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It was not until the subprime loan crisis(次贷危机) ____ great damage to the American financial

2023-07-17 11:06:52


考查时态。not until引导的状语从句,从句用过去完成时,主句用一般过去时,故选B。



金融危机英语虞其君英语解答:financial crisis
2023-07-17 09:33:233


金融危机英语虞其君英语解答:financial crisis
2023-07-17 09:33:323

what is financial crisis

financial crisis 是金融危机,财政危机。定义:The term financial crisis is applied broadly to a variety of situations in which some financial institutions or assets suddenly lose a large part of their value.
2023-07-17 09:33:424


2023-07-17 09:33:521

it was successfully made just before the world financial crisis

just before 的意思是: 就在...之前在世界经济危机来临之前,它成功地被制造出来
2023-07-17 09:33:592


第一篇:The effect of the global financial The international financial crisis is becoming more and more worse, the impact on the Chinese economy is also further expansion, it even extended into every aspect of society.For example, manufacturing, energy, food, IT… and so on.. From the news,many international companies went bankrupt,and more companies begin to lay off employees, also cancelled the original recruitment plan. Around us, many people can not find a job. This is a global economic crisis, no one can disregard .Facing the crisis, We can only helpless?No way. Everything has two sides. The financial crisis also let investors concer about the long-term growth prospects field. For example, the field of new energy. It also provides China opportunities of increasing the input of new energy. We will use their wisdom, potential, and find the way to overcome it. This is the only way to minimize crisis, also can be safely in this crisis. 第二篇:近期,美国次贷危机无疑是最热门的话题之一:雷曼兄弟破产、美林转手,全球经济持续动荡,金融危机正在肆虐全球。失业与就业问题已经成为各国面临和关注的焦点。 作为我们弱势就业群体(应届大学生)的就业压力将是史无前例的难!对于就业压力日益严峻的中国人才市场来说,作为一个特殊群体,大学生的就业将遭遇多方面的挑战和挤压,在整体环境堪忧的情况下,应届毕业生在就业过程中将不得不面对残酷的现实。 金融危机对国内人才市场的影响眼下还是初步的,到明年年初,影响可能会更大。 Recently, the U.S. sub-loan crisis is one of the hottest topics: bankruptcy Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch & Co. changed hands, the continued turmoil in the global economy, global financial crises are rampant. Unemployment and employment problems faced by various countries and has become the focus of attention. As part of our job vulnerable groups (college students) of the employment pressure would be difficult to unprecedented! Growing employment pressure for China"s talent market, as a special group in the employment of university students will encounter many challenges and pressure, the overall environmental concern, the graduates in the course of employment will have to face Cruel reality. The financial crisis on the domestic market, the impact of human resources at the moment still preliminary, early next year, the impact could be bigger. 第三篇:Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic College Students" Job Hunting. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below. 1. 近几年出现了大学生就业难的现象 2. 产生这种现象的原因(如大学生追求的目标过高,专业不对口等) 3. 如何解决这一问题(改变就业观念,大学生再培训等) College Students" Job Hunting In recent years, college students find it increasingly difficult to get a job. It sounds strange since young college students are usually intelligent, well-educated phenomenon, aspirant and eager to bring their talent into full play. Then what underlies the strange phenomenon? There are several reasons for this. To begin with, nowadays college students aim too high. All they want are “good” jobs which could offer good salary, comfortable working conditions, high social status among others. Consequently, most college students are unwilling to accept vacant jobs they consider not “good” enough. Another reason is that there is a big gap between the majors some students study in school and the demands of vacant jobs. So companies think some students are not fit for the jobs. Solution to the problem requires efforts on both the society and the students. The companies should value the students, talent and knowledge while the latter should not merely aim at material gains. They should be down-to–earth in building up their career. Furthermore, they should face their weak points so as to improve themselves and be more competent.
2023-07-17 09:34:262


危机的英文是:crisis; crunch一、短语和例子:反危机counter cycle;峰危机hump;核危机work together to a peaceful solution to the nuclear crisis;水危机portlethen moss; water crisis;危机点crisis point;危机感crisis awareness; sense of crisis; senseofcrisis; serving spoons and chopsticks;危机论crisis theory; theory of crises;准危机near crisis;总危机general crisis;财政危机, 金融危机financial crisis;化解危机 危机地带crisis zone;危机状态危机反应crisis state crisis reaction;007黑日危机the world is not enough;爱情危机love in crisis;霸菱危机barings crisis;柏林危机berlin crisis; the berlin conspiracy;摆脱危机to break out of a crisis;爆发危机crisis breaks out; crisis bursts out;北韩核危机north korea and weapons of mass destruction;逼近的危机the approaching danger;步步危机soldier; trapped;财务危机financial collapse;财务危机(个人)financial crisis;财政危机a financial crisis; fiscal crisis; on the rocks;危机5周年纪念版dino crisis 5th anniversary;危画谈crisis counseling。二、例句:1、She preached economy as the best means of solving the crisis .她大力鼓吹节约是解决危机的关键。2、The danger of german intervention through spain has not ceased .德国自西班牙方面进攻的危机尚未消除。3、This time the national trauma had not grown out of foreign crisis .这次全国性的创伤不是出自海外危机。4、He did not wish to drive the crisis beyond the point of no return .他并不希望把危机推到无可挽回的地步。5、It would take a worldwide crisis to make food unobtainable from any source .只有发生全球性危机,才会到处买不到食品。6、When and how shall we emerge from the valley of depression ?什么时候,采取何种方法,我们才能从危机的深谷中解脱出来呢?7、No sooner did one crisis die away than another claimed the headlines .一个危机还没有消逝,另一个危机成为报上的头条新闻。
2023-07-17 09:34:341


 The financial crisis in the "butterfly effect" under the rapid spread of the world. From the United States to China, from Wall Street to the Pearl River Delta, from manufacturing to high technology, from the white-collar workers, are subject to severe financial crisis. Many enterprises in the customs, stop, close, to many white-collar workers laid off, a lot of migrant workers, miners were forced to return home, many university graduates means that the unemployed. A month later in 2009 is the Year, I do not see the well-being of firecrackers, fireworks and romantic, looking forward to the New Year. See more entrepreneurs, managers, workers fear, confused, helpless look.  Blessing in disguise, Yan Fu Huo know? The escape came, unable to retain the go. Nothing in the world are the development of the wave-like, there is bound to have peaks and troughs, there are bound to have peaks and troughs. Rare in the face of the economic crisis, many companies have chosen to shrink the front, the defensive; a lot of people tighten up the pocketbook and spending. Enterprises do not only offensive defense, when you prepare defense means that when you start back. Live at home, hand in half a cent to spend, to save money is in, only more money in order to change the quality of life. Fear, confusion and helplessness to escape, defense and reduce costs so that you will only make matters worse situation. Only offensive, Endeavor, protest, moving trend is the best choice and to deal with.  Be it business or personal, we must first fully understand the seriousness of the crisis and persistent. There are not trusting to luck that the crisis will not affect you. Qingchao, no eggs will survive? Only early and late, and light weight. The crisis in the latter part of the most difficult, yet now, do not feel that they are very strong,  Do not have to die before the crisis to attack. First of all, as entrepreneurs have to consider cash flow problems. To allow the closure of the fastest growing companies is not a loss, cash flow is drying up. Cash flow and the size of the enterprise, profit, non-well-known and well-known does not matter. The more large enterprises and the more well-known enterprises to pay attention to cash flow. Peace for too long, high-speed economic development in a long time, too much of their profits into the business after the expansion of fixed assets. Not on account of the funds to prepare for the winter. So rare to meet the financial crisis, the fall is often the fastest growth and expansion of the fastest-growing businesses. Not ready for the winter clothes, even if you have a nice summer, winter, you will still frozen to death. The three major U.S. auto giant is the cash flow is drying up and in serious danger together.  To have the opportunity to live. Crisis, the crisis in the organic. This opportunity is not often. This is sufficient funds at the lowest cost of business, merger, the best opportunity for expansion. Small business is the best time to catch up with large enterprises. Peace and prosperity in a variety of small businesses such as the allocation of resources are not large enterprises. Want to go beyond talking the same large enterprises. In front of the crisis, many large enterprises for the steady development of layoffs, shrinking front. Small business must learn how to Zoupian Jian Feng, to take the initiative. Gambling may be dead, may also develop. And so on, a dead end.  As a working group, during the crisis, so as not to resign, not-for-work, not to change jobs. A large number of business failures, layoffs, a large number of returning migrant workers, next year there are nearly 1,000 million university graduates find a job waiting. Be able to do a job that is a very well-being. To resign easy job difficult. Should cherish the current opportunity to work. For are not familiar with the area of greatest temptation not to change jobs easily. Peer different reasons, is the same sales, marketing and selling instant noodles is not the same car. The higher the expectations, the greater the disappointment factor. Of course, if you have the ability to trade irreplaceable, but this time is an opportunity. In the face of crisis often need a hero. To ask whether he is a hero?
2023-07-17 09:35:002


IT training for the financial crisis in the Internet-wide training Granville induction Certification Certification Software Testing Linux software development technology software architecture design of embedded systems integrated circuit design Game development and design of intellectual property rights of e-government advanced IT management
2023-07-17 09:35:072


Economic Crisis 经济危机Passive crisis 被动性危机Initiative crisis 主动性危机Recession 经济衰退Devaluation 货币贬值Economic policy 经济政策Overproduction 生产过剩Inflation 通货膨胀Deflation 通货紧缩Financial deficits 财政赤字Monetary and credit crisis 货币信用危机
2023-07-17 09:35:164

翻译一下 The financial crisis of 2007–2008, also known as the global financial crisis and

2023-07-17 09:35:432


On September in 2008, the American subprime mortgage crisis which last more than one year gradually extended to the whole economy system to be a economy crisis all over the world. It"s coming not only make the Untied States face a series of economic problem, but also bring the economic market around the world a great shock: As a country, the Iceland has applied for the bankruptcy; Zimbabwe"s inflation has been out of control; Our neighbor, Korea, since its economic system gets closest to the United States, it suffers much more than other Asian countries in this economic storm.As for China, we are influenced a lot in this special year. A lot of factories in Guangdong and Fujian province suffered a lot :the difficulty in exporting lead the workers lay off, even make the factory break; A great number of students in universities also feel about the crisis, since it"s hard for them to find a job.However, as one of the newly developing countries in Asian countries, China has strict foreign exchange control and relatively independent financial system, which can help to reduce the influence that the crisis would bring. Although China is not a utopia in this storm, but we do worry less than the countries we referred to.Anyway, the new round of economic crisis has come. China, the powerful Titanic has to consider the crash the storm would bring. We should seize the opportunity and try our best to solve the problem. Only in this way can our journey to develop economy safe and harmonious. At last , I"d like to wish our country ,Bon voyage!
2023-07-17 09:35:511


As the first big commodity importers in the China, financial crisis makes the United States to China to sharply reduce the product order, allowing large Numbers of Chinese factory is on the verge of collapse, the large amount of Chinese workers losing their jobs. This there is no lack of among them there are many need to care and to raising children of the old man"s middle-aged, when they lose their jobs, family lost pillar, and your children tuition and old man"s medical treatment cost becomes very difficult problem.
2023-07-17 09:35:583


2023-07-17 09:36:074

as is known to all,the financial crisis firstly broke out in the united states,____

2023-07-17 09:36:153


由1997年10月至1998年10月间,亚洲各国及地区,除了中国外,都面对股市的大幅下跌。日本及台湾下跌约2成,余下的地方都超过4成;马来西亚更下跌超过5成。在短短期间,各国及地方都损失四成多的资产,情况实在令人惊心。 2.汇市价值亦出现贬值
2023-07-17 09:36:243

The financial crisis of tiday is different in com

句子没有写完整,也有错误应该是 The financial crisis today is different in common,意思是 “当今的金融危机在共同点方面是有区别的”。
2023-07-17 09:36:321

The company _________ heavy losses during the financial crisis

2023-07-17 09:36:406


2023-07-17 09:37:051

12. ___________ that the government can lead them out of the financial crisis

解析:此题考查非谓语动词。Convince 使确信,该句中意思为使人们相信,故对people来说是被动的,故应选convinced选B。
2023-07-17 09:37:282

求英语对话 急

2023-07-17 09:37:374


1 scientists observed an unexplained burst of light (which is equal )in brightness to 600,000 suns occurred from a star in the universe Obviously,it omits "which is" 定从2 The financial crisis and the suffering (which/that) it has caused have a great influence on the whole world it 指代crisis 定从修饰the sufferingBuddy , 定从不熟哦!
2023-07-17 09:37:444

帮忙找一篇与财务危机预警系统《Early Warning System for Financial Crisis》相关的外文文献

我有一篇文献,,是PDF,,。。。很大。。你加我百度HI 或QQ50097543 我发给你!!!
2023-07-17 09:37:545

Because of the financial crisis, days are gone _ _ local 5-star hotels charged 6,000 yuan for one

B. when 用when(引导词)用来引导days(先行词)时间,这里是一个定语从句,翻译后就是:由于金融危机,那种在五星级宾馆一晚6000元日子已经不存在了
2023-07-17 09:38:101

[w58] Because of the financial crisis, days are gone ______ local 5-star hotels charged 6,000

因为经济危机,那当地5星及宾馆住一晚收费6000的日子已经一去不返了。首先确定是定语从句修饰days ,时间定语从句用when
2023-07-17 09:38:172


付汇payment,收汇Receipt of foreign exchange,结汇settlement of exchange,购汇Foreign exchange purchasing希望对你有帮助哦~
2023-07-17 09:39:072


The global financial crisis broke out in 2008.
2023-07-17 09:39:371


2023-07-17 09:39:441


2023-07-17 09:39:5312

求关于大学生就业的英语作文 100字左右的

My Opinion about University Studentsu2019 EmploymentNowadays, the university studentsu2019 employment attracts more and more attentions from the government and the society. Due to the financial crisis in the past two years, a growing number of undergraduates cannot find satisfying jobs after their graduation, and a part of them become the “Ant-like Class” with a hard life in such super cities as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. Life pressure, parents needing supporting and high house price are like three mountains on them. In my opinion, the studentsu2019 employment and living difficulties can only be solved together by the students themselves and the society. The university students should study practical abilities hard and the society should give more opportunities to them.
2023-07-17 09:40:231


The mayor of Qingdao at the opening ceremony of the nineteenth session of Qingdao International Beer FestivalLadies, gentlemen:On behalf of the Qingdao City Hall and people, and in my own name, to express my sincere congratulations on the 19 Qingdao international beer festival! Thank you for coming, thank they paid for the beer festival held hard work!Qingdao International Beer Festival was founded in 1991,on the second Saturday of every August opening, for a period of 16 days. The festival is co sponsored by 6departments of the state and the people"s Government of Qingdao City, is a large national festival combinedtourism, culture, sports, economic and trade in one of the. After ten years of efforts, Qingdao International Beer Festival has become a beautiful card in Qingdao which is a beautiful coastal city, with a considerable reputationand influence at home and abroad.The beer festival opening ceremony, beer drinking, galaparade, art, entertainment, drinking contest, tourism and leisure, the economic and trade exhibition, closing ceremony party activities. As in previous years, the festival, Qingdao"s high streets and back lanes decorated with a new, bouquet, for city carnival. Every year attracts dozens of the world famous beer manufacturersto participate in, also attract millions of tourists from home and abroad to meet.During the period of this beer festival, will also host theinternational beer and brewing technology expo. The festival will focus on "people", "Carnival", do the peopleto participate in, domestic and foreign tourists warmly praised the East"s largest beer festival. Finally, I wishthe beer festival a complete success! I wish you ahappy, happy, have a cool summer in Qingdao!Wen Jiabao at the seventh ASEM Summit ConferenceDear colleagues:Today, leaders of ASEM partners have gathered inBeijing, to discuss the Asia Europe dialogue and cooperation, mutual benefit and win-win strategy. I represent the China government, to express our warm welcome and sincere greetings to you all!At present, the spread of worsening international financial crisis has, to cause a serious impact on world economic growth and stability. This meeting in order to "dialogue and cooperation, mutual benefit and win-win" as the theme, reflects the strong political will to achieve common development of ASEM members, strengthencooperation, has the important practical significance.This financial crisis is rarely seen in history, countries and organizations concerned have taken measures, hope to be able to be effective as soon as possible. To comprehensively resolve and global action is needed toovercome the crisis, efforts to deal with the. Countries in Asia and Europe are an important force in maintaining international financial stability and promote world economic growth. We should make concerted efforts,show confidence, solidarity and cooperation to the world.Therefore, countries should first and foremost to run its own affairs well, should strengthen coordination and cooperation between the government, to promote regional financial dialogue and cooperation, push forward the reform of the international monetary and financial system. At the same time, to draw serious lessons from the financial crisis, the relationship between relations,deal with financial innovation and financial supervision of the virtual economy and real economy and saving and consumption.In the era of growing globalization, between the country and the country is becoming increasingly interdependent,countries in Asia and Europe share one continent is even more so. We should stick to the right direction ofdialogue and cooperation, mutual benefit and win-win,strengthen Asia Europe meeting is effective, pragmatic and open, the well-being for the people in the region,promote Asia Europe cooperation to a new level.The Asia Europe Meeting 12 years proves, only theexchange will progress, only mutual benefit cooperation,win-win future only only. Looking back on the past,exciting achievement. Facing the future, shoulder heavy responsibilities. Let us strengthen dialogue and cooperation, mutual benefit and win-win belief, to pull together in times of trouble, work side by side, write anew chapter in Asia Europe cooperation moremagnificent!
2023-07-17 09:40:431

Because of the financial crisis, days are gone _ _ local

因为金融危机,5星级酒店一夜收费6000元的日子一去不复返了 选B when
2023-07-17 09:40:513


运用了较多的求职句型 结合你的实际情况自己写的 应该能满足你的需要 祝你成功Dear Sir or Madam:Please consider my application for the position. In the university, I majored in management and my favorite course are Management of Cemmercial Enterprise and Organizational Behavioral Science which have definitely enhance my ability of communicating.I believe I possess the required qualifications,as well as personal characteristics,which would make me an asset to your department.I was once a vendition assistant in a software company with responsibility for responding calls ,sorting out files and prearranging some fares for our colleagues and clients. My background also includes organising several sales meetings , correlative training lectures and daily civil services.During that period of time,I have accomplished three important projects successfully along with my derector including the initial on demanding forecast ,the contacts with our clients repeatedly, software delivery and the last actualization and the cost closing,etc.I believe all these have prepared me to work much better than others in the future.Apart from these experience,I also developed my confidence and patience through three month"s telephone marketing work which I will cherish forever.Owning to the damning financial crisis,the sales of the software declined rapidly,which leads our compony"s recession so that I have almost nothing to do anymore.As I am not the one who waits opportunities to come,I decided to resign and come to X to meet a new beginning like what my schoolmates did.Maybe I am not proficient in sorting up the drawings,now, I believe in myself that I can handle it very soon. I am eager to develop my abilities ,and hope that my lerning opportunities will not stop after graduation from university.I see myself in the long-term future as committing myself to the new job and contributing to a enterprise which is innovative and expanding.Therefore,I would like to ask that you grant me an interview at which I can explain in greater detail of my qualification.Thankyou for your consideration.Sincerely yours,×××
2023-07-17 09:41:114

It is not immediately clear ______ the financial crisis will soon be over.

2023-07-17 09:41:215


Shanghai World Financial Centre
2023-07-17 09:41:512

英语中两个形容词可以一起用吗? 例: the global financial crisi

可以一起用The global financial crisis.全球金融危机。
2023-07-17 09:41:592


The financial management of commercial Banks, to improve the competitiveness of is the core content of commercial bank"s financial management of commercial bank credit is the capital and the financial revenues and expenditures in the activities of planning, organizing, to adjust and control. With the deepening of the reform of the financial system in China and strengthen financial supervision and the internal management of state-owned Banks and self-discipline. At the same time, along with our country banking of foreign Banks to open, also means banking will introduce the international competition, face the grim situation, to realize the transition to international commercial bank to have further improvement and strengthening internal management of commercial Banks. But from the state-owned commercial Banks of our country actual situation of financial management, financial management, the play an important role in business management. How to use the financial management, has become a modern commercial Banks to raise the level of management is indispensable important contents.This article from the financial management in modern commercial bank management role and status of Chinese commercial Banks, analyses the differences of financial management, and pointed out the financial management of commercial Banks in China and the problems existing in the current reform ideas and structure, and puts forward the Suggestions to improve financial management of commercial Banks, to improve our country commercial bank competition ability, and put forward the current financial crisis in our commercial bank"s financial management innovation opportunities. Article thinks, highly centralized management information system and management accounting control mode, implement comprehensive cost management, strict control financial risks in China, is the perfect modern commercial Banks operating mechanism of the key.
2023-07-17 09:42:062

高手帮忙翻译下 退赔协议 好的追加分~!~~

Restitution agreement Consignee: Shipper: This year there have been severe international financial crisis led to the consignee will have no money to pay, by mutual consensus decision: to return the goods to the consignee, the consignor to receive. Following is a breakdown of the goods returned: October 3, 2008 exports of the contract,: RMS08-048S, to write off a single number: 104781557, goods are 417 men"s shirt bag (87,408), 5 accessories package (10,000 units), for a total amount of goods 174909.12 U.S. dollars.
2023-07-17 09:42:143

大学生考证的看法 英语作文(写的简单一点,100字左右)

2023-07-17 09:42:243


  您好:  中国经济  随着改革开放的深入,中国的经济正一天又一天的发展,这不仅仅是国家宏观调控的成果,更是我们人民对国家经济向好的信心,世界在变,中国在变,中国人民的生活也在发生着翻天覆地的变化。  2010年7月8日,国际货币基金组织(IMF)在最新一期《世界经济展望》中,将今年全球经济增长预期上调至4.6%,其中将中国今年经济增长率的预测较上次提高了0.5个百分点,达到了10.5%。在过去的几年里中国的经济增速平均保持在了8%,“保八!保八!”这似乎成了今年中国经济行业喊得最亮的口号。在今年我们看到在国家4万亿投资计划以及系列扩大内需政策引领下,今年一季度我国GDP增速达到11.9%,这一数字是全球第一呀!前几天,一项数据显示中国经济总量已经超过日本成为世界第二大经济体。中国经济在以强劲的势头发展,在未来的世界中国必将成为一个闪亮的主角!  但是我们在为高速发展经济而欣慰时,我们必须看到,中国在许多方面任然不能与发达国家相比,一项统计数据显示,中国的人居国民收入仅为三千多美元,仅仅是日本的十分之一,这个差距是中国发展的一大缺陷;有一份外国的调查显示,中国的一位劳动者劳动8年+10个月的收入才等于英国劳动者劳动八个月的收入还等于美国劳动者劳动一年的收入。不仅是收入上的,还有社会保障、医疗保障、社会福利等等许多方面都有着极大的差距。我们在高兴的同时还应从实际出发,把握时机,大力发展经济,增加就业,从分发挥投资、消费、出口这三架马车的作用,不断促进我国经济又好又快发展。  总之我们应该树立一个居安思危的心态,胜不骄败不馁,积极应对国际挑战,充分发挥社会主义的优越性,促进国民经济蓬勃发展。  【以供参考】
2023-07-17 09:42:533


扩散效应和冲击波在不断增长的不仅是经济的金融危机可能是一个经济衰退,欧盟,日本等发达国家也越陷越深,甚至俄罗斯,中国,印度等新兴大国也受到牵连,世界经济下滑已是不争的事实。 当然目前情况看,世界经济动荡的金融危机所带来的世界经济在1929年将超过大萧条时期还很难确定,但看在以前的金融危机的影响,本轮金融危机必将带来世界政治版图的变化。 国际趋势转向 1929年至1933年世界经济大萧条的国家政治局势的变化和世界思想的转向。德国走向纳粹主义,走向军国主义在日本和美国实施的新政。其他国家要么右翼保守势力上台,或理事会波动的。更换自由的国家资本主义的主流思想。从那时起,他们已经加强了分化组合,世界动荡加剧,最终导致了第二次世界大战。 本轮金融危机不会使世界重蹈历史覆辙,但影响的国家委员会,世界的思想和国际政治意愿继续出现。 危机首先受到了沉重的打击,美国的新自由主义模式。美国一直倡导和推行的新自由主义模式,但“华盛顿共识”在拉美20世纪90年代以来一系列碰壁。在危机发生后,美国政府被迫收购,兼并,接管了一些金融机构,在金融领域的国家管理的一部分。随着危机的深化,美国政府也可能伸出,并采取更多的金融机构和企业实体。新政府很可能自由主义和国家干预之间作出选择。 欧盟一直奉行的社会主义性质的福利制度,政府控制的一些大型企业。经济缺乏竞争力,增速放缓,近年来,国家,如法国,德国,曾经的新自由主义模式靠拢的趋势。这场危机,欧盟可能会重新考虑回到欧洲国家社会主义。 中国,俄罗斯将更加坚定地走发展的道路,独特的管理模式。将面临的新自由主义模式对世界的吸引力将大大削弱,国家资本主义成为越来越多的国家选择在世界的思路和发展模式风向的变化。 美国将下降? 金融危机在上个世纪60年代末,20世纪70年代初的金融危机,最大的共同点,战争导致财政透支。越南战争导致的成本超过6860亿美元的美国财政赤字和国家债务大幅上升,加上石油危机的影响,美元的地位。美国内外交困,最终宣布取消金本位制度,放弃固定汇率制度。 触发,掀起金融危机影响,房地产次贷危机,但根本原因在于战争导致金融的过度透支。美国打一个系列在阿富汗和伊拉克的两场战争,仅伊拉克战争耗资648亿美元。从克林顿时期的财政盈余,到布什政府时期的了一个巨大的预算赤字为$ 400亿美元。总债务达53万亿美元,超越国民生产总值高达13万亿美元。 20世纪60年代中后期开始的金融危机引发的国际金融体系的转型,并最终削弱美国的实力,美国被迫进行战略调整和收缩,美国的战略态势美国和苏联攻击,苏联保持到苏联进攻美国保持。 本轮金融危机中,美国战略和国际格局的变化将带来显着的调整,也难以确定,因为金融危机才刚刚开始。如果危机恶化,美元危机及其影响,尽可能在20世纪60年代末开始的金融危机,对美国的力量和世界政治格局。 变化的大国从目前情况看,金融危机可能导致大国的实力的增长和下降。 金融危机的蔓延,所有国家的全球影响和冲击,但美国的不同影响的性质从根本上关系到经济是继续增长或衰退,对其他国家的影响是有限的,更经济的增长,越来越大的压力。 俄罗斯,中国,印度,巴西等新兴大国,例如。虽然金融危机导致的股市暴跌,出口受到攻击,外汇储备大幅缩水,金融稳定受到威胁,但不是致命的,而不是简单地动摇实体经济。 俄罗斯,印度今年的经济增长率在8%以上,而中国将保持接近两位数。金融危机对新兴大国的增长速度下降的问题,而不是经济衰退的压力。国际权威机构预测,中国的经济增长可能会下降到9%左右,明年从目前的两位数的增长。即使这样,比起用-0.1%在美国是不一样的概念。 如果本轮金融危机中,据一些专家估计,过去2-5年,这意味着美国和其他大国的一个超级大国的格局将进一步改变,很多人会面临调整。俄罗斯与格鲁吉亚的冲突和随后美俄对抗升级,已经在一定程度上反映了大国之间的关系的相对强度变化的影响。 移动金融危机后在冰岛是非常值得关注的。冰岛作为一个小国,发达的金融创新,在金融危机的冲击几乎使其面临经济崩溃,急需外资救济。但美国自身难保,欧盟的时间到他的关心,冰岛超过$ 500亿美元的外汇储备俄罗斯寻求帮助。但冰岛作为北约成员国,美国和欧洲的那一刻无奈袖手旁观,而俄罗斯是能拉一个。如果更多的欧洲小型和中型的国家,是一个危机,俄罗斯来的救援,欧洲地缘政治的影响更大。 国际金融体系的竞争,的主动不仅是大国的战略态势的变化,欧盟,日本和美国的关系也可能改变。面对股市崩盘时刻的救市呼吁欧盟,但欧盟并不热心。四国首脑会议的欧盟刚刚通过了不痛不痒的声明,而不是采取协调一致的行动。欧盟主导的国际金融体系,加上利息。法国正在积极准备召开一次紧急首脑会议,欧盟的带领下,邀请中国和印度等新兴国家的参与,其目的是建立一个新的全球金融体系。显然,欧盟寻求,导致现有的国际金融规则和机制,改变国际金融体系长期以来一直占主导地位的美国。 欧盟和美国之间的争夺未来的竞争,在国际金融体系和财务管理模式上,还体现在德国政府的一项举措。美国的做法,到了破产的边缘,调整金融机构资本,收购和兼并,德国政府单方面宣布将提供无限担保所有私人银行存户,德国正试图向世界证明,德国的私人利益储蓄存款在首位。这似乎意味着,欧盟救助计划模式更加人性化,也反映了欧洲特色菜。 希望通过
2023-07-17 09:43:063

高分求摘要英文翻译 人工翻译的请进满意追加

Summary of Financial Risk Management Real Estate real estate is the fastest growing industries in China, one of the rapid growth of the national economy has made tremendous contributions. 然而,房地产业在经历了过去十年发展的黄金期后,已经从我国国民经济体系重要构成部分的支柱行业转变为现在国家进行重点调控的暴利行业。 However, the real estate development in the past decade has experienced a golden period, has moved from an important component of our national economy into the pillar industry focus countries now control the lucrative industry. 2010年伊始,国家对于房地产行业又连续出台多项调控政策,除了竞争的压力,环境的变化,加之由美国次贷危机引发的全球金融危机对我国经济产生的负面影响,房地产业所面对的宏观经济环境、法律政策环境、金融环境等都使其行业风险日益突出。 Beginning in 2010, the state issued for the real estate industry has a number of continuous control policy, in addition to the pressure of competition, the environment changes, combined with the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis triggered by the global financial crisis on the negative impact of China"s economy, the real estate industry by side on the macroeconomic environment, legal policy environment, financial environment and so the risk to the industry have become increasingly prominent. 在这种局面下,房地产企业如何有效的控制以及防范财务风险已经成为众多房地产企业必须面对且亟需解决的问题。 In this situation, the real estate business, how to control and prevent financial risks has become a large real estate companies need to face and solve problems.本文采用文献分析法、历史分析法等方法进行研究,通过阅读大量的文献,将以往对房地产企业财务风险管理的探讨进行整理归纳,并对这些理论进行加工分析基础上,提出自己对论文选题的观点。 Document analysis, historical analysis and other methods to study, by reading the extensive literature, the past of the real estate business of financial risk management to collate the induction, and processing of these theories based on the analysis, put forward its own election on the paper Question view.文章分为三个部分,首先从房地产行业其自身的行业特征入手,总结了房地产企业财务风险的表现形式,并从系统性和非系统性两个角度分析这些风险的形成原因,最后,从宏观和微观方面,提出防范以及管理相关风险的措施。 Article is divided into three parts, the first from the real estate industry of its own specific characteristics, summarizes the financial risk of real estate business forms, and from both systematic and non-systemic point of view of the causes of these risks, and finally, From the macro and micro levels, for the prevention and management of risks associated measures.关键词:行业特点;风险表现形式;风险原因;规避风险措施机器翻译的不要再费事儿了,可以看得出来的 Key words: industry characteristics; risk forms; risk causes; avoid risk measures to stop the machine translation fee thing, and be seen by 看得出来也给你发一个!
2023-07-17 09:43:152


1、财务危机(Financial crisis)又称财务困境(Financial distress),国内外学术界并没有给出财务危机的统一定义,通常公认有两种确定的方法:一是法律对企业破产的定义,企业破产是用来衡量企业财务危机最常用的标准,也是最准确和最极端的标准;二是以证券交易所对持续亏损、有重大潜在损失或者股价持续低于一定水平的上市公司给予特别处理或退市作为标准。根据中外学者的研究,财务危机至少有以下几种表现形式:第一,从企业的运营情况看,表现为产销严重脱节,企业销售额和销售利润明显下降,多项绩效评价指标严重恶化;第二,从企业的资产结构看,表现为应收账款大幅增长,产品库存迅速上升;第三,从企业的偿债能力看,表现为丧失偿还到期债务的能力,流动资产不足以偿还流动负债,总资产低于总负债;第四,从企业现金流量看,表现为缺乏偿还即将到期债务的现金流,现金总流入小于现金总流出。 2、所谓企业财务预警,即财务失败预警,是指借助企业提供的财务 报表、经营计划及其他相关会计资料,利用财会、统计、金融、企业管理、市场营销理论,采用比率分析、比较分析、因素分析及多种分析方法,对企业的经营活动、财务活动等进行分析预测,以发现企业在经营管理活动中潜在的经营风险和财务风险,并在危机发生之前向企业经营者发出警告督促企业管理当局采取有效措施,避免潜在的风险演变成损失,起到未雨绸缪的作用;而且,作为企业经营预警系统的重要子系统,也可为企业纠正经营方向、改进经营决策和有效配置资源提供可靠依据。
2023-07-17 09:43:242

求助:谁能帮忙修改留学Personal Statement~~~~

支持楼下的说,如果可以,找个专业的翻译,大概也就200快钱出国一趟,成功第一啊。那么多学费等都教了,不能就差这一点而耽误了全部吧 ?
2023-07-17 09:43:394


2023-07-17 09:44:067


sharply 是修饰decline。decline 这里是动词原形,所以可以用副词修饰。watch,see 等动词后面如跟动词需省略 to.
2023-07-17 09:44:371


59. It makes me happy that lots of people survived the earthequake60. The black president of United States is a first64. Speaking of computers, Peter is an expert, but I am only a beginner65. Only through communications between the children and parents, can the difference in points of views be minimized66. People commonly think that early childhood experiences often shape their characteristics68. Professor Wong pointed out in his lecture that teachers have to renew their knowledge continously42. Psychologists believe that the enconomic stress can be relieved by throwing plates at the wall.改的多了点
2023-07-17 09:44:544

having suffered great losses in the financial crisis ,the company closed down last year对吗?

对 对 对
2023-07-17 09:45:022

97 年亚洲金融风暴是怎么回事啊?

亚洲金融风暴对经济的直接影响 1.股市价值下滑2成至5成 由1997年10月至1998年10月间,亚洲各国及地区,除了中国外,都面对股市的大幅下跌。日本及台湾下跌约2成,余下的地方都超过4成;马来西亚更下跌超过5成。在短短期间,各国及地方都损失四成多的资产,情况实在令人惊心。 2.汇市价值亦出现贬值 经过金融风暴,各国及地方的币值都相继下调。四小龙,除香港维持联系汇率免去贬值可能性外,其余亚洲国家及地区的货币〔中国除外〕有30%至80%的贬值。印尼的贬值更高达340%。这些都对整体资产价值做成庞大的打击。 3.贬值后出入口不升反跌 有些政策人士,特别是国际组织如世界银行及国际货币基金组织,都认为贬值会有助于出入口的竞争力,刺激经济复苏。但事实却刚巧相反,1998年的预测,除了印度外,其余各国和地区都出现负增长。出口下跌的估计达5%至10%。而入口更出现大幅减少。除了台湾和香港只下跌6%至10%,其余下跌超过12%以上;泰国和印尼更大幅减少3成。显示贬值不一定可以增加出口,减少入口也只能延缓而已。 4.经济前景都出现相当负增长 结果,亚洲各国和地区的经济由高速增长突然转为负增长。除中、印、台外,余无一幸免。韩、马、泰估计负增长6%-8%;印尼则出现可能18%的大幅负增长。 5.失业情况急趋恶劣 当整体经济呈现负增长时,失业问题肯定急趋恶劣;所有受金融风暴影响的国家及地区,失业率都较前一年增加一倍以上。表5显示除台湾及新加坡能维持低于4%以外,余下都超过5%;韩国、菲律宾及印尼等地被估计其失业率急升10%以上。 6.工资下降、楼价下跌 由于失业人员大增,造成劳工市场供大于求。企业雇主乘机调低工资,减少成本。例如香港的工资普遍下调1-2成。同时,因消费力减弱,销售市场欠佳,用者无法负担高昂楼价或租金。造成楼价及租金也下跌。香港的情况尤为厉害,楼价下跌达3成。 亚洲金融风暴对社会保障的直接影响 1.社会保障基金投资回报遭受大损 退休保障,特别是个人帐户形式的公积金制度,积累庞大的社保基金;有关当局必须想法投资以保值增值。但投资往往带有极大风险,特别是投资于股票及汇率市场,价值涨落波幅很大。这次亚洲金融风暴的出现,导致股市汇市相继大幅下调,将令很多社保基金损失惨重。这里尝试看看香港情况。 由于香港已决意发展强制私营公积金,这里将分析对其可能影响。首先,我们发现全球性的金融风暴差不多每十年发生一次。投资回报须以周期性来分析,不能断章由某高峰期来估算。例如上一次股灾是1987年,便不适宜用1983年来估算,应从股灾后起投资至另一次大股灾如97年为一周期,才能较准确估算投资的真正确实的回报。 就现时强积金草案纵容高风险投资策略,容许以百分之百资产投资于股票市场,即使以最后一年才以百分之百资产投入股票市场,并只以现时香港的金融风暴的影响来计算(若用东南亚情况计算,灾害更大),一旦出现问题,非同小可。 在过去十年投资周期,香港私营的整体退休基金的周期年均回报率,粗估只有6%(假设股票损失3成)。这估算低于年均通胀率8.8%。换言之,强积金草案的高风险投资策略易受金融风暴摧残。 强积金办事处回应1997年投资回报只损失7%;但参考香港上市公司10大家族的资产变化,即可见1997年大多损失30%至50%不等,可见笔者的估计准确可信。换言之,私营强积金的高风险的投资策略不能抵受金融风暴的打击,导致市民极大损失。 若以土地基金的稳重投资策略(即30%股票40%债股和30%银行现金),即使遇到相同金融风暴的负面影响,1988至1997的周期年均回报率粗估有9.5%(假设股票损失30%)。换言之,对比年均通胀8.8%,仍能保值及些少增值。但据最新1998年6月底结算,土地基金的投资也难以保值。可见亚洲金融风暴的杀伤力。相信现时亚洲大多数采用公积金制度的国家,其基金的损失会是惨重的,将严重削弱回馈能力。 2.失业人数增加,供款缴费雇员减少 由于亚洲金融风暴导致失业率急剧趋升,大部分国家的失业率达10%。这表示有1/10的雇员不能供款缴费,而其雇主供费缴费部分,亦相应损失。那么供款缴费总金额肯定损失了那年度的1/10基金。假若这些情况延续3年,情况将更为恶劣。因为大部分国家的估算很少预测失业率达10%以上的,这将造成整个社会保障基金的精算测算出现偏差,甚至影响其财政稳健性。 3.工资下降,供款缴费金额减少 避过失业的雇员很可能会遭雇主减压工资。因经济不景,失业大军增长,雇主会趁机减工资,以降成本,增利润。当工资下降,自然在供款缴费率不变情况下,雇员雇主双方的缴费金额数目相应减少,导致社会保险总金额也会下降。当然这会影响其财政稳健性。 4.企业困难增多,撇帐和不缴费上升 由于经济不景,很多企业会出现倒闭、裁员、减薪或迁离。结果企业负责供款缴费部分减少。另有些企业勉强维持运作,但难以兼顾雇员福利,于是剥减员工福利。首当其冲当然是社会保障利益:志愿性质的企业退休金,医疗保险等会取消或削减;国家立法规定的社会保障计划,也不一定能应付;不能供款缴费比率会相应增加,直接影响社保基金的财政稳健性。 5.失业人数增加,失业保险及社会援助财政负担加重 由于失业人数增加,自然领取失业保险金人数增多,直接加重失业保险金的支出,导致财政负担加大。另由于失业保险金一般只提供6个月至1年的保障,领取完毕后仍在失业的只能转向领取社会援助金。西方国家例子可见一斑;如英国和荷兰,失业人士领取社会援助金占其总数的4成至6成。现时香港失业人士领取社会援助占社会援助个案总数超过10%,正在走向西方情况。这造成政府财政重担。 亚洲金融风暴对社会保障发展的启示 1.社保基金不宜投资股市 从上表1至表6的分析结果,投资股市的风险是极高的。即使依国际惯例限制少于30%投资于股市,其后果一如香港土地基金,难以抵御金融风暴,要蒙受损失。故社保基金不宜投资股市。近期美国秘密式的对冲基金的违规做法,亦暴露其缺点及风险,损失过千亿美元,产生国际银行体系的连锁影响,导致美国政府也介入干预及挽救。相信,若没有其他更好的监管方法,这类隐蔽式的危险投机团体,还会是无日无之,在背后操纵金融市场。对于以社会保障为目标的社保基金,实不宜冒这些风险,以免伤及受保人士的福利。 2.社保基金宜投入社会服务及基本建设,可保值及创造就业机会 社保基金不投资股市,可转移投入社会服务及基本建设。不但稳健,而且有很大的界外经济效益。现时很多亚洲国家,尚未依政策规划,提供足够的服务,满足不同对象的需要。因此,可以借此机会,增加发展社会服务速度,满足社会需要,从而可即时创造就业机会,聘请人手,提供服务。 投资发展社会服务来增加就业机会的最大好处是它能为很多低技术的中年人士,提供就业机会。在一般情况下,低技术的中年人士,不论男女,都是较难与年青有技能的人士,竞争就业机会。同时,这些上年纪的人士亦较难接受技术培训,较难提升技能。但社区服务,如个人照顾、家务助理、家居维修等便民服务,是颇适合中年非技术人士来但任的。因此,这些社会服务的设立是很有必要的。 在较高层面来看,社会服务的发展如公共房屋、教育及医疗等将更大规模创造就业机会,解决失业,减少贫困。下面以香港情况来说明论点。 现时轮候公屋人士超过15万份申请表。假若香港特区政府能坚持每年兴建5万个公屋单位,将大大减少轮候人数,缩短轮候时间;且能满足未来香港人口的增长,达至800万人。除了较快地满足住屋需要外,其创造就业机会及功能效果是显著的。建造公屋可为建造业带来生意,聘请建造业工人;入伙时,住客需要装修设计,增设家用电器、家什杂物等,产生连锁性的经济效益,使整个销售业、百货业兴旺,自然增加就业机会。在公屋户区内的大型商场会增加零售业的发展。 同样,为了改善教育质素,有必要修建和加建现时的中小学。现时的教职员办公室是非常挤迫,难以发挥老师辅导学生的能力。现时师生比例太大,有减少每班学生人数的需要,以增加老师对学生的关顾。 同样,改善医疗设施也发挥相同的效果。现时报章常有报导医院病床不足,常要加设帆布床;医院人手不足,特别是护士及护理人员等。这些都有必要增加分区医院,招聘更多医护人员,以维持及改善服务质量。加建医院,增设医学科技设备,加聘人手等,将有助创造更多就业机会。 因此,发展整体社会服务,不但能改善社会工作服务、教育、房屋和医疗的设施和服务,更好地满足市民的需要,也会带来更多就业机会。 也许政策制订者会问:究竟投资入社会服务建设可带来什么经济效益?且以北京的“经济适用住房”建设为例来分析。“经济适用住房”的供应对象是城市的中低收入家庭,希望他们靠自己的经济收入,用10到20年时间,拿出20%到30%的家庭收入,买下这样的一套房。且以北京近郊区县近北京地段:每平方米2000元到4000元可买商品房。若以1997年北京市政府规定的购房成本价,城近郊区为每建筑平方米1450元左右。以一间50平方米小房计算,造价是72500元。若分25年期付款,每月平均要供240元,这供款如同交租,占现时三人家庭平均入息1200元的20%。若订在25%,中下层人士每月供300元,那么有60元或20%的利润。可见投资社会服务基本建设是可保值增值的,还可带来相关社会经济效益。 3.应以基本保障为主,维持低水平的社保金额 由于亚洲金融风暴导致股市市值下调,相信不少社保基金损失两成以上。甚者,更会影响基金财务健全性。因此,社会保障金额水平应维持于低水平和保障基本需要为主;不宜过分扩展,来保障社会中产阶层人士。这样会使社保基金保持稳健,即使受金融风暴打击,亦能保证融资充裕,有足够基金提供社保金给予基本需要人士。换言之,在世界金融体系未完成改革之前,甚或改革之后,仍恐怕会有很多隐蔽组织如长期资本管理对冲基金等趁机炒卖,应把“维持低水平社保金额以保障基本需要为主”的政策订为长期国策,不宜修改。即使国家经济蓬勃发展,也不宜提高保障金额水平。一则可避免如金融风暴的突如其来的破坏,同时可采用丰富资源用在社会服务式的社会保障,三则更可维持市民工作动力,不因社保金额水平过高而挫伤劳动积极性。 4.不应设立失业保险,造成财政负担 应否设立失业保险常常成为改策的争议。但经亚洲金融风暴一役,其后遗症显然导致大量失业。除新加坡、马来西亚和台湾仍可维持失业率在5%以下外,其他国家和地区大都接近10%或以上。试问要为这么庞大的失业大军提供基本的失业保险金,所花费的财政将会是天文数字。一下子要拿出这笔金额,将会对已备受冲击的经济不景下的政府财政造成沉重负担。因此,制订稳健的社会保障政策适宜避免设立失业保险。保障失业者,可改由社会援助来提供最低生活保障,保证不会跌穿社会安全网。对应付诸如金融风暴的危机,这种社保安排会较为妥善。 事实上,一般西方国家的失业保险安排,都是为失业者提供失业保险金半年至一年后,届时若还未能找到工作,只能转移申请资产入息审查的社会援助救济来解决基本生活问题。因此若以基本生活保障为主,根本无须为有一定资产储蓄的失业者提供过渡性质的失业保险金。 即使以没有受金融风暴冲击的中国来说,为所有非自愿性失业者包括那些有一定资产储蓄的中产失业者提供失业保险金,将造成很多后遗症。 (1)失业保险财政易出赤字。自1986年建立失业保险以来,1992年失业保险支出,因失业人数增加,便达到前来年总和;1994年的失业保险支出,又是前7年总和的1.2倍;有些地区已出现入不敷出的情况。所余的基金只能维持200万人一年的基本生活,但据预测,从1995年到2000年,由于企业破产解雇,减产裁员的职工将达1800万人,年均300万人。加大10倍失业保险基金也不一定足够应付(《中国再就业工程实施指南》,1998年)。 (2)失业保险制度名下出现各种开支,包括医疗费、丧葬补助费、亲属抚恤费、生产自救费和管理费等,难以监管审计。故有提出建立由用人单位、劳动者、工会和公众团体的代表组成的社会监督机构,其实效有待证实。 (3)现时适用范围限于国有企业,若推广至各种企业制和打破城乡界限,承担的责任将超越数亿人,包括1.2亿的乡镇企业工人。是否可以承担,实成疑问。 较可行的办法是以最低生活保障制度来为失业者提供“安全网”保证基本生活需要。而有关资源则可用作再就业服务资金,提供职训津贴,以鼓励改进本身技能、转业准备、寻找职业和生产自救。这比设立失业保险金为佳。事实上,现时中国国策也是把失业保险的救济功能放在首位。因此,精简正名,倒不如选用最低生活保障和职训津贴补助来得更直接有效(详尽分析日后可见莫泰基等编,《香港劳资关系与社会保障》,2000,中国劳动出版社)。 5.制定贫穷线,作为社会援助金的安全纲水平 不设立失业保险,则必须有一个妥善社会援助制度。但很多社会援助制度都是因随政治争执而改变,未能有效地提供一适当保障水平,照顾最不能自助者的需要。较有依据的做法是选择适当的方法,制定官方贫困线,以此为社会援助制度的基本保障金,以社会安全网形式,成为社会最后防线,保障市民。这样会有效率地照顾最有需要的人士,并保证社会安定,维持良好治安法纪。 【责任编辑】郑菁 【参考文献】 1 李罗力主编,1998,《第二冲击波——从东南亚金融风暴到全球经济大变局》,贵州人民出版社。 2 姜建青主编,1998,《海外金融风潮评析》,上海财经大学出版社。 3 王航等编,1998,《阻击风暴——东亚金融危机中的狙击与阻击》,贵州人民出版社。 4 莫泰基,1993,《香港贫穷与社会保障》,香港:中华书局。 5 莫泰基,1999,《消灭贫穷的政策构思》,中华书局。 6 莫泰基等,1996,《扶贫与就业》,理工大学与香港社保学会。 7 《中国再就业工程实践指南》,1998,工商出版社。 8 Asian NGOs,1998,Financial Crisis: Our Response,Hong Kong:Clear Cut
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Gender Inequality in Employment of College Graduates Gender Inequality is a long-standing historical and global problem .In ancient times, many countries in the world exist such Concept , but the practice of Feminist movement have never stopped. Nowadays, all over the world to advocate equality between men and women ,and in fact the situation is become better and better , but many people still Hold on this concept In the subconscious .Today ,we are suffering the global financial crisis, the economic downturn, make it more and more difficult for the college graduates to look for jobs. In this case, it seems unlikely that girls can find a job, because many enterprises and institutions in the recruitment of Discrimination against girls with a variety of reasons. In my opinion, the concept is wrong, equality between the sexes has long been written into national laws of many countries. And there are many outstanding women, take a important roles in the government and enterprises . At present-day society, the ability of women don"t seem to be smaller than men, so we should change our concept of inequality between men and women completely, we should give girls much more opportunities. And our society will become more harmonious and beautiful! 译文:高校毕业生招聘中的性别歧视 作文库大全小升初中考满分高考满分高考零分 性别歧视是一个全球性的、历史长久的问题。在古代,世界上许多国家人民都抱有这样的观念,但是女权运动也从未平息过。 现在,全世界都在倡导男女平等,事实上这种状况也有很大的改观,但许多人潜意识里仍然存在着性别歧视观念。今天,我们正遭受着全球金融危机的冲击,这使得高校毕业生的就业前景雪上加霜。在这种情况下,女生要找到一份工作似乎更加困难,因为许多企事业用各种各样的理由拒绝女生。 在我看来这种观念是错误的,男女平等已经被写入各国法律很久了。现在,有许多杰出女士,担任着各国政府的政要和企业中的重要位置。 在如今社会,女生的能力不一定会比男生弱,所以我们要彻底改变男女不平等的观念,我们要给予女生们更多的机会。这个社会会变得更加和谐、美好
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