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2022-07-10 Antd表单的基本使用

近期在开发团队官网的过程中碰到了需要运用表单的场景,去年学习React时是通过网上的视频教程自学的,课程的小demo中用户输入数据的收集是通过input框,结合ref实现的,因此形成了思维定式,每一次收集用户数据都用这种方式。一个偶然的机会才猛然想起使用表单,功能开发完后写下此文,记录这次学习的内容。 Form.useForm():创建form控制实例,不提供时会自动创建 onFinish:提交表单且数据验证成功后回调事件 validateFields:触发表单校验 getFieldValue:获取表单指定字段的值 name:字段名,在getFieldValue传入这个值可以获取字段的数据 label:字段的标签 关于Antd表单的内容有补充时另写。 通过在form标签或其提交按钮中的action、method、submit等属性来提交表单 通过js中调用submit函数提交表单,action、method等属性在form标签中定义 通过DOM技术收集表单数据,再作为请求的query或body提交。 1、刷新 form提交,在更新数据完成后,会转到一个空白页面再对原页面进行提交后处理,即便是提交给自己本身的页面,从这点来说form提交用户体验较差;AJAX是局部刷新,不会跳转,刷新效率更高,用户体验更好。 2、支持 form只支持GET/POST两种请求。 3、适用场景 form适合前后端不分离项目;AJAX适合前后端分离项目。 参考资料和原文


英 ["peu026antu026au014b] 美 [u02c8pentu026au014b]n.绘画; 油画; 上色,着色; 颜料,油漆v.绘画( paint的现在分词); 涂色于网 络绘画;画;幅画;涂装复数: paintings 报 错1. I don"t know if the painting is authentic.我不知道这幅画是不是真迹。来自《权威词典》2. a connoisseur of Italian painting意大利绘画鉴赏家来自《权威词典》3. a painting depicting the Virgin and Child一幅描绘童贞马利亚和圣子耶稣的画来自《权威词典》4. The exterior of the house needs painting.房子外墙需要油漆。

Antd 树形选择节点问题

Antd 提供的 TreeSelect树形选择非常好用,但是有一个问题:节点选择。场景一:当底层child 节点数为多个时 可以正常选择,但是为1时,会自动选择到父节点上,怎么办?场景二:当我想要选择2级child节点时,选中的却是3级child节点,该如何解决?解决这个问题的关键在于 灵活使用一个属性:showCheckedStrategy(默认是子节点) u26a0ufe0f注意:这个对象的值是枚举类型 SHOW_ALL: 显示所有选中节点(包括父节点) SHOW_PARENT: 只显示父节点(当父节点下所有子节点都选中时) SHOW_CHILD :只显示子节点个人推荐使用三元运算 灵活改变节点取值,这样能在项目中满足多个不同等级账户的使用需求。


工作中使用antd需要对其样式进行一些修改,一开始以为直接在组件上加入className就好,但发现在好的情况下完全不可取,问了对这个比较熟悉,恍然大悟,记录下来,映像好点 修改样式无法两种情况,全局样式修改,局部样式修改 下面我就已一个按钮组件为例子来写个demo 特点: 虽然你是在当前目录下的less或css文件修改了,但是全局生效的,建议如果有全局修改的需求,放到global.less的文件中修改,并做好注释。 如:我这边修改按钮组件的样式 注意:这里就要提到css modules的一个类名加载机制了,上面应该看到了,最外层有个类 为 lqDemo ,因为css modules 的机制是,如果你不使用它,那就不会进行加载。所以无论如果需要在外面加上一个class类,进行使用,否则仅仅引用是不会生效的 这个时候就需要用到css的作用域了 像这样嵌套在:global下就好了 哈哈哈 是不是就解决了,其实还有其它的方式,但我觉得这种方式是最好的




react没有v-model这种双向绑定指令。所以要想实现双向绑定,就需要给输入框一个默认的value,并且通过change监听事件去改变value来达到双向绑定的目的。 在antd的表单组件中。如果给每个item组件设置了name。那么就不需要去手动实现双向绑定了。只需要通过 form.setFieldsValue方法。将对应的数据传过去。from组件就会根据对应的name和字段名来双向绑定。 可以通过Form.useForm()来拿到整个from对象。 form.resetFields()方法可以重置整个表单的数据。 form.validateFields()触发表单验证,并返回表单数据。 在使用antd的日期组件时,发现直接给组件指定年月日的日期格式的数据时,会报错 date.clone方法未定义。官网指明,antd的日期组件是依赖moment库实现的,并且指定默认值的时候也需要传入moment格式的日期。所以只需要将需要传入的日期用momentI()方法转一下格式就行了


使用ANTD(ant design)开发需要安装Node.JS,cnpm,tyarn,umi等包。yarn是npm的替代品,正如tyarn取代cnpm。在未来的项目中我们会使用tyarn进行JS的包管理。 Node.JS安装成功后,在安装路径下有 npm 命令脚本。npm是Node.JS的包管理器,可以使用npm命令安装各种所需的包。但由于npm包的默认安装源在国外,速度慢,因此需将安装源映射在国内。需要安装cnpm和tyarn。




捕获异常的语句:e.printStackTrace();1、e是Throwable的实例异常对象,用在catch语句中,相当于一个形参,一旦try捕获到了异常,那么就将这个异常信息交给e,由e处理,printStackTrace()是异常类的一个方法。与它重载的方法还有printStackTrace(PrintStream s) 和printStackTrace(PrintWriter s)。2、在Throwable类中printStackTrace()内部是这样执行的:public void printStackTrace() {printStackTrace(System.err);}3、它调用了printStackTrace(PrintStream s)方法。err是System类当中的一个静态PrintStream类型字段。所以它能传递进去。扩展资料public void printStackTrace()将此 throwable 及其追踪输出至标准错误流。此方法将此 Throwable 对象的堆栈跟踪输出至错误输出流,作为字段 System.err 的值。输出的第一行包含此对象的 toString() 方法的结果。剩余行表示以前由方法 fillInStackTrace() 记录的数据。此信息的格式取决于实现,但以下示例是最常见的:java.lang.NullPointerExceptionat MyClass.mash(MyClass.java:9)at MyClass.crunch(MyClass.java:6)at MyClass.main(MyClass.java:3)参考资料百度百科-Java



All i want for Christmas is you的中英文对照歌词,要Justin的

latin girl Let"s go,she is my Latin Girl   一起走吧,她是我的拉丁女孩   She"s my Latin Girl   她是我的拉丁女孩   I was on the beach,yeah,I was on vacation   当时我正在沙滩,对,我正在度假   I was doing nothing ,I was just sitting patient   我正在无聊中,我耐心的坐着   Then you walked by you caught my eye   然后你从我身边走过,你吸引了我   I said who"s this girl?   我说这是哪个女孩?   She"s looking super fly   她看起来好酷好漂亮   Hey Miss beautiful,I"ve never seen you before   嘿!美丽女士,我从来没遇到过你   And I would like to be the one show you I am cool at all   我很乐意为你成为一个能展示全能的人   Hey little mama,what you got on ya?   嘿!小女士,你是否已经得到了你想要的东西?   Looking so good   你看起来很漂亮   And I just want to telephone ya   而我只想能得到你的电话号码   She"s my latin girl   她是我的拉丁女孩   Ohhh   噢~~~   Pretty lady don"t you think it"s crazy   漂亮女士,你不认为这样很疯狂吗?   She"s my latin girl   她是我的拉丁女孩   Ohhhh   噢~~~   She tries to fight it   她尝试与自己的思想作斗争   But she knows she likes it   但她清楚自己喜欢这种感觉   She"s my latin girl   她是我的拉丁女孩   Ooohhh   她是我的拉丁女孩   So wanna see …   很想再看她一眼   Then she"s looking at me   而她正看着我   She"s my latin girl   她是我的拉丁女孩   Yeah yeah yeah   Hey Miss beautiful   嘿!美丽女士   I"ve never seen you before   我从来没遇到过你   And I would like to be the one show you I am cool at all   我很乐意为你成为一个能展示全能的人   Hey little mama ,What you got on ya?   嘿!小女士,你是否已经得到了你想要的东西?   Looking so good,and I just want to telephone ya   而我只想能得到你的电话号码   She"s my latin girl   她是我的拉丁女孩   Ooohhhh   噢~~~   Pretty lady don"t you think it"s crazy   漂亮女士,你不认为这样很疯狂吗?   She"s my latin girl   她是我的拉丁女孩   Ooohhh   噢~~~   She tries to fight it   她尝试与自己的思想作斗争   But she knows she likes it   但她清楚自己喜欢这种感觉   She"s my latin girl   她是我的拉丁女孩   Ooohhhh   噢~~~   So wanna see…   很想再看她一眼   Then she"s looking at me   而她正看着我   She"s my latin girl   她是我的拉丁女孩   Yeah yeah yeah   She"s my latin girl   她是我的拉丁女孩   Ooohhh   噢~~~   Pretty lady don"t you think it"s crazy   漂亮女士,你不认为这样很疯狂吗?   She"s my latin girl   她是我的拉丁女孩   Ooohhh   噢~~~   She tries to fight it   她尝试与自己的思想作斗争   But she knows she likes it   但她清楚自己喜欢这种感觉   She"s my latin girl   她是我的拉丁女孩   Oooohhh   噢~~~   So wanna see…   很想再看她一眼   Then she"s looking at me   而她正看着我   She"s my latin girl   她是我的拉丁女孩   Yeah yeah yeahAll I Want Is You Sitting here, all alone   独自坐在这里   Watching the snow fall   看着雪花飘落   Looking back at the days   回首那些日子   We threw them snow balls   我们扔着雪球   I can"t believe   我不能理解   I"m putting the tree up by myself   我为自己把树(圣诞树)举起来   I need you   我需要你   And nobody else   和其他人   And I"m sorry   对不起   If I pushed you away   如果我把你赶走   Cuz I need to here   因为我需要在这里   And I want for you to know   我要让你知道   And I don"t care, if I don"t get anything   我不介意,如果我没有得到任何东西   All I need is you here right now   我现在只需要你在这儿   And I"m sorry if I hurt you   对不起,如果我伤害了你   But I know that All I Want Is You   但我知道你是我想要的一切   This christmas, this christmas, this christmas   这个圣诞节...   All I Want Is You   你就是我想要的所有   This christmas, this christmas, this christmas   这个圣诞节...   All I Want Is You this christmas   你就是我想要的所有   And I never wanna do this alone   我不想如此孤单   Baby I just need you to be here   宝贝我需要你在这儿   Here through the holidays (yeah)   在这儿度过假期   I just wanna if you feel the same way   我只想如果你有同样的感觉   Because I"m lonely baby   因为我是孤独的   Want you to hold me baby   想要你抱着我 宝贝   And I"m sorry   对不起   If I pushed you away   如果我把你赶走   I just want you to know I miss you   我只想让你感受到我想你   And I want you to stay   我想要你留下来   And I don"t care, if I don"t get anything   如果我什么都没有得到 我并不介意   All I need is you here right now   你在身边就是我想要的全部   And I"m sorry if I hurt you   对不起,如果我伤害了你   But I know that All I Want Is You   但我知道你是我想要的一切   This christmas, this christmas, this christmas   这个圣诞节...   All I Want Is You   你就是我想要的所有   This christmas, this christmas, this christmas   这个圣诞节...   All I Want Is You this christmas   所有你想要的这个圣诞节   Wrapping gets without you babe   包装得到没有你宝贝   It"s like mid december and there"s no cold   这就像是十二月中期也不冷   I can"t do this on my own   我不能这么做我自己   I"ve changed my ways   我已经改变了我的方式   Keep running back and forth again   保持来回跑了   I"m here to stay   我在这里停留   And I don"t care, if I don"t get anything   我不介意,如果我没有得到任何东西   All I need is you here right now   所有我需要的是你现在在这里   And I"m sorry if I hurt you   对不起,如果我伤害了你   But I know that All I Want Is You   但我知道你是我要的一切   This christmas, this christmas, this christmas   这个圣诞节,圣诞节,圣诞节   All I Want Is You   你就是我想要的所有   This christmas, this christmas, this christmas   这个圣诞节...   All I Want Is You this christmas   在这个圣诞你就是我想要的所有 Justin Bieber - All I Want Is YouSitting here, all aloneWatching the snow fallLooking back at the daysWe threw them snow ballsI can"t believeI"m putting the tree up by myselfI need youAnd nobody elseAnd I"m sorryIf I pushed you awayCuz I need to hereAnd I want for you to knowAnd I don"t care, if I don"t get anythingAll I need is you here right nowAnd I"m sorry if I hurt youBut I know that All I Want Is YouThis christmas, this christmas, this christmasAll I Want Is YouThis christmas, this christmas, this christmasAll I Want Is You this christmasAnd I never wanna do this aloneBaby I just need you to be hereHere through the holidays (yeah)I just wanna if you feel the same wayBecause I"m lonely babyWant you to hold me babyAnd I"m sorryIf I pushed you awayI just want you to know I miss youAnd I want you to stayAnd I don"t care, if I don"t get anythingAll I need is you here right nowAnd I"m sorry if I hurt youBut I know that All I Want Is YouThis christmas, this christmas, this christmasAll I Want Is YouThis christmas, this christmas, this christmasAll I Want Is You this christmasWrapping gets without you babeIt"s like mid december and there"s no coldI can"t do this on my ownI"ve changed my waysKeep running back and forth againI"m here to stayAnd I don"t care, if I don"t get anythingAll I need is you here right nowAnd I"m sorry if I hurt youBut I know that All I Want Is YouThis christmas, this christmas, this christmasAll I Want Is YouThis christmas, this christmas, this christmasAll I Want Is You this christmas贾斯汀·比伯-你是我所有的需要坐在这里,独自看下雪回首天我们扔雪球我理解不了我把树的时候我需要你和其他人对不起如果我把你赶走因为我需要在这里我要让你知道我不介意,如果我没有得到任何东西所有我需要的是你现在在这里对不起,如果我伤害了你但我知道你是我要的一切这个圣诞节,圣诞节,圣诞节你是我想要的所有这个圣诞节,圣诞节,圣诞节所有你想要的这个圣诞节我不想做这件事宝贝我需要你在这里在这里,通过假期(耶)我想如果你有同样的感觉因为我是孤独的想你抱着我宝贝对不起如果我把你赶走我只是想让你知道我想念你我想要你留下来我不介意,如果我没有得到任何东西所有我需要的是你现在在这里对不起,如果我伤害了你但我知道你是我要的一切这个圣诞节,圣诞节,圣诞节你是我想要的所有这个圣诞节,圣诞节,圣诞节所有你想要的这个圣诞节包装得到没有你宝贝这就像是十二月中期也不冷我不能这么做我自己我已经改变了我的方式保持来回跑了我在这里停留我不介意,如果我没有得到任何东西所有我需要的是你现在在这里对不起,如果我伤害了你但我知道你是我要的一切这个圣诞节,圣诞节,圣诞节你是我想要的所有这个圣诞节,圣诞节,圣诞节所有你想要的这个圣诞节

e.printStackTrace() ; 是什么意思?

捕获异常的语句:e.printStackTrace();1、e是Throwable的实例异常对象,用在catch语句中,相当于一个形参,一旦try捕获到了异常,那么就将这个异常信息交给e,由e处理,printStackTrace()是异常类的一个方法。与它重载的方法还有printStackTrace(PrintStream s) 和printStackTrace(PrintWriter s)。2、在Throwable类中printStackTrace()内部是这样执行的:public void printStackTrace() {printStackTrace(System.err);}3、它调用了printStackTrace(PrintStream s)方法。err是System类当中的一个静态PrintStream类型字段。所以它能传递进去。扩展资料public void printStackTrace()将此 throwable 及其追踪输出至标准错误流。此方法将此 Throwable 对象的堆栈跟踪输出至错误输出流,作为字段 System.err 的值。输出的第一行包含此对象的 toString() 方法的结果。剩余行表示以前由方法 fillInStackTrace() 记录的数据。此信息的格式取决于实现,但以下示例是最常见的:java.lang.NullPointerExceptionat MyClass.mash(MyClass.java:9)at MyClass.crunch(MyClass.java:6)at MyClass.main(MyClass.java:3)参考资料百度百科-Java

The invention of various____promotes the exploration of outer space.


tomcat 启动抛出java.lang.IllegalArgumentException异常问题

C:Program FilesApache Software FoundationTomcat 6.0webappsswork这个目录不存在造成的问题。在你的程序里边搜索这个目录“swork”,或者查找配置文件中的该路径,初步怀疑是你的配置文件出的错误。多打了一个.s 默认应该是work。重装tomcat不会有任何帮助。

e.printStackTrace() ; 是什么意思?

捕获异常的语句:e.printStackTrace();1、e是Throwable的实例异常对象,用在catch语句中,相当于一个形参,一旦try捕获到了异常,那么就将这个异常信息交给e,由e处理,printStackTrace()是异常类的一个方法。与它重载的方法还有printStackTrace(PrintStream s) 和printStackTrace(PrintWriter s)。2、在Throwable类中printStackTrace()内部是这样执行的:public void printStackTrace() {printStackTrace(System.err);}3、它调用了printStackTrace(PrintStream s)方法。err是System类当中的一个静态PrintStream类型字段。所以它能传递进去。扩展资料public void printStackTrace()将此 throwable 及其追踪输出至标准错误流。此方法将此 Throwable 对象的堆栈跟踪输出至错误输出流,作为字段 System.err 的值。输出的第一行包含此对象的 toString() 方法的结果。剩余行表示以前由方法 fillInStackTrace() 记录的数据。此信息的格式取决于实现,但以下示例是最常见的:java.lang.NullPointerExceptionat MyClass.mash(MyClass.java:9)at MyClass.crunch(MyClass.java:6)at MyClass.main(MyClass.java:3)参考资料百度百科-Java

los angeles / orange county 是哪里

翻译: Orange County ---- 奥兰治县 Los angeles ---- 洛杉矶

Judas Priest的《Tyrant》 歌词

歌曲名:Tyrant歌手:Judas Priest专辑:Metalogy群66032164:木偶Behold "tis I the commanderWhose grip controls you allResist me not, surrenderI"ll no compassion call(Tyrant) Capture of humanity(Tyrant) Conqueror of all(Tyrant) Hideous destructor(Tyrant) Every man shall fallYour very lives are held within my fingersI snap them and you cower down in fearYou spineless things who belly down to slitherTo the end of the world you follow to be near(Tyrant) Capture of humanity(Tyrant) Conqueror of all(Tyrant) Hideous destructor(Tyrant) Every man shall fallMourn for us oppressed in fearChained and shackled we are boundFreedom choked in dread we liveSince Tyrant was enthronedI listen not to sympathyWhilst ruler of this landWithdraw your feeble aches and moansOr suffer smite from this my hand(Tyrant) Capture of humanity(Tyrant) Conqueror of all(Tyrant) Hideous destructor(Tyrant) Every man shall fallMourn for us oppressed in fearChained and shackled we are boundFreedom choked in dread we liveSince Tyrant was enthronedMy legions faithful unto deathI"ll summon to my courtAnd as you perish each of youShall scream as you are sought(Tyrant) Capture of humanity(Tyrant) Conqueror of all(Tyrant) Hideous destructor(Tyrant) Every man shall fall珞珈山梦境联盟http://music.baidu.com/song/1216507

Different Kind Of Love 歌词

歌曲名:Different Kind Of Love歌手:Brendan James专辑:Brendan James (Bonus Track Version)-DeccaBrendan James - Different Kind Of LoveDriving in a trance through your lost and lonely townSomething in the air that could blow your whole house downSomething like a tragedySomething that you think you needTurning on a dime you pull into your local storeAisles going by and you forget what you"re looking forMaybe it"s a pot of goldMaybe you"re too lost to knowMaybe what you need is a different kind of loveOne that you have never seenMaybe all you are is a part of a star on a long journeyMaybe what you need is a better kind of loveOne that you could only dreamMaybe it will take all the sorrow awayAnd let you feel freeNothing like a storm in your heart to wake you upSomeone by your side and you know their not enoughMaybe you should try and stayMaybe you should walk awayMaybe what you need is a different kind of loveOne that you have never seenMaybe all you are is a part of a star on a long journeyMaybe what you need is a better kind of loveOne that you could only dreamMaybe it will take all the sorrow awayAnd let you feel freeMaybe you wake up to a brighter sunVoices in your head screaming now the change has comeWith a different kind of loveMaybe what you need is a different kind of loveOne that you have never seenMaybe all you are is a part of a star on a long journeyMaybe what you need is a different kind of loveMaybe all you are is a part of a star on a long journeyMaybe what you need is a better kind of loveMaybe it will take all the sorrow away and let you feel freeWooooohttp://music.baidu.com/song/905334



strange odd weird eccentric peculiar queer有什么区别

weird 怪异的, 超自然的, 神秘的, 不可思议的, 超乎事理之外的(厄 运的运气或命运,尤指不吉祥的)odd 和普通的、通常的或所期望的不同的;奇怪的或古怪的wild 荒唐的,离奇的,古怪的odd 是一般用法 weird源自“命运”往往带有宿命和超自然色彩,贬义居多 表示“古怪,奇怪”的单词还有:queer(指出乎意料的古怪,行为反常可疑) eccentric(来自词根center(中心)意思是和大多数人不同,非常规) bizarre 奇异的(指态度,容貌,款式等)

[A] famous[B] popularity[C] success[D] development

【答案】:B[答案] B[考点]词义辨析[解析]根据上下文,下文中说到有5万人涌入了一个只能容纳8千人的音乐会现场并造成7个小时的交通堵塞,可见这里强调的是这种音乐的受欢迎程度,故选B。


linux文件系统,的确是有很多文件夹,类似于home,ext,然后用mount映射出不同卷(分区),例如/home分区,/分区等;一般来说还应该有一个linux swap分区.我想知道的是你究竟怎么安装到文件夹里的?!这上面表示文件夹大小被设置为10G,但是目前只使用了3.76GB


  IMG是一种文件压缩格式(archive format),主要是为了创建软盘的镜像文件(disk image),它可以用来压缩整个软盘(通常指软软盘,Floppy Disk或Diskette)或整片光盘的内容,使用".IMG"这个扩展名的文件就是利用这种文件格式来创建的。  .IMG这个文件格式可视为.ISO格式的一种超集合。由于.ISO只能压缩使用ISO9660和UDF这两种文件系统的存储媒介,意即.ISO只能拿来压缩CD或DVD,因此才发展出了.IMG,它是以.ISO格式为基础另外新增可压缩使用其它文件系统的存储媒介的能力,.IMG可向后兼容于.ISO,如果是拿来压缩CD或DVD,则使用.IMG和.ISO这两种格式所压缩出来的内容是一样的。  不要将这个文件格式误认为是麦金塔软盘镜像文件(Macintosh Disk Image),麦金塔软盘镜像文件是由Aladdin Systems(现在称为Allume Systems)ShrinkWrap与Apple Disk Copy for Mac OS这两个工具软件所共用的扩展名。    一个IMG包含了软盘内容的回收机制(raw dump)。它与Disk Copy Fast这个工具软件完全不兼容,但是其他多个软件供应厂商与其他软件协定是可以支持它的。它包含的数据内容与IMA文件格式完全相同。    IMG文件格式目前可被一些工具软件所支持,包含GNU Project RaWrite & RaWrite2,RawWrite for Windows,以及WinRawrite。它可以被微软的工具软件所访问,包含Microsoft Virtual Machine/Microsoft Virtual Server与WinImage。  Nero Burning ROM在6.0以前的版本是可以支持读取IMG文件格式来创建可开机的CD磁片(bootable CD),但是以后的版本都把它列入IMA的文件格式。  它是第一个最常使用也是最流行在HDCopy与DiskDupe这两个DOS工具软件的文件格式。  较知名的Windows下可创建、编辑IMG文件的软件是WinImage。

关于LEAD网站中的CONTACT US和ABOUT US信息怎么写?拜托了各位 谢谢

联系方式就写名字或者公司名,地址,电话,邮箱。关于我们就随便写点网站是干什么的。不过我一般包括ToS使用条款,Privacy Policy隐私策略也加上去。 查看更多答案>>


https://www.ventoy.net/cn/index.html](https://www.ventoy.net/cn/index.html Ventoy是一个制作可启动U盘的开源工具。有了Ventoy你就无需反复地格式化U盘,你只需要把 ISO/WIM/IMG/VHD(x)/EFI 等类型的文件拷贝到U盘里面就可以启动了,无需其他操作。 你可以一次性拷贝很多个不同类型的镜像文件,Ventoy 会在启动时显示一个菜单来供你进行选择。 https://www.ventoy.net/cn/doc_start.html](https://www.ventoy.net/cn/doc_start.html 分区类型的选择自定。 你只需要安装一次Ventoy即可,剩下的就只需要把各种ISO/WIM/VHD(x)/EFI文件拷贝到U盘中就可以了. 你也可以把它当成普通U盘使用,保存普通文件、图片或视频等,不会影响Ventoy的功能。 安装完成之后,U盘会被分成两个分区(参考 说明 )。 其中第1个分区(就是容量大的那个分区,也可以称之为 镜像分区)将会被格式化为exFAT文件系统(你也可以再手动重新格式化成其他支持的文件系统,比如 NTFS/FAT32/UDF/XFS/Ext2/3/4 等,参考 说明 ), 你只需要把ISO/WIM等文件拷贝到这里面即可。你可以把文件放在任意目录以及子目录下。 Ventoy默认会遍历所有的目录和子目录,找出所有的镜像文件,并按照字母排序之后显示在菜单中。 你可以通过插件配置让Ventoy只搜索某一个固定的目录,或是跳过某些特殊目录等。 详细的控制 Ventoy 搜索路径的方法请参考 控制 Ventoy 搜索路径方法总结 WEPE的ISO包,直接放在U盘根目录下即可 优启通则需生成iso文件, 保存位置选择U盘根目录

电脑C盘Temporary Internet Files文件夹为何10.4GB大。


在C盘里Temporary Internet Files是什么文件夹?有什么用?


电脑里Temporary Internet Files 文件夹是什么东西?

Internet 临时文件

为什么我的Temporary Internet Files文件夹一直都是空的?急急急啊


C盘里Temporary Internet Files怎么删除




c盘中的Temporary Internet Files文件夹可以删吗



B frequent频繁的;temporary暂时的;actual实际上;individual个人的。permanent 永久的。从“not a permanent one”看,选temporary和permanent相对。

求问temporary 和 interim 都有临时的意思~ 有什么区别

虽然两个都是临时的意思,但是在实际用的时候还是有一定区别的。temporary主要用于形容一些突发性的事件,比如货物临时售罄,这个时候就用temporary out of stock。这个临时(temporary)大多用在这样没有固定开始和结束的临时。

Temporary 和Interim 的区别

interim ["u026ant(u0259)ru026am] n. 过渡时期,中间时期;暂定adj. 临时的,暂时的;中间的;间歇的She was sworn in as head of an interim government in March.她3月份宣誓出任临时政府首脑。But, in the interim, we obviously have a duty to maintain law and order.但是,在过渡时期我们显然有责任维持法律与秩序。temporary ["temp(u0259)ru0259ru026a] n. 临时工,临时雇员adj. 暂时的,临时的His job here is only temporary.他在这儿的工作只是暂时的。Most adolescent problems are temporary.多数青春期的问题都是暂时的。


temporal表示“当时或某个时候呈现的状态或动作时的时间”,意味“当时的” provisional 表示“暂时的、尚未解决的”,多用于合同、协议的条款中 contingent 表示“可能发生但不一定发生需要依赖一定的环境条件的一种临时状态” transient强调的是“时间短暂” temporary表示“短暂的时间或状态”,强调缺乏持续性,耐性.



Temporary Internet Files里面的文件能删除吗


experimental ,temporary ,tantative区别

experimental 实验的; 用於实验的; 用实验的; 以实验为基础的; 基于新理念、新方法的。temporary 暂时的; 临时的; 一时的; 非永久的tentative, 不是tantative,试验性质的; 踌躇的; 试探性的; 不确定的; 非决定性的:区别非常明显,这3个单词根本不可能有什么相似之处。



here comes a man on a big elephant中的come为什么要加s

因为这是倒装句,主语是A man ,动词肯定要第三人称单数咯

here comes a man on a elephant怎么判断是否是倒装句




Elephant Man的《Fake Man》 歌词

歌曲名:Fake Man歌手:Elephant Man专辑:Volume中岛美嘉 - FAKE作词:中岛美嘉/宫崎歩作曲:宫崎歩编曲:宫崎歩くだらない情热を抱いて眠れぬ夜探り合う时间と时间をすり寄せる部屋取り缮う 言叶を并べてため息を烟で ごまかしている触れる指で なぞり合う心持て余すDon"t play my heart待てない戸惑う瞳の向こうに痛いほどのfake気づかぬように今は..今は.. please.. so please...今は..今は..つまらない条件を満たして夺われていく伏せた目で孤独と孤独を引き寄せる茑寂しさより 置き去りの想い静寂を彷徨い すり替えてみる渇えた声で 招き忧う体缲り返すDon"t try my heart泣けない祈りは届かなくてもいい棘を隠すfake戸惑くらい全て.. 全て..please.. so please...おわりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7450084


I am an elephant意思是:我是一只大象。elephant 英[ˈelɪfənt]美[ˈelɪfənt]n. 象;

Gums&Elephant Man的《In My Life》 歌词

歌曲名:In My Life歌手:Gums&Elephant Man专辑:In My Life「In My Life」作词∶Lennon & McCartney作曲∶Lennon & McCartney歌∶井手绫香There are places I"ll rememberAll my life though some have changedSome forever not for betterSome have gone and some remainAll these places had their momentsWith lovers and friends I still can recallSome are dead and some are livingIn my life I"ve loved them allBut of all these friends and loversThere is no one compares with youAnd there memories lose their meaningWhen I think of love as something newThough I know I"ll never lose affectionfor people and things that went beforeI know I"ll often stop and think about themIn my life I"ll love you moreThough I know I"ll never lose affectionfor people and things that went beforeI know I"ll often stop and think about themIn my life I"ll love you moreIn my life I"ll love you more【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/7296503

here comes a man on a big elephant中的come为什么要加s


In the late 19th century是什么意思

In the late 19th century在第十九世纪末例句:1、 massive elephant exhibited by London Zoo in the late 19th Century19世纪末伦敦动物园展出的一头巨型大象2、The expansion of the middle class in the late 19th century19世纪晚期中产阶级的壮大3、Pidgin usage began to decline in the late 19th century when Chinese and missionary schools began teaching Standard English.19世纪晚期,由于中国人创办的学校和教会学校纷纷开始教授标准英语,洋泾浜英语逐渐退出历史舞台。


你查查字典就知道若干差别了.intellectKK: []DJ: []n.1. 智力;理解力;思维能力[U][C]His opinion is that the intellect of modern man isn"t superior.他的看法是:现代人的智力并不高超。2. 非凡的才智,出众的才华[U]He"s a man of intellect.他是一个才智出众的人。She had humor; she had intellect.她幽默,有才华。3. 才智非凡的人,才华出众的人[C]They were both intellects whose work was widely respected.他们俩都是才华出众的人,其工作深受大家的尊敬。4. (总称)知识分子,知识界[the S]intelligenceKK: []DJ: []n.[U]1. 智能;智慧;理解力He"s obviously a man of very high intelligence.显然他是个非常聪明的人。2. 情报;情报工作;情报机关[G]Our intelligence shows that the enemy is advancing.我们的情报显示敌人正在向前推进。3. 消息,信息

owl;regional ;marginal ; intellectual 这英语用谐音怎么读?


请问Intellectual dishonesty 是什么意思


如何求一个二次函数的center, radius, major axis, foci? 求例子说明

Qwt提供了自己的缩放机制。QwtMagnifier类:提供逐步放大缩小功能的抽象基类。被QwtPlotMagnifier继承。继承关系如下图所示:代码分析:一、QwtMagnifier类1、构造函数:[cpp] view plain copy /*! Constructor param parent Widget to be magnified */ QwtMagnifier::QwtMagnifier( QWidget *parent ): QObject( parent ) { d_data = new PrivateData(); setEnabled( true ); } 构造函数要求传入被放大缩小的部件parent (通常是QwtPlotCanvas)。2、安装/卸载事件过滤器:QwtMagnifier对象对“鼠标、滚轮,键盘”事件的响应(获取)是通过事件机制传递的。在setEnabled()函数中,通过安装/卸载事件过滤器来达到开启/禁用缩放功能的目的。[cpp] view plain copy/*! rief En/disable the magnifier When enabled is true an event filter is installed for the observed widget, otherwise the event filter is removed. param on true or false sa isEnabled(), eventFilter() */ void QwtMagnifier::setEnabled( bool on ) { if ( d_data->isEnabled != on ) { d_data->isEnabled = on; QObject *o = parent(); if ( o ) { if ( d_data->isEnabled ) o->installEventFilter( this ); else o->removeEventFilter( this ); } } } 这是一个利用Qt事件机制的极好例子。 注意以上代码:如果开启,则为对象o(即parent)安装this(即QwtMagnifier)的事件过滤器,也就是说,所有发送到对象o的事件都会先传给QwtMagnifier的eventFilter()函数过滤(即处理)。如果要禁用缩放功能,则只需卸载即可。3、看一下事件过滤器函数的代码:[cpp] view plain copy/*! rief Event filter When isEnabled() the mouse events of the observed widget are filtered. param object Object to be filtered param event Event sa widgetMousePressEvent(), widgetMouseReleaseEvent(), widgetMouseMoveEvent(), widgetWheelEvent(), widgetKeyPressEvent() widgetKeyReleaseEvent() */ bool QwtMagnifier::eventFilter( QObject *object, QEvent *event ) { if ( object && object == parent() ) // 判断事件属主对象 { switch ( event->type() ) { case QEvent::MouseButtonPress: { widgetMousePressEvent( ( QMouseEvent * )event ); break; } case QEvent::MouseMove: { widgetMouseMoveEvent( ( QMouseEvent * )event ); break; } case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease: { widgetMouseReleaseEvent( ( QMouseEvent * )event ); break; } case QEvent::Wheel: { widgetWheelEvent( ( QWheelEvent * )event ); break; } case QEvent::KeyPress: { widgetKeyPressEvent( ( QKeyEvent * )event ); break; } case QEvent::KeyRelease: { widgetKeyReleaseEvent( ( QKeyEvent * )event ); break; } default:; } } return QObject::eventFilter( object, event ); } 4、再看看获取父类对象的函数,可以学习一个新的方法: bool QObject::inherits ( const char * className ) const:[cpp] view plain copy//! eturn Parent widget, where the rescaling happens QWidget *QwtMagnifier::parentWidget() { if ( parent()->inherits( "QWidget" ) ) return ( QWidget * )parent(); return NULL; } //! eturn Parent widget, where the rescaling happens const QWidget *QwtMagnifier::parentWidget() const { if ( parent()->inherits( "QWidget" ) ) return ( const QWidget * )parent(); return NULL; } 判断一个对象是否是名称为className 的类的实例或其子类实例。代码如下:[cpp] view plain copyinline bool inherits(const char *classname) const { return const_cast<QObject *>(this)->qt_metacast(classname) != 0; } 不过有一个疑问:这个地方为什么不使用 T qobject_cast ( QObject * object ) ???5、QwtMagnifier是一个抽象基类,有一个负责具体实现放大缩小的功能函数:[cpp] view plain copyprotected: /*! Rescale the parent widget param factor Scale factor */ virtual void rescale( double factor ) = 0; 纯虚函数,其具体实现被延迟到子类中。二、QwtPlotMagnifier类首先我们看看Qwt文档对QwtPlotMagnifier类的说明:QwtPlotMagnifier provides zooming, by magnifying in steps.Using QwtPlotMagnifier a plot can be zoomed in/out in steps using keys, the mouse wheel or moving a mouse button in vertical direction.Together with QwtPlotZoomer and QwtPlotPanner it is possible to implement individual and powerful navigation of the plot canvas.See also:QwtPlotZoomer, QwtPlotPanner, QwtPlot由于大部分功能在其基类QwtMagnifier中已经实现,QwtPlotMagnifier只需要重新实现纯虚函数rescale( factor )即可,因此QwtPlotMagnifier类的代码也较为简单:1、构造函数:[cpp] view plain copy/*! Constructor param canvas Plot canvas to be magnified */ QwtPlotMagnifier::QwtPlotMagnifier( QwtPlotCanvas *canvas ): QwtMagnifier( canvas ) { d_data = new PrivateData(); } 注意:传递进去的参数是QwtPlotCanvas而非QwtPlot。2、可以只“设置指定的轴”被放大或缩小,而其它轴保持不变:[cpp] view plain copy/*! rief En/Disable an axis Only Axes that are enabled will be zoomed. All other axes will remain unchanged. param axis Axis, see QwtPlot::Axis param on On/Off sa isAxisEnabled() */ void QwtPlotMagnifier::setAxisEnabled( int axis, bool on ) { if ( axis >= 0 && axis < QwtPlot::axisCnt ) d_data->isAxisEnabled[axis] = on; } 3、返回QwtPlotMagnifier类操作的画布对象QwtPlotCanvas:[cpp] view plain copy//! Return observed plot canvas QwtPlotCanvas *QwtPlotMagnifier::canvas() { return qobject_cast<QwtPlotCanvas *>( parent() ); } //! Return Observed plot canvas const QwtPlotCanvas *QwtPlotMagnifier::canvas() const { return qobject_cast<const QwtPlotCanvas *>( parent() ); } 这里使用了 T qobject_cast ( QObject * object ) 。4、一个好的防御性编码实现例子:[cpp] view plain copy//! Return plot widget, containing the observed plot canvas QwtPlot *QwtPlotMagnifier::plot() { QwtPlotCanvas *w = canvas(); if ( w ) return w->plot(); return NULL; } //! Return plot widget, containing the observed plot canvas const QwtPlot *QwtPlotMagnifier::plot() const { const QwtPlotCanvas *w = canvas(); if ( w ) return w->plot(); return NULL; } 我经常写成:return canvas()->plot(); 编码时总是求快,着急看到效果,没有防错意识。这样的编码习惯何谈提高代码质量? 差距啊!5、最后,也贴上功能函数rescale( factor )的实现代码:[cpp] view plain copy/*! Zoom in/out the axes scales param factor A value < 1.0 zooms in, a value > 1.0 zooms out. */ void QwtPlotMagnifier::rescale( double factor ) { factor = qAbs( factor ); if ( factor == 1.0 || factor == 0.0 ) return; bool doReplot = false; QwtPlot* plt = plot(); const bool autoReplot = plt->autoReplot(); plt->setAutoReplot( false ); for ( int axisId = 0; axisId < QwtPlot::axisCnt; axisId++ ) { const QwtScaleDiv *scaleDiv = plt->axisScaleDiv( axisId ); if ( isAxisEnabled( axisId ) && scaleDiv->isValid() ) { const double center = scaleDiv->lowerBound() + scaleDiv->range() / 2; const double width_2 = scaleDiv->range() / 2 * factor; plt->setAxisScale( axisId, center - width_2, center + width_2 ); doReplot = true; } } plt->setAutoReplot( autoReplot ); if ( doReplot ) plt->replot(); } 以后实现自己特定的缩放类时可以参考。三、疑问:现在对缩放操作类QwtMagnifier里的鼠标、滚轮、键盘的设置的作用不清楚。[cpp] view plain copyvoid setMouseButton( int button, int buttonState = Qt::NoButton ); void setWheelButtonState( int buttonState ); void setZoomInKey( int key, int modifiers ); void setZoomOutKey( int key, int modifiers );

什么叫intellectual interest

intellectual interest 智力兴趣;知识兴趣例句1.Obviously the physical attraction is strong, as is the intellectual interest. 智力兴趣均等的同时,很明显在生理上也有着强烈地吸引。2.Unfortunately, I"ve never taken a course in it, but I"ve started reading it lately out of just my broad intellectual interest. 遗憾的是,我也没有上过这门课。 最近因为我广泛的知识兴趣,我最近开始在读有关有机化学的书。

求一片英语文章 six blind men and an elephant

盲人摸象 The Blind Men and the Elephant The Blind Men and the ElephantA Hindoo Fable - by John Godfrey SaxeIIt was six men of IndostanTo learning much inclined,Who went to see the Elephant(Thought all of them were blind).That each by observationMight satisfy his mind.IIThe FIRST approached the ElephantAnd happening to fallAgainst his broad and sturdy sideAt once began to bawl:"God bless me, but the ElephantIs very like a wall!"IIIThe SECOND, feeling of the tusk,Cried "Ho! What have we hereSo very round and smooth and sharp?To me "tis mightly clearThis wonder of an ElephantIs very like a spear."IVThe THIRD approached the animal,And happening to takeThe squirming trunk within his hands,Thus boldly up and spake:"I see, "quoth he, "the ElephantIs very like a snake!"VThe FOURTH reached out his eager hand,And felt about the knee,"What most this wondrous beast is likeIs mightly plain, "quoth he:"Tis clear enough the ElephantIs very like a tree!"VIThe FIFTH, who chanced to touch the ear,Said: "E"en the blindest manCan tell what this resembles most,Deny the fact who can,This marvel of an ElephantIs very like a fan!"VIIThe SIXTH no sooner had begunAbout the beast to grope,Than, seizing on the swinging tailThat fell within his scope,"I see, "quoth he, "the ElephantIs very like a rope!"VIIIAnd so these men of IndostanDisputed loud and long,Each in his own opinionExceeding stiff and strong.Though each was partly in the rightAnd all were in the wrong.IXSo, oft in theologic warsThe disputants, I ween,Rail on in utter ignoranceOf what each other meanAnd prate about an ElephantNot one of them has seen!

intellectual live



anti-intellectualn.1. 反知识分子者a.1. 反知识的

its the elephant in the room是什么意思

The expression "elephant in the room" refers to a situation where something major is going on, it"s on everyone"s mind and impossible to ignore -- like an elephant in the room. But nobody talks about the "elephant" because nobody knows what to do about it. 可以说是大势所趋

intellectual property可数吗

intellectual property知识产权; [英][u02ccu026antiu02c8lektjuu0259l u02c8pru0254pu0259ti][美][u02ccu026antlu02c8u025bktu0283uu0259l u02c8prɑpu0259ti]可数的.intellectual properties.

Intellectual property 和 intellectual property right 区别



intellectual power [词典] 智力; [例句]Has the Russian intelligentsia lost its social force or its intellectual power?难道俄罗斯的知识分子丧失了它的社会力量和知识力量了吗?

I like the elephant_900字

Elephant is the largest animal on land today. It weights some niy kilograms and is about one metre high when born. When it is 12 years old, it studs over three meters and does not grow any more. Elephant is usually grey in color, having a long trunk with large ivory tusks protruding from each side of its mouth. Usually moving in groups and caring for each other, Elephant is know to be a very and gentle creamre. For many years people have used the strength of these poweful animals to move trees and heavy logs. Elephant has been and is a vital tool for people to do many things that would normally be imposs-ible. Elephant is and will continue to be one of the greatest creatures man has ever e into contact with. Its size. beauty, and power willforever be useful to man.

请问"intellectual heritage "这个课程的中文翻译是什么?


英语intellectual products怎么翻译?

intellectual products英 [u02ccu026antu0259u02c8lektu0283uu0259l u02c8pru0252du028ckts] 美 [u02ccu026antu0259u02c8lektu0283uu0259l u02c8prɑdu0259kts] 智力产品;知识产品

intellectual disability是什么意思

intellectual disability 智能障碍; 智障; 智力残疾; 智能障碍者

intellectual disability是什么意思


Elephant Man的《Jamaica》 歌词

歌曲名:Jamaica歌手:Elephant Man专辑:The Energy GodJ-A-M Jamaica I-C-A Jamaica, J-A-M Jamaica I-C-A JamaicaYu na see us walk, me say if yu nu hear we man bumbaclat talkJamaica anywe unu de, shot up yu nine ca we a represent, YU KNOJamaicans lif up yu nine,two gal inna di club and dem a hug up and a wineJamaicans lif up yu nine,I wish two man mi go hear say dem catch dey a crimeJamaicans lif up yu nine,see a boy who a teef yu weed and yu wan gun him long timeJamaicans lif up yu nine,di youth dem hungry inna di streetss o a food we hafi find,YU KNOSarg, dem a look fa we, theplace a run red nowHas a man dead, dem say yea ya dem both fi med nowIce up di flag wit di green, gold, and red nowDrop a Jamaica call a freak get a egg nowLata, me where me at, gal inna mi bed nowUnda mi kiki, me kno she hafi dead nowCock it up, put a pillow unda she head nowHear dem gal ya heart beg nowJamaicans lif up yu nine,di government start step up on crimeJamaicans lif up yu nine,how dem fi wan come tek whats rightfully mineJamaicans lif up yu nine,everybody a go rich but not di same timeJamaicans lif up yu nine,so mi tell yu if uu see black people you will find, YU KNOMi go uo di yard to dem who nah bout who dem sistingAnd di eldest one dem move become a victimLock down di clubs, fight "gainst de sound systemSeeh how dem make me rise up de black sintingDrive by, no money inna mail quintin,big black car wit all de glass dem tintedHustle 45 inna de buildin, ninja kick right up de big sintinJamaicans lif up yu nine, and rythem mek de gal dem a wineJamaicans lif up yu nine, tell de selector fi turn up de base lineJamaicans lif up yu nine,watch de gal dem pon de floor a wine dem waste lineJamaicans lif up yu nine, Jackie she a wine like she nah feel no spine YU KNOTek de dance slow girl don"t be scared to zip it up, zip it upHear wa yu tell dem say big it up, big it upHere a little facy hol a lik upDat mek me get mad, mi wan fi go beat it up, beat it upTry it and a tell me say fi live it upJackie say Elephant get mad and bust it up, bust it upBad man a come ye so fi cuse it up, cuse it upAnd de rebel hol it and cut it uphttp://music.baidu.com/song/21609214

intellectual technology 与 intelligent technology 词义辨析

intellectual technology 是知识科技 intelligent technology 是自能科技 或 情报科技


intellectual rigor理性严谨例句筛选1.For over 60 years, we have been renowned for the quality of ourresearch and the intellectual rigor of our work.六十多年来,我们一直以高质量的研究和工作中的理性严谨态度著称。2.The language was a boy of knowledge to be learned, with anemphasis on intellectual rigor.语言是一门须学习的学问,重点放在智力的严密上。

The bad Ears of the Elephant


escalation; gifted ;intellectual 这英语用谐音怎么读?

escalation [u02ccesku0259u02c8leu026au0283n] 埃斯克雷迅gifted [u02c8ɡu026aftu026ad] 给夫提的intellectual [u02ccu026antu0259u02c8lektu0283uu0259l] 因特来客修

intellectual honesty什么意思

intellectual honesty理智的诚实Have you been impressed by the civility of the discussion and the intellectual honesty of reform opponents? 你是否已经对医改反对者那客套的讨论和理智的诚实留下了深刻印象?

Elephant Man的《On Line》 歌词

歌曲名:On Line歌手:Elephant Man专辑:Hard DriveOnline Brad Paisley lyricsArtist: Brad PaisleyAlbum: 5th Gear0Year: 2007Title: Online PrintCorrect by xiaoguoI work down at the Pizza PitAnd I drive an old HyundaiI still live with my mom and dadI"m 5 foot 3 and overweightI"m a scifi fanaticA mild asthmaticAnd I"ve never been to second baseBut there"s whole other meThat you need to seeGo checkout MySpace"Cause online I"m out in HollywoodI"m 6 foot 5 and I look damn goodI drive a MaseratiI"m a black-belt in karateAnd I love a good glass of wineIt turns girls on that I抦 mysteriousI tell them I don"t want nothing serious"Cause even on a slow dayI could have a three wayChat with two women at one timeI"m so much cooler onlineSo much cooler onlineWhen I get home I kiss my momAnd she fixes me a snackAnd I head down to my basement bedroomAnd fire up my MacIn real life the only time I抳e ever even been to L.AIs when I got the chance with the marching bandTo play tuba in the Rose ParadeOnline I live in MalibuI pose for Calvin Klein, I"ve been in GQI"m single and I"m richAnd I"ve got a set of six pack abs that would blow your mindIt turns girls on that I抦 mysteriousI tell them I don"t want nothing serious"Cause even on a slow dayI could have a three wayChat with two women at one timeI"m so much cooler onlineSo much cooler onlineWhen you got my kind of statsIt"s hard to get a dateLet alone a real girlfriendBut I grow another foot and I lose a bunch of weightEvery time I loginOnlineI"m out in HollywoodI"m 6 foot 5 and I look damn goodEven on a slow dayI could have a three wayChat with two women at one timeI"m so much cooler onlineYeah, I"m cooler onlineI"m so much cooler onlineYeah, I"m cooler onlineYeah, I"m cooler onlineYeah, I have see ya onlineBrad Paisley LyricsEND @_@http://music.baidu.com/song/7485986



四年级水平的英语作文The blind men and the elephant

= =是故事吧??the blind men and the elephantMany years ago ,there are four blind men.One day, they met an elephant when they were walking on the road.They were all surprised at the elephant. They wanted to know what is elephant.They touched it.One man said:"It feels like a carrot."One man said:"No!It is a wall."One man said:"I felt a tree."The last man said:"It feels like a string."For they touched different parts of the elephant,they thought it was a different thing.= =4年级。。。这题目有点难写吧。有不懂得再问我。




intellectual英 [ˌɪntə"lektʃuəl]     美 [ˌɪntə"lektʃuəl]    n.凭理智做事者;知识分子用作名词 (n.)He likes to set himself up as an intellectual.他喜欢自命为知识分子。These views were common among intellectuals.这些观点在知识分子中很普遍。scholar英 ["skɒlə(r)]     美 ["skɑːlər]    n.学者;获奖学金的学生用作名词 (n.)He is a complete scholar.他是个无懈可击的学者。He is not so much a writer as a scholar.与其说他是作家倒不如说他是学者。He ranks high as a scholar.他是第一流的学者。She impressed me as a scholar.她给我留下了学者的印象。My tutor is an accomplished scholar.我的导师是一位学识渊博的学者。The greatest scholar cannot solve this difficult problem.再伟大的学者也没有办法解答这个难题吧。He went abroad to study as a scholar.他作为奖学金获得者赴外学习。


adj. 智力的;聪明的;理智的n. 知识分子;凭理智做事者指归在批评——苏轼人生价值取向对当代知识分子的影响 _ 周口论文 关键词:士;知识分子;批评;人格宽容 [gap=706]Key words: scholar; intellectual; criticism; personality toleran ceintellectual capital 智慧资本 ; 智力资本 ; 智能资本 ; 知识资本intellectual history 思想史 ; 心智史 ; 知识史 ; 思想文化史INTELLECTUAL VENTURES 高智发明 ; 高智发明公司 ; 高智公司 ; 高智创造public intellectual 公共知识分子 ; 公众知识分子 ; 公共知识人intellectual discipline 知识学科 ; 智学科 ; 知识intellectual giftedness 资优intellectual circulation 人才流动intellectual ability 智能 ; 心理能力 ; 知识能力 ; 智力Intellectual Freedom 知识自由 ; 智识自由 ; 知性自由 ; 维护知识自由

intellectual community是什么意思

intellectual community 知识界;[例句]He gave a series of lectures to audiences of students and the Berlin intellectual community.他介绍了讲座,学生和知识分子群体柏林观众系列。




intellectualadj.智力的, 有智力的, 显示智力的n.知识分子intellectiveadj.智力的“知识背景”中的知识应该翻译成knowledgeknowledgen.知识, 学问, 认识, 知道, <古>学科
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