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loadrunner initialize应该怎么设置

在loadrunner的脚本代码中使用web_url的参数进行对访问一个论坛信息,在这个参数上一行中进行右键的方式,弹出的下拉菜单中进行选择“insert”。 点击完insert之后,会移动下一级的菜单中,可以直接点击“new step”的选项菜单。 进入到一个为参数的...

跑跑卡丁车提示cannot initialize怎么办?

跑跑卡丁车提示cannot initialize解决方法如下:1,打开电脑开始菜单,选择“设置——控制面板”。2,在控制面板打开“防火墙”,点击“允许程序通过Windows防火墙”。3,选择“更改设置”按钮,点击“允许运行另一程序”按钮,找到跑跑卡丁车的图标,添加进去,点击“确定”按钮保存。跑跑卡丁车无法正常启动多是由于电脑自带防火墙的阻止行为。关闭防火墙,或者允许游戏文件通过防火墙,即可顺利开启游戏。

跑跑卡丁车提示cannot initialize怎么办?

跑跑卡丁车提示cannot initialize解决方法如下:1,打开电脑开始菜单,选择“设置——控制面板”。2,在控制面板打开“防火墙”,点击“允许程序通过Windows防火墙”。3,选择“更改设置”按钮,点击“允许运行另一程序”按钮,找到跑跑卡丁车的图标,添加进去,点击“确定”按钮保存。跑跑卡丁车无法正常启动多是由于电脑自带防火墙的阻止行为。关闭防火墙,或者允许游戏文件通过防火墙,即可顺利开启游戏。


runaway Avril的歌

"La Donna è Mobile" 歌词

歌曲名:"La Donna è Mobile"歌手:London Symphony Orchestra&Luciano Pavarotti&Richard Bonynge专辑:The Best Of Luciano Pavarotti 20Th Century Masters The Millennium CollectionLa donna è mobile 女人善变 胡子自作La donna è mobilequal piuma al vento,muta d"accentoe di pensiero.Sempre un amabileleggiadro viso,in pianto o in riso,è menzognero.La donna è mobilqual piuma al vento,muta d"accentoe di pensier,e di pensier,e e di pensier.è sempre miserochi a lei s"affida,chi le confidamal cauto il core!Pur mai non sentesifelice appienochi su quel senonon liba amore!La donna è mobilqual piuma al vento,muta d"accentoe di pensier,e di pensier,e e di pensierhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10250929


1. ruler 2. pencil 3. ear / are 4. hand 5. nose

senno或seno是什么意思 日语

是不是 se-no ,预备的意思


就是预备,开始的意思。在歌曲里面有这个“预备”好比有些歌里有“Come on ,let"s go"一样的,为了歌曲造势。一般是比较欢快的歌曲啊。学术上日语分为九州日语、关西日语、关东日语和八丈语四种方言。还可以细分为十三种方言:属于九州日语的萨隅方言、肥筑方言、丰日方言,属于关西日语的中国方言、云伯方言、四国方言、近畿方言、北陆方言,属于关东日语的东海东山方言、关东方言、内陆北海道方言、东北方言和沿岸北海道方言。日语的起源一直是争论不休的问题,现代日本人有近35%绳文人血统、32%弥生人血统和20%汉人血统,表明日语来源的复杂性。明治时代的日本人把日语划为“阿尔泰语系”,后来遭到否定。美国人Homer Hulbert(1863—1949)和大野晋(1919—2008)认为日语属于达罗毗荼语系。三国时代,汉字传入日本,唐代时日本人发明了通行于女性之间的假名,官文为文言文,因此现代日本语受古代汉语影响极大。以昭和31年(1956年)的《例解国语辞典》为例,在日本语的语汇中,和语占36.6%、汉语占53.6%,昭和39年(1964年)日本国立研究所对90种杂志用语进行了调查研究,得出了和语占36.7%、汉语占47.5%、西洋语占近10%的结论。

Muddy Waters的Mannish Boy的歌词

mannish boy 打印此页 歌手:the rolling stones 专辑:rarities 1971-2003 Oh yeah, yeahOh yesEverything gonna be alrightOh yeah, yeahNow when I was a young boyAt the age of fiveMy mother said I"ll beThe greatest man aliveAnd now I"m a manI"m over twenty-oneYou better believe me, babyAnd I"ll say, we can have lots of funI"m a manHuh huh huh huh huhA manOh yeahOh yeah (oh yeah)Oh yeahThe line I shootWill never missAnd when I make love to you babyYou just can"t resistOoh, ain"t that manSpelled "M""A" child"N"No "B""O" child"Y"That spell mannish boyI"m a manA manI"m a manI"m a manI sittin" on the outsideJust me and my mateI made the moveCome up two hours lateAin"t that a manNo "B""O" child"Y"That spell mannish boyI"m a manI"m a manI"m a full grown man, babyOh yeah, oh yeahOh yeah, oh yeahAll you pretty womenStand in lineI make love with you babyIn an hour"s timeI"m a manI"m a manOh yeah (oh yeah)Oh yeah (oh yeah)

春天到了,中国一些地方的天气怎么样,用英语表达。例如,BEIJING si sunny an




求 John lennon的Crippled Inside歌词

Crippled Inside John LennonYou can shine your shoes and wear a suitYou can comb your hair and look quite cuteYou can hide your face behind a smileOne thing you cant hideIs when youre crippled insideYou can wear a mask and paint your faceYou can call yourself the human raceYou can wear a collar and a tieOne thing you cant hideIs when youre crippled insideYou can go to church and sing a hymnYou can judge me by the color of my skinYou can live a lie until you dieOne thing you cant hideIs when youre crippled insideWell now you know that yourCat has nine livesNine lives to itselfBut you only got oneAnd a dogs life aint funMamma take a look outsideOne thing you cant hideIs when youre crippled insideOne thing you cant hideIs when youre crippled inside


You can now shine.中文意思:1) 你现在可以发光了。2) 你现在可以炫耀一下了。

Bonneville salt Flats怎么读,在线问,速度!


dine ,dinner ,meal ,supper 区别 英语

dinner [din·ner (dnr)]晚饭,正餐,宴会 supper晚餐 dine 吃饭 晚餐 evening meal/dinner/




A dinner is a meal, but a meal can be a breakfast.


mealn. 一餐,一顿饭;膳食vi. 进餐即一天3顿饭这里就用 3 meals per day.如:1、And often his breakfast was his only meal.他的早餐经常是一天中唯一的一餐。2、What would your last meal be?你最后的晚餐会是什么?dinner指晚餐.如:Have your dinner before you watch TV.吃完饭再看电视。


Bonneville n. 博纳维尔牌汽车; 犹他州的邦纳维尔; [医] 宝石柱白鲑; [人名] 博纳维尔; [地名] [法国] 博讷维尔; [例句]To drag my bike over to bonneville.因为我得拖上我的摩托车去邦奈维勒。希望我的答案对您有帮助


Bonneville n. 博纳维尔牌汽车; 犹他州的邦纳维尔; [医] 宝石柱白鲑; [人名] 博纳维尔; [地名] [法国] 博讷维尔; 全部释义>>[例句]How much are you looking forward to bonneville?你有多期待接下来去巴纳维亚的行程?

英语语法问题the type of farming I ambnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

这里literally作为副词修饰is,is literally so的意思是“确实就是这样”。而that在这里引导的是so一个同位语。全句译文:我所力求的耕作模式确实就是这样,即使天气将变得越来越干燥人们也能够生存下去。


1、Dinner就只能指特定的一餐了,但是在不同的文化中,Dinner指的那一餐不同.最早这个词指的是一天中第一餐(那时候一天两餐),也就是午餐.后来演化成了最重要的(简单说就是分量最重)的那一餐,大多数国家现在都是用dinner指晚餐.我身在的文化里边一天四餐是这样的Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner -Supper其他地方,Lunch和Dinner中间还可能有Tea(下午茶)2、meal是一顿饭,一餐.不管那一餐,统称就是meal.一天3顿饭这里就用 3 meals per day.


  确定是香港电影吗?而且女主不是叫Junney,是Jenny,不知你是不是打错了,看看是不是下面这部,如果是的话,是广州壹线文化传播有限公司出品的,但是是粤语,可能误导你了  蒲出去2皇者之阶  天才少女JENNY(李雅丽饰)在落魄的前DJ四王之一的JOE(刘京永饰)的教导下,赢得DJ冠军后,开始了职业DJ生涯。在JOE的引荐下JENNY加入了性感女DJ女团PINK DJS,用自己的实力打破了PINK DJS只能靠性感和人数的传统,大受老板赏识。  但同时,树大招风,JENNY的表现吸引了花花公子DJ ALEX注意,在PINK DJS成员的挑拨下,JENNY与ALEX结怨。后来JENNY在好友CC的帮助下利用不雅视频反击了ALEX。但这个举动,也触怒了ALEX的幕后靠山----黑道大佬。JENNY在躲避追捕的时候,巧遇贵人Jeana(何佩瑜饰)出手相助,及后在老板的帮助下暂时离开避风头。  三个月后,喜喜CLUB老板ERIC赏识JENNY的为人与才华,邀请JENNY复出。为了让JENNY挣人气,ERIC举办了一个大型CLUB SHOW,让JENNY直接挑战四王之一的司隆。经过一番激烈角逐后,JENNY惜败,但已经深深撼动四王的王者地位。  JENNY经过此事后,明确了以打败四王及其幕后首领的人生目标。但DJ界并不是想象中简单,四王首领其实正是Jeana,她看到JENNY的决心后,约见了久未碰面JENNY的恩师JOE,并摊牌拆穿JOE的真实面目.....


It is sunday,Ann and Lele fiy a kite in the park.Ann:Nice to meet you!Lele:Nice to meet you, too!Ann:What time now?Lele:It is eight o"ciock.Ann:Let"s fiy the kite.OK?Lele:Good idea!


  确定是香港电影吗?而且女主不是叫Junney,是Jenny,不知你是不是打错了,看看是不是下面这部,如果是的话,是广州壹线文化传播有限公司出品的,但是是粤语,可能误导你了  蒲出去2皇者之阶  天才少女JENNY(李雅丽饰)在落魄的前DJ四王之一的JOE(刘京永饰)的教导下,赢得DJ冠军后,开始了职业DJ生涯。在JOE的引荐下JENNY加入了性感女DJ女团PINK DJS,用自己的实力打破了PINK DJS只能靠性感和人数的传统,大受老板赏识。  但同时,树大招风,JENNY的表现吸引了花花公子DJ ALEX注意,在PINK DJS成员的挑拨下,JENNY与ALEX结怨。后来JENNY在好友CC的帮助下利用不雅视频反击了ALEX。但这个举动,也触怒了ALEX的幕后靠山----黑道大佬。JENNY在躲避追捕的时候,巧遇贵人Jeana(何佩瑜饰)出手相助,及后在老板的帮助下暂时离开避风头。  三个月后,喜喜CLUB老板ERIC赏识JENNY的为人与才华,邀请JENNY复出。为了让JENNY挣人气,ERIC举办了一个大型CLUB SHOW,让JENNY直接挑战四王之一的司隆。经过一番激烈角逐后,JENNY惜败,但已经深深撼动四王的王者地位。  JENNY经过此事后,明确了以打败四王及其幕后首领的人生目标。但DJ界并不是想象中简单,四王首领其实正是Jeana,她看到JENNY的决心后,约见了久未碰面JENNY的恩师JOE,并摊牌拆穿JOE的真实面目.....

英文名Ginny 、Jeanna、 Jeanie的含义?

Ginny 吉安尼 《=Gina 《= Virginia (淑女,处女,处女座)Jeana 吉恩娜《= Jean God is gracious 上帝是怜悯的 -jeanie 吉安尼 《= Jean

Donny Osmond的《Puppy Love》 歌词

歌曲名:Puppy Love歌手:Donny Osmond专辑:Very Best Of The OsmondsAnd they called it puppy loveOh, I guess they"ll never knowHow a young heart really feelsAnd why I love her soAnd they called it puppy loveJust because we"re in our teensTell them all it isn"t fairTo take away my only dreamI cry each night my tears for youMy tears are all in vainI"ll hope and I"ll pray that maybe somedayYou"ll be back in my arms once againSomeone, help me, help me, help me pleaseIs the answer up aboveHow can I, how can I tell themThis is not a puppy lovehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8575928

Donny Osmond的《Puppy Love》 歌词

歌曲名:Puppy Love歌手:Donny Osmond专辑:70"S PopAnd they called it puppy loveOh, I guess they"ll never knowHow a young heart really feelsAnd why I love her soAnd they called it puppy loveJust because we"re in our teensTell them all it isn"t fairTo take away my only dreamI cry each night my tears for youMy tears are all in vainI"ll hope and I"ll pray that maybe somedayYou"ll be back in my arms once againSomeone, help me, help me, help me pleaseIs the answer up aboveHow can I, how can I tell themThis is not a puppy lovehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8781171

Donny Osmond的《Puppy Love》 歌词

歌曲名:Puppy Love歌手:Donny Osmond专辑:The CollectionAnd they called it puppy loveOh, I guess they"ll never knowHow a young heart really feelsAnd why I love her soAnd they called it puppy loveJust because we"re in our teensTell them all it isn"t fairTo take away my only dreamI cry each night my tears for youMy tears are all in vainI"ll hope and I"ll pray that maybe somedayYou"ll be back in my arms once againSomeone, help me, help me, help me pleaseIs the answer up aboveHow can I, how can I tell themThis is not a puppy lovehttp://music.baidu.com/song/468257

Donny Osmond的《Puppy Love》 歌词

歌曲名:Puppy Love歌手:Donny Osmond专辑:Various: Somewhere In Time (Us Version)And they called it puppy loveOh, I guess they"ll never knowHow a young heart really feelsAnd why I love her soAnd they called it puppy loveJust because we"re in our teensTell them all it isn"t fairTo take away my only dreamI cry each night my tears for youMy tears are all in vainI"ll hope and I"ll pray that maybe somedayYou"ll be back in my arms once againSomeone, help me, help me, help me pleaseIs the answer up aboveHow can I, how can I tell themThis is not a puppy lovehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7903448

Donny Osmond的《Puppy Love》 歌词

歌曲名:Puppy Love歌手:Donny Osmond专辑:Osmondmania!And they called it puppy loveOh, I guess they"ll never knowHow a young heart really feelsAnd why I love her soAnd they called it puppy loveJust because we"re in our teensTell them all it isn"t fairTo take away my only dreamI cry each night my tears for youMy tears are all in vainI"ll hope and I"ll pray that maybe somedayYou"ll be back in my arms once againSomeone, help me, help me, help me pleaseIs the answer up aboveHow can I, how can I tell themThis is not a puppy lovehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8523505

Des O Connor的《Something》 歌词

歌曲名:Something歌手:Des O Connor专辑:AnytimeShakira - SomethingQuand tuQuand tu me prends dans tes brasQuand je regarde dans tes yeuxJe vois qu"un Dieu existeCe n"est pas dur d"y croireBefore I met you I wasn"t terribly luckyEvery Prince Charming lost charm after twelveBut then you came and made the past look so funnyPut my old sadness to sleep on a shelfIf this was meant to beDon"t condemn me to be freeAnd even if we never marryI will always love you, babyChildishly"Cause somethingYou"ve got something I can"t resistThings are what they will beWhen I look into your eyesThey say to me that God"s do existAnd there"s somethingYou"ve got something I can"t resistThings are what they will beWhen I look into your eyesThey say to me that God"s do existYou make me believeYou make me believeI love the temperature and smell of your bodyThe shape of your lips and the size of your noseI love that everything you say is so funnyPlus you"re the best kisser that I"ve ever knownYou see the way I amWithout make-up, without clothesAnd you accept me like nobodyAnd I will always love you, babyWith eyes closed"Cause somethingYou"ve got something I can"t resistThings are what they will beWhen I look into your eyesThey say to me that God"s do existAnd there"s somethingYou"ve got something I can"t resistThings are what they will beWhen I look into your eyesThey say to me that God"s do existYou make me believeYou make me believeQuand tuQuand tu me prends dans tes brasQuand je regarde dans tes yeuxJe vois qu"un Dieu existeCe n"est pas dur d"y croireThere"s somethingI believe…There"s somethingI believe…There"s somethingI believeI doYou make me believe…... Je te desire ...制作http://music.baidu.com/song/2953122



Love the way you lie-Rihanna的歌词,有翻译更好。最好包括男生说唱部分的。

PART 1[Rihanna]  Just gonna stand there and watch me burn  你是不是就打算站在那看着我燃烧   But that"s alright because I like the way it hurts  不过没关系,因为我喜欢这心痛的感觉  Just gonna stand there and hear me cry  你是不是就打算站在那听着我哭泣  But that"s alright because I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie  不过没关系,因为我爱你说谎的方式,连你的谎言都爱  [Eminem]  I can"t tell you what it really is  我说不出来它到底是什么  I can only tell you what it feels like  我只能告诉你它是一种什么感觉  And right now there"s a steel knife in my windpipe  现在我的气管里有一把匕首  I can"t breathe but I still fight while I can fight  无法呼吸 但是我仍在尽力坚持  As long as the wrong feels right it"s like I"m in flight  就像被驾到高空一样没有任何感觉  High off her love, drunk from my hate,  借酒泄愤想要挣脱束缚  It"s like I"m huffing paint and I love it the more I suffer, I suffocate  我就像这溺水一样越是挣扎就越窒息  And right before I"m about to drown, she resuscitates me  就在我马上要沉下去的时候,她拯救了我  She fucking hates me and I love it  我爱她恨我的感觉。  Wait! Where you going? I"m leaving you  等等!你要去哪儿?我要离开你。  No you ain"t. Come back we"re running right back.  不,你不能走。回来吧 我们重新来过!  Here we go again  我们重新来过。  It"s so insane cuz" when it"s going good it"s going great.  这真是神奇,因为它向着完美发展。  I"m superman with the wind in his back  我就像超人一样无往不利!  She"s Louis Lane but when it"s bad it"s awful, I feel so ashamed I snap  她就像超人的白痴女友,糟糕的时候一塌糊涂我都感到羞耻  Who"s that dude? I don"t even know his name  这人又是谁?我连他名字都不知道  I laid hands on her, I"ll never stoop so low again  我揍了她 ,我再也不会妥协了  I guess I don"t know my own strength  连我自己都不知道我有多强硬  [Rihanna]  Just gonna stand there and watch me burn  你是不是就打算站在那看着我燃烧  But that"s alright because I like the way it hurts  不过没关系,因为我喜欢这心痛的感觉  Just gonna stand there and hear me cry  你是不是就打算站在那听着我哭泣  But that"s alright because I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie  不过没关系,因为我爱你说谎的方式,连你的谎言都爱  [Eminem]  You ever love somebody so much you can barely breathe  你曾经爱一个人爱到窒息么?  When you"re with "em  当你和他们在一起的时候  You meet and neither one of you even know what hit "em  你们满足了 而你们没一个人知道到底在干什么  Got that warm fuzzy feeling  慢慢享受你的暧昧感觉吧  Yeah, them chills you used to get "em  呵.那些你们曾经的欢乐时光  Now you"re getting fucking sick of looking at him  现在你看对方一眼都感觉到该死的恶心  You swore you"d never hit him; never do nothing to hurt him  你发过誓再不做出任何伤害他的事情。  Now you"re in each other"s face spewing venom in your words when you spit them  但是你现在却换了副嘴脸,恶语相加  You push pull each other"s hair, scratch claw hit him  你现在却把他推来搡去,不停地伤害着他  Throw him down pin him  你在蹂躏着他,像用针一样刺痛他  So lost in the moments when you"re in them  如此沉迷般的伤害着对方  It"s a race that"s the culprit controls your boat  这就如同一次比赛,但却是罪恶在掌控着你  So they say you"re best to go your separate ways  它告诉你分道扬镳是你最好的选择  Guess if they don"t know you cuz" today that was yesterday  他们大概不知道今日是非是因昨日而起  Yesterday is over it"s a different day  如果以前的事没发生就不会这样  Sound like broken records playing over but you promised her  听起来就像破唱片一样一遍又一遍的重复你对他的承诺  Next time you show restraint  下次你要克制自己  You don"t get another chance  不然你们之间就没有机会了  Life is no Nintendo game  生活不是任天堂的游戏  But you lied again  然而你又食言了  Now you get to watch her leave out the window  现在你只能眼睁睁的丢掉她给你的最后一次机会  I guess that"s why they call it window pane  我猜这也就是人们叫它窗玻璃的原因吧?(英语中玻璃pane与痛苦pain同音)  [Rihanna]  Just gonna stand there and watch me burn  你是不是就打算站在那看着我燃烧  But that"s alright because I like the way it hurts  不过没关系,因为我喜欢这心痛的感觉  Just gonna stand there and hear me cry  你是不是就打算站在那听着我哭泣  But that"s alright because I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie  不过没关系,因为我爱你说谎的方式,连你的谎言都爱  [Eminem]  Now I know he said things hit things that we didn"t mean  现在我明白了他说的事与愿违、口是心非  And we fall back into the same patterns same routine  我们又回到了原来的套路上  But your temper"s just as bad as mine is  你脾气跟我一样坏  You"re the same as me  你跟我一样  But when it comes to love you"re just as blinded  但是每每当我们快修成正果时却总是错过  Baby, please come back  宝贝,拜托请回到我的身边。  It wasn"t you, baby it was me  好吧,宝贝儿都是我的错  Maybe our relationship isn"t as crazy as it seemed  也许我们的关系并没有看上去那么不可救药  Maybe that"s what happens when a tornado meets a volcano  也许我们就像是水火相容的结果  All I know is I love you too much to walk away though  我只知道我爱你爱得不能自拔  Come inside, pick up your bags off the sidewalk  回家吧,拿上你的东西回家吧。  Don"t you hear sincerity in my voice when I talk  难道你没有听出我声音中的真诚么?  I told you this is my fault  我都说了,这都是我的错。  Look me in the eye ball  过来看着我的眼球。  Next time I"m pissed, I‘ll aim my fist at the drywall  下次发火的时候我会直接把拳头打向墙壁  Next time.There won"t be no next time  下次我绝不会再发火再动手了,决不会了  I apologize even though I know it"s lies  我明知道我的道歉是谎话  I"m tired of the games I just want her back  我受够这场争执了,我只想让她回来。  I know I"m a liar   我知道我就是个骗子  If she ever tries to fucking leave again  但是如果她再TM试图离开我的话  Im"a tie her to the bed and set this house on fire Just gonna......  我会把她绑在床上,点燃房子……  [Rihanna]  Just gonna stand there and watch me burn  你是不是就打算站在那看着我燃烧  But that"s alright because I like the way it hurts  不过没关系,因为我喜欢这心痛的感觉  Just gonna stand there and hear me cry  你是不是就打算站在那听着我哭泣  But that"s alright because I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie  不过没关系,因为我爱你说谎的方式,连你的谎言都爱PART 2On the first page of our story  从故事的开端看到  The future seemed so bright  未来似乎是如此的光明  Then this thing turned out so evil  可结局却异常的不幸  I don"t know why I"m still surprised  不知为何我仍惊诧  Even angels have their wicked schemes,  然而即使天使也有邪恶的一面  And you take that to new extremes.  惨淡的结果让你变得极端  But you"ll always be my hero,  但是你永远都是我的英雄  Even though you"ve lost your mind.  即使现在你已失去理智  [Rihanna - Chorus]  Just gonna stand there and watch me burn  你就隔岸观火好了  Well that"s alright because I like the way it hurts  不过没关系,因为其实心疼的感觉让我上瘾  Just gonna stand there and hear me cry  就让我在一旁哭泣吧  Well that"s alright because I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie ,  不过没关系,因为连你对我说的谎都让我着迷,爱着你的谎言  Ohh, I love the way you lie  那就更无所谓谎言了  [Rihanna - Verse 2]  Now there"s gravel in our voices  此时此刻我们都声音沙哑哽咽  As they shatter from the fight  如同将士战斗归来般精疲力竭  In this tug of war you"ll always win  在我们的拉锯战中你永远是胜方  Even when I"m right  即使有时候错的原因并不在我  Cos you feed me fables from your head  只因你对我洗脑教育进行得太彻底  With violent words and empty threats  同时并施之以口头上的咒骂和威胁  And it"s sick that all these battles  令人厌恶的竟然是这一切  Are what keeps me satisfied  这一切纷扰让我欲罢不能  [Rihanna - Chorus]  Just gonna stand there and watch me burn  你就隔岸观火好了  Well that"s alright because I like the way it hurts  不过没关系,因为其实心疼的感觉让我上瘾  Just gonna stand there and hear me cry  就让我在一旁哭泣吧  Well that"s alright because I love the way you lie, love the way you lie ,.  不过没关系,因为连你对我说的谎都让我着迷,爱着你的谎言   Ohh, I love the way you lie ,ohhh  那就更无所谓谎言了,你说是吧  [Rihanna - Bridge]  So maybe I"m a masochist  从上述来看我可能是个受虐狂吧  I try to run but I don"t wanna ever leave  我试图摆脱它,但我骨子里却对它上瘾  Till the walls are going up   碉堡里的城墙一直加固升高  There"s smoke with all our memories  弥漫着硝烟的记忆挥之不去  [Eminem - Verse 3]  It"s morning, you wake, a sunray hits your face,  清晨你醒来,阳光洒落在你刚睡醒的面颊上  Smeared make up as we lay in the wake of destruction,  脏乱的妆容如同我们现在躺着的“废墟”  Hush baby, speak softly,  嘘,宝贝儿,别大吵大闹,说话烦请温声细气  Tell me you"re awfully sorry that you pushed me,  对我说,你为对我推推嚷嚷动手动脚感到十分抱歉  Into the coffee table last night so I can push you off me.  昨晚你把我推向咖啡桌,我是否能因此而以牙还牙  Try and touch me so I can scream at you not to touch me,  动一下我吧,这样我就有理由对你大喊大叫不让你动  Run out the room and I"ll follow you like a lost puppy,  然后你夺门而出我也就会如迷途羔羊般跟在你身后  Baby without you I"m nothing, I"m so lost, hug me,  宝贝儿啊,你是我生命的意义,我好迷惘,给我一个拥抱吧  Then tell me how ugly I am, but that you"ll always love me.  然后你就可以对我说我有多么落魄,但无论我怎样你都会永远爱我  Then after that shove me, in the aftermath of the,  经过这几番愿打愿挨的惯用伎俩,我们劫后余生  Destructive path that we"re on, two psychopaths but we,  这穷途末路上只有我们两个变态,但我们俩将永远相伴  Know that no matter how many knives we put in each other"s backs,  我们都明了无论我们相互作践,伤害对方有多深  That we"ll have each other"s backs, cause we"re that lucky.  我们都用并都是对方的坚强后盾,因缘分而促成彼此  Together we move mountains, let"s not make mountains outta mo" hills,  移山填海,不要无事生非,小事化大  You hit me twice, yeah but who"s countin",  你伤我比我伤你多,但谁会去数一数  I may have hit you three times, I"m startin" to lose count but,  可能实际上我伤的比你重,不计其数,  Together, we"ll live forever, we found the youth fountain.  但我们绝不分离,我们已经找到爱情的不老泉  Our love, is crazy, we"re nuts, but I refuse counselin",  我们爱得疯狂,我们不会妥协,绝不  And this house is too huge, if you move out, I"ll burn all two thousand,  若你离我而去,这个家就会变得很大,比它本来要 大得多  Square feet of it to the ground, ain"t shit you can do about it,  因为我会将方圆千里都一把火烧光,你完全可以以身犯险  Cause with you I"m in my fucking mind, and without you I"m out it.  因为是你在才让我的理智尚存,但如果失去了你,我就会失心疯狂  [Rihanna - Chorus]  Just gonna stand there and watch me burn  你就隔岸观火好了  Well that"s alright because I like the way it hurts  不过没关系,因为其实心疼的感觉让我上瘾  Just gonna stand there and hear me cry  就让我在一旁哭泣吧  Well that"s alright because I love the way you lie 不过没关系,因为连你对我说的谎都让我着迷,常言道“爱屋及乌”  I love the way you lie ,Ohh, I love the way you lie  那就更无所谓谎言了  Love The Way You Lie原创者Skylar Grey酒店钢琴自弹自唱  原创 Skylar Grey  翻译 neo & lisa du  On the first page of our story我们故事的开端  The future seemed so bright未来看似绚烂  Then the thing turned out so evil结果却是如此让人失望  I don"t know why I"m still surprised为什么我还是对此诧异  Even angels have their wicked schemes即使天使也会有邪恶的计划  And you take that to new extremes.而你将把这种邪恶发挥到极致  But you"ll always be my hero,但你永远是我的至爱  Even though you"ve lost your mind.即使你不再是你自己  Just gonna stand there and watch me burn只要站在那看着我燃烧吧  Well that"s alright because I like the way it hurts无所谓 因为我享受疼痛的感觉  Just gonna stand there and hear me cry只要站在那听我哭泣吧  Well that"s alright because I love the way you lie真的无所谓 我甚至钟情于你的谎言  Love the way you lie沉醉于你的欺骗  Ohh, I love the way you lie为你的虚假倾尽真情  Now there"s treble in our voices As they shatter from the fight现在即使声音提高三倍亦被争吵撕得粉碎  In this tug of war you"ll always win在这场拉锯战中 你总是胜利者  Even when I"m right而我装作若无其事  cause you feed me fables from your hand因为你总是用谎言抚慰我  With violent words and empty threats 以及怒骂和恐吓  And it"s sick that all these battles就是这些病态的争论  Are what keeps me satisfied使我满足  Just gonna stand there and watch me burn只要站在那看着我燃烧吧  Well that"s alright because I like the way it hurts无所谓 我只是享受疼痛的感觉  Just gonna stand there and hear me cry只要站在那听我哭泣吧  Well that"s alright because I love the way you lie真的无所谓 我甚至钟情于你的谎言  Love the way you lie沉醉于你的欺骗  Ohh, I love the way you lie为你的虚假倾诉真情  So maybe I"m a masochist可能我是受虐狂  I try to run but I don"t wanna ever leave 我试着奔跑却从未想逃离  Till the walls are going down直到城墙缓缓倒塌  There"s smoke with all our memories烟雾里都是我们的回忆  Just gonna stand there and watch me burn只是站在那看着我燃烧吧  Well that"s alright because I like the way it hurts无所谓 我只是享受疼痛的感觉  Just gonna stand there and hear me cry只是站在那听我哭泣  Well that"s alright because I love the way you lie真的无所谓 我甚至钟情于你的谎言  I Love the way you lie我为你的虚假倾尽真情  I love the way you lie我为你的虚假倾尽真情  I love the way you lie我为你的虚假倾尽真情

Love The Way You Lie (Part II)—Eminem Rihanna歌词

On the first page of our story, the future seems so bright. 当我们的爱情故事刚刚翻开第一页的时候 我对我们的未来充满了无限的憧憬 And this thing turned out so evil, I don"t know why I"m still surprised. 但是天意弄人 面对如今这急转直下的爱情 我已愕然失措 Even angels have their wicked schemes and you take death to new extremes. 我现在才明白 就连最善良的天使也会恶作剧 我对未来已经失去了信仰 But you"ll always be my hero, even though you lost your mind. 但就算你变得狂暴 你也仍然是我的挚爱 Just gonna stand there and watch me burn, 我已然五脏如焚 而你只会冷眼旁观 But that"s alright because I like the way it hurts. 不过没有关系 我就是喜欢这痛不欲生的感觉 Just gonna stand there and hear me cry, 我已然痛哭流涕 而你却置若罔闻 But that"s alright because I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie. 不过没有关系 我就是喜欢这种欺骗 I love the way you lie. 我宁愿爱上你的谎言 Now this gravel in our voices, glass is shattered from the fight. 争吵之中我们唇枪舌剑 In this tug of war, you"ll always win, even when I"m right. 而你总是苦战中的胜者 即使本是你犯了错 Cause you feed me fables from your hand, 你总是用谎言抚慰我 With violet words and empty threats and it"s sick that all these battles are what keeps me satisfied. 充满暴力的语言 凭空而来的恐吓 但是最让我受不了得却是它们能让我满足 Just gonna stand there and watch me burn, But that"s alright because I like the way it hurts. Just gonna stand there and hear me cry, But that"s alright because I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie. Ohhh, I love the way you lie. [副歌见上] So maybe I"m a masochist 也许我就是个受虐狂 I try to run but I don"t wanna ever leave. 我尝试逃跑却从未真正想离开 Til the walls are goin" up in smoke with all our memories. 氤氲之中 脑海中的回忆会变成围墙将我围困 [Eminem 阿姆说唱部分] This morning, you wake, a sunray hits your face 这天清晨 你醒之时 一束阳光打到了你的脸上 smeared makeup as we lay in the wake of destruction 躺在硝烟中的你妆容已经颓然 hush baby, speak softly, tell me you"ll be sorry that you 嘘 心爱的 轻柔地告诉我 你是否犯了错 pushed me into the coffee table last night so I can push you off me 昨晚你把我推到咖啡桌上 我只好反过来把你推开 try and touch me so I can scream at you not to touch me 你试着过来拥抱我 逼我怒吼理我远一点 run out the room and I"ll follow you like a lost puppy 你跑出了屋子 让我像只迷路的小狗跟在你身后 baby, without you, I"m nothing, I"m so lost, hug me 亲爱的 失去了你 我就失去了一切 我将失去了方向 抱抱我 then tell me how ugly I am, but that you"ll always love me 告诉我我有多么的丑恶 然后告诉我你仍然没有放弃我 then after that, shove me, in the aftermath of the 我可以理解你会推开我 destructive path that we"re on, two psychopaths but we 破坏性的争吵让你心存余震 know that no matter how many knives we put in each other"s backs 我们俩就像是一对神经病 不管我们彼此诅咒杀千刀 that we"ll have each other"s backs, "cause we"re that lucky 我们仍然拥有对方 我们就是如此的幸运的生活在一起 together, we move mountains, let"s not make mountains out of molehills, 我们可以解决各种大难 告诉我你不会小题大做 you hit me twice, yeah, but who"s countin" 你打了两次 好吧 但是谁会记着 I may have hit you three times, I"m startin" to lose count 也许我会一生气反过来打你三次 but together, we"ll live forever, we found the youth fountain 但是我们会在一起 永远在一起 因为我们找到了永存的秘方 our love is crazy, we"re nuts, but I refused counselin" 我们的爱是疯狂的 我们就像是一对疯子 但对此我怙恶不悛 this house is too huge, if you move out I"ll burn all two thousand 这座房子很大 如果你搬走了 square feet of it to the ground, ain"t shit you can do about it 我会把整个两千平方英尺的土地全部烧掉 这是我的自由 with you I"m in my f–kin" mind, without you, I"m out it 和你在一起我会疯狂 失去你 我会一片空白

sarah connor唱的call me的歌词

Call Me演唱:Sarah ConnorTell me what i should do Just seems I"m falling so deep into you Why did it take me so long to find Someone so perfect someone so right baby i love you and that"s no mistakeI have imagined this moment for life I have spent many days and so many nights Holding my pillow as I close my eyes Baby just call me if you need me baby You can reach me baby Baby just call me if you need me I"m there Anytime I"ll be there trough it all baby I have known so much pain Now that you"ve come and cleared all of my rain You give me sunshine all trough the nightEverything you do it just seems be right I"m not afraid to go on more You"ve picked me up off the floor make me the woman that I wanna beCause of you that I live Baby, just call me if you need me baby You can reach me baby Oh baby just call me if you need me I"m there Anytime I"ll be there trough it all baby I have spent so many nights dreaming about Finding that someone that fits my life So full of passion so full of life Baby, just call me if you need me baby You can reach me baby Oh baby just call me if you need me I"m there Anytime I"ll be there trough it all baby Baby, just call me if you need me baby You can reach me baby Oh baby just call me if you need me I"m there Anytime I"ll be there trough it all baby just call me



Rihanna 的complicated歌词翻译

Uh huh, life"s like this 嗯,哈,生活就是这样 Uh huh, uh huh, that"s the way it is 嗯,哈,嗯,哈,那是它的本来面目 "Cause life"s like this 因为生活就是这样 Uh huh, uh huh that"s the way it is 嗯,哈,嗯,哈,那是它的本来面目 Chill out whatcha yelling for? 将你呼喊的声音冷静下来 Lay back it"s all been done before 放松自己让往事成为过去 And if you could only let it be 如果你能顺其自然 You will see 你会发觉 I like you the way you are 我喜欢原来的你 When we"re driving in you car 当我们驱车飞驰 And you"re talking to me one on one but you"ve become 你我倾心交谈时,你却变成了 Somebody else round everyone else 人们眼中的另类角色 You"re watching your back like you can"t relax 你心绪紧张,无法从容自如 You"re trying to be cool you look like a fool to me 你试着扮酷,但在我看来那很愚蠢 Tell me 告诉我 Why you have to go and make things so complicated? 为什么要把事情搞得这么错综复杂? I see the way you"re acting like you"re somebody else gets me frustrated 你装作与我形同路人的做法使我灰心沮丧 Life"s like this you 生活就是这样 And you fall and you crawl and you break 你跌倒下去你匍匐不前你身心俱伤 And you take what you get and you turn it into honestly 你承爱了一切并想以此表明你的真诚 And promise me I"m never gonna find you fake it 并且许诺说我绝不会发现你伪善的心 No no no 不不不 You come over unannounced 你悄然而至 Dressed up like you"re something else 穿得煞有介事 Where you are and where it"s at you see 尽管你感觉良好,然而事与愿违 You"re making me, laugh out when you strike your pose 当你摆开姿态时,你惹得我大笑 Take off all your preppy clothes 脱下你的校服 You know you"re not fooling anyone 你明白你并不是想戏弄别人 When you"ve become 当你成为 Somebody else round everyone else 人们眼中的另类角色 Watching your back, like you can"t relax 你心绪紧张,无法从容自如 Trying to be cool you look like a fool to me 你试着扮酷,但在我看来那很愚蠢 Tell me 告诉我 Why you have to go and make things so complicated? 为什么要把事情搞得这么错综复杂? I see the way you"re acting like you"re somebody else gets me frustrated 你装作与我形同路人的做法使我灰心沮丧 Life"s like this you 生活就是这样 And you fall and you crawl and you break 你跌倒下去你匍匐不前你身心俱伤 And you take what you get and you turn it into honestly 你承爱了一切并想以此表明你的真诚 And promise me I"m never gonna find you fake it 并且许诺说我绝不会发现你伪善的心 No no no 不不不 Chill out whatcha yelling for? 将你呼喊的声音冷静下来 Lay back, it"s all been done before 放松自己让往事成为过去 And if you could only let it be 如果你能顺其自然 You would see 你会发觉 Somebody else round everyone else 人们眼中的另类角色 You"re watching your back, like you can"t relax 你心绪紧张,无法从容自如 You"re trying to be cool, you look like a fool to me 你试着扮酷,但在我看来那很愚蠢 Tell me 告诉我 Why you have to go and make things so complicated? 为什么要把事情搞得这么错综复杂? I see the way you"re acting like you"re somebody else gets me frustrated 你装作与我形同路人的做法使我灰心沮丧 Life"s like this you 生活就是这样 And you fall and you crawl and you break 你跌倒下去你匍匐不前你身心俱伤 And you take what you get and you turn it into honestly 你承爱了一切并想以此表明你的真诚 And promise me I"m never gonna find you fake it 并且许诺说我绝不会发现你伪善的心 No no no 不不不


这是英文 oh my babe, would you wannamarry me。日文:ああ、私のベイビー、あなたは私と结婚したいですか?中文:哦,我的宝贝。你愿意嫁给我吗?

innisfree green tea pure cleansing cream怎么用?搓不出沫沫啊……清洁力可以吗?


you wanna pissme?


t-ara John Travolta WannaBe 这张专辑有那些歌

01.Roly-Poly   02. 真的真的喜欢你   03. Yayaya(Remix Ver。)   04. 为什么这样(Remix Ver。)   05. Ma Boo(Remix Ver。)   06. 不知道(Remix Ver。)  07. 没关系(Remix Ver。)(Toji)


域名注册管理相关的三个机构:ICAAN、interNIC、C IC   在涉及到域名注册及管理等问题时,经常会遇到ICAAN、interNIC、C IC这些机构的名称缩写,他们所代表的意义及其职能如下:   (1)ICA   ICA 是“国际互联网名称和地址分配组织”(The Internet Corporation for A igned Names and Numbers)的缩写。ICA 成立于1998年10月,是一个集合了全球互联网商业、非商业、技术及学术领域的专家经营管理的非盈利性公司,主要负责全球互联网的根域名服务器和域名体系、IP地址及互联网其它码号资源的分配管理和政策制订。ICA 也负责域名注册商的授权工作,但是并不负责互联网上的金融交易、内容控制、垃圾邮件、网络赌博、数据保护以及个人隐私政策等。ICA 的最高管理机构——理事会是由来自世界各国的18名代表组成,负责决定一些重大事项。 ICA 的成立背景: Internet起源于美国,在90年代之前一直是一个为军事、科研服务的网络。在90年代初,由美国国家科学基金会为Internet提供资金并代表美国政府与 I公司(Network Solutio )签定了协议,将Internet顶级域名系统的注册、协调与维护的职责都交给了 I。而Internet的地址资源分配则交由IANA(Internet A igned Numbers Authorty,网址是http://www.iana.org ,目前管理后缀为2位数的地理顶级域名)来分配,由IANA将地址分配到ARIN(北美地区)、RIPE(欧洲地区)和A IC(亚太地区),然后在由这些地区性组织将地址分配给各个I 。但是,随着近年来Internet的全球性发展,越来越多的国家对由美国独自对Internet进行管理的方式表示不满,强烈呼吁对Internet的管理进行改革。 美国商业部在1998年初发布了Internet域名和地址管理的绿皮书,认为美国政府有对Internet的直接管理权,因此在它发布后遭到了除美国外几乎所有国家及结构的反对。美国政府在征求了大量意见后,于1998年6月5日发布了"绿皮书"的修改?quot;白皮书"。白皮书提议在保证稳定性、竞争性、民间协调性和充分代表性的原则下,在1998年10月成立一个民间性的非赢利公司,即ICA ,开始参与管理Internet域名及地址资源。   关于ICA 的更多信息请登录网站:http://www.ica .org   (2)interNIC   为了保证国际互联网络的正常运行和向全体互联网络用户提供服务,国际上设立了国际互联网络信息中心(InterNIC)。网址:http://www.internic.net,为所有互联网络用户服务。   interNIC网站目前由ICA 负责维护,提供互联网域名登记服务的公开信息。   资料来源:http://www.ica .org/faq/   (3)C IC   C IC是“中国互联网络信息中心”(China Internet Network Information Center)的简称,是经国务院主管部门批准授权,于1997年6月3日组建的非营利性的管理和服务机构,行使国家互联网络信息中心的职责。C IC在业务上接受信息产业部领导,在行政上接受中国科学院领导。中国科学院计算机网络信息中心承担C IC的运行和管理工作。由国内知名专家、各大互联网络单位代表组成的C IC工作委员会,对C IC的建设、运行和管理进行监督和评定。   C IC承担的主要职责:   1.互联网地址资源注册管理   根据信息产业部授权,C IC是我国域名体系注册管理机构和域名根服务器运行机构。C IC负责运行和管理国家顶级域名CN、中文域名系统及通用网址系统。C IC是亚太互联网络信息中心(A IC)的国家级互联网络注册机构成员(NIR)。以C IC为召集单位的IP地址分配联盟,负责为我国的网络服务商(I )和网络用户提供IP地址和AS号码的分配管理服务。   2.互联网调查与相关信息服务   C IC负责开展中国互联网络发展状况等多项公益性互联网络统计调查工作。C IC的统计调查,权威性和客观性已被国内外广泛认可,部分指标已经纳入国家信息化指标体系。   3.目录数据库服务   C IC负责建立并维护全国最高层次的网络目录数据库,提供对联网用户、网络地址、域名、自治系统号等方面信息的查询服务。   4.互联网寻址技术研发   C IC基于自身网络服务的管理和研发经验,积极跟踪国际互联网技术的最新发展,承担相关研发工作和国家有关科研项目。   5.国际交流与政策调研   作为国家级的互联网络信息中心,C IC与相关国际组织,以及其他国家和地区的互联网络信息中心进行业务协调与合作。   6. 承担中国互联网协会政策与资源工作委员会秘书处的工作   资料来源:C ICN网站,http://www.c ic.net.cn/index/0I/index.htm ,2004年12月20日   说明:上文所列出的资料介绍由 网上营销新观察 分别于各相关机构网站整理,这些内容可能会被更新,网上营销新观察 将尽可能跟踪提供最新的内容。

Innocent Blue , TRUE BLUE トゥルーブルー 上下两集加外传,还有SD和秘汤めぐり,画质尽量高


跪求NTR的《TRUE BLUE 》,《Innocent Blue》的动漫要上下卷 ,也就是所谓的NTR的3blue系列,在下感激不尽

百度 种子发布系统 里面资源搜索打blue 肯定有

跪求有趣的英文句子,如 Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?

1.Can you can a can as a canner can can a can? 你能够像罐头工人一样装罐头吗? 2.I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish,but if you wish the wish the witch wishes,I won"t wish the wish you wish to wish. 我希望梦想着你梦想中的梦想,但是如果你梦想着女巫的梦想,我就不想梦想着你梦想中的梦想. 3.I scream,you scream,we all scream for ice-cream! 我叫喊,你叫喊,我们都喊着要冰淇淋! 4.How many cookies could a good cook cook if a good cook could cook cookies?A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies. 如果一个好的厨师能做小甜饼,那么他能做多少小甜饼呢?一个好的厨师能做出和其它好厨师一样多的小甜饼. 5.The driver was drunk and drove the doctor"s car directly into the deep ditch. 这个司机喝醉了,他把医生的车开进了一个大深沟里. 6.Whether the weather be fine or whether the weather be not.Whether the weather be cold or whether the weather be hot.We"ll weather the weather whether we like it or not. 无论是晴天或是阴天.无论是冷或是暖,不管喜欢与否,我们都要经受风霜雨露. 7.Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,Where"s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked? 彼德派柏捏起一撮泡菜.彼德派柏捏起的是一撮泡菜.那么彼德派捏起的泡菜在哪儿? 8.I thought a thought.But the thought I thought wasn"t the thought I thought I thought.If the thought I thought I thought had been the thought I thought,I wouldn"t have thought so much. 我有一种想法,但是我的这种想法不是我曾经想到的那种想法.如果这种想法是我曾经想到的想法,我就不会想那么多了. 9.Amid the mists and coldest frosts,With barest wrists and stoutest boasts,He thrusts his fists against the posts,And still insists he sees the ghosts. 雾蒙蒙,冰霜冻,手腕儿空空,话儿涌,只见他猛所拳头往柱子上砸,直说自己把鬼碰. 10.Badmin was able to beat Bill at billiards,but Bill always beat Badmin badly at badminton. 巴德明在台球上能够打败比尔,但是打羽毛球比尔常常大败巴德明. 11.Betty beat a bit of butter to make a better butter. 贝蒂敲打一小块黄油要做一块更好的奶油面. 12.Rita repeated what Reardon recited when Reardon read the remarks. 当里尔登读评论时,丽塔重复里尔登背诵的东西. 13.Few free fruit flies fly from flames. 没有几只果蝇从火焰中飞过去. 14.Fifty-five flags freely flutter from the floating frigate. 五十五面旗子在轻轻漂浮的战舰上自由的飘扬. 15.There is no need to light a night light on a light night like tonight.for a bright night light is just like a slight light. 像今夜这样明亮的夜晚,就不需要点一盏夜灯,因为明亮的夜灯也会变得微弱. 17.A pleasant peasant keeps a pleasant pheasant and both the peasant and the pheasant are having a pleasant time together. 一位和气的农民养了一只伶俐的野鸡,而且这位和气的农民和这只伶俐的野鸡在一起度过了一段很美好的时光 18.How many sheets could a sheet slitter slit if a sheet slitter could slit sheets? 如果裁纸机能裁纸的话,一个裁纸机能裁多少张纸呢? 19.Mr.See owned a saw and Mr.Soar owned a seesaw.Now See"s saw sawed Soar"s seesaw before Soar saw See. 西先生有一个锯,萨先生有一个秋千.现在在萨先生看见西先生之前,西先生的锯锯断了萨先生的秋千. 20.If you"re keen on stunning kites and cunning stunts,buy a cunning stunning stunt kite. 如果你非常相要好的风筝和精彩的表演,就去买一只漂亮的,灵巧的风筝吧. 21.Ted sent Fred ten hens yesterday so Fred"s fresh bread is ready already. 特德昨天给弗莱德送去了十只母鸡,所以弗莱德的新鲜面包已经准备好了. 22.A Finnish fisher named Fisher failed to fish any fish one Friday afternoon and finally he found out a big fissure in his fishing net. 一个名叫费希尔的芬兰渔民在一个星期五的下午未能捕捉到任何鱼,结果他民现他的渔网上有一个大裂口. 23.Franc"s father is frying French fries for his five fire-fighter friends after they finished a fire-fighting in a factory. 在结束对一家工厂的灭火战斗以后,弗兰克的父亲在为他的五个消防队员朋友炸制法式土豆(炸薯条)



Julian Lennon的《Hold On》 歌词

歌曲名:Hold On歌手:Julian Lennon专辑:Everything ChangesJohn Lennon - Hold OnHold on John, John, hold onIt"s gonna be alrightYou gonna win the fightHold on Yoko, Yoko, hold onYou gonna make the flightWhen you"re by yourselfAnd there"s no one elseYou just have yourselfAnd you tell yourselfJust to hold onHold on world, world, hold onYou gonna see the lightWhen you"re one, really oneWell, you get things doneLike they"ve never been donehttp://music.baidu.com/song/17710227

求青山テルマ 的WANNA COME AGAIN 的歌词

作词:LISAu30fbVERBALu30fbTaku 作曲:LISAu30fbVERBALu30fbTaku※it"s Friday I want to play,on Saturday don"t want to stay, at homethinking of you so let me party all night long,it"s Friday I want to play,on Saturday don"t wanna waste no more time on youso let me party all night long,※OOH… 今夜は二人で celebrateのはずなのに you"re so LATEWHO… 谁とどこいるかなんて闻きたくないけど I can"t WAITNO!(you"re WRONG)Are you sure??(いつも)I know…that I gotta do somethingwe always STUCK with the 同じ problemkeepin us FROZEN(OH)行き先は(who knows?)このまま we should ROLLでももう待てないし△金曜日のスカラに君を忘れに 踊り明かすよ 今夜I"ll sing you this song 届くように切ないメロディーに涙しないようにクールにね踊り続けさせて ねぇ DJ won"t you come againフロアーをもっと热く 响かせてYeah, 朝までまわし続けて 帰りたくないから止めないで△this mic is live (wire) live (wire) live (wire)this flow is live (wire) live (wire) live (wire)DJ is live (wire) live (wire) live (wire)The floor is live (wire) live (wire) live (wire)LOVE… そんな予感してたのにあの日 KISSしてからCRY(CRY)…でも今は泣いてばかりでももう,you don"t CALL NO MOREWHY?ZERO G… ニュートンThis my house you better take you shoes OFFthink I"m 宇宙人、like I"m キュートンONE-MAN-ARMY,V,it"s MEI could rap FAST, sometimes I slowlyyyyyy… STEPIt"s my time to SHINE… to get my FEET WETヒミツは教えない、だって SECRETcan"t STOP NOW… つかめtill I have 10 ”O"s”… to the LEFTof my decimals, DEWEY, that"s how we DO ITwhen we DROP it 头上注意…m-flo知らないなら重伤だから act like you knowso let me walk away from it all…let"s goもう忘れるよ他の谁かと出会う chance はあるし□夜中过ぎるころには 君より他の素敌な人と 今夜we"ll sing you this song、そう、素直に寄り添う二人 体が感じるままにね踊り続けさせて ねぇ DJ won"t you come againフロアーをもっと热く 响かせてYeah, 朝までまわし続けて 帰りたくないから止めないで□(※くり返し)(□くり返し)(△くり返し)


是这个吧,QTY/INNER,内部数量 追问: QTY/INN.就这样的...下一项就是"QTY/CTN 因为是拼插型玩具,是不是问这款产品的块数?? 回答: 哦,这样子呀,QTY/INN那么就是每个小包装含有的数量啦,CTN指的是大包装

Unni Wilhelmsen的《Message》 歌词

歌曲名:Message歌手:Unni Wilhelmsen专辑:Definitely MeB.Reith - MessSomebody get me out this mess I"m inSee I"ve been tryin" to do the best I canBut I keep on stumblin" over and over againI ain"t got no more excuses for yaAll that I can say is sorryWon"t you please come rescue me as quickly as you canIt"s crazy how far we goJust to put a little gas in our egoThat"s what happens when your self esteem is lowWe"ll do anything to get people to notice us I knowIt"s tough but hey, imagine us throwin" our lives awayBecause we"re listenin" to the voice inside that chantsSays we"ll never be significant if we can"tFit in so we get into all kinds of trouble tryin" to be somebody we"re notSince in the beginning we"ve been givin" into the lie that says that we gotTo keep up with the Jones"s or get left behindSo we end up in debt tryin" to catch up it"s messed up"Cause ten years from now we can"t press rewindI want to invest in what stands the test of timeI"m so sick and tired of being down and outTryin" to do what"s right but wrong keeps comin outI keep on tryin to write but songs ain"t comin outPlus now I"m getting older and time is runnin out I know,Growth"s a process but I can"t see my progressAnd I"m startin" to feel that my labor"s in vainSo I hold on to the promise instead of my problemsOtherwise this stress is gonna drive me insaneYes there"s more to life than workin" 9 to 5Buyin" things that make you feel fuzzy insideI tried it and it worked at first for five minutesBut left me in the cold to hang like icicles oh!Now I"m froze like a popsicleFeel"s like my mission"s impossibleI"m stuck up in a maze full of obstaclesKeep on ending where I"m not supposed to goI just want to be okay with who I am,not have to run awayI"m so tired of trends I can"t keep pretendingPlaying these foolish gameshttp://music.baidu.com/song/8224917

Madonna的《rescue me》 歌词

歌曲名:rescue me歌手:Madonna专辑:Immaculate CollectionRescue MeMadonnaI"m talking, I"m talkingI believe in the power of loveI"m singing, I"m singingI believe that you can rescue meWith you I"m not a little girlWith you I"m not a manWhen all the hurt inside of meComes out, you understandYou see that I"m ferociousYou see that I am weakYou see that I am sillyAnd pretensious and a freakBut I don"t feel too strange for youDon"t know exactly what you doI think when love is pure you tryTo understand the reasons whyAnd I prefer this mysteryIt cancels out my miseryAnd gives me hope that there could beA person that loves meRescue meYour love has given me hopeRescue me I"m drowningBaby throw out your ropeWith you I"m not a fascistCan"t play you like a toyAnd when I need to dominateYou"re not my little boyYou see that I am hungryFor a life of understandingAnd you forgive my angry little heartWhen she"s demandingYou bring me to my kneesWhile I"m scratching out the eyesOf a world I want to conquerAnd deliver and despiseAnd right while I am standing thereI suddenly begin to careAnd understand that there could beA person that loves meRescue meYour love has given me hopeRescue me I"m drowningBaby throw out your ropeLove is understanding- It"s hard to believeLife can be so demandingI"m sending out an S.O.S.Stop me from drowningBaby I"ll do the restRescue meYour love has given me hopeRescue me I"m drowningBaby throw out your ropeOoh ahh love is understandingOoh ahh love is understandingLove is understanding- It"s hard to believeLife can be so demandingI"m sending out an S.O.S.Rescue me, rescue meIt"s not my business to decideHow good you are for meHow valuable you areAnd what the world can seeOnly that you try to understand meAnd have the courageTo love me for meI believe in the powerI believe that you can rescue mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/1569375


passionate 是热情,反义词可以是冷淡 indifferent

Kenny Rogers的《Crazy》 歌词

歌曲名:Crazy歌手:Kenny Rogers专辑:Supreme Stereo Sound No.08:Luscious VoiceCrazy, I"m crazycrazy for feeling so lonelyI"m crazycrazy for feeling so blueI knowyou"d love me as long as you wantedthen somedayleave me for somebody new(bridge)worrywhy do I let myself worrywondringwhat in the world did I docrazyfor thinking that my love could hold youI"m crazy for cryingI"m crazy for tryingI"m crazy for loving youI"m crazycrazy for feeling so lonelyI"m crazycrazy for feeling so blueI knowyou"d love me as long as you wantedthen somedayleave me for somebody newworrywhy do I let myself worrywondringwhat in the world did I docrazyfor thinking that my love could hold youI"m crazy for cryingI"m crazy for tryingI"m crazy for loving youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/19697154


连接数据源。private static void OpenSqlConnection(string connectionString){using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)){connection.Open();Console.WriteLine("ServerVersion: {0}", connection.ServerVersion);Console.WriteLine("DataSource: {0}", connection.DataSource);}}


datasource是一个数据库连接的中间控件,连接数据集控件(ADOTable)与数据库感知控件;ADOconnection是一个直接连接数据库的控件,数据集控件(ADOTable)可以使用它与数据库连接,当然,数据集控件也可以直接连接数据库;ADOTable的mastersource属性,指定作为数据集主表的data source组件的名字,mastersource和masterfields属性必然是对应两个表,所以你先要设好一个ADOTable1和datasource1,datasource的dataset为ADOTable1,然后再增加ADOTable2和datasource2,datasource2的dataset为ADOTable2,ADOTable2的mastersource设为datasource1,再选择masterfields,会弹出一个对话框,让你建立两个表的关联字段;ADOQuery的connection属性,确定使用的ADO连接组件ADOConnection。


加密网站中的配置信息,我们不需要写任何代码,也不需要修改任何代码,只需要使用 aspnet_regiis 工具修改配置文件即可.比如我们有下面一个配置文件需要加密:<configuration><connectionStrings> <add name="SqlServices" connectionString="Data Source=localhost;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=Northwind;" /></connectionStrings></configuration>假设这个配置文件在 MyApplication 目录下。加密命令aspnet_regiis -pe "connectionStrings" -app "/MyApplication"aspnet_regiis 命令在你安装的 .net Framework 目录下, 默认在:C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NetFrameworkv2.0.*加密后的效果:<configuration><connectionStrings configProtectionProvider="RsaProtectedConfigurationProvider"> <EncryptedData Type="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#Element" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#"> <EncryptionMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#tripledes-cbc" /> <KeyInfo xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#"> <EncryptedKey xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#"> <EncryptionMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#rsa-1_5" /> <KeyInfo xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#"> <KeyName>Rsa Key</KeyName> </KeyInfo> <CipherData> <CipherValue>0RU0XfRexc6aLFYZM+f+IWZVINqTZAAunysoVPv0dliPM72D34MJ/gX7pzvhSJNqCLiXeyjsayse12oAuF4rlIEraa/RHiqDKjqyJtRrRCiqnwqt5PET5LM9Q0aiT20Kpb2G2hn/0QB7vKcWydboTdbwmUa7fXaQJhMcKaVI0mc=</CipherValue> </CipherData> </EncryptedKey> </KeyInfo> <CipherData> <CipherValue>BPws3LIOuXhD0qDlfRMWDy9Xwn1jPHnMosKuVn3JVPWKmD2h7hJo2BeTIjyIOAq/2J1saLDJmJfgG85BEKfVUuNbMRg6czcgXHyOKeAHZgHzdw+dzA8qEF/t7wITzuIQEslGK2WlUXNDFg4ZfsYDivmxy6xQh3Fvw4JOCHzLXg/ZJrjYcHIk3I27oh/XuxtSQ0VNOlgfSsM/MTGwB4tloELcRJ6Jm5u0dJA2fvmjpdc=</CipherValue> </CipherData> </EncryptedData></connectionStrings></configuration>注意:为了避免一行太长,我这里把加密后信息加了几个回车符。ASP.NET 在处理 Web.config 文件时会自动对该文件的内容进行解密。因此,不需要任何附加步骤即可对已加密的配置设置进行解密,供其他 ASP.NET 功能使用或用于访问代码中的值。如果你想修改这些配置信息,就需要解密这个文件,然后再加密。解密用 aspnet_regiis.exe 命令的 -pd 选项。参考命令如下:aspnet_regiis -pd "connectionStrings" -app "/MyApplication"上面给的范例是 针对 IIS 的站点,如果你的站点是使用VS2005 的 ASP.net Development Server则需要用 -pef 参数,当然 iis 站点也可以这么用aspnet_regiis.exe -pef "connectionStrings" "D:My2005CodesWebTestCodeTestWEBSite"说明:-pef 对指定物理(非虚拟)目录中的 Web.config 文件的指定配置节进行加密。对应的这个解密则是 -pdf 参数 对指定物理(非虚拟)目录中的 Web.config 文件的指定配置节进行解密。 应该是可以用的啊,你看开始菜单里面的vs2008下面有一个vs2008工具的目录,在他下面有一个vs2008命令行,用这个就可以。加密后可以直接读取程序运行时自动解密的,放心。不影响不需要运行时写另外代码解密


  意思:不行就别乱喷,不作死就不会死。  近来,美国在线俚语词典“城市词典网站”收录了很多网络流行语,其中包括“nozuonodie(不作死就不会死)”“youcanyouup(你行你上)”和“nocannoBB(不行就别瞎嚷嚷)”等。中国式的诙谐英文,就这样传入了美国。  BB=BIBI 是中文音译,东北地区的土话,BIBI是带有侮辱词语  no can no BB即中国式的诙谐英文“不行就别瞎嚷嚷”。  2013年,网络热词“no zuo no die(不作死就不会死)”走红。在一个语言体系中,面对外来语的“入侵”到底该如何保持母语纯洁性,一直是个备受瞩目的难题。2013年,“大妈”的汉语拼音“dama”登上了《华尔街日报》。英国广播公司专门做了一期“tuhao”的节目,介绍这个词语的来源、词义和风靡一时的原因。牛津大学出版社考虑将诸如“Tuhao”、“Dama”和“Hukou”这样有中国特色的词汇收入牛津词典。一名牛津大学出版社的工作人员表示:“这些词汇还没有正式加入牛津词典,不过其流行程度令人印象深刻。”《牛津英语词典》中大约包含120个含有中文渊源的词汇,不少都不是直译拼音的形式,例如“Chinglish(中式英语)”、“dim sum(点心)”等。



The First Anniversary是什么意思


anniversary date是什么意思

Our Anniversary我们的周年纪念日网络释义1. 我们的纪念日例句:1.Our anniversary? Roger, you remembered? 结婚纪念日?罗杰你记得?

Anniversary 歌词

歌曲名:Anniversary歌手:ココア男。专辑:Premium Cocoa「Anniversary」作词∶鎌苅健太/ラップ词:井出卓也作曲∶Pierre歌∶ココア男。初めて言叶交わし合った日はまだあの公园も広く见えて共にはしゃいだ今ではテレビも薄型になりでも君との繋がり深くなり阳はまた巡る今年も来た君が少しソワソワとする日仆もソワソワなのは内绪君のHAPPY DAY街のネオンも 何だか色鲜やかで今は谁かと话题のラブストーリーでも観ているのかなぁ?いつもの晴も いつもの风もいつもの壁も 违って见える静かな夜风 二人抜け出して怒られた时の星の数さえこれといってなにもない今日がごく自然に占っている将来sunriseからsunsetまで同じ场所で君を待つだけいくつかの春夏秋冬、共に言い合うさ本音もそこそこに だから仆等はたまにひびが入る事もあり素直に言叶をつむげなくなりそっぽを向いたでも、そんな时、この日が来て、向き合えた仆にとっても大切な日君のHAPPY DAY今夜は街が少し静かだよね子供の顷からのエクボを今日は谁が见ているのかな?高く高く跳んで取ってあげた星を今も持っているかい?仆は君がマーメイドみたく深く潜り尾ヒレを见せたあの日の事 胜手に记念日にしたこと知らなくていい君がつまずき 肩かり 泣くため同じ场所で仆は待つだけあの顷は四つ叶のクローバーを探して二人で夕日が沈むの待って并んで见たあの仆等の街の夜景は今でも変わらず二人包む君のHAPPY DAY変わらぬ想い"君と笑颜でいたいよずっと"久しぶりにゆっくり话でもしないか?君のHAPPY DAY仆にもHAPPY DAY今年もこれは愿うよ"世界でいちばんの幸せ君の元に访れますように"sunriseからsunsetまで同じ场所を君を待つだけいつか仆は君に言うのかな?「もう一つ记念日を作ろう」と【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/17405875






回答如下:anniversary是一个可数名词,前面可以使用冠词:Today is an anniversary to celebrate our wedding. 今天是一个庆祝我们结婚的纪念日。It was the fortieth anniversary of the death of the composer. 这是该作曲家逝世40周年纪念日。

英文anniversary 的缩写是什么啊?


first anniversary什么意思





anniversary的意思是:周年纪念日1、Each of their marriage anniversary, he would celebrate.他们的每个结婚纪念日都要庆祝。2、They have not decided how to celebrate their wedding anniversary.他们还未决定如何庆祝他们的结婚纪念日。3、Why do we forget to call him on his birthday, or his marriage anniversary.为什么我们要忘了在他生日或结婚纪念日时给他个祝贺电话呢?扩展资料:与anniversary有关的短语:1、Fable Anniversary 神鬼寓言周年纪念版 ; 神鬼寓言周年版 ; 周年版2、anniversary date 周年日 ; 届满一年之日 ; 周年日期 ; 周年纪念日日期3、CRYSTAL ANNIVERSARY 第十五年水晶婚 ; 水晶婚 ; 十五周年水晶婚4、LINEN ANNIVERSARY 第十二年绕仁婚 ; 亚麻婚 ; 十二周年亚麻婚 ; 第十二年5、COTTON ANNIVERSARY 第二年棉婚 ; 二周年棉婚 ; 第二年6、Miss Anniversary 周年小姐7、Seventh Anniversary 第七次纪念8、Anniversary Day 周年纪念日 ; 大喜之日 ; 校庆日9、anniversary hypothesis 周年假说

【anniversary 中文】一分钟了解英文「anniversary」的意思!

anniversary 中文 意思是指「周年纪念;周年纪念日」的意思,anniversary 的名词复数为anniversaries。anniversary 不当作动词用,只有名词的型态。 下面列举出anniversary的英文用法、英文例句跟中文意思,赶快学起来吧! 1.anniversary 周年纪念;周年纪念日(名词) anniversary当成名词的时候,中文意思是指「周年纪念;周年纪念日」的意思。 anniversary相关英文字汇跟中文意思: 例: wedding anniversary 结婚纪念日。 anniversary相关英文例句: 例:It"s our tenth anniversary. 这是我们第十个周年。 例:My wife and I celebrated our fourth wedding anniversary in January. 我和我的妻子在一月份庆祝了我们的结婚四周年。 anniversary, anniversary 中文, anniversary 中文意思, anniversary 中文的意思, anniversary 中文解释, anniversary 意思, anniversary 用法, anniversary 翻译, 英文 anniversary






anniversary是一个英语单词,名词,作名词时意为“ 周年纪念日”。例句:1、Each of their marriage anniversary, he would celebrate.他们的每个结婚纪念日都要庆祝。2、They have not decided how to celebrate their wedding anniversary.他们还未决定如何庆祝他们的结婚纪念日。3、Why do we forget to call him on his birthday, or his marriage anniversary.为什么我们要忘了在他生日或结婚纪念日时给他个祝贺电话呢?与anniversary有关的短语:1、Fable Anniversary 神鬼寓言周年纪念版 ; 神鬼寓言周年版 ; 周年版。2、anniversary date 周年日 ; 届满一年之日 ; 周年日期 ; 周年纪念日日期。3、CRYSTAL ANNIVERSARY 第十五年水晶婚 ; 水晶婚 ; 十五周年水晶婚。4、LINEN ANNIVERSARY 第十二年绕仁婚 ; 亚麻婚 ; 十二周年亚麻婚 ; 第十二年。5、COTTON ANNIVERSARY 第二年棉婚 ; 二周年棉婚 ; 第二年。6、Miss Anniversary 周年小姐。7、Seventh Anniversary 第七次纪念。8、Anniversary Day 周年纪念日 ; 大喜之日 ; 校庆日。9、anniversary hypothesis 周年假说。


anniversaryanniversary是一个英语单词,名词,作名词时意为“ 周年纪念日短语搭配Fable Anniversary 神鬼寓言周年纪念版 ; 神鬼寓言周年版 ; 周年版anniversary date 周年日 ; 届满一年之日 ; 周年日期 ; 周年纪念日日期CRYSTAL ANNIVERSARY 第十五年水晶婚; 水晶婚 ; 十五周年水晶婚LINEN ANNIVERSARY 第十二年绕仁婚 ; 亚麻婚 ; 十二周年亚麻婚 ; 第十二年COTTON ANNIVERSARY 第二年棉婚 ; 二周年棉婚 ; 第二年Miss Anniversary 周年小姐Seventh Anniversary 第七次纪念Anniversary Day 周年纪念日 ; 大喜之日 ; 校庆日anniversary hypothesis 周年假说

anniversary 什么意思

anniversary的意思是:周年纪念日1、Each of their marriage anniversary, he would celebrate.他们的每个结婚纪念日都要庆祝。2、They have not decided how to celebrate their wedding anniversary.他们还未决定如何庆祝他们的结婚纪念日。3、Why do we forget to call him on his birthday, or his marriage anniversary.为什么我们要忘了在他生日或结婚纪念日时给他个祝贺电话呢?扩展资料:与anniversary有关的短语:1、Fable Anniversary 神鬼寓言周年纪念版 ; 神鬼寓言周年版 ; 周年版2、anniversary date 周年日 ; 届满一年之日 ; 周年日期 ; 周年纪念日日期3、CRYSTAL ANNIVERSARY 第十五年水晶婚 ; 水晶婚 ; 十五周年水晶婚4、LINEN ANNIVERSARY 第十二年绕仁婚 ; 亚麻婚 ; 十二周年亚麻婚 ; 第十二年5、COTTON ANNIVERSARY 第二年棉婚 ; 二周年棉婚 ; 第二年6、Miss Anniversary 周年小姐7、Seventh Anniversary 第七次纪念8、Anniversary Day 周年纪念日 ; 大喜之日 ; 校庆日9、anniversary hypothesis 周年假说




anniversaryn. 周年纪念日周年纪念(或庆祝)结婚周年(日)[见 wedding anniversary]满一月(或一周)的日期adj.每年的;周年的(有关)周年纪念的 what was the anniversary for?这是什么纪念日呀?

anniversary for 9 是什么意思

anniversary for 9的中文翻译anniversary for 9纪念9周年
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