小写经理个名唔好等多个一星期 2007-06-03 21:15:24 补充: 讲明原因点解决(有乜保常) 2007-06-04 08:33:25 补充: 你要格式嘛 比D英文字你 曱甴 = cockroach 2007-06-04 08:38:24 补充: 可以参考上面话 I ordered a xx soup (汤名) when I put my spoon in the soup I found a dead cockroach at the bottom of the bowl. (死曱甴在汤碗底) 2007-06-04 08:42:34 补充: 你可以话同个伙记讲又唔理你 话放你枱之前见唔到有曱甴I talked to a waiter called Tom he said "I can"t see any cockroach when I put it on your table" 2007-06-04 08:45:01 补充: 然后你话想见经理Tom又话他不在When I ask tom to see you the restaurant manager he said you were away and cannot help me. 2007-06-04 08:47:14 补充: 然后参考上面最后一段I was extremely disappointed with the service I received that day. If you would please address this issue with your waiter and chef I would greatly appreciate it. I enjoy dining at your store however if I receive this type of treatment again I will take my business elsewhere. 参考: mdmd.essortment/writingplain_repi






主要看杂化方式sp杂化——直线型C2H2sp2杂化——平面三角形C2H4sp3杂化——空间四面体 分 空间四面体CH4,三角锥形NH3,V型(H2O)sp3d杂化——三角双锥型——三角双锥型(IF5),变性四面体(SF4),T型(ICl3),直线型(XeF2)sp3d2杂化——八面体型——八面体型(SF6),四方锥形(IF5),平面四边形(XeF4)sp3d3杂化——变形八面体——变形八面体(IF7)

求助:谁能帮忙修改留学Personal Statement~~~~

支持楼下的说,如果可以,找个专业的翻译,大概也就200快钱出国一趟,成功第一啊。那么多学费等都教了,不能就差这一点而耽误了全部吧 ?


omplaint是一个英语单词,名词,作名词时意为“抱怨;诉苦;疾病;委屈”。双语例句:1、Doctor: I can do nothing for your complaint.“医生:”对你的抱怨我无能为力。3、They have surrendered to the struggle of life without complaint.他们经听任于生活的艰苦挣扎而不抱怨。4、But if we become aware of the existence of the libel on our system, by complaint or any other means, and do nothing about it, we will be liable, along with the student.但是如果我们都意识到了这条帖子的诽谤性质,除了抱怨或其他一些牢骚,却对它无动于衷,那我们就和这个学生一样需要承担法律责任了。

kanto seiki 油冷机故障代码AL00故障原因求解?

HBO-V系列故障代码(仅供参考)EA---电压逆相或者缺相(电源正确情况下则为主板故障或者电驿故障)EB---系统压力异常(冷媒缺少或者过多,如冷媒正常则为散热系统故障或者压力感应器故障)EC---冷却目标液体低于境界值警告(目标液体过少,液位开关故障)EF---压缩机表面温度过高警告(压缩机故障 输入电源电压错误 冷凝器堵塞)E0---液温传感器异常警告(液温传感器故障或者主板故障)E1---室温/机体同调温度传感器异常警告(温度传感器故障或者主板故障)E2---液温过高异常警告(液温超过45度)制冷能力下降或者不制冷E3---室温/液温过低异常警告(实际温度过低,传感器或者主板故障)E7---泵浦异常警告(泵浦过载保护器跳脱 泵浦损坏)E8---压缩机异常警告(电源电压错误 压缩机烧毁 风扇故障 过载保护器跳脱)E9---油路内油压或者油量不足异常警告(泵浦故障 油量不足 感应器异常)上海一冰制冷设备有限公司,专业从事哈伯油冷机 哈伯水冷机 哈伯控制柜空调的销售 维修 配件,各种机房专用空调,精密空调,恒温恒湿空调机组,特种空调的维修 保养 大修服务,工程师有着强大的技术实力与丰富的实践经验,反应迅速,能够在第一时间为用户处理精密空调的各种故障,为用户提供空调安装、调试、移机、维修维护、工程改造等服务。向客户推荐最完整的设计方案,确保用户最经济的投入实现最佳的使用效果。报修服务请说明故障代码、机器型号、故障现象等以便我们的工作的人员更快更好的为您排除故障。江浙沪上门服务,全国邮寄维修。

kanto area包括东京吗





神奇宝贝 (Pokemon) 是在一个虚构的世界中进行,也因此有了虚构的大陆,虚构的城市。而这个大陆是以日本为范本的。 “Kanto” (カントー地方 Kantō-chihō)关东大陆是神奇宝贝世界中最早出现的大陆,也是RGBY和FRLG中主要的游戏地区,另外在GSC中作为第二地图存在。位于成都地区的东边,7岛的北边。 “Hoenn” (ホウエン地方 Hōen-chihō)丰缘大陆是在关东(Kanto)和城都(johto)大陆的西南边。


kanto 关东地方nomether 怀疑是 no matter 打错了,因为没那词儿。ahmadinejad 伊朗总统内贾德

How to Write a Letter of Complaint(如何写投诉信)

2.写投诉信时应注意的几点。 [写作导航]产品和服务不令人满意是常有的事,如果遇到,应投诉,以实现退换或索赔。投诉信可促使商家做到这点;写投诉信时要很客气,但语气要坚定;另外要证明责任确实在商家;最后要明确问题出在哪儿及你的具体要求,还可加上由此而给你来的不便或伤害,以加强投诉信的分量。 [范文]Not every service or product meets our satisfaction. When we are dissatisfied, we should voice our dissatisfaction. In this way, we can have the seller or provider replace the defective goods, re supply the service, or refund our money. No seller likes to do any of these, but our carefully written letter of complaint may motivate him to do so. When we write a letter of complaint, we will do well to keep these tips in mind: First, be courteous though firm. We will not win the seller"s cooperation by anger. Secondly, be reasonable. Show logically and factually that the responsibility lies with the seller. The >>点此投稿

美国法律中 complaint 和 petition区别






complaint 与 complanation的区别



1. 什么是complaint?Complaint是英语中的名词,意为“抱怨、投诉”等。在商业、政府、社会生活中,投诉是一种很常见的现象,人们经常在购物、用餐、旅游、交通等方面遇到问题时,会选择向商家或相关部门提出投诉。而在自己的个人生活中,也会面临各种不如意的情况,需要通过投诉解决问题。2. Complaint可数吗?Complaint属于可数名词,可以统计数目。例如,如果一家商店收到了100份投诉,商家可以准确地知道有多少人对他们的服务不满意。对于企业和政府部门来说,研究投诉数量及种类可以得出顾客或公众的需求和问题,有助于改进服务和提高满意度。3. 投诉的必要性投诉虽然给人们带来了不便,但是它也是保障消费者权益的重要手段。投诉可以迫使商家改进服务、提高产品质量,同时也可以让政府部门更加关注公众的利益和需求,加强监管和执法。如果不投诉,则商家和政府部门可能没有意识到问题的存在,而消费者权益也难以得到保障。4. 如何投诉?如果遇到不满意的事情,需要投诉时,应该选择合适的方式和渠道。一般来说,可以通过以下几种方式进行投诉:向商家或服务提供者投诉。可以通过电话、邮件、信函、网站等渠道向商家或服务提供者提出投诉。在投诉时应该表达清楚自己的意见和要求,并提供必要的证据或凭证。向相关部门投诉。如果投诉对象是政府机构、公共事业或监管部门,则可以通过电话、邮件、信函等方式向相关部门投诉。在投诉时应该提供详细的情况和证据,以便相关部门进行调查和处理。向消费者协会投诉。如果遇到消费权益受损的情况,可以向消费者协会投诉。消费者协会不仅可以为消费者提供法律援助,还可以对商家和服务提供者进行监督和评价。5. 投诉需要注意的问题投诉是一种解决问题的方式,但是在投诉时需要注意以下几点:态度要诚恳。在投诉时要保持冷静,表达自己的意见和要求时要注意措辞,避免过于激动或用语过激。证据要充分。在投诉时需要提供足够的证据或凭证,以便对方或相关部门进行核实和处理。抱怨的方式要正确。有些人可能会采取不正确的方式进行投诉,例如恶意攻击对方或发布不实信息。这种抱怨方式不仅无益于问题的解决,还容易引起不必要的纠纷。了解自己的权利。在投诉时,需要了解自己的权利和法律法规,以便在问题解决不了时选择其他的解决方式。6. 投诉后如何应对?在进行投诉后,可能会遇到不同的反应。商家或服务提供者有可能会采取积极的措施解决问题,也有可能会对消费者的意见置之不理。无论遇到什么情况,消费者都需要尽量保持冷静,合理向对方表达自己的想法和要求。如果事情无法得到满意的解决,可以考虑向相关部门或消费者协会寻求帮助。7. 投诉的价值虽然投诉可能会给人们带来不便,但是它也有很大的价值。投诉可以促使商家和政府部门改进服务、提高管理水平,从而增加消费者的信任和满意度;投诉可以让公众表达自己的意见和要求,加强公共管理和公共决策的透明度和民主性。因此,投诉是一种解决问题和促进进步的有效手段,也是维护消费者权益和公共利益的重要途径。8. 总结投诉虽然给人们带来不便,但是它也是解决问题和维护权益的有效手段。在投诉时,需要注意措辞、提供证据、了解自己的权利,尽可能保持理智和礼貌,以期更好地解决问题。同时,投诉也促进了商家和政府部门的改进和进步,提高了公众的满意度和信任度,具有积极的社会价值。


complaint英 [ku0259m"pleu026ant] 美 [ku0259m"plent] n. 抱怨;诉苦;疾病;委屈其他含义:1. 抱怨,诉苦,抗议;不满,不平,苦情;怨言2. 不满的缘由;痛苦根源3. 【法律】控诉,控告4. 疾病,失调,不适词组短语complaint about 投诉;对…抱怨lodge a complaint 投诉;对…提出控告complaint center 投诉中心make a complaint 提出投诉;抱怨complaint handling 投诉处理双语例句I have no complaint at all. 我一点也没有抱怨。My wife"s complaint really drugged me. 我老婆的抱怨简直搞得我不得安宁。He understood her suggestion as a complaint. 他认为她提出的意见不过是向大家诉苦。

Ant build编译的时候,console窗口没有输出,右下角的进度条有提示,但一下编译就


Tencent showgirl 妲己


kaldi 安装在ubuntu 虚拟机上 报错 fatal error compilation terminated,如何解决?

1、启动虚拟机,选择“新建虚拟机”2、点击下一步3、自定义,点击下一步4、选择安装盘镜像文件(提前去ubuntu官方下载好),我的放在c盘5、个性化 linux输入完整名称: ubuntu 12.10用户名:upantool6、命名虚拟机,你想要此虚拟机使用什么名称?我选择ubuntu12.10位置放在:d:linuxidc.comubuntu然后点击下一步7、处理器配置指定改虚拟机处理器数量8、虚拟机内存你想要该虚拟机使用多少内存?内存大小根据你自己机器的内存大小选,我这里选1024mb,然后下一步9、网络类型10、选择i/o控制器类型我用scsi适配器,选的这个11、选择磁盘你想要使用哪个磁盘?如果是首次用vmware安装,选创建新的虚拟磁盘,下一步12、选择磁盘类型你想要创建哪种磁盘?我选的scsi12、指定磁盘容量你想要该磁盘多大?ubuntu 推荐大小:20 gb13、指定磁盘文件你想要在哪里存储这个磁盘文件14、准备创建虚拟机点击"完成" 来创建虚拟机并开始安装 ubuntu,然后安装 vmware tools。ok,点击完成即可。15、开始在vmware9安装ubuntu 12.10了16、安装过程17、安装好了,输入密码即可进入ubuntu 12.1018、随便打开网页看看吧。

#include int main(vdio) { printf("hello "); return 0; }

#include<stdio.h>int main(void)

The financial crisis of tiday is different in com

句子没有写完整,也有错误应该是 The financial crisis today is different in common,意思是 “当今的金融危机在共同点方面是有区别的”。

红色警戒中“放弃任务”(Abort Missien)的语音是不是“Bad control terminated.”


I am moving to the countryside because the air there is much fresher than ( )in the city

B,代替the air

It worries our government a lot that the air in our city is _______than it used to be. A.ver..

D 试题分析:句意:它很担心我们的政府对于我们城市的空气会更遭比我们过去的空气。分析比较级的形式than因此用比较,只有第二项与第四项符合,但是前面提到的是担心,因此现在的空气比以前更不好,故选 D

大好きだよ(Into Your Heart) 歌词

歌曲名:大好きだよ(Into Your Heart)歌手:谷咲ナオミ专辑:AQUA PLUS VOCAL COLLECTION Vol.4谷咲ナオミ - 大好きだよ(Into Your Heart)《ToHeart Remember My Memories》 OP  anata no sono hitomi wo tada mitsumete taafuredasu kimochi wo kakushita mama dete wo nobaseba yitsudemo watashi ga iru yoyasashiku dakishimete hoshii karazutto kokoro ni egaite tafutari de tsunagu ashitayima kanaeraretaradaisukida yokono omoi wa todoiteru kanaegao wa kotaetekureru kananagarete yuku toki wo koetearuite yukouSend my love to you into your heartsekaichiyuu de yichiban taisetsu na monowatashi wa mitsuketa no anata no naka nikore ijyou kono mune ni osaekirenaimabushii tokimeki ga tomaranaihitotsu hitotsu yume no kakera woissyoni atsumete yukoufutari no takaramonodaisukida yokono omoi wo tsutaetai karazutto anata no soba ni iru yosora no kanata nagarehoshi ninegai wo kometeitsumademo You"re in my heart.....daisukida yokono omoi wa todoiteru kanaegao wa kotaetekureru kanadaisukida yokono omoi wo tsutaetai karazutto anata no soba ni iru yonagarete yuku toki wo koetearuite yukouSend my love to you into your heartあなたのその瞳をただ见つめてた溢れ出す気持ちを隠したままで手を伸ばせばいつでも私がいるよやさしく抱きしめてほしいからずっと心に描いてた二人で繋ぐ未来今叶えられたら大好きだよこの想いは届いてるかな笑颜は答えてくれるかな流れてゆく时を越えて歩いてゆこうSend my love to you into your heart世界中で一番大切なもの私は见つけたのあなたの中にこれ以上この胸に押さえきれないまぶしいときめきが止まらないひとつひとつ梦のカケラを一绪に集めてゆこう二人の宝物大好きだよこの想いを伝えたいからずっとあなたの侧にいるよ空の彼方 流れ星にお愿いを込めていつまでも You"re in my heart.....大好きだよこの想いは届いてるかな笑颜は答えてくれるかな大好きだよこの想いを伝えたいからずっとあなたの侧にいるよ流れてゆく时を越えて歩いてゆこうSend my love to you into your hearthttp://music.baidu.com/song/18936460

grasp the present是什么意思译?

抓住当下。the present在这里是“现在,当下”的意思。


grasp vt.抓住, 抓紧, 掌握, 领会 n.抓住, 抓紧, 掌握, 领会 point 单词:point基本词义:·pointn.尖(端);末端the point of a nail钉尖尖岬小数点Read 4.7 as ‘four point seven."4.7 读作“四点七。”(= decimal point)句点(.)〈几何〉点场所;地点Stop at this point.停在此地。(时间的)点;(特定)时刻;瞬间It was a turning point in his career.这是他事业上的转折点。At the point he got up and left the room.此时他站起来,离开了屋子。(罗盘上的)方位点,罗经点,两罗经点间的差度 (= point of the compass)(温度表的)度the melting point of gold黄金的熔点(价格涨落的)点Prices on the stock exchange advanced two points.股票市场价格涨了两点。(比赛等的)分数,得分We won by 5 points.我们赢了5分。要点;含义;论点;寓意I don"t see your point.我不懂你的意思。I don"t see the point of waiting for her, she is probably not coming.我不知道等她有什么意义,她可能不来了。特点;特质Painting isn"t her strong point.绘画非她的特长。用处;用途There"s no point in wasting time.耗时间没用。电插座 (= power point)尖兵(针灸的)穴位(修完某一课程所得的)学分〈印〉点、磅、磅因(字号单位)(pl)〈铁路〉道岔词性变化:·pointvt., vi.(常与to, at连用)指向;使对准(与to连用)指认出,指出(用灰泥)勾抹(墙缝);抹平(猎犬)站住以鼻指示(猎物)用脚趾指向一点弄尖;削尖给…加标点;加小数点常用词组:·point at瞄准 (= point towards)·point out指出;把注意力引向

请问strategic alignment 或者strategic fit 是什么意思?

strategic alignment战略同盟strategic fit战略协调性
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