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一.sscanf 读取格式化的字符串中的数据 sscanf和scanf类似,都是用于输入的,只是后者以屏幕为输入源,而前者以固定字符串为输入。 sscanf() 是从一个字符串中读进与指定格式相符的数据 二.sprintf与printf的用法很类似,只不过是前者输出到指定的目标,后者输出到屏幕。 sprintf()指的是字符串格式化命令,主要功能是把格式化的数据写入某个字符串中。 int scanf(const char format [,agument]) 其中format可以是一个或多个 {%[ ][width][{h | l | l64 | L}]}type {a|b|c}表示a、b、c中选一,[d]表示d是可有可无的。 所以,format形式可以有: %s %5s %[a-z]5d 注意: %*[width][{h | l | l64 | L}]}type表示过滤满足条件的字符串,不向目标中输出。 1、基本用法,取字符串 string source0 = "1234456"; char str[521]; sscanf(source0.c_str(),"%s",str); sscanf(source0.c_str(),"%4s",str); 2、转换为整型数 string source0 = "123456"; int x; sscanf(source0.c_str(),"%d",&x); sscanf(source0.c_str(),"%3d",&x); 3、停止和范围 sscanf(source0,"%[^a]",str); //遇到“a”停止 sscanf(source0,"%[^c]",str); //遇到“c”停止 sscanf(source0,"%[1-9A-Z]",str); //只取范围1-9和A-Z的字符 sscanf(source0,"%[^b-z]",str); //遇到“b-z”停止 sscanf(source0,"%[^c-z]",str); //遇到“c-z”停止 4、格式转换 char source[512] = "2015:8:1"; int a,b,c; sscanf(source,"%d:%d:%d",&a,&b,&c); 注意:这个地方a、b、c必须加引用,否则会报错。 5、复杂情况 char source[512] = "fjkdsjf/123456@fjkdsjf"; char str[512]; sscanf(source,"%*[ /]/%[ @]",str); 结果为:123456 sprintf sprintf与printf的用法很类似,只不过是前者输出到指定的目标,后者输出到屏幕。 int sprintf(char *buffer,const char *format,...) 举个例子: 结果: 1 buf = 1 buf = 00000001 2 buf = 2 buf = 00000002

public double loan(double loan,int yearchoice){} 初学,看不很懂

括号里的是两个参数举个例子public int Add(int number1,int number2){ return number1+number2;}这个方法叫Add,有一个int类型返回值,接收两个int类型参数,返回这两个参数的和,这两个参数叫形式参数(形参),也就是说,你用这个方法,你给我两个值,第一个是int类型的,第二个也是int类型的,我用number1代表第一个值,用number2代表第二个值。这相当于在数学中解决一个问题设方程,设...为x,...为y,这里是同样的意思,将你给我的第一个值设成number1,第二个值设成number2同样的public double loan(double loan,int yearchoice){}要求传入一个double类型的参数,和一个int类型的参数,传入的参数叫实际参数(实参),和形参不一样,它是一个实际存在的变量或者值,传入后就赋值给了形参。loan这个方法应该是计算贷款或者股票的方法,第一个参数代表原款数,第二个参数代表贷款年数,返回一个值表示经计算后这么多年后贷款为多少这个方法现在你没写返回值,那么这个方法会报错,因为已经规定了有一个double类型的返回值而方法体中没有返回,那么就出错了




who"s in the living room?谁在客厅?


faculty 大学一般的系部门department 专门的 部门没有本科和研究生区别


import java.math.BigDecimal;public class Loan { private int num;//贷款年数 private BigDecimal transAmount;//贷款总额 private BigDecimal moneyRate;//利率 public Loan(int num,BigDecimal transAmount,BigDecimal moneyRate) { num=this.num; transAmount=this.transAmount; moneyRate=this.moneyRate; checkValue(new BigDecimal(num)); checkValue(transAmount); checkValue(transAmount); } public static void checkValue(BigDecimal n) { int value=n.intValue(); if(value<0||value==0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } public int getNum() { return num; } public void setNum(int num) { this.num = num; } public BigDecimal getTransAmount() { return transAmount; } public void setTransAmount(BigDecimal transAmount) { this.transAmount = transAmount; } public BigDecimal getMoneyRate() { return moneyRate; } public void setMoneyRate(BigDecimal moneyRate) { this.moneyRate = moneyRate; }}


facultyn. 才能, 本领, 能力, 全体教员, (大学的)系, 科, (授予的)权力geniusn.天才, 天赋, 天才人物talentn. 天才, 才干, 才能Faculty 指内在的力量或能力;talent和genius是很不一样的词。talent的人成绩很好,在某些方面很出色,是后天努力的。而天才genius,是属于特殊的那种,天生的。另:Ability 是指智力或体力上具有做某事的能力: Capacity 指天赋的,如生长、发展或成功的潜力:

在一所大学里面 faculty,department,school 之间是什么关系


在一所大学里面 faculty,department,school 之间是什么关系


大侠们帮忙翻译一下:1)Nipple entry size 2)Threading type,是关于电机的专业术语,谢谢


Grant, Loan问题

1) 之前答过. grant=助学金 可分为学费助学金及生活费助学金. 申请「专上学生资助计划」者 如考生六年内未能完成学业 或中途退学/休学/停学 助学金需要缴还给 *** . loan=贷款 要向 *** 还钱. 可分为低息贷款和免入息审查贷款. 免入息审查贷款息率浮动 而且息率会较高. 低息贷款年率2.5%. 只有申请「资助专上课程学生资助计划」才可申请低息贷款. 2) 「资助专上课程学生资助计划」低息贷款(年息2.5%)--接受贷款人通常须于毕业或停学后五年内,分二十期按季偿还资助专上课程学生资助计划贷款及应付利息。 「专上学生资助计划」--如六年内未能完成学业 或完成学业前不再是全日制学生 或停学/休学/退学 助学金需于申请者终止学业 或在首次发放资助后满六年的时间 一次过全数偿还助学金而无须缴付利息(但必须在分期还款期开始前,即首季分期还款到期缴款日前三个月偿还)、或在十年内均分40期(以一季为一期)全数偿还助学金连利息﹝年息为两厘半﹞. 「免入息审查贷款」(息率浮动 现时为6.882%.) 适用于合资格申请资助专上课程学生资助计划的全日制学生 在你完成院校有关课程之后,或在完成有关课程之前你已不再是该院校的注册全日制学生,你须在10年内均分为40 期(以一季为一期) 全数偿还免入息审查贷款和累积利息。你可选择提前偿还贷款。 在一般情况下,按季分期还款将于每年一月一日、四月一日、七月一日及十月一日到期。 适用于合资格申请专上学生资助计划的全日制学生 在你完成院校有关课程之后,或在完成有关课程之前你已不再是该院校经评审课程的注册全日制学生,或在首次发放专上学生免入息审查贷款后满6年的时间开始,三者以最早的日期为准,你须在10年内均分为40期(以一季为一期)全数偿还专上学生免入息审查贷款连累积利息。 当然你亦可申请延迟还款. 3) 视乎阁下家庭收入及资产水平如何. 当然愈穷就会愈多资助 拎综援多数全额资助. 4) 可申请 *** 的「专上学生资助计划」和「免入息审查贷款」 亦可申请校内的助学金、助宿金及贷款. 参考: sfaa

loan lend borrow rent 借出借入怎么用?



区别是意思不同。loan强调贷款,借钱。payment强调支付。详细解释:loan 英[lu0259u028an] 美[lou028an] n. 贷款; 借款; 借用; vt. 借,借给; vi. 借出; [例句]The country has no access to foreign loans or financial aid.该国得不到任何外国贷款或经济援助。payment 英[u02c8peu026amu0259nt] 美[u02c8pemu0259nt] n. 付款,支付; 报酬,报答; 偿还; 惩罚,报应; [例句]Thousands of its customers are in arrears with loans and mortgage payments.有数千客户拖欠其贷款和抵押贷款还款。


Phantom of the Opera 歌剧魅影phantom读音:http://www.iciba.com/phantomof读音:http://www.iciba.com/ofthe读音:http://www.iciba.com/theopera读音:http://www.iciba.com/opera

求The Phantom of the Opera(歌剧魅影 男女对唱)的歌谱


the phantom of the opera的各种版本


歌剧魅影(The Phantom of the Opera)的钢琴谱

我有! 把邮箱告诉我 我发给你


segmenting 英["segmu0259ntu026au014b] 美["segmu0259ntu026au014b] n. 分段(法); [网络] 市场细分; 细分市场; 细分; [例句]The experimental results show that this approach for segmenting cell images is facile.结果表明这种方法易于实现对组织细胞图像的分割。[其他] 形近词: fermenting augmenting

“歌剧魅影”中的THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA 下载………………

我回答过你的问题的,你自由取消了提问。。。。我给你的网上能下到歌曲的,我也给你歌词了!!为啥你还取消了呢,真是的!欢迎提问我最喜欢的《剧院魅影》的相关问题!! 从魅影把克里斯丁带到密室开始唱的歌曲有:(歌词如下) 1.THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA the phantom of the opera 歌手:webber andrew lloyd 专辑:the phantom of the opera (Christine) In sleep he sang to me, in dreams he came... that voice which calls to me and speaks my name... And do I dream again? For now I find the Phantom of the Opera is there - inside my mind... (Phantom) Sing once again with me our strange duet... My power over you grows stronger Webber Andrew Lloyd yet... And though you turn from me, to glance behind, the Phantom of the Opera is there - inside your mind... (Christine) Those who have seen your face draw back in fear... I am the mask you wear... (Phantom) It"s me they hear... (Both) Your/my spirit and your/my voice, in one combined: the Phantom of the Opera is there - inside your/my mind... He"s there, the Phantom of the Opera... Beware the Phantom of the Opera... (Phantom) In all your fantasies you always knew that man and mystery... (Christine) ...were both in you... (Both) And in this labyrinth, where night is blind, the Phantom of the Opera is there/here - inside your/my mind... (Phantom -spoken-) Sing, my Angel of Music! (Christine) He"s there, the Phantom of the Opera... 2.MUSIC OF THE NIGHT PHANTOM: I have brought you to the seat of sweet music"s throne . . . to this kingdom where all must pay homage to music . . . music . . . You have come here, for one purpose, and one alone . . . Since the moment I first heard you sing, I have needed you with me, to serve me, to sing, for my music . . . my music . . . (changing mood) Night-time sharpens, heightens each sensation . . . Darkness stirs and wakes imagination . . . michael crawford Silently the senses abandon their defences . . . Slowly, gently night unfurls its splendour . . . Grasp it, sense it - tremulous and tender . . . Turn your face away from the garish light of day, turn your thoughts away from cold, unfeeling light - and listen to the music of the night . . . Close your eyes and surrender to your darkest dreams! Purge your thoughts of the life you knew before! Close your eyes, let your spirit start to soar! And you"ll live as you"ve never lived before . . . Softly, deftly, music shall coress you . . . secretly posess you . . . Open up your mind, let your fantasies unwind, in this darkness which you know you cannot fight - the darkness of the music of the night . . . Let your mind start a journey through a strange new world! Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before! Let your soul Take you where you long to be ! Only then can you belong to me . . . Floating, falling, sweet intoxication! Touch me, trust me savour each sensation! Let the dream begin, let your darker side give in to the power of the music that I write - the power of the music of the night . . . You alone can make my song take flight - help me make the music of the night . . http://mp3.baidu.com/albumlist/andrew+lloyd+webber;;;;;;the+phantom+of+the+opera.html 在上面的网址中,你可以下载到任何一首《剧院魅影》中的经典歌曲(将上面的网页复制后即可进入)


went是动词 go的过去式,没有比较级是well 吧?比较级是 better 更好

Phantom Of The Opera 歌词

歌曲名:Phantom Of The Opera歌手:Sarah Brightman-Violia.Blog.Co专辑:Diva:The Singles CollectionPhantom Of The OperaNightwishIn sleep he sang to me, in dreams he came,that voice which calls to me,and speaks my name.And do I dream again? For now I findthe phantom of the opera is thereinside my mind.Sing once again with me our strange duet;my power over you grows stronger yet.And though you turn from me to glance behind,the phantom of the opera is thereinside your mind.Those who have seen your facedraw back in fear.I am the mask you wear,it"s me they hear.Your spirit and my voice in one combined;the phantom of the opera is thereinside my/your mind.He"s there the phantom of the opera.Beware the phantom of the opera.In all your fantasies, you always knewthat man and mysterywere both in you.And in this labyrinth where night is blind,the Phantom of the opera is hereinside my/your mind.Sing, my angel of music!http://music.baidu.com/song/2215929

Phantom Of The Opera 歌词

歌曲名:Phantom Of The Opera歌手:Iron Maiden专辑:New York PalladiumSteve HarrisI"ve been looking so long for you now you won"t get away from my grasp.You"ve been living so long in hiding in hiding behind that false mask.Iron MaidenAnd you know and I know that you ain"t got long now to last.Your looks and your feelings are just the remains of your past.You"re standing in the wings, there you wait for the curtain to fall.Knowing the terror and holding you have on us all.Yeah, I know that you"re gonna scratch me, maim me and maul.You know I"m helpless from your mesmerising cat call.Keep your distance, walk away, don"t take his bait.Don"t you stray, don"t fade away.Watch your step, he"s out to get you, come what may.Don"t you stray, from the narrow way.I"m running and hiding in my dreams you"re always there.You"re the Phantom of the Opera, you"re the devil, you"re just out to scare.You damaged my mind and my soul it just floats through the air.Haunt me, you taunt me, you torture me back at your lair.http://music.baidu.com/song/54794531

the phantom of the opear 的男主角

The phantom of the Opera 的男主角是谢拉毕拿 (Gerard Butler)。 imdb/name/nm0124930/ 2008-10-21 10:25:21 补充: According to the original novel by Gaston Leroux the phantom named Erik. 谢拉毕拿 (Gerard Butler) 2008-10-21 21:54:40 补充: phantomthemovie.warnerbros/ 参考: me me

《The Phantom of the Opera》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Phantom of the Opera》(Gaston Leroux)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1KRZWBzE7MwIaFqu-SkC8EA 提取码: xyyu书名:The Phantom of the Opera作者:Gaston Leroux译者:Lowell Bair豆瓣评分:8.0出版社:Bantam Classics出版年份:1990-01页数:274内容简介:Gaston Leroux is one of the originators of the detective story, and The Phantom of the Opera is his tour de force, as well as being the basis for the hit Broadway musical. A superb suspense story and a dark tale of obsession, The Phantom of the Opera has thrilled and entertained audiences in adaptations throughout the century.作者简介:卡斯顿·勒胡(Gaston Leroux, 1868-1927),20世纪初期法国最杰出的推理小说作家,在法国有“永恒的记者”之称。勒胡毕业后在一家律师事务所做书记员,业余创作随笔和短篇小说。1890年开始投身报业,曾作为特派记者周游世界各地。1900年开始创作长篇小说。他的小说风格诡异,擅长以不可思议的内容与场景营造恐怖玄异的气氛,并且在恐怖中淋漓尽致地表达人性。他的著作《黄色房间之谜》被称誉为“不可模仿、不可超越的推理小说杰作”。

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1. 首先开机启动后系统会发出一个Standard Broadcast Action,名字叫 android....public class OlympicsReceiver extends IntentReceiver{/*要接收的intent源*/

dont touch dalshabet歌词大意

Ashley Tisdale - Don"t Touch (The Zoom Song)Zoom zoom in under my skinGotta slow down now to beginBaby don"t rush you can look but don"t touchYou think you knowWhen you see me in my videosHow the story goesBut that"s just the side that I exposeLook through the lensYou see my body, not who I am...So don"t pretendAnd try to act like your my boyfriendU wanna get somewhereThen boy don"t touch me thereJust get up close and personal, personalZoom zoom in under my skinGotta slow down now to beginBaby don"t rush you can look but don"t touchZoom zoom in...to my headGotta know me to be my manBoy prove your loveYou can look but don"t touchYou won"t behaveYou"re gettin" all up in my faceBarely know your name, you"re tryin" to scoreBut it"s not a gameBoy get a clue yeahU gotta spend the time pay your duesFollowing the rules if u want me to be with uU wanna get somewhereThen boy don"t touch me thereJust get up close and personal, personalZoom zoom in under my skinGotta slow down now to beginBaby don"t rush you can look but don"t touchZoom zoom in...to my headGotta know me to be my manBoy prove your loveYou can look but don"t touchZoom zoom in under my skinGotta slow down now to beginBaby don"t rush you can look but don"t touchZoom zoom in...to my headGotta know me to be my manBoy prove your loveYou can look but don"t touchDon"t you dareTouch me thereIf you want to get somewhereZoom in get to know me, boyDon"t rushZoom in if you want me, boyDon"t touchZoom zoom in...to my headGotta know me to be my manBoy prove your loveYou can look but don"t touchZoom zoom in under my skinGotta slow down now to beginBaby don"t rush you can look but don"t touchZoom zoom in...to my headGotta know me to be my manBoy prove your loveYou can look but don"t touchAshley Tisdale - Don"t Touch (The Zoom Song)

The Phantom Of The Opera 歌词

歌曲名:The Phantom Of The Opera歌手:Andrew Lloyd Webber专辑:The Phantom Of The Opera (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) [Expanded Edition]The Phantom Of The OperaIn sleep he sang to meIn dreams he cameThat voice which calls to meand speaks my nameAnd do I dream againFor now I findThe Phantom of the Opera is thereInside my mindSing once again with meOur strange duetMy power over youGrows stronger yetAnd though you turn from meTo glance behindThe Phantom of the Opera is thereInside your mindThose who have seen your faceDraw back in fearI am the mask you wearit"s me they hearYour/my spirit and your/my voiceIn one combinedThe Phantom of the Opera is thereInside your/my mindHe"s thereThe Phantom of the OperaA……Sing, my angelA……Sing for meA……Sing for meA……Sing, my angelA……Sing for meA……http://music.baidu.com/song/8119060

the phantom of the opera 歌词

歌曲名:the phantom of the opera歌手:大卫迪奥专辑:大卫Beneath the opera houseI know it"s therehe"s with me on the stageHe"s everywhereand when my song beginsI always findInside my mindSing once again with meOur strange duetMy power over youGrows stronger yetYou give your love to mefor love is blindThe Phantom of the Opera is thereInside your mindThose who have seen your faceDraw back in fearI am the mask you wearit"s me they hearYour/my spirit and your/my voiceIn one combinedThe Phantom of the Opera is thereInside your/my mindsing once again with meour strange duetMy power over you shows stronger yetThe phantom of the opera is now your mastermindThat man and mysteryWere both in youAnd in this labyrinthWhere night is blindInside your/my mindSing, my angel of musicHe"s there, the Phantom of the OperaYou give your love to me for love is blindhttp://music.baidu.com/song/13583761

The Phantom of the Opera(歌声魅影)内的歌曲的歌词歌谱

其实Sunset Boulevard并非在phantom中出现的 它是在andrew lloyd webber的另一套名为"Sunset Boulevard"的musical里的. MUSIC OF THE NIGHT Night time sharpens heightens each sensation ... Darkness wakes and stirs imagination Silently the senses abandon their defences Helpless to resist the notes I write For I pose the music of the night ... Slowly gently night unfurls its splendeour. Gr it sense it - tremulous and tender Hearing is believing music is deceiving Hard as lightning soft as candlelight dare you trust the music of the night ... Close your eyes for your eyes will only tell the truth And the truth isn"t what you want to see In the dark it is easy to pretend that the truth is what it ought to be. Softly deftly music shall caress you ... Hear it feel it secretly possess you ... Open up your mind let your fantasies unwind in the darkness which you know you cannot fight - the darkness of the music of the night ... Close your eyes start a journey through a strange new world! Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before! Close your eyes and let music set you free ... Only then can you belong to me ... Floating falling sweet intoxication! Touch me trust me savour each sensation ... Let the dream begin let your darker side give in to the power of the music that I write - the power of the music of the night ... You alone can make my song take flight - help me make the music of the night ... Come we must return - those o fools who run my theatre will be missing you ... SUNSET BOULEVARD Sure I came out here to make my name Wanted my pool my dose of fame Wanted my parking space at Warner"s But after a year a one room hell A murphy bed a rancid *** ell Wallpaper peeling at the corners Sunset Boulevard isting boulevard Secretive and rich a little scary Sunset Boulevard tempting boulevard Waiting there to swallow the unwary Dreams are not enough to win a war Out here they"re always keeping score Beneath the tan the battle rages Smile a rented *** ile fill someone"s glass Kiss someone"s wife kiss someone"s ass We do whatever pays the wages Sunset Boulevard headline boulevard Getting here is only the beginning Sunset Boulevard jackpot boulevard Once you"ve won you have to go on winning You think I"ve sold out? Dead right I"ve sold out! I just keep waiting for the right offer Comfortable quarters regular rations 24-hour Five Star room service And if I"m honest I like the lady I can"t help being touched by her folly I"m treading water taking the money Watching her sun set... Well I"m a writer! L.A."s changed a lot over the years Since those brave gold rush pioneers Came in their creaky covered wagons Far as they could go end of the line Their dreams were yours their dreams were mine But in those dreams were hidden dragons Sunset Boulevard frenzied boulevard Swamped with every kind of false emotion Sunset Boulevard brutal boulevard Just like you we"ll wind up in the ocean She was sinking fast I threw a rope Now I have suits and she has hope It seemed an elegant solution One day this must end it isn"t real Still I"ll enjoy a hearty meal Before tomorrrow"s execution Sunset Boulevard ruthless boulevard Destination for the stony-hearted Sunset Boulevard lethal boulevard Everyone"s fotten how they started Here on Sunset Boulevard...! 楼上位人兄歌词好似错左wo... Music of the Night 应该系咁 作词:Charles Hart 作曲:Andrew Lloyd Webber Nighttime sharpens heightens each sensation Darkness stirs and wakes imagination Silently the senses abandon their defenses Slowly gently night unfurls its splendour Gr it sense it tremulous and tender Turn your face away from the garish light of day Turn your thoughts away from cold unfeeling light And listen to the music of the night Close you eyes and surrender to your darkest dreams purge your thoughts of the life you knew before Close your eyes let your spirit start to soar And you"ll live as you"ve never lived before Softly deftly music shall caress you Hear it feel it secretly posess you Open up your mind Let your fantasies unwind In this darkness which you know you cannot fight The darkness of the music of the night Let your mind start a journey through a strange new world Leave all thoughts of the life you knew before Let your soul take you where you long to be! Only then can you belong to me Floating falling sweet intoxication Touch me trust me savour each sensation Let the dream begin let your darker side give in To the power of the music that I write The power of the music of the night You alone can make my song take flight Help me make the music of the night 歌谱可以试下去呢度downlaod gamez/showthread?t=178341

The Phantom Of The Opera 歌词

歌曲名:The Phantom Of The Opera歌手:Andrew Lloyd Webber专辑:The Phantom Of The Opera (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)The Phantom Of The OperaIn sleep he sang to meIn dreams he cameThat voice which calls to meand speaks my nameAnd do I dream againFor now I findThe Phantom of the Opera is thereInside my mindSing once again with meOur strange duetMy power over youGrows stronger yetAnd though you turn from meTo glance behindThe Phantom of the Opera is thereInside your mindThose who have seen your faceDraw back in fearI am the mask you wearit"s me they hearYour/my spirit and your/my voiceIn one combinedThe Phantom of the Opera is thereInside your/my mindHe"s thereThe Phantom of the OperaA……Sing, my angelA……Sing for meA……Sing for meA……Sing, my angelA……Sing for meA……http://music.baidu.com/song/7997297

the phantom of the opera歌词的中文对应翻译


对the phantom of the opera的内容概括?

the phantom of the opera即《歌剧魅影》。简介巴黎歌剧院合唱团的新人克莉斯汀(艾米罗苏姆 Emmy Rossum 饰)最近进步神速,全因剧院内的一间古老房间内每晚都会传出一把优美的男声向她传授歌唱技巧。这个良师益友其实是一个人称“剧院魅影”(杰拉德巴特勒 Gerard Butler 饰)的人,此人因样貌丑陋,自小便被父母抛弃,戴着面具隐居在剧院的地下室。“剧院魅影”内心其实深爱着克莉斯汀。 一次偶然的机会,克莉斯汀有幸担当一部歌剧的主角。凭借从“剧院魅影”那里学得的丰富的歌唱技巧,克莉斯汀一炮而红,并被年轻英俊的剧院赞助人拉乌尔(帕特里克威尔逊 Patrick Wilson 饰)看上了。两个年轻人很快堕入了爱河。“剧院魅影”伤透了心,认为是拉乌尔抢走了克莉斯汀,准备上演一出爱情复仇的大戏……


beaumont the prospector 探索者beaumonthold the fort守住城堡获得竞赛胜利以后,amelia正在向美国军官要求报酬,但是墨西哥人来袭使他们受困于堡垒内。主要目标:守卫城堡,直到cooper少校的部队来解围。摧毁两个城镇中心次要目标:把所有贸易路线升级为铁路。10.14.05 凌晨2:15——6:35这个任务在试玩版中也涉及到了,只是有少许不同,整个任务之内不需要建造太多建筑,城堡内也没有那么多空间,资源都是从两条贸易线路上获得,升级为铁路上速度大大加快,只是按照对任务的理解,这个城堡是被包围的,但竟然还是能够驶入贸易马车及火车,显得有些可笑。敌军在外围从四面围攻城堡,普通步兵和骑兵不足为惧,只是对方的散兵和炮兵射程较远,能够隔着两层城墙打到里面的大炮,因此优先解决他们。资源多了以后尽快升级城墙,击退一批以后也需要及时维修城墙,军队不需要生产,光靠卡片中的那些部队就已足够了,等到援兵抵达之后,可以先清扫地图东面的敌方基地,这批部队主要由骑兵、散兵和8门榴弹炮构成,而试玩版中的炮兵似有不同。基地内的敌军主要是散兵,消灭之后便可夷平镇子,如果想多得一些积分,此时可派遣农民到城堡外的几个贸易点建造贸易站,随后派遣堡垒内的部队推平西面的村子即可。

电影歌剧魅影,是电影,唱the phantom of the opera的女歌手是谁


莎拉布莱曼版的the phantom of the opera 是几几年的?


急求牛津深圳英语九年级第七课课文(The Phantom of the Opera)

http://www.phantomoftheopera.com/modules/article/view.article.php/25 歌剧魅影的剧本都在此。

在统计学中,nominal和ordinal是什么意思啊...差不多是在correlation coefficient这块


All I Ask Of You (The Phantom Of The Opera) 歌词

歌曲名:All I Ask Of You (The Phantom Of The Opera)歌手:The West End Theatre Orchestra & Chorus专辑:Classic Andrew Lloyd WebberNo more talk of darkness,Forget these wide-eyed fears.I"m here,nothing can harm you -my words will warm and calm you.Let me be your freedom,let daylight dry -your tears.I"m here,with you, beside you,to guard youand to guide you . . .Say you love meevery waking moment,turn my headwith talk of summertime . . .Say you need me with you,now and always . . .promise me that allyou say is true -that"s all I ask of you . . .Let me be your shelter,let me be your light.You"re safe:No-one will find you.your fears are far behind you . . .All I want is freedom,a world with no more night . . .and you always beside meto hold me and to hide me . . .Then say you"ll share with me one love ,one lifetimeIet me lead youfrom your solitude . . .Say you need me with youhere, beside you . . .anywhere you go,let me go too -that"s all I ask of you . . .Say you"ll share with me one love, one lifetime . . .say the wordand I will follow you . . .Share each day with me, each night, each morning . . .Say you love me . . .You know I do . . .Love me -that"s all I ask of you . . .Love me - that"s all I ask of you . .http://music.baidu.com/song/2808706

书虫系列《The Phantom of The Opera 歌剧院的幽灵 》读后感【中英文对照】

The ghost of the opera theatre The story was written by a Franch author who was named Guyston Lerocs. the silly story was about a famous actor who was disfigured .He lived along in the basement ,and he built a country for himself,he was a sick freak and a innocent monster. And then,he abducted a beautiful actree ,and tried to rape her,possessed her. But the beautiful actree didn"t liked to be treat like that,and her boyfriend didn"t allowed.The young lovers against with the demon. at last,demon surrendered,he allowed the birch loved anyone else,and set"em free.and shot himself. And express the sentiment: 1.If a guy fell in love with a silly slut ,he should allowed the birch loved anyone else,and set"em free. 2.Besides,love is a thing which is belong to some beautiful young man,if you"re ugly,you have no chance to love,and no right to love. you shall killed yourself,or you must be killed by the heros just like a evil devil.

The Phantom of the Opera是牛津版高中英语的课文么

The Phantom of the Opera可以有以下几种翻译方法:1. 歌剧魅影 —— 个人人认为最为优美的翻译)2. 歌剧院的幽灵 —— 直译3. 剧院魅影4. 夜半歌声

the Phantom of the Opera 里面的“think of me"歌词

CCTV的歌词找不到 你自己帮你翻译下[ti:think of me]想起我[ar:michael crowford sarah brightman]作词[al:the phantom of the opera(剧院幽灵)]专辑think of me想起我from "the phantom of the opera"鬼怪剧院think of me,想起我think of me fondly,请温柔的想起我when we"ve said goodbye.当我们说再见的时候remember me, once in a while -记起我,时不时的please promise me you"ll try.请答应你会试着去做when you find that,当你发现once again,又一次you long to take your heart back and be free -你带着你的心平静并自由if you ever find a moment,如果你一直没有时间spare a thought for me...请替我着想we"ve never said our love was evergreen,我们从没说过我们的爱是常青的or as unchanging as the sea -或者像大海一样永恒but if you can still remember,但是如果你还能记得stop and think of me...听下手中的事情来想我think of all the things we"ve shared and seen -想我们一起度过的所有的事情don"t think about the things which might have been...不要想也许发生过的事情think of me,想念我think of me waking,想念我走路的姿势silent and resigned.寂静并且顺从imagine me,想着我trying too hard to put you from my mind.艰难的试着把你从我的思想里放逐recall those days,回忆那些日子look back on all those times,回头看那些时间think of the things we"ll never do -想象我们一直没做过的事情there will never be a day,不会有那样一天when i won"t think of you...我没有想念你的一天can it be?会是吗can it be christine?会是christine(克里斯汀 女子名)吗bravo!喝彩声what a change!怎样的改变啊you"re really not a bit the gawkish girl 你真的不是笨拙的女孩that once you were...但那次你是she may not remember me,她不会记得我的but i remember her...我会会记得她we"ve never said our love was evergreen,我们不会说我们的爱是常青树or as unchanging as the sea -或者像大海一样永恒but please promise me,但是请向我承诺that sometimes,有些时间you will think oooooo~f me!你会想起我http: lrc.bzmtv.com

a the phantom of the opera[初三英语课文】【翻译】


英语课文【the phantom of the opera 】的story

The Paris Opera House is a huge building. Beneath the building there is a strange, dark lake. On this lake is an island. On that island, one hundred years ago, lived the phantom.He was so ugly at birth that his own mother made him wear a mask. She force him to leave home while he was still a child. He spent years wandering around Paris until he built his home on the island. Amazingly, this monster of a man loved singing and had a wonderful voice.The phantom fell in love with Christine, a beautiful young singer at the Opera. He often stood near her room late at night and sang to her. He even helped her improve her singing and become the Opera"s most popular singer. Christine could not see the Phantom, and thoughtthat he must be an angel.But Christine had already agreed to marry her childhood friend,Raoul. When the Phantom learnt about this, it broke his heart. He kidnapped her from the stage in front of the whole audience. Then, he took her to his secret home on the lake. Only Raoul was brave enough to follow. But the Phantom captured him and locked him away.In the Phantom"s home, Christine finally pulled off his mask. SHe was shocked at his horrible face, with yellow eyes and no nose. But she felt very sorry sorry for him. She understood how lonely he must be. She gently kissed his face.Christine"s kindness made the phantom cry. He let Raoul go, and toldhim to take Christine away. Some people from the Opera arrived at the Phantom"s home, ready to kill him. But the Phantom magically disappeared, and was never seen again.巴黎歌剧院是一个巨大的建筑。下建设有是一个奇怪的,黑暗的湖。在这个湖是一个岛国。在该岛上,一百多年前,住了一个幻像。他出生的太难看,他自己的母亲让他戴上口罩。她迫使他离开家,而他还是个孩子。他花了几年时间在巴黎附近徘徊,直到他在岛上建立了他的家。令人惊讶的是,这个怪物一个人爱唱歌,有一个美好的的声音。魅影爱上了一个美丽的年轻歌手克里斯丁。他常常站在她的房间附近在晚上和她合唱。他甚至还帮她改善她的歌声,并成为歌剧院的最受欢迎的歌手。克里斯丁无法看到魅影,以为他必须是一个天使。但克里斯蒂已经同意嫁给她她儿时的朋友,拉乌尔。当魅影了解,她撕碎了他的心。他绑架她在整个观众面前的舞台。接着,他带她到他在湖上的秘密家。只有拉乌尔很勇敢遵循。但幽灵擒获,便把他带走。在幽灵的家,克里斯丁终于脱下他的面具。她震惊于他的可怕的脸,黄色的眼睛,没有鼻子。但她感到很抱歉对不起他。她明白,他必须是多么孤独。她轻轻地亲吻他的脸。克里斯丁的善良的魅影哭。他让拉乌尔去,并告诉他把克里斯丁送远。从歌剧院有些人抵达幽灵的家,准备杀了他。但幻影神奇消失了,从未见过。希望可以帮你!:)

The phantom of the Opera

牛津英语s2 chapter 1 reading

翻译《phantom of the opera》课文

The Paris Opera House is a huge building.Beneath the building there is a strange,dark lake.On this lake is an island.On that island, one hundred years ago,lived the phantom. He was so ugly at birth that his own mother made him wear a mask.She force him to leave home while he was still a child.He spent years wandering around Paris until he built his home on the island. Amazingly,this monster of a man loved singing and had a wonderful voice. The phantom fell in love with Christine,a beautiful young singer at the Opera.He often stood near her room late at night and sang to her.He even helped her improve her singing and become the Opera"s most popular singer.Christine could not see the Phantom,and thought that he must be an angel. But Christine had already agreed to marry her childhood friend, Raoul.When the Phantom learnt about this,it broke his heart.He kidnapped her from the stage in front of the whole audience.Then,he took her to his secret home on the lake.Only Raoul was brave enough to follow.But the Phantom captured him and locked him away. In the Phantom"s home,Christine finally pulled off his mask.SHe was shocked at his horrible face,with yellow eyes and no nose.But she felt very sorry sorry for him.She understood how lonely he must be. She gently kissed his face. Christine"s kindness made the phantom cry.He let Raoul go,and told him to take Christine away.Some people from the Opera arrived at the Phantom"s home,ready to kill him.But the Phantom magically disappeared,and was never seen again. 巴黎歌剧院是一个巨大的建筑.下建设有 是一个奇怪的,黑暗的湖.在这个湖是一个岛国.在该岛上, 一百多年前,住了一个幻像. 他出生的太难看,他自己的母亲让他戴上口罩.她 迫使他离开家,而他还是个孩子.他花了几年时间在 巴黎附近徘徊,直到他在岛上建立了他的家. 令人惊讶的是,这个怪物一个人爱唱歌,有一个美好的 的声音. 魅影爱上了一个美丽的年轻歌手克里斯丁.他常常站在她的房间附近在晚上和 她合唱.他甚至还帮她改善她的歌声,并成为歌剧院的 最受欢迎的歌手.克里斯丁无法看到魅影,以为 他必须是一个天使. 但克里斯蒂已经同意嫁给她她儿时的朋友, 拉乌尔.当魅影了解,她撕碎了他的心.他 绑架她在整个观众面前的舞台.接着,他 带她到他在湖上的秘密家.只有拉乌尔很勇敢 遵循.但幽灵擒获,便把他带走. 在幽灵的家,克里斯丁终于脱下他的面具.她 震惊于他的可怕的脸,黄色的眼睛,没有鼻子.但她 感到很抱歉对不起他.她明白,他必须是多么孤独. 她轻轻地亲吻他的脸.克里斯丁的善良的魅影哭.他让拉乌尔去,并告诉 他把克里斯丁送远.从歌剧院有些人抵达 幽灵的家,准备杀了他.但幻影神奇 消失了,从未见过. 希望可以帮你!:)


《The Phantom of the Opera》(Gaston Leroux)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1wBmku7RGOnBHnbKcxBhKOA 提取码:bn3o书名:The Phantom of the Opera作者:Gaston Leroux译者:Lowell Bair豆瓣评分:8.0出版社:Bantam Classics出版年份:1990-01页数:274内容简介:Gaston Leroux is one of the originators of the detective story, and The Phantom of the Opera is his tour de force, as well as being the basis for the hit Broadway musical. A superb suspense story and a dark tale of obsession, The Phantom of the Opera has thrilled and entertained audiences in adaptations throughout the century.This new translation—the first completely modern and Americanized translation—unfurls the full impact of this classic thriller for modern readers. It offers a more complete rendering of the terrifying figure who emerges from the depths of the glorious Paris Opera House to take us into the darkest regions of the human heart. After the breathtaking performance of the lovely Christine Daae and her sudden disappearance, the old legend of the “opera ghost” becomes a horrifying reality as the ghost strikes out with increasing frequency and violence—always with the young singer at the center of his powerful obsession. Leroux has created a masterwork of love and murder—and a tragic figure who awakens our deepest and most forbidden fears.This is the only complete, unabridged modern Americanized translation available. Lowell Bair is the acclaimed translator of such Bantam Classics as Madame Bovary , Les Liaisons Dangereuses, and Candide .作者简介:卡斯顿·勒胡(Gaston Leroux, 1868-1927),20世纪初期法国最杰出的推理小说作家,在法国有“永恒的记者”之称。勒胡毕业后在一家律师事务所做书记员,业余创作随笔和短篇小说。1890年开始投身报业,曾作为特派记者周游世界各地。1900年开始创作长篇小说。他的小说风格诡异,擅长以不可思议的内容与场景营造恐怖玄异的气氛,并且在恐怖中淋漓尽致地表达人性。他的著作《黄色房间之谜》被称誉为“不可模仿、不可超越的推理小说杰作”。

intraclass correlation coefficients是什么意思

  intraclass correlation coefficients的中文翻译  intraclass correlation coefficients  组内相关系数  双语例句  1  Compared to Kendall"s W, intraclass correlation coefficients have a wide scope of application.  相比较而言,组内相关系数检验的应用前景更广阔。  2  Intraclass correlation coefficients are parametric measures of association or cor-relation, the models of whose computation involve one-way random, two-way mixed and two-way random models.  组内相关系数检验是对关联度或相关性的参数检验,计算模型包括单向随机、双向混合和双向随机等三个模型。

谁能给我The Phantom Of Opera 的歌词

The Phantom Of The Opera 打印此页 歌手:Sarah Brightman CHRISTINE:In sleep he sang to me,in dreams he came ...that voice which calls to meand speaks my name ...And do I dream again?For now I findthe Phantom of the Opera is there -inside my mind ...PHANTOM:Sing once again with meour strange duet ...My power over yougrows stronger yet ...And though you turn from me,to glance behind,the Phantom of the Opera is there -inside your mind ...CHRISTINE:Those who have seen your facedraw back in fear ...I am the mask you wear ...PHANTOM:It"s me they hear ...BOTH:Your/my spirit and your/my voicein one combined:the Phantom of the Opera is there -inside your/my mind ...CHORUS:He"s there,the Phantom of the Opera ...Beware, the Phantom of the Opera ...PHANTOM:In all your fantasies,you always knewthat man and mystery ...CHRISTINE:... were both in you ...BOTH:And in this labyrinth,where night is blind,the Phantom of the Opera is there/hereinside your/my mind ...PHANTOM:Sing, my Angel of Music!CHRISTINE:He"s there, the Phantom of the Opera ...Sing for me ... sing.Sing my Angel ... sing.Sing for me.

音乐剧the phantom of the opera的主题是什么?


The Phantom of The Opera 歌剧院的幽灵作者简介

GastonLeroux[加斯通·勒鲁](1868-1927),法国著名的侦探、悬念小说家。他的作品,有据可查的达三十四部之多,体裁不仅涉及侦探小说,还包括其他方面。《黄色房间的秘密》是他的第一部作品,《剧院魅影》则是他脍炙人口的作品。本书被誉为西方文学界华丽与诡异完美结合的巅峰之作,有着离奇哀婉、令人扼腕的人鬼悲情,骇人听闻的罪恶勾当,匪夷所思的悬念场景。  勒鲁深具报道犯罪的经历,曾担任战时特派员及律师,这些都丰富了他创作侦探小说和冒险故事的背景。后来以创造“鲁尔塔比伊”、“亲爱比比”为主角的系列侦探小说广受读者欢迎。其热爱生命,是财场里的豪客,然而具有严肃的思维和恣肆的想像力。  勒鲁的作品内容融合了爱与恐怖情节,故事发生的地点经常为具有庄严气氛的处所,如歌剧院,学院,历史悠久的城堡等等,行文通俗易懂,然而其名法,叙述方式的联结,善于牵引读者浸淫书中世界的技巧,以及他独特的“小说蒙太奇”,使他堪称一位侦探文学大家。他的作品在默片时代经常搬上银幕,而享誉全球的音乐剧《歌剧魅影》即改编自他最著名的同名作品。

歌剧魅影The phantom of the opera 的英语歌词

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寻找Nightwish版《the phantom of the opera》的中文歌词

这个是<<歌剧魅影>>中的插曲 nightwish进行了翻唱<<歌剧魅影>>《the phantom of the opera》in sleep he sing to me 在梦中他对我献唱 in dreams he came 在梦中他迎面走来 the voice calls to me,and speaks my name 声声呼唤我的名字 and do i dream again?for now i found 我是否又做梦了,因为我发现 the phantom of the oprea is there 歌剧魅影就在那里 inside my mind 在我心中 [the Phantom] sing once again with me 再次与我合唱 ****** 奇妙的二重唱 my power offer you grows stronger 我支配你的力量日益强大 and go you turn for me,do glance behind 纵然你离我而去,留下惊鸿一瞥 the phantom of the oprea is there 歌剧魅影就在那里 inside your mind 在你心中 [Christine] those who have seen your face 凡见过你面容的人 drop back in fear 蜷缩于恐惧之中 i am the mask you wear 我是你所戴的面具 [the Phantom] they ****** the ear 他们听见的是我 [together] ****** [你/我]的灵魂和声音合为一体 the phantom of the oprea is there 歌剧魅影就在那里 inside [my/you] mind 在[我/你]心中 [Christine] he is there,the phantom of the opera 他在那里,歌剧魅影 [the Phantom] sing,my angel of music 唱吧,我的音乐天使 sing,my angel 唱吧,我的天使 sing for me 为我歌唱 sing,my angel 唱吧,我的天使 sing for me 为我歌唱

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求the phantom of the opera的歌词

phantom of the opera 歌剧魅影ChristineIn sleep he sang to meIn dreams he cameThat voice which calls to meAnd speaks my nameAnd do I dream againFor now I findThe phantom of the opera is thereInside my mindSing once again with mePhantomOur strange duetMy power over youGrows stronger yetAnd though you turn from meto glance behindThe phantom of the opera is thereInside your mindChristineThose who have seen your faceDraw back in fearI am the mask you wearPhantomIt"s me they hearBothMy/Your spirit and my/your voiceIn one combinedThe phantom of the opera is thereinside my/your mindChorusIs that the phantom of the operaBeware the phantom of the operaPhantomIn all your fantasies you always knewThat man and mysteryChristineWere both in youBothAnd in this labrinthWhere night is blindThe Phantom of the opera is here/thereChristineInside my mindPhantomSing my Angel of Music!CHRISTINEHe"s therethe Phantom of the Opera

统计学covariance, correlation coefficient

关系:strong negative correlationslope is negative and their linear relationship is very strong.var(a+b)=var(a)+var(b)+2cov(a,b)

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instrument 仪器;工具;乐器 (为某一特定用途所准备的一套装置或机器)gauge计量器;标准尺寸 (测量仪表;测量工具)

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了解 Intra-class Correlation Correlation 组内相关系数

什么是intra-class coefficient correlation?翻译过来是组内相关系数。 为什么会需要它呢? 当我们的调查中有许多不同的采访者、评分者或评估者时,通常使用类内相关系数(ICC)。假设我们的调查中有n个参与者(或项目),每个参与者由k个不同的面试官进行评估。我们感兴趣的是知道我们看到的k个面试官之间的一致程度(面试官是否为每个参与者记录了相同的结果)。ICC是我们的数据中总方差的比例,它由采访者之间的方差解释。在大多数情况下,ICC的值在0到1之间,当ICC接近1时,我们看到审查员之间有一个完美的一致,当ICC接近0时,我们看到审查员之间没有一致。 我觉得下边的这个例子解释的比较清楚。 参考链接: https://www.statisticshowto.datasciencecentral.com/intraclass-correlation/ http://www.adasis-events.com/statistics-blog/2013/4/25/what-is-the-intra-class-correlation-coefficient.html https://www.uvm.edu/~dhowell/StatPages/ 20190323

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We feel regretful for not being able to deliver to you the bill of lading and shipping documents.It is regretable that we did not able to deliver to you the bill of lading and shipping documents.

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固定句型——"the more..., the more..."句型常表示"越……就越……",是一个复合句,前面的句子是状语从句,后面的句子是主句。the用在形容词或副词的比较级前,more代表形容词或副词的比较级;建议学习的时候,多用这样的固定结构进行练习,多造句。比如:The harder he worked, the more he got。

《Murderonthe Orient Express》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Murder on the Orient Express》(Agatha Christie)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1UvSggo0gFXc49NDLX9tgNw 提取码: kweh书名:Murder on the Orient Express作者:Agatha Christie豆瓣评分:8.9出版社:Harper出版年份:2011-3-29页数:336作者简介:阿加莎·克里斯蒂被誉为举世公认的侦探推理小说女王。她的著作英文版销售量逾10亿册,而且还被译成百余种文字,销售量亦逾10亿册。她一生创作了80部侦探小说和短篇故事集,19部剧本,以及6部以玛丽·维斯特麦考特的笔名出版的小说。著作数量之丰仅次于莎士比亚。阿加莎·克里斯蒂的第一部小说《斯泰尔斯庄园奇案》写于第一次世界大战末,战时她担任志愿救护队员。在这部小说中她塑造了一个可爱的小个子比利时侦探赫尔克里·波格,成为继福尔摩斯之后侦探小说中最受读者欢迎的侦探形象。1926年,阿加莎·克里斯蒂写出了自己的成名作《罗杰疑案》(又译作《罗杰·艾克罗伊德谋杀案》)。1952年她最著名的剧本《捕鼠器》被搬上舞台,此后连续上演,时间之长久,创下了世界戏剧史上空前的纪录。1971年,阿加莎·克里斯蒂得英国女王册封的女爵士封号。1975年,英格丽·褒曼凭借根据阿加莎同名小说《东方快车谋杀案》改编的影片获得了第三座奥斯卡奖杯。阿加莎数以亿计的仰慕者中不乏显赫的人物,其中包括女王伊丽莎白二世和法国总统戴高乐。1976年,她以85岁高龄永别了热爱她的人们。



enterprise architect 能否根据序列图生成框架代码?


如何用enterprise architect 画ER图

1、首先创建域模型,依次点击“New Model from Pattern”,选择“Domain Model”,然后点击“确定”按钮。2、创建类图。选中“域模型测试”,点击“New Diagram”,输入类图名称“登录类图”,选择“class”,最后点击“确定”按钮。3、双击打开刚才创建的类图。为下一步画图做好准备。4、拖入一个用户类。并命名为User。5、为User类添加变量,在类窗口中,点击“详细信息”->"变量",打开“User Attributes”窗口,添加User类的变量。

Into The Moonlight 歌词

歌曲名:Into The Moonlight歌手:Dream Evil专辑:The Book Of Heavy MetalAltogether why!I can"t believe my eyeswhat I see standing in front of meCrowd of thousand Menwho"ve come to make a standHere we are,under the seven starsRide, side by sidetouching the fire in the soul of ours,tonight as we rideinto the moonlightfear, step asiderun and hide I"m not afraid to risk my life as we rideinto the moonlighthalfway home we face the dark ones eye to eyestep aside!Unless you want to dieNight is cold and black a blind man leads the blindwe can"t see the forest for the treesRide, side by sidetouching the fire in the soul of ours,tonight as we rideinto the moonlightfear, step asiderun and hide I"m not afraid to risk my life as we rideinto the moonlightRide, side by sidetouching the fire in the soul of ours,tonight as we ridethe moonlightfear, step asiderun and hide I"m not afraid to risk my life as we rideinto the moonlighthttp://music.baidu.com/song/35232824

out of the darkness into the light曲谱


dance into the day歌词翻译


如何利用Enterprise Architect画类图

类图可以说是整个开发过程中一个重要的产物。通过类图,我们可以了解设计人员对其所面对的领域的想象,进而了解设计人员在设计上的一些重要设计的表达与观点。本文就介绍一下如何利用Enterprise Architect画类图。工具/原料电脑一台,安装有Enterprise Architect工具方法/步骤1首先创建域模型,依次点击“New Model from Pattern”,选择“Domain Model”,然后点击“确定”按钮。2创建类图。选中“域模型测试”,点击“New Diagram”,输入类图名称“登录类图”,选择“class”,最后点击“确定”按钮。3双击打开刚才创建的类图。为下一步画图做好准备。4拖入一个用户类。并命名为User。5为User类添加变量,在类窗口中,点击“详细信息”->"变量",打开“User Attributes”窗口,添加User类的变量。6再依次创建Login、UserDao类,并为其添加属性和方法,并添加类之间的关联关系。User类与Login类是关联关系,Login类依赖于UserDao类。登录时会将封装的User类发送到Login类进行处理,此二者为关联关系。而Login类处理登录时,会查询数据库获取用户信息此时会用到UserDao类,因此Login对数据的查询依赖于UserDao类。

Enterprise Architect怎么用

工程建立,可以选择“文件”->”新建项目”或者选择”管理项目”—>"Create a new projet"UML建立,新建项目后,保存到本地磁盘后,就会弹出”选择模型”,选择模型分为三类----Common,Simple,UnifledProcess当我们在建立UML图的时候,可以选择Simple中的类型在选择了Use Case View后,在项目浏览器中的Model包下面会显示有Use Case View角色属性设置用例属性设置类图的属性设置类的方法设置变量设置属性设置重新选择模型新建包新建元件新建图表

Step Into The Light 歌词

歌曲名:Step Into The Light歌手:Darren Hayes专辑:This Delicate Thing We

out of the darkness into the light 是什么意思啊


怎么用enterprise architect画流程图

Enterprise Architect使用教程http://blog.csdn.net/majorblog/article/details/6571604详细可以参考这个,有图解教程,希望可以帮到你

Back Into The Light 歌词

歌曲名:Back Into The Light歌手:Sota Fujimori专辑:BEMANI BEST for the 10th anniversaryI want you back in my lifeWant you back by my sidecause thats where you belongI wont give you upI will never stopMy love is much too strongI want you back in my lifeWant you back by my sidecause thats where you belongAnd I...I wont give you upI will never stopMy love is much too strongLook at me standing hereCrying out my final tearsLook at me in the rainCall me I wont leave againLook at me standing hereCrying out my final tearsLook at me in the rainAll in that I wont name againRemember when you told me ?You didnt want anybody else but me ?Well Im that same girl is all you need to seeI want you back in my lifeWant you back by my sidecause thats where you belongAnd I...I wont give you upI will never stopMy love is much too strongLook at me standing hereCrying out my final tearsLook at me in the rainhttp://music.baidu.com/song/25105718

Step Into The Light (You Should Be Living Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Step Into The Light (You Should Be Living Album Version)歌手:Discover America专辑:You Should Be LivingSinger:Darren HayesStep into the lightI have turned away from you and I am Godless.A wasteland of poison.hidden frequencies.I have blackened out the stars and hidden frequencies.I have silenced all the waves and forbidden secrecies.To step into your light.This dog doesn"t bite you know.I just want to be your friend.You know I"ve never been in love before.I"ve never been in love before.There is nothing of you now.No ghost.No not a trace.No flower not a seed nor perfume in your place.I have searched amidst a barren plane of emptiness.And I am worthless.It is futile.You"re invisibleI am infantile.Step into the light y"all.This dog doesn"t bite y"all.Just wanna be your friend.You know I"ve never been in love before.I"ve never been in love before.I have murdered the divine in me.Set the Godness free.I have squandered it all.I am less than the sum.I am parts of a hole.There is something missing.There is something I stoleThere is something I stoleThere is something I stoleWhy"ve you forsaken me?Where do you hide?I feel the betrayal.It simmers it blisters.It digs down and burrows deeper inside.The more than I try I cannot deny it.It feels like.It feels like I"ve never been in love before.It feels like.It feels like love.Step into the light y"all.This dog doesn"t bite y"all.Just wanna be your friend.Just wanna be your friend.So step into the light y"all.You know this dog doesn"t bite y"all.Take hold of my hand.You know that I"ve never been in love before.The end.....http://music.baidu.com/song/2584483

Step Into The Light (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Step Into The Light (Lp Version)歌手:The Afghan Whigs专辑:Black LoveSinger:Darren HayesStep into the lightI have turned away from you and I am Godless.A wasteland of poison.hidden frequencies.I have blackened out the stars and hidden frequencies.I have silenced all the waves and forbidden secrecies.To step into your light.This dog doesn"t bite you know.I just want to be your friend.You know I"ve never been in love before.I"ve never been in love before.There is nothing of you now.No ghost.No not a trace.No flower not a seed nor perfume in your place.I have searched amidst a barren plane of emptiness.And I am worthless.It is futile.You"re invisibleI am infantile.Step into the light y"all.This dog doesn"t bite y"all.Just wanna be your friend.You know I"ve never been in love before.I"ve never been in love before.I have murdered the divine in me.Set the Godness free.I have squandered it all.I am less than the sum.I am parts of a hole.There is something missing.There is something I stoleThere is something I stoleThere is something I stoleWhy"ve you forsaken me?Where do you hide?I feel the betrayal.It simmers it blisters.It digs down and burrows deeper inside.The more than I try I cannot deny it.It feels like.It feels like I"ve never been in love before.It feels like.It feels like love.Step into the light y"all.This dog doesn"t bite y"all.Just wanna be your friend.Just wanna be your friend.So step into the light y"all.You know this dog doesn"t bite y"all.Take hold of my hand.You know that I"ve never been in love before.The end.....http://music.baidu.com/song/7667680

EnterPrise Architect画流程图

本文写自Enterprise Architect v15中文专业版,但其实v15的其他版本也是差不多的。英文版直接对照位置选择就可以了。 EA的流程图藏得比较深,没有直接叫做流程图的地方。它藏在战略图里面。让我们一步一步来找他。细心的同学可以发现,此时的begin前面有构造型,这显然是不够好看的,那么我们下一步就去掉这个构造型吧接下来就可以正式的绘制流程图了 同学们可以根据自己的需求开始绘制自己的流程图了 关于流程图各个图形的含义本文就不在讨论了 至此,respect

Back Into The Light 歌词

歌曲名:Back Into The Light歌手:Prelude专辑:After The Gold Rush: The Dawn/Pye Anthology 1973-77I want you back in my lifeWant you back by my sidecause thats where you belongI wont give you upI will never stopMy love is much too strongI want you back in my lifeWant you back by my sidecause thats where you belongAnd I...I wont give you upI will never stopMy love is much too strongLook at me standing hereCrying out my final tearsLook at me in the rainCall me I wont leave againLook at me standing hereCrying out my final tearsLook at me in the rainAll in that I wont name againRemember when you told me ?You didnt want anybody else but me ?Well Im that same girl is all you need to seeI want you back in my lifeWant you back by my sidecause thats where you belongAnd I...I wont give you upI will never stopMy love is much too strongLook at me standing hereCrying out my final tearsLook at me in the rainhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7359424

out of the darkness into the light是属于轻快还是伤心的音乐

歌曲:Out Of The Darkness演唱:Sarah Dawn Finer作词:Linken作曲:Dean专辑:《A Finer Dawn》歌词:I′ve been known for cryingI′ve been known for tearsI′ve been known hurting for all these yearsI′ve been running in circlesTrying to find my way outI′ve been looking for answersFalling through the clouds, I amComing out of the darkness nowWalking into the lightI′ve been making so many wrong turns in lifeIt′s time to make them rightWalk with me I need your courageWalk with me I need your faithWalk with me and be my shadowMake it brightI need forgiveness, I need more strengthI need some patience, I need your loveGive me a promise, give me directionI′m walking out, walking out, stepping outComing out, running out, see me nowShouting now, fighting nowThis is the time for change - I amComing out of the darkness nowWalking into the lightI′ve been making so many wrong turns in lifeIt′s time to make them right- I amComing out of the darkness nowWalking into the lightI′ve been making so many wrong turns in lifeIt′s time to make them rightGive me your wisdom, give me your wordsGive me your help, I′ve been crying hereI′m dying here, give me a dollarGive me a holler - oh - ohJust believe me when I′m sayingIt′s time for changing,I′ll do anything, I′ll give anythingJust get me the lightGive me the lightGive me a signNow is the timeI′m ready I′m ready I amComing out of the darkness nowWalking into the lightI am Coming out of the darkness nowWalking into the lightI′ve been making so many wrong turns in lifeIt′s time to make them righI′m I′m I′mComing out of the darkness into the light

Step Into The Light 歌词

歌曲名:Step Into The Light歌手:Segments of the SOUL专辑:Segments Of The SoulSinger:Darren HayesStep into the lightI have turned away from you and I am Godless.A wasteland of poison.hidden frequencies.I have blackened out the stars and hidden frequencies.I have silenced all the waves and forbidden secrecies.To step into your light.This dog doesn"t bite you know.I just want to be your friend.You know I"ve never been in love before.I"ve never been in love before.There is nothing of you now.No ghost.No not a trace.No flower not a seed nor perfume in your place.I have searched amidst a barren plane of emptiness.And I am worthless.It is futile.You"re invisibleI am infantile.Step into the light y"all.This dog doesn"t bite y"all.Just wanna be your friend.You know I"ve never been in love before.I"ve never been in love before.I have murdered the divine in me.Set the Godness free.I have squandered it all.I am less than the sum.I am parts of a hole.There is something missing.There is something I stoleThere is something I stoleThere is something I stoleWhy"ve you forsaken me?Where do you hide?I feel the betrayal.It simmers it blisters.It digs down and burrows deeper inside.The more than I try I cannot deny it.It feels like.It feels like I"ve never been in love before.It feels like.It feels like love.Step into the light y"all.This dog doesn"t bite y"all.Just wanna be your friend.Just wanna be your friend.So step into the light y"all.You know this dog doesn"t bite y"all.Take hold of my hand.You know that I"ve never been in love before.The end.....http://music.baidu.com/song/15284111
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