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intellectual capacity是什么意思


intellectual slum

简单说就是"笨蛋"stupid.intellectual poor不过就是说得比较好听..明白?心眼 缺==缺心眼 简单说就是"笨蛋",但缺心眼比笨蛋好听,而且有点可爱.还有一种是穷知识分子:例:A great number of graduate students were driven into the intellectual slum when in the United States the intellectual poor became the classic poor, the poor under the rather romantic guise of the Beat Generation, a real phenomenon in the late fifties.^50年代后期的美国出现了一个任何人都不可能视而不见的现象, 穷知识分子以“跨掉的一代”这种颇为浪漫的姿态出现而成为美国典型的穷人, 正是这个时候大批大学生被赶进了知识分子的贫民窟。




A hundred years ago, and now the world"s different. Most people live in the cold, damp without electricity in the environment. They never go to hospital, so died badly.Nobody likes her, everyone laughed at him. People will he in cages, as animal exhibition. Until one day, a doctor, he found he was very interesting. Like a man so famous.

intellectual humility 怎样翻译


the elephant man 讲的是什么故事?

剧情 故事发生在十九世纪,一位英国人患有先天的毁容症,无法根治,日常生活受到很大的困扰,常常被人歧视。幸好一位好心的医生,以其高明的医术医好他,并帮他重拾信心……发布者: Mtime (2006-03-09 19:47:24) 故事讲述维多利亚时代,一名英国医生在马戏团发现了一个头部畸型的象人,受尽不人道的待遇,于是将其带回医院作研究。不料马戏班班主带人又将象人抢去,到欧洲各地巡回展出,幸得团中其它畸型人暗中他救回英国,终于使他体验到人间的温暖。发布者: Mtime (2006-03-09 19:47:24)此片取材于真实的医疗档案,故事讲述维多利亚时代一名英国医生在马戏团发现一个头部严重畸形的象人(据说母亲怀胎时遭到大象踩踏),受尽不人道的待遇,于是将他带回医院作研究。不料马戏班班主带人将象人抢去,到欧洲各地巡回展出,幸得团中其他畸形人暗中把他救回英国,终于使他体验到人间的温暖。发布者: Mtime (2006-03-31 16:23:58)此片取材于真实的医疗档案,故事讲述维多利亚时代一名英国医生在马戏团发现一个头部严重畸形的象人(据说母亲怀胎时遭到大象踩踏),受尽不人道的待遇,于是将他带回医院作研究。不料马戏班班主带人将象人抢去,到欧洲各地巡回展出,幸得团中其他畸形人暗中把他救回英国,终于使他体验到人间的温暖。

求 The Elephant Man 英文简介……谢谢


the elephant man (象人)的主要人物有几个.都叫什么名字呢?

维多利亚时代,一名英国医生在马戏团发现了一个头部畸型的象人,受尽不人道的待遇,于是将其带回医院作研究。不料马戏班班主带人又将象人抢去,到欧洲各地巡回展出,幸得团中其它畸型人暗中他救回英国,终于使他体验到人间的温暖。 此片取材于真实的医疗档案,所以特别着重时代气氛的重现。摄影美术与化妆也均有一流水准,故事的发展流畅,演出动人,而且籍医生与群众的行为检讨了人类对 “道德”和 “正义”的标准。精彩瞬间: 影片结尾,象人已经不再是影片开始时候鲁钝痴呆的样子了,虽然形象依旧,但内心世界已经具有甚至比普通人更强烈的情感。无法象普通人一样活着,那他宁可象普通人一样死去,死亡是他和普通人一样具有的权利和尊严。 特维拉医生在展览会上,发现了一个严重畸形的人,马戏班的老板拜斯用他长得象大象的特点来招揽生意。特维拉找到拜斯,给了他些钱,借用象人来作为医学研究。 在医学界的研讨会上,特维拉把象人展示给了同行的医生们观看。然后,又把象人送还给了拜斯。一天,跟象人一起的一个小孩跑来找特维拉,请求他救助象人。原来,拜斯经常虐待象人,并凶残的打他。 特维拉强行把生病的象人,从拜斯那里带到好友卡尔的医院里的隔离病房。为了让卡尔能留下象人,特维拉教象人过正常人的生活,并教他背诵《圣经》里的句子给卡尔听。卡尔听了象人鹦鹉学舌般的诗句后,走到门外,告诉特维拉他不能留下象人。这时,房间里传出来象人虔诚而熟练的背诵《圣经》里的语句的声音,卡尔听了大受感动,答应特维拉他去说服董事会,让象人留下来。 特维拉带象人回家做客,妻子安妮没有被象人畸形的外表吓着,热情的接待了他,象人第一次感觉到了做人的尊严,他泪流满面的观看了特维拉一家的照片,并拿出了他漂亮母亲的照片给安妮看。 回到医院里,象人请求特维拉医治好他那硕大的脑袋,他想象常人一样平躺着睡觉。一位著名的舞台演员肯德夫人,被象人的事情感动,到象人的房间里看望了他,还送给象人她自己的照片,并亲吻了象人。自肯德夫人以后,很多名流都赶时髦一样来看望象人,送给他礼物,象人也陶醉其中。 在医院的董事会上,几个董事坚决不同意把象人留下来,局面僵持不下时,威尔士公主及时到来,她带来了女王感谢医院帮助象人的信件,大家最后全体举手通过了让象人留下来提议。 象人兴奋的在房间里玩弄女王送给他的化装盒时,医院里烧锅炉的人带着一伙人到象人的房间里观看他,并拿出镜子让象人看自己的长相。象人看了镜子中自己的相貌后,恐惧的尖叫起来。这伙人离开不久,拜斯到医院里带走了象人。 不久,象人在另一个地方出现在马戏班里,拜斯更加凶残的虐待象人。马戏班里的其他人,乘晚上拜斯睡觉时,悄悄的放走了关在铁笼里快要死去的象人。象人把全身蒙在一块大布下,只露出一只没有变形的眼睛,经过艰辛的旅途后,到达了特维拉所在的城市。象人下了火车不久,就被几个小孩发现并追打他。象人被人们围在角落里扯下面具后,悲愤的喊出了“我也是人”。 在警察的帮助下,象人回到特维拉那里。一天晚上,威尔士公主陪同象人到剧院看戏,在肯德夫人的带领下,人们纷纷站起向象人致敬。 当晚,象人回到医院做完窗外大教堂的模型后,拿下床上用来靠着睡觉的大枕头,平静的象正常人一样平躺着永远的睡去了。 影片向我们讲述了一个严重畸形的人,遭受到正常人不公正的对待的故事。影片中出现了各种各样的正常人,他们有名们显贵、有达官贵人、也有生活在地层的劳动阶级,这些来自不同阶层的人都有个共同的特点,他们都从畸形的象人身上获得对自己有利的东西。对象人帮助最大的特维拉医生,开始也是用象人来做医学研究。后来,被象人在苦难中也依然热爱生活的精神感动,才真心的帮助他。围绕在象人周围的人,他们虽有健全的外表,但却隐藏了一个畸形的心灵。在影片的最后,在马戏班几个帮助象人的畸形人身上,才表现了一些人性善良的一面。影片结尾,象人用付出生命的代价,换取了象常人一样睡觉的方法,表达了他想过正常人生活的最后愿望。 70年代末期,正值电影界质疑彩色胶片的长久保存问题,很多著名导演提出黑白胶片保存年限远胜于彩色胶片的看法,电影界掀起一阵黑白电影热,马丁·斯科塞斯拍摄了黑白电影《狂牛》(愤怒的公牛),而林奇则拍摄了这部《象人》。影片上映后轰动一时,虽然在奥斯卡竞争中八项提名空手而归,但法国凯撒奖最佳外语片奖和英国演艺学院最佳影片、最佳男主角的荣誉也应该让林奇满足了。

The elephant man象人

故事发生在19世纪英国,有一个人长得奇丑无比,头很大,手很粗,皮肤很恐怖,看起来像大象,于是被称为象人,被大家取笑。后来被伦敦医院的treves医生发现,医生把他带到医院治疗和看护。但这没法改变,医院也没有多余的床位免费收留他。 医院主席向泰晤士报写信求助,并获得民众支持,给象人merrick捐助了一大笔钱,这些钱可以为他在医院后面租两间房间照顾他。treves医生除了身体上照顾他,也经常和他交流,并带很多书和杂志给他阅读,同时也创造机会让异性朋友与他交流,社会是美好的,民众是善良的,很多人抽时间去帮助他,与他交流,后来英国女王也抽空跟她交流,给他寄明信片,鼓励他,帮助他,让他感受到爱与正能量。在好心人的帮助下,他还去看了戏剧表演,并且去他渴望的乡村居住了六星期,与大自然亲密接触,很开心。不幸的是,由于他头太重,回伦敦的一次睡觉中,尝试躺着睡,脖子被重重的头压窒息而过世。非常遗憾! 本故事体现了人性的美好,首先是treves医生的善良,其次是大众的爱,还有很恐怖长相的merrick背后的善良,像孩子般的心和善良,能真正打动人。

the elephant man 讲的是什么故事


intellectual disability是什么意思

intellectual disability智力残疾双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 智力残疾2. 智障者例句:1.For example, phenylketonuria, or pku, is a genetic disease that affects newborns andleads to intellectual disability and seizures. 例如,苯丙酮尿症,即pku,是一种遗传性疾病,它影响新生儿并导致其智力障碍和癫痫发作。

intellectual disabilities是什么意思

intellectual disabilities智障人士;智力失能These children usually do not have difficulties with speech or nonverbalcommunication, nor do they have intellectual disabilities. 他们不具有语言或非语言交流方面的困难,甚至没有智力发育方面的障碍。请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助


intellectual读音为【u02ccu026antu0259u02c8lektu0283uu0259l】。一、释义1、形容词:智力的;脑力的;理智的;有才智的;智力发达的。2、名词:知识分子;脑力劳动者。二、例句1、Nerdsplaining means explaining in an overly intellectual, obsessively detailed way, particularly when the topic is obscure or highly technical.“书呆子解释”即用过分智力的、详尽的方式解释某事,特别是当主题比较晦涩或科技含量很高时。2、Intellectual activities such as reading books or listening to music can revitalize our mental processes.像看书或者听音乐这样的智力的活动可以修复我们的心理状态。


intellectual英[u02ccu026antu0259u02c8lektu0283uu0259l]美[u02ccu026antlu02c8u025bktu0283uu0259l]adj. 智力的;有才智的;需用智力的;智力发达的n. 知识分子;脑力劳动者;有极高智力的人;凭理智(而非感情)办事的人名词复数:intellectuals[例句]What about concerns over intellectual property?知识产权的忧虑如何解决?


intellectual美 [.u026ant(u0259)l"ektu0283uu0259l]英 [.u026antu0259"lektu0283uu0259l]n.知识分子;脑力劳动者adj.智力的;脑力的;理智的;有才智的 知性;智识;知性的复数:intellectuals例句筛选1."If I were to argue for federalism, I would be stoned to death, " says anintellectual.“如果我争着要联邦制,会被石头打死的,”一位知识分子说道。2."We drive revenues through intellectual capital, " said the head of research ofa large bank.一家大型银行的研究主管表示:“我们通过智力资本推动收入。”


英-[,u026antu0259"lektu0283u028au0259l; -tju028au0259l]美-[,u026antu0259"lu025bktu0283uu0259l]释义n. 知识分子;凭理智做事者adj. 智力的;聪明的;理智的网络知识分子,智力的,过渡的短语intellectual capital智力资本,智慧资本,智慧资本intellectual history思想史,心智史,知识史


其他流动负债(Other current f63 liability) 其他流动负债是指不能归属于 短期借款 , 应付短期债券 券, 应付票据 , 应付帐款 , 应付所得税 , 其他应付款 , 预收账款 这七款项目的 流动 负债。但以上各款流动负债, 其金额未超过流动负债合计金额百分之五者, 得并入其他流动负债内。

joint and several liability是什么意思


liability contract是什么意思

liability contract债务契约。

provision和contingent liability的区别!各路神仙!

provision指的是预计的负债,发生可能性较大,而且时间和金额不确定,但是可以肯定是将要发生的,在报表中确认我长期负债. contingent liability 指的是有可能要在将来发生的负债,一般不在报表中体现,而是作为附注处理. 主要区别是发生的可能性.详情可以参加IAS37(国际会计准则第37条). 说的不是很详尽,希望可以帮到你.

joint and several liability是什么意思啊??


救救我吧!provision和contingent liability的区别!各路神仙!

provision是预计负债,而contingent liability是或有负债。预计负债是指指根据或有事项等相关准则确认的各项预计负债,包括对外提供担保、未决诉讼、产品质量保证、重组义务以及固定资产和矿区权益弃置义务等产生的预计负债。它的确认条件有三项:1、过去的交易或事项形成的现实义务2、该项义务的履行很可能导致经济利益流出企业3、该项义务的金额能够可靠地计量两者的区别。预计负债要同时满足这三个条件,如果三个条件有一个不满足就是或有负债。扩展资料:(一)预计负债的初始计量1、最佳估计数的确认(1)当清偿因或有事项而确认的负债所需支出存在一个金额范围时,则最佳估计数应按此范围的上下限金额的平均数确认。(2)如果不存在一个金额范围时,则最佳估计数按以下标准认定:a、如果涉及单个项目,则最佳估计数为最可能发生数b、如果涉及多个项目,则最佳估计数按各种可能发生额及发生概率计算确认--即"加权平均数"2、预期可获补偿的处理如果清偿因或有事项而确认的负债所需支出全部或部分预期由第三方或其他方补偿,则补偿金额只能在基本确定有收到时,作为资产单独确认,且确认的补偿金额不应超过所确认负债的账面价值。(二)预计负债的后续计量企业应当在资产负债表日对预计负债的账面价值进行复核,有确凿证据表明账面价值不能真实反映当前最佳估计数的,应作相应调整。参考资料:百度百科——预计负债

Contingent liability

What is Contigent Liability? A contingent liability is: (a)a possible obligation that arises from past events and whose existence will be confirmed only by the ourrence or non-ourrence of one or more uncertain future events not wholly within the control of the entity; or (b)a present obligation that arises from past events but is not recognised because: (i)it is not probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation; or (ii)the amount of the obligation cannot be measured with sufficient reliability. Operating Lease Commitment (i.e. rent mitment) When you sign an operating lease, you have a legal obligation to settle the lease payments when they fall due. Lease mitment represent the unpaid future lease payment that you have possible obligation to pay when they fall due in the future. Thus, lease mitment is a contigent liability.,抱歉 副户 投错了票!001 的答案才是正确的!,First, contingent liability is: (a) a possible obligation that arises from past events and existence will be confirmed only by the ourrence or non-ourrence of one or more uncertain future events not wholly within the control of the entity; or (b) a present obligation that arises from past events but is not recognised because: (i) it is not probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation; or (ii) the amount of the obligation cannot be measured with sufficient reliability. Operating Lease Commitment (i.e. rent mitment) When you sign an operating lease, you have a legal obligation to settle the lease payments when they fall due. Lease mitment represent the unpaid future lease payment that you have possible obligation to pay when they fall due in the future. Thus, lease mitment is a contigent liability., A contingent liability may arise under the condition of an unrecognised present obligation or a possible obligation. Unrecognised present obligation me there is a present obligation but the pany cannot recognise the obligation in its financial statement because the given event does not fulfill the second or third criteria mentioned above, or both, for the recognition of a provision. However lease mitment is not a contigent liability under the "present obligation" criteria because its timing and amount of future obligation are certain. Possible obligation refers to the circumstances under which a certain event has ourred but a present obligation has not yet crystallised. Depending on the development of future events, a present obligation may arise in the future. However lease mitment is not a contigent liability under the "possible obligation" criteria because it does not depends on whether a certain event to our. 2012-02-22 09:35:26 补充: cecimak1995 部分答问会转用副... Is there any source of your opinion?,参考: iaat/images/uploads/articles/HKAS%2037.pdf,



I am not into classical music.什么意思,谢谢 Hi, there .I am Joe. 什么意思.谢谢



英文内容搬运自: https://bioinformaticsworkbook.org/introduction/dataTerminology.html There are four common bases in DNA sequence, A denine, G uanine, C ytosine and T hymine. U racil is found in RNA in place of Thyamine Image taken from wikipedia where more information about nucleotides can also be found. A read is a string of bases represented by their one letter codes. Here is an example of a read that is 50 bases long. TTAACCTTGGTTTTGAACTTGAACACTTAGGGGATTGAAGATTCAACAACCCTAAAGCTTGGGGTAAAAC A contig is the consensus sequence generated by aligning reads to themselves. The last line is the consensus of the aligned reads. We call this consensus sequence a contig . A scaffold is a set of contigs that have been ordered and oriented based on mate pair or long distance information. contig NNNNNNNNNNNN gitnoc NNNNNNNN contig NNNNNNNN contig NNNN gitnoc In the line above 再搜文章一些补充,有图就更好了: Chromosomes are the largest DNA molecules in a cell. Scaffolds can be ordered and oriented using a genetic map or Hi-C data into linkage groups or chromosomes. The ultimate goal of a genome assembly project is to assemble reads into phased chromosomes that represent an actual individual. Most chromosomal assemblies produced today are not phased or may represent multiple individuals.

Consensus and Cooperation in Networked Multi-Agent Systems翻译成中文


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首先,看看consistency 和 consensus的字面意思。下面是来自google 和iciba的翻译:Consistency: 一致性;连贯; 符合; 前后一致; 浓度Consensus: 共识;一致; 舆论; 一致同意,合意从字面意思看:前者侧重的是内容在时间顺序上的一致和统一;而后者则是指由许多参与者对某项内容达成共识。所以可以初步断定,consistency model和consensus protocol两者关于一致性的描述角度是不一致的。


这个里面,on是与levels搭配的,many different是修饰level是的




"Eaen+10+Account+Levels" 似乎是一个包含多个词汇的组合,但它不是一个常见的英语词汇或短语。如果这个组合是从某个特定的语境中出现的,可能需要更多的上下文信息来理解其含义。"Earn" 是一个常见的英语动词,意思是“赚取”,例如:“I want to earn more money.”(我想赚更多的钱。)"Account Levels" 可以解释为一个网站或应用程序中的账户级别或用户等级。这种等级制度通常是基于用户活跃度、购买金额、参与度等因素而设定的。因此,“Eaen+10+Account+Levels” 可能指的是通过某种方式获得了额外的账户级别,例如购买某些产品或服务、完成了一定数量的任务、参与了一些活动等等。

SiS 300 Inteqrated Miraqe Graphics Video Adapter[ECS EliteGroup Computer]





add()方法中 b_temp.setNumber(b_temp.getNumber()+b.getNumber()); 这行代码不正确,你不能对b_temp同时即进行setNumber操作又进行getNumber操作





java.lang.NullPointerException: null




java异常如何是什么原因 java.lang.NullPointerException

Shape.this 指的是什么呢? 问题应该就出在这里 你检查一下吧,我不明白你的Shape.this是什么意思,你仔细检查一下吧。

spring 中提示:java.lang.NullPointerException

if(user.getUsername().equalsIgnoreCase("archdata")&&user.getPassword().equalsIgnoreCase("arch001")) 判断的时候是null就会抛出NullPointerException了,自己慢慢理清楚,看那个是空对象!


fields 可能是null吧!!!!!!!!!



java.lang.NullPointerException 这个问题怎么解决?求救大侠们

空指针~~ 可能是异常的这部分有东西还没有加载上的时候就引用了~~ 仔细从程序开始一步一步看看~~






这个程序我给你改了,你拷到eclipse里看看问题主要在:当最后一次循环时候temp.getLast()这个是空的因为你没有a[9],那么好,少循环一次就解决了。楼主试试class Person { private String lastName; private String firstName; private int age; public Person(String last, String first, int a) { lastName = last; firstName = first; age = a; } public void displayPerson() { System.out.print(" Last name : " + lastName + " First name: " + firstName); System.out.println(", age: " + age); } public String getLast() { return lastName; }}class ArrayInOb { private Person[] a; private int nElems; public ArrayInOb(int max) { a = new Person[max]; nElems = 0; } public void insert(String last, String first, int age) { a[nElems] = new Person(last, first, age); nElems++; } public void display() { for (int j = 0; j < nElems; j++) a[j].displayPerson(); System.out.println(" "); } public void insertionSort() { int in, out; for (out = 1; out < nElems; out++) { Person temp = a[out]; in = out; while (in > 0 && a[in - 1].getLast().compareTo(temp.getLast()) > 0) { a[in] = a[in - 1]; --in; } a[in] = temp; } }}public class objectSort { /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { int maxSize = 100; ArrayInOb arr; arr = new ArrayInOb(maxSize); arr.insert("Evans", "Patty", 24); arr.insert("Smith", "Doc", 59); arr.insert("Smith", "Lorraina", 37); arr.insert("Smith", "Paul", 37); arr.insert("Yee", "Tom", 43); arr.insert("Hashimoto", "Sato", 21); arr.insert("Stimson", "Henry", 29); arr.insert("Velasquez", "Jose", 72); arr.insert("Creswell", "Lucinda", 18); System.out.println("Before sorting:"); arr.display(); arr.insertionSort(); System.out.println("After sorting:"); arr.display(); }}




哪一行出现nullpointException呢 亲!能把错误贴出来么

syntaxerror:unexpected character什么意思?

syntaxerror:unexpected character语法错误:意外字符

java.lang.NullPointerException 简直无语,java的配置老子是服了



If I was a flower growing wild and free All I"d want is you to be my sweet honey bee. And if I was a tree growing tall and greeen All I"d want is you to shade me and be my leaves If I was a flower growing wild and free All I"d want is you to be my sweet honey bee. And if I was a tree growing tall and greeen All I"d want is you to shade me and be my leaves All I want is you, will you be my bride Take me by the hand and stand by my side All I want is you, will you stay with me? Hold me in your arms and sway me like the sea. If you were a river in the mountains tall, The rumble of your water would be my call. If you were the winter, I know I"d be the snow Just as long as you were with me, let the cold winds blow All I want is you, will you be my bride Take me by the hand and stand by my side All I want is you, will you stay with me? Hold me in your arms and sway me like the sea. If you were a wink, I"d be a nod If you were a seed, well I"d be a pod. If you were the floor, I"d wanna be the rug And if you were a kiss, I know I"d be a hug All I want is you, will you be my bride Take me by the hand and stand by my side All I want is you, will you stay with me? Hold me in your arms and sway me like the sea. If you were the wood, I"d be the fire. If you were the love, I"d be the desire. If you were a castle, I"d be your moat, And if you were an ocean, I"d learn to float. All I want is you, will you be my bride Take me by the hand and stand by my side All I want is you, will you stay with me? Hold me in your arms and sway me like the sea



java.lang.nullpointerexception 怎么解决?


求一首女声慢摇,就记得里面有一句歌词是i want sing a song to you

应该是 My song for you —— Bridgit Mendler/ Demi Lovato http://www.kuwo.cn/yinyue/3491462/Didn"t know what to get youOrdinary just wouldn"t doBut I just found the perfect giftUnderneath the Christmas tree.(Chorus) we"ve got mistletoe and firelightOn this cold December nightThe snow outside will set the mood As I sing my song for you.You"re so beautifulI only hope you see what I see (see, yeah)Everyone, is meant to Show you how much you mean to me.We"ve got mistletoe, and firelightOn this cold December nightThe snow outside will set the moodAs I sing my song......We"ve got mistletoe (mistletoe) and firelight (firelight)On this cold December night The snow outside will set the moodAs I sing, my song, for you.

unexpected indent是什么意思

词组翻译: “unexpected indent” 可以翻译为 “意外的缩进”。形式变化:“unexpected indent” 不发生形式变化。短语搭配:SyntaxError: unexpected indent(语法错误:意外的缩进)Fix the unexpected indent in line 10.(修复第10行的意外缩进)Remove the unexpected indent before the “if” statement.(删除在 “if” 语句之前的意外缩进)The code runs into an unexpected indent error at runtime.(代码在运行时遇到了意外的缩进错误)The editor automatically adjusts the indent to avoid unexpected indents.(编辑器会自动调整缩进以避免意外缩进)含义解释:“unexpected indent” 指的是在编程语言中出现的缩进错误。当程序中出现不符合语法规则的缩进时,可能会导致意外结果或导致语法错误。语法详解:在许多编程语言中,代码块通常需要进行缩进,以表示它们属于同一级别的逻辑单元。然而,如果出现意外的缩进(例如,额外的空格或制表符),编译器或解释器将抛出"unexpected indent"错误。单词用法:“unexpected” 是形容词,表示不被预料的、意外的;“indent” 是名词,表示缩进。举例句子:The Python interpreter raised a SyntaxError due to an unexpected indent.(Python解释器因为意外的缩进而引发了SyntaxError错误。)The code block is not properly indented, causing an unexpected indent error.(代码块的缩进不正确,导致了意外缩进错误。)Please fix the unexpected indent in your script to ensure it runs correctly.(请修复脚本中的意外缩进,以确保它正确运行。)The developer accidentally added an extra space, resulting in an unexpected indent.(开发者意外地添加了一个额外的空格,导致了意外缩进。)The error message shows an “unexpected indent” at line 7 of the code.(错误信息显示代码的第7行存在一个“意外缩进”。)


最近一段时间老遇到NullPointerException这个异常,于是上网找了一些关于这方面的资料,也解决了问题,在这特意做个总结:一般报java.lang.NullPointerException的原因有以下几种: ·1.字符串变量未初始化; ·2.接口类型的对象没有用具体的类初始化,比如:List lt; 会报错List lt = new ArrayList(); 则不会报错了 ·3.当一个对象的值为空时,你没有判断为空的情况。之前获取类路径下的资源的时候就报了这个错(当然这个也是因为我不太熟悉用Class和ClassLoader来获取类路径下的资源。)java.lang.NullPointerExceptionat java.io.Reader.<init>(Reader.java:61)at java.io.InputStreamReader.<init>(InputStreamReader.java:55)at org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils.copy(IOUtils.java:1049)at org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils.toString(IOUtils.java:359)at in.itcast.servlet.Eservlet.doGet(Eservlet.java:33)我的代码最初是这样的:(test.txt和当前这个类在同一个目录下)[java] view plain copy<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>ClassLoader c = this.getClass().getClassLoader();InputStream in = c.getResourceAsStream("test.txt");String s = IOUtils.toString(in);System.out.println(s); 出了异常之后,当时也找不到是哪里出现空指针了,在网上进行了一顿摸索之后,原来这样可以查找出某个对象是否为空,而且通常都要加上这个判断:[java] view plain copy<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>ClassLoader c = this.getClass().getClassLoader();InputStream in = c.getResourceAsStream("test.txt");if(in!=null){String s = IOUtils.toString(in);System.out.println(s);}else{System.out.println("null");} 于是我找到了这个错误所在,原来是路径写错了。。。Class类的getResourceAsStream(Stringpath):1.路径以“/”开头,相对classes路径;2.路径不以“/”开头,相对当前class文件所有路径,例如在cn.itcast.servlet.MyServlet中执行,那么相对/classes/cn/itcast/servlet/路径;ClassLoader类的getResourceAsStream(Stringpath):相对classes路径;

white is the winter night歌词翻译

希望能帮到你Enya - White Is In The Winter Night恩雅 - 白色是冬季的夜Have you seen the mistletoe?你见过槲寄生吗?It fills the night with kisses.它用吻填满整个夜(圣诞节站在槲寄生下的人得互相亲吻)Have you seen the bright new star?你见过闪亮的新星吗?It fills your heart with wishes.它用祝福填满你的心Have you seen the candlelight?你见过烛光吗?It shines from every window.它从每个窗口透出Have you seen the moon above?你看过天上的月亮吗It lights the sky in silver.它在天空中闪烁着银色光芒Green is in the mistletoe槲寄生中泛出绿色And red is in the holly,冬青树中透出红色Silver in the stars above天上的星闪耀着银色That shine on everybody.照耀着每个人Gold is in the candlelight and烛光发出金色Crimson in the embers.余烬里暗藏着深红色White is in the winter night白色是冬季的夜That everyone remembers.这些每个人都记得Have you heard the boys all sigh你听过男孩们都叹息着吗When all the girls are skating?当所有女孩都去滑冰了Have you heard the sweetheart"s cry你听过你的甜心哭泣吗For all this time they"re waiting?为了那些她们等待的时光Green is in the mistletoe槲寄生中泛出绿色And red is in the holly,冬青树中透出红色Silver in the stars above天上的星闪耀着银色That shine on everybody.照耀着每个人Gold is in the candlelight and烛光发出金色Crimson in the embers.余烬里暗藏着深红色White is in the winter night白色是冬季的夜That everyone remembers.这些每个人都记得 Have you seen the children playing?你看过孩子们玩耍吗?Tiny hands are frozen!小小的手被冻坏了Have you seen them hurry home你看过他们匆忙回家吗when suddenly it"s snowing!当天突然下雪了!Green is in the mistletoe槲寄生中泛出绿色And red is in the holly,冬青树中透出红色Silver in the stars above天上的星闪耀着银色That shine on everybody.照耀着每个人Gold is in the candlelight and烛光发出金色Crimson in the embers.余烬里暗藏着深红色White is in the winter night白色是冬季的夜That everyone remembers.这些每个人都记得 Have you heard the bells are ringing,你听过铃声响起吗?Ringing out their story?用响声诉说他们的故事Have you heard the choir singing?你听过唱诗班歌唱吗?Glory! Glory! Glory!荣耀!荣耀!荣耀!





为什么我php提示我 syntax error, unexpected $end

不知道你代码贴完没,你少了一个"}"这个提示一般就是语法错误,要么少了一个; 要么一个}


java异常分两种,一种是运行时异常,一种是编译时异常,你这个属于运行时异常,是编译器无法预知的异常,比如你定义了一个引用变量String a,但是你确没有用new关键字去实例化这个变量,但是你又调用这个a的方法,所以会报这个空指针异常


刚才测试了你的代码,3个test都试了,只有第二个由于有语法错误没运行,第1个和第3个test都没有问题。你报这种错误,很可能是环境没有配置好,你可以从以下两个方面考虑1.是否安装了正确的junit包2.是否将android junit包误当作java的junit包使用了。如果你没有装android的环境,很可能是第一种原因。


你使用了空的指针。在java中虽然号称抛弃了C++中不安全的指针,但其实他所有的东西你都可以理解为指针。这种情况一般发生在你使用了一个对象实例(其实是一个类指针)来调用它的成员函数,但这个实例却为null。 看你的逻辑是不是有问题 主要有以下几种原因: 1、使用了未初始化的变量(虽然已经声明) 2、使用了未初始化的对象(虽然已经声明) 3,使用了关键字或已存在的类名作变量对象方法或类名。 一般报java.lang.NullPointerException的原因有以下几种: 1字符串变量未初始化; 2接口类型的对象没有用具体的类初始化,比如: List lt;会报错 List lt = new ArrayList();则不会报错了 3当一个对象的值为空时,你没有判断为空的情况。






最近一段时间老遇到NullPointerException这个异常,于是上网找了一些关于这方面的资料,也解决了问题,在这特意做个总结:一般报java.lang.NullPointerException的原因有以下几种: ·1.字符串变量未初始化; ·2.接口类型的对象没有用具体的类初始化,比如:List lt; 会报错List lt = new ArrayList(); 则不会报错了 ·3.当一个对象的值为空时,你没有判断为空的情况。之前获取类路径下的资源的时候就报了这个错(当然这个也是因为我不太熟悉用Class和ClassLoader来获取类路径下的资源。)java.lang.NullPointerExceptionat java.io.Reader.<init>(Reader.java:61)at java.io.InputStreamReader.<init>(InputStreamReader.java:55)at org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils.copy(IOUtils.java:1049)at org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils.toString(IOUtils.java:359)at in.itcast.servlet.Eservlet.doGet(Eservlet.java:33)我的代码最初是这样的:(test.txt和当前这个类在同一个目录下)[java] view plain copy<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>ClassLoader c = this.getClass().getClassLoader();InputStream in = c.getResourceAsStream("test.txt");String s = IOUtils.toString(in);System.out.println(s); 出了异常之后,当时也找不到是哪里出现空指针了,在网上进行了一顿摸索之后,原来这样可以查找出某个对象是否为空,而且通常都要加上这个判断:[java] view plain copy<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>ClassLoader c = this.getClass().getClassLoader();InputStream in = c.getResourceAsStream("test.txt");if(in!=null){String s = IOUtils.toString(in);System.out.println(s);}else{System.out.println("null");} 于是我找到了这个错误所在,原来是路径写错了。。。Class类的getResourceAsStream(Stringpath):1.路径以“/”开头,相对classes路径;2.路径不以“/”开头,相对当前class文件所有路径,例如在cn.itcast.servlet.MyServlet中执行,那么相对/classes/cn/itcast/servlet/路径;ClassLoader类的getResourceAsStream(Stringpath):相对classes路径;

unexpected 和unintended的区别

unexpected 和unintended的区别虽然都是形容词, 不过两个单词词义并不相同unexpected adj. 意外的; 想不到的,料不到的; 忽然的; 突然的;unintended adj. 非故意的,无意识的;

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException

mian函数抛空指针,肯定有的东西没附值为null,这个类studentinformation 254行的问题

java. lang. Null PointerException是什么意思?

出现这个异常,表明向方法传递了不合法或不正确的参数。检查一下,是否在调用某个方法时,传递了与方法定义时不相符的参数类型。在SSM动态javaweb服务器框架中,经常看到这个异常,很多人说这是参数异常,检查自己在ioc容器中配置的参数是否正确,其实这是项目使用的Java编译器(即Javacompiler)使用的jdk版本和Java的运行环境(即jreJavaruntimeenvironment)版本不匹配造成的。扩展资料:类 Math 提供了常用的数学函数,比如正弦、余弦和平方根。类似地,类 String 和 StringBuffer 提供了常用的字符串操作。类 ClassLoader、Process、Runtime、SecurityManager 和 System 提供了管理类的动态加载、外部进程创建、主机环境查询(比如时间)和安全策略实施等“系统操作”。类 Throwable 包含了可能由 throw 语句抛出的对象(§14.16)。Throwable 的子类表示错误和异常。参考资料来源:百度百科-java.lang

lip gloss 和lip tint有什么不同

lip tint 就是可以染唇的唇彩唇蜜之类的



The 20th century is remarkable for its inventions.求翻译这句话

The 20th century is remarkable for its inventions.20世纪是了不起的发明。

a remarkable achievement翻译

翻译 这周Carter兄弟所要庆祝的就是他们的幸存,然这本身就是一个非凡的 了不起的成就! 句子成分分析: All (主语) the Carter brothers have to celebrate this week(定语从句) is(系表动词) survival( 表语) But (转折连词) that(主语) in itself (状语) is(系表动词) a remarkable achievement 表语

remarkable achievement.什么意思

remarkable achievement词典显著的成就双语例句1This remarkable achievement took place without the benefit of our modern telecommunication industry. 这项非凡成就的取得并没有借助于现代电信业这个有利条件。2It was a remarkable achievement. 那是一项非凡的成就。3This is a truly remarkable achievement. 这是一个真正显著的成就。


《Into the Wild》(Jon Krakauer)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1L33x2UsJulV6HCicbUXZgA 密码:ogme书名:Into the Wild作者:Jon Krakauer豆瓣评分:8.8出版社:Anchor出版年份:2007-8-21页数:207内容简介:After graduating from Emory University in Atlanta in 1992, top student and athlete Christopher McCandless abandoned his possessions, gave his entire $24,000 savings account to charity and hitchhiked to Alaska, where he went to live in the wilderness. Four months later, he turned up dead. His diary, letters and two notes found at a remote campsite tell of his desperate effort to survive, apparently stranded by an injury and slowly starving. They also reflect the posturing of a confused young man, raised in affluent Annandale, Va., who self-consciously adopted a Tolstoyan renunciation of wealth and return to nature. Krakauer, a contributing editor to Outside and Men"s Journal, retraces McCandless"s ill-fated antagonism toward his father, Walt, an eminent aerospace engineer. Krakauer also draws parallels to his own reckless youthful exploit in 1977 when he climbed Devils Thumb, a mountain on the Alaska-British Columbia border, partly as a symbolic act of rebellion against his autocratic father. In a moving narrative, Krakauer probes the mystery of McCandless"s death, which he attributes to logistical blunders and to accidental poisoning from eating toxic seed pods. Maps. 35,000 first printing; author tour.Copyright 1995 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.作者简介:乔恩·克拉考尔(Jon Krauer)美国畅销书作家,《户外》杂志专栏作家、登山家。亲历1996年珠穆朗玛峰山难后,他在《户外》杂志发表的分析报道(后来扩展为本书)获“美国国家杂志奖”。除了本书,乔恩·克拉考尔还著有《荒野生存》、《艾格尔山之梦》和《天堂的旗帜下》等。其中《荒野生存》出版后,长踞《纽约时报》畅销排行榜达两年以上,为他赢得杰出探险类作家的赞誉。

我想找一首小孩子和一个男的唱的英文歌,其中有句歌词大概是you tell me just what you want be

歌曲名称:All I Want Is Everything


两者本质上没有任何区别。Bundle只是一个信息的载体 将内部的内容以键值对组织 Intent负责Activity之间的交互 自己是带有一个Bundle的Intent.putExtras(Bundle bundle)直接将Intent的内部Bundle设置为参数里的bundleIntent.getExtras()直接可以获取Intent带有的Bundleintent.putExtra(key, value)和Bundle bundle = intent.getExtras();bundle.putXXX(key, value);intent.putExtras(bundle);是等价的intent.getXXXExtra(key)和Bundle bundle = intent.getExtras();bundle .getXXX(key);是等价的(XXX代表数据/对象类型 String boolean 什么的)

Bundle bundle = this.getIntent().getExtras();求这个代码的详细意思,比如,Bundle和bundle的含义?


java 在servlet中怎么获得requestcontext

如果是文件上传时遇到的问题的话检查一下是不是没有common-fileupload.jar包,还有类导入是不是以下几个import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem;import org.apache.commons.fileupload.disk.DiskFileItemFactory;import org.apache.commons.fileupload.servlet.ServletFileUpload;
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