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求I Don’t Wanna Say Goodbye 英文版


The Golden Spinning Wheel 歌词

歌曲名:The Golden Spinning Wheel歌手:István Kertész专辑:Dvorak Symphonic Poems and Concert Ouvertures CD2The Golden AgeI wished I lived in the golden ageGiving it up on the broadway stageHang with the rats and smoke cigarsJust have a break with Frank and count the starsDressed to the night, we"ve had too muchShiny jewels, casino cashTapping feet, wanna take the leadA trip back in time is all I needOh!Sing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself freeWhoo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-ooI"m on my way, gonna make it bigGonna make these songs for the chicks to digIt"s really hot and a little bit sourWe"re getting your strength to the maximum powerFlying away from realityWhatever-ever happened to gravity?I see it clear, a shooting starAnd I"m really gonna sing it like da-da-daSing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself freeYeah!Sing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself freeYeah-yeah!Woah-oah!Wow!Ohhh silver screen on a rainy daySally balls in a cabaretShaking sticks, oh what a showFresh and jolly, from tip to toeRambling down the boulevardWith a fly, a bird, and a wooden heartMy mind is set, I walk the lineBut I never really thought that it would feel this fineYeah!Sing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself freeSing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself free!Yeah!Hey! Hey!Whoo!Ooh!Oooooaaahh!Whoo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-ooWhoo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oohttp://music.baidu.com/song/20544949

Describe e-business, customer service, and innovation strategies.

【答案】:Using the Interment, companies have created knowledge bases that employees can tap into anytime, anywhere. E-business as a strategy can be used to develop a sustainable competitive advantage; it can also be used to establish a basis for differentiation or focus. Customer service strategies give customers what they want, communicate effectively with them, and provide employee. with customer service training. Innovation strategies focus on breakthrough products and can inched the application of existing technology to new uses. An organization that is first to bring a product innovation to the market or to use a new process innovation is called a first mover.

Account is banned .Please contact customer service 这句英文什么意思啊

Account is banned .Please contact cust...的中文翻译Account is banned .Please contact customer service 账户被禁止,请联系客户服务

4分钟阅读:【英文版】Fluent in 3 months(Benny Lewis)

如果这套方法帮作者自学二十多门语言,那么对于任何人学习任何一门语言不是不可能。 如果你google : how to learn French,排在前面的是fluentin3months.com的博文。如果你搜索,怎么样学习西班牙,普通话,或者其他语言,排在前面的也是这个网站的博文。甚至,你随便搜索一个关于语言的问题,很有可能还会读到这个博客的文章。 这个博客的创始人,fluentin3months 也就是这本书的作者,Benny Lewis。Benny 如今是语言界的大红人,能流利说二十多种语言。很难想象,他曾经在西班牙学了半年语言,确是一个不吭声的大菜鸟。 很久之前就阅读过他的博客。虽然这本书里仍然有旧内容,但总体来说,系统地把他的“三个月学习”理论阐述清楚了。我对这三点印象深刻: 1.live the language 一个人能够说多少种语言? 本书就这个问题进行探讨,虽然没有得出一个具体的数字,但是给一个答案,直到学习新的一门语言对之前的语言造成影响。如果反推,因为时间、经历、能力等等“原因”(其实是借口)而不能掌握一门语言,显得有些滑稽。 所以作者说,最重要的一项是激情,有了passion,什么都会有可能。因为有激情的人,才可能在学习的语言中感受自己,在这场旅行中去寻找自己,才会把困难最终当成享受。 也许,这本书的方法真的不是适用于每一个成人自学者,至少对那些本来不喜欢语言的人就不适用。 三个月内流利的说一门外语的方法是什么? 作者首先提出,按照《牛津字典》对于fluency的定义,他连自己的母语都还说不流利! 流利,只是一种概念。我们不能用流利来衡量一个人的语言水平,水平意味着可以量化。作者引入了欧洲语言标准系统CEFRL,一个将多语言纳入考评标准的系统。在这个标准之下,学习者可以被量化评测。通常,水平达到了B2,就算是流利了。 那么,我们的问题变成了:三个月内达到B2的方法是什么? 一个字:说。 作者列举的办法都是在补充这一核心,去聊天室,和真人对话,参加语言活动...... 说多少才合适? 就作者自身的情况,在从零基础到流利的阶段,他只投入10-20%进行听和读。 可以不用去到该国家就能流利掌握该语言吗? 答案是肯定的。 大多数人以为,出了国,就在语言环境中了,就有利于自己学外语了。但是事实上呢?作者说,在二十一岁时,他选择了去西班牙Vanlencia学习西语,他在那里呆了六个月。六个月里,他都是说英文。六个月后,当他发誓只说西班牙语的时候,有的西班牙朋友就不在找他玩了。那些人,都想和他练英语。 live the language 并不等于 live in that country。在现在网络如此发达,资源如此共享的时候,我们可以足不出户的学习。 那么,学外语最好的地方是: I find it"s not being in the country that produce a successful language speaker, but that no one was allowed to speak English. (我发现,不是要在那个国家才能成为一个说好一门语言,而是在不允许说英语的地方) 任何一个想学习一门新语言的人; 尤其是痛苦挣扎的英语学习者。

高中英语中,有些单词只能用复数,比如manners(礼仪) congratulations fee

1) 一些成双成对的名词通常只有复数形式,常见的有jeans (牛仔裤)、headphones (耳机)、trousers (裤子)、clothes (衣服)、pants (短裤)、glasses (眼镜)、shoes (鞋子)、sunglasses (太阳镜)、scissors (剪刀)、compasses (圆规).这些名词可单独作主语,其后动词用复数形式,也可用...pair/pairs of修饰,作主语时动词取决于pair的形式.2)一些食物名词只有复数形式,常见的有noodles, vegetables, snacks.3) 一些固定短语中的名词只有复数形式,常见有的express one"s thanks to sb. (向某人表达感激之情), a letter of thanks (一封感谢信), in high/low spirits (情绪高涨/低落), have sports (进行体育活动).4) 一些不可数名词只有复数形式,但却表示单数概念,常见的有news (消息), means (手段).As we all know, no news is good news. 众所周知,没有消息就是好消息.5) 一些专有名词只有复数形式,但却表示单数概念,常见的有:the United States (美国)、the United Nations (联合国)、the United Kingdoms (英国)、the Arabian Nights (《一千零一夜》).

哪位高人帮忙解释一下linear TV channel 怎么解释啊!!! 谢谢啦!!!!!



import torch import torch.nn nn.linear()是用来设置网络中的全连接层的,而在全连接层中的输入与输出都是二维张量,一般形状为[batch_size, size],与卷积层要求输入输出是4维张量不同。 用法与形参见说明如下: in_features指的是输入的二维张量的大小,即输入的[batch_size, size]中的size。 batch_size指的是每次训练(batch)的时候样本的大小。比如CNN train的样张图片是60张,设置batch_size=15,那么iteration=4。如果想多训练几次(因为可以每次的batch不是相同的数据),那么就是epoch。 所以nn.Linear()中的输入包括有输入的图片数量,同时还有每张图片的维度。 out_features指的是输出的二维张量的大小,即输出[batch_size,size]中的size是输出的张量维度,而batch_size与输入中的一致。 参考: PyTorch的nn.Linear()详解


神奇宝贝 (Pokemon) 是在一个虚构的世界中进行,也因此有了虚构的大陆,虚构的城市。而这个大陆是以日本为范本的。 “Kanto” (カントー地方 Kantō-chihō)关东大陆是神奇宝贝世界中最早出现的大陆,也是RGBY和FRLG中主要的游戏地区,另外在GSC中作为第二地图存在。位于成都地区的东边,7岛的北边。 “Hoenn” (ホウエン地方 Hōen-chihō)丰缘大陆是在关东(Kanto)和城都(johto)大陆的西南边。


官网 nn.Linear()详解 线性变换的权重值 weight 和 偏置值 bias 会伴随训练过程不管更新参数,也就是注释中的 learnable ,他们的初始时刻都随机初始化 在区间 : ( , ) , 上面的例子可以看到,输入数据会跟一个权重矩阵 A 相乘,A.shape=[30, 20],偏重为一个一维tensor,长度为[30],权重矩阵相乘得到的128个30维的向量,最后会给每一个向量加上这个偏置误差tensor,所以就对应线性变换公式: 于是nn.Linear()也等价与下面的: 这个函数是用来设置神经网络中的全连接层的,输入输出都是二维 tensor in_features :指的是输入的二维tensor的大小,即输入的[batch_size, size]中的size。 out_features :指的是输出的二维tensor的大小,即输出的二维张量的形状为[batch_size,output_size],也代表了该全连接层的神经元个数。

Annette Focks的《War》 歌词

歌曲名:War歌手:Annette Focks专辑:Ost John RabeJ Rice (ft.Laurence) - WarI would march across the desert to defeat my enemyAnd I would lie here in the trenches with your picture next to meAnd when I told you it"s forever, then it"s how it"s gonna beDon"t, won"t let him just take the place of me (No...)Does he really know you like I know you, all the little things?Does he really love you, like I love you, how can he compete?If he makes me fight for you, die for you, would he do the same?This is turning into way more than a game...Now it feels like soldiers in a war and none of us are backing downAnd I will show you victory is mine before we leave this battlegroundCause he don"t wanna leave, and I don"t wanna goAnd I know just how this battle goesHe don"t wanna leave and I don"t wanna fight this kind of warYou know he"s not the man you think he is; he"s hiding all his flawsSo tell me what"s the point of fighting? Because we"ll all end up with scarsBut girl if that"s what I must go through, then I"m not prepared to loseCause I"ve already bled so much for you (No...)Does he really know you like I know you, all the little things?Does he really love you, like I love you, how can he compete?If he makes me fight for you, I die for you, would he do the same?Turning into way more than a game...Baby cause we"re soldiers in a war and none of us are backing downAnd I will show you victory is mine before we leave this battlegroundCause he don"t wanna leave, and I don"t wanna goAnd I know just how this battle goesHe don"t wanna leave and I don"t wanna fight this kind of warGetting kind of sick of this battleWish I could take it back to when I had youI"m always thinking that I can have you, just let him have youIt"s getting kinda hard to convince youAfter all the shit that we"ve been throughWhat, would you let all this happen?You gotta choice to make it stopIt"s already going too far...Girl we"re soldiers in a war and none of us are backing downAnd I will show you victory is mine before we leave this battlegroundCause he don"t wanna leave, and I don"t wanna goAnd I know just how this battle goesHe don"t wanna leave and I don"t wanna fight this kind of warCause he don"t wanna leave, and I don"t wanna goAnd I know just how this battle goesHe don"t wanna leave and I don"t wanna fight this kind of war...http://music.baidu.com/song/8138362

link connect有什么区别?


初三英语作文《table manners about china》

ble manners about china 中国饭桌礼仪

link A to B 和 connect A with B 的 意思



分类: 教育/科学 >> 学习帮助 问题描述: link与connect的区别 解析: link (中古英语 linke<古英语 hlence<hlencan 扭绞) n连接物 链环 A lot of links fitted together form a chain. 许多链环连在一起组成链条。 link vt, vi (常与together, to, with连用)连接 The o towns are linked by a railway. 这两个城镇由一条铁路连接起来。 挽着 (与on, to, in to连用)联合 link up (与with连用)会合 connect 拉丁前缀 con- 一起 + nectere 绑,捆,系 vt, vi (常to, with与连用)连接;结合;连结 Will you connect this wire to the television. 你把这根电线和电视机连上好吗? "If it is built, it will connect Britain to Europe for the first time in history." "如果隧道建成,它将有史以来第一次把英国和欧洲大陆连接起来。" (与with连用)接驳(火车、汽车、飞机 等联运),换车;衔接 This flight connects with New York one. 这班飞机在纽约可接上另一班机。 接通电话 Connect me with Beijing University. 给我接北京大学。 (与with连用)有联系,有关 That solitary old man was suspected to be connected with the crime. 那个孤独的老头被怀疑与犯罪事件有

be linked to , be linked with , be connected to ,

belinkedto连接到...belinkedwith和...连接 beconnectedto与…有联系,与…有关联;与…连接;connect连接,联系作“连接”意思时,是come&bringtogether,并一定程度上等于join。例:twostreamsconnectedtobeoneriver.两条小溪汇成一条大河。link一般是一串,一系列的东西的互相关联。作“连接”意思时,是conecttwoormorewithalinkorasifwithalink常与together,to,with连用。例:Thetwotownsarelinked/connectedbyarailway.这两个城镇由一条铁路连接起来。

sustainable innovation.是什么意思


DEAN 权赫 bonnie&clyde 歌词音译 有知道的亲故吗 感激不尽

Right now Right nowCould I tell you right now啊几噶几改有一你无嫩耨也哈鲁嫩偶dei 你啊目一度偶gin目噶(欧普)搜卡更们位面哈料黑度鬼系几漫嫩啊嫩给一搜I know 他按大谷内有陪搜啊您桥K 度Bonnie and Clyde Bonnie and ClydeOne nightWhocares Whocares亲故撒一亲故撒一 AlrightWhocares Whocares百丽那娃百丽那娃 AlrightWhocares WhocaresTill we die till we die Oh耨哇拿也马迹吗gin 几啦度爱赛 len牌吧口囧一目大啦她给怒谷度耨目啊啦铺给 Ah yeah啊也苏度 len催带录无林qiai 录Rolling Stones 业怒雷 len Play onBut 偶董怒雷 len忒罗吧度一米耨也吗恩苏给卡den谷音无恩苏里 len偶董怒雷度目吗噶啊拿剧给耨sei 桑诶偶董目含没全部等图里多啦度内给QI 带度退 Oooh亲故一桑恩啊您过啊几漫啊几漫 WooBonnie and Clyde Bonnie and ClydeOne nightWhocares Whocares亲故撒一亲故撒一 AlrightWhocares Whocares度忙噶度忙噶耨哇难Whocars WhocareTill we die till we die Oh耨哇拿也马迹吗gin 几啦度KI 罗几啦度Would you remember meNah nah I"m jussAlright忒林三台音几啦度Alrightkiao谷虎会海几啦度BabyOoh 耨无林KI 弄也给录 BabyOoh Baby一米kiao挂嫩内孙 len到拿搜Bang BangBang BangRight now right nowWhere you at right nowWhere am I right nowGirlI want you to knowBabe I want you to knowHow much I love youHow much I need youI want want you to knowBabe I want you to knowHow much I love youHow much I need youI want want you to knowBabe I want you to knowHow much I love youHow much I need youI want want you to knowBabe I want you to knowHow much I love youHow much I need you

Hello,everyone! My name is Winnie.Im a 15 years old girl. I live in the beautiful city of Ga


Producer price (LCU/tonne )是什么意思


annotated bibliography怎么写

  怎么写annotated bibliography   我想,也许很多人对annotated bibliography既陌生又熟悉,可能大家都听说过或者阅读过它,但是却很少有人知道annotated bibliography到底是怎么写出来的,可能大部分人都会无意地忽视它。事实上,annotated bibliography也是非常重要的一部分,它的作用我们不可忽视。如何现在的你正在为怎么写annotated bibliography而烦恼,那今天,我就给你们具体介绍下到底annotated bibliography应该怎么写?   什么是annotated bibliography?   当然,要想写好一篇annotated bibliography。首先,你要知道到底什么是annotated bibliography?   An annotated bibliography 其实就是对你所引用的书籍、文章和文件等通过整理而列出的一个列表。通常每个引用都是跟在一个很简短的描述性的评价的段落后面,这个段落的字数通常是150字左右。还有就是注释。注释的目的是为告诉读者其实用性、准确性以及引用的来源的质量。   Annotations VS Abstracts   Abstracts通常是指在学术期刊文章的开头或期刊索引存在的纯粹描述性的总结。注释基本都是描述性的语言和句子,它也非常重要的,因为他们揭示了作者的观点以及观点的明确度和清晰度。还有观点的和适度和权威性。   The process---过程   创建一个annotated bibliography是指对各种知识技能的一个集中应用:论述简洁、分析简洁和信息库的研究。   第一, 找到并且记录引用的书籍、期刊以及可能包含有对你的主题思想的有用的信息和文件。简要地审视和检讨实际的项目。然后,选择那些能为你主题提供不同角度的作品。   第二,采用适当的风格来引用书籍、文章以及文件。   第三, 写一个简要的注释,它总结了文章的中心主题或者是书籍和文章的主要范围。它可以使一个或者多个句子,主要包括:   (1)评价作者的权威性和他所处的背景;   (2)读者的评论;   (3)与你的文章中的另外一个引用进行对比;   (4)解释这项作品如何说明你的书目主题。   批判性地评价这本书籍、文章或者文件   你需要对你的参考书目做出在批判性评价和资源分析方面的指导,看看我们到底应该如何批判性地分析信息源。至于在对作者背景和观点的信息方面,我们可以利用合适的传记资料和书评源咨询台来寻求帮助。   选择正确的引用格式   你可以和你的指导老师进行讨论分析,看看哪种风格更适合你的那一类型。而现在的网络引文为现代语言学会和美国心理学会提供了很好的指导,从而使他们和图书馆的引用管理页面建立了很好的联系。

Annotated Bibliography的格式

Annotated Bibliography一般指用一种特殊引用风格描述的资源列表,这些引用风格可以不同,每个文献注释实体主要包括两部分: a) 引用,用合适的格式如APA或MLA来确定文献的来源 b) 注释,对该文献进行简短的描述,描述的内容有该文献的主要内容、对作者研究的帮助、对文献的总结等,有的可能只需要文献的主要内容。 文献注释的主要用途是: a) 为读者提供材料背景 b) 为了更进一步的研究提供帮助 c) 说明研究的意义Lundquist, Suzanne Evertsen. Native American Literatures: An Introduction.New York: Continuum International Publishing Group, 2004.This volume has everything that a person seriously interested in studyingNative American literature needs to get started, including cultural,theoretical, and historical background. Evertsen emphasizes the multiplicity ofthe literary traditions of native literatures of North America. The cultures,languages, belief systems, and uses of the literary traditions of North Americantribes cannot be under represented, and Lundquist has organized her book to notonly remind the reader of this truth but to illustrate it as well. For thisreason, the two most helpful chapters are “How To Read Native AmericanLiteratures” and “Themes in Native American Literatures.” Newcomers to NativeAmerican literature most frequently underestimate the seriousness of these twotopics. In “How To Read Native American Literatures” Sundquist provides thenecessary cultural grounding for various tribal literacies; in and “Themes inNative American Literatures” she outlines the recurrent themes in contemporaryIndian literature that help readers follow deeper meanings in the literature asthey are connected to other works and as they are read by Indian communities.a) 一部分是文献引用,标识了文件的来源文件名等 b) 另一部分就是对该文献的注释,可以包括该文献的主要内容,分析该文献的一些优缺点,最后给出该文献适合的读者。以上是综合百度文献和我自己的资料写的给分吧~

running away as the best choice的中文意思


求Keren Ann的个人资料,及推荐几首好听的歌


Moya Brennan的《Tapestry》 歌词

歌曲名:Tapestry歌手:Moya Brennan专辑:Heart StringsAlanis Morissette - Tapes"I am someone easy to leave""Even easier to forget"A voice, if inaccurateAgain: "I"m the one they all run from"Diatribes of clouded sunSomeone help me find the pause buttonAll these tapes in my head swirl aroundKeeping my vibe downAll these thoughts in my head aren"t my ownWreaking havoc"I"m too exhausting to be loved""a volatile chemical""best to quarantine and cut off""I"m but thorn in your sweet side""You are better off without me""It"d be best to leave at once"http://music.baidu.com/song/8339376




  johnnie是尊尼表手表品牌。尊尼表来源于瑞士,创立于瑞士JURA山脉法语区的钟表重镇GRENCHEN。GRENCHEN拥有久远的制表传统,JOHNNIE(尊尼)自创立迄今,始终以时尚雅致的设计见称,融合钟表科技,铸造出精准的腕表。为了更好的拓展和服务市场,尊尼表在深圳设立大本营,在保证瑞士技术水平的条件下,竭力开发引领中国消费者高性价比的产品,满足消费者的需求,中国钟表领域唯一一家以细分市场策略进入的瑞士钟表品牌。作为时尚商务代表性品牌,JOHNNIE将所经历的文化感知凝练成独有的品牌价值,并将“优雅、时尚、与众不同”的品牌精神构塑为一种值得传承的生活方式,真正做到让全部的JOHNNIE的消费者感受全新的时尚文化和价值体验。   其目标消费者定位为时尚休闲商务人士,他们富有朝气蓬勃、追逐时尚、有主见、处事谨慎而踏实,能够慎密考虑,不会浮躁冒进。端正,举止大方,与人为善,善待他人,是享受愉悦生活的个性人士。二零一二年正式与施华洛世奇宝石公司签订战略合作协议,全部合作表款镶嵌部份均使用施华洛世奇天然宝石使消费者的权益得到充分的保障。


johnnie是尊尼表手表品牌。尊尼表来源于瑞士,创立于瑞士JURA山脉法语区的钟表重镇GRENCHEN。GRENCHEN拥有久远的制表传统,JOHNNIE(尊尼)自创立迄今,始终以时尚雅致的设计见称,融合钟表科技,铸造出精准的腕表。为了更好的拓展和服务市场,尊尼表在深圳设立大本营,在保证瑞士技术水平的条件下,竭力开发引领中国消费者高性价比的产品,满足消费者的需求,中国钟表领域唯一一家以细分市场策略进入的瑞士钟表品牌。作为时尚商务代表性品牌,JOHNNIE将所经历的文化感知凝练成独有的品牌价值,并将“优雅、时尚、与众不同”的品牌精神构塑为一种值得传承的生活方式,真正做到让全部的JOHNNIE的消费者感受全新的时尚文化和价值体验。 其目标消费者定位为时尚休闲商务人士,他们富有朝气蓬勃、追逐时尚、有主见、处事谨慎而踏实,能够慎密考虑,不会浮躁冒进。端正,举止大方,与人为善,善待他人,是享受愉悦生活的个性人士。二零一二年正式与施华洛世奇宝石公司签订战略合作协议,全部合作表款镶嵌部份均使用施华洛世奇天然宝石使消费者的权益得到充分的保障。

哪首歌中有nothing gonna stop my love for you这一句

分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 音乐 问题描述: 以前听过的,很好听的一首英文歌,男生唱的 那首歌叫什么名字? 解析: 歌名应当是nothing"s goona change my love for you,不是stop。 歌手:glenn medieros 中文译为:此情永不移。 后来成为电影:廊桥遗梦的插曲,广为人知。 很舒缓的一首情歌,我也很喜欢。 If I had to live my life without you near me The days would all be empty The nights would seem so long With you I see forever oh so clearly I might have been in love before But it never felt this strong Our dreams are young and we both know They ll take us where we want to go Hold me now, touch me now I don t want to live without you Nothing s gonna change my love for you You ought to know by now how much I love you One thing you can be sure of I ll never ask for more than your love Nothing s gonna change my love for you You ought to know by now how much I love you The world may change my whole life through But nothing s gonna change my love for you If the road ahead is not so easy Our love will lead the way for us like a guiding star I ll be there for you if you should need me You don t have to change a thing I love you just the way you are So e with me and share the view I ll help you see forever too Hold me now, touch me now I don t want to live without you Nothing s gonna change my love for you You ought to know by now how much I love you One thing you can be sure of I ll never ask for more than your love Nothing s gonna change my love for you You ought to know by now how much I love you The world may change my whole life through But nothing s gonna change my love for you Nothing s gonna change my love for you You ought to know by now how much I love you One thing you can be sure of I ll never ask for more than your love

Food that( )easily must reach the market and the dinner table as quickly as possible.

【答案】:CD.rot和B.decay都指“腐烂”,“腐朽”,rot=decay by process of nature,如:rotten eggs臭鸡蛋;rotten apples烂苹果。一般说来,经过加工的食物或泛指食物“变(腐败)”用spoil或go bad;未加工的用rot。A.damage“损害”,不用来指食物。

Nothing’s Gonna Change My Love For You Glenn Medeiros 中文歌词


nothing`s gonna change my love for you 这首歌有没有中文版本?有的话是谁唱的?


想要方大同这首《Nothing’s Gonna Change My Love For You》 MV的的歌词

If I had to live my life without you near me 如果我不得不生活在没有你陪伴的世界The days would all be empty 白天都会变得很空虚The nights would seem so long 夜晚会变得很漫长With you I see forever oh so clearly 和你在一起我能清楚地看到未来I might have been in love before 我可能曾经有过爱But it never felt this strong 但它从来没有感觉到如此强烈Our dreams are young and we both know 我们的梦想是年轻,我们都知道They"ll take us where we want to go 它们能带我们去我们想去的地方Hold me now, 立即抱紧我touch me now, 立即触碰我I don"t want to live without you 我不想生活在没有你的地方Nothing"s gonna change my love for you 没有什么能改变我对你的爱You oughta know by now how much I love you 你现在应当知道我有多爱你One thing you can be sure of 有一件事你可以确定I"ll never ask for more than your love 我从没对你的爱要求太多Nothing"s gonna change my love for you 没有什么能改变我对你的爱You oughta know by now how much I love you 你现在应当知道我有多爱你The world may change my whole life through 世界可能改变我的整个生活But nothing"s gonna change my love for you 但是没有什么能改变我对你的爱If the road ahead is not so easy 如果前方的路不再平坦Our love will lead a way for us 我们的爱会为我们引导方向Just like a guiding star 就像一颗启明星I"ll be there for you If you should need me 我会等候在你需要我的地方You don"t have to change a thing 你不必改变什么I love you just the way you are 我按照你的方式爱你So come with me and share the view 跟我来,分享眼前的风景I"ll help you see forever too Hold me now Touch me now I don"t want to live without you 我不想生活在没有你的地方Nothing"s gonna change my love for you 没有什么能改变我对你的爱You oughta know by now how much I love you 你现在应当知道我有多爱你One thing you can be sure of 有一件事你可以确定I"ll never ask for more than your love 我从没对你的爱要求太多Nothing"s gonna change my love for you 没有什么能改变我对你的爱You oughta know by now how much I love you 你现在应当知道我有多爱你The world may change my whole life through 世界可能改变我的整个生活But nothing"s gonna change my love for you 但是没有什么能改变我对你的爱Nothing"s gonna change my love for you 没有什么能改变我对你的爱You oughta know by now how much i love you 你现在应当知道我有多爱你One thing you can be sure of 有一件事你可以确定I"ll never ask for more than your love 我从没对你的爱要求太多Nothing"s gonna change my love for you 没有什么能改变我对你的爱You oughta know by now how much I love you 你现在应当知道我有多爱你Thw world may change my whole life through 世界可能改变我的整个生活But nothing"s gonna change my love for you 但是没有什么能改变我对你的爱

Nothing’s Gonna Change My Love For you的中英文对照歌词

If I had to live my life without you near me如果我必须过着没有你的生活The days would all be empty日子将会变得空虚The nights would seem so long夜晚看似变得漫长With you I see forever oh so clearly和你在一起,我无疑地看清永恒I might have been in love before我应该是永远存在着爱心But it never felt this strong但从没像这样强烈过Our dreams are young And we both know我们都知道,我们的梦想有着活力they"ll take us where we want to go它们会告诉我们,我们想要去的地方Hold me now抓紧我Touch me now触摸我I don"t want to live without you我不想过没有你的生活Nothing"s gonna change my love for you没有什么能够改变我对你的爱You ought to know by now how much I love you你现在应该知道我爱你有多深One thing you can be sure of你可以确定的一件事I"ll never ask for more than your love就是我永远不会要求比你的爱更多的东西Nothing"s gonna change my love for you没有什么能够改变我对你的爱You ought to know by now how much I love you你现在应该能体会到我爱你有多么的深The world may change my whole life through世界可以彻底改变我的一生But nothing"s gonna change my love for you但是,没有什么能改变我对你的爱If the road ahead is not so easy即使前方的路不是那么的简单Our love will lead the way for us我们的爱会为我们引领方向Just like a guiding star像一盏指路的灯I"ll be there for you if you should need me如果你有可能需要我,我会在那里支持你You don"t have to change a thing你不需要改变I love you just the way you are我爱你,就像你爱我一样So come with me and share the view那么就伴随我一起欣赏美景I"ll help you see forever too我会帮你看到永远Hold me now抓紧我Touch me now触摸我I don"t want to live without you我不想过没有你的生活Nothing"s gonna change my love for you没有什么能够改变我对你的爱You ought to know by now how much I love you你现在应该知道我爱你有多深One thing you can be sure of你可以确定的一件事I"ll never ask for more than your love就是我永远不会要求比你的爱更多的东西Nothing"s gonna change my love for you没有什么能够改变我对你的爱You ought to know by now how much I love you你现在应该能体会到我爱你有多么的深The world may change my whole life through世界可以彻底改变我的一生But nothing"s gonna change my love for you但是,没有什么能改变我对你的爱多深Nothing"s gonna change my love for you没有什么能够改变我对你的爱You ought to know by now how much I love you你现在应该能体会到我爱你有多么的深One thing you can be sure of你可以确定的一件事I"ll never ask for more than your love就是我永远不会要求比你的爱更多的东西Nothing"s gonna change my love for you没有什么能够改变我对你的爱You ought to know by now how much I love you你现在应该能体会到我爱你有多么的深The world may change my whole life through世界可以彻底改变我的一生But nothing"s gonna change my love for you但是,没有什么能改变我对你的爱多深各种求采纳昂~~

nothing s gonna change my love这歌背景是什么,原唱

Nothing"s Gonna Change My Love For You 是一首曾风靡全球的老歌,中文译为“此情永不移”。这也是经典伦理爱情片《廊桥遗梦》的插曲。演唱这首歌的是来自美国夏威夷的Glenn Medeiros,Medeiros出道时只能在旅游车上卖唱,Nothing"s Gonna Change My Love For You 是 Medeiros的代表作。George Benson原唱。歌词:If I had to live my life without you near meThe days would all be emptyThe nights would seem so longWith you I see foreverOh, so clearlyI might have been in love beforeBut it never felt this strongOur dreams are young and we both knowThey"ll take us where we want to goHold me nowTouch me nowI don"t want to live without youNothing"s gonna change my love for youYou ought to know by now how much I love youOne thing you can be sure ofI"ll never ask for more than your loveNothing"s gonna change my love for youYou ought to know by now how much I love youyou"ll only chang my whole life throug butnothing"s gonna chang my love for youIf the road ahead is not so easyOur love will lead the way for usLike a guiding starI"ll be there for you if you should need meYou don"t have to change a thingI love you just the way you areSo come with me and share the viewI"ll help you see forever tooHold me nowTouch me nowI don"t want to live without youNothing"s gonna change my love for youYou ought to know by now how much I love youOne thing you can be sure ofI"ll never ask for more than your loveNothing"s gonna change my love for youYou ought to know by now how much I love youyou"ll only chang my whole life throug butnothing"s gonna chang my love for younothing"s gonna change my love for youyou ought to know by now how much i love youOne thing you can be sure ofI"ll never ask for more than your loveNothing"s gonna change my love for youYou ought to know by now how much I love youOne thing you can be sure ofI"ll never ask for more than your loveNothing"s gonna change my love for youYou ought to know by now how much I love youyou"ll only chang my whole life throug butnothing"s gonna chang my love for youNothing"s gonna change my love for youYou ought to know by now how much I love youOne thing you can be sure ofI"ll never ask for more than your love

Nothing’s gonna change my love for you作曲作词是谁的?

《Nothing"s gonna change my love for you》(中文:没有什么能够改变我对你的爱,也译作:痴心不改;此情永不移), 是经典爱情片《廊桥遗梦》主题曲。这首歌演唱版本众多(Glenn Medeiros、杜德伟等等)。原唱是黑人爵士乐手George Benson,令人遗憾的是,在他唱的时候没有走红(而多年以后经过其他歌手多次的翻唱而风靡全球)。那略带沙哑,又充满悲伤的声音,感动着每一位用心聆听人。中文名称此情永不移外文名称Nothing"s gonna change my love for you所属专辑《20/20》歌曲时长4.03发行时间1984歌曲原唱George Benson填 词Michael Masser,Gerry Goffin谱 曲Michael Masser,Gerry Goffin编 曲Michael Masser,Gerry Goffin音乐风格爵士,流行歌曲语言英语详情见百科:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=t3wZ_67Vlkzlyor99pYmZPfSXkDtGL8JdB32fKvhiwP94vG1kxAs6-jaFeiMjdRjbz5UYBzkUx8K_XhKlSJ4CfMYnpV_QmPWtjFJMFrLERS6xlfkhDG2ktEvrfUcB-vqRI5oO7AkVMGK3uoW_2YYFQarFSOdtlj5j2TySOp4sn5ZYTT9aEoIUU17E06M8voT


nothings gonna change my love for youif i had to live my life without you near me the days would all be empty the nights would seem so long you i see forever oh so clearly i might have been in love before but i"ve never felt this strong our dreams are young and we both know they take us where we want to go hold me now touch me now i don"t want to live without you nothing"s gonna change my love for you you oughta know by now how much i love you one thing you can be sure of i never ask for more than your love nothing"s gonna change my love for you you oughta know by now how much i love you the world may change my whole life through but nothing"s gonna change my love for you if the road ahead is not so easy our love will lead the way for us like a guiding star i"ll be there for you if you should need me you don"t have to change a thing i love you just the way you are so come with me and share the view i help you see forever too hold me now touch me now i don"t want to live without you没有什么能够改变我对你的爱 如果我不得不过一种没有你陪伴的生活 白天会变得很空虚 黑夜会变得很漫长 我看见你 是如此的清晰 我可能曾经爱过 但从没有像这次感觉这般强烈 我们两个都知道 我们的梦想还很年轻 它们会带我们到达我们向往的地方 现在 抱紧我 触摸我 我不想过没有你的生活 没有什么能够改变我对你爱 你现在应该知道我有多爱你 你可以确信一点 除了你的爱 我别无所求 没有什么能够改变我对你的爱 你现在应该知道我有多爱你 这世界可能会将我的一生改变 但没有什么能够改变我对你的爱 如果前面的路不是那么容易走 我们的爱会像启明星一样迎领我们前行 当你可能需要我时 我就会出现 你不需要做什么改变 我爱你 就爱你现在这样 所以 跟我来吧 一起分享风景 我会永远帮助你去感受 现在 抱紧我 触摸我 我不想过没有你的生活

nothing s gonna change my love for you

1.Song:Nothing"s Gonna Change My Love For You Singer:Westlife Album:The Rose B-side Nicky:If I had to live my life without you near me The days would all be empty The nights would seem so long With you I see forever oh so clearly I might have been in love before But it never felt this strong Shane:Our dreams are young and we both know They"ll take us where we want to go Hold me now touch me now I don"t want to live without you All:Nothing"s gonna change my love you for you You oughta know by now how much I love you One thing you can be sure of I never ask for more than your love Nothing"s gonna change my love for you You oughta know by now how much I love you The world may change my whole life throug but Nothing"s gonna change my love for you Kian:If the road ahead is not so easy Our love will lead a way for us Like a guiding star All:I"ll be there for you if you should need me Kian:You don"t have change a thing I love you just the way you are Shane:So come with me and share the view I"ll help you see forever too Hold me now touch me now I don"t want to live without you All:Nothing"s gonna change my love you for you You oughta know by now how much I love you One thing you can be sure of I never ask for more than your love Nothing"s gonna change my love for you You oughta know by now how much I love you The world may change my whole life throug but Nothing"s gonna change my love for you Nothing"s gonna change my love you for you You oughta know by now how much I love you The world may change my whole life throug but Nothing"s gonna change my love for you Nothing"s gonna change my love for you You oughta know by now how much I love you One thing you can be sure of I never ask for more than your love Nothing"s gonna change my love for you You oughta know by now how much I love you The world may change my whole life throug but Nothing"s gonna change my love for you Nothing"s gonna change my love for you You oughta know by now how much I love you One thing you can be sure of I never ask for more than your love Nothing"s Gonna Change My Love For Westlife

nothings gonna change my loveforyou什么意思

nothings gonna change my love for you没有什么能改变我对你的爱双语对照例句:1.Nothing"s gonna change my love for you 没有什么能改变我对你的爱

Nothing’s Gonna Change My Love For You 是什么意思?




英文nothing s gonna change my love for you是什么意思?

此情永不移<Nothing"sGonnaChangeMyLoveForYou>是一首曾风靡全球的老歌,中文译为“此情永不移”。 这也是经典伦理爱情片《廊桥遗梦》的插曲。原唱是一位黑人歌手GeorgeBenson(乔治本森)但是当时他并没有因此歌而走红。后来来自美国夏威夷的GlennMedeiros凭借他优美的嗓音和英俊的外表,不仅将这首歌捧红,而且自己也从只能在旅游车上卖唱的境地到开始自己的歌手生涯。这首歌在后来更是被多人翻唱,包括著名的westlife,杜德伟,DanaWinner,方大同等。






torch.nn包下的Embedding,作为训练的一层,随模型训练得到适合的词向量。 实际上,上面通过随机初始化建立了词向量层后,建立了一个“二维表”,存储了词典中每个词的词向量。每个mini-batch的训练,都要从词向量表找到mini-batch对应的单词的词向量作为RNN的输入放进网络。那么怎么把mini-batch中的每个句子的所有单词的词向量找出来放进网络呢, 输入是什么样子,输出是什么样子? 首先我们知道肯定先要建立一个词典,建立词典的时候都会建立一个dict:word2id:存储单词到词典序号的映射。假设一个mini-batch如下所示: 显然,这个mini-batch有3个句子,即batch_size=3 第一步首先要做的是:将句子标准化,所谓标准化,指的是:大写转小写,标点分离,这部分很简单就略过。经处理后,mini-batch变为: 可见,这个list的元素成了一个个list。还要做一步:将上面的三个list按单词数从多到少排列。标点也算单词。至于为什么,后面会说到。 那就变成了: 可见,每个句子的长度,即每个内层list的元素数为:5,5,4。这个长度也要记录。 之后,为了能够处理,将batch的单词表示转为在词典中的index序号,这就是word2id的作用。转换过程很简单,假设转换之后的结果如下所示,当然这些序号是我编的。 同时,每个句子结尾要加EOS,假设EOS在词典中的index是1。 那么长度要更新: 很显然,这个mini-batch中的句子长度不一致。所以为了规整的处理,对长度不足的句子,进行填充。填充PAD假设序号是2,填充之后为: 这样就可以直接取词向量训练了吗? 不能。上面batch有3个样例,RNN的每一步要输入每个样例的一个单词,一次输入batch_size个样例,所以batch要按list外层是时间步数(即序列长度),list内层是batch_size排列。即batch的维度应该是: 怎么变换呢? 变换方法可以是:使用itertools模块的zip_longest函数。而且,使用这个函数,连填充这一步都可以省略,因为这个函数可以实现填充。 经变换,结果应该是: batch还要转成LongTensor: 这里的batch就是词向量层的输入。 词向量层的输出是什么样的? 好了,现在使用建立了的embedding直接通过batch取词向量了,如: 假设词向量维度是6,结果是: 维度的前两维和前面讲的是一致的。可见多了一个第三维,这就是词向量维度。所以,Embedding层的输出是:

寻一首英文歌 歌词有个 i just wanna.....还有就是有个everything 是个男生唱的.

Close to you-ina

Sarah Connor的《under my skin》和东方神起的《咒文》有什么关系啊,是抄袭么,还是翻版,我需要详细的解



当录制脚本时,VuGen会拦截client端(浏览器)与server端(网站服务器)之间的对话,并且通通记录下来,产生脚本。在VuGen的Recording Log中,您可以找到浏览器与服务器之间所有的对话,包含通讯内容、日期、时间、浏览器的请求、服务器的响应内容等等。脚本和Recording Log最大的差别在于,脚本只记录了client端要对server端所说的话,而Recording Log则是完整纪录二者的对话。当执行脚本时,您可以把VuGen想象成是一个演员,它伪装成浏览器,然后根据脚本,把当初真的浏览器所说过的话,再对网站伺服器重新说一遍,VuGen企图骗过服务器,让服务器以为它就是当初的浏览器,然后把网站内容传送给VuGen。所以纪录在脚本中要跟服务器所说的话,完全与当初录制时所说的一样,是写死的(hard-coded)。这样的作法在遇到有些比较聪明的服务器时,还是会失效。这时就需要透过「关联(correlation)」的做法来让VuGen可以再次成功地骗过服务器。何谓关联(correlation)?所谓的关联(correlation)就是把脚本中某些写死的(hard-coded)数据,转变成是撷取自服务器所送的、动态的、每次都不一样的数据。举一个常见的例子,刚刚提到有些比较聪明的服务器,这些服务器在每个浏览器第一次跟它要数据时,都会在数据中夹带一个唯一的辨识码,接下来就会利用这个辨识码来辨识跟它要数据的是不是同一个浏览器。一般称这个辨识码为Session ID。对于每个新的交易,服务器都会产生新的Session ID给浏览器。这也就是为什么执行脚本会失败的原因,因为VuGen还是用旧的Session ID向服务器要数据,服务器会发现这个Session ID是失效的或是它根本不认识这个Session ID,当然就不会传送正确的网页数据给VuGen了。下面的图示说明了这样的情形:当录制脚本时,浏览器送出网页A的请求,服务器将网页A的内容传送给浏览器,并且夹带了一个ID=123的数据,当浏览器再送出网页B的情求时,这时就要用到ID=123的数据,服务器才会认为这是合法的请求,并且把网页B的内容送回给浏览器。在执行脚本时会发生什么状况?浏览器再送出网页B的请求时,用的还是当初录制的ID=123的数据,而不是用服务器新给的ID=456,整个脚本的执行就会失败。要对付这种服务器,我们必须想办法找出这个Session ID到底是什么、位于何处,然后把它撷取下来,放到某个参数中,并且取代掉脚本中有用到Session ID的部份,这样就可以成功骗过服务器,正确地完成整个交易了。哪些错误代表着我应该做关联(correlation)?假如脚本需要关联(correlation),在还没做之前是不会执行通过的,也就是说会有错误讯息发生。不过,很不幸地,并没有任何特定的错误讯息是和关联(correlation)有关系的。会出现什么错误讯息,与系统实做的错误处理机制有关。错误讯息有可能会提醒您要重新登入,但是也有可能直接就显示HTTP 404的错误讯息。要如何做关联(correlation)?关联(correlation)函数关联(correlation)会用到下列的函数:* web_reg_save_param:这是最新版,也是最常用来做关联(correlation)的函数。语法:web_reg_save_param ( “Parameter Name” ,list of Attributes , LAST );* web_create_html_param、web_create_html_param_ex:这二个函数主要是保留作为向前兼容的目的的。建议使用 web_reg_save_param 函数。详细用法请参考使用手册。在VuGen中点选【Help】【Function reference】【Contexts】【Weband Wireless Vuser Functions】【Correlation Functions】。如何找出要关联(correlation)数据简单的说,每一次执行时都会变动的值,就有可能需要做关联(correlation)。VuGen提供二种方式帮助您找出需要做关联(correlation)的值:1. 自动关联2. 手动关联自动关联VuGen内建自动关联引擎(auto-correlation engine),可以自动找出需要关联的值,并且自动使用关联函数建立关联。自动关联提供下列二种机制:* Rules Correlation:在录制过程中VuGen会根据订定的规则,实时自动找出要关联的值。规则来源有两种:o 内建(Built-in Correlation):VuGen已经针对常用的一些应用系统,如AribaBuyer、BlueMartini、BroadVision、InterStage、mySAP、NetDynamics、Oracle、PeopleSoft、Siebel、SilverJRunner等,内建关联规则,这些应用系统可能会有一种以上的关联规则。您可以在【Recording Options】【Internet Protocol】【Correlation】中启用关联规则,则当录制这些应用系统的脚本时,VuGen会在脚本中自动建立关联。您也可以在【Recording Options】【Internet Protocol】【Correlation】检视每个关联规则的定义。o 使用者自订(User-defined Rules Correlation):除了内建的关联规则之外,使用者也可以自订关联规则。您可以在【Recording Options】【Internet Protocol】【Correlation】建立新的关联规则。* Correlation Studio:有别于Rules Correlation,Correlation Studio则是在执行脚本后才会建立关联,也就是说当录制完脚本后,脚本至少须被执行过一次,Correlation Studio才会作用。Correlation Studio会尝试找出录制时与执行时,服务器响应内容的差异部分,藉以找出需要关联的数据,并建立关联。Rule Correlation请依照以下步骤使用Rule Correlation:1. 启用auto-correlation1. 点选VuGen的【Tools】【Recording Options】,开启【Recording Options】对话窗口,选取【Internet Protocol】【Correlation】,勾选【Enable correlation during recording】,以启用自动关联。2. 假如录制的应用系统属于内建关联规则的系统,如AribaBuyer、BlueMartini、BroadVision、InterStage、mySAP、NetDynamics、Oracle、PeopleSoft、Siebel、SilverJRunner等,请勾选相对应的应用系统。3. 或者也可以针对录制的应用系统加入新的关联规则,此即为使用者自订的关联规则。4. 设定当VuGen侦测到符合关联规则的数据时,要如何处理:§ 【Issue a pop-up message and let me decide online】:跳出一个讯息对话窗口,询问您是否要建立关联。§ 【Perform. correlation in sceipt】:直接自动建立关联2. 录制脚本开始录制脚本,在录制过程中,当VuGen侦测到符合关联规则的数据时,会依照设定建立关联,您会在脚本中看到类似以下的脚本,此为BroadVision应用系统建立关联的例子,在脚本批注部分可以看到关联前的数据为何。3. 执行脚本验证关联是OK的。Correlation Studio当录制的应用系统不属于VuGen预设支持的应用系统时,Rule Correlation可能既无法发挥作用,这时可以利用Correlation Studio来做关联。Correlation Studio会尝试找出录制时与执行时,服务器响应内容的差异部分,藉以找出需要关联的数据,并建立关联。使用Correlation Studio的步骤如下:1. 录制脚本并执行2. 执行完毕后,VuGen会跳出下面的【Scan Action for Correlation】窗口,询问您是否要扫描脚本并建立关联,按下【Yes】按钮。3. 扫描完后,可以在脚本下方的【Correlation Results】中看到扫描的结果。4. 检查一下扫瞄的结果后,选择要做关联的数据,然后按下【Correlate】按钮,一笔一笔做,或是按下【Correlate All】让VuGen一次就对所有的数据建立关联。注意:由于Correlation Studio会找出所有有变动的数据,但是并不是所有的数据都需要做关联,所以不建议您直接用【Correlate All】。5. 一般来说,您必须一直重复步骤1~4直到所有需要做关联的数据都找出来为止。因为有时前面的关联还没做好之前,将无法执行到后面需要做关联的部份。有可能有些需要做关联的动态数据,连Correlation Studio都无法侦测出来,这时您就需要自行做手动关联了。手动关联手动关联的执行过程大致如下:1. 使用相同的业务流程与数据,录制二份脚本2. 使用WinDiff工具协助找出需要关联的数据3. 使用web_reg_save_param函数手动建立关联4. 将脚本中有用到关联的数据,以参数取代接下来将详细的说明如何执行每个步骤使用相同的业务流程与数据,录制二份脚本1. 先录制一份脚本并存档。2. 依照相同的操作步骤与数据录制第二份脚本并存盘。注意,所有的步骤和输入的数据一定都要一样,这样才能找出由服务器端产生的动态数据。有时候会遇到真的无法使用相同的输入数据,那您也要记住您使用的输入数据,到时才能判断是您输入的数据,还是变动的数据。使用WinDiff工具协助找出需要关联的数据1. 在第二份脚本中,点选VuGen的【Tools】【Compare with Vuser】,并选择第一份脚本。2. 接着WinDiff会开启,同时显示二份脚本,并显示有差异的地方。WinDiff会以一整行黄色标示有差异的脚本,并且以红色的字体显示真正差异的文字。(假如没看到红色字体,请点选【Options】【View】【Show Inline Differences】)。3. 逐一检视二份脚本中差异的部份,每一个差异都可能是需要做关联的地方。选取差异的脚本,然后复制。在复制时,有时并不需要取整行脚本,可能只会选取脚本中的一部分。注意:请忽略lr_thik_time的差异部份,因为lr_thik_time是用来模拟每个步骤之间使用者思考延迟的时间。4. 接着要在Recording Log(单一protocol)或是Generation Log(多重protocol)中找这个值。将鼠标光标点到Recording Log的第一行开头,按下Ctrl+F,开启【Find】窗口,贴上刚刚复制的脚本,找出在Recording Log第一次出现的位置。结果会有二种:o 在Recording Log中找不到要找的数据,这时请先确认您找对了脚本,毕竟现在开启了二个几乎一样的脚本,很容易弄错。o 在Recording Log中找到了要找的数据,这时要确认数据是从服务器端传送过来的。首先可以先检查数据的标头,从标头的Receiving response可以知道数据是从服务器端传送到client端的。假如此数据第一次出现是在Sending request中,则表示此数据是由client端产生,不需要做关联,但是有可能需要做参数化(parameterized)。您要找的标头格式如下:*** [tid=b9 Action1 2] Receiving response from host :80 ( 25/11/2002 12:04:00 )5. 现在您已经找到录制二次都不一样,而且是由服务器所产生的动态数据了,而此数据极有可能需要做关联。使用web_reg_save_param函数手动建立关联在找到是由服务器所产生的动态数据之后,接下来要做的就是找出适当的位置,使用web_reg_save_param函数,将这个动态数据撷取到某个参数中。1. 要在哪里使用web_reg_save_param函数?在之前的步骤,我们已经在Execution Log找到可能需要关联的动态数据。在Execution Log中选取动态数据前的文字然后复制,我们将会利用这段文字,来帮助我们找出要关联的动态数据。不过在这之前我们要先找出使用web_reg_save_param函数的正确位置,所以我们要再重新执行一遍脚本,而且这次会开启所有的Log。1. 在VuGen中点选【Vuser】【Run-Time Settings】。2. 点选【General】【Log】。3. 勾选【Enable logging】、【Always sends messages】、【Extended log】,以及【Extended log】下的所有选项。4. 按下【OK】就可以执行脚本了。执行完脚本之后,在Execution Log中搜寻刚刚复制的字符串。找到字符串后,在字符串前面会有A.tion1.c(7),这个7就是到时候要插入web_reg_save_param函数的位置,也就是要插入到脚本的第7行。在脚本的第7行前插入一行空白行,然后输入web_reg_save_param(“UserSession”,“UserSession” 这个 “UserSession” 就是到时要使用的参数名称,建议给个有意义的名字。注意:到这里整个web_reg_save_param函数还没完成。2. 找出web_reg_save_param中要用到的边界web_reg_save_param函数主要是透过动态数据的前面和后面的固定字符串,来辨识要撷取的动态数据的,所以我们还需要找出动态数据的边界字符串。找出左边界字符串再回到Execution Log中,选取动态数据前的字符串并且复制它。这时会有个问题,到底要选取多少字符串才足以唯一识别要找的动态数据呢?建议是越多越好,但是尽量不要包含到特殊字符。在这边我们选取「input type=hidden name=userSession value=」字符串。选好之后,还要再确认一次这段字符串真的是可以唯一识别的,所以我们在Execution Log中透过Ctrl+F的搜寻,找找看这段字符串是否可以找到要找的动态数据。假如找不到,web_reg_save_param函数还有个ORD参数可以使用,ORD参数可以设定出现在第几次的字符串才是要找的字符串。将这个边界字符串加到未完成的web_reg_save_param函数中:web_reg_save_param(“UserSession”, “LB= input type=hidden name=userSession value=”,找出右边界字符串接下来要找出动态数据的右边界字符串,这个字符串就比较好找了,从动态数据的最后一个字符开始,通常就是我们要找的右边界字符串了。以这个例子来看,就是「」,所以再把右边界字符串加入,web_reg_save_param函数中,这时web_reg_save_param函数已经快完成了。最后再加上「LAST);」就完成整个web_reg_save_param函数了。web_reg_save_param(“UserSession”, “LB= input type=hidden name=userSession value=”, “RB=”, LAST);将脚本中有用到关联的数据,以参数取代当使用web_reg_save_param建立参数后,接下来就是用“UserSession”参数去取代脚本中写死的(hard-coded)资料。范例:将“Name=userSession”, “Value=75893.0884568651DQADHfApHDHfcDtccpfAttcf”, ENDITEM,换成“Name=userSession”, “Value={UserSession}”, ENDITEM,到这里您已经完成了一个关联了,接下来就是执行脚本,是否能成功运行,假如还是有问题,就要检查看看是否还需要再做另一个关联。关于 web_reg_save_param 函数对于关联(correlation)来说,web_reg_save_param是最重要的一个函数,其功能是在下载的网页内容中,透过设定的边界字符串,找出特定的数据并将其储存在一个参数中,以供后续脚本使用。接下来将针对web_reg_save_param做比较详细的说明。Service and registration type functionweb_reg_save_param是一个Service function。service function主要是用来完成一些特殊的工作的,如关联、设定proxy、提供认证信息等,当其作用时,不会对网页的内容做任何的修改。web_reg_save_param同时也是一个registration type function (只要函数名称中包含_reg_的字眼,表示其为registration type function)。registration type function意味着其真正作用的时机是在下一个action function完成时执行的。举例来说,当某个web_url执行时所接收到的网页内容中包含了要做关联的动态数据,则必须将web_reg_save_param放在此web_url之前,则web_reg_save_param会在web_url执行完毕后,也就是网页内容都下载完后,再执行web_reg_save_param找寻要做关联的动态数据并建立参数。所以要记住一点,要使用registration type function时,要注意其放置的位置必须在要作用的action function之前。语法int web_reg_save_param(const char *ParamName, list of Attributes, LAST);参数说明ParamName:存放动态数据的参数名称list of Attributes:其它属性,包含 Notfound, LB, RB, RelFrameID, Search, ORD, SaveOffset, Convert, 以及 SaveLen。属性值不分大小写,例如 Search=all。以下将详细说明每个属性值的意义:* Notfound:指定当找不到要找的动态数据时该怎么处置。o Notfound=error:当找不到动态数据时,发出一个错误讯息。假如没设定此属性,此为LoadRunner的默认值。o Notfound=warning:当找不到动态数据时,不发出错误讯息,只发出警告,脚本也会继续执行下去不会中断。在对角本除错时,可以使用此属性值。* LB:动态数据的左边界字符串。此属性质是必须要有的,而且区分大小写。* RB:动态数据的右边界字符串。此属性质是必须要有的,而且区分大小写。* RelFrameID:相对于URL而言,欲搜寻的网页的Frame。此属性质可以是All或是数字,而且可有可无。* Search:搜寻的范围。可以是Headers(只搜寻headers)、Body(只搜寻body部分,不搜寻header)、Noresource(只搜寻body部分,不搜寻header与resource)或是All(搜寻全部范围,此为默认值)。此属性质可有可无。* ORD:指明从第几次出现的左边界开始才是要撷取的数据。此属性质可有可无,默认值是1。假如值为All,则所有找到符合的数据会储存在数组中。* SaveOffset:当找到符合的动态数据时,从第几个字符开始才开始储存到参数中。此属性质不可为负数,其默认值为0。* Convert:可能的值有二种:o HTML_TO_URL: 将HTML-encoded数据转成URL-encoded数据格式o HTML_TO_TEXT:将HTML-encoded数据转成纯文字数据格式* SaveLen:从offect开始算起,到指定的长度内的字符串,才储存到参数中。此参数可有可无,默认值是-1,表示储存到结尾整个字符串。范例web_reg_save_param("A", "LB/ic=a href=", "RB="", "Ord=All", LAST);nner会搜寻网页中所有以 「a href=」 开头,且以 「"」结束,当中包含的字符串,并且储存在「A」参数中。Tips and Tricks以下提供一些关联的常见问题:* 如何打印出参数值?lr_output_message这二个函数来做到。例如:lr_output_message(“Value Captured = %s”, lr_eval_string(“{ParameterName}”));lr_eval_string与lr_output_message函数的使用说明请参考LoadRunner Online Function Reference。* 在脚本的data目录下找不到路制时的快照(snapshot)造成在脚本的data目录下找不到路制时的快照(snapshot)的可能原因如下:o 脚本是由VuGen 6.02或更早的版本所录制的o 汇入的Action不会包含快照(snapshot)的档案o 脚本是储存在只读的目录下,早成VuGen无法储存执行时撷取的快照(snapshot)o 某些步骤并不会产生快照(snapshot),如浏览某个资源o 快照(snapshot)功能被取消【Tools】【General options】【Correlation】tab 【Save correlation information during replay】* 开启WinDiff时出现「File no longer available」的错误讯息WinDiff这个工具有些限制,无法开启包含空格符的目录或是脚本,所以建议命名时不要使用空格符,并且尽可能将名称取短一点。* 录制时突然跳出【Correlation warning】对话窗口当你有勾选自动关


《The Future of Human Nature》(Habermas, Jurgen)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1jwzM9ifHKJVLUAK6zN5Wtw 提取码: rwcm书名:The Future of Human Nature作者:Habermas, Jurgen译者:Wiliam Rehg出版社:Polity出版年份:2003页数:127内容简介:Recent developments in biotechnology and genetic research are raising complex ethical questions concerning the legitimate scope and limits of genetic intervention. As we begin to contemplate the possibility of intervening in the human genome to prevent diseases, we cannot help but feel that the human species might soon be able to take its biological evolution in its own hands. "Playing God" is the metaphor commonly used for this self-transformation of the species, which, it seems, might soon be within our grasp.In this important new book, Jurgen Habermas - the most influential philosopher and social thinker in Germany today - takes up the question of genetic engineering and its ethical implications and subjects it to careful philosophical scrutiny. His analysis is guided by the view that genetic manipulation is bound up with the identity and self-understanding of the species. We cannot rule out the possibility that knowledge of one"s own hereditary factors may prove to be restrictive for the choice of an individual"s way of life and may undermine the symmetrical relations between free and equal human beings.In the concluding chapter - which was delivered as a lecture on receiving the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade for 2001 - Habermas broadens the discussion to examine the tension between science and religion in the modern world, a tension which exploded, with such tragic violence, on September 11th.



请帮我翻译下后街男孩dont wanna lose you now 这首歌的歌词。


whatcha gonna do? that girl歌词是什么




enginner是什么意思? architect是什么意思?




一首歌歌词伤感的女生唱的 高潮部分是 if wanna go if you wanna go go

Let me down slowly

有一首英文歌。the beautiful night nanananananannanananan

long ranger


demolish v. to pull or knock down a building拆毁,拆除;to show that an idea or theory is completely wrong推翻,驳倒(理论,观点)eg:The factory was demolished in 1980. to demolish a theory with a few incisive comments.raze v. to completely destory a building, town, etc,so that nothing is left彻底摧毁,将……夷为平地eg:the village was razed to the ground.destory v. to damage sth so badly that it no longer exists, works, etc摧毁,毁灭eg:the cyclone that destoryed dozens of houses in the town.annihilate v. to destory sb/sth completely歼灭,消灭; to defeat sb/sth completely彻底打败eg: an army annihilated another army force; she annihilated her opponent, who failed to win a single game.

新人求助,execution cannot be continued



可以使用以下代码输出fasterrcnn在验证集上的混淆矩阵:```python# 定义计算混淆矩阵的函数def confusion_matrix(preds, targets, num_classes=2): # 初始化混淆矩阵 confusion = torch.zeros(num_classes, num_classes) # 对预测结果进行整数化 preds = preds.type(torch.IntTensor) targets = targets.type(torch.IntTensor) # 对每个样本进行判断以填充混淆矩阵 for t, p in zip(targets.view(-1), preds.view(-1)): confusion[t.long(), p.long()] += 1 return confusion # 在验证集上进行预测model.eval()with torch.no_grad(): for batch in val_dataloader: inputs = batch["image"].to(device) targets = batch["target"].to(device) outputs = model(inputs) preds = outputs["labels"].argmax(dim=1) # 计算混淆矩阵并输出 print(confusion_matrix(preds, targets))```从原理上解释,混淆矩阵是用于评估分类器性能的指标,它记录了分类器在测试集上真实标签与预测标签的对应情况。对角线上的元素指的是分类正确的样本数,而其他元素则表示分类错误的样本数。混淆矩阵的生成需要对预测结果和真实标签进行逐个比对,因此需要通过函数对两者进行整数化处理。最终得到的混淆矩阵反映了分类器在不同类别上的预测结果,可以据此绘制ROC曲线和计算分类准确率等性能评估指标。

请告诉我The Rainbow Connection的歌词,好吗?

The Rainbow Connection—The CarpentersWhy are there so many songs about rainbows and what"s on the other side?Rainbows are visions, but only illusions, and rainbows have nothing to hide.So we"ve been told and some choose to believe it. I know they"re wrong wait andsee.Someday we"ll find it, the rainbow connection. The lovers, the dreamers and me.Who said that wishes would be heard and answered when wished on the morningstar?Someone thought of that and someone believed it. Look what it"s done so far.What"s so amazing that keeps us stargazing and what do we think we might see?Someday we"ll find it, the rainbow connection. The lovers, the dreamers and me.All of us under its spell. We know that it"s probably magic.Have you been sleeping and have you heard voices? I"ve heard them calling myname.Is this the sweet sound that calls the young sailors. The voice might be oneand the same.I"ve heard it too many times to ignore it. It"s something that I"m supposed tobe.Someday we"ll find it, the rainbow connection, the lovers, the dreamers and me.Someday we"ll find it, the rainbow connection, the lovers, the dreamers and me.

The Cats的《Annabell》 歌词

歌曲名:Annabell歌手:The Cats专辑:HomerunAnnabel LeeEdgar Allan PoeAnnabel LeeBy- Edgar Allan PoeIt was many and many a year ago,In a kingdom by the sea,That a maiden there lived whom you may knowBy the name of ANNABEL LEE;And this maiden she lived with no other thoughtThan to love and be loved by me.I was a child and she was a child,In this kingdom by the sea;But we loved with a love that was more than love-I and my Annabel Lee;With a love that the winged seraphs of heavenCoveted her and me.And this was the reason that, long ago,In this kingdom by the sea,A wind blew out of a cloud, chillingMy beautiful Annabel Lee;So that her highborn kinsman cameAnd bore her away from me,To shut her up in a sepulcherIn this kingdom by the sea.The angels, not half so happy in heaven,Went envying her and me-Yes!- that was the reason (as all men know,In this kingdom by the sea)That the wind came out of the cloud by night,Chilling and killing my beautiful Annabel Lee.But our love it was stronger by far than the loveOf those who were older than we-Of many far wiser than we-And neither the angels in heaven above,Nor the demons down under the sea,Can ever dissever my soul from the soulOf the beautiful Annabel Lee.For the moon never beams without bringing me dreamsOf the beautiful Annabel Lee;And the stars never rise but I feel the bright eyesOf the beautiful Annabel Lee;And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the sideOf my darling- my darling- my life and my bride,In the sepulchre there by the sea,In her tomb by the sounding sea.Endhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10411190

求一首歌,一句歌词大概是i saw you what you wanna do,这首歌好像挺有名的

Atomic Kitten的 《做你想要做的》Do What You Want I saw you standing alone across the crowded room You look so fine oh baby But I knew you wouldn"t make the move So what am I supposed to do with you Looking but you just don"t act You gotta make your move And it aint in the groove Come on now baby don"t hold back So you gotta Throw away your inhibitions Come on and make the man"s decision Tell me now what is your ambition Show me all the things that I"ve been missing (chorus) Do what you wanna Say what you gotta Be what you wanna be with me baby Sooner or later your gonna have to Do what you wanna do with me yeah Out on the sidewalk You"re acting like i"m just not there Don"t disappoint me baby I know that you"re concerned that you care So you gotta Throw away your inhibitions Come on and make the man"s decision Tell me now what is your ambition Show me all the things that I"ve been missing (chorus) When you gonna show me that you understand (please baby X3) When you gonna treat me like your a man (Please baby X2) Come on show ya now (chorus X2) Do what you wanna (Do what you wanna) Be what you wanna (be what you wanna) Sooner or later your gonna have to Do what you wanna do with me yeah




今天是星期天你和tim在公园里玩,看到Kake正在看书Anne正在用英语写信Jack正在画画:It is Sunday today, Tim and I went to the park. In the park, we saw Kate was reading a book, Anne was writing an English letter and Jack was painting a picture.已替你把句子译为英语。很高兴可以帮到你,希望会对你有助,若满意请采纳,谢谢你。


I"m gonna be a bad boy I"m gonna be a bad boy I"m gonna be a bad boy I"m gonna be a bad boy I"m gonna be a bad boy I"m gonna be a bad boy 感受你们的视线 How do you feel make some noise 躲避却也感觉到了我的rainism I make it rainism the rainism 你现在完全沦陷 I"m gonna be crazy now yes crazy now 你现在无法自拔 I"m gonna be a bad boy I"m gonna be a bad boy I"m gonna be a bad boy I"m gonna be a bad boy 颤动的我的身体里面传播着我的magic stick 无法超越一丝感情 body shake I make it rainism the rainism 感觉甩开了我的身体 I"m gonna be crazy now yes crazy now 感觉看到我的所有 Break down I make it rainism the rainism 你现在完全沦陷 I"m gonna be crazy now yes crazy now 你现在无法自拔 I make it rainism the rainism 感觉甩开了我的身体 I"m gonna be crazy now yes crazy now 感觉看到我的所有亲,我米有英文版得歌词= =

有一首英文歌里的歌词是:I wanna stand with you on a moutain,I wanna stand with in the sea,这首歌叫

Truly madly deeply—Savage Garden

标致307cc跑车突然出现英文单词故障:roof mechannism active.敞篷打不开了,什么意思,如何解决

Roof mechanism active = 敞篷机构激活 建议你检查一下后备箱里面的行李是否过多,行李隔板是否放好,然后拉好手刹,放下所有玻璃,再试一遍 如果还是不行,把电池负极拆掉,等候10分钟之后再试,如果问题依旧,需要开车到修理厂检查

有首调子很熟悉的英文歌,只记得歌词一段是i wanna make吧,不记得了,反正酒吧里有时候放过的..

Jeff Bates: I Wanna Make You CryAlbum:Rainbow ManTitle:I Wanna Make You CryHow long has it been?How long have you held it in?An" how long will you wait,Before you let somebody take your breath away again?I wanna be the one who turns you on,Makes love till the lonely"s gone.Be the man you dreamed of all your life.I swear I"ll make it last until,Tears of joy come pourin" from your eyes.I wanna make you cry.Tell me what to do, And I"ll do what you want me to."Cause darlin" I believe,That I have fallen hopelessly and helplessy for you.I wanna be the one who turns you on,Makes love till the lonely"s gone.Be the man you dreamed of all your life.I swear I"ll make it last until,Tears of joy come pourin" from your eyes.I wanna make you cry.Instrumental break.I swear I"ll make it last until,Tears of joy come pourin" from your eyes.I wanna make you cry.I wanna make you cry.

Denny Crane是什么意思

人名大概是 丹尼.克瑞恩

英文歌,歌词大概有i dont wanna kissing you goodbye

Malik Smith - Don"t Be Afraid Of LoveShe was new, someone trueThought itd last foreverI was fooled, caught in youdDidnt see it comingHeld my breathe, till the endDont know how I made itKissed with thorns, loved with scornDont know why I waitedNever did I dream I would find myself in this placePicking pieces of my heart upThe voice inside is telling meDont be afraid of love...Even thought she hurt my prideGotta find the strength inside, that tells meDont be afraid of loveMy heart is something newAnd its all because of youSay it, dont be afraid of loveLove love, love love, loveDont be afraid of loveLove love, love love, loveDont be afraid of loveHere you are like a starShining oh so brightlyFilled my life up with lightTook me out of the shadowsAnd though my eyes can finally seeWhos really there for me?And baby, all I can see is youEach day that passes by,Theres more joy to my lifeThe past is fallin behind meNever did I dream I would find myself in this placePicking pieces of my heart upThe voice inside is telling me.Dont be afraid of love...Even thought she hurt my prideGotta find the strength inside, that tells meDont be afraid of loveMy heart is something newAnd its all because of youSay it, dont be afraid of loveLove love, love love, loveDont be afraid of loveLove love, love love, loveDont be afraid of loveLife can take you through changesIf you dont have the courage to standAnd even thought she mislead meI still found a friendSomeone who truly loves meSomeone who truly caresAnd now I can move on, now I can live...Even thought she hurt my prideGotta find the strength inside, that tells meDont be afraid of loveMy heart is something newAnd its all because of youSay it, dont be afraid of loveLove love, love love, loveDont be afraid of loveLove love, love love, loveDont be afraid of love


wanna ,在英文里,是个很口语的用法,wanna 是 want to 的英文缩写。在英文里,有很多类似wanna 的英文缩写,比方说 gonna 是 goint to 的英文缩写,gotta 是 got to 的英文缩写。 下面列举出wanna的英文用法、英文例句跟中文意思,赶快学起来吧! 1.wanna 英文用法跟意思(wanna = want to) wanna 是 want to 的英文缩写,是口语用法。 wanna相关英文例句: 例:I wanna hold your hand. 我想握住你的手。 例:Do you wanna go now? 你想现在就走吗? 例: I don"t wanna get up. 我不想起来。 例:I never told you, I wanna hold you. 我从没告诉过你,我想抱着你。 wanna, wanna 中文, wanna 中文意思, wanna 中文的意思, wanna 中文解释, wanna 意思, wanna 用法, wanna 翻译, 英文 wanna


扑通扑通 - lucite tokki

i never told you.i wanna hold you是哪首歌的词?

陈冠希的 i never told you 。

I never told you ,I wanna hold you 。 是什么意思


在runningman201509.27出现过是什么歌 就是真英出场前后出现过的应该!还有再0

runningman20150927背景音乐、插曲开场音乐: 김지수 (작 & 곡) 《 9회말 2아웃 (Title Theme)》00.00.25 银赫出场:super junior—《devil》00.02.30 洪真英出场:《爱情的电池》00.07.05 李光洙发现被利用愤怒:《U-turn》00.11.14 周一任务画面~:《candy or coffee》00.12.02 厨师在拌石锅拌饭插曲:Dmitri Shostakovich 《 Symphony No 10 In E Minor Op. 93: Andante-Allegro》00.13.17 haha、池石镇组到达休息站:tim myers 《young at heart》00.14.02 池石镇、haha开始品尝汤饭:Dain Blair & jeff koz《eight second buil ride(60 seconds)》00.14.45 haha吃完开始神表情:안녕바다 《 별 빛이 내린다》00.15.16 池石镇开始魔性表情音乐: Riccardo Muti 的《 Symphony No. 9 In D Minor, "Choral", Op. 125: IV. "Ode To Joy"》00.22.30 吃完饭的成员各自开始找伙伴:various artists《Gag duo》00.23.48 周一情侣一起去打棒球:루싸이트 토끼 《 두근두근》扑通扑通 00.25.24 智孝反锁车门插曲:Michael Jackson & 麦可杰克森 《 Thriller》00.27.28 智孝做到驾驶座踩油门背景音乐:Various Artists 《 쇼킹 행진곡》00.28.35 被智孝抛弃孤独的gary:姜Gary feat MIWOO《吹吹风》 真的是一个人在吹风……00.31.40 haroro被智孝和王鼻子背叛音乐:Various Artists《let me know the secret take2》00.35.03 姜Gary打顺风车插曲:高木 洋《 挙动不审!?》00.36.40 刘在石队开始吃牛排:inner circle《sweat (a la la la la lond)》00.39.00 智孝和池石镇和刘在石队汇合:Jung Il Woo & DNPD & Sae-Ha Yoon & C-Real & Shayne (Yuria) 《 Return Of Hwan Woong》00.39.25 在石队到达镜浦台:《potato taxi》00.41.00 刘在石开始念任务说明:조영욱《 Bad Guy 》00.46.45 李光洙 haha对决开始:三国志大战OST《Theme Of False Emperor》00.50.48 李光洙最后吃到腌萝卜:《theme from antarctica》00.50.55 白队再次胜利:verka serduchka—《dancing lasha tumbai》00.52.55 haha提议最后赌上所有礼物对决一次:Various Artists 《 베테랑 팀 (Team Veteran)》00.53.55 黑队姜Gary打头阵:overseer《supermoves (animatrix remix)》00.56.00 银赫准备出脚!:vangelis《light and shadow》00.56.37 银赫发射鞋弹:van halen—《jump》00.57.21 能力者穿上拖鞋准备发射:Album Version - 《What We Need Is A Hero》00.57.45 钟国直线上升的拖鞋: Alan Silvestri 《Beowulf Main Title》00.57.50 国儿发射高射鞋炮:Lee Seung-Chul 《 The Last Concert》00.57.58 白队三人嘲笑国儿没甩好…… tommy bass《bow wow》00.58.46 林周焕准备:pantera—《cowboys from hell》01.00.42 成员们开开心心搬运中秋奖品背景音乐: New Politics 《 Harlem》01.01.21 移动路上像一幅画一样美丽的夕阳歌曲:Duck Sauce 《Barbra Streisand》01.02.35 宣布成员休息一个半小时背景音乐 Frank Mizen & Chris Norton 《 Funky Quacker》01.04.10 成员休息整整一个小时歌曲: Various Artists 《주부퀴즈왕 예심》01.06.11 PD让准时起床的大神三人选择插曲:정교임 《 용의자 검거》01.07.00 小偷开始头中秋礼物:조영욱 《 공공의 적》01.08.25 如梦初醒: “慌てず騒がず” MOSAIC, Kiss! Me! Me! OST01.10.10 银赫宝宝睡眠曲 : Various Artists -《くまのプーさん 【「くまのプーさん」より】》01.10.55 追击队伍开始追捕:松本晃彦 -《 C.X.》01.13.20 热血周焕认真做任务: 松本晃彦 -《 G-Groove》01.22.20 难兄难弟大神长颈鹿落网 : Various Artists -《 Going To Bali》01.24.00 大神准备最后一搏:Moby -《 Extreme Ways (Bourne"s Ultimatum)》01.25.44 在石被撕掉 : 조영욱 -《 공공의 적》01.27.20 装可怜要礼物的小偷们:Blink-182 -《First Date》01.28.25 下集预告: Alexandre Desplat -《 Detonators》网友CS补充:00.00.00 秋天来了: “9회말 2아웃 (Title Theme)” 9회말 2아웃 OST00.02.24 洪真英: “사랑의 배터” 홍진영00.07.04 被利用的光洙: “U-Turn (Inst.)” 태양의 여자OST00.09.00 银赫选择: “Don"t Hate Me 1” 환상의 커플OST00.11.13 龙仁站: “Candy or Coffee?” 열혈 장사꾼OST00.13.16 德坪站: “Young at Heart” Tim Myers, The Way Back OST00.14.00 初尝牛肉汤饭: “Eight Second Bull Ride” Don Blair, Jeff Koz00.35.31 终于能上车: “아저씨 어디있다 나타났어요?” 플랜맨OST00.44.35 山脉绊咀: “Going to Bali” 女童军OST00.57.09 虚空的王鼻子: “니가 사는 그 집” 朴轸泳01.15.09 追击队赶上: “Born to Run” Plan B OST01.16.44 遵守规则的大盗: “Hidden Camera Complex” 恋爱术史 OST01.21.59 只剩二人: “Revolution” 야인시대 OST01.25.44 悲惨的结局: “Cranes” Iosif Kobzon

set me free歌词(Yanni的)

Why are we fightingWhy are we lyingMaybe God can help me outBut he cant see the damned in this crowdDid I lose it allHow did I miss the callConform me to an image of a dollBreak me up against his wallI cant look in the mirrorAnd see myself standing thereAll I see is an illusionFighting a war against the ones who careNo need for savingJust set me freeCan you please forgive meWords cant save the makingsBuildings crumble down underAnd lovers crash at the sound of thunderI once believedHonesty was keyBut I cant stay and live this wayCause every time I stand you take it awayI cant look in the mirrorAnd see myself standing thereAll I see is an illusionFighting a war against the ones who careNo need for savingJust set me freeOnce I was young Now I"m old enough to see the truth that hides in meI cant look in the mirrorAnd see myself standing thereAll I see is an illusionFighting a war against the ones who careNo need for savingJust set me freeI cant look in the mirrorAnd see myself standing thereAll I see is an illusionFighting a war against the ones who careNo need for savingJust set me free

Sg wannabe狂的中文歌词


我想了解手表品牌:ANNE KLEIN

安妮 克莱恩(ANNE KLEIN)简洁俐落的纽约式风格高级时装品牌ANNE KLEIN,被认为是“美国时尚风格”的代表品牌之一 。以运动休闲服起家的Anne Klein,对于纽约的时尚风格演变影响深远功不可没.ANNE KLEIN将精明干练与性感迷糊两种截然不同的性格融合于一体,展现女人在职场中的完美与性感。强调女性的优雅与品牌的简约风格,营造都会女人精干中的感性。Anne Klein今年新品充满着诱人的魅力。怀旧的风潮幻化为现代的优雅及高贵气质。男性化及柔美的设计风格交织成为今季的时尚。1968年,高级时装品牌ANNE KLEIN NEW YORK,由服装设计大师Ms.Anne Klein于美国纽约所创立。结合其最早的发源地[纽约]为品牌名称的一部分,ANNE KLEIN NEW YORK的服装设计充分的反映出简洁利落的纽约式风格。30年来持续的在纽约时装界扮演着举足轻重的地位,并被认为是[美国时尚风格]的同义词。ANNE KLEIN NEW YORK最早以休闲服起家,并且极为成功,尔后才转入时装设计的领域。将不同流行风格元素的混搭(Mix&Match)便是由设计师Ms. Anne Klein最早提出的概念,也因为这个在当时业界的创新概念,使ANNE KLEIN NEW YORK被视为女装界的先驱。ANNE KLEIN NEW YORK曾获WWD-Women"s Wear Daily的消费者调查评选为全球最受肯定设计师品牌的第6位,在全球时尚界享有举足轻重的地位。除了大众熟知的女装系列之外,ANNE KLEIN NEW YORK将其品牌的势力延伸至多项产品线,今天,ANNE KLEIN NEW YORK的商品涵盖手表、鞋子、眼镜等多个种类。ANNE KLEIN NEW YORK在纽约的知名百货公司如Saks Fifth Avenue、Bloomingdales、Macy"s设点,并陆续进驻英国、日本、中国大陆、香港、台湾等时尚重镇,带来纽约式都会时尚。
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