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Muddy Waters的Mannish Boy的歌词

2023-07-16 09:17:15


Ooooooh, yeah, ooh, yeah

Everythin", everythin", everythin"s gonna be alright this mornin"

Ooh yeah, whoaw

Now when I was a young boy, at the age of five

My mother said I was, gonna be the greatest man alive

But now I"m a man, way past 21

Want you to believe me baby,

I had lot"s of fun

I"m a man

I spell mmm, aaa child, nnn

That represents man

No B, O child, Y

That mean mannish boy

I"m a man

I"m a full grown man

I"m a man

I"m a natural born lovers man

I"m a man

I"m a rollin" stone

I"m a man

I"m a hoochie coochie man

Sittin" on the outside, just me and my mate

You know I"m made to move you honey,

come up two hours late

Wasn"t that a man

I spell mmm, aaa child, nnn

That represents man

No B, O child, Y

That mean mannish boy

I"m a man

I"m a full grown man


I"m a natural born lovers man


I"m a rollin" stone


I"m a hoochie coochie man

The line I shoot will never miss

When I make love to a woman,

she can"t resist

I think I go down,

to old Kansas Stew

I"m gonna bring back my second cousin,

that little Johnny Cocheroo

All you little girls,

sittin"out at that line

I can make love to you woman,

in five minutes time

Ain"t that a man

I spell mmm, aaa child, nnn

That represents man

No B, O child, Y

That mean mannish boy


I"m a full grown man


I"m a natural born lovers man


I"m a rollin" stone

I"m a man-child

I"m a hoochie coochie man

well, well, well, well

hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry

Don"t hurt me, don"t hurt me child

don"t hurt me, don"t hurt, don"t hurt me child

well, well, well, well



mannish boy 打印此页

歌手:the rolling stones 专辑:rarities 1971-2003

Oh yeah, yeah

Oh yes

Everything gonna be alright

Oh yeah, yeah

Now when I was a young boy

At the age of five

My mother said I"ll be

The greatest man alive

And now I"m a man

I"m over twenty-one

You better believe me, baby

And I"ll say, we can have lots of fun

I"m a man

Huh huh huh huh huh

A man

Oh yeah

Oh yeah (oh yeah)

Oh yeah

The line I shoot

Will never miss

And when I make love to you baby

You just can"t resist

Ooh, ain"t that man

Spelled "M"

"A" child


No "B"

"O" child


That spell mannish boy

I"m a man

A man

I"m a man

I"m a man

I sittin" on the outside

Just me and my mate

I made the move

Come up two hours late

Ain"t that a man

No "B"

"O" child


That spell mannish boy

I"m a man

I"m a man

I"m a full grown man, baby

Oh yeah, oh yeah

Oh yeah, oh yeah

All you pretty women

Stand in line

I make love with you baby

In an hour"s time

I"m a man

I"m a man

Oh yeah (oh yeah)

Oh yeah (oh yeah)



“不透明也可以产生赚钱的机会。”美国第三方研究机构浑水研究的网站上如是说。当中国赴美上市企业造假在国内被炒得轰轰烈烈的时候,包括揭发者浑水公司在内的关注度也大幅提高。浑水公司的创始人卡森·布洛克,35岁。2005年,布洛克在法学专业毕业之后,便来到了中国。浑水公司的网站介绍称,布洛克是一个熟悉法律的企业家,而浑水的研究团队则是那些熟悉中国商业规则的人。2010年7月的时候,布洛克创建了一项在线服务Muddy Waters Research(浑水研究)。2010年就是因为浑水公司对绿诺科技的揭露,促使了绿诺科技在美退市。浑水对于绿诺科技的关注是从2010年9月份开始的。因为当时浑水公司看到了《巴伦周刊》上的一篇文章中提及绿诺“已经换了三个审计师,四个首席财务官,并两次调整以往的财务报表数字”。2010年11月10日,浑水发布了一份长达30页的研究报告,质疑绿诺科技伪造客户关系、夸大收入以及管理层挪用上市融到的资金等。绿诺科技的股价很快大幅下跌,随后一家美国律师事务所对绿诺科技发起了集体诉讼。该律师事务所称绿诺科技向SEC(美国证券交易委员会)递交的2009年年报与公司向中国审计机构递交营收存在严重不符。最后,在绿诺科技承认两份客户合同造假的前提下,纳斯达克向其发出了退市通知。本报记者了解到,在美国,像浑水这样的第三方研究机构有很多。“他们中的一些可能靠研究报告盈利。而有很多会和律师事务所、投资人达成合作,这种合作不一定签协议。”一位熟悉美国资本市场的人士表示。“但会结成一个同盟。各种基金和投资者事先卖空该股,然后第三方出具不好的报告,之后是律师们的集体诉讼。”该人士介绍说。“这些律师们诉讼开始是没有律师费的,如果投资者获得赔偿之后,他们便得到了相应的费用。”财富指数资本集团总裁黄山说。布洛克则向《巴伦周刊》表示,在公布报告之前,他会做空这些公司的股票。无论怎么说,这是一个三方共赢的游戏。扩展资料据财新《新世纪》周刊报道,查阅资料和实地调研结合是了解一个公司真实面貌必做的功课。在选定攻击对象后,浑水必对上市公司的各种公开资料做详细研读。这些资料包括招股说明书、年报、临时公告、官方网站、媒体报道等,时间跨度常常很大。比如在调查分众传媒时,浑水查阅了2005-2011年这六年时间的并购重组事件,从中摘录了重要信息,包括并购时间、对象、金额等,并根据这些信息做了顺藤摸瓜式的延伸,进一步查阅了并购对象的官网、业务结构等。理论上讲,“信息元”都不会孤立存在,必然和别的节点有关联。对于造假的企业来说,要编制一个天衣无缝的谎言,需要将与之有关联的所有“信息元”全部疏通,对好“口供”,但这么做的成本非常高,所以造假的企业只会掩盖最明显的漏洞,心怀侥幸心理,无暇顾及其他漏洞。而延伸信息的搜索范围,就可以找到逻辑上可能存在矛盾的地方,为下一阶段的调研打下基础。比如浑水根据公开信息,层层挖掘出了分众传媒收购案中涉及的众多高层的关系图,为揭开分众传媒收购案例内幕提供了重要线索。参考资料来源:百度百科-浑水公司(如何获利)
2023-07-16 02:03:081


2023-07-16 02:03:247


罗伯特·约翰逊-虽然Robert Johnson一生只录制了29首歌曲,但这已足以让他成为布鲁斯历史上最值得纪念的人物之一。此外,关于他的一些神话式的故事也使他经历变得很传奇。作为一个吉他手,他有着“来自魔鬼”的演奏技术,他那巨大的手能按出对一般人来说是不可能组合起来的和弦。那些对后来众多吉他手有着重要影响的大师,如Muddy Waters和Elmore James,都受到了来自Robert Johnson的影响。1911年5月1日罗伯特·约翰逊出生在密西西比州的Hazelhurst。1914年全家搬到Memphis,直到1918年,他的继父将他送到Robinsonville附近的Abbay and Leatherman种植园。他在那里开始与为一些老乐手伴唱,并跟着Willie Brown四处表演。不久Brown的合作者Charley Patton来到这里,罗伯特·约翰逊就跟着他俩一起表演。1930年Son House离开Parchman农场来到Robinsonville,他的吉他演奏深深影响了罗伯特·约翰逊,令他放弃演唱拿起了吉他。House和Brown组成了一个乐队,去到Memphis的教堂公园表演赚取小费,罗伯特·约翰逊也跟随着他们。表演之余,他们聚在一起喝酒的时候,House、Brown和Patton会嘲笑他的菜鸟吉他技术,于是这个年轻人离开Robinsonville回到Hazelhurst。 King of the Delta Blues SingersHazelhurst靠近密西西比州的Crystal Springs,著名的吉他手Tommy Johnson就住在那里。Robert Johnson在那里结了婚。他除了练吉他,还跟着留声机学习新歌,他着迷于并模仿当地的一位吉他手Ike Zinnerman。好几个月之后,Johnson回到了Robinsonville,并向人们展示了出神入化的吉他技术,还有他学来的许多新歌(来自包括Lonnie Johnson、Skip James、Peetie Wheatstraw、Scrapper Blackwell和Kokomo Arnold等知名歌手),人们惊讶于他的进步,有的人相信他与相遇在十字路口,用他的灵魂换回吉他的天才。虽然Johnson的歌都是翻唱于别人的,但他赋予它们一种迷茫、孤独和偏持的感觉。似乎每个blues乐手都喜欢流浪(是天性抑或是为了谋生?),罗伯特·约翰逊同样不例外,他四处表演,走遍了中西部、东海岸甚至加拿大,煤矿、地下酒吧、码头和小旅馆都留有他的足迹,这样也使他的演唱产生最广泛的影响。罗伯特·约翰逊一生中共录过两次音,第一次是1936年11月,地点是得克萨斯州的San Antonio,第二次是1937年6月,地点是得克萨斯州的Dallas,那都是无与伦比的录音。他的成功终止于一年后的一次中毒(人们认为是一个妻子被罗伯特·约翰逊勾引的店主下的毒),不久后他就离开了人世,那是1938年8月16日。他被埋葬在密西西比州Greenwood的Mt. Zion墓地,后被移至Mt. Payne墓地。罗伯特·约翰逊与魔鬼达成交易,将自己的灵魂卖给魔鬼,减少自己的寿命以换取演奏蓝调的才华与创作天分。以罗伯特·约翰逊惊人的演奏功力、仿佛天赋般的才华与仅27岁就死于非命,这个谣言的诞生一点也不让人意外。录制于1936与37,而发行于1961年的King Of The Delta Blues Singer可以说是站在蓝调历史上的十字路口。它为这张专辑前的蓝调做了总结,为这专辑后的蓝调做了指引。罗伯特·约翰逊绝对是历史上最重要的蓝调吉他手,这张专辑不是蓝调的起点,但是却是孕育出像Eric Clapton、Jimmy Page、Duane Allman、Jeff Beck这些伟大吉他手的起点。The Complete Recordings 罗伯特·约翰逊 1911年5月8日生于美国Mississippi,正是所谓的King of the Delta Blues。复杂的家庭背景和坎坷的一生,让他的音乐天赋有表现的机会。爱喝酒、喜欢旅行到处去弹吉他是许多蓝调乐手的特质,罗伯特·约翰逊也不例外。他从密西西比三角洲的同乡Son House、Willi Brown那边学了不少,加上自己独特的Fingerpicking和Slide技巧而建立起名声。传言他在十字路口用灵魂和魔鬼交换音乐技巧(Paganini也许是第一人),所以才会这么厉害。电影Crossroad和Cream所翻唱的Crossroad,都能让我们感受这个传奇的魔力。罗伯特·约翰逊不只唱出了内心的感动,可说是影响了之后50年的乡村蓝调和摇滚乐的发展。他的影响遍及大不列颠的许多年轻人,这些人正是日后的Eric Clapton、Jimmy Page、Keith Richard等人。埃里克·克莱普顿受到罗伯特·约翰逊的影响很深,他是这么说的:罗伯特·约翰逊对我来说是有史以来最重要的蓝调音乐家。他是真实的,绝对的,自己的想法,和我一样深沉的音乐在过去的30年里都涌入。我从来没有发现任何东西比罗伯特·约翰逊更深入的深情。他的音乐仍然是最有力的呐喊,我认为你可以找到在人间的声音,真的。我知道,当我第一次听到它,它说出了我在我的困惑,似乎呼应的东西,是的,我一直觉得。据说罗伯特·约翰逊在1938年被毒死,但没有验尸也没有人被起诉,这年他才27岁。罗伯特·约翰逊留下的作品不多,都是古老的Mono Recording。 最重要的专辑<<King of the Delta Blues >>最经典的单曲<<I Believe I"ll Dust My Broom >>推荐这套哥伦比亚唱片1990年出版的《Robert Johnson : The Complete Recordings》,一套2张CD,原装正版中附有一本解说详尽的册子(压缩文件中未提供)。专辑曲目Disc: 11. Kind Hearted Woman Blues2. Kind Hearted Woman Blues3. I Believe I"ll Dust My Broom4. Sweet Home Chicago5. Rambling On My Mind6. Rambling On My Mind7. When You Got A Good Friend8. When You Got A Good Friend9. Come On In My Kitchen10. Come On In My Kitchen11. Terraplane Blues12. Phonograph Blues13. Phonograph Blues14. 32-20 Blues15. They"re Red Hot16. Dead Shrimp Blues17. Cross Road Blues18. Cross Road Blues19. Walking Blues20. Last Fair Deal Gone DownDisc: 21. Preaching Blues (Up Jumped The Devil)2. If I Had Possession Over Judgment Day3. Stones In My Passway4. I"m A Steady Rollin" Man5. From Four Till Late6. Hellbound On My Trail7. Little Queen Of Spades8. Little Queen Of Spades9. Malted Milk10. Drunken Hearted Man11. Drunken Hearted Man12. Me & The Devil Blues13. Me & The Devil Blues14. Stop Breakin" Down Blues15. Stop Breakin" Down Blues16. Traveling Riverside Blues17. Honeymoon Blues18. Love In Vain19. Love In Vain20. Milkcow"s Calf Blues21. Milkcow"s Calf Blue
2023-07-16 02:03:411


heavy metal我记得以前看过的不加ROCK也可以的
2023-07-16 02:03:577

2023-07-16 02:04:146


好象算种RNB RNB范围就很广了 RAP HIPHOP等等 但不包括JAZZ
2023-07-16 02:04:433

如何评价stevie ray vaughan

Stevie Ray Vaughan是20世纪最伟大的吉他手之一,他以自己独特的演奏方法,点燃了80年代Blues音乐的火焰。Vaughan的音乐曾受Atbert King、 Otis Rush 、Muddy Waters的影响,而Rock&Roll乐手Jimi Hendrix、 lonnie Mark也为他的音乐增添了一些灵感,同时,他也从Jazz吉他手KennyBurrel那吸收了其风格特点,从而发展出Vaughan与众不同的火暴风格,这是与其他吉他手截然不同的的另类风格。Vaughan在Blues和Rock之间搭起了桥梁,这是从60年代至今无人能及的。Vaughan成为美国blues领域的亮点,举办音乐会,发行专辑且达白金唱片销量。90年他的遂死,对于美国Blues和Rock & Rall领域产生了强大震撼。
2023-07-16 02:05:001


分类: 娱乐/明星 >> 网络资源 问题描述: 歌的名字叫《I can"t change the way you don"t feel》,曲风应该是属于黑人灵歌。想请教高手们,唱这首歌的这个歌手叫什么名字?他还有哪些作品?能在什么地方找到? 解析: Aaron Neville 爱伦·奈维尔 (Aaron Neville)1941年2月24日出生于美国Louisiana的New Orleans。evill从他与兄弟Art组成的合唱团Ha-wketts开始走上了他的音乐生涯。的确,手足情是Nevill生命中最看重的东西之一,他曾说:“回首岁月,我为自己,更从心底里热爱同我共甘苦的兄弟们。我永远是Nevil-les的一员。” 被称为“大粒墨” 的美国黑人歌手Aaron Neville天赋一把圆润柔美,幼细滑溜的阴柔嗓子,与他粗犷豪壮的外表形成强烈的反差。正如这张专辑名称《Warm Your Heart》那样,他为所有心中已没有歌声与快乐的人、所有感到孤独无助的人歌唱,努力用歌声安抚他们,减轻他们的痛苦,给予他们勇气,温暖他们伤痛失望的心。专集 Tell It Like It Is(1967) Warm Your Heart(1991) Grand Tour(1993) Tattooed Heart(1995) Tell It Like It Is(1989) Orchid In The Storm(1988) To Make Me Who I Am(1997) 歌曲 A Hard Nut To Crack Ain"t No Way All My Life Angola Bound Ave Maria Beautiful Night Betcha By Golly, Wow Brahms" Lullaby Can"t Stop My Heart From Loving You Close Your Eyes Crazy Love Crying In The Chapel Don"t Cry Don"t Fall Apart On Me Tonight Don"t Go, Please Stay Don"t Know Much Don"t Take Away My Heaven Down Into Muddy Waters Earth Angel Even If My Heart Would Break Even Though (aka Reality) Every Day Every Day Of My Life Everybody Plays the Fool For Every Boy There"s A Girl For The Good Times For Your Precious Love Get Out Of My Life God Made You For Me Hey Little Alice How Could I Help But Love You How Many Times Humdinger I Bid You Goodnight I Can"t Change The Way You Don"t Feel I Fall To Pieces I Found Another Love I Need You I Owe You One I"m Waiting At The Station In Your Eyes It Feels Like Rain I"ve Done It Again (aka Once Again) Jailhouse Just To Be With You La Vie Dansante Let"s Live Louisiana 1927 Love, Love, Love Lovely Lady Dressed In Blue My Brother, My Brother My Precious Star Over You Please Remember Me Pledging My Love Say What"s In My Heart She Took You For A Ride Show Me The Way Show Some Emotion Since You"re Gone Some Days Are Made For Rain Somewhere, Somebody Song Of Bernadette Space Man Sweet Amelia Sweet Little Mama Tell It Like It Is Tell It Like It Is - Aaron Neville That"s The Way She Loves The Bells The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face The Grand Tour The Roadie Song The Ten Commandments Of Love The Ticks Of The Clock There Is Still a Dream These Foolish Things This is My Story/We Belong Together To Make Me Who I Am Try (A Little Harder) Use Me Warm Your Heart What Did I Do (To Deserve You) When Something Is Wrong With My Baby Why Should I Fall In Love Why Worry With You In Mind Wrong Number Yes, I Love You You Never Can Tell You Think You"re So Smart Your Sweet and Smiling Eyes 你在 *** 这个网站上
2023-07-16 02:05:071

帮我介绍下吉他之神Jimi Hendrix

这是Jimi的1993年的精选专集“The Ultimate Experience”的曲目。算是比较完整的收录他的作品的了。 1. All Along The Watchtower 2. Purple Haze 3. Hey Joe 4. The Wind Cries Mary 5. Angel 6. Voodoo Child (Slight Return) 7. Foxy Lady 8. Burning Of The Midnight Lamp 9. Highway Chile 10. Crosstown Traffic 11. Castles Made Of Sand 12. Long Hot Summer Night 13. Red House 14. Manic Depression 15. Gypsy Eyes 16. Little Wing 17. Fire 18. Wait Until Tomorrow 19. Star Spangled Banner (Live) 20. Wild Thing (Live) Jimi Headrix(1942-1970) 摇滚信徒心目中的神是一位瘦削的、有着忧郁的大眼睛和爆炸式卷发的黑人——Jimi Hendrix。不仅摇滚乐迷对他顶礼膜拜,许多摇滚巨星也奉他为英雄、偶像。人们把他和爱因斯坦、毕加索、卓别林相提并论,他们都是伟大的左撇子。 Jimi Hendrix于1942年出生在美国西雅图。很小他就对吉他产生了浓厚兴趣:他父亲发现他常常抱着扫帚作弹吉他状,就找出一把夏威夷四弦琴给他弹。Jimi在16岁时他父亲用5美元买来一把二手木吉他,Jimi好象找回了失散的孪生兄弟一样,从早到晚吉他不离手。他不仅仅是练习弹奏技巧,吉他就好象是令人爱不释手的玩具,拿捏在Jimi的手中就象生物要呼吸空气、人要穿衣服一样自然而必需。他经常听B.B.King、Robert Johnson、Chuck Berry、Howling Wolf、Muddy Water等Blues大师的音乐,并跟着一起弹奏。 不少摇滚明星的艺术生涯都是从中学时被学校驱逐出门后开始的,Jimi也是这样。Jimi在美国南部Blues大本营混了很长时间,Blues的精髓深深根植于他的音乐里。初时他只是为Tina Turner等歌星伴奏,或与Little Richard等人合作,做二线吉他手。但不消多久他就锋芒毕露,受到经纪人Chas Chandler的高度赏识。Chandler立即跟Jimi签合约。物色到贝司手Noel Redding和鼓手Mitch Mitchell,三人组成了"The Jimi Hendrix Experience"乐队。1966年,他们前往英国展开艺术生涯。人们喜欢他们的英国绅士式的举止,更被他们的音乐所陶醉。"Experience"乐队在BBC广播公司做了大量的录音和现场演奏。有一次在一个地下第三层的录音室里,监制被Jimi的吉他的巨大声浪吓呆了,“我们听得见Jimi的吉他声穿过隔音玻璃,我们还看见那玻璃在震动。”当时在两层以上第3电台的音乐厅里有个弦乐四重奏在作现场转播,他们被Jimi的吉他声打断了,还跑下来投诉。又一次Jimi在位于第四层楼的录音室里表演,他的吉他声从四楼一直传到一楼,大楼里不断有人上来投诉。在BBC,Experience乐队还和Stevie Wonder一起作即兴演奏,Jimi弹吉他,Noel Redding弹贝司,Stevie Wonder则打鼓。这些珍贵的表演都收录在"BBC Session"CD中。听惯了相对地含蓄和安静的音乐的英国人,确实被Experience乐队震呆了,他们为这种奔放、热烈、原始、直接的摇滚乐着迷,Experience迅速走红英国,单曲和专辑都在流行榜上取得了好成绩。他们的大名绕了个圈传回老家美国。 Jimi非常富于幽默感,他狡猾而顽皮地微笑着用机智和吹牛对付那些头脑简单的记者,而最后那些记者总是心满意足地离开,好象他们刚从Jimi那儿买了块火星上的海滨地皮。然而平时Jimi为人非常真诚,寡言少语,有点害羞,跟谁在一起都显得那么谦卑。当他听到Albert King、Lightning Hopkins等人的美妙音乐时,会兴奋得眉飞色舞。当他在台上表演时更完全变成另一个人,热情奔放,完全投入到音乐中。Jimi不会读谱,也不会记谱,也许这使他更能投入于音乐本身。当时可能还没有专门为左撇子设计的吉他,Jimi就用左手弹奏“右手吉他”,从第一弦到第六弦全部倒转。当时在美国尤其是南部,人们迷信左撇子是邪恶的、不吉利的,Jimi少年学吉他时他父亲就不许他用左手弹,所以当着父亲面他会象大多数人一样用右手弹,等父亲一转身他又换回左手。这样他学会了左右开弓,然而他还是习惯用左手弹吉他。这使得他在弹奏电吉他时听上去有些特别,再加上他的手指特别长,有些非常巧妙的吉他效果直到今天还无人能仿效。有人专门分析过Jimi作为左撇子对他的音乐有什么影响:一般来说左撇子的想象力和创造力比较强,这对音乐创作很有好处;左撇子的大脑左右半球的内部联系更活跃,因此自由联想能力也更强。熟悉Jimi的人曾说,Jimi的头脑里总是充满音乐,有时跟他谈话会发现他并没在听,或者吃饭时他拿着勺子的手突然定格,过好几分钟才回过神来,那是他被自己脑中飘忽不定的纷纭思想给迷住了,往往是音乐构思之类的思想。 Jimi Hendrix的吉他技巧之纯熟只能用“精通”、“绝妙”等词形容,简直“玩转”吉他,甚至可以用牙齿来弹吉他。吉他乐器好象是专门为他而造的,吉他艺术被他发挥到极至。经他那神奇的手一弹拨,任何一把吉他都变成有灵魂的活物。有人形容Jimi抱着吉他就象抱着情人一样,“他就象在跟吉他做爱。”Jimi用吉他来呼吸、思考、表达,他的歌声和吉他声一唱一和,就象两个人在充满感情地对唱。阿拉丁擦三下神灯,灯神就钻出来;Jimi Hendrix则用独特神秘的手法把吉他的灵魂请了出来,然后他们开始共舞,Jimi和吉他融为一体,分不清你我。Jimi有种神奇的用吉他模仿人说话的能力,在Rainy Day, Dream Away和Still Raining, Still Dreaming中都能听到Jimi和他的吉他在一唱一和;在一次现场演奏Red House时,结尾Jimi用吉他说“谢谢”。他的歌唱和吉他总是同步地表达他的思想感情,当他唱着“rockets bursting in air”时,他的吉他就发出火箭在空中爆炸的声音;当他唱着“My heart burns with feeling”时,他就使吉他发出熊熊火焰燃烧的声音。 然而Jimi Hendrix并不是吉他疯子或吉他机器,他运用非凡的想象力和创造力,将摇滚吉他和爵士鼓融入黑人福音音乐和布鲁斯音乐中,再给他那会说话的吉他加上失真、回馈、哇音器等效果,用他那最直接的、毫不加修饰的嗓音,唱出了一首又一首充满感情的歌曲: Hey Joe是"Experience"乐队的首支单曲,描写一名青年听说他的女友跟别的男人胡混,就拿了支枪去找她算帐。当Jimi唱到“Shoot her one more time again, baby”时,他的吉他模仿出枪击的声音。Hey Joe虽不是Jimi所作,但Jimi的演绎却为此曲增添了黑人怨曲的辛酸味道,打上了Jimi Hendrix的独特烙印。 Purple Haze是1966年Jimi在化妆室写的,在1967年1月录成,这首歌充分反映了Jimi的主旋律吉他和节奏吉他弹得一样棒,他用模糊、失真的吉他声音营造了一团迷幻的紫雾,“我老想起我梦见自己在海底行走。然后我又想起我在一本科幻杂志里看到的一个关于紫色死光的故事。”在这首歌里Jimi描述自己的迷糊困惑、不知所措,但又虔诚地亲吻苍天: Purple haze all in my brain lately things just don"t seem the same acting funny but I don"t know why excuse me while I kiss the sky... Red House是Jimi Hendrix的作品中不多见的、布鲁斯风格明显而浓重的歌曲。Jimi很早就写下了这首歌,对Jimi来说它就象是母亲的子宫那样温暖、平静而安全,是爱的赞美诗,当他不堪现实的残酷无情时,他就钻进这首歌里逃避现实,摆脱内心的不安和焦虑。他常常在现场表演中按心情即兴改动歌词,"red rooster","red light","red house"...此曲还有个幽默的结尾:“If my baby don"t love me no more / I know her sister will!”是不是典型的黑人布鲁斯里苦中作乐的黑色幽默? 在The Burning Of The Midnight Lamp中,Jimi的吉他在为孤独、挫败和渴望而哭泣,Jimi自己解释说,“当一个人到处漂泊时,无论你住哪儿你都找不到‘家"的归属感,这种感受我想每个人都能理解。就象一个人独自在沙漠中一间破旧的小屋里,他在午夜点了把火烧掉电灯...” 长达13:39的1983...(A Merman I Should Turn To Be)以及它的1:01的续篇Moon, Turn the Tides ... Gently, Gently Away 是一部神话般的诗歌,有位乐评人说,“我称这首歌为‘阿特兰蒂斯"(Atlantis,传说中沉没于大西洋的岛),它有着凄切而迷幻的旋律,用印象派的手法讲述了一个凄美的消亡的故事,”一名青年目睹血腥的战争洗劫着大地,连银蓝色的北极也变成血红,人类自己建造的先进机器也拯救不了地球,人们在剧痛中哀号,“忧伤的眼睛望向苍穹,天使也张开了翅膀准备离去,宇宙在人们的呜咽声中颤抖...”于是这名青年决定和他的爱人一起离开大地,投身于大海的旋涡中,美人鱼为他们引路,阿特兰蒂斯欢呼着迎接他们。Jimi用吉他和特别的录音技巧再现了大海的哀叹声,悸动的船只的马达声,旋涡的叫喊声,成群的鱼类游动的声音,海鸥的哭声,远处直升机的哀鸣声... Jimi Hendrix有着非洲、爱尔兰和切罗基(北美)血统。他的音乐流露出深厚而自然的民谣布鲁斯根源,又带点巫毒教(Voodoo,有说根源于西非,有说根源于爱尔兰)的神秘色彩。Voodoo Child是首感情强烈而激动的诗歌,Jimi追溯他的非洲民族根源,用超凡的想象力虚构了一位神话中的勇士的威力,表达他的玄妙的宇宙哲学观: Well, I stand up next to a mountain And I chop it down with the edge of my hand Well, I pick up all the pieces and make an island Might even raise just a little sand And if I don"t meet you no more in this world Then I"ll, I"ll meet you in the next one And don"t be late, don"t be late...... All Along The Watchtower是伟大的民谣诗人Bob Dylan的作品,Jimi用自己的方式重新演绎,歌曲开头Jimi用吉他模仿出寒风呼啸哀号的声音,他的嗓音里沧桑的气质跟Bob Dylan可相媲美。Jimi说,“我总觉得Watchtower是我该写出来而没写成的东西,我对很多Bob Dylan的作品都有这种感觉。”同时Bob Dylan也说,“Jimi重新演绎我的作品我并觉得奇怪,我所奇怪的是他只演绎过这么少,因为我总觉得我的作品都是他写的。”两位艺术家真是心灵相通、惺惺相惜。 1967年Experience回到美国,用热情的火焰点燃了美国摇滚舞台和观众的情绪。1968年Jimi Hendrix在纽约建立了自己的录音室“Electric Lady Studio”。乐队巡演和录音室的工作使队员们不能集中精力搞创作,1969年“Experience”乐队解散了。同年8月Jimi参加了胡斯托音乐节(1969 Woodstock:Three Days of Peace & Music),Jimi找到以前的Billy Cox等音乐搭档组成了“Gypsy Sun &Rainbows”乐队。由于Woodstock组织者忙乱中忘了去接他们,Jimi情急之下租了架直升机直奔现场,这样摇滚乐迷们疯狂叫喊着欢迎他们从天而降的神。Jimi Hendrix是这次音乐节的引人注目的焦点,他在舞台上悉数发挥他的音乐才华,使受尽暴风雨洗礼和在泥泞里打滚的千万热情的观众心满意足。而他也是这次表演中报酬最高的艺术家,即使摇滚老前辈们也比不上他。之后Jimi Hendrix又和Billy Cox等人建立了“Band of Gypsys”乐队,在新年音乐会等场合表演。1970年Jimi找回鼓手Mitch Mitchell,和Billy Cox作贝司手,以“The Jimi Hendrix Experience”乐队的名义制作First Rays Of The New Rising Sun专辑。可惜Jimi未能目睹这张专辑的问世,他忙着到世界各地巡回演出,而1970年9月18日,Jimi Hendrix因为服食毒品昏迷而被自己的呕吐物窒息而死,年方27岁。有人说是毒品害了他,也有人猜测他是自杀的。不管怎样,他是走得太匆忙了,没来得及让世人领略他的全部才华。他的最后一张天鹅之歌专辑到1997年才得以发行。 尽管由于迷信和偏见等原因,直到90年代美国的布鲁斯音乐界一直不承认Jimi Hendrix是布鲁斯乐手,但Jimi的音乐却不能否认地渗透着布鲁斯的气质和精神。黑人布鲁斯音乐是他的根。而Jimi并不只弹布鲁斯,他在布鲁斯中加进了许多别的音乐元素,如摇滚和爵士等。“摇滚乐圈子有个毛病就是喜欢把人分类,用各种各样的界线和标签将音乐划分得太清楚。我热爱布鲁斯,但我不想整夜只弹奏布鲁斯。我喜欢Howling Wolf和Otis Rush,但有些布鲁斯却令我反感。我讨厌人们给音乐贴上标签。”他用自己的技巧和才华丰富了布鲁斯音乐,可以说正是这种革新打破了黑、白分明的界限,使得白人听众开始接受黑人布鲁斯,开始发现黑人音乐的伟大。他们开始去挖掘B. B. King、Muddy Waters。 尽管由于迷信和偏见等原因,直到90年代美国的布鲁斯音乐界一直不承认Jimi Hendrix是布鲁斯乐手,但Jimi的音乐却不能否认地渗透着布鲁斯的气质和精神。黑人布鲁斯音乐是他的根。而Jimi并不只弹布鲁斯,他在布鲁斯中加进了许多别的音乐元素,如摇滚和爵士等。“摇滚乐圈子有个毛病就是喜欢把人分类,用各种各样的界线和标签将音乐划分得太清楚。我热爱布鲁斯,但我不想整夜只弹奏布鲁斯。我喜欢Howling Wolf和Otis Rush,但有些布鲁斯却令我反感。我讨厌人们给音乐贴上标签。”他用自己的技巧和才华丰富了布鲁斯音乐,可以说正是这种革新打破了黑、白分明的界限,使得白人听众开始接受黑人布鲁斯,开始发现黑人音乐的伟大。他们开始去挖掘B. B. King、Muddy Waters。 Jimi Hendrix的摇滚艺术赢得了很多同时代的音乐人的折服和钦佩。"The Monkees"乐队的Mike Nesmith回忆说,“有天我和Eric Clapton、George Harrison、John Lennon、Paul McCartney等人一起吃饭。Lennon拿出一盘录音带说,‘你们一定得听听这个,"然后他播放了Hey Joe。听着如此精湛美妙的摇滚乐,大家全都佩服和惊讶得连下巴都掉了。就在此刻Jimi的摇滚乐彻底地改变了我们的音乐理念。”Jimi Hendrix曾劝告John Lennon不要光写轻松甜蜜的情歌,我们不敢肯定Lennon有没有接受,但我们听到了Lennon后期如"Imagine"等有着深远意义的好歌。Eric Clapton曾说:“摇滚舞台是专为Jimi而设的。我和他年轻时同样喜欢Robert Johnson、Freddie、B. B. King等人的音乐,并跟着唱片一起弹奏。然而Jimi跟这些人那么熟悉,他在他们的圈子中呆过很长时间,和他们一起演奏过,他是他们中的一员。我只是听唱片,学二手的东西。我只弹奏单一的芝加哥布鲁斯,我从未尝试突破。而他则将所有大师的精髓都熔合到自己的音乐中。”B. B. King提到这位晚辈时说:“Jimi Hendrix有自己的独到之处。他是 "Delta blues"的伟大发现者。我想这跟他在哪里出生无关。他的音乐非常独特而富于创造性,自成一派。他是在平静中兴起风浪的人。” Jimi Hendrix高超的吉他技巧和贝司技巧影响了一代又一代的摇滚艺术家,他的音乐天才和最彻底的摇滚精神激励着象Kurt Cobain、Steve Vai、George Clinton、Miles Davis、Johny Lang、Robert Smith等等数不尽的现代音乐家。他即使弹奏贝司也很自然、富于感情,将贝司与吉他和旋律融于一体,声效非常坚实而震撼,许多有名的贝司手受到他的影响,象Beatles的Paul McCartney,Mr. Big的Billy Sheehan,Red Hot Chili Peppers的Flea...他的出神入化的绝妙的吉他技巧就更不用提了。在他去世后的多年里,陆陆续续有许多摇滚音乐家纷纷合出“向Jimi Hendrix致敬”的专辑,如在1993年Reprise唱片公司出版的Stone Free: A Tribute To Jimi Hendrix专辑里,The Cure、Eric Clapton、Buddy Guy、Jeff Beck、Pretenders、Belly等等有名的艺术家以自己的方式重新演绎Jimi Hendrix的作品,以示他们对Jimi Hendrix的崇敬。在短短不到五年的艺术生涯里,Jimi Hendrix创作了大量优秀的摇滚乐作品,他的音乐风格丰富多彩、不断变化,涵括了布鲁斯、民谣、节奏布鲁斯、摇滚、爵士...他创造音乐的同时也改变音乐,在摇滚乐的历史里加入了神圣而关键的一笔。
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林宥嘉 诱
2023-07-16 02:05:365


blues也就是蓝调,说白了就是现代流行音乐、摇滚音乐的始祖。从布鲁斯的5声音阶衍变出的各类爵士、摇滚,都明显的带有很大的blues风格。他的代表者有这些:ROBORT·JOHNSON B·B·KING ERIC·CLAPTON STEVIE·RAY·VAUGHAN..............主要代表乐器即是:民谣箱琴、共鸣箱爵士电吉他、电吉他、金属民谣琴、10孔口琴、小号、次中音号、萨克斯管、弦贝、爵士贝斯、钢琴、鼓与小打。我靠,我的答案太精辟了,上面抄了半天,没回答正经问题。
2023-07-16 02:05:533


关于R&B形成与发展节奏和布鲁斯(Rhythm and Blues,简称R&B)现在是用来描述二战后多种美国流行音乐形式的一个专用名词。这个词的出现应该归功于Jerry Wexler,是他在编辑Billboard杂志的排行榜(1947年)首先使用了这个词语,是为了将那些当时新出现的一些现代音乐的形式归类。 很明显,R&B有着美国黑人民间音乐的悠久根源-布鲁斯。虽然有很多种乐器可以来演奏布鲁斯,但在最早时期,布鲁斯主要是用人声来表达情感的一种方式,演唱者用哀怨的曲调来表达他们的情感,他们会用一些特有的发声技巧来唱出那种效果。当人们用乐器为演唱者伴奏时,也会试图去模仿人声的效果(比如在吉他上推弦,使用滑棒,口琴的弯音等),这就形成了有特色的布鲁斯演奏风格。 R&B的根源尽管主要是来自布鲁斯,但也受到了很多其它音乐形式的影响,比如美国南方的劳动歌曲、Ragtime、教堂音乐,民谣音乐,以及白人的流行音乐。R&B这种音乐形式最早出现是在二十世纪初期,W.C. Handy所作的歌曲"Memphis Blues"被认为是R&B的一个开端。 比较根源的布鲁斯主要是在三个地区发展起来的,佐至亚州、德克萨斯州和密西西比州。密西西比风格的代表人物有Charley Patton, Robert Johnson和Johnny Shines等,与之相比,佐至亚风格的布鲁斯旋律性更强,较柔和,其代表人物有Blind Willie McTell和Blind Boy Fuller。 第一张真正的布鲁斯专辑是在1920年代录制的,有趣的是,它是由一些布鲁斯女艺人录制的,Ma Rainey, Ida Cox和 the wonderful Bessie Smith等。这个时候录制唱片还必须要依靠当时顶尖的爵士乐手的伴奏支持。 布鲁斯发展的一个重要因素是由于经济环境的变化,美国南方大量的黑人劳工移民到北方的城市,布鲁斯音乐也被他们带入到了新的地方,开始适应城市的环境。布鲁斯歌曲的主题发生了改变,趋向城市化。布鲁斯单个艺人的演唱形式也发生了变化,有更多的音乐人加入,出现了布鲁斯小乐队,钢琴、口琴、贝司、鼓,还有最主要的乐器-电吉他。有了这些乐器,也就标志着布鲁斯音乐的节奏感加强了。 城市布鲁斯发展的一些主要地方有,亚特兰大、孟菲斯和圣路易斯等,但这些地方很难找出非常杰出的音乐家。底特律的John Lee Hooker,西海岸的T-Bone Walker都被认为是里程碑式的人物,此外产生最深远影响的地方是芝加哥,在那里出现了Sonny Boy Williamson, Muddy Waters, Little Walter, Howlin" Wolf, Elmore James和Otis Spann等一批音乐人。 布鲁斯几乎影响了后来发展的所有现代音乐形式,不仅仅是对所谓的R&B。 R&B也许是用来描述三十年代出现的城市化布鲁斯音乐最为贴切和得到普遍认同的一个名词。这种音乐发展中的一个重要人物是Louis Jordan,他早先是在很小型的乐队演出,后来开始录制以布鲁斯为主的唱片,在传统布鲁斯的形式上加入了幽默的歌词和大量的boogie woogie式的节奏,被人们称为Jump布鲁斯。另外,Amos Milburn, Floyd Dixon, Charles Brown和伟大的Joe Turner都是这种音乐的开创者。他们的音乐有共通之处 - 十二小节的布鲁斯格式,器乐占主要地位,布鲁斯味道的情歌,或干脆就采用当时流行歌曲的歌词写作手法。 最早录制R&B音乐唱片的中心是洛杉矶,当时有很多小的独立唱片公司,如Modern, RPM 和Specialty等。而大品牌的Atlantic唱片公司的加入将R&B音乐推广到了更多的听众群体中,因为Atlantic有着经验更丰富的制作人和录音师,他们能把音乐录制得更精美。Atlantic推出过不少能载入R&B史册的歌手,如Ruth Brown和Lavern Baker,他们还为美国黑人现代音乐中最伟大音乐人之一的Ray Charles录制了唱片,另外还与Clyde McPhatter和Chuck Willi这样的音乐人有过合作。这些音乐人可以被看作是四十年代布鲁斯和R&B到六十年代灵歌风格的连接。当然小型的独立唱片公司在R&B发展和进入到灵歌这一阶段的过程中也起到了不可忽视的作用,比如Duke/Peacock公司。 其实很难用R&B来概括一种特定形式的音乐,在五十年代中期,它一般是指黑人的流行音乐,适于成年人欣赏的音乐,以区别于新出现的、让无数青少年所疯狂的摇滚乐。事实上这种区分是很人为的,比如Hank Ballad当时出的一张专辑"The Twist"被归为摇滚类,但他以前的音乐一直是被认为是R&B阵营的。有时这种分类也是很模糊的,音乐人出的专辑可能适于两种或更多的分类,比如Dinah Washington尽管被赞誉为爵士歌手,但她仍旧登上了R&B排行榜的榜首。 由于是成年人的音乐,很多人把出自芝加哥的以电吉他为主的布鲁斯也视为R&B,因为那些音乐人更受到老一代人的喜爱,像Muddy Waters, Howlin" Wolf 和B.B. King(他经常使用管号组配出像Louis Jordan那样的伴奏声音)。 六十年代中期,从唱片的销量来看,R&B的发展很缓慢,似乎有点老态龙钟。但在这个时期,灵歌风格出现了。灵歌(soul)也是一个形容黑人流行音乐的名词,这个词是在五十年代开始出现,六十年代和七十年代早期被频繁地使用,有的人甚至把它看作是取代R&B的一个词语。其实灵歌可以说是R&B的一个延续,它们之间的关系和影响就像是布鲁斯和R&B一样。但与三十到五十年代的R&B有 回答者:燕子知了 - 见习魔法师 二级 12-29 08:45R&B的全名是Rhythm&Blues,一般译作"节奏怨曲"。广义上,R&B可视为“黑人的流行音乐”,它源於黑人的Blues音乐,是现今西行流行来和摇滚来的基础,Billboard杂志曾介定R&B为所有黑人音乐,除了Jazz和Blues之外,都可列作R&B,可见R&B的范围是多么的广泛。近年黑人音乐圈大为盛行的HipHop和Rap都源於R&B,并且同时保存着不少R&B成分。 节奏布鲁斯(R&B)的诞生可以追溯到40年代中期,早期的R&B被被称为跳跃布鲁斯(Jumpblues)。 JumpBlues吸收了爵士乐的吹奏乐器(Horn-drivenlineup)演奏和摇摆乐(Swing)的节奏,也结合了蓝调音乐(Blues)基本重叠唱法(Riff)和弦乐演奏,成为了一种,崭新的音乐形式。也可以说JumpBlues是节奏爵士(RhythmJazz)和布鲁斯(Blues)的结合品。 虽然JumpBlues很大一部份是吸收Blues的特点,但是最后奠定其基本结构使其形成一种崭新的音乐风格却是节奏爵士。但Jumpblues节奏更快,演唱更粗哑,而且其乐器的使用也区别于爵士和蓝调:钢琴演奏节奏强烈,最重要的SAX的演奏也更尖锐。早期的JumpBlues是还是属于黑人音乐:它的演唱者和听众都是黑人。 在JumpBlues中演唱者被称“Shouter“,很多著名的JumpBluesShouter都是来自大乐队(Big-Band),如BigJoeTurner,他是来自KansasCityjazzbands的。当时还有一些著名的Shouter,如WynonieHarris,RoyBrown,RoyMilton和NappyBrown等。 LouisJordan在JumpBlues的历史上有着很重要的影响,他经常演奏一些歌词诙谐的歌曲,由于这些歌曲特别适宜用来作舞曲,所以越来越多的白人青少年喜爱上了这种音乐.其它如ChuckBerry,JoeLiggins,TinyBradshaw,AmosMilburn,CamilleHoward等黑人音乐家也为都是当时有名的JumpBlues音乐家. 在50年代,由于那些杰出音乐家们的努力,JumpBlues终于冲破了种族界限,成为了为大众接受的新型音乐风格,也正是在50年代JumpBlues易名为“节奏布鲁斯(R&B)”,登上了Billboard榜 么是 R&B? R&B的全名是 Rhythm & Blues,一般译作"节奏蓝调"。广义上, R&B可视为“黑人的流行音乐”,它源於黑人的Blues音乐,是现今西行流行来和摇滚来的基础,Billboard杂志曾介定 R&B为所有黑人音乐,除了 Jazz和Blues之外,都可列作 R&B,可见 R&B的范围是多么的广泛。近年黑人音乐圈大为盛行的 Hip Hop和 Rap都源於 R&B,并且同时保存着不少 R&B成分。 节奏布鲁斯(R&B)的诞生可以追溯到40年代中期,早期的R&B被被称为跳跃布鲁斯(Jump blues)。 Jump Blues吸收了爵士乐的吹奏乐器(Horn-driven lineup)演奏和摇摆乐(Swing)的节奏,也结合了蓝调音乐(Blues)基本重叠唱法(Riff)和弦乐演奏,成为了一种,崭新的音乐形式。也可以说Jump Blues是节奏爵士(Rhythm Jazz)和布鲁斯( Blues)的结合品。 Blues——R&B的根儿 Blue是蓝色,一种凉飕飕的颜色。Blues在音乐上也是指忧伤的乐曲,是R&B最初的形式。Blues的“祖宗”最早出现在100多年前的非洲黑人部落。现代版Blues则起源于20世纪40年代美国黑人社区。Blues是黑人自己的音乐,多用吉他、口琴等简单乐器演奏。 那个时代,黑人社会地位非常低下。他们大多背井离乡,在城市流浪打工,干最脏最累的活,工钱却少得可怜。因此,他们的音乐也多是一些忧伤的曲调,被称作蓝调怨曲。 好听的音乐是藏不住的,随着磁带和广播电台的出现,蓝调音乐很快跳出了黑人的圈子,从芝加哥风行全美。 Rhythm——R&B的翅膀 Blues是好,但作为怨曲,总带着黯淡的“蓝色调”,听久了难免让人有些郁闷。歌迷们要求Blues亮起来的呼声越来越高涨。 在歌迷们的要求下,到了五六十年代,Blues歌手在他们的作品中加入了一些亮点,主要是鼓、电吉他和高音萨克斯等乐器。于是就形成了一种节奏感强、节拍明快又不太悲伤的蓝调歌曲。 Rhythm是节奏的意思,蓝调加节奏就是R&B。节奏就像是怨曲的翅膀,有了它,R&B迅速风靡全世界。数十年间,经过几代歌手加工,终于形成了今天的R&B流派。
2023-07-16 02:06:121


指摇滚和破坏相对应英文:rock & borand
2023-07-16 02:06:246

求大家写个浪漫点~关于口琴的故事 主要要吸引人

故事一:从前有个人在女生寝室楼下吹口琴,优美动人的旋律一夜没有停息,结果女生找个一个会弹吉他的做男朋友……(这是现实……)故事二:从前在商店用50美分就可以买一把口琴。某个人开始吹口琴,他开始走红,他开始出唱片,他开始开创时代,他开始潦倒,他最后死于街头斗殴。他死的时候,商店里口琴的售价是2美元。可惜口琴商似乎只是高兴口琴价格提升了,却忘了提升它的人。那个人出生于蓝调时代,死于摇滚时代。他的一个同事是蓝调的巅峰级人物,他的另一个同事是创造摇滚的人。人们肯定记得Muddy Waters的吉他和泥土味道的蓝调,人们更不可能忘记用音乐打破了黑人和白人界限的摇滚乐始祖Chuck Berry,人们也记得芝加哥蓝调的代表人物口琴大师Little Walter。口琴自己的故事就是一个很浪漫的故事,无需在添油加醋。
2023-07-16 02:06:461

The Rolling Stones歌名中英文对照

“滚石”乐队(The Rolling Stones)的名字取自于前辈艺人Muddy Waters的一首歌曲“Rollingstones Blues”。60年代末,The Rolling Stones发行的几张出色专辑《乞丐的宴会》(Begger"s Banquet)《魔鬼陛下的乞求》(Their Satanic Majesties Request)以及后来的《让它流血》(Let It Bleed)等都取得了很大的成功,并成为了摇滚史上的经典杰作。我们不会忘记这些令人百听不厌的不朽名曲:“Street Fight Man”(街头战士)、“Gimme Shelter”(给我庇护)、“Jumping Jack Flash”(闪光的爆竹)、“You Can"t Always Get What You Want”(你总是得不到你想要的东西)、“Ruby Tuesday”(闪亮的星期二)、“Sympathy For The Devil”(恶魔的怜悯)、Start Me Up”(从我开始)┅┅。乐队主要成员:米克·贾格尔(Mick Jagger):主唱,1943年7月26日出生于英国肯特郡的达特福德基斯·理查德(Keith Richards):吉他手,1943年12月18日生于英国肯特郡的达特福德朗·伍德(Ron Wood):吉他手,1947年6月1日出生于英国伦敦查理·沃茨(Charlie Watts):鼓手,1941年6月2日出生于英国米德尔塞克斯郡
2023-07-16 02:06:531


2023-07-16 02:07:001


  用木吉他也可以练习布鲁斯练习曲,A Blues Shuffle。下面是我给大家整理的布鲁斯木吉他谱,供大家参阅!    布鲁斯木吉他谱    对于布鲁斯的一些个人愚见   1.黑人才能玩BLUES   答:蓝调口琴宗师Sonny Terry说白人玩不了布鲁斯是因为他们没有被吐过口水。 我觉得人在中国玩不了布鲁斯,除非他没吃过地沟油。   2.BLUES高端大气上档次   答:世上最土鳖音乐,接地气,绝不亚于凤凰传奇。适合搬完砖消遣吼两嗓子。注:土鳖无贬义。   3.玩BLUES需要乐理   答:乐理有帮助,但不必要。BLUES乐理乃世界音乐乐理最简单没有之一。除非想往JAZZ发展和所谓现代 "BLUES"发展,纯BLUES选手没有死钻乐理的必要。   4.BLUES是12小节的   答:12小节是最简单易懂的BLUES形式,常见的BLUES形式还有8小节和16小节。根源布鲁斯大多数都不是12小节,每首歌根据歌曲的不同会有变动,并且和声走向也不固定。因此不应该用12小节束缚自己,12小节只是个基础。   5.BLUES采用shuffle节奏   答:早期BLUES中很少有采用shuffle节奏的歌曲绝大多数都是平拍的,应该是从Robert johnson开始shuffle节奏才开始流行,布鲁斯的过门也形成了。而到了现代布鲁斯的节奏也向多样化发展。   总之希望初学布鲁斯的同学不要把自己的思维束缚了,当然楼主也是个业余选手,提不出专业性建议。   小弟就顺便推荐一些自己喜欢的布鲁斯大师,希望能推广下根源布鲁斯。   三角洲布鲁斯 SON HOUSE william brown tommy johnson   乡村布鲁斯 blind boy fuller big bill broonzy   福音布鲁斯Rev.Gary Davis   德州布鲁斯Lightnin" Hopkins   电声方面小弟个人觉得Muddy waters是必听的,虽然基本是最早的电声布鲁斯乐队,但却是囊括了各界奇才的专业团队。 第二代电声布鲁斯大师的偶像都基本在Muddy waters手下玩过。    布鲁斯节奏如何训练   一直没跟大家讲节奏这件事,是因为我在慢慢的屡清楚这些事情,我最终会说到音乐最重要的东西——节奏。我们一般说,节奏是生命。   我们先讲这个蓝调的.节奏,其他的以后再说。我来给大家解释一下blues的节奏。以前我们在音乐里面弹,一般都是四分的,44拍的。我们一般的blues都是812,以八分之一拍的音的时长为基准单位,一拍有12个。也就是我们把节拍器调成一拍一下的,例如(X X X X),那么我们要弹的节奏是(XXX XXX XXX XXX),然后我们手拨的顺序是(↑↓↑ ↓↑↓)。   我们都知道一百除以三是永远除不尽的,除以四就可以的。所以十六分再难也是有准确的标准的,但三拍子不好有标准。三拍子都是些感觉性的、倾向型的东西。在你找不准的时候,你可以用节拍器。把节拍器放到812的那个拍,它每一拍会分三下来打。然后加上我们手拨的顺序,把节拍器先调到60的速度,然后开始练**。这样长久下来,你会越来越快。我们一般把速度分为三种,60、90、120。   在blues里有个特别重要的节奏型,叫shuffle。Shuffle是什么意思呢,它跟swing还是有区别的。比如说我们刚刚讲到的那个节奏的手拨顺序是(↑↓↑ ↓↑↓),那么我们把每三个为一组的中间那个不弹,空出来,变成(↑0↑ ↓0↓),就是shuffle。我们把这个练好了对以后做大三连很关键,然后我们就可以全用下拨,变成(↑0↑ ↑0↑),这样我们才能抓准shuffle的这个节奏。   今天除了讲这个,我还要讲一个延伸的内容,就是大三连音。大三连音怎么才能切准?大三连音是怎么分配的呢?我学大三连的时候都是凭感觉,后来发现是有规律的。大三连其实就是(↑0↑ 0↑0),那么还有一种反的三连音是(0↓0 ↓0↓)。那么大家就可以将这两种分开练**后,再连起来练**。这样就有一定的难度,但大家可以先理解,因为一时半会还弹不到这么难的曲子。   作业:大家在60的速度的812拍里,把(↑0↑ ↓0↓)、(↑0↑ ↑0↑)以及大三连音的两种(↑0↑ 0↑0)和(0↓0 ↓0↓)都做出来。
2023-07-16 02:07:171


2023-07-16 02:07:293


Dolphin (bái qí tún), about living in the Yangtze River in the years 2500 and the white dolphin, is the Miocene and Pliocene extension has kept the ancient relict biological. White whales and dolphins are small and medium-sized individual family members, is the world"s available fresh water dolphin 5 (La globefish, Asia globefish, Platanistidae India globefish, and the white dolphin), the first to survive for at least a few. As the number of odd little white dolphin and not only China is listed as a protected species, the world"s 12 most endangered animals. River dolphin origin, age 70 at the end of the 20th century, according to Chinese scientists, Professor Zhou Kaiya"s proposal to set up a separate white dolphin and Branch. Mejiro whale and dolphin and the white section is the only species of dolphin.The dolphin was spindle shape, is about 2-2.5 meters and weighing up to 200 kg and above. Long and thin mouth, back Light gray or blue, pure white for the ventral, dorsal fin-shaped as a triangle, two pectoral fin like the palm of your hand, flat tail fin in the middle fork, good at swimming, the maximum speed of 80 km around . Due to the long-term living in the muddy river, the white dolphin and audio-visual organs have been degraded. Small as it is blind eye, the eye of a needle like ears, eyes at the bottom of the post. However, the brain developed, thus, extremely sensitive sonar system, there is a head ultrasound function, Jiang could face tens of thousands of meters of the rapid introduction of sound mind. In the event of an emergency, they immediately dive to escape. White dolphin and cold, the temperature is usually around 36 ℃.Edit this paragraph distributionThe main dolphin living in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and Dongting Lake and its connected, Poyang Lake, Qiantang River waters, etc., usually in pairs or more than 10 heads together and happy with the current depth of radical activities of the Department. Scarce number of available 20 years ago, estimates that only about 300, at the time was facing extinction.Edit this paragraph living habitsDolphin like gregarious, especially in the spring mating season, is even more obvious acts of the cluster. Each group of 2-16 in the first general. Its wide range of activities, but the higher water temperature conditions, often in the region remain a fixed period of time, the water temperature conditions to be changed, and moved to another area. To fish for food.Like the river dolphin living in the Sham Shui Po District, near the shore and small boats, but it is always around to shallow waters, chasing fish to eat. Its wide kiss slender, long upper and lower 130 more than the same type of conical teeth, it may be too lazy to chew, just swallow the mouth fresh fish, a strong ability to digest. White dolphin and often in pairs or small groups together, but rarely have the chance to see it, it only exposed the surface to breathe in order to catch a glimpse of a time.Dolphin in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in Hubei Zhicheng to the main stream of the Yangtze River estuary, about 1600 kilometers of the river, to fish for food, hi clustering, a small group of about 2 to 3, the crowd of about 9 to 16. White dolphin is a lung and respiratory aquatic mammals, each breath, his head and breathing surface first hole, then his lower back and dorsal fin of the triangle, the water to breathe for about 1-2 seconds, each time diving around 20 seconds, the long latency of up to 200 seconds. The most mature individual body length, 2.5 m female, male 2.3 meters and weighing 100 to 150 kilograms, there is a constant body temperature, always around 36 degrees Celsius.Edit this paragraph breeding habitsDolphin breeding first two years, Aberdeen 1 per child, born about 80 cm length. Newborn larvae deep color slightly. Dolphin and the general adult white on the back of Green Light gray, white ventral was clean, the sun"s shining especially bright. The level of the extended flipper and tail up and down with both sides of the same color on the back and ventral, so that the distribution of color exactly match the color and the environment. When looking down from the surface, the back of the green and gray of the river is mixing it is difficult to distinguish; from the bottom to the point of view when, a white belly and the light reflected from the surface color is also similar to those found to be very difficult. This allows the dolphin to avoid Di Hai, close to the game, with the hidden natural barriers. White dolphin and up to 30 years of life, in general Cishou 6-year-old to reach sexual maturity, Xiongshou 4-year-old. Adult white dolphin and estrus twice a year, in March to May and August to October. Pregnancy for 10-11 months, a one-child class, sometimes two earners. Wild state, an adult male and female ratio of 1:1 dolphin, but Cishou pregnancy rate was only 30% of the normal, natural reproduction rate is very low.Dongmochunchu annual dolphin is the mating season, the mother dolphin pregnancy for up to 1 year or so, so most of the litter in the spring of next year. After the birth of small dolphin feeding by the mother"s milk until five or six-year-old is mature; general life expectancy of 30 years.Editor of the physical structure of the paragraphDolphin is predators, population about 130 sharp teeth, tooth for the same type. Often in the twilight tour shore shallows when Predation for the general to swallow the entire length of less than 6.5 cm of fresh water fish-based, but also eat small amounts of aquatic plants and insects. Breathe, the water head first, and then exposed all of the water, swimming in the water 2 meters, the water re-entry. Dolphin"s vision is almost zero, to rely on echolocation to understand environmental changes in biology, physiology and bionics, and so on a wide range of scientific research value. But the dolphin timid nature, are susceptible to shock, usually away from the vessel, it is difficult to close, combined with its small population, vast regional activities, so in a state of wild dolphin research is very limited.Dolphin skin smooth and delicate, full of a special kind of flexibility with the principle of competition-style bathing suit with the use of flexible nylon weave the same material, to reduce the fast swimming in the water when the turbulence generated around the body. Its flat tail fin to be divided into two forks, on both sides of the pectoral fin was like the palm of your hand flat, triangular dorsal fin. This four-fin dolphin to provide excellent swimming in the water when the direction of balance and control, combined with high flexibility of the skin smooth and streamlined body, the dolphin to avoid dangerous situations, up to 60 km per hour speed of travel . It usually maintains a 10-15 km per hour, the travel speed.Long-term survival of the Yangtze River dolphin in the Cho-shui, it"s visual and hearing are severely degraded, the water in the main reception to launch sonar signals to identify objects. White dolphin and the upper respiratory tract has three unique shape of a balloon with a goose head of the throat, but to survive in the water by water sounds, and there is no land animal in the air pronunciation of the vocal cords needed. With a special hydrophone, you can hear the white dolphin and issued "A" "quack" and dozens of different voices. White dolphin and the voice of regular twice for a pair of issuing a quiet voice will be waiting for the echo, which detected the echo of their own and have hindered the distance and size, and to consider whether travel to the goal. It will echo the receipt issued shortly after a pair of new voices, and wait quietly for a while waiting for the echo. The second received echo, it will be able to analyze the goal of swimming in the direction and speed, and white dolphin is one such man-made, such as sonar-like echolocation to do. This unique use of the sonar system, which can from time to time in the mud at the end of Jiang"s capture in food, can not issue a human face value of the high-frequency sound waves, with more than 10 km outside the peer contact.White dolphin and the surface area of the brain than the dolphin, the weight of the brain accounts for about 0.5 percent of overall volume, of which an average weight 95 kg male dolphin, brain weight 470 grams. This is close to the weight of gorilla and chimpanzee brain weight, and even some scholars believe that white dolphins and chimpanzees and gibbons than smarter.
2023-07-16 02:07:372


The scenery of Walden is on a humble scale, and, though very beautiful, does not approach to grandeur, nor can it much concern one who has not long frequented it or lived by its shore; yet this pond is so remarkable for its depth and purity as to merit a particular description. It is a clear and deep green well, half a mile long and a mile and three quarters in circumference, and contains about sixty-one and a half acres; a perennial spring in the midst of pine and oak woods, without any visible inlet or outlet except by the clouds and evaporation. The surrounding hills rise abruptly from the water to the height of forty to eighty feet, though on the southeast and east they attain to about one hundred and one hundred and fifty feet respectively, within a quarter and a third of a mile. They are exclusively woodland. All our Concord waters have two colors at least; one when viewed at a distance, and another, more proper, close at hand. The first depends more on the light, and follows the sky. In clear weather, in summer, they appear blue at a little distance, especially if agitated, and at a great distance all appear alike. In stormy weather they are sometimes of a dark slate-color. The sea, however, is said to be blue one day and green another without any perceptible change in the atmosphere. I have seen our river, when, the landscape being covered with snow, both water and ice were almost as green as grass. Some consider blue "to be the color of pure water, whether liquid or solid." But, looking directly down into our waters from a boat, they are seen to be of very different colors. Walden is blue at one time and green at another, even from the same point of view. Lying between the earth and the heavens, it partakes of the color of both. Viewed from a hilltop it reflects the color of the sky; but near at hand it is of a yellowish tint next the shore where you can see the sand, then a light green, which gradually deepens to a uniform dark green in the body of the pond. In some lights, viewed even from a hilltop, it is of a vivid green next the shore. Some have referred this to the reflection of the verdure; but it is equally green there against the railroad sandbank, and in the spring, before the leaves are expanded, and it may be simply the result of the prevailing blue mixed with the yellow of the sand. Such is the color of its iris. This is that portion, also, where in the spring, the ice being warmed by the heat of the sun reflected from the bottom, and also transmitted through the earth, melts first and forms a narrow canal about the still frozen middle. Like the rest of our waters, when much agitated, in clear weather, so that the surface of the waves may reflect the sky at the right angle, or because there is more light mixed with it, it appears at a little distance of a darker blue than the sky itself; and at such a time, being on its surface, and looking with divided vision, so as to see the reflection, I have discerned a matchless and indescribable light blue, such as watered or changeable silks and sword blades suggest, more cerulean than the sky itself, alternating with the original dark green on the opposite sides of the waves, which last appeared but muddy in comparison. It is a vitreous greenish blue, as I remember it, like those patches of the winter sky seen through cloud vistas in the west before sundown. Yet a single glass of its water held up to the light is as colorless as an equal quantity of air. It is well known that a large plate of glass will have a green tint, owing, as the makers say, to its "body," but a small piece of the same will be colorless. How large a body of Walden water would be required to reflect a green tint I have never proved. The water of our river is black or a very dark brown to one looking directly down on it, and, like that of most ponds, imparts to the body of one bathing in it a yellowish tinge; but this water is of such crystalline purity that the body of the bather appears of an alabaster whiteness, still more unnatural, which, as the limbs are magnified and distorted withal, produces a monstrous effect, making fit studies for a Michael Angelo.
2023-07-16 02:07:471


01. SLY & THEFAMILYSTONE Everyday People02. REM Stand03. THE FLAMING LIPS Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots, Pt.104. MUDDY WATERS Mannish Boy05. MASSIVE ATTACK Safe from Harm06. MORPHINE In Spite of Me07. OTIS REDDING Cigarette and Coffee08. ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT People Everyday09. STEREO MC"S Connected10. BELLE & SEBASTIAN The Boy with the Arab Strap11. FINLEY QUAYE Even After All12. MADELEINE PEYROUX The Summer Wind13. BADLY DRAWNBOY The Time of Times14. CLINT MANSELL Definitely Maybe Suite
2023-07-16 02:08:051


浑水调研公司(MuddyWatersResearch)是一家注册在美国的研究公司,成立于2010年7月,创始人为卡森·布洛克。浑水公司自2010年创立以来共做空超过16家中概股,包括分众传媒、新东方、辉山乳业、安踏体育,以及芝华仕沙发的母公司敏华控股等,其中9家目前已经退市。温馨提示:以上信息仅供参考。应答时间:2020-12-21,最新业务变化请以平安银行官网公布为准。 [平安银行我知道]想要知道更多?快来看“平安银行我知道”吧~
2023-07-16 02:08:335

Muddy Waters的《Good News》 歌词

歌曲名:Good News歌手:Muddy Waters专辑:The Chess BoxI am here, I am clearIn the moment Back with a better viewNot a clue where I"m goingBut going all out for youTomorrow"s not promisedwhat the wise man used to saySo let"s seize each dayNo ties - we"re just happy-go-luckydon"t blow the surprise, yeahSo nice - like I told you, when I hold youIt"s like falling in love for the first timeLike waking up fresh in the sunshineLike having nothing to loseBaby you"re good news, good newsLike dancing all night "til the light"s goneLike singing along to your favourite songIt never gets old with you -Baby you"re good news, good news yeah…Oh, you can come as you likeAs you want to Love"s a revolving doorLet it spin, let me want youWant to come back for moreNow easily we could be madly in lust for lifeOh baby, why ask why?No ties - we"re just happy-go-lucky don"t blow the surprise, yeahAnd no lies - like I told you, when I hold you it"s likeIt"s like falling in love for the first timeLike waking up fresh in the sunshineLike having nothing to loseBaby you"re good news, good newsLike dancing all night "til the light"s goneLike singing along to your favourite songIt never gets old with youYou"re good news, good newsOhhh - if you love something you"ve got to let it goIf it comes back it"s yoursAnd it means that much moreMmm, give me sunshine…It"s like falling in love for the first timeLike waking up fresh in the sunshineLike having nothing to loseBaby you"re good news, good newsLike dancing all night "til the light"s goneLike singing along to your favourite songIt never gets old with you -Baby you"re good news, good news yeah…ooh..Like having to loose, baby you"re good good newsLike dancing all night ‘till the light is goneLike singing along to your favourite songIt never gets old with you -Baby you"re good news, good news yeah…
2023-07-16 02:09:071

Muddy Waters的《Honey Bee》 歌词

歌曲名:Honey Bee歌手:Muddy Waters专辑:Classic Muddy Watersずっと眺めていた远く幼い顷から今も色褪せたその景色は真白な壁に饰ってあるかわいた风をからませあなたを连れてくのさhoney so sweet 限りない梦をこの両手につかんで転がってゆく道で少しイカレタだけさ深い痛みはとれないけどそんな哀しい目をしないでかわいた风をからませあなたを连れてくのさhoney so sweet 信じてほしいこの世界が嘘でもI want to fly,waiti"n for sunriseいつでも いつでも甘い 甘い 笑颜にとけていたい运命が仆をつかんであたりはかすんでくけどふさがないで 聴こえるだろうあの场所が呼んでるかわいた风をからませあなたを连れてくのさhoney so sweet 限りない梦をこの両手につかんでI want to fly,wait"in for sunriseI want to fly,wait"in for sunrise
2023-07-16 02:09:141

Muddy Waters的《Honey Bee》 歌词

歌曲名:Honey Bee歌手:Muddy Waters专辑:His Best 1947 To 1955曲:DAVID 词:爱戴Honey 我叫你的名字 你为何说你不在Honey 我叫你的名字 而你为什么还是走开昨晚我打电话给你 只是你的message留言说你不在请等回电 其实我了解 当时你在请你面对现实无奈 你不是小孩你 无可取代 你别再避开我不会责怪 你对我迟疑徘徊你不会孤单 就别再等待爱情不是那么简单 需要两个人用心忍耐Honey 我珍惜你的爱 你不会看不出来每当爱情的裂缝开始出现 不要试着躲开请给我关怀 用心去感觉你的存在你不要 这样对待honey不愿看见 感情突变我梦见你憔悴的脸和模糊双眼我不会责怪 迟疑徘徊爱或不爱坦白一点 最爱你真诚的笑脸oh baby baby baby 无可取代oh yeah 我不会责怪你对我迟疑徘徊爱或不爱坦白一点 最爱你真诚的笑脸
2023-07-16 02:09:221


  吹奏把位:4孔8音。每个孔吹、吸各为一个音。  吹: 1 3 5 i  吸: 2 4 6 7   曲谱1:《蝶恋》   33323 23226 671 217 656 33323 656552 234   543 213 36 765 35 352 653 23 266 166 671 767   53 36 765 35 356 767 673 266 166 671 767 56   曲谱2:《两只老虎》   1231 1231 345- 345-   56 54 31 56 54 31 251 251   曲谱3:《泰坦尼号》   1111(7)1/1(7)123432/1111(7)1/1(5)/1111(7)1/1(7)123432/   1111(7)1/2(5)/12/(5)5432/343/21(7)11(5)/12/(5)5432/343/21(7)1/   1(7)12-3-432-1-1--.........   曲谱4:《童年》   35536676 6651116165 35536676 6651116612   555532111161222132 33332111216 55565231   曲谱5:《三只小熊》   11111/35531/553/553/111/5531555/5531555/553155565/1"5/1"5/321   曲谱6:《樱花》   6 6 7 -6 6 7 - 6 7 (1) 76 76 4 -3 1 3 43 31 [7] -   6 7 (1) 76 76 4 -3 1 3 43 31 [7] -   6 6 7 -6 6 7 -3 4 76 43 - -0\   曲谱7:《欢乐颂》   3345/5432/1123/3.22/3345/5432/1123/2.11   2231/23431/24332/125./33345/54342/1123/2.11
2023-07-16 02:09:413


2023-07-16 02:09:481

Muddy Waters的《Rock Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Rock Me歌手:Muddy Waters专辑:Authorized Bootleg - Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco Nov. 4-6 1966Rock MeLiz PhairLiz phairOh baby you"re young but that"s okayWhat"s give or take nine years anywayI"ll bet you that cigaretteYou won"t regret my timeI want to be with a guy like youSo uncomplicated, so in tuneJust take off my dressLet"s mess with everybody"s mindI gotta tell youBaby, baby, baby, if it"s all rightWant you to rock me all nightBaby, baby, if it"s all rightWant you to rock me all nightAll nightYeah rock me all nightHey yeah yeahHey yeah yeahI want to play Xbox on your floorSay hi to your roommate who"s next doorYou don"t have a dime, but I don"t mindWho gives a damnYour record collection don"t existYou don"t even know who Liz Phair isYour potential with no credentialsYour mother taught you how to be a sensitive man1I gotta tell youBaby, baby, baby, if it"s all rightWant you to rock me all nightBaby, baby, if it"s all rightWant you to rock me all nightAll nightYeah rock me all nightHey yeah yeahI"ve been waitin"All my life forHey yeah yeahFor this feelin"Who"d "ve guessed it could rock me all nightRock me all nightYou think I"m a geniusThink I"m coolI"m starting to think that young guys ruleOh God, let me save you"ll I might change you, and I might change my mindBaby, baby, baby, if it"s all rightWant you to rock me all nightBaby, baby, if it"s all rightWant you to rock me all nightAll nightYeah rock me all night
2023-07-16 02:10:071

Muddy Waters的《Katie》 歌词

歌曲名:Katie歌手:Muddy Waters专辑:Unk In FunkDavid Ford - KatieAll this timeAnd all is fineOh call me paranoid,But I think something"s going on.I know you"d sayIt looks okYeah, but I"ve got my suspicionsBut I don"t want to be like this."Cause I"m a reasonable guyBut I can"t shake thisAnd I don"t know why.Experience bringsA kind of sense for these thingsSo call me paranoidBut I think something"s going on"Cause it seems alrightOh but it"s too damn quietAnd I tell you I don"t like it.Oh God, I wish it isn"t so."Cause I"m a reasonable guy,But I can"t shake thisAnd I don"t know why.Katie, will you say to me?Will you just laugh and tell me that I"ve got it wrong?Katie, will you say to me?Will you just tell me please what the fuck is going on?Oh, for goodness sakeNow you know I"d hate to come over obsessive,"Cause I"m really, really, really,I"m not like that at allDid I say too much?Yeah well not as suchOh look, but there I go again.No this really is not how I am.It"s just there"s something in my mindThat says where were you last nght?Katie, will you say to me?Will you just laugh and tell me that I"ve got it wrong?Katie, will you say to me?Will you just tell me please what the fuck is going on?Katie, will you say to me?Will you just laugh and tell me that I"ve got it wrong?Katie, will you say to me?Will you just tell me please what the fuck is going on?
2023-07-16 02:10:141

Muddy Waters的《Oh Yeah》 歌词

歌曲名:Oh Yeah歌手:Muddy Waters专辑:Fathers And SonsOh YeahMBLAQYo~ AmigosThis is how we do itMBLAQLet"s goThis new bandYou know what our name is?It"s MBLAQlisten
2023-07-16 02:10:291

Muddy Waters的《Rock Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Rock Me歌手:Muddy Waters专辑:GoldRock MeLiz PhairLiz phairOh baby you"re young but that"s okayWhat"s give or take nine years anywayI"ll bet you that cigaretteYou won"t regret my timeI want to be with a guy like youSo uncomplicated, so in tuneJust take off my dressLet"s mess with everybody"s mindI gotta tell youBaby, baby, baby, if it"s all rightWant you to rock me all nightBaby, baby, if it"s all rightWant you to rock me all nightAll nightYeah rock me all nightHey yeah yeahHey yeah yeahI want to play Xbox on your floorSay hi to your roommate who"s next doorYou don"t have a dime, but I don"t mindWho gives a damnYour record collection don"t existYou don"t even know who Liz Phair isYour potential with no credentialsYour mother taught you how to be a sensitive man1I gotta tell youBaby, baby, baby, if it"s all rightWant you to rock me all nightBaby, baby, if it"s all rightWant you to rock me all nightAll nightYeah rock me all nightHey yeah yeahI"ve been waitin"All my life forHey yeah yeahFor this feelin"Who"d "ve guessed it could rock me all nightRock me all nightYou think I"m a geniusThink I"m coolI"m starting to think that young guys ruleOh God, let me save you"ll I might change you, and I might change my mindBaby, baby, baby, if it"s all rightWant you to rock me all nightBaby, baby, if it"s all rightWant you to rock me all nightAll nightYeah rock me all night
2023-07-16 02:10:431

Muddy Waters的《Rock Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Rock Me歌手:Muddy Waters专辑:I"M ReadyRock MeLiz PhairLiz phairOh baby you"re young but that"s okayWhat"s give or take nine years anywayI"ll bet you that cigaretteYou won"t regret my timeI want to be with a guy like youSo uncomplicated, so in tuneJust take off my dressLet"s mess with everybody"s mindI gotta tell youBaby, baby, baby, if it"s all rightWant you to rock me all nightBaby, baby, if it"s all rightWant you to rock me all nightAll nightYeah rock me all nightHey yeah yeahHey yeah yeahI want to play Xbox on your floorSay hi to your roommate who"s next doorYou don"t have a dime, but I don"t mindWho gives a damnYour record collection don"t existYou don"t even know who Liz Phair isYour potential with no credentialsYour mother taught you how to be a sensitive man1I gotta tell youBaby, baby, baby, if it"s all rightWant you to rock me all nightBaby, baby, if it"s all rightWant you to rock me all nightAll nightYeah rock me all nightHey yeah yeahI"ve been waitin"All my life forHey yeah yeahFor this feelin"Who"d "ve guessed it could rock me all nightRock me all nightYou think I"m a geniusThink I"m coolI"m starting to think that young guys ruleOh God, let me save you"ll I might change you, and I might change my mindBaby, baby, baby, if it"s all rightWant you to rock me all nightBaby, baby, if it"s all rightWant you to rock me all nightAll nightYeah rock me all night
2023-07-16 02:11:011

Muddy Waters的《Rock Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Rock Me歌手:Muddy Waters专辑:The AnthologyRock MeLiz PhairLiz phairOh baby you"re young but that"s okayWhat"s give or take nine years anywayI"ll bet you that cigaretteYou won"t regret my timeI want to be with a guy like youSo uncomplicated, so in tuneJust take off my dressLet"s mess with everybody"s mindI gotta tell youBaby, baby, baby, if it"s all rightWant you to rock me all nightBaby, baby, if it"s all rightWant you to rock me all nightAll nightYeah rock me all nightHey yeah yeahHey yeah yeahI want to play Xbox on your floorSay hi to your roommate who"s next doorYou don"t have a dime, but I don"t mindWho gives a damnYour record collection don"t existYou don"t even know who Liz Phair isYour potential with no credentialsYour mother taught you how to be a sensitive man1I gotta tell youBaby, baby, baby, if it"s all rightWant you to rock me all nightBaby, baby, if it"s all rightWant you to rock me all nightAll nightYeah rock me all nightHey yeah yeahI"ve been waitin"All my life forHey yeah yeahFor this feelin"Who"d "ve guessed it could rock me all nightRock me all nightYou think I"m a geniusThink I"m coolI"m starting to think that young guys ruleOh God, let me save you"ll I might change you, and I might change my mindBaby, baby, baby, if it"s all rightWant you to rock me all nightBaby, baby, if it"s all rightWant you to rock me all nightAll nightYeah rock me all night
2023-07-16 02:11:081

Muddy Waters的《Rock Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Rock Me歌手:Muddy Waters专辑:King Of The Electric BluesRock MeLiz PhairLiz phairOh baby you"re young but that"s okayWhat"s give or take nine years anywayI"ll bet you that cigaretteYou won"t regret my timeI want to be with a guy like youSo uncomplicated, so in tuneJust take off my dressLet"s mess with everybody"s mindI gotta tell youBaby, baby, baby, if it"s all rightWant you to rock me all nightBaby, baby, if it"s all rightWant you to rock me all nightAll nightYeah rock me all nightHey yeah yeahHey yeah yeahI want to play Xbox on your floorSay hi to your roommate who"s next doorYou don"t have a dime, but I don"t mindWho gives a damnYour record collection don"t existYou don"t even know who Liz Phair isYour potential with no credentialsYour mother taught you how to be a sensitive man1I gotta tell youBaby, baby, baby, if it"s all rightWant you to rock me all nightBaby, baby, if it"s all rightWant you to rock me all nightAll nightYeah rock me all nightHey yeah yeahI"ve been waitin"All my life forHey yeah yeahFor this feelin"Who"d "ve guessed it could rock me all nightRock me all nightYou think I"m a geniusThink I"m coolI"m starting to think that young guys ruleOh God, let me save you"ll I might change you, and I might change my mindBaby, baby, baby, if it"s all rightWant you to rock me all nightBaby, baby, if it"s all rightWant you to rock me all nightAll nightYeah rock me all night
2023-07-16 02:11:151

Muddy Waters的《Honey Bee》 歌词

歌曲名:Honey Bee歌手:Muddy Waters专辑:Rollin" Stone - A Golden AnniversaryHoneyグミ広瀬香美窓辺に一人頬づえ着いて止まない雨をじっと见てる今日はずっとひとり今ころなにをしてるのかな拾い集める记忆は宝物キュンとしちゃうAh 不思议だね思い出すだけで优しくなれる暖かいミルクに甘く広がるハチミツ见たいだね心溶かすよその微笑みはそうとっておきのHoney见上げる空オリオンのルビイ私だけのプラネタリウムにねようこそ今夜も一绪にいると见つめられないいまは百万倍のズーアップで空に描こうAh 素敌だねどんな时だってそばにいる见たい悲しい涙に膝を抱えて眠れない夜でも勇気をくれるよその微笑はそうとっておきのHoney翼を広げて舞い降riて来る星空のようだね强くなれるよその微笑はそう私だけのHoney
2023-07-16 02:11:221

Muddy Waters的《Honey Bee》 歌词

歌曲名:Honey Bee歌手:Muddy Waters专辑:The AnthologyHoneyグミ広瀬香美窓辺に一人頬づえ着いて止まない雨をじっと见てる今日はずっとひとり今ころなにをしてるのかな拾い集める记忆は宝物キュンとしちゃうAh 不思议だね思い出すだけで优しくなれる暖かいミルクに甘く広がるハチミツ见たいだね心溶かすよその微笑みはそうとっておきのHoney见上げる空オリオンのルビイ私だけのプラネタリウムにねようこそ今夜も一绪にいると见つめられないいまは百万倍のズーアップで空に描こうAh 素敌だねどんな时だってそばにいる见たい悲しい涙に膝を抱えて眠れない夜でも勇気をくれるよその微笑はそうとっておきのHoney翼を広げて舞い降riて来る星空のようだね强くなれるよその微笑はそう私だけのHoney
2023-07-16 02:11:301

Muddy Waters的《Honey Bee》 歌词

歌曲名:Honey Bee歌手:Muddy Waters专辑:His Best 1947 To 1956Honeyグミ広瀬香美窓辺に一人頬づえ着いて止まない雨をじっと见てる今日はずっとひとり今ころなにをしてるのかな拾い集める记忆は宝物キュンとしちゃうAh 不思议だね思い出すだけで优しくなれる暖かいミルクに甘く広がるハチミツ见たいだね心溶かすよその微笑みはそうとっておきのHoney见上げる空オリオンのルビイ私だけのプラネタリウムにねようこそ今夜も一绪にいると见つめられないいまは百万倍のズーアップで空に描こうAh 素敌だねどんな时だってそばにいる见たい悲しい涙に膝を抱えて眠れない夜でも勇気をくれるよその微笑はそうとっておきのHoney翼を広げて舞い降riて来る星空のようだね强くなれるよその微笑はそう私だけのHoney
2023-07-16 02:11:371

Muddy Waters的《Honey Bee》 歌词

歌曲名:Honey Bee歌手:Muddy Waters专辑:The Chess BoxHoneyグミ広瀬香美窓辺に一人頬づえ着いて止まない雨をじっと见てる今日はずっとひとり今ころなにをしてるのかな拾い集める记忆は宝物キュンとしちゃうAh 不思议だね思い出すだけで优しくなれる暖かいミルクに甘く広がるハチミツ见たいだね心溶かすよその微笑みはそうとっておきのHoney见上げる空オリオンのルビイ私だけのプラネタリウムにねようこそ今夜も一绪にいると见つめられないいまは百万倍のズーアップで空に描こうAh 素敌だねどんな时だってそばにいる见たい悲しい涙に膝を抱えて眠れない夜でも勇気をくれるよその微笑はそうとっておきのHoney翼を広げて舞い降riて来る星空のようだね强くなれるよその微笑はそう私だけのHoney
2023-07-16 02:11:451

Muddy Waters的《Honey Bee》 歌词

歌曲名:Honey Bee歌手:Muddy Waters专辑:Fathers And SonsHoneyグミ広瀬香美窓辺に一人頬づえ着いて止まない雨をじっと见てる今日はずっとひとり今ころなにをしてるのかな拾い集める记忆は宝物キュンとしちゃうAh 不思议だね思い出すだけで优しくなれる暖かいミルクに甘く広がるハチミツ见たいだね心溶かすよその微笑みはそうとっておきのHoney见上げる空オリオンのルビイ私だけのプラネタリウムにねようこそ今夜も一绪にいると见つめられないいまは百万倍のズーアップで空に描こうAh 素敌だねどんな时だってそばにいる见たい悲しい涙に膝を抱えて眠れない夜でも勇気をくれるよその微笑はそうとっておきのHoney翼を広げて舞い降riて来る星空のようだね强くなれるよその微笑はそう私だけのHoney
2023-07-16 02:11:521

Muddy Waters的《Sad Letter》 歌词

歌曲名:Sad Letter歌手:Muddy Waters专辑:Rollin" Stone - A Golden Anniversarymoonychi 制作
2023-07-16 02:11:591

Muddy Waters的《Mamie》 歌词

歌曲名:Mamie歌手:Muddy Waters专辑:I"M ReadyMamie
2023-07-16 02:13:061


(1) A far from ordinary school story starts here! This is a story of Suzumiya Haruhi, who upon enrollment at school announced, "I have no interest in ordinary humans. If there are any aliens, beings from the future, sliders, or super-humans, come see me. That is all!" Naturally, any normal person would think "What the...?!" but Haruhi is dead serious. Things get crazy when everyone realizes just how serious she is about it all and establishes the "SOS Dan". Suzumiya Haruhi is a good-looking high school girl who has a clear head, naughty personality and very egocentric thought. She has an unimaginably tremendous power to change the world, but she is totally unaware of her own power and so she is also unaware of the effect of her power on the outside world. A delightfully strange, yet marvelously interesting story! 一个远离普通学校的故事在这里开始! 这是一个关于凉宫春日的故事 ,她在学校入学时宣布, "我对普通人没有兴趣,如果你们之中有宇宙人,未来人,异世界人,超能力者,尽管来找我吧,以上!" 当然,任何正常的人都会认为"什么...?!" 但春日已“死”得严重。 当大家意识到她的一切事件如同疯了的严重时,她成立了" SOS团" 。 她有一种无法想象的巨大的力量来改变这个世界,但她完全不知道她自己的能力,所以她也是不知道她的能力对外部世界的的影响。 这是一个欣喜得奇怪,但神奇有趣的故事! (2) "The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhiis" a story about a high-school freshman, Suzumiya Haruhi, and those who are caught up in her antics. On the first day of school, she introduced herself in a bizarre way. "From East Middle School, Suzumiya Haruhi. I have no interest in ordinary humans. If there are any aliens, time travelers, sliders, or espers here.. come join me. That is all!" Her classmates wondered whether she was serious or just kidding around. Kyon, a fellow freshman who sits in front of Haruhi, was interested in her because of her strange introduction. Little by little, he tried to talk to her, but Haruhi"s answers would always be "Shut up!" "Moron!" "Be quiet!" "Who cares about that!?". However, as the days went by, Kyon becomes the first ever to talk normally with Haruhi and eventually inspired her to form the SOS Brigade which sole purpose is to find aliens,sliders, time travelers and espers, and have fun with them. 《凉宫春日的忧郁》是一个故事关于一所高中一年级的学生凉宫春日和那些被她发现的“奇人” 。 上高中的第一天,她还一个奇特的方式介绍了自己。 "毕业于东国中, 我的名字是凉宫春日,我对普通人没有兴趣,如果你们之中有宇宙人,未来人,异世界人,超能力者,尽管来找我吧,以上!" 她的同学不知道她的严重或只是开玩笑。阿虚 ,坐在前面春日的一大“研究员”,有兴趣她,因为她的奇怪介绍对她有兴趣。一点点,他试图对她说话,但春日的答案永远是"闭嘴" ! "废柴!" ! "肃静" ! "谁会关心! ? " 。然而,随着时间一天天过去, 阿虚成为有史以来第一次经常与春日谈话的人,并最终激发了她成立" SOS团",其中的唯一目的就是要找到宇宙人,未来人,异世界人,超能力者,并和它们一起玩。 anime=Japanese animation 多指日本动漫 anime music video=AMV 复数AMVs... anime seasons 季 cartoon 卡通,一般指欧美动画片 chibi Q版人物 comic 漫画,不包括日本漫画,属此类的一般有向美国MARVEL的超人,蝙蝠侠之类 cosplay=costume play 角色扮演,衍生cos(动词), cosplayer(玩cosplay者) doujinshi 同人志 ED=ending 片尾曲 fansubs 字幕组 J-pop=Japanese Pop 受到西方影响的日本流行音乐 =Japanese popular music lolicon 萝莉控 manga=Japanese comic 日本漫画 mangaka 漫画家,多指日本漫画家 mecha 机械(动漫/漫画类型) one-shots=short story 只有一章的漫画短篇 OP=opening 片头曲 OST=original sound track 动漫原声集 otaku=fanatic 御宅族,指对动漫,游戏等有狂热者... OVA=original video animation 原创动画录影带 OAV=original anime video 同上 raw 未经修改的原版,如直接录制的节目和直接扫描的漫画等等 terminology 术语,如漫画家自行想象出来的一些武器等 White Day 白色情人节 romanji 日文的罗马发音(方便外国人的...) scanlation 在网络上免费发布的翻译后的漫画,作用与fansub相似 不明白你说的句子的什么意思,就按我的理解了... Code Geass (反叛的鲁路修) The world won"t change in pretty words alone. - Charles (鲁路修他爸...) I was dead until the moment I met you. I was powerless corpse pretending to be alive. Livin" without power, without the ability to change my course, was akin to a slow death. - Lelouch Lamperouge (鲁路修) ------- Black Cat (黑猫) I"ve come to deliver some bad luck! - Train Heartnet (托雷) ------- Evangelion (EVA) You"re thinking in Japanese! If you must think, do it in German! - Asuka Langley Soryu (明日香) Survivability takes priority. - Misato Katsurag (葛城美里) Man fears the darkness, and so he scrapes away at the edges of it with fire. - Rei Ayanami (绫波丽) ------- Bleach (死神) Because we are amorphous. We hold them in reverence - Volume 1 (第一册...) People are able to hold unto hope, since death is that which cannot be seen. - Volume 2 (同上) If I were the rain, could I connect with someone"s heart, as the rain could connect the enternally seperated earth and sky. - Volume 3 We come together like drops of water, like astral bodies. We oppose each other like magnets, like the colors of skin. - Volume 4 Unless I grip the sword I cannot protect you, while gripping the sword I cannot embrace you. - Volume 5 Yes, we have no destiny. Only those swallowed up by ignorance and fear, who take false steps shall plunge us into the muddy waters called destiny. - Volume 6 ------- Death Note A heart warming scene from the most un fortunate family in the world - Ryuk (流克) You may call me whatever you wish - but I"m taking your cake. - L Sitting normally reduces my powers of deduction by 40%. - L Light: "Then one day people will realize that "doing this will get me killed", and I will build a world of the kind-hearted people only I can accept." Ryuk: "Then you"ll be the only bastard left." Light: "What are you talking about, Ryuk? You could say I"m Japan"s number one honour student." - Light (月) and Ryuk ------- Full Metal Alchemist (钢之炼金术师) I am going to get stronger, both emotionally and at fighting! ...and drink as I can... - Ed (爱德华...) ------- XXXholic Sincerity and determination...No matter what a person wants to attempt,those are needed. - Yuuko Ichihara (壹原侑子) Anime is animation in Japan and considered Japanese animation in the rest of the world. Anime dates from about 1917. Anime in Japan is popular among a small community and is now viewed throughout the world. Anime itself is considered a form of limited animation. Anime can be broadcast either through television or released directly to video, which are often called OVAs or OAV (Original Animation Video). Anime can be hand drawn or computer-assisted. It is used in television series, films, video, video games, commercials, and internet-based releases, and represents all genres of fiction.
2023-07-16 02:13:501


这个问题着实不好回答,需要翻开美国黑人奴隶的历史,蓝调(Blues)原本只是美国早期黑奴抒发心情时所吟唱的12小节曲式,后来逐渐变化,也衍生了很多乐派。有人认约翰·巴德利为布鲁斯音乐的鼻祖,但他的出生年份(1941)似乎还不及John Lee Hooker,Muddy Waters等蓝调传奇人物的成名时间早。汉迪(W.C.Handy)是一位职业音乐家,他在普及蓝调的过程中起了一个关键角色。汉迪是第一位将蓝调改写给乐团的人,他的改写作品达到了交响乐似的规模,配有乐队和歌唱家。他成为一位非常著名的作曲家,自称为“蓝调之父”,但也有人认为他的作品根本不是蓝调。他的作品可以看作是蓝调、拉格泰姆和爵士乐的综合,他主要使用的是在拉格泰姆中使用长久的拉丁美洲音乐中的哈巴涅拉节奏。如果论及起源,今天的蓝调与今天的乡村音乐一样是在19世纪美国南方开始的。最早的蓝调和乡村音乐的录音是1920年代的,当时正在起步的大众音乐工业研究和制造了“非裔美国人音乐”和“传统音乐”等市场类型来相应地吸引黑人或者白人顾客。当时在蓝调和乡村音乐之间除演奏家的种族的区分外没有明确的区分。关于蓝调出现的社会和经济背景有过许多研究。蓝调最早的出现时间不很精确,一般认为是在1870年和1900年之间。蓝调起源于美国黑人奴隶的灵魂乐、赞美歌、劳动歌曲、叫喊和圣歌,如果非得说个创始人什么的,那也只能说是美国黑人奴隶民众。
2023-07-16 02:14:131


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2023-07-16 02:14:293


In geological settings w ith magmatic or high-temperature systems the geothermal gradient is several times above the crustal average and rock temperatures of several hundred degrees Celsius exist at depths of only a few kilometers. The locations of these geothermal fields is invariably tectonically determined,and they are often found in areas of block faulting,grabens or rifting and in collapsed caldera structures,w ith reservoir depths of around 1 - 3 km. Typical settings are around active plate margins ( Figure 18. 3) such as subduction zones ( e. g. Pacific Rim) , spreading ridges ( Mid-Atlantic ) , rift zones ( East Africa ) and w ithin orogenic belts ( Mediterranean,Himalaya) .Figure 18. 3 Hottest know n geothermal areas ( dark gray) around the w orldHigh-temperature systems are often volcanogenic,w ith the heat provided by intrusive masses. Geothermal systems also develop on the flanks of young volcanoes. As mentioned, high-temperature fields w ith a non-volcanogenic or tectonic heat source are less common.Hydrothermal system related to volcano-plutonic and volcanic settings start as static- magmatic systems,in the closed systems of a plutonic body. The magmatic body rises closer to the surface or even ruptures it forming a stratovolcano. Due to the igneous bodies,providing a pow erful heat engine,convection cells form w ith fluids supplied from meteoric w aters. This environment is typical for porphyry or epithermal ore deposits and alteration features know n as potassic,propylitic,phyllic,and argillic. The active time span of such systems may range from 105to 106years.( 1) Silicic/Andesitic SystemsThere are four principle settings of silicic / andesitic geothermal systems w ithin a great number of possible scenarios. Hence,silicic or andesitic magmatic terrains can be divided into ① silicic volcanism ; ② andesitic stratovolcanoes; ③ highland volcanoes; ④ volcanic islands. The cases ① and ② are described as examples w ithin the follow ing section.All kinds of the mentioned systems are characterized by regions w here boiling occurs somew here w ithin the geothermal field. These boiling events may result in epithermal ore deposits,especially gold but also other precious metal formations.Vapor-Dominated Figure 18. 4 displays characteristic features of vapor-dominated systems. Fumaroles,steaming ground and acid sulfate-w aters from hot springs are observed at the Earth"s surface. The reservoir is composed of steam ( w ith gases) and it is assumed that saline,boiling w ater feeds the reservoir at depth. In these extensively exploited systems,the undisturbed states are poorly know n because deep drillings often do not penetrate the vapor zone. Vapor-dominated reservoirs show a relatively constant temperature w ith depth of about 236℃ ,w hich is the temperature of maximum enthalpy of saturated steam. The system is convecting due to the steam up-flow ,rising from depth and flow ing laterally at the top of the reservoir along the base of capping low -permeability rocks. The steam cools as it flow s and eventually condenses and recirculates into the deep reservoir. Less-soluble gases remain more readily concentrated in the steam phase than the more soluble gases. The chemistry of the steam changes w ith upflow ,lateral flow ,and condensation. Oxidation of hydrogen sulfide in the steam and subsequent absorption into the geothermal w ater w ill produce acid condensates ( acid sulfate waters ) , whereas condensation of CO2results in formation of hydrogen carbonate w aters ( Figure 18. 4 ) . Vapor-dominated systems are less common than liquid- dominated systems and only three have been w ell characterized: The Geysers ( California, USA) ,Larderello ( Italy) ,and Kaw ah Kamojang ( Indonesia) .Figure 18. 4 Conceptual model w ith characteristic features of vapor-dominated geothermal systemsLiquid-Ddominated The characteristics of high temperature volcanic hosted and liquid dominated systems are show n in Figure 18. 5 and Figure 18. 6 distinguishing betw een high relief and low relief terrain,respectively. Liquid dominated geothermal systems in a high relief are typical of andesitic volcanic terrains and in a low relief of silicic volcanic terrains. Many systems display lateral flow structures created by strong hydraulic gradients often caused due to a high relief and a near-surface low -permeability horizon. Cooling by conduction and groundw ater mixing are reflected in the chemistry of the discharges. Even in low relief settings ( < 250 m, e. g. Taupo Volcanic Zone,New Zealand) ,near surface lateral flow s can extend for several kilometers. This is greatly extended in terrain of high relief ( > 1000 m) w here flow s are 10 - 50 km in length.High relief is common in island arc settings w ith characteristic andesitic volcanism. The up-flow part of the system is revealed by fumaroles and steam heated aquifers fed by the tw o- phase zone and supplying the springs from the condensate layers ( Figure 18. 5) . It is the steep topography that likew ise prevents the chloride fluid from reaching the Earth"s surface resulting in large lateral flow s,often over some 10 km. Over this distance the chloride fluid can be diluted w ith groundw ater or mix w ith descending sulfate w aters from steam condensates. The acid sulfate,chloride,or mixed w aters can also emerge dow n-slope as hot springs,or descend into the system through fractures. Examples of these systems are found in Indonesia,Taiw an in China,Japan,and the Philippines.Figure 18. 5 Conceptual model of liquid dominated geothermal systems in a high relief, typical of an andesitic volcanic terrainFigure 18. 6 Conceptual model of liquid dominated geothermal systems in a low relief, typical for silicic volcanic terrain ( alteration / metasomatism processes in italic letters)Low relief systems are generally characterized by recharge provided from meteoric groundw ater and heat supplied, together w ith some gases, from deeply buried magmatic systems producing a convective column of near neutral pH chloride w ater emanating in springs and pools at the surface ( Figure 18. 6) . The deep geothermal fluid can express at the surface, often close to the up-flow area. Lateral flow is possible but,because of the gentle topography, is not as extensive as in areas of high relief. Tw o-phase or steam zones are commonly present but are not as thick as in high relief systems. How ever,these steam zones can increase in depth w hen fluid removal on exploitation of the systems exceeds natural fluid recharge,as has happened at Wairakei,New Zealand. Oxidation of hydrogen sulfide gas in the steam,together w ith condensation or mixing of the steam w ith groundw aters,produces acid sulfate w aters. Condensation of carbon dioxide, w hich is less soluble than hydrogen sulfide, produces hydrogen carbonate rich w aters,w hich are often found on the margins of the field. Because of the low relief over these systems,hot springs of chloride,sulfate,and hydrogen carbonate w aters as w ell as fumaroles,and steaming ground often occur in relatively close proximity to one another. These types of systems are found in New Zealand,USA,East Africa and Iceland.( 2) Basaltic SystemsSpreading Centers Hydrothermal activity at mid-ocean ridges,in sea-floor environments, occurs on a large lateral scale. The recognition of fossil systems of such kind is difficult because oceanic crust is subsequently destroyed at convergent plate boundaries and only fragments may survive. Convective cells result from penetration of seawater to depths between 5 km and 10 km. Flow occurs in cracks as well as in the porous media with discharges of the return flow through localized vents or clusters of vents with short life spans of several years only. Seawater circulation in oceanic crust was modeled by Taylor in 1983 based on field mapping for the Samail ophiolites in Oman,translated into the geometry as shown for the general hydrothermal system in Figure 18. 7. The proposed system consists of two circulation schemes. The upper circulation is located above the bird-shaped magma chamber within the region containing sheeted dykes and pillow lavas. The lower part of the system is located beneath the wings of the magma chamber above the ultramafic basement. Both circulation systems act decoupled with a high water- rock ratio in the upper part compared to a low ratio in the lower part.Figure 18. 7 Hydrothermal system w ithin the environment of mid-ocean ridges consisting of tw o circulation systems,the low er part below the w ings of the magma chamber and the upper part above,w ithin a region of sheeted dykesGeothermal fluid movement w ithin the seaw ater,above the discharging vents,is important for the development of ores. This hydrothermal system is called a plume. Plumes are diluted hydrothermal fluids rising above the vent producing sulfide particles ( black smokers) ,w hich settle around the vents. The deposits contain sulfates ( anhydrite and barite ) ,talc,calcite, pyrrhotite,sphalerite,chalcopyrite,and galena. These muddy deposits are often rich in organic carbon material and tend to form hydrocarbons.Continental Rifts The geodynamic evolution of rifted basins leads to the activation of hydrothermal solutions follow ed by their ascent along active faults. The geological settings are manifold and it is beyond the scope of this unit to describe all of them. How ever,studies on recently active rift settings ( Red Sea,East African Rift) emphasize that the occurrence of sediment-hosted mineral deposits may be due to hydrothermal systems in continental rift settings.Hydrothermal system development w ith accompanying ore deposition is characterized by a reaction continuum from early stages during diagenesis ( movement of meteoric w ater and compaction) to metamorphic processes. Types of deposits thought to be due to ancient rift settings are: ① sediment-hosted stratiform metals ( active modern analogues are deposits formed w ithin the Red Sea brines or w ithin the East African Rift lakes) ; ② stratabound carbonate- hosted deposits ( like the Mississippi-valley type) .During burial and diagenetic compaction considerable amounts of w ater are released from the sediments. The composition of the w aters depends on the composition of the sediments w ithin the basin. With increasing depth the formation w aters are enriched w ith various anions and cations resulting in increasing salinity. Additionally these brines may be heated by a deep seated heat source. Migration of the fluids along the aquifer and up along basin faults result in trapping of the brines below an impermeable cap. Heat flow may drive circulation of the brines w ithin convection cells in the rift setting.Within the area of the Red Sea rift,linked to geodynamic and magmatic evolution, metalliferrous sediments occur w ith ores of numerous kinds. Hot brine pools are characteristic for these stratabound and stratiform deposits. The pools are due to active discharges of hydrothermal fluids located at the intersection of fractures and transform faults and are found to be density-stratified. A low er brine layer of high salinity is in contact w ith the metalliferrous sediments and of slightly higher temperature compared to the upper brine layer ( Figure 18. 8) . The high salinities of the hydrothermal fluids result because they originate from seaw ater and additionally due to circulation through evaporitic formations on the shoulders or the floor of the rift basin. The w ater is heated by the local heat flow and carries the metals leached from the basaltic rocks of the basement. The fluids subsequently discharge at the sea floor w here they precipitate metal sulfides,sulfates and silicates.Figure 18. 8 Typical features of a stratified brine pool in the Red Sea rift,resulting from sea w ater circulating through evaporites and the basaltic basement subsequently emanating from vents and finally leading to precipitation of minerals
2023-07-16 02:14:371


写作思路:首先理解文章要求的含义,意思描写一下自己的家乡——贵州,然后可以介绍一下家乡贵州的美景等等。正文:Guizhou, this fertile land surrounded by green mountains and waters, is colorful. The meeting site is shining with golden light, and the waterfall flies down from the cliff. I, a native of Guizhou, have lived in this land since I was a child, feeling her colorful colors.贵州,这片青山绿水环绕的沃土是彩色的。会议会址闪烁着金色的光芒,瀑布从悬崖飞流而下。我,一个贵州人,从小便生活在这片土地上,感受她缤纷的色彩。Bathed in the spring breeze of reform and opening up, only a few short years, my hometown has become prosperous and prosperous, beautiful and lovely. In the past, the low, dilapidated old houses have been replaced by new and unique high-rise buildings; The old muddy road has disappeared; Wide expressways crisscross in all directions.沐浴着改革开放的春风,只不过短短的几年时光,我的家乡居然变得繁荣而昌盛,美丽而可爱。从前低矮、破旧的老屋早已被新颖别致的高楼大厦取代了;当年泥泞的古道已不见踪影了;宽阔的高速公路纵横交错,四通八达。On the smooth and wide asphalt road, vehicles shuttle back and forth and flow incessantly; On both sides of the road, there are trees and people coming and going; The former tile roofed house has now become a luxury residence. Looking around, you can see the brand-new high-rise buildings rising in rows; The children"s paradise is full of joy, and the colorful fountain is decorated like a fairyland.在平整、宽阔的柏油马路上,车辆穿梭来往、川流不息;道路两旁绿树成荫,人来人往;以前的瓦房现在变成了豪华的住宅,放眼望去,看到的是一栋栋一排排拔地而起的崭新的高楼大厦;儿童乐园充满着欢乐声,彩灯喷泉装点得像仙境一样。In this beautiful, rich and colorful land, all Duyun"s children are happy, proud and happy. Who would not love such a beautiful hometown? I love my hometown!在这片美丽富饶、多姿多彩的土地上,每一个都匀儿女无不幸福,自豪和欢畅。这么美的家乡,谁会不爱呢?我爱我的家乡!
2023-07-16 02:14:441

词缀 *mony究竟是什么意思?

patrimony 遗产 acrimony 讥讽matrimony 配婚
2023-07-16 02:12:082


2023-07-16 02:12:103

日语翻译,求用中文教读. 要翻译的: 对不起 请原谅 原来如此 好棒 哦(唔) 打扰了

2023-07-16 02:12:055